Finally an office with room for a walk and talk.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) April 2, 2019
I'm for witty repartee, fast walking, and good dialogue.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Finally an office with room for a walk and talk.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) April 2, 2019
So Sorkin is going to write all of his dialog?
I don't believe that Sorkin style walk-and-talk ever happened in real life.
I saw him on The Last Word yesterday evening. He is going places fast. Sharp, quick, knowledgeable, composed, comes across as honest, sincere, not full of himself. I doubt we’ll ever hear him say “Only I can do it”. What a breath of fresh air.
"West Wing" is so last decade. Tulsi is Selina Meyer.
I suppose he could make it to the West Wing on some sort of guided tour.
Such a nice socialist.
He will starve off millions of people with kindness and compassion.
He is a wonderful talker. He talks so well.
He has accomplished less than your average electrician or AC repairman.
Trump is infinitely more qualified than Buttigieg. Buttgieg has accomplished nothing in his life but talk.
One real estate agent after another.
Tulsi is Selina Meyer.
Tulsi Gabbard has Got It Goin On if you know what I mean and I think you do.
I saw one of his tweets the other day. I'm just paraphrasing from memory here: He was saying that Dems should try to understand Trump's appeal. That working class voters had legitimate concerns that the Dems were ignoring. And he was immediately savaged by a Twitter mob shrieking: No! Absolutely not! Trump won because of racism! How dare you suggest otherwise! I'm done with you!
It was weird.
The BOOT EDGE EDGE is really great. Nice reveal.
The guy seems very likable. He's got kind of a Ernie vibe going.
He's going to get his opponents to go all Bert. Who would you rather vote for, Bert or Ernie?
(Trump is like Oscar. Oscar pops his head out of the garbage can, says something rude, then slams the lid. That is kind of like tweeting.)
So he thinks its a TV show, then.
The West Wing still has strong appeal amongst the leftie set. It’s an idealized version of the shit they want to do to people and to have those people love you for it.
Why make America great, when you can have a sweet talking, fast walking Noel Coward in the West Wing? I only hope George Will and David Brooks are near a fainting couch when they view this.
It’s like when you watch Scooby Doo. You think you’re Freddie but you’re really Shaggy. you relate best to Sesame Street?
It's always seemed to me that above all else, Democrat voters like candidates that make them feel good about themselves. Democrat voters want to admire, idolize, and love a candidate much more than a typical Republican voter does. They're less interested how things get done rather than the ideas and the promises of problems getting solved. They're not particularly interested in precisely how things get done. It explains why ideas like the Green New Deal are hugely appealing despite how demonstrably unrealistic they are.
Maya Agelou famously said "I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
This Buttigieg guy seems to make a lot of regular Democrats feel pretty good. And he doesn't have as much obvious baggage as Beto and many of the other candidates.
Tulsi Gabbard has Got It Goin On if you know what I mean and I think you do.
It would be great if our first woman president were also a PILF.
And yes, I realize that for some the same is true of Bootygig or whatever the fuck his name is.
I definitely relate to Scooby Doo...
"I'm for witty repartee, fast walking, and good dialogue."
I'm for sound public policy and actions that Make America Great Again. I don't care that Trump doesn't speak like a Rhodes Scholar. The last Rhodes Scholar in the White House engaged in oral sex in an office right next to the Oval Office with a woman young enough to be his daughter.
I suppose he could make it to the West Wing on some sort of guided tour.
Can Boot Edge Edge walk backwards and talk?
Is Booty-gig a socialist like Bernie?
"I'm for witty repartee, fast walking, and good dialogue."
Meaningless. I am for a President who upholds his oath to "...faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trump seems to get this. None of the Democrats do, even this guy. All I hear from the Democrats is gutting the Constitution and Bill of Rights, unrestricted abortion, infanticide, open borders, and free healthcare for all, free college for all, free this, free that. Go back a few years and look at Venezuelan history and it was the promise of all the free stuff from Chavez that got them started on the road to where they are today.
"The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." - Daniel Webster
Being President is exactly like The West Wing. Oh brother.
Amen, MountainMan.
“Democrat voters want to admire, idolize, and love a candidate much more than a typical Republican voter does.”
Oh boy, spoken in the age of Trump Cultism.
“I am for a President who upholds his oath to "...faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
So are Democrats, one of the reasons that Trump is reviled.
I've decided that this guy's appeal and Betos comes from people who would like real life to be like The West Wing.
"The last Rhodes Scholar in the White House engaged in oral sex in an office right next to the Oval Office with a woman young enough to be Web Hubbell's daughter."
I'm for witty repartee, fast walking, and good dialogue.
Those are fine things, in addition to sound governance. Not as a substitute for it.
Buttgig fits well with Bernie as he is descended from good Marxists,.
The father of Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was a Marxist professor who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin.
Somewhere someone is sitting on an interesting folder of oppo research. It's too soon to bring it forward, and, with luck, there will be no need to ever bring it forward, but it's there.
America needs a Trudeau...
Democrat voters want to admire, idolize, and love a candidate much more than a typical Republican voter does.
Oh boy, spoken in the age of Trump Cultism.
Where are all of the pictures of Trump with a halo over his head?
But how is the crease in his pants?
Well, well, well, it didn't take little Mayor Peewee from small town values America very long to cash in on his "resistance". And he didn't even have to set up a go fund me page. Eat your heart out, Jill Stein. You've made enough money, but Mayor Peewee is just getting started!
"One day we're hoping to be in the actual West Wing, which we'll fill with witty repartee, fast walking, good dialogue."
Looks like the Ukrainians aren't the only ones who'd rather be in a tv show than the reality they find so inferior.
Those of you who fail to see his appeal seem like you should be given the ANN ALTHOUSE "That's not funny" tag. This is a lighthearted tweet that has no substance whatsoever, but simply highlights his likeability with some tongue-in-cheek advertising. By mocking it, you are showing that you just don't get it.
I am not going to vote for him, but I can appreciate his branding and campaign thus far. I, too, like...and can appreciate...wit.
Another child of a Marxist.
Great. Just what the country needs: Hope and Chane Part Deux
I'm for witty repartee, fast walking, and good dialogue.
I'm for good policy. I'd appreciate it if you would find your witty talk elsewhere.
Buttigieg is charming to a degree and a change from spitting cobra politics. He is definitely smart. What he isn’t is visionary. He is almost assuredly a closet Marxist as are all Dems these days except Bernie (who’s open about his Marxism.). Marxists, in my mind, are intellectual weaklings. Their native intelligence is subsumed by their ideology. The6 are humorless, idea-free, and numb to the experiences of anyone outside their bubble. Maybe Buttigieg is not as Marxist as I suspect, but he’ll have to prove it to me and so far, he hasn’t.
Dad29 said... you relate best to Sesame Street?
Doesn't everyone?
Where are all of the pictures of Trump with a halo over his head?
Or schoolchildren singing his greatness? Or celebrities pledging loyalty?
And note the people constantly complaining about this said not one critical word about Obama cultists. Yet we're supposed to believe this standard is anything other than a partisan driven post-hoc rationalization? Absurd!
Rational people apply standards to everyone. The rest is just propaganda.
He’s watched too many episodes of the West Wing.
Government is the province of prigs and louts.
rehajm said...
The West Wing still has strong appeal amongst the leftie set. It’s an idealized version of the shit they want to do to people and to have those people love you for it.
It's the MacGuffinization of Politics. The West Wing was never about policy, but always about how they overcame the bigots, imbeciles, and the clueless who stood in their way. Usually with snappy retorts that shamed their political opponents into silence.
Oh boy, spoken in the age of Trump Cultism.
I generally don't see much cultism in Trump support. I'm not saying there aren't a few of Trump supporters who are a bit overly enthusiastic, but I would hardly describe the vast majority of his support as cultish. For the most part, they fully acknowledge his failings. Most Trump supporters I know will admit that he's a deeply flawed. Most believe that he most likely cheated on his current wife with a porn star. Many believe that he was foolish to hire and associate with certain characters. Many don't like his endless provocative Tweets and find him vulgar and boorish. But despite all that they see what he's done and they generally like it. They're willing to take the good with the bad. That's hardly cult like.
This can be contrasted with a fair amount of Obama supporters, especially during his campaign and in the earlier years of his presidency. I haven't seen any groups of school children singing praises to Trump.
“This can be contrasted with a fair amount of Obama supporters, especially during his campaign and in the earlier years of his presidency. I haven't seen any groups of school children singing praises to Trump.”
Singing songs of praise for Trump
This can be contrasted with a fair amount of Obama supporters, especially during his campaign and in the earlier years of his presidency. I haven't seen any groups of school children singing praises to Trump.”
Singing songs of praise for Trump
Your link goes to a video that features neither singing nor children.
Singing songs of praise for Trump
Your link goes to a video that features neither singing nor children.
It's revealing her assertion (even if it were true) is that Trump supporters are cultists for doing the same things Obama supporters did. It's almost like she has no standards for anything other than Team Blue or Team Red.
Cabinet members speaking favorably, even falteringly about their boss is cerainly not evidence of cult-like behavior of regular Trump supporters.
At any rate, I'm sure if you dug long an hard you might find some weirdos who support Trump doing cultish things (that nut job who mailed all those fake bombs is one example). I was attempting to say that in general progressives/liberals/leftists generally want to love things and are much more prone to cultish behaivor than your typical conservative. Perhaps singling- out that weird incident of children singing was a bit too much of an outlier. But it's hard to deny that they media and a lot Obama fans were and are still very enamored with the guy even to this day. Maybe it's a stretch to say it's cult-like in every case, but not much of one IMO.
Ah, the fantasy that the West Wing created. Bring on the philosopher kings.
Buttigieg can't be this naive. While he creates a warm and fuzzy sound bite, the DC pit vipers are amassing.
My observation based on my white/suburban/female/liberal/married FB friends: (1) Beto was their man last fall. (2) in January, the pro-Biden "shares" started up - "he was such a great VP!" (3) this week, it's all Pete B. "He's gay! charming and witty! aaaahhhhh - did you see the photos of his wedding?"
Oh, and they all think AOC is "intelligent". !!!!
It's amazing that none of them are promoting Kamala/Kristen/Amy/etc. etc.
rhardin smiles.
I doubt we’ll ever hear him say “Only I can do it”.
Is he a better speech writer than his speech writers? Is he a better research analyst than his research analysts? Is he better at everything than the people who work for him?
Because the clown who lived in the White House before Trump sure thought he was. And said so.
Best Sorkin walk-and-talk jokes ever:
"Good dialogue," I'm guessing, means we walk along side Red Diaper Buttsky while he expounds on the glory that was Gramsci.
Witty repartee! A homosexual classic! And imagine the window treatments in the Lincoln Bedroom! I, for one, would be greatly entertained by an all-gay White House.
I'm all for Noel Coward in the White House but don't feel personally insulted if the American people don't get your jokes.
Inga said: “I am for a President who upholds his oath to "...faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
So are Democrats, one of the reasons that Trump is reviled.
Really? Democrats want to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution?
The Democrats who want to replace the Electoral College with a national popular vote?
The blue states that want to join the unconstitutional "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact"?
The Democrats that want to repeal the Second Amendment?
The Democrats who won't defend the border, even though Article IV of the Constitution obligates the federal government to defend the states from invasion?
The Democrats on the House Budget Committee who just announced this week they see no need to produce a budget this year?
Those Democrats?
Inga, you make us laugh.
The Democrats that want to repeal the Second Amendment?
Repealing it would be constitutional, after all the Amendment process is part of the constitution. The problem is they believe they should not have to undertake the constitutional process because leftists agree the second amendment sucks.
Reminds me of Elizabeth Warren's staged videos. Where's the beer?
"I'm for witty repartee, fast walking, and good dialogue."
Wait, I thought you were for boring, serious, non-hack. Which is it?
Wait, I thought you were for boring, serious, non-hack. Which is it?
She's a woman. She's allowed to change her mind. Repeatedly. Even years later.
I'm for witty repartee, fast walking, and good dialogue.
To riff off Sleepless in Seattle, you don’t want a president, you want a president in a movie.
I want someone who gets things done.
Yeah, THAT part sounds good, but Buttigieg doesn't.
I agree in that if I see Petey Buttiplug heading in my direction, I'll be heading at top walking speed elsewhere.
I confess to needing my wife's assistance in this connection. Her gaydar is so much better than mine.
I wonder how far witty repartee will get him with China? Is Mandarin one of his languages?
A good liberal friend of mine likened 'West Wing' to fictional arguments he would have with himself in a shower but the show was televised. He said at least his shower arguments did something useful (he stayed in longer and got cleaner) while his friends pretended President Bartlett could ever exist on planet earth.
"Witty repartee"? Set aside for the moment the fact that voting America p-r-o-b-a-b-l-y is not ready to make someone like Mayor Pete President (yet, anyway)...
"Witty repartee." Hmmm...yeah, Beto with a vocabulary.
Pete B. Seems to be everyone’s darling at the moment. However, I’ve seen comments by him attacking and blaming trump for the divisiveness in our country. Which, I guess in a democrat’s mind is true; they keep on repeating the lie that everything that democrats want is blocked by trump, thus trump is the one being divisive.
The most stupendous lie is the government shutdown which was literally caused by the Democrats but they blamed Trump.
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