April 15, 2019

On this no-news-is-good-news day, the NYT front-pages the idea of taking refuge from climate change by moving to Duluth.

The article is "Want to Escape Global Warming? These Cities Promise Cool Relief."

This is highly amusing to me, because I moved to Madison, Wisconsin 35 years ago, and at the time I was under the influence of the belief that within the next 10 or so years global warming was going to make the southern United States unbearable. I thought I was getting the jump on the climate refugees and I would not have to move again. Well, I never did move, it's 35 years later, and the notion of moving north to escape global warming is still just something you can do to get the jump on everybody else.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Want to escape the summer heat?
Up next - Summer - why is it so hot all of a sudden? It was never hot before?

Bill Peschel said...

Was it just two sundays ago the Times featured on the front of its magazine some guru who promoted travel to save your soul "one trip at a time."

That's the conundrum the Times presents: Travel hastens global warming on the one hand, and it cures you on the other.

No wonder liberals be nuts, with the mixed messages they receive.

Henry said...

By this standard, Ulaanbaatar is the most climate proof city in the world.

Duluth, Minnesota: 76 inches of snow, 178 sunny days.

rehajm said...

The actors on Game of Thrones all loved Iceland.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Did the article mention that heating a home in the north generates much more CO2 than cooling a home in the south? If you are concerned about climate change, you would have to be very selfish to move north.

John henry said...

Good lord Ann.

You do realize that the Most pessimistic forecasts ever, by anyone, called for, at most a 2 degree temperature rise.

Only the specialist of special snowflakes would not be able to cope with that "unbearable" heat.

I suspect that on any day of the year the temperature varies by at least 10 degrees high to low.

Over the course of a year it probably varies 100 degrees.

That's even assuming the w degree forecast was right. It was not.

John Henry

Jaq said...

What did Mark Twain say? If I had house in Miami, and one in Hell, I’d rent out Miami and live in Hell. I don’t think he was talking about Hell, Michigan, either. That was a long time ago that he said that.

Fen said...

We're entering a cooling phase. I'll sell you my ranch outside of Houston for double the market value.

Weird how the coastal elites have decided to drown in NYC and LA. Why, it's almost as if they don't believe the things they lecture the rest of us about.

traditionalguy said...

The NYT is blinded to the Global Cooling coming faster and faster. They need to pump out the Globalist's propaganda hallucinations faster and faster so this colder weather is seen as a heat wave.

buwaya said...

Personally I think the next ice age is more likely.

Still, your best long term bet is somewhere already warm and humid, and acclimate.
It will only get slightly warmer, with no effect on agriculture.

Worst case scenario for instance is that Manila will be more like Bali, Indonesia.
And Bali will, maybe, be more like Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Which in practical terms is no difference at all.

MadisonMan said...

April and early May in Duluth are a real test for the soul. Summers are awesome though.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

All those Florida yankees who will move to Duluth or International Falls or Cheboygan are going to be surprised by the coming Grand Minimum and the floe ice that lasts through July.

buwaya said...

Bali is nice this time of year, the rains are just about over.
Or rather, its the same all year round, if you dont mind rain.

MayBee said...

It would be a great idea for other people to move to Duluth, for other people to publish their tax returns, and for other people to stop criticizing politicians they disagree with.

Dave Begley said...

I'm just not seeing Professor Ann Althouse at the University of Alabama or Mississippi. Not that those aren't fine law schools.

Jaq said...

The Seventies was the coldest decade of the last century, the sixties were pretty cold too, I remember them. The thirties were very warm, does anybody remember the Dust Bowl? Remember the scares about the “coming ice age” in the seventies? Yep, it has definitely warmed since the seventies. It just makes gardening easier.

Larry J said...

Minnesotans For Global Warming would disagree.

Milo Minderbinder said...

If you're a diehard global warming freak, moving north puts your money where your mouth is. Buying a condo in Reykjavik isn't a bad idea either.

The logic here is cute, on the order of Trump's notion to transfer illegals to sanctuary cities (although Cher doesn't approve).

Henry said...

Bill Peschel said...

Travel hastens global warming on the one hand, and it cures you on the other.

Chemo for the soul.

tcrosse said...

Duluth hasn't been the same since the Chinese Lantern fire.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Global warming is always happening somewhere else. Usually in places where no people live.

jaydub said...

The predicted 2 degrees or so warming in average temperature are not due for another 80 - 100 years according to most AGW prognosticators. Not sure about global cooling predictions for 2100 because it's politically incorrect for any climatologist to talk about that possibility. But, the bottom line is that anyone alive today basing their city of residence on climate change in either direction is an incredible optimist as regards life expectancy.

Fernandinande said...

Affirmative Action hire gets it all wrong: As the West burns, the South swelters and the East floods, some Americans are starting to reconsider where they choose to live.
... Maybe climate-proof Duluth.

Lake Superior storm causing flooding, high waves in Duluth, Minn.

Most of Northeastern Minnesota as well as northern Wisconsin is under a flood watch through Thursday evening.

Jaq said...

Global warming is always happening somewhere else. Usually in places where no people live.

Mostly it happens where thermometers are thin on the ground, or deep in the oceans where the temperature probes can’t reach.

Original Mike said...

I've always liked Duluth. And they are back-to-back mens college hockey champions!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Weird how the coastal elites have decided to drown in NYC and LA. Why, it's almost as if they don't believe the things they lecture the rest of us about.

Don't forget about Florida. Many beach front areas were supposed to be under water years ago. These are the same properties that liberal east coasters are scooping up like hotcakes.

Kevin said...

I was under the influence of the belief that within the next 10 or so years global warming was going to make the southern United States unbearable.


AlbertAnonymous said...

Why move? We're all gonna die in, like, 12 years or something...

Carol said...

I've lived in the Midwest, if you count DFW and I do. It's all Tornado Alley, and Springtime there was just a little too exciting for me.

So, who made the list? I can't even get it with an incognito page now.

Lucien said...

Ima crowdsource me a fund to buy tundra up near Moosejaw. The scientific consensus says it’ll be prime farmland by 2100!
Who’s with me?

Original Mike said...

Maybe global warming will make Lake Superior swimmable. That would be nice.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Agree with buwaya about the relative likelihood of another Ice Age. Certainly the Sun seems rather quiet these days. ("The Sun? What's the Sun got to do with it? It's the cow farts, you science denier!") [dodges spittle]

During the last Ice Age, the part of the country I live in was under water because the weight of the icepack north of here depressed the Earth's crust, locally.

On a brighter note, it may take 100,000 years to happen, but we may finally have an answer to what's to be done about Atlantic City, NJ.

Fernandinande said...

Affirmative Action hire gets it all wrong: the South swelters

Not according to the Alabama State Climatologist.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

For all of those who are having the fantoid vapors over global warming or global cooling, I suggest you look at this cool web site.

Ancient Earth Globe

Enter in your city of choice and see just how UNimportant we are to the Earth. Get some perspective on life and the universe. Get over yourselves.

rcocean said...

I haven't seen any evidence that "climate change" is actually, y'know, changing the climate. As for moving north, I can't tolerate months of ice and snow. I'd rather live in the South, and go North for the summer, rather than vice versa.

AP said...

Ima crowdsource me a fund to buy tundra up near Moosejaw. The scientific consensus says it’ll be prime farmland by 2100!

Hey, Moose Jaw isn't so bad, and certainly not tundra. The prairies are beautiful in their own way, with the most spectacular sunsets. The temperature does vary considerably from winter to summer though. But the humidity is low all year round. You know what they say about "dry heat" and "dry cold"...

TJM said...

The GloBULL Warming Religion is full of nasty, combative, adherents. Question them on their tenets and they go bat shit crazy

Seeing Red said...

What difference, at this point, does it make?

We only have 12 years.

Party like it’s 1999.

Seeing Red said...

You do realize that the Most pessimistic forecasts ever, by anyone, called for, at most a 2 degree temperature rise.

It used to be more

We are going into global cooling.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Althouse has a friend who blogs about her frequent overseas travel. She has a pleasant writing style and I enjoy the blog. Politically she is a standard Madison liberal who very much buys into the AGW hype. What I always found interesting was how she reconciles her traveling hobby with her political beliefs. She finally addressed this recently by stating that her frequent overseas travel is OK because she's now retired and doesn't drive much. She apparently maintains a ledger in her mind that gives her license to splurge in the travel department.

It was a revealing response. One that is a big blind spot for liberals. Now, I like her blog and don't want her to stop traveling. However, if the true believers want me to buy in on AGW, they need to practice what they preach. None of this, "it's OK for me but not for the deplorables" BS. If it's a pending catastrophe and not some designer liberal cause, then act like it. Make some meaningful sacrifices. When that happens, I might take you seriously.

Bay Area Guy said...

AA states:

"I was under the influence of the belief that within the next 10 or so years global warming was going to make the southern United States unbearable. I thought I was getting the jump on the climate refugees and I would not have to move again."

Outta curiousity, 35 years of experience later, was this belief confirmed by reality?

Seeing Red said...

Not sure about global cooling predictions for 2100 because it's politically incorrect for any climatologist to talk about that possibility.

I think the Germans predicted global cooling.

Cooling now to 2050? Then warm then cool to 2100.

gspencer said...

I saw Brave Dave in MooseJaw. He was enjoying himself.

Lucien said...


You mean Moosejaw is too far south?
Crap. Back to the drawing board.

Danno said...

I went to UMD way back when, but Duluth is way too cold for me now except in the summer. For reliable weather, don't go up there before June 15th. The 20-something mile Skyline Drive is great for the view and is a great bicycle route, except it hasn't been been patched for its potholes since the 1970s or so.

Unknown said...

Brave to admit you were a dupe back then.

What are you a dupe about NOW?

Michael K said...

Given the state of the sunspot count, Arizona is just fine with me. We had a cool winter and the cactus is starting to bloom about two weeks later than last year. We'll be fine. My relatives in Chicago got a nice snowstorm yesterday.

Henry said...

I always thought Pawtucket RI was the best place for the climate apocalypse. Pretty cheap to buy in now. And tomorrow...beach front!

Danno said...

Bushman said..."It was a revealing response. One that is a big blind spot for liberals. Now, I like her blog and don't want her to stop traveling. However, if the true believers want me to buy in on AGW, they need to practice what they preach. None of this, "it's OK for me but not for the deplorables" BS. If it's a pending catastrophe and not some designer liberal cause, then act like it. Make some meaningful sacrifices. When that happens, I might take you seriously."

I agree. Trump should ban private jet travel when all of the elites are cavorting in Davos and threaten to scramble fighter planes to shoot down any that try to return to the U.S.

That's my serious, Bushman.

LakeLevel said...

Hey Ann, Duluth is where Bob Dylan was born. It's freekin cold, even for Minnesota. On the plus side, the north shore of Lake Superior is amazing. Don't tell anyone. To most Americans, that part of Minnesota is a blank spot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here's some news the MSM is ignoring
Why Isn’t Assange Charged with ‘Collusion with Russia’?

In order to help Bernie beat Hillary in the primary.

First, why was there no Sanders-Russia probe? Why, when President Obama directed John Brennan, his hyper-political CIA director, to rush out a report on Russia’s influence operations, did we not hear about the WikiLeaks-Russia objective of helping Sanders win the Democratic nomination? Brennan & Co. couldn’t tell us enough about our intelligence-agency mind readers’ confidence that Putin was rootin’ for Trump. Why nothing about the conspirators’ Feelin’ the Bern?

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t think there is any basis for a criminal investigation of Senator Sanders. But there appears to have been no criminal predicate for a “collusion” investigation of Donald Trump, either — not a shred of public evidence that he conspired in the Putin regime’s hacking, other than that presented in the Clinton-campaign-sponsored Steele dossier (if you can call that “evidence” — though even Christopher Steele admits it’s not). Yet, Trump was subjected to an investigation for more than two years — on the gossamer-light theory that Trump stood to benefit from Moscow’s perfidy.


Fernandinande said...

This is news about a perhaps fascistic lack of free speech in New Zealand -

"Six people
illegally redistributing the video
denied bail to 44-year-old businessman
a penalty of up to 14 years in prison"

It's also illegal to own a file of the goofy manifesto , "is objectionable under New Zealand law," New Zealand's Chief Censor David Shanks said. "It crosses the line."

MadBohemian said...

Michael K said...
My relatives in Chicago got a nice snowstorm yesterday.

No kidding! Real heavy wet stuff. Great for snowmen.
Our place up north last week had six inches snow and gusting wind. Then yesterday the snow storm in Chicago.
Why, I’m starting to feel like Al Gore on one of his scam AGW tours...wherever I go is cold and snow.

Jaq said...

Hey Ann, Duluth is where Bob Dylan was born. It's freekin cold,

Even the “girl from the north country” moved to California.

Jaq said...

What are you a dupe about NOW?

What are you a dupe about? You know who is the least likely to be right? The person who is never in doubt and never admits it when they were wrong.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Superior is better.

Jaq said...

I have an option on some land in Frostbite Falls, just to be sure, sold to me by a guy who seems very reputable who called me out of the blue on the phone. He also wanted to sell me stock in the “Intercontinental Railroad” but that sounded a little dodgy.

Hagar said...

Peak glaciations occur approximately 140,000 years apart. Recorded human history, i.e. more or less literate, 5,000+/- years. The "modern age," 400+/- years.

Static Ping said...

He also wanted to sell me stock in the “Intercontinental Railroad” but that sounded a little dodgy.

Was the first engine to be the named the "Snow Piercer"?

Danno said...

Blogger Nobody said...I have an option on some land in Frostbite Falls...

Now there is some tv I would enjoy. I assume Boris and Natasha are lying low with all of this Russia hoax BS affecting the U.S.

etbass said...

Where is Inga anymore?

rcocean said...

"they [liberals] need to practice what they preach.

Why would they start now? They insulate themselves from the policies they push, and always have. Ever hear of "limousine Liberals"?

Hey Skipper said...

In 2016, the NYT was hyperventilating over it being the "hottest" year on record, all the while downplaying the significance of the ongoing El Niño, and completely eliding "on record" meant since 1974.

Since the cessation of the El Niño, the temperatures have declined, yet the NYT still has it's climate propaganda mission to fulfill, so there are at least three fact-void climate pieces per week; more since the Russian Collusion hoax ignominiously collapsed.

The latest example: Central American Farmers Head to the U.S., Fleeing Climate Change. It contains exactly one fact: temperatures in the region have risen a couple degrees F over the last several decades. Just go ahead and try to verify that.

Elsewhere, citing the work of climate scientists, the NYT insists the debate is over, climate warming has begun. Within 40 years, the Great Lakes will start drying up, temps in the Arctic will rise by 20º F, and sea levels will be up by four feet.

Okay, fair enough. We bloody well better sign on to the Green Leap Forward.

Oh. Wait. What? That article is from 1988, and that parade of horrible was supposed to have happened by now?

Complete, epic, fail.

You'd think the Church of Warmenism would cop to the fact that the apocalypse has been greatly delayed.

Cults never do that, though, do they?

Big Mike said...

Yes, the global warming disaster is always just ten or a dozen years out, whether the prediction as made in the 1980s, the 1990s, the oughts, or earlier in this decade. There’s a cottage industry of people finding old speeches and finding that predicted we all died fifteen years or more ago — drowned when the seas rose to cover both coasts to the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Sierra Nevadas in the west, or burned to death or something.

Mattman26 said...

I'm struck by the parallels between the climate change hysterics of the past few decades and those old New Yorker-style cartoons involving some bearded, hippy-looking eccentric dude with a sign reading "The End is Near."

Mattman26 said...

Oops. Hippie, not hippy.

rcocean said...

Off topic. Remember the story about Trump visiting Mt. Vernon and trashing George Washington? The Association that runs the tours put out a statement that the story was "Fake News". How surprising!

gahrie said...

Peak glaciations occur approximately 140,000 years apart. Recorded human history, i.e. more or less literate, 5,000+/- years. The "modern age," 400+/- years

The Quarternary Ice Age began 2.5 million years ago and is still active.

Modern man appeared about 300,000 years ago.

For 290,000 years man wandered around in small tribes of hunter-gatherers.

12,000 years ago the Earth began to warm.

10,000 years ago man began to develop agriculture.

Around 6,0000 years ago man began to build cities.

Written history began around 5,000 years ago.

All of human existence has taken place in an ice age. All of human history has happened during a period of global warming. Civilization did not cause climate change, climate change caused civilization.

Sebastian said...

"moving north to escape global warming"

I seem to recall that most of the actual warming will take place in northern latitudes.

Anonymous said...

Comedy gold. Honk!

Fritz said...

I wonder how many NYT editors and reporters are actually planning on retiring to Duluth.

Wait... No I don't.

Freder Frederson said...

Within 40 years, the Great Lakes will start drying up, temps in the Arctic will rise by 20º F, and sea levels will be up by four feet.

Except that is not what the article you cited says. You just made this bullshit up.

MadisonMan said...

I've lived in the Midwest, if you count DFW and I do

Well, you're wrong. Texas is not the Midwest.

Nonapod said...

The impending catastophy of anthropogenic warming is forever descending but never landing. Our betters assure us that our doom is moving surely and quickly. Our sins against the Earth are great. The gentle, innocent polar bears on shrinking ice floats are crying for help! We must repent! Only big government can save us, for it is the only thing good and pure in this world. We must listen to the wise high priestess AOC! We must make a pact, a Geen New Deal!

You mustn't heed the doubters, the deniers, that deplorable rabble mired in their skepticism!

Rae said...

Coastal elites don't want to live among the unwashed masses; that's why the AGW hoax takes root among them. That and the need for a crisis to impose their policy preferences on the unwashed masses.

The Vault Dweller said...

The fact that beach-front property is still at a heavy premium is a pretty good indicator that despite what people may claim they believe, hardly anyone really thinks Global Warming will cause a catastrophic future. In fact, I can confidently predict that 10 years from now humans will produce more greenhouse gases than they currently do, we will not have observed any catastrophic events that can fairly be linked to Global Warming, and activists will still predict that we have just 10 years to change to avert a Global disaster. Also, Althouse will still strongly dislike men wearing shorts.

Jaq said...

Texas is not the Midwest.

The East peters out at Dallas and the West starts at Fort Worth, I thought everybody knew that.

The Vault Dweller said...

Well, you're wrong. Texas is not the Midwest.

Yeah Texas really is a region unto itself. It doesn't fit in the Midwest, but neither does it fit into the Southwest, nor the South.

MadisonMan said...

'The Midwest' peters out as you move south, somewhere in central Missouri, and at the Ohio River. Sorry, people, that's just the way it is.

gahrie said...

Could someone point me to a single climate change doom and gloom prediction that has actually come true?

Hey Skipper said...

@Freder: Except that is not what the article you cited says. You just made this bullshit up.

Here is exactly what the article says:

If the current pace of the buildup of these gases continues, the effect is likely to be a warming of 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit from the year 2025 to 2050, according to these projections. This rise in temperature is not expected to be uniform around the globe but to be greater in the higher latitudes, reaching as much as 20 degrees, and lower at the Equator.

The rise in global temperature is predicted to cause a thermal expansion of the oceans and to melt glaciers and polar ice, thus causing sea levels to rise by one to four feet by the middle of the next century. Scientists have already detected a slight rise in sea levels. At the same time, heat would cause inland waters to evaporate more rapidly, thus lowering the level of bodies of water such as the Great Lakes.

The near side of that prediction is 2025, which is rather soonish, after all.

The null hypothesis is that human induced CO2 increases will have no appreciable effect on climate. The null hypothesis is what gets those who espouse it called "climate deniers".

So, Freder, wind back the clock to 1988. Which prediction would be closer to what actually happened, those of Climate Scientists, or the null hypothesis?

Anonymous said...

Long term, if you're worried about the next glacial period, look at the ice-free corridors from the last ice age:


Chinook winds keep the ice at bay.

Skipper said...

Having grown up next to Duluth, I say don't do it.

Skipper said...

gahrie, Climate change has caused Democrats to melt down. Judge for yourself if how big a problem that is.

AllenS said...

Back when I lived in Minnesota, I used to deer hunt north of Two Harbors MN. East of Fairbanks MN and before Toimi MN. There is absolutely no need for anyone to live there.

Quaestor said...

Where is Inga anymore?

Oh, off somewhere, visting.

Bob Boyd said...

Where would we be without Harvard experts?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

All of human existence has taken place in an ice age. All of human history has happened during a period of global warming. Civilization did not cause climate change, climate change caused civilization.

This cannot be stressed enough!

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

FTR :the heat temperature measurement stations reports have been systematically faked over the last 30 years, the sea level is going up slower and the Ice Caps have grown.
So how can rising CO2 emissions get blamed , except in a World Government sponsored Psy-ops of totally faked news?

Leland said...

You hear that Californians! The job market might be good in Texas, but the climate here sucks. You should move to Minnesota. Don't come to Texas. Also, the climate sucks in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and you can bet Florida will be underwater (not the same underwater as California already is) soon enough. Minnesota! Go there.

Bobb said...

Sorry. Fake news. The world ended years ago according to the U.N., Al Gore and other experts.

Fen said...

Yeah Texas really is a region unto itself. It doesn't fit in the Midwest, but neither does it fit into the Southwest, nor the South.

The Republic of Texas. Damn straight.

But keep away. Last week a swarm of giant cockroaches devoured an entire village.

It's not safe.

Big Mike said...

If the temperatures in the arctic rise by 20 degrees F (unlikely, because of the albedo effect of snow), it will still be 30 degrees below zero instead of 50. Nothing is going to melt.

Danno said...

Leland, don't categorize all Minnesotan's in the libtard bucket. I am a true LLR (not like Chuck or other purported LLRs) who is working to move out of Minnesota as a tax refugee. The weather in Minnesota alone makes it a hostile place for most of the year. Add the politics of envy and the passive-aggressive nature of 'Minnesota Nice', and you can see why.

robother said...

Is the Democrat Party just an elaborate series of real estate scammers? NINA loans to house flippers (in the name of racial equity, of course). Section 8 vouchers, so blacks can be moved out of prime inner city locations craved by hipsters. Now, AGW fear mongering to stampede sheeple into buying iDuluth and Fargo real estate. What next, Pahrumph, NV as the next Malibu?

But then every time an Obama or Buttigieg (or maybe even Biden) is elected POTUS, the sea levels stop rising and winter returns.

JPS said...

traditionalguy, 11:24:

"the Ice Caps have grown."


There looks to be a tiny uptick for 2019 at the end of a long average downward trend - but right now the ice extent in the Arctic is well below that in March for the previous-record-low year 2012. A few years ago, Antarctic ice extent was running above average, but no longer.

We might argue that the satellite record represents too small a period in history, even modern history, to be meaningful, and I think they do. I've seen news stories from the 1930s about this crazy-rapid warming in the Arctic, ice-free lanes where it used to be frozen right to the beach this time of year, etc. We can certainly argue about the causes. I am personally quite skeptical that CO2-induced atmospheric warming has caused this much, this quickly.

But the data do not bear out that the ice caps have grown.

Yancey Ward said...

That is somebody who basically produces nothing of value. The propaganda just gets more and more detached from reality, and the doomsday scenarios just keep getting moved further into the future.

I am old enough to well remember the cold 1970s and early 1980s, but I am 53 this coming July. It is likely I and pretty much everyone like me will be dead 25 years from now (or at least spend most of our time wondering where the bathroom moved to), and the living at that time will no longer have that period, the 1970s, forming the baseline for their experience of climate change during their lives.

I don't think it accidental that global cooling was all the rage of the 1970s- the people of influence at that time were those who had the 1930s as their baseline experience with which to judge ongoing changes in climate during their lives. The people of influence 25 years from now will quite likely be in the exact same position of the those of the 1970s- having lived in a world that went from warmer to cooler. If I had to a make prediction, a quarter of century from now will again be a political movement to stop global cooling by......wait for it......stopping the use of fossil fuels.

Henry said...

JPS -- Thanks for those details..

Some of the global warming skeptic facts are just as out-of-date as the global warming alarmist facts. I see this a lot, whether it's traditionalguy's claim about the ice caps or claims that ground surface readings are "faked" or have increased because of heat island effects. That claim too has been pretty thoroughly investigated and found wanting.

Skeptics, keep up!

SGT Ted said...

Looking at the global temperature swings over 10,00 years as measured by ice core samples pretty much destroys the climate alarmists assertions.

Gospace said...

The thing about global warming- and the globe HAS BEEN WARMER IN THE PAST - is that the average temperature goes up a few degrees mostly by lows getting higher, not highs getting higher. By all accounts of the medieval warm eras, a higher temperature planet is much better for animal live overall, especially furless humans who rely on clothes to stay warm and construct shelters against the cold.

SGT Ted said...

*10,000 years

Seeing Red said...

I like to eat. More warmth more food.

Seeing Red said...

BTW. It seems Australia was fudging numbers again.

TJM said...

Hot outside? Global Warming!
Cold outside? Global Warming!
Mind Closed Like a Trap? Global Warming!

Tomcc said...

A couple of weeks ago, I heard part of a report on NPR about a new residential high-rise building in Miami. The reporter spoke to the leasing agent(?) and asked whether prospective tenants were concerned about the effects of GW, being close to the beach. He indicated that that was the case and went on to describe how the building was designed with "climate change" in mind: extra thick windows, generator system, etc. His summary (essentilly) was that people want to live near the water and will pay to be there.

Gospace said...

John henry said...

I suspect that on any day of the year the temperature varies by at least 10 degrees high to low.

Recording hourly temps in my job, I find daily swings of 20°F or more more common than less than 10°F. Spring and autumn 40°F are neither common nor rare, they happen. Get up in the morning, need a winter jacket, walking around in short sleeves at noon.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Indigians will never, ever, get to move their homelands, a problem unique to them, and all those climate migrants (all due respect to them!) will anger the Great Spirit.

Bill Crawford said...

Maybe the cathedral of Notre Dane in Paris burning will be news on this slow day

Fen said...

Mueller report to be release to both Congress and Public on Thursday.

A twitter feed on this was interesting: dozens of Democrats all parroting "The REDACTED report" one-liner, as if each was incapable of seeing the dozens of comments before theirs all says the exact thing: "The REDACTED report".

I saw this phenomena on Facebook a few years back - they are not saying this to stir up a debate, they are repeating it to convince themselves. Like a cult chanting.

Madness. But it makes me smile to see them living in a hell of their own creation.

(please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste, bwahahaha!)

RichardJohnson said...

The Republic of Texas. Damn straight.But keep away. Last week a swarm of giant cockroaches devoured an entire village.

When I call my cousin in Montana, I tell her she is receiving a call from cockroach country (a.k.a. Texas.)

Michael K said...

A nice summary of the "science" of the left.

My hypothesis is that “Radical Greens are the Great Killers of Our Age”.

Here is some of the supporting evidence:

The banning of DDT from ~1972 to 2002, which caused the malaria deaths of tens of millions of children under five years of age, and sickened and killed many more adults and children;

Gospace said...


Accurate maps of Great Lakes ice cover apparently extend only back to 1973. They're a pretty good proxy for average winter temperature being above or below freezing-as there needs to be an extended period of below freezing for ice to form. The one trend that can be easily discerned by looking at the 45 year record is- there is no trend. 2019 saw a max ice cover in the 75% range. The more ice cover- the less lake effect snow. The Great Lakes is a pretty widespread area of North America.

If you look at the world as a whole- you can probably cherry pick some areas that appear to have a warming trend. And likely could cherry pick some others with a cooling trend. There's a glacier growing in Greenland after years of retreat- but we're told it's bad news because the rest of the ice cap over Greenland is shrinking.

Total mass of both Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets is scientific guesswork. We don't have enough data points to do it accurately. It appears Antarctic mass is going up, Arctic mass going down. All the global warming computer models say they should act in concert with each other. Telling me the models are garbage, and GIGO applies.

Making plans on where to move based on what GIGO models say is going to happen is not wide.

Saint Croix said...

Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Holy-moly. There's news today after all.
Wow - how depressing.

bagoh20 said...

Come to Duluth. Why sweat your ass off when you can freeze it off instead.

In my opinion, on average, this planet is about 5 degrees too cold. For the sake of species diversity, food supplies and general comfort this planet has had much better (warmer) climates in the past. I support climate change and resist the western patriarchy that wants to keep things as they are. Progressivism demands change!

stevew said...

Moving north for a cooler climate, by which they really mean weather, is click bait nonsense. But what should we expect when in a down news cycle?

stevew said...

"His summary (essentilly) was that people want to live near the water and will pay to be there."

Should we surmise that they do not expect their new living quarters to be IN the water anytime soon?

Anonymous said...

Saint-Croix: Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Oh lord, this is awful.

jimbino said...

I moved from Austin, TX to Kenosha, WI not because of climate change, but because Austin was already miserable because of summertime temperatures in the 90s for months, occasionally reaching 112 degrees as late as September. Austin is also plagued by unendurable heavy traffic and a socialist city government.

In Kenosha, there is barely a need for A/C, especially near Lake Michigan, and there are, thank god, neither traffic nor socialists to deal with. And if you miss those, you can always visit Madison, only 2 hours' drive away.

Jim at said...

What is the perfect temperature of the Earth?

How will we know if/when we've 'defeated' climate change?

Tomcc said...

Stevew- Should we surmise that they do not expect their new living quarters to be IN the water anytime soon?
I doubt they'll get any takers from among the true believers; but my take is that people see it as a plausible, but manageable, risk.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Jim at said...
How will we know if/when we've 'defeated' climate change?

When you are cold and starving in the dark.

Tomcc said...

Blogger Jim at said...
How will we know if/when we've 'defeated' climate change?
When the Bear skin you're wearing has been ethically harvested and provided through sustainable and organic practices by the benevolence of your government.

stevew said...

"but my take is that people see it as a plausible, but manageable, risk."

Sounds about right to me. Argues for the position that a small minority see it (oceans rising, climate change, etc) as an urgent crisis, i.e.; We only have 12 years!, while most people consider it plausible but not likely. Probably even less likely than the risk of hurricanes.

JaimeRoberto said...

Several months ago SFGate ran a story with the headline that SF could have Mexico's weather in the future due to global warming. SF would end up with Tijuana's weather. Since Tijuana is just across the border from San Diego, they could have run the story that SF will have San Diego weather, but that would have put a positive spin on things. I'd much rather have San Diego weather than the cold, foggy SF weather. The story felt a little racist.

Michael McNeil said...

This is highly amusing to me, because I moved to Madison, Wisconsin 35 years ago, and at the time I was under the influence of the belief that within the next 10 or so years global warming was going to make the southern United States unbearable.

This — though in your case it's from 35 years ago — is pretty much the impression that I think a majority of those who today think of themselves as being members of the “reality-based community” believe is the actual latest (“anthropogenic global warming/climate change”) science of the matter.

You see such a popular belief reflected in frequent public declarations of imminent disaster by celebrities, in the “12 years” deadline of the Green New Deal, indeed all over the place. Folk acquiescing to such talk hear the “dozen years” part of it, but don't bother to think about it or investigate enough to understand that — even if events fully meet the catastrophist AGW/CC projections — those “12 years” referred to merely signify the time-frame within which significant changes to the global economy's energy budget must be initiated — or else the predicted “catastrophe” will begin happening basically about a century from now.

The fact is that all those predictions about rising sea level and stifling temperatures — according to AGW/CC theory and climate simulations — don't really get going “good” until the end of this century, which basically still has more than eight decades to run: basically the total lifetime of a baby born today! That's if these forecasts all work out as predicted.

And even if that's true, what gargantuan catastrophe will have occurred as “we” (many decades from now) approach the end of that (now newly born!) individual's complete lifespan? Why, sea levels will have gone up all of (gasp!) 1 meter (3 feet)!

effinayright said...

If Duluth is such a desirable place to deal with "global warming", then why are the millions of hosers living north of Duluth in Canada worrying about what an extra 2 degrees will do to them?

It's idiots, idiots all the way down.

effinayright said...

Michael McNeil said...

And even if that's true, what gargantuan catastrophe will have occurred as “we” (many decades from now) approach the end of that (now newly born!) individual's complete lifespan? Why, sea levels will have gone up all of (gasp!) 1 meter (3 feet)!

And that simply says "if pleasant trends continue", when there is no guarantee that they will.

Satellite and high-altitude balloon data show that there's been no detectable warming for the past 19 years or so. Maybe we will return to the cooling of the 1940's to the 70's.

Who knows?

iowan2 said...

If you are a leader in the Democrat Party, I'm betting the last thing you would do is own beach front property. If you did decades ago, a wise fiduciary minded Democrat would divest. Never consider buying in the last 2 decades.

Damn! lost the bet. February 2017 John Heinz-Kerry purchased 18 acres of beach front property with a mansion, for + $11 million.


Wince said...

“Is that all you think about, Mudhead, jumping on things?”

tcrosse said...

"Does this bus go to Duluth?"
"No, it goes Beep Beep."

ccscientist said...

Yes, Duluth will have ideal weather...in 300 or so years at current rates of warming. Maybe.

tcrosse said...

Yes, Duluth will have ideal weather...in 300 or so years at current rates of warming. Maybe.

But colder by the lake.

Tina Trent said...

You have to plug in your car battery at night to keep it from freezing but alcoholism rates are the highest in the country. What's not to like?

M Jordan said...

Wait, what? Did you, Ann, honestly move north in 1984 to escape global warming? Seriously? Back then even Al Gore wasn’t screaming about it. In fact, we were just getting past the global cooling scare of the late 1970’s.

I’m going to help you and everyone else out here for future reference: Any time a liberal screams the sky is falling, do the opposite of what they recommend.

Rockport Conservative said...

I was hospitalized for a couple of days so I'm late reading this. Catching up on my reading I ran across a blogger who is moving to Texas because of the coming Ice Age. To each his own. Personally, I'm with the little Ice age people. Interesting times.

Ann Althouse said...

"Wait, what? Did you, Ann, honestly move north in 1984 to escape global warming? Seriously?"

I avoided moving south. I was living in NYC and I took global warming into account as I balanced various factors. That said, I did have a positive attitude toward Charlottesville (which isn't that far south), where I interviewed, but had to accept the Wisconsin offer before UVa made a decision on me. I also would have gone to Austin, Texas, but I cancelled my interview there after I had an offer in hand from Wisconsin. When deciding if Wisconsin was good enough to let go of some other options that were still in the works, I took the advance of global warming into account.

I certainly knew about the problem and took it very seriously.

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