A cogent plan to cope with the tsunami of asylum-seeking migrants, mainly Central American families and unaccompanied minors, would start with hundreds more immigration judges to supplement the existing 400 or so whose backlog of roughly 800,000 cases means that hearings are now scheduled for 2021 and beyond. It would mean expanding and constructing detention centers near the border, suitable for families, that could accommodate many multiples of their current capacity while migrants await the adjudication of their cases. And it would probably entail congressional action that would permit authorities to hold families for more than the three weeks that court decrees have set as a limit on detentions that involve children. Crucially, the existence of a functional system would in short order begin to deter migrants without plausible asylum claims from embarking on the risky and expensive journey....
April 11, 2019
"Neither Trump nor Democrats have advanced a solution for the border. Here’s one."
Say the editors of The Washington Post.
Here's three--deport, deport, deport.
Invaders get the hunter-killer drones.
The Dems are panicking, because their stubborn refusal to cooperate on any solutions in this immigration crisis will doom them to a defeat in the 2020 elections.
They have to begin pretending (reluctantly) that they want to help President Trump solve the problem.
Here's a better one: declare Central American countries to be "not shitholes", therefore no asylum claims are valid.
If you want to allow Central American families to continue to swarm across our southern border forever, then vote Democrat.
Send them to Gitmo--or Alaska.
Ike shipped some to southern Mexico. When word of the long walk home spread, the infiltration stopped.
Another is large transports to fly them back to where they came from, whether they request asylum or not. They didn't request it in Mexico.
WaPo has a plan. That’s funny.
Emigration reform, separation of women, children and predators, social justice adventures with borders, and a "neutral zone" where claims can be adjudicated without democratic gerrymandering.
There's no need to build new facilities if most asylum claims are false, which they are. I agree we need more judges but what's the matter with making families wait in Mexico? You know until we get those judges.
First, collect dna and biometric data on every asylum seeker. Second, give each asylum seeker a choice — leave the country until your application is decided, or stay in a detention center. Third, asylum seekers whose applications are found to be fraudulent or frivolous will never be allowed to enter the country legally; and attorneys found to have represented more than x frivolous or fraudulent applicants will be referred to the state bar for discipline.
Instead, spend that money on flying them back from whence they came.
Oops. I see rhhardin beat me to it.
Sure - great idea Wapo- let's spend probably $10 Billion a year to do a permanent kabuki dance while adding 1,000s of new govt jobs. Instead, why don't we spend $25 Billion now to secure our border and stop these bogus asylum claims dead in their tracks.
What happened to the "manufactured crisis" talking point? Somebody tell Gov. Newsom that no longer obtains.
Better solution! House these illegal aliens in the homes of WaPo workers and the owner. Bezos alone could probably put up 200 at a time.
A cogent plan to cope with the tsunami of asylum-seeking migrants"
Wait, that sounds like an emergency.
"roughly 800,000 cases"
What percentage are legit and what phony?
"And it would probably entail congressional action that would permit authorities to hold families for more than the three weeks that court decrees have set"
Ah, court decrees. You mean, like, judges just fabricating rules? Let's see if Dems take "congressional action."
"Crucially, the existence of a functional system would in short order begin to deter migrants without plausible asylum claims from embarking on the risky and expensive journey."
The best deterrence is immediate arrest and return. Second-best is severe sanctions on Mexico for any further invasions.
You could also enforce the rules about asylum seekers being required to request asylum in the closest country (in this case, Mexico) where they'd be safe from whatever it is they claim to be fleeing from. (Yes, there are safe areas in Mexico; yes, Mexico has offered asylum to them.) None of this "no thanks, I prefer to move to the United States" stuff. Also, the bit about being required to request asylum in the consulates or embassies that could be "caravaned" to at least as easily as to the U.S. border.
But that would mean that "refugees" wouldn't be able to just disappear into the U.S. when some prog judge inevitably shuts down the use of any detention protocols with teeth that have been put in place in all those expensively constructed new detention centers.
"Crucially, the existence of a functional system would in short order begin to deter migrants without plausible asylum claims from embarking on the risky and expensive journey."
If the WaPo actually believed that, they wouldn't be proposing its creation. The only reason the existing system isn't functional is because it hasn't been allowed to function since the 1970s.
The numbers must be very bad for the media wing of the Democrat party to start coming up with potential solutions. My son-in-laws dad immigrated legally and spent a lot of money getting his citizenship, he's not very happy with this invasion.
"...begin to deter migrants without plausible asylum claims from embarking on the risky and expensive journey...."
Not when there's evidence they're being paid to make said journey.
Right about now Nancy Pelosi's face must be tightening enough to peel back and reveal the Grateful Dead logo.
Crucially, the existence of a functional system would in short order begin to deter migrants without plausible asylum claims from embarking on the risky and expensive journey....
Faulty premise. An expanded system would just encourage more immigration. Then that would be overwhelmed, requiring yet more expansion. That has been the story of illegal immigration in my lifetime.
Another approach is to keep mocking and blocking La Raza racists like AOC and the Castro Bros. along with their transparent attempts to encourage the migrants.
But if we must expand the system, it should be done using cheaper labor from south of the border -- this includes lower-paid attorneys and staff, perhaps from outside the US,
More judges. oh heavens no. We cannot afford to pay all those judges. What we need is more security and a strict policy of NO. You cannot walk across the border and automatically assume and get asylum.
btw - Pelosi is 100% to blame for the hundreds of thousands of people marching towards our border. She invited them.
Reverse the Flores settlement, or at least put it to the standards of current law.
No, a reasonable plan would terminate people applying for asylum at the US border. You want asylum at the US, you go to a US Embassy, and apply there.
Once the backlog is cleared away because no one applying for asylum gets in until it's approved, the fakers will go away and the real cases will be dealt with quickly
Chickelit @ 8:56 - nailed it.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Republicans are too chickenshit to propose a solution, at least one that would work. Democrats don't want anything. To them, the invasion is the solution.
Yeah for sure. Let’s use taxpayer money to build huge quantities of housing where we can house and feed foreigners long-term for free. Great plan. Let’s be sure to ask every D presidential candidate if they support. Actually, every D candidate for anything.
Is this what America, home of the free means?
Oh yeah, that sounds way cheaper and less complex than building a wall.
How can we give everyone entering illegally voter registration and give them a nice talk about the importance of vote harvesting for democratics?
Yes, no, no, yes.
House a few in the WP offices. They have to have empty space somewhere.
Some of the details aside, the WaPo is actually adopting the McConnell/Republican frame. Which is to do small, discrete bits of border security and not any grand bargain on other things (DACA, amnesty, etc.)
Ask Mexico for permission to open up an embassy in Durango.
Bring in a few trailers and have the seekers squat on the Mexico side.
How about distributing leaflets throughout Central America explaining what life in the US will be like under the GND? Seems like a cost-effective deterrent.
¿No hamburguesas? ¡Que loca!
They propose building concentration camps? Really?
But more effective barrier construction is out of the question? Its "not who we are?"
do small, discrete bits of border security
Yes. For example, if you see some one coming across, clear your throat loudly.
They propose building concentration camps?
I think they propose building hotels. If the Dems were smart, they'd offer Trump the exclusive franchise.
How idiotic.
We should change the law to disallow this sort of asylum seeking rather than encourage more of it by accommodating it with vastly expanded facilities and personnel.
It's a simple fact of human nature to choose a path of least resistance. If you want to discourage people from doing something, it's obvious you shouldn't make it easier for them to do it. Whenever you upgrade a highway by increasing the number lanes in almost every case you increase the amount of traffic on it.
What is our goal here? Do we really need 10s of millions of new low-to-no skilled people when the employment opportunities for those limited skill set will almost certainly continue to shrink due to robotization in the coming years? To what end? Or do we want to help a humanitarian crisis? If so, are we certain this is the best way to go about it?
This really that complicated of a problem to deal with once you remove politics.
Max out the credit card at Immigration Judges 'r' Us!
I think they propose building hotels.
You can check in any time you like
But you can never leave.
1. Any accommodations that can be built relatively quickly would be deemed lacking by critics, especially for long-term detention.
2. It would only work if the vast majority of seekers are turned away. Which, again, would bring heavy criticism from outlets such as the Washington Post.
If #2 was accomplished, I would support this in a heartbeat.
The problem is, the only "solution for the border" that is acceptable to Democrat AND Republican leaders is one in which the vast majority of the applicants are allowed to stay.
In fact, that is the only acceptable immigration policy in general - that it allows the massive import of new Democrat voters and cheap labor for Republican donors.
We're not really having an "immigration debate" when the only acceptable outcome is widely known by all parties. It's all theater.
Bob Boyd said...
They propose building concentration camps? Really?
But more effective barrier construction is out of the question? Its "not who we are?"
Bob do you not understand that a "great wall" has nothing to do with asylum applicants? Asylum seekers aren't sneaking in through the desert in the night. Asylum seekers are looking for the first CBP officer they can find to ask for paperwork.
How about coming up with a number on how many total immigrants we want per year, and what the desired skill sets are for those immigrants? Without those limits, any process is going to fail.
Hold them in Mexico. Process them at whatever pace works for us and they can do whatever they like while waiting for their number to be called. If they get tired of waiting, they can leave. And just like at the deli, if they're not there when their number is called, no problem. Move on to the next number.
How about coming up with a number on how many total immigrants we want per year, and what the desired skill sets are for those immigrants?
That would assume that citizens have the right to determine who gets to live in their country. This is currently not the case in the U.S.
Bob do you not understand that a "great wall" has nothing to do with asylum applicants?
I'm comparing the concepts.
Should I be surprised that the solution by the Post involves hiring more government bureaucrats?
"Bob do you not understand that a "great wall" has nothing to do with asylum applicants? Asylum seekers aren't sneaking in through the desert in the night. Asylum seekers are looking for the first CBP officer they can find to ask for paperwork."
Do you not understand that if we had a wall the only CBP officer they could find woud be at the end of a very long line?
A few weeks back I read an interesting plan by a group of civil engineers and led by Mitch Daniels: a 2,000 mile energy park.
Build desalination plants on each coast and line the border with solar panels, wind turbines, and irrigation canals. The theory was you could generate enough power to electrify the Southwest and move enough water to bring thousands of square miles of desert under cultivation. It would benefit both sides of the border and it's value as a power and water source will require security anyway, which could double as border patrol, create a barrier a mile or more wide and bring prosperity to Northern Mexico.
Seemed like an much better solution than a wall.
Good luck with your perfect plan, tim maguire.
But understand that the current good plan is your enemy.
WaPo acknowledges problem (there’s the news), proposes solving it with more federal spending. Quelle surprise!
These are the sorts of problems that always arise under rationing. The obvious solution is to set up a recurring auction of green cards. Imagine what Disneyland would be like if people were admitted based on some complicated application process. So why the fuck do we think a stupid process like that is a sensible way to allocate such a highly valuable asset as the right to live and work in the US?
People who weren't willing to pay full price could submit applications for "asylum discounts"--based on truly person-specific government oppression, not "mi pais es un indoor"--by mail, or at a US consulate. But at the border, no Golden Ticket = no entry. Period.
It's "mi pais es un inodoro". Autocorrect is obviously racist.
The Editors of the WaPost are either naive or dishonest or both.
1. The Dems want open borders and seek to thwart any and all efforts to stem the tide of illegal immigration. This takes the form of lawsuits, protests, activism and other means.
2. Half of the GOP goes along with 1.
3. The other half of the GOP wants to build a wall, enforce the law, deport illegals.
Let's go with 3, I say.
Get rid of asylum. Problem is then solved. It’s been abused way too much. Japan doesn’t do this bullshit. They are a sane country.
Hiring more immigration judges is a stupid proposal. These people aren’t showing up to hearings.
Just Say No on the application. Canckear out these cases easily.
The Washington Post should relocate to the little Mogadishu enclave in Minneapolis. Within a month, those Post morons will start sounding like Infowars.
Seeing Red suggests: House a few in the WP offices. They have to have empty space somewhere.
Yes, primarily between their ears.
Why on earth, when we can't build housing for our homeless or rehabilitation centers for drug addicts, would we want to spend billions to house, feed and clothe people who enter our country illegally??? What an incredibly stupid idea!
Ralph L said...
Send them to Gitmo--or Alaska.
Ike shipped some to southern Mexico. When word of the long walk home spread, the infiltration stopped.
Bus them to Pelosi's district and drop them off. When they try to leave, bus them back. We might find a few more districts appropriate as well, once hers is full.
Angle-Dyne and rhhardin have identified the major flaw in the handling of this particular influx: That asylum seekers are required to accept asylum in the first country to which they 'escape'. They belong in Mexico. Hell, they already speak the language, eat similar food and have already many cultural features in common. So why are we letting them get away with this?
For once, the WaPo is right. The system is overwhelmed by legal asylum seekers. Instead of just rewriting the law as suits us, we should be pouring resources into the problem.
Make it incredibly uncomfortable and discouraging.
Right now - Pelosi is rolling out the welcome matt.
"Say the editors of The Washington Post."
We need journalism majors to solve all of our problems.
Japan doesn’t do this bullshit. They are a sane country.
What about Hello Kitty.
Japan is hugely increasing the resident visas for foreign workers as of this month. Too many old, too few young.
This is a sign of real panic on the part of the Democrats. The editorial literally obliterates the claim from just two months ago that there was no emergency at all at the border, as you could read in WaPo editorials from that time.
Trump actually has a plan here- let the Democrats own this disaster since they will do nothing about in in Congress. I think at some point, Trump is going to close the border and force Mexico to send these folks home.
Hundreds of thousands of people marching towards the border, (with a little help from buses and trucks and a benefactor) is a crisis.
we should be pouring resources into the problem.
Such as concrete, or at least steel slats,.
tim maguire said...
Build desalination plants on each coast and line the border with solar panels, wind turbines, and irrigation canals.
Line the border with treadmills hooked to generators. We've got a steady supply of people who are good at walking. Maybe after they've generated enough electricity to power a small southern state, and they've grown up to look like Conan the Barbarian, we can let some of those unaccompanied minor into the country
Chuck said...
Some of the details aside, the WaPo is actually adopting the McConnell/Republican frame. Which is to do small, discrete bits of border security and not any grand bargain on other things (DACA, amnesty, etc.)
I find it shocking that the GOPe and the WAPO have similar ideas about what we need to do on the border.
As if they are on the same team or something...
I have a much easier solution: vote out the people in the way, becuase that is the only solution to getting a solution.
Another would be to charge, arrest and jail people conspiring to violate our immigration laws. These caravans are not spontaneous natural occurrences.
A cogent plan to cope with the tsunami of asylum-seeking migrants could consist of belt fed machine gun nests along the border to stop the invaders as they enter.
America looks like the dumbest of dumb when it comes to our borders and illegal immigration. I support Trump but he sounds like an idiot when he implores Mexico and other countries to control their people from coming here. WTF? Is this just more of the old doing work Anmericans don't want to do?
Just enforce existing laws and get rid of the liberal loopholes. Start by cracking down really hard on employers who hire the illegals.
So nothing of consequence. Building more storage facilities doesn't solve the problem of processing these people within a day or less.
I do not want them in the country until they are processed. THAT is my solution.
The United States is under no obligation to let in any asylum seeker. FDR had no problem sending boatloads of Jews back to their port of origins in Nazi occupied Europe. He knew damn well that those asylum seekers were facing extermination. As did his entire cabinet and bureaucrats that ran those departments. The judiciary of the United States is manufacturing rights and laws to benefit asylum seekers from central America out of thin air. Not to improve the welfare of their fellow citizens, but for political reasons alone. Just as FDR did all those years ago.
A Federal judge just barred an entire Cruise Line from the USA- can't we find one judge to do the same for illegal immigrants?
bagoh20: I have a much easier solution: vote out the people in the way, becuase that is the only solution to getting a solution.
Uh, haven't we being trying that for the last how many decades now? They lie about it, and even if they don't, an entrenched bureaucracy and judiciary, and K Street, make sure that nothing will be done apart from a bit of theater.
Another would be to charge, arrest and jail people conspiring to violate our immigration laws. These caravans are not spontaneous natural occurrences.
As if they don't have the same forces listed above behind them, plus an army of immigration lawyers to protect their racket...
Re AJ Lynch's comment above, cracking down on a few employers like the wrath of God, pour encourager les autres, would have a most salutary effect, but you notice that not even Trump is seriously pushing for that most obvious, and most obviously likely to be effective, solution.
Close the border. Enforce existing law. Deny these frivolous asylum claims.
vote out the people in the way, becuase that is the only solution to getting a solution.
Uh, haven't we being trying that for the last how many decades now?
They won't understand unless they have skin in the game.
They need to be told that whatever happens to our families happens to theirs too.
If our kids are murdered by an illegal they essentially harbored, then their kid dies too. It's no different than if a neighbor was harboring a federal fugitive who jumped the back fence to rape and kill your mother.
Is it harsh? Yes. But what else is left to try?
Explain the humanitarian crisis of people existing without legal status and the need to vastly increase the budget for immigration facilities and judges. Take the money for student loans and research grants to universities and use it to help heal this suffering.
It should be said again:
Fernandistein said...
Here's a better one: declare Central American countries to be "not shitholes", therefore no asylum claims are valid.
And make it clear that border-crossers can be deported to their immediate place of departure.
Things that make you hmm:
It’s uo to the American public to take care of the problem. The government is useless
It’s uo to the American public to take care of the problem. The government is useless
Remember what happened to the rancher who detained illegals on his property? We are treated like the enemy in our own country nowadays. Not only do government officials not want to enforce the laws, they won't allow us to, either. Trump is/was our only hope and I fear he is softening.
And if Texas goes blue, I despair of our beloved USA.
Fake news!
Trump advanced a solution: “Build the Wall”
Washington Post making shit up again. It’s kind of the opposite of those “fact checks” that claims something is false because it doesn’t fit their narrative. Here, they claim Trump hasn’t advanced a solution because they don’t like the solution he advanced.
"Neither Trump nor Democrats have advanced a solution for the border."
Yea Trump has... BUILD THAT WALL. And I hope, with Military funding, he does just that.
How about we pull the 5th Special Forces Group back from the Middle East and put them in El Paso, with the mission of disrupting drugs and illegal immigrants from crossing the border? And let's start conductive punitive raids in Mexico. What are the Mexicans gonna do about it? THAT's a war I can get behind.
Build the wall. Deport people here illegally. Enforce the laws.
People should stop joining the military or law enforcement. Let The Left do it.
There are a lot people can do easily to force the government to its knees.
The government relies on citizens not to act like illegals act. Start acting like illegals act. Crash the system.
The Right needs to act like The Left.
Get in the faces of Pelosi and her family. Disrupt universities, etc.
Project Mayhem.
Have some fun.
Land mines.
Blogger Michael Fitzgerald said...
Build the wall. Deport people here illegally. Enforce the laws.
Works for me.
Land mines.
No. That would kill innocent wildlife.
"Neither [President] Trump nor the Democrats have advanced a solution...." Beg to differ, sir.
More Judges, more courtrooms, more lawyers, more court staff: costs more money.
More detention centers, more staff, more medical treatments: costs more money.
Longer stays in detention centers: costs more money.
The Trump solution: "Sorry folks, got all we can handle. Have to close the door for a while." Costs nothing.
M Jordan said...
WaPo has a plan. That’s funny.
jeff "dick pick" bezos' paper has a plan: It's to claim that Trump doesn't have a plan(He does) and pretend the democrats' plan isn't to let all "asylum seekers" into the country.
BTW, With all these people fleeing terror in their own countries it's time the US took military action against these tyrannical regimes!
But but but kids in cages, kids in cages!
The nice centrist people have absolutely killed us on illegal immigration. The smugglers know the best way to get in, and stay in, is to show up with a kid. Suddenly now people show up with tons of kids--who could have predicted?! It is genuinely disgusting and has hardened my heart--both against immigrants and against my "fellow Americans." I cannot imagine being a good libertarian anymore (since that requires being for open borders and those people can't see or admit the problem as it is now).
In a word, human shields.
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