It says something about the reaction to Notre Dame burning that ISIS has (to my knowledge) made no attempt to claim "credit."
But was it really ISIS? This is the lede from the Daily Telegraph: "Sri Lankan intelligence has named the mastermind behind the Easter Sunday attacks as Moulvi Zahran Hashim, an extremist local cleric who incited his followers to violence with fiery sermons on his social media channels.
The revelation comes after senior government officials accused the National Thowheed Jamath (NTJ) a little-known group promoting Islamist terrorist ideology, as the perpetrators of the horrific suicide bombings which have now killed 310 people ..."
Well Robert postings noted one of the bombers spouting Islamic state nostrums but they piggy back on existing network ntj doent make sense for reasons I've spelled out before
Remember, in the WaPo’s world only the “far right” cares about brown people being murdered in church on Easter Sunday.
It’s more than that. When you call perfectly reasonable things — like being upset over an Easter church massacre — “far right,” you convince people that “far right” maybe isn’t so bad.
ISIS is just a handy label, not, at this level, an organization. It was and possibly still is a coherent organization in Syria, as a politico-military group. But I find it hard to believe it is a central HQ for these self-organizing initiatives around the world. Even Al Qaeda was mainly a fundraising channel. All of these people have a generally similar outlook and are willing to declare mutual sympathy.
And the Democrats have totally shot themselves in the foot by referring to the victims of the attacks as "Easter worshippers" instead of Christians. Did Hillary start that or did Obama? The fact that everybody else picked up on the phraseology is telling. And one of the things that it tells me is that Christians have no choice but to vote Republican.
They are claiming that they arranged to kill hundreds of people they have never met for the crime of not being Muslims. They were so determined to do this that they were happy to kill a few Muslims in the process. In fact, I can't help but think they regard that as a plus. They want us to understand that they have many adherents who will sacrifice their own lives to destroy ours.
HRC's exact tweet, "On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I'm praying for everyone affected by today's horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka."
Who isn't against violence? Islamists! It's what they do.
Hillary and Barack can't even say "Christian" and "Islamists." Totally corrupt. mean that the organization, JV, we inadvertently helped incubate with weapons and other logistical support in Syria in the early days of their civil war? I’ve been assured that the groups we supported were moderates, not death worshippers heaven-bent on creating mayhem and murder throughout the world. It’s almost as though we learned nothing from our experiences with the mujahedin in Afghanistan.
This is the affiliate:
Democrats will now begin to refer to the events as “non-denominational man made disasters affecting tourists and Easter worshippers” to avoid the anticipated, although virtually nonexistent, retaliation against those who will not be named.
The Prime Ministress of New Zealand will wear an Easter Bunny hat to her presser decrying the event.
There are thousands of little cells like this all over the world organized in Mosques. They already have the people and the communication channels and the will.
All it takes to make them operational is to buy some explosives and radios. Maybe a little training.
$10,000 or so. Preferably in small bills. A pallet of small bills goes a long way in this endeavor.
Of course Isis was founded and funded by Hussein Obama and his gang of international criminals in cooperation with the criminal Iranian guys that had assigned Valerie Jarrett to be his handler.
Not only was this attack staggeringly effective by the numbers killed and injured, it’s going to depress tourism, which has only partially recovered in the decade since the end of the civil war in Sri Lanka. $10K well spent by the evil agents of evil and chaos.
I think mccullough is correct- people like Hillary and Obama don't write most of their own tweets, and it is likely this is contracted out explicitly to some dedicated PR group in the DNC.
how lonely, marginalized and cowed ISIS must feel in the face of the overwhelming, withering condemnation that the vast, vast majority of peace-loving, tolerant, benevolent muslims have immediately and roundly brought against these and similarly heinous acts perpetrated by those who clearly do not truly represent their faith.
The "Easter worshipers" language is odd to me, though. I can't see why one would choose that term and not "Christians". It makes one look un-serious and conniving, and to no benefit at all. If I were anti-Christian, I would use the word "Christians" just to avoid inconvenient blowback that undermines me. Those tweets were written by morons is my conclusion.
Ah, yes, the relationship of "journalists" to politicians (Obama, Hillary, et al) is very similar, to me at least of Remora to sharks. I am especially in awe of those Remora who eat the feces of their associated shark.
has anyone ever personally heard first-hand a muslim express any sort of shame/regret for anything like this?
I was just thinking of that. Having known quite a few, I can answer truthfully, 'no, I have not'. Even the 'moderate' suit and tie-wearing business and professional types are all in for the goals of ISIS. And these people are, by and large, very nice people. They just happen to believe that the world must be conquered under Allah and sharia law imposed. And if violence is required, then so be it.
Successful Multiple synchronized bombing require a lot of operational expertise. There is an entire team that backs up a successful suicide bomber. From the bomb maker, planner, recruiter, etc.
A link above went to a Bangladesh associated group.
What was not mentioned, was the groups was getting funding / support from Pakistan. Bangladesh has little Islamic terrorism, and has done a good job of suppressing it there.
Iran does not directly help Al Queda, especially again non American targets. Jewish, that’s a different matter. Suicide bombing seems to be more of a Sunni thing, not so much Shia (with some notable exceptions).
No story has mentioned anything of Pakistan support yet.
Al Queda acts more of a franchise currently, where they give out information, money, and training.
Ray-SoCal observes: Iran does not directly help Al Queda, especially again non American targets. Jewish, that’s a different matter. Suicide bombing seems to be more of a Sunni thing, not so much Shia (with some notable exceptions).
It wouldn't make sense to me for Shia Iran to support Sunni ISIS.
As for Pakistan, the fifth highest recipient of US foreign aid and having nuclear weapons since the early 70's, they are not to be trusted. They want to keep that money coming in so their evil deeds are kept pretty quiet. They did hide bin Laden, though, didn't they? But we're still pouring money into their coffers. I guess it's a bribe, as with Obama and Iran.
Iran provides support to the Taliban against the infidel, the attacks on the kingdom by al queda was coordinated from there Iraq has contacts with Hezbollah as well as Egyptian jihad and gia
It wouldn't make sense to me for Shia Iran to support Sunni ISIS.
This wasn't ISIS.
This was a small group of sweaty illiterate fucks who don't bathe and hang around the mosque berating women who don't wear enough clothes and beat their wives.
Someone came in and gave them some radios, cash, and helped them make some bombs and provided some organization.
Pakistan has it's own terrorist playground to fund. Qatar/Turkey/Iran is the bloc pushing this shit.
"has anyone ever personally heard first-hand a muslim express any sort of shame/regret for anything like this?"
Regret? Sure - regret that there are people who would do such a thing. And scalding contempt and hostility toward those who justify it in the name of their religion.
But then, the Muslims I know are a very self-selected group, who grew up in a country wrecked by Islamist violence; chose to be on our side, to take the chance of building something better; and now are here because the project hasn't exactly caught on. They are as grateful to be here as you might expect Congresswoman Omar to be. More than I ever could, they hate Muslims who do these things.
Sadly, they're not representative. But they exist.
lliterate fucks don’t do multiple successful simultaneous suicide bombings. They usually blow themselves up.
Turkey is not directly supporting terrorism.
Iran has the idea the enemy of my enemy I’ll help, with limits. Produce explosive penatrators used against American troops - sure. Provide transit through Iran for Al Queda - ok. Since Sunni terrorists massacre Shias, it’s a touchy situation.
Iran has not supported massacres / bombing outside of American and Jewish targets.
Pakistan has supported jihadist groups, that have done massacres against Christian and non Sunni Islamic groups.
Pakistan is supporting terrorists in India and Bangladesh.
The group supposedly responsible came from Bangladesh.
And our southern border, overflowing with illegals with zero documentation, would be a no-brainer for ISIS to infiltrate with hundreds of trained car-bombers. They used to call that kind of thing 5th columnist.
So pleasant dreams liberals. Soon you may fear what you have created. And it won't be a new plantation for Democrat voters.
Dave Begley said... Idea! Why doesn't Sri Lanka pass a law against suicide bombers? Or restrict access to explosives. Background checks. Let's stop violence. Pass a law.
NO ONE, not a single sports person! NEEDS these high capacity explosive backpacks! These ARE NOT used for hunting!! These are things the military uses! Explosive Backpack control, NOW!
Yancey Ward said... The "Easter worshipers" language is odd to me, though
But Wait! it gets Better! Neither wrote "Easter worshipers" They BOTH wrote "Easter Worshippers", with TWO P's Because they BOTH were copying from the SAME template
Even the 'moderate' suit and tie-wearing business and professional types are all in for the goals of ISIS. And these people are, by and large, very nice people. They just happen to believe that the world must be conquered under Allah and sharia law imposed. And if violence is required, then so be it.
Much like the Marxists. Ends justify means. Eggs broken to make omelettes.
My once-halfway-decent local rag (now passing through USA Toady [ha] on the way to eventual extinction) had a story. I'll paraphrase (almost verbatim):
"Local militant group with possible ties to international extremist movement claims Sri Lanka attack."
Muslim is mentioned in the second graph, so credit where due.
It's OK to feel sad for the "Easter Worshippers." (Interesting how Obama's term echoes the Islamic characterization of Christianity as mere disguised pagan polytheism: only Islam is true monotheism.)
But if you feel any anger toward those who did it, you are a member of the dreaded Far Right.
If ISIS is not, in fact, responsible for this, then that makes them even more despicable. Who the fuck brags about inflicting death on children? I saw a photo of some kids in a church group. It was taken just before they went to Mass. They were all scrubbed and in new clothes. Cute kids. Now they're dead.
"By the time Task Force Ranger had been launched, Aidid's network of drug-addled, Khat-dealing gun runners had taken over Mogadishu and were doing everything they could to oppress any and rival clans, including that of Omar, the Majeerteen. In other words, we were sent halfway across the world to help protect people just like Omar and her family. Nineteen incredible men gave their lives defending her country while serving ours. They deserve to be lauded for their service, not attacked for it.
I am thankful Omar and her family and countless others were able to escape to neighboring Kenya while we fought to protect those left behind, but I simply cannot comprehend her attitude towards those of us who fought to protect her country and countrymen from warlords who plunged Somalia only further into violence and starvation. I am glad that Omar can now enjoy the very freedoms we fought to protect, like the freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion affirmed in the U.S. Constitution, but I don't understand why she uses those freedoms to slur the men and women of the U.S. military who made her security and liberty a reality.
The simple truth is that Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can't even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf, either as a Somali or an American. Her clan didn't stand a chance against Aidid and Habar Gidirs, so I don't blame her for leaving. But I do blame her for attacking those of us who had zero personal interest or investment in her nation for doing our jobs on behalf of our country. And I blame her for smearing American servicemen because we answered the call of our nation to address the violent barbarism of hers."
Restore Hope was one of my tours, 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance, 1st Marine Division.
My takeaways:
1) The UN was useless. We were sent in because UN aid (food and medicine) for the victims was being hijacked by the bullies. The UN wound up feeding and caring for the bad guys, making it even easier for them to oppress (via calories) the locals. A good lesson on why pacifism not only doesn't work, it often makes things even worse.
2) The UN was useless II. The Paki troops spent most their time inside their camp and required significant medical and logistical aid (food and water). It's like their gov just grabbed up 3,000 vagrants and sent them to stand in line behind the starving Somalis.
3) The UN was useless III. The reaction to the helo being downed was a clusterfuck, a response measured in minutes by Marine Corps time was measured in HOURS by UN time.
4) This was South Central LA - gangs fighting over dirt and killing each other over disrespect. Low average IQ, correlating to lower empathy and compassion, resulting in an inability to imagine a range of conflict resolution alternatives. A short list, with violence being the second option (if not the first)
5) It crushed the soul of our black troops. Imagine you and your co-workers go back to your home town to pitch in after a hurricane or flood. And all your kin are squatting in mud and grass huts, trying to remember which hand to wipe with and which one to eat with. And failing even at that. My Platoon Sgt was a good man, and it killed me to see the look in his eyes, as if he had just learned Joe DiMaggio was a communist. We were a pack of wolves, always ragging on each other for laughs, but not this time - keep your fucking mouth shut and don't look him in the eye or he'll know that you see what he sees.
6) We had to Euro Journos embed with us for a day. It was hilarious, like watching city-slickers their first day on a farm. They were the stereotype - arrogant and obnoxious, regarding us the way Hollywood Elites treat their bodyguards. During that road march I daydreamed about pulling over and leaving their bodies in a ravine.
7) Somali Men are useless. It was immediately apparent what this society's problem was. They had no real men. We continually saw couples, the female loaded down with gear like a pack mule, while the male sauntered in front with both hands free and not a care in the world. Except for the Khat sticks he always had in his mouth. Imagine a nation of pot addicts and you get why no one could problem-solve their way out of famine and civil war.
8) Somali Men are useless II. About a month in we intercepted a private plane landing in Badera on the new dirt airstrip our Engineers had made. It was loaded with the Khat drug, so our CO burned the entire shipment. Massive protests and civil unrest, he had to apologize to the village elders. Apparently, the re-establishment of drug shipments meant the "normal" was being restored and was a good sign, to be enabled. Well, the "normal" was what led to massive famine and civil war in the first place, but I'm not a State Dept moron so...
9) Angola and Sudan were MUCH worse than Somalia, and had been for much longer but we were sent there instead for two reasons: a) Audrey Hepburn (I love her but...) had died of pneumonia she acquired on a humanitarian visit and b) after Bush celebrated the New World Order because of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the media harped "but what about Somalia? What about Somalia?" as if America wasn't a Great Power unless we could fix Famine and Civil War in some shithole African country. So off we went.
10) I didn't see any Freders or Trumpits over there, despite all their clamoring about how much they "care" about the downtrodden. I joined the Marines because I believe in Arthur's Dream that Might can be channeled for Right. Didn't meet many Democrats during my 8 years of service either. Talk talk talk and then they disappear in mommy's basement when the call goes out for Men to step up.
11) You did come home a bit jaded and radicalized. American feminists are a bad joke - the most spoiled creatures on the planet. I could keep an entire Somali village alive for a month on what ONE American woman spends each month on cosmetics. And Occupy Wallstreet pretending they are the 99%? LOL!
12) A radio broadcast saved my life. The Somalis HATE HATE HATE the French. And the elders of Badera had buried an anti-tank mine for them on the main road leading into town. My LAV was the Commanders, we were at the head of the convoy. Someone somewhere got on a radio to broadcast that the Americans were coming north. A village elder heard it and had the mine dug up before we arrived. Otherwise your favorite mutt would have been blown to smithereens, and where would you be now? :P
Great stuff. More precisely, great assessment of a superficially noble, but shitty endeavor.
"The simple truth is that Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can't even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf, either as a Somali or an American."
So true. Also, true for a lotta ungrateful Americans who have very little sense of the courage and history of past sacrifices of young American servicemen.
Interesting and informative post by Fen. What I don't understand is how come you only see inspiring leaders like Mandela spring up in opposition to white oppression. There's plenty of despots in Africa, but they're not white so their opposition is not noble and inspiring......When we were in Somali, I vaguely remember reading about various faction chiefs who were shrewd and wise. They don't get much press now. Surprised they didn't lead their country to peace and prosperity after we left.
> U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., at the center of a national commotion for her remarks about Israel and the 9/11 terror attacks, raised more than $830,000 in campaign cash during her tumultuous first three months in office, far outpacing the rest of the state’s U.S. House delegation.
> Donations poured in from across the country. About $400,000 of the $417,000 in itemized contributions reported by her campaign, including small-dollar donations given through the ActBlue fundraising platform, came from outside Minnesota.
Isis probably is claiming credit for the attacks to enhance their own fading reputation, the way Trump always claims he has the "best brain" and the "best dick" (see the bogus planted headline in NY Post in 1990 where Marla Maples purportedly said sex with Donald was the best sex (she) ever had."
well it could be a collaborative effort, but seeing how this group seems to be an affiliate of the Bangladeshi branch of the indian mujahedeen, unlikely, they have stated it was in retaliation for new Zealand, which was in retaliation for varied incidents from Egypt to the phillipines,
Or perhaps NTJ is a branch of ISIS? Well, the believed NTJ mastermind preached on a pro-ISIS Facebook account.
But it's not like these Sunni jihadis have a full formal command structure like a national military, or even a centralized franchise operation like McDonald's. They're ideologically allied and sometimes mutually cooperative, and operationally independent.
Fen, thanks for your service and interesting insight.
Sooner or later, and on this Trump has the right instincts, we're going to stop sending our best young people to die in shitholes for the benefit of shitheads.
Narr If a few billion of the ringleaders disappeared, we wouldn't have so much trouble . . .
"Sooner or later, and on this Trump has the right instincts, we're going to stop sending our best young people to die in shitholes for the benefit of shitheads."
We don't do it to help them; we do it to assert our own geopolitical dominance. Until we realize we cannot rule the world--(or until we go broke)--we will continue our wars in other countries.
"The simple truth is that Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can't even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf, either as a Somali or an American."
Why keep telling the lie that American soldiers are sacrificing themselves for our behalf? None of our wars of the last several decades are or were self-defensive in nature, and very few wars we've ever fought in our history have been self-defensive in nature. American soldiers are being sacrified to U.S. geopolitical goals.
well take Somalia, this was done for humanitarian reasons, but al queda didn't see it that way, they saw it as a venue for a proxy war, the late mohammed atef and the still kicking seif al adel were there, as result of the retreat, well broken window, for at least a decade,
Well, Robert Cook, I didn't say "we" did it to help "them" (though I acknowledge and admire those who serve out of a conviction of duty and right), I said the deaths of our young people is, unfortunately, for the benefit of shitheads. (Not all shitheads are foreigners, and not all foreigners are shitheads. Capiche?)
In particular, Islamarabia is a plumbing issue, a culture, civilization, and faith jammed up in backwardness and clogged in failure. We're probably only at the beginning of a phase of world-epochal importance, and I see it MY duty as a secular Westerner to keep myself and the things I love safe from the tsunami of filth that's going to slosh out of that place when things REALLY get bad.
Narr And no, I don't mean running toward the danger . . . ewwww
Now there are times like the bombing of the cafe at torrejon air base, el descanso, attributee to Hezbollah in 1985, actually it was al Suri (Mustafa naserian) first rodeo.
Naserian was the planner behind the Madrid and London train bombing, his lieutenant was the leader of one of those Islamist Syrian militia ahr al shams
The nature of empires is to be drawn into endless wars on the frontiers, usually not for any direct benefit but because of the need to fight for the benefit and protection of an ever increasing number of clients and dependents. At some point it becomes, by any historical standard, by any normal view of human nature, indistinguishable from disinterested charity. This is not unique to the US in its Pax Americana. Doing well by doing good, generally, is the end state of any empire, at least much of the time, not because they set out to do so but from the natural consequence of the increase in scope.
I don't understand America's geopolitical interest in Afghanistan, much less in Somalia.......I read somewhere that the largest known organism is some fungal growth that stretches for over two hundred miles. There are also lots of independent mushrooms that pop up everywhere.......I'm not familiar with the thought and writings of Omar. I wonder if she subjects Somalia and Islam to the same type of critical, independent analysis that she focuses on America and its citizens. I wonder if she thinks any of the problems in Somalia are caused by Somalians and/or Islam.
With the UK, it was the proximity to India, as as long as they held that country it mattered, with the us it was bin laden's sanctuary (actually Pakistan was)
"Fen asserts:a) Audrey Hepburn (I love her but...) had died of pneumonia she acquired on a humanitarian visit
She died of colon cancer.
Are you sure. I remember the pneumonia for her visit to Somalia. Maybe it weakened her and complicated her cancer? I just remember it being significant. It's what put Somalia on the MSM's radar.
"When Audrey returned from Somalia, she discovered she had developed cancer in her appendix, which spread to her colon and then to her stomach." - Wiki
Robert Cook: Why keep telling the lie that American soldiers are sacrificing themselves for our behalf?
Fuck off. You called these same soldiers "parasites" for serving peacetime. Operation Restore Hope was in peacetime. So you don't get to use us as props for whatever America basing you have planned.
And I didn't see you over there either Robert. Let me guess, you were "championing the poor" from the hellscape of your office recliner, enduring carpel tunnel syndrome from excessive typing?
Fran: "Trump said that ISIS was defeated!! FAKE FOX NEWS!! I pray Trump is thoroughly defeated in 2020 if not sooner. I am SO not Inga!!!"
Hey Fran. If you happen to see Inga, have her remind daughter #23 that I'm picking her up at 7pm sharp tomorrow. She is to wear something suggestive (the daughter not Inga)
Buwaya remarks accurately enough on the nature of empires, but one of the outcomes of their peripheral wars almost inevitably is the importation of the people, practices, and ideas of the subaltern peoples into the heart of the empire.
I want my empire secular. The greatest advantage the West has had in the last 500 years--the #1 all-encompassing civilization-changing, modernity-creating idea is secularism. Every advance, repeat every advance in general well-being in that period has been spurred by secular ideas and concerns. Let's not throw this away to placate primitives, and still less to avoid confronting the inadequacy of their notions for modern life.
Narr People got tired of murdering one another over hallucinations, but it took a while
Fen, your observation #5 is pretty darn sad, given the fact that your Black American fellow-Marine was undoubtedly from West Africa origin, with at least as little in common with a Somali as I (of English and Swedish descent) have with a Chechen. The "Pan-African" silliness has a lot to answer for!
Also, in what way(s) was Sudan worse than Somalia (#9)? Are you thinking mostly of Darfur, or of the 2nd Civil War? (We were there at the beginning of it -- literally, driving in from Kenyatta airport into Nairobi in early September '83, on our way back to Sudan, the morning after Sharia Law had been declared in Sudan. This made 2-inch high headlines in the English-language Kenya press, which we saw from the people hawking newspapers in traffic once we reached town.)
My concurrence is based on hearsay, mind you. The Muslims I know (Iranian, Turkish) who feel this way are actually all ex-Muslims who have basically turned against all religion based on their experience of it. (Kind of like Hirsi Ali, a very different kind of Somali from Rep. Omar.)
"Fuck off. You called these same soldiers 'parasites' for serving peacetime."
You never learned to read for comprehension, did you? I have never called soldiers parasites. They're just working men and women trying who needed a job. It is the military and the Pentagon and our war machine that is parasitic of the people's treasure. The soldiers, for the most part, are just the fodder, the bullets in the gun held by the parasitic entity who directs the aim and squeezes the trigger: the military/financial complex. The soldiers are victims of the big lie as much as anyone else is.
"Cookie, I can only hope you get to enjoy the benefits of Islam, good and hard, as HL Mencken would say."
Really? You think Islam will become dominant in the U.S., that Sharia Law will actually be enacted here? And you think those who believe in global climate change are deluded!
To a great extent, it is our continuing presence in the Middle East that has generated the spread of Islamic extremism. This is what bin Laden hoped to achieve by attacking the U.S. We were--as so often--stupid and vengeful, and entered into an ongoing catastrophe that is fuel for the radicals. After all, if a foreign country invaded and bombed the U.S., wouldn't you feel anger and hatred? (Well, yes, as we have seen in the wake of 9/11.) Anger and hatred, as well as feelings of impotence and meaningless, are among the factors that create and drive extremists and fanatics. (Many of those involved in ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups are largely ignorant about the tenets of Islam. They're just looking for a cause and the leaders of the extremist groups know how to manipulate them, just as the leaders of any group or nation endeavor to manipulate others to accept and follow...mindlessly.)
This is part of why the Germans--a civilized, cultured country--so embraced Hitler, who played on their fears and resentments in the years following WWI. He focused the people's passions by concentrating on one out group (the Jews) and rousing the people's hatred against them (easily done, given the existing prevalence of anti-semitism in the society). Compelled by irrational passion and resentments, they saw Hitler as their champion.
"I though it was he who said Maples was the best sex he ever had."
No. The quote was allegedly a comment Maples made to one of her girlfriends about Trump's sexual talents. She has denied ever saying it, and even the Post was dubious about it being true at the time, but it made for a great headline and swift sales of that day's paper.
I have no doubt that many who join the volunteer military would not do so if they had significantly better prospects elsewhere. And yes, they are victims, even those who joined up because they wanted to be soldiers. They're being lied to and told they're "serving their country" and "defending freedom at home" and so on. None of that is remotely true and never really has been. (See General Smedley Butler's comments on the military, from back in the 1930s.)
This is part of why the Germans--a civilized, cultured country--so embraced Hitler, who played on their fears and resentments in the years following WWI. He focused the people's passions by concentrating on one out group (the Jews) and rousing the people's hatred against them (easily done, given the existing prevalence of anti-semitism in the society). Compelled by irrational passion and resentments, they saw Hitler as their champion.
That is absolutely wrong.
A minority of Germans embraced Hitler because there is always a loud violent group of people in any society that seeks social power and justification over everyone else.
Right now democrat brown shirts dominate college campuses and are committing state sanctioned violence in the public space daily.
Right now Democrats are teaming up with giant tech companies to spy on Americans and censor voices on the right. Corporatism is a key component.
Replace Jew with white male in any of Hitler's screeds and he would fit right in with the democrat party.
Hitler didn't like due process, private gun ownership, or free speech either.
"Irrational passion and resentments" is a perfect description of the left after Trump has been elected.
Fascism is a pattern repeated throughout history. There are always motivated minorities that seek government power over others.
"They're just working men and women trying who needed a job."
Right. They are "stuck" in Iraq. LOL.
I once knew a woman who assumed the most malicious intent of everyone she met.
Because she had no concept of honor. She was of low character and surrounded by people of low character all her life. The idea that someone would do something good just to help out another human was foreign to her, there HAD to be some nefarious angle.
Cook, it pleases me to no end that you are living in a hell of your own creation.
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No Pakistan. And maybe China. (keeping tourists away from Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka poorer is a way to reduce carbon emissions)
The government of China buys into whatever the consensus is in the western world about facts but not into the western world's morality. China's militarys cloe to that of Pakistan and Pakistan's military sponsors terrorism - but it makes little sense for them to do so so they could be being paid off by China.
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Isis worshippers.
Obam’s JV team? No.
The bombing was more likely funded by Iran. Obama’s principle allies in the area. They probably used the money Obama shipped them on a pallet.
I wonder if John Kerry discussed the attacks in his little secret meetings he had with the mullahs.
Took them long enough. I was wondering why the hadn't yet.
You mean Muslim terrorists bombed innocent Christian civilians?
When did this start happening?.........
Nonapod comments: Took them long enough. I was wondering why the hadn't yet.
They were waiting for a higher body count.
Islam deserves the credit
It's just "some people did something...."
Nothing to see here. Move along.
It says something about the reaction to Notre Dame burning that ISIS has (to my knowledge) made no attempt to claim "credit."
But was it really ISIS? This is the lede from the Daily Telegraph: "Sri Lankan intelligence has named the mastermind behind the Easter Sunday attacks as Moulvi Zahran Hashim, an extremist local cleric who incited his followers to violence with fiery sermons on his social media channels.
The revelation comes after senior government officials accused the National Thowheed Jamath (NTJ) a little-known group promoting Islamist terrorist ideology, as the perpetrators of the horrific suicide bombings which have now killed 310 people ..."
Or perhaps NTJ is a branch of ISIS?
You mean Muslim terrorists bombed innocent Christian civilians?
When did this start happening?.........
They were; and i quote "tourists and Easter worshippers"
As Mead points out; this is what you expect from ISIS worshippers
They weren't moderate Muslims, though.
The moderate Muslims only cheered and, perhaps, beat off.
Well Robert postings noted one of the bombers spouting Islamic state nostrums but they piggy back on existing network ntj doent make sense for reasons I've spelled out before
oops! sorry, i Meant: As MeadE points out; this is what you expect from ISIS worshippers
Well, that narrows the targeting options....
Well, I for one certainly owe the 7th Day Adventists an apology, tellyawhat.
Per Glenn Reynolds:
Remember, in the WaPo’s world only the “far right” cares about brown people being murdered in church on Easter Sunday.
It’s more than that. When you call perfectly reasonable things — like being upset over an Easter church massacre — “far right,” you convince people that “far right” maybe isn’t so bad.
This wasn't an ISIS attack. It was well funded and coordinated.
We know who funds and coordinates terror around the world.
ISIS is the stupid little retard in the corner people use to divert attention from the pallets of cash shipped to Iran that funded this attack.
Not that I believe the claim by ISIS, but I bet this is another anti-Freder thread.
ISIS is just a handy label, not, at this level, an organization.
It was and possibly still is a coherent organization in Syria, as a politico-military group.
But I find it hard to believe it is a central HQ for these self-organizing initiatives around the world.
Even Al Qaeda was mainly a fundraising channel.
All of these people have a generally similar outlook and are willing to declare mutual sympathy.
And the Democrats have totally shot themselves in the foot by referring to the victims of the attacks as "Easter worshippers" instead of Christians. Did Hillary start that or did Obama? The fact that everybody else picked up on the phraseology is telling. And one of the things that it tells me is that Christians have no choice but to vote Republican.
They are claiming that they arranged to kill hundreds of people they have never met for the crime of not being Muslims. They were so determined to do this that they were happy to kill a few Muslims in the process. In fact, I can't help but think they regard that as a plus. They want us to understand that they have many adherents who will sacrifice their own lives to destroy ours.
HRC's exact tweet, "On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I'm praying for everyone affected by today's horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka."
Who isn't against violence? Islamists! It's what they do.
Hillary and Barack can't even say "Christian" and "Islamists." Totally corrupt.
The defeat of Hillary Clinton saved the Republic.
I doubt Hillary prays. She was just praying for a win in 2016. That's it.
More people were killed in Sri Lanka than in New Zealand.
Idea! Why doesn't Sri Lanka pass a law against suicide bombers? Or restrict access to explosives. Background checks. Let's stop violence. Pass a law.
"I doubt Hillary prays. She was just praying for a win in 2016. That's it."
She offered to sell her soul for win in 2016, but was reminded that title had been transferred long ago.
This is the group that one was representing mean that the organization, JV, we inadvertently helped incubate with weapons and other logistical support in Syria in the early days of their civil war? I’ve been assured that the groups we supported were moderates, not death worshippers heaven-bent on creating mayhem and murder throughout the world. It’s almost as though we learned nothing from our experiences with the mujahedin in Afghanistan.
She offered to sell her soul for win in 2016, but was reminded that title had been transferred long ago.
Bingo, Yancey!
This is the affiliate:
One man’s freedom fighter is also that same man’s mortal enemy.
Democrats will now begin to refer to the events as “non-denominational man made disasters affecting tourists and Easter worshippers” to avoid the anticipated, although virtually nonexistent, retaliation against those who will not be named.
The Prime Ministress of New Zealand will wear an Easter Bunny hat to her presser decrying the event.
There are thousands of little cells like this all over the world organized in Mosques. They already have the people and the communication channels and the will.
All it takes to make them operational is to buy some explosives and radios. Maybe a little training.
$10,000 or so. Preferably in small bills. A pallet of small bills goes a long way in this endeavor.
Of course Isis was founded and funded by Hussein Obama and his gang of international criminals in cooperation with the criminal Iranian guys that had assigned Valerie Jarrett to be his handler.
Depends on what the definition of Isis
Not only was this attack staggeringly effective by the numbers killed and injured, it’s going to depress tourism, which has only partially recovered in the decade since the end of the civil war in Sri Lanka. $10K well spent by the evil agents of evil and chaos.
The fact that everybody else picked up on the phraseology is telling.
Kind of makes you think there is an organization that coordinates all this massaging.
You mean Muslim terrorists bombed innocent Christian civilians?
When did this start happening?.........
About 700 AD but they had trouble with bombs until the invention of gunpowder.
Rocks were used, along with swords until then.
The same firm probably runs the social media accounts of Obama and Hillary.
That’s why the Easter Worshippers term is in there.
It’s the same with a lot of the media. It’s easier for one person to ghost write The Narrative than to coordinate among the puppets.
Yes they are journolist but it has expanded into the rizzotto tray carriers.
What in the world is a rizzoto tray carrier?
The moderate Muslims only cheered and, perhaps, beat off.
You owe me a new keyboard.
You wouldn't use a acronym that has one word on english and two in the local language
The reporters who all met at Podesta house, and all had their copy vetted by the campaign about 60 of them,
I think mccullough is correct- people like Hillary and Obama don't write most of their own tweets, and it is likely this is contracted out explicitly to some dedicated PR group in the DNC.
Ah thanks. The Podesta dining club
how lonely, marginalized and cowed ISIS must feel in the face of the
overwhelming, withering condemnation that the vast, vast majority of
peace-loving, tolerant, benevolent muslims have immediately and roundly
brought against these and similarly heinous acts perpetrated by those who
clearly do not truly represent their faith.
The "Easter worshipers" language is odd to me, though. I can't see why one would choose that term and not "Christians". It makes one look un-serious and conniving, and to no benefit at all. If I were anti-Christian, I would use the word "Christians" just to avoid inconvenient blowback that undermines me. Those tweets were written by morons is my conclusion.
Anyone heard any comment from Omar?
They were there at Easter, they forget why, maybe they were bunny fanatics, remember that head of a major seminary who doesn't have a clue.
@Yancey, as we would write in C++: Democrat == moron
"Easter bombings?"
Oh, you mean when Muslims kill Christians because they're Christians.
Ah, yes, the relationship of "journalists" to politicians (Obama, Hillary, et al) is very similar, to me at least of Remora to sharks. I am especially in awe of those Remora who eat the feces of their associated shark.
has anyone ever personally heard first-hand a muslim express any sort
of shame/regret for anything like this?
"Easter Worshipers"
Were the bombs packaged in large, colorful eggs?
has anyone ever personally heard first-hand a muslim express any sort
of shame/regret for anything like this?
I was just thinking of that. Having known quite a few, I can answer truthfully, 'no, I have not'. Even the 'moderate' suit and tie-wearing business and professional types are all in for the goals of ISIS. And these people are, by and large, very nice people. They just happen to believe that the world must be conquered under Allah and sharia law imposed. And if violence is required, then so be it.
Successful Multiple synchronized bombing require a lot of operational expertise. There is an entire team that backs up a successful suicide bomber. From the bomb maker, planner, recruiter, etc.
A link above went to a Bangladesh associated group.
What was not mentioned, was the groups was getting funding / support from Pakistan. Bangladesh has little Islamic terrorism, and has done a good job of suppressing it there.
Iran does not directly help Al Queda, especially again non American targets. Jewish, that’s a different matter. Suicide bombing seems to be more of a Sunni thing, not so much Shia (with some notable exceptions).
No story has mentioned anything of Pakistan support yet.
Al Queda acts more of a franchise currently, where they give out information, money, and training.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
has anyone ever personally heard first-hand a muslim express any sort
of shame/regret for anything like this?
I couldn't ever get them to admit Israel had a right to exist either.
Yes but the rakhine emergency (the Rohingya) has energized them.
If you asked Muslims whether it was OK for priests to rape pocket boys they would mostly answer yes.
If there is compensation most families offer their own children to service the priest. This is common practice in most every muslim country.
Ray-SoCal observes: Iran does not directly help Al Queda, especially again non American targets. Jewish, that’s a different matter. Suicide bombing seems to be more of a Sunni thing, not so much Shia (with some notable exceptions).
It wouldn't make sense to me for Shia Iran to support Sunni ISIS.
As for Pakistan, the fifth highest recipient of US foreign aid and having nuclear weapons since the early 70's, they are not to be trusted. They want to keep that money coming in so their evil deeds are kept pretty quiet. They did hide bin Laden, though, didn't they? But we're still pouring money into their coffers. I guess it's a bribe, as with Obama and Iran.
Strange bedfellows the raw provided support to the tigers and they paid them back by killing Rajiv Gandhi
So Ilhan Omar. I just learned what she said about Blackhawk Down Mogidishu:
"In his selective memory, [the writer] forgets to also mention the thousands of Somalis killed by the American forces that day! #NotTodaySatan,"
She is a democrat. She was an elected democrat when she tweeted this.
Anyone who is a democrat is a part of this.
No. Common. Ground.
Iran provides support to the Taliban against the infidel, the attacks on the kingdom by al queda was coordinated from there Iraq has contacts with Hezbollah as well as Egyptian jihad and gia
We Christians brought this all on ourselves with the CRUSADES!
Big Mike said...
@Yancey, as we would write in C++: Democrat == moron
Reflexive, Symmetric, and Transitive.
mockturtle said...
It wouldn't make sense to me for Shia Iran to support Sunni ISIS.
This wasn't ISIS.
This was a small group of sweaty illiterate fucks who don't bathe and hang around the mosque berating women who don't wear enough clothes and beat their wives.
Someone came in and gave them some radios, cash, and helped them make some bombs and provided some organization.
Pakistan has it's own terrorist playground to fund. Qatar/Turkey/Iran is the bloc pushing this shit.
"has anyone ever personally heard first-hand a muslim express any sort of shame/regret for anything like this?"
Regret? Sure - regret that there are people who would do such a thing. And scalding contempt and hostility toward those who justify it in the name of their religion.
But then, the Muslims I know are a very self-selected group, who grew up in a country wrecked by Islamist violence; chose to be on our side, to take the chance of building something better; and now are here because the project hasn't exactly caught on. They are as grateful to be here as you might expect Congresswoman Omar to be. More than I ever could, they hate Muslims who do these things.
Sadly, they're not representative. But they exist.
Credit where due.
Top-rated comment at NYT blames Trump.
lliterate fucks don’t do multiple successful simultaneous suicide bombings. They usually blow themselves up.
Turkey is not directly supporting terrorism.
Iran has the idea the enemy of my enemy I’ll help, with limits. Produce explosive penatrators used against American troops - sure. Provide transit through Iran for Al Queda - ok. Since Sunni terrorists massacre Shias, it’s a touchy situation.
Iran has not supported massacres / bombing outside of American and Jewish targets.
Pakistan has supported jihadist groups, that have done massacres against Christian and non Sunni Islamic groups.
Pakistan is supporting terrorists in India and Bangladesh.
The group supposedly responsible came from Bangladesh.
Ceylon / Sri Lanke is right next to India.
And our southern border, overflowing with illegals with zero documentation, would be a no-brainer for ISIS to infiltrate with hundreds of trained car-bombers. They used to call that kind of thing 5th columnist.
So pleasant dreams liberals. Soon you may fear what you have created. And it won't be a new plantation for Democrat voters.
Can they say that? It's not very PC...
Dave Begley said...
Idea! Why doesn't Sri Lanka pass a law against suicide bombers? Or restrict access to explosives. Background checks. Let's stop violence. Pass a law.
NO ONE, not a single sports person! NEEDS these high capacity explosive backpacks!
These ARE NOT used for hunting!! These are things the military uses!
Explosive Backpack control, NOW!
Yancey Ward said... The "Easter worshipers" language is odd to me, though
But Wait! it gets Better!
Neither wrote "Easter worshipers"
They BOTH wrote "Easter Worshippers", with TWO P's
Because they BOTH were copying from the SAME template
Spelling of worshipper is correct English.
Even the 'moderate' suit and tie-wearing business and professional types are all in for the goals of ISIS. And these people are, by and large, very nice people. They just happen to believe that the world must be conquered under Allah and sharia law imposed. And if violence is required, then so be it.
Much like the Marxists. Ends justify means. Eggs broken to make omelettes.
My once-halfway-decent local rag (now passing through USA Toady [ha] on the way to eventual extinction) had a story. I'll paraphrase (almost verbatim):
"Local militant group with possible ties to international extremist movement claims Sri Lanka attack."
Muslim is mentioned in the second graph, so credit where due.
Death cultists gonna death cult
It's OK to feel sad for the "Easter Worshippers." (Interesting how Obama's term echoes the Islamic characterization of Christianity as mere disguised pagan polytheism: only Islam is true monotheism.)
But if you feel any anger toward those who did it, you are a member of the dreaded Far Right.
If ISIS is not, in fact, responsible for this, then that makes them even more despicable. Who the fuck brags about inflicting death on children? I saw a photo of some kids in a church group. It was taken just before they went to Mass. They were all scrubbed and in new clothes. Cute kids. Now they're dead.
As Instapundit likes to say, "This is my shocked face."
Federalist has the smackdown of the Bratty Raghead (via Ace)
"By the time Task Force Ranger had been launched, Aidid's network of drug-addled, Khat-dealing gun runners had taken over Mogadishu and were doing everything they could to oppress any and rival clans, including that of Omar, the Majeerteen. In other words, we were sent halfway across the world to help protect people just like Omar and her family. Nineteen incredible men gave their lives defending her country while serving ours. They deserve to be lauded for their service, not attacked for it.
I am thankful Omar and her family and countless others were able to escape to neighboring Kenya while we fought to protect those left behind, but I simply cannot comprehend her attitude towards those of us who fought to protect her country and countrymen from warlords who plunged Somalia only further into violence and starvation. I am glad that Omar can now enjoy the very freedoms we fought to protect, like the freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion affirmed in the U.S. Constitution, but I don't understand why she uses those freedoms to slur the men and women of the U.S. military who made her security and liberty a reality.
The simple truth is that Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can't even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf, either as a Somali or an American. Her clan didn't stand a chance against Aidid and Habar Gidirs, so I don't blame her for leaving. But I do blame her for attacking those of us who had zero personal interest or investment in her nation for doing our jobs on behalf of our country. And I blame her for smearing American servicemen because we answered the call of our nation to address the violent barbarism of hers."
Restore Hope was one of my tours, 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance, 1st Marine Division.
My takeaways:
1) The UN was useless. We were sent in because UN aid (food and medicine) for the victims was being hijacked by the bullies. The UN wound up feeding and caring for the bad guys, making it even easier for them to oppress (via calories) the locals. A good lesson on why pacifism not only doesn't work, it often makes things even worse.
2) The UN was useless II. The Paki troops spent most their time inside their camp and required significant medical and logistical aid (food and water). It's like their gov just grabbed up 3,000 vagrants and sent them to stand in line behind the starving Somalis.
3) The UN was useless III. The reaction to the helo being downed was a clusterfuck, a response measured in minutes by Marine Corps time was measured in HOURS by UN time.
4) This was South Central LA - gangs fighting over dirt and killing each other over disrespect. Low average IQ, correlating to lower empathy and compassion, resulting in an inability to imagine a range of conflict resolution alternatives. A short list, with violence being the second option (if not the first)
5) It crushed the soul of our black troops. Imagine you and your co-workers go back to your home town to pitch in after a hurricane or flood. And all your kin are squatting in mud and grass huts, trying to remember which hand to wipe with and which one to eat with. And failing even at that. My Platoon Sgt was a good man, and it killed me to see the look in his eyes, as if he had just learned Joe DiMaggio was a communist. We were a pack of wolves, always ragging on each other for laughs, but not this time - keep your fucking mouth shut and don't look him in the eye or he'll know that you see what he sees.
6) We had to Euro Journos embed with us for a day. It was hilarious, like watching city-slickers their first day on a farm. They were the stereotype - arrogant and obnoxious, regarding us the way Hollywood Elites treat their bodyguards. During that road march I daydreamed about pulling over and leaving their bodies in a ravine.
7) Somali Men are useless. It was immediately apparent what this society's problem was. They had no real men. We continually saw couples, the female loaded down with gear like a pack mule, while the male sauntered in front with both hands free and not a care in the world. Except for the Khat sticks he always had in his mouth. Imagine a nation of pot addicts and you get why no one could problem-solve their way out of famine and civil war.
8) Somali Men are useless II. About a month in we intercepted a private plane landing in Badera on the new dirt airstrip our Engineers had made. It was loaded with the Khat drug, so our CO burned the entire shipment. Massive protests and civil unrest, he had to apologize to the village elders. Apparently, the re-establishment of drug shipments meant the "normal" was being restored and was a good sign, to be enabled. Well, the "normal" was what led to massive famine and civil war in the first place, but I'm not a State Dept moron so...
9) Angola and Sudan were MUCH worse than Somalia, and had been for much longer but we were sent there instead for two reasons: a) Audrey Hepburn (I love her but...) had died of pneumonia she acquired on a humanitarian visit and b) after Bush celebrated the New World Order because of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the media harped "but what about Somalia? What about Somalia?" as if America wasn't a Great Power unless we could fix Famine and Civil War in some shithole African country. So off we went.
10) I didn't see any Freders or Trumpits over there, despite all their clamoring about how much they "care" about the downtrodden. I joined the Marines because I believe in Arthur's Dream that Might can be channeled for Right. Didn't meet many Democrats during my 8 years of service either. Talk talk talk and then they disappear in mommy's basement when the call goes out for Men to step up.
11) You did come home a bit jaded and radicalized. American feminists are a bad joke - the most spoiled creatures on the planet. I could keep an entire Somali village alive for a month on what ONE American woman spends each month on cosmetics. And Occupy Wallstreet pretending they are the 99%? LOL!
12) A radio broadcast saved my life. The Somalis HATE HATE HATE the French. And the elders of Badera had buried an anti-tank mine for them on the main road leading into town. My LAV was the Commanders, we were at the head of the convoy. Someone somewhere got on a radio to broadcast that the Americans were coming north. A village elder heard it and had the mine dug up before we arrived. Otherwise your favorite mutt would have been blown to smithereens, and where would you be now? :P
I thought they would hate their Italian colonizers more, but that goes to show you. They didnt like the Pakistani peacekeepers either.
Great stuff. More precisely, great assessment of a superficially noble, but shitty endeavor.
"The simple truth is that Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can't even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf, either as a Somali or an American."
So true. Also, true for a lotta ungrateful Americans who have very little sense of the courage and history of past sacrifices of young American servicemen.
Fen asserts:a) Audrey Hepburn (I love her but...) had died of pneumonia she acquired on a humanitarian visit
She died of colon cancer.
Yes, Ilhan Omar claims that US troops killed "thousands" of Somalis.
My response? If only.
ISIS wants the buzz but isn't involved, is the obvious guess. Some local madrasa most likely.
It's always useful to consult the IQ map of the world
Interesting and informative post by Fen. What I don't understand is how come you only see inspiring leaders like Mandela spring up in opposition to white oppression. There's plenty of despots in Africa, but they're not white so their opposition is not noble and inspiring......When we were in Somali, I vaguely remember reading about various faction chiefs who were shrewd and wise. They don't get much press now. Surprised they didn't lead their country to peace and prosperity after we left.
>"In his selective memory, [the writer] forgets to also mention the thousands of Somalis killed by the American forces that day! #NotTodaySatan,"
So "Great Satan" America killed thousands of Somalis?
Who calls America "Great Satan"?
Omar is gonna rake in so much Muslim money and Democrats (both Colonialist haters)
investing in her normalizing their language into congress...
> U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., at the center of a national commotion for her remarks about Israel and the 9/11 terror attacks, raised more than $830,000 in campaign cash during her tumultuous first three months in office, far outpacing the rest of the state’s U.S. House delegation.
> Donations poured in from across the country. About $400,000 of the $417,000 in itemized contributions reported by her campaign, including small-dollar donations given through the ActBlue fundraising platform, came from outside Minnesota.
I was a fan of chief Buthelezi, in that line up, not all Zulus are alike see Jacob zuma, cruel Umkhonto chief turned warlord,
The bombing was more likely funded by Iran. Obama’s principle allies in the area. They probably used the money Obama shipped them on a pallet.
1. What makes you think Iran "likely" funded the attacks?
2. How was Iran "Obama's principle allies" (sic) in the region"
3. The money we sent to Iran was their money.
Isis probably is claiming credit for the attacks to enhance their own fading reputation, the way Trump always claims he has the "best brain" and the "best dick" (see the bogus planted headline in NY Post in 1990 where Marla Maples purportedly said sex with Donald was the best sex (she) ever had."
well it could be a collaborative effort, but seeing how this group seems to be an affiliate of the Bangladeshi branch of the indian mujahedeen, unlikely, they have stated it was in retaliation for new Zealand, which was in retaliation for varied incidents from Egypt to the phillipines,
Mainstream media: *crickets*
Or perhaps NTJ is a branch of ISIS?
Well, the believed NTJ mastermind preached on a pro-ISIS Facebook account.
But it's not like these Sunni jihadis have a full formal command structure like a national military, or even a centralized franchise operation like McDonald's. They're ideologically allied and sometimes mutually cooperative, and operationally independent.
exactly, poverty doesn't seem to be a motivator,
Fen, thanks for your service and interesting insight.
Sooner or later, and on this Trump has the right instincts, we're going to stop sending our best young people to die in shitholes for the benefit of shitheads.
If a few billion of the ringleaders disappeared, we wouldn't have so much trouble . . .
"Sooner or later, and on this Trump has the right instincts, we're going to stop sending our best young people to die in shitholes for the benefit of shitheads."
We don't do it to help them; we do it to assert our own geopolitical dominance. Until we realize we cannot rule the world--(or until we go broke)--we will continue our wars in other countries.
"The simple truth is that Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can't even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf, either as a Somali or an American."
Why keep telling the lie that American soldiers are sacrificing themselves for our behalf? None of our wars of the last several decades are or were self-defensive in nature, and very few wars we've ever fought in our history have been self-defensive in nature. American soldiers are being sacrified to U.S. geopolitical goals.
well take Somalia, this was done for humanitarian reasons, but al queda didn't see it that way, they saw it as a venue for a proxy war, the late mohammed atef and the still kicking seif al adel were there, as result of the retreat, well broken window, for at least a decade,
Trump said that ISIS was defeated. FAKE FOX NEWS!! I pray Trump is thoroughly defeated in 2020 if not sooner.
Well, Robert Cook, I didn't say "we" did it to help "them" (though I acknowledge and admire those who serve out of a conviction of duty and right), I said the deaths of our young people is, unfortunately, for the benefit of shitheads. (Not all shitheads are foreigners, and not all foreigners are shitheads. Capiche?)
In particular, Islamarabia is a plumbing issue, a culture, civilization, and faith jammed up in backwardness and clogged in failure. We're probably only at the beginning of a phase
of world-epochal importance, and I see it MY duty as a secular Westerner to keep myself and the things I love safe from the tsunami of filth that's going to slosh out of that place when things REALLY get bad.
And no, I don't mean running toward the danger . . . ewwww
see the bogus planted headline in NY Post in 1990 where Marla Maples purportedly said sex with Donald was the best sex (she) ever had.
I though it was he who said Maples was the best sex he ever had.
Now there are times like the bombing of the cafe at torrejon air base, el descanso, attributee to Hezbollah in 1985, actually it was al Suri (Mustafa naserian) first rodeo.
Naserian was the planner behind the Madrid and London train bombing, his lieutenant was the leader of one of those Islamist Syrian militia ahr al shams
I pray Trump is thoroughly defeated in 2020 if not sooner.
I pray that you move to an Islamic country where you can enjoy the benefits of Sharia. And FGM, of course,
Why keep telling the lie that American soldiers are sacrificing themselves for our behalf?
Cookie, I can only hope you get to enjoy the benefits of Islam, good and hard, as HL Mencken would say,
The nature of empires is to be drawn into endless wars on the frontiers, usually not for any direct benefit but because of the need to fight for the benefit and protection of an ever increasing number of clients and dependents. At some point it becomes, by any historical standard, by any normal view of human nature, indistinguishable from disinterested charity. This is not unique to the US in its Pax Americana. Doing well by doing good, generally, is the end state of any empire, at least much of the time, not because they set out to do so but from the natural consequence of the increase in scope.
This is not original on my part.
Btw, thank you Fen.
It is interesting to hear from people who were on the spot.
I don't understand America's geopolitical interest in Afghanistan, much less in Somalia.......I read somewhere that the largest known organism is some fungal growth that stretches for over two hundred miles. There are also lots of independent mushrooms that pop up everywhere.......I'm not familiar with the thought and writings of Omar. I wonder if she subjects Somalia and Islam to the same type of critical, independent analysis that she focuses on America and its citizens. I wonder if she thinks any of the problems in Somalia are caused by Somalians and/or Islam.
She seems to see things to the prism of colonialism, although she doesn't seem to have the same animus for italy.
"I pray that you move to an Islamic country where you can enjoy the benefits of Sharia. And FGM, of course,"
Why would you want me, an 85 y.o. woman, to be genitally mutilated?
Have you no decency at all? You, a vulgar deplorable, are precisely why Trump, a vulgar deplorable, must be defeated asap.
With the UK, it was the proximity to India, as as long as they held that country it mattered, with the us it was bin laden's sanctuary (actually Pakistan was)
Eighteen years is as close to a forever war, the phillipinr war was similar, the Tamil insurgency was about 30
Re: Fran Waxman. I sense 'her' tongue is firmly in her cheek as she writes.
ISIS was defeated
In the Middle East, perhaps. However, they persist in empathetic nations through immigration reform or as illegal aliens.
"Fen asserts:a) Audrey Hepburn (I love her but...) had died of pneumonia she acquired on a humanitarian visit
She died of colon cancer.
Are you sure. I remember the pneumonia for her visit to Somalia. Maybe it weakened her and complicated her cancer? I just remember it being significant. It's what put Somalia on the MSM's radar.
"When Audrey returned from Somalia, she discovered she had developed cancer in her appendix, which spread to her colon and then to her stomach." - Wiki
Robert Cook: Why keep telling the lie that American soldiers are sacrificing themselves for our behalf?
Fuck off. You called these same soldiers "parasites" for serving peacetime. Operation Restore Hope was in peacetime. So you don't get to use us as props for whatever America basing you have planned.
And I didn't see you over there either Robert. Let me guess, you were "championing the poor" from the hellscape of your office recliner, enduring carpel tunnel syndrome from excessive typing?
Fran: "Trump said that ISIS was defeated!! FAKE FOX NEWS!! I pray Trump is thoroughly defeated in 2020 if not sooner. I am SO not Inga!!!"
Hey Fran. If you happen to see Inga, have her remind daughter #23 that I'm picking her up at 7pm sharp tomorrow. She is to wear something suggestive (the daughter not Inga)
Buwaya remarks accurately enough on the nature of empires, but one of the outcomes of their peripheral wars almost inevitably is the importation of the people, practices, and ideas of the subaltern peoples into the heart of the empire.
I want my empire secular. The greatest advantage the West has had in the last 500 years--the #1 all-encompassing civilization-changing, modernity-creating idea is secularism. Every advance, repeat every advance in general well-being in that period has been spurred by secular ideas and concerns. Let's not throw this away to placate primitives, and still less to avoid confronting the inadequacy of their notions for modern life.
People got tired of murdering one another over hallucinations, but it took a while
Fen, your observation #5 is pretty darn sad, given the fact that your Black American fellow-Marine was undoubtedly from West Africa origin, with at least as little in common with a Somali as I (of English and Swedish descent) have with a Chechen. The "Pan-African" silliness has a lot to answer for!
Also, in what way(s) was Sudan worse than Somalia (#9)? Are you thinking mostly of Darfur, or of the 2nd Civil War? (We were there at the beginning of it -- literally, driving in from Kenyatta airport into Nairobi in early September '83, on our way back to Sudan, the morning after Sharia Law had been declared in Sudan. This made 2-inch high headlines in the English-language Kenya press, which we saw from the people hawking newspapers in traffic once we reached town.)
What JPS said @ 12:34pm.
My concurrence is based on hearsay, mind you. The Muslims I know (Iranian, Turkish) who feel this way are actually all ex-Muslims who have basically turned against all religion based on their experience of it. (Kind of like Hirsi Ali, a very different kind of Somali from Rep. Omar.)
David Begley,
"The defeat of Hillary Clinton gave the Republic a brief reprieve."
It's waaaay to early to conclude that it's saved-saved.
Oh you betcha
These crimes of the jihadists of satan Isis Boko Haram in Sri Lanka in Mali in Syria in Iraq in Nigeria and in the world to satisfy satan if the fire of Notre Dame de Paris the death of satan satan these terrorists and worse than these terrorists the franc Masons to hell to avoid hell to humans and jinn to convert to Islam immediately before 26.4.2019.
Ces crimes des djihadistes de satan Daech Boko Haram en Sri Lanka en Mali en Syrie en Irak en Nigeria et dans le monde pour satisfaire satan si l’incendie de Notre Dame de Paris la mort de satan satan ces terroristes et pire que ces terroristes les franc maçons a l’enfer pour éviter l’enfer aux êtres humains et aux djinns de se convertir a l’islam immédiatement avant le 26.4.2019.
"Fuck off. You called these same soldiers 'parasites' for serving peacetime."
You never learned to read for comprehension, did you? I have never called soldiers parasites. They're just working men and women trying who needed a job. It is the military and the Pentagon and our war machine that is parasitic of the people's treasure. The soldiers, for the most part, are just the fodder, the bullets in the gun held by the parasitic entity who directs the aim and squeezes the trigger: the military/financial complex. The soldiers are victims of the big lie as much as anyone else is.
"Cookie, I can only hope you get to enjoy the benefits of Islam, good and hard, as HL Mencken would say."
Really? You think Islam will become dominant in the U.S., that Sharia Law will actually be enacted here? And you think those who believe in global climate change are deluded!
To a great extent, it is our continuing presence in the Middle East that has generated the spread of Islamic extremism. This is what bin Laden hoped to achieve by attacking the U.S. We were--as so often--stupid and vengeful, and entered into an ongoing catastrophe that is fuel for the radicals. After all, if a foreign country invaded and bombed the U.S., wouldn't you feel anger and hatred? (Well, yes, as we have seen in the wake of 9/11.) Anger and hatred, as well as feelings of impotence and meaningless, are among the factors that create and drive extremists and fanatics. (Many of those involved in ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups are largely ignorant about the tenets of Islam. They're just looking for a cause and the leaders of the extremist groups know how to manipulate them, just as the leaders of any group or nation endeavor to manipulate others to accept and follow...mindlessly.)
This is part of why the Germans--a civilized, cultured country--so embraced Hitler, who played on their fears and resentments in the years following WWI. He focused the people's passions by concentrating on one out group (the Jews) and rousing the people's hatred against them (easily done, given the existing prevalence of anti-semitism in the society). Compelled by irrational passion and resentments, they saw Hitler as their champion.
"I though it was he who said Maples was the best sex he ever had."
No. The quote was allegedly a comment Maples made to one of her girlfriends about Trump's sexual talents. She has denied ever saying it, and even the Post was dubious about it being true at the time, but it made for a great headline and swift sales of that day's paper.
"They're just working men and women trying who needed a job."
Wrong, you one-dimensional cliché. Most of the people serving in the military enlisted because they want to serve, despite the protests of pseudo-dissidents like you.
"The soldiers are victims of the big lie as much as anyone else is."
Oh those poor poor "victims." If only they'd listen to their betters in New York City. Fuck off you pretentious ass.
ISIS = Friends of Obama
Jack Klompus,
I have no doubt that many who join the volunteer military would not do so if they had significantly better prospects elsewhere. And yes, they are victims, even those who joined up because they wanted to be soldiers. They're being lied to and told they're "serving their country" and "defending freedom at home" and so on. None of that is remotely true and never really has been. (See General Smedley Butler's comments on the military, from back in the 1930s.)
But, thank you for your thoughtful comment.
Robert Cook said...
This is part of why the Germans--a civilized, cultured country--so embraced Hitler, who played on their fears and resentments in the years following WWI. He focused the people's passions by concentrating on one out group (the Jews) and rousing the people's hatred against them (easily done, given the existing prevalence of anti-semitism in the society). Compelled by irrational passion and resentments, they saw Hitler as their champion.
That is absolutely wrong.
A minority of Germans embraced Hitler because there is always a loud violent group of people in any society that seeks social power and justification over everyone else.
Right now democrat brown shirts dominate college campuses and are committing state sanctioned violence in the public space daily.
Right now Democrats are teaming up with giant tech companies to spy on Americans and censor voices on the right. Corporatism is a key component.
Replace Jew with white male in any of Hitler's screeds and he would fit right in with the democrat party.
Hitler didn't like due process, private gun ownership, or free speech either.
"Irrational passion and resentments" is a perfect description of the left after Trump has been elected.
Fascism is a pattern repeated throughout history. There are always motivated minorities that seek government power over others.
There is nothing unique about the left in the US.
Jack Klompus,
I have no doubt many of the volunteers for today's military would not have considered joining up if they had better options available to them.
That said, even those joining up because they want to be soldiers are being conned by the government: they're being told they are serving in defense of our nation. Nothing is further from the truth and rarely ever has been. See what General Smedley Butler had to say about the military in which he served for decades. His comments from the 1930s are no less true today.
But, thank you for your thoughtful comment.
I hadn't heard of this fellow:
Most of the people serving in the military enlisted because they want to serve, despite the protests of pseudo-dissidents like you.
Exactly. I didn't sign up because I needed a job. I did it because it's something I wanted to do.
"They're just working men and women trying who needed a job."
Right. They are "stuck" in Iraq. LOL.
I once knew a woman who assumed the most malicious intent of everyone she met.
Because she had no concept of honor. She was of low character and surrounded by people of low character all her life. The idea that someone would do something good just to help out another human was foreign to her, there HAD to be some nefarious angle.
Cook, it pleases me to no end that you are living in a hell of your own creation.
"You never learned to read for comprehension, did you?"
Masters in English Lit.
And you said our boys are parasites for sucking at the governments teat during "peacetime".
Your destiny is to die on your knees claiming you were misunderstood.
readering said...
Spelling of worshipper is correct English.
4/23/19, 2:02 PM
Perfect English. British English that is, the King's English.
Americans use one P.
Like "kidnapers" is US and "kidnappers" is UK. Or "judgment" vs "judgement."
Did we know you was a foreigner before this? Thanks.
My name is Mrs.Cynthia I live in USA and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 . Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Cynthia , that refer you to him. contact Mr.Mohammad Isa,via email:( Thank you.
The bombing was more likely funded by Iran
No Pakistan. And maybe China. (keeping tourists away from Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka poorer is a way to reduce carbon emissions)
The government of China buys into whatever the consensus is in the western world about facts but not into the western world's morality. China's militarys cloe to that of Pakistan and Pakistan's military sponsors terrorism - but it makes little sense for them to do so so they could be being paid off by China.
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