April 10, 2019

Is this general humor deafness or a special symptom-of-Trump-derangement deafness?

On a tour of Mount Vernon, President Trump said: "If he was smart, he would’ve put his name on it. You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you."

At Politico, the headline is: "Trump’s ‘truly bizarre’ visit to Mt. Vernon/The 45th president — no student of history — marveled at the first president’s failure to name his historic compound after himself." So many things are "bizarre" if you don't get that other people are using humor. Trump's remark is one of the funniest things he's ever said. It's self-effacing too, which ought to make it funnier, but perhaps — if you're sure Trump will always be self-aggrandizing — it might be an especially hard form of humor to hear.

The article is by Eliana Johnson and Daniel Lippman, who write:
The VIPs’ tour guide for the evening, Mount Vernon president and CEO Doug Bradburn, told the president that Washington did, after all, succeed in getting the nation’s capital named after him. Good point, Trump said with a laugh....
Trump was nice enough to laugh at Bradburn's response. He didn't yield to the temptation to say, "Duh, that's my point."
The president’s disinterest in Washington made it tough for tour guide Bradburn to sustain Trump’s interest during a deluxe 45-minute tour of the property which he later described to associates as "truly bizarre."
And which "associate" delivered this story to the press? There's a shortage of dignity and confidentiality and sense of humor.
Trump asked whether Washington was "really rich," according to a second person familiar with the visit. In fact, Washington was either the wealthiest or among the wealthiest Americans of his time, thanks largely to his mini real estate empire....
Yeah, but was he really rich?
The rooms, Trump said, were too small, the staircases too narrow, and he even spotted some unevenness in the floorboards, according to four sources briefed on his comments. He could have built the place better, he said, and for less money....
Trump knows about building, and he brought his point of view to the tour.
Many Americans don't fare much better than the president when it comes to a knowledge of the basic facts of American history....
Assumes a fact not in evidence.
While quickly bored by Washington’s home, Trump has been eager to show off his own residence to guests...
Assumes a fact not in evidence. And if Trump was bored, was he bored by the house or bored by Bradburn's effort to give a "deluxe 45-minute" lecture on the house?
And despite his criticisms, Trump found something to like at Mount Vernon, too. Among the artifacts preserved there is the bed where Washington passed away from a throat infection in 1799. Trump, who is infamously picky about where he sleeps and resists spending nights away from home, felt out the bedpost and told the Macrons and Bradburn that he approved, according to three people briefed on the event.

"A good bed to die in,” Trump said.
Another joke not got!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hack-left are in such a state of rage over Hillary losing, it permeates everything.

rhhardin said...

They didn't have skyscrapers in Washington's time.

rhhardin said...

Trump's humor would work in French movies. Americans are more into tear jerkers and action films. It's an unfamiliar genre problem.

Birches said...

That tour guide should be embarrassed that he's such a wet rag.

James K said...

That's not funny!

(The mantra of the left/MSM.)

rhhardin said...

The law of genre says that the means by which, say, a western announces that it's a western is not itself part of the western genre.

So a joke itself would not be recognized without some extra-joke material to help.

Trump being thought maniacal and crazy would lessen the sensitivity to that extra-joke material.

This looks like dumb-wittedness to the right.

rhhardin said...

Imus vouches for Trump's wide and dry sense of humor, having hung out with Trump a lot in the 80s. The quip seems to have been his medium.

bwebster said...

So much this. There’s a lot of things that I think Trump should do/should have done differently, but the media’s derangement just has me shaking my head. At this point, I think Trump says stuff like this (and “windmills cause cancer”) just to yank their collective chains.

Stop and think: if the media covered Trump in a fair and even-handed way, then their frequently justified criticisms would carry more impact. But they’ve lost credibility with (acc’g to polls) at least a bare majority of the American public, and this kind of stuff just reinforces that.

On the other hand, if the media covered Trump in a fair and even-handed way, his approval rating would probably be above 60%, which would scare them to death.

wild chicken said...

When you hate someone, you ignore his humor. That's a given.

I noticed that when I was young and wondered why people would take a funny remark seriously.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"No student of history". Cheap shot after cheap shot at Trump. They ever take a cheap shot at Obama...Obama just got a dog - hope he does not eat it like he did as a kid in Indonesia or Obama no whiz at arithmetic when he said there are 57 states or Obama no genius when it comes to insurance because he did not understand the difference between collision and comprehensive coverage for cars even though he had gone to law school.

Amadeus 48 said...

Poor Eliana Johnson! She labors away at Politico while her father has all the fun at Powerline. She used to get a joke when she was at the National Review. Has she gone native? Can her writing survive her editors?

Let's see if Andrew Ferguson loses his edge at the Atlantic. Some of the writers there, such as Caitlin Flanagan, have retained their personas.

mockturtle said...

Are the media really that clueless or are they being disingenuous? Do they suppose [and hope] that their clueless readers will take Trump's jokes literally? OTOH, I would not rule out that mediafolk are both stupid and humorless.

Lyssa said...

One thing I’ve always said I liked about Trump, since well before he got into politics, is that he knows who he is. He knows he’s ridiculous, and he embraces it. A big part of the reason The Apprentice was fun to watch was that he would constantly make jokes about his hair, his appearance, his over-the-top lifestyle.

It’s not a particularly nuanced or hard to grasp style of humor, but it’s fun to watch. (Another good example of someone who does this and does it well -Dolly Parton.). The fact that people don’t (or won’t) get it is the only thing bizarre about this.

Darrell said...

The hack-left media thinks they have us fooled. The average person now thinks every tree should be saved, every electron not wasted in online presentation. And we wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

Derek Kite said...

The secular priesthood of the Media at it again. Sniff, they said, it isn't funny.

Koot Katmandu said...

Some times I think the whole Russia, Russia, Russia thing is over PDT making a joke about the Russians giving us Hillary's e mails during the debate. There are many who did not get the joke or just pretend they did not get it.

Darrell said...

Kirsten Gillibrand said we ought to ban "tactile" nuclear weapons. More than once.

Where are the smart reporters with THAT story?

Lucien said...

Didn’t anyone point out that by allowing foreigners to buy products from his farm Washington violated the emoluments clause and should have been impeached?

mccullough said...

The Left is stupid. Trump is funny.

Washington owned slaves. He was also a great leader.

Trump took the tour to make that point. We aren’t burning down Mt. Vernon or renaming the capital for The Left while Trump is president.

If Biden or Mayor Pete is president they would apologize for Washington and vow to expunge him.

AllenS said...

Yet, when Obama said: "57 states", no ridicule from these same people, only attempts to correct what Obama said. There is a good example of the media's double standard.

wild chicken said...

But I dunno, I felt similarly shocked when visiting the giant redwoods on our honeymoon, and my husband saw all the fallen trees and said what a mess, they need to get in here and clean this up.

He was right but it seemed insufficiently reverent at the time.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Eliana Johnson, daughter of PowerLine blogger Scott Johnson, is usually better than this. But what bodes ill for America is the fact that sense of humor is missing from so many on the left. It’s like they can’t admit Trump is funny. Why? Even self-deprecating remarks which are universally appreciated get nothing from this crowd. WTF?

Ray - SoCal said...

Probably a lot of peer pressure to publish something negative on Trump.

And Trump being at 51% popularity overall, and over 50% with Latinos, makes them redouble their tds efforts.

robother said...

Just occurred to me that Ann could've tagged this as "That's not funny!" as well.

Being deliberately obtuse, not getting Trump's humor, taking only the most literal meaning of his every word and "fact-checking" against that meaning has been a standard MSM NeverTrump tactic since early 2016. Or is drone-like earnest literally a side effect of all that Adderall?

Bob Boyd said...

Trump should tell the press that he is considering an executive order to change the name of the nation's capital to Trump D.C. and has commissioned a golden Trump monument that will be much taller than the Washington Monument.

Michael K said...

Has she gone native? Can her writing survive her editors?

I have wondered a bit about this, too.

Limited blogger said...

GW is my favorite, but Trump is moving up the list fast.

Tommy Duncan said...

My takeaway on this is Trump will likely run in 2020 with a very upbeat message, while the Democrats will run a "Trump is evil / doom and gloom" message. America is looking for upbeat.

Don't worry, be happy.

Ficta said...

Okay, we're in full Pudd'nhead Wilson territory now:

He had just made the acquaintance of a group of citizens when an invisible dog began to yelp and snarl and howl and make himself very comprehensively disagreeable, whereupon young Wilson said, much as one who is thinking aloud—

“I wish I owned half of that dog.”

“Why?” somebody asked.

“Because I would kill my half.”

The group searched his face with curiosity, with anxiety even, but found no light there, no expression that they could read. They fell away from him as from something uncanny, and went into privacy to discuss him. One said:

“’Pears to be a fool.”

“’Pears?” said another. “Is, I reckon you better say.”

“Said he wished he owned half of the dog, the idiot,” said a third. “What did he reckon would become of the other half if he killed his half? Do you reckon he thought it would live?”

iowan2 said...

The media works with the raw materials they have at their disposal. If a baker needs a loaf of bread, but only has grape fruits, your going to get something made out of grape fruits he calls bread.

The media has to bake a daily serving of OrangeManBad. If all they have are witty, knowledgeable, asides provided by President Trump your going to be forced to use Smart, intuitive, witty, barbs, and call that OrangeManBad.

Michael K said...

But what bodes ill for America is the fact that sense of humor is missing from so many on the left. It’s like they can’t admit Trump is funny. Why? Even self-deprecating remarks which are universally appreciated get nothing from this crowd. WTF?

Robespierre had no sense of humor, either. Danton did and Robespierre Guillotined him.

We live in an age with Red Guards and sans Culottes.

Tommy Duncan said...

Remember Hubert Horatio Humphrey, the happy warrior? Is there a happy warrior left in the Democrat Party?

Jersey Fled said...

Politico's audience wants to read bad things about Trump. Therefore everything he says is presented in the most unfavorable light possible. Nothing more.

Browndog said...

Are the media really that clueless or are they being disingenuous?

Do you think it's possible for MSM to report anything Trump says or does in a positive light?


buwaya said...

Professionals are pros because they reliably do as they are told.
She is writing to spec.

Which is why it’s pointless to argue back, even mentally, because you are not getting a personal opinion or point of view.
What any functionary in that industry truly “gets”, or not, no-one will know until the “Berlin Wall” falls.

Dave Begley said...

The rooms are small. The whole house is small. But those were the standards of the time and people were much smaller than they are today. George was considered a giant and he was about six foot tall.

The view and property itself, however, are fabulous. The house sits on top of a hill and it overlooks the river.

Darrell said...

Remember Hubert Horatio Hornblower?

Ask Jimmy Carter. He was his good friend.

Darrell said...

And Trump is at 53% approval.

Bob Boyd said...

How do write an article about Trump?
Pretend you are writing a letter to an embittered divorcee about her ex.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump has a great sense of humor, timing and body language too. If you watch his "unscripted" speeches, they are a hoot.

He has good facial expressions and can get everyone laughing at the underlying gist of the joke by just rolling of his eyes, a pursing of his lips, shrug of the shoulders. Trump almost doesn't have to say anything...We get the joke! He has a dry wit and approaches the topic from a side angle instead of straight on.

He uses language that everyone is familiar with. Even so called blue language like ridiculous bullshit. No one is offended because it is normal everyday speaking.

I can't imaging how offended the Leftists would be if they were to hang out with some ex Military people Army, Marines, and Sailors....maybe even Air Force :-)for a while. Talk about BLUE language!

These offended delicate flowers must not ever come into contact with working people like truck drivers, construction workers, loggers, farmers or irritated waitresses :-)

Lyssa said:The fact that people don’t (or won’t) get it is the only thing bizarre about this.

Truly. It IS bizarre. Are all these Trump haters so sadly devoid of a sense of humor or blinded by their hatred Probably both.

David Duffy said...

"According to people who were there..." Why on earth would someone who witnessed this be afraid to give their name? Good grief, we're not dealing with the Clintons.

iowan2 said...

Didn’t anyone point out that by allowing foreigners to buy products from his farm Washington violated the emoluments clause and should have been impeached?

Its way worse than that. Washington sent a govt emissary to Europe to actively market his personal production to buyers in Europe. This precedent setting action, is an example of the emoluments clause not applying to the President of the United States.

mockturtle said...

Trump should tell the press that he is considering an executive order to change the name of the nation's capital to Trump D.C. and has commissioned a golden Trump monument that will be much taller than the Washington Monument.

Oh, they wouldn't get it the joke. Can you just see the headlines? Hear the CNN pundits howl?

Robert Edick said...

Good example of using "disinterested" as a synonym for "uninterested."

CWJ said...

"Washington was either the wealthiest or among the wealthiest Americans of his time, thanks largely to his mini real estate empire...."

Washington is the designated good president in this piece so this time we don't mention slavery's contribution to his net worth. Cue Ta-nahisi Coates.

And I assume the reference to real estate is to mock Trump's supposed ignorance of Washington's wealth by drawing attention to Trump's own source of wealth.

rightguy said...

I personally tend to trust people with a healthy, self-effacing sense of humor- they tend to be intelligent, self-aware, and comfortable in their own skin.

Limited blogger said...

Trump is looking terrific, I think he's lost some weight.

Meade said...

As a gift, Trump should send Eliana Johnson and Daniel Lippman each a copy of "George Washington's Socks."

Nichevo said...

Kirsten Gillibrand said we ought to ban "tactile" nuclear weapons. More than once.

Where are the smart reporters with THAT story?

Did you miss the alpha strike on Joe Biden? There's a tactile nuclear weapon for you.

CWJ said...

"Trump should tell the press that he is considering an executive order to change the name of the nation's capital to Trump D.C. and has commissioned a golden Trump monument that will be much taller than the Washington Monument."

Nah! He'll just rename the Washington Monument "Trump Tower."

buwaya said...

It’s possible that among young people there no longer is an “ear” for traditional humor.
They were not brought up with such, the squirrelly layers of irony and implication.
I’ve noticed that Mark Twain is becoming a very hard sell.
People don’t get it.
I have had cases where kids can’t get the jokes in “Seinfeld”.

JOB said...

But everyone knows you’ve only really made it into the history books as a President if they name a CAR after you!


Fernandinande said...

Self-defecating humor is best left to the pros.

iowan2 said...

Just now President Trump is leaving for Texas and talked to the press. FOX carried it live and did analysis live after the President walked away. msdnc did not carry it live, and are formulating their analysis. They need time to get the proper OrangeManBad spin written for their talking heads.
Just a live example of the MSM refusing to report facts live when its available. They could have run the Presidents remarks live for the people. Instead they pick and choose the clips they want, accompanied by their canned spin.

Otto said...

RDS,B1DS,B2DS,and TDS. Note, never heard of CDS or ODS. Fake news.

Bruce Hayden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

In other news:


Chuck said...

You missed the best line of the story, Althouse:

“His supporters don't care, and if anything they enjoy the fact that the liberal snobs are upset” that he doesn’t know much history, this person said.

The person being quoted was "a person close to the White House." I confess to being dissatisfied why such a person needs anonymity in this story. Why would a person who is not a formal member of the White House staff need anonymity to talk about Trump "supporters"?

Althouse, after so many different witnesses have made similar comments about Trump's odd, venal, shallow, ignorant remarks, with so many different reporters from so many different publications, all working independently under different editors, writing similar stories... you still don't accept a story like this?

I don't know you apart from your writing. What I know from your writing is a mostly fine, agile, informed mind. With law school discipline to boot. But to me, this determined, contrarian Trump support is your most strange quality. I don't get it.

Gabriel said...

@buwaya:I’ve noticed that Mark Twain is becoming a very hard sell.

'Twas ever thus. Mark Twain complained often that people didn't understand when he was being ironic. Sometimes his irony was very subtle:

"From every land came monks to join; they came even as the fishes come, in shoals; and the monastery added building to building, and yet others to these, and so spread wide its arms and took them in. And nuns came, also; and more again, and yet more; and built over against the monastery on the yon side of the vale, and added building to building, until mighty was that nunnery. And these were friendly unto those, and they joined their loving labors together, and together they built a fair great foundling asylum midway of the valley between.”"

People don’t get it.
I have had cases where kids can’t get the jokes in “Seinfeld”.

Lots of people at the time didn't get the jokes in Seinfeld but it was very uncool to cop to that. In fact a joke from Seinfeld ended up being the occasion of a sexual harassment lawsuit:

"In the episode, actor Jerry Seinfeld is unable to remember his girlfriend's name, but recalls that it rhymes with a part of the female anatomy. Only after the girlfriend realizes Seinfeld doesn't know her name and storms off does Seinfeld remember and yell out "Dolores!" In recounting the episode to Patricia Best, his coworker, Mackenzie pointed to the word "clitoris," which he had photocopied from a dictionary. Mackenzie did not, however, say the word aloud or touch Best."

narciso said...

Dont ever change chuck:

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The person being quoted was "a person close to the White House."

So....if I stand in the street in front of the White House about 100 yards away, can I also be quoted as being a person close to the White House?

How many feet away equals close to the White House?

We have horses that are near to us, or close to our house. That doesn't mean that they are IN our house. Horses don't know much anyway, so that doesn't really matter. The goats, however, they are such gossips.

Darrell said...

Chuck will never have piles.

Gabriel said...

@Chuck:so many different reporters from so many different publications, all working independently under different editors, writing similar stories... you still don't accept a story like this?

How quickly we forget Journolist.

How quickly we forget just this week where Matthew Yglesias said,

"Nobody likes to give themselves credit for this kind of messaging success, but progressive groups did a really good job of convincing people that Trump raised their taxes when the facts say a clear majority got a tax cut."

And who was uncritically, independently, reporting exactly what those progressive groups were messaging? One Matthew Yglesias in Vox.

Seeing Red said...


He should have seen Mount Vernon in the early 70s. talk about a wreck. But George’s patio and view is still my dream. I told my husband that while we sat there.

With the way dead slave owners are being whitewashed, The Donald could be right. He should have put his name on it.

Henry said...

That is really funny stuff.

I've toured a lot of historic houses in my time and sometimes a 45 minute deluxe tour is way too long.

If Trump wants a tour that might interest him more, he should tour The Elms in Newport, RI. It's one of the Newport Mansions, but its owner, Edward Berwind, was an industrial magnate and it was built with cutting edge technology for the time. Also, the rooms are big.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

For clarity. Those aren't OUR horses or goats. They belong to other people. They rent/lease the pasture rights from some other people for their livestock.

Across the river are more cattle, goats, mules, horses. The mules are pretty stoic. I doubt they are spreading much gossip. The cows however can really bullshit.

iowan2 said...

Althouse, after so many different witnesses have made similar comments about Trump's odd, venal, shallow, ignorant remarks, with so many different reporters from so many different publications, all working independently under different editors, writing similar stories... you still don't accept a story like this?

Oh ffs

Our host lays out in plain unambiguous language, showing the media intentional misrepresents President Trump's words, tone, inference, and humor.
Intentional is the key word there.
The media is feeding you lies, lies you know are lies, lies that you accept because they are the lies you tell yourself, lies that validate your emotional condition.
After using this one example of the media lying, you go off on a clueless rant about all the other examples of OrangeManBad, and somehow think they are honest representation of the Presidents message, despite exposing how the media lies.

Tim said...

Kirsten Gillibrand said we ought to ban "tactile" nuclear weapons. More than once.

She's a Dartmouth graduate. Go Ivies!

chuck said...

When the humorless aliens watch Seinfeld they are in for a shock.

Henry said...

Chuck said, Althouse, after so many different witnesses have made similar comments about Trump's odd, venal, shallow, ignorant remarks, with so many different reporters from so many different publications, all working independently under different editors, writing similar stories... you still don't accept a story like this?

What is there to accept? Trump is odd, venal, shallow, and ignorant. So what?

You do know what a "lede" is? Every story has an angle. Who are these journalists who choose the same angle every time? Who are the people that clamor to read more of it? That seems odd, shallow, and ignorant to me.

chuck said...

> . you still don't accept a story like this?

Chuck, you are a smart guy, but you are clueless about people. After all these years, I would think you would know that about yourself and just accept it.

Marty Keller said...

Comrade LLR: I don't get it.

At last, a glimmer of self-awareness?

William said...

If I were going to poison someone, I would add a trace of arsenic to the chicken pot pie and do it over a period of months. Every night for dinner we get served arsenic pot pie. Moreover, we're told that the arsenic is delicious and nourishing. They're just not very good at poisoning the public.....The press would be better served if they got in a few sly digs in their coverage instead of this relentless hammering.

Gary said...

Is Althouse trying to be funny? Humor is sometimes hard to read.
It is pretty difficult to read Trump as trying to be funny and not a clueless self-centered braggart.
Yes, Trump is venal, shallow, ignorant, unethical, and unsuitable for his job but conservatives have accepted this and defend him and so others not so conservative are left trying to interpret their defense.

Francisco D said...

If Chuck really were a life long Republican, he would know that all Republican Presidents since Eisenhower have been either lazy or stupid and uninformed, with the notable exception of Richard Nixon.

JAORE said...

How do you make a leftist laugh on Monday?

Tell them a joke on Friday.

Then on Sunday tell them it will aid in Trump's impeachment.

Henry said...

Gary, a person can be venal, shallow, ignorant, unethical, clueless, unsuitable, self-centered, and also funny.

Have you not encountered humor in the wild?

Chuck said...


Our hostess often does a very fine job of questioning, "How does ____ know that about Donald Trump? What is the evidence for a reporter's determining what internal conversation is going on in Trump's mind?"

This blog post is different. In this post, Althouse posits that Trump is obviously trying to be funny, and a liberal-biased media refuses to understand Trump's obvious humor.

In this case, it is Althouse who presumes that she knows exactly what is going on in Trump's head. Althouse's interpretation, without any other evidence, is that Trump was being amiable and self-effacingly humorous. I respect Althouse when she questions people who presume to know too much about what is going on in Trump's head. So now I am questioning why Althouse thinks she knows what Trump's humor-intentions are.

Henry said...

I will posit something else: Trump is trying to be entertaining.

Is he being funny on purpose? Who knows. But he is often funny. And he is always trying to entertain.

Many political leaders have an element of the comic about them. Accept this and politics makes a lot more sense.

Martin said...

One of the lesser commented-on effects of TDS is total loss of a sense of humor.

Has Colbert said anything even mildly humorous since November 8, 2016?

mezzrow said...

this determined, contrarian Trump support is your most strange quality. I don't get it.

Yet so many others do, Chuck. Perhaps what you define as support is something more sophisticated and nuanced than that. Althouse seems to this observer to be a highly practiced Socratic interviewer. The problem for those who have a visceral hatred for Trump is to see past their own passion against him and recognize this. Note how you react to the non-Trumpian content, I suggest. This may bring enlightenment, which is why I visit.

Sebastian said...

For Trump the rich and famous developer to take an interest in the building as a building and the actual wealth of its occupant, while joking about his name recognition, is the very opposite of being bored.

Tracey's Daddy said...

I believe Trump pegged his tour guide as a humorless scold early on in the visit and made these comments accordingly, knowing that an article like this would be published. Stories like this only enhance his electability.

Matt said...

Obvious questions: why *is* it named Mt. Vernon and not Mt. Washington? Who was Vernon? In fact, why is it called "Mount" when it's barely a hill? Maybe one of the snarky historians or anonymous sources could have actually provided some real information in the article, instead of gossip and mind-reading.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Kirsten Gillibrand said we ought to ban "tactile" nuclear weapons. More than once.”

It was meant to be funny, you humorless dolts!

Just like when Trump was only kidding about not knowing what the nuclear triad was, ‘cause that was really funny!

JAORE said...

But everyone knows you’ve only really made it into the history books as a President if they name a CAR after you!

Like the (soon to be announced) 2020 Lincoln Assassination and the Ford Theater.

JAORE said...

Gary at 9:52 outs himself as far left on the humor impairment scale.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

"He should have put his name on it" is pretty funny.

Chuck said...with so many different reporters from so many different publications, all working independently under different editors, writing similar stories

Independent from each other or independently from a fixed liberal-Leftist POV? Kinda makes a difference, buddy.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Kirsten Gillibrand said we ought to ban "tactile" nuclear weapons. More than once.”

It was meant to be funny, you humorless dolts!

No, it wasn't; she used the wrong word multiple times. I don't think that makes her a moron but it's worth a chuckle. You fine folks on the Left liked to bring up the fact that George W. Bush mispronounced "nuclear" almost every time. That was both funny and evidence that he was an idiot, back then.

See, that's the difference. Gillibrand used the wrong word but we're not supposed to conclude she is stupid. Obama mispronounced corpsman but we're not supposed to conclude he is stupid. GWBush mispronounced nuclear and we ARE supposed to conclude he is stupid. Dan Quayle didn't correct a misspelled word and we ARE supposed to conclude he is stupid.

That's the game. There have been plenty of genuinely stupid people in government (like Hank Johnson or Cynthia McKinney--if you want to be bipartisan Katherine Harris and James Inhofe were up there, too) but the kinds of things the morons in the Media tag as indicators of stupidity tend to be highly, if not wholly, dependent on the party affiliation of the offender.

Tina848 said...

Reagan used humor a lot and it wasn't always caught. Now it seems no one gets sarcasm and humor when people are speaking. The deconstruction of language is causing people to miss subtle jokes and irony as part of everyday banter. Think of all the humor in Shakespeare that is not obvious at the surface - but only in context. Trump (and almost all conservatives) trigger people not see the subtlety of poking fun at oneself and others. Trump loves to make jokes about himself, if you listen closely - or read his twitter, it is classic stuff.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No, it wasn't; she used the wrong word multiple times.”

That’s only because you don’t have the finely tuned humor gene, like Trump does. Well you should just keep trying to be more like Trump, ok?

Birches said...

Dolly Parton is a good comparison, Pants.

James K said...

One thing I’ve always said I liked about Trump, since well before he got into politics, is that he knows who he is. He knows he’s ridiculous, and he embraces it.

This 90-second video captures both sides (Trump's humor and self-deprecation, and the media's cluelessness) perfectly. You've probably seen it: He buys a lady's car with her kids in the back seat, because he's in a hurry.

Birkel said...

I like that Royal ass Inga can ignore the point that nobody on the Right actually thinks using the wrong word, "tactile," necessarily means a Democratic is stupid. But that an improper pronunciation or word choice would definitely mean a person on the Right was stupid according to all Democratics.

Scott Adams alleges two screens.
I allege two sets of rules is the goal.

effinayright said...

If you want to see what humor is NOT these days, go to YouTube and see any of the celebrity "roasts" where Don Rickles was a speaker.

SJWs and their ilk would stroke out and die listening to such hilarious insults today.


Andrew said...

Trump should visit Monticello and have some fun there as well. Make some throw away comments just to screw with their heads. Visit the slave quarters and remark how great they look.

stevew said...

If you don't have a sense of humor you won't get the joke, any joke.

Humorless scolds gotta scold, humorlessly.

Karen said...

What gets me is how breathlessly everyone hangs upon his every word to find something to criticize. Take a rest.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What gets me is how breathlessly everyone hangs upon his every word to find something to criticize. Take a rest.”

You people didn’t grow tired of doing this very thing to Obama for 8 years.

furious_a said...

It remains ever so entertaining to watch Trump flip the script, where now Liberals are the humorless moralizing preachers and redhatters are the kids who just wanna dance.

Google "Doctored video of Joe Biden fondling himself" for the latest escalation of liberals not getting it (and looking increasingly silly in doing so).

furious_a said...

with so many different reporters from so many different publications, all working independently under different editors, writing similar stories

LLR Chuck has never seen the collage videos of multiple reporters from multiple networks using the same phrasing ("walls closing in", "wheels coming off") when reporting stories about Trump.

Or as we're now learning, being fed the same oppo research doc from the same DOJ/FBI sources.

Rory said...

"Obvious questions: why *is* it named Mt. Vernon and not Mt. Washington?"

Vernon was Washington's stud pig.

furious_a said...

Tactile nucular weapons.

Earnest Prole said...

I would previously call this "willfully obtuse" but they've convinced me they actually believe what they say.

Ralph L said...

Wiki: when Washington's older half-brother, Lawrence Washington, inherited it, he changed its name to Mount Vernon in honor of Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, famed for the War of Jenkins' Ear and capture of the Portobelo, Colón. Vernon had been Lawrence's commanding officer in the British Royal Navy.

Much of Washington's wealth was tied up in land west of the Appalachians.

Pianoman said...

You forgot to add the "Death Of A Sense Of Humor" tag.

mezzrow said...

You people didn’t grow tired of doing this very thing to Obama for 8 years.

Inga, few things are more guaranteed to win hearts and minds that dropping in a "you people". I'll also note that "you people" didn't have any 'newspapers of record' or television networks available for those eight years. Only comment forums and blogs. Maybe some twitter. Attempts at humor or criticism were outright racism. Remember?

The amazing thing to me, in retrospect, is how small and unimportant Obama looks in the rearview mirror.

buwaya said...

Connections -

Lawrence Washington served under Vernon in the disastrous campaign of Cartagena.

Which Smollet, the novelist, notably described.

And the Spanish victor, Blas de Lezo, came from my abuelitas hometown, Passjes, south of San Sebastián/Donostia. A local and national hero.

The other side of Mount Vernon is a nest of straggling villages which have produced dozens of generations of Basque sailors.

Big Mike said...

The rooms, Trump said, were too small, the staircases too narrow, and he even spotted some unevenness in the floorboards, according to four sources briefed on his comments.

The rooms were small because they were heated by fireplaces. The floors are uneven because they’ve been there for 250 years. And I am pretty sure Trump knows that — he’s playing with people.

narciso said...

fascinating, buwaya, my family on my grandmother's side, is of some note, in cuba, the arteagas but no one of particular prominence like that,

elkh1 said...

A 45 min tour is 15 min too long.

elkh1 said...

Trump has his name on his bldgs., Washington had the Swamp named after him. Big Deal.

Amerigo, an Italian who'd never left his home country, named two continents, and a country. A Big F*cking Deal.

Yancey Ward said...

That was a funny joke- subtle and self-deprecating. Eliana Johnson usually does better than this, but I will just assume this is Lippmann's contribution to the story. Seriously, if you aren't going to give credit that this was a joke, you have to believe Trump doesn't know who George Washington was- I would be fucking embarrassed to have people read me making such a silly and stupid assumption. In short, in writing such things, the writers are almost oblivious to how stupid they appear, all in an attempt to mock Trump.

Do we even know this was the first time Trump has been to the estate? I mean, I am a complete nobody and I have been there before. For what it's worth, I also found the main residence to be smaller than expected and surprisingly shoddy by modern standards. I just thought it was charming in that way, but that is just me.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Okay, we're in full Pudd'nhead Wilson territory now:

That was fantastic! Thanks.

Known Unknown said...

"Kirsten Gillibrand said we ought to ban "tactile" nuclear weapons. More than once."

No matter the size and shape of the ICBM, you're certainly going to feel it.

Michael K said...

the kinds of things the morons in the Media tag as indicators of stupidity tend to be highly, if not wholly, dependent on the party affiliation of the offender.

I doubt they can pronounce "Corpsman" either.

JaimeRoberto said...

In fairness, nuclear weapons can be pretty tactile. Overwhelmingly so.

Wince said...

Andrew said...
Trump should visit Monticello and have some fun there as well.

By contrast, here's Al Gore trying to be serious.

mockturtle said...

Al Gore is dumber than a box of rocks.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, few things are more guaranteed to win hearts and minds that dropping in a "you people".”

Count your blessings, I could say far worse than “you people”.

Maillard Reactionary said...

AA: I think the answer to your question is, "Yes."

I personally found Trump's jokes, especially the one about the bed, hilarious. And this, from a person who visited Mount Vernon and found the modesty of scale and decoration in the place to be genuinely touching, and humanizing of the man who lived there.

And of course, the grave. Washington's grave. All in all an experience I that will never forget.

We are so lucky in our ancestors. Would that more knew what this means. (My ancestors were still living in poverty in Ireland at the time, but they adopted their new American ancestors many generations ago, so I consider them mine as well, just as much as the Irish ones.)

rcocean said...

MT Vernon is a nice little house, but its not Buckingham Palace. The view, as others have stated is amazing. Looking out over the porch to the Potomac River is quite impressive. Its easy to imagine that Washington could order goods from England or say Boston, and a ship could pull right up to his estate and drop them off.

Washington also had an extremely advanced (for the time) treading barn that he used to process Wheat. I thought that was impressive. And we don't think of him as an intellectual compared to Jefferson and Madison, but the Library was quite impressive.

rcocean said...

Its amazing that Trump gets off these hilarious lines, and all we get from the MSM is: "That's not funny". Next to Reagan, he is without a doubt, the funniest POTUS in my lifetime. BTW, I'm reading Comey's book, and in it, he says that Trump never laughed when he met him. And Comey "Googled" some Youtube video's and found that Trump never laughed. That leads to him to discuss how "weird" and "insecure" Trump is for not laughing.

Well, now we know: Trump Laughs. Just like Garbo.

walter said...

That's it.
Impeach the motherfucker!

Rusty said...

" But to me, this determined, contrarian Trump support is your most strange quality. I don't get it."
Pathalogical liars generally have difficulty understanding honesty.

walter said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...Count your blessings, I could say far worse than “you people”.
No doubt. As demonstrated by calling Althouse a "dumb bitch".

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