April 25, 2019

"I’m surprised by his announcement video. It’s negative and depressing, mentioning racism and anti-Semitism and a woman who died at a white supremacist rally..."

"... even as it tries to be inspiring (showing Martin Luther King, Jr. right before cutting to Biden announcing his candidacy). He’s focused on what’s wrong with the incumbent president, but says nothing distinctive about himself in over 3 minutes. The subtext is: Unlike the many candidates who’ve only come to your attention this year, I don’t need to introduce myself. I need no introduction. You don't need to be reminded of my time as Vice President, and I don't need to tell you where I stand on the issues. Instead of talking about himself, he talks about us. He ends by saying dramatically: "We have to remember who we are! This is America."

Writes John Althouse Cohen on his blog. I put up the new Biden video 2 posts down, so please limit comments here to responding to John. John also criticizes the video for showing the elderly Biden just sitting statically — not out and about, rubbing body parts with the people (I'm paraphrasing!). And John notes Biden's use of the old phrase 'all men are created equal'  — "an odd choice for a candidate who’s going to be criticized for being an old, white man who’s intruded into women's personal space."  Biden not only uses that "created equal" but also 'endowed by our Creator,' so it seems as though he wanted to infuse some acceptable religion into his "America is an idea" pitch.

ADDED: I think it may be a great strategy for Biden to offer to be a neutral entity embodying the American civil religion and to portray Trump as the great apostate.

UPDATE: I have now watched the Biden video (halfway) and condemn it. Read my new post.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Focus groped.

Big Mike said...

He’s focused on what’s wrong with the incumbent president, but says nothing distinctive about himself in over 3 minutes.

Two reasons for that. First, the coalition of identity groups that is the Democrat Party is fracturing right in front of our eyes. The only thing left to unite them is that they want Trump out, and right this minute or they'll hold their breath until their faces turn blue, and stamp their feet, and carry on screaming. Second, Biden doesn't really have anything besides a long list of jobs he's held. The most distinctive thing he's ever done is sic Anita Hill on Clarence Thomas, and obsequiously tell Barack Obama that Obamacare is the big F-bomb deal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ObamaCare is a big F-bomb deal.

CBO Report: 1.4 Million Lost Health Insurance Since 2016 — And Obamacare Is To Blame.

Bob Boyd said...

Its negative and depresssing

I had a similar reaction. Instead of Hope and Change, Biden went with Fear and Outrage.
He didn't hesitate to to inject another big dose of poison into the national psyche.
What an awful man.

Henry said...

I agree with John's assessment. It's a really depressing ad. If that's the material a Biden campaign wants to use, they should have saved it as an attack ad for the actual campaign.

As I said in the other post, Biden has a McCain vibe. He's a withered, befuddled puppet mouthing a boilerplate script for "how to run for president."

rehajm said...

John has a good take. Where’s Biden’s uplifting Bernie video? Ya think Bernie will flex his green by recycling that video? Anyways, Biden voters are in no mood for uplifting. It’s time to get the orange man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fran Waxman said...

Yes, we all know Trump is a very bad human being. Tell us how you will fix the mess that he's made of things as president. Will you undo his heinous tax cut for the rich? Will you address global warming that Trump foolishly doesn't believe exists? Etcetera, etcetera.

rhhardin said...

Created equal in the eyes of God. It has to be qualified.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Most of America's anti-semitism is on the left. Don't tell old Joe.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Feeling down? Not feeling Yourself America? Don't worry. Joe knows what it's like to feel American. He's here to cuddle.

rhhardin said...

Being great on the didgeridoo makes up for a lot of failings in God's eyes.

Greg Q said...

We DO remember who we are, and who we want to be

We are America, with a written Constitution, a Federal Representative Republic

We are not, and do not want to be, Venezuela

That's why we have Trump, and do not want anyone from the corrupt and evil Obama Admin

Go away, Joe

Ray - SoCal said...

I can’t wait for Trumps punch backs...

Especially on the anti Semitic charges.

Against a GOPe that turns the other cheek, the attacks have a chance.

Against a street fighter like Trump - pop corn time!

Birches said...

Agree with John. Seems a little tone deaf to start off your campaign with Charlottesville. Way inside the weeds.

Brian said...

John's points are well said. The issue is that Biden can't run on Obama's record: A) he's not Obama and Obama isn't going to endorse him, and B) the good ol' boy blue collar workforce that is Biden's base is doing better under Trump and they did under Obama.

The only thing that unites the DNC is hatred of Trump. So Biden is going to run on that. But the thing is, they are all going to run on that. The only thing Biden has is that it's "his turn". Good luck with that message.

My prediction. 3rd in Iowa. At best.

Sebastian said...

"I’m surprised by his announcement video. It’s negative and depressing, mentioning racism and anti-Semitism and a woman who died at a white supremacist rally..."

Not surprising: an attempt at inoculation against SJW denigration.

"... even as it tries to be inspiring (showing Martin Luther King, Jr. right before cutting to Biden announcing his candidacy)."

He's got to make a play for the black vote.

"He’s focused on what’s wrong with the incumbent president, but says nothing distinctive about himself in over 3 minutes."

Apart from full-on socialism and changing the Supreme Court, that's gonna be the Dem pitch. Trump hatred is their motivation.

"He ends by saying dramatically: "We have to remember who we are! This is America."

As phony as it is, and as he is, Biden has the one advantage that he does not actively hate America.

"And John notes Biden's use of the old phrase 'all men are created equal' — "an odd choice for a candidate who’s going to be criticized for being an old, white man who’s intruded into women's personal space." Biden not only uses that "created equal" but also 'endowed by our Creator,' so it seems as though he wanted to infuse some acceptable religion into his "America is an idea""

All seems pretty carefully crafted: Charlottesville to illustrate the horror of America, Declaration to appeal to nice midwestern women. He's saying: you can safely vote for me to get your liberal Supreme Court, I am not totally crazy.

Seeing Red said...

You don't need to be reminded of my time as Vice President,

But there were sooo many foot in mouths.....

Darrell said...

No borders no walls no America at all.

Vote Democrat if you want to end the dream.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"They're going to put y'all back in chains!"

How can any proud Black man not be repelled by this panderer?

Bob Boyd said...

Biden has sniffed America's hair and found it smelling of Nazis.
But don't worry. Uncle Joe wants to give us good shampoo. He'll have us smelling fresh and clean again. We won't have to feel ashamed when he comes up behind us anymore.

Mattman26 said...

Negative. Depressing. Boring AF.

And relying heavily on the "very fine people" lie.

But Biden gotta Biden.

I feel like this candidacy is going to fall flat pretty quickly.

Hagar said...

Joe Biden is a loyal Vice-President.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Only thing that united the left when Hillary ran was - hatred of Trump.

mccullough said...

I agree that this is a sad video that a half dozen highly paid consultants spent hundreds of hours working on.

Biden should have a positive message as his opener. He didn’t need to attack Trump yet or his Dem opponents.

Charlottesville is about as important as Altamont. I can’t believe he’s wasting time charging at the windmill of the threat of the white power movement.

This might please a few crazies in The Base but the only white people normal people are going to be concerned about in 2020 are Bernie Sandersand his supporters.

Michael K said...

The ad is obviously composed for a campaign rollout in Charlottesville but, according to Rush Limbaugh, the city told him they didn't want him there. Then he was going to go to Philly or Pittsburg.

Poor Joe. Nobody wants him.

Murph said...

The focus on Charlottesville also re-opens the actual Trump words and media coverage to renewed scrutiny. Which reveals the lie on which Biden is basing his announcement.

See red-boxed transcript text, here:


Bay Area Guy said...

The video is depressing, but is it effective?

Did it reach the targeted Americans? Remember -- our gal Hillary got 66 Million votes. The vast majority of these 66 Million are NOT young, loud, ignorant, leftwing, college kids on Twitter. Rather, they are middle age, mostly white midwestern or Pennsylvania types.

I think it was effective. Biden has nearly 100% name recognition. The guy was VP for 8 years. If he comes off as normal Joe (not Hair-Sniffer Joe), he will appeal to these 66 Million voters and more.

Yes, it's fun to make fun of Sleepy Joe. We can do that all day. But he is easily the most formidable of the Dem candidates, and there are a lot of Democrat voters out there.

It'd be a political mistake to dismiss him.

mccullough said...

The American Civic Religion is an interesting concept.

Trump tapped into it with Make America Great Again.

Too many Dems just hate America. They are tremendously ignorant of it. People like Omar whose family was rescued by the US and then spout bullshit about genocide and neocolonialism are the future of the Party.

Biden can’t tap into something like civic appreciation of America. It just wouldn’t work for a Dem. It’s also a general election strategy and Biden won’t make it to the general election. His candidacy is the death knell of the traditional Dem.

walter said...

"John also criticizes the video for showing the elderly Biden just sitting statically"
Apparently there were multiple versions of his announce made.
Early one might have shown Sloe Joe slo-mo diving into pool wearing only his 76 yr old birthday suit.

Bay Area Guy said...

If the Dems do 2 things:

1. Embrace Biden; and
2. Drop the Impeachment nonsense

they will have a better than 50-50 shot at beating Trump in 2020.

Don't hate the Messenger - Heh.

ps. I still love my friends in the Commentariat. I am just trying to call it as I see it, without wishful thinking.

Mark said...

So, I guess Joe wants us to talk about how he worked against school desegregation.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Biden has made a big mistake getting into the race. He is a dinosaur. Represents the 'good old boys' network. He has a lot...LOT...of baggage.

I hope he is prepared to get beaten up by everyone and especially by the young Turks in his radicalized Democrat party. He is going to have it coming at him from all sides. And now he has drug the rest of his remaining family into the mud wrestling pit.

I don't think he has any idea what he is getting into. It isn't 1972 anymore Joe!!!

I almost feel sorry for him.


cubanbob said...

Biden has been around so long that there is video of him blathering about almost every position that he contradicts himself on just about everything. Full of shit then or full of shit now. Then there is his sketchy wealth and shady deals and he is the best the Democrats have.

walter said...

Who would he pick for his "butt buddy"?

Mark said...

Reports the Washington Post -

Biden took a lead role in the fight, speaking out repeatedly and forcefully against sending white children to majority-black schools and black children to majority-white schools. He played down the persistence of overt racism and suggested that the government should have a limited role in integration.

“I do not buy the concept, popular in the ’60s, which said, ‘We have suppressed the black man for 300 years and the white man is now far ahead in the race for everything our society offers. In order to even the score, we must now give the black man a head start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race,’ ” Biden told a Delaware-based weekly newspaper in 1975. “I don’t buy that.”

mccullough said...

I’m glad Biden is running. Everyone needs to see what the Dem Oarty has become.

Joe is a statue they are going to tear down.

wendybar said...

And it is a giant lie. President Trump was NOT defending white supremicists. He was talking about the people who were against statues being taken down for NO GOOD REASON!!! Joe's Campaign slogan should be Grope and change....

Dave Begley said...

In response to John, we do know Biden. What did he know about the Iran deal. More importantly, what did he know about the spying on the Trump campaign and when did he know it? I'm going to ask Joe that question if he ever shows up in southwest Iowa.

MBunge said...

What was Biden's campaign schedule like in 2016? In 2012, when he and Obama were running for re-election? He is an old man and running for President is one of the most physically and mentally demanding things you can do...unless you literally just don't campaign, like Hillary did for long stretches of 2016.

It is interesting that Biden's argument seems to be acknowledging Trump has done a good job as President but that it doesn't matter because ORANGE MAN BAD. At least Bernie says why he should be President, not just why Trump shouldn't.


livermoron said...

If the Dems do what you propose they have a chance to beat PDT, but I don't see it as a 50/50 chance. Tough to beat a strong economy. And no wars.

Mccullogh's take seems about right.

Two-eyed Jack said...

America is an idea--a vague idea. Trump is not who we are, but if he is re-elected, he will change who we are, and we can never change who we are, because that is not who we are.

Mark said...

Biden proposed his own amendment to the $36 billion education bill . . . He explained, “All the amendment says is that some bureaucrat sitting down there in HEW cannot tell a school district whether it is properly segregated or desegregated, or whether it should or should not have funds.” . . . [Black Massachusetts Senator] Brooke pointed out that the amendment would do much more than Biden claimed. Like the Helms gambit, it would still gut Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
-- Politico

cubanbob said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
If the Dems do 2 things:

1. Embrace Biden; and
2. Drop the Impeachment nonsense

they will have a better than 50-50 shot at beating Trump in 2020.

Don't hate the Messenger - Heh.

ps. I still love my friends in the Commentariat. I am just trying to call it as I see it, without wishful thinking."

Interesting point and if the Democrats were still recognizably American you would be spot on. However unless Biden renounces virtually all of the positions the other Democrats are running which would make him a Trump Lite then what would be the appeal to the electorate he needs to gain in order to win? This time with Trump it isn't ephemeral Hope and Change, Trump has a record of accomplishments and Biden after more than thirty years in DC doesn't.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

John, Althouse's son, represents the younger generation and views Biden through a totally different lens that those who are Biden's contemporaries (Boomers) or those who are what seems to be his target market.

Negative, depressing, static. Using old and trite phraseology. None of this is dynamic or going to appeal to the younger further left crowd. Nor is it going to arouse the middle aged or even 'elderly' to switch parties or come out to vote.

The only good thing, for the Republicans, is that the inevitable infighting among the Democrats is going to further fracture the party. The best thing the Repbs and Trump can do is to just sit back and let them continue to cannibalize themselves.

cubanbob said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
If the Dems do 2 things:

1. Embrace Biden; and
2. Drop the Impeachment nonsense

they will have a better than 50-50 shot at beating Trump in 2020.

Don't hate the Messenger - Heh.

ps. I still love my friends in the Commentariat. I am just trying to call it as I see it, without wishful thinking."

Interesting point and if the Democrats were still recognizably American you would be spot on. However unless Biden renounces virtually all of the positions the other Democrats are running which would make him a Trump Lite then what would be the appeal to the electorate he needs to gain in order to win? This time with Trump it isn't ephemeral Hope and Change, Trump has a record of accomplishments and Biden after more than thirty years in DC doesn't.

John henry said...

Former VPs and sitting VPs are disqualified from running for president.

Not legally but as a practical matter.

I can't for the life of me understand why anyone thinks this is not a really really stupid idea.

Pence in 2024 is disqualified too.

He should do us all a favor and announce now that he won't run in 2024.

John Henry

walter said...

He'll be on the V iew tomorrow. Whoopi, Joy..what a handful.

Birches said...

I heard he was filming in his home town a couple of weeks ago. Must be the video they didn't like.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Note: I am not saying that John is a representation of the radical left. I get the sense that he is not at all, but more moderate.

To young voters, Biden is an ancient irrelevant white man. The Democrat party has done its very best to alienate, anger and eject from their party that demographic (white, working class, union, rural, religious).

Now, there isn't much left to draw upon other than young, radicalized and illegal aliens who they hope will vote Dem or whose votes can be "harvested" aka voter fraud.

Tommy Duncan said...

Bay Area Guy said: "Yes, it's fun to make fun of Sleepy Joe. We can do that all day. But he is easily the most formidable of the Dem candidates, and there are a lot of Democrat voters out there."

Brian said: "...the good ol' boy blue collar workforce that is Biden's base is doing better under Trump and they did under Obama."

I'm with Brian. Biden's base consists of the people who have most benefited from the Trump economy. Meanwhile, Biden's appeal to other constituencies is as an old white guy.

Achilles said...

Bay Area Guy said...
If the Dems do 2 things:

1. Embrace Biden; and
2. Drop the Impeachment nonsense

they will have a better than 50-50 shot at beating Trump in 2020.

They will do the same thing Mitt did in 2012.

Republican voters did not want Mitt Romney. The CoC drug him to the nomination over our protests and he lost an election because many stayed home.

Democrat voters hate white males and are inherently racist. They do not want Joe Biden.

The DNC is obviously well versed in rigging primaries and could make Joe the nominee. But there is no more good will between the party and the core of the voting base.

The question then becomes how obvious will they make their fraud. The vote harvesting in California and other States was flagrant but it wouldn't be enough to change the electoral college.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William said...

The banalities were more numerous than the dog whistles. Well, now we know that the typical Trump voter has more in common with the Nuremberg Rally crowd than with real Americans like Joe Biden and his voters. If MLK were alive today, he would vote for Biden..........I don't think Biden will inspire the best efforts of the media and creative class. It's like writing ad copy for linoleum. Buttigieg, on the other hand, is like writing ad copy for a Tesla.......Biden will perhaps get more votes, but no one on earth thinks that he is something fresh and new. Voting for him would not be a redemptive and moral act in the way voting for Obama was. Only Buttigieg offers salvation.

Yancey Ward said...

Brian said what I want to say- my way of saying it is that Biden is kind of stuck because he has spent more time in the Executive Branch than Trump has in the last 10 years.

Biden can win against Trump- all he needs is to win the nomination and for a recession to hit before the election. That may or may not happen. If Biden is smart, he would tack to the center right now, but watching this video made me think all he is going to do is try to one up the rest of the major candidates, and that won't help separate him from the pack.

The funny thing is that Biden would be president today if he had had the courage to run in 2016- he let Clinton bluff him out of the race- or maybe it wasn't a bluff, maybe she had the goods on him, too.

Achilles said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
Note: I am not saying that John is a representation of the radical left. I get the sense that he is not at all, but more moderate.

John voted for Bernie. That is the definition of radical.

If that isn't radical and somehow represents a viable political position in our republic we are in trouble as a country.

You can always get a few nuts and idiots to vote socialist. There are a few nuts and idiots everywhere.

But elections do not mean everything. Getting a majority or plurality of people to vote for mass murder, starvation and poverty like John did does not make it OK.

Henry said...

@DBQ -- I'm an old voter and as far as I'm concerned, Biden is an ancient irrelevant white man.

I actually saw Biden speak, in person, not long before his run in 1988. He was actually impressive in the Q&A -- glib with decent recall of facts and observations. Still, at the time, he was an obscure Senator from Delaware. Maybe that's the best he could be.

MayBee said...

I think the Dam electorate as they see it- the Twitter Electorate- loves to hear negative things about the country.

John henry said...

OTOH, rhhardin,

The only didgeridoo player that I know of will probably die in prison for kiddie fucking.

John Henry

buwaya said...

Re the American civic religion-
To paraphrase Nietzsche, it’s gods are dead.
It’s temples are of interest only as historic, artistic and cultural objects.

So many people see the corpse, daily, and yet miss the discoloration, the stink, of this decaying object.
I can’t explain it.

There is nothing there anymore. You are all better off declaring a year zero, and starting over.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

You don't need to be reminded of my time as Vice President

"Once Biden, Twice shy"

Yancey Ward said...

I have seen quite a few videos of Biden from the last 2 years, I don't think he can actually campaign effectively. The truly astonishing thing about Trump is his vitality at 72- Biden appears less energetic than Hillary! does today. The contrast that will rule the nomination process is that between Sanders and Biden going forward- the difference between those two men of equal age (Sanders is just over 1 year older) will not be favorable to Biden.

Like I wrote above, Biden should take positions contrary to the field- that will help him a lot both in the primaries and in the general election, but I don't think he has the brains to do this.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Unlike the many candidates who’ve only come to your attention this year, I don’t need to introduce myself. I need no introduction. You don't need to be reminded of my time as Vice President, and I don't need to tell you where I stand on the issues.

Hi! I'm Joe Biden! Vote for me, I'm not the other guy!

Why does this seem like the most perfectest Joe Biden campaign slogan ever?!

John henry said...


Biden has spent Zero time in the executive branch.


VP is part of the legislative branch

John Henry

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Biden not only uses that "created equal" but also 'endowed by our Creator,'...

Yeah, yeah, we know Joe likes the word endowed. I bet it got used a lot when he was feeling up Ash Carter's wife.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Biden appears less energetic than Hillary!

it's due to the chloroform-laced hairspray the women in his sphere use lately

Lurker21 said...

Many say Biden would have won in 2016 if he ran. Now I'm not so sure. He's tired and out of ideas and doesn't have anything to say. He's complacent about his ability to draw votes away from Trump and could have been taken by surprise as Hillary Clinton was.

But this isn't 2016. If Biden hires half-way intelligent staffers they will have studied and learned the lessons of the last election and they will plug some of the holes in their strategy. If Biden gets the nomination and listens to smart advice, he may not be a push-over in November.

Birches said...

I'm not sure Dem operatives know who their voters are. I think they're playing for who they wish them to be.

gadfly said...

It sounds like Biden believes the foreign leaders who think that Plugs can defeat Mafioso Don - but there is no foreign understanding of American politics. Groping Joe has a shiny new face-lift but Harry Reid, Terry McAuliffe, and Barack Obama have all turned down Biden's request for support. So the elite Dems are likely holding out for Michelle's grand entrance which will undoubtedly put Donnie's escalator ride to shame.

Seventy-six trombones led the big parade of the big donors who provided much of the Obama and Hillary money stashes but "times-they-are-a-changin'." Collecting contributions $10-$20 at a whack is a paygrade above Biden - so he is already begging for money. I predict that after one primary election failure, he will be off to his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach.

Biden's secret weapon is supposedly possession of Obama's somewhat illegal mailing list, chock full of foreign investor contacts dating back 8-10 years. And are we to believe that the Democrats don't share resources?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

they will plug some of the holes in their strategy

they will have to do a better job at plugging than his hairline

Yancey Ward said...

John Henry,

That is practically not true- yes, the VP presides over the Senate, but every VP of my lifetime sits in on the cabinet meetings. They are all de facto executive branch officials- every single one of them- they publicly tout and otherwise support the President on whose ticket they ran, and are selected by that President.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

If they run Biden, I’ll stay home.

Big Mike said...

@Inga, no you won't. You hate Trump too much. Blind, unreasoning hatred.

Fen said...

Biden can win against Trump- all he needs is to win the nomination and for a recession to hit before the election. That may or may not happen

The media will create one. And the Inga-Chucks will have the audacity to tell us we are the delusional ones for ignoring "they greatest economic downturn in history" or somesuch.

Or so says the Three-Eyed Raven.

Bookmark this post, you'll see.

Bob Boyd said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
If they run Biden, I’ll stay home.

How come?

Rick said...

He ends by saying dramatically: "We have to remember who we are! This is America."

We remember who you are Joe. The "moderate" hope is someone who asserts Republicans want to put blacks "back in chains". This is America today, the left of America anyway.

Rick said...

Instead of Hope and Change, Biden went with Fear and Outrage.

This difference is overstated. Obama's expressed hope and change was for everyone who disagreed with him to sit in the back and shut up. It's a difference in style but not in substance.

Bob Boyd said...

It's a difference in style but not in substance.

I think that's true, but not insignificant. The change in style reflects the change in the tenor of the times. Politics is less aspirational, more confrontational. Obama's legacy.

robother said...

Based on my conversations with white Democrat lawyers, all BIden needs to do is tap into their revulsion at Trump, while not being the scary Bernie/Pocahantas socialist. Biden needs the Socialist Left to be enough of a threat to turn out "moderate" Democrat voters, while leaving the dirty work against Bernie to other candidates, so he can unite the party. Don't look for inspiration from Biden in either the primary or general election.

To be fair, Trump showed that being willing to get down in the gutter and fight is necessary to compete for blue collar voters. (I expect that Biden's career of copping feels is a net positive with that base, too, as it was for Trump.) As Trump also demonstrates, Biden's foot in mouth disease is no deal killer, either. Biden is the most formidable threat; the only question is whether he really has the endurance for the 2 year long slog. (Hillary, for all she thought she wanted it, did not.)

Nichevo said...

The issue is that Biden can't run on Obama's record: A) he's not Obama and Obama isn't going to endorse him,

No?!? Why would he even bother, then? Forget Michelle wanting it, I'm sure she doesn't, too much like work. If not her and not Biden, then who?

and B) the good ol' boy blue collar workforce that is Biden's base is doing better under Trump and they did under Obama.

Better yet, they're probably too stupid to be brainwashed into believing otherwise. They may not be math majors but they can add up a pay stub. Deplorables to a man.

Nichevo said...

(I expect that Biden's career of copping feels is a net positive with that base, too, as it was for Trump.)

What's wrong with you? If you are totally incapable of drawing distinctions, so you then think that they are?

Nichevo said...

Blogger John henry said...
OTOH, rhhardin,

The only didgeridoo player that I know of will probably die in prison for kiddie fucking.

John Henry

4/25/19, 11:04 AM

I'm just waiting for him to explain to you why there's nothing wrong with that.

Bilwick said...

I like the parody Biden-for-President poster, done in the style of an old Obama poster, only instead of the word "HOPE" there's the word "GROPE."

Sebastian said...

"“I think I have a much higher I.Q. than you do I suspect. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship – the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship,” Biden said, going on to claim that he graduated in the top half of his law school. Problem is -- it's all false."

Well, it did not matter to O and it did not matter to people voting for O. Is there anything Dems haven't lied about in recent years? Ocare, Charlottesville, collusion, Ferguson and Trayvon, hate crimes here and there, Trump and pussy, Hill and her emails, and so on and so forth?

Their treatment of Slow Joe also shows they do not care about buffoonery--except, of course, as a tool to attack Trump.

Kevin said...

Biden can't run to the left of anyone on policy.

So all that's left is to out-hate everyone on Trump.

I look forward to his outrage growing to maintain his place when others move into his territory.

By Iowa he might go the full Howard Dean.

Michael K said...

Blogger robother said...
Based on my conversations with white Democrat lawyers, all BIden needs to do is tap into their revulsion at Trump, while not being the scary Bernie/Pocahantas socialist. Biden needs the Socialist Left to be enough of a threat to turn out "moderate" Democrat voters, while leaving the dirty work against Bernie to other candidates, so he can unite the party. Don't look for inspiration from Biden in either the primary or general election.

I don't think that makes enough voters but go for it Joe !

Anonymous said...

First they came for the whites wanting to attend the Trump rally in Chicago, back when he was a candidate running; violence was threatened against those whites; and that rally was cancelled, to "protect the people" given as the rationale...

(but I didn't say nuttin' cuz I wasn't a working-class white from Chicago wanting to attend a Trump rally);

then they came for the Catholic high-school boys: demonstrably false allegations against a Supreme Court candidate made yeeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrs after he graduated his prep school, a whi' b'y who likes his beer a bit too much, sure... and then a kid on a field-trip, too dumb and green yet to move his ass out of trouble when he finds himself surrounded by it....

(I didn't say nuttin' cuz I wasn't never a Cat'lic school boy);

then they came for teh honest taxpayers and college-loan payers and childless people not wanting to support anyone's out-of-wedlock child (all the single mothers!)...

(but I didn't speak out because in the aggregate, socialism helps so many poor people and if we all have to chip in and some people pay more than they cost, well somebody's got to be the responsible party and pay down society's bills. 'Sides, I like payin' taxes, putting my my fair share, and looking around me at others to chip in considerably too... make 'em give 'til it hurts even if it doesn't really hurt ME much);

then, finally, they came for the Jews of Charlottesville, and the whites honoring history via their statues, and the truthtellers who had to see facts twisted until they're unrecognizable...

Then me, and my mother, we stepped up and spoke out!
It was time. Finally...
(then we wondered: were we too late? Were we the missing voices needed to help turn the ship around? Had me missed out on the sufferings of other Others, and now when we were finally ready to "disqualify" candidates that overall hurt us with their divisiveness, had the ship passed us by?

Is performance art cheaper than more long-lasting Art?

Anonymous said...

I don't think that makes enough voters but go for it Joe !

He might get the white, working-class, Dem vote of old. That's why the party's running him, what they are hoping for, looking at those one-on-one matchup's with each of their candidate v. Trump.

My money's on re-eleting the president, though.

If this is how the Dems are starting out -- trying to regain that solid Dem voter while not losing the newcomers/agitators who have the great ideas on paper that haven't yet been tested in real life (how'd that Iraq invasion/Libyan war turn out for the world, again?), they are screwed.

Divisiveness is not a winning strategy.
You can't play blacks against whites, and hope to re-build a Dem party. Won't work. (religious v. gays; legal immigrants/citizens v. smugglers/illegal employers/exploited undocumented 21st-century wage slaves/liberal activists convinced they are "helping" people; men v. women; etc. etc. etc.)

That is how the current Dem 2020 campaign strategy is shaping up.

They haven't learned a damn thing in recent years. And the Republican establishment is in hiding, but not put down yet...

#Trump2020 -- Keep the progress growing.
The real progress, that changes lives, day by day.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"I’m surprised by his announcement video. It’s negative and depressing, mentioning racism and anti-Semitism and a woman who died at a white supremacist rally..."
"... even as it tries to be inspiring (showing Martin Luther King, Jr. right before cutting to Biden announcing his candidacy). He’s focused on what’s wrong with the incumbent president, but says nothing distinctive about himself in over 3 minutes. The subtext is: Unlike the many candidates who’ve only come to your attention this year, I don’t need to introduce myself. I need no introduction. You don't need to be reminded of my time as Vice President, and I don't need to tell you where I stand on the issues. Instead of talking about himself, he talks about us. He ends by saying dramatically: "We have to remember who we are! This is America."


You mean, it's almost like he's saying that to run in opposition to the American Hitler president is reason enough to vote for him.

I guess some of us forget how appealing you find it to keep the American Hitler president in power. Or maybe you just support keeping him in office out of laziness.


Molly said...

The word "racism" has a (relatively) new meaning: if (a) a white person says something; (b) I disagree with the statement; and (c) the statement has anything even vaguely related to racist, then the statement is "racist" and person saying it is "a racist". It is too bad that the word has taken on this new meaning, and I believe we should try to come up with a new word to mean what we used to mean when we said "racism" -- a statement or attitude that is based on a belief that there are systematic differences between races, and that because of those systematic differences, one race is superior to another. So with the old definition the following statements or attitudes are racist: (1) Asians are better at math; (2) Blacks are more inclined to commit crimes; (3) Whites can't jump (dance?). But with the new definition, only (2) is definitely racist; (3) is almost certainly not; and (1) would be racist if a white person says it, though arguably not racist if a person of color says it.

Anonymous said...

You mean, it's almost like he's saying that to run in opposition to the American Hitler president is reason enough to vote for him.

But that is the truthiest thing about it. Strategists are predicting/hoping the general public will forgive Joe all his past faults because... Trummp. Stack up to him, the rest of it washes away.

The prime reason to vote Joe Biden, truth be told?
"Vote Joe. I ain't Donald Trump!"

(As I said upthread, people vote for stability. Say what you will about the Trump administration, stability has reached the masses right now... Gotta remember: it takes awhile to work its way inland. Nuts to these free college, free healthcare for all, free payments to blacks who can prove their folks were slaves from those they can prove held them, or whatever the latest proposal by paper geniuses is, etc etc)

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "I guess some of us forget how appealing you find it to keep the American Hitler president in power."

Jewish State of Israel announces new town will be named after President Trump.

Just like Hitler!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jewish State? What's a Jewish State?

Something that appeals to Jewish Statists?

Judaism as a state religion. Imagine that.

monika love said...

I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kids to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this email address Driyayi48hourslovespell@gmail.com, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks To Dr IYAYI. His email: Driyayi48hourslovespell@gmail.com and His WhatsApp Number: +23480054613715

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