April 29, 2019

"Here’s the deal. I have to be much more aware of the private space of men and women."

Said Joe Biden on "The View" last week.

In the context of past incursions on female personal space, I found this subject line unusually dumb:
That's from email received within the last hour.

I'm not saying I'm worried that Biden wants to get in my private space. I'm concerned about his "intelligence, long in doubt."


BarrySanders20 said...

He forgot children. Men, women, and children, Joe.

Henry said...

If nothing else, when he bows out, he can use his logo to launch a donut shop.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Here’s the deal. I have to be much more aware of the private space of men and women."

Good start! Also, no naked swimming in front of female secret service agents. . It makes them feel awkward. If you're gonna hang brain after, say, age 72, ya gotta be more empathetic.

AllenS said...


Bob Boyd said...
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Dan from Madison said...

Wow what an awful logo. I thought it was "Jo" with an American flag replica type thingee on the end at first.

Mike Sylwester said...
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tds said...

If he wanted to invade your private space, he would not be asking. He would just put his hands on your shoulders and took ooonnneeee vveeerryyyy looooong sniff. So it must be something else. Most probably $$.

gspencer said...

His intelligence may be in doubt, but not his greed. A "public servant" his entire life - meaning getting a taxpayer-funded paycheck every week with no accountability as demanded in the dreaded private sector - and he's really wealthy.

Mike Sylwester said...
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Lucid-Ideas said...

Alright full stop. Biden was not infringing on women and little girls 'personal space'...AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO'S ACTUALLY WATCHED THE VIDEOS?

That. shit. is. creepy. He's a 'letch'. He knows exactly what he's doing. I am flabbergasted that these same crybabies are giving him a 'pass'. Watch the frickin' videos all over youtube for pete's sake.

And then there's the 2nd hand accounts of his naked swimming...jesus.

traditionalguy said...

Biden using his authority to smell and feel up a pols wife and the mother of the children present at his swearing in ceremony that has them captured is rude and crude. But it is simply Droit Du Seigneur.

The problem is Joe clearly enjoying himself by feeling up all the prepubescent little girls, with their parents watching. He should be shot for that evil crap.

Mike Sylwester said...

While speaking to students at the University of New Hampshire in 2011, Vice President Joe Biden told men in the audience that “no matter what a girl does, no matter how she’s dressed, no matter how much she’s had to drink—it’s never, never, never, never, never OK to touch her without her consent.”
"Biden Reaps the #MeToo Whirlwind", by Ashe Schow, The Wall Street Journal, April 4, 2019


If you are the US Vice President, they let you touch them and sniff their hair -- especially if you are doing it in front of photographers and a crowd.

Jerry said...

He's a perv. He's been a perv for a long time.

But as a high-ranking D, he's ALLOWED to perve. In fact, judging by the history of the Democratic Party, it's almost expected. Kennedys, Clintons - it's like the Dems WANT an 'elite' they can excuse for all manner of rudeness and crudeness.

Royalty, after all, is not constrained by notions of proper behavior...

Bob Boyd said...

"I have to be much more aware of the private space of men and women."
Said Joe Biden. "That's why I drill the peepholes."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing females on the View love them some old white powerful progressive perv.

*See Bill Clinton.

Mike Sylwester said...

Joe Biden, Obama Officials Stood to Gain From Ukraine Influence, by Jeff Carlson, in his blog The Markets Work

The article begins:

As Ukraine underwent dramatic changes in 2014, Vice President Joe Biden played a critical role in the Obama administration’s involvement in the revolution that ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych.

Following the revolution, Biden would use his influence to help force the creation of the troubled National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU). Notably, during the 2016 elections information leaked from NABU on Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort that helped to create the false narrative that Trump colluded with Russia to win the elections.

Biden would also use the threat of withholding a billion dollars in American loan guarantees to pressure Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor general. At the time the prosecutor had been investigating Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas giant that Biden’s son, Hunter, was a board member on. ....

Qwinn said...

Did Joe really say "men and women"?

Cause as far as I know, no man has ever even suggested you violated their personal space, Joe.

But it wouldn't have sounded as good if you'd just said you need to be aware of women's private space, huh? That it was strictly and only women whose space you have violated?

But, consider, Joe... if you DID violate some man's personal space, it might just win you the Jim McGreevey "I am a Gay American!" exemption from all previous wrongdoings.

Swede said...

And children, you fucking creep.

Anonymous said...

Ann, I wouldn't be so sure that given the opportunity Joe wouldn't get in your private space. I would be really careful were I you if he ever shows up in Madison.

Jupiter said...

I'm not saying I'm worried that Biden wants to get in my private space. I'm concerned about his "intelligence, long in doubt."

Althouse, get with the program. The problem is not that he's stupid, or a groper. The problem is that he's a God-Damned Democrat. Which means he's a fucking Communist who wants to destroy our nation. He is the Enemy! If he is elected President, we will get eight more years of Obama. How you can imagine that there is material here for a reasoned debate is utterly beyond me. It's like debating the desirability of rabies, with a polio chaser.

gilbar said...

Dan from Madison said...
I thought it was "Jo" with an American flag replica type thingee on the end at first.

Yes, Apparently, Jo Biden has officially shortened zis first name (1st step to gender reassignment?)

Hagar said...

Joe Biden is like a glass jar you can fill with any color candy you wish.

Dave Begley said...

Biden finished in the bottom 10% of his Syracuse Law class. I wouldn't want anyone in the bottom 10% of my class at Creighton Law to be President. Same for Wisconsin Law.

DarkHelmet said...

The logo immediately makes me think of his hair implants. Sparse little strands sticking out for no good reason.

Mike Sylwester said...

Joe Biden On Anita Hill In 1998: ‘She Was Lying’, by Mollie Hemmingway, published on The Federalist website.

The article includes the following passages:

.... in 1998, [Senator Joe] Biden admitted to [Senator Arlen] Specter that “It was clear to me from the way she [Anita Hill] was answering the questions, [Hill] was lying” about a key part of her testimony."

The exchange was published in Specter’s 2000 memoir, Passion for Truth: From Finding JFK’s Single Bullet to Questioning Anita Hill to Impeaching Clinton.

.... The widely watched hearings revealed inaccuracies in Hill’s various versions of events and ended with 58 percent of Americans believing Thomas and only 24 percent believing Hill. There was no gap between the sexes in the results. ....

.... Finally he [Specter] asked Hill about a USA Today article that claimed, “Anita Hill was told by Senate staffers her signed affidavit alleging sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas would be the instrument that ‘quietly and behind the scenes’ would force him to withdraw his name.”

Specter read from the article: “Keith Henderson, a 10-year friend of Hill and former Senate Judiciary Committee staffer, says Hill was advised by Senate staffers that her charge would be kept secret and her name kept from public scrutiny.” Later it said, “They would approach Judge Thomas with the information and he would withdraw and not turn this into a big story, Henderson says.”

Specter asked her if this was true, attempting to find out what Senate Democrats had arranged with Hill. Nine times she denied the claim, demurred, or otherwise attempted to get away from the question. She said she could vividly remember events related to Thomas from many years prior, but couldn’t quite remember this conversation from weeks prior. Specter described the scene in the book, and even interviewed Biden about it:

After this exchange Biden recessed the committee. Biden told me in November 1998, ‘It was clear to me from the way she was answering the questions, she was lying.’

‘At that point I truncated the hearing and recessed it early for lunch,’ Biden said. ‘I turned to my chief of staff and said, ‘Go down and tell her lawyers that if her recollection is not refreshed by the time she gets back, I will be compelled to pursue the same line of questioning the Senator [Specter] did. Because it seems to me, she did what he said.’

Biden, as the committee’s chairman and top Democrat, would have carried great sway if he had suggested publicly that Hill was lying when she repeatedly answered questions about Thomas’s potential withdrawal by saying she didn’t remember.

.... when Hill came back from lunch, her story had changed.

“There was some indication that the ... nominee might not wish to continue the process,” Hill admitted. Asked to clarify whether a particular staffer had told her that Thomas “might not wish to continue to go forward with his nomination, if you came forward?” Hill again admitted, “Yes.”

The exchange was just one example of why so many Americans outside of the liberal media thought Hill lacked credibility. ....

Sebastian said...

"I'm concerned about his "intelligence, long in doubt.""

But, as we know from Althouse's vote in '08, women's bodies and the promise of "pragmatism" can easily override doubts about a candidate's intelligence. After all, as best I recall, she did vote for Slow Joe as VP.

John henry said...

Does anyone else, besides Iowahawk, Glenn and me see a hand cupping a teat in the lower right corner of that image?

What kind of genius designs a logo like that for someone who is trying to get past his reputation of being handsy?

John Henry

John henry said...

In any event, former VPs seldom get nominated and never get elected. With one exception in the past 200 years.

Joe is only in it to provide entertainment to us folks.

John Henry

Yancey Ward said...

Just put garlic in your hair, and you will be fine.

Bob Boyd said...

Just put garlic in your hair, and you will be fine.

Put in a mouse trap. Catch that nose.

Yancey Ward said...

And this statement by Biden is basically a fucking lie. Watch the damned videos- it isn't "men and women"- it is women and young girls that he is wont to grope, sniff, and nuzzle. Of course, he can't say that statement correctly because it would actually sound much, much worse.

John henry said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...

Good start! Also, no naked swimming in front of female secret service agents. . It makes them feel awkward.

Much as I like to laugh at Joe, I think this is a bogus charge. It is his private swimming pool and he has the right to swim naked in it if he likes. He has no need to change the habits of, apparently, a lifetime, just to appease some women who are made uncomfortable.

I suspect there are always male SS types around, let one of them supervise his swimming if need be.

Back in the 60's at the Albany NY YMCA lots of the movers and shakers would swim nude every morning. It was not a gay thing. Just a bunch of guys skinny dipping.

Naturally, women complained that they could not swim at the Young MEN'S Christian Association pool so it was eventually opened up to them. The men said OK, we can't keep them out but we are not going to change the way we swim and continued to swim nude with the women.

What do you mean? That's a pretty stupid question. OF COURSE, the women complained and made the men wear trunks.

John Henry

Yancey Ward said...

And you have wonder about eunuchs like Ash Carter who basically stood there on stage in public letting another, more powerful man grope his wife. I would fucking die of the embarrassment.

cubanbob said...

I'm concerned about his "intelligence, long in doubt."

Remember Althouse voted once(?) for the guy who chose Biden as his life insurance.

Tcdq1293 said...

Hello Nigerian relative with unexpected inheritance.

Brian said...

Biden is toast. You can't start a Presidential political campaign on an apology tour.

bleh said...

Biden keeps reiterating that he's done the same thing to men, too. That's obviously a huge component of his damage control strategy. So every time the subject comes up, he makes sure to say "women and men." He wants to de-sexualize his conduct to the extent possible.

The optics, as they say, are horrible for Biden. The way he sniffs hair and gropes and physically envelopes his victims is really gross. He looks creepy and totally lecherous. Honestly Biden is a terribly flawed gaffe machine, and he has a checkered history in politics and many questionable entanglements ... but this particular weakness could be fatal because it is so visual. The media is going to have a real hard time playing defense for him.

n.n said...

No, get it on camera, when they don't allow you, and we'll have a gay, olde time.

Jerry said...

"Joe is only in it to provide entertainment to us folks."

I'm not entertained.

Alarmed? Yes.
Rather disgusted? Yes.

Entertained? No.

stlcdr said...

Jo? Who's Jo? It's Logo Jo. Maybe Jo gonna get Jo free chit.

johns said...

Listening to Biden's response to the questions put to him about his treatment of women, questions which must be among the most anticipated in history, it seems that his stumbling to express himself is not going to work well when debating Donald Trump.

LA_Bob said...

Joe Biden's intelligence is in doubt?

I've never doubted Biden's intelligence. I thought it was settled he's a bonehead.

If Biden is the best the Democrats can offer....Trump damned well better win.

DavidD said...


Joe Obama?


Yo mama?

Jo Biden? Trans-Joe?

Curious George said...

Biden has had two brain surgeries. "One air hits the brain it's never the same."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

plagiarized the G.I.JOE logo from the kid's toy.

Etienne said...

fuck me in the heart...

DavidD said...

By the way, it *is* men, too.

I’m too lazy to look for it but I’ve seen a picture of Joe with his hand on some beefy male sheriff deputy’s thigh.

Frankly I’m surprised he can still walk.

narciso said...

his big Pittsburgh rally was 150 people, if trump had a turnout of 150 he'd fire the organizer and have him blackballed,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"but I did not inhale" responded the VP, when questioned about hair sniffing.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blogger Curious George said...
Biden has had two brain surgeries

Post-op discussion is very revealing


narciso said...

Folks Biden finds necessary:
