April 29, 2019

"Here we go again Bernie, but this time please show a little more anger and indignation when you get screwed!"

Trump tweeted this morning (here and here):
The Democratic National Committee, sometimes referred to as the DNC, is again working its magic in its quest to destroy Crazy Bernie Sanders....

....for the more traditional, but not very bright, Sleepy Joe Biden. Here we go again Bernie, but this time please show a little more anger and indignation when you get screwed!
As I was just saying, the presidential campaign is a test. But how do you do well on this test? Trump gives an answer: Show anger and indignation when you get screwed!

Bernie stood down in deference to Hillary, back in 2016. At the convention, the anger he so graciously suppressed for the woman who screwed him did show a little...

ADDED: But he did it to himself:


traditionalguy said...

Bernie being a lifer politician immediately sold out for Clinton cash on the barrel head.

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, he may be Crazy Bernie to you, but to us, he is Senator Bernard Sanders from the great Maple State of Vermont.

Go, Bernie, Go!

Anonymous said...

Give Trump credit. He is fomenting a civil war in the Democrat party during the week that the "savior" threw his hat in the ring. Every Berniebot will be eyeing all moves of the DNC with Trump's accusation in mind and when/if Bernie loses there will be hell to pay.

Someone yesterday said that Trump is an excellent tactician, but isn't a great strategist. I beg to differ. We are 18(?) months from the election and Trump is dividing the Dems against themselves and they are too stupid to see it. That's strategy. The visits to MN and WI are tactics.

Mike Sylwester said...

Wikileaks published John Podesta's e-mails in order to prove to the public that the DNC was working to help Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders in the primary elections.

Wikileaks wanted to help Bernie Sanders, not Donald Trump.

Bay Area Guy said...

And, if the DNC shafts Bernie this time, the solution is to run as an Independent 3rd Party.

Go, Bernie, Go!

Mike Sylwester said...

Sanders could and should have made an issue of Clinton's violation of the government's regulations and laws about e-mail rules.

The issue was valid, and the issue would have helped him to beat her in the primary elections. However, Sanders refused to make an issue of it.

hawkeyedjb said...

Why would Bernie give a hoot about the DNC? He's not a Democrat. And conversely, why would the DNC care about a politician who's not a Democrat?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bernie won Colorado in the primary. Polis handed his corrupt liar vote to corrupt Hillary.

Idiots of CO don't care.

Mike Sylwester said...

The US Government sure does not want to inform the public about the murder of Seth Rich.

Mark O said...

Mild Mitt famously admitted he was afraid to debate Obama. Afraid? Obama?

rcocean said...

Bernie was ALWAYS the sacrificial lamb - and he knew it. He was just angling for a job in the Hillary Administration.

readering said...

Executive time.

Achilles said...

Bernie the millionaire.

Has produced absolutely nothing of value ever in his life.

Why is he a millionaire?

DarkHelmet said...

That's Crazy Commie Bernie to you, buddy.

Achilles said...

readering said...
Executive time.

Maybe he should spend more time spying on political opponents or selling uranium to Russia or selling guns to Mexican drug cartels or dropping bombs in 16 different countries or sending the IRS after political opponents or.:.

Rigging the primary.

Swede said...

Are you kidding?

Bernie's only doing this for the screwing he knows he's gonna get.

His version of "you don't come here for the hunting, do you?".

stan said...

Trump's answer touches on a serious problem in our society. Somehow, being superficially nice and polite is considered far more important than honesty and integrity. Much of this is due to the celebration and elevation of all things feminine (and denigration of all that's masculine).

Sadly, superficial niceness over integrity ultimately degrades and coarsens the character of a society. As we have seen over the last half century.

Sebastian said...

"The Democratic National Committee, sometimes referred to as the DNC, is again working its magic in its quest to destroy Crazy Bernie Sanders"

This is a very good line. Worthy of an appreciative Althouse fisk.

If the GOP had any guts and brains, Trump wouldn't be the only one going after the Dems this way.

John henry said...

Can someone tell me why the Democrat Party should do anything other than ignore Bernie Sanders?

He has never, in his political career, been a member of the party. He has never even been a particularly faithful ally. Other than for about 6 months in 2016.

He has always branded himself, rather loudly and explicitly an INDEPENDENT! and a SOCIALIST!.

He has never campaigned for other Dems. He has never raised money for the party. (That I know of. Has he?)

So why should he have any more claim on party support than I do?

Here are some questions that someone should ask him:

1) Are you currently a party member and if so, since when?

2) If not, do you intend to join and support the party and party candidates for all offices?

3) If you do join and are elected, will you remain a Democrat party member during the tenure of your presidency?

John Henry

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders deserves what he gets. He might well have won the nomination in 2016 if he hadn't given Shelob a pass on its criminal behavior. That was the one thing that could have dislodged Clinton hold on the voters in the primaries enough to allow him to win. Now, today, he couldn't win even if the process were all above board, which it won't be. He has his 20% base, so he will be in until the end of the process, but that is as far as he will get.

John henry said...

Now I see Hawkeye beat me to it.

John Henry

Bay Area Guy said...

Stop besmirching Crazy Bernie, er, I mean, Senator Bernard Sanders!

The man will do to the Democrat Party, what Trump did to the GOP. Let him upend that wretched organization.

Go, Bernie, Go!

cubanbob said...

....for the more traditional, but not very bright, Sleepy Joe Biden. Here we go again Bernie, but this time please show a little more anger and indignation when you get screwed!"

As my daughter would say, "boss move!".

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"1) Are you currently a party member and if so, since when?"

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Democrat Party?

That's where they're at.

Anonymous said...

Huh. I don't see as much superficial niceness as I do assertive, boorish, in-your-face behavior exalted, especially by and on behalf of females and other sets.

For all the feminization that Stan laments (and it's real enough), I think the stronger and more dangerous trend is the one towards a (false) masculinity on the part of both genders.

Oh yeah, Bernie. I voted for him in the D primary in '16 (hear me out). First . . . Hillary Clinton. No-fucking-way. Second . . . fine, you old pinko goof, let's have as real a discussion as possible in modern Amurca about the meaning and requirements of socialism.
Even if it could be defined, I would bet most voters would pass.

secular right libertarian gaming the system!

Two-eyed Jack said...

The Democratic case boils down to
Trump's counter: Twitter
That is why we have heard "Trump should get off Twitter, it is unpresidential" for two solid years.

cubanbob said...

Bernie never left The Party. The Democrats are coming to him. They should come out of the closet and call themselves The Democrat Socialist Party except they would still be in the closet Communists.

bagoh20 said...

Bernie doesn't care if he wins. There is still a couple more books in it for him even if he loses. Raking in millions from a book that you have some ghost writer do is a much better gig anyway. In modern America, fame, good or bad, is very profitable.

Brian said...

That tweet is truly a master class in persuasion. It packs so much in such a short space.

The Democratic National Committee, sometimes referred to as the DNC,

Notice the secondary clause. Why not just say the DNC? Why say it both ways? Why use the word "Sometimes"? It causes our brain to slow down. To subconsciously picture a committee, the boys in the back room, that is picking the winners. Like they did last time.

is again working its magic in its quest to destroy Crazy Bernie Sanders....

The DNC destroyed Bernie's previous bid! And they are doing it again! They are working in the back rooms, manipulating the result. Working their magic.

....for the more traditional, but not very bright, Sleepy Joe Biden.

"traditional". Sort of like "conservative"? Is a "traditional" label a positive for the "progressive" party? Right there, Trump is going after Biden's apparent strength. He was Obama's Vice President. The establishment. The past! Now every time Biden tries to identify with Obama's successes, he's being "traditional"! Old! Not progressive. Not trans-formative, like Bernie.

Here we go again Bernie, but this time please show a little more anger and indignation when you get screwed!

After tearing down Biden, and making Bernie sound like a victim, he fully cuckolds Bernie for taking it! For not getting mad, for letting the powers that be push him to the sidelines. Trump didn't take it.

If only Bernie had "cared about the damn emails". He might have won. And might be President today.

Sleepy and Crazy are 2 adjectives applied to older people all the time. Neither are presidential.

bagoh20 said...

What is it with Democrats where they are fine with candidates and Presidents who have zero accomplishments: Bernie, Hillary, Obama, Beto, etc.? It's like they want someone to play the part of President, like an actor, and they don't seem serious about the person actually doing the job. If you want a job done well, you always want someone with experience and success behind them. To a Democrat the ideal plumber would show up in a limo and a tuxedo and do an audition for "The Voice" on your front lawn, but have no tools with them, and then go on and on about the value of diversity in plumbing fixtures and low flow toilets.

bagoh20 said...

The emails were the most disqualifying thing about Hillary, and Bernie wiped away his opponent's biggest weakness. No wonder he has accomplished nothing in a lifetime of rare opportunities. That is not what you want in a leader. He should be a community organizer.

hawkeyedjb said...

" It's like they want someone to play the part of President..."

Truer than you imagine. The platform will be the same, the goals the same, the legislation in congress the same, no matter who is president. He/She is there simply to put signature to the craziness. Any one of them will do.

rightguy said...

The debate video is priceless : HRC cackles like the witch she is when Bernie sings her tune - on cue.

( I really don't have any idea why Bernies's supporters didn't turn on him indignantly when he folded his tent so quickly in 2016, took the money, and ran. Trump has zinged him pretty bad, here.)

n.n said...

Obama spied, Clinton colluded, DNC denied democracy. An innocent tech was aborted. Perhaps Sanders was complicit. Close association h/t NYT.

Lurker21 said...

Sanders has signed a pledge declaring that he is a Democrat and will run as a Democrat and serve as a Democrat if elected and will support the Democratic candidate if he isn't nominated. Apparently he had to do something similar to run last time.

Bernie's Senate website doesn't mention party affiliation so far as I see, and no telling what he's officially registered as back in Vermont. It looks like last time he switched his affiliations back to Independent after he lost and he will probably do the same if he loses again.

Most politicians aren't "burn your bridges" people. Ted Kennedy was, more or less, because he thought he was entitled to the nomination and might not get another chance to run for it. Teddy Roosevelt, Eugene McCarthy, Hillary Clinton are other names that come to mind as bad losers in one way or another. Bernie isn't going to do anything that might help Trump win.

elkh1 said...

Bernie got paid off by Hillary pals. He inked a multi-million dollars book deal to go quietly. A commie loves money, especially loves taking money from you to enrich himself.

Bill Peschel said...

For all our observations about weak GOPes like Mitten and McCain refusing to push back, it's good to see the Demmis are afflicted with that same lack of leadership and guts.

wwww said...

If this poll is accurate, Sanders will not win the nomination, unless (1) Bernie gains a ton of support or (2) People under the age of 50 vote in much higher numbers then previous primaries. also, Bernie has to figure out a way to win the primaries in Nevada, South Carolina--mt. west and south:

In a new ABC News/WaPo poll, Joe Biden leads Bernie Sanders, 27-6%, among those age 50 and older. Among those younger than 50, Sanders has a slighter 15-9% lead

elkh1 said...

Crazy Bernie already looks crazy. If he shows more anger and indignation, he will look crazier. Fun to watch.

elkh1 said...

wwww, when Crazy lost to Sleepy, his fans will blame DNC. Some of them may sit out the general election.

Achilles said...

I also love how Trump gets to the heart of Bernie's candidacy.

Bernie was a paid dupe of the Hillary campaign in 2016. He magically bought extra houses and got some pretty sweet book deals.

Bernie lied to his supporters and carried water for Hillary after he purposely threw the nomination.

Because she gave him lots of money.

Even the not-democrats on the left like Bernie are just lying corrupt pieces of shit like the democrat-democrats.

It takes a really stupid person to vote for these people.

Kevin said...

In the end Bernie will lie down like a dog once again.

But he's going to need another zero added to the check.

That's how the Democratic Socialists roll.

Michael K said...

In a new ABC News/WaPo poll, Joe Biden leads Bernie Sanders, 27-6%, among those age 50 and older

Dave Begley has already pointed out that Sanders rallies are made top of under 30 free stuff advocates and aging hippies.

I don't see Joe's debate tactic used on Ryan as working this year. I under stand he had a hard time with "The View" let alone Trump.

rcocean said...

"What is it with Democrats where they are fine with candidates and Presidents who have zero accomplishments: Bernie, Hillary, Obama, Beto, etc.? "

Just to play devils advocate. I suppose you could argue "accomplishments" don't mean much - if you mean holding Federal Office. Who had more DC experience then LBJ/Ford/Nixon? 3 of our worst Presidents. McCain was a war hero and had 25 years in the Senate/House and would've been a disaster. Same with Gore. GHW Bush had been Ambassador to UN, Congressmen, Head of CIA, VP. Quite a record and 1 term disaster.

rcocean said...

According to the New York magazine "Wall STreet is nervous" article, Harris is their number one choice. Bernie, Warren, and Beto are scaring them.

Rory said...

We know that Bernie made a campaign deal that the Clintons finances were off-limits. We still don't know what else he couldn't talk about:


"What is it with Democrats where they are fine with candidates and Presidents who have zero accomplishments:"

This is the paradigm: the closed political class. Get your kid inserted young enough and high enough, and then he or she just rises over time. No accomplishments necessary.

rcocean said...

Of course, Supporting reparations, free College, felons voting from prison, and infanticide might win Harris the bernie vote.

rcocean said...

The real question is why did all the D's back off and let Hillary (except for Bernie's (Washington generals shtick) be Crowned without a fight. Did the Clinton's scare off those they couldn't bribe?

Or is there an absence of ambition in the Democrat party?

wwww said...

wwww, when Crazy lost to Sleepy, his fans will blame DNC. Some of them may sit out the general election.

It's possible. But if I had to make a prediction, which is just a guess this early on: I'd guess the 2020 base will act different from the 2016 base.

wwww said...

Did the Clinton's scare off

Yes. That got the base real mad. This time, nobody is scared. The thumb isn't on the scale & the field is not cleared. As Larry Sabato joked, just a few more & there will be 31, like the flavours of Baskin Robin ice cream.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Her "E-mails" ??? bs. - it was HER PRIVATE SERVER, ya lying sack of east German shit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democratics are FINE with corruption on and in their own side. Gross.

Michael K said...

I'd guess the 2020 base will act different from the 2016 base.<

Yes, even crazier. It's like a pressure cooker when the vent has been stopped up.

Remember the 1983 British general election ?

The document - “New Hope for Britain” - was certainly lengthy (700 pages) and was nearly as long as both the Liberal-SDP Alliance’s and Conservatives’ manifestos.
Compared to today's more cautious manifestos, Labour's 1983 version did not hold back - largely because of then-leader Michael Foot’s demand that it would comprise the resolutions arrived at the party’s last conference,
The document called for unilateral nuclear disarmament, the abolition of the House of Lords and the re-nationalisation of recently privatised industries like British Telecom, British Aerospace and the British Shipbuilding Corporation.

The Manifesto (Platform) was called "The Longest Suicide Note in History.

Think Green New Deal.

Michael K said...

Michael Foot, of course, was a KGB agent. Is Bernie or AOC ?

Oleg Gordievsky, a high-ranking KGB officer who defected from the Soviet Union to Britain in 1985, made allegations against Foot in his 1995 memoirs.[44] The Sunday Times, which serialised Gordievsky's book under the headline "KGB: Michael Foot was our agent", claimed in an article of 19 February that the Soviet intelligence services regarded Foot as an "agent of influence", codenamed "Agent BOOT", and in the pay of the KGB for many years.

Big Mike said...

I once again ask people to read "We Are As Gods: Back to the Land in the 1970s" (use the Althouse Amazon Portal to purchase the book). Bernie joined a commune back in the day, only to be asked to leave because he shirked his fair share of the work.

Drago said...

Mike: "The issue was valid, and the issue would have helped him to beat her in the primary elections. However, Sanders refused to make an issue of it."

Leftists and LLR's know their place.

wwww said...

Remember the 1983

Me personally, no that's before my time. My Dad did meet Thatcher at a corporate meeting. I'm not sure I'd extrapolate a Parliamentary dynamic to the US. But maybe, however, I keep in mind that most normies aren't on twitter. Polls are showing a high interest in electability over ideology. The average D 60 year old primary voter who regularly attends a AME church and loved Obama is not a big AOC proponent. I can't tell who is going to be the front runner, but my guess if Biden is going to tank he'll tank fast -- next month or so.

I know people think Bernie is going to do well & I see the polls. But a lot of it can be name recognition, with a group of die-hard small donor supporters. He should be doing better if he's the front runner. Not sure the # of supporters is significant enough to get him past South Carolina/Iowa/ NH unless he can win something & I'm not sure what states he can win.

wwww said...

At this point someone random could enter the race & win it. Just too early to make a lot of predictions that I can be comfortable with.

Michael K said...

I keep in mind that most normies aren't on twitter.

But the Democrat primary voters are. How powerful will they be in the nomination? Lots of crazies on facebook.

bagoh20 said...

"Just to play devils advocate. I suppose you could argue "accomplishments" don't mean much - if you mean holding Federal Office. Who had more DC experience then LBJ/Ford/Nixon? 3 of our worst Presidents."

The best President must have 1) the ideological values you want driving the nation and their decisions, which in my opinion demand experience doing and building real things, and 2) the second quality needed is the proven ability to do things and succeed in the face of challenges. I would argue that all your examples are missing one or both. The Presidency does give a person unique challenges and opportunities unlike any other job, and that can distort even a quality person's reasoning, which has happened. If you are suddenly able to change really big things, often that can corrupt you into thinking you should, and into believing you know enough to wisely use such power. It's corrupting for all but the truely exceptional.

narciso said...

the truth is not a defense in the uk, as I recall the publisher had to settle, tony benn, the other red aristocrat, was so far left, the soviets feared support him.

narciso said...

benn's father was the secretary of state for india, in the interval when Churchill was for retention of india, hugh foot was governor general, st. john Philby was from the Indian branch of the Foreign OFfice,

when people say Milius was crazy to paint the scenario in red dawn, remind them of the 1983 Labour platform,

Bay Area Guy said...

It's definitely Crazy Bernie v Sleepy Joe - Kammy Harris gets the VP slot with either.

Sleepy Joe will have the Dem establishment backing plus the Dem money men. Crazy Bernie will have the grass roots organizers.

They are both grumpy old men. We need to sink Biden, though. He's much more formidable in the General Election. Bernie easily loses the General Election to Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remind everyone why Obama voters switched to Trump. Obama and Biden lied to the working class/middle class - right to our faces.

That was the new normal. The left talk about taxing the ultra wealthy, but the sweet spot is the Obama tax hikes + corporate tax hikes and middle class tax hikes. Biden is going to lie his old flabby saggy ass off.

Michael K said...

when people say Milius was crazy to paint the scenario in red dawn, remind them of the 1983 Labour platform,

I was watching it last night. Good ensemble cast of kids.

narciso said...

And in this country, Kerry Biden even John podesta, were Soviet tools which is highly ironic from 30-35 years ago. If you've familiar with de borchgraves the spike. Which has a subplot about a plot against the kingdom directed from Yemen

Michael McNeil said...

Michael Foot, of course, was a KGB agent. […]

“Oleg Gordievsky, a high-ranking KGB officer who defected from the Soviet Union to Britain in 1985, made allegations against Foot in his 1995 memoirs.[44] The Sunday Times, which serialised Gordievsky's book under the headline ‘KGB: Michael Foot was our agent’, claimed in an article of 19 February that the Soviet intelligence services regarded Foot as an ‘agent of influence’, codenamed ‘Agent BOOT’, and in the pay of the KGB for many years.”

So, what was the desired outcome that the KGB was seeking in this case (the 1983 UK election)? Demolition of the Labour Party via “suicide” — or victory in the election by the progressives?