Against Omar’s propensity to provoke, the Democratic Party seems institutionally almost defenseless. Pelosi was thwarted when she attempted to pass a resolution condemning anti-Semitic expressions by House members....ADDED: The video Trump passed along was extremely effective because of the repeated the line "some people did something," abruptly cut off at "something." I had not been troubled by the original clip, because I understood it in context. But with the focus on "something," I heard an upward lilt that felt like laughing. And then the look on her face seemed like a smile. That semblance of laughing, in sequence with 9/11 images, had a very powerful effect. It is what ads do. There's no lying, just an effect created by editing. And the more people complain about it and say it's not fair, the more viral the ad becomes.
After Trump’s tweeted attack, Omar will become even more internally uncriticizable and unmanageable, without becoming any more careful or responsible. Indeed, the speech by Omar that provided Trump with the sound bite he exploited—“some people did something”—itself exemplifies her carelessness and irresponsibility....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 12, 2019
"How do we stop the Republicans from pouncing?"
I guess even they have figured out that the old “Republicans pounce” dodge isn’t working anymore, so this is an improvement.
Omar should be the face of the Democrats.
She is what they want, the endpoint of anti-establishment liberalisms.
She is also a Golem for the liberal Democrat supporting Jews.
We should be happy that Twitter is deplatforming conservatives. Look what Twitter is doing to the Democrats.
Isn't it amazing that "No enemy on the Left" produces anti-Americanism?
"After Trump’s tweeted attack, Omar will become even more internally uncriticizable and unmanageable, without becoming any more careful or responsible."
Sounds like Trump knows what he is doing.
And that he seems to enjoy doing it REALLY pisses some people off.
I am Laslo.
While she is not the face of the party, she does make careless and evasive comments that make the party an easy target for Trump. The Dems need to admit publicly these are careless statements, and privately have a honest dialogue about the affects of her speech.
“Some people did something”
“We will never forget”
Strip away all the political noise and even my millennial kids would admit the first statement is at best willfully ignorant of the magnitude of 9/11. (The images don’t go away)
AND the second statement is simple and obvious.
The Democratic reaction/messaging will leave many stumped “What is their point?”
Captain Obvious asks the musical question, "If Omar, Tlaib, and AOC were actually secret GOP operatives carrying out a cunning plan to reelect Trump...what would they be doing different than what they're doing now?
"...the Democratic Party seems institutionally almost defenseless."
Not a Democratic problem or even an American problem. Even the most benign leftists are dangerous, because they have no defenses against the bullies further left.
The party hacks must be jumping like Yosemite Sams that 2 fresh Congressmen are getting all the attention.
Like a good wrestler,DJT is flexible in his angle of attacks. He uses the bold Muslim Jihadist to highlight that she is daring to fight the Deep State's 9/11 narrative. How can she do that and escape the Deep State's condemnation for doing that.
Democrats largely agree with her but have been too chickenshit to say it publicly.
The veneer that Democrats have applied to Islam is showing its age. Omar helps.
The Dems need to admit publicly these are careless statements, and privately have a honest [sic] dialogue about the affects [sic] of her speech.
Chief Officer Wilde: Captain, the Titanic has stuck an iceberg. We're sinking!
Captain Smith: Must do something about that leak, Chief.
Bottom line is the Democrats aren't too smart. That's why they're Democrats.
I'm going long on popcorn futures.
Omar should be glad more of her CAIR rant wasn't included.
The vitriol in her voice is a tad off-putting.
Every time Omar and Tlaib open their mouths, that Muslim ban looks like a better idea.
If I were a Muslim in the US, I’d be pissed these two morons were giving me a bad name.
The days of a stooge like W looking the other way at these anti-American idiots are over. Mitt Romney will keep his mouth shut about this stuff.
Trump will not.
I think it's hilarious that people are trying to sell the idea that criticizing her is putting her (and all muslims!) in danger. How have they been talking about Trump for the last 3 years.
Do they believe themselves, or is it any port in the storm?
Criticizing Omar is putting Democrats in danger.
The only one Omar is in danger from is Pelosi.
“Trump tweeted: “My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!” By using died rather than were murdered—and by describing the crime as “senseless”—Trump abstracted a politically motivated act from the politics that motivated it. The crime became a ghastly tragedy, requiring no words from him about the white-nationalist beliefs of the killer or the larger international movement that shared those beliefs.”
Frum is a jackass. Trump said “massacre” but Frum wants to pick apart the statement and claim he didn’t say “were murdered” because it would mean he’d have to talk about the “white nationalism” of the killer. That’s his narrative. Trump is racist. The statement’s no good because Trumpnis racist.
And when he claims Trump did the same thing as Omar, it’s not helping Omar. But Frum gets paid to write this garbage, so what does he care.
Omar and Tlaib are not going to shut up. Get used to it.
roesch/voltaire said...
While she is not the face of the party, she does make careless and evasive comments that make the party an easy target for Trump. The Dems need to admit publicly these are careless statements,
They are evil statements, made by an evil, terrorist loving, woman.
The problem for the Democrats is that a significant portion of their base hates America, and loves the terrorists for attacking America.
That is why Omar is becoming the face of the Democrat Party: because she is an accurate representation of its evil
Omar is a vile creature. I say yes - she IS the face of the Modern Democratic party. She fits right in.
The MSM and Democrats have gone all-in on this video (again).
Why? She downplayed 9/11. Her words were, at best, tone deaf. At worst, minimizing the worst terrorist attack on this country. She's being called out on it - rightfully so.
Instead of realizing that, they choose THIS moment to say that pointing out her bad choice of words is inciting violence and making all Muslims less safe in the US.
It's stupid. Another loser.
Omar --
Here’s the truth. For far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it. [The Council on American-Islamic Relations] was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. So you can’t just say that today someone is looking at me strange and that I am trying to make myself look pleasant. You have to say that this person is looking at me strange, I am not comfortable with it, and I am going to talk to them and ask them why. Because that is the right you have.
[bold added by me]
Democrats have spent years calling Trump a racist, criminal, and literally Hitler. They've been calling for violence against Trump supporters. Trump pointed out something vile that Omar actually said and she calls that an incitement for violence. Boo freaking hoo.
Instead of realizing that, they choose THIS moment to say that pointing out her bad choice of words is inciting violence and making all Muslims less safe in the US.
The most evergreen headline of all time: “Muslims fear backlash from tomorrow’s bombing.” It’s the ultimate gaslighting.
Of course Omar is wrong about when CAIR was founded. It was 1994.
After the first attack on the World Trade Center. The one that killed 8 people. The one that was treated as a law enforcement matter.
The most recent attack was on Halloween in 2017 in New York City.
The Dems need to admit publicly these are careless statements,
What? And be branded racists?
The Twitterati have mounted a successful coup taking the Democrat Party away from the moderates, who slit their own throat by dragging Hillary across the line to the nomination. If that’s moderation, who needs it?
A lot of Democrats believe that George W Bush blew up the WTC. Do you expect them to just walk away from these votes?
Ilhan Omar is a tribal politician in the Somali ex-pat community in Minneapolis (of all places!). How she got elected to national office is a wonder that the media by rights should explain to us.
In New Mexico, Debra Haaland got elected to the House of Representatives running with TV ads depicting herself as just a poor, brave female Laguna Pueblo Indian, but she actually is a longtime loyal Democrat Party warhorse in New Mexico and so had justifiable party backing.
What on earth made the squareheads of Minneapolis vote for Ilhan Omar to represent them?
The smirk, the voice and the Halloween outfit belong in a bodega.
Of course there is lying. But it is lying that you support. So that makes it okay for you.
Surprised there hasn’t been a meme of Omar, AOC and Tlaib stirring the political pot while chanting ‘double, double toil and trouble’. They think they’re cursing Trump but instead are dooming the Dems.
the affects of her speech.
I agree, it was her affect that was the problem, not her words.
Even though it’s not in the passive voice “some people did something” is up there with “mistakes were made” as truly evasive statements.
Haaland also made some mention of her "Norwegian heritage," which I thought pretty funny. However, her surname is indeed Norwegian, and at that, from Agder in southern Norway where my own family hails from, though I don't know if Representative Haaland could locate Norway on a world map.
So Trump has exploited the sound bite. Why shouldn't he? The Dems and the media do that to him constantly. Everything he says is treated that way and sometimes when he doesn't say something quickly enough.
"There are good people on both sides"= Trump's loves Nazis
Russia should release Hillary's emails = Trump is in bed with Putin
There are countless examples.
Muslim women have quietly made it to the top of the liberal left hero/victim totem. As proof I offer liberal's complete silence on the treatment of gays in Muslim countries. I predict a Biden/Omar ticket in 2020.
Former hero/victim winners now find themselves trending downward. Transgendered people have moved ahead of other gay people and even women in general. Note how the Democrats seem intent on destroying women's sports. Blacks and Hispanics are in free fall - not wierd, depraved or evil enough to warrent real hero/victim virtue signaling worship. Hispanics are beginning to notice as they are giving Trump 50%+ approval lately.
I was at least equally offended by the ridiculous claim of victimhood in her statement.
btw- the
"Talk story" first - "talk policy" later. After you've fallen in love with candidate D.
That's what the corruptocrats did in CO. We are paying for the cult of personality now.
As far as why they get elected, the Muslims have the dominance over people that are hit with their Chanted proclamation of dominance 5 times a day on loud speaker towers all over town. They pretend it is a call to prayer broadcast from prayer towers.The joke is that the asleep people call that mind control scam a religion.
Viewing the video, I didn't see the "smile" or the "laugh" effect. But that's just me.
The 9/11 stuff is about whether Islam is still crazy or not. It appears to be.
The Dems need to admit publicly these are careless statements
They tried - this was the best effort
Pelosi: I Don’t Think Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitic, ‘I Think She Has a Different Experience in the Use of Words’
I don't think that the partial clip of her statement gives the wrong impression (due to lacking context). The entire clip clearly shows the same sentiment - that in the larger picture of the 9/11 attacks, her entire focus is on herself and her community.
However, I am very glad that she and the other 2 freshman congresswomen are speaking out so bluntly. It is much better to see/hear their true thoughts than have them hidden behind polite speech. Then honest Democrats have to at least acknowledge and hopefully make a decision.
Pay attention to the coordinated over-the-top obscene reaction by the left.
All news stories seem to be about: 1) Orange man bad. 2) How can we stop Orange Man. 3) Don't do that, it helps Orange Man.
BTW, Chris Wallace supposedly said he could only play 5 seconds of Trump's "disgusting video". And i was shocked that the video isn't Trump saying anything, its just quotes from her. So, isn't it HER Comments that are disgusting?
gspencer said... The veneer that Democrats have applied to Islam is showing its age.
ever since mini-Bush called ISLAM religion of peace after meeting with Bernard Lewis,
I have wondered what kind of bind that put Lewis in to gainsay that and disavow any approbation of that description.
Are the Dems going to join in the "fun" activities of her religion and mutilate little girls' genitalia and toss gays off of high-rise buildings?
The Dems need to admit publicly these are careless statements, and privately have a honest dialogue about the affects of her speech.
These are not careless statements though. They simply reveal what the left wishes to remain hidden. Similarly Trump isn't transforming anything. Dems and the left transformed themselves over about three decades.
It's revealing both From and the left wingers here accept the substance and object only to people noticing and publicizing the reality.
"We will never forget" = "Inciting violence"
According to the coordinated talking points of the entire elite leftwing political class.
There are 9/11 Truthers who believe George Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attack (an inside job) to serve as the predicate to mount a war against Islam.
In my view, the people who believe this are crazy and dangerous.
Regardless of questions of "cause", we do know 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered. It was horrendous.
When Omar describes it as "Some people did something”, in a public speech, well, it kinda shows an insight into her warped belief system, doesn't it?
"What on earth made the squareheads of Minneapolis vote for Ilhan Omar to represent them?"
She was elected by "People of color" and her coreligionists. Of course, her political beliefs are pure Minnesota. You can take the Swede out out of Sweden but....
The proper way to view "some people did something" is as the equivalent of "yada yada yada" from the great Seinfeld episode. "There were these two skyscapers, yada yada yada, and CAIR was created."
Can't fix this until the Democrats are willing to criticize Islam and/or associate issues when appropriate. That ends up hurting a lot of Muslims who aren't part of the issue in question. Similar to how the Democratic general unwillingness to be critical of blacks when appropriate ends up hurting blacks.
Considering her audience, I didn't think her "some people did something" to be so outrageous. I get that the way things are right now, some people were going to see it as awful and some people were going to make a big deal about it.
But the idea that it's endangering her to criticize her for it is preposterous- or at least preposterous if you believe this, to think it is only her and not all politicians.
It really is weird to watch how much politicians and media outlets try to gaslight us. And as I mentioned earlier, I wonder if they know they are doing it, or if they think they are being honest brokers.
It is really funny that she's wrong about the creation of CAIR in all of this. She's a pretty woman and so she gets away with a lot.
I love the passivity.
They’re not allowing her to become the face, they chose her for diversity.
I am not particularly alarmed by Muslims being elected to serve in Congress, but on my Facebook feed there are a lot of older people for whom the prospect seems frightening.
And as we all know, "old people vote". Pelosi and the establishment democrats are correct in trying to shut her up. IMHO.
Perhaps Omar can perform a useful function by taking the spotlight off of AOC.
Hagar--My great grandfather's surname was Janson-Haaland, which was changed to Johnson when he entered the United States from Norway via Canada. The officials did the change and he went along with it, thinking it would be more American. Perhaps we are related.
Ilhan Omar should probably avoid going to a Subway at 2:00 a.m., because two Nigerians dressed as crusaders might come after her.
She is the face of the party. Along with AOC.
I predict a Biden/Omar ticket in 2020.
No chance. Dems still have to pretend she doesn't represent their core beliefs so the rationally ignorant won't be repelled.
Blogger MayBee said...
It is really funny that she's wrong about the creation of CAIR in all of this.
She lied about it and the FBI was monitoring that meeting. I expect we might see another ad with that topic.
Andy McCarthy is bringing back his explanation.
Conservative speech is violence, but violence against conservatives is speech. Actual narrative being advanced right now.
Questions that have not been asked: What is her position on late term abortions? How does she feel about gay marriage? Would she officiate or attend the marriage of two gay Muslims? Would she consider removing her hijab for one day at least to show sympathy and support for her sisters in Iran who are protesting the mandatory wearing of religious garments? In her immediate line of ancestors does she have any slave raiders or slave dealers. If so, is she planning on making any kind of apology or reparations to the black people of America who were harmed by these activities?
Nancy's getting tired of being Speaker, anyway.
The Minnow Wrangler@9:20AM Those older people frightened by the presence of "a Muslim" in Congress are demonstrating the normal reaction of a patriotic people who see their fellow citizens choose individuals who hate America to represent them in public office. They recognize that no nation can survive citizens determined to destroy it from within. The democrat party could not be more overtly anti-American. If there was another country that attacked America and Americans the way the democrat party does, we'd have bombed them back to the stone age by now. Normal patriotic Americans see that obvious truth, brain dead idiots scold such people for being old instead of praising them for being smart.
"The vitriol in her voice is a tad off-putting."
A TAD???????
Michael Fitzgerald I am not "scolding" anyone, I ain't no spring chicken myself. I was just pointing out a difference in my opinion and theirs. I am much more concerned about policy positions than a person's religious affiliation (and I dislike Omar on her policy positions rather than her being a Muslim).
Ilhan Omar shows us how the assimilation of immigrants is working today in the US.
America is still the Melting Pot: now, however, the US citizens are the ones to be melted, to conform to the new immigrants.
Lumpen potatoes.
I am Laslo.
Compared to what gets thrown at conservatives, in general, the GOP in particular, and Trump specifically, his tweet is the very soul of fairness.
I watched the whole clip and I do not see that the editing changed what she said in a meaningful way. She said that Muslims have always been treated as second-class citizens (a lie) and that CAIR was started because Muslims faced loss of civil liberties (another lie) because "some people did something"--implying some trivial little thing that got blown out of proportion.
"Some people" elides the fact that they were radical Muslims. "Something" elides the fact that they killed over 3,000 people and caused about $10Bn of property damage.
No, that is NOT acceptable. She could have made the same point, although still based on a lie, by referring to "9/11" and leaving it to the listener to fill in what that was. But, she chose to deliberately obfuscate the facts.
And if you're looking for second-class citizens, look at non-Muslims in most Muslim majority countries, where it's not just custom that the government fights, but law and government policy.
And, for a change Frum may be right. I don't know if I am typical or a distant outlier, but at this point the national Democratic Party is dead for me. They cannot make a simple statement that anti-Semitism is a bad thing, because they are too busy palling around with Farrakhan and Sharpton and covering for a couple of crazies who got elected on their ticket. OK, message received. If they ever become interested in my vote, they can find me.
I am much more concerned about policy positions than a person's religious affiliation (and I dislike Omar on her policy positions rather than her being a Muslim).
Except you can't separate someone's religion - or their identify -from their political beliefs. The Politics are influenced by the religion. Their identity influences their politics - that's why black folks vote democrat 90%. Unless you're an agnostic "Religion in Name only" person or have "Moved past" identity.
The Democrats are now, officially, the Anti-American party.
The Minnow Wrangler @9:58AM So how do you feel about Americans electing representatives who exhibit animosity and hatred of our country and its citizens? Let's leave the Muslim issue aside, because it isn't just Muslims who hate America, but they share that bond with Democrat party members.
I just stopped by to see if anything has changed at Althouse’s blog. I see that it is the same right wing bile in the comments which Ann encourages. Boring and bye bye.
I see that it is the same right wing bile in the comments which Ann encourages. Boring and bye bye.
I suggest for some balance, you go visit: MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, ABc/NBC/CBS, the Wapo, NYT, New Yorker, New York Magazine, Huffington Post, Memorandum, Daily Beast, New Republic or the AP news service.
Norway is a small country and was fairly isolated for 1500 years up there by the Arctic Circle. Everybody, except more recent arrivals from Viet Nam, Algerian professional soccer players, etc., are more or less related and knows everybody elses' business.
Jan or Ian is the Dutch version of John in English. The Norwegian is Jon, Johan, or Johannes. A number of Norwegians emigrated to the Netherlands during the Little Ice Age around 1600 when the Dutch gained their colonial empire and needed seamen. Some returned.
Your greatgrandfather's name probably was X Janssøn Haaland (X son of Jan from the farm Haaland). Haaland means high land or hay land; either interpretation goes back to the same kind of place; a farm in the high country that started as a summer hay meadow.
rhhardin said..."The 9/11 stuff is about whether Islam is still crazy or not. It appears to be."
Coincidentally, I've been rewatching The Sopranos for the first time since it went off the air. Just yesterday I saw episode five from season one. In that episode, a Catholic priest gives Carmela Soprano a book on the world's major religions, and he says, "You'll see how Islam has gotten a bad rap in current culture." The episode aired in 1999.
She has all the charm of a colon polyp.
Omar made an edgy statement.
Trump provided context for Omar's statement.
Context is the enemy of the narrative.
Context destroys the illusion created by the narrative.
Democrats don't like context.
The complaints it’s out of context will lead people to the full context which is actually worse as it’s clear she’s basically saying that the main bad outcome of 9/11 was supposed anti-Muslim discrimination. Minimization of 3000 murdered Americans and maximizing fake anti-Muslim incidents as the real tragedy.
The rage against Trump by The Left is that he plays the game they play better than they do.
The Bushes are gone.
Good for the Dems to throw in with Omar. I like bold color differences.
Trump made them choose. That’s why they are mad.
I don't know if I am typical or a distant outlier, but at this point the national Democratic Party is dead for me. They cannot make a simple statement that anti-Semitism is a bad thing, because they are too busy palling around with Farrakhan and Sharpton and covering for a couple of crazies who got elected on their ticket.
I saw an interesting observation today. Secular Jews have gotten very comfortable because there has been no anti-Semitism in this country for 70 years, Several generations. They have also tended to associate it with the right, probably because Nazis were seen as "right wing." Now, the Democrat Party is reviving it. I wonder what the result will be ?
Once Bitten: Boring and bye bye.
Thanks for dropping in to remind us your pussy still hurts.
I'm guessing you don't want to hang around to discuss your failed coup attempt? Hah.
The Jews in college are seeing anti-Semitism first hand.
Maybe they can tell grandma what’s going on.
Does Trump lose any potential voters by attacking Omar? Probably not. Does Omar lose any potential voters by her antics? Ditto.
As far as I'm concerned one, and only one thing is beyond the pale in political discourse: explicitly, literally, calling for imminent violence. Everything else if fair game and pretending your political opponents crossed some line is civility bullshit.
rcocean: "Except you can't separate someone's religion - or their identify -from their political beliefs. The Politics are influenced by the religion. Their identity influences their politics - that's why black folks vote democrat 90%. Unless you're an agnostic "Religion in Name only" person or have "Moved past" identity."
Well yes, actually you can separate those things. There are lots of professed "Catholics" who are pro abortion. There are lots of African Americans who attend conservative Baptist churches that still vote for the Dems, who support many things contrary to their religious beliefs.
Michael Fitzgerald: "The Minnow Wrangler @9:58AM So how do you feel about Americans electing representatives who exhibit animosity and hatred of our country and its citizens? Let's leave the Muslim issue aside, because it isn't just Muslims who hate America, but they share that bond with Democrat party members."
I am strongly opposed to the leftist socialists trying to take over the Democrat party, but I also dislike conservatives continuing the drug war and other things that restrict personal liberty in the name of "national security". I'm not a full blown Libertarian but I lean in that direction. I believe in the original intent of the founding fathers and the Constitution.
Also I am actually Omaha1 but Blogger made me log in from Google which changed me to the Minnow Wrangler (an ID I made when I owned a bait shop LOL).
I am going to take this moment to laugh at David Frum.
And, yeah, we probably are at least distantly related and so is Debra Haaland; her last name also comes from her grandfather or greatgrandfather, so she may even be closely related to you.
Islam as practiced by people like the bigoted Ilhan Omar is incompatible with Western secular values of individual liberty.
It also perpetuates and promotes a violent supremacist, racist and anti-Semitic social culture that blames Jews and western culture for it's own barbarities and inability to progress towards any sort of civilized society. The middle east being mired in war and strife is no accident, but is a direct result of Islam being the supreme cultural force in the region.
"Omar and Tlaib are not going to shut up. Get used to it."
Oh, I look forward to it. It's a thing of wonder to watch Slate commenters twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain it.
My take on the context must be different from Althouse’s. My take is that “some people did something” really is dismissive, really was an attempt to not mention anything about the “some people”, and really did intentionally slight the victims. When I first saw the quote in print I assumed it was Michael Moore style editing. It wasn’t until I watched 2 minutes of her speech until I saw the characterization is fair.
The article by Andy McCarthy that Dr K linked to is interesting. He shows that CAIR was specifically designed by Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood to advance the Jihad by mainstreaming Islam in this country. Well, not by making American Muslims more American, but to teach Americans that Muslims are just as acceptable as anyone else. Which, because they are an arm of the MB, means acceptance by the infidels of the righteousness of the Jihad, the conquest of the non Muslim world to bring it to Islam.
Christendom has been in a defensive war with Islam since scant years from the latter’s founding. Thirteen centuries of fighting to survive against the onslaught of Muslim conquerors. Western Europe is very likely lost to the Jihad, through their failure of will, that they lost when they lost their Christian faith. Notably, parts of Eastern Europe have not turned their backs on Christianity, and instead are rejecting the importation of a large group of military aged Muslim men that is being demanded of them by their betters in Brussels. And I don’t think that this new world order will be accepted by a significant percentage of Americans, whose quaint ideas of Christianity are derided by their social betters in Europe.
We, as a country, are not yet ready to succumb to the Jihad. We are still too Christian. Maybe in another generation, but not yet. Muslim terrorists, determined to die in the name of their faith, attacked our homeland, destroying the Twin Towers, and attempting to destroy a major symbol of our military might, our Pentagon, less than 20 years ago. Most of us remember where we were that day. I sure do. The problem for the Democrats is that it’s two Muslim members are out and proud, which translates into dismissing our outrage at their murder of our people in our home long on 9/11/01. They dismiss it, because, for them, their faith demanded the murder of those Americans in such a visible way.
The Democrats should denounce them. Denounce their antisemitism, homophobia, opposition to feminism, etc. But they can’t, because the Muzzies have corrupted and exploited the left’s fervent belief in intersectionality. And, I suspect, that this is going to harm their party in the next election. Unless they do something drastic, Trump is probably all but assured re-election. But just as importantly, doom Nancy Palsi to have been a one term Speaker. Every one of those moderates recruited last election to take Republican seats away is going to be vulnerable to the claim that they sat idly by and thereby tacitly agree with the these three freshman Dem Congresswomen, including the two Muslims who appear to believe that their attack on our homeland on 9/11 were justified.
The creed that most resembles that of the German Nazi party being put in practice within nations and societies today is that of Islam.
Western "liberals" refuse to face that and excuse it by claiming that it's only because of skin color that Islamic Nazis are criticized. Ilhan Omar uses this exact narrative to defend her Nazi inspire statements concerning Jews.
CAIR was founded in 1994, not after 9/11 as she claims. Just taqiyya talkin’. Taqiyya for Muslims - and Democrats.
Matt said...
As far as I'm concerned one, and only one thing is beyond the pale in political discourse: explicitly, literally, calling for imminent violence. Everything else if fair game
So, how about holding up the severed, bloody head of the President of the United States?
How about saying: punch a nazi
A quick helper to determine if you can punch a nazi. It is always OK to punch a Nazi.
ANYONE that disagrees, in ANY WAY with Progressives is: A NAZI
Not to worry - the hack-D press spent all sorts of time making sure the public knows when CAIR was really formed and their dear Omar is a lying sack of crap.
>>and privately have a honest dialogue about the affects of her speech.
They should probably talks about the effects of her speech, too.
I think the "some people did something" was deliberate. I think she's a 9-11 Truther.
>> Conservative speech is violence, but violence against conservatives is speech. Actual narrative being advanced right now.
I prefer my shorter version: Your free speech is violence. My violence is free speech.
Lol. She’s definitely a Truther.
It was the Jews who were responsible for 9/11.
Pelosi and The Left are scrambling trying to shut her up.
Keep talking, Omar. The Wall is getting more popular every time she opens her mouth.
checking just now, the Omar video has 10.2 million views. Nancy Pelosi doesn't get that kind of attention.
Trump is probably all but assured re-election. But just as importantly, doom Nancy Palsi to have been a one term Speaker.
Which is why "the National Popular Vote" thing is so big with Democrats right now. They want California and New York to determine the president. Theoretically, the thing is constitutional. I just wonder if some state Republican parties will sue to block it as a violation of the Connecticut Compromise. I'm no lawyer (thank God) but there must be some variation of that, maybe 14th Amendment.
The Equal Protection Clause requires each state to provide equal protection under the law to all people, including all non-citizens, within its jurisdiction. This clause has been the basis for many decisions rejecting irrational or unnecessary discrimination against people belonging to various groups.
Hall of Fame tweet from Trump.
Pelosi is going to call for Twitter to be banned.
By rushing to stand with the controversial congresswoman, the 2020 contenders are allowing Trump to transform her into the face of their party.
There are some extraneous words in that sentence, which should read:
"By rushing to stand with the controversial congresswoman, the 2020 contenders are transforming her into the face of their party."
These are the same people who rushed to Jussie Smollet’s aid.
Cool clock, Ahmed.
"Trump is probably all but assured re-election."
Definitely hope so, but suggest ya not fall into the trap for two simple reasons: (1) it's too early and (2) we have too many variables and uncertainties.
In 2016, Hillary had 66 Million votes, Trump had 63 Million. Basically 50-50. And Hillary was an extremely defective candidate.
In 2020, let's say most new young voters swing to Dems; let's say fence-sitters swing to Trump. Do the numbers cancel each other out? Not sure, but still think it portends a close election.
If economy stays hot, Yes, Trump inches ahead. If economy slows down, or, God forbid, slips into recession, Trump has problems.
In my view, Trump deserves re-election, but we have a lotta knucklehead voters in CAL, in NYC, in the universities, in the public sector.
My 2 cents. Could be wrong.
I saw an interesting observation today. Secular Jews have gotten very comfortable because there has been no anti-Semitism in this country for 70 years, Several generations. They have also tended to associate it with the right, probably because Nazis were seen as "right wing." Now, the Democrat Party is reviving it. I wonder what the result will be ?
@Michael K., the result will be secular Jews cursing the damned Republicans even as their Democrat precinct chairman is herding them onto cattle cars.
"Omar and Tlaib are not going to shut up. Get used to it."
Oh, I look forward to it. It's a thing of wonder to watch Slate commenters twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain it.
It is amusing, isn't it? The Progs have adopted an interesting strategy of self-immolation. We'll see how it plays.
Tommy Duncan @ 10:34: "Omar made an edgy statement.
Trump provided context for Omar's statement.
Context is the enemy of the narrative.
Context destroys the illusion created by the narrative.
Democrats don't like context."
Well said. IMHO this little dumpster fire has three parts. (1) Fuel: Omar's truly stupid remark. (2) Oxygen: Democrats rushing to endorse her as Brave Diversity Voice. (3) Spark: Trump combining (1) and (2) in a pretty obvious way.
Really: he is lucky in his enemies.
It was the Jews who were responsible for 9/11.
I think you're on to something. When Rep. Ohmar said "Some people did something", we who are outside of the radical Muslim community hear her as whitewashing Islamic terrorism. But, I think what she was saying, in the rhetoric of her Islamic community, was that others committed the attacks on 9-11 (the Jews, the Bush admin., the CIA, etc) and that they were blamed on Muslims as part of a conspiracy.
She's not just trying to elide the moral blame. She's deliberately trying to foist it on others.
Needless to say, she's not going to just come out & say this in an interview on "Meet the Press".
@Big Mike,
the result will be secular Jews cursing the damned Republicans even as their Democrat precinct chairman is herding them onto cattle cars.
It happened in the Soviet Union, where far too many secular Jewish Party members denounced themselves & publicly accepted the righteous judgement of the Party that they were indeed agents of foreign powers, wreckers, & counter-revolutionaries.
"doom Nancy Palsi to have been a one term Speaker."
Pelosi was speaker of the House also from 2007 to 2011.
You have to say that this person is looking at me strange, [sic] I am not comfortable with it, and I am going to talk to them and ask them why. Because that is the right you have.
Memo to Ilhan Omar. You are welcome to march over to me because you think I am looking at you strangely and get in my face, but you should expect me to climb right back into yours. And you will not like it.
“Some people did something” is a Dog Whistle to radical Muslims.
Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song
Trump doing well in campaign funding.
By the time of DNC convention after a nasty, splintering primary, the Dem nominee (I believe Bernie) will be way behind Trump's war chest of $200 Million.
Can't get cocky, though. Too many variables. Yes, Omar keep talking!
Omar should thank Trump for taking her seriously. Pelosi didn’t.
@YoungHegelian, I’m aware I am even aware that some Jews helped the Nazis round up their fellow Jews, only to find themselves on the last cattle car.
It's weird to say that CAIR was founded as a response to 9/11 when that's not the truth. CAIR was founded several years before 9/11. It's a Hamas organization.
Is she oblivious to this? Is she rewriting history?
@YoungHegelian, some people, including me, believe that the attack was supposed to occur on Rosh Hashana, when many Jews would take a day off work, but they were a week too soon for some unknown reason. Against that theory, Jews are more likely to take off on Yom Kippur, which in 2001 would have been 15 days after the attack. But in favor of this theory, the initial response to 9/11 from Arab countries (after they stopped dancing in the streets) was to argue that the Jews did it and you can tell because all the Jews stayed home that day. But 9/11/2001 was not a Jewish holiday and Jews were at work, alongside Christians, Hindus, and atheists. And thus they died together.
r/v - this is the logical endpoint of inter-sectional ideology. The Dems can not criticize anyone at the top of the 'oppression' pole.
Is she oblivious to this? Is she rewriting history?
It's called lying to your enemies to advance islam.
I think there's a term for it. In the koran.
Bruce - why didn't intersectionality hurt the Dems in 2018 elections? I know that many of the Democrats who won those 'purple' districts didn't run as intersectional per-se, but they somehow avoided that tarring. Seems worrying to me, as if the Dems get complete power by 2021, those so-called 'moderate' Democrats will vote for the entire radical leftist agenda anyways.
Tequiya is only supposed to be among Shia moslems
Is antisemitism really hurting the Democrats? 75% of Jews still voted for Democrats in 2018 despite knowing what that party is now. Also BDS is gaining steam. Palestinian student groups successfully oppress Jewish ones at universities. I'm not seeing any momentum against the Jew-haters. In fact, it seems like we're on the verge of another kristallnacht.
The Dems are targeting their own feet. I recommend bigger calibers and lots more ammo!
“Definitely hope so, but suggest ya not fall into the trap for two simple reasons: (1) it's too early and (2) we have too many variables and uncertainties. ”
Not disagreeing. But my point is that the momentum is on Trump’s side as long as the Dems refuse to sideline these three Congresswomen. This Muslim woman has seemingly managed to tie the Dems with perpetrating the 9/11 attacks. This puts them against Christians, Jews, feminists, and homosexuals. Against a go-along/get-along Republican, this might not be a big problem. But against a marketing genius who often hugs our flag when coming onstage, this is going to be an increasing problem with moderates in this country.
One thing also to be kept in mind is that the coup attempt against Trump is now effectively over. Now the cleanup has started. This is the biggest political scandal of probably at least the last century, and the Democrats, both the Clinton campaign and the Obama Administration, were up to their eyeballs in it. They not only spied on the Trump campaign, transition, and early Administration using tools that were designed to fight terrorism (and prevent the next 9/11), but then they managed to perpetuate it for another two years using their power over the Deep State. I think that a number of indictments from high ranking former FBI and DoJ people, along with intelligence agency people, both career and Obama appointed, are inevitable, I also expect that the trail will lead well into the Obama White House. Who in their right minds will want to trust the Dems with the keys to the White House after all the dirt comes out implicating the last two Dems who occupied it?
So what the Dem nominee is going to be fighting is being tarred as unAmerican because they refuse to condemn Muslim Congresswomen who seemingly believe that their attacks on us on 9/11/01 were justified Jihad, but also because their last two Administrations were more than willing to subvert our Constitution and laws for partisan gain.
“Bruce - why didn't intersectionality hurt the Dems in 2018 elections?”
Because it was innocuous. It could be sold as a strength, the strength of a diverse citizenship. But now it is going to fracture their coalition because the segment with the most intersectionality points wants to execute, stone, or otherwise subjugate its other favored minorities, and no one on the left will be able to stand up and tell them to shut up.
I'm not seeing any momentum against the Jew-haters. In fact, it seems like we're on the verge of another kristallnacht.
I saw a comment today about how secular Jews have gotten so comfortable with no anti-semitism in the US for 70 years; multiple generations. The Democrats, who 70% of them vote for, are reviving anti-Semitism. Many secular Jews associate anti-Semitism with the right as Nazis were thought to be "right wing." The Democrats are on the way to change that.
And meanwhile Trump is going to keep pounding away at their conflicts and hypocrisies.
“Many secular Jews associate anti-Semitism with the right as Nazis were thought to be "right wing." The Democrats are on the way to change that.”
Of course, the real Nazis were no such thing. They were socialists. Their name even included that they were socialists. Tarring them as right wing was revisionism of the worst sort. But it worked.
The German Nazis simply believed that socialism was the strict province of the 'Aryan'. Other socialists might be racist as well, but the one thing they all have in common is a hatred for capitalism, freedom and people of all stripes mixing freely together w/o the coercive hand of a strong central government.
The German Nazis simply believed that socialism was the strict province of the 'Aryan'. Other socialists might be racist as well, but the one thing they all have in common is a hatred for capitalism, freedom and people of all stripes mixing freely together w/o the coercive hand of a strong central government.
Tequiya is only supposed to be among Shia moslems
That likely only means that the Sunnis have a different name for (much) the same thing.
She's horrible and I love that she's the face of the Democratic party. They totally deserve her and AOC, not to mention Tlaib. As someone said upthread: "Popcorn".
It's already begun with Pelosi attempting to diminish them. HAHAHA! We laughed at that clip. I was told by my Democratic party friends that Nancy is more than a match for Trump and that she is brilliant. She isn't handling the trio too brilliantly.
Pelosi looked brilliant against W.
She could hold her own against Boehner and Ryan.
She’s an afternoon snack for Trump. A bag of Cheetos.
I'm tired of being nice about it. Anyone with half a brain knows that Omar's and Talib's acts are just the camel's nose under the tent trick. They need to be called out on this. Good on Trump. The eat me last syndrome of the Dems is repulsive. If Muslims have a legitimate concern about being discriminated against they should stand up and scream at the top of their lungs that thsee two don't represent me with their act. The very few that do that are villified. People that accept Omar's bullshit are a cancer on the Republic.
MayBee said...
I think it's hilarious that people are trying to sell the idea that criticizing her is putting her (and all muslims!) in danger.
It would be funnier if it wasn't working. But over the last two years we've seen multiple instances of this migrating off campus and effecting media (Kevin Williamson) and Big Tech (James Damore) along with other not so high profile events.
" the recent discovery of the Christian school's "exclusionary policies" toward the LGBTQ community create an environment "some students did not feel safe entering.""
So what is this all about? I heard somebody did something to somebody, but that's all the details I have at present.
"But now it is going to fracture their coalition because the segment with the most intersectionality points wants to execute, stone, or otherwise subjugate its other favored minorities, and no one on the left will be able to stand up and tell them to shut up."
I would add that Trump has revealed just how ineffective the "high road" cowardice of the McCain/Mittens era was. Intersectionility divides the Democrats into competing tribes and we are going attack that obvious chink in their armor, exacerbating it.
To be fair, I think the McCain/Mittens era(2008-2012) was too early to attack intersectionality. That term didn't even emerge into the body politic until around late 2014.
The House could vote to expel her, you know. Only takes a 2/3 vote...
Omar and Tlaib are giving us a teachable moment about how Muslims feel/think about the "other". We are subhuman and only fit to be destroyed in the name of Allah. How bigoted of me? No. Not at all. Keep watching and learn!
I certainly hope that the limousine Liberals in MN who have helped Omar along are paying attention. A lot of people warned them what she was really like, but they couldn't, or wouldn't, listen. I don't know what the makeup of her district is - certainly a lot of Somalis . I would think the rest of her constituents would be mortified.
Interestingly enough Omar's district is the most Democratic in the midwest - not just MN. Almost 68% are white and only 17% are black. One would think that her seat may be tenuous, but Keith Ellison held it before so the white voters apparently don't understand the situation.
Most Democrat in the Midwest. All the election materials I designed in Chicago said "Vote Democrat." "Vote Democratic" was, like, you know, what you did [including sometimes voting for the wrong people]. The Democrats wanted you to vote for the Democrats in da election, you know, the Democrats in the Democrat Party. The Democratics sounds like a wedding band.
@Milwaukie Guy Your right. her district is the most Democrat in the midwest. I, fortunately, live in a district represented by a Republic.
The wrong people were Democrats, too. Just nobodies nobody sent.
The Republicans would be a failed band. Everyone loves democracy and only one in ten know what a republic is. Probably can't dance to it.
The U.S. constitution tries to keep democracy in its lane to avoid a tyranny of the majority. A Democratic Republic or Peoples Republic tries to manage democracy to as close to zero as possible to achieve a tyranny of the minority.
@ Milwaukie Guy There is a large number of politicians in this country who would benefit from knowing that our form of government is a Republic - if we can keep it!
If only there was a political party dedicated to a republican form of democracy. That would be so cool.
OTOH, between Chicago and right next to Portlandia, I have only lived under the evil government-party regime, the Democrats. It's tough living in the one-party county. The loyal opposition hath retreated downstate.
across the pond:
Big Mike,
I’ve read that the attacks were on 9/11 because of the 1683 Battle of Vienna.
The West may have forgotten but Islam apparently has not.
"I just stopped by to see if anything has changed at Althouse’s blog. I see that it is the same right wing bile in the comments which Ann encourages."
Standing up against an anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-woman religious culture that is the nearest thing to Nazi culture on the planet today is what anyone who supports western secular values should be doing.
"I predict a Biden/Omar ticket in 2020."
I wonder if he'll sniff her hair and massage her shoulders.
You have to wonder at this point whether Trump is some all powerful warlock or got an infinity stone or something. Jebus, the enemies he's runs up against couldn't box themselves out of a wet paper bag. Even the democratic operatives with bylines botched trying to turn this boneheaded statement against trump and failed miserably. Can't anyone out there play this game?
"the 2020 contenders are allowing Trump to transform her into the face of their party."
Trump isn't transforming ANYTHING. The Democrats are transforming all by themselves; to be specific, they're transforming their image to match what they really are. And it isn't nice. At all.
I wonder if he'll sniff her hair and massage her shoulders.
I wonder if she'll cut off his head with a dull knife.
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