April 22, 2019



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narciso said...

Kind of a hollow triumph

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bernie looked like an absolute doofus when getting asked to lead with his example re his proposed tax rate,

Taxes are neither voluntary nor are they expressions of personal virtue or vice, and we'll never know how your President Hairpiece scores on that scale anyway since he is hiding his own returns. The Sanders released ten years of their own.

Ask not what Trump can do for you, ask what you can do for T-Rump.

narciso said...

You are tiresome:


Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Taxes are neither voluntary nor are they expressions of personal virtue or vice, and we'll never know how your President Hairpiece scores on that scale anyway since he is hiding his own returns."

You need to immediately notify the IRS that Trump is "hiding" his tax returns. I'm quite certain they will move rapidly to acquire them

Thanks in advance for your diligence Citizen!

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "The Sanders released ten years of their own."

10 years worth of the Sanders returns?

Thats like, what? 30 pages total?

Do you think he itemized his Soviet-Comraderie expenses?

Howard said...

Trump hiding nothing. The toad has no clothes

fivewheels said...

Sanders released 10 years of tax returns? Interesting. Why do you suppose he's hiding the rest? He's 77, that's a lot of years he's hiding. How many horrible crimes do you suppose are hidden in that Year 11 that he refuses to turn over? Must be a lot. In fact, we can consider this ironclad proof, since no report has exonerated Sanders of possible tax crimes.

Fen said...

given how well his books sell.

LOL. I bought one of Bernie's books as opposition research. Idiot.

Fen said...

Taxes are neither voluntary nor are they expressions of personal virtue or vice,

But they are.

Taxes are voluntary for wealthy people. They can afford all the lawyers and accountants to find loopholes. And then there all the people who simply choose not to file taxes. IRS has adverts out offering multi-year delinquency forgiveness because there are too many for them to catch.

As for virtue: your hero Beto recently torpedoed his campaign when his taxes revealed he gave less than 1/3rd of 1% of his income to charity.

As for vice: the Clinton Foundation.

(you really are bad at this)

Fen said...

"how your President Hairpiece scores on that scale anyway since he is hiding his own returns."

LOL its none of your fucking business.

And the IRS has audited him every year for the last decade.

Show us your tax returns. I bet you have income from a Russian boiler room.

Fen said...

Okay. I'm done whipping the village idiot. Thank you, idiot.

Rory said...

Payment of taxes, or any other act, becomes an expression of virtue or vice whenever the person doing the act says that it is an expression of virtue or vice. If someone supports higher taxes because he or she thinks that will lead to the general economy growing faster, there is no need to voluntarily pay higher taxes. But, if one support higher taxes because he or she believes that one has a moral duty to supply a social safety net, then he or she is required to spend to provide that safety net regardless of whether the law requires it. For progressives, sitting on a personal stash of money is hypocritical. Their general refusal to accept that it is hypocrisy is why progressives continually end up being led by feminists who harass, environmentalists with massive carbon footprints, and social healers who any objective person can see are scamsters, haters, and frauds.

Rusty said...

Brnie spent 333k of his campaigns money on his own book. Best Seller!
Tell me again how corrupt Trump is.

Fritz said...

Bernie is a piker compared to Baltimore Mayor Pugh:

Since the state prosecutor’s office began a criminal investigation into Pugh at the Maryland governor’s request earlier this week, there’s been a growing tide of examinations spurred by revelations that she was paid roughly $700,000 over roughly eight years for her self-published paperback series about the fictional “Healthy Holly.”

The books were mostly purchased by University of Maryland. It's not clear that all the books bought even physically exist.

rhhardin said...

"i was in the midwest in the beggining of april"

- morse code just heard. Audio typo. Apparently the repeat is in mind before the letter is reached and sometimes it's easy to pick the wrong letter as it goes by. You're already thinking further on, not paying attention.

Nicholas said...

Trumpit said...
Yesterday, I was sitting on a metal-framed chair in a motel room when suddenly the chair buckled and collapsed. I suffered injuries as a result.

Learn. To. Weld.

tim in vermont said...

The books were mostly purchased by University of Maryland. It's not clear that all the books bought even physically exist.

Scam as old as time.... Bernie probably learned it from the former Democrat Speaker of the House, Jim Wright. They should start looking at the post office again, if this old chestnut has been revived.

Mr. Forward said...

Some primal termite knocked on wood.
And tasted it, and found it good.
And that is why your Cousin May
Fell through the parlor floor today.

Ogden Nash

Michael K said...

one doesn't have to give up valuable things to talk incessantly about politics.

I agree and there are other blogs that discuss other topics than politics.

Some discuss history.

Even Ladies cycling.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bernie is a government whore.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Kamala Harris open to Bernie Sanders' call of letting Boston Marathon bomber vote from prison

Not only wrong - on the wrong side. WTF is wrong with these people?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"Easter worshippers" -

Don't say the word "Christian" oh fake fake phony Christians Obama and Hillary.

narciso said...

Theres a lot here:


walter said...

"Taxes are neither voluntary nor are they expressions of personal virtue or vice"
That's pretty..rich..in the context of Berno, who has made the latter one of his core bleats: "Fayeh share!"
If he really wanted that, a "fayaeh share" would be a flat tax across the board. It would be interesting to know what % of his voters pay no income tax.
Bernie can send his excess dough here:
Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Credit Accounting Branch
3700 East-West Highway, Room 6D37
Hyattsville, MD 20782

Fernandinande said...

"The Trump"-JAP 1910 V-Twin

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Where's Althouse?

Howard said...

Ann is busy working on her legal analysis of the Mueller Report. 440-pages is a lot to go through.

Howard said...

Maybe she's dissection the Slaboj Zizek Jordan Peterson debate on how two leftists have become darling of the Alt Right

wwww said...

"Where's Althouse?"

??? Lots of people visit family or go to church or are otherwise very very busy on Christmas and Easter and the surrounding days.

I don't know where Althouse is but it's at the end of Easter weekend. Maybe she has guests and is busy? A commenter asked why she wasn't commenting more on Good Friday. Maybe she was busy? Several commenters asked where Inga was on Easter weekend. Maybe she was busy with Easter and grandkids?

It's a busy weekend, like Christmas.

walter said...

I wonder if Berno is donating his book to prison inmates since he wants them to be able to vote.

walter said...

If you charge 30+ million for a book, it needs to have lots of pages.

narciso said...

What is the value though

traditionalguy said...

Althouse withdrawals.

Tommy Duncan said...

My hope is that Ann's low profile is for happy reasons.

narciso said...

She'll do cleanup later

iowan2 said...

Felons, and ex-felons voting is a cheap stage prop in this little play.

Other than the state the candidates live, who votes is none of their fucking business. The federal govt has no constitutional voice.

Big Mike said...

I agree with Tommy Duncan.

I hope Trump paid zero in taxes — this country is wildly overdue to get serious about eliminating tax loopholes.

walter said...

There was a 5hr Dem town hall on CNN yesterday.

tcrosse said...

"Where's Althouse?"

None of our fucking business.

Humperdink said...

I see Kammy Harris hedged when asked specifically if the Boston Marathon bomber should be able to vote. The old "we need to have a conversation" twaddle.

"......you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

narciso said...

Did it happen or was it a figment of someone's imagination.

Ray - SoCal said...

Thanks Narciso for the Zerohedge link.

The article on supporting the Syrian jihadists is mostly right.


- Al Nusra was rebranded from Al Qaeda.
- Isis is an off shoot of Al Qaeda
- official, in recognized Libyan government has a lot of radical Islamist support
- Hafar, leader of a Libyan military force, is anti jihadist, and seen as someone that can stabilize Libya, and more competent. Being supported by Egypt. Official government being supported by Turkey.
- Turkey controlled where / who the arms for the anti government forces in Syria from the North went to. Basically Islamist groups. Moderate groups were starved of support.
- lots of arms from Libya were channeled through Turkey to Syria
- Turkey has become more Islamist
- Moslem Brotherhood has an amazing system to keep members in right think.
- Al Qaeda is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood
- Politics among gulf state on Jihadist support.

Drago said...

walter: "There was a 5hr Dem town hall on CNN yesterday."

There has been a 24/7/365/40Year Dem Town Hall on CNN.

Yancey Ward said...

I would guess that MeadHouse is off on a road trip- this is a common posting pattern when they do that sort of thing.

walter said...

Apparently Klobuchar had a "Please clap" moment.
But nothing was thrown at the audience...aside from the collective bullshit.

walter said...

Klobberchar! had her "please clap" moment last night.

Howard said...

Tcrosse needs to wipe the shinola off his nose

narciso said...

Yes and the UAE and the kingdom, the footprint Is the analogue to timber sycamore.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You need to immediately notify the IRS that Trump is "hiding" his tax returns.

Unlike the past ten presidents or so, he's hiding them from the people. What is he afraid of the people finding out?

Beto... Clinton... (you really are bad at this)..

Bad at reading that I never mentioned them?

"how your President Hairpiece scores on that scale anyway since he is hiding his own returns."

LOL its none of your fucking business.

LOL! What are you, his lawyer?

Wouldn't be surprising, given how horrible he is at getting or abiding by a professional defense in his name for anything!

Crowdsourcing the rabble!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Taxes are neither voluntary nor are they expressions of personal virtue or vice"
That's pretty..rich..in the context of Berno, who has made the latter one of his core bleats: "Fayeh share!"

It's socially, politically and financially irresponsible to make a government more beholden to the tax interests of whomever can pay it off better with special interest lobbying than to positions supported by 70% - 90% of the population. Why should a government spend that much more time, resources and energy figuring out how to make the demographic with the most most already more "comfortable" than the vast majority of the population who have so little? Or did you think a country could be run and a nation exist based on what just a few billionaires want, while pretending that the actual population whose backs you break with added burden just shouldn't exist?

If he really wanted that, a "fayaeh share" would be a flat tax across the board.

Your prescription for running up debt even further, while decreasing the tax liabilities of the investors running this country, who already pay a smaller percentage than their secretaries, is noted.

It would be interesting to know what % of his voters pay no income tax.

Not as interesting to know what % of the donors running the Republican party pay as small a % as Mitt Romney did and likely still does.

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