But it's time for my Pilates lesson, so you're on your own for now.
UPDATE: I'm back, but I've got a bunch of things to do. You'll have to enjoy/rail against the great Muellering on your own.
Here's the text. Search and you shall find!
UPDATE 2: Have you had a nice day? I spent some of it listening to the cable news channels on the satellite radio in the car, but it got repetitious and overemotional so I retreated to my audiobook. Do I have to blog about the Mueller report? Obviously, not.
1 – 200 of 722 Newer› Newest»It's a short press conference.
"Good Morning. The Special Prosecutor, Mueller, investigated this case, and found no evidence of the crime of collusion, conspiracy or coordination.
As for Obstruction of Justice, well, any President can fire an FBI Director for any reason. And it was good to fire Comey. He is a moron.
Any Questions?"
It's outrageous that Barr is doing a press conference before Jerrold Nadler gets the report!
Barr is spinning the report!!
The guys who seem to have preempted the Armstrong and Getty show are vamping.
Barr communicates good like a lawyer should.
Volume 1 - about the Russian-Trump Investigation - Trump cleared of that.
All the norms are being violated because Trump is President.
For example, the Attorney General is giving a press conference about a report 90 minutes before he releases it to the public.
Barr, himself, is sowing discord and disinformation among the American electorate!
He should be investigated!
Someone has the absolute right priorities.
Rosenstein looks like a hostage.
"Rosenstein looks like a hostage"
It looks like he has been repeatedly sodomized into meek compliance.
Evidence presented non corrupt motives of obstruction. No Obstruction.
Volume 2(?) - GRU and IRA activities - Done with no collusion with any US citizen.
Wikileaks and the Trump campaign cleared of the Democratic email
Volume 3(?) - Contacts between the Trump campaign and various Russians.
Volume 4(?) - 10 incidents of potential obstruction of justice. President had a sincere belief in his innocence and did not prevent witnesses from testifying, did not hide any documents, did not make any claims of executive privilege.
Rod Rosenstein -- the last member of The DOJ/FBI Resistance still in a high position -- has to publicly confirm the new status quo.
It's like a country's pagan high priest having to publicly help conduct the mass Christian baptism of the country's pagan warlords.
President Trump refused to assert Executive Privilege concerning the Mueller Report.
It's kinda cute how our trolls are delayed waiting for their talking points to be written. No thoughts of their owm.
It's over. Done. Finit. The heads are gonna be exploding on CNN and MSNBC. The day the music died.
As Cher said in "Moonstruck" -- get over it!
Watching the live feed on NPR Facebook and boy is the audience ANGERY
Not realizing there was a new blog post, I posted this on the old thread.
Affirms Mike Sylwester's point:
Browndog said...
Watching Rosenstein standing there cracks me up. As a central player in the coup to remove Trump, Barr forces him to stand front and center as it crumbles before his very eyes.
He now has Barr's permission to retire.
Barr: "I have no objection to Bob Mueller testifying"
Boom. Mic drop.
As a matter of courtesy, though, Mueller should at least bring some pastries for Nadler and Schiff at the House Committees.
Barr is schooling dimwitted reporters on facts of law. Fun.
I don't hear anything in this live report from Barr that is bad for Trump.
Rod Rosenstein does look hostage-like there. I'm waiting for him to faint.
Loved that last question before he left. I imagine it from a deflating Democrat.
The better part of 2 years and over 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas issued, nearly 500 search warrants, and no collusion found.
But... Mueller seems to think that there perhaps may of been some sort of obstuction on the part of Trump? I'd like to know what he's specifically alleging might qualify as "obstruction". Does he imagine that Trump endlessly Tweeting and saying publicly that this investigation was a "witch hunt" somehow amounts to obstruction of justice?
This is a bad day for Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller.
He had hoped that he would become a historic hero for removing Donald Trump from the Presidency. For two years, Mueller tried to goad President Trump into firing himself and/or Rod Rosenstein. Then Trump would be impeached for obstructing justice. In that situation, Mueller never would have to prove any Russian collusion.
All future history books would teach our country's young people that Mueller was a historic hero.
Instead, Mueller has disgraced ....
* himself
* the office of Special Counsel
* the FBI
Eventually Mueller's prosecution of Concord Management will be thrown out, and then Mueller will have disgraced also ....
* the United States of America.
Turley just said "garner" in an interview on CBSN!
The media is fast spinning Barrs words.
What the media is not bright enough to catch. All the words favorable to Trump, are taken verbatim from the report. Muellers words, not Barrs.
There are 9 -- 9!! -- people talking about this on CNN.
turns out Wiki was attempting to help Bernie, not Trump..
See, this is where Michael Cohen's great advice to cooperate fully pays off. The WH gave Mueller EVERYTHING they wanted, indexed and color coded, no privilege invoked. They could have deluged the SC with boxes and boxes of paper to review as a big FU.
So they got him on taxi medallions or some crap.
Comey was caught lying to Trump’s face. Multiple times. His doesn’t justify his being fired?
NBC is trying to parse the Barr statements like crazy.
They are going crazy on Trump's incidents of potential obstruction. Barr said that Trump's mental state during these incidents was a sincere belief of his innocence.
I'd like to know what he's specifically alleging might qualify as "obstruction".
Trump PUBLICLY claimed to be 'innocent'
For the President of the United States to weigh into a criminal matter is The Definition of Obstruction!
The fact of the matter is: Trump has not confessed his guilt: this PROVES that he is Guilty!
From a deceptively headlined link at Drudge:
"Barr told reporters Thursday that he felt the Justice Department “had to” decide whether Trump’s conduct was criminal because Muller did not. In outlining the decision not to charge Trump with trying to derail the probe, the attorney general said he considered the “unprecedented situation” the president faced entering office and what he called “substantial evidence” in Mueller’s report “to show that the president was frustrated and angered” by media speculation and a belief that the probe undermined his presidency.
Barr said:
Nonetheless, the White House fully cooperated with the Special Counsel’s investigation, providing unfettered access to campaign and White House documents, directing senior aides to testify freely, and asserting no privilege claims. And at the same time, the President took no act that in fact deprived the Special Counsel of the documents and witnesses necessary to complete his investigation. Apart from whether the acts were obstructive, this evidence of non-corrupt motives weighs heavily against any allegation that the President had a corrupt intent to obstruct the investigation.
F the left. Liars all.
He hasn't drowned so clearly a warlock.
Trumps tweet using the GOT meme hits the dimwits right in the mouth
The left throw out the word "Obstruction" because it's all they have.
Trump never Obstructed anything. He had every right to fire that foul corrupt leaky egotistical weirdo James Comey. That is not obstruction. It. never. was.
And Trump never shut down or stood in the way of the probe. He criticized it, which of course, according to the corrupt leftwing democratic press - that is their definition of "obstruction".
@Nonapod -
"But... Mueller seems to think that there perhaps may of been some sort of obstuction on the part of Trump? I'd like to know what he's specifically alleging might qualify as "obstruction". Does he imagine that Trump endlessly Tweeting and saying publicly that this investigation was a "witch hunt" somehow amounts to obstruction of justice?"
For some reason, I think that's how it's going to be spun. But the basic facts remain - there was no Collusion.
And as far as any obstruction goes - I'm thinking that's going to end up being referred to as something like 'Beauty'. It's very much in the eye of the beholder, and what someone insists is obstruction could be as little as Trump saying "Dang, I wish they'd drop this shit so I could get this behind me."
(In other words, subjective as all hell.)
Ann has her priorities right!
Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller conducted his "investigation" as if the elected US President were a Mafia boss.
Mueller proceeded to pressure and prosecute the lower Mafia members in order to compel them to snitch on the higher Mafia members.
In Mueller's scheme, all of President Trump's relatives, supporters and associates were considered to be members of Boss Trump's Mafia. Mueller treated all of them viciously and mercilessly.
Mueller's police-state tactics against our elected President, his relatives, supporters and associates has been cheered for the past two years by our country's liberals.
Now- can we move on to Hillary. We never go to the bottom of her corruption.
Now Mueller can go back to speaking before drug laundering banks like banamex.
"Eenie meenie chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak." -- Bullwinkle
Thank God for William Barr.
I am confident that he eventually will honestly inform the public how this RussiaGate hoax was concocted and developed.
Thank God for William Barr.
Trump's hand picked AG issued a redacted report.
Repeat that sentence long enough, 'redacted' blurrs to doctored, blurrs to fake. Then, we have a brand new conspiracy. A brand new impeachable offense.
You go to pilates class we'll go to Barr class.
The way Barr handled the hyperventilating libtard reporters rivals that of Trump.
To the Russian Collusion Truthers, "mean tweets" by Trump is a form of obstruction.
But no sane person or prosecutor buys that tweets are crime.
It will be hard for some folks on the Left to fully understand that their false echo-chambered claims of "collusion" -- which they promoted for 2.5 years without evidence -- will now help re-elect Trump, and lead to his appointing 2 more conservative Justices on SCOTUS.
In life, sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug.
CNBC(D) press says:
Barr’s comments, combined with his stressing multiple times that Mueller’s probe found no one associated with the Trump campaign “coordinated or conspired” with Russia, will only fuel more concerns about his independence.
Got that? The probe didn't amount to what the hack-D press and the democrat party wanted, so there are "concerns about Barr's independence."
I wonder if Democrats see the trap that Barr just set, as a new investigation is about to begin.
I have it on good authority that Trump weighs less than, exactly the same as, and more than a duck.
“ The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
Democrat hack press and democrat elite liars in our government: "That cannot be right."
I confidently predict they do not, will not, and cannot see anything.
There is no obstruction.
msdnc grasping to the thin reed that 10 events of obstruction were identified and investigated. After the investigation no criminal recommendations from Mueller.
Mueller stated his decision was unrelated to DoJ policy preventing indictment of a sitting POTUS
"are they friendly spirits?" - Rocky
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Now- can we move on to Hillary. We never go to the bottom of her corruption."
True. However a full investigation would result in Bill and Obama looking at criminal charges along with Eric Holder, Mueller, Comey and Loretta Lynch along with the lower level DoJ and FBI people. And then there are the criminals at the CIA and NSA.
Did I hear correctly, Barr said he had no objection to Mueller "personally" testifying before he Senate and House Judiciary Committees. Is that DOJ/Lawyer speak to indicate Mueller testimony would be unofficial?
CNBC shows itself to be a hack outfit with the comment about AG independence. The AG has never been independent of the Executive Branch. Obama's AGs were longtime associates of his. The notion of AG independence is only a thing because of Trump. And if you are not ready to denounce JFK as a totalitarian for hiring his brother as AG, then doing waste my time trying to defend CNBC's BS.
Blogger MadisonMan said...
Loved that last question before he left. I imagine it from a deflating Democrat.
I heard a parting question but could not hear what it was. Can you tell us what was asked? Probably something pointless judging by Barr's response.
And who was the other guy? The one with the beard who Barr did not introduce. I like his looks. He looks like he should have been carrying a headchopping axe.
John Henry
I had the same thought. I thought he meant the DOJ would not provide DOJ attorneys to Mueller if he testifies to Congress. He would be liable for his own testimony and would have to hire his own counsel.
The process is the punishment, and
Turnabout is fair play
BAG: "It will be hard for some folks on the Left to fully understand that their false echo-chambered claims of "collusion" -- which they promoted for 2.5 years without evidence -- will now help re-elect Trump, and lead to his appointing 2 more
conservative Justices on SCOTUS."
The scenario you outline is precisely what the left/LLR's have defined as a literal "disaster".
Because their corrupt Private Server for Russian Cash Clinton didn't win, the corrupt D-Party press spent 2+ years convicting Trump on their "news" shows.
Lets now pretend that never happened.
Actual Democrats in congress spent hours and hours on CNN and MSDNC - convicting Trump of a crime before the Mueller report was released, all while they lectured us to wait for it.
Adam Schit is a disgrace.
Valerie Jarrett's daughter got the first question at the Barr press conference.
There is no Deep State.
These are not the droids you are looking for.
Valerie Jarrett is a co-conspirator.
I like that they are asking why Mueller isn't at the press conference. If Mueller doesn't want to have a press conference, they can always invite him on their tv news shows. Barr doesn't control him.
Can CNN fit any more people on their panel?
We note that Rachel's spoon fed robot is not around.
Every lefty/LLR-lefty is clearly awaiting the arrival of their next wave of talking points.
The LLR-approved far left media hacks have been thrown completely for a loop due to Barr's incredible reputation, competence and demeanor and the lack of far left hacks having access to inside lpre-leaked info.
The questions the LLR-approved lefty hacks were asking indicates the lefties are still operating in a 2017/2018 frame and not being able to adapt quickly to the New Political World they have been hyper-spaced into.
And they are clearly afraid that a counter-offensive is just now kicking iff...just in time for the 2020 campaign....
...and they are right to be concerned....
Which one of the robots do you mean?
How long before the usual suspects come here to attack Barron Trump and insinuate Trump is responsible for the Notre Dame fire as a "Reichstag" ploy?
Just read at Ace that the first reporter called on was Valerie Jarrett's daughter.
John Henry
The redactions are like the “missing heat” in global warming. You know, the stuff that can only be found where no thermometer can go. But it exists, nobody can question it!
Sorry, I see Birkel was there before me.
John Henry
Over at MSNBC they’re working “Baghdad Bob Barr” into the conversation and outlining how Mueller’s soon-to-be-terminated position was designed as a “fail-safe” against a corrupt DOJ, ensuring he’d be allowed to publicly testify.
Can someone tell me if Mueller was conducting a criminal investigation? Or was it a counter intell investigation?
msdnc keeps ranting first, that Barr is stepping far out of bounds on a criminal investigation, then flips 180 and says 'the report has nothing to do with criminality, its about POTUS guilty of ruining all the norms'
Which metric am I to use? Criminal? Or something else that no one will define for me?
The best line in the press conference:
Barr: Eric!
Barr is hiding the evidence of global obstruction of warming justice by Trump in heat sinks deep within the ocean.
“Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller conducted his "investigation" as if the elected US President were a Mafia boss.
Mueller proceeded to pressure and prosecute the lower Mafia members in order to compel them to snitch on the higher Mafia members.
In Mueller's scheme, all of President Trump's relatives, supporters and associates were considered to be members of Boss Trump's Mafia. Mueller treated all of them viciously and mercilessly.”
Keep in mind that the lead investigator was Andrew Weissman, who moved over from Organized Crime. I am pretty sure that his addition to the team was not an accident (above and beyond his ties to Bruce Is hr and the Steele Dossier), and think that his being put in operational charge of the prosecutors was not Mueller’s decision (Peter Strzok was put in charge of the FBI agents until his text messages surfaced and forced his removal. He was replaced by one of the guys he worked closely with in the Nat Sec Branch).
outlining how Mueller’s soon-to-be-terminated position was designed as a “fail-safe” against a corrupt DOJ, ensuring he’d be allowed to publicly testify.
Keep hope alive!
But they did manage to parlay Hillary’s scurrilous charge into a House majority, so Mueller did his job.
The big news at this moment is that Barr is a hack. The MSM knows this is not going to change a word of the Mueller investigation. It is pre spin (or should I say quasi-spin) by MSM to set up their narrative when future investigations conducted by DOJ show the Hillary and Obama culpability. DOJ is not to be trusted because Barr is in Trump's pocket. Pathetically transparent.
Can we call on Adam Schitt (D) to testify as to WHY he spent so much time on CNN and MSDNC insisting Trump and his family are all criminals?
Watching CNN for the first time in many years.
'Hey, just because Trump did nothing illegal doesn't mean he didn't commit crimes; it's a flaw in our legal system!'
Clearly hes a warlock or dark wizard:
Leaking before the indictments:
When the Democrats are in complete control, “Whaddya mean? I didn’t do it!” will be obstruction of justice and the penalty will be based on the seriousness of the charge, irrespective of guilt or innocence. Don’t worry though, if you keep your mind right, you will never get in trouble!
Summary of the link:
Yeah, Australia is admitting they ran Downer (an Australian spy) at the Trump campaign in coordination with US intelligence.
Blogger iowan2 said...
“Can someone tell me if Mueller was conducting a criminal investigation? Or was it a counter intell investigation?”
My guess is that it was a combined organized crime and counterintelligence investigation. As I just noted, Organized Crime seemed to be running the prosecutors, while National Security seemed to be running the FBI side of the investigation. (Strzok came from counterintelligence, but my memory seems to be that his successor had more of a counterterrorism background)
CNN can't say "redacted" enough. I think they have a competition to see who can use it the most in one sentence.
I'm done. Had my fill of CNN for another decade.
Which one of the robots do you mean?
Doesn't matter. they are all downloading the 'thread the needle' BS talking points from their various BS leftwing hivemind sources.
OMG. All CNN needs to add to that panel is a Tupac hologram.
Now- can we move on to Hillary. We never go to the bottom of her corruption.
No need to get to the bottom, as her obstruction of justice is right there on the surface. But...crickets.
"Redacted" means - in media-hack speak: "The real crimes are still hidden inside that Mueller report and Barr cannot be trusted."
That's all that means. The leftwing press - such a joke.
Australia is admitting they officially ran a spy into the Trump campaign in coordination with US intelligence.
Brennan and Clapper are criminals who violated the 4th Amendment.
"Trumps tweet using the GOT meme hits the dimwits right in the mouth"
Winter is coming? The north remembers?
Hillary-Smolette-Strozk 2020. Or just a communist. Whatever.
Nicloe Wallace used the term LLC Life Long Conservative.
Just an update because a poster here asked about the term LLR, Life Long Republican. It's being used in the media to denote never Trumpers
Love the comments re Rosenstein. He looked sick. And scared.
Keep in mind that the lead investigator was Andrew Weissman, who moved over from Organized Crime.
Also remember that Weismann accomplished something else. A unanimous Supreme Court decision to throw out his prosecution of Arthur Anderson accounting firm. Not many unanimous decisions these days but he managed it.
In a follow-up case in U.S. District Court, Weissmann also was successful at arguing that auditing firm Arthur Andersen LLP had covered up for Enron. In that case, which resulted in the destruction of Andersen, he convinced the district judge to instruct the jury that they could convict the firm regardless of whether its employees knew they were violating the law. That ruling was later unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court in Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, in which the court held that "the jury instructions failed to convey the requisite consciousness of wrongdoing."
The firm had closed and all employees had lost their jobs. Punishing the innocent seems high on his "to do" list.
Mueller hasn't been so sad since he had to disburse the 5.5 mil to Stephen hatfill.
I heard a parting question but could not hear what it was. Can you tell us what was asked?
Something like "What do you tell American people who think you're providing cover for a criminal Trump."
Those aren't the exact words, but that was the gist of it.
It's out! Justice.gov
BB&H: The left throw out the word "Obstruction" because it's all they have.
On that note I thought I'd go see what Professor Tribe had to say on that point. Just for fun.
Oh my. One exemplary comment nicely distills the viewpoint prevailing there down to its essence:
"We already knew who they are and what they have done. What are we going to do about it?
We fought hard to take back Congress in the hope that something be changed.
Will Congress doing anything about this? We can’t just move on and go home."
(I hope our resident L&LLR friends are OK. I'm starting to worry that they're out there somewhere, starting that final descent into madness.)
Remember, the Russian Collusion investigation was never about putting Republicans in jail.
It was about keeping Democrats out of jail. It worked. But now they need something else. They're not going to stop trying to stay out of jail.
Barr: "I have no objection to Bob Mueller testifying"
Which is the tell that Barr doesn't think they are serious about Mueller testifying. They just need a hook to pin their supporters loss on. They are hoping for Barr to impede such testimony, then they can blame him (perhaps even impeaching Barr).
Barr called their bluff.
Bruce: "My guess is that it was a combined organized crime and counterintelligence investigation."
It was "officially" a counter-intelligence investigation (in complete violation of DOJ rules for Special Counsel establishment) but was in reality a Frame Up operation designed to bring down the President through a perjury-trap while at the same time give the Coup-sters the ability to cover up all Lefty/dem/LLR corruption and crimes by the dems/DNC/Obama admin.
And think about it: against ANY OTHER republican, bar none (all puns intended), it would have worked.
It would have worked...and would be done again and again and again moving forward.
But Trump beat them all.
And now he moves to offense.
Not even LLR Chuck's Jerry Nadler Comfort-Doll will be sufficient to console Chuck as he lies in the fetal position and sucking his thumb on his living room floor with the "brilliant" Maddow show blaring at maximum volume on the telly!!
With only 12 years left until the Green New Deal apocalypse why are we talking about the Mueller report?
There are two things that should be investigated:
1) The donations to the Clintoon Crime Foundation from foreigners, including the Russians.
2) What did Obozo the Magnificent do following this remark: caught on a hot mic, Obama told the Russians that he could be more "flexible" with the Russians after the 2012 election,
Leftiwng shit show:
The real crimes are still hidden! The real Crimes are still hidden! We demand answers. You were supposed to back us up.
We can’t just move on and go home.
Isn’t that the same thing the Rams said after the last Super Bowl?
Actually, Fox says its out but I can't find the link there
I wonder if Inga is on prozac today?
Tribe quote per Angle-Dyne: We can’t just move on and go home.
This would be comic if it weren't so tragic. TDS is not only real, it is incurable. Why worry about the measles epidemic when we've got terminal TDS infecting our nation?
Remember, the Russian Collusion investigation was never about putting Republicans in jail.
It was about keeping Democrats out of jail. It worked. But now they need something else. They're not going to stop trying to stay out of jail.
Yup. Things are really going to get crazy now.
I wonder what distraction the DNC/MSM will cook up.
Inga gloated that when the Mueller report was released she would be here to "rub your faces in it". When do you think she shows up?
Iowan: "Which metric am I to use? Criminal? Or something else that no one will define for me?"
Chuck is cowering till he gets a fresh set of talking points to parrot, so I'll step in to help:
You'll want to say "criminal" as often as you can, so that the public only associates Trump name with word. BUT be careful not to box yourself in - since no criminal acts were discovered, you need to able to deftly pivot to "impeachment is a political process not a crminal one" without injury.
It's a dangerous move that I don't recommend for anyone encumbered by honor and integrity. Chuck will be along shortly to demonstrate.
Just a reminder that Trump was investigated and spied on long before Mueller, and long before they took steps to make it 'legal' with FISA warrants.
I approve AA's priorities. Not a single person blathering on has read the report. The felt need to react NOW, this instant, before learning anything at all is a symptom. It needs treatment not indulgence.
Hillary! losing the election is just a gift that keeps on giving. It's like election night all over again.
It would have worked...and would be done again and again and again moving forward.
Jeb(!) would have folded by now. I think Cruz would have as well.
The Obama Administration started spying on Trump and other Republican candidates in 2015.
I'd say the spying started in 2009, personally, but it might have taken all the way into 2010 to get all the chess pieces set on the board.
Althouse you profess to be an agnostic about Trump. Never saying you voted for him; you talk about applying “cruel neutrality” to Trump and his critics alike. (Although you regularly cherry pick Trump’s most ardent critics to allege that they suffer from derangement.)
But just look at the comments on this page. Your blog comments have become no more and no less than a festival of Trump Cultism.
It’s your blog; and I have no standing to complain. But no one can look at this page and doubt what I’ve just written.
I hope Pilates class was enjoyable for you.
Bearded Cruz would never surrender.
That sort of quasi-complaint is delicious.
The Aussie news- which I only learned about here, just now - puts a different light, perhaps, on that dustup with Rudd(?)early in his term.
I've now seen both Carter P. and George P.-- supposed Russian assets -- interviewed on CSpan.
If these guys were Russian assets, I'm Queen of the May.
It's harder and harder to suppress my laughter at the gullibility of the true believers in Trumpguilt.
But then laughter is healthy.
Charlie/Chuck smells blood!
Charlie Sykes
Verified account @SykesCharlie
11m11 minutes ago
This does NOT seem like a "light redaction"... especially section on the Trump campaign's involvement in dissemination of Wikileaks doc... see page 51 ff
Da report
Blogger Chuck said...
It’s your blog; and I have no standing to complain.
"Inga gloated that when the Mueller report was released she would be here to "rub your faces in it". When do you think she shows up?"
Soon. She's drafting a chant to alter her reality even further but is having trouble finding words that rhyme with "redacted". Like a cantrip to dispell whatever shame she has left.
So far just "Barr acted"
You learn everything you need to know about people like Chuck and Inga in moments like this. If it was you or me, we would show up humbled and prepared to eat crow.
Chuck bleats: It’s your blog; and I have no standing to complain.
You're right. It is and you don't.
Why would we be humbled?
We're fucking right, repeatedly, by applying common sense.
What could we possibly be humbled about?
Francisco: "I wonder what distraction the DNC/MSM will cook up."
We have reached the point where Trump owns the advantage in terms of "battlefield" initiative.
Trump can control what is declassified, Barr has investigative leverage, sufficient factual info to expose the left/LLR-left has already been released with massive additional "ammo" awaiting....
....which means exactly 1 thing: Trump had better increase in size, dramatically, his Secret Service detail.
I can easily see some "lone wolf" antifa/illegal type "somehow", "inexplicably", finding a way to get very very close to the President.....
Didn’t see this earlier in this thread - here are AG Barr’s prepared remarks. (https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-william-p-barr-delivers-remarks-release-report-investigation-russian)
Is this where we start learning who is on the list of indictments for Treason, for accepting foreign country's bribes, and for having sex with the kidnapped children? Inquiring Dem minds desperately need to know.
One of the MSNBC website headlines:
“AG Barr decided his legacy, ‘took one’ for the Trump team”
Cuck: "Your blog comments have become-"
They aren't her comments, snowflake. Gods you are a dishonest wretch.
"I have no standing to complain"
So STFU traitor.
Boom, there it is. I TOLD YOU SO, YOU STUPID FOOLS.
“If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment.”
Robert Mueller
Blog post title: Barr about to Speak
Someone took that as proof Althouse is engaged in a conspiracy to promote Trump cultism...whatever that is.
But no one can look at this page and doubt that I’ve just written.
I thought that the Pentagon Papers case settled the issue of criminality of publishing documents that had been stolen/hacked/leaked, whatever by others. I don’t see how taking advantage of Wikileaks can be a crime. Even Assange is only charged with encouraging espionage, not publishing the documents.
...which means exactly 1 thing: Trump had better increase in size, dramatically, his Secret Service detail.
No attempt will be made on Trump because that would make him more sympathetic. A false flag operation may be in the making where a supposed Trump supporter does something nefarious.
This will not be farmed out to Jussie Smollett. It will be a professional operation.
Rosenstein appeared stiff and ill at ease. Must have been the wire he was wearing...intrarectally.
Yeah Inga..facts are stubborn things.
"Trump had better increase in size, dramatically, his Secret Service detail."
Chelsea Clinton too. I suspect that whatever happens to Trump will happen to her. To punish Hillary.
All these many months of one conspiracy theory after another and it turns out from Robert Mueller’s own words, Trump CANNOT be exonerated of Obstruction of Justice, “BASED ON THE FACTS”.
We cannot determine if Trump committed obstruction, therefor he did.
-Libtards everywhere
Initial jobless claims: 50 year low
US retail spending: Consumers feel good about the economy
Leftist Collectivists and their quasi-allies must be really upset that so many things are going so well.
Shorter Royal ass Inga:
Mueller could not prove a negative.
I turned it off before the end; what was Barr's response to that parting question please?
So, wait a minute. There was no crime to cover up, Trump was innocent, and Mueller wasn’t sure that there WAS obstruction, or HE WOULD HAVE SO STATED, and that’s a “BOOM!” That’s precisely what we already knew from Barr’s summary.
But keep hope alive!
Look out..she's gonna CAP us...because the facts and laws don't work in her favor.
It’s your blog; and I have no standing to complain. But no one can look at this page and doubt what I’ve just written.
Your Honor, how dare counsel argue the other side! It hurts my case!
I hope Inga never goes to jail because the prosecution can't prove her innocent.
Leftwing totalitarians will never stop.
Trump CANNOT be charged with Obstruction of Justice, “BASED ON THE FACTS”.
Sorry Inga - you lose. You're a desperate loser.
Worst face rubbing ever.
Your blog comments have become no more and no less than a festival of Trump Cultism.
What is the over/under on when Chuck looks into a mirror and asks himself whether he is the one in a cult? I have dibs on “never.”
I thought that the Pentagon Papers case settled the issue of criminality of publishing documents that had been stolen/hacked/leaked, whatever by others. I don’t see how taking advantage of Wikileaks can be a crime. Even Assange is only charged with encouraging espionage, not publishing the documents.
Assange is going to get hit with a slew of new charges once he's in U.S. custody.
The baseless charge is just being used to get him here.
"Trump CANNOT be exonerated of Obstruction of Justice"
So guilty until proven innocent? Do you want yourself held to that standard if you are ever accused?
Sure, it's fun to see Mueller's witch hunt come to naught, for lack of witches.
Sure, it's fun to have a pro like Barr rub it in.
Sure, it's fun to see The Narrative collapse in real time.
Sure, it's fun to see lefty liars and LLRs exposed as utter fools.
But do spare a thought for the collateral damage, besides the deep-state's corrupting of the system itself--for Flynn, in particular. I despise everyone involved in that injustice. And I despise the way that contempt forces me to feel about the country itself. The pollution of our basic patriotism is the ultimate collateral damage.
Mueller: "we found no evidence that Trump obstructed justice"
Inga: "Boom, there it is, fools"
LOL. You've become a parody of yourself, Inga. Thank you.
All these many months of one conspiracy theory after another and it turns out from Robert Mueller’s own words, Trump CANNOT be exonerated of Obstruction of Justice, “BASED ON THE FACTS”.
And collusion??????
“ The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
Nor did Trump stop the probe. He complained about the probe and the corrupt left-wing press. That is not obstruction and and corrupt liars on the left know it.
Inga- you are a deceitful liar.
How dare Trump defend himself from our false claims and our efforts to overthrow a lawfully elected president!!!
Over to you, Royal ass Inga.
“BASED ON THE FACTS”, Mueller could NOT. Exonerate Trump of Obstruction of Justce. You pathetic Trump Cultists can spin it all you want, but facts are facts, real facts, not your ridiculous conspiracy theories or wishcasting.
BTW- Axios is a joke.
Yes, Royal ass Inga.
You told us that Mueller could not prove a negative.
We submit.
Hillary is now president.
So now it’s not just ALL CAPS, but the second techique of cogent argumentation, repetition.
Have a good day Trump Cultists!
I know I will, because I was right all along.
Then why is he exonerated, Inga?
Funk you Inga - you ugly leftwing cultist cunt. Go spread you lies somewhere else.
Let’s try that again: AG Barr’s prepared remarks
"Never surrender. Never give up."
"After reading this thread, I think you nutbags are are going to lose whatever marbles you still have left when the Mueller report is made public. I think whoever ends up in the role of President before 2020 might need to declare martial law, until you Cultists get yourselves deprogrammed. Have hope, there might still be a normal life after Trump for you poor souls."
Now that is a leftwing cultist.
Adam Schiff "republican" Chuck: "But just look at the comments on this page. Your blog comments have become no more and no less than a festival of Trump Cultism."
Filed Under: Things You Write When Your East German-Stasi Ploy To Rig An Election And Overthrow A Duly Elected President Fails As Miserably As The Fake Webzine The Cuckly Standard
Imagine Sessions substituting for Barr.
Stay off the road, Inga.
Good news for Inga; she's free for the day.
"With all this manure, there must be a pony somewhere!"
Everybody knows what Mueller knows.©️
Inga: "I know I will, because I was right all along."
It will be very very difficult for lefty commenter Chuck to beat that one!!
Still too early to tell but there's a lot of smokes
Inga the psycho.
MSNBC believes that Trump saying positive things about people he likes and negative things about people he does not like proves he was obstructing justice.
The First Amendment must be damned.
I find it interesting how, to the left, if Mueller's team had found evidence, that would have been massively important; but if they found no evidence, that doesn't make the slightest bit of difference.
I keep thinking of Peter Benchley's LBJ expy in Q Clearance telling his underling, "It's true, that's what counts. Facts don't matter, 's long as they support the truth."
Howard’s just as crazy as Inga, but in a different way.
Do that Voice of God bit for me, Howard.
Sorry but I'm not putting out my victory cigar.
You will have to get used to the smoke.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. But in our resident dullard's case we have nothing to worry about.
Per Sean Davis:
Mueller's report concluded that allegations against Carter Page used to justify a FISA spying campaign against him were false. "The investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election."
Every Democrat running for President should be asked if they are willing to have the FBI chose one of their campaign staffers have a FISA warrant slapped on them.
Inga will have to admit that her President has just destroyed the pro Clinton Media Narrative run out of the Obama Administration and that he has the Dems on the run from arrest for their true High Crimes, including looting a collapsing United States for money and while rigging the IC to insure our destruction and the rise of the World Government.
'Horrible': Clinton loyalists exploited Obama's FBI to spread Russia conspiracy stories about Trump
Inga- were you never concerned about collusion with Russia?
Journ-nolizm N 'Merica
"Where there's smoke there's fire!"
mmmm. good one.
It's illegal to insult the liar leftwing press.
You cultists.
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