@MadMan, me too, but still a long way to go. It has been a rough winter here in the Valley, and a lot still to do. But a retired geezer like me has time by the bushel.
Washington’s PBS station (on fables) is shilling for dollars and running a “Pride and Prejudice” marathon so wife is glued to the TV.
@Big Mike... I retired in July last year. Bought the cottage in October. Can’t wait until we can actually use it!!!! Hope to have a plumber hook the well up, turn on electric, etc in a couple weeks. Our realtor called us early February hinting to have our roof cleared of snow.
@MadBohemian, wife and I also downsized, though to a decently large house. We only use the one level, but there are a couple rooms on the second floor where we can, and do, put up sons, daughters in law, and, perhaps, grandkids. (You hear me? Grandchildren!)
Left behind high property taxes, high cost of living, limousine liberals, and terrible traffic congestion. Not missed!
And, if you had asked me in early 2016, who is more of a problem, I would have said, "clearly that loudmouth reality tv star"
And, now 3 years later in early 2019, I would say that Trump's critics are so wacked out, so dishonest, so obsessed and so hysterical, that clearly they are much more of a problem than Trump.
Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) might run. He might be the last sane Democrat in Congress. Compared to Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler, he's practically Ghandi.
Big Mike... We have a small place in Illinois. Can’t stand this state and it’s brain dead politics. One reason to stay...for now....is they don’t tax pensions. The cottage is a six month or so sanity check from here LOVE the quiet, the smells, and nature. My kids do too. We gave 5 of them keys to our place to use. Two have seen the place and love it. Good Luck on grandkids!!!! I have four and two on the way. Three old enough to come enjoy the place too.
...Obama talking about himself in an almost obsessive manner is no new phenomenon, but today he shattered his own records. Over the course of a 90 minute townhall with "emerging leaders," Obama mentioned himself an eye-popping 392 times.
Here's the breakdown of his personal pronoun use (based on a rush transcript of the event):
"I" — 274
"Me" — 25
"My" — 31
"I’d" — 9
"I’m" — 41
"Myself" — 7
“Obama” — 5
The former president's comments began on his favorite topic: himself......
Here is an op-ed by former senator Bob Kerrey that asks how the Department of Justice could have gotten the Trump-Russia investigation so wrong. It's worth a read.
The money quote: "If the president of the United States is vulnerable to prosecutorial abuse, then God help all the rest of us."
Our acre in Nova Scotia with deep water ocean access for one of my sailboats, well, electric and septic - $38,000 Canadian. Small log cabin cottage in the planning stages...
"Here is an op-ed by former senator Bob Kerrey that asks how the Department of Justice could have gotten the Trump-Russia investigation so wrong."
-- See, that implies Mueller was looking to conduct an investigation. Given his selective prosecution of the crimes he found, the most obvious example is letting Podesta off while going after Manafort, made it clear that the goal was never an even handed investigation.
Mueller achieved as best he could for what his actual goals were: To attack the current administration. It's a shame; imagine if he had rounded up all the FBI agents who sold access to reporters, found out who stole Powers' credentials to spy on Americans illegally, and helped end the scourge of foreign influence peddaling by bringing the hammer down on everyone -- not just Manafort.
He had a real shot to majorly reform the DoJ and other things. Instead, he chose to try to validate that Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed.
I feel like point 2 in that Op-Ed about making sure the President behaves on Twitter is solely there in hopes to assure people "I don't like him either, so please, don't immediately discount what I have to say that you don't like!"
You misunderstood muellers purpose, among the press they are still so enmeshed in st. Mueller (complete with votive candles, that you need to wean them off slowly)
readering - for the record I would have volunteered, happily, for Vietnam in 1965 and 1966, or later on when Creighton Abrams was in charge.
Not in between.
Kerry should be commended for volunteering to fight and for volunteering to get shot at.
Let's leave it at that.
For the record I would not have volunteered to be a Marine, Marine training was way too tough for me. Five foot nine and 125 pounds at the age of 18 - I could have maybe made it through Marine training in WWII when they were not as elite as they were later on. Probably not, but maybe.
By the way, has Kerry ever said a word to apologize for his cowardice on the abortion issue and his cowardice when he could have called out Colin Powell?
@readering, I could wish bone spurs on you, but they occur on the heel of the foot and you are 100% asshole so you don't have feet. A physicist once described a person as being a spherical asshole, "because no matter which direction you looked him he was still the same asshole." I am certain he was talking about you.
John Kerry defamed pretty much all service and women serving in Vietnam, the winter soldier sham was particularly odious and one part of it was borderline criminal if he was aware of the assassination plots against us citizens
Mueller, good side - almost everyone who knows him personally respects him. Fought in Vietnam, raced across a field to pull out of the line of fire one of the men under his command out of the line of fire. Still works at jobs, wears an uncomfortable suit and tie, years after he could have retired to the shuffleboard circuit in Florida. Never cheated on his aging wife, when he could have had beautiful young mistresses. Bad side - well, I only know what I hear about him from people I don't trust.
“Former Sen. Bob Kerrey told President Donald Trump in a letter to the White House that the president has "diminished us (and) shrunk us to a pale imitation of the real thing" with his executive order blocking refugees from seven countries from entering the United States.
"I urge you to reverse yourself as quickly and as humbly as possible," Nebraska's former Democratic senator wrote in a letter that also argued that Trump's "collaboration with Vladimir Putin (is) a dangerous move away from our values."
The Russian president's values are "repression, absolute power and control, the very things that our Founders risked everything to oppose," Kerrey wrote.
"Has it occurred to you that the men who are on the ground fighting against ISIS are Muslims and would be banned from entering the United States under terms of your executive order?" he asked.
"Coupled with your statement that we should consider seizing Iraqi oil (something I am certain Vladimir Putin would embrace fully), your words and actions must be a bitter reminder to those Iraqi freedom fighters they would be wise not to fully trust our purpose."
Which part about what happened in Boston in the 80s, what happened to dr. Stephen hatfill , or the AIPAC executives who were indicted on espionage charges how about the kangaroo court against Ted Stevens which turned out to be fatal.
“Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen abruptly resigned Sunday, as the president continues to fume over continued illegal border crossings. CBS News first reported Nielsen's impending departure, which Mr. Trump confirmed in a tweet after a 5 p.m. meeting with Nielsen at the White House.”
narciso - he (kerry) was young and those were difficult times. If kerry were pro-life I would think that his youthful false testimony defaming others was just a youthful peccadillo, maybe he just wanted to get laid and thought he would get higher quality pussy by doing what he did. If that is true, he was not the first, and won't be the last.. He is not pro-life, though, so I am a little reluctant to give him the benefit of the doubt on that debacle. Maybe his lying testimony really was a reflection of something wrong in his soul, in spite of all the good things he did and wanted to do.. Christ came to this earth, and he did not choose to come to this earth in some nice place, he was born in the very nasty Roman Empire, to save people who have sinned, me and you were born in the USA.
I think Kerry is not such a bad person that we need to single him out for his faults.
Plus he did, when he was young, volunteer to fight for his country. Can't say that about many people. Even I would not have volunteered to go to Vietnam and fight after 1965 and before Creighton Abrams was in charge.
narciso - Hatfill had lots of friends and he probably was a victim of sinful government overreach. Boston in the 80s was a crazy place. Ted Stevens had a good run, it is too bad he was victimized by people who did not know better.
Churchill was mean to lots of people too I don't see you telling us how bad Churchill was. And don't get me started on some of Churchill's contemporaries, many of them not much older than Mueller.
If Mueller is such a bad guy why do his friends like him?
One of my old aunts used to play bridge with a lady who lived on the same block as Donald Trump when he was a little kid. She said he was one of the nicest kids in the neighborhood.
Maybe she was not telling the truth, but she was old and old people don't lie as often as young people. When you go to more funerals than weddings you tend to get less dishonest.
No he was victimized by nick kristoff who listened to some crazy people who pointed ar him. Ted Stevens was framed by a corrupt and immoral witness who had a similarly minded handler because they needed that 59th vote for Obamacare.
Kerry got a silver star for shooting a Viet Cong guerrilla in the back, raiding a defenseless village, and blowing up their winter store of food. He got his third purple heart by taking a small fragment from his grenade in the ass when he mishandled his own grenade. His first purple heart was also almost certainly from mishandling his own weapon, an M-79 grenade launcher. Despite getting three purple hearts in four months, Kerry never missed a day of duty, never spent a single afternoon in a hospital.
narciso - well of course I am not going to argue with what you said at 10:44.
The reason powerful people are called powerful is because they spend their time victimizing other people.
Even King Solomon, and his father who was a Saint, victimized people.
Look I knew when I was 7 years old I would never be elected to office, would never be powerful. I knew I would never be a powerful journalist, with the ability to slander and ruin people's lives. What is your excuse? Isn't it kind of the fault of people like us that other people have power? Ted Stevens got that, he never criticized you or me for not competing with Nick Kristoff for whatever job Kristoff had gotten. Well he never criticized me, if he criticized you, well then there's that.
I don't take the times account seriously the ones who do ate the reasons diem is dead and my family had to flee Cuba. The lives lost in the Ukrainian famine were covered up. And there are many many such examples
The ayatollah deposed the Shah largely because of the black legend against him. True he was a pitiful sort at the end. The times did the ayatollah a favor in Lebanon, and 20 some years later did another favor denying the nuclear program
Yes in the end what is the point of war, ultimately the allies went to war putatively on behalf of Poland and China, ultimately they were delivered to stalin and mao. The first a cruel czar the second a brutal mandarin.
I preferred when Kerry recently demanded that Trump produce an x-ray of his bone spurs (in reaction to Trump denigrating McCain).
Maybe Kerry can show us pictures of the grievous wounds he suffered in Viet Nam. LOL!
McCain is likely the worst pilot in American history. If his father and grandfather were not Admirals, he would have been grounded after his first crash. Hell, he would not have graduated from the Naval Academy.
Cuba should be a nice place, sort of like Florida but with mountains.
And it isn't, and there are a lot of American ournalists who are now in their 80s and 90s who know they are partially at fault.
Well, I know lots of people in their 80s.
Whatever retribution we want from people who did evil things long ago --- and I say this humbly ----
we can't bring down the vengeance of God on them. That is not our job.
And old people know that. Che G. may have died painlessly without even knowing he was dying.
I am on comment 10 or so and I will stop after this.
I know by heart hundreds of Bible verses, I am not going to quote any of them. But God is not mocked (that is not a Bible verse, but part of one).
Sorry about your family and what happened in Cuba, which may not have happened if my fellow New Yorkers had included fewer liars and slanderers.. My family never had to flee a country but I have dozens of relatives and lots of them suffered a lot - a Bataan death march here, a daughter with mental illness there, the loss of a child to death or drugs, repeated several times ----- this is not an easy world to understand.
People who do bad things may live happily for a long time, and we should all pray for justice, but evil is not a mystery. It is just a nasty boring thing that God will set straight, eventually, and God wants us to pray for justice.
Evil is not a mystery, when people try to pain evil as good and vice versa thats not surprising either. For that reason ultimately 'a hard rains gonna fall' re judgement .
narciso ---- I have seen old people facing death after years of being selfish and unkind. Fortunately the old people I knew had time to repent. You are right about Guevara and if you not right he was insane.
Svetlana Lokhova @RealSLokhova 17 hours ago, 23 tweets, 6 min read Read on Twitter
Good Morning America! Unless you are @thamburger and @IgnatiusPost at WaPo whose day is about to get ruined. (THREAD) (1)
Svetlana Lokhova does not suffer fools gladly! For example:
"Tom Hamburger's job [at WaPo] is to polish turds. He flew to Cambridge to clean up Halper's mess. Imagine, he managed to get Halper described as a patriot!"
She has 30 more recent tweets on 3 other thread rolls.
And yet you he celebrated on t shirts by African Americans and Latinos and gays just to cite three groups he didnt have much UAE for. Hannah arendt was wrong, evil is purposeful and deliberate there is no banality there
for the record, praying every line of the Psalms is not something many Christians do under the influence of modern philosophy, because lots of the iines pray to God for retribution against evildoers.
Sorry for adding one more comment to the many comments tonight, but I thought I would save the one or two people who might be curious a Google search as to what someone means when they say they pray "every line of the Psalms".
"ain't got time to fix the shingles ain't got time to fix the floor"
"my hound dog would just howl and grieve:
I thought the first line was This old house once knew my family this old house once knew my wife but it is This old house once knew my children this old house once knew my wife.
Sad that you can hear a song a hundred times and even sing it a few times and get the words wrong well I remembered the hound dog lines right anyway always liked dogs, wonderful creatures.
avocados are bad for you if you have a genetic predisposition to certain forms of cancer or certain allergies, and people who overindulge to the point of obesity in food sometimes overindulge in avocados.
“Mueller achieved as best he could for what his actual goals were: To attack the current administration. It's a shame; imagine if he had rounded up all the FBI agents who sold access to reporters, found out who stole Powers' credentials to spy on Americans illegally, and helped end the scourge of foreign influence peddaling by bringing the hammer down on everyone -- not just Manafort.”
I think that presupposes that the purpose of the Myeller investigation really had anything to do with Russian collusion. Keep this in mind - lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman worked for AAG Bruce Ohr in organized crime, and knew about the providence of the Steele Dossier well before the 2016 election, long before he went to work for Mueller. Both Peter Strzok and Lisa Page worked for Mueller until their compromising text messages were discovered, and were instrumental in putting together the “insurance policy”. Strzok not only was lead in both the Midyear Exam and Crossfire Hurricane investigations, was picked by DNI Clapper for the team that intentionally found Russian hacking of the DNC server, met early on with Ohr and Steele, and was the FBI agent to go to London to officially pick up the supposed evidence showing Russian collusion (manufactured by Halper, Downer, Misfyp, etc). Etc. They were the ones in the FBI who had their fingers in everything, and knew that there was no there there before transferring to Mueller’s team. So Mueller and his people knew before they started there was no collusion.
So, why the investigation? I think primarily to protect the Deep State and Obama Administration people who had abused FISA, spied on Americans, and run spies at at least four of Trump’s campaign people. As long as they were running the investigation, they could insist that anything Russian related be kept confidential, and that included, to some level much of what they had done throughout 2016 and into 2017 that was legally and morally wrong. A lot of criminality was being covered up, esp at the top of the FBI. And making it even slicker, DAG Rosenstein appears to have extended Mueller’s charter to include obstruction of justice, and that meant that almost anything that Trump did to close the investigation down would be considered obstruction.
If this strategy was working so well, why was the Mueller investigation shut down? I think that the answer there is that AG Barr was confirmed, and started looking over Rodenstein’s shoulder. AG Sessions had been suckered into recusing himself, which meant that DAG Rosenstein had no one supervising him, as he supervised Mueller, and it appears that he had been compromised enough that he couldn’t tell Mueller “no”. One suggestion is that it was because of his(he claims joking) participation in discussing a coup utizing the XXV Amdt. My guess is that Barr essentially told Mueller to defecate or get off the toilet. Setting perjury traps and selectively prosecuting Trump’s people for failure to register as foreign agents wasn’t sufficient justification for expending so many resources. The investigation was set up to discover whether there had been any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian govt. were there any open, unanswered questions there that Mueller could address? The answer was “no”, which meant getting off the toilet. Indeed, by that metric, it probably should have been shut down last summer. It wasn’t, because Sessions was recused, and Rosenstein compromised.
One way to get a feel for this scheme is to compare the mostly unredacted Congressional testimony recently released by Rep Collins of a number of the main conspirators with the highly redacted versions originally released ( with the justification for the redactions being that an investigation was underway (the Mueller investigation). Pretty revealing.
I think that it must be remembered that when the Deep State bureaucrats and Obama Administration political appointees were engaged in these illegal and immoral actions, they fully expected that Crooked Hillary would be elected President, and that she would help them hide their crimes (as they had tried to hide hers). The Obama/Holder/Lynch DoJ had effectively stonewalled Congressional oversight over Fast and Furious, the IRS refusing to grant tax exempt status to Tea Party organizations, and Benghazi. And were at the time protecting Crooked Hillary for her illegally using her private server for conducting govt business, as well as running a very lucrative pay-to-play from her Foggy Bottom offices. Everyone expected her to win, and probably to do so by a large margin. I think knowing that she would protect them as President helped embolden some, if not much, of their illegal and immoral actions throughout 2016, and maybe as early as late 2015. But, of course, she failed to carry three critical states that she hadn’t bothered (or been too ill) to seriously campaign in. At a time when Trump was doing 3 or 4 public campaign events a day, she wasn’t doing that many public events a week. So she lost, and a dozen or so high ranking people all of a sudden found themselves potentially facing the rest of their lives in prison.
some of my best friends are evildoers,and a large majority of the people I know, including me, are sinners: life is complicated
Well, we take the term too seriously. For example, it's a Sin to take more food than you can eat. Lots of things are sins simply because they throw your life out of balance. Like the difference between loving art and being so obsessed with it that you neglect your spouse and kids.
As for evil, I'm not a righteous man. I only know C.S. Lewis because I wanted to be LESS of an evil son of a bitch. I don't kill people who park in my spot, not because I think it would be wrong, but because I know I couldn't get away with it. So, back to the ethics and morality studies for me.
But my gripe is that too many honest decent folk seem more concerned about forsaking this world for the next. They wouldn't murder a Gestapo Nazi because that would stain their souls. So the jewish family gets rounded up and slaughtered. Doesn't seem right to me. My problem wouldn't being killing the Gestapo Nazi, it would be the restraint of not taking pleasure in the act.
We can't seem to keep our Kerry and our Kerrey straight. As for the Medal of Honor winner, and if you didn't like him you'd be calling him the war criminal, quoting a man's earlier statements in response to his later statements is less effective than you might suppose.
Posting the opinions of opinionated blowhards (about how bad Trump is) says nothing about trump but a lot about those blowhards and those who quote them, as their words have any meaning at all.
The Claremont Institute has an interesting discussion on video that is worth watching as it is about the Administrative State and is by a man who has been writing about it since the 50s.
“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is more likely than President Trump’s to have illegally colluded with foreign operatives.”
“If this strategy was working so well, why was the Mueller investigation shut down? I think that the answer there is that AG Barr was confirmed, and started looking over Rodenstein’s shoulder.”
Expanding Mueller’s mandate to cover Obstruction of Justice was really pretty slick, because pretty much everything that Trump could do to shut it down, or embarrass (and ultimately inprison) the cabal behind it who had violated our laws, trust, and morality throughout 2016, etc, could be characterized as Obstruction of Justice. It was circular and self reinforcing. And, not only could they keep all the information from Congress (every single current or former FBI employee testifying before Congress the last several years had an FBI minder, an attorney assigned to keep them from talking about anything too closely related to the Mueller investigation), they could keep the IG from talking. OIG could investigate. They just couldn’t disclose much of what they discovered. The excuse invariably given was that it was all to protect an ongoing investigation, and, ultimately, it became fairly obvious that they were using the Mueller investigation to shield the cabal at these agencies from scrutiny, and, thus from paying a price for their blatant lawlessness.
You could sense Trump’s frustration with the entire setup. And, yes, many of his supporters were very frustrated. After all, Obama, Lynch, Yates, McCabe, etc had managed to weaponize the DoJ and esp the FBI to use against their political opponents, and then using the same system to shield themselves from accountability for their illegal and immoral actions. Whatever Trump tried to do to cut the Gordian Knot was stymied. He couldn’t fire his employees. He couldn’t declassify their wrongdoings. Etc. And then they figured out the fundamental weakness that they could exploit to shut Mueller down, and that weakness was the recusal by AG Sessions. Turns out, that it was DAG Rosenstein who was compromised enough that he, not his boss, should have been the one to have been recused. But it had to be voluntary, and he wasn’t volunteering (very possibly because he had been compromised). I think that Team Trump figured this out maybe as early as last summer. But he really couldn’t do anything until after the election for political reasons. Plus, the Attorney Generalship was a political payout to Sessions for his early support. I expect that confirming his replacement would have been the top Senate objective during the Lame Duck session, if the Republicans had lost that house. They didn’t. So, the Democrats were unable to stop Trump replacing Sessions with an AG who was not going to recuse himsel, regardless of provocation or cause, and was willing to provide the required oversight over Mueller that Sessions and Rosenstein had been unable to provide. All it took then, to shut down Mueller, was to enforce DoJ rules and regulations over special counsels that well predated Trump’s election. And AG Barr was perfect for the job.
I think that Barr showed how well suited he was for the job by coopting both Rosenstein and Mueller. After all, they are all supposedly on the same team. And he seems to have put the fear of divinity into Mueller’so current and former people concerning leaking. They had routinely leaked for tactical reasons. This came to an abrupt halt when Barr took the reins. I expect that he had made it clear that there was an ongoing OIG investigation into leaking, and they were likely to be swept up into it, if they didn’t immediately stop leaking. And likely revoked permission for them to communicate with the press. Regardless, whatever he did there was successful. The only leaking we have had has been maybe third hand, and we really don’t know if it originally came from Mueller staff, or were pot infused hallucinations by 20 something aged reporters.
“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is more likely than President Trump’s to have illegally colluded with foreign operatives.”
Which is pathetic, since anyone following things at all should know that the Clinton campaign, along with the Clinton controlled DNC, had hired Fusion GPS through their Perkins Coie law firm, to perform opposition research, and Fusion GPS had hired Christopher Steele, a British subject, to perform this research.
“I think that presupposes that the purpose of the Mueller investigation really had anything to do with Russian collusion. Keep this in mind - lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman worked for AAG Bruce Ohr in organized crime, and knew about the providence of the Steele Dossier well before the 2016 election, long before he went to work for Mueller. Both Peter Strzok and Lisa Page worked for Mueller until their compromising text messages were discovered, and were instrumental in putting together the “insurance policy”.”
Interesting. Great minds think alike. Just heard Dennis Nunes say almost exactly the same thing when discussing the eight criminal referrals that he and other Republicans were sending to the DoJ. He expanded a bit, in pointing out that Weissman and the other DoJ attorney were in the chain of custody for the Steele Dossier between Steele and the FBI.
My point was this. Evildoers are what they are, they don't bother me too much, from the philosophical point of view. I can be friends with them, although I am going to part from them if they do not, at my urging, forsake their evil before the End Times.
In the real world, you and me both are ready to support anyone who says how hard it is to be a good policeman, or to live in a country that is tasked with defeating the vicious army of another evil country...
The fate of Che Guevara does not bother me much because I know that I am, at heart, a brave soul, and I could easily walk - with the help of Jesus and the warrior saints who would be my patrons - through many precincts of hell to bring down all the vengeance of heaven on him. And I know I would think God's justice was served. And I know what happens to evildoers like him. It is what it is.
By the way, parking spaces are kindergarten arguments, lighten up on the road rage (assuming that you were not kidding). There are more important things than giving in to situational anger!!!!
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A gray and rainy day. But the Brewers beat the Cubs and took the series, so there's that.
I fear Josh Hader's arm will fall off by July.
Productive weekends are awesome. And that's what I had this weekend. I hope my productivity continues.
And I wore short sleeves today. I call that progress on the seasonal front!
Is the worm starting to turn? https://pjmedia.com/trending/nunes-to-make-eight-criminal-referrals-to-justice-department-this-week/
Is the worm starting to turn? https://pjmedia.com/trending/nunes-to-make-eight-criminal-referrals-to-justice-department-this-week/
We can hope.
Was up by our cottage in the Crivitz area. My lake is NOT melted yet.
@MadMan, me too, but still a long way to go. It has been a rough winter here in the Valley, and a lot still to do. But a retired geezer like me has time by the bushel.
Washington’s PBS station (on fables) is shilling for dollars and running a “Pride and Prejudice” marathon so wife is glued to the TV.
Carrying over from the last thread:
@Big Mike...
I retired in July last year. Bought the cottage in October.
Can’t wait until we can actually use it!!!! Hope to have a plumber hook the well up, turn on electric, etc in a couple weeks.
Our realtor called us early February hinting to have our roof cleared of snow.
@MadBohemian, wife and I also downsized, though to a decently large house. We only use the one level, but there are a couple rooms on the second floor where we can, and do, put up sons, daughters in law, and, perhaps, grandkids. (You hear me? Grandchildren!)
Left behind high property taxes, high cost of living, limousine liberals, and terrible traffic congestion. Not missed!
There is Trump and there are Trump's critics.
And, if you had asked me in early 2016, who is more of a problem, I would have said, "clearly that loudmouth reality tv star"
And, now 3 years later in early 2019, I would say that Trump's critics are so wacked out, so dishonest, so obsessed and so hysterical, that clearly they are much more of a problem than Trump.
Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) might run. He might be the last sane Democrat in Congress. Compared to Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler, he's practically Ghandi.
Big Mike...
We have a small place in Illinois. Can’t stand this state and it’s brain dead politics.
One reason to stay...for now....is they don’t tax pensions. The cottage is a six month or so sanity check from here
LOVE the quiet, the smells, and nature. My kids do too. We gave 5 of them keys to our place to use.
Two have seen the place and love it.
Good Luck on grandkids!!!! I have four and two on the way. Three old enough to come enjoy the place too.
Oh yeah, tax on our cottage and couple acres almost to the dollar same as our condo and no land. Cottage being twice the size as our condo.
Via Insty:
...Obama talking about himself in an almost obsessive manner is no new phenomenon, but today he shattered his own records. Over the course of a 90 minute townhall with "emerging leaders," Obama mentioned himself an eye-popping 392 times.
Here's the breakdown of his personal pronoun use (based on a rush transcript of the event):
"I" — 274
"Me" — 25
"My" — 31
"I’d" — 9
"I’m" — 41
"Myself" — 7
“Obama” — 5
The former president's comments began on his favorite topic: himself......
Vietnamese spam, that's new,
@MadBohemian -- The family of a good friend of mine had a cabin on Left Foot Lake near Crivitz. Lots of good memories connected with that place.
Hi Clark.
Yeah, we want to have fun and make memories. Lots of ‘em.
Just have to learn how to maintain it and such. Meet neighbors, make friends.
MS-13 threatens middle school.
Speaking of melted waters, I just got back from Belize. How many people know that Guatemala is claiming ownership of approximately 50% of Belize's land area, most of the the south? Belize seems like such a nice, stable, happy country; what could go wrong?
too bad you missed the giant sea monster that popped up right after
that shot.
It would have provided a little more 'punch'.
Here is an op-ed by former senator Bob Kerrey that asks how the Department of Justice could have gotten the Trump-Russia investigation so wrong. It's worth a read.
The money quote: "If the president of the United States is vulnerable to prosecutorial abuse, then God help all the rest of us."
When the Boy Scouts started poaching girls I felt a little sorry for them. Not so much now.
Our acre in Nova Scotia with deep water ocean access for one of my sailboats, well, electric and septic - $38,000 Canadian. Small log cabin cottage in the planning stages...
That's a really longstanding claim then, what's in southern Belize that interests them so?
"Here is an op-ed by former senator Bob Kerrey that asks how the Department of Justice could have gotten the Trump-Russia investigation so wrong."
-- See, that implies Mueller was looking to conduct an investigation. Given his selective prosecution of the crimes he found, the most obvious example is letting Podesta off while going after Manafort, made it clear that the goal was never an even handed investigation.
Mueller achieved as best he could for what his actual goals were: To attack the current administration. It's a shame; imagine if he had rounded up all the FBI agents who sold access to reporters, found out who stole Powers' credentials to spy on Americans illegally, and helped end the scourge of foreign influence peddaling by bringing the hammer down on everyone -- not just Manafort.
He had a real shot to majorly reform the DoJ and other things. Instead, he chose to try to validate that Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed.
I feel like point 2 in that Op-Ed about making sure the President behaves on Twitter is solely there in hopes to assure people "I don't like him either, so please, don't immediately discount what I have to say that you don't like!"
You misunderstood muellers purpose, among the press they are still so enmeshed in st. Mueller (complete with votive candles, that you need to wean them off slowly)
I preferred when Kerry recently demanded that Trump produce an x-ray of his bone spurs (in reaction to Trump denigrating McCain).
Mueller personally represented Facebook flacked for banamex, his firm represented Deutsch bank any conflicts of interest here?
readering - for the record I would have volunteered, happily, for Vietnam in 1965 and 1966, or later on when Creighton Abrams was in charge.
Not in between.
Kerry should be commended for volunteering to fight and for volunteering to get shot at.
Let's leave it at that.
For the record I would not have volunteered to be a Marine, Marine training was way too tough for me.
Five foot nine and 125 pounds at the age of 18 - I could have maybe made it through Marine training in WWII when they were not as elite as they were later on.
Probably not, but maybe.
By the way, has Kerry ever said a word to apologize for his cowardice on the abortion issue and his cowardice when he could have called out Colin Powell?
@readering, I could wish bone spurs on you, but they occur on the heel of the foot and you are 100% asshole so you don't have feet. A physicist once described a person as being a spherical asshole, "because no matter which direction you looked him he was still the same asshole." I am certain he was talking about you.
narciso - Mueller is a complicated guy.
“‘Does Trump have a twitter problem?’ ‘No, I think his problems are up here. Whatever the means of communicating…he’s just a bad guy”.”
Bob Kerrey
John Kerry defamed pretty much all service and women serving in Vietnam, the winter soldier sham was particularly odious and one part of it was borderline criminal if he was aware of the assassination plots against us citizens
Mueller, good side - almost everyone who knows him personally respects him.
Fought in Vietnam, raced across a field to pull out of the line of fire one of the men under his command out of the line of fire.
Still works at jobs, wears an uncomfortable suit and tie, years after he could have retired to the shuffleboard circuit in Florida.
Never cheated on his aging wife, when he could have had beautiful young mistresses.
Bad side - well, I only know what I hear about him from people I don't trust.
“Former Sen. Bob Kerrey told President Donald Trump in a letter to the White House that the president has "diminished us (and) shrunk us to a pale imitation of the real thing" with his executive order blocking refugees from seven countries from entering the United States.
"I urge you to reverse yourself as quickly and as humbly as possible," Nebraska's former Democratic senator wrote in a letter that also argued that Trump's "collaboration with Vladimir Putin (is) a dangerous move away from our values."
The Russian president's values are "repression, absolute power and control, the very things that our Founders risked everything to oppose," Kerrey wrote.
"Has it occurred to you that the men who are on the ground fighting against ISIS are Muslims and would be banned from entering the United States under terms of your executive order?" he asked.
"Coupled with your statement that we should consider seizing Iraqi oil (something I am certain Vladimir Putin would embrace fully), your words and actions must be a bitter reminder to those Iraqi freedom fighters they would be wise not to fully trust our purpose."
Which part about what happened in Boston in the 80s, what happened to dr. Stephen hatfill , or the AIPAC executives who were indicted on espionage charges how about the kangaroo court against Ted Stevens which turned out to be fatal.
“Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen abruptly resigned Sunday, as the president continues to fume over continued illegal border crossings. CBS News first reported Nielsen's impending departure, which Mr. Trump confirmed in a tweet after a 5 p.m. meeting with Nielsen at the White House.”
Another one bites the dust. How many is that now?
narciso - he (kerry) was young and those were difficult times.
If kerry were pro-life I would think that his youthful false testimony defaming others was just a youthful peccadillo, maybe he just wanted to get laid and thought he would get higher quality pussy by doing what he did. If that is true, he was not the first, and won't be the last..
He is not pro-life, though, so I am a little reluctant to give him the benefit of the doubt on that debacle.
Maybe his lying testimony really was a reflection of something wrong in his soul, in spite of all the good things he did and wanted to do..
Christ came to this earth, and he did not choose to come to this earth in some nice place, he was born in the very nasty Roman Empire, to save people who have sinned, me and you were born in the USA.
I think Kerry is not such a bad person that we need to single him out for his faults.
Plus he did, when he was young, volunteer to fight for his country.
Can't say that about many people. Even I would not have volunteered to go to Vietnam and fight after 1965 and before Creighton Abrams was in charge.
narciso - Hatfill had lots of friends and he probably was a victim of sinful government overreach.
Boston in the 80s was a crazy place.
Ted Stevens had a good run, it is too bad he was victimized by people who did not know better.
Churchill was mean to lots of people too I don't see you telling us how bad Churchill was.
And don't get me started on some of Churchill's contemporaries, many of them not much older than Mueller.
Some of this resounds to the people he hired like weissman who has been twice reprimanded by judges as in the Arthur Anderson case.
Diana West is Woman on Mission.
I wonder if Bob Kerry will like her on Commission he proposes
If Mueller is such a bad guy why do his friends like him?
One of my old aunts used to play bridge with a lady who lived on the same block as Donald Trump when he was a little kid.
She said he was one of the nicest kids in the neighborhood.
Maybe she was not telling the truth, but she was old and old people don't lie as often as young people.
When you go to more funerals than weddings you tend to get less dishonest.
narciso - judges can be meaner than snakes.
Posner, that nasty old lady who yelled at poor broken Manafort.
No he was victimized by nick kristoff who listened to some crazy people who pointed ar him. Ted Stevens was framed by a corrupt and immoral witness who had a similarly minded handler because they needed that 59th vote for Obamacare.
The fellos who called out that arrangement was dismissed the judges reprimands of the prosecutors were reversed.
stephen cooper said...Churchill was mean to lots of people too I don't see you telling us how bad Churchill was.
Gotcha there, narciso
Kerry got a silver star for shooting a Viet Cong guerrilla in the back, raiding a defenseless village, and blowing up their winter store of food. He got his third purple heart by taking a small fragment from his grenade in the ass when he mishandled his own grenade. His first purple heart was also almost certainly from mishandling his own weapon, an M-79 grenade launcher. Despite getting three purple hearts in four months, Kerry never missed a day of duty, never spent a single afternoon in a hospital.
narciso - well of course I am not going to argue with what you said at 10:44.
The reason powerful people are called powerful is because they spend their time victimizing other people.
Even King Solomon, and his father who was a Saint, victimized people.
Look I knew when I was 7 years old I would never be elected to office, would never be powerful.
I knew I would never be a powerful journalist, with the ability to slander and ruin people's lives.
What is your excuse?
Isn't it kind of the fault of people like us that other people have power?
Ted Stevens got that, he never criticized you or me for not competing with Nick Kristoff for whatever job Kristoff had gotten.
Well he never criticized me, if he criticized you, well then there's that.
I'll grant him his medals after all Benedict Arnold was a hero once upon a time, John Murtha was highly decorated both in Korea and vietnam.
I don't take the times account seriously the ones who do ate the reasons diem is dead and my family had to flee Cuba. The lives lost in the Ukrainian famine were covered up. And there are many many such examples
The ayatollah deposed the Shah largely because of the black legend against him. True he was a pitiful sort at the end. The times did the ayatollah a favor in Lebanon, and 20 some years later did another favor denying the nuclear program
Yes in the end what is the point of war, ultimately the allies went to war putatively on behalf of Poland and China, ultimately they were delivered to stalin and mao. The first a cruel czar the second a brutal mandarin.
No John Kerry is celebrated by this world, in the west as well as Hanoi Managua Damascus and everywhere in between.
Instead largely the Iranian militias have control if key locations in Iraq's oil infrastructure.
I preferred when Kerry recently demanded that Trump produce an x-ray of his bone spurs (in reaction to Trump denigrating McCain).
Maybe Kerry can show us pictures of the grievous wounds he suffered in Viet Nam. LOL!
McCain is likely the worst pilot in American history. If his father and grandfather were not Admirals, he would have been grounded after his first crash. Hell, he would not have graduated from the Naval Academy.
narciso at 10:52, 10:55, and 10:57 --- agreed.
Cuba should be a nice place, sort of like Florida but with mountains.
And it isn't, and there are a lot of American ournalists who are now in their 80s and 90s who know they are partially at fault.
Well, I know lots of people in their 80s.
Whatever retribution we want from people who did evil things long ago --- and I say this humbly ----
we can't bring down the vengeance of God on them. That is not our job.
And old people know that.
Che G. may have died painlessly without even knowing he was dying.
I am on comment 10 or so and I will stop after this.
I know by heart hundreds of Bible verses, I am not going to quote any of them.
But God is not mocked (that is not a Bible verse, but part of one).
Sorry about your family and what happened in Cuba, which may not have happened if my fellow New Yorkers had included fewer liars and slanderers..
My family never had to flee a country but I have dozens of relatives and lots of them suffered a lot - a Bataan death march here, a daughter with mental illness there, the loss of a child to death or drugs, repeated several times ----- this is not an easy world to understand.
People who do bad things may live happily for a long time, and we should all pray for justice, but evil is not a mystery. It is just a nasty boring thing that God will set straight, eventually, and God wants us to pray for justice.
narciso at 11:03 and 11:06 and 11:10 ---- agreed.
Among the journalists very few did you see how they cried as If their favorite uncle had died, at his funeral from ABC to wgn
Evil is not a mystery, when people try to pain evil as good and vice versa thats not surprising either. For that reason ultimately 'a hard rains gonna fall' re judgement .
Some of the names of these characters like Fidel (the faithful one) diosdado (God given) hes the cartel boss also in charge of the Venezuelan army.
No che knew full well what what was in store for him, a little taste of what he had dealt out for many a year at la cabana
narciso ---- I have seen old people facing death after years of being selfish and unkind.
Fortunately the old people I knew had time to repent.
You are right about Guevara and if you not right he was insane.
narciso said...
Carrying over from the last thread:
4/7/19, 8:53 PM
Thanks for posting this. Which is:
Svetlana Lokhova
17 hours ago, 23 tweets, 6 min read Read on Twitter
Good Morning America! Unless you are @thamburger and @IgnatiusPost at WaPo whose day is about to get ruined. (THREAD) (1)
Svetlana Lokhova does not suffer fools gladly! For example:
"Tom Hamburger's job [at WaPo] is to polish turds. He flew to Cambridge to clean up Halper's mess. Imagine, he managed to get Halper described as a patriot!"
She has 30 more recent tweets on 3 other thread rolls.
And yet you he celebrated on t shirts by African Americans and Latinos and gays just to cite three groups he didnt have much UAE for. Hannah arendt was wrong, evil is purposeful and deliberate there is no banality there
Two years before she had been slandered by her bank, for which she won a sizable settlement I'm guessing libel laws in Russia are very strict.
His father in law was ray Cline he helped discover the missiles in Cuba, I imagine it was hard to live up to that standard
La filosofia que elude el problemo de mal es cuento de hadas para niños bibos. (Don Colacho).
"I will show you fear in a handful of dust" (T.S. Eliot)
Mnye Mscheniye ya Az vozdam (for some reason that is Tolstoy's choice of an epigram for his most autobiographical novel).
I am quoting people because I do not want to say what I know in my own words
I pray every line of the Psalms.
I never said evil was banal.
I said nasty and boring.
Verdad question si, that is certainly true yet that is much of modern philosophy
Boring in so far as we see it so often probably true.
Sorry guys, I didn't spell Bob Kerrey (the one with the Medal of Honor) correctly. But the same guy who wrote the op-ed commented on above.
It took many years to reach the awareness found in the psalms.
for the record, praying every line of the Psalms is not something many Christians do under the influence of modern philosophy, because lots of the iines pray to God for retribution against evildoers.
Sorry for adding one more comment to the many comments tonight, but I thought I would save the one or two people who might be curious a Google search as to what someone means when they say they pray "every line of the Psalms".
Is that the line about families
some of my best friends are evildoers,and a large majority of the people I know, including me, are sinners: life is complicated
Well hes supposed to sort it put, I know if sin is missing the mark than that is evil to a degree.
"ain't got time to fix the shingles ain't got time to fix the floor"
"my hound dog would just howl and grieve:
I thought the first line was
This old house once knew my family this old house once knew my wife
but it is
This old house once knew my children this old house once knew my wife.
Sad that you can hear a song a hundred times and even sing it a few times and get the words wrong
well I remembered the hound dog lines right anyway
always liked dogs, wonderful creatures.
Sleep well knowing the avocado supply is intact.
avocados are bad for you if you have a genetic predisposition to certain forms of cancer or certain allergies, and people who overindulge to the point of obesity in food sometimes overindulge in avocados.
“Mueller achieved as best he could for what his actual goals were: To attack the current administration. It's a shame; imagine if he had rounded up all the FBI agents who sold access to reporters, found out who stole Powers' credentials to spy on Americans illegally, and helped end the scourge of foreign influence peddaling by bringing the hammer down on everyone -- not just Manafort.”
I think that presupposes that the purpose of the Myeller investigation really had anything to do with Russian collusion. Keep this in mind - lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman worked for AAG Bruce Ohr in organized crime, and knew about the providence of the Steele Dossier well before the 2016 election, long before he went to work for Mueller. Both Peter Strzok and Lisa Page worked for Mueller until their compromising text messages were discovered, and were instrumental in putting together the “insurance policy”. Strzok not only was lead in both the Midyear Exam and Crossfire Hurricane investigations, was picked by DNI Clapper for the team that intentionally found Russian hacking of the DNC server, met early on with Ohr and Steele, and was the FBI agent to go to London to officially pick up the supposed evidence showing Russian collusion (manufactured by Halper, Downer, Misfyp, etc). Etc. They were the ones in the FBI who had their fingers in everything, and knew that there was no there there before transferring to Mueller’s team. So Mueller and his people knew before they started there was no collusion.
So, why the investigation? I think primarily to protect the Deep State and Obama Administration people who had abused FISA, spied on Americans, and run spies at at least four of Trump’s campaign people. As long as they were running the investigation, they could insist that anything Russian related be kept confidential, and that included, to some level much of what they had done throughout 2016 and into 2017 that was legally and morally wrong. A lot of criminality was being covered up, esp at the top of the FBI. And making it even slicker, DAG Rosenstein appears to have extended Mueller’s charter to include obstruction of justice, and that meant that almost anything that Trump did to close the investigation down would be considered obstruction.
If this strategy was working so well, why was the Mueller investigation shut down? I think that the answer there is that AG Barr was confirmed, and started looking over Rodenstein’s shoulder. AG Sessions had been suckered into recusing himself, which meant that DAG Rosenstein had no one supervising him, as he supervised Mueller, and it appears that he had been compromised enough that he couldn’t tell Mueller “no”. One suggestion is that it was because of his(he claims joking) participation in discussing a coup utizing the XXV Amdt. My guess is that Barr essentially told Mueller to defecate or get off the toilet. Setting perjury traps and selectively prosecuting Trump’s people for failure to register as foreign agents wasn’t sufficient justification for expending so many resources. The investigation was set up to discover whether there had been any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian govt. were there any open, unanswered questions there that Mueller could address? The answer was “no”, which meant getting off the toilet. Indeed, by that metric, it probably should have been shut down last summer. It wasn’t, because Sessions was recused, and Rosenstein compromised.
One way to get a feel for this scheme is to compare the mostly unredacted Congressional testimony recently released by Rep Collins of a number of the main conspirators with the highly redacted versions originally released ( with the justification for the redactions being that an investigation was underway (the Mueller investigation). Pretty revealing.
I think that it must be remembered that when the Deep State bureaucrats and Obama Administration political appointees were engaged in these illegal and immoral actions, they fully expected that Crooked Hillary would be elected President, and that she would help them hide their crimes (as they had tried to hide hers). The Obama/Holder/Lynch DoJ had effectively stonewalled Congressional oversight over Fast and Furious, the IRS refusing to grant tax exempt status to Tea Party organizations, and Benghazi. And were at the time protecting Crooked Hillary for her illegally using her private server for conducting govt business, as well as running a very lucrative pay-to-play from her Foggy Bottom offices. Everyone expected her to win, and probably to do so by a large margin. I think knowing that she would protect them as President helped embolden some, if not much, of their illegal and immoral actions throughout 2016, and maybe as early as late 2015. But, of course, she failed to carry three critical states that she hadn’t bothered (or been too ill) to seriously campaign in. At a time when Trump was doing 3 or 4 public campaign events a day, she wasn’t doing that many public events a week. So she lost, and a dozen or so high ranking people all of a sudden found themselves potentially facing the rest of their lives in prison.
When the Boy Scouts started poaching girls I felt a little sorry for them. Not so much now.
Nieces and nephews switched over to "new" Scouts, I think its called Pioneer Something.
Same values as Boy/Girl Scouts before we *let* the Left hijack them.
I'm think our "abandon & regroup" strategies are going to lose in the long run.
some of my best friends are evildoers,and a large majority of the people I know, including me, are sinners: life is complicated
Well, we take the term too seriously. For example, it's a Sin to take more food than you can eat. Lots of things are sins simply because they throw your life out of balance. Like the difference between loving art and being so obsessed with it that you neglect your spouse and kids.
As for evil, I'm not a righteous man. I only know C.S. Lewis because I wanted to be LESS of an evil son of a bitch. I don't kill people who park in my spot, not because I think it would be wrong, but because I know I couldn't get away with it. So, back to the ethics and morality studies for me.
But my gripe is that too many honest decent folk seem more concerned about forsaking this world for the next. They wouldn't murder a Gestapo Nazi because that would stain their souls. So the jewish family gets rounded up and slaughtered. Doesn't seem right to me. My problem wouldn't being killing the Gestapo Nazi, it would be the restraint of not taking pleasure in the act.
We can't seem to keep our Kerry and our Kerrey straight. As for the Medal of Honor winner, and if you didn't like him you'd be calling him the war criminal, quoting a man's earlier statements in response to his later statements is less effective than you might suppose.
Posting the opinions of opinionated blowhards (about how bad Trump is) says nothing about trump but a lot about those blowhards and those who quote them, as their words have any meaning at all.
My son is in scouts. It hasn't been hijacked. It is exactly the same as it was when I was a kid.
Bruce Hayden provides such clear synopsis of the Mueller farce. I keep reading sources that validate the facts in Hayden's posts.
Thank you
Not Amazon prime second day
Package has left the carrier facility
Package has left the carrier facility
Package received by carrier
The Claremont Institute has an interesting discussion on video that is worth watching as it is about the Administrative State and is by a man who has been writing about it since the 50s.
Here is that discussion.
It's an hour but worth watching.
He asserts that the Administrative State was behind Watergate as it was alarmed by his 1972 win. An interesting theory,.
too bad you missed the giant sea monster that popped up right after that shot.
Mendotasaurus eats only sane people, which accounts for Madison civic politics.
Afterward, Bob Kerry has been forced by the corrupt left to say bad things about Trump. LOLZ
Bob Kerrey: How did Department of Justice get the Trump-Russia investigation so wrong?
Inga is still a Russian Collusion Conspiracy Troofer.
“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is more likely than President Trump’s to have illegally colluded with foreign operatives.”
Mayor Buttigieg excels at buzzwords and gimmicks. He’s just terrible at actually running a city.
Buttigieg is beginning to remind me of the Church Lady. He is just so darned satisfied with himself. Carpe Donktum should do a parody video of him.
“If this strategy was working so well, why was the Mueller investigation shut down? I think that the answer there is that AG Barr was confirmed, and started looking over Rodenstein’s shoulder.”
Expanding Mueller’s mandate to cover Obstruction of Justice was really pretty slick, because pretty much everything that Trump could do to shut it down, or embarrass (and ultimately inprison) the cabal behind it who had violated our laws, trust, and morality throughout 2016, etc, could be characterized as Obstruction of Justice. It was circular and self reinforcing. And, not only could they keep all the information from Congress (every single current or former FBI employee testifying before Congress the last several years had an FBI minder, an attorney assigned to keep them from talking about anything too closely related to the Mueller investigation), they could keep the IG from talking. OIG could investigate. They just couldn’t disclose much of what they discovered. The excuse invariably given was that it was all to protect an ongoing investigation, and, ultimately, it became fairly obvious that they were using the Mueller investigation to shield the cabal at these agencies from scrutiny, and, thus from paying a price for their blatant lawlessness.
You could sense Trump’s frustration with the entire setup. And, yes, many of his supporters were very frustrated. After all, Obama, Lynch, Yates, McCabe, etc had managed to weaponize the DoJ and esp the FBI to use against their political opponents, and then using the same system to shield themselves from accountability for their illegal and immoral actions. Whatever Trump tried to do to cut the Gordian Knot was stymied. He couldn’t fire his employees. He couldn’t declassify their wrongdoings. Etc. And then they figured out the fundamental weakness that they could exploit to shut Mueller down, and that weakness was the recusal by AG Sessions. Turns out, that it was DAG Rosenstein who was compromised enough that he, not his boss, should have been the one to have been recused. But it had to be voluntary, and he wasn’t volunteering (very possibly because he had been compromised). I think that Team Trump figured this out maybe as early as last summer. But he really couldn’t do anything until after the election for political reasons. Plus, the Attorney Generalship was a political payout to Sessions for his early support. I expect that confirming his replacement would have been the top Senate objective during the Lame Duck session, if the Republicans had lost that house. They didn’t. So, the Democrats were unable to stop Trump replacing Sessions with an AG who was not going to recuse himsel, regardless of provocation or cause, and was willing to provide the required oversight over Mueller that Sessions and Rosenstein had been unable to provide. All it took then, to shut down Mueller, was to enforce DoJ rules and regulations over special counsels that well predated Trump’s election. And AG Barr was perfect for the job.
I think that Barr showed how well suited he was for the job by coopting both Rosenstein and Mueller. After all, they are all supposedly on the same team. And he seems to have put the fear of divinity into Mueller’so current and former people concerning leaking. They had routinely leaked for tactical reasons. This came to an abrupt halt when Barr took the reins. I expect that he had made it clear that there was an ongoing OIG investigation into leaking, and they were likely to be swept up into it, if they didn’t immediately stop leaking. And likely revoked permission for them to communicate with the press. Regardless, whatever he did there was successful. The only leaking we have had has been maybe third hand, and we really don’t know if it originally came from Mueller staff, or were pot infused hallucinations by 20 something aged reporters.
“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is more likely than President Trump’s to have illegally colluded with foreign operatives.”
Which is pathetic, since anyone following things at all should know that the Clinton campaign, along with the Clinton controlled DNC, had hired Fusion GPS through their Perkins Coie law firm, to perform opposition research, and Fusion GPS had hired Christopher Steele, a British subject, to perform this research.
but but but - Trump really DID pee on the mattress in Russia - with some Oligarchs!
It's all truzzz
The Google Oligarchs don't pay their fair share in taxes.
What say you - Bernie?
“I think that presupposes that the purpose of the Mueller investigation really had anything to do with Russian collusion. Keep this in mind - lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman worked for AAG Bruce Ohr in organized crime, and knew about the providence of the Steele Dossier well before the 2016 election, long before he went to work for Mueller. Both Peter Strzok and Lisa Page worked for Mueller until their compromising text messages were discovered, and were instrumental in putting together the “insurance policy”.”
Interesting. Great minds think alike. Just heard Dennis Nunes say almost exactly the same thing when discussing the eight criminal referrals that he and other Republicans were sending to the DoJ. He expanded a bit, in pointing out that Weissman and the other DoJ attorney were in the chain of custody for the Steele Dossier between Steele and the FBI.
I preferred when Kerry recently demanded that Trump produce an x-ray of his bone spurs (in reaction to Trump denigrating McCain).
I preferred when the left used to spit on soldiers who served in Vietnam.
Fen - thanks for reading.
My point was this.
Evildoers are what they are, they don't bother me too much, from the philosophical point of view. I can be friends with them, although I am going to part from them if they do not, at my urging, forsake their evil before the End Times.
In the real world, you and me both are ready to support anyone who says how hard it is to be a good policeman, or to live in a country that is tasked with defeating the vicious army of another evil country...
The fate of Che Guevara does not bother me much because I know that I am, at heart, a brave soul, and I could easily walk - with the help of Jesus and the warrior saints who would be my patrons - through many precincts of hell to bring down all the vengeance of heaven on him. And I know I would think God's justice was served. And I know what happens to evildoers like him.
It is what it is.
By the way, parking spaces are kindergarten arguments, lighten up on the road rage (assuming that you were not kidding). There are more important things than giving in to situational anger!!!!
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