That's one hell of a beam - what's it holding up? More likely, what did it once hold up, big machines of some sort? You see those sorts of structures in the old manufacturing buildings in Lawrence, Lowell, Fall River, and even Boston.
"It was found that the Jewish performance advantage over both Catholics and Lutherans with respect to all 3 measures was partially and significantly mediated by group differences in the polygenic score. This result is consistent with the prediction that the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection acting on this population over the course of several millennia."
But without Lutherans we wouldn't have had Prairie Home Expelled From Polite Society Companion.
This is just so sad. In Kent, WA, a suburb of Seattle, this punk stole the truck and the owner tried to stop him but was shot dead [not shown]. This just makes me sick. Man Tries to Stop Car Thief
Fernandistein at 10:54 AM the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection acting on this population over the course of several millennia
Jews who wanted to escape persecution could easily abandon the Jewish religion.
Those who did so tended to be less intelligent.
Those who continued to study and justify their religion tended to be more intelligent.
Why try to stop a car thief? Call the police. Its not that hard to track down a stolen vehicle if you know exactly when and where it was stolen and its only been gone for 1 minute.
Especially if you're in Kent or a big city. Maybe its different in the Country. But I'm not risking my life over a hunk of metal. That's why I have car insurance. But yes, its sad. The killer should get the death penalty, but since its Seattle, he'll get 20 years.
Those who continued to study and justify their religion tended to be more intelligent
Rabbi had an explanation. Take the smartest boy in the village, make him a rabbi, give him a pretty wife and encourage him to have lots of children, rinse, repeat for a couple few thousand years.
Blogger rcocean said... Why try to stop a car thief? Call the police. Its not that hard to track down a stolen vehicle if you know exactly when and where it was stolen and its only been gone for 1 minute.
Except in Tucson. A freon d had his car stolen but he had "Lojack" installed. He went to the cops and by the time they turned ion Lojack the car was 60 miles into Mexico.
A concealed carry permit holder fought back killing a would-be carjacker after a crash in the South Loop.
It is scary but I mean unfortunately we need to do something to protect ourselves," said Emily Kunzendorf.
The shooting happened at around 3:15 Friday morning on Ida B. Wells and Clark Street after a man in a Volkswagen rear-ended a BMW.
According to police, the driver of the BMW got out to inspect the damage and when he went back to get his cell phone, the Volkswagen driver approached with a handgun, demanded his keys and pushed him into the vehicle.
Both men were inside the vehicle when police said the 41-year-old BMW driver retrieved his handgun and shot the 22-year-old man in the head.
Half the cars in Tucson probably have a gun in them. The other half, are owned by Democrats, like the Tucson Mayor.
Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild was carjacked at gunpoint Saturday morning and his city-owned Toyota Prius was stolen, according to Tucson police officials
I heard smartest boy + richest girl, but prettiest could work too I suppose; a blue-eyed, fairhaired Jewish friend once confided to me with a grin, "somebody has to get the Cossack genes!"
LOL. Trump congratulates himself as a great hostage negotiator (reacting to the NYT story about a payment to the North Koreans for the release of Otto Warmbier) by quoting someone who is the “Cheif Hostage Negotiator” (misspelled by Trump; and no name even supplied for this person, whose title appears to have been something that Trump invented. Maybe the quote was invented too.
It’s funny to me; I actually had a hard time misspelling “Chief.” Auto-correct doesn’t want to let you do it.
Rabbi had an explanation. Take the smartest boy in the village, make him a rabbi, give him a pretty wife and encourage him to have lots of children, rinse, repeat for a couple few thousand years.
"He went to the cops and by the time they turned ion Lojack the car was 60 miles into Mexico."
Why didn't he call the Mexican Cops? They're always willing to help. LOL. Seriously, I'm always amazed that more cars don't get stolen and driven into Mexico.
Thoughts from earlier today. Today is the day that our cat is declawed. On the one hand, we have a lot of expensive furniture I two houses. On the other, outdoor cats don’t live that long here in rural MT. This vet sewed back together a predecessor in interest a couple decades ago, after he had even “owled”. The ungrateful wretch, after a $2k vet bill, had the effrontery to run away when he got back to Phoenix. We also have eagles nesting not far fro the house, as well as the other regular predators on small domestic animals, such as coyotes, foxes, and bobcats. So, he is an indoor cat no matter how badly he wants out. This means surgery, which means not eating after 7 pm the night before. He was pathetic over night, actually crying for food and going so far as to lick the salt from the Cheetos my partner had fed him yesterday in bed. Which gets to my observation. I laughed, and she cried. She called me her younger brother’s name who had set a neighbor’s cat on fire, when they were growing up, and laughed uncontrollably as it ran down the street. The implied assertion is that I harbored some sort of evil sadism. I did feel sorry for him. It wasn’t his fault that we were starving him but were doing it for his own good. At some point with human kids, you can explain the reasons behind fasting before surgery but that doesn’t work for cats. She couldn’t see, or, maybe more accurately, feel, beyond that he was miserable. I laughed at his ingenuity, which we talk about. A lot. Though maybe stereotyping a bit, I wondered if this was one of those classical male/female divides.
Saw Die Walkure last night at the Met, and Siegfried a few weeks ago. Just terrific, the Siegfried performance especially so. Both were sold out, as are pretty much all of the remaining performances. But any Wagnerians out there should definitely make a point of catching one of the HD presentations. Best Ring cycle in quite a while, at least in NYC.
There is hope yet for America -- for all the noise about the Avengers, there is still an audience for opera of such high quality.
Seattle used to present the Ring cycle [maybe they still do] but my husband didn't care for Wagner. The quality may not have been of the quality of yours but our German friends were quite impressed. Die Walkure is my favorite but I must admit it's hard to listen now without thinking helicopters and strafing. ;-)
In Montreal when your car gets stolen, they park it someplace to “cool off” in case Lo-Jack is on, and then it’s on a ship to the Third World. I don’t think that stealing a car is even a crime there, because too many politicians’ sons were caught doing it. I guess the thieving apple doesn’t fall far from the thieving tree.
Blogger rcocean said... "It’s funny to me; I actually had a hard time misspelling “Chief.” Auto-correct doesn’t want to let you do it."
Trump deliberately lets misspelling go into his tweets because it draws more attention to them. Thanks for helping him out.
People keep saying that. What is the evidence from the Administration that misspellings are deliberate and to draw attention? I know that people like Scott Adams make that claim. The fact that this is in part a Scott Adams theory makes me question it most severely.
What else is there? The common wisdom of the Althouse blog?
So, the word on the street is that Biden thinks that Pennsylvania will be the key, and that the fact that he talks about Scranton a lot will make the Big Difference People will go; "Oh, wow! when Joe was a baby, he lived in Scranton! He's JUST LIKE US!!"
Can't really see that working with people outside of Philly, comments anyone?
You know Chuck, there are certain techniques that stop working when you explain them. I have no idea why he turned off his spellcheck, but seriously, anybody who has any game knows that part of it is to keep your cards close to the vest.
Look at you, for example, still obsessed with the time that Trump called a radio show, obviously himself, pretending to be somebody else. I think it’s hysterical, but if he explained the joke so that even the humor impaired among us can get it, it’s ruined. Like that, Chuck.
the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection
The “high average cognitive ability of Jews” may be overrated, at least in the US. They give their money and their votes to a party that supports and prefers people who want to kill them, kill their kids, and kill their grandchildren. If that’s not stupidity than what is? Trump, with three Jewish grandchildren, gets it. But Conservative and Reformed synagogues are full of people who don’t.
Bruce - it may be a partial divide. I've had an easier time than my wife "hardening my heart" to perform tasks affecting both children and animals. My driving sense of purpose and duty will override the very real and soft emotions that I feel even when I'm "doing my duty". I've felt this way even before my time in the military. My dad was big on duty but I wonder if I had that sense even before he railed on me. From birth? In the womb?
So is Biden going to tell PA that they can keep mining coal and fracking and then secretly tell the rest of the country that he is going to shut it all down? How will that work, exactly?
Is he going to explain to PA that heavy industry jobs are not coming back, that they were worthless anyways, and he has no idea why China, Canada, and Europe go to such lengths to get them for their people? Butt-whatever plans to travel the industrial midwest and explain to them that they are suffering from a false consciousness if they think that they have a chance again at well paying jobs that don’t take a four year degree?
the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection
I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up in Chicago. When I went to their houses/apartments for dinner, there was always adult conversation. Not so much with other folks.
Stimulating a child's mind increases intelligence.
"What else is there? The common wisdom of the Althouse blog?"
Never Trumpers are just leftists who pretended to be "Conservatives". That's been shown by Trump. Not only do they attack Trump for the same reasons and in the same way the Left does, they constantly react in the same way the Left does. For example, Kristol and Goldberg and Erickson's first impulse when Trump declared was to call him a "raciss/sexist/bigot/homophobe" - just like the liberals. David French is no different, except he throws in some "God Stuff" every once in a while to remind people he's some sort of Christian.
Once you realize that the "Never Trumpers" and "Conservative Inc." are just the right-wing of the Left-wing Establishment then it all makes sense.
I see that UCLA is conducting a class in pole dancing. Hey, that plus a boob job virtually assures parents that their daughter will be able to get a job after graduation.
... Look at you, for example, still obsessed with the time that Trump called a radio show, obviously himself, pretending to be somebody else. I think it’s hysterical, but if he explained the joke so that even the humor impaired among us can get it, it’s ruined. Like that, Chuck.
Well I don’t know about any radio program.
What I have referred to in the past was Trump’s speaking privately with reporters who were doing on-the-record interviews and therefore recorded them. It was not entertainment. It was no joke.
Except of course it is rather hilarious; Trump dishing dirt about his estranged wife Marla Maples and various other women while speaking about “Mr. Trump” and “Donald” in the third person. Asking the reporters if they had met Trump.
Jeezum Crow! Will you look at the Dow! No wonder the media isn’t talking about it. Can you imagine what they would be saying if Obama had numbers like that?
Remember when Gadfly explained to us how he got out of the market at the low point right at the end of last year? He explained to us that it was all downhill from there and the smart money was heading for the hills waiting for the Democrats to get back in power.
INDIANAPOLIS- President Donald Trump on Friday announced at the National Rifle Association´s annual meeting that the United States will drop out of an international arms treaty signed in 2013 by then-President Barack Obama but opposed by the NRA and other conservative groups. Trump told members of the gun lobby that he intends to revoke the status of the United States as a signatory of the Arms Trade Treaty, which was never ratified by the U.S. Senate.
Even a “constitutional scholar” like Obama should have known that treaties need to be ratified by the Senate, otherwise POTUS is just unconstitutionally legislating with his pen.
“Half the cars in Tucson probably have a gun in them. The other half, are owned by Democrats, like the Tucson Mayor”
I would rephrase that in this part of MT as 3/4 and 1/4 or maybe eve 80/20. Though to be fair, the guns are maybe not that readily available in the cars. And where are they going to take the cars after they steal them? Canada? Taking a detour through LAS Vegas we drove better than 1500 miles to get here from PHX. And it is a seven hour drive to Seattle. One of the things that I have to retrain self to do every time we move back south every fall is to lock our vehicles. Here, I tend to eat the keys on the dashboard. As a client told me - no one is probably going to steal his truck unless he truly needs it more than the client does, and if he does, he will return it as soon as he can, with the tank filled.
Some have talked about high trust versus low trust environments. This is obviously a very high trust environment, which is why I was surprised that lying scum Jon Tester was re-elected. That took a mountain of out of state money to accomplish. I dont think that the (fairly heavily Hispanic) portion of PHX is nearly as low trust as some of our Dem controlled inner cities, like Chicago or even NYC, but certainly much lower trust than here in MT. As a result, the gun in my truck here, unless I am carrying it, is a 10 mm, literally loaded for bear (solid cast bullets for penetration) (spare mag though has JHP for wolves since you are unlikely to have a chance to reload with bears). In PHX, the gun in my vehicular is typically 9 mm loaded with JHP (which are designed to stop human, and not 4 legged predators). Which is to say that I trust the people more here, and the wildlife more in PHX.
I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up in Chicago. When I went to their houses/apartments for dinner, there was always adult conversation. Not so much with other folks.
So smart people tend to have more sophisticated conversations than people who aren't so smart.
Stimulating a child's mind increases intelligence.
If this were meaningfully true, our various social engineering programs (Head Start, etc) would work a lot better than they do. Which is basically not at all. No one really knows how to make smart kids, other than "start with smart parents".
"In Montreal when your car gets stolen, they park it someplace to “cool off” in case Lo-Jack is on, and then it’s on a ship to the Third World."
You'd think that would be the easiest thing in the world to stop. Shipping cars overseas isn't like taking a ride across the border. Lots of paperwork. But then, if there's no will to stop it....
A few years ago I was able to see two of the Ring Cycle (with the moving set) at the local megascreen. That art from 150 years ago (art by a THOROUGHLY BAD MAN! BAD!) can still inspire other artists, and find an audience, and be so far embedded into everyday culture, that such art finds a refuge here, is something that makes me proud of my country. (So does Mickey Gilley, so don't get all antee-eeleet with me.)
Narr USA: saving the best of Europe from the worst of Europe since 1915*
Saw Die Walkure last night at the Met, and Siegfried a few weeks ago. Just terrific, the Siegfried performance especially so. Both were sold out, as are pretty much all of the remaining performances. But any Wagnerians out there should definitely make a point of catching one of the HD presentations. Best Ring cycle in quite a while, at least in NYC.
There is hope yet for America -- for all the noise about the Avengers, there is still an audience for opera of such high quality.
Allow me to point out that Endgame has a Valkyrie..
It is looking more and more that we are seeing the winding down, with the winding up of the Mueller investigation, of a significant coverup by Obama Administration officials and Deep State top bureaucrats of their having heavily used FISA 702(16)(17) searching NSA databases to spy on American citizens for four or so years, which was ended by its discovery by NSA Dir Rogers in late spring of 2016. Everything since then is essentially coverup. We are talking thousands of database searches on American citizens and legally resident aliens in the six month stretch ending in maybe March of that year. Likely, most of those searches were political.
There appear to have been two tracks to the coverup, one by the CIA and the other by the FBI:
♦The CIA track took place between March and July 2016, and consisted of using foreign intelligence allies in Italy, the U.K and Australia to create a background illusion of Russian involvement with the Trump campaign. This operation was based on earlier -more innocuous- contacts from various countries, weaponized and redeployed in what everyone calls “spygate”. This track successfully culminated in Operation Crossfire Hurricane.
♦The FBI track was domestic-centric, albeit sub-contracted to Fusion GPS and later a former British intelligence officer, and took place between April and October 2016; also to create the illusion of Russian involvement. This operation is best known around the Steele Dossier and FISA warrant against U.S. person Carter Page. The FBI track continued with the Mueller investigation into 2017, 2018 and 2019.
The two were effectively merged into the Mueller investigation - by necessity, since only the DoJ could perpetuate the coverup into the new Administration.
Chuck said... Blogger rcocean said... "It’s funny to me; I actually had a hard time misspelling “Chief.” Auto-correct doesn’t want to let you do it."
Trump deliberately lets misspelling go into his tweets because it draws more attention to them. Thanks for helping him out.
People keep saying that. What is the evidence from the Administration that misspellings are deliberate and to draw attention? I know that people like Scott Adams make that claim. The fact that this is in part a Scott Adams theory makes me question it most severely.
What else is there? The common wisdom of the Althouse blog?
You just aren't very smart Chuck.
Trump has destroyed you and all your heroes.
Trump is far more intelligent than you are.
Almost everyone here mocks you because you are dumb. Kristol is dumb. Will is dumb. Rueben is particularly dumb. SE Cupp is dumb.
But again they are all smarter than you.
They are all just tools propped up by billionaires to mislead stupid people like you. They may have accomplished absolutely nothing in their lives, but they get paid I guess.
The Donald!! In front of the NRA, rejecting AND SIGNING RIGHT THERE his rejection of a UN treaty to strip US citizens of their weapons. If you like your gun, you can keep your gun. BIFF BAM POW - take that UN gun grabbers! Not only so much winning, but so much fun. Meanwhile back at Sleepy and Grumpy's ranch, Joe Biden is trying to be a demagogue but he's too nice to know how to really persuade people that half the country has joined some sort of Nazi-Commie Klan. Grumpy Sanders? we'll see.
When I was in Moscow in the late '90s I saw large numbers of cars with license plates from all over the world, even from North Carolina. I presume most or all of them were stolen.
We have to hammer Sleepy Joe and do everything in our power to support Crazy Bernie, er, I mean, Senator Sanders of the great maple state of Vermont.
Not that sleepy Joe is to be feared. He's not.
But knocking him out of the primaries, is another knock against the Democrat machine, and, two for one, elevates Crazy Bernie, sorry, Senator Sanders to his perch as a McGovern 2.0 to fight an unwinnable general election.
The Bernie Bros don't care. Their loyalty to the Dems is not deep. If the Dems screw Crazy Bernie, damn you!, Senator Sanders, out of another nomination two times in a row, he runs Third Party, splits the Dem Party, and Trump coasts to a win.
And, of course, hilarity and mirth ensue.
Based on such, Senator Benard Sanders (I-VT) is the right, Honourable Gentleman for these treacherous times.
The presence of almost two dozen Democrat presidential primary contenders allows a nearly unique opportunity to play several con games against the public, long before the general election. First, relatively unknown and low level politicians can try to move the Overton Window on policy debates by promoting outrageous leftist crap that otherwise would never dare be spoken, without damaging their careers, because they are going right back to their current offices after losing the primary. This is already ongoing. Second, coordinated efforts among all or even just a few primary candidates can move press coverage to any subject desired. Most likely, the mob will demonize Trump as much as possible, although the push for a female as P or VP candidate is another example of how to use the force of a mob to demand compliance with the mob. Third, since superdelegates and Party money will determine the Dem primary winner, who will be known well in advance of Super Tuesday, the rest can each make attacks against Trump to swarm him with vitriol nonstop for months in the media, without blemishing the actual candidate for President as a shit thrower, although attacks by Lilliputions are often more amusing than damaging. 4/26/19, 12:43 PM
Except of course it is rather hilarious; Trump dishing dirt about his estranged wife Marla Maples and various other women while speaking about “Mr. Trump” and “Donald” in the third person. Asking the reporters if they had met Trump.
Trump doubling down on Charlottesville. Fish, meet bait, meet hook.
I hope to hell that Althouse doubles down on her “Charlottesville Hoax” meme. I think that Althouse is too intellectually honest to maintain it in the face of the transcript(s).
Trump doubling down on Charlottesville. Fish, meet bait, meet hook.
I hope to hell that Althouse doubles down on her “Charlottesville Hoax” meme. I think that Althouse is too intellectually honest to maintain it in the face of the transcript(s). ***************
Yesterday I posted links to Trump's initial formal remarks on Charlottesville, AND those he made at a later press conference.
They show conclusively that you, sirrah, are full of more shit than the porta-potties at the Iowa state fair.
"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. ... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the White nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."
Trump’s defenders point to his insistence in his August 15, 2017, Trump Tower news conference that when he said “very fine people” he was “not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” Case closed, right?
The problem is that Trump is not a very reliable source on what he is and is not talking about, and he had in fact just been talking about white nationalists. Let’s take a closer look at that transcript and see exactly who he was referring to when he was talking about “very fine people.”
Here’s the actual “very fine people” comment:
You have some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group—excuse me, excuse me—I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.
So when he says “very fine people” he is referring to a specific group of protesters, and not only does he keep emphasizing this, but he gets more specific about them.
But not all of those people were Neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee. So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson’s coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you all—you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop? But they were there to protest—excuse me. You take a look, the night before, they were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
And later in the press conference:
There were people in that rally, and I looked the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people—neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest, because you know—I don’t know if you know, they had a permit.
He keeps going back to this idea that there was a separate group of protesters that weekend in Charlottesville, ordinary people who merely opposed the removal of Lee’s statue, and he keeps giving that group a specific time and place: in Charlottesville “the night before,” that is, the night of Friday, August 11.
Cortes claims that “Trump’s ‘fine people on both sides’ observation clearly related to those on both sides of the Confederate monument debate.” In other words, it was just a vague, general observation that good people can disagree on the issue. But as we’ve just seen, that’s not what Trump was saying. He was referring to a specific group of protesters present in Charlottesville on the night of August 11. And this was the context in which Trump denied that he was talking about white nationalists.
And you had people, and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
All right, so who are these people who were just there to protest the removal of the statues? Who was the group protesting “the night before”?
Well, here they are:
[YouTube video of Tiki-torch protesters chanting "Jews will not replace us."
That’s right. The people marching in Charlottesville the night before were the guys with torches chanting “blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us.”
So you can see where the mainstream view of this statement comes from. Cortes describes Trump’s words as “unambiguous” but his actual words are the very definition of ambiguity: He is denouncing the Nazis out of one side of his mouth, then calling them “very fine people” out of the other. He is saying, in effect, that he condemns the white nationalists but also that the people marching with torches and shouting at the Jews were very fine people. Do you find that a convincing “condemnation”? Would you find it convincing if any other politician said it? {More}
he keeps giving that group a specific time and place: in Charlottesville “the night before,” that is, the night of Friday, August 11.
He can't be talking about the Tikki Torch night where they chanted and marched around the statue at UVA. What they chanted was recorded & everyone can see what they chanted.
{Cont'd.} What if there really was another group of protesters there that day, and that’s who Trump was referring to? Well, there’s the problem. No such group exists. This mythical second group of protesters is like the “second shooter” in conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination. I’ve found people who insist to me that such a group was there because the “Charlottesville Hoax” mythology requires it to exist—but I haven’t found a single shred of actual confirmation. It’s almost as if they have adopted a false memory.
That’s what originally set me off about this Trump claim. I live in the Charlottesville area, and I know very fine people who oppose the removal of the monuments based on high-minded notions about preserving history. I’m one of them. So I know that we weren’t there that night. Only the white nationalists were there.
If you’re counting, we’ve already busted two parts of the “Charlottesville Hoax” myth. Trump was not talking generally about people on both sides of the statue controversy, he was talking about a specific group—and there was no specific group other than the white nationalists present at the events Trump was referring to.
At this point, the only argument in Trump’s defense is one that I would regard as fairly plausible: Trump was, once again, blustering about a subject he didn’t understand, while insisting that he knew it better than anyone else. (You can see why this defense is not widely employed, because it doesn’t serve the purpose of making people feel more comfortable about the man in the White House.)
There’s also the fact that Trump repeatedly insisted in his Trump Tower press conference that he had painstakingly gathered the facts. “When I make a statement, I like to be correct. I want the facts.” He repeated, “unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”
But what really gives the game away is when Trump insists that the “very fine people” who were there to protest “had a permit.” There was only one protest permit issued that weekend, and it was well documented because there was a court battle over it. That wasn’t for the Friday night’s tiki-torch Nuremberg, which was unannounced, but for the “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday. So were there “fine people on both sides” of the permitted rally? Let’s take a look at which parts of the “right” this rally was supposed to unite. One source describes them as “the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and various militias”—in other words, different variations on the theme of white nationalism. If you think that’s an unfair summary, check out the poster for the event and notice that the headline speaker was prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer.
The conceit of Tracinsky’s piece (which was posted on April 1 AND has “hoax” in the headline) is that President Trump was talking about two separate groups of people, rather than one group with different elements within it, but I am not sure the text bears that out.
wholelottasplainin' on Charlottesville: Here are Trump's actual comments.
Chuck on Charlottesville: Here are a bunch of posts of an article which serves to point out that even though Trump said one thing if you look at it just right, frame the issue just so, and ignore what he actually said to the contrary, we might be able to convince the people who really don't want to believe he said exactly what he said.
It's pretty bad when someone named wholelottasplainin' can explain it in a single post using a lot fewer words.
the actual story was how McAuliffe's standown order, and reversing the permit created this tragedy, now this was the blood price, like the sacrifice to the soul stone, that allowed governor klansman and his assault happy running mate to get in, but that doesn't serve anybody's narrative,
now the Italian piece shows the deepstate machinations involving several powers, like the andaz hotel owned by the pritzkers, where Papadopoulos was invited by halper,
rcocean: "Shorter Chuck and every MSM Liberal:We know Trump didn't praise Nazi's - but if we keep saying he did AND twist his words - we can convince some Dummies our lies are the the truth."
Well, LLR Chuck proudly and loudly proclaimed he was only here to knowingly lie and smear Trump and his supporters in the hopes of driving Trumps poll numbers down in order for the dems to win and ensure there would never again be any more "disastrous" republican victories.
LLR Chuck is essentially Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
USA: saving the best of Europe from the worst of Europe since 1915*
Good point, Anonymous. But will we be able to influence the rebuilding of Notre Dame cathedral? Macron has already pronounced [L'etat, c'est moi] that it should reflect diversity. So, while we may have joked about a minaret it's quite a possibility. This is what happens when the state takes control of churches.
"Sure, Donald Trump said there were 'fine people on both sides' but in the next breath he condemned 'neo-Nazis and White nationalists.' Don't leave that out."
MSM and democratic operatives everywhere, left that last part out. Narrative.
Lucien said... The conceit of Tracinsky’s piece (which was posted on April 1 AND has “hoax” in the headline) is that President Trump was talking about two separate groups of people, rather than one group with different elements within it, but I am not sure the text bears that out.
Fuck that. Trump was talking about the group on Friday night (for which there are videos of the "Jews will not replace us" chant. And Trump was talking about the group that had applied for the demonstration permit. Which turned into a court battle, and we thereby know exactly who those people are.
Trump, back in August of 2017, was talking about an imaginary group that exists only in his deranged mind. He was imagining that there were moderated, principled monument preservationists in the two groups he specifically singled out (the Friday night torch group, and the "demonstration-permitted" White Supremacists on Saturday. And Trump has nothing to support him on those claims except for his own fervent/fervid/fetid imaginings. No one knows of such a group (moderate monument preservationists) having been there.
This is a peculiarly Trump problem insofar as it might have been possible to make the kind of case that Trump and many of you are picturing. But Trump didn't do that. Trump is too incompetent to do that.
Bay Area Guy proposes: We have to hammer Sleepy Joe and do everything in our power to support Crazy Bernie, er, I mean, Senator Sanders of the great maple state of Vermont.
I dunno. A lot of people like Bernie. In fact, I know several Trump voters who had supported Bernie in the primaries. I'd say he's the most viable candidate for the Dems. But as I have argued before, having a Socialist against a Capitalist would force [I hope] the debate, which is long overdue so I kind of hope he gets the nomination.
So this was not some kind of big-tent rally for supporters of the monuments that just happened to be hijacked by white nationalists. It was a rally organized specifically by, and for, white nationalists. Which is why the Virginia ACLU had to go to bat for their right to protest.
The best—the very best—one could say about Trump’s comments on Charlottesville is that he did not intend to praise Nazis but merely blundered into a statement that ended up being disastrously ambiguous. Yet this was hardly the first time. The Trump Tower press conference was his third public statement about Charlottesville, which was necessary because he had already bungled the first two. His wishy-washy first statement, in which he blamed the violence in Charlottesville on “hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides, on many sides,” had set the tone.
We all know that a president who was basically competent and gave a damn could have delivered an unambiguous condemnation of white nationalism and appealed to unifying American values. We know because we’ve seen it before.
The fact that Trump couldn’t do this implies to me that he didn’t really care all that much about the subject. In fact, throughout his whole Trump Tower press conference, he kept begging the reporters to ask him questions about infrastructure spending. He clearly wanted to talk about something, anything, else.
That’s why Trump’s Charlottesville statement deserves to be remembered as a dangerous sign. It shows the corruption in Trump’s outlook on the world that makes him unwilling to deal with a clear threat to American values—and, in the coiled obfuscations of the “Charlottesville Hoax” myth, it shows how he corrupts the minds and values of his apologists. ***
Kevin: "It's pretty bad when someone named wholelottasplainin' can explain it in a single post using a lot fewer words."
Not at all.
Wholelotta was trying to explain what the truth is.
LLR Chuck is desperately spinning his lefty lies to help the dems.
When you understand the context it all becomes clear.
I must warn the readers here: the dems have had such a horrific last month that LLR Chuck's rage is overflowing and we are likely to see another of his spittle-flecked racist and child-attacking tirades.
Chuck's only recourse at this late stage is to continue in Full Inga Lunatic Cut and Paste Mode.
We can expect a deluge of quotes from fake conservatives from fake conservative Hoax-sites like The Bulwark as Chuck attempts to come to terms with the failures of his beloved Team Left.
It is concerning seeing his extraordinary downward lefty-smear-filled spiral.
Prayers and Best Wishes for Chuck during this difficult time.
Perhaps lighting another candle in hopes Maddows ratings recover would cheer up our resident Durbin-cuckholster?
Mockturtle at 5:15. Call me Narr (that's why I bother).
Thanks, good to know someone is reading it! I do not know how the ND restoration will go but certainly don't assume the best (i.e. something in the spirit of the old structure but don't ask me to say what that would look like; if not identical restoration AFAP and I don't know how P that is either).
Wouldn't put anything past Macron and his Eurotrash groupuscules of course; and absolutely right that neither church nor state should cede an inch of their own proper spheres to the other.
Per narciso:
So our 'screening' process consists of asking the applicant if he has been convicted of any crimes? That explains a lot.
Fine people and not so fine people on both sides. Antifa sets up a kill zone for alleged diversitists, national socialists, fascists, and other leftists, which progresses and concludes with an abortion of one of their own. Meanwhile, there are people hunting witches, holding warlock trials, and dunking babies in a wicked solution.
It shows the corruption in Trump’s outlook on the world that makes him unwilling to deal with a clear threat to American values
Speaking of threats to American Values, Chuck, my wife and I are in California, the sanctuary state, for my son's 50th birthday.
She has a favorite jewleler in Orange County. Guess what? A burglary gang from Chile, robbed a series of Jewelry stories and homes. She had some rings in the store being worked on. They were stolen.
Last week, Simi Valley police, working with the California Highway Patrol and Ventura County deputies, arrested three Chilean men for multiple vehicle burglaries. Each was here on temporary waivers, police said. In January, four other Chilean men were arrested in connection with 20 home burglaries and other thefts from vehicles at golf courses in the same community. A crew believed to be connected to a Chilean ring pried into a Laguna Niguel jewelry store last month, swiping more than $1 million in goods.
You know what happened next?
So far, police have been unable to determine the number of heists, the value of items stolen across the region or how many people work in the ring. The crews’ signature identifiers include fake passports and phony identification cards. They use rental cars, sometimes masked with paper license plates. After entering the rear of homes, the burglars typically barricade front doors, including those in gated communities with private security patrols. Once inside, crews scour master bedrooms for jewelry, money, guns and safes. Homes with parks, trails or undeveloped land behind them are prime targets, police said. Investigators with the Los Angeles Police Department and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office peg the number of burglaries in the “hundreds.” LAPD Capt. Donald Graham, commander of the North Hollywood Division, said it was common for homeowners to lose $30,000 to $40,000 in a heist. Officers are aware of at least 40 burglaries in the division and dozens more in other areas.
In March, the owner of Nuggets & Carats, the Laguna Niguel jewelry store, worked with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department to set up a sting operation after burglars struck his store. They had cut the electricity, allowing batteries in the alarm system to drain, then returned 24 hours later to cut a hole in the roof before emptying display cases and a safe. “They got everything my family worked for,” owner Brian Hassine said about the March burglary. “They cleaned us out.” Last week, the same crew employed the same tactic. This time, the alarm company notified Hassine. Deputies were waiting when a man cut a hole in the roof. They moved in, but the suspect escaped through the roof of the large shopping center. Deputies stopped a black SUV associated with the crew but made no arrests. Officials said an investigation is ongoing but declined to discuss specifics.
The California courts released all the thieves because they are illegal immigrants.
Sanctuary state, you see. Brian has a big Trump sign in his store. I doubt you would understand , Chuck.
Chuck, i've been trying to follow your argument (which, you must feel is falling apart; 'cause you've ALREADY switched to potty mouth mode (which you do when you're stuck in a corner))
You're saying that Trump was Lying (not misinformed; but Out and Out LYING) when he said that there were people in Charlottesville that wanted the statues to stay, But Weren't Nazi?
And, to support this, you quote this: I live in the Charlottesville area, and I know very fine people who oppose the removal of the monuments based on high-minded notions about preserving history. I’m one of them.
So... to Prove that there weren't people in Charlottesville that wanted the statues, but Weren't Nazis; You quote some one from Charlottesville that wanted the statures, but Weren't Nazis?
A is not true, because A is true?
Again, the First Rule of Lying is that the lie Must be plausible; and a self contradictory lie isn't plausible. (to say Nothing of the fact that it's from the Bulkwork)
How does working for a FORMER member of the Russian Federation Council and current deputy director of the Central Bank of Russia, an independent entity, a quango, if you will, make Maria Butina an agent of the Russian state? Since when is "infiltrating" the NRA considered espionage against the United States?
She never disguised the fact that she's Russian. Could she possibly say "moose and squirrel" without giving it away? In fact, she was openly a member of the Russian gun organization Right To Bear Arms. The reason for contact between the NRA and RTB was to promote gun rights in both countries, with nothing clandestine about it. Butina wrote and PUBLICLY published an article in The National Interest throwing support behind Trump for president, which seems to me free speech protected by the First Amendment. I doubt it swayed the votes of Joe Sixpack, or any Deplorable in the land.
BTW, Putin is AGAINST gun rights, just like all the Lefties in America who pretend to hate and fear him.
Well, Butina was just sentenced to 18 months in prison for conspiracy "to infiltrate the National Rifle Association (NRA) in an effort to influence US policies in favour of Moscow" as a Russian agent, so that's not good for her.
It seems her efforts were focused on getting help from Americans for the Russian group Right to Bear Arms, and not on interfering with American politics. After all, we don't need Russian help to establish a Second Amendment here, and Putin wouldn't give it anyway.
One of the delights of travel in the PA-NJ-NYC area last fall was seeing the coverage Maria Butina got on RT as opposed to the coverage she got on US media (when they noticed at all).
RT, for all their faults, seemed a little pissed that a naive Russian girl would be treated like a dangerous spy--by their report (and some non-Russian sources I could check) our law enforcement treated her like jackbooted thugs, and as if she had been sent to assassinate Obama.
The idiot US media (with a few exceptions) bought the official fable and was relieved that her attempts to penetrate the heart of American power--the NRA! the National Prayer Breakfast!--where might she show up next?--had been thwarted by the dedicated men and women of our Organs of State Security.
Narr The Democrats turned into the John Birch Society so fast, some people still haven't noticed
"A Massachusetts judge has left court in tears after being indicted on obstruction of justice charges for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant evade immigration officials.
Judge Shelley M Richmond Joseph and trial court officer Wesley MacGregor are accused of conspiring to prevent Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from taking an undocumented immigrant into custody at Newton District Court on April 2, 2018.
Joseph had allegedly ordered the courtroom recording device to be turned off for 52 seconds while she and the defendant Jose Medina-Perez's lawyer had a conversation about getting him out of the courthouse instead of handing him over to an ICE officer, according to the indictment. MacGregor allegedly used his access badge to release Medina-Perez through a rear door.
Joseph was seen crying when she left federal court in Boston Thursday."
"The best way to neutralize and get rid of a troll is to ignore him or her."
In 40 years I've yet to see that work. What usually happens instead is that several dozen people struggle to maintain discipline for a week or two until one of them breaks, or until a newbie strolls in a takes the bait.
What DOES work is deleting every post they make until they realize the futility of their situation and leave. Althouse-Meade have done this in the past to good effect.
The fact that won't do this to Chuck, for whatever reason, means they want him to be part of the show. So ignore him you want, have fun counter-trolling him if you want. But trying to rally the group to do one or the other exclusively is not going to work.
""A Massachusetts judge has left court in tears after being indicted on obstruction of justice charges for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant evade immigration officials. "
She was harboring a fugitive with a DWI history. You hear about judges freeing perps like this and the following weekend they run over somebody's kid.
Well, Butina was just sentenced to 18 months in prison for conspiracy "to infiltrate the National Rifle Association (NRA) in an effort to influence US policies in favour of Moscow" as a Russian agent, so that's not good for her.
The unmasking of Peggy Noonan is complete. I once love her, but she just wrote an op-ed that the attempted coup against President Trump was his own fault.
ie, her skirt was too short, she was asking to be raped
It's amazing just how many Hydra agents have infiltrated the GOP. Burn it to the ground and start over from scratch.
Brunei has called for “tolerance, respect” and “understanding” following its decision to execute homosexuals by stoning.
Hard to have sympathy for the people that would ruin my life and imprison me for not baking their fucking wedding cake. I'll start caring about homosexual rights again once they demonstrate they respect the rights of people other than themselves.
I'll start caring about homosexual rights again once they demonstrate they respect the rights of people other than themselves.
But they already DO! The show GREAT RESPECT for the rights of people other than homosexuals, You know? People that are Bisexual, or People that are Transgender, or people that are queer
Hey little Cis-ter what have you done? Hey little Cis-ter who's the only one? Hey little Cis-ter who's your hetero man? Hey little Cis-ter who's the one you want? It's a nice day for a straight wedding
Fen said...The unmasking of Peggy Noonan is complete. I once love her, but she just wrote an op-ed that the attempted coup against President Trump was his own fault.
Noonan actually strikes a disgusting tone. Allegedly, half of D.C. simply finds him distasteful. The so-called "Old Ambassadors." My theory (unoriginal) is that Trump threatens their sinecures -- their extremely well-paid sinecures and retirements. This all comes down to money and greed.
Imagine that someone came along and threatened Pete Strzok's livelihood. I bet Strzok (as an example) would lie, cheat and steal to protect his position. Who knows
“How did things ever get so far? I don’t know. It was so unfortunate, so unnecessary.”
—Don Corleone, “The Godfather”
Ah, Peggy. May I point out to you that "The Godfather" is FICTION.
There's a song that seems appropriate to what's got her panties in wad this week. The key verse is:
"Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled The battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin' "
I guess Peggy and Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Mueller never imagined that the song would be pointed at them.
“She was harboring a fugitive with a DWI history. You hear about judges freeing perps like this and the following weekend they run over somebody's kid.”
This is what cospiracy ad Obstruction of Justice actually looks like. Plus yin’s to a federal agent. She should know that engaging in civi disobedience, as she did there ca require paying a price.
“Cry harder bitch.”
If there is any justice in the world, regardless of whether there is any prison time involved, she should be defrocked (degowned?) and disbarred. Her actions if proven, probably even by a preponderance of the evidence, violate both judicial and attorney ethics rules.
Anyone know a female professional athlete. Wife asked a question I have no answer to. "Why do female athletes put up with competitors who went through puberty with male organs?" Why put up with it, why not walk away?
Here's another likely explanation: It's so far a very small and rare phenomenon, one of those "Look at the crazy stuff that happens in other places" kind of things.
The quote is from the BBC. It doesn't really make sense. Is it against the law to infiltrate the NRA? How does one do that? By paying a yearly subscription? Does she have the pin and the bumper sticker?
She also appeared in photos with Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker! Horrors!
The most damning thing from Maria Butina's own mouth, AFAIK, is calling herself a "“representative of the Russian Federation", which may simply have been her ESL way of saying she's from that country. It seems she was pressured to cop a plea by, among other things, being put in solitary confinement for three months.
"People keep saying that. What is the evidence . . ."
I remember many years ago, the sign giving directions to the Northwest (I think it was Northwest) ticket counter at LaGuardia was seriously misleading. Follow that sign and you would end up in the wrong place and make yourself ten minutes later than you would otherwise have been. I told the guy behind the counter that they really should fix that sign because it was misleading.
Without noticing the hilarity of his response, he said that it was not misleadingly placed, but it was funny how everybody was always telling him that it was.
Without noticing the hilarity of his response, he said that it was not misleadingly placed, but it was funny how everybody was always telling him that it was.
Related - Am I just entering the "get off my lawn!" phase of life, or has anyone else noticed that Customer Service in general has hit rock bottom. The attitude seems to be "go pound sand, we have 100 million other buyers so we don't need to bother with your complaint". You ask to speak to the manager and they deliberately lie and fetch some co-worker pretending to be the manager. You ask for their names and they give a fake one. All as if there is no consequence if corporate HQ finds out.
Hayden: "This is what cospiracy ad Obstruction of Justice actually looks like."
Bruce, you're the level head in this bunch, so cross-check me please: I say that Sanctuary Officials are no different than someone who harbors a fugitive who later jumps their backyard fence to rape the neighbor.
Oh, and no, the NRA didn't press charges. Butina was involved with them because she set up an NRA-like organization in Russia called Right To Bear Arms, which in OPPOSITION to Putin, who is anti-gun rights.
She was investigated and charged as part of the Russia hysteria, although it was not directly related to the Mueller investigation. Mueller didn't investigate her because the evidence was against her was even less than the nothingburger he served us after nearly three years of his People's Commissariat operation.
My theory (unoriginal) is that Trump threatens their sinecures -- their extremely well-paid sinecures and retirements. This all comes down to money and greed.
I had already left the GOP over their latest omnibus cave.
But I have to say, it pains me to see the true face of the party - so many Country Club "those are not our kind of people, dear" Republicans. They hate him for championing what they consider to be Blue Collar trash.
In hindsight, Noonan revealed this tell is an otherwise great article Welcome Back, Duke
"Let me tell you when I first realized what I’m saying. On Friday, Sept. 14, I went with friends down to the staging area on the West Side Highway where all the trucks filled with guys coming off a 12-hour shift at ground zero would pass by. They were tough, rough men, the grunts of the city—construction workers and electrical workers and cops and emergency medical worker and firemen.
I joined a group that was just standing there as the truck convoys went by. And all we did was cheer. We all wanted to do some kind of volunteer work but there was nothing left to do, so we stood and cheered those who were doing. The trucks would go by and we’d cheer and wave and shout “God bless you!” and “We love you!” We waved flags and signs, clapped and threw kisses, and we meant it: We loved these men. And as the workers would go by—they would wave to us from their trucks and buses, and smile and nod—I realized that a lot of them were men who hadn’t been applauded since the day they danced to their song with their bride at the wedding.
And suddenly I looked around me at all of us who were cheering. And saw who we were. Investment bankers! Orthodontists! Magazine editors! In my group, a lawyer, a columnist and a writer. We had been the kings and queens of the city, respected professional in a city that respects its professional class. And this night we were nobody. We were so useless, all we could do was applaud the somebodies, the workers who, unlike us, had not been applauded much in their lives.
And now they were saving our city.
I turned to my friend and said, “I have seen the grunts of New York become kings and queens of the City.” I was so moved and, oddly I guess, grateful. Because they’d always been the people who ran the place, who kept it going, they’d just never been given their due. But now—“And the last shall be first”—we were making up for it."
Can you smell the patronizing condescension? She's lived most her life and never really "seen" these men till 9-11. And the her subconsciously bigoted contrast, the role reversal - she was a queen of the city but is now a nobody, they are now kings of the city....were they nobodys before this? She certainly implies as much.
I was a fan of her since I began reading newspapers. In college, a highlight of my weekend was sitting down with a pot of coffee and working through her latest op-ed in the WSJ. I was actually dissapointed whenever she phoned it in. And that paragraph always bothered me, but I didn't realize till Trump just what it really meant. And I should have seen it sooner.
BTW, 90% of the black vote still goes to Democrats? No fricken excuse for that, it means the GOP isn't really trying. Sure, Mittens would never blackball a minority from joining his exclusive club, but he wouldn't sponsor one either.
"We all wanted to do some kind of volunteer work but there was nothing left to do"
And that's classic. Yes Peggy, in the months following 9-11 there was simply nothing left for you to do. God forbid you pick up a broom and a dustpan.
Remember that old PC morality test where you're in a bunker post nuclear holocaust and there are 12 of you but only enough food for 10? And you have to vote on who to throw out? They set it up where the engineer is gay but you'll need him to rebuild. The medical slot is filled by a black female, the investment banker is an old white guy (wont need him to Civ 2.0 right?)
I would always piss off the teacher by breaking the test - just cannibalize the gay guy and you can keep 11 alive instead of 10. But now I realize we should have eaten the intellectual.
To combine the Airline and customer service thread: This is where I first noticed it, at least as far back as the late 80s, airline customer service reps had no problem lying to you while you were standing at the counter and looking them in the eye. It was sort of amazing to me at the time.
“We elect a president in 2020. Democrats would be wise to spend the next year showing America that their party is capable of governing, up to leadership, that its ideas are not crazy but pertinent, that it actually has a philosophy,” she wrote. “Seriousness and calm would be nice, and after the past few years would serve as a welcome counterpoint. There is an unarticulated wish out there to return to some past in which things were deeply imperfect and certainly divided but on some level tranquil, and not half mad.”
Noonan didn't vote for Trump in 2016. IRC, she voted for Hillary. Why be surprised she will vote Democrat in 2020? She's not a conservative, she's an elitist.
"I would always piss off the teacher by breaking the test - just cannibalize the gay guy and you can keep 11 alive instead of 10. But now I realize we should have eaten the intellectual."
Yes, Chuck, if you start out believing that Trump is a Nazi white supremacist, despite his history, and squint exactly right, and wherever you can find any grammatical imprecision, you interpret it in your own way, then you can make a weak ass argument that Trump was praising white supremacists.
The trick is assuming what you are trying to prove.
Spats were another clothing accessory left off by the King in 1926. It is said that the moment this was observed and commented on by the spectators it produced an immediate reaction; the ground beneath the bushes was littered with discarded spats
Frankly, Chuck, it's pretty rich to be swinging from the chandeliers about a disingenuous article like that when you and your peers have Al Sharpton as a spokesperson.
Also, hilariously, Bulwark means "wall." NeverTrumpers named their own stupid movement after the very thing they're being paid -- by foreign propagandists-- to oppose.
The 'paid by foreign propagandists' is funny too. Keep them coming.
Just watched a bit of MSLSD this morning. They had two senior writers on as experts. One was from the Business Insider and the other from Center for the Public Interest. Both appeared to be recent graduates, as in very young.
Have you ever seen junior writers, junior analysts, junior administration officials on these shows? Me neither.
Tina Trent said... Frankly, Chuck, it's pretty rich to be swinging from the chandeliers about a disingenuous article like that when you and your peers have Al Sharpton as a spokesperson.
Al Sharpton?!?
Where have I ever had a kind word to say about him?
This is the weird, sick, stupid thing about Trump fans; you see the world as a binary place where people are either for Trump or against him, and anyone who is against Trump must be a leftist.
As for Robert Tracinski's column at The Bulwark, I'm not seeing much specific criticism. Just ad hominem attacks, and some very poor ones at that.
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1 – 200 of 285 Newer› Newest»Ratskeller.
Very Nice Article. Good Job Keep it Up.
My kinda place, looks comfy and inviting.
That's one hell of a beam - what's it holding up? More likely, what did it once hold up, big machines of some sort? You see those sorts of structures in the old manufacturing buildings in Lawrence, Lowell, Fall River, and even Boston.
Very Nice Article.
"It was found that the Jewish performance advantage over both Catholics and Lutherans with respect to all 3 measures was partially and significantly mediated by group differences in the polygenic score. This result is consistent with the prediction that the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection acting on this population over the course of several millennia."
But without Lutherans we wouldn't have had Prairie Home Expelled From Polite Society Companion.
Where are the customers? How do you make a go of it without customers?
"Sorry, but..."
You are not sorry enough though, so don't deceive us with your claim to be sorry at all.
Be sorrier NOW! Apologize, forever, louder and stronger and faster.
This is just so sad. In Kent, WA, a suburb of Seattle, this punk stole the truck and the owner tried to stop him but was shot dead [not shown]. This just makes me sick.
Man Tries to Stop Car Thief
Where are the customers?
The place was packed, until a customer, using a poor choice of words,
recognized Our Most Gracious Host, and blurted out:
"Hey!! IT'S THE RAT LADY !!"
Fernandistein at 10:54 AM
the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection acting on this population over the course of several millennia
Jews who wanted to escape persecution could easily abandon the Jewish religion.
Those who did so tended to be less intelligent.
Those who continued to study and justify their religion tended to be more intelligent.
That room's furnishings are too busy.
Why try to stop a car thief? Call the police. Its not that hard to track down a stolen vehicle if you know exactly when and where it was stolen and its only been gone for 1 minute.
Especially if you're in Kent or a big city. Maybe its different in the Country. But I'm not risking my life over a hunk of metal. That's why I have car insurance. But yes, its sad. The killer should get the death penalty, but since its Seattle, he'll get 20 years.
Those who continued to study and justify their religion tended to be more intelligent
Rabbi had an explanation. Take the smartest boy in the village, make him a rabbi, give him a pretty wife and encourage him to have lots of children, rinse, repeat for a couple few thousand years.
Blogger rcocean said...
Why try to stop a car thief? Call the police. Its not that hard to track down a stolen vehicle if you know exactly when and where it was stolen and its only been gone for 1 minute.
Except in Tucson. A freon d had his car stolen but he had "Lojack" installed. He went to the cops and by the time they turned ion Lojack the car was 60 miles into Mexico.
There is a better solution.
A concealed carry permit holder fought back killing a would-be carjacker after a crash in the South Loop.
It is scary but I mean unfortunately we need to do something to protect ourselves," said Emily Kunzendorf.
The shooting happened at around 3:15 Friday morning on Ida B. Wells and Clark Street after a man in a Volkswagen rear-ended a BMW.
According to police, the driver of the BMW got out to inspect the damage and when he went back to get his cell phone, the Volkswagen driver approached with a handgun, demanded his keys and pushed him into the vehicle.
Both men were inside the vehicle when police said the 41-year-old BMW driver retrieved his handgun and shot the 22-year-old man in the head.
Half the cars in Tucson probably have a gun in them. The other half, are owned by Democrats, like the Tucson Mayor.
Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild was carjacked at gunpoint Saturday morning and his city-owned Toyota Prius was stolen, according to Tucson police officials
I heard smartest boy + richest girl, but prettiest could work too I suppose; a blue-eyed, fairhaired Jewish friend once confided to me with a grin, "somebody has to get the Cossack genes!"
It's a theory
LOL. Trump congratulates himself as a great hostage negotiator (reacting to the NYT story about a payment to the North Koreans for the release of Otto Warmbier) by quoting someone who is the “Cheif Hostage Negotiator” (misspelled by Trump; and no name even supplied for this person, whose title appears to have been something that Trump invented. Maybe the quote was invented too.
It’s funny to me; I actually had a hard time misspelling “Chief.” Auto-correct doesn’t want to let you do it.
The Trump tweet of the day:
Rabbi had an explanation. Take the smartest boy in the village, make him a rabbi, give him a pretty wife and encourage him to have lots of children, rinse, repeat for a couple few thousand years.
"This seems unlikely to have been an important selective factor, since there weren’t very many professional rabbis, certainly less than one percent of the population."
"He went to the cops and by the time they turned ion Lojack the car was 60 miles into Mexico."
Why didn't he call the Mexican Cops? They're always willing to help. LOL. Seriously, I'm always amazed that more cars don't get stolen and driven into Mexico.
"It’s funny to me; I actually had a hard time misspelling “Chief.” Auto-correct doesn’t want to let you do it."
Trump deliberately lets misspelling go into his tweets because it draws more attention to them. Thanks for helping him out.
Thoughts from earlier today. Today is the day that our cat is declawed. On the one hand, we have a lot of expensive furniture I two houses. On the other, outdoor cats don’t live that long here in rural MT. This vet sewed back together a predecessor in interest a couple decades ago, after he had even “owled”. The ungrateful wretch, after a $2k vet bill, had the effrontery to run away when he got back to Phoenix. We also have eagles nesting not far fro the house, as well as the other regular predators on small domestic animals, such as coyotes, foxes, and bobcats. So, he is an indoor cat no matter how badly he wants out. This means surgery, which means not eating after 7 pm the night before. He was pathetic over night, actually crying for food and going so far as to lick the salt from the Cheetos my partner had fed him yesterday in bed. Which gets to my observation. I laughed, and she cried. She called me her younger brother’s name who had set a neighbor’s cat on fire, when they were growing up, and laughed uncontrollably as it ran down the street. The implied assertion is that I harbored some sort of evil sadism. I did feel sorry for him. It wasn’t his fault that we were starving him but were doing it for his own good. At some point with human kids, you can explain the reasons behind fasting before surgery but that doesn’t work for cats. She couldn’t see, or, maybe more accurately, feel, beyond that he was miserable. I laughed at his ingenuity, which we talk about. A lot. Though maybe stereotyping a bit, I wondered if this was one of those classical male/female divides.
Just listened to Trump's address to the NRA. Great speech!!!
Saw Die Walkure last night at the Met, and Siegfried a few weeks ago. Just terrific, the Siegfried performance especially so. Both were sold out, as are pretty much all of the remaining performances. But any Wagnerians out there should definitely make a point of catching one of the HD presentations. Best Ring cycle in quite a while, at least in NYC.
There is hope yet for America -- for all the noise about the Avengers, there is still an audience for opera of such high quality.
Seattle used to present the Ring cycle [maybe they still do] but my husband didn't care for Wagner. The quality may not have been of the quality of yours but our German friends were quite impressed. Die Walkure is my favorite but I must admit it's hard to listen now without thinking helicopters and strafing. ;-)
In Montreal when your car gets stolen, they park it someplace to “cool off” in case Lo-Jack is on, and then it’s on a ship to the Third World. I don’t think that stealing a car is even a crime there, because too many politicians’ sons were caught doing it. I guess the thieving apple doesn’t fall far from the thieving tree.
“Less than 1% of the population....”
Didn’t you hear The Dude’s speech at that awards show?
Finally, no more Biden links
Blogger rcocean said...
"It’s funny to me; I actually had a hard time misspelling “Chief.” Auto-correct doesn’t want to let you do it."
Trump deliberately lets misspelling go into his tweets because it draws more attention to them. Thanks for helping him out.
People keep saying that. What is the evidence from the Administration that misspellings are deliberate and to draw attention? I know that people like Scott Adams make that claim. The fact that this is in part a Scott Adams theory makes me question it most severely.
What else is there? The common wisdom of the Althouse blog?
So, the word on the street is that Biden thinks that Pennsylvania will be the key,
and that the fact that he talks about Scranton a lot will make the Big Difference
People will go; "Oh, wow! when Joe was a baby, he lived in Scranton! He's JUST LIKE US!!"
Can't really see that working with people outside of Philly, comments anyone?
You know Chuck, there are certain techniques that stop working when you explain them. I have no idea why he turned off his spellcheck, but seriously, anybody who has any game knows that part of it is to keep your cards close to the vest.
Look at you, for example, still obsessed with the time that Trump called a radio show, obviously himself, pretending to be somebody else. I think it’s hysterical, but if he explained the joke so that even the humor impaired among us can get it, it’s ruined. Like that, Chuck.
the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection
The “high average cognitive ability of Jews” may be overrated, at least in the US. They give their money and their votes to a party that supports and prefers people who want to kill them, kill their kids, and kill their grandchildren. If that’s not stupidity than what is? Trump, with three Jewish grandchildren, gets it. But Conservative and Reformed synagogues are full of people who don’t.
Bruce - it may be a partial divide. I've had an easier time than my wife "hardening my heart" to perform tasks affecting both children and animals. My driving sense of purpose and duty will override the very real and soft emotions that I feel even when I'm "doing my duty". I've felt this way even before my time in the military. My dad was big on duty but I wonder if I had that sense even before he railed on me. From birth? In the womb?
So is Biden going to tell PA that they can keep mining coal and fracking and then secretly tell the rest of the country that he is going to shut it all down? How will that work, exactly?
Is he going to explain to PA that heavy industry jobs are not coming back, that they were worthless anyways, and he has no idea why China, Canada, and Europe go to such lengths to get them for their people? Butt-whatever plans to travel the industrial midwest and explain to them that they are suffering from a false consciousness if they think that they have a chance again at well paying jobs that don’t take a four year degree?
the high average cognitive ability of Jews may have been shaped, in part, by polygenic selection
I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up in Chicago. When I went to their houses/apartments for dinner, there was always adult conversation. Not so much with other folks.
Stimulating a child's mind increases intelligence.
will Vanilla Joe campaign in Wisconsin?
will they want him to??
"Dont Sniff Our Hair-- Come Smell Our Dairy Air !!"
People keep saying that. What is the evidence from the Administration that misspellings are deliberate and to draw attention?
Chuck: I actually had a hard time misspelling “Chief.” Auto-correct doesn’t want to let you do it.
"What else is there? The common wisdom of the Althouse blog?"
Never Trumpers are just leftists who pretended to be "Conservatives". That's been shown by Trump. Not only do they attack Trump for the same reasons and in the same way the Left does, they constantly react in the same way the Left does. For example, Kristol and Goldberg and Erickson's first impulse when Trump declared was to call him a "raciss/sexist/bigot/homophobe" - just like the liberals. David French is no different, except he throws in some "God Stuff" every once in a while to remind people he's some sort of Christian.
Once you realize that the "Never Trumpers" and "Conservative Inc." are just the right-wing of the Left-wing Establishment then it all makes sense.
Stimulating a child's mind increases intelligence.
Bar Mitzvahs are hard work sustained over a significant period of time in addition to other studies.
I see that UCLA is conducting a class in pole dancing. Hey, that plus a boob job virtually assures parents that their daughter will be able to get a job after graduation.
rcocean said: "...since its Seattle, he'll get 20 years. "
And serve about 6, if he promises not to kill anyone else until he gets out.
Look at you, for example, still obsessed with the time that Trump called a radio show, obviously himself, pretending to be somebody else. I think it’s hysterical, but if he explained the joke so that even the humor impaired among us can get it, it’s ruined. Like that, Chuck.
Well I don’t know about any radio program.
What I have referred to in the past was Trump’s speaking privately with reporters who were doing on-the-record interviews and therefore recorded them. It was not entertainment. It was no joke.
Except of course it is rather hilarious; Trump dishing dirt about his estranged wife Marla Maples and various other women while speaking about “Mr. Trump” and “Donald” in the third person. Asking the reporters if they had met Trump.
Twitter’s #1 trending. Deranged Donald. So fitting.
It’s even funnier now.
1st quarter GDP numbers came in today, blowing away the predicted 2.25% growth, with a 3.2% return. It will probably be revised upward later on.
Who was the guy that said that 2.0% was the new normal?
The only thing that can stop the American economy is the government. Get out of its way, and it booms.
I guess despite his short fingers, Trump has the “magic wand” that Obama said didn’t exist.
Jeezum Crow! Will you look at the Dow! No wonder the media isn’t talking about it. Can you imagine what they would be saying if Obama had numbers like that?
Remember when Gadfly explained to us how he got out of the market at the low point right at the end of last year? He explained to us that it was all downhill from there and the smart money was heading for the hills waiting for the Democrats to get back in power.
INDIANAPOLIS- President Donald Trump on Friday announced at the National Rifle Association´s annual meeting that the United States will drop out of an international arms treaty signed in 2013 by then-President Barack Obama but opposed by the NRA and other conservative groups. Trump told members of the gun lobby that he intends to revoke the status of the United States as a signatory of the Arms Trade Treaty, which was never ratified by the U.S. Senate.
Even a “constitutional scholar” like Obama should have known that treaties need to be ratified by the Senate, otherwise POTUS is just unconstitutionally legislating with his pen.
Muy interesante
“Half the cars in Tucson probably have a gun in them. The other half, are owned by Democrats, like the Tucson Mayor”
I would rephrase that in this part of MT as 3/4 and 1/4 or maybe eve 80/20. Though to be fair, the guns are maybe not that readily available in the cars. And where are they going to take the cars after they steal them? Canada? Taking a detour through LAS Vegas we drove better than 1500 miles to get here from PHX. And it is a seven hour drive to Seattle. One of the things that I have to retrain self to do every time we move back south every fall is to lock our vehicles. Here, I tend to eat the keys on the dashboard. As a client told me - no one is probably going to steal his truck unless he truly needs it more than the client does, and if he does, he will return it as soon as he can, with the tank filled.
Some have talked about high trust versus low trust environments. This is obviously a very high trust environment, which is why I was surprised that lying scum Jon Tester was re-elected. That took a mountain of out of state money to accomplish. I dont think that the (fairly heavily Hispanic) portion of PHX is nearly as low trust as some of our Dem controlled inner cities, like Chicago or even NYC, but certainly much lower trust than here in MT. As a result, the gun in my truck here, unless I am carrying it, is a 10 mm, literally loaded for bear (solid cast bullets for penetration) (spare mag though has JHP for wolves since you are unlikely to have a chance to reload with bears). In PHX, the gun in my vehicular is typically 9 mm loaded with JHP (which are designed to stop human, and not 4 legged predators). Which is to say that I trust the people more here, and the wildlife more in PHX.
I had a lot of Jewish friends growing up in Chicago. When I went to their houses/apartments for dinner, there was always adult conversation. Not so much with other folks.
So smart people tend to have more sophisticated conversations than people who aren't so smart.
Stimulating a child's mind increases intelligence.
If this were meaningfully true, our various social engineering programs (Head Start, etc) would work a lot better than they do. Which is basically not at all. No one really knows how to make smart kids, other than "start with smart parents".
"In Montreal when your car gets stolen, they park it someplace to “cool off” in case Lo-Jack is on, and then it’s on a ship to the Third World."
You'd think that would be the easiest thing in the world to stop. Shipping cars overseas isn't like taking a ride across the border. Lots of paperwork. But then, if there's no will to stop it....
A liberal Mayor with a Prius. LOL - there's a reason for stereotypes.
A few years ago I was able to see two of the Ring Cycle (with the moving set) at the local megascreen. That art from 150 years ago (art by a THOROUGHLY BAD MAN! BAD!) can still inspire other artists, and find an audience, and be so far embedded into everyday culture, that such art finds a refuge here, is something that makes me proud of my country. (So does Mickey Gilley, so don't get all antee-eeleet with me.)
USA: saving the best of Europe from the worst of Europe since 1915*
*go ahead, ask
Saw Die Walkure last night at the Met, and Siegfried a few weeks ago. Just terrific, the Siegfried performance especially so. Both were sold out, as are pretty much all of the remaining performances. But any Wagnerians out there should definitely make a point of catching one of the HD presentations. Best Ring cycle in quite a while, at least in NYC.
There is hope yet for America -- for all the noise about the Avengers, there is still an audience for opera of such high quality.
Allow me to point out that Endgame has a Valkyrie..
CTH: President Obama’s 2016 Political Surveillance Coverup Had Two Parallel Tracks…
(Posted on April 25, 2019 by sundance)
It is looking more and more that we are seeing the winding down, with the winding up of the Mueller investigation, of a significant coverup by Obama Administration officials and Deep State top bureaucrats of their having heavily used FISA 702(16)(17) searching NSA databases to spy on American citizens for four or so years, which was ended by its discovery by NSA Dir Rogers in late spring of 2016. Everything since then is essentially coverup. We are talking thousands of database searches on American citizens and legally resident aliens in the six month stretch ending in maybe March of that year. Likely, most of those searches were political.
There appear to have been two tracks to the coverup, one by the CIA and the other by the FBI:
♦The CIA track took place between March and July 2016, and consisted of using foreign intelligence allies in Italy, the U.K and Australia to create a background illusion of Russian involvement with the Trump campaign. This operation was based on earlier -more innocuous- contacts from various countries, weaponized and redeployed in what everyone calls “spygate”. This track successfully culminated in Operation Crossfire Hurricane.
♦The FBI track was domestic-centric, albeit sub-contracted to Fusion GPS and later a former British intelligence officer, and took place between April and October 2016; also to create the illusion of Russian involvement. This operation is best known around the Steele Dossier and FISA warrant against U.S. person Carter Page. The FBI track continued with the Mueller investigation into 2017, 2018 and 2019.
The two were effectively merged into the Mueller investigation - by necessity, since only the DoJ could perpetuate the coverup into the new Administration.
Bernie and Biden need to go into the Late Morning Café - preferably the private area in the back - and only one of them comes out!
Chuck said...
Blogger rcocean said...
"It’s funny to me; I actually had a hard time misspelling “Chief.” Auto-correct doesn’t want to let you do it."
Trump deliberately lets misspelling go into his tweets because it draws more attention to them. Thanks for helping him out.
People keep saying that. What is the evidence from the Administration that misspellings are deliberate and to draw attention? I know that people like Scott Adams make that claim. The fact that this is in part a Scott Adams theory makes me question it most severely.
What else is there? The common wisdom of the Althouse blog?
You just aren't very smart Chuck.
Trump has destroyed you and all your heroes.
Trump is far more intelligent than you are.
Almost everyone here mocks you because you are dumb. Kristol is dumb. Will is dumb. Rueben is particularly dumb. SE Cupp is dumb.
But again they are all smarter than you.
They are all just tools propped up by billionaires to mislead stupid people like you. They may have accomplished absolutely nothing in their lives, but they get paid I guess.
The Donald!! In front of the NRA, rejecting AND SIGNING RIGHT THERE his rejection of a UN treaty to strip US citizens of their weapons. If you like your gun, you can keep your gun. BIFF BAM POW - take that UN gun grabbers! Not only so much winning, but so much fun. Meanwhile back at Sleepy and Grumpy's ranch, Joe Biden is trying to be a demagogue but he's too nice to know how to really persuade people that half the country has joined some sort of Nazi-Commie Klan. Grumpy Sanders? we'll see.
"Especially if you're in Kent or a big city."
Kent is a funny place. Part ghetto, part industrial park, part middle-class suburb, part dormitory for Ukrainian container drivers.
Delusional Deplorables.
When I was in Moscow in the late '90s I saw large numbers of cars with license plates from all over the world, even from North Carolina. I presume most or all of them were stolen.
We have to hammer Sleepy Joe and do everything in our power to support Crazy Bernie, er, I mean, Senator Sanders of the great maple state of Vermont.
Not that sleepy Joe is to be feared. He's not.
But knocking him out of the primaries, is another knock against the Democrat machine, and, two for one, elevates Crazy Bernie, sorry, Senator Sanders to his perch as a McGovern 2.0 to fight an unwinnable general election.
The Bernie Bros don't care. Their loyalty to the Dems is not deep. If the Dems screw Crazy Bernie, damn you!, Senator Sanders, out of another nomination two times in a row, he runs Third Party, splits the Dem Party, and Trump coasts to a win.
And, of course, hilarity and mirth ensue.
Based on such, Senator Benard Sanders (I-VT) is the right, Honourable Gentleman for these treacherous times.
I have read that these guys hired off duty police to direct traffic when taking cars to the docks'
As 1979 continued Roy DeMeo began to expand his business activities, in particular his auto theft operation, which would soon become the largest in New York City's history. Dubbed the Empire Boulevard Operation by FBI agents, the operation consisted of hundreds of stolen cars being shipped from ports in New Jersey to Kuwait and Puerto Rico. Roy put together a group of five active partners in the operation, all of whom earned approximately $30,000 a week each in profit.
So in that Italian piece, it is said that mifsud has been detained by italian intel, a d is a victim not a Russian spy (as I far as I can sprezzo)
Not that sleepy Joe is to be feared. He's not.
Anonymous said...(in Trump tweet thread)
The presence of almost two dozen Democrat presidential primary contenders allows a nearly unique opportunity to play several con games against the public, long before the general election.
First, relatively unknown and low level politicians can try to move the Overton Window on policy debates by promoting outrageous leftist crap that otherwise would never dare be spoken, without damaging their careers, because they are going right back to their current offices after losing the primary. This is already ongoing.
Second, coordinated efforts among all or even just a few primary candidates can move press coverage to any subject desired. Most likely, the mob will demonize Trump as much as possible, although the push for a female as P or VP candidate is another example of how to use the force of a mob to demand compliance with the mob.
Third, since superdelegates and Party money will determine the Dem primary winner, who will be known well in advance of Super Tuesday, the rest can each make attacks against Trump to swarm him with vitriol nonstop for months in the media, without blemishing the actual candidate for President as a shit thrower, although attacks by Lilliputions are often more amusing than damaging.
4/26/19, 12:43 PM
Except of course it is rather hilarious; Trump dishing dirt about his estranged wife Marla Maples and various other women while speaking about “Mr. Trump” and “Donald” in the third person. Asking the reporters if they had met Trump.
You are just a nasty little bitch, Chuckles.
It must really suck to be you.
AOC is Congresscritter Moonbeam.
One might say she is brunhilde yes when you think about its Norse opera (well with Russian subtitles)
Trump doubling down on Charlottesville. Fish, meet bait, meet hook.
I hope to hell that Althouse doubles down on her “Charlottesville Hoax” meme. I think that Althouse is too intellectually honest to maintain it in the face of the transcript(s).
Chuck said...
Trump doubling down on Charlottesville. Fish, meet bait, meet hook.
I hope to hell that Althouse doubles down on her “Charlottesville Hoax” meme. I think that Althouse is too intellectually honest to maintain it in the face of the transcript(s).
Yesterday I posted links to Trump's initial formal remarks on Charlottesville, AND those he made at a later press conference.
They show conclusively that you, sirrah, are full of more shit than the porta-potties at the Iowa state fair.
I want this fight on Charlottesville!
Bring it!
Here again is the link to Robert Tracinskl’s comprehensive takedown of the stupid “Charlottesville Hoax” at The Bulwark:
I guess we know who The Bulwark's subscriber is. Mr. Omidyar thanks you for your support.
@ chuck: Here are Trump's actual comments:
"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. ... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the White nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."
"...and Siegfried a few weeks ago."
5 hours, fifteen minutes.
Like every leftist, LLR Chuck is not handling the collapse of his dem-created russia hoax very well at all, is he?
Automatic_Wing: "I guess we know who The Bulwark's subscriber is. Mr. Omidyar thanks you for your support."
Lefty billionaires telling fake conservatives on lefty blogsites what to write......LLR Chuck HEAVEN!!
From Robert Tracinski in The Bulwark:
Trump’s defenders point to his insistence in his August 15, 2017, Trump Tower news conference that when he said “very fine people” he was “not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” Case closed, right?
The problem is that Trump is not a very reliable source on what he is and is not talking about, and he had in fact just been talking about white nationalists. Let’s take a closer look at that transcript and see exactly who he was referring to when he was talking about “very fine people.”
Here’s the actual “very fine people” comment:
You have some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group—excuse me, excuse me—I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.
So when he says “very fine people” he is referring to a specific group of protesters, and not only does he keep emphasizing this, but he gets more specific about them.
But not all of those people were Neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee. So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson’s coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you all—you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop? But they were there to protest—excuse me. You take a look, the night before, they were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
And later in the press conference:
There were people in that rally, and I looked the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people—neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest, because you know—I don’t know if you know, they had a permit.
He keeps going back to this idea that there was a separate group of protesters that weekend in Charlottesville, ordinary people who merely opposed the removal of Lee’s statue, and he keeps giving that group a specific time and place: in Charlottesville “the night before,” that is, the night of Friday, August 11.
Cortes claims that “Trump’s ‘fine people on both sides’ observation clearly related to those on both sides of the Confederate monument debate.” In other words, it was just a vague, general observation that good people can disagree on the issue. But as we’ve just seen, that’s not what Trump was saying. He was referring to a specific group of protesters present in Charlottesville on the night of August 11. And this was the context in which Trump denied that he was talking about white nationalists.
And you had people, and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
All right, so who are these people who were just there to protest the removal of the statues? Who was the group protesting “the night before”?
Well, here they are:
[YouTube video of Tiki-torch protesters chanting "Jews will not replace us."
That’s right. The people marching in Charlottesville the night before were the guys with torches chanting “blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us.”
So you can see where the mainstream view of this statement comes from. Cortes describes Trump’s words as “unambiguous” but his actual words are the very definition of ambiguity: He is denouncing the Nazis out of one side of his mouth, then calling them “very fine people” out of the other. He is saying, in effect, that he condemns the white nationalists but also that the people marching with torches and shouting at the Jews were very fine people. Do you find that a convincing “condemnation”? Would you find it convincing if any other politician said it?
he keeps giving that group a specific time and place: in Charlottesville “the night before,” that is, the night of Friday, August 11.
He can't be talking about the Tikki Torch night where they chanted and marched around the statue at UVA. What they chanted was recorded & everyone can see what they chanted.
What if there really was another group of protesters there that day, and that’s who Trump was referring to? Well, there’s the problem. No such group exists. This mythical second group of protesters is like the “second shooter” in conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination. I’ve found people who insist to me that such a group was there because the “Charlottesville Hoax” mythology requires it to exist—but I haven’t found a single shred of actual confirmation. It’s almost as if they have adopted a false memory.
That’s what originally set me off about this Trump claim. I live in the Charlottesville area, and I know very fine people who oppose the removal of the monuments based on high-minded notions about preserving history. I’m one of them. So I know that we weren’t there that night. Only the white nationalists were there.
If you’re counting, we’ve already busted two parts of the “Charlottesville Hoax” myth. Trump was not talking generally about people on both sides of the statue controversy, he was talking about a specific group—and there was no specific group other than the white nationalists present at the events Trump was referring to.
At this point, the only argument in Trump’s defense is one that I would regard as fairly plausible: Trump was, once again, blustering about a subject he didn’t understand, while insisting that he knew it better than anyone else. (You can see why this defense is not widely employed, because it doesn’t serve the purpose of making people feel more comfortable about the man in the White House.)
There’s also the fact that Trump repeatedly insisted in his Trump Tower press conference that he had painstakingly gathered the facts. “When I make a statement, I like to be correct. I want the facts.” He repeated, “unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”
But what really gives the game away is when Trump insists that the “very fine people” who were there to protest “had a permit.” There was only one protest permit issued that weekend, and it was well documented because there was a court battle over it. That wasn’t for the Friday night’s tiki-torch Nuremberg, which was unannounced, but for the “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday. So were there “fine people on both sides” of the permitted rally? Let’s take a look at which parts of the “right” this rally was supposed to unite. One source describes them as “the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and various militias”—in other words, different variations on the theme of white nationalism. If you think that’s an unfair summary, check out the poster for the event and notice that the headline speaker was prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer.
The conceit of Tracinsky’s piece (which was posted on April 1 AND has “hoax” in the headline) is that President Trump was talking about two separate groups of people, rather than one group with different elements within it, but I am not sure the text bears that out.
wholelottasplainin' on Charlottesville: Here are Trump's actual comments.
Chuck on Charlottesville: Here are a bunch of posts of an article which serves to point out that even though Trump said one thing if you look at it just right, frame the issue just so, and ignore what he actually said to the contrary, we might be able to convince the people who really don't want to believe he said exactly what he said.
It's pretty bad when someone named wholelottasplainin' can explain it in a single post using a lot fewer words.
LLR Chuck is an amusing little lefty plaything, isnt he?
The lefty playbook has been torn asunder by Trump leaving lefty smear merchants scrambling for new smear-based attack strategies.
And when the dems/far left are in trouble, LLR Chuck is ever ready to go to bat for his fellow lefty allies.
Its healthy that Chuck has determined its no longer useful to maintain the pretense of principled conservatism.
Very healthy indeed.
How bad is Chuck's argument?
Even Inga's not here making it.
There are times when even Chuck's strongest far left defenders are embarrassed for him.
This is one of those times.
Looks like LLR Chuck has started his weekend a little early....
the actual story was how McAuliffe's standown order, and reversing the permit created this tragedy, now this was the blood price, like the sacrifice to the soul stone, that allowed governor klansman and his assault happy running mate to get in, but that doesn't serve anybody's narrative,
now the Italian piece shows the deepstate machinations involving several powers, like the andaz hotel owned by the pritzkers, where Papadopoulos was invited by halper,
Shorter Chuck and every MSM Liberal:
We know Trump didn't praise Nazi's - but if we keep saying he did AND twist his words - we can convince some Dummies our lies are the the truth.
"That room's furnishings are too busy." --MikeSylw
And where are the Mason jars?
there are company ties all over this from Nellie ohr, to halper's father in law, to steele's liasons with said organization,
rcocean: "Shorter Chuck and every MSM Liberal:We know Trump didn't praise Nazi's - but if we keep saying he did AND twist his words - we can convince some Dummies our lies are the the truth."
Well, LLR Chuck proudly and loudly proclaimed he was only here to knowingly lie and smear Trump and his supporters in the hopes of driving Trumps poll numbers down in order for the dems to win and ensure there would never again be any more "disastrous" republican victories.
LLR Chuck is essentially Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
In a war, the enemy is defeated.
Traitors fare much worse.
USA: saving the best of Europe from the worst of Europe since 1915*
Good point, Anonymous. But will we be able to influence the rebuilding of Notre Dame cathedral? Macron has already pronounced [L'etat, c'est moi] that it should reflect diversity. So, while we may have joked about a minaret it's quite a possibility. This is what happens when the state takes control of churches.
Kevin: It's pretty bad when someone named wholelottasplainin' can explain it in a single post using a lot fewer words.
Thanks very much......(I guess).
"Sure, Donald Trump said there were 'fine people on both sides' but in the next breath he condemned 'neo-Nazis and White nationalists.' Don't leave that out."
MSM and democratic operatives everywhere, left that last part out. Narrative.
Lucien said...
The conceit of Tracinsky’s piece (which was posted on April 1 AND has “hoax” in the headline) is that President Trump was talking about two separate groups of people, rather than one group with different elements within it, but I am not sure the text bears that out.
Fuck that. Trump was talking about the group on Friday night (for which there are videos of the "Jews will not replace us" chant. And Trump was talking about the group that had applied for the demonstration permit. Which turned into a court battle, and we thereby know exactly who those people are.
Trump, back in August of 2017, was talking about an imaginary group that exists only in his deranged mind. He was imagining that there were moderated, principled monument preservationists in the two groups he specifically singled out (the Friday night torch group, and the "demonstration-permitted" White Supremacists on Saturday. And Trump has nothing to support him on those claims except for his own fervent/fervid/fetid imaginings. No one knows of such a group (moderate monument preservationists) having been there.
This is a peculiarly Trump problem insofar as it might have been possible to make the kind of case that Trump and many of you are picturing. But Trump didn't do that. Trump is too incompetent to do that.
Bay Area Guy proposes: We have to hammer Sleepy Joe and do everything in our power to support Crazy Bernie, er, I mean, Senator Sanders of the great maple state of Vermont.
I dunno. A lot of people like Bernie. In fact, I know several Trump voters who had supported Bernie in the primaries. I'd say he's the most viable candidate for the Dems. But as I have argued before, having a Socialist against a Capitalist would force [I hope] the debate, which is long overdue so I kind of hope he gets the nomination.
More from Robert Tracinski at The Bulwark:
So this was not some kind of big-tent rally for supporters of the monuments that just happened to be hijacked by white nationalists. It was a rally organized specifically by, and for, white nationalists. Which is why the Virginia ACLU had to go to bat for their right to protest.
The best—the very best—one could say about Trump’s comments on Charlottesville is that he did not intend to praise Nazis but merely blundered into a statement that ended up being disastrously ambiguous. Yet this was hardly the first time. The Trump Tower press conference was his third public statement about Charlottesville, which was necessary because he had already bungled the first two. His wishy-washy first statement, in which he blamed the violence in Charlottesville on “hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides, on many sides,” had set the tone.
We all know that a president who was basically competent and gave a damn could have delivered an unambiguous condemnation of white nationalism and appealed to unifying American values. We know because we’ve seen it before.
The fact that Trump couldn’t do this implies to me that he didn’t really care all that much about the subject. In fact, throughout his whole Trump Tower press conference, he kept begging the reporters to ask him questions about infrastructure spending. He clearly wanted to talk about something, anything, else.
That’s why Trump’s Charlottesville statement deserves to be remembered as a dangerous sign. It shows the corruption in Trump’s outlook on the world that makes him unwilling to deal with a clear threat to American values—and, in the coiled obfuscations of the “Charlottesville Hoax” myth, it shows how he corrupts the minds and values of his apologists.
Kevin: "It's pretty bad when someone named wholelottasplainin' can explain it in a single post using a lot fewer words."
Not at all.
Wholelotta was trying to explain what the truth is.
LLR Chuck is desperately spinning his lefty lies to help the dems.
When you understand the context it all becomes clear.
I must warn the readers here: the dems have had such a horrific last month that LLR Chuck's rage is overflowing and we are likely to see another of his spittle-flecked racist and child-attacking tirades.
oh that's interesting, they apparently couldn't mount such an operation in a major venue:
Chuck's only recourse at this late stage is to continue in Full Inga Lunatic Cut and Paste Mode.
We can expect a deluge of quotes from fake conservatives from fake conservative Hoax-sites like The Bulwark as Chuck attempts to come to terms with the failures of his beloved Team Left.
It is concerning seeing his extraordinary downward lefty-smear-filled spiral.
Prayers and Best Wishes for Chuck during this difficult time.
Perhaps lighting another candle in hopes Maddows ratings recover would cheer up our resident Durbin-cuckholster?
you're better off not cooperating
Mockturtle at 5:15. Call me Narr (that's why I bother).
Thanks, good to know someone is reading it! I do not know how the ND restoration will go but certainly don't assume the best (i.e. something in the spirit of the old structure but don't ask me to say what that would look like; if not identical restoration AFAP and I don't know how P that is either).
Wouldn't put anything past Macron and his Eurotrash groupuscules of course; and absolutely right that neither church nor state should cede an inch of their own proper spheres to the other.
That's the American way!
Chuck: " The Bulwark."
Sometimes I can't help but think that Chuck is a very droll fellow who really has just been having us on all these years.
The Bulwark. Lol.
that's bulwinkle, but what explains tracinskis trek into the phantom zone,
this is the second such fellow:
The Bulwark.
New and Improved Cuckshed.
AD: "Sometimes I can't help but think that Chuck is a very droll fellow who really has just been having us on all these years."
You should have seen him a few weeks back. He was trying to foist insane-far-left Lawfareblog and Vox on us!!!
I. Kid. You. Not!
Idiot Chuck was linking moron hack Iglesias from Vox over and over and over.
In Chuck's defense, Iglesias has admitted that lying to help the dems is perfectly ok, just as Chuck has done.
Per narciso:
So our 'screening' process consists of asking the applicant if he has been convicted of any crimes? That explains a lot.
I don't care what the desperate sycophants say -- Dwayne Haskins did NOT look happy or thankful to be drafted by the Washington Redskins.
That's OK -- I wasn't happy either.
yes it does have a pythonesque air to it
Fine people and not so fine people on both sides. Antifa sets up a kill zone for alleged diversitists, national socialists, fascists, and other leftists, which progresses and concludes with an abortion of one of their own. Meanwhile, there are people hunting witches, holding warlock trials, and dunking babies in a wicked solution.
It shows the corruption in Trump’s outlook on the world that makes him unwilling to deal with a clear threat to American values
Speaking of threats to American Values, Chuck, my wife and I are in California, the sanctuary state, for my son's 50th birthday.
She has a favorite jewleler in Orange County. Guess what? A burglary gang from Chile, robbed a series of Jewelry stories and homes. She had some rings in the store being worked on. They were stolen.
Then, the same gang went to try to rob his other store. And he helped the cops to stake out that store and they caught the thieves.
Last week, Simi Valley police, working with the California Highway Patrol and Ventura County deputies, arrested three Chilean men for multiple vehicle burglaries. Each was here on temporary waivers, police said. In January, four other Chilean men were arrested in connection with 20 home burglaries and other thefts from vehicles at golf courses in the same community.
A crew believed to be connected to a Chilean ring pried into a Laguna Niguel jewelry store last month, swiping more than $1 million in goods.
You know what happened next?
So far, police have been unable to determine the number of heists, the value of items stolen across the region or how many people work in the ring.
The crews’ signature identifiers include fake passports and phony identification cards. They use rental cars, sometimes masked with paper license plates. After entering the rear of homes, the burglars typically barricade front doors, including those in gated communities with private security patrols.
Once inside, crews scour master bedrooms for jewelry, money, guns and safes. Homes with parks, trails or undeveloped land behind them are prime targets, police said.
Investigators with the Los Angeles Police Department and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office peg the number of burglaries in the “hundreds.”
LAPD Capt. Donald Graham, commander of the North Hollywood Division, said it was common for homeowners to lose $30,000 to $40,000 in a heist. Officers are aware of at least 40 burglaries in the division and dozens more in other areas.
In March, the owner of Nuggets & Carats, the Laguna Niguel jewelry store, worked with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department to set up a sting operation after burglars struck his store. They had cut the electricity, allowing batteries in the alarm system to drain, then returned 24 hours later to cut a hole in the roof before emptying display cases and a safe.
“They got everything my family worked for,” owner Brian Hassine said about the March burglary. “They cleaned us out.”
Last week, the same crew employed the same tactic. This time, the alarm company notified Hassine. Deputies were waiting when a man cut a hole in the roof. They moved in, but the suspect escaped through the roof of the large shopping center. Deputies stopped a black SUV associated with the crew but made no arrests. Officials said an investigation is ongoing but declined to discuss specifics.
The California courts released all the thieves because they are illegal immigrants.
Sanctuary state, you see. Brian has a big Trump sign in his store. I doubt you would understand , Chuck.
I verified that Chuck appears in the comment section several years back saying that he has been diagnosed as autistic.
This Mueller Report thing not going away . . . .
Chuck, i've been trying to follow your argument (which, you must feel is falling apart; 'cause you've ALREADY switched to potty mouth mode (which you do when you're stuck in a corner))
You're saying that Trump was Lying (not misinformed; but Out and Out LYING) when he said that there were people in Charlottesville that wanted the statues to stay, But Weren't Nazi?
And, to support this, you quote this:
I live in the Charlottesville area, and I know very fine people who oppose the removal of the monuments based on high-minded notions about preserving history. I’m one of them.
So... to Prove that there weren't people in Charlottesville that wanted the statues, but Weren't Nazis; You quote some one from Charlottesville that wanted the statures, but Weren't Nazis?
A is not true, because A is true?
Again, the First Rule of Lying is that the lie Must be plausible; and a self contradictory lie isn't plausible.
(to say Nothing of the fact that it's from the Bulkwork)
I am fucking sick of the moby named Chuck. Get a new name and ip! And then go away. I am tired of your inane posts and all the response posts.
The Demented Deplorables go on and on and on and on.
How does working for a FORMER member of the Russian Federation Council and current deputy director of the Central Bank of Russia, an independent entity, a quango, if you will, make Maria Butina an agent of the Russian state? Since when is "infiltrating" the NRA considered espionage against the United States?
She never disguised the fact that she's Russian. Could she possibly say "moose and squirrel" without giving it away? In fact, she was openly a member of the Russian gun organization Right To Bear Arms. The reason for contact between the NRA and RTB was to promote gun rights in both countries, with nothing clandestine about it. Butina wrote and PUBLICLY published an article in The National Interest throwing support behind Trump for president, which seems to me free speech protected by the First Amendment. I doubt it swayed the votes of Joe Sixpack, or any Deplorable in the land.
BTW, Putin is AGAINST gun rights, just like all the Lefties in America who pretend to hate and fear him.
Deranged Donald and his Demented Deplorables, that sure does have a ring to it.
@jackwayne: The best way to neutralize and get rid of a troll is to ignore him or her.
Thanks, Char Char. I didn't know that. Good for her!
The cafe reminds me of a coffee shop I used to frequent. Cozy and warm.
They had to recycle the Anna Chapman card:
Well, Butina was just sentenced to 18 months in prison for conspiracy "to infiltrate the National Rifle Association (NRA) in an effort to influence US policies in favour of Moscow" as a Russian agent, so that's not good for her.
It seems her efforts were focused on getting help from Americans for the Russian group Right to Bear Arms, and not on interfering with American politics. After all, we don't need Russian help to establish a Second Amendment here, and Putin wouldn't give it anyway.
Any sane person person would expect this result.
Anyone with ant knowledge about how dirty “data” is cannot he surprised.
Stevew, YES! But there are too many people on this site who DO NOT follow that advice.
Chuck said....More from Robert Tracinski at The Bulwark:
Sigh. Like reading a verbal transcript of Charlie Brown’s teacher going bway bwah bwah.
Now let's see a real truth teller,
It's not every muslim...
... but it's always muslims
Donald Trump, God Emporer of The United States.
Has a nice ring to it.
One of the delights of travel in the PA-NJ-NYC area last fall was seeing the coverage Maria Butina got on RT as opposed to the coverage she got on US media (when they noticed at all).
RT, for all their faults, seemed a little pissed that a naive Russian girl would be treated like a dangerous spy--by their report (and some non-Russian sources I could check) our law enforcement treated her like jackbooted thugs, and as if she had been sent to assassinate Obama.
The idiot US media (with a few exceptions) bought the official fable and was relieved that her attempts to penetrate the heart of American power--the NRA! the National Prayer Breakfast!--where might she show up next?--had been thwarted by the dedicated men and women of our Organs of State Security.
The Democrats turned into the John Birch Society so fast, some people still haven't noticed
No because if Putin was a fervent Marxist, he would be their hero
Chuck: "What is the evidence from the Administration that misspellings are deliberate and to draw attention? "
I just love how Chuck keeps logging in to remind us that his pussy still hurts.
"A Massachusetts judge has left court in tears after being indicted on obstruction of justice charges for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant evade immigration officials.
Judge Shelley M Richmond Joseph and trial court officer Wesley MacGregor are accused of conspiring to prevent Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from taking an undocumented immigrant into custody at Newton District Court on April 2, 2018.
Joseph had allegedly ordered the courtroom recording device to be turned off for 52 seconds while she and the defendant Jose Medina-Perez's lawyer had a conversation about getting him out of the courthouse instead of handing him over to an ICE officer, according to the indictment. MacGregor allegedly used his access badge to release Medina-Perez through a rear door.
Joseph was seen crying when she left federal court in Boston Thursday."
"The best way to neutralize and get rid of a troll is to ignore him or her."
In 40 years I've yet to see that work. What usually happens instead is that several dozen people struggle to maintain discipline for a week or two until one of them breaks, or until a newbie strolls in a takes the bait.
What DOES work is deleting every post they make until they realize the futility of their situation and leave. Althouse-Meade have done this in the past to good effect.
The fact that won't do this to Chuck, for whatever reason, means they want him to be part of the show. So ignore him you want, have fun counter-trolling him if you want. But trying to rally the group to do one or the other exclusively is not going to work.
""A Massachusetts judge has left court in tears after being indicted on obstruction of justice charges for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant evade immigration officials. "
She was harboring a fugitive with a DWI history. You hear about judges freeing perps like this and the following weekend they run over somebody's kid.
Cry harder bitch.
Brunei has called for “tolerance, respect” and “understanding” following its decision to execute homosexuals by stoning.
via Tim Blair
Well, Butina was just sentenced to 18 months in prison for conspiracy "to infiltrate the National Rifle Association (NRA) in an effort to influence US policies in favour of Moscow" as a Russian agent, so that's not good for her.
Did the NRA accuse her? Press charges?
Sorry for all the questions but I've not been keeping up with the latest Russia-Russia-Russia news.
it's pronounced "boot-inja-inja"
The unmasking of Peggy Noonan is complete. I once love her, but she just wrote an op-ed that the attempted coup against President Trump was his own fault.
ie, her skirt was too short, she was asking to be raped
It's amazing just how many Hydra agents have infiltrated the GOP. Burn it to the ground and start over from scratch.
Brunei has called for “tolerance, respect” and “understanding” following its decision to execute homosexuals by stoning.
Hard to have sympathy for the people that would ruin my life and imprison me for not baking their fucking wedding cake. I'll start caring about homosexual rights again once they demonstrate they respect the rights of people other than themselves.
I'll start caring about homosexual rights again once they demonstrate they respect the rights of people other than themselves.
But they already DO! The show GREAT RESPECT for the rights of people other than homosexuals,
You know? People that are Bisexual, or People that are Transgender, or people that are queer
Cis people? not so much
Hey little Cis-ter what have you done?
Hey little Cis-ter who's the only one?
Hey little Cis-ter who's your hetero man?
Hey little Cis-ter who's the one you want?
It's a nice day for a
straight wedding
Fen said...The unmasking of Peggy Noonan is complete. I once love her, but she just wrote an op-ed that the attempted coup against President Trump was his own fault.
Noonan actually strikes a disgusting tone. Allegedly, half of D.C. simply finds him distasteful. The so-called "Old Ambassadors." My theory (unoriginal) is that Trump threatens their sinecures -- their extremely well-paid sinecures and retirements. This all comes down to money and greed.
Imagine that someone came along and threatened Pete Strzok's livelihood. I bet Strzok (as an example) would lie, cheat and steal to protect his position. Who knows
Professor, (when) are you going to post about the Mueller Report?
Madness of King GeorgeIII seems an apt analogy.
Ah Noonan, why does she get the Pulitzer and strassel who has used real shoe leather gets left out.
For some definitions of America, America is an Idea, for some definitions of Idea.
That is all.
Nighty-night y'all
Noonan leads off with a quote:
“How did things ever get so far? I don’t know. It was so unfortunate, so unnecessary.”
—Don Corleone, “The Godfather”
Ah, Peggy. May I point out to you that "The Godfather" is FICTION.
There's a song that seems appropriate to what's got her panties in wad this week. The key verse is:
"Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled
The battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin' "
I guess Peggy and Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Mueller never imagined that the song would be pointed at them.
“She was harboring a fugitive with a DWI history. You hear about judges freeing perps like this and the following weekend they run over somebody's kid.”
This is what cospiracy ad Obstruction of Justice actually looks like. Plus yin’s to a federal agent. She should know that engaging in civi disobedience, as she did there ca require paying a price.
“Cry harder bitch.”
If there is any justice in the world, regardless of whether there is any prison time involved, she should be defrocked (degowned?) and disbarred. Her actions if proven, probably even by a preponderance of the evidence, violate both judicial and attorney ethics rules.
Anyone know a female professional athlete. Wife asked a question I have no answer to. "Why do female athletes put up with competitors who went through puberty with male organs?" Why put up with it, why not walk away?
Can someone explain?
I guess Peggy and Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Mueller never imagined that the song would be pointed at them.
they never thought she would lose.
and they took out insurance. "You're in Good Hands, with Deep State insurance"
Can someone explain?
here's a likely explaination:
people that would ruin my life and imprison me for not baking their fucking wedding cake.
Here's another likely explanation: It's so far a very small and rare phenomenon, one of those "Look at the crazy stuff that happens in other places" kind of things.
That could change.
This is why Totalitarians ultimately lose. What can’t go on, won’t.
It's so far a very small and rare phenomenon
first they came for the bakers, but I was not a baker. I was an athlete.
"Did the NRA accuse her? Press charges?"
The quote is from the BBC. It doesn't really make sense. Is it against the law to infiltrate the NRA? How does one do that? By paying a yearly subscription? Does she have the pin and the bumper sticker?
She also appeared in photos with Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker! Horrors!
The most damning thing from Maria Butina's own mouth, AFAIK, is calling herself a "“representative of the Russian Federation", which may simply have been her ESL way of saying she's from that country. It seems she was pressured to cop a plea by, among other things, being put in solitary confinement for three months.
"People keep saying that. What is the evidence . . ."
I remember many years ago, the sign giving directions to the Northwest (I think it was Northwest) ticket counter at LaGuardia was seriously misleading. Follow that sign and you would end up in the wrong place and make yourself ten minutes later than you would otherwise have been. I told the guy behind the counter that they really should fix that sign because it was misleading.
Without noticing the hilarity of his response, he said that it was not misleadingly placed, but it was funny how everybody was always telling him that it was.
Without noticing the hilarity of his response, he said that it was not misleadingly placed, but it was funny how everybody was always telling him that it was.
Related - Am I just entering the "get off my lawn!" phase of life, or has anyone else noticed that Customer Service in general has hit rock bottom. The attitude seems to be "go pound sand, we have 100 million other buyers so we don't need to bother with your complaint". You ask to speak to the manager and they deliberately lie and fetch some co-worker pretending to be the manager. You ask for their names and they give a fake one. All as if there is no consequence if corporate HQ finds out.
Hayden: "This is what cospiracy ad Obstruction of Justice actually looks like."
Bruce, you're the level head in this bunch, so cross-check me please: I say that Sanctuary Officials are no different than someone who harbors a fugitive who later jumps their backyard fence to rape the neighbor.
Is that hyperbolic?
if a fugitive jumps into your backyard, absolutely
"Get off my lawn!" is appropriate, and not a sign of curmudgeon-dom
Oh, and no, the NRA didn't press charges. Butina was involved with them because she set up an NRA-like organization in Russia called Right To Bear Arms, which in OPPOSITION to Putin, who is anti-gun rights.
She was investigated and charged as part of the Russia hysteria, although it was not directly related to the Mueller investigation. Mueller didn't investigate her because the evidence was against her was even less than the nothingburger he served us after nearly three years of his People's Commissariat operation.
and they took out insurance. "You're in Good Hands, with Deep State insurance"
Good one, ICTA!
Fen: No, it's not just you. Customer service has gone the way of spats and bowler hats.
Mock, you rock! we luv U !!
"Spats"-- ask AA to do Rats With Spats
My theory (unoriginal) is that Trump threatens their sinecures -- their extremely well-paid sinecures and retirements. This all comes down to money and greed.
I had already left the GOP over their latest omnibus cave.
But I have to say, it pains me to see the true face of the party - so many Country Club "those are not our kind of people, dear" Republicans. They hate him for championing what they consider to be Blue Collar trash.
In hindsight, Noonan revealed this tell is an otherwise great article Welcome Back, Duke
"Let me tell you when I first realized what I’m saying. On Friday, Sept. 14, I went with friends down to the staging area on the West Side Highway where all the trucks filled with guys coming off a 12-hour shift at ground zero would pass by. They were tough, rough men, the grunts of the city—construction workers and electrical workers and cops and emergency medical worker and firemen.
I joined a group that was just standing there as the truck convoys went by. And all we did was cheer. We all wanted to do some kind of volunteer work but there was nothing left to do, so we stood and cheered those who were doing. The trucks would go by and we’d cheer and wave and shout “God bless you!” and “We love you!” We waved flags and signs, clapped and threw kisses, and we meant it: We loved these men. And as the workers would go by—they would wave to us from their trucks and buses, and smile and nod—I realized that a lot of them were men who hadn’t been applauded since the day they danced to their song with their bride at the wedding.
And suddenly I looked around me at all of us who were cheering. And saw who we were. Investment bankers! Orthodontists! Magazine editors! In my group, a lawyer, a columnist and a writer. We had been the kings and queens of the city, respected professional in a city that respects its professional class. And this night we were nobody. We were so useless, all we could do was applaud the somebodies, the workers who, unlike us, had not been applauded much in their lives.
And now they were saving our city.
I turned to my friend and said, “I have seen the grunts of New York become kings and queens of the City.” I was so moved and, oddly I guess, grateful. Because they’d always been the people who ran the place, who kept it going, they’d just never been given their due. But now—“And the last shall be first”—we were making up for it."
Can you smell the patronizing condescension? She's lived most her life and never really "seen" these men till 9-11. And the her subconsciously bigoted contrast, the role reversal - she was a queen of the city but is now a nobody, they are now kings of the city....were they nobodys before this? She certainly implies as much.
I was a fan of her since I began reading newspapers. In college, a highlight of my weekend was sitting down with a pot of coffee and working through her latest op-ed in the WSJ. I was actually dissapointed whenever she phoned it in. And that paragraph always bothered me, but I didn't realize till Trump just what it really meant. And I should have seen it sooner.
BTW, 90% of the black vote still goes to Democrats? No fricken excuse for that, it means the GOP isn't really trying. Sure, Mittens would never blackball a minority from joining his exclusive club, but he wouldn't sponsor one either.
mockturtle said..."and they took out insurance. "You're in Good Hands, with Deep State insurance"
Good one, ICTA!
Needs a graphic: A pair of hands cupping a coiled "soft-serve" of poop.
I tell these ena boys are sharp
Needs a graphic:
a pair of hands, with a pillow, covering the news, til it stops moving
"We all wanted to do some kind of volunteer work but there was nothing left to do"
And that's classic. Yes Peggy, in the months following 9-11 there was simply nothing left for you to do. God forbid you pick up a broom and a dustpan.
Remember that old PC morality test where you're in a bunker post nuclear holocaust and there are 12 of you but only enough food for 10? And you have to vote on who to throw out? They set it up where the engineer is gay but you'll need him to rebuild. The medical slot is filled by a black female, the investment banker is an old white guy (wont need him to Civ 2.0 right?)
I would always piss off the teacher by breaking the test - just cannibalize the gay guy and you can keep 11 alive instead of 10. But now I realize we should have eaten the intellectual.
I know hes just reading his lines:
To combine the Airline and customer service thread: This is where I first noticed it, at least as far back as the late 80s, airline customer service reps had no problem lying to you while you were standing at the counter and looking them in the eye. It was sort of amazing to me at the time.
- just cannibalize the gay guy and you can keep 11 alive instead of 10
the "Suddenly, Last Summer" approach eluded to prior
“We elect a president in 2020. Democrats would be wise to spend the next year showing America that their party is capable of governing, up to leadership, that its ideas are not crazy but pertinent, that it actually has a philosophy,” she wrote. “Seriousness and calm would be nice, and after the past few years would serve as a welcome counterpoint. There is an unarticulated wish out there to return to some past in which things were deeply imperfect and certainly divided but on some level tranquil, and not half mad.”
Noonan didn't vote for Trump in 2016. IRC, she voted for Hillary. Why be surprised she will vote Democrat in 2020? She's not a conservative, she's an elitist.
"I would always piss off the teacher by breaking the test - just cannibalize the gay guy and you can keep 11 alive instead of 10. But now I realize we should have eaten the intellectual."
Intellectual = useless eater.
She was with a host of others like heather McDonald applebaum katherine parker was the worst who couldn't accept the huntress.
David Brooks and Peggy Noonan live in Mediaville its right outside Loony Tune station and down the road from Liberal Fantasy Land.
She was with a host of others like heather McDonald applebaum katherine parker was the worst who couldn't accept the huntress.
Narciso for 100, Alex
"Who is Kathleen Parker and Sarah Palin?
Narc, you do the deep digging of the denizens of darkness and deception, and u deserve your due.
and a disabled auto-correct ;-)
Parker had nearly the same reaction to trump as to Palin, even with that creepy interlude when she co hosted with apitzer.
she did the splitz with the Spitz
furious that her co-host is continually allowed to take charge of their nightly CNN chat-fest
Yes you need to torch a d then sandblast those sets"
it's not every muslim...
... but it's always muslims
Don't you just want to fall asleep in one of those big red chairs listening to the late, great Marian McPartland's NPR show 'Piano Jazz'?
aside from our huntress
there's Hunter/Burisma/Shokin/Zlochevsy/RosemontSeneca/Leshchenko, just
biden time
barr testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday,
starting at 10:00 AM: next week
readering said...
This Mueller Report thing not going away . . . .
So they found collusion with Russia that wasn’t through Hillary’s paid minions then?
Yes, Chuck, if you start out believing that Trump is a Nazi white supremacist, despite his history, and squint exactly right, and wherever you can find any grammatical imprecision, you interpret it in your own way, then you can make a weak ass argument that Trump was praising white supremacists.
The trick is assuming what you are trying to prove.
Spats were another clothing accessory left off by the King in 1926.
It is said that the moment this was observed and commented on by the spectators
it produced an immediate reaction; the ground beneath the bushes was littered
with discarded spats
Michael K @6:20 - I was following that story too from my old hood. Did you see the double murder in ....Newport Beach.. story? Crazy
mockturtle said
Fen: No, it's not just you. Customer service has gone the way of spats and bowler hats.
"Spats"-- ask AA to do Rats With Spats (U ask her, we think we're on her naughty list)
Rats With Spats & Bowler Hats
Rat in spats, our game is done, sir.
Thank you for a lot of fun, sir.
Frankly, Chuck, it's pretty rich to be swinging from the chandeliers about a disingenuous article like that when you and your peers have Al Sharpton as a spokesperson.
Also, hilariously, Bulwark means "wall." NeverTrumpers named their own stupid movement after the very thing they're being paid -- by foreign propagandists-- to oppose.
The 'paid by foreign propagandists' is funny too. Keep them coming.
Just watched a bit of MSLSD this morning. They had two senior writers on as experts. One was from the Business Insider and the other from Center for the Public Interest. Both appeared to be recent graduates, as in very young.
Have you ever seen junior writers, junior analysts, junior administration officials on these shows? Me neither.
Tina Trent said...
Frankly, Chuck, it's pretty rich to be swinging from the chandeliers about a disingenuous article like that when you and your peers have Al Sharpton as a spokesperson.
Al Sharpton?!?
Where have I ever had a kind word to say about him?
This is the weird, sick, stupid thing about Trump fans; you see the world as a binary place where people are either for Trump or against him, and anyone who is against Trump must be a leftist.
As for Robert Tracinski's column at The Bulwark, I'm not seeing much specific criticism. Just ad hominem attacks, and some very poor ones at that.
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