২১ এপ্রিল, ২০১৯

At the Late Morning Café...

... you're on your own!

২৩৩টি মন্তব্য:

233 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Rusty বলেছেন...

All my neighbors are in church. I'm gonna mow the lawn.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

So, am I the only one who thinks the FBI and the DOJ should leave that poor actress who tried to buy her kid's way into Yale alone? I really could not care less if they want to sell every seat in the freshman class to the highest bidder, and I think the prosecution is a pointless, grandstanding waste of resources. Federal law enforcement has become a sick joke.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Christ is risen. The sun is shining. Our house will soon be filled with family. Trump is not the lead story on Drudge.

Life is good.

Maillard Reactionary বলেছেন...

I hope the weather in your part of the country is as nice as it is here.

Of course, how bad can the weather be if one is alive?

Enjoy your day, AA.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Enjoy a beautiful Spring Day. Or just a mediocre one. It's delightful where I am, I am going to cut some grass shortly.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

It is a glorious day here in Vegas. Picture perfect weather, lots of friends and family expected, and the pool water is already in the 70's. Welcome back, summer. We missed you so much. Happy Easter, all.

Hagar বলেছেন...

The first hummers have arrived.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Happy Easter to all who celebrate!

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Happy Easter! Going to Church is a better morning spent than watching Jerry Nadler and Chuck Todd [blank] each other on Meet the Press.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"I really could not care less if they want to sell every seat in the freshman class to the highest bidder"

It would be more honest, in some ways. Education in the U.S. is a great big Notre-Dame class dumpster fire; I'm personally just glad my offspring made it through with no debt and (apparently) the positive effects outweighing the negative ones. I still don't know that it really did them a lot of good, though, aside from the credentials.

It's interesting how the U.S. has unconsciously come up with its own take on the East Asian model of youth and education; cram, cram, cram to get the grades and extra-curriculars that allow access to college, then spend 4 years having poisonous nonsense poured into your head and learning how to be an absolutely awful human being.

(Shakes fist at cloud)

rhhardin বলেছেন...

One day a decade ago I had simultaneous deliveries by Fedex, UPS and USPS. Three trucks looking for a place to park. The UPS guy handed the package to the Fedex guy to walk in to the door. Nowadays Amazon joins in but I haven't had simultaniety.

Weekends are less isolated-feeling now that USPS and Amazon both deliver on Sundays.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The East Asian model is based on having a high IQ. I don't know that that's a social IQ however. The East Asian countries seem pretty dysfunctional in terms of organization and cooperation.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Obviously Althouse is on a road trip, probably to Alaska to check out residences.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren thrust herself into the climate change debate this week, promising that if elected president, she´d sign an executive order on her first day in office to end drilling offshore and on public lands, a move that would reverse President Donald Trump´s most notable energy policies and halt the soaring rate of drilling permits granted on federal lands

Talk about a Putin puppet! Let’s go back to sending our paychecks overseas to foreign despots who have fought for and taken control of their home oil reserves.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Bay Area Guy said...
Happy Easter! Going to Church is a better morning spent than watching Jerry Nadler and Chuck Todd [blank] each other on Meet the Press.

Remember how those two reacted to the Starr report?

I do.

They are just awful people.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

No women have the leeway to behave like Woods and get away with it; a black woman certainly does not.

No Lindsay Crouses passed a class in basic logic; a black Lindsay Crouse certainly did not.

Breezy বলেছেন...

I agree they are awful people....Chuck had the audacity to declare that most of their reporting over the past two years was not Fake News. Sigh - Yet another example of Fake News.

Ken B বলেছেন...

207 dead in Sri Lanka in what look to be anti Christian attacks.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Happy Easter to everyone. I'm just surfing the net, till the Pork Roast and various Rice dishes are done. Then its off for a long walk.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Ted Kennedy hired a guy to take his college admissions tests and he was the Lion of the Democrat Senate. Why wasn't he Swatted and Gitmoed?

rcocean বলেছেন...

"The East Asian countries seem pretty dysfunctional in terms of organization and cooperation."

Wicked satire.

Ken B বলেছেন...

I kinda agree and kinda don’t. I think exposing the completely dishonest and hypocritical nature of our nomenklatura is a great thing to do. I think getting people to see that college admissions are bogus and serve mainly as a caste enforcement system is a great thing. I think destroying the prestige of anyone connected to Hollywood a good thing. But it does seem like overkill doesn’t it?

rcocean বলেছেন...

I haven't looked at the NYT or Wapo. usually the newspapers that "rule America" either (1) ignore Easter/Christmas or (2) show a picture of black Christians celebrating or (3) write one of those "Christians are divided over Gay Rights or some liberal issue" articles. Our ruling elite isn't in to Easter.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I hope the weather in your part of the country is as nice as it is here.

It is gorgeous and I spent the morning reading about the First World War. Churchill and the Admiralty.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Seasonal salutations to all.

Lovely weather between deluges here, grass can go another week even though most of the wildflowers seem to have gone . . . plenty of big bees! A good sign?

After a lifetime on an "ESU" campus, and still an exploiter of the few services and amenities that the place offers that aren't meant to celebrate, enrich, and empower the athletics programs, the B-school, and the new interim acting assistant vice-provost for tedium and twaddle, I no longer regret that my smart and talented son gave up on a university education.

Rather, I'm proud that he saw what a sham it is, how uncurious, how uncreative, how stifling, how much it combines mind-deadening PC-sloganeering with dollar-grubbing corporation-fellating.

Plus, he has volunteered to bake us a big ham!

hombre বলেছেন...

He is risen!

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“So, am I the only one who thinks the FBI and the DOJ should leave that poor actress who tried to buy her kid's way into Yale alone? I really could not care less if they want to sell every seat in the freshman class to the highest bidder, and I think the prosecution is a pointless, grandstanding waste of resources. Federal law enforcement has become a sick joke.”

I think that there is a high likelihood that she and her husband are card carrying leftists. Cheating is how they operate. If they had been Republicans, I think that it is more likely that they would have just done a Joe Kennedy, approached the endowment people at the school that they wanted admission to, and asked how much to make it happen. Not Admissions, but Endowments. It got Teddy a law degree, after having been thrown out of Harvard for cheating, and works every day with top schools around the country. But, as my partner just pointed out, the parents weren’t smart enough to do it the honest way.

My point is that the FBI and DoJ have been hounding Trump and everyone around him for purely partisan reasons, most recently through the Mueller investigation (turns out that the FBI never gave up supervision of their agents to Mueller, as the DoJ had done with its prosecutors). So turnaround is a bitch. Let’s hope for more.

Ok, this is Easter, so I retract that rant.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“I hope the weather in your part of the country is as nice as it is here.”

Beautiful here too, in NW MT. Not a cloud in the sky, with the sort of deep blue we see throughout the west (except around SLC, which is almost as overcast as Seattle). Maybe a little cool still, but very happy to have gotten out of the heat in AZ - it was in the mid 90s when we left a week and a half ago.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

"POOR actress"

I see what you did there

stevew বলেছেন...

I’ve never understood why the delivery of eggs and candy by rabbits to children as a proper way to celebrate the Christian holy day of Easter.

Cool and overcast with occasional rain today in the area north of Boston. Good day to relax and read.

Wishing you a lovely day.

Michael K বলেছেন...

But, as my partner just pointed out, the parents weren’t smart enough to do it the honest way.

Some of us are chuckling at buying your way into a party school like USC.

It is run by idiots. Two Deans of the medical school have been fired in the last several years. One for cocaine snorting and partying and the other for sexual hijinks.

The idiot interim president fired the Business school Dean for no apparent reason. Students and faculty were both out protesting the firing.

The University of Southern California has fired the popular dean of its Marshall School of Business over allegations that he failed to properly deal with a series of racial and gender bias complaints at the school over the past eight years. The decision, made by interim USC President Wanda Austin, has aroused a major controversy on campus and a strong show of support for Marshall Dean Jim Ellis who will remain at Marshall as a faculty member.

The decision to terminate Dean Ellis, effective on June 30th of 2019, and three years before his current five-year ends, was made only two months after he was awarded a $70,000 performance bonus from the university.

The Chair of the Board of Trustees is an idiot who was entertaining the daughter of the bribery pair on his yacht when the mother was arrested.

In more proof that being privileged has its privileges, Olivia Jade Giannulli, the daughter of actress Lori Loughlin, one of the people indicted in a massive college admissions bribery scandal, was on a yacht owned by chairman of USC’s board of trustees Rick Caruso when all the sh*t hit the fan.

And she wasn’t just on the yacht, Loughlin’s 19-year-old daughter was on the yacht in the Bahamas living it up with the chairman’s daughter Gianna and several other friends for spring break.

This is a bigger clown show than the Democrat presidential primary. Probably a lot of the same characters,

Mid-Life Lawyer বলেছেন...

I see some people did something in Sri Lanka.... It's a beautiful day in McKinney, TX. It's 78 degrees now at 12:45 but a pleasant 58 when I started my run at 7:00 a.m. I went to church for the first time in a while today, my wife and son go regularly. I lost my faith and feel like I have no business there. But I watched some of the old Bill Moyer's Joseph Campbell series again last night and I think I might see an angle where I can rekindle something.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Ken B said...
"207 dead in Sri Lanka in what look to be anti Christian attacks."

Hey, Dude, don't harsh our mellow. It's just part of the price of living in a vibrant, multicultural society. Once in a while, some Hindu or Buddhist or Confucian nutcase is gonna off a few hundred Christians, right?

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Yes, He is risen!

Big Mike বলেছেন...

So, am I the only one who thinks the FBI and the DOJ should leave that poor actress who tried to buy her kid's way into Yale alone?

@Jupiter, it was USC, not Yale. And I'm sort of pissed because I liked "Garage Sale Mysteries" on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries -- it's one of the few Hallmark shows I can stomach. Now they aren't going to show any of Lori Loughlin's shows anymore.

And I am going to rant for a paragraph about something that I particularly don't like about a lot of modern mysteries with female leads. So often the script sets them up to do something unbelievably stupid, whereupon a strong, handsome male supporting actor rescues her. WOMEN ARE NOT STUPID. Well, okay, the ones that vote Democrat are, but not all females are stupid, anyway. And many women can take care of themselves. I'm not nearly as interested in a woman who needs rescuing as I am in a woman who cleverly escapes her predicament -- more interested yet if she can kick the bejezuz out of the bastard, as the women in my old karate dojo could.

effinayright বলেছেন...

rhhardin said...
The East Asian model is based on having a high IQ. I don't know that that's a social IQ however. The East Asian countries seem pretty dysfunctional in terms of organization and cooperation.

What? WHAT? You are actually telling us that China, Japan, Taiwan and So. Korea are disorganized and lack a social sense of cooperation????

Would you like to explain where those countries were in 1950 with where they are today?

effinayright বলেছেন...

stevew said...
I’ve never understood why the delivery of eggs and candy by rabbits to children as a proper way to celebrate the Christian holy day of Easter.


First think of eggs and rabbits as symbols of fecundity, and thus of Spring itself.

Then think candy as something children love.

It's as simple as that.

Curious George বলেছেন...

What a great sound this time of year, hearing the first lawn mower.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Wet here. Too wet. I got in 9 holes then figured I'd watch the Bruins lose the playoffs...

Jupiter বলেছেন...

stevew said...
"I’ve never understood why the delivery of eggs and candy by rabbits to children as a proper way to celebrate the Christian holy day of Easter."

Do you understand why the delivery of high explosives studded with ball bearings and nails to men, women and children is the proper way to celebrate the Muslim holy day of I-Kill-You?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I just loved this little video on YouTube. A little 8 year old girl named Ava Martinez takes down Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so beautifully. Loved the way she counts on her fingers to to figure our arithmetic (and gets the numbers wrong).

narciso বলেছেন...

isn't she on minute 14.59


Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Michael K,

Your April 4th article in Chicagoboyz got a mention in Clarice Feldman's article linked today in RealClearPolitics.

narciso বলেছেন...

Indeed she has, she's tackled the company, corrupt prosecutors, and union kingpins, so has more than a little experience with this menagerie,


buwaya বলেছেন...

On this Easter Sunday, I commend the professionalism and ability of a Muslim-owned organization, Al Jazeera, which puts most of the US MSM to shame.

They are not full of false pride, not full of named, expensive talking-head personalities. They do have stringers on the spot nearly everywhere, and they let them interview and report. And they are more interested in the world than the US MSM.

If nothing else, seek them out for their interviews, which they do better than most. More people, and a wider selection of people. People you will never hear from on the US MSM.

Keep in mind their biases, but they are nonetheless a valuable resource.

narciso বলেছেন...


narciso বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
narciso বলেছেন...

it's striking that the monarchs of those powers, the uk germany and Russia, were related,

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Happy Easter to all!

Question for Michael K:

"It is gorgeous and I spent the morning reading about the First World War. Churchill and the Admiralty."

Whaddya think about Arizona St or U of Arizona for college? I got a couple of teenagers who are interested, and a pal who says the Arizona schools are kinda like what USC & UCLA used to be 30-40 years ago, before all the political correctness set in.

BJM বলেছেন...

These people are shameless.

"All the right questions." No bias there, nope, none.

narciso বলেছেন...

can you believe this:


Mr. Groovington বলেছেন...

Well, as happy as I am about the Mueller miss, I’m having one of those Trump-makes-me-throw-up moments. He looks shittier, a bit. It’s happened before a bunch and I see it as slightly cumulative, ending up being too weak in 2020.

narciso বলেছেন...

Guiliani, should have pointed out that the emails went to everyone, it's just the rizzotto press didn't treat the same, as assanges raids on state department, military and no such agency archives,

Michael K বলেছেন...

the Arizona schools are kinda like what USC & UCLA used to be 30-40 years ago, before all the political correctness set in.

AZ was very PC when my daughter went ten years ago. For example, her "US History Before 1877" class final study guide told her that "The Silent Majority consisted of white people whom refused to accept the 1964 Civil Rights Act." No mention of Nixon of Vietnam. Her freshman English Composition instructor, an English grad student, spent the final review hour in a rant about how Reagan was actor who just read lines written for him by someone else.

She got her degree in French and after the general ed courses, it was OK.

Now, they may have grown some backbone as some students forced an ICE recruiting team off campus two weeks ago and were arrested. The ICE guys were invited by the criminal justice students and the admin seems to be holding firm in spite of student agitators. The arrested students may still face serious charges.

Annie liked the school and it seems a nice place to go to school. SC is now in a very busy crowded city, Tucson is a college town but seems about the size of San Diego in the 1970s.

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

So if a poor Republican steals your purse in a snatch and run, you're okay with not arresting and prosecuting?

Just got out of the hospital again, for the second time in two months. Damn infection. Happy Easter to all you commenting bunnies! God Bless.


Michael K বলেছেন...

Tucson metro area is about a million with some shift in seasonal population.

Significant crime south and around the U but Annie never had any problems. Car insurance is high because of auto theft (Mexico is 60 miles away). Kind of a party school. AZ state might better in some areas, like Engineering.

Law School is supposed to be good,.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Old WW2 action movies. Our good guy disguised in German uniform can walk up to any old German corporal and off him. That seems like a violation of some honor code or other to me. Sort of Islamic behovior. Where Eagles Dare (1968)

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Dowd no longer believes her own stuff, she's just writing for the base.
open nytimes.com in private browsing mode, scroll down to Dowd, click.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Bay Area Guy, I have been on both campuses for technical conferences during the course of my career. I had better vibes with Arizona, and I got to know Rick Snodgrass back when he chaired the Computer Science department. But my advice is (1) look at which graduate schools the students get into if they decide to go on, and what sort of jobs those graduates that decide to enter the workforce can get with their bachelors degree (this will vary greatly by department!), and (2) match what it takes to get in relative to your child's GPA and SAT/ACT scores. But then visit the campus and let the child pick up vibes. For instance on paper our younger son was a good fit for Chicago, but after his campus visit he told us that all the students he met were assholes who were very full of themselves. On paper our older son was a poor fit for the small liberal arts school he attended, but somehow he fell in love sometime between his first sighting of the campus and when his foot hit the pavement of the parking lot on his campus visit. And he did well there.

Also note that an apprentice plumber will earn $30,000 per year, as opposed to taking out a loan for that or more, and that a journeyman in areas of high demand will earn $90,000 or more.

Old joke that Michael K. might appreciate. A brain surgeon urgently needs a plumber on a Sunday, and gets on to come over. The plumber spends fifteen minutes fixing the problem, then presents his bill. The brain surgeon throws a fit -- on a per hour basis the plumber is charging more for the weekend visit than the surgeon makes doing brain surgery.

"Yup," the plumber says, "I didn't make all that much back when I was a brain surgeon."

pacwest বলেছেন...

"Keep in mind their biases, but they are nonetheless a valuable resource."

I've been following Al Jazeera,for 20 years to gain perspective. Yes there is a slant, but compared to the US outlets of late they are heads above. Very sad that this would be the case.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

We used to get Russia Today (RT) via the antenna back where we used to live. Wife much preferred it to ABC, CBS, et.al., because it had less propaganda in it than the mainstream news organizations (and the propaganda it did have was usually pretty easy to spot).

Agree with pacwest's comment on Al Jazeera, that it is sad this was the case.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Al Jazeera isn't writing for the a political base.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Great day! Church this morning, which was packed. They visitors heard the Word.

Good lunch with my lovely spouse and now pickleball at 5. Will be playing outside (50 degrees) with some very good players. Played last week against a player who will compete in US Pickleball Open. Got beat, but not crushed. It helps to have good partner.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Pacwest observes: I've been following Al Jazeera,for 20 years to gain perspective. Yes there is a slant, but compared to the US outlets of late they are heads above. Very sad that this would be the case.

I've been reading AJ for years as well as several other foreign news sources and nearly all are better than ours and ALL are more comprehensive.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Nobody said...
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren thrust herself into the climate change debate this week, promising that if elected president, she´d sign an executive order on her first day in office to end drilling offshore and on public lands, a move that would reverse President Donald Trump´s most notable energy policies and halt the soaring rate of drilling permits granted on federal lands

Granny Warren believes that it's unfair for California to have a monopoly on $4.00+ gasoline and thinks everyone in the country should have it. Another reason to vote against her and all economy-killing Democrats!

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Thank you Michael K and Big Mike re Arizona!

I think the California schools have devolved so far left that it just ain't worth it.

If either of these teenagers give me any guff, no college, going straight to USMC.

Happy Easter!

Michael K বলেছেন...

it's unfair for California to have a monopoly on $4.00+ gasoline

Saw some at $5.00 last week. Almost ran out of gas getting to the AZ state line.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Whaddya think about Arizona St or U of Arizona for college? I got a couple of teenagers who are interested, and a pal who says the Arizona schools are kinda like what USC & UCLA used to be 30-40 years ago, before all the political correctness set in.”

ASU has been known for decades as a party school, but some departments are pretty good. My partner’s son and his wife have music degrees from there. It was a rigorous five year program. It got him a nice grad school fellowship.

My big experience with the school was taking BAR/BRI there one summer. At the time, AZ didn’t offer any attorney reciprocity, which meant that I found myself studying for the bar a decade after having passed it (in CO). I would drive across town in rush hour traffic, and park way out, then walk in in 110 degree heat. I was miserable. But later, I was glad that I had suffered through it. The small patent firm I was working for in NW NV was merged into a large regional firm based in AZ. I didn’t have a NV license, but they thought my AZ license was fine, and offered me an atty job. Woman next door had a CA law license, and took a glorified paralegal slot until the firm expanded into CA a couple years later, when they moved her into an atty slot.

Brother and sister in law got graduate degrees from Arizona, his in EE, and hers in anthropology (or archeology?). His MS/EE from there allowed him to successfully compete against PhDs. Now he has a bunch working for him. That said, I would be surprised if the engineering programs from either school would be that highly ranked nationally.

And, did I mention the heat? I guess I did earlier, when I pointed to it as one of the reasons we bail every spring for MT.

Michael K বলেছেন...

If either of these teenagers give me any guff, no college, going straight to USMC.

Count me in. I have mentioned this to my son about my one grandson. Three years to grow up and get some college credit.

A few years ago, when I was working for a workers comp review company, we hired a new IT guy, He had gotten his BS in Comp Sci while on active duty in the Marines in San Diego. We could not keep him. Too many better offers.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“it's unfair for California to have a monopoly on $4.00+ gasoline”

This isn’t really that new. I remember driving down US 395 into CA from N NV, and the first gas station I saw there had a sign for $4.75 a gallon, when it was under $3 in NV. Took a picture of the sign. That was most of a decade ago.

narciso বলেছেন...

I finally burned my bridge to the good prosecutor, since he was being unusually obtuse.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I would drive across town in rush hour traffic, and park way out, then walk in in 110 degree heat.

That's a negative for ASU. PHX has bad traffic. A traffic jam in Tucson is ten cars at a red light.

My wife almost had a panic attack in LA last week. We are going back this week for birthday but OC only. LA traffic gets worse every year,

narciso বলেছেন...

I know hes technically not a Tory,


Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

For those who are interested, a explanation of what seems to have gone wrong in the two 737 Max crashes in an article in IEEE Spectrum: How the Boeing 737 Max Disaster Looks to a Software Developer. Spectrum has been really good over the decades explaining what went wrong in engineering caused disasters. I have been an IEEE member for decades - long enough that I remember their Three Mile Island explanation.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Yup," the plumber says, "I didn't make all that much back when I was a brain surgeon."

Yes. I did most of my own plumbing, house type as well as human type.

Aside from the joke, which I like, I have always been interested in the number of people who go into surgery of some type and have little to no manual skills.

I used to think women would make good surgeons because of fine motor skills. I didn't see it. Maybe girls don't sew anymore.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Yeah, watch or access any other country's news and you'll see things covered that no US outlet will touch. RT, Al Jazeera, even the BBC can be useful when you correct for their biases, which are easy enough to spot.

The MSM (ex-Big 3 broadcasters and their cable clones) are only useful as indicators of what their dimwitted, poorly educated, and relentlessly partisan masters want the sheep to know.

(Narciso, the fact that so many of the royal families of Europe were selected from a small pool of entirely mediocre German aristocrats explains most of the fuckups of the period 1815-1914 inclusive)

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

@Bay Area Guy:

I doubt you'll be able to get away from PC completely. My impression is that you'll find more of it at UA than at ASU.

I would also say that a lot of the decision lies in what your kids are going to study. The Med and Law schools at both universities seem on par, but ASU is much better for engineering as most of the major software/tech companies have offices in either Tempe or Phoenix. There's very little in Tucson except for Raytheon and no opportunity for internships.

George বলেছেন...

Was the Notre Dame fire an accident? Across France churches are burning.

Read this https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2019/04/the-desecration-of-frances-christian-symbols-and-heritage/

And watch this interview of an architect/engineer who worked on ND for about 30 years https://youtu.be/-i3ftb_u_O8

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“That's a negative for ASU. PHX has bad traffic. A traffic jam in Tucson is ten cars at a red light.

My wife almost had a panic attack in LA last week. We are going back this week for birthday but OC only. LA traffic gets worse every year,”

It has gotten progressively worse in the most of a decade that I wasn’t spending part of the year there. Here in NW MT, I have often remarked that the only traffic lights are portable ones used for road construction. So, of course, we ran into one maybe five miles east of town on the way in last week. They are widening the highway a bit, but maybe most importantly, they are putting in tunnels for the wildlife getting to the river. I read that to mean big horn sheep who need to get down off the mountain sides to get to the river for water. Almost 500 have died in a five mile stretch over the last decade. Cutting the speed limit to 55 from 70 helped, but didnt solve the problem. If it were just deer and the occasional elk, no one would be bothered. But bighorn sheep are unique enough that people get upset at them dying needlessly. No doubt, next fall, when we move back south, I will again have to readopt to traffic lights, traffic jams and road rage.

I should add that three years ago we were talking about moving east of Tucson. Daughter in law had a meltdown. Bought them a grill Friday for a housewarming gift ( plus birthdays, etc) for their new house up next to the eastern part of Saguaro Nat Park. House is on top of a hill, a quarter mile from the Nat Park. Breathtaking photo of him with his new grill, showing miles of desert behind him. My partner has said that I will never get her to live in the desert like that. She grew up in the desert, and finds it boringly ugly. She loves green. Which is why we probably won’t be joining you near Tucson. I had taken her lot shopping N of PHX, and that is the excuse she gave for rejecting every lot I showed her.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Good IEEE article.

The people who wrote the code for the original MCAS system were obviously terribly far out of their league and did not know it. How can they can implement a software fix, much less give us any comfort that the rest of the flight management software is reliable?

Also applies to the coders and algorithm designers of the EHR. I quit teaching because of it.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

Michael K ----- Before the internet I used to read the NY Times a couple times a month. In one article, I was told about this woman, the "head" of the medical department at a "large Western University", who complained that "although she worked 80 hours a week" (almost certainly a lie) she was discriminated against because she did not get the "honors" a man who worked so many hours would get. She said, and again she was probably lying, that she had to "work twice as hard as a man" to get the same respect.

In another article, there was a description of a really good surgeon, who used to spend weekend afternoons performing surgeries on rats in order to better her manual skills. The reporter asked her if other surgeons did this. She said that she didn't think any of her fellow surgeons had ever talked to her about it. She was being nice, what she meant was, no.

Two women, different levels of competence.

Not sure when I read those articles, it was sometime around where that movie with Meg Ryan as a "great surgeon" (Wings of Angels"?) came out.

They showed what a great surgeon she was by having her ask for "more Jimi" to be played in the surgical theater during surgery (not to bust on Hendrix, but even he would have been ashamed of that silly flattery....) ---- back in the day, to consider Jimi Hendrix a "great musician" was to show how smart you were.

Michael K বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael K বলেছেন...

She loves green.

We have some in Tucson,.


and here.

Even flowers.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Bruce comments: My partner has said that I will never get her to live in the desert like that. She grew up in the desert, and finds it boringly ugly. She loves green.

Isn't that always the case? Having grown up and lived in in Western WA all my life, I couldn't wait to move to the desert. You've seen one evergreen tree, you've seen 'em all. [just kidding but I prefer open spaces rather than the claustrophobic forest feeling where you can't see the horizon.]

mockturtle বলেছেন...

I used to think women would make good surgeons because of fine motor skills. I didn't see it. Maybe girls don't sew anymore.

I don't know...my step-DIL is a neurosurgeon and is very highly regarded. I don't think she sewed, either. ;-)

Fen বলেছেন...

Isn't that always the case?

Oh not at all. My wife loves huge trees and hills. And because I love her I followed her up into this cold forsaken People's Republic of Maryland. I sometimes get to dine on the flesh of the locals as compensation.

But I'm a Texas boy. I miss the ocean. I miss a hemisphere of blue sky in every direction.

Fen বলেছেন...

No doubt, next fall, when we move back south, I will again have to readopt to traffic lights, traffic jams and road rage.

Oh brace yourself. In Maryland the lights are stupid. 4AM and not another car on the road. But I'm expected to sit at a red light for an entire 3 minutes? I routinely blow through them now, and the wifey has given up trying to stop me. She picks her battles.

Invest in some kind of license plate cover to shield you from traffic cams. It's a racket.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"The people who wrote the code for the original MCAS system were obviously terribly far out of their league and did not know it. How can they can implement a software fix, much less give us any comfort that the rest of the flight management software is reliable?"

The 737 fiasco is unconscionable. They need to redesign the damn plane, not hang those engines on a plane they do not fit and then try and paper over it with software.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I don't know...my step-DIL is a neurosurgeon and is very highly regarded. I don't think she sewed, either. ;-)

I'm out of date as I have not been teaching or doing surgery for a while. It might have been an early adopter phenomenon.

I just expected women to have those skills and the ones I saw tended to be rough with tissue.

I knew the woman who was chief of surgery at Children's in LA but never saw her operate. Chiefs tend to be administrators.

Michael K বলেছেন...

They need to redesign the damn plane,

That IEEE article Bruce linked to is good. They need to put longer landing gear but that may require a new wing.

The Corsair fighter with the gull wings had them to fit the big prop.

I always fly Southwest so I am going to have to pay attention to the engine size.

Virgil Hilts বলেছেন...

Bay Area Guy - my son's about to graduate ASU. If your kids are bright, ASU does a good job of getting them into the "elite college w/ a college" experience that all better large schools are now doing. You end up in housing/all classes with other top students and have almost no interaction with the losers getting drunk every weekend/dropping out after 2 years. ASU typically ranks in top 10 schools with grads working in Silicon Valley. My son's a Trump supporter and had few problems (he's not the kind of guy someone would mess with though). Many of the professors in the business school were openly conservative.

Michael K বলেছেন...

They need to redesign the damn plane,

That IEEE article Bruce linked to is good. They need to put longer landing gear but that may require a new wing.

The Corsair fighter with the gull wings had them to fit the big prop.

I always fly Southwest so I am going to have to pay attention to the engine size.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Isn't that always the case? Having grown up and lived in in Western WA all my life, I couldn't wait to move to the desert. You've seen one evergreen tree, you've seen 'em all. [just kidding but I prefer open spaces rather than the claustrophobic forest feeling where you can't see the horizon.]”

Maybe not quite as big, but still twice the height I was used to growing up in CO, we have fairly thick evergreens here predominantly Ponderosa Pines, but also spruce and fir. The forest starts about halfway across the ID Panhandle, and stays fairly thick for another 10 miles east of us. Early (about 1812) pioneer talked of taking a week to go 70 miles by horseback, then like 2 days to go the next 50 miles, after it transists to plains. But we are close enough that we can see mountain tops above the trees. Except during fire season, when we often can’t. She asks me how many colors of green can I see as we drive through those trees. I respond “three”: light green, medium green, and dark green. She sees dozens, maybe hundreds. When we are in the desert, she calaims to see just one color: brown. She grew up in Las Vegas, and has spent most winters in PHX over more than 35 years, which is probably why she hates anything approaching desert. I have offered to put in palm trees if we build in the desert. So far, that is a non starter (she thinks palm trees in the desert are stupid).

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

It is gorgeous and I spent the morning reading about the First World War. Churchill and the Admiralty.

I read Churchill's The World Crisis recently and recommend it. (Hopefully it will be hitting Project Gutenberg soon since stuff has started entereing the public domain again).

Anyway, my takeaway is that the RN was historically run on an amateur basis and that Churchill tried to bring in some professionalism. (He had an interesting mini rant on how noone had to have read a book to command one of His Majesty's ships). That said, the RN in WWI had several really big crises involving poor communication, and (The Goben incident, The Battle of Coronel & The Battle of Jutland) and Churchill has to bear some of that responsibility. There was also the disasterous choice to bring back Fisher...

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I'm not a big lawsuit guy but in this case I hope they take Boeing to the cleaners.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I pretty much hate the desert too, but I want an observatory so I may need to make my peace with it.

Gilbert Pinfold বলেছেন...

One note on the USC scandal where celebrity daughters were “recruits” for the rowing team (“Crew”, not “Crew team”, which is redundant). USC is a mediocre program,and about a dozen years ago they admitted a raft of male Eastern European rowers who had already competed as college athletes in Eastern Europe. The team was instantly good and ranked, but the “new recruits” didn’t attend classes, and left school right after the spring semester ended. Men’s rowing is not a NCAA sport (women’s rowing is, as an earlier posting pointed out, because of the Title IX offsets for football scholarships), so USC wasn't sanctioned for this. So all along USC rowing has been a joke—I was a judge-referee for US Rowing for 25 years, and this kind of crap makes my blood boil, since I watched athletes living like hoboes training and trying to make the National Team while working minimum wage jobs. Celebrity cox’ns. Sheesh...

Greg Hlatky বলেছেন...

Went to Mass (Tridentine) this morning, got the lawn mowed this afternoon. Sunny, dry, breezy and 75 degrees here in Brazoria County, TX today.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

About San Francisco. Met a woman at the bar the other night. She was absolutely stunning. I asked her where she's from and what she does. She said "I live around here, and I'm a brain surgeon." Now I don't know if it's misogynist or sexist of me, but I was really impressed. Most women can't pull off sarcasm.

- Anthony Jeselnik (not exact)

narciso বলেছেন...

the dog that doesn't bark are Morrie tobin's defrauded investors, where is their outrage, like banamex which walked with a relatively small fine, having paid an honoraria to the grand inquisitor, Robert mueller,

Howard বলেছেন...

What's taking Althuose so long to give us her law professor examination of the Mueller report

Howard বলেছেন...

If I was cynical I would say that she is working hard to spin it in favor of the Trump deplorables who help fund her trips to Austin Texas. You might think that but I could not possibly comment.

narciso বলেছেন...

as buwaya points out there is a loose confluence between trump, farage, Johnson, salvini, fillon and co, and their opposite represented by romney, may, Osborne, juppe and macron,

narciso বলেছেন...

it extends to the dutch nationalists and the voz Spanish nationalists against their analogues including the Catalan separatists, who themselves have curious ties,

narciso বলেছেন...

there are figures even farther left than Corbyn,


Galloway who was part of the oil for food scam,

narciso বলেছেন...

the category error is frightening


then again, she might be relying on aslans account, conflating him with the sicari

narciso বলেছেন...

a day ending in y:


narciso বলেছেন...

he's way passed saul goodman, here:


narciso বলেছেন...

do you know about james q Wilson?


Howard বলেছেন...

Intelligent people institutionally political Democrats. Republicans dominate dumb dumbs

narciso বলেছেন...

it took the sicari 37 years to realize what Jesus already knew, about the power of Rome, a power with the will like Rome or even 19th century France will go to any length to secure a conquest, a century later the culture had changed re Algeria and Indochina,

Sheridan বলেছেন...

I'm with you, Bruce! Temp here in West Valley is at 62 F. now, with light winds and sunset is at 8:36 tonight. Partly cloudy with light showers maybe after midnight. Looking forward to an Easter bbq in an hour or so. We moved from SoCal and made the commitment to live here year round. We've adapted and now look forward to winter activities (snowblowing/plowing) and sports (snowshoeing and ice fishing). Don't miss the insanity and cost of SoCal but retain fond memories of growing-up in and college in San Marino and San Diego.

narciso বলেছেন...

consider the previous insurgency at the region of today's attack:


Leland বলেছেন...

I just read this op-ed from Clay Travis on his website: "Kate Smith Controversy Embodies Modern Day Sports Absurdity"

Kate Smith died 3 decades ago. During WWII, she helped raise $11 million in US war bonds. She recorded a version of "God Bless America" that a few sports programs would play during their games.

Now in 2019, someone got triggered by a song she sang in the 1930's. I don't know the song and didn't care to look it up. I'm not really into 1930's media. However, because someone was triggered 30 years after her death; the Yankees and the Flyers have quit playing her version of "God Bless America". Which is fine. I'm sure some younger person would like to make bank from those programs playing their version. But the Flyers actually had a statue of Kate Smith outside their arena, and they figured it needed to be hidden from view now. They covered up a woman's statue like she was some Confederate general.

Now, you may not care about this at all. I think the sports programs shouldn't care, but they are. I mention it here, because earlier today, Althouse posted an op-ed from the NYT about how women aren't given comebacks. Well check out the comments to Clay Travis' post. There, you'll find one triggered individual supporting the banning of Kate Smith. Why? Because she hasn't issued an apology. She's been dead for 30 years, and she'll never get a chance to come back. The individual supporting the ban is a man.

Rory বলেছেন...

"They covered up a woman's statue like she was some Confederate general."

Latest is the statue's been removed.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

All three of my kids went to ASU; I'd recommend it.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Leland, this whole totalitarian purging of our culture bothers me a lot. And it bothers me even more than no one is fighting these decisions. Anything not 'woke' by today's inane standards has to go. There is no room for discussion or debate.

narciso বলেছেন...


narciso বলেছেন...

that last link concerned that game of thrones project that a commenter alex Lloyd had noted, he's engaging in a project about the first dynasty of rome,

recall in that era Claudius was engaged in a seemingly unwinnable insurgency in what would later be Britain, what goes around comes around,

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Bruce Hayden, thank you so much for the link to the IEEE Spectrum article. Everything there correlates perfectly with everything I have read elsewhere about the two accidents.

My own software career began in the 1960s, when input to a computer was by punch cards or punch paper tape, and printers were fundamentally modified electric typewriters. In the late 1970s I was with a group of software developers that was asking potential users what features they wanted, and one gruff old master sergeant said that he wanted a great big button marked "OFF." Only years later did I realize that he was giving us good advice. If something is going seriously wrong, you need to be able to override the computer. There are numerous examples: Gordon Cooper's Mercury flight in May 1963 (everything went out, a total technical failure, except for his wrist watch and his radio, yet he hand flew his Mercury capsule to an ocean landing just 4 miles from the recovery ship), Qantas flight 72 (a probable race condition caused the air data inertial reference unit to misread altitude data as angle of attack data, causing the plane to pitch down so steeply that passengers and cabin crew were thrown against the ceiling and injured), and China Airlines flight 140 (the Airbus flight control as installed on the plane was different from the flight control in the simulator and the place crashed during what should have been a routine go-around).

Over time the software industry learned a lot. Do not let the user do anything that cannot be undone if you can help. If you cannot help it, then briefly explain the consequence and ask "are you sure?" Things like that.

But the pilots of those 737 planes needed a big OFF button, and no one gave it to them.

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

Programmers (and I am one) are generally pretty smart (I make no claims for myself), but often have a poor grasp of what is really important.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"That seems like a violation of some honor code or other to me. Sort of Islamic behovior. Where Eagles Dare (1968)"

The effort it took to try attempting to make a joke, with no known history in this area of original comedy, i.e. not a reference of what others originally said and yet others conveyed "hey this is what humor is" vibes, usually extremely obscure (which are why I appreciate them so much), is indeed Easter.

No miracle, but miraculous to 99% of humans that have ever lived natch.

The Book of Eli superceded any expectation of any event since the total solar eclipse. Just very beautiful all around.

Without the all-around evil of Gary Oldman, how would Denzel had differentiated himself from the baddies, enough, to make a film filled with drama?

Same way the forumula has worked for almost a damn century filmatically: Hero is good, others are not heros just others, until they do bad. To the hero. Then, they gotta go.


Now, we got this figured out, so let's not ever pay actors more than 20% more than gaffers, ever.

Directors can go to Hell.

Producers ought be hung.

We will make Hollywood acceptable, in due time.

Michael K বলেছেন...

So all along USC rowing has been a joke

SC rowing began with my fraternity back in the 50s and late 40s. The Crew always gathered next to the fraternity house every day after class to drive down to LA Harbor where the crew boathouse was. UCLA and Cal were the opposition.

Times at SC have changed and a lot of money has come their way, with not always good effects.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Howard is trolling for attention. We see you jumping up and down back there,

narciso বলেছেন...


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Hey any attorneys want some dough look at Judd Apatow's HBO Garry Shandling admitting that he wasn't successful until Gary rewrote every single joke he brought to him for some awards show.

They project what they are: bigots. Racist. In-bred clannish haters.

Like Gov. Hick got rich because, and he brags about this, 32 banks turned him down but taxpayers gave him $125,000 in the 1980's (could be 1990's I don't know I go by feeling not facts when it comes to politics: More reliable) to flourish and become rich. Why don't those stupid fucking taxpayers pay black men $125,000 in the 1980's (or 1990's I don't know)?

Fucking racist hatred of Catholics, Mormons, Babtists, Rastafarians, Greek Orthodox, etc...

Hick took Black money, taxes, and used it to enrich himself as a white man.

narciso বলেছেন...

it turns out that deaniac garrett graff, who wrote a hagiographic profile of Mueller's time in the bureau, ghosted john carlin's memoir, he was in charge of justice's national security division, which vouched for the dossier, curious eh.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Okay cryptic boy, cript this:


narciso বলেছেন...

Klaatu barada Nikto, weren't you someone at the horde.

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard: "Intelligent people institutionally political Democrats."

That certainly explains alot.

Bay of Pigs
Tet Offensive
Yom Kippur war
The Iranian Revolution
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
The friggin' collapse of the Soviet Union
Indian Nuclear test
9/11 (!!)
Iraqi Nuclear Weapons (lefties later lied about having been "lied into war", they weren't. The lefties lied about being lied into war)
The rise of ISIS
Populists governments elected across the industrialized west
Impact of heavy islamic immigration into Western nations

That's quite a bill of particulars related to Howard's lefty-dominated institution "success".

Any more such lefty-dominated institutional "successes" like those and we'll have to shutter the country.

Yep. Our post-WW2 lefty dominated "institutions" have certainly served us "well"....and these self-styled "experts" continue to "impress".....


Rory বলেছেন...

"I'm a conservative, and I'll match my IQ against anybody."

Democrats' credentials are heavy in teaching and affirmative action.

Drago বলেছেন...

Here's an example of that vaunted lefty intellect:

Elizabeth Korban
Dogs are a tool of white supremacy and gentrification. That’s not just my opinion. There is research that shows how white newcomers dogwalking routes stake out territory. And white owners user their pets to socialize with other white owners excluding minorities.

I mean, it doesn't get any more leftwing intellectually superior than that right there my friends.....

Narayanan বলেছেন...

On Charlottesville Hoax(?)? Hoax(!)! coverage how does Al Jazeera rank?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“I'm with you, Bruce! Temp here in West Valley is at 62 F. now, with light winds and sunset is at 8:36 tonight. Partly cloudy with light showers maybe after midnight. Looking forward to an Easter bbq in an hour or so. We moved from SoCal and made the commitment to live here year round. We've adapted and now look forward to winter activities (snowblowing/plowing) and sports (snowshoeing and ice fishing). Don't miss the insanity and cost of SoCal but retain fond memories of growing-up in and college in San Marino and San Diego.”

Wish we could do winters up here in MT. My partner has metal I her spine, and winter is apparently painful. Tried two winters in a ski resort west of Denver then two years in Golden, west of Denver. She was miserable all winter. And, many days she couldn’t go out to walk. One winter in Golden, she turned to castigate me for dawdling, caught her foot on the uneven pavement, tried to recover, ad ended up face planting against the side of a truck. Ended up in the ER, which cost the insurance company $50k (it is a Level 1 Trauma Center). Ended up with a nose job, which also addressed her deviated septum, and a piece of cartilage missing from her ear. I think though that if we ever can spend the winter up here in MT, we will probably do it in or close to Missoula. Or, my preference would be Sandpoint, ID, that has a nice ski area close by, where late in the season, you can ski in the morning, and sai in the afternoon, on the lake (Pend O’Reille) you see from the ski area. Here, it seems like everyone just eats a lot, and the roads don’t always get cleared (guy across the street was snowed in two winters ago for better than a week).

We are in what they call the “banana belt”, which eans that the temperature spiked to 65 today.

narciso বলেছেন...

Just take the bay of pigs which I mentioned by oblique connection, the planners didnt know giron beach was not the optimum target

Re the tet offensive some persons likd Sam Adam's did speak truth to power, but they were woefully off on the strength of khomeinis movement

narciso বলেছেন...

Which wasnt surprising as one discovered when they captured the embassy their sources were mostly apparatchiks like ghosbadeh or figures in mossadeqs dead movement. Taheris nest of spies provides those details

Drago বলেছেন...

All of Howards genius lefties confidently predicted Hillary to be 98% probability winner, and then when their ignorance was exposed in that area, they simply shifted and crafted an obviously fake and stupid and moronic lie about Russia handing Trump the election, which, naturally and unexpectedly, was immediately and uncritically accepted by millions and millions of "Howards" and "Inga's" and "LLR Chuck's" all over the country.

Cuz they are just real "smart" like that.....

narciso বলেছেন...

Rumor tells us that Angleton had been tipped off to the high pressure water hoses that has been bought to blast the Sinai barriers prior to the start of the war but that detail never percolated up. Much like the hijackers living in San Diego under their own names

narciso বলেছেন...

I've mentioned the zinoviev letter, a hoax created by czarist operatives connected to mi 6, which suggested an uprising among labor unions that toppled the first labour government it took 5 years before that source was revealed.

narciso বলেছেন...

By that time another labour government had taken hold just in time for the depression,


Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“The rise of ISIS”

Part of the reason that the civilian intelligence community (esp CIA and FBI) went after Gen Flynn so aggressively seems to be that he called them out for their screwups there, how the CIA shipped a lot of the arms from Lydia to Syria after Kadaffi was taken out and the country disintegrated. And how they backed Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups there (of course, they had already given Egypt to the MB by then). He essentially persuasively blamed the disintegration of the Middle East on Brennan and the CIA, and using the FBI and their FISA powers, they retaliated.

What has come out recently is that Mueller was granted by Rosenstein a second supplemental charge. This one included John Flynn, Jr, who had a fairly newborn baby (in order to pressure his father, which worked as expected), and, even more controversially, his own boss, AG Sessions. Wonder why Sessions never unrecused himself and took control over the Mueller investigation? Likely because whatever he would do there would have been treated as Obstruction of Justice by the Mueller prosecutors. Rosenstein and Mueller appear to have successfully immunized the Mueller investigation from effective oversight for better than a year and a half through the threat of charging Trump and/or Sessions with Obstruction. It was only after Sessions was pushed out after the election, and his successor confirmed, was it possible to finally shut the investigation down, well over a year after Mueller knew with a certainty that there had never been any Russian collusion by Trump or anyone associated with him.

Birkel বলেছেন...

My conservative bona fides are solid. My IQ tested between 143 and 149. But my sibling tested about 155.

Of course after more than three standard deviations above the mean the test cannot accurately score. It's only meant to be useful within two standard deviations. It's like saying the temperature is 72.1589 degrees Fahrenheit when the thermometers is only accurate to one digits past the decimal.

What Leftist Collectivists like Howard cannot fathom is how individual actions guided by self-interest (nearly) always outperform collective, top-down command economies. But nobody can game such a system over the long-term. And the self-selected elites cannot abide a system in which the qualities they prefer do not always win. So they fight to degrade the most productive system yet devised rather than take their chances in a competitive environment.

And then they call the other side a plethora of names.

And here I sit, chastened by reality after a poor upbringing, and wonder at the people who were born on third base and think they hit a triple. Romney, McCain, Bushes, and many others.

And then I realize how truly unique Donald Trump must be.

And also how a kid from Hope, Arkansas saw his chance to succeed in such a world. He saw how to get in on the game. He took full advantage.

/random thoughts

narciso বলেছেন...

He did but he was a student of Carroll Quigley, a protege of William Fulbright the segregationist, who crafted the tonkin resolution. Its left unclear what he actually did in the early 70s in London

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Howard said...
Intelligent people institutionally political Democrats. Republicans dominate dumb dumbs

Now you all know why I labeled Howard an educated fool. That, and the fact that he explained the fire that burned Paradise, California, as “heat rises.” Which accounts for why so many trees were unburned while the houses under their branches were burned down to their foundations.

For most of my life I have listened to liberals tell each other that they’re the smart ones, and that blue collar workers were there to put them into power with their votes, but otherwise to be disdained and held in contempt. But telling each other that you’re smart is different from actually being smart. Can’t we all just agree on that? And people who work for a living should never be disdained.

narciso বলেছেন...

They slobbered over bill Clinton, our zaftig version of Tony Blair, except the latter probably did bring the labour party to some semblance of sanity.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I don' t think the daughter is going to be spending the summer in Idaho this year. Baby due mid July.

I like Sandpoint. That was a big LAPD retirement destination until recently. I done;t know if they are getting priced out.

Part of the reason that the civilian intelligence community (esp CIA and FBI) went after Gen Flynn so aggressively seems to be that he called them out for their screwups there,

I have a post over at Chicago boyz that got linked by Clarice Feldman on American Greatness. We listened to the audio book, "Under Fire, about Benghazi. My wife could not listen too the end as it is so sad.

I think that was a CIA op that was blown.

narciso বলেছেন...

It was but not in the way we think, stevens was sent like sidney reilley to reestablish contacts with some of the rebels from the revolution from the previous year, tjeir allegiance was to Qatar and many of the militias general hafter has been battling

The contracted officials to that delegation probably noted something curious they had run across some of these persons in Afghanistan, Iraq maybe Yemen, hence the unheaded demands for security upgrades.

StephenFearby বলেছেন...

Closing in...

Washington Examiner
April 21, 2019 05:47 PM

Veteran journalist Bob Woodward said Sunday he recently learned the unverified Trump dossier appeared in an early draft of a U.S. intelligence community assessment on Russian election interference.

During a discussion on "Fox News Sunday," Woodward suggested its inclusion was at the behest of the Central Intelligence Agency, but it was ultimately taken out after being reviewed by intelligence experts.

"What I found out recently, which was really quite surprising, the dossier, which really is got a lot of garbage in it and Mueller found that to be the case, early in building the intelligence community assessment on Russian interference in an early draft, they actually put the dossier on page two in kind of a breakout box," Woodward said in a panel moderated by host Chris Wallace..."


Original Mike বলেছেন...

I don't watch Meet the Press anymore, but watched it today. Rudy Giuliani mopped the floor with Chuck Todd. Todd was fixated on Trump "using" the hacked DNC emails. I don't know to what extent that's even the case, but it reminded me of one of the reasons I stopped watching Todd. The week in Oct 2016 when they were published was also the week the Trump "grab them by the pussy" tape was leaked. Todd spent 59 minutes on that and, literally, less than a minute on the DNC emails.

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes but Rudy declined to point out, everyone had access to the emails, Woodward is forgetting this was included in the briefing preferred by comey.

narciso বলেছেন...

Doherty and woods were operators, with multiple tours in the Sandbox, as were zeist and paronto they figured out what general Flynn had at dia same characters from prior engagements were appearing in Syria Libya et al

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I hope Inga is enjoying her time off.

narciso বলেছেন...

I had a whole series on Benghazi at my stand alone blog, which seems to only go back to 20q7


Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

I had a nice Easter Sunday, with family and my Father-in-Law, who is 85 and served in the Army at the tail end of the Korean War. That was a mother of a war. Not much TV footage, so a lotta bloodshed and carnage was not seen or understood by the public.

Anyway, he's a tough old bird, but extremely kind. He's been a bona fide father to me.

Also, Michael Cohen and Michael Avenatti are going to jail, and Hillary is still not President.

So, life is good - what can I possibly complain about?

Ps thanks to all for the good insights re Arizona State.

narciso বলেছেন...

Does it work better when I stop the last character:


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

These grievous Olympics of ours have not yet begun the true entertainment phase.

Hopefully sucking cock ability will be of value in our future. Otherwise...

Why, why I just don't know what I'll do, then.


Michael K বলেছেন...

Ps thanks to all for the good insights re Arizona State.?

I haven't seen the AZ state campus. The AZ campus is beautiful but I don't know much about the schools. I do know that traffic will be much worse in PHX, not LA worse, but worse. Two good friends of mine here in Tucson have sent two sons through the AZ Engineering school, one Civil and one ChemE with an MS, too. The third son is there but I don't know his major.

Fen বলেছেন...

Howard: "Intelligent people institutionally political Democrats. Republicans dominate dumb dumbs"

Intelligence is demonstrable. And yet Democrats are always asserting they are smarter. Does Chuck Norris need to constantly remind everyone he's a bad ass? Of course not. It's only those without x who need to tell, because they can't show.

The only indicator that I'm stupid is the act of bothering to respond to you.

So while I'm here, let me ask: if Democrats are so smart, how come they keep getting their heads handed to them on this blog?

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
narciso বলেছেন...

Btw where did you get your handle if I. May ask?

Howard বলেছেন...

GDP of Blue Counties.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Point of information, Arizona State is not actually in Phoenix but in the nearby suburb of Tempe.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Michael K., do not forget that Comey's friend and protege Andrew McCabe was being sued for sexual discrimination, and Flynn, who had worked with the woman, wrote a letter in support. Made him a marked man.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

If I was an influential pedo, I would be Judd "hey I accept pedophiles raping children reaped from their parents so it's okay" Apatow and I would make a movie about Gary Shandling because everyone knows Gary didn't rape kids, so if I make a doc about Gary I must be cool too.

Judd would be best to accept Christ as his savior or murder me, like his kind is succeptible to doing.

Birkel বলেছেন...

GDP growth of monopoly Democratic counties?
Lagging behind overall GDP growth.
Prove me wrong.

narciso বলেছেন...

Robin gritz, and she was a star in the analytical section unlike these charlatans like valerie plame

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Everyone with a healthy ego probably thinks they're smarter than most other people, and also smarter than they really are. I don't exempt myself here. I'm told my IQ circa 1966 (13 y.o.) was 131; my public h.s. g.p.a. put me in the top 60% yes 60 haha of my class I'm sure, but I never actually looked. I skated on my consistent success on standardized tests, which were never called IQ tests as I recall, always something else. I could have gotten into virtually any school in the country based on ACT/SATs, and when grad school time came I was just as good on the GRE and MAT. I took the GRE twice about 10 years apart and had a decline in both scores, but still very high.

Am I bragging? Of course, but the more significant aspects here are 1) all the tests, I find out later, were designed to reward whiteness, maleness, and middleclassness, and 2) I couldn't pass Alg II or Trig in high school and I couldn't do it now.

But I am smart enough to have learned long long ago that anyone who tells you she holds her political opinions because she's just so darn smart, isn't.

Whiter, maler, and middleclassier than the average bear

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Just how do the death squads work, c.f. Scalia and Breitbart, for unknown guys like me now that Hillary is away from the power of the White House?

Didn't someone tell her she needs to win or hang?

narciso বলেছেন...

Well you know the answer to that, you've seem the mechanic

walter বলেছেন...

Mazie Hirono: “We have to kind of tell everyone how smart we are, and so we have a tendency to be very left-brain,”

Michael K বলেছেন...

all the tests, I find out later, were designed to reward whiteness, maleness, and middleclassness,

I guess that didn't cover you. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Arizona State is not actually in Phoenix but in the nearby suburb of Tempe.

Oh yes, but if you want to go somewhere off campus, it matters.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

USC Board Chair ... yacht in the Bahamas .

Does it transit Panama canal or yachts many in #.

Where is Robin Leach? Need him for color on this.

narciso বলেছেন...

He was one of the biggest developers in Los Angeles, he didnt get on the board because of his sterling smile alone.

narciso বলেছেন...

One of my experiences was interviewing with a firm which had a classy veneer then discovering some time later when I didnt get the job it was like the proverbial firm in the movie

Birkel বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...
“Intelligent people institutionally political Democrats. Republicans dominate dumb dumbs”

Note that Howard doesn’t make complete sentences there.

But I would offer a different theory - that progressives are smart enough to believe that they could run the world, if given the choice, but not smart enough to realize that it doesn’t work, that the harder people try to control the economy, etc, the worse the results. And that ultimately, they would resort to violence to try to make their grand designs work. The harder they try, the worse it gets. They think that this time they will get it right. They are that much smarter, and their computers are that much faster. But you cannot optimize by forcing everyone into a small number of boxes. The economy, society etc art getting more complex faster than they can increase their ability to plan. This is part of why a decentralized system, like capitalism, is almost aleways going to significantly outperform a centralized system like the socialist top down, systems that progressives are so enamored with. In short, they are smart enough to believe that they can more efficiently control our economy and society, but not smart enough to understand what they don’t know or understand.

Rory বলেছেন...

How long before the Howard person realizes that under a certain ideology GDP correlates with unearned privilege?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

As lapidary as the 10 Commandments, great bu bu s know as goes California, goes the USA.

Because Newton.

Nevermind Einstein, and you can't describe energy or mass or the speed of light or squaring functions.

Only racism allowed for Einstein to become more American than all but the most Americans have strived successfully to become.

Racism, ugly, is reality and hence God's truth can't be forsaken.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Rory, can I have dibs on "never"?

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Big Mike wrote: Now you all know why I labeled Howard an educated fool.

A classification error, I must insist. Howard has displayed nothing in his comments that persuade me to consider him educated or even schooled beyond a low-order secondary level, unfinished and lacking depth. Even his syntax is vapid and banal.

Not an educated fool, just a garden variety simpleton.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"In short, they are smart enough to believe that they can more efficiently control our economy and society, but not smart enough to understand what they don’t know or understand."

Dummy, you are too stupid to know what they know: power comes at the end of a gun. So they will turn their cops and sheriffs on you if you go into Nevada, which is Harry Reid's state, not yours &&&&&, and murder you and your family if you say just a little more than what you've said.

You're no martyr, you're no Trump, let those Reid's dominate NE.

They paid their price.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

It isn't every generation where the Senate Majority Leader gets his ass beat.

We saw this happen.

Harry is so dirty, in every way, including the offspring that would think nothing of ordering the hit on me, he got his eye bloodied on the world's stage. He couldn't as Senate Majority Leader prevent his eye from being bloodied.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

What leverage do you refuse as Senate Majority Leader so you end up fucked up?

Orange man bad is a terrible port for this storm.

narciso বলেছেন...

Well Tony the ant spilotro nearly blew him up, in the 70s over a double cross he might as well have modeled himself on pat Geary (who in turn was based on mccarran) he was probably as corrupt as Lyndon Johnson, just never advanced to the top jobs.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Who can hang on longer, RBG or Generalissimo Francisco Franco?

narciso বলেছেন...

Well William Douglas lasted till he was practically captain pike from the menagerie.
This drone queen that have her on is impressive

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"Didn't someone tell her she needs to win or hang?"

Well, didn't someone type it at least??

gadfly বলেছেন...

Broke Roger Stone Is Speaking for Money at a Strip Club . . . perhaps performing under the name "Stoney Daniels?"

You don't know what it's like, baby
You don't know what it's like
To love somebody
To love somebody
The way I love you


Howard বলেছেন...

Is there know end to you people's insecurities? Face it, the greatest wealth creators are majority liberal. They are your betters. All you people claim to fame is lottsa gunz, bullets, diabetes, homophobia and religious fundamental illness.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Dummy, you are too stupid to know what they know: power comes at the end of a gun. So they will turn their cops and sheriffs on you if you go into Nevada, which is Harry Reid's state, not yours &&&&&, and murder you and your family if you say just a little more than what you've said.

You're no martyr, you're no Trump, let those Reid's dominate NE.”

My partner grew up with the Reids. They had five kids, and so di her family. Her father would talk boxing with Dingy Harry, long before he went into politics. They were both Golden Goves boxers - but never boxed each other because her father was about 6’3”, which want a lot of reach and muscle on Reid. They had her father named an honorary bishop of their Moron church hoping probably to bring that it of a family into the church. Their Roman Catholicism ran too deep for that.

Then I practiced law with one of the Reid boys. We would joke because our father’s were both attorneys and we had followed them into the business. We had five boys but only two went to law school whereas all 4 Reid boys, and the one son in law we’re all lawyers. We could joke, but couldn’t talk politics, since he was very sensitive about criticism of his father. Not so much though with criticism of his oldest brother Rory who at one point ran for governor, and lost, while his father was winning re-election. Watching hi run 10 points Enid his father is one reason that I dot think that the Reids still dominate NV. None of the see to have their father’s killer instincts and the one I knew was really a great guy, probably the most popular attorney I the office he worked in.

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard, its never a good idea to go Full Ritmo.

Try again.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Face it, the greatest wealth creators are majority liberal. They are your betters. All you people claim to fame is lottsa gunz, bullets, diabetes, homophobia and religious fundamental illness.”

There is another group of progressives than the pseudo intellectual elite I discussed above, and that is the group who are Democrats because that is where the money is. Most egregiously, it was Crooked Hillary selling American foreign policy to the highest bidders, making well over a billion for their private family foundation/slush fund, and $100 million for their family personally. She apparently had, unfortunately, forward sold political favors to be dispensed whe she was sworn in as President, and, thus, part of how they raised over a billion dollars for her campaign (much, of course, through illegal bundling). We have a bunch of Dem politicians who have used their high political offices to America themselves multimillionaires. But the really big money is earned by those who are buying the politicians, and not the politicians themselves. It is called several things, such as Crony Capitalism Agency Capture, etc. and leading the charge are the tech billionaires, whipo use their political connections to restrain their competitors from competing. I didn’t resize the magnitude until I was up on the Hill lobbying against the America (doesn’t) Ivent Act. Rep Sensenbrenner of WI told us that we had his vote, but few others. The coalition of tech copies trying to ram the bill through had a army of lobbyists larger than the two Houses of Congress combined. No surprise - we lost, and they won. Money talks in DC, far more than principled. So no surprise that a lot of high tech billionaires are Democrats - buying esp Democratic politicians is part of why they are so rich.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Non-secular, reversionous regressions to the mean are absolutely perfectly Christ.

narciso বলেছেন...

When one of the heads of the lead seminaries doesn't believe in the resurrection, what is the point of you.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

In response to Howard fruitlessly trying to convince us that Democrats are smarter than Republicans:

I look at the Democratic Party, and divide it’s members into three categories:
1) Sheeple
2) Useful indicts
3) Corruptocrats.

Take as an example, the AGW/AGCC climate hoax. The Sheeple don’t care, the Useful Idiots fervently believe whatever they are fed, and the Corruptocrats fly to climate conferences around the world in private planes. Ditto with the Trump/Russian collusion hoax. Again, the Sheeple don’t care, the Useful Idiots continue to believe long after it had become obvious that it was a political witch hunt aimed at driving Trump out of office, and the Corruptocrats mostly knew that it was a hoax from the start, but piled on, to the extent possible, as long as Mueller could keep it going.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Perhaps divine justice is my paranoia that destroys meh. God bless everyone.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I hope my idea of fairness supercedes NV Morman's idea of power and money, otherwise they will bury me in the desert with a nice sober Morman smile at how dumb I was.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Howard wrote: Is there know end to you people's insecurities?

Quod erat demonstrandum.

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