২১ এপ্রিল, ২০১৯

At the Late Morning Café...

... you're on your own!

২৩৩টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   233 এর 201 – থেকে 233
stephen cooper বলেছেন...

Mormons understand lots of things very well - the joy of caring about your family, for instance.

A friend asked me to post this for them:

"2010 was a bad year for me. In January, a meth-addled sibling threatened to kill me (I love my brothers and sisters but nobody should have to hear a threat like that!). In February, my poor little schnauzer-poodle mix, who I did not know was arthritic, lashed out at me when I picked her up, and literally tried to hurt me, attacking me like a wild animal might have. Sad! I immediately calmed down the poor creature, repeating again and again "is ok, is ok" .....In March, a doctor told me I had a scary non-contagious disease. In April, my girlfriend, who I considered to be sort of like Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, but nicer and prettier, left me, because she did not think I was Christian enough for her, she literally said that she wanted to grow in her faith and I was "not" sufficiently "growing" in my faith .... Sad! In May, the doctor cancelled my appointment. In June, another doctor told me I had skin cancer. In July, my dog died. In August, nobody sent me a birthday card on time. I got a few, late, but none on time. In September, another bad thing happened. In October, another bad thing happened. In November, at Thanksgiving, nobody disagreed with me when I said that life is hard for those of us who never had anyone looking out for them.

In December, I (who live in a sad apartment house) put up beautiful Christmas lights and anybody walking by might have thought that anyone who could put up such beautiful lights on their balcony - pure happy green, I remember, sparkling lemon yellow, deeply nostalgic red and blue - I remember - and white and orange, that lovely color, in the mix - anyone walking by would have thought, hey, whoever lives in that apartment must know that God loves them.

And they would have been right.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Face it, the greatest wealth creators are majority liberal. They are your betters. All you people claim to fame is lottsa gunz, bullets, diabetes, homophobia and religious fundamental illness.”

Let me suggest that he is a cargo cult Democrat, who believe that because a lot big wealth creators are Democrats, then being a Democrat leads to wealth creation. But the reality is that the big wealth creators in the Democratic Party are a tiny minority. Probably fewer than 1 in a thousand. Maybe one in ten thousand. Far more numerous are the Sheeple, often with IQs below the population mean, living on welfare, doing a lot of drugs, and killing each other. Ever wonder why everyone you know has an IQ above 100? Much of it is because we all live among and associate with people like ourselves. That means that most of us don’t live around and associate with those Democrats who form the voting bulk of that party, who live in inner cities, probably have subpar IQs, do drugs, have kids out of wedlock, receive welfare, etc. But they form enough of that party, that if a random person were to present himself to you and gave you party affiliations action, statistically, he would be smarter and richer if he were conservative, than if he were liberal. But his apparent belief to the contrary is why I called him a cargo cult Democrat.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

n response to Howard fruitlessly trying to convince us that Democrats are smarter than Republicans:

It’s like listening to a lecture by a color blind man on matching ties to suits.

Fen বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Fen বলেছেন...

Hey Howard, here's a challenge: lets have a debate, Althouse hosts, moderates and determines the topic.

I pick 3 commenters from the right for my team:
Bruce Hayden

You pick 3 from the left for your team.

Meade determines winner.

If my team wins, you have to post a groveling 500 word apology for making your betters put up with your stupid bullshit. And lay off the vodka on weekends.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Once a man breaks out of the middle class and rises to the top economically, it becomes in his best interest to erect barriers to others who want to take the same path and possibly supplant him. It’s no mystery why people at the top support policies that would have deeply angered them when they were trying to create something and overtake the people who were already at the top.

Fen বলেছেন...

narciso: "Btw where did you get your handle, if I May ask?"

What that directed at me or someone else.

I've been at war with Vanity so I'm a little paranoid about ego traps.

Although I'm very proud of how humble I've been lately.

But enough about me, let's talk about me.

Oh lookie, a mirror!

Rusty বলেছেন...

Howard. Where does wealth come from?

narciso বলেছেন...

No I was speaking of guild, fen is a Norse name?

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Creating wealth? Lumbering, farming, fishing. A few others, but you get the general idea. What about Hollywood? Yea, putting 1950's comic books into moving pictures, doesn't feel like anything has been created.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

rcocean said...
Happy Easter to everyone. I'm just surfing the net, till the Pork Roast and various Rice dishes are done. Then its off for a long walk.

4/21/19, 11:26 AM

Question: why all the pork on Easter? I could understand lamb, which I sometimes see. But why not beef?

Leland বলেছেন...

Mockturtle, it would bother me less if it wasn't so calculated. How many people go to a hockey game, hear a song, look up the artist, then go back 90 years to look at their other work, and then get disturbed about what you find that you start a letter campaign to get rid of the artist? I suspect you'll find an overlap with people who take issue to references to Christian beliefs and greatness of America. I think the latter has more to do with all this. However, they can't win arguments showing such hatred, so they create a fake pretense they are fighting hatred. Yet, no one that listened to the rendition ever went out and committed a racist act because of the performance or performer.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Question: why all the pork on Easter? I could understand lamb, which I sometimes see. But why not beef?

Springtime. Coming out of winter. Too early to butcher last years newborns, Ham is cured and has been saved for this early spring celebration. Today of course none that applies, but that's the thread that ties it all together.

Henry বলেছেন...

Do the moderates get a team? Of course, asking Althouse to moderate the moderates might look unfair.

When I first heard that the Yankees were discontinuing the Kate Smith tradition, I thought, finally, Yankee management is ready to give up on that lugubrious interruption of the game. Should have figured that there was some reason other than aesthetics.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

rhhardin said...
About San Francisco. Met a woman at the bar the other night.

As soon as I read this I knew you were quoting someone else as usual. Imagine, you, meeting a woman!

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Iowan2, thanks extremely. I thought it might be a religious reason like why (Catholics at least) don't eat meat on Christmas Eve.

Birkel বলেছেন...

After Peter Strzok was removed from Mueller's team, several FBI agents were brought on. Those agents were supervised by... Peter Strzok.

So Mueller never actually separated from Strzok. Just like the FBI never really separated from Steele.

Corruption. Do you speak it?

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Iowan2, thanks extremely. I thought it might be a religious reason like why (Catholics at least) don't eat meat on Christmas Eve.

Just my take. I was unaware of the the Catholic's tradition of no meat Christmas Eve. But that might explain the Oyster Stew we had at home. We are not Catholic, nor grew up in a community that had many Catholics. Ours was a German community, the church I grew up in was still doing a service in German once a month until WWII.

Agnostics like to use the overlap of pagan celebrations and The Christian Calendar, to claim Christianity is no different than Paganism. It's nothing but a non-sequitur, to avoid the facts.

Howard বলেছেন...

Colorblind dyslexic ADHD: guilty as charged.

walter বলেছেন...

State Fiscal Rankings 2018

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“So Mueller never actually separated from Strzok. Just like the FBI never really separated from Steele.

Corruption. Do you speak it?”

Talking Mueller - he apparently was the one in 2001/2002, as FBI Director, who implemented the current procedures for applying for FISA warrants, and explained to Congress then the necessity of a Woods file showing the FISC all contrary or exonerating evidence and information. This should have been the place where they explained about the weaknesses in the Steele Dossier, about it having been paid for by Crooked Hillary, Trump’s political opponent, that it hadn’t been corroborated, that parts had been discredited, and that Carter Page had a long term relationship as an informant with the FBI, had reached out several times to talk to that agency in the months running up to the original the original FISA application, and that for the later extensions, he was talking to the FBI and Congressional committees during that time. This is precisely the sort of information that FBI Director Mueller promised Congress would be in the application packages for the FISC - and very likely is mostly missing in the four Carter Page FISA applications.

walter বলেছেন...

"the necessity of a Woods file showing the FISC all contrary or exonerating evidence and information. This should have been the place where they explained about the weaknesses in the Steele Dossier"
If the dossier had entered via standard channels, low level folk would/should have squashed it.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

It’s crazy how much Althouse has become a ritual in my day. After showering and dressing, I sit down with a jumbo mug o’ tea and milk, expecting to spend a pleasant half-hour catching up on the shenanigating of the Althouse commenters before heading off to work. Some mornings (astoundingly rare) there’s nothing new other than some tag-end comments on yesterday’s stale cafe post. It’s disappointing but I gamely soldier on regardless.

wwww বলেছেন...

"Iowan2, thanks extremely. I thought it might be a religious reason like why (Catholics at least) don't eat meat on Christmas Eve."

Christmas Eve is a vigil night. Some cook up the Feast of the Seven Fishes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feast_of_the_Seven_Fishes

Traditional: Fried sardines. Pasta with a marinara and mussels is popular. Some busy parents make up a simple pasta w/ no meat if you're too busy to cook seafood between all the holiday prep and getting the kids to church to Christmas Eve. Like Easter weekend, Christmas Eve is busy so understandably some don't have the energy to cook up multiple seafood dishes. Pasta on Christmas Eve is a easy fix.

pacwest বলেছেন...


Darrell বলেছেন...

I thought it might be a religious reason like why (Catholics at least) don't eat meat on Christmas Eve.

Not in my lifetime as a practicing Roman Catholic. Might have been a thing during pre-WWI America, but I'm not even going to bother to look it up.

We had a family tradition of having Chinese food on Christmas Eve because it was a rare treat and we set up the tree and decorations then and it was sort of a gift for my Mom not to have to worry about dinner when she was busy. But meat wasn't avoided intentionally.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Jupiter said...
So, am I the only one who thinks the FBI and the DOJ should leave that poor actress who tried to buy her kid's way into Yale alone?

I hope so.

1) Never miss a chance to strike a blow at your enemy. US higher ed has made itself the enemy.
2) US higher ed is extremely important and due to its social role cannot well be ignored and allowed to fester. Plus festering will increase its dangerousness, not vitiate it. It needs to be fixed.
3) See 1).

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Another thing about all the annual standardized tests was that they were obviously
important, but for obscure reasons to me. Later I began to realize that some of the frustrations the schoolmarms of both genders were expressing at my grade point apathy arose from their naive and simple faith that the "IQ" numbers meant I must have been ripe for whatever their fixation was. I learned more from the school library and especially our fine public library system than from all the yammering of the sad sacks and sackettes at school.

Son's Easter ham was superb. Never knew the origin of the tradition either, so as usual I learn something every time I come here.

Ummm, ham . . . in a library

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...
Is there know end to you people's insecurities? Face it, the greatest wealth creators are majority liberal. They are your betters. All you people claim to fame is lottsa gunz, bullets, diabetes, homophobia and religious fundamental illness.

Howard has not heard about the Microsoft debate and does not seem to realize that tech companies support Democrats because they feed them H1B visas by the thousands.

Slavery has always been the attraction for Democrats. The most recent version involves coders from India who can;'t quit and who make about 60% of what Americans doing the same job make.

The left must believe in its superior intelligence because they have nothing else these days.

The Democrat Party used to be for the little guy and the patriotic among us. Tom Watson Sr was shaking hands with Hitler and Tom Jr was interested in the USSR. The Democrats were invading Omaha Beach while businessmen were running war plants in the US. That is all reversed now but Howard pretends it is not true.

The engineers I know are not very interested in politics. The grifters run the new Democrat Party and pretend they got there by being smart,

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Democrats were invading Omaha Beach? Seriously?

Wait . . . maybe the Republicans were too smart to go . . . nah, I think the premise stinks.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Democrats invaded Omaha Beach? Seriously?

Maybe the Republicans were too smart to be there . . . Nah. The premise stinks.


Fen বলেছেন...

Do the moderates get a team?

Maybe. I'm undecided and don't have strong feelings either way. :)

It's not my call. Who am I to say no? If you want to field your own team, go for it.

But wouldn't the paradigm be Lefty < Centrist > Righty?

And Moderates <> Extremists? The problem would be everyone wanting to identify as moderate.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Biden and Sanders have zero chance to beat DJT, while Klubochar and Buttigeig are the best candidates ...but they are seen by the Communist Revolution Politboro Dems only as intelligent White Supremacists.

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