April 3, 2019

A couple of heards...


Nonapod said...

A heard of Amber Heards is the best heard.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Meet the new heard. Same as the old heard. We won't get fooled again!

Amadeus 48 said...

Now I know who NOT to vote for. Thanks, David. Your life is a monument to great talent and lousy decisions.

Carol said...

I never liked that guy or guys like him. I don't know why. Something about being a stupid pseudo-intellectual dope head. In the Byrds I liked Gene Clark, then Jim McGuinn. With CS&N I liked Stills.

It's like when my friend said, you have to see that movie about Amy Winehouse, and I said I like movies about people who succeed, who don't fuck up and OD.

Jimi Hendrix excluded of course.

Expat(ish) said...

Why is Crosby using a 40 year old picture?


Curious George said...

"Expat(ish) said...
Why is Crosby using a 40 year old picture?"

For the same reason Hillary should.

robother said...

Misspelling of "herd" (as in sheep herd.). He's moved on from that Bernie Herd, and has joined and left several herds since then. But Crosby is definitely a herd guy. Hope he finds a Good Shepherd (I hear Beto holds himself out as such.)

Not Sure said...

Misspelling of "herd"

I'm pretty sure he slightly mistyped "years" and autocorrect did the rest.

Or he's inscrutably deep.

Rick.T. said...

"then Jim McGuinn..."

ROGER that!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bernie WAS the alternative to Hillary and back then, even I thought he'd be better than the ultra money grubbing money whore.

But now Bernie's socialism comes into true focus as Venezuela falls apart. Noted: Bernie hired David Sirota - a radical leftist socialist who praised Venezuela.

gerry said...

Does this smatter? Did it ever matter? Does he matter?

DarkHelmet said...

Bernie Sanders is NOT a "good guy." He's a vicious, nasty old hack communist. Which is to say, he's a totalitarian and a thief.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I'm inclined to agree with Dennis Prager, that "liking" a politician up for election is a juvenile behavior. The best person for the office, the constituency and the nation are far better criteria. But, David shot out one liver already with his "Sound Judgements". Short version, If I want to listen to an asshole...

SeanF said...

Nonapod: A heard of Amber Heards is the best heard.

Or so I've heard.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Still smoking after all these years, I see.

Mountain Maven said...

Please, Ann, spare us the ramblings of drug addicts.

Hagar said...

Wrong Dark Helmet,
Bernie Sanders is a 1960's campus radical who found a way to make a career of it. No harm meant; just making quite a nice living.

Tomcc said...

I care not a whit about Mr. Crosby's politics, but I am curious as to why he chose that photo of himself. He has not looked like that in a long, long time. And it's unlikely that he looked like that when he initiated his account!

john burger said...

Whew. I am certainly relieved that David Crosby clarified his position on Bernie. I was getting nervous: Oh, what does David think? Can I still support Bernie? Will David think ill of me if I think that Bernie, whom I adore, is not proper candidate in these trying times? Now, I can rest.


Michael said...

Bernie, David and AOC
Why can't we go on as three?

JAORE said...

Old white guy fails to support old white guy. News!

chickelit said...

Tomcc said...I care not a whit about Mr. Crosby's politics, but I am curious as to why he chose that photo of himself. He has not looked like that in a long, long time. And it's unlikely that he looked like that when he initiated his account!

Vanity, I'm sure. Of the male sort.