"You rejected the failed political establishment that shipped away your jobs, sold out your sovereignty, and tied us down in endless foreign wars, which we're now winning and getting out.... You stood with me.... You took back your country. You recaptured your destiny. You defended your dignity. And you proudly reclaimed your freedom. Maybe for a second time. You have always been loyal to your nation. And now you have a President who is loyal to you — 100 percent. The Democrats took the people of Michigan for granted. But with us, you will never ever be forgotten again. You will never be take for granted — ever ever ever."
Trump's rally last night in Grand Rapids:
This is President Trump's argument to the people of Michigan, why they should vote for him again in 2020. What counterargument can the Democrats make to Michigan (and who among the Democrats can make it)? Listening to Trump's pitch, I felt it was so upbeat, so admiring and praising of people who usually hear that they're washed up and pathetic. Democrats seem only to offer empathy for their predicament — all their losses, their bad water, their victimhood. But Trump is building them up. They're the best people, the smartest people, the most loyal people.
I wish I had a transcript of the entire speech so I could count how many times Trump said "loyal." He combined loyalty to country with readiness to vote again for Trump. And he expressed loyalty to the country and loyalty to the voters.
You stood with me.... You took back your country... You have always been loyal to your nation. And now you have a President who is loyal to you.
Using the word loyalty rather than, say, patriotism, allows this combination of feeling for the country and for the individual human being. You could write an essay about the potential in this combination. Loyalty to a person may seem like something you have within families (and it also has a whiff of crime families). Loyalty to the country reminds us of its opposite — disloyalty. Treason.
I've transcribed a quote from the very end of the long oration, but the beginning was full of accusations of treason for those who perpetrated the Russia hoax in — as he sees it — a plot to overturn the result of the election.
So look for this "loyalty" theme. It has great potential to inflate the spirits of the people and to encourage them to stand with him "a second time." And it has great potential as an attack on his opponents who were — in his view — disloyal to their nation.
What counterargument can the Democrats make to Michigan...
They could announce a new initiative to teach the people of Michigan to code...
Countermove: dems calling Trump supporters Tories.
"Loyalty" vs. "patriotism." It also has the whiff of authoritarianism, and I see his opponents using it against him.
The hack liar democratic corruption press are not loyal to you. Well, they are loyal to idiots and seal clapping hive-minders who like to ingest total crap and say 'Yummy please give me more!'
The Obama era of lawlessness and BS:
Imagine you committed a racial hate crime where you falsely accused people who didn’t look or think like you of a horrible atrocity, and that you’d have gladly picked some poor saps with the wrong skin tone out of a line-up and sent them to prison for decades given the chance. Now imagine the two half-wits you hired to help you managed to get caught on video buying their stereotype get-up and spilled it all to the fuzz, though the fact you paid them with a check – because you’re a criminal mastermind – was already enough to get a grand jury to indict your sorry AOC. Now, what are the chances the DA is going to transform your 16 felony counts into a $10K fine and a couple days community servicing? Your chances of said outcome are poor. They are poor because your pals are neither Mrs. Obama or Willie Brown’s gal pal.
Even the Trump haters at NYT can see it.
Even if they can't put the pieces together.
This brings to mind something I hazily remember about GHWB. Pinkerton(?) suggested making "trust" a byword for his campaign, and Bush took it to mean "trust me", not "I trust you," the main half of Pinkerton's idea.
Per usual, Ann found the key message and the most profound rhetorical point: loyalty.
The loyalty message ties together the issues of The Deplorables, Deep State, MAGA and the Collusion Delusion.
The real fun starts when people get indicted and start flipping.
The Democrats underestimate Trump at their own risk.
Leftwing loyalty is loyalty to pure evil.
I'm persuaded...
Why support these opponents who claim a higher authority yet fail miserably in their mission to Watergate? These people what claim a revolution against air travel and cow farts but fail to vote for their revolution when presented with the opportunity?
Oh Hillary, where art thou?
The democrats and the left as a whole have (tried) to make patriotism a poisonous slur. Using 'loyalty' is just moving the target for the left to shoot at.
Trump is now a Man in Full. Batting .420. Hitting on all cylinders.
One strong appeal of Trump is that he owes no one anything. He’s working full time and 100% for the voters. Self-funded the last campaign. He has a real mandate. Defeated the Deep State, MSM and the Clinton Machine.
In a conflict between such polarized sides, where political allegiance ("loyalty") is largely based on caste, race and ethnicity, there isn't much scope for appealing to those of the other side, except in a few edge cases.
The point of political rhetoric in such a situation would seem to be to maximize turnout, that is, to intensify polarization. Polarization demands more polarization. It is a vicious circle.
Its probably foreordained, given the oligarchic and caste-determined system the US has fallen into.
One part of the formulation is all-important, the object of the people's loyalty. If Trump turns it into a "You were loyal to me and I'm loyal to you" he'll look like a hack again.
I'd love for Trump to give this same speech to different audiences. Give it to the NAACP: "You have always been loyal to the country, and I am loyal to you, 100%" -- meaning, you too have show that you care deeply about this country. I am loyal to you for that commitment.
I watched a little of it last night. The man has a remarkable talent for stream of consciousness oratory.
The Democratic leadership has been quite disloyal to the nation, and the concepts on which it was founded, for a number of years. As has the great majority of the media and the education establishment.
Everyone's seen the meme, but the text works without the picture...
"They're not after me. They're after you. I'm just in the way." - Donald Trump
President as Chief Executive AND 'cultural linebacker'. Damn that's refreshing for once.
BE funny and schadenfreude if Smolett's fake hate crime - and the cover up, pushed the nation towards Trump in 2020.
Trump's loyalty to his voters is such that he openly declares that he wants to raise legal immigration to the highest levels ever, presumably to make sure his voters' wages don't get too high and also to make sure that he is the last Republican president.
Trump asked Comey for loyalty. It was touted as obstruction of justice and proof of treason. What it really was is the simple decency any employee owes to his boss.
Let Trump go to the Correspondents dinner and make the same statement. He'd have to modify it a bit for it not to be ludicrous. But he could be magnanimous. Remember him calling the media "They truly are the Enemy of the People and the Real Opposition Party!" Well it's hard to walk back "the Enemy of the People"*, but every open society needs an opposition party. Trump could give them credit for their loyalty to the country (not to him), and upend the conversation.
"And it has great potential as an attack on his opponents who were — in his view — disloyal to their nation."
You can have no particular commitment to Trump and still be revolted at the antics of Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Rice, Schiff and so on. What they did was disloyal to our country because they used the power of the state to attack and sully their political opponents. That is what really got Nixon removed, together with the willingness of the Republicans of that era to stand up for the country at great cost to their party's political fortunes.
We are in the era of "by any means necessary". There is no advantage to the country to forgo a full accounting of what the Obama security apparatus did. If there isn't an accounting, why shouldn't either party do it again? If Obama were truly innocent--and all this was done by overly ambitious underlings anxious that Hillary retain the throne--he should join Trump in calling for an accounting. I'll not wait for that to happen.
I don't want the accounting kicked under the rug or locked in a closet. I want there to be an understanding across the political spectrum that this should never happen again in America.
Mutual devotion, honesty, fidelity based on American principles of individual dignity, value, and reconciliation.
Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
"Leftwing loyalty is loyalty to pure evil."
Leftwing loyalty is an enforced loyalty based on government intervention. Your identity group better vote for us or we'll cut off your benefits.
The great lakes protect us from canadians.
I also caught an echo of Comey's accusation that Trump demanded "loyalty." There's loyalty in the sense of "my obedient servant" and loyalty in the sense of "no stabbing in the back."
Given what we know now - that Comey was dissembling to Trump about whether he was under investigation, even to the extent that some of the Obama DoJ holdovers were arguing that such a denial was not supportable - we can see Comey in the meeting, nervously concealing the knife with which he was planning to stab Trump in the back, as Trump cautiously probed him to find out if he was carrying a knife. He was.
When Trump speaks like this he is embracing the people and offering a positive and upbeat message of hope. MAGA reminds me of Reagan and his shining city on a hill theme. Trump is an optimist and contrasts himself beautifully with the Democrat pessimists and pessimism; they are people who were disappointed to learn that the sitting POTUS is not colluding with or a spy for the Russians. Not a winning theme, IMO.
It also has the whiff of authoritarianism, and I see his opponents using it against him.
It worked so well in 2016. Certainly it will work better now that the media yelling it 24/7 has been outed as corrupt.
So who’s left to make the charge? Dem candidates pushing single payer, 70% tax rates, and the confiscation of your cars and hamburgers?
These people are going to call Trump “authoritarian”?
I hope so. Pretty please with sugar.
They're the best people, the smartest people, the most loyal people..
Rated another Trump lie by Politifact!
Just like the hundreds of times he protested his innocence, all rated as Trump lies.
There is a world of difference between Trump's message to the American people, and what Obama had to say to America. World. OF. DIFFERENCE.
And it has great potential as an attack on his opponents who were — in his view — disloyal to their nation.
They absolutely were disloyal, at least those who pushed the Russia/collusion hoax. Ideology aside, accepting the outcome of an election and a smooth transition of power are essential for the survival of the nation. To undermine that as the Democrats have done is traitorous.
Well it's hard to walk back "the Enemy of the People"*,
Why should he. They tried to overturn an election they didn’t like. Tried to cripple his duly elected presidency from the start with lies. Lies promulgated, as even the Washington Post has reported and their fact checker has conceded, by lies paid for by Hillary Clinton, their favored candidate.
I realize that few here will get behind my idea of Trump being magnanimous to his "pure evil" opposition, but I think it would be a powerful move for him.
In Victory: Magnanimity
In a Machiavellian sense, the man was easier to despise when he looked beatable.
The vulgar crowd always is taken by appearances, and the world consists chiefly of the vulgar.
Trump's loyalty to his voters is such that he openly declares that he wants to raise legal immigration to the highest levels ever, presumably to make sure his voters' wages don't get too high and also to make sure that he is the last Republican president.
The Dems want to give illegals the right to vote.
Reagan 2.0. Trump is a genius at messaging based on emotion and identity, and that is the only kind that really matters because it is “sticky”. For him, it comes from who he is. It’s genuine, not manufactured by consultants from focus groups.
People can see and feel the difference. There’s a lesson here for those with both eyes wide open.
Trump asked Comey for loyalty. It was touted as obstruction of justice and proof of treason.
Loyalty to America is obstruction of social justice and proof of reason.
Compare and contrast the number of times he says "YOU" and "YOUR" with the number of times Obama says "I" and "MY" in any given speech.
You missed the part where he claimed the Great Lakes have 'record deepness'.
Also the part where he claimed he supports fully funding the Great Lakes Restoration despite this every year proposing cuts to it in his budget (2020 cuts of 90%).
Trump's loyalty to his voters is such that he openly declares that he wants to raise legal immigration to the highest levels ever, presumably to make sure his voters' wages don't get too high and also to make sure that he is the last Republican president.
Legal immigration. They come, they go. We are a nation of immigrants.
The Dems have been trying for decades to make sure there are no more republican presidents. We can start this argument with the schools which are run by shaped by vile progs.
So this dummy from queens somehow understands that loyalty in the Midwest is quite possibly the most prized value. Weird how dumb he is.
Time to drop the hammer on the Left and their allies in the:
Deep State
The Michiganders' water is not bad; their lead service pipes and fittings are. So are yours.
Althouse, I am sorry to say that the Democrats had a hell of an answer in 2018. They swept every statewide office, cut into the Republican State House majority, and took two congressional seats away from the Republican column. One of those seats was incumbent Mike Bishop. The other was a vacant seat that was abandoned by disgusted moderate Republican attorney Dave Trott who quit politics. It was the worst year for Michigan Republicans in my adult memory.
And I have illustrative video. Thanks to my following George Conway's Twitter account, I learned of this amazing video created by an enterprising journalist who is working the subject of "QAnon," the alt-right conspiracy site. This is some World Class Trolling, my friends. The guy created a sign, "Make Noise for QAnon," and just walked the entrance lineup for the crowd at yesterday's Trump rally at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids. And as e walked the line, he recorded the crowd's reaction.
This is just over 20 minutes of video, and if someone had told me beforehand that I would watch all 20 minutes and find it as amazing and horrifying and fascinating as it was, I would not have believed it.
What counterargument can the Democrats make to Michigan...
"Hey look what we did for Detroit!"
In a conflict between such polarized sides, where political allegiance ("loyalty") is largely based on caste, race and ethnicity, there isn't much scope for appealing to those of the other side, except in a few edge cases.
Let's watch and see what share of the black voted the Hispanic vote he gets.He might be able to break through the "race asnd caste" divisions. I don't know the answer but it will be interesting to watch.
Mostly, I'm worried about vote harvesting, which Democrats ran a test on in 2018.
He's right, of course. He's probably the only Presidential candidate in decades who actually cares about America and Americans.
The Truth hurts. Our beloved President is a worthy man. What a revolting development that is to enemies of this rebel Nation called the United States occupying the Americas. I guess Washingon, Jackson,Polk, Lincoln, Grant, TR, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower , JFK and Reagan did not serve in vain after all . They were all loyal men worthy of Americans' loyalty back.
Henry said...
Let Trump go to the Correspondents dinner and make the same statement. He'd have to modify it a bit for it not to be ludicrous. But he could be magnanimous. Remember him calling the media "They truly are the Enemy of the People and the Real Opposition Party!" Well it's hard to walk back "the Enemy of the People"*, but every open society needs an opposition party. Trump could give them credit for their loyalty to the country (not to him), and upend the conversation.
Why on earth should he do that? I'd prefer Reaganesque "the mass arrests begin in five minutes, thanks for gathering all in one place tonight" type humor from him. If you want to call these scum loyal to the country, it is loyalty only to their vision of the country as they see it and not in any other form such as how it actually is. You're kind of schizo, Henry, which side are you on?
I said...
Well it's hard to walk back "the Enemy of the People"
Nobody said...
Why should he.
For more winning, of course.
“In a conflict between such polarized sides, where political allegiance ("loyalty") is largely based on caste, race and ethnicity, there isn't much scope for appealing to those of the other side, except in a few edge cases.”
I agree that there is a lot of that, but the fight is for the middle, those who made get have allegiances to both sides. Thus, for example, in the last election, Trump attracted a significant number of working class voters that typically in the past supported Democrats, while Crooked Hillary got the votes of a significant number of upper middle class college advocated voters who typically voted Republican in the past. I think these rallies by Trump do two things. One is to counteract the othering that the elites in this country are trying to accomplish with Trump and his followers. The upper middle, and even to some extent middle middle, class are strivers who worry about how their betters view them, and often try to gain acceptance from them. The left has attempted to separate Trump from many traditional Republicans by othering him, and trying to show that he doesn’t belong in polite company, which they control, and the upper middle class wants to belong to. This is countered by these rallies because Trump supporters, even closet ones, get the reinforcement of being on the winning team, along with tens of thousands of other enthusiastic supporters. It also shows that Republicans are more virtuous. Democrats can’t seem to get together without rioting and trying to burn down whatever they are surrounded by at the time, while Republican rallies tend towards being a lot of really nice people who inevitably clean up after themselves. Who can forget 16 year old Sandmann wearing his MAGA hat, and stoically ignoring the Black Hebrews, then the Indian activist banging his drums in his face, with an almost angelic smile? This virtue has its own attraction to esp the upper middle class traditional Republicans who voted for Crooked Hillary last time around. And you see this at those Trump rallies.
You're kind of schizo, Henry, which side are you on?
LOL. Does schizo have sides?
I'm on everyone's side. Neither "side" is going away. Every "win" is transitory. What is your idea of victory?
Althouse writes better and clearer than any DNC-Media hack currently employed by the NYT and WaPo. This was concise, fact based, and literally raised questions. Not the usual MSM blather and false set-ups that they call "raising questions" as they do here:
Mueller Report Exceeds 300 Pages, Raising Questions About Four-Page Summary (NYT)
Mueller Report Exceeds 300 Pages, Raising Questions About 4-Page Summary (SF Chronicle)
Robert Mueller Has Raised Big Trump-Russia Questions. Will His Report Answer Them? (Mother Jones)
They have no shame and they won't change. Glad this blog is here.
My facebook friends in Grand Rapids are just distraught he spoke there and there were so many people in attendance.
Why is it so hard to have people who disagree with you politically? We like to think that we are all one of a kind, yet it infuriates us when people don't think like we do. (often)
Trump is tapping into something real, here. I haven't gotten the feeling that any of the last few Democratic presidents love the United States and its people. They are ever-ready to defend and stir up resentments in some interest group or another, but clearly are not on our side. I have always been a bit amazed that people would vote for politicians who voice things like "cling to guns and religion" or "basket full of deplorables".
I am a middle class guy, who is married, has kids and a job. I would like a president who will represent my interests and not try to turn me into a good Swede, German or Frenchman. I am pretty sure we are most of the country (not the guy part, but the rest) and I am tired of presidents who think we are the problem.
If we could ban the term "Rustbelt", it would go a long way toward creating goodwill in the midwest. Why in the world should politicians and media outlets use such a derogatory term so casually? Trump not using it makes a difference.
I agree with mockturtle and disagree with Henry. Expressing contempt for people who hate his supporters is a good political move.
After 2018, anyone who thinks the GOP is in the ascendant in either Michigan or Wisconsin is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that there isn't an enthusiasm gap between the GOP and the Dems is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that the Dems are not figuring out ways to maximize their votes by parsing or changing the voting laws (consider vote harvesting) is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that gutting or eliminating the Electoral College is not high on the Dems list of priorities is kidding themselves.
The GOP needs a message that transcends all of these troubling facts. Just as the Obama team was never able to wrest control of the House from the GOP, the GOP is going to need more than the controversial Donald Trump at the head of the ticket to do well up and down the line in 2020.
When the Dems controlled the House for all but four of the 64 years between 1930 and 1994, they were content to leave everything the same--it worked to their advantage. Having been out of power in the House for all but six years between 1994 and 2020, the Dems are ready to change everything.
BE funny and schadenfreude if Smolett's fake hate crime - and the cover up, pushed the nation towards Trump in 2020.
When Prosecutorial Discretion Is Woke
"Throwing out charges against Jussie Smollett is consistent with the social-justice narrative that a hate hoax can be true in a deeper sense."
A few days ago there was a post here about a racist black activist prosecutrix who had displayed, in a courthouse, an unconstitutional and rather silly quote about "justice" - I think the activist's point was that "justice" trumps, so to speak, the "white man's laws", the same way the crooked Chicago prosecutors dropped the Smollett ball, or crooked Eric Holder allowing the Black Panthers to intimidate voters.
Here's more on how guys get probation for "armed home invasion" in Chicago.
Poor LLR always looking back, unable to see what’s right in front of him, and unwilling to see how this sets the table for someone with vigor and a love for their state to campaign WITH TRUMP and ride that optimistic forward-looking message’s coattails to victory. How is the dour, petty, obsessed with status, and fossilized LLR/GOPe in MI going to win continually shitting on the only nstion-side WINNER in our party? Or are you Tlaib supporter now?
Maybee said... Why is it so hard to have people who disagree with you politically?
My question also.
Althouse: Democrats seem only to offer empathy for their predicament.
No, they feign sympathy.
For the record I think Henry is on the right track with proposing magniminity.
Curious George said...
What counterargument can the Democrats make to Michigan...
"Hey look what we did for Detroit!"
Interesting comment. I expect that most voters and in particular a lot of working class swing voters probably think that it was Obama who "bailed out Detroit" by assisting GM through a managed bankruptcy and facilitating the sale of Chrysler to FCA.
Mitt Romney was absolutely hammered by the Obama-loving media for having suggested (a year earlier) that what GM needed was indeed a managed bankruptcy. Romney was, of course, right. Prescient, actually.
As for the City of Detroit as a municipality and not just the home of the American automobile industry; Democrats singlehandedly bankrupted it. A Republican Michigan governor, with a Republican majority legislature, and a bankruptcy team that was about 80% Republican, fixed it by force of law and executive action.
As with Flint and their water "crisis." Decades of all-Democrat rule at the city and county level. Driving it all into insolvency. Making it nearly impossible to pay their bills to the Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept., and so the local leaders approved and managed a switch to a local source on a temporary basis. (All conveniently blamed on an Emergency Manager who was appointed by the Republican governor.)
Mark Steyn had a humorous instant take on the speech last night.
“A rhetorical style that makes every other politician seem fake and boring.”
Victory is transitory between political sides, maybe, but not among peoples.
There are permanent or at least long term consequences to the creation of dominant and subservient castes. Heck, in India their caste system has been stable for 4000 years, recently determined by genetic analysis. And this in spite of countless cycles of political upset, religious change, multiple foreign invasions and conquests.
Political sides just migrate among the prevailing interests, changing the mix of their supporters, hence the transitory situation on that level. Party politics is a veneer over more important things.
The important level is the socio-cultural one, not the political one.
What you have here, now, is a war of castes, where the almost-entirely dominant one is attempting to suppress an uprising by those that they would prefer to be subservient.
AA said: "... accusations of treason for those who perpetrated the Russia hoax...".
Well, it was a hoax, and it was treasonous in its origins, motivations, and methods, so you have to give the man credit for seeing that and clearly stating the plain truth.
I believe that Bruce Hayden above summed it up quite well. The Dims have a long way to go to walk back their frequent insinuations that the working class in this country (who IMO really are the best people) are racist, backward, and deplorable. Not a message that lifts the spirit of the hearer, that. Even though it reinforces the speaker's sense of virtue and superiority.
The working people in this country are sick and tired of being pushed around by know-it-all snobs. Trump hates snobs. Trump wins.
Look at what we did for Chicago and the State of Madigastan—Illinois.
Why that horrible Trump talking about Loyalty, why that's just how the Godfather talked - LOL.
I agree, a brilliant phrase by Trump that encapsulates what people want in the President. We want someone looking out for US "the people" and the country as a whole. FDR, Ike and Reagan all gave that impression. That said, I'm skeptical if Trump can win Michigan - its full of dead-head Yellow Dog Democrats.
And the MSM IS the "enemy of the people". They'd be brought up on "hate crime charges" if it was against the law to hate the President and the deplorables who elected him. Trump was smart enough to understand that no one likes the Nattering nabobs of negativism. Every time he punches their smug faces, he wins votes.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Poor LLR always looking back, unable to see what’s right in front of him, and unwilling to see how this sets the table for someone with vigor and a love for their state to campaign WITH TRUMP and ride that optimistic forward-looking message’s coattails to victory. How is the dour, petty, obsessed with status, and fossilized LLR/GOPe in MI going to win continually shitting on the only nstion-side WINNER in our party? Or are you Tlaib supporter now?
I expect you have no idea what a perfect answer there is, to your comment.
In 2018, the Michigan 11th Congressional District was an open seat. Vacated, as I mentioned above, by 2-termer Dave Trott. (Trott is one of the smartest and wealthiest -- self made -- lawyers in the region. He was not a career politician. He had never run before, and is now out of politics for good.)
The 11th was drawn up by Michigan Republicans. It had been held by a Republican with the exception of just a couple of years, since the late 1930's. Cook PVI rates it R+4.
And in 2018, the Republican nominee in the 11th was Lena Epstein, who was one of the earliest and most ardent pro-Trump Republicans in the state. She became Trump's Michigan campaign chairperson when he won the 2016 nomination. She might be the Trumpiest Republican in all of Michigan. She didn't really have a very long history with the Michigan Republican Party or electoral politics. She was all about Trump. And in a suburban district with very high education levels and a median household income of around $82,000, she lost a R+4% district by more than 6%. Mitt Romney had won the district in 2012.
About Tlaib, since you mentioned her. She's nothing, in terms of the balance of power. Her district used to be John Conyers' district. It will always be won by a borderline nutjob Democrat. Like Conyers. Like Tlaib. It means nothing in terms of congressional swing districts. The balance of power in the House is won in places like the Michigan 11th, and the Michigan 8th, and the Michigan 7th. White, upper-middle class suburbs. All of them should be won by Republicans, but now two out of the three are in Democratic hands. Democratic-women hands, to be more precise.
Henry said:
"Let Trump go to the Correspondents dinner and make the same statement."
Simple. Frame "loyalty" in terms of being loyal to founding principles for their craft like truthfulness, impartiality, fairness, attention to detail, etc, etc, etc.
Thinking anylawless is OK because Hillary will win
Blogger Hagar said...
The Michiganders' water is not bad; their lead service pipes and fittings are. So are yours.
Flint’s public water utility must comply with the same requirements of the Clean Water Act as every other public utility. They failed to maintain their infrastructure.
Everyone had lead pipes at one time. Over time other utilities have replaced or lined their lead pipes, adopted lead-free solder, and begun using lead-free fixtures.
What Trump is up against:
Read that important article and buy the book.
The Deep State is loyal to its own interests.
They would subjugate us if they could.
Resist, we must.
The Administrative State is Leviathan.
It hopes to enslave.
And the announced democrat candidates are all trying to find the magic elixir: free college tuition; raising public school teacher salaries (by the federal govt?); whaterlver corey booker’s latest BS thing is. They have NOTHING except “keep voting for us, we’re not Trump.”
What I really enjoyed hearing from Trump, found it really refreshing, and they played it without bleeping on late night Fox: When he said it was all Bullshit claims. Thank you, regular man. Straight to the point. What the guy on the barstool next to you might say. And from Trump it’s not ‘out of character’ pandering like Warren’s contrived/orchestrated: “I’m gunna go get me a beer”
Meanwhile I keep reading (I think the latest was Charles Blow - he sucks btw) that wearing a MAGA hat is akin to inciting a riot. WTF?
Are the left so lacking in ideas and so unable to debate that they have to constantly change the rules to handicap the other side? Ok that was rhetorical.
Three things i know about grand rapids
Furniture capital
Gerald ford
Don McLean/grand rapids lipdub https://youtu.be/ZPjjZCO67WI
John Henry
Arguing that Romney was correct is so God damned stupid and lazy.
What the everloving good did that do for him?
Loser Big Government Republicans are not serious people.
Only fifteen years ago Judis and Texiera published The Emerging Democratic Majority. Note to Democrats — don’t lap up your own vomit.
And in addition Adam Schiff is still “Penci Neck”
Love this man. I would happily take to the streets with a hammer and smash Democrat party members to fucking pieces for this president! And that's just what our sickly nation needs- a purging of the poison that is the democrat party in the USA. Kill these fucking traitors trying to destroy our American way of life.
@Jersey Fled -- Excellent idea.
For a "perfect answer" that was really weak, Chuck. Now look forward and tell me how the smart LLRs in MI are going to RUN with Trump, since he will be on the ballot in 2020, unlike 2018, which was implied in my previous post. Interesting that you would not pick up on that. Unexpected? Not really.
Well, let me help out the leftists here: That all sounds pretty much like what Hitler was telling the disgruntled people in Germany. They felt the same way about how they had been treated, and they badly needed someone to champion them and tell them they still had value and dignity. I bet you can find some passages from Hitler's speeches that say virtually the same things.
There is some truth to that, but it's also true of virtually every society that ever faught oppression, especially those fighting their own governments oppression or the oppression of the elite classes. Sometimes those speeches led to horrible outcomes and violence, and sometimes they freed a people. Similar things were said by the patriots and founding fathers of this country, by the people of India about British rule, the Blacks in the South before seeing freedom and equality, but also communists and fascists around the globe in service of even worse oppression than what they fought.
So which is Trump-ism, and what makes it just or evil this time?
From the video it seems it's been a great couple of weeks for middle-aged white people in Michigan.
the GOP is going to need more than the controversial Donald Trump at the head of the ticket to do well up and down the line in 2020.
2018 is not the template. In 2018, most of the R's were running away from Trump because they didn't want to answer questions about his latest tweet attacking the media, or about Russian collusion.
That's no longer a problem. This week is the first week the Republican Party has begun to coalesce around the President, affirming and amplifying his message to their voters back home.
Trump is no longer fighting the battle against the Democrats all by himself.
BigMike: "Note to Democrats — don’t lap up your own vomit."
Democrats and LLR's. See upthread.
Arguing that Romney was correct is so God damned stupid and lazy.
The Republican Party is based on people who couldn't win an election but were proved right decades later.
They are the true heroes of the LLR's.
Honorable, right-thinking people who are but a footnote in history.
I think its healthy the LLR's arent even trying to hide their lefty/dem love.
Its much healthier this way.
Althouse: Democrats seem only to offer empathy for their predicament.
No, they blame white privilege and the patriarchy.
They preach a zero-sum game, where the only way for you to get ahead is to tear someone else down.
Point me to the crushed glass and the hot coals that I can walk over to support this great President. My president!
Here's a little question to ponder:
If the Democrats could get all policies they asked for but could never hold power, would they take it?
Healthcare, guns, abortion, immigration, the whole enchilada.
Now switch parties and answer again.
Then tell me which group is principled and which just wants power.
“After 2018, anyone who thinks the GOP is in the ascendant in either Michigan or Wisconsin is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that there isn't an enthusiasm gap between the GOP and the Dems is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that the Dems are not figuring out ways to maximize their votes by parsing or changing the voting laws (consider vote harvesting) is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that gutting or eliminating the Electoral College is not high on the Dems list of priorities is kidding themselves.
The GOP needs a message that transcends all of these troubling facts. Just as the Obama team was never able to wrest control of the House from the GOP, the GOP is going to need more than the controversial Donald Trump at the head of the ticket to do well up and down the line in 2020.”
Exactly. And for those of you who seem to be confused about loyalty to the nation and loyalty to a person, namely Trump, I’d say Trump IS NOT the nation. He is a person. Trump conflates himself with the country, he’s done so numerous times in the past and you people either don’t care or just eat up what he’s serving, even if it’s the poopoo platter.
To Mike (MJB Wolf):
EPIC-MRA is one of the small handful of leading pollsters for the state of Michigan. Historically, I think it leans a little (but very little) left.*
EPIC-MRA's March, 2019 polling indicates that (result summaries quoted from the Detroit Free Press):
•Nearly half, 49 percent, of respondents in Michigan say they will definitely vote to replace Trump and another 16 percent say they will consider voting for someone else. Only 31 percent said they will definitely vote to re-elect Trump.
•Self-described independent voters are driving down Trump's numbers. Among independents, 44 percent say they will definitely vote for someone else and 27 percent say they will consider backing another candidate, while only 18 percent say they would definitely vote to re-elect.
•Meanwhile, 57 percent of women say they will vote for someone else and 17 percent say they will consider another candidate, compared with 41 percent of men who say they will vote for someone else and 14 percent who say they will consider someone else.
•And while 67 percent of Republican voters said they would vote to re-elect Trump, that is well below the 80 percent of Republicans who believe he is doing a good or excellent job as president. Seventy-four percent of Republican men say they will definitely vote to re-elect Trump, but only 59 percent of Republican women agree.
As with most polls, the EPIC-MRA poll asked respondents their political leanings, and 42 percent of those surveyed identified as Republicans or Republican-leaning independents (compared with 43 percent Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents and 12 percent true independents).
But since only 31 percent of all of those surveyed said they would definitely vote again for Trump, it shows a problem for Trump even among those who would be expected to be his most loyal supporters — the 42 percent who identify as Republican voters.
"The vote to re-elect numbers are 31 percent — 11 points below the (Republican) Party identification.That spells trouble for him," said [pollster Bernie] Porn. "And there are people who are saying they like him, or are giving him a positive job rating, who are still saying they won't re-elect him. That gap is a problem."
The poll shows that Trump's overall favorability rating has dropped from EPIC-MRA's last poll in October, from 43 percent favorable and 53 percent unfavorable then to 40 percent favorable and 55 percent unfavorable now.
Meanwhile, the percentage of those surveyed who rated Trump's performance as president dropped from 43 percent positive and 56 percent negative to 40 percent positive and 58 percent negative.
For the poll, EPIC-MRA of Lansing randomly surveyed 600 likely voters in Michigan between Sunday and Thursday of this week.The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points.
*In 2016, Epic-MRA had Clinton ahead in November, but reported Trump gaining fast, and with a stunning 13% still undecided. Epic-MRA said that the late Trump gain was very significant, and that the very large 13% undecided meant that turnout might be depressed, and they were right about that.
Althouse asks, "what can be the Democratic response?"
That's EASY. They just have to share their honest agenda:
"You are all a bunch of fascist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, sub-normal IQ, ignorant knuckle draggers, who deserve to have your communities deteriorate and die, for even listening to Orangeman Bad."
Sounds like a winner!!
Seriously, since Trump won in 2016 I have been very skeptical that he can win in 2020, my thinking being that he won against a terrible candidate who ran a terrible campaign, and even so, only a few thousand votes in a few states were the difference. So, a merely adequate candidate running a marginal campaign should do better than Hillary did in 2016, and any "better" at all would be enough.
But I am beginning to wonder about that, because as Glen Reynolds says, "all they have to do is act sane but they can't manage even that."
“Love this man. I would happily take to the streets with a hammer and smash Democrat party members to fucking pieces for this president! And that's just what our sickly nation needs- a purging of the poison that is the democrat party in the USA. Kill these fucking traitors trying to destroy our American way of life.”
There you go. This is what Blind Trumpism has wrought. Blind “loyalty” to a MAN, NOT the nation. You people are so far gone, it’s scary. But thanks to Michael Fitzgerald here for making your dysfunctional thinking crystal clear.
Michael Fitzgerald said...
Love this man. I would happily take to the streets with a hammer and smash Democrat party members to fucking pieces for this president! And that's just what our sickly nation needs- a purging of the poison that is the democrat party in the USA. Kill these fucking traitors trying to destroy our American way of life.
I rest my case.
Everyone have a nice day and a great weekend and may God bless the United States of America.
As a lifelong Republican, I will never have to answer for such a comment, nor will I ever have to think about defending anyone who stated the converse; that she or he "Loves [some Democratic president]. I would happily take to the streets with a hammer and smash Republicans to fucking pieces for my president! And that's just what our bigoted nation needs- a purging of the poison that is the Republican Party in the USA. Kill these fucking traitors trying to destroy our American way of life."
"As a lifelong Republican..."
Protestith too muchith. Must grope old glory more
Inga: "There you go. This is what Blind Trumpism has wrought"
Please Inga, tell us more....
There are no more reliable predictors of Presidential election results than our resident lefty prognosticators LLR Chuck and Inga.
Inga and LLR Chuck are quite adament republican chances for victory would be "improved" if Trump was not on the ticket.
They are both very "concerned" republicans do not appear to be doing what is in the republican party's best interest...
BTW, purely coincidentally, at this very moment when the tables are turning on the treasonous traitors of the left and LLR-left, the media and blogs are chock FULL of lefty and LLR advice that now is certainly NOT the time for republicans to push their coup investigations AND Trump should withdraw.
So very very very much totally spontaneous and uncoordinated "advice" from our lefty/LLR friends all showing up at precisely the same time making precisely the same point using precisely the same terms.
Great cut and paste Ingachuck! Unwilling to speak your own mind but happy to provide me what the progressives are saying. Thanks. I’ll call the shot. Trump takes MI by 5 points or less. LLRs and Ds hardest hit.
Notice both Ingachuck and. Chuckinga pounce on the one outrageous commenter as if it’s emblamatic of ALL Trump voters or conservative commenters. That’s fine. I think you both represent your parties perfectly as well. Perfectly.
The quoted paragraph is exactly what got him elected and it is an idea that the Left utterly fails to comprehend. Worldwide.
Henry said " every open society needs an opposition party"
Indeed. And Trump IS the opposition party. That's why the Democrats and Republicans have abandoned all pretense of being in opposition to one another to close ranks against Trump. For all the dishonest blathering we hear about political polarization, ever since Trump took office the "two parties" have acted as one united body with remarkable regularity. All of the government spending bills since Trump became President (bills which were raised middle-fingers to Trump and his supporters) have passed Congress with near unanimous support.
And "both parties" also supported the outrageously illegal investigation into candidate Trump and later President Trump.
If you truly want an open society you need to support the existence of a genuine opposition party .... which means you need to support Trump.
""You have always been loyal to your nation. And now you have a President who is loyal to you — 100 percent.""
So I haven't read through all the comments (something I used to do religiously before commenting but now is a waste of time) to see if, or how often, this comment has already been rendered, but it seems to me Trump has something here. He cares what people think, not about "guiding" their thinking to the "correct" answwer.
.... the Republican nominee in the 11th was Lena Epstein, who was one of the earliest and most ardent pro-Trump Republicans in the state. She became Trump's Michigan campaign chairperson when he won the 2016 nomination. She might be the Trumpiest Republican in all of Michigan. She didn't really have a very long history with the Michigan Republican Party or electoral politics. She was all about Trump. And in a suburban district with very high education levels and a median household income of around $82,000, she lost a R+4% district by more than 6%.
"Highly educated" people are the dumbest people in the country. The mark of the 'highly educated" person is their ability to absorb and regurgitate the thoughts given to them by people in positions of influence and authority. They actually pride themselves on this, on holding the "approved views".
"Highly educated" people like you mindlessly repeat every idiotic accusation which the press makes against Trump.
Chuck said..."I rest my case."
If you're using "Michael Fitzgerald" to make your case, you've already lost.
I'm not interested in graciousness and magnanimity. The GOPe has been doing this for decades, against Democratic opposition that doesn't hesitate to be crude, vulgar, obscene, and slanderous, where has it gotten conservatives? Mitt Romney? Please.
For once in my life, I see a fighter. No holds barred brawler. A 'spit in my face and I'm gonna knock you out' kind of guy. Which is exactly what is needed at this moment in history.
'I can't spare this man, he fights!'
And a little except: "I don't want any messages saying 'I'm holding my position.' We're not holding a goddamned thing. We're advancing constantly and we're not interested in holding anything except the enemy's balls. We're going to hold him by his balls and we're going to kick him in the ass; twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all the time. Our plan of operation is to advance and keep on advancing. We're going to go through the enemy like shit through a tinhorn. "
EPIC-MRA is one of the small handful of leading pollsters for the state of Michigan.
Yes Chuck, keep quoting polling results from March 8th as if they have any relevance today.
Certainly nothing in the political worlds has changed since then.
This is what Blind Trumpism has wrought.
Words on a screen.
What has Blind Progressivism wrought?
- Antifa destruction
- Congresspeople shot
- DOJ and Intel communities weaponized
- Media credibility destroyed
And a few other things you might want to think about, if you can muster the self-awareness.
The Dems will spin "loyalty to the nation" as loyalty to white supremacy. If the word were used in the European context, maybe they'd have a point, but we aren't in Europe.
CWJ said...
"Loyalty" vs. "patriotism." It also has the whiff of authoritarianism, and I see his opponents using it against him.
Thank you for establishing how evil and worthless your side is
Here in America, loyalty is supposed to be a two way street. You are loyal to your church / wife / boss / company / platoon leader / etc, and they are loyal to you.
The strongest argument for Trump among Republicans is that most Republican politicians are loyal to the donor class, and "elite consensus", not to the base voters.
See: immigration. Funding for Planned Parenthood.
Trump, OTOH, is loyal to the voters. If you don't understand why this is a HUGE plus for Trump, you are a monster
Two observations.
First, LOYALTY is like fraternité. They are both double edged. One is loyal to the group but the group can ask of you things that are good for the group but bad for you. In France, fraternité is another term for conforming--the collective can TELL you how to act and what to think.
I understand Trump's use; however, the way phrased here, it can be taken in negative terms. He might be better served to say the US is LOYAL TO YOU.
Second, the increase of LEGAL immigration should make the millenials and lefties VERY nervous. Legal immigration requires skills testing. Think of all the small startups who need information systems techs and contemplate how many computer mavens live in India, China, France, all over the world, who would love to enter the US and compete with a lower wage rate than the "Silicon Valley" crowd.
Legal Immigrants are NOT landscapers and field laborers. They have education, skills, training, and speak ENGLISH. They are middle class in their own countries so they and their children will fit in well in Middle Class US of A (and will make it GREAT).
Nope, the Lefties are going to have to compete with Legal Immigrants who can well do their job at half the rate.
Let's listen to their screed then and pay attention for cultural bias if not racism.
So Inga and Chuck found someone who expresses a desire to do to Democrats what antifa and thugs paid by the Clinton campaign have been doing to Republicans for years already. And guess what, you two? If Democrats don’t fix antifa soon, it’s only going to get worse.
Consider that if Trump had chosen a Hillary-like campaign slogan it would have been "He's with me" and not "I'm with him."
I rest my case.
What case ? You have an anecdote.
I'm not interested in graciousness and magnanimity. The GOPe has been doing this for decades, against Democratic opposition that doesn't hesitate to be crude, vulgar, obscene, and slanderous, where has it gotten conservatives? Mitt Romney? Please.
For once in my life, I see a fighter. No holds barred brawler. A 'spit in my face and I'm gonna knock you out' kind of guy. Which is exactly what is needed at this moment in history.
'I can't spare this man, he fights!'
He might be better served to say the US is LOYAL TO YOU.
But his point is it’s not, hasn’t been, and won’t be, as long as our global betters are running things.
That’s why his personal pledge is something different.
Marius created his own legions and paid for them. They owed their loyalty to him. This was a serious acceleration of the Decline of the Roman Republic.
Academics, media people and Democrats (but I repeat myself) have, to their peril, slandered patriotism because they didn't want to OWE patriotism any service.
Well, people have a hole in their spiritual and political lives which used to be patriot shaped.
Now they have a good alternative: Loyalty. That is a far more personal bond.
This is incredibly dangerous. Alas, I have a choice of Democrats like Inga and the current crop of Dems who want to destroy elections by removing the Electoral College, having illegals vote, and vote harvesting. OR loyalty to Trump instead of patriotism.
Either way I am screwed. But the fucking Althousian hippies who couldn't take 'no' from their parents and disparaged duty and owing things started this crapfest.
I weep for my children.
Here is the thing: There is something besides toxins in the water. Mike Lee did that incredibly funny take down of the ridiculous AOC.
Somehow, the Republicans, between Cocaine Mitch, Lindsey (leaf in the wind) Graham...and now Mike Lee are all suddenly discovering spines. They are all, in their ways, punching back at Dems where they used to roll over and beg.
This...is shocking, hilarious and truly heartening. The Republicans are starting to realize that they are not alone, that the media can't hurt them anymore, and that if their voters will accept TRUMP, putting up a poster with Aquaman on it is small potatoes indeed! I bet Mike Lee has record donations. I want to send him some cash myself!
His antics were far better than Aquaman the movie.
I for one would love to import a large number of journalists from India.
They certainly can't do any worse than American journalists have done the last two years.
You people are so far gone, it’s scary.
Once again, if we were half as violent as you accuse us of being, you'd wouldn't be scared. You'd be dead.
But there you sit. Pounding your keyboard without a care in the world.
Why is that?
Yes indeed:
Which is exactly what is needed at this moment in history.
Exactly so! The right man in the right place at the right time.
“So very very very much totally spontaneous and uncoordinated "advice" from our lefty/LLR friends all showing up at precisely the same time making precisely the same point using precisely the same terms.”
You really are a conspiracy theory addict ( nutcase). You’re seriously trying to say that Chuck and I coordinate our comments? Maybe if they sound similar is because normal people have a normal reaction to a seriously nutty comment. If you people weren’t such Trump Cultists you might have had a similar visceral reaction to Michael Fitzgerald’s comment.
FIDO@5:22PM loyalty to Trump is given because this president earns it by his actions on behalf of me and my country. If Donald Trump were to trade 5 terrorists for a dirty rotten traitor, or start badmouthing America and Americans, or lie through his teeth about keeping my insurance while working secretly to take it away from me, or start palling around with anti-American Democrat party members, then the president's support would evaporate, and guys like me would feel about him the same way we do about the Bushes, Paul Ryan and mitt Romney.
This president earns our love respect and admiration.
Inga: "You’re seriously trying to say that Chuck and I coordinate our comments?"
Of course not.
Its completely coincidental. Like Pelosi saying its time to forget the Inga collusion lies and flexing to healthcare....and the entire lefty and LLR-lefty media across all platforms choosing to completely reengineer their entire programming focus to healthcare.
Coincidental, like the targeting of conservative groups by the obama/LLR IRS.
Its all just a big misunderstanding.
Like Comey/Clapper/Brennan taking a hoax dossier that only abject morons would believe is true into a presidential briefing and the 10 minutes later Buzzfeed publishes it and simultaneoysly former obama admin official Jim Sciutto on CNN is running with the story with entire panels of reporters across the globe already teed up to trash Trump.
All a coincidence. Obviously.
Wait a minute! You believed that hoax dossier was true, didnt you Inga?
Wait!! Dont tell me!! Let me guess!!
You STILL believe its true, dont you?!
Its okay, you can admit it. We already know....
Inga, what did you think of your lefty/LLR pal viciously beating up that 85 year old man for daring to be pro-life?
Were you proud of him?
You ahould be. You played a part in encouraging him to do so thru your language.
Manayunk Woman Says Arsonist Torched Her Car Because Cardboard Cutout of Trump Was Inside
Tolerance! Love Trumps hate. yada yada.
By the way, the entire
CIA/FBI/State/5 Eyes and
soft coup attempt is exploded.
The documents are going to be released and they are going to be glorious.
I'm relatively circumspect about criminal indictments but I believe the evidence will be too overwhelming for the normal suppression efforts to work.
The MSM support for the conspirators will not be enough.
Mean tweets by Trump will not derail this situation.
You’re seriously trying to say that Chuck and I coordinate our comments?
Not at all! We believe that whoever gives the two of you your talking points coordinate the talking points.
Maybe if they sound similar is because normal people have a normal reaction to a seriously nutty comment.
The two of you are normal? Assumes facts not in evidence.
If you people weren’t such Trump Cultists
As far as normal people are concerned, Never-Trump is the cult.
... you might have had a similar visceral reaction to Michael Fitzgerald’s comment.
My reaction, per my comment, is that people who support antifa and the Clinton campaign sending thugs to attack people attending Trump campaign events will perhaps get some of their own back. If you are frightened of Michael Fitzgerald, then why don't you call off some of your own dogs?
Wow. I don't see anything to admire about a president who wants loyalty from all Americans. Big Brother expects you to be loyal. Big Government expects you to be loyal. Your Lord expects all of his vassals to be loyal. Are you loyal enough, serf?
“My reaction, per my comment, is that people who support antifa and the Clinton campaign sending thugs to attack people attending Trump campaign events will perhaps get some of their own back. If you are frightened of Michael Fitzgerald, then why don't you call off some of your own dogs?”
This is a normal comment? Well maybe for these comments threads it is. Who are my dogs? Who supports antifa? I’m not frightened by Michael Fitzgerald, I’m more frightened by the wide spread cultism seen here in you Trumpists’ postings. We’ve seen this sort of thing before in history.
Inga: "I’m more frightened by the wide spread cultism seen here in you Trumpists’ postings."
But not in the slightest bit concerned about the actual widespread violence by your lefty shock troops across the country.
Which makes sense actually, since the lefty/LLR motto is "your words are violence, my violence is speech".
But the other side will only accept that for so long before they "punch back twice as hard".
So you and LLR Chuck and the rest of the Hodgekinson-Left/LLR's should try and rein in your sanctuary city murderers and violent political activists.
What disturbs me about the FISA and 17 agency scandals is, where we’re the good leakers? Was no one in the FBI\ CIA willing to drop a dime on their evil bosses? Don’ they have some little people willing to do the right thing?
I'm very disappointed that both people who quoted my earlier comment assumed I endorsed using "loyalty" against Trump. I only said that it would be used. And it will. And those already predisposed to think of Trump as Hitler or whomever will lap it up. Geez, it does "our side" no good to not anticipate how a word a phrase might be used in opposition.
Who are my dogs?
Who supports antifa?
You do.
Are you happy or sad about No Collusion?
Happy people are those who love America, and do NOT want an American President colluding with bad guys.
Sad people are those who ... wanted an American President to collude?
Wanting collusion is NOT loyal to America.
Very Very smart messaging by Trump.
Wanting collusion is disloyalty. If you didn't want it, you would be happy to find out it wasn't there.
This really is pretty brilliant if he maintains the theme. The liberals are downtrodden that there WASN'T a Putin stooge in the white house. The media was, and still is, pushing a narrative that there is still something there. House investigations are all centered around things that have now been adjuticated by 2 years of scrutiny. And lingering out there is how we got here- FISA warrants, the Steele Dossier, Obama/Clinton orchestration on an active candidate, president-elect, and president. Yeah, this is a very winning message if he can maintain and expand
This is a good analysis of Trump’s speech. Well done!
I think it will be quite effective as well.
Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, defines "Loyalty" as Mama Morton from "Chicago" would:
Ask any of the chickies in my pen
They'll tell you I'm the biggest mother. . . .Hen
I love them all and all of them love me -
Because the system works;
the system called reciprocity!
Got a little motto
Always sees me through
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you!
Ask any of the chickies in my pen
They'll tell you I'm the biggest mother. . . .Hen
I love them all and all of them love me -
Because the system works;
the system called reciprocity!
Got a little motto
Always sees me through
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you!
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