March 12, 2019

"You fell for the 'fine people' hoax?"


Big Mike said...

I thought Woody Allen did a fine job of skewering this tendency of American Jews to go hunting for insults in anything a goy says. Someone needs to tell Lassner that “Annie Hall” was mocking this tendency, not a “how-to” guide.

Tank said...

Apparently, yes. As did many others. Prager and Hanson were just talking about this yesterday.

tcrosse said...

Did Jew fall for the 'fine people' hoax?

Jim Hanson said...

It was very inartfully said, but Trump's point was that it was not ll white supremacists in the march. There were also people who objected to airbrushing history.



traditionalguy said...

That is Clinton mind control tactic #1, which is to loudly accuse the GOP guy of doing exactly what they are really doing. It confuses the weak minded. And at least, you have the " everybody does it" defense set up.

The Jews are always in anger of being attacked. And their only true friends in the US Presidency have been Harry Truman and Donald Trump. A true friend is the one who will take risks to stand and defend you, and not run away when the Pogram starts.

Wince said...

“I mean, my favorite example is Charlottesville,” Adams said. “When there was a protest about pro- and anti-statues and the president said that there were fine people on both sides, that was reported as he says there were fine people in the racist group, you know, the white supremacists.”

“That wasn’t really the context. The context was pro-statue, anti-statue,” Adams continued... [Trump] absolutely could have been more clear. But the way it’s been presented as if the sitting president not only said that antifa was fine people — I’m sure he didn’t say that — but he also said the white supremacists were fine people in front of America and thought it was a good idea,” Adams added. “That clearly never happened.”

Where has been the rise of the intolerant right been since Charlottesville?

The left fears Charlottesville is receding into the rearview mirror of public consciousness, too much like an overhang of the Obama administration itself that was marked with daily headlines about racial strife in the streets, police shootings, etc.

This is especially true with the new rise of antisemitism in the actual halls of power being among leftist Democrats.

Look for the left to up the "strife" for 2020.

Henry said...

"hoax" does not mean the same as "inference"

Henry said...

It was very inartfully said, but Trump's point was that it was not ll white supremacists in the march. There were also people who objected to airbrushing history.

I agree that there were such people there. Did any of them look around and say to their buddies, "uh, Bill, you notice anything crazy about these people we're marching with?"

Ben Lange said...

Notice anything funny about these people we’re marching with? Yeah, let’s leave. Wait-there’s communists with bats blocking the exit!

traditionalguy said...

FTR, the white Nazis jerks in the USA are about a thousand strong, and half of them are undercover FBI informants. But the Northern Voters who are being targeted by the propaganda about them are still living in the delusion that the South is hock full of those strange paranoid zombies. They need to travel and expand their minds.

Nonapod said...

The fact that a large portion of the electorate still fully believes that Trump referred to white supremacists as "fine people" is proof that people's perceptions of reality are very malleable. And because of confirmation bias it's unlikely that most of them can be freed of this delusion. They need it to be true, otherwise they might have to accept other premises that could lead to cognitive dissonances or a difficult reevalution of their own perceptions.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Not just a hoax but a sacred text of the refulgent Resistánce.

Jersey Fled said...

Henry said:

"I agree that there were such people there. Did any of them look around and say to their buddies, "uh, Bill, you notice anything crazy about these people we're marching with?"

One might ask the same of those who marched at the Women's March.

Temujin said...

The Left hears what they want to hear.

The funniest line in the entire 2015-06 Republican primary season was Trump saying that if we wanted to seriously get hold of Hillary's 30,000 missing emails, we could just ask the Russians. I was watching and laughed out loud when he said that. He was clearly referring to the fact that Hillary (illegally) conducted government business on her personal email, through her personal server stored in her bathroom. And though our FBI could not find it, the Russians (and Chinese, and probably everyone else) had copies of it.

That line, which was hilarious, was heard by the Left as a confession by Trump that he was in close cahoots with the Russians. You really have to reach to get to that if you watched things in context.

Same thing with Charlottesville which has apparently morphed into the ONE GIANT REASON that Trump is a racist. Whenever I ask a liberal to tell me exactly why Trump is a racist, I get the "Charlottesville!" response. Which tells me these people who were always claiming that Obama was too nuanced to be understood, don't really understand what Trump says at all. They have a set idea in their head of who he is, but when their ears hear the same words I do, their brains understand it to mean something entirely different than what it was meant to be. And it makes them crazy people.

Temujin said...

I guess I'd better say that the Right also hears what they want to hear. We all do. That's the problem.

Ken B said...

Adams is right of course. And of course it’s a hoax because reporters and others simply asserted Trump was praising Nazis. Just like the “you didn’t build that” hoax, where it was clear that Obama was not saying you didn’t build the business you built.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Was Trump calling the Anti-1A thugs at Charlottesville very fine people? They aren't.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One might ask the same of those who marched at the Women's March.

Exactly. Or any event Antifa organized.

JAORE said...

What you hear depends on where you sit.

Ralph L said...

Then there are all those women who believe he admitted to grabbing pussies.

It's amazing how often it happens with Trump. It was the reverse with Clinton. The press ignored the loopholes and wiggles in his speech.

Big Mike said...

Does Andy Lassner have as many Jewish grandchildren as Trump has? Just thought I’d ask.

Big Mike said...

Charlottesville was a setup, start to finish. It did not matter what Trump said, because it was going to be twisted into something people would think — if we can use any word implying cogitation in relation to Democrat voters! — was anti-Semitic and white supremacist. People fell for it for two reasons: weak minds coupled with a predisposition to falling for hoaxes that paint Trump in a bad light.

Michael K said...

The Left hears what they want to hear.

The chant was actually, "You will not replace us." That was being chanted in the context of men being out of work and unemployment among white males was nobody's priority,.

The "Jews" distortion was on purpose. Listen to the chant on video.,

Gunner said...

As long as one gay, white hispanic “MAGAbomber” exists (whose bombs weren’t even real bombs), Democrats will always have a scare ready.

roesch/voltaire said...

I guess tape recorders hear what they want to hear, sounded like Jews will not replace us to me and those at the scene.And since Trump speaks out of both sides of his mouth I am sure one side is full of fine words.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

'The chant was actually, "You will not replace us." That was being chanted in the context of men being out of work and unemployment among white males was nobody's priority,.

The "Jews" distortion was on purpose. Listen to the chant on video.'

I wondered about that. Is it a matter of suggestion, or of an altered recording?

Anyway, even if they chanted "Jews", they had a right to. Anti-1A was there specifically to shut down a peaceably assembly of the people petitioning the government for redress of a grievance, a Constitutionally protected right. DeAndre Harris said so.

Bilwick said...

In related news, Instapundit has a story about how Obama mainstreamed anti-Semitism into the Democratic Party. And yet all the Jews I know (and for a Gentile, I know quite a few) voted for Red Diaper Barry. Sad.

rehajm said...

any lassner seems angry. I don't want anyone angry like him running the country. Anger clouds judgement and causes bad decisions.

eric said...

When Obama accidentally says he is a Muslim in an interview, the media goes out of it's way to excuse it and make clear that he misspoke. And everyone who is honest watching that interview knows he didn't mean it.

The media do a pretty darn good job of giving us the truth when it comes to Democrats saying stupid things and meaning something else.

But when a Republican says something, even something mundane, that can in any possible way be misunderstood to be something bad, the media goes out of it's way to translate said words into their worst possible meaning.

Which is why we call it fake news.

Chuck said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats eat Hoax everyday, and like it. if it's a total lie, even better.

Chuck said...
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Anonymous said...

"The" Democrats hate Jews may be an exaggeration. That some Democrats, starting with President Obama, hate Jews is not, and is clearly not insane. One would have no difficulty imputing hatred of blacks to anyone that attended Klan meetings for 20 years. So it is with everyone that attended Jeremiah Wright's church over the long haul as it concerns Jews. Not understanding that, that is insane.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Chuck said...

I am not a "Remover." I am also not a racist. And yes, I expect that I stand for the exact proposition that Adams was trying to advance. Yuck.

Don't worry. I'm quite certain that neither Trump nor Adams ( nor any other reasonable observer ) would categorize you as a fine person.

Ken B said...

Eric: The media debunked the “I am a Muslim” hoax.
Chuck: WRONG! Here is the media debunking the “I am a Muslim” hoax.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Chuck said...

My only goal is to attack the dumb commenter who fell for the "Obama admitted he was a Muslim" hoax.

Which commenter fell for that, in which comment?

Chuck said...
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gahrie said...

Meanwhile, the President of the United States makes the insane claim that "the Democrats hate Jewish people," and Adams doesn't flinch.

What makes that claim insane? Have you been paying attention lately?

Jeff Brokaw said...

By far the most important lessons we can draw from this Charlottesville episode, in my view, are
(1) how easily led we are by a dishonest, partisan media, made worse by lack of intelligence and confirmation bias run amok in both the media and its consumers
(2) how extremely damaging that is to civic engagement and our general well-being.

We are reaching — or have already reached — a tipping point in all this. We need a change in momentum. Cuz this path we’re on sucks.

Chuck said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Does Andy Lassner have as many Jewish grandchildren as Trump has? Just thought I’d ask.”

Yeah, well I’ll top that. I have four Jewish children. Doesn’t stop people here from calling me an anti Semite. Democrats don’t hate Jewish people. Jewish people don’t hate themselves. 75% of Jewish Americans voted Democratic in 2018. They’re not impressed that Trump has grandchildren that are Jewish, not enough to vote for him or support him anyway. They’re way too smart.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“More than 75 percent of Jews voted for Democrats on an Election Day that was also good to Jewish congressional candidates.

A poll conducted by GBA Strategies, a Democrat-aligned pollster, and commissioned by the liberal Israel lobby J Street, found that 76 percent of Jewish voters voted for Democrats, while 19 percent voted for Republicans. A CNN exit poll found that the Jewish split was 79 percent to 17 percent.”

Chuck said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Does Andy Lassner have as many Jewish grandchildren as Trump has? Just thought I’d ask.”

Since Andy Lassner is Jewish I suppose he’ll have as many Jewish children and grandchildren as Trump one day.

FullMoon said...

“Does Andy Lassner have as many Jewish grandchildren as Trump has? Just thought I’d ask.”

Since Andy Lassner is Jewish I suppose he’ll have as many Jewish children and grandchildren as Trump one day.

Not necessarily. Lassner being Jewish means nothing. If the mother of his grandchildren in not Jewish, those grandchildren are not Jewish.

And, having Jewish grandchildren or black in laws, or gay relatives does not make one special or better than anybody else.

Michael K said...

liberal anti-Israel lobby J Street,


Marty said...

Chuck said, My larger purpose is to attack and humiliate the most embarrassing elements of the alt-right. The people who gave my Republican Party a nominee like Donald Trump.

The thing about Comrade LLR that never fails to amuse is the projection that allows him to write stuff with the exact same hyperbole he says is employed by the President he so articulately detests. It's so Trumpian to carelessly claim that "the most embarrassing elements of the alt-right" delivered the nomination to Mr. Trump. Like Victor Davis Hansen says of the President, Comrade LLR is his own worst enemy.

Chuck said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Says someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

“Not necessarily. Lassner being Jewish means nothing. If the mother of his grandchildren in not Jewish, those grandchildren are not Jewish.”

“The mass immigration of Jews from the FSU to Israel was seen as a welcome blessing, but many have experienced difficulties proving their Jewish identity.

A new ruling in Jewish law permitting a specific genetic test to be used as proof of Jewish descent for certain Ashkenazi Jews is being promoted as a possible solution for potentially hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union (FSU) having difficulty proving their Jewish status.

The ruling comes from Rabbi Yosef Carmel, who is both co-head of the Eretz Hemdah Institute for Advanced Jewish Studies and a senior rabbinical judge on the private Eretz Hemdah rabbinical court in south Jerusalem.”

Big Mike said...

Democrats don’t hate Jewish people.

Are you trying to tell me Ilhan Omar isn’t a Democrat?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Democrats don’t hate Jewish people.”-me

“Are you trying to tell me Ilhan Omar isn’t a Democrat?”

Are you trying to say that White Supremacists don’t support Trump and vote Republican?

Chuck said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Are you trying to say that Steve King isn’t a racist and a Republican?

Chuck said...
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Chuck said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There are some Democrats who hate the state of Israel"?”

Then he’d have to say that there are some Republicans that hate Jewish people, aka white supremacists, who overwhelmingly support him. What a fine mess Trump has stirred up, once again. Making it easy to prove his rank hypocrisy and pandering to the dummies who support him.

Antiantifa said...

You know, one of the things that strikes me as weird is the lack of the word "some" in this conversation. As in, some Democrats are antisemitic. There's certainly no doubt about that. They are out and they are proud, for goodness sake. The secondary problem is Democratic leadership's failure to muster enough support to condemn the antisemites. That doesn't mean they are antisemitic. But it suggests the Democratic House caucus as a group does not care enough about antisemitism to do anything about it, which should trouble anyone who thinks bigots don't belong in Congress.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You know, one of the things that strikes me as weird is the lack of the word "some" in this conversation. As in, some Democrats are antisemitic.”

“Democrats hate Jews”

The fish rots from the head, so it’s said...

Chuck said...
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exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" I have four Jewish children"

No you do not, dumbo. You are not Jewish. Your children might be half Jewish ethnically, but they are not Jewish under Jewish Law. Your idiot opinion does not matter in the slightest.

Kirk Parker said...

Extended analogy alert!

Long ago, I read a spy story where Our Hero, who was undercover posing as a European--maybe an East European, perhaps even a Russian, I kinda forget the details--blew his cover while at an informal gathering, and one of his genuine Warsaw-Pact counterparts unexpectedly had an American football and casually tossed it to him.

A real non-American would have just held it awkwardly, but Our Hero without thinking just automatically spun it around so that the laces were properly under his fingers. Busted!!!!!

I tell this story because I think Our Hero Chuck just spun the football around:

"The Tea Baggers of Virginia..."

Get out of here, you loathsome dishonest creature!

Chuck said...
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Kirk Parker said...

Not at all; the point is you apparently have no idea how inapt the twisted term is, nor how offensive to genuine classical-liberals.

Rance Fasoldt said...

The term “tea-bagger” refers to a loathsome practice of gay men. Apparently, Chuck was making a homophobic slur, but applied it to the Tea-Party, whose sobriquet refers to the Boston Tea Party.

n.n said...

A legal assembly for various causes, including: history, ancestry, and, yes, diversity, and a kill-zone set up by an uncivil interest that aborted one of their own.

n.n said...

The term “tea-bagger” refers to a loathsome practice

Didn't Anderson Cooper launch that label and meme?

Browndog said...

Trying to get back on track for a second...

I disagree with Adams. Again.

From what I've seen, hardly anyone fell for what he calls a hoax. The reason, he claims, is there was little push back. True, and for very good reason-

CHARLOTTESVILLE! was put on blast. Tiki torches, fake nazis, someone died. The imagery and the narrative were too powerful to combat.

Back to your regularly scheduled ruined conversation....

langford peel said...

The Democrats have basically become a black party and black people are uniformly anti-Semitic. Witness the fact that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are respected sages and wise men of the party. Remember Hymietown?

I remember Crown Heights. Sharpton. Lemrick Nelson. The washroom attendant David Dinkens. Yankel Rosenbaum.

Now they have added the radical Muslim Congress people.

If you want to get rid of Anti-semitism from your party you need to purge the blacks.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No you do not, dumbo. You are not Jewish. Your children might be half Jewish ethnically, but they are not Jewish under Jewish Law. Your idiot opinion does not matter in the slightest.”

“The mass immigration of Jews from the FSU to Israel was seen as a welcome blessing, but many have experienced difficulties proving their Jewish identity.

A new ruling in Jewish law permitting a specific genetic test to be used as proof of Jewish descent for certain Ashkenazi Jews is being promoted as a possible solution for potentially hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union (FSU) having difficulty proving their Jewish status.

The ruling comes from Rabbi Yosef Carmel, who is both co-head of the Eretz Hemdah Institute for Advanced Jewish Studies and a senior rabbinical judge on the private Eretz Hemdah rabbinical court in south Jerusalem.”

A new volume of responsa on matters of Jewish law, written at the Eretz Hemdah Institute under the direction and guidance of Carmel and Rabbi Moshe Ehrenreich, who also co-heads the institute, deals with a case in Munich, Germany, several years ago in which a woman sought to join a Jewish community and claimed to be Jewish.

langford peel said...

Everyone knows that you are only really a Jew is if you mother is a Jew. Jewish identities are traced through the matriarchal line.

Unless you lend money at usurious rates. Then you have a pretty good case.

Jim at said...

Didn't Anderson Cooper launch that label and meme?

Yes. Which is why it's no surprise an asshole like Chuck is quick to use it. said...

Everyone knows that you are only really a Jew is if you mother is a Jew. Jewish identities are traced through the matriarchal line.

As explained by a rabbi: That's because you always know who the mother is.

David Duke must have become a respected Democrat. No Dems have called on Dems to renounce his support of Ohmar. Must be nice he is back in the fold.

YoungHegelian said...

Here we go, yet again, with the defense by Democrats that goes something like this:

"How can the Democrats be antisemitic when so many Jews support the Democrats?"

I'd like to point out that Askhenazi Jews supporting en masse a political organization that decisively later turned against them has already happened once in the 20th C. It was called the Bolshevik Revolution.

Needless to say, the Jews of the Russian Empire had much to dislike about the Czar & his government. As such, they supported, & indeed were leaders of, various Russian Revolutionary Parties (e.g. Leon Trotsky in the Mensheviks). After the Bolsheviks consolidated power, things did improve for the Jews. Legal barriers against them were removed. The Party preached against antisemitism as being "counter-revolutionary" from the top down. The Soviet Jewish community somehow managed to dodge some major bullets, such as not being forceably moved to the Jewish Autonomous Homeland>Jewish Autonomous Homeland, located in the Upper Shitholia section of far eastern Siberia. Jews were among the most useful ethnics to the regime, participating in state repression against their fellow Soviet citizens. According to Snyder's book Bloodlands, by 1932 Jews constituted 1/3 of the staff of the NKVD.

But under Stalin, things began to change in the mid to late 30's. Antisemitism among Party cadres ceased to be punished or even denounced. The age-old Slavic antisemitism was allowed to morph into a new antisemitism which combined the hatred of the population for what the Jews had done to them in the name of the regime with the suspicion that the Jews as agents of foreign governments. The Jews had never been truly "Russian" & now they weren't really "Soviet".

After the war, it just got worse. The Holocaust was submerged by the propaganda of the Soviet regime into the Greater Tragedy of the Soviet Peoples in the Great Patriotic War. The Soviet Jews, denounced as Rootless Cosmopolitans were spared their own Holocaust by Stalin's providential death. Post-Stalin, Soviet Jews just settled into a life of dislike & prejudice directed against them by their Slavic "comrades".

So, don't tell me that "those liberal Jews are oh-so-smart & they know what they're doing with the Democrats" because their cousins fucked up the same way not too long ago.

The Jewish author Thomas Frank, in his "What's the Matter with Kansas" wondered what sort of false consciousness beclouded the political minds of Middle America. The interesting thing about false consciousness is that those who wield it never thinks that it ever afflicts them.

FullMoon said...

And to be clear, we wouldn't be having this conversation if Trump had used the word "some" in the first place. Either that, or -- much more intelligently -- steered clear of the subject altogether unless and until he had a professional speechwriter prepare his remarks.

Some people will never get it. If Trump had said "some", nobody would notice.
Now the leftzies are ALL playing defense ,while acknowledging "some of our party are anti-semtic but not all".

SeanF said...

Inga, that article you keep linking confirms that you can't be Jewish unless your mother is Jewish. You should stop posting it as if it's a rebuttal.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Dear Dumbo,

You don't read your own links very carefully, do you?

"A new ruling in Jewish law permitting a specific genetic test to be used as proof of Jewish descent for certain Ashkenazi Jews is being promoted as a possible solution for potentially hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union (FSU) having difficulty proving their Jewish status."

"Is being promoted" is not the same as "has been accepted."

"However, Rabbi Seth Farber, head of the ITIM religious services advisory organization, expressed concern that the test could constitute the beginning of a slippery slope to greater reliance on scientific methods to prove Jewishness, which he said runs counter to traditional Jewish law."

At any rate, the change to the law is being promoted to help people who are unable to prove that their mother was Jewish, not people who know their mother was a gentile but want to be included in the Tribe anyway.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“No you do not, dumbo. You are not Jewish. Your children might be half Jewish ethnically, but they are not Jewish under Jewish Law. Your idiot opinion does not matter in the slightest.”

It is always cute when someone is stupid enough to link to an article that completely rebuts their point because they are unable to read or understand what the article actually says.

She does this all the time.

Democrats need people this stupid or they wouldn't have any voters.

Seeing Red said...

Andy Lassner might have also fallen for the global warming and peak oil hoaxes.

Bilwick said...

People who are stupid and gullible enough to buy into State-cultism (hi, Inga!) are already stupid and gullible enough to swallow whatever fake news the Hive is dishing out in any given week.

Chuck said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It is always cute when someone is stupid enough to link to an article that completely rebuts their point because they are unable to read or understand what the article actually says.”

Apparently it is you who doesn’t understand what is being said in the article.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The article clearly states that genetic testing is an acceptable way of determining who is of Jewish ancestry. It’s really amazing how far you people twist yourself into knots to try to disagree with someone.

One can only shake one’s head.

Unknown said...

After Omar he could have remained Barry Soetoro from Indonesia

Rather than switching to Rev Wright who is an AOC type

Lolo and Wright went under the bus when expedient

True moderns don't believe in anything

Like the Bible salesman in Flannery O'Connor Good Country People

Paco Wové said...

"Are you trying to say that Steve King isn’t a racist"

Just curious – why is Steve King a racist?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hoax? Right. Just like how your friends say that the Holocaust was a hoax.

ccscientist said...

Andy might want to open his eyes to how many of his fellow democrats are anti-semitic. It isn't one or two. Just because HE doesn't hate anyone (I doubt that by the way) is a sample of precisely one.

Marty said...

Inga said, One can only shake one’s head.

And pout and stamp one's foot at the same time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Jews are always in anger of being attacked. And their only true friends in the US Presidency have been Harry Truman and Donald Trump.

Trump is great to Jews because he invites himself to funerals he's not wanted at for a dozen old Jews that were victims of the 50% rise in anti-semitic crimes that occurred ever since Puppet Trump took office. He should be proud and take credit for the huge wave of attacks on Jews that somehow magically occurred with and continues during his presidency.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Jewish author Thomas Frank, in his "What's the Matter with Kansas" wondered what sort of false consciousness beclouded the political minds of Middle America.

Probably the same false consciousness that permits YH to appropriate this point as if it weren't a description of how conservatives bamboozled the working class to vote against their own interests for 40 years.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

False consciousness. Uh huh.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, don't tell me that "those liberal Jews are oh-so-smart & they know what they're doing with the Democrats" because their cousins fucked up the same way not too long ago.

Lol! Nothing like YH, that veritable Constantine Sword, to tell the Jews left behind after the millions who escaped the mass murders of the cossacks, that they were wrong to expand Napoleon's liberal emancipation to their own countries! Fools! Putting their faith in a regime dedicated to rising above the same petty nationalisms and religious fervor that had been killing them since Paul set that relationship straight. The same USSR that was the only mainland European power to stand morally and militarily against everything that Nazism was about.

YH is upset that Jews don't tend to identify with the sort of martyrdom and bloody worthless sacrifice that he sees as his spiritual ideal. They remained skeptical of nationalism and religious fervor while favoring the movements explicitly renouncing bigotry, saved many more of their own lives in doing so, and still he resents them. Boo hoo. He's just pissed off that he can't figure out what Catholicism has done for the world lately. Or probably even less recently.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So Ilhan Omar says Israel hypnotizes the world and the crazy conservatwerps are here to say that Jews bamboozle themselves with "false consciousness." Glad to see that all cleared up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So the "fine people" of Charlottesville weren't the actual Nazis there but the other parts of the not-yet "united right" who were protesting alongside and making common cause with them.

Ok, then.

I figure if you have to make common cause with Nazis as part of an effort to "unite" your political faction then you're probably a total piece of shit scumbag but I guess I'm just ignorant to the sorts of wonderful moral compromises it must take to be a part of the "right."

To be on the right is to admit oneself as a moral incompetent. A moral idiot.

SeanF said...

Inga...Allie Oop: The article clearly states that genetic testing is an acceptable way of determining who is of Jewish ancestry. It’s really amazing how far you people twist yourself into knots to try to disagree with someone.

Not simply "genetic testing", Inga. Mitochondrial genetic testing. What the article "clearly states" is this:

"Mitochondrial DNA, the genetic material present in cellular bodies called mitochondria, is inherited exclusively from a person’s mother, and therefore genetic markers in this DNA can be traced back many generations to determine a person’s maternal ancestors with a high degree of certainty." (Emphasis mine)

The genetic markers they are testing for cannot be inherited from one's father, but only from one's mother.

You can't be Jewish, as determined by this test, unless your mother is Jewish as determined by this test.

YoungHegelian said...

@Trump International,

The same USSR that was the only mainland European power to stand morally and militarily against everything that Nazism was about.

The mean the power that stood up to the Nazis after they had partitioned eastern Europe by a treaty with the Nazis? And only started fighting them after they had lost hundreds of thousand of troops in a "surprise attack" that they had been told was going to happen by not only the Western powers but their own spies? A stand that cost the lives over 21 million Soviet citizens thanks to Stalin's incompetence? That "moral & military stand"?

They remained skeptical of nationalism

You mean, like Zionism? That sort of skepticism of nationalism?

and religious fervor

And the fastest growing wing of Judaism is what again? Oh, that's right, the Orthodox.

You know, TI, you seem to get your history from the same Bazooka Joe bubble gum wrappers as does TradGuy.

Marty said...

Trump ICS said, To be on the right is to admit oneself as a moral incompetent. A moral idiot.

It never fails to amuse when critics of the President and of conservatives (overlapping sets) say stuff as hyperbolic and nonsensical as that which they accuse the President of saying.

Projection is strong with this one.

narciso said...

I learned from max hastings about a particular Soviet spy who had tipped off stalin to the invasion threat but he refused to believe it, now the blood lands have been very violent going back to the time relate in sienkowitz the deluge, but more recently the time of the holomodor,

narciso said...

Some details here:

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
The article clearly states that genetic testing is an acceptable way of determining who is of Jewish ancestry."

Dumbo doubles down on stupid.

Just admit you don't comprehend what you read, dear.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

"Dumbo doubles down on stupid.
Just admit you don't comprehend what you read, dear."

Astonishingly, Inga claims to have a masters degree in nursing yet was utterly incapable of understanding the article that she herself linked

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Astonishingly, Inga claims to have a masters degree in nursing yet was utterly incapable of understanding the article that she herself linked"

LOL, a nurse with a master's degree who doesn't understand what mitochondrial DNA is.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Haplogroup testing...mitochondrial dna, is only one aspect of dna testing. Ever heard of autosomal dna testing? My God, but you people are stupid.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Different Types of DNA Testing For Jewish Ancestry
Deciding on which test to take is dependent upon what you already know or wish to find out. The following three tests will let you in on all your Jewish ancestry secrets, so choose wisely.

Family Finder or Autosomal DNA test
Autosomal DNA test is the most commonly used across the field. It will tell you everything you need to know about your family ancestry going back around six generations, sometimes more. It can be taken by both males and females, and you will have the option of finding long-lost Jewish family members.

This type of DNA testing is restricted to males only and searches the paternal line, but will not show any influence of females in the results. Because females do not have Y-DNA, they cannot be tested for the paternal line. You can always have a brother or a father tested if you suspect that this particular line has Jewish ancestry.

Males and females are able to test their mtDNA in order to find out about their maternal line with no influence from their paternal line. This is useful for people who think they might have Jewish DNA on their mother’s side.”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

We have shown that Jewishness can be identified through genetic analysis, so the notion of a Jewish people is plausible. Yet the genomes of the Jewish Diaspora groups have distinctive features that are representative of each group's genetic history," says Dr. Ostrer. "Our study demonstrated that the studied Jewish populations represent a series of geographical isolates or clusters with genetic threads that weave them together," added Dr. Gil Atzmonl assistant professor of medicine and genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, the study's lead author. "These threads were observed as identical strands of DNA that were shared within and between Jewish groups. Thus, over the past 3000 years, both the flow of genes and the flow of religious and cultural ideas have contributed to Jewishness."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

What Is the Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Panel?

So are you idiots trying to say that if the mother is not Jewish the child of a Jewish father isn’t genetically Jewish? Are you saying that there is no need for this sort of testing?

Drago said...

We are saying it is demonstrably true that you linked to an article that disproved your claim once again proving youonly read headlines.


Even Reid Hoffman would be amazed.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The mean the power that stood up to the Nazis after they had partitioned eastern Europe by a treaty with the Nazis? And only started fighting them after they had lost hundreds of thousand of troops in a "surprise attack" that they had been told was going to happen by not only the Western powers but their own spies? A stand that cost the lives over 21 million Soviet citizens thanks to Stalin's incompetence? That "moral & military stand"?

Per Constantine's Sword YH, we learn that military and moral stands mean that nations should practice belligerence first, and diplomacy never.

"They remained skeptical of nationalism"

You mean, like Zionism? That sort of skepticism of nationalism?

Indeed they did. You should learn some history for someone who pretends to be so interested in it.

"and religious fervor"

And the fastest growing wing of Judaism is what again? Oh, that's right, the Orthodox.

Not sure what that has to do with European or liberal Jewish attitudes toward the dogmatic imperial religions of Islam and Christianity under which they lived.

You know, TI, you seem to get your history from the same Bazooka Joe bubble gum wrappers as does TradGuy.

Well, with the way you caricature them for the benefit of your own biases and consumption, I wouldn't be surprised that you feel that way.

Try to be less disingenuous, if you can.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not that it matters - (or that the Trumpstertarians care) - but the genetics show that Ashkenazi Jews carry mid-east (Israelite?) Y-DNA and "Southern European" (Roman?) maternal/mitochondrial DNA.

They are Roman-Israelite hybrids.

More interestingly, it confirms that Jews used to be more like how Samaritans remain today and passed along identity/national character through the father. These were Judeans living within the Roman empire, who took Roman wives. Either that or only the Roman maternal lines survive, which is very unlikely.

Maternal descent, while interesting, was another innovation of rabbinic Judaism (under Judah ha Nasi?) that occurred as it transformed from a temple/sacrifice-based cult into a cult of worship/service.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Ritmo, interesting!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“We are saying it is demonstrably true that you linked to an article that disproved your claim once again proving youonly read headlines.”

No. It means that once again you mischaracterized my claim to suit your purposes. That’s what propagandists do. You learned your lessons well at the Russian elite Propaganda Institute for Misinformation, eh? And the other dumbass is just dumb.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Speaking of hoaxes, how many of you fine young Nazi-lovers buy the "voting fraud" hoax?

Or the Climategate hoax?

The Pizzagate hoax?

Trump is an anti-vaxxer? Any of you down with his vaccine-autism hoax?

And of course Alex Jones believes that there's a conspiracy to make the frogs bisexual.

But if that's not enough you could always throw in with his Sandy Hook Conspiracy hoax, too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago said...

Inga: "You learned your lessons well at the Russian elite Propaganda Institute for Misinformation, eh?"

I love how everyone is a Russian now to the leftists.


A nation with the GDP of Italy that can barely keep a couple tactical bomber squadrons deployed a mere thousand miles away from the honeland is somehow controlling everything!


Even Reid Hoffman would be impressed!

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "But if that's not enough you could always throw in with his Sandy Hook Conspiracy hoax, too."

I am still impressed the lefties believe W colluded with Bin Laden to bring down the twin towers and then later blew up the New Orleans levees to drive out the "Chocolate City" residents.

Thats after personally directing Katrina to slam into the city through a secret weather control apparatus.

No doubt Omar thinks the jews did that.

Have you heard the one about the US using nerve gas in Vietnam?

HWBush steals an SR71 during the Carter admin to fly "secretly" to Paris to convince the Ayatollah to hold US citizens longer so Reagan can win an election? Good times, good times...

Did you hear the one about a certain golden showers dossier? LOL! That one sure fooled alot of leftists!

Did you know that some leftist schmucks were so convinced that obvious hoax was true that they changed their online handles/names to reflect that?

Its true!!

Rumor has it there was at least one idiot leftist at Althouse who did that!

Any guesses who that might have been?.....

.....take your time, it will come to you....

SeanF said...

Inga...Allie Oop: It means that once again you mischaracterized my claim to suit your purposes.

What exactly was your "claim"? You first posted that link in response to exiledonmainstreet's post stating, "You are not Jewish. Your children might be half Jewish ethnically, but they are not Jewish under Jewish Law." You didn't make any comments of your own, just posted the link and an extensive quote from the article.

The second time you posted it was in response to FullMoon's statement, "Lassner being Jewish means nothing. If the mother of his grandchildren in not Jewish, those grandchildren are not Jewish."

So what - exactly - was the point you were trying to make with that link? Because the link explicitly agrees with what exiledonmainstreet and FullMoon said.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

While the pee-pee boy yammers on, a Bernie Sanders spokesperson sent out a tweet (now deleted) accusing the American Jewish community of having dual loyalties. (Sanders has no dual loyalties - he was a proud supporter of the USSR in the '80's.) Yeah, keep telling yourself Jews have no enemies on the Left.

Bilwick said...

Paraphrasing the Toothless State Fellator above, to be on the Left is to say, shrugging, "Democide? Meh. You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs. As long as my gang breaks the eggs."

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