March 16, 2019

"When Chelsea Clinton showed up at a vigil Friday night in New York City for victims of the New Zealand mosque massacre, she was confronted by a small group of college students who blamed her for inciting the violence."

"Last month, the former first daughter joined throngs of Democrats and Republicans in condemning language used by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), one of the two first Muslim women elected to Congress last year, to critique U.S. policy in Israel as perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes. At the vigil, the New York University students said reactions like Clinton’s 'stoked' hatred of Muslims. 'This, right here, is a result of a massacre stoked by people like you and the words that you put out into the world,' one student told Clinton, according to a video of the confrontation. 'And I want you to know that and I want you to feel that deep down inside. Forty-nine people died because of the rhetoric you put out there.' 'I’m so sorry that you feel that way,' Clinton said. 'Certainly, it was never my intention. I do believe words matter. I believe we have to show solidarity.'"

WaPo reports. Here's the video:


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Unknown said...

Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences" or "gain the upper-hand over an enemy".

There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

Though not called taqiyya by name, Muhammad clearly used deception when he signed a 10-year treaty with the Meccans (known as Hudaibiya) which allowed him access to their city while he secretly prepared his own forces for a takeover. The unsuspecting residents were conquered in easy fashion after he broke the treaty two years later. Some of the people in the city who had trusted him at his word were executed.

Another example of lying is when Muhammad used deception to trick his personal enemies into letting down their guard and exposing themselves to slaughter by pretending to seek peace.

Fen said...

"a zero percent chance of affecting US politics."

I came across some Lefty posts yesterday that were unbelievable.

1) "We have nothing but hatred for those who spread hate"

2) "We must deplatform and silence those who marginalize people with a different POV."

The consistent theme (other than the total lack of self-awareness, irony or hypocrisy) was each posting appeared to me made as a Virtue Signal: "I believe in peace, I am an ally of ____, I will never stand silent, but lets talk more about how righteous I am"

narciso said...

no I don't think so, not willingly, this fellow had meager funds, yet he traveled to turkey and Pakistan, even north korea, who goes on jaunts like that, doesn't this fit the agenda of mit and isi,

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Oh please. No one wants you here. Many of us have asked you to go away. Are really going to threaten to leave?”

Are you retarded? First, YOU are not the blog owner. You don’t speak for Althouse. You don’t speak for the commenters here. And lastly WHO is threatening to leave? What he hell are blabbering about you idiot?

Bay Area Guy said...

College students are generally stupid.

Leftwing college students are aggressively stupid.

Fen said...

"Violence is never the answer. Those who engage in it should be responded to with violence"

Paraphrased, not an exact quote but very close

Unknown said...

Kids are trying out their juvenile meltdowns

which worked to intimidate college administrators in places like Columbia MO

in the real world

Nothing like the Ohio National Guard at Kent State faces them today...

Univ of MO "protests" and KKK hoax

Fen said...

Fen: “Oh please. No one wants you here. Many of us have asked you to go away. Are really going to threaten to leave?”

Inga: "Are you retarded? First, YOU are not the blog owner. You don’t speak for Althouse." of these things is not like the other.

narciso said...

I didn't know that, Rodney whitaker was professor of films, hence the interests in bond, his protagonist is a little like warren murphy's remo Williams films, except inverse, Nicholas hel, is a Chinese raised Russian national who lives in the basque countryside,

Fen said...

Hell, I bet we could push a GoFundMe page up to $500 if you would JUST GO AWAY

But you would never keep your word

Fen said...

And I don't have to attrib your name, because everyone immediately knows who I am talking about. That's how bad your rep has gotten here.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Inga: "The amount of extremism that I’ve read over the last 18 months on these threads makes me want to pitch my tent in Althouse’s camp."

Oh please. No one wants you here. Many of us have asked you to go away. Are really going to threaten to leave? Hah. No, you are transparent - you only make the threat as a prop to introduce the cheap shot of calling us "extremists". I challenged to quote ONE post of this "extremism" you are bearing false witness against.-dumbass

My God! You are one stupid person. “Leave” WHAT? Saying I am going to “pitch my tent in Althouse’s camp” does not mean I’m leaving. The Althouse camp of which I speak is “I’m for boring”. I’m agreeing with her that boring is beginning to look like a good place to be.

narciso said...

An ironic passage from shibumi,

"Your scorn for mediocrity blinds you to its vast primitive power. You stand in the glare of your own brilliance, unable to see into the dim corners of the room, to dilate your eyes and see the potential dangers of the mass, the wad of humanity. Even as I tell you this, dear student, you cannot quite believe that lesser men, in whatever numbers, can really defeat you. But we are in the age of the mediocre man. He is dull, colorless, boring -- but inevitably victorious. The amoeba outlives the tiger because it divides and continues in its immortal monotony. The masses are the final tyrants. See how, in the arts, Kabuki wanes and Nô withers while popular novels of violence and mindless action swamp the mind of the mass reader. And even in that timid genre, no author dares to produce a genuinely superior man as his hero, for in his rage of shame the mass man will send his yojimbo, the critic, to defend him. The roar of the plodders is inarticulate, but deafening. They have no brain, but they have a thousand arms to grasp and clutch at you, drag you down."

I wasn't far off, warren murphy, did the screenplay for the eiger sanction,

buwaya said...

Fen, what is unbelievable about that?
It is normal. It isn't even new.
This was the conventional wisdom vs both Limbaugh and Fox, back to when THEY were new.
And one could certainly go back to whenever.

Its natural to want to prevent your opponents political speech.
In modern democracies its not been so common that one faction acquired sufficient power to make this suppression work. But it is at that point in the US today, that is the special factor, the current circumstances, not the desire.

Birkel said...

Now context matters w/rat extremism.
Royal ass Inga was drawn into the spider's web,
buwaya wins, as usual.

Shall we play a game? -W.O.P.R.

AllenS said...

Damn, BJ and Crooked Hillary are thinking, oh noes, they are going after our sainted/next in line Chelsea, how long will it take for them to come after us. What shall we ever do?

How will this impact the BJ and Crooked Hillary show that should start back up in April. Will there be protests? Will there be antifa riots? Will people die or just be beaten bigly?

Birkel said...


Yes to all you typed about Jesus.
But in context, which Royal ass Inga denied mattered, Jesus was an extremist.
Ask any of the Pharisees.

buwaya said...

Trevanian was exercising his Ortega y Gasset.

stephen cooper said...

the harbin ice sculptures are so amazing, lots of the good-hearted anti-Commie Russian emigres lived there in the first decades of exile, and the aftermath of all those people who loved art so much - the aftermath left behind all these years later by the choreographers, the dancers, the painters, the icon painters, the singers, from deep bass to pure soprano, even my poor uncle Nick and his sad and lazy but kind wife Tasha - such an aftermath is still remembered.

I can show you patches of China - an acre here, an acre there - that look more like Shropshire than Shropshire, and I can show you thousands of acres in China that look more like my beloved fields of Long Island than you could imagine - those fields which were memorialized in Sally of the Sawdust (Fields, with a great comic actress whom we all remember, filmed on Long Island before the fields there were turned into so so many neighborhoods of houses - well they let the trees grow, so there's that - I remember) - and which, even back in China, because some of them care, are more like anything you will see between Manhattan and Riverhead than you would ever guess - and I can show you that because

some people care enough

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Birkel, people aren’t playing a game here. People are discussing ideas. Why don’t you express one for a change, like Buwaya.

ccscientist said...

When Israel is surrounded by countries (and Hamas etc) that literally want to eliminate it and kill all israelis, and when Jihadis are blowing up stuff all over the world it is a little absurd to blame someone who calls out anti-semitism for the mosque killings. There isn't even a logical connection let alone a moral one.

narciso said...

so he visited Pakistan, as recently as last October, apparently he had visited north korea before that, a Turkish diplomat chimed in, the most recent tales, as well as fmr east bloc nations like Bulgaria,

Francisco D said...

Because Inga the world is very very complicated. Existence is complicated. Reality is complicated.

Inga does not do complicated. She lacks the cognitive capacity. That's why she cuts and pastes so much.

It's useless to argue with her for that reason and because she is hoping to collect virtue points by trolling here.

stephen cooper said...

yikes i have no scorn for mediocrity

if some hot woman I happened to fall in love with told me, presciently, that we would have only one child and that child would have Down syndrome and would be at best mediocre at geometry and calculus

there would only be love in my heart, no scorn.

ditto if the child were going to be average, or mediocre, from the perspective even of those who do not have Down syndrome

I know this, an average person is a safe person, properly raised and prayed for by loving and kind parents, it is the elite you need to worry about, amirite !?

Birkel said...

Royal add Inga,
I did express an idea.

After you pretended context did not matter RE: extremism, I posted "Jesus was an extremist."
You agreed with my statement because, you agreed, context matters.
It took me one comment to get you to reverse yourself in your deceitful conversation with buwaya.
You would be better playing tic-tac-toe.

Birkel said...

"Ok. Extremism in ALL its manifestations, whether it be Islamist Supremacy/Terrorism or White Supremacy/Nationalism is abhorrent and a scourge on society."

-Royal ass Inga

(Except Jesus, which undermines your falsehoods.

Known Unknown said...

"dear boy"

Assuming gender. Nice.

Birkel said...

Ok. Extremism in ALL its manifestations, whether it be Islamist Supremacy/Terrorism or White Supremacy/Nationalism is abhorrent and a scourge on society.”-me

Except Jesus, so not ALL.

Birkel said...

"Ok. Extremism in ALL its manifestations, whether it be Islamist Supremacy/Terrorism or White Supremacy/Nationalism is abhorrent and a scourge on society.

Once more for the learning disabled."

-Royal ass Inga

Except Jesus. So only SOME extremism.

Rick said...

Why don’t you express one for a change, like Buwaya.

Oh my god. The person who is only here to attack others and has never expressed an idea that wasn't an attack is lecturing others on decorum. There just isn't any self-awareness.

Birkel said...

"Ok. Extremism in ALL its manifestations, whether it be Islamist Supremacy/Terrorism or White Supremacy/Nationalism is abhorrent and a scourge on society.

Once more for the learning disabled."

-Royal ass Inga

Except Jesus. So only SOME extremism.

Birkel said...

Extremism is abhorrent.
-Royal ads Inga

Except Jesus.

Birkel said...

"Extremism is a negative.

the holding of extreme political or religious views; fanaticism.
"the dangers of religious extremism"
synonyms: fanaticism, radicalism, zealotry, zeal, fundamentalism, dogmatism, bigotry, militancy, activism; More"
-Royal ass Inga

Except Jesus, from whom extremism was kosher. (joke intended)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

There is extremism and then there is just plain nuttery, with some anti social personality types thrown in for good measure. All have been on the increase here and elsewhere.

Boring is beginnining to be prefereable. I recall Althouse saying to this commentariat years ago, “Don’t be boring.”

Maybe she got more than she bargained for.

Birkel said...

"Extremism apologists might need to re-evaluate their principles and right their moral compass."
-Royal ass Inga

Except for followers of Christ, who was an ok extremist.

narciso said...

Jesus was not an extremist, that would be the sicari, who sought to bring down the roman occupiers and brought down the Temple instead, be careful what you wish for, it's not incidental, that shia islamist reza Arslan would use the transliteration of sicari for his title, he was in the line of prophets from moses certainly onto to Isiah, who were not heeded and hence Israel fell into captivity,

Birkel said...

"Or you’re trying to paint a good face on extremism. Just remember extremism in the wrong hands is NOT a good thing."
-Royal ass Inga

It can be inferred there are "right" hands with which to be an extremist.
Therefore the ALL was a lie.

You know, like Jesus.

Birkel said...

"Very interesting and telling how some of you are working very hard to put a positive spin on extremism. Now why would that be? Hmmmmm?"
-Royal ass Inga

You're as bad as Jesus Christ.

Birkel said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“One mans dedication is anothers extremism.”
Wayyyyy to simplistic and probably obfuscation.
Dedication becomes extremism when one has lost their center, theire bearings, their equilibrium.
Why try to elevate extremism?
3/16/19, 3:31 PM

You're as extreme as was Jesus in his day, which is a relative position and belies the point of ALL.

narciso said...

one might say he was a radical, getting to the root of things, which after two thousand years, we find must engage again, in a culture where noah is related by a gnostic, moses is depicted as mad, well you can see the cave wall needs to be shattered,

Birkel said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Who is elevating what?”
YOU are attempting to elevate and normalize extremism and falling flat. It’s ludicrous to try to make extremism mainstream, but that is what you’re trying to do. Just remember you may not like the extremism when it affects you.
3/16/19, 3:40 PM

You are as bad as Jesus, in context.

Birkel said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Jesus was an extremist.”
Jesus could pull it off because he is the Son of God. The rest of humankind...not so much.
--Royal ass Inga

It's almost as if you didn't believe what you typed within minutes of various posts.

Want to play a game?

narciso said...

this heretofore unnamed shooter does remind one of the founders of the ustache, like pavelic, or the Ukrainian union, like bandera, the former killed the Yugoslav king in Marseilles, the latter a polish official, they later formed collaborationist networks in both countries, one emigrated to argentina after the war, the other made it to munich where he directed radio free Europe programs, and was executed by a kgb operative, stashinsky,

Michael said...

Meditations on Hunting or The Revolt of the Masses?

Birkel said...


Judged by Judaism and Roman law of 2000 years ago, Jesus broke many laws.
I am sure we could remember dozens of laws of his day that he broke.
His was a call to extremism compared with what he faced.

That others were more extreme need not be debated.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's almost as if you didn't believe what you typed within minutes of various posts.”

It’s almost as if you have no sense of humor. I was riffing off of what you said. Why should this have to be explained to a normal thinking person? Are you on the Autism spectrum where the person is inclined to take everything anyone says completely literally? Or are you just trying to score some point? I tend to think it’s more of an Autism thing. Nothing against people with Autism, it’s just the way their brains work

narciso said...

After the war, Tito used the Ustachi to muzzle Cardinal Stepinac and the remnants of the Catholic Church in Croatia, Stalin did much the same with the OUN, after the wall fell, the former served the basis for the Croatian state, the latter the inspiration for the Maidan era Ukraine,

narciso said...

the problem with Sadduccees and Pharisees, is they had decided 600 laws were better than 10, and missed the point of the 10, of course, roman law demanded jews deny the first law, and be liberal in interpretation of the others as well,

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“After the war, Tito used the Ustachi to muzzle Cardinal Stepinac and the remnants of the Catholic Church in Croatia, Stalin did much the same with the OUN, after the wall fell, the former served the basis for the Croatian state, the latter the inspiration for the Maidan era Ukraine,”

Interesting. My people left Yugoslavia in1944 and were Lutherans. My dad hated Tito.

buwaya said...

Revolt of the Masses

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga:
You typed ALL.
Then you admitted an exception.
That circle cannot be squared.
I understand your pain.

It took me one comment to get you to reverse yourself.
I am better at rhetoric than are you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It took me one comment to get you to reverse yourself.
I am better at rhetoric than are you.”

Yep, Autism.

Fen said...

"Oh my god. The person who is only here to attack others and has never expressed an idea that wasn't an attack is lecturing others on decorum."

Tsk tsk. Meade will be along to delete the 100 or so posts responding to Inga.

The 10 posts by Inga instigating crap will be left intact.

Is there anyone left who doesn't understand why?

Birkel said...

Thank you for expressing Fen's Law so succinctly.
It's nice to have such a handy tool that is so easily wielded.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Tsk tsk. Meade will be along to delete the 100 or so posts responding to Inga.”

Really? Why do you think so? People are having a discussion, not merely throwing poo poo at each other, except for your comments. If you can’t add to the discussion there is no need to act like a 5 year old, why don’t you just leave?

narciso said...

So that was the result of the propaganda of the deed in the 30s, in the Balkans and the blood lands, the former worked with the Bosnian muslims which former the handschar division of the ss.

Birkel said...

Remember when Inga said all extremism was bad.
And then said some extremism was good 10 minutes later?
Good times.
Good times.

Royal ass Inga's lying can make another person autistic.
Be careful she doesn't lie in your direction.

Birkel said...

Remember that time Royal ass Inga sneezed on a guy and he had a bad case of "ability to use logic"?

Fen said...

Inga: " If you can’t add to the discussion there is no need to act like a 5 year old, why don’t you just leave?"

Who are you talking to? The Voices again?

You know you can do that with your mouth closed?

No need to involve the rest of us in your little corner of Hell.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I remember the time Birkel didn’t understand what a riff was and I remember thinking, hmmm, that guy might be autistic. He took what I said literally and didn’t recognize it was meant to be humorous.

narciso said...

That story from another angle:

Ah we see party propagandist Howard fast tears his head.

Fen said...

"Fen, Thank you for expressing Fen's Law so succinctly. It's nice to have such a handy tool that is so easily wielded."

Sure, and I appreciate the pat on the back. I only wish I could maintain the insight and intelligence to followup on it. I'm the Philadelphia walk-on who ran back an interception to get us to the playoffs and than parked his butt on the bench for the next 5 seasons. LOL.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I only wish I could maintain the insight and intelligence to followup on it.”

Indeed! Try harder.

FullMoon said...

....hmmm, that guy might be autistic. He took what I said literally and didn’t recognize it was meant to be humorous.

"Trump asked Russia to find Clinton’s emails."


buwaya said...

The most interesting critic of Tito was Milovan Djilas, once a high ranking associate of Tito, who did not criticize the tyrant so much as the "new class" that he had perhaps inadvertently created, the bureaucratic dictators, that had created what amounted to a new aristocracy, a new oligarchy, based on hierarchical position instead of land and feudal obligation.

The most interesting bit about Milovan Djilas today is not specifically the communist functionaries of those long-dead governments, but because of their similarities, towards an extension of his concept to societies other than Yugoslavia. It sometimes takes one from the periphery to notice things like this.

The US for instance has long been developing a "new class", of its own, living off position, which has taken on vast powers. Djilas comments on the danger of a bureaucratic master-class are an argument against the modern American powers that be, that confused mix of bureaucracies, regulators, legal systems and masses of NGOs and Qangos. All fed by universities and financed, in large part, by large corporations and extremely wealthy individuals, and who wield their owned MSM as their sword and shield against the public, all of whom live off or are protected by regulatory privilege.

So you see, what your parents fled in Yugoslavia has followed them here, because this is not a pattern unique to the Balkans.

narciso said...

The nomenclatura which was most directly attributed to the Soviets, post collapse half became the oligarchs (administrator) half the siloviki (security personnel) they profited from the weimarian style chaos that Yeltsin provided over.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Don Winslow who is the George rr Martin of Mexico has written a sort of prequel to shibumi, that covers hels initial mission and is stuck in development hell.

Jupiter said...

buwaya said...

"The most interesting bit about Milovan Djilas today is not specifically the communist functionaries of those long-dead governments, but because of their similarities, towards an extension of his concept to societies other than Yugoslavia."

Djilas also wrote a book called "Under The Colors", which is arguably more germane to the subject of massacring Muslims.

narciso said...

Reziztance against ottoman authorities certainly.

narciso said...

This was back when kirkus was still sane:

Narayanan said...

Inga FYI...
Goldwater response..
****I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!****
You failed on both ends.

gspencer said...

I wonder if Webb ever meets his daughter secretly. She's given him grandchildren.

Matt Sablan said...

I don't think condemning the congresswoman's comment is "extremism."

Matt Sablan said...

If anything, trying to compare even what she said to the actions of the guy who shot up the place -- or her critics to that -- is wrong. Both her and her critics used words; the shooter went beyond that.

It is a dangerous game when people attempt to make you think words are the same as bullets.

Matt Sablan said...

(Sidenote: If you'd asked me at the start of this week and asked what two politicians I thought I'd have to begrudgingly defend this week, O'Rourke and Chelsea Clinton would not have been the two I'd have picked.)

Birkel said...

Matthew Sablan:
You are a liberal, in the best sense of the word, so I wouldn't say you're defending the people.
I would say you are defending ideas that matter to you.

And I thank you for consistently defending liberal traditions.

Birkel said...

Now I hope Royal ass Inga attempts to argue what liberal means in the Wetsern tradition.

Leftists do seem confused on basic terminology.

Guildofcannonballs said...

In irony's interest I note I myself have always confused "who's who's" with
"zoot suits" like in my mind the Zoot Suit riots incorporate.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
effinayright said...

Nothing can resuscitate this thread, after Inga, Inga, Inga, Inga, Inga.

Not even mouth-to-mouth.


Fen said...

Yah. I'm amazed that

1) one student is constantly allowed to disrupt the class. It's not as if Althouse has no experience dealing with this kind of problem, and

2) the rest of her guests are expected to ignore that student. Has that ever worked?

Sidebet that I get banned for complaining about her before she gets banned for instigating.
And hey, If Althouse feels she needs to ban one from each side to be fair and impartial, I'll gladly take the hit for you guys. But I'm afraid this is about inducing drama to increase page views for some advertising metric.

effinayright said...

"But I'm afraid this is about inducing drama to increase page views for some advertising metric."


Bingo! Miss Ann is all about the clicks.

Fen said...

I keep reading Republicans who say "however you feel about the Clintons, Chelsea didn't deserve this".

It sounds so fake though. What I really hear is "let me exploit this moment to portray myself as a reasonable person who can rise above politics to give token support to the daughter of a mortal enemy who would ship you off to the labor camps if she had the power to do so.

I find it odd that conservatives rarely miss an opportunity to err on the side of caution, but in situations like this can't keep their mouth shut.

Malkin nailed it though - no sympathy, this is exactly the tactic they are on record inflicting on Republicans, so it's karma their Frankenstein is attacking their daughter.

Me. It's just a reminder - what's the most effective way to punish a grandmother?

Fen said...

Inga: "Birkel, people aren’t playing a game here. People are discussing ideas. Why don’t you express one for a change, like Buwaya."

Interesting. For a moment there you reminded me of a law professor curled over a laptop with a glass of wine.

Say something again, but this time do "Fen this is not your blog, I don't have to explain how I enforce my rules to you"

Because I feel like I'm on to something, I just can't put my finger on it...

Hey! Ephinany! If we all stopped attribing names in our replies it sure would decrease the frequency of awkward incidents like this.

Mr. Forward said...

Not to name any names, but once you pitch a tent, find the zipper.

stevew said...

"I keep reading Republicans who say "however you feel about the Clintons, Chelsea didn't deserve this". "

Not this conservative. She does deserve this because she, and her more famous parents, created it. And they further enable it by not fighting back, by apologizing for nothing that they did wrong.

Birkel said...

Not me, either.
I am hoping both the Bolsheviks and the Menscheviks lose.

Matt said...

Life was better when we didn't have to pretend to give a shit about islam.

Sam L. said...

Oh, NOOOOOOOOOOO!! Chelsea's JUST LIKE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!

Jupiter said...

The reviewer appears to have read the book. It does not appear that he understood a word of it.

Jim at said...

If you can’t add to the discussion there is no need to act like a 5 year old, why don’t you just leave?

There's lack of self-awareness and then there's that beaut.
It'll be tough to top that one, toots.

madAsHell said...

Well......perhaps the potential new moderating rules have enhanced the performance art!!

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