.@AOC’s critique of “moderates” is spot on.
— Waleed Shahid (@_waleedshahid) March 9, 2019
Moderates are more naive than the visionaries if they think tinkering around the edges will solve systemic problems in our democracy and economy.
It’s time to rewrite the social contract, not manage decline.pic.twitter.com/3Xhd3R1WYK
By chance, I watched that right after "Scooby-Doo! Out of Context"...
— Scooby-Doo! Out of Context (@ScoobyDooOoC) March 10, 2019
... so it felt all Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, out of context.
I hope you can see why I'm giving this my "I'm for Boring" tag, and I'll just leave it at that. Or, I mean, obviously, I am one of AOC's Worshippers of Meh. She's AOC and I'm WOM.
The corrupt and irredeemable Capitalist system feeds 325 million people to the point of obesity.
I can guarantee that under AOC and her acolytes obesity wouldn't be a problem.
This whole government by the people thing is so frustrating to those who know what has to be done, dammit!
The problem with the public, as usual, is their "false consciousness".
Fools! The blind fools! [Shakes dainty fists at sky.]
It’s time to rewrite the social contract, not manage decline.
Remember this when left wingers try to lecture us about how they believe America is already great. Why it's almost like that's a lie intended only for their opposition audience and isn't something they believe at all.
Make me a drink... and a sammich!
Why does anyone pay any attention to this woman? She’s a psycho socialist.
If your plan is to rebuild the social contract, you better make sure the new one actually works in practice. Of course there isn’t really a way to do that other than look at countries where your ideas have already been tried, like Venezuela, and then explain to us why “it’s different this time.”
It’s time to rewrite the social contract, not manage decline
I volunteer to write the new social contract.
Why does anyone pay any attention to this woman? She’s a psycho socialist.
Conservatives made her famous because she works as a way to crowbar the Democrat Party apart, the way a quarterback looks for the seam in a defense.
She’s an asshole...
"She's AOC and I'm WOM."
Of course, after SSM, and abortion, and CBF v. Kavanaugh, no commenter here believes the Althouse serious/meh shtick.
Anyway, meh is an attitude, not a policy. Which suits feelz voters and allows for amply flexible rationalization.
But the bottom line is: if you vote Dem, you're gonna get more AOC and less meh.
The question is, are women's bodies important enough to sacrifice the meh to lefty insanity?
I think that AOC is Trump’s key to unlock the suburban women’s vote.
"Waleed Shahid is an organizer and writer on race, inequality, and the Democratic Party."
will solve systemic problems in our democracy and economy.
What systemic problems? Race? Inequality? Democratic Party?
The Democratic Party's ignorant obsession with racial inequality?
I don’t care for Scooby-Doo being used within the same context as AOC, either.
I still think her head would go perfectly on a Pez dispenser.
Now AOC is attacking FDR!?!
Well, all this certainly keeps you dumb.
If you're looking to politicians for ideas about "systemic problems" in the system, you'll never get there.
To them, systemic problems are a feature, not a bug.
Like selective ignorance of the laws when it suits them.
Like permitting the buying of companies, loading debt onto them, and letting them sink while you escape with your millions in stock options version of capitalism.
Like letting Washington unconstitutionally acquire more power at the expense of the states in areas such as education.
Like letting the president use the armed forces as his personal mercenary army, sending them to die in far-off places without Congressional debate or approval.
Like turning the FBI and IRS into political weapons against their opponents.
Those are the invisible third rails in this country.
These people are so arrogant.
Waleed (past tense of "Wally") seems to think that only rich native white heterosexuals deserve "rights", so how can we possibly bridge the gap with people like him?
Why We Can’t Bridge the Gulf Between Donald Trump Supporters and the Rest of Us
When one side believes poor people, immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ people and others deserve rights and the other doesn’t, how can we possibly bridge the gap?
By Waleed Shahid | December 10, 2015
Who paid for AOC’s travel, meals, and lodging to attend South by Southwest?
SxSW is an echo chamber. Another Harmony Hall
Of course we got a manger - though he ain't the mafia
A contract is a contract, when they get 'em out on you.
New Boots & Contracts (All the Young Punks) is one of the best Clash songs.
In any case: a re-write of the "contract" isn't always what it is cracked up to be. A neighbour and I were at a get together for an old guy moving out of the area. The neighbour (not old guy) is hard core (but well fed) leftist who predicted the demise of capitalism in 2000. He was firm at the party about it no longer being a matter of pushing for incremental change like transit and jobs programs. He may even have used the "social contract" phrase. Maybe the memo is being passed around.
I didn't think it need to be the topic for the occasion and suggested the perfect is the enemy of the good, you'd hate to see the local soccer field turn bloody, I think he got the analogy, and so he went over to get another glass of wine from the charitable hostess. His glass was likely never dry.
AOC is a Scooby-Doo villain.
He’s right if he thinks that there is no way to bridge the gap between people who think that anybody who makes it onto US soil gets all the rights and privileges of a US Citizen, and people who think that immigrants should go through a legal process as defined by the duly elected representatives of those citizens and codified in our laws.
Most annoying about AOC's schtick is when she portentously speaks like she's tapping this vast reservoir of knowledge and wisdom in her head.
"Danger Deep Water Keep Out"
I am WOM- woman of meade
"A lot of the people at the top of the Democratic Party who are wealthier, whiter, and more male than the bottom of the party grew up at a time of Nixon and Reagan and have been made to be afraid of strong Democratic Party ideas."
-JD Spokesperson Waleed Shahid went on MSNBC last night to discuss his crazy ideas.
I think he means: the "top" knows stuff, so they know better than to support socialism and sanctioned racism, which are both of the "strong Democratic Party ideas", correct?
But a lot of the people at the bottom of the Democratic Party who are poorer, POC-er, and less male than the top of the party grew up at a time of Nixon and Reagan and have not been made to be afraid of crazy Democratic Party ideas.
Beware of those looking to solve systemic problems in our and democracy and economy. They will propose a high tech great leap forward or similar.
We had a contract with the Germans after The Great War, the Treaty of Versailles, “The peace to end all peace” and it seemed like a great deal for the victors of that war. Sometimes “contracts” look really good is what I am saying. They don’t always work out the way one expects, so better to go with what you know works.
Will be fun when the young and ignorant like AOC and her fans experience what they should have learned in history if they had any education growing up. These fools are a total indictment of US higher education.
Like, eventually Robespierre, like he was like the boss, got like his like head chopped off too
AOC is a Scooby-Doo villain.
"She wore this elaborate Joseph Stalin costume to frighten away the curious," explained Velma as she casually popped one of the riper pimples on her chin.
I saw Alexandria referred to today as a "freshman congresswoman," and I wondered how I should interpret "freshman" in the phrase. She's probably ahead of the average college freshman in her knowledge and behavior, but not by much and that's not saying much nowadays. I also asked myself if that shouldn't have been "freshwoman congresswoman."
“Moderate is not a stance. It's just an attitude towards life of, like, ‘meh,’” she said, shrugging her shoulders for emphasis. “We’ve become so cynical, that we view ‘meh,’ or ‘eh’ — we view cynicism as an intellectually superior attitude, and we view ambition as youthful naivete when ... the greatest things we have ever accomplished as a society have been ambitious acts of visions.
“The 'meh' is worshipped now. For what?” she continued to cheers.
AOC sounds a lot like BHO or HRC must have sounded like when they were in college. Whatever you think of those Democrats, they did manage to grow up a little since their campus years and give up some teenage ideas and mannerisms. AOC, not so much. Cory Booker's development also seems to have been a little stunted, and to a lesser degree, Kamala Harris's.
No one could be as dumb as AOC appears to be. Like Obama, she’s recognized an opportunity to play out her particular con and found it successful beyond her wildest dreams. Unlike Obama, she’s grossly overplaying her hand which will wreck her con sooner rather than later.
Regardless, she’s going to bank some fat stacks of wonga before she’s done.
Does Sandy O'Casey Think that she's making sense?
Does Sandy O'Casey REALLY think that moderate is the same as 'meh'?
and Finally
Does Sandy O'Casey Really, Truly think that change will come, because she wants it?
In the Knowing words of Homer Simpson, "Well, wishing won't make it so. You gotta pull up your diaper, get out there and be the best damn Barney you can be"
Why does anyone pay any attention to this woman?
Because she repeats the left's mythology without adulterating it with skeptical experience her beliefs are exactly what the left teaches.
Obama was much more shrewd than AOC. He’s raking in over a hundred million now. Obama understood how to play the long con. And unlike Bill Clinton he’s a disciplined guy.
AOC is going to flame out at this rate. She’s already getting caught mid-spending campaign funds. She’s making herself an easy target of the deep state.
you know who Was A Moderate ? Norman Borlaug
you know what Norman Borlaug did? a GREEN REVOLUTION
you know what Moderate Norman Borlaug's Green Revolution did? Saved a couple of BILLION people
you know HOW it did that? American Technology and Free Markets
In the 1960s, rice yields in India were about two tons per hectare; by the mid-1990s, they had risen to six tons per hectare. In the 1970s, rice cost about $550 a ton; in 2001, it cost under $200 a ton.[22] India became one of the world's most successful rice producers, and is now a major rice exporter, shipping nearly 4.5 million tons in 2006.
THAT's what moderates do; and THAT's why Sandy O'Casey wants them shot
AOC and Omar are great. They give you the Dem agenda and belief system straight up. And they are minor league corrupt.
It’s fun to watch them make Pelosi scramble.
And it’s great to watch the Jewish excuse-makers work for Omar.
Bernie Sanders is the best at it.
The Dem Party hears GOP dog whistles everywhere but charges of “dual loyalty” aren’t Anti-Semitic now.
Better than Meh is a high standard.
This comment is one of many this woman will one day cringe to hear - after she has had normal life's lessons and comes to regret the lack of "meh" in her hot-house souped up life. She thinks she's riding high lecturing us all as if she knows best, when she barely knows what she does not know. She's headed for a very bad fall. And her admirers are all setting her up for it. All the attention she's getting is just ensuring it will be far worse than it otherwise needs to be. It's actually rather sad.
If this political shit doesn't work out, there's always bar tending.
AOC is green. Moderates are green. AOC is moderate.
“Moderate is not a stance."
Yes it is. It's called humility.
These people scare me.
"Remember this when left wingers try to lecture us about how they believe America is already great. Why it's almost like that's a lie intended only for their opposition audience and isn't something they believe at all."
It will be interesting to see how the LLR/NeverTrumpers at The Bulwark/National Review obfuscate all this leftist insanity away as they continue to declare we should vote Democrat up and down the ballot in order to "conserve conservatism".
Meh is indeed bad.
The trouble with meh is history. History is full of nasty stories about complacent people whose world views are blind to change. Who are unaware of the white ants undermining their foundations, or rather are unwilling to entertain reports of such. Who will not entertain worst-case scenarios, out of a desire for comfort.
Maduro was a city bus driver before getting into politics and “rewriting the social contract” alongside Chávez. The results are plainly evident but the Democrats seem bent on following that path. This dim-bulb barmaid will probably be President of a shattered, starving US someday. If I’m still alive, I intend to be part of the counter-revolution.
Capitalism is an economic system founded on retained [individual] earnings, which fails to optimize price and availability in the presence of monopolies and practices.
Emigration reform mitigates collateral damage forced by immigration reform at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment) breeds adversity.
Political congruence is a system of labels and judgement and is exclusive.
Social justice (e.g. hereditary guilt, close associations, diversity, chauvinism, viability) anywhere is injustice everywhere.
Unsecured elective wars are a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change and refugee crises.
Warlock hunts and trials are a conflation of politics and law. Post-normal science (i.e. exceeding the near domain in time and space, backward, forward, and all around, where accuracy is inversely proportional to the product of time and space offsets from an established frame of reference) is a conflation of logical domains.
Selective-child is a summary judgment and a cruel and unusual punishment. The planned parenthood protocol is for dodo dynasties.
all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed
Unfortunately, "meh" is an integral aspect of American conservatism.
Look how effortlessly Trump went in and re-created the Republican coalition while gently setting the “Bulwark Republicans” adrift. We can still hear the echoes of their cries floating through the fog, but they ain’t coming back and we ain’t going looking for them.
This is probably off-topic but Scrappy Doo can go fuck himself.
Yes he was more like John candy in volunteers:
I seem to have misplaced my copy of the social contract. In fact, I don't even remember signing one.
I'd be happy if the revised social contract banned Captchas.
Borlaug was a technocrat and an engineer.
He was not a political creature. His miracle was that he was permitted to do what he did, solve a technical problen, and that was so ultimately because it suited the strategy of the Cold War. Many others in similar positions have been actively blocked. But Borlaug was working for the Rockefeller Foundation, which was then an active participant in the Cold War, a deniable front for US policy.
Its interesting that in hindsight the main threat to Borlaugs success was through numerous attempts at rat-fucking actions by parts of the Mexican government in blocking the export of hybrid seed to South Asia, in 1965. One detects the odor of the KGB here, which was active in Mexico, and had many agents of influence there.
Borlaug is hated today, or rather his story is deliberately suppressed, as such things are not permitted within the propaganda system. The propaganda line only includes things of value to the interests it serves. Borlaugs story is inconvenient.
I know I have linked to this before but it does fit here: Cornelius Cardew's Smash the Social Contract. "Smash, smash, smash the social contract...."
The US in 1965 was not "moderate", it was intensely active in pressing political and economic and technological change on the world. The US governing class had a vision that they were striving for, like it or not. They were not "meh".
For better or worse, largely for better, the people who ran the US officially or unofficially, over fifty years, 1945-95, pretty much, created most of the modern world. It was a masterful performance. They were so good that they created an illusion, but just an illusion, of "meh".
This class has been replaced.
How did the All Out Communist get to Austin? On her little bicicleta? Or did she fly, spewing untold amounts of "carbon pollution" into the air? Private plane? Commercial? First class or coach? Will the Corrupt Liberal Media ("CLM") find out for us?
Her appearance and mannerisms are attractive. It's quite an achievement to remain likable whilst being such a geyser of bullshit. She'll have a long career, win many honors, and make a lot of money. There's no better country for a young socialist than America, but the trick is to publicize and not prevail. Can you imagine the misery and indignities Upton Sinclair would have suffered had his utopian schemes come to fruition?
Her socialistic views are not my cup of tea, but I say let's give AOC some space and time. She didn't get into office by giving blowies to big donors, so is relatively uncorrupted at this point. And her critique of the system is very Trumpian.
If the 40% Trump loyalists and the 40% AOC fangirls ever stop and figure out their common interests, we might get some real change in this country.
Poor Sarah Palin. If only she'd had these enablers she'd have been president in 2012.
Food and free speech are so boring. Lets ban them.
Esp if you're a deplorable.
Capitalism sucks man
John D. Rockefeller is remembered chiefly in the persona of Montgomery T. Burns on the Simpsons, but he achieved things far beyond the dreams of the most utopian socialists. The Rockeller Foundation was responsible for eradicating tapeworm in the southern states. The Foundation cured or prevented the spread of yellow and scarlet fever.......Rockefeller's wife was a parson's daughter. The parson's house was a stop on the Underground Railroad. Rockefeller put up the money for Morehouse College which was named after his father-in-law......Rockefeller took the most pride not in his charitable work, but in his oil company. He made kerosene an affordable, reliable product. Oil for the lamps of China. At a time when Ida Tarbell's father was making oil barrels--wooden ones--John D Rockefeller was building tank cars--fleets of them. There were many whales who owed their long lives to Rockefeller's pioneering efforts. He saved the whales......It's the nature of feckless socialists like AOC to celebrate the genius of Ida Tarbell and demonize the acumen of John D Rockefeller.
Well her chief pocketed at least a million dollars in contributions so.
Of staff saika chakrabarti who was running a pack for eight other justice Democrats out of Tennessee, because they didnt want to pay tax.
The Democrats have to wonder how far they can push the rabbis, with this anti-Semitic crap. The rank and file Jew is not very religious, and if you ever heard them go on about Israelis,.. well. But the rabbis have a responsibility to their charges. At some point they are going to drop the partisan stuff and look at what it is that they are really supporting by blindly supporting the Democrats.
Hers is the vision of the port huron statement which pointedly came out three years before vietmam began in earnest.
The baader meinhof in Germany, the brigatte in Italy later action directe in France had similar view.
AOC is embarrassing. Like like like... is she 16?
One operated out of east Germany, the other with stb (czech secret service) support.
Where is the decline? The US GDP per capita is significantly higher than any country with a population over 10 million. We just experienced the greatest growth in GDP in 14 years. The US exports more food than any other country, so we help feed the world.
The biggest decline in the US is trust in media. Maybe if they questioned AOC's premise, that decline could turn around.
Regardless, she’s going to bank some fat stacks of wonga before she’s done
Those Steyer billions have to flow somewhere...
Meh is not complacent. Meh is the pragmatic middle road of compromise - the zone where implementation might actually work.
When I first heard the New Green Deal, my reaction was: yeah its crazy but in negotiations doesn't one always come out with an offer that is way more than you expect to get in the end?
The 1940 Cuban constitution was much like the vision of ocasio Cortez. It was a fever dream free education housing health care, they kept the cows and the planes, but that was the pledge Fidel ran on.
It seems AOC has neither the time nor patience to convince the electorate to adopt her ideas.
She's opting for a more revolutionary approach.
Michael Brand said...
Her socialistic views are not my cup of tea, but I say let's give AOC some space and time. She didn't get into office by giving blowies to big donors, so is relatively uncorrupted at this point.
She's already a seasoned corruptocrat. Ever heard of New Congress LLC?
Look how effortlessly Trump went in and re-created the Republican coalition while gently setting the “Bulwark Republicans” adrift. We can still hear the echoes of their cries floating through the fog, but they ain’t coming back and we ain’t going looking for them.
Aunty, I don’t know who you are or where you came from but that there’s good prose, succinctly metaphorical. Nice writing!
“Manage the decline” is a phrase Newt Gingrich used about Mitt Romney. So they are stealing from the Republicans.
To revise and extend on my 2:05 post, I think that is the essential reward of participating on the Althouse blog. The writing brings me here. The way Althouse writes about what interests her is interesting in itself, even her attempts to set the terms of discussion can be quite interesting as persuasive writing. Posts by commenters range from funny to insightful, the ones that aren’t artificially generated agitprop. And every once in awhile a post achieves something sublime, and constrained by the format these certainly qualify as wit.
AOC is saying that capitalism worked well for white people and made the United States a rich and powerful nation, but that system doesn't work for black and brown people for unspecified reasons. Oddly enough, she can't point to a system that has worked as well or better for POC or whites, but she wants to burn the whole system down because she's young and energetic.
WFB: "Don't immanentize the eschaton!"
AOC: "Hold my beer!"
Meh is not immediately burning down your universities, that are destroying you.
Meh is making excuses and being unwilling to stop taking poison, and worse, to rationalize feeding poison to your children.
A lesson of history is that meh always, everywhere, ends in disaster. The comfortable are overthrown.
AOC strikes fear in the hearts of the Democrat and Republican Establishment because unlike them she hasn’t yet been bought.
If you haven't seen this re Saikrat Chakrabarti and AOC, it's worth the time:
AOC has been bought. She was very well financed vs her traditional Dem opponent.
She benefited from, ultimately, Wall Street money that her opponents didn't get.
And she was elected by a gentrifying, affluent group of voters.
Her opponent got the ethnic-Puerto Rican, blue collar vote.
The question is what has she been bought to do.
We found someone dumber than Inga. Did not thing that was possible.
buwaya said...
AOC has been bought. She was very well financed vs her traditional Dem opponent.
She benefited from, ultimately, Wall Street money that her opponents didn't get.
And she was elected by a gentrifying, affluent group of voters.
Her opponent got the ethnic-Puerto Rican, blue collar vote.
The question is what has she been bought to do.
Get revenge. Those white, affluent, gentrifying types have a real hard-on to get revenge for past treatment of black and brown people.
I have a question for her, a professional question: Which cocktail do you find harder to make, the Manhattan or the Singapore Sling.
"It’s time to rewrite the social contract,"
Not being a signatory to the current version I have absolutely no intention of signing on to her new one given what I've seen and heard from her about the changes she wants to make (see, for example, the AOC Green New Deal).
And, for the love of god, would one of the journalists please, please ask her for a list of the systemic problems she keeps prattling on about!
If the 40% Trump loyalists and the 40% AOC fangirls ever stop and figure out their common interests, we might get some real change in this country.
Dangerous idiocy.
Why bother with those answers:
If you don’t understand the difference between the Wall Street side of the Democratic Party and the movement that wants to overthrow it, American politics will not make much sense to you.
the pop culture version is this:
the skrulls formerly the villains in the comics are the good guys, and well ronan wasn't an outlier among the kree
This is an interesting vi∂eo about where AOC came from.
It would be interesting to find out who is funding this.
H/T Ace
she hasn’t yet been bought.
Embezzling a million dollars from donors suggests otherwise.
"If you don’t understand the difference between the Wall Street side of the Democratic Party and the movement that wants to overthrow it, American politics will not make much sense to you."
There is nothing there that isn't paid for, by someone. The idea that there is some organic political process going on is naive. There is no such thing without massive funding and a substantial organization to back them with publicity.
What you see is only the public, surface manifestation of power struggles that we can't see the substance of, or understand. We do not know the real players, the stakes they are playing for, or the real points at issue. We can only suspect and draw conclusions from the more blatant items in the propaganda.
“We found someone dumber than Inga. Did not thing that was possible.”
Yet you’ve been here all along.
“Aunty, I don’t know who you are or where you came from but that there’s good prose, succinctly metaphorical. Nice writing!”
Tim, Vermont.
“To revise and extend on my 2:05 post, I think that is the essential reward of participating on the Althouse blog. The writing brings me here. The way Althouse writes about what interests her is interesting in itself, even her attempts to set the terms of discussion can be quite interesting as persuasive writing.”
Yes, you should do some ass kissing after mischaracterizing Althouse’s comments about battery storage and wind power so egregiously last week. Is this your apology to her?
"Rewrite the social contract" = "steal more of your money" and "take away more of your liberty."
Besides, it's difficult to rewrite something that didn't exist in the first place. (See Franz Oppenheimer's THE STATE,)
"Yes, you should do some ass kissing after mischaracterizing Althouse’s comments about battery storage and wind power so egregiously last week."
Someone needs to teach Inga the first law of holes.
Yes Michael, "Mr.Reagan" is on to something.
But he stops at the operational level. Cenk Uygur? Where does HIS money come from?
Someone is indeed funding this.
And moreover whoever it is, behind the scenes, has sufficient "pull" to scare the rest of the overt Dem party into line. For publicity purposes anyway.
Most of US politics happens behind the curtains because the US is a vast and tremendously significant place, and the entire world is invested in its doings. Do not assume that all these players are American. The opinions and interests of the ordinary American are not well represented, if at all, because other than within the disappearing fiction of democracy they simply don't matter.
I had an interesting thought looking at the first screen of that video of AOC dressed all in virginal white. Aimee Semple McPherson was a mesmerizing evangelist in Los Angeles in the late 20s, and I though of McPherson when I saw the picture. Both of them were spreading a Gospel as they saw it. Ms McPherson left something solid---a big white temple near Echo Park Lake in central Los Angeles--it's still here almost 100 years later, although the McPherson group has long since gone away. I passed it everyday on my commute to work in downtown LA. I wonder if there will be anything to remind folks of AOC 90 years from now. I sure hope not.
“...because other than within the disappearing fiction of democracy they simply don't matter.”
Why is ISIS on the rise in the Philippines?
Inga: "Why is ISIS on the rise in the Philippines?"
One reason is the influx of your beloved islamic supremacist fighters from all the islamic s***hole countries stirring up trouble.
But hey, borders are evil.
"I wonder if there will be anything to remind folks of AOC 90 years from now. I sure hope not."
Hell, she'll probably be on Mt. Rushmore.
To answer Althouse as to the demand for a "normal" country - this is a fantasy.
The US isn't Denmark, and can't be, because the stakes are low in Denmark and it doesn't matter much to anyone what the Danes decide, not enough to go very far to buying Danish politics. Even the richest people in Denmark don't have such pull. It is a matter of economies of scale, which determines the bang for the political buck.
The US hasn't been "normal" since 1898, when it took its first step to becoming a global power. Its a long way from Wisconsin local politics to where the real money matters, so its often easy to miss. Its usually missed, for instance, how much pull Britain had on US policy in the 20th century. Britain bought a lot of friends in the US, with cash.
What is going on now is vastly more than Britain purchasing US MSM coverage in 1939-41.
Because the Philippines has Muslims, and has had them in one part or another for, oh, 600-700 years. And all that time they have been a PITB.
I do not recommend the US permit more Muslims in. They will be nothing but trouble.
Word of the day: kakistocracy.
It is clear that social media is a kakistocracy. So is the media:CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, BBC, etc.
I think the Democrats are now.
I did not support Trump last time, even when the candidate was Hillary Clinton. But if the party is now ruled by AOC, Omar, Sanders, Tlaib — what choice will I have? Unserious, bigoted, ignorant, smug — not a good look. I agree with those who find Trump pretty awful, but he is middling awful. These folks are far, far worse.
yes you caould name check the juramentados, who aggravated the us military in the early part of the last century, abu Sayyaf and the moro liberation front, Islamic state is yet another head of the hydra,
really now, I suppose the provisional ira which received support from qaddafi were on similar grounds,
That 14,000 votes that she got in the primary against Joe Crowley (he got 10,000) sure are doing a lot of work.
I am trying to understand what would prompt this asinine comment:
Drago said...
"Remember this when left wingers try to lecture us about how they believe America is already great. Why it's almost like that's a lie intended only for their opposition audience and isn't something they believe at all."
It will be interesting to see how the LLR/NeverTrumpers at The Bulwark/National Review obfuscate all this leftist insanity away as they continue to declare we should vote Democrat up and down the ballot in order to "conserve conservatism".
I was going to respond to it by listing all of the articles and columns at both NRO and The Bulwark where the writers ridicule Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. But there are just too many. Use the “Search” feature at The Bulwark and there are three pages of Ocasio-Cortez references.
I used Google to search Ocasio-Cortez’s name and “National Review.” With those results along with my own regular reading of National Review, it is clear that there have been about two or three columns ever week that address something relating to the AOC phenomenon. I quit counting them individually when it occurred to me that the author of the comment above was not worth the trouble.
He could have done that minimal checking himself before posting such an obviously stupid comment, but didn’t.
What would lead to such an embarrassingly dumb comment? Mendacity? Madness? Trumpian cultism?
I don’t know; I won’t speculate because I don’t care. What I want readers here to know is that there is some really great writing about the little millennial douchebag harpy at both of NRO and The Bulwark.
And yes, I deliberately used the epithet “millennial douchebag harpy” prophylactically, because I am so used to a strain of Althouse’s commentariat accusing me of leftist sympathies and motivations. So fuck that.
Cortez burned all the ships when he arrived in the Americas, right? So too his progeny, if AOCortez counts as progeny. Burn it down! Capitalism is unsustainable!
say what,
AOC auditioned for her role.
She is just a figurehead for a Socialist group--the guys behind Young Turks.
LLR Chuck takes timeout from his continuous defense of All Things Lefty (of late his passionate over the top defense of Adam Schiff) to vouch for the "conservative" bona fides of the Bill
Kristol gang long after Kristol and gang have called for everyone to vote democrat.
Nice try Chuckie.
Btw, you'd better hurry and climb back on the Defend Adam Schiff At All Costs bandwagon given how Bruce Ohrs released testimony has blown away your beloved Schiff-tys lies over the last 2 years....
....a period of time which nicely overlaps with your proudly declared smear tactics here at Althouse!
One does wonder.
Lets hope we dont have a repeat of LLR Chuck attacking children and/or more racist commentary along the lines of "Dept Of Black People".
That would indeed be unfortunate.
In my searching the many pages of columns discussing the AOC phenomenon at The Bulwark, one of my favorites was this one by Christian Vanderbrouk:
One of the lines I see regularly repeated here is, “This is how you get more Trump.” Vanderbrouk looks at ‘How you get Ocasio-Cortez.”
Meanwhile over at NRO, Dan McLaughlin does a comprehensive analysis of the right’s fascination with AOC:
The very first chronicle of the Spanish expedition, Legaspi's report to Philip II, of 1568, included accounts of bloodcurdling Muslim piracy.
Its online in English as there was a Congressionally mandated project to translate and compile the Spanish archives as an aid to governance of its new colony, conducted from 1902, it ultimately reached 55 volumes.
You will find it as the Blair & Robertson "Philippine Islands" series. You will find Blair & Robertson in many formats on Gutenberg among others.
From volume III, details of an account referenced in summary in several places in various Spanish reports, as it made an impression - this concerning an incident wherin the expedition came into conflict with the Muslims, and thereby liberated a couple of survivors of a Chinese trading expedition -
"The Spaniards entered the town, and set free two Chinamen, who were
kept there in chains. They learned from these men the ostensible
reason for their imprisonment, as follows. Two Chinese ships had come
to trade with the Moros in this river; but, hearing of our presence
in Mindoro, they desired to betake themselves thither. The Moros
would not allow them to go away. In the quarrel that ensued over
the question of their departure, the Chinese fired a culverin from
one of the ships and killed a Moro chief. The Moros assembled to
avenge him, and overtook the Chinese as they were about to sail out
to sea through the estuary. It seems that the vessels were wrecked
on certain shoals at the entrance to the estuary, and the Chinese
with all their possessions fell into the power of the Moros, who
inflicted on them a severe punishment--seizing them all, and putting
them to death by inches in a most cruel manner, flaying their faces,
and exposing them on reeds and mats. When the Spaniards entered the
town, they encountered not a few similar sights; and so recent was
this deed that the flayed faces of the Chinese were still bleeding. "
The accounts, in this vein, continue for over 300 years. ISIS are just a modern instance of the same old thing.
One of my projects is an account of the Spanish expedition of 1876 to finally take and occupy the island of Jolo, the seat of the local Sultanate. This was undertaken, as one can imagine, in order to finally suppress these endless raids and atrocities.
Meh! I'm a heavily armed pacifist. I continue to invest in lead.
“I am WOMan, hear me yawn.” Is that it?
The Bulwark! LOL
The pro-infanticide Bulwark....whose editors endorsed Hillary and democrats at all levels!
"Conservatism conserved"...LOL
One could try dismiss AOC as just an accident, an oddity, but that isn't so. This was planned and financed by people with a purpose in mind.
Granted the entire Democratic party is a criminal conspiracy representing the corrupt interests of their owners, but the deliberation whereby that particular clique was selected and promoted is a special case. More so the exercise of power in the recent power struggle. These are not just some pack of new back-benchers. There is power behind them, backers sufficiently formidable so as to scare the old-timers.
buwaya: "One could try dismiss AOC as just an accident, an oddity, but that isn't so. This was planned and financed by people with a purpose in mind."
No kidding.
Very similar to how The Bulwark is being financed by a far left hack billionaire who wants to destroy conservatism.
Which explains fully and completely LLR Chucks continuous linking to it.
Like the invasion of Algeria came after the last round of barbary pirate raids in 1830,
Some details here:
We always think history started yesterday or at the longest interval 25 years ago
Mr.Reagan" is on to something.
But he stops at the operational level. Cenk Uygur? Where does HIS money come from?
Suromeone is indeed funding this.
Absolutely. I was wondering who it might be. It is NOT Uygur. Following the networks, as in Chuck's beloved "Bulwark."
We got out of CA and AZ is close enough to visit grandkids. I suspect that my younger son, as soon as all the kids are launched, will move. His wife has talked about Austin TX. Too far for us. Austin is going LA's way but maybe not for a while. There are not that many Jerry Browns, thank Gods.
Wherever there is lefty cash funding fake conservatives to support democrats you will find "LLR" volunteers doing their part for Team Left.
>> Waleed Shahid
: 26 yrs old
: Shahid’s father moved to the US from Pakistan
Curious that young Muslims (Pakis and Somalis) see our inherent flaws so clearly.
Surely whatever new system the Caliphate fans deliver will not have "systemic problems"
like the Old Country...
Why fly a plane into a building
when you talk the white liberals into "destroying the system" in favor of a story - war on poverty, war on climate, war on bigotry (Joos not included), a war on "inequality", a war on capitalism, a war on Israel (BDS)
> ISIS are just a modern instance of the same old thing.
Someone has been "hypnotized" by the "Benjamins" of the zionists?
> the greatest things we have ever accomplished as a society have been ambitious acts of visions
You mean like Amazon?
It's ironic that shahid comes from Pakistan, which is a very stratified nation with a very deep state,indeed, cawthorne's creation the isi as well as the army have become a frankensteins monster, sponsoring the Taliban which was another variation of the ghazi from the 19th century.
They provided a little pin money for aq Khan, arranged to Bhutto to be toppled, sanctuary for aq Khan supplied saed Shah the fellow who delivered Daniel pearl to ksm.
> the greatest things we have ever accomplished as a society have been ambitious acts of visions
Oh, she means GOVT acts of vision!
Like a train from LA to San Francisco...
or a web site for health care...
I wonder if she will have the Feds become corrupt "investors", like with Solyndra
Or just take the means of production, like Pemex or Fannie Mae...
Zapatero went all in on sky dragon projects and helped tank thr Spanish economy, they limped under his center right successor.
> ambitious acts of visions
> The U.S. government spent 75.6 billion dollars on IT projects in 2014
> government’s IT projects most often fail miserably. According to The Standish Group’s report, from 2003 to 2012, only 6.4 percent of federal IT projects with $10 million or more in labor costs were successful.
> visions
Imagine you worked in a company
taken over by a 20 year old with "Visions"
and "zero experience"
Great postings, Michael and buwaya, both sentinel quality.
Cortez is a dangerous woman.
From "Upon First Looking Into Sandy's GND (with apologies to John Keats:
...Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken;
Or like stout [Ocasio] Cortez when with eagle eyes
[S]he star'd at the Pacific—and all his [LBGTQ] men [woman, and allies]
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise—
Silent, upon a peak in Darien [CT].
Mad Magazine, thou shouldst be living at this hour.
America hath need of thee.
"Does Sandy O'Casey Think...?
Does Sandy O'Casey REALLY think...?
and Finally
Does Sandy O'Casey Really, Truly think...?"
"I wonder if there will be anything to remind folks of AOC 90 years from now. I sure hope not."
I have my doubts about 90 months from now, even.
And now Buwaya, your complaints about "meh," may have some merit, but they are not what AOC means, derisively, or what Althouse means, positively. The real innovators who put this nation on the map lived total lives of "meh" in the right sense. That is, they slaved away studying, thinking about, and living with and through the finer points of refining this or that, one small thing after another - including the great politicians like Lincoln, for whom ever single dull detail was all-consuming. What makes this nation great, and what someone as surface as AOC fails to see, is that it gave room and reward to such actions over all the little Lenins and Napoleons who think it is they who make history.
Where have I seen those eyes befor?
> “The most important thing is the concentration of capital, and it means that we prioritize profit and the accumulation of money above all else, and we seek it at any human and environmental cost… But when we talk about ideas like democratic socialism, it means putting democracy and society first, instead of capital first; it doesn’t mean that the actual concept of capitalistic society should be abolished,” -- AOC
To eliminate important" "concentration of capital" she needs "concentration of political power" to take that capital and "put democracy and society first".
Same as "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it" this starts with a Big Lie.
If govt is what makes you, then govt can break you.
Big Chief Warren had a more establishment approach - "Accountable Capitalism Act" to regulate companies into public utilities https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/15/elizabeth-warren-accountable-capitalism-act-richest-companies
We could call this the "kill the golden goose party".
Sandy Donkey Chompers is our own little Chavez!
"If you like your capital, you can keep your capital"
Up until a point, when you "have enough".
"You didn't build that", everyone else did, so you didn't really earn that.
Society demands to redistribute your capital to Entitled people who don't know what to do with it. Like a "Free Enterprise Zone"...
We are in even worse trouble than it seemed we were 6 months ago.
Yeats wrote it 100 years ago:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Drago said...
The Bulwark! LOL
The pro-infanticide Bulwark....whose editors endorsed Hillary and democrats at all levels!
You fucking liar.
The Bulwark is not "pro-infanticide." As if that actually needed to be articulated.
Charlie Sykes is the Editor-in Chief of The Bulwark. He did not endorse or vote for Hillary Clinton. He said he would not vote for Trump.
Jonathan V. Last is the Executive Editor of The Bulwark. About Mrs. Clinton, he wrote (in an article wondering how bad she might be as president), "None of this is to say that conservatives should like Hillary Clinton, or vote for her..."
Rachael Larimore is the Managing Editor. She wrote on Twitter that "Hillary seems like the least bad option," but she also said that she would not vote for her.
Jim Swift is a Senior Editor. I don't know who Jim voted for in 2016; but I see exactly zero evidence that he voted for Hillary. None of his colleagues at the Weekly Standard, where he was working at the time of the 2016 general election voted for Hillary.
The same goes for Benjamin Parker, a second Senior Editor for The Bulwark. I found zero evidence that he voted for Hillary.
Drago, you've gone 0-for-6 in just this one comment. It's hard to be that incompetent without some effort.
Jonathan V. Last at The Bulwark on CPAC, abortion, and Molly Jong-Fast's writing about the absurdities of the 2019 edition of CPAC.
The entirety of the fake conservative "leadership" is completely in the tank for the dems.
But only completely.
Your desperation in defending these hacks who sent a rabid pro-infanticide lefty "journalist" to cover pro-lifers at CPAC is duly noted and only matched by your astonishingly passionate defenses of Adam Schiff, Dick Durbin, Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, and the universe of lefty media organizations and hacks.
Needless to say, you are the same disgraceful fake conservative who so enjoyed insinuating Melania Trump was an escort earlier in the Trump administration.
Why you did that? Because, as you so proudly declared, you are only here to smear Trump....and attack conservatives.
Its no surprise whatsoever that you were asked to take your obvious bad faith posting elsewhere.
Sykes, Last and Kristol are owned by radical lefty anti-American billionaire Pierre Omidyar.
No wonder you defend them so vehemently.
The Bulwark: Look, Chuck—a website just for you.
"Charlie Sykes is the Editor-in Chief of The Bulwark. He did not endorse or vote for Hillary Clinton. He said he would not vote for Trump."
Why..he's..he's....a "Gadfly"!!
That's why the first working title of that site was "The Butthurt".
Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
AOC is embarrassing. Like like like... is she 16?
Hey now..that's voting age in the near future.
NeverTrumper David French at National Review Online pens a column entitled, "The Culture of Fake Outrage Comes for Tucker Carlson."
Typically good writing from David French:
"I don’t like many of Tucker Carlson’s ideas. As I’ve written at length, I think his embrace of victimhood populism is bad for the nation and bad for the conservative movement. I’ve tried to follow his show, but I find his brand of right-wing outrage journalism tiresome and destructive in its own right. But we should respond to his arguments with arguments of our own. We should debate him on the air and in print. And if we don’t like his show, we can change the channel."
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