"... that, while all opinions are open to debate, some behavior really is out of bounds. An impeachment trial can’t be won? Well, the Republican Party may be obedient now, but there is just enough Never Trumping among those who were once the staunchest of conservatives to make it clear that the difference between constitutional conservatism and thuggishness is real and can be argued for, and maybe even partly won.... Pragmatism is not a way of negating principle but, rather, the realist’s way of pursuing principle. The arguments against impeachment today are primarily pragmatic, the arguments for it primarily principled, but the principled course could, before long, turn into the only practical course. Impeachment may be too good for Trump. It may yet prove just the thing for the country."
Writes Adam Gopnik in "The Pros and Cons of Impeaching Trump/Real and reasonable arguments among congressional Democrats—and, indeed, among the public—range from the practical to the procedural" (The New Yorker).
I'm posting this because it reads like nonsense to me. I presume it makes perfect sense from inside the bubble.
It seems to me the Mr. Gopnik has reached the 'bargaining' phase of grief.
What crime did the President commit? Can the author answer that?
Hint: It's not a crime to be unliked.
What out-of-bounds behavior is Adam Gopnik talking about? JFK seducing teenaged virgins in the White House? Lyndon Johnson unzipping to impress his staff? Bill Clinton doing this, that, and the other with a very young and starstruck Monica Lewinsky?
The New Yorker became unbearable in the 1990s, but now it's also dumb.
It's like rain on his wedding day.
It makes more sense for those who just can’t live with Trump as president to kill themselves.
The assumption seems to be that Trump has committed a crime. That was also the assumption with Mueller's investigation too.
Arguing for impeachment for an unknown crime: Today's Democrat Party.
the difference between constitutional conservatism and thuggishness is real
Are the never-Trumpers and the pro-impeachment people the thugs? Because they can act thuggish at times, so it seems to fit, but I have a feeling that wasn't what was intended.
"Why won't he just kneel and let us behead him for our own good"
Civility. Bullshit.
"What crime did the President commit?"
Do they need a crime? Isn't a misdemeanor enough? Something like obstruction of social justice?
Yeah, the POTUS hasn't done anything worthy of being impeached, but we'll impeach him anyway. Never been done before in 220 years. Usually, what stops this kind of thing is payback. The D's don't want the R's doing it them. Guess the D's now think they're invulnerable.
some behavior really is out of bounds.
Is behavior an impeachable offense?
It's really bizarre reading the confused dispatches from bubble dwellers. It's like listening to a Tokyo Rose transmission or something.
Gopnick is a very sloppy writer. Lets call him "Slopnick".
Isn't Gopnik the recipient of Cheney's comment to Bush ? "Big Time.:"
"What crime did the President commit?"
He usurped the throne from its rightful heir.
"The arguments against impeachment today are primarily pragmatic...". Well, yeah. I guess the fact that Trump hasn't been shown to have done anything close to an impeachable offense would be classified as a pragmatic argument.
Let me tell you something I'm hearing consistently from inside the bubble here in DC, even from "moderates": that there is a sizable contingent of Trump voters who are having "buyers' remorse" over their support of Trump.
I tell these people that I peruse the conservative/Republican online world every day & the "buyers' remorse" is simply not the case. In fact, Trump has strengthened his hold on the Republican base.
They then say that the independents are fleeing out the exits. I ask then for polls that show this trend, since I have no idea what constitutes the online world of "independents" & that they don't know either. No polls come back that show a deepening trend. Up & down support, just like all presidents, but no massive falling away among independents or the right-wing. In fact, Trump's numbers' now are actually pretty good for a first term president two years in.
I think this idea of a right-wing agreeable to impeachment is an illusion cast in the Bubble by Never-Trumper "right-wing" commentators, who take up way too much air time considering what a small constituency they represent.
Staunch conservative? We haven’t had a staunch conservative since Coolidge.
Most of these guys still around signed off on Medicare Part D, the Iraq War, and trillions in debt. That was Compassionate Consevativism, which is code for Open Borders and War.
Trump has improved the GOP, at least on paper.
His argument reduces to a consensus can force impeachment, which will unify the nation... country.
while all opinions are open to debate, some behavior really is out of bounds
I'm assuming that the behavior that was really out of bounds was beating Hillary?
And 20 Republican Senators will vote to convict... in the interest of national unity ????
Mr. Gopnik is not going to enjoy the consequences of his proposal.
While all opinions are open to debate, some behavior really is out of bounds. Such as, disagreeing with Adam Gopnik, I presume. Well, good luck pal, you're going to need a lot of therapy when Trump wins in 2020. Unexpectedly.
What's really happened is that Mitch and his gang have closed the Government to new legislation unless its approved by the Big Donors. Want a border wall? Sorry, the filibuster. Tax Cuts for the rich? Oh, that's OK. Mysteriously NOT covered by the filibusters. Everything else is punted to the Federal Courts.
Did we ever vote on letting illegals in her by the millions or Legalized abortion? We can't even ask people if they're citizens on the US Census without a Fed Judge saying its OK.
Gopnik presents "the pros and cons" of impeaching Trump.
Not "some" pros and cons. Not pros and cons. But "the" pros and cons.
I wonder how many Trump supporters he talked to, to make sure he was covering the range of opinions on this one? Let's see. He lists these cons:
1) President Pence would be worse
2) This will devolve into tit-for-tat
3) "A point common to all the anti-impeachment arguments" is that impeachment isn't harsh enough.
When you're in this thick and reinforced a bubble, it is probably easy to convince yourself that impeaching Trump will be a step toward national unity. All the people who are against it because they actually don't think he should be impeached? Beneath notice.
I swear by all that's holy...Dems won't be satisfied until they can pull 'Fort Sumter 2.0'.
They're just itching for something, anything that provides temporary illusions of dominance to keep them safe from how 'doody-head Trump' gave them a 'sadz'.
The Bubble are the tens of thousands of DC insiders who have been at the trough during the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama+Clinton era pocketing payoffs in the billions of dollars dumped into their numbered Swiss Bank Accounts over the last 30 years. That cash bribery as the carrot along with the CIA wet-work killers as the stick has made DC desperately at war with Trump's military guys who demand that the mega-Treason stop. Trump is only their master of ceremonies.
There is an election in 20 months. If there is national unity on Trump, then he will not be re-elected.
Impeachment is the fantasy of paranoid progressives. There will never be unity on impeachment or removal.
When I read these "think" pieces, I sometimes wonder if Trump's greatest crime was having a Queens accent.
A writer for the New Yorker can't be led by something so crass.
"I think this idea of a right-wing agreeable to impeachment is an illusion cast in the Bubble by Never-Trumper "right-wing" commentators, who take up way too much air time considering what a small constituency they represent.
Even some Never-trumpers are starting to understand - the only thing keeping us safe from the bat-shit Democrats and socialists is Trump.
Michael K:
Isn't Gopnik the recipient of Cheney's comment to Bush ? "Big Time.:"
That was, in the words of W, Adam Clymer, "major-league asshole from the New York Times."
Though, to be fair, Gopnik's fantasy is literally ironic.
Do you know who isn't pushing impeachment? Nancy Pelosi.
The New Yorker is just the Campus Magazine for Well-Heeled Progressives. The guy is just writing for his audience. Make them feel better on the upper east side or west side or whatever hipster area of Brooklyn that used to be a black neighborhood they now inhabit.
Pelosi is powerless. AOC holds the conch these days.
If you think there's only one bubble, you might be inside the other one.
no that was the late adam Clymer,
"it reads like nonsense to me"
OK, fine. I appreciate your BS detector. Now take the next step: why would an otherwise intelligent person spout such nonsense for all to see?
1. Progs don't think it is nonsense 2. Prog will say and do anything, sense be damned 3. There are no consequences for spouting nonsense, except kudos if the nonsense serves the cause.
As the example illustrates, we are long past being able to debate serious issues on the merits. The only question becomes, whose side are you on?
... that, while all opinions are open to debate, some behavior really is out of bounds.
What behavior are we talking about? Are we still pretending NDAs are impeachable? Or are we pretending someone pissed on a bed Obama once slept in and the affront to his royal person demands it?
He didn't mention the word collusion at all.
I dunno--this reads like someone's fever dream. Or he may be coming back from a major acid trip. And if "impeachment is too good for Trump" just what is young Master Gopnik suggesting is the right thing for Trump. Does Gopnik fantasize about terminating Trump "with extreme prejudice"? Is he the reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth? Or is he simply a legend in his own mental midget mind?
This sort of problem occurs rather frequently in those folks who have never travelled west of the Hudson River. They don't know anybody who doesn't think like them.
Unity? It will start a CIVIL WAR.
"I'm posting this because it reads like nonsense to me. I presume it makes perfect sense from inside the bubble." Great take.
And now that I see he died last September, I am sorry to have reproduced the comment.
A nice condolence tweet I saw, on learning that: "The thing about Adam Clymer; he was a very kind and generous man. He just hated to admit it."
Drudge is running the siren right now: "Pelosi: No impeachment."
Adam Gopnick hardest hit.
Pelosi says "no impeachment"
Poor poor Gopnick, and after he wrote all those special words!!!
Trump's not a doody-head, PELOSI'S A DOODY-HEAD! WAH! WAH!
six of one, half a dozen of another, bret stephens has the much same view against Netanyahu,
"if you just do things, ordinary people with normal expectations about human behavior will have a hard time believing that you’re doing them."
What has Trump done as President to indicate he thinks this way?
Sounds more like Obama/Alinsky tactics than Donald Trump. It would only work for someone who has the media on their side.
The democrat party is showing themselves to be the enemy of this country.
Charlie pierce has a similar view of civility,
Mattman26 said...
Drudge is running the siren right now: "Pelosi: No impeachment."
The Mueller report must be a real dud.
Impeaching a duly-elected President in the name of unity?
Yeah. You go with that. See what happens.
"The New Yorkerbecame unbearable in the 1990s, but now it's also dumb."
The New Yorker has been dumb for a long time. For example, the serializing of Paul Brodeur's book "Currents of Death" in 1989.
The thesis of this book, that power-line radiation causes cancer, has been very thoroughly debunked since then. But even in 1989 the content was absurdly unscientific: essentially claiming that because (a small number of) people living near power lines got cancer, therefore the power lines caused these cancers. Without even considering that the small sample size might indicate nothing more than a statistical fluke, or that there might be confounding factors (such as, for example, that power lines tend to be near busy highways and other sources of pollution).
That the author has never acknowledged the huge amount of evidence contradicting his conclusion says nothing good about its author. That a supposedly high-class periodical like the New Yorker would publish it says nothing positive about the scientific literacy of that magazine's editors.
Although, arguably, the New Yorker's near-constant raving about Pres. Trump goes beyond mere ignorance into derangement.
And (it must be said) there's an audience for both.
Whatever you need to say out loud to get you to Tuesday, I suppose...
Really, the mccullough solution of just kill yourself seems like the least difficult option at this point.
His (Trump's) crime seems to be that he's not beholden to any interest groups. I find the man to be intensely dislike-able, but I don't think he's been bad for the interests of our country.
I'm posting this because it reads like nonsense to me. I presume it makes perfect sense from inside the bubble.
It's a matter of taste for Gopnik: Trump is vulgar so he must be guilty of something and impeachment is a matter of principle.
It's similar with the NeverTrumpers: opposing Trump is a matter of principle because they consider themselves principled people and they oppose Trump
But is it only them? The idea that politicians one disagrees with have to be guilty of something is very widespread in recent decades, as it was in the early years of the republic.
WisRich said...
Mattman26 said...
Drudge is running the siren right now: "Pelosi: No impeachment."
The Mueller report must be a real dud.
3/11/19, 3:20 PM
Not that anyone will remember this in a year, but I think Pelosi fully supports impeachment.
She is saying no impeachment right now because the timing isnt right. Need to wait for right before the 2020 election.
She will be talked into it right around this time next year.
The New Yorker has funny cartoons.
Even Gopnik's cartoon avatar at the New Yorker looks like somebody punched him in the nose.
Meade said...
Something like obstruction of social justice?
Now that is funny. I'm gonna steal it!
Glad to see Pelosi's common sense on the subject today.
Some call it a "bubble," some call it a "hive."
Some call it a spear, some call it an arrow. . . .
Impeach him for winning is the idea.
It is nonsense. It also deserves the I’m for boring tag. Or I’m for constitutional government and the peaceful transfer of power tag.
Evidently, Adam Gopnik opposes any control of immigration, and he thinks all Americans ought to be able to agree about that.
No surprise, considering the source. It might as well be subtitled, "Why Our Abject Lying is Justified".
"that, while all opinions are open to debate, some behavior really is out of bounds."
Treasonous Dems with their Traitorous NeverTrumper Cucks. Wbat a lovely couple.
"When we defeat an enemy, we tend to their wounded and treat captives humanely. But traitors? Traitors we hang."
We stopped doing that to appear more cultured. We're paying for that as NeverTrumpers destroy the Republican party. Some behavior is indeed out of bounds. And I'm sure their must be a proverb stating that only a fool tolerates and enables such behavior.
Maybe Gopnick imagines that the Clinton Family Foundation might have hired him if Hillary Clinton had become President.
Just look how Impeachment ruined Bill Clinton's life.
If impeachment were a political winner for Democrats the House would already have initiated it.
Pelosi: Trump "just not worth" impeachment.
That will go over well with the Trump deranged.
Increasingly I could imagine the Democrats tearing themselves apart over the next two years.
"while all opinions are open to debate, some behavior really is out of bounds.'
Two good examples of thugs are Chuck Schumer and Jerrold Nadler.
Let's start by impeaching those two.
I get sucked in on the topic when it surfaces. Then in a little bit I come to senses.
This has nothing to do with impeachment. It has always been 100% about driving President Trumps poll numbers down. It hasn't, the left knows, now, that it won't. They have built this grand illusion, and now it is impossible to get away from it. Attacking the left on this silly debate gives it credence and does exactly what they want. Constant negative news about President Trump.
Any logical reporter would ask any leftist. "will you accept the findings of the Special Counsels report"? The Democrat stenographers where having vapors because President Trump might refuse to accept the report. Crickets now that the Democrats have said repeatedly they don't care what Mueller says, they are going to subpoena everyone that walks upright.
"I'm posting this because it reads like nonsense to me. I presume it makes perfect sense from inside the bubble."
We need someone who lives inside the bubble. Wherever could we find such a person...
Submit and thou shalt find life.
Look for a Barry Blitt cover depicting Mueller shooting Trump from a cannon over the gaping maw of a Pelosi gator at a Mar a Lago water hazard.
"Submit and thou shalt find life."
Submission: the basis of the red-green alliance.
I think the Kavanaugh hearings put an end to any chance of an impeachment. The House may initiate such an attempt, but it will go nowhere and certainly won't make it to removal of Trump. The rest is stream of consciousness dreaming and thus nonsense.
Regarding the quote from Gopnik: that’s what Scott Adams calls word salad.
It fits perfectly with the idea that liberals' TDS is essentially outrage about lesser people pretending to command in their private realm.
If you tell 63 million people that the establishment will do whatever it has to do to make sure their votes don't matter, I don't think the outcome is going to be unity. I think it's much more likely that we'll get to see which box gets put to use after the ballot box gets tossed out the window.
Also, this made me laugh out loud...
It’s the core premise of any liberal democracy that people have to accept the program of the party in power no matter how little they like it, or even how morally repugnant they find it.
Yeah, that's my favorite thing about politics recently, the loyal opposition's willingness to accept the programs of the party in power.
Despite the "high crimes and misdemeanors" requirement, impeachment of a president is a political act rather than a criminal one. If Pelosi is saying no impeachment (at this time) she has decided, I think correctly, that the politics don't favor doing so. I have no doubt she could gin up the simple majority to impeach in the House, but it would likely fail in the Senate. This would make it clear that impeachment is not a principled act, just a crass political one, which would hurt the Democrats with the voters. Might even ensure Trump's reelection in 2020.
Left leaning voters will watch and listen to the arguments for and against impeachment. Almost of these people are illiterate politically. They don't know increasing CO2 has increased crop yields 20% so far and counting. They don't know Manafort worked against Putin and for the Ukrainians. They don't know there is a money trail from DNC/Hillary leading to Russian agents and Putin. They don't know the wildfires in California were caused by powers surges from solar panels.... Keep the genie in the bottle.
It's like a Batsignal went out from Commissioner Gordon's office that Mueller's report is a bust. My FB feed is full of step 3 bargaining from the lefties that if is no Russian collusion, there will be no grounds for impeachment but maybe they can get him on a financial misstep we can all agree on. My next question is how is Mueller's report leaking so quickly?
"The best argument for impeachment is, ironically, the case for national unity.
Why isn't that just as good an argument to shut down the witch hunt and let the elected leader govern?
The Max Boot/Steve Schmidt cuck "wing" of Republicans could hold their meetings in Liz Warren's Teepee.
The only behavior impeachment should be over are crimes. Not mean tweeting the press and insulting political opponents.
Think of two bubbles being inflated.
One bubble is the usual gas from Gropnik and the rest of the media. Trump is a crook and a liar. Illegal immigrants are wonderful for this country. Harvesting ballots and "finding" missing Dem ballots are lawful and democratic.
The other bubble is from the media companies (YouTube, Twitter, Google) suppressing counter-arguments.
Eventually, the two will overlap and the media will regain control of the narrative, and just enough people will believe them to elect Bernie.
This will end well.
Gropnik should have checked in with Nancy Pelosi, who esrlier today told the Post she’s opposed to impeachment hearings.
"It's like a Batsignal went out from Commissioner Gordon's office that Mueller's report is a bust."
Its like there is a behind the scenes communication channel giving out the propaganda line and handing out roles and tasks.
More or less twice daily for some channels such as the TV shows and CNN, daily on others, and so on depending on the publishing frequency.
"The Max Boot/Steve Schmidt cuck "wing" of Republicans could hold their meetings in Liz Warren's Teepee."
You'd need to add Jonathan Last, Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes and all the rest of lefty billionaire-controlled fake Bulwark "conservatives" as well. So, perhaps a king-size tent...but a tent nonetheless.
Gropnik should have checked in with Nancy Pelosi, who esrlier today told the Post she’s opposed to impeachment hearings.
And yet she just let the Oversight Chairman launch the witch hunt.
Is she trying to fool most of America or just the radicals in her own caucus?
@Kevin, it's not clear she knows herself.
After visiting Paris, I was interested in learning more, so I bought Gopnick's book From Paris to the Moon or some such title.
The guy writes like he has his head up his ass. His prose is disconnected, convoluted and impenetrable. That is probably why hip NYC critics loved it.
His recent writing seems a little clearer and written for the same audience. They want to impeach Trump because he is unwelcome in NYS high society.
They don't know increasing CO2 has increased crop yields 20% so far and counting
I too know the CAGCC is a scam, however, don't get too far over your skis. In the corn soybean belt, increases in yield are do to a host of variables. Genetics are the biggest single factor. Higher yield coupled with much improved defense traits like drought tolerance, disease resistance, improved cold soil emergence, etc. That along with improved techniques. I can get you a 12% yield bump by improving your corn seed spacing, and uniform depth control.
I like they way you're thinking!
Even some Never-trumpers are starting to understand - the only thing keeping us safe from the bat-shit Democrats and socialists is Trump.
Read Paul Mirengoff over at the Powerline for a perfect example of this.
Hold the presses ! We now have proof of collision in the 2016 election campaign.
The only trouble is that it's JEB Bush and China.
HUGE: @FEC has levied its biggest fine since Citizens United & 3rd largest in history after investigation found pro-Jeb! Bush super PAC Right to Rise illegally took $1.3 million donation from Chinese-owned corporation—breaking federal law barring foreign interference in elections
Oh Oh. Chuck's friends, the NeverTrumpers, most affected,.
Six Blogger error messages,.
that, while all opinions are open to debate, some behavior really is out of bounds.
Like what? What behaviour? Not using the correct syntax or grammar? Pointing out that the news media is faking the news? Calling a spade a spade (I never did understand that saying).
Ketchup on hotdogs? TWO scoops of icecream!!!!
I guess this writer must have some much higher standards or itty bitty tiny boundaries.
Inga hasn't made an appearance here, probably because she's got her head buried deep in a pillow to muffle screams of outrage and disappointment over Pelosi's comments.
“Obstruction of social justice.”
Meade, that is just perfect.
And it will be a felony, too.
Remember when the Obama White House wanted people to report their neighbors? I reported myself, by the way; I was a Deplorable before Deplorable was cool—before I knew it myself, even.
Where’s my notice to report for re-education?
Yes, impeachment is a political act. But Pelosi knows that she will be a one term Speaker if her caucus even truly threatens impeachment of Trump, since the Dems could then essentially write off in 2020 pretty much every Congressional district that Trump won in 2016. The Dems won the House by running a bunch of moderates, spending gobs of money, and cheating their asses off. These new Dem Representatives from Trump voting districts are pretty much assured not to survive a Trump impeachment vote on their part, absent a smoking gun, of the live boy or dead girl in his room variety. Russian collusion, despite everything that Schiff says, isn’t going to be nearly enough, esp after it having been confirmed that the entire Trump/Russia collusion meme was engineered by Crooked Hillary and the DoJ/FBI deep state working closely together (esp after the full, unredacted, transcripts of the Bruce Ohr’s Congressional testimony were released last week). As Peter Strzok famously said, there is no there there. Never was, but they have had a 2 1/2 year run on that evidence free fake scandal.
"Even some Never-trumpers are starting to understand - the only thing keeping us safe from the bat-shit Democrats and socialists is Trump."
"Read Paul Mirengoff over at the Powerline for a perfect example of this."
Yah but I'm sorry - at his age with his intelligence and experience, there really is no excuse. We are surrounded on all sides by corrupt men who want to enslave us to the State. We can't keep pulling off the road every 4 exits to explain the dire nature of our situation. And there's no reason to believe he won't do this all over again after Trump. We're going to have to leave Paul behind.
“HUGE: @FEC has levied its biggest fine since Citizens United & 3rd largest in history after investigation found pro-Jeb! Bush super PAC Right to Rise illegally took $1.3 million donation from Chinese-owned corporation—breaking federal law barring foreign interference in elections”
Course, they (FEC) are still stalling, as if their lives depended on it, from even looking at the complaint against Crooked Hillary, the DNC, and over 40 state Dem parties that shows, with voluminous spreadsheets almost $90 million in illegal campaign contributions. What apparently was being done with these contributions was that Dem mega donors were contributing to a joint fundraising organization, that was then sending legal sized donations to the state parties, which then immediately sent them back to the DNC, which forwarded them to the Clinton campaign. It would have been almost legal if the Clinton campaign, DNC, and those 43 state parties were operating independently. They weren’t. The Clinton campaign had operational control over the DNC because they controlled its spending (we know this from Donna Brazille), and kept that control by keeping the DNC on a starvation diet for cash. And the state Dem parties had signed agreements to allow the Dem party to control bank accounts of theirs. So - turns out that the same people were moving the money around - one person might move donations electronically to accounts for all the state paries, then back, all within the same bank. The cash never really went anywhere. Because of the extremely high level of cooperation, and that one person was often doing much of the work, legally there is a good argument that the DNX and those 43 state parties were legal alter egos of the Clinton campaign. Of course, this also means that over 1,000 Dem super donors are also in criminal violation of the campaign finance laws, as well as the DNC and 43 state parties. Which explains why the Senate Dems have worked so hard to prevent full staffing of the FEC.
You're correct, but "Nonsense" is too kind.
from even looking at the complaint against Crooked Hillary, the DNC, and over 40 state Dem parties that shows
300 million in "unmarked" donations to Obama.
DNC-centered collusion to deny the vote to Sanders and other choices that undermine democratic integrity.
Warlock hunts and trials by press to influence the vote.
But Pelosi knows that she will be a one term Speaker if her caucus even truly threatens impeachment of Trump, since the Dems could then essentially write off in 2020
The People tolerate a balancing act, but an outright ousting, even with cause, is not a viable choice.
Trump as Stockmann in Ibsen's play
When the Secession Party clamors for impeachment the day after the November 2016 election, it is pretty clear that it is a naked and despotic attempt at a coup.
patiently waking for our Life Long Liberal to explain Jeb Bush and China....
Those pushing for impeachment think it is obvious why Trump should be impeached---he is simply awful! and icky! and a racist!
They fail to grasp that using impeachment simply as a tool of power is both contrary to how a democracy should run and a bad precedent that could be used against them. They are having a tantrum.
Translation: We'll complain and moan and send our black clad Antifa cowards into the streets and theatres until you put in somebody we like.
She wants out of the impeachment mob movement she was leading but needs to appease the mob.
"When the Secession Party clamors for impeachment the day after the November 2016 election, it is pretty clear that it is a naked and despotic attempt at a coup."
The Secession/Coup party had lots and lots of help from the fake conservative LLR's at The Cuckly Standard and other places
Trump's crime is that he is not the right sort to be president. Despite his money, he has working class tastes. He promotes professional wrestling, beauty contests, casinos, his hotels, his TV show, and himself. He eats ketchup on steak, eats junk food, and drinks diet Coke. He does not ignore insults. The impeachment crowd thinks a president should be above all that. He is just not their sort, therefore he should be impeached.
It's class bigotry. About half the country knows that their hatred for him is also hatred for them.
Hillary lost butt hurt turned into more BS.
He has to be impeached. He beat Hillary. There can be no forgiveness shown, nor quarter given for such a fiend.
The MSM has never been objective, but now they're dropping the pretense entirely and gone full-on fascist. It really has become demented, deranged and dangerous.
I must have missed the part of the Constitution that says the President can be impeached for treason, bribery, other high crimes and misdemeanors, and for national unity.
Sure, impeach Trump because a certain slice of the country doesn't like the way he talks, which, absent the proverbial "smoking gun," is what this all boils down to. That'll certainly unify us all.
Sounds like someone genuinely believes in mob rule.
Great comments.
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