Veteran ABC news anchor Sam Donaldson warned Friday how President Donald Trump’s use of a curse word at a political rally this week may over time end up turning “a lot of people off.”Sam Donaldson. I hadn't heard of him in a good long while. But he's posturing as if he knows what turns a lot of people off. Meanwhile, Trump assumes we're ready to hear that ridiculous bullshit is ridiculous bullshit.
Trump said at an event in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Thursday that “the Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit.”
It was in reference to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible Trump campaign collusion.
This gets my "civility bullshit" tag not because Trump said "bullshit." The tag isn't for saying "bullshit" or even saying things that I think are "bullshit." The tag is for bullshitting about civility, and that's what Sam Donaldson is doing. Donaldson says Trump's use of "bullshit" isn't civil, but Donaldson is bullshitting. That's civility bullshit.
It was genius of Trump to lure Donaldson into saying what caused the press to repeat the kick-ass line: "The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit."
And it was modestly smart of Donaldson to get the press to make a headline that begins "Sam Donaldson."
ADDED: It was just last December that people loved it that Michelle Obama said, "That shit doesn’t work all the time." And in 2012, Barack Obama called Mitt Romney a "bullshitter."
I've also noticed Donaldson reappearing. Maybe his ranch is not doing well. Frankly, I had thought he died.
Many among us prefer someone who calls out "ridiculous bullshit" to someone who insists on genteel corporate-speak.
One must distinguish between Bullshit and Chickenshit.
Looks like the republicans have decided that they should actually defend our republic from the barbarians. Donaldson is just on the other side and upset the coup failed.
The republicans aren’t fighters at heart though. Trump is dragging them along.
I am cautiously optimistic that the Democrats will be defeated peacefully but there are still globalist traitors in the Republican Party stabbing their voters in the back.
Question: "The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit."
Answer: Yes.
Spot on, Althouse. Nobody except the Trump haters gives a shit.
In fact, this comment by Trump secures his bond with supporters *and* brings a few independents on board (those who appreciate frankness and honesty).
It’s the Age of Bullshit and Donald Trump is King.
"The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit."
That is a great line. I LOL'ed on reading it. It's so good, I think I'll have to repeat it right now:
"The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit."
And Sam Donaldson, panties a-twist, thinks calling bullshit bullshit will turn Americans off? Well, con men never like to have the trick exposed, do they?
I had thought he cultivates the image of a serious/credible newsman (ala Walter Cronkite), but I saw him on CNN or MSNBC last night and he was awful. Complete lefty biased fake news awful.
And he was so grey he looked like he was 90. Sad!
Sam Donaldson wistfully remembers when fake news was consumed without question.
I heard that Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller found that FBI wiretappers overheard Donald Trump swearing in Russian. Mueller quoted Trump's Russian swear words in his report.
However, William Barr left that finding out of the summary that he released to the public.
Ah the Dims--they will keep on shoveling the "shinola". Somewhere in that storeroom they keep shoveling from, they hope to find a pony.
This is a big f'in deal.
The Democrats love ridiculous bullshit. They bathe in ridiculous bullshit. They peddle ridiculous bullshit, such as the Steele Dossier to their allies in the media. They tweet about ridiculous bullshit. They pontificate about ridiculous bullshit. They have some rich billionaire bullshit artist, Tom Steyer, who's been running ridiculous ads to impeach Trump - even before Mueller finished his bullshit investigation.
The Democrats live for ridiculous bullshit. Sam Donaldson lives for ridiculous bullshit. He was on This Week with David Brinkley, gabbing about ridiculous bullshit every Sunday with Georg Will and Cokie Roberts. The ridiculous bullshit never ceases. Bernie Sanders never had a a job, and is full of ridiculous bullshit. And creepy Joe Biden smells women's hair from behind.
It's a big F*cking deal....right Joe Biden?? We're gonna impeach the Motherf*cker, Freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib??? If what President Trump said was so bad, where was Donaldson for these Democrats spewing bad words?
take a look at the mirror, jim Acosta, this is your future,
Scott Adams has it right - saying "ridiculous bullshit" was pure genius on Trump's part because everyone can relate to the saying and it is unforgettable.
Just can't quite put my finger on why Team Let-It-All-Hang-Out, people who've been cheerleading for turning the culture into a sewer for the last fifty years, are so scandalized at the apt use of words like "bullshit" (or, say, an accurate, venue-appropriate description of the psychology of women who seek out the company of rich and famous men).
It's a puzzle, it is.
Left Bank of the Charles: "It’s the Age of Bullshit and Donald Trump is King."
After your "performance" on what collusion has been proven question, do you really want to go there?
Sam Donaldson warned Friday how President Donald Trump’s use of a curse word at a political rally this week may over time end up turning “a lot of people off.”
Let me tell you a little something motherfucker, we don't care what the fuck you or anyone else thinks.
Agree with Paco - that is one great line. Perfectly encapsulates the last two years.
Well, almost perfectly. Maybe “The Democrats, the Deep State, and their enablers in the media now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit.”
Not as snappy but 100% accurate.
I'm having a hard time finding news about him saying that Representative Tlaib's vulgarity is going to turn off people. Stories about him from around that time are just about how he likes the trend toward Socialism.
Hey it's a big fucking deal!
I always got the impression that Sam Donaldson thought whatever he was reporting on was all about … Sam Donaldson, and that the lucky viewers had the privilege of seeing him reporting on it.
He's still a walking piece of shit. How's that for civility, Sam?
A blast from the past - the way, long ago, past.
And Sam Donaldson talking about civility in the media is pretty rich.
His shtick was always the rude and loud, bull in the china shop type of "reporter."
As a TV personality, Donaldson gave America a lot of scoldings. Old habits are hard to break.
"Limited blogger said...
Sam Donaldson wistfully remembers when fake news was consumed without question."
He also remembers Reagan, like Trump, talking right past it to the American people.
The genius of Trump's phraseology was expressing exasperation while simultaneously exuding an impervious strength and formidability.
... humorless, fusty progs.
@Althouse, FIFY. You’re welcome.
The first rule of the Bullshitter's Club is never use the word "bullshit."
Also, I posted this comment the other day on the post about Trump’s rally (tho that post focused on “loyalty”)...
“What I really enjoyed hearing from Trump, found it really refreshing, and they played it without bleeping on late night Fox: When he said it was all Bullshit claims. Thank you, regular man. Straight to the point. What the guy on the barstool next to you might say. And from Trump it’s not ‘out of character’ pandering like Warren’s contrived/orchestrated: “I’m gunna go get me a beer” “
I think the bubble dwelling so called “elites” are losing their shit because they’ve met their match. They really don’t know how to counter this guy.
More popcorn please!
In fact, I'd say Trump was quite diplomatic in referring to "ridiculous bullshit", when he could have just as easily had said "divisive, treasonous bullshit, for which people ought to suffer legal penalties".
"The Democrats now have to decide if they will continue to defraud the American public with this ridiculous bullshit."
Since Obama they have been regaling us with gems like Stimulus, Son of Stimulus, Cash for Clunkers, Solyndra, $2,500 saving in your health insurance, the Green New Deal, free college, Medicare for All among other. Sam Donaldson came out of his grave to remind us of what bullshitters he and Cronkite were and to remind us they have been fake media for decades.
Sam Donaldson was raised when he was allowed to use 'civility bullshit' unquestioned to sell his codswallop.
Was this Sam 'I will stand aside and allow American Troops to be ambushed' Donaldson? HE is concerned about civility?
Shit, shit holes, bullshit, Libya was a shit show... we didn't start the discourse, it has always been fertile ground, since the politics were correct.
The paradox of the word bullshit: If it is used exceedingly sparingly it emphasizes that something is truly bullshit. If, however, it is used frequently the word itself becomes a bullshit word. I'm okay with Trump's use of it here , but he should refrain from using it again for another six months. You don't want to carpet bomb the sunny upland meadows of the truth with too many cow pies.
A man, a corpse, a corpse-man.
A woman, a baby, a burden, a beast of burden.
A doe, a dear, a female dear.
We'll have a gay, old time.
Donald TФигняrump, caught on tape swearing in Russian, on those surveillance tapes authorized by President Obama that the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) swore never happened? I don’t know a lot of Russian but I do believe I know the Russian version of the term that indicates sonething composed of male bovine excreta, Фигня.
Of course you people get wood when Daddy talks down to your level. He openly expresses your every frustration of low wages, high weight, oxy haze because the deep state hates slugs who refuse to evolve into high technology. Eat coal dust, motherfuckers.
I keep waiting for cooler heads to prevail forcing the Dem leadership to step back from the Wil E. Coyote ledge. However, as their media allies thrash desperately for an anti-Trump straw on which to grasp in the wake of the Mueller report; they are doubling down on Acme Co.'s campaign strategy.
Look for anvil futures to rise.
Is bullshit technically a curse word?
And he was so grey he looked like he was 90.
He's got a gray toupé?
I stood next to him on a street corner across from United Way HQ where Reagan was making a PSA. RR waved from his limo and all dozen of us but Sam waved back. I could sense his frustration (what did he expect?), but it occurs to be now that it was disgust.
OK nn, I'll bite:
Asshole, touch-hole my old hen... she lays eggs for gentle men
Was this Sam 'I will stand aside and allow American Troops to be ambushed' Donaldson?
He may have, too, but Peter Jennings said it first and more famously. PJ had the excuse of being born and raised Canadian.
Sometimes you need to call a spade a spade and call bullshit bullshit.
Sam Donaldson...
You're condemned to eternal bullshit!
Sealed with a kiss
Think it's swell playing in Japan
When everybody knows Japan is a dishpan
You're just a pile of shit
You're coming to this
You poor little faggot
You're sealed with a kiss
Still out on those pills
Cheap thrills
Anadins Aspros anything
You're condemned to eternal bullshit
You're sealed with a kiss
Kiss me
A kiss a kiss
You're sealed with a kiss
A looking for a kiss
You're coming to this
I want to kiss
You do just about anything
Oh kiss this
Eh boy
Eat coal dust, motherfuckers.
Howard, I think you are losing it. Maybe this is what happens when Trump is beating you badly.
Buck up. He won't be around after 2025.
Sam is just mad that some of the humor is at the expense of Sam and his pals. See: Pencil Neck.
The faux moral outrage prudes, the speech police, the bed-wetters, the reality-deniers, the totalitarian speech police, thought crime nazis, and other various leftwing fascists - hath spoken.
No more bullshit.
Which is better?
Atop bullshit mountain or inside looking for pony.
History always begins anew each day for a progressive. Can Donaldson even wipe his own ass these days?
Who, Whom all the way down.
You don't want to carpet bomb the sunny upland meadows of the truth with too many cow pies.
How Can I pair bullseyes with bull's pies?
These 800-pound ghouls from the 60s/70s never die, do they? Well, Peter Jennings did so we have that to be thankful for. But the entire boatload of them -- Rather, Brokaw, Donaldson, et al -- are going to go the grave (eventually, we can hope) thinking themselves Virtue Heroes.
Woe to you, Scribes, Hypocrites, brood of vipers!
The Democrats are just extremely jealous the Trump beat them at their own bullshit game. That's why their response is composed of mostly Mean Girl sniping.
I've also noticed Donaldson reappearing.
Networks in search of the lost credibility.
Here is the deal:
Only Democrats are allowed to curse.
Only Democrats are allowed to speak the truth to power
Only Democrats are allowed to be funny.
According to Sam Donaldson.
Unfortunately, this is not true and has never been true. Trump has been the tipping point of the Right abandoning standards as well. And as more and more independents see the fact that Republicans can curse, get angry, speak truth to power, be funny and yes, HAVE A POINT, this has Democrats scared.
Sam Donaldson wants the Right to continue in their prior humorless roles. He counted on it for most of his career.
Seriously, I thought Sam D was dead. I haven't watched him in 20 years. Like Kookie Roberts he was once extremely famous because someone put him on 1 of the 3 networks. And he was good at shouting questions at Reagan over the Helicopter noise. Otherwise, just a standard cookie-cutter Liberal of average intelligence. As expected, he hasn't gotten any smarter.
Mike Sylwester said...
'I heard that Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller found that FBI wiretappers overheard Donald Trump swearing in Russian. Mueller quoted Trump's Russian swear words in his report." /sarc
BTW-I can curse, exchange politeness/greetings, order a meal, find the loo or the bus/train in quite a few languages, including Russian, that I don't actually speak or are literate in, one picks these things up along life's journey.
Wilbur and Hagar (both 10:31am) are both right: Sam Donaldson is indeed "all about . . . Sam Donaldson" and "always . . . rude and loud". The one time I saw him in real life was 30+ years ago at a George Will book signing at a bookstore a block or two from the White House. There were at least a dozen senators in the room when he arrived - one of the owners told me: I only recognized one or two, though I recognized a couple more when I saw their names on their credit cards as they paid for their Will books. Anyway, Sam Donaldson was one of the later arrivals and walked in and said, at roughly twice the maximum volume of any normal person "The party can start now! I'm here!" I managed not to say "What an asshole!" out loud, but it was difficult.
I think "bullshit" would score very low on the naughty word ranking scale - especially in the context of righteous anger. (Naughty word ranking scale is a good idea for a website.)
As tcrosse seemed to indicate above, "chickenshit" would score higher. Do people actually know the difference between these types of fertilizer, or does the stigma hang around from more rural times? (In real life, chicken shit is nastier than bull shit.)
Donaldson is a пизда.
He straight up lied to the American people in his Vietnam reportage.
I was a DOD contract employee at CINCPAC. My job was to read the media's daily incoming teletypes and direct them to the desk for approval, editing or censoring/refusal. The coverage we saw on the networks and in the newspapers was as dishonest and politically biased as it is today. Two journalists in country who got it right were Morley Safer and Charles Kuralt.
We remember Kuralt for his easy going TV persona, but he could really write. I recommend Morley Safer's book "Flashbacks"...he gets a little lefty weepy in spots but it's an honest recounting.
Howard: "Of course you people get wood............(stuff)......"
What the heck happened to you?
Sam is an old bull in the middle of the herd complaining about the smell.
Sam Donaldson is 85. i usually keep my criticisms to folks over 15 and under 85.
Maybe Trump should've scratched his cheek with his middle finger instead.
"It's the Age of Bullshit and Donald Trump is King." That is deep, perhaps deeper than the one who wrote it realizes. If it's true that "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king", it's also true that in a world of full-time bullshitters who don't care and may not even remember the difference between bullshit and truth, the man who only bullshits half the time, who knows when he is boasting and bullshitting and clearly signals those times, the man who tells straight and self-evident and vital truths the other half of the time, is the rightful king. That's Trump.
This is almost as funny as when Andy Rooney said on Sixty Minutes that Afghanistan couldn’t “harbor” terrorists because they didn’t have any harbors.
Yes, well the democrat's outrage over coarse language is always situational. Remember when they got the vapors with G.H.Bush was caught on a hot mike saying "We kicked a little ass last night" after he debated Geraldine Ferraro? Oh dear, I don't think Sam ever recovered from such language. Now Joe Biden can say Obamacare passing is a "Big Fucking Deal" and Sam is perfectly fine with that. So you see it depends if there is a (D) or an (R) next to their name if swearing is o.k.
"No, no, no, by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin."
So he huffed, and he puffed
guess the twist:
I got yer Sam Donald's son right here.
"This is a big fucking deal"
-Joe Biden.
When I start a Rock N' Roll band I got my band's name:
The fusty Prigs.
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king", it's also true that in a world of full-time bullshitters
A useful corollary.
Good ole Sam needs to get out more. The people I work with and spend time around aren't shy about using or hearing that word, and most of the other 7 dirty words. The only word that still seems capable of offending is the c-word.
Trump typically sends controversial Tweets so the idiot press reports how awful his Tweet is, and inadvertently get his message out for him.
San Donaldson, Joe Biden. Next thing we know, Tears for Fears will have a reunion tour.
Current news reporters credibility / bias has been so biased, they had to use Sam Donaldson to attack Trump on civility. Plus by being from an earlier era, he is more credible using the civility bullshit card.
There is a video of him defending socialism after Trumps SOTU.
Former Trump attorney John Dowd:
“It’s probably the greatest fraud ever committed against the people of the United States. It was very, very frustrating for the president and it did interfere with his ability to do his job.”
Sounds like something only an enemy of the people would do.
I take note of Paul Mirengoff on Powerline referring to the President's use of bullshit in his Michigan address. While sympathetic and supportive of his anger (Mirengoff took quite a while to shear away his NeverTrumpism, but he came around finally last week. Better late than always never.) he takes on a slightly scolding tone, characterizing Trump's rhetoric as less than presidential.
Mirengoff, along with many other media bluestockings, seems to long for a glorious past when chief executives wore silk hats and tailcoats and wrote and spoke like Henery James. Well, so do I, but not at the price of a defrauded democracy. There may have been a time when Americans could count on the press to fairly present all sides of every issue, but those days are gone. Only Trump can fairly represent Trump's policies and aims. Two years of vile and treacherous political propaganda rather than decent journalism proves that point conclusively. Furthermore, obscenities are not just a category of words. Obscenities are deeds as well, such as the deeds committed by the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the CIA against the Constitution and the American people. When Trump sums up what has been done by powerful agencies which sought to trade the stewardship of public welfare and security for naked power as bullshit, he's being more of a sincere Presbyterian than Sam Donaldson is being an honest journalist.
The real bullshit here is that the headline was essentially "Breaking News: Reporter Says Stuff".
They can't even focus on the low-hanging Trump-Is-Vulgar fruit in the freaking headline. Too busy referencing themselves, and oh, by the way Trump sucks, but that narrative can wait until we finish talking about reporting.
Drago said...
Howard: "Of course you people get wood............(stuff)......"
"What the heck happened to you?"
I think he got Trumped and now he's all upset.
I've noticed lately amoungst my leftist friends that when they can't make fun of Trump nd conservatives-classic libeerals- they have nothing to smile about. They also don't know much about the constitution. They're complaining now about the electoral college and how it undermines the popular vote. It's like they get their talking points from one source.
I think the reason that it sounds rather obscene when Trump uses a word like “bullshit” is because it sounds it bit obscene when Trump uses most words.
The Democrats are forcing our kids in school to learn about fisting and sodomy, and sending them to "Story time" with registered transgender sex offenders. And they think we're going to get upset over Trump saying "bullshit?" Really?
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