March 12, 2019

"Olivia Jade Giannulli... is the daughter of the actress Lori Loughlin and the designer Mossimo Giannulli.... a social media influencer with close to two million YouTube subscribers and over a million Instagram followers."

"In September, she posted two paid advertisements on Instagram that highlighted her identity as a student. The legitimacy of her college acceptance has been called into question as a result of a Justice Department indictment, along with that of a number of others.... The fall semester at her school began on Aug. 20; a day later, Ms. Jade announced on Twitter that she had just arrived in Fiji.... Ms. Giannulli’s parents were described in the investigation as having paid multiple bribes amounting to $500,000 in order to have Olivia and her sister, Isabella, listed as recruits for the university’s crew team. (Neither participated in crew; both are influencers.)... She was criticized in August after posting a video with the title 'basically all the tea you need to know about me (boys, college, youtubers)' in which she said that she was only going to college for 'gamedays, partying.' 'I don’t really care about school, as you guys all know,' she said."

Olivia Jade Giannulli, "Daughter of Lori Loughlin, Is Caught Up in College Admissions Scandal/Ms. Giannulli, an influencer with big audiences on YouTube and Instagram, posted sponsored content about being a student" (NYT).

More about the case here, at "College Admissions Scandal: Actresses, Business Leaders and Other Wealthy Parents Charged" (NYT):
Federal prosecutors charged dozens of people on Tuesday in a major college admission scandal that involved wealthy parents, including Hollywood celebrities and prominent business leaders, paying bribes to get their children into elite American universities.

Thirty-three parents were charged in the case and prosecutors said there could be additional indictments to come. Also implicated were top college coaches, who were accused of accepting millions of dollars to help admit students to Wake Forest, Yale, Stanford, the University of Southern California and other schools, regardless of their academic or sports ability, officials said....

The authorities say the parents of some of the nation’s wealthiest and most privileged students sought to buy spots for their children at top universities, not only cheating the system, but potentially cheating other hard-working students out of a chance at a college education....
So despicable.

The top-rated comment at the NYT is: "So how do you think the low level Bushes and even lower level Trumps and Kushners got into 'top' schools?"

By the way, I'd never heard of Lori Loughlin before I read about this indictment.

AND: Here's that "I don’t really care about school" "influencer" video.

I don't know about you but this style of speech, mugging, and behavior is like fingernails on the blackboard to me. It actually makes me feel bad to think about young women teaching each other this phony, irritating cutesiness.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 302 of 302
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Some of us weren’t raised like that. I’m entitled to do that because of family lore? Pitiful. The blonde gamed the system for her advantage. No honor.”

She didn’t know it was only family lore. She sincerely believed she was of Native American ancestry, she wasn’t attempting to scam anyone. I’m pretty sure she was raised better than you. You could only hope to be as honorable as her.

Seeing Red said...

BTW,family lore is Cherokee. Aren’t we all?

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga's total corruption and willingness to lie outrageously for partisan purposes on full display.

Inga, you're an awful human being.

Charlie Currie said...

"Blogger h said...
Shoutout to Mad as Hell: Yes. My question would be to youtube girl: Are your eyebrows really yours?"

Or, did you borrow them from Justin from Canada?

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, this is a really bad one.

Do yourself a favor and stop lying on this one.

It's too obvious.

Big Mike said...

The top-rated comment at the NYT is: "So how do you think the low level Bushes and even lower level Trumps and Kushners got into 'top' schools?"

Not to mention Chelsea Clinton at Stanford, despite having half the IQ of a bucket of nails.

The way to fix this is not to punish the parents — besides not getting a refund after their kids have their admissions revoked — but do send the respective college presidents to jail, along with the deans and every member of the admission committee. Do any less, and it will keep on keeping on.

Shouting Thomas said...

Soon, Inga the Liar will be the only one left gassing about the Russia collusion hoax.

Even Pelosi has given up on that lie.

William said...

I watched a few minutes of her tape. She's not hateable. If only she had been related to Sean Penn or Kathy Griffin, I could get into hating her. I think she was going to use the college as a scenic background for her you-tube postings. People use attendance at college to boost their earnings potential. She hot wired the system. This doesn't make her dumber than the other students.. .......If Inga and Drago separately post comments about how they'd be proud to have such a lovely daughter, we'll know the fix is in. These kids know things about algorithms and influencers that are undreamt of in your books.

Greg Hlatky said...

The next Enrico Fermi doesn't have to go to Harvard. The next Bill Kristol does.

Seeing Red said...

So was I! From a child! That’s my point Inga! Some of us weren’t raised like that to take advantage. To game the system. No honor.

That side is coming up on 400 years Inga. 400!!!

Amadeus 48 said...

I think Granny Warren was the victim of a little wishful thinking (everyone from the Indian Territory must be part Indian), a little larceny, and disgusting box checking by Harvard Law School. She and they disgraced themselves. If you are going to claim Native American ancestry to get a job preference, you better have rock solid proof. No one believes that she thought she was a Native American except through application of the one drop rule.

Leland said...

It is interesting reading some of the reactions. First, Inga and her classism ignoring that 1/3rd of people indicted are related school officials that sold and abused their authority. These were the people given trust, and therefore the ones I think deserve the heavier sentences if convicted.

As for the parents, it is sad you have to bribe your student into schools with enrollment numbers over 50,000. Even sadder that after you do; your children don't even care. That's one hell of a tax for being stupid.

rhhardin said...

Admissions (2013) Paul Rudd and Tina Fey, is good.

dreams said...
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steve uhr said...

I’m surprised how many commentators think this is no big deal. It is an enormous criminal conspiracy involving major universities and testing boards. This is a big deal. Also prob tip of the iceberg. Funny to see the reaction of the kids when they realize that they are in the 50 percentile, not the 99 percentile on the entrance exam.

Seeing Red said...

Inga: falls for Benghazi video explanation

Falls for impeachment

Falls for global warming contrary to what the guy from Greenpeace said

Probably fell for peak oil.

Keep racking up the “wins.”

Shouting Thomas said...

I not only don’t think it’s a big deal... I’m looking forward to the bursting of the bubble and the college credential craze collapsing.

Admin and faculty at colleges have been using the guaranteed student loan program as a slush fund for decades and pinning the indebtedness on their students.

It’s time for the entire fucking fraudulent system to collapse.

Rick said...

MayBee said...
Not to mention I'm sure crew even has scholarships because of Title 9.

The people engaging in this don't need scholarships, they're just after acceptances.


I can't understand why people think "influencers" are any different than the sample ladies at Costco. This seems destined to implode.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I’m surprised how many commentators think this is no big deal. It is an enormous criminal conspiracy involving major universities and testing boards. This is a big deal. Also prob tip of the iceberg. Funny to see the reaction of the kids when they realize that they are in the 50 percentile, not the 99 percentile on the entrance exam.”

Exactly. Even Trump apologist Dershowitz said on Fox News that this was HUGE.

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

I’m having difficulty grasping the sanctity of college admissions.

There’s a reason I”m supposed to give a shit?

Probably not. Especially if you don't have children or grandchildren. It is the hypocrisy of the situation that irks.

The schools are ostensibly supposed to be admitting students based on a merit system. A system that many kids and parents play by the rules. Studying hard. Getting good grades. Doing well on the SAT, parents saving money and sacrificing their own comforts to get enough money to send their child to college. Or even take out loans and put themselves in debt.

For many hard workings and worthy students the chance to go to a college of "note" is a make or break deal for their future. You play by the rules and then find out that it was all a giant fool's game and YOU are the fool for believing that there are really any rules.

Meanwhile. These pampered coddled and worthless children and their parents are cheating on tests. Bribing unscrupulous official and others to get their children into a space that they don't deserve and get degrees that they won't use.

Yeah. Money talks. It always has and always will. The rich can endow a chair, buy a building etc and get tax breaks. That isn't right either. But it IS legal according current tax law. But this is even worse. These people broke the law, didn't do it the legal way, and if the IRS gets involved there should be some serious ramifications for the bribers and bribe takers.

Worse is that many of these schools receive tax breaks or are tax exempt. The tax payers are subsidizing these institutions in many ways. That should be eliminated just as it should be for churches.

These rich people want their kids to get a degree. I don't disagree with that sentiment. They love their children too, just as much as the middle class or poor love their children. Instead of sending their children to an appropriate school or better yet, getting their children to actually study and apply themselves....they cheat and they decided to rob the futures from the other children.

Jim at said...

She didn’t know it was only family lore. She sincerely believed she was of Native American ancestry, she wasn’t attempting to scam anyone. I’m pretty sure she was raised better than you. You could only hope to be as honorable as her.

Bullshit. And you have the nerve to call other people cultists?

effinayright said...

wholelottasplainin' said...
Lurker21 said...
Limited blogger said...

Why is this a federal offense?

I'm not a lawyer, but it does involve defendants in different states and interstate commerce of a sort.

It's a federal racketeering case:

See the final pages.

Here's the indictment:

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dersh calls it like he's sees it in the legal field - does not make him a Trump apologist.
That is absurd talk from a Trump-hate cultist.

Of course this is a big deal. The celebrity angle is just a part. The guy who started the whole thing - now tht's a big fish.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How embarrassing for this girl. She's not smart enough to get in, so mommy and daddy have to cheat to do it.

Just sad.

College isn't that great anyway. Learn a trade.

Amadeus 48 said...

Felicity Huffman is accused of paying someone $15,000 to take the SAT for her daughter. I can't rationalize that in any way. But take a good, hard look at how many kids are diagnosed with "learning disabilities" (extra time to finish tests) at New Trier High School. There must be something bad in the water in Kenilworth and Winnetka. It's a freakin' epidemic!

Amadeus 48 said...

Learn to code!

mccullough said...

The schools involved are pissed because the money went to the bribe money went to the coaches and “consultants” and not the administrators.

In the mafia, the coaches would be required to kick most of that money upstairs. I’m sure these schools will put procedures in place to ensure the coaches don’t keep all the bribe money in the future.

Francisco D said...

She didn’t know it was only family lore. She sincerely believed she was of Native American ancestry, she wasn’t attempting to scam anyone. I’m pretty sure she was raised better than you. You could only hope to be as honorable as her.

Give it up Inga. Those DNC talking points are worse than useless. They are embarrassing.

Warren is a fraud.

You cannot read her mind.

reader said...

This is definitely wrong and should be stopped...but it is in no way a surprise or even a secret. In the ‘80’s at USC there were the normal people who got in and did the work and there were the athletes and rich people who got in and didn’t. My best friend dated a football player and those guys had their hand held through the entire college experience. This is the reason I don’t want college football players being paid. They are already getting a lot more than regular students, even the ones who don’t go pro. Freshman year one of my roommates was very well off. The only things I ever saw her do were to get ready for a sorority event and entertain her boyfriend.

But I’m not bitter at all.

Francisco D said...

Felicity Huffman is accused of paying someone $15,000 to take the SAT for her daughter. I can't rationalize that in any way. But take a good, hard look at how many kids are diagnosed with "learning disabilities" (extra time to finish tests) at New Trier High School. There must be something bad in the water in Kenilworth and Winnetka. It's a freakin' epidemic!

New Trier East used to be a topnotch public HS in the Sixties and Seventies. Now it is suburban liberals gaming the system and the system doesn't care.

That reminds me of Elizabeth Warren ...

mccullough said...

$15,000 is the maximum amount of gift money you can give someone in a year and not have to fill out a gift tax form.

She didn’t pay anyone to take the test for her daughter. It was a gift. Just like the people who endow university chairs or pay for their buildings. There was no expectation in exchange for the gift.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You cannot read her mind.”

Neither can you. I go by what she has said. I don’t believe she is lying.

mccullough said...

Sounds like New Trier should rename itself Malcolm X high school.

The guidance counselors must have a dozen form essays in which students self-flagellate about white privilege.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Vault Dweller said...

Honestly with the children of presidents, like the Clintons, bushes, and Obamas, I think a lot of the rationale of the acceptance is just the prestige of having the child of a president as a student. And perhaps earning the good graces of a person that is incredibly politically powerful or at least connected in the case of a former president.

And for the incredibly rich, like Trump I could see a rationale of a hope that Daddy decides to fund a massive tens of millions of dollars endowment for the school that their child goes to. Similar to why legacy applicants are accepted despite not being as qualified as other applicants, they think there is a greater chance those families will donate to the school in the future.

mccullough said...

Warren was a law professor. She understood that tribe’s determine memberships not family folklore.

She also understood that Penn and others wouldn’t crossche k with tribes.

Warren is a liar and a hypocrite.

Trump baited her and she walked right into the trap. He does that a lot. He understands his enemies weaknesses.

mccullough said...

Admitting the children of presidents is like admitting young movie stars.

In an interview awhile back Elizabeth Shue was asked about going to Harvard. She said her grades and scores in high school were OK but they wanted her because she was sorta famous.

Natalie Oieyman is the same.

Same with the girl from Harry Potter movies. She went to Brown, same school as JFK, Jr.

These places are for the rich and famous. If you aren’t rich and famous enough, and don’t have the grades and scores, give the coach of some second-tier sport six figures to list you as a recruiter and get in.

whitney said...

I couldn't get past her saying her hair looks really stupid but she doesn't care enough to fix it. Obvious and annoying lie. That might have been like 30 seconds then

Michael K said...

My best friend dated a football player and those guys had their hand held through the entire college experience.

When I was in college the football players all had jobs raking leaves. There wasn't that much money in pro football so the big money was not there,

I lived in a rooming house called "The Jungle" which was fashionable. The guy in the next apartment drove a Mercedes 300 SL.

I played bridge on TV and got a Farmer Brown ham. lived on ham sandwiches for three weeks. Then my girlfriend took the bone home and made pea soup with it. I lived on pea soup for two weeks.

Narayanan said...

Have any school official been charged?

dustbunny said...

JFK’s college entrance essay is online. It reads like something an average 7th grader would write. He says he wants to be a”Harvard Man” like his father. I’d rather not know the drivel that Teddy came up with

Fernandinande said...


Which is the best fake profession?

Influencer, organizer, educator, professor of "studies", activist or philosopher?

catter said...

A friend's grandchildren, from a financially stressed blue collar family, living 20 miles past the backside of nowhere in Alaska, present in the identical style. Clothes, speech, voice, hairdo, all indistinguishable from those in the video. Do geography and class matter that little anymore? Celebrate the shrinking of certain kinds of privilege? Mourn the fact that the LCD is awful?

Fernandinande said...

The stunning pompous ignorance behind the "Griggs v. Duke Power Co." decision is responsible for a lot of this collegiate "credentialing" bullshit.

effinayright said...

mccullough said...
$15,000 is the maximum amount of gift money you can give someone in a year and not have to fill out a gift tax form.

She didn’t pay anyone to take the test for her daughter. It was a gift. Just like the people who endow university chairs or pay for their buildings. There was no expectation in exchange for the gift.


Read page 8, Part A, paras 41-- 43 of the indictment. It describes the illegal scheme.

Amadeus 48 said...

I think mccullough was being ironic. He was trying out the defense/pr spin.

gspencer said...

Probably no bribes were offered to places like MIT, RPI, Harvey Mudd, Caltech, Cal Poly, Georgia Tech, et alia.

"Math is so hard"

catter said...

A friend's grandchildren, from a financially stressed blue collar family, raised 20 miles past the backside of nowhere, Alaska, present exactly like the kid in the video. Hair, voice, speaking style, clothes, subject matter; all identical. Have the effects of class and geography really shrunk this much? Celebrate the leveling of certain types of privilege? Mourn the fact that the LCD is so awful?

Browndog said...

Blogger mccullough said...

Put the burden on the schools and make the loans dischargeanle in bankruptcy.

Obama 'fixed' the Student load market. Everyone, Dizzy Lizzy among the first, applauded.

BudBrown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Browndog said...

None of these American institutions would be broken if the people that run them, over-see them, and enable them weren't broken.

mccullough said...

Obama expanded the Government-University Complex. W made student debt much harder to discharge in bankruptcy.

Those two were terrible presidents.

Francisco D said...

The stunning pompous ignorance behind the "Griggs v. Duke Power Co." decision is responsible for a lot of this collegiate "credentialing" bullshit.

I am not sure you understand the decision. I was trained initially as an I/O psychologist and Griggs v. Duke Power was very important to my field.

The decision was that Duke Power could only use IQ tests (which had a disparate impact on Blacks) if they could demonstrate that the tests were relevant to job performance. That's where I/O psychologists to do the work relating IQ-type tests to job performance. When John Hunter and Frank Schmidt developed validity generalization pretty much all IQ-type tests were found to be equally valid.

IMO, Griggs was a good decision. How some companies have reacted to it is the problem.

Browndog said...

Obama made all student loans government loans, and private loans illegal.

mccullough said...

When the Stufent Debt bubble bursts, nothing will happen to the people who caused the problems. Will be the Financial Crash all over again.

This investigation is a fucking joke performed by lemmings. Shiny distractions from the big problems.

Allison said...

I'm going to do something unthinkable to me since 2008: defend the FBI.

The FBI is investigating Chinese national spies on college campuses, and fake school admissions for visas fraud. While doing this, they find these jokers and creeps taking hundreds of grand personally as coaches and test proctor fakes. What are they supposed to do? Nothing? It's all across state lines, so the locals will toss it to the feds anyway. The universities very much want the creeps taking bribes that COULD HAVE BEEN DONATIONS on their staff caught, but not by themselves. They want the appearance of propriety restored.

What were they supposed to do? Nothing?

But as they arrested these guys, they talk and the parents are the ones who are left holding the bag.

mccullough said...

And W made the loans non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Rosencrabtz and Guildenstern.

And W and Obama bailed out the “private sector” anyway so it doesn’t matter. There is a massive bubble again. The taxpayers will be on the hook again.

And the people who caused the problem will order more investigations of the Desperate Housewives and the College Basketball programs.

n.n said...

the guaranteed student loan program as a slush fund for decades and pinning the indebtedness on their students

That's the big deal. Same as medical. Same as real estate. Same dot com. Same as diversity. Same as excessive and illegal immigration. Same as planned parenthood. Each forcing misalignments in their own not so little world.

Fernandinande said...

The decision was that Duke Power could only use IQ tests (which had a disparate impact on Blacks) if they could demonstrate that the tests were relevant to job performance.

IQ tests actually tend to over-predict black performance in school or on jobs, and they're relevant to performance in just about any sort of job, even a job as simple as not dying.

Browndog said...

Blogger mccullough said...

And W made the loans non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Difference is, W made all government backed loans non-dischargeable.

Obama made all loans government loans.

Molly said...


Since Trump's older brother Fred applied to, but did not get into, Wharton, I'm thinking maybe Daddy Trump was NOT bribing Wharton admission officials.

Lurker21 said...

This was something the feds stumbled upon when they were investigating something else. I don't think they made a deliberate decision to go after colleges or celebrities, but they uncovered one part of the scandal and couldn't avoid trying to unravel the whole thing. There are probably more indictments to come. Could be hundreds, though the actual evidence may not be there for every wrong doer.

The kids, dumb as they may be academically, probably could have done better in fashion or design or acting school, rather than trying to pull down prestige degrees at big time universities.

mccullough said...

When W bailed out Wall Street he showed there is no difference between private finance and government finance. Obama was more honest about it.

Like Obama, W was a terrible president.

Rockport Conservative said...

"I don't know about you but this style of speech, mugging, and behavior is like fingernails on the blackboard to me. It actually makes me feel bad to think about young women teaching each other this phony, irritating cutesiness."

I feel the same about it. As a grandmother and grand aunt of some now adult girls, and some of their children, I have watched this happening to younger and younger children. It gives me actual grief to see the moues, the makeup, the puckered lip, the hand actions, it is truly sickening to me. I may be an old fogey, I am very old but this is not a natural happening.

Seeing Red said...

Neither can you. I go by what she has said. I don’t believe she is lying.

It has nothing to do with that.

The point is a lot of Americans whose famines have be3n here for 2-3 centuries could say the same — like me — and didn’t do it. No honor. No getting in on her merits. I wasn’t raised like that.

Bill Peschel said...

As someone pointed out above: "I think the problem was not that they were paying for slots at these schools, it was that the schools weren't getting the payouts - in many instances the money went to coaches who lied and said the kids were recruited athletes. The women's soccer coach at Yale pocketed $400K for one "student.""

This is why they were indicted: They were horning in on the universities' scam.

Universities don't like competition.

langford peel said...

I hope the President goes further and takes the unpaid balances of student loans out of the endowments of the colleges that allow students to run up debt when they are incapable of graduating. Hopefully that will destroy some of these liberal cesspools.

Academia is a racket and its time of reckoning is fast approaching.

Soon enough all education will be on-line. Universities will be as relevant as gladiator school.

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“You cannot read her mind.”

Neither can you. I go by what she has said. I don’t believe she is lying.

You mindlessly repeat whatever your allies say as fact because you're uninterested in anything other than supporting the team. This makes your criticisms that others can't perceive reality awfully amusing.

If Warren believed she was an American Indian she would not have stopped identifying herself as such long before the issue started to hurt her political prospects. She knew she was lying and hoped dropping the subject would reduce the risk of discovery.

Henry said...

Lots of interesting coverage of this on the sports beat.

Is this bigger than the sneaker payoffs? I'm not sure.

But it hits a little closer to home than that scandal.

Freeman Hunt said...

I am not old, but that video makes me feel old. YouTube seems to be full of videos of people rambling about inane things. Why are people willing to watch people ramble about inane things on YouTube?

Why would parents pay bribes to send a kid who doesn't care about school to a specific school? I could see insisting that the child go to a school, but I don't see how you're going to get a kid interested in school by sending them somewhere where everyone else is smarter and better prepared.

Leora said...

My husband immediately thought that the influencer girl's followers were probably bought. If I were one of her sponsors/advertisers, I'd want to check.

Browndog said...

mccullough said...

When W bailed out Wall Street he showed there is no difference between private finance and government finance. Obama was more honest about it.

Like Obama, W was a terrible president.

It's been stated, many times, had 9/11 not happened, he would have been the most liberal (big government) President in modern times.

stevew said...

"Social media influencer"

'nuff said!

PJ57 said...

A few observations:

1. My son applied to USC for the fall of 2018. Admission denied in spite of excellent academics and extracurriculars. What is his cause of action Professor?

2. The daughter of the actress is smoking, even if she is an air head. Those dimples are to die for.

3. What further evidence do the Trump voters need that the fix is in. It used to be you had to buy a building for the university. Now you can just bribe the crew coach for your Title 9 daughter.

Wince said...

These kids seem like vanity projects for their parents.

Indeed, Lori Laughlin's daughter looks like she might be an actual clone of her mother.

Given these revelations, I wouldn't doubt it for a minute Olivia Jade is the product of some secret celebrity Jurassic Park.

narciso said...

Mcgashan a partner with participant media which underwrote many vanity pics, Buckingham is a frequent contributor on the view and huffington

Bob Smith said...

And leading off for tram scumbrag “Brad Boomer”

Bob Smith said...

The best day for Lorie was all those years ago when she was handcuffed to the bed frame.

KJE said...

Animal House: Deltas on Trial

MountainMan said...

@h: "Wait until we have "reparations" and your 1/32 African genes are worth $200,000. Then get back to me about whether you still refuse to take advantage."

No, I wouldn't take it. And if that makes me eligible, there will be millions of white Southerners who would be eligible, too. My wife and I have over 36,000 people in our joint family tree on Ancestry. Just the number of descendants of that one African in my part of the tree is quite large, and that's just the ones I know about. And you should see how many black Americans show up in my DNA connections on Ancestry. And the number grows every week.

This just shows why the idea of reparations is stupid. Who pays? Who receives? It's a ridiculous proposition. We really are a melting pot, often much more of one than people realize.

AZ Bob said...

So how do you think the low level Bushes and even lower level Trumps and Kushners got into 'top' schools?

The first name that came to me was Ted Kennedy.

Seeing Red said...

The women's soccer coach at Yale pocketed $400K for one "student.""

I think it’s time to use the “A” word — AUDIT.

Since the Dems are hot to trot investigating tax forms.....

Seeing Red said...

Having been born and raised in the Great State of Corrupt, I just shake my head and laugh. This is penny-ante stuff. And people usually go down for the small stuff.

You need to be like Bernie Sanders wife or John Corzine; blow billions, have a great time and walk off Scott free.

Laslo Spatula said...

What I find funny is that you have two Hollywood actresses who had to spend actual cash-money to make their bribes.

Younger, hotter actresses would've worked it out in trade.

Of course, maybe Jade sweetened the deal.

Which would make me think better of her at this point, because that would at least show her exerting some good old-fashioned initiative.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

Maybe the reason why the husband Bill Macy wasn't charged is that he simply sucked cock for his daughter's college entrance.

No cancelled check to be found there.

Although: you're an esteemed Hollywood actor, you suck some college coach's cock, AND your wife still has to fork over cash to seal the deal?

Maybe they should've had their agent help them make a better deal.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

As an Influencer, I suspect Jade is adept at influencing her teachers for better grades.

In fact, I bet Jade gives GRAEAT Influence.

Maybe just needs to tickle the balls a bit more. Hollywood Mom could probably give her some pointers.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

What is the difference between Loughlin and a crack-whore on Hollywood Boulevard?

Location, location, location.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

It's people like Bill Macy that give honest whores a bad name.

Also: Jennifer Lawrence.

I am Laslo.

Kirk Parker said...


You couldn't have gotten your impression from what I said, because I made the barest mention of Griggs v. Duke Power.

So to clarify: no, I don't object to it because I think the company had the better of it than the court, I object to the very notion that the government should be second-guessing employment decisions. Disparate impact is currently a cure far worse than the disease.


Refer the bribe-takers to the IRS (and to the universities that employ them.)

Ty said...

Michael K said:

I'm surprised they needed to pay bribes. Full tuition is enough for the Chinese.

This still baffles me to this day. I did my computer science degree at an upstate SUNY. 95% of my classmates were Chinese with very poor English. And our classes were often taught by a Chinese grad student that nobody could understand. How in the world did any of them get in?

AZ Bob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

The outcome was absolutely not the same

Sure. Going to USC or even Yale as an undergrad has the same effect in your life as being a professor at Harvard. You think Liz is a US Senator running for President right now if she taught at UMass?

she honestly believed she had enough Native American ancestry to be able to check that box.

They honestly believed rich people give money to colleges which helps their kids gain admission, and they were told they had enough money to check that box.

Kevin said...

Who did more damage? Jussie Smollett or Laurie Laughlin?

Who does more jail time? Jussie Smollett or Laurie Laughlin?

FIDO said...

Sorry Charlie; ALL applicants are now questionable, not just Republican ones.

And particularly affirmative action ones, but we always questioned them.

The only ones who seemed to earn their way in seems to be the Asians...

FIDO said...

I don't care that the Feds are paying attention to this. It is a law, a conspiracy and illegal.

This is strategic. Americans need to see this corruption for Congress and the President to justify cutting their funding. Maybe even save 5.7 Billion dollars...

The Academy thinks that tenure protects them from consequences and they can fuck up society. After all, parents do not send kids primed for rioting to college. The kids learn it there!

When the Academy decides to call the majority of the nation their enemies, they have no kick when they are treated the same way, back.

Rory said...

"This just shows why the idea of reparations is stupid. Who pays? Who receives? It's a ridiculous proposition."

I think that there should be a series of voluntary funds covering different groups. If you feel aggrieved, apply. If you feel guilty, donate. Divide the money up every year. I don't think they'd get a lot of money at first, but a lot of childless people are going to start dying off soon.

Oso Negro said...

@Catter and Rockport Conservative - The phenomenon you note is a result of contemporary adolescents NEVER disconnecting from the normative influence of their peer group. In 1969, as an 8th grader, I was in contact with my peers while in class, and when in their presence. Phone time was limited and privacy on the phone was minimal. I was with my family a great deal of the time. With contemporary mobile phones and apps, the kids are constantly in touch with each other and reinforcing each other. With the internet, they can see the "coolest" kids from around the world and ape their behavior. Here we are!

TwoAndAHalfCents said...

There is no such thing as a crew team. Either it's a rowing team or a crew.
I didn't even attend Ivy League and that common error drives me nuts.

Kirk Parker said...


My favorite bit of wrestling-wear, seen at the state tournament some years ago:

It's not a "game"
And we don't "play" it.

Danno said...

Watched the video for about 45 seconds. Is this a return of the valley girls?

MB said...

These rich scammers vote Democrat, or maybe further left, safe in the knowledge that they have their own private deals and backchannels and all the damaging policies they enact --- consequence-free illegal immigration, drug legalization, affirmative action --- do not affect them.
It's a way for them to damage their competition.

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