Meanwhile, there is Beto. I don't particularly care that in 1988 the young Robert Francis O'Rourke posted some erotic verses about cows ("Oh, Milky wonder, sing for us once more, / Live your life, everlusting [sic] joy" is one of the only bits I can quote on this family website) online. I didn't even know until yesterday that there was such a thing as "online" in 1988. Nor am I going to get all worked up about his weird murder spree fantasy story, which is the kind of thing stupid teenagers write every day. But what I do want to know is whether he actually took a handful of green feces, put it in a bowl, and served it to his wife once, telling her that it was avocado. Asked by a journalist recently to confirm the anecdote, which had been reported by a supposed friend of the candidate, he responded that while he didn't remember this happening it "sounds like the kind of thing I would do." Come again? If you fed excrement to the mother of your children, I feel like you would recall. I almost certainly think she would. If there was ever something to lie about as a politician, this is it...."Served" means he put the bowl of green shit on the table in front of his wife and declared it to be avocado. Very funny. "Fed" means he got it on a spoon and aimed it at her mouth and even got it in. Tricking her. That's horrible. Big difference. I like normal people, and in my book, normal people get the difference between those 2 images and don't smear them together to try to make the world seem weirder than it is. It's weird enough. Let's be precise and honest about just how weird it is, because it could be a LOT weirder, and we need to hang onto the last remaining lumps of normal.
I can't be the only person who sometimes thinks there's something to be said for, you know, normal people in politics. It is certainly difficult to imagine poor Jeb Bush ever inviting his late beloved mother to view a smut film with at the local cinema in Kennebunkport. It is even harder to imagine President Obama feeding the former first lady the contents of one of Sasha or Malia's diapers.
March 22, 2019
Oh, come on, don't go crazy. If you love "normal," as you say, you'd better observe the "served"/"fed" distinction.
I'm reading "Why are 2020 Democrats so weird?" by Michael Walther (in The Week). There's this:
"lumps of normal."
Very good, Althouse. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to comment.
As I get older, I realize more and more that joy and pain are both lumps in the pathway of being. So is normal. We could use a big fat lump of normal these days.
Dog catalogs list a powder you can add to food that gives excrement an unpleasant taste. Possibly makes it taste like avocado.
If true, Beto's turd-serving behavior is self-disqualifying on the face of it, it is light years away from normal.
Normal is a slippery term to define in a fluid culture. However, given the current crop of democrat candidates, Trump has to be high on any reasonable normality scale. Beto helps make Trump look positively bourgeois.
I think that the intersection of the Venn diagram of belief systems, personality types, and political correctness bonifieds that are required for a potential Democrat presidential candidate for 2020 ensures that certain idiosyncrasies are inevitable.
In evolutionary biology terms such idiosyncrasies are analogous to spandrels, structures that serve no clear benefit or disadvantage, just odd byproducts.
If Beto had an R after his name instead of a D, you’d hear he was boarding-school-attending judge’s son who dodged serious charges for the DUI & burglary, used eminent domain to gentrify poor Latino neighborhoods & married into a billionaire’s family.
--Jim Geraghty.
“Served" means he put the bowl of green shit on the table in front of his wife and declared it to be avocado. Very funny.”
“Funny”? Really? “Served” in this context would be considered within the range of normal in Meadehouse, while only “fed” rises to the objectionable or disqualifying level of “a LOT weirder”?
Wow! That’s a hell of a distinction to camp on to normalize this shitheel.
I've never seen green excrement. I'll assume that it is hand made.
Beto TheDork is Obama without the fawning press.
Does anyone else think O'Rourke (I refuse to call him the fake-Latino "Beto") is in the race to make other Democrats look normal enough a one person might be able to vote for them?
I am sorry, putting it in a dish and putting on the table isn't funny either. Remarking that it looks like guacamole is funny. The more I see and hear of Beta, the weirder he becomes in my mind.
And, really, is such an event something you would remember?
"But what I do want to know is whether he actually took a handful of green feces, put it in a bowl, and served it to his wife once, telling her that it was avocado. Asked by a journalist recently to confirm the anecdote, which had been reported by a supposed friend of the candidate, he responded that while he didn't remember this happening it "sounds like the kind of thing I would do."
Well it certainly looks like he didn't marry for love. Maybe he is another John Kerry, you know, gigolo ( but much more weird).
Maybe it is different where Beto comes from, but as a southern boy who is heir to a long line of survivors of "hold my beer and watch this" I cannot imagine the level of stupid it would take to put a poo in a food bowl and hand it to your wife.
I have an uncle who famously tossed a lit stick of dynamite to a federal official (long story) and I can't imagine him handing his wife a bowl full of poop.
I believe the Beto story, however.
Served" means he put the bowl of green shit on the table in front of his wife and declared it to be avocado. Very funny. "Fed" means he got it on a spoon and aimed it at her mouth and even got it in. Tricking her. That's horrible.
Yeah, I was young once, and did some stupid stuff - few fights, a few run-ins with the law, a few crazy girlfriends, a few drunken midnight road-trips to Tijuana. Big fucking deal. It's called, "Youth"!
But feeding a spoonful of green shit to your wife?!!? Are you crazy? I've never heard that one. I'd punch a guy who did that in my presence. Worse, that means Roberto did a whole lotta other weird shit that hasn't been publicized yet.
Sorry, Bob, but I don't find you funny or interesting.
Beto Doodle went to town in Daddy's Eldorado
Put some dog shit in a bowl and called it avocado.
He forgot Amy Klovenhoof and the salad comb.
"Oh, come on, don't go crazy. If you love 'normal,' as you say, you'd better observe the 'served'/'fed' distinction."
Whether serving or feeding, one way or another, Democrats have been telling normal Americans to eat shit for decades, going back to Woodrow Wilson.
Beto's nickname should be changed to Blanco.
The worst, of course, was LBJ.
It seems to me like one of those new parent stories that was funny and understood by the people involved. It probably shouldn't have been shared as a national story to show how precious they are. But it isn't a big deal, like Romney's dog on the roof of the car wasn't a big deal. Our nation surprises me over and over with what our priorities become during the looooooonnnnnggggg election cycle.
rhhardin said...
Dog catalogs list a powder you can add to food that gives excrement an unpleasant taste.
I had been under the apparently mistaken impression that dog shit had an unpleasant taste to begin with. The things you learn on the internet.
He wants us to know he keeps his own teeth shit-free.
Is it because Trump is continually sucking the oxygen out of the universe that democrats have had to resort to desperate screeching to not only be heard but to even be noticed? Reading the piece you don't have a sense that the Beto people are worried this will hurt them other than "Did they spell his name right?!?!"
And, the great political irony here, is that since he is from Texas (El Paso) and has to interact with normal, rural Americans, RoBerto is probably the LEAST crazy of the Democrat candidates.
Service like that is likely to put his wife plumb off her feed.
There are no generally no normal people in politics. Government attracts people who want to tell other people what to do.
They are only normal in the sense that many people are officious jerks and that is normal. Every now and then lightning strikes and a libertarian slips in. But in general conservatives and progressives take turns telling everyone how to live the way they think they should.
Most of these politicians are specifically disingenuous shitheads.
I want to focus on Mitt Romney because he is the prime example of “normal.”
Mitt Romney is a lying sack of shit who tried and succeeded his entire political career in misleading republican voters. This is normal for the media and dc and the political class. Ann admitted voting for him.
I almost voted for him. Obama was specifically disgusting because he made a concerted effort to get US troops killed in Afghanistan. But in the end I couldn’t vote for the author of Obamacare and a supporter of cap and trade.
Fuck normal. Trump is putting an end to normal.
Best president since Lincoln.
...just noting that tcrosse@11:30 wins the internet today. Crying here.
and his father is a Chicago investor, who would materially affected by the Wall,
While the distinction between "served" and "fed" is accurate, there is another part of English prose in action here. There is a tendency in writing in English to avoid using the same word again close to the original usage. With the large number of synonyms in English, it is usually easy to find another phrase the represents that same concept. Read the section and use "serve" in both place and it sounds stilted. So seeking a new word other than "served", the author settled on "fed". And the expectation is that the reader will not get too hung up in the nuances. Also note that the author is trying to be forceful in the sentence using "fed", which because it is small and is original Anglo-Saxon is much more emphatic.
Asked about putting green feces in a bowl and serving it to his wife, O’Rourke said “it sounds like the kind of thing I’d do”
Asked about a crotch photo sent to a young gal over the internet, Weiner said “I cannot say for certitude” that it’s not me.
Politician answers that suck for $500 Alex?
In isolation, the green-baby-shit-passed-off-as-guacamole story is bad. Add in his constantly leaping up on counters in restaurants (I mean, who thinks that's OK?) and all the other flakiness . . . It's the rotten cherry on an unappealing sundae.
After hearing this avocado story John Hickenlooper said to Blotto:
"hold my beer. I took my mother to see Deep Throat! In a theater! Top that you phoney Mexican Irish schvontz!
John Henry
A handful of green feces. Are we talking about cow pies? I’ve picked up handfuls and flung it at my brothers and sisters, but not recently. What you want is crusty quality that is solid when you pick it up but wet on impact. A nice spread that makes it difficult to dodge is also good. Passing off a cow pie as avocado is a good one, may need to try that.
You are wrong Achilles. I usually agree with you but you are wrong here.
Best president EVER.
perhaps best chief executive of any country ever, in the history of the world.
John Henry
There are no generally no normal people in politics. Government attracts people who want to tell other people what to do.
S' word, dat!
I live surrounded by these sorts of people, & they are, indeed, cut of a different cloth than the rest of us mere mortals, who seek not to rule or to be ruled.
Bernie just hired David Sirota - a radical leftwing Hugo Chavez apologist and socialist moron.
Weirdo, x10.
GOP and regressive Dems fear Beto he says with a shit eating grin
Best President since Baby Doc
tcrosse said...
"Beto Doodle went to town in Daddy's Eldorado
Put some dog shit in a bowl and called it avocado."
Beto Doodle show them teeth,
like RFK's they're grandee
Jump on tables, wave your arms
And serve the girls poop candy.
Let's be precise and honest about just how weird it is, because it could be a LOT weirder, and we need to hang onto the last remaining lumps of normal.
Eating salad with a comb seems normal next to Beto. Really, Althouse, if you want “normal” and “boring” I don’t think you want to be looking at Democrats.
It's all going to the same place.
Beto seems very Justin Trudeau-like to me. Something a little off, not a serious person. And I don't think it's because someone is trying to confuse me with fed vs. served since the anecdote smacked of hyperbole in the first place.
Do we want another person easily caricatured as a clown to be our next President? I feel we've covered that ground already.
Achilles said...
There are no generally no normal people in politics.
With the occasional possible exceptions of local level politics, I agree. I have little to no respect for most of the people in Congress and the Senate and perhaps only slightly more respect for some state governors. Generally unless they're war veterans and/or ran a successful wealth generating business at some point, I think most politicians fall somewhere on the scale from slightly immoral parasites to outright destructive criminals. And even vets and sucessful businessmen are far from beyond reproach, I just tend to give them a bit more of the benefit of the doubt.
We have a political system that rewards lying and cheating and discourages decent, normal people from even thinking about entering into it. You have to be ruthless. You have to be willing to have your life turned upside down. You have to be ready to have your old yearbooks combed through. You have to be prepared to have your family members, friends, old roommates, ex lovers, and old co-workers questioned and analyzed. You have to be prepared to have anything you said online 10 or more years ago be held against you. You have to be willing to stab people in the back, throw people under the bus. You have to be willing to make promises you have no intention of keeping. You have to be willing to lie blatantly.
With all those requirements of course you're gonna end up with weirdos.
...he put the bowl of green shit on the table in front of his wife and declared it to be avocado.
That's the Green New Deal in a nutshell.
Beto is often criticized for lacking a vision. I disagree. He has a defecatory vision, like Jonathan Swift. We may get defecatory socialism.
In high school, one of the farm kids filled up the study hall teacher's desk drawer with cow shit. That was funny. Come to think of it, cows shitting on me is one of my white privileges.
I really, really don't care about all of this.
These examinations of stuff, that "might" have happened long ago are distractions.
Distractions from the clown car full of airheads.
Do any of them have something to offer? Lets talk about now, and the future. So far all the stuff in the past? None of it disqualifying.
Let's be honest, Policy discussions today are lost in the best economy in decades, global peace, prison reform, etc. Policy discussions are lost in a Mueller report lacking in any findings, period. Policy discussions are soon to be lost in President Trump exposing the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, and the State Dept, with help from MI6 and the Australian intelligence community, and their State dept, colluding to overturn the election in the United States.
If I were a Dem I would be parsing fed/served.
Isn't one of the compelling things about Trump his non-normalness?
Why let The Week decide what is normal?
where do you think the director of house of cards, got his ideas from, he first worked for Hillary, then schumer, corey stoll is the irish philly version of weiner and then dean, dr. yeargh!!
Fun factoid of the day- think carefully about what the question is before answering it:
"Which planet spends the most time as the closest one to the Earth?"
He was only practicing, so on the off chance he got elected he could feed a ration of shit to all of us deplorables.
Bay Ares Guy said:
"...Worse, that means Roberto did a whole lotta other weird shit that hasn't been publicized yet."
That's exactly right. It's why he can't quite remember doing it. He's like a habitual liar, he can't remember all the weird, disgusting things he's done. Too many to keep track of.
The FFA greenhands would be blind-folded, have a can of ripe dog food held up to their noses, and then be spoon fed oatmeal. Then they'd be led blind-folded into the bathroom, asked to squeeze a banana (not told it was such), which would fall into the toilet, which would be flushed.
Yes, there were concerns about FFA hazing going overboard, but that was solved by inviting the parents to watch the initiation.
"Fed" means he got it on a spoon and aimed it at her mouth and even got it in.
So parents feeding their kids stops once the kids wield the utensils?
More importantly, was it a dish served cold?
If this prank didn't..garner..a spot in his memory, gotta wonder what pranks calibrate it as something he'd do.
that's jonathan alter and the producer of the Colbert report's kid,
even the harkonnen were rarely this self absorbed,
I don’t think the distinction is as strong as Althouse thinks it is. I fed the cats yesterday. Physically I put food in bowls and put the bowls down. When my son was growing up I fed him peanut butter and jam sandwiches. In neither case did I spoon-feed them, which is why I didn’t use the word “spoon-fed”. I agree fed suggests something was ingested in a way that served does not. But that implication is not certain, and it is not about the mechanics of me placing it in a mouth.
“Served" means he put the bowl of green shit on the table in front of his wife and declared it to be avocado. Very funny.”
Funny like your wife standing up, leaving, and checking into a hotel for three days so that she doesn't have to look at you.
I suppose putting excrement in a bowl on the table is good practice for your family members at suppressing sudden, murderous impulses. Maybe he was trying to build his wife's character.
"Which planet spends the most time as the closest one to the Earth?"
Mercury, not Venus as is generally assumed.
But Mitt put a dog on top of a car.
"Lumps" of normal?
On a meta level it's funny. While there's nothing that funny about serving your wife baby shit, there's something funny about a guy who thinks it's funny. It's analogous to that Pete Davidson thing. It's not funny for a comedian to make fun of a disabled war veteran, but it is funny that a professional comedian with a national platform would think so....... The plus side to being a Democrat is that late nite comics will not make fun of a Presidential candidate who thinks it's a neat practical joke to serve his wife baby shit. On a meta level, that's also kind of funny, but who will mock the mockers.
Dog mothers often eat the excrement of their pups to make it harder for predators to find the den. I mean, I assume that why they do it. I've raised pups in my bathroom, and I've seen it happen. One time the pups got loose while I was at work and pooped outside the bathroom. Then appearantly they managed to start up my Roomba robot vacuum which proceeded to spread it evenly all over the house. I was not amused at the time.
Maybe Beto was just being a cautious parent.
Of course he remembers it, but just wants to leave a sense of uncertainty to the story which his remembering would remove.
Hypothetical Query to the fine women of the Althouse blog:
Your husband/boyfriend serves a bowl of green shit at the dinner table, jokingly pretending its guacamole.
Your reaction is to:
a. laugh heartily at this funny prank
b. cringe in disgust
c. cringe in disgust and kick him in the balls
d. cringe in disgust and wonder what the fuck are you doing with this creep?
"Fed" means he got it on a spoon and aimed it at her mouth and even got it in.
My favorite line from the UCMJ:"Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense"
How the Heck did this guy even come close to beating Ted Cruz last fall???
Does his wife lack a sense of smell?
This sounds like a prank that only works on TV where these is no smell to what you see.
The first year of my marriage (we were 24), I put garlic powder on my wife's toothbrush on April Fool's Day. It didn't go over well. She still (jokingly) reminds me of it 29 years later.
A bowl of "something else" would have been a deal-breaker, for sure.
I know, I know, but I need to say it: what if Trump did this? Can you imagine the media mouths and the superlatives attached to the disdainful drawn out rants day in and day out. and then the endless twitter memes, and photo-shopping, and the refusal to let it go year after year. Beto doing it will be forgotten by Monday.
It's a matter of escalating stupidity, statism and outright craziness. See Hayek on "Why the Worst Rise." If you're stupid enough to buy into the gallimaurfry of voodoo economics and State-cultism that has "co-opted" (as we used to say in the Sixties) the once-honorable name of "liberalism"), it's pretty much Katy-bar-the-door when it comes to even bigger and "better" bone-headedness.
only a matter of degree:
Beto is a media creation. Without the D-hack press pimping him, he'd be Bob who?
The Help Movie:
"After Miss Hilly jeopardizes Minny’s chances of ever finding work again, Minny makes a chocolate custard pie including the “special ingredient” of her own feces, and watches Hilly savor two slices of it before telling her the truth."
Shit Sandwich
If you want me to acknowledge the difference between "served" and "fed", I will. But picking up your child faces to make a joke is neither normal not very funny.
Wait until it goes through the diaper genie, then call it sausage.
Although you may be correct that “serving” and “feeding” your spouse feces are different, they’re in the same ballpark. And compared to how most people behave, not only are we not in the same ballpark, it’s not even the same sport!
I could never imagine doing this to anyone, let alone my wife.
Fed my dog, fed my cat, fed my fish and it was pretty tricky getting the fish food in their little mouths.
Exactly right, the teenage stuff is more disturbing than pulling a prank with their shared kid's poo, as long as he didn't actually "feed" it to her.
Althouse, your commentary was knee-slapping funny.
Does his wife lack a sense of smell?
Althouse does, so maybe she should get Meade to taste things first. Green things especially.
As George W. supposedly said to Bill Clinton after Trump's Inauguration speech, "That was some strange shit."
Beto O'Rourke could feed his wife shit in a bowl on Fifth Avenue and not loose any votes.
MadAsHell didn't know about green poo. Those of us who changed diapers know about green poo. The VW bus had one color infamously and informally known as "baby shit green", there was even a song written about it. Hell, I never figured it all out, being mostly color blind.
I'm late on this, Mercury is the answer.
All said, if he didn't do it, he admitted that the trick is in his game book. As to fact, I know that of my wives and partners, I would have been summarily shot.
Well, to admit that this was in his game book is enough to make me vomit.
Beto wants to serve us AOC's Green New Deal crap sandwich.
So he hasn't changed one single bit.
It seems very preicient of the modern Democratic Party. I think they should make it their slogan. Eat shit or die!
How the Heck did this guy even come close to beating Ted Cruz last fall???
The Press found out all these things and more and they now admit they kept quiet.
That's how.
His name is Matthew Walther, not Michael. He's a favorite of mine because his worldview is so heterodox. He's like a super pro life socialist.
I have an uncle who famously tossed a lit stick of dynamite to a federal official (long story)
Did it involve a Game Warden and "fishing"?
You may call me Bobby or you may call me Robert, you may even call me Beto...
But your gonna have to serve somebody.
You mean THIS JEB?
@Bay Area Guy, and he correct answer is ...
e. Get a gun. Aim it at his groin. Grudgingly accept his groveling apology. But only once.
There are many kinds of "weird." Some is interesting and thought provoking, but some is just plain bad and inappropriate.
I'll play devil's advocate. I could see making a joke by putting the poop in a bowl, but unless I wanted a divorce, there's no way I would let my wife eat it. And I sure as hell would throw the bowl out afterward.
Did Beto try to feed his wife shit with a hair comb?
I defer to no one in my disdain for O'Rourke, but I actually find this story kind of endearing. You have a (first?) baby and you are changing 20 diapers a day and you are worn out, but you love your baby and you love each other, and you have kind of running (no pun ewww) joke about the smelly diapers. (Personally, I composed a little song with the lyrics, "Mr. Ack, Ack, Smello"). And once you notice a particularly fragrant diaper where the contents look mysteriously like guacamole (pureed peas, or spinach perhaps). But instead of waking your wife up from her nap to share the weirdly comic phenomenon, you have the brilliant idea of scooping it into a bowl that could plausibly be used for guacamole, and then when your wife awakens you say, "Hey did you see I made guacamole?" One whiff lets her know it's not guacamole, and it was not your intention to "feed" it to her. But, to me, it is an anecdote that shows a young father who loves his family and who is sharing the diaper load (no pun ewwww). It in no way makes me want to vote for O'Rourke, but I don't see the story as evidence of some psychosis or neurosis.
I have made a commitment (at least throughout Lent) to try to interpret every word or action by another person in a way that is the most charitable interpretation of their motivations. I recommend this to all Althouse commenters.
"Mr. Barr will decide how much of the report to share with Congress and, by extension, the American public. The House voted unanimously in March on a nonbinding resolution to make public the report’s findings, an indication of the deep support within both parties to air whatever evidence prosecutors uncovered."
Very good.
I wrote about the principle of charitable interpretation during the Covington schoolboys incident.
Is R-Fork Althouse's new Political boyfriend? Or is it, that he's the only interesting one? But yes, the Democrats are weird, but then they've always been odd, compared to the straight-laced, by-the-book Republicans. Look at the Presidents. Sure, Truman was uber-normal, but FDR-Eleanor were odd balls, JFK was a sex and drug addict, LBJ was an animal in a suit, Carter is just plain weird, The Clinton's even more so, and Obama was a pot-smoking Hawaiian surfer, with a weird mother and an absent Kenyan Father.
And the R Presidents? Well Nixon was strange. But you can't more normal and boring then Ike, Ford, Reagan, and Bush I and Bush II. Trump gets us back to the "odd" category, but not by much.
I say it's green shit and I say the Hell with it.
"Mr. Barr will decide how much of the report to share with Congress and, by extension, the American public. The House voted unanimously in March on a nonbinding resolution to make public the report’s findings, an indication of the deep support within both parties to air whatever evidence prosecutors uncovered.
Off topic. It lacks the required Beto, wife, and shit elements.
"...deep support within both parties to air whatever evidence prosecutors uncovered."
Or lack thereof, I suppose.
Now think what he is going to serve, not feed, to the American people.
Serve, not feed.
I think it's a funny image, but still.
I think that both serving and being fed are incredibly gross. particularly if feeding came into the scenario (although it thankingly that doesn’t seem like the latter actually happenened.) Personally, I would have been offended by either, and if I expressed forgiveness at the time, you can be sure that I would have thrown it in his face during every argument over the course of the relationship because that’s what long-termers are wont to do...pushing all the buttons.
Two things intrigue, though: 1) will his wife provide context that makes us understand how it might not be weird behavior or 2) will someone provide contest as to why the daughter of a billionaire, or her father, would just this let it go?
JRoberts said...Does his wife lack a sense of smell?
If a baby is exclusively breastfed, the poo don't smell at all. It's really not until they start eating processed food and their guts develop a healthy gut flora that their poop starts to stink. At least that was our experience with 2 kids.
" I like normal people, and in my book..."
Did anyone else read that and for just a split second think, hey, Althouse is writing a book!; how did I miss that?!
I'm already tired of weird Robert stories. I get to see Beto car bumper stickers around everywhere I drive. I am reminded what we narrowly escaped.
JRoberts said...Does his wife lack a sense of smell?
I think it has been established that Beto's shit don't stink
And yes, the answer is Mercury.
This comments section is chock full of kink shaming.
So Klobuchar is no longer at the top of the "strange things done at mealtime by a Democrat running in 2020" list?
By the time this election is over, she'll be in fifth place.
Great tweets from Greenwald
I differ with GG on most important issues I think, but I believe him to be one of the most careful and truthful reporters out there.
Look like dog shit to me
Very funny.
Forget Beto, Althouse is getting very strange.
“Beto”. Just another crazy rich kid.
You know what would be really cool? I could press this button on my desk and then recall the missiles over the Arctic and call Putin and yell “Psych!” into the phone. That would be President Beto.
tcrosse said...
...he put the bowl of green shit on the table in front of his wife and declared it to be avocado.
That's the Green New Deal in a nutshell.
I should have known that tcrosse would have come up with it first. If I laugh, am I still laughing at my own joke?
Served/Fed is the difference between putting your dog in a crate on top of the car or driving off with his leash tied to the bumper.
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