March 22, 2019

"Mueller Delivers Report on Russia Investigation to Attorney General."

The NYT reports.

We're not reading it yet, but waiting for Barr.
Mr. Barr will decide how much of the report to share with Congress and, by extension, the American public. The House voted unanimously in March on a nonbinding resolution to make public the report’s findings, an indication of the deep support within both parties to air whatever evidence prosecutors uncovered.
ADDED: From WaPo:
The attorney general told [the House and Senate Judiciary Committee's] he was “reviewing the report and anticipate that I may be in a position to advise you of the Special Counsel’s principal conclusions as soon as this weekend.”

The attorney general wrote he would consult with Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein and Mueller “to determine what other information from the report can be released to Congress and the public consistent with the law, including the Special Counsel regulations, and the Department’s long-standing practices and policies.”

Barr said there were no instances in the course of the investigation in which any of Mueller’s decisions were vetoed by his superiors at the Justice Department.


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h said...

"Mueller is no longer formally the special council according to NBC News Pete Williams." So any prosecutions that Mueller was going to bring are those that he has already brought, right?

Mike Sylwester said...

Barr's decision about what to release will depend on how the report has been written.

Barr will not release insinuations to the public.

JackWayne said...

“an indication of the deep support within both parties to air whatever evidence prosecutors uncovered.” who the hell actually believes this shit?

eddie willers said...

Barr will not release insinuations to the public.

God, I would hope not.

rhhardin said...

In a tragedy you wind up dead; in a comedy you wind up married.

Bay Area Guy said...

Who's taking bets?

As to Trump, I say a big, fat "Decline to Prosecute."

More so, as we learned from James "Faceplant" Comey -- it's not a good practice to publicly trash the target whom you declined to indict.

To save face for this ridiculous legal snipehunt, I say there's a slight chance that Trump, Jr. or Kushner gets indicted for some trivial process crime.

tim maguire said...

Obviously, the import of the report is political, not legal. The public paid for it and the public will dole out the consequences. Everything not national-security related should be released to the public so we can decide what and who to punish.

rcocean said...

OMG, The GREAT MAN has spoken - maybe. You know the drill. "The Muller Report has been delivered and will be made public next week". Then "next Week" will be "2 Weeks from Now' and then "Next Month" and then...

I forecast we'll see the Mueller Report on July 1st, with Rosenstein leaving DoJ by August. Fortunately, no one cares anymore. Republicans are tired of the whole shit-show, and the Democrats have the House Committees to harass Trump. I'm only sad, that John "did you know he was a war hero?" McCain didn't live to see the Mueller Report.

Yancey Ward said...

I have written it over and over and over- you could tell what was going into the report based on what was prosecuted and/or pleaded to by the various defendants. The collusion angle has been obviously dead for 1 year. Only morons hung onto that nonsense.

If the report really was delivered today, then the ABCNews story of last night was correct for once- there are no other indictments coming- if there were, the report would not have been delivered today. So all those rumors about Trump Jr. and Ivanka being indicted were just more bullshit spread by the usual suspects.

I would guess that Barr will release a general summary of the report discussing what was looked at, how, and what the general conclusion of each part of the investigation came to. It will be noted who was charged and who was not, but you won't get details from Barr about the whys and why nots for those decisions, which is the proper way to do it. Comey's press conference of July 5th 2016 was how not to do it.

Muellermas is bringing coal to a lot of people.

Crimso said...

Friday evening news dump. Tells you all you need to know.

viator said...

Mueller released his discharge.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Minorities, women, and LLRs affected most.

Openidname said...

Isn't the release of a news story at the end of the day on Friday a classic sign that the releaser wants it buried?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Mueller is a Republican picked by a Republican to clean up a Republican mess. It was genius on Trump's part to spend the whole 22 months of the Mueller investigation railing against him. Mueller has that and a few convictions to give him the credibility to issue the all-but-inevitable report that does not directly implicate Trump. Still there will be juicy tidbits and plenty of room for insinuation. The problem from the beginning is that Trump colluded with Russia in full public view. The voters have already judged. But, they do get to judge again in 2020.

pacwest said...

"Barr will not release insinuations to the public."

I still have the hope that Mueller played it straight and the report is fact based with the underlying facts only. If there are unsupported insinuations I hope those are released by Barr also. Let the media do what they want with them. Time for this to be over. If Barr withholds anything not directly concerning security it will go on forever.

One hopeful sign is that Mueller didn't drag this out til the next election. Kudos for that.

viator said...

Reaction to Mueller Report...

Chuck said...

So at one level this is already a triumph for Mueller. He's made it through 22 months of an intensely covered investigation with no leaks, no procedural controversies, no scandals. He's completed his investigation and rendered his report under the statutes (3 sections of 28 USC).

I love it already. Procedurally bulletproof.

Tom said...

I guessing that since this report has been issued so long before the election, there’s nothing in there serious regarding collusion. This gives Dems time to change the subject.

But, with Russian Collusion, Kavanaugh, the CovCath kid, and a whole bunch of other stuff, we find that Dems will make any accusation.

Jersey Fled said...

NBC news is playing up the fiction that the investigation has resulted in 34 indictments. But of course this includes 29 Russian nationals that will never stand trial.

Anonymous said...

If it's a nothing-burger, the wailing and shredding of garments will be epic... epic, I tell you!

policraticus said...

Worst. Obstruction. Of. Justice. Ever.

Clyde said...

Man, I wish I had the booze and (legal) marijuana concession for Democrats, because those are going to be some serious substance-abusing people when this nothingburger is revealed for what it is and nobody is frog-marched from the Oval Office.

Unknown said...

@ Crimso
During the 1st weekend of March Madness. To quote Lewis in Deliverance, that’s about as buried as you can get.

Gospace said...

According to multiple bloggers, twitterers, and qanon followers, declassification couldn't start until the report was delivered. Also prosecutions from Huber and others were on hold. There's much to be said for these theories.

Let the games begin.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Dear Chairman's McConnell and Nadler,

Persuant to (blah blah blah) I have received a report from Special Counsel Mueller and am currently reviewing this at this time in preparation to make a summary of findings to you respective committees. A few immediate points. The report has determined that

1) The Special Counsel's feet hurt and may smell bad
2) This report was delivered after 5pm on what many regard as one of the largest sporting events weekends of the year.
3) Water is wet and the sun also rises - although suspiciously - in only the same spot once a year, which could be a sign of Russian collusion.
4) That AOC, while a hot latinx, is in fact dumber than a bag of hammers
5) The Special Counsel has not asked for a position in the next Trump administration when this is all over.

With respect we will deliver a more thoroughly multi-thousand page summary in the coming week (which you will of course not read in its entirety, nor the American people) from which very little in terms of a course correction to 'get Trump' will result.

AG Barr

(p.s. we found nothing regarding cooperation with Russians in our elections except on the left)

Jim at said...

For two+ years, "Any day now Trump is going to go down on x, y and/or z on the Mueller report. Any. Day."

Now that day is here.

Let's see who misses the opportunity to shut up.

Bay Area Guy said...

Adam Schiff seen screaming at a hastily arranged press conference, the investigation must go on!!!!

People who suck:

1. Comey
2. His leaking friend, Richman
3. McCabe
4. Strzok
5. Brennan
6. Clapper
7. Loretta Lynch
8. Yates
9. Comey again
10. Andrew Weissman
11. Rosenstein (but special consideration for withdrawing from the cabal)
12. Laurence Tribe
13. Everyone at MSNBC
14. Everyone at CNN
15. Mueller
16. Schiff
17. Dick Blumenthal
18. Eric Swallwell
19. Gerald Go-Nadler

PackerBronco said...

The executive summary of the Mueller Report reads:

"Marry, sir, they have committed false report; moreover, they have spoken untruths; secondarily, they are slanders; sixth and lastly, they have
belied a lady; thirdly, they have verified unjust things; and, to conclude, they are lying knaves."

The WH claims that this is just "much ado about nothing".

Ken B said...

I will lay down a marker. No collusion by Trump or his campaign or his senior staff.
And a second marker. Chuck will say there still might be collusion and that this report does not settle things.

Yancey Ward said...

I will tell you who got a heads up from somebody on Mueller's team- James Comey. It explains that weird NYTimes oped he wrote that was linked on RCP this morning. Comey got the message that Trump was cleared, and played the sour grapes angle.

Ken B said...

I will lay down a marker. No collusion by Trump or his campaign or his senior staff.
And a second marker. Chuck will say there still might be collusion and that this report does not settle things.

Paul said...

"there were no instances in the course of the investigation in which any of Mueller’s decisions were vetoed by his superiors at the Justice Department."

And at no time did Mueller even think if investigating any of Hillary's actions. Past or present.

Darrell said...

Suspect Number 1 was Captain Marvel.

Fen said...

At least we will be entertained by Democrat hallucinations of some morsel hidden away in Mueller's big nothing burger.

I've got an exacta at 3-1: No Shame / AsIfIt Never Happened

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I bet it confirms all my prior beliefs and totally discredits the beliefs and opinions of people I don't like.

Michael K said...

Trump should, and probably will, publish 95% of the report. The "classification" is all but covering.

Yancey Ward said...

You can see the retreat strategy already in LeftBank and Pecan Pie Detective.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Whatever is kept hidden will = a never ending source of CNN-Adam Schiff(d) interviews speculating about how "where there's smoke there's fire!" and Trump but assured to be Poot's Poodle.

Jim at said...

The problem from the beginning is that Trump colluded with Russia in full public view.

How does one even begin to address the willful ignorance of people like this?

There's simply no point in even trying.

JaimeRoberto said...

I'm sure they've really got him this time.

Mike Sylwester said...

I recommend that everyone read an article that Consortium News published on March 13. The article is a memorandum that was sent on that day to Attorney General William Barr by the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). The memorandum is titled Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings and was signed by 18 VIPS members. The apparent author is VIPS member William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis and Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center.

The memorandum challenges the apparent inadequate forensic analysis that Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller conducted of the computers that supposedly were hacked. Essentially Binney and the VIPS argue that the theft of the data was not accomplished by hacking but rather by insiders who downloaded the data directly onto manual devices.

The VIPS article is followed by a comments section, and I recommend that everyone read the several comments written by Norumbega. He argues that the theft of John Podesta's e-mails and the theft of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) files were accomplished by separate individuals acting independently from each other.

In particular, Norumbega argues that Podesta's e-mails were stolen by a US Intelligence employee who had been assigned to collect and study Podesta's e-mails because Podesta was lobbying for Saudi Arabia. This employee on his own initiative provided Podesta's e-mails to Wikileaks.

Norumbega argues further that the DNC files were download onto a Western Digital hardrive by Seth Rich, who sold them to Wikileaks for $48,000.

Norumbega has developed the following time-line for relevant events in 2016:

May 23-26: Seth Rich downloads the DNC files to an external storage device.

Before June 12: Rich negotiates the sale with Wikileaks and then transfers the files to WikiLeaks.

June 12: Julian Assange announces the forthcoming release of files related to Hillary Clinton

June 12-15: Fear about the release develops within the Democrat leadership

June 23: Seth Rich receives the $48,000 from Wikileaks

July 10: Seth Rich murdered

July 22: Wikileaks publishes the DNC files


Norumbega suggests that Guccifer 2.0 was a fictitious character created by the DNC (CrowdStrike) for the purpose of causing the public to believe that the data had been stolen by Russian Intelligence.

Michael K said...

He's completed his investigation and rendered his report under the statutes (3 sections of 28 USC).

And found nothing.

His attack dog, Weissman, was not so lucky.

Mr. Weissmann’s cases against Andersen and Merrill Lynch lay in shambles just a few years later.
The Supreme Court, in a 9-0 vote in 2005, overturned the Andersen conviction. A year later, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals erased all the fraud convictions against four Merrill Lynch managers. The jury had acquitted another defendant.
“People went off to prison for a completely phantom of a case,” said Mr. Kirkendall.

Mr. Kirkendall became sort of an unofficial Enron historian. He observed goings-on at the Houston federal courthouse and blogged about what he considered a systematic miscarriage of justice.
The task force, which ultimately would catapult prosecutors to lucrative careers, wanted to win as many convictions as possible. They were prosecuting players in one of the nation’s biggest corporate scandals. Enron bosses falsified balance sheets, inflated earnings and traded stocks with insider knowledge. By 2001, the behemoth went bankrupt. Its stock was worthless.
The Justice Department task force mobilized in 2002 and quickly won convictions. But there were dark sides.
That’s where Sidney Powell enters the picture. The Dallas lawyer took the appeal of a Merrill Lynch figure. She obtained from Justice a batch of task force documents in 2010 that should have been disclosed to trial attorneys years earlier.
The documents began to flow in the aftermath of the Sen. Ted Stevens debacle. Justice prosecutors not connected to the Enron task force deliberately withheld evidence favorable to Stevens. A judge threw out his conviction.
Ms. Powell wrote a 2014 book about the scandals, “Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice.”
“All of the cases Weissmann pushed to trial were reversed in whole or in part due to some form of his overreaching and abuses,” Ms. Powell told The Washington Times. “The most polite thing the Houston bar said about Weissmann was that he was a madman.”

Mueller has escaped consequence for his Whitey Bulgar misbehavior.

Yancey Ward said...

It is a beautiful early Spring day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. I could live with this weather 100% of the year.

Ken B said...

There are rules and laws about what can or should be disclosed. The report might not be disclosable in toto. It might even be deliberately so, to embarrass Trump, if you believe some of the conspiracy theories about Mueller (I do not). But Trump has a motive to release it, since (prediction, marker) it clears him.

Bay Area Guy said...

When Mueller indicted those 13 Russian internet trolls who LIVE in Russia, and CANNOT be extradicted to stand trial in a US courtroom, I pretty much knew he had nothing.

That was pure political theater, not serious exercise of prosecutorial discretion.

JAORE said...

The problem from the beginning is that Trump colluded with Russia in full public view.

As the immortal Bugs Bunny said, "What a maroon".

But if Trump wants to interfere with the Mueller investigation, as I heard over, and over, and over, he'd better damn well HURRY!

Wince said...

BREAKING: Mueller accidentally delivered the report to Rosanne Barr.

tcrosse said...

The problem from the beginning is that Trump colluded with Russia in full public view.

Otherwise we would be forced to admit that Hillary was a terrible candidate who ran a bone-headed campaign.

eric said...

This is a sad day for Democrats and NeverTrump everywhere.

Our President didn't conspire or collude with Russia.

They wanted it to be true so badly.

Now it's all over. In the sense that most of America will move on with their lives.

As for all the conspiracy minded folks?

They'll hold on to this for the rest of their lives, screaming at the wall, kr whoever will listen, "Collusion!"

wildswan said...

Garbage In, Garbage Out: Is This the Story of the Russian Collusion:
You pump out the bilge and pipe it above deck and pump it into hold. Omigod, we're taking on water. And pump out the bilge and pipe it above deck and pump it into hold. Omigod, we're taking on water. And pump out the bilge and pipe it above deck and pump it into hold. Omigod, we're taking on water.

Less allegorically, it was starting to come out that in the past and up to the present, a team of former Clintonistas were putting out press releases to the media every day and these were becoming stories. And it was coming out that, in the beginning Christopher Steele was finding allegations in the media or on random sites by Googling and pushing these findings to the media who published stories on the findings of this former MI-5 guy; and then the FBI "verified" the presence of allegations by Googling; and then there was wire tapping and stories by Clintonistas; and the FBI was investigating and leaking into the media what the Clintonistas were pumping out to the media; and then we got Mueller. The only remaining question is whether Mueller Googled his investigation also. Perhaps he compared all the different stories out there and wrote them down in long comparison timelinee. Perhaps he did everything except find out that Hillary supporters were trying to undo a US election. And so, at a cost of $40 million, the report will not have found anything of what in the meantime everyone else has found out. The Three Blind Mice: Media, Intelligence community, Mueller.

h said...

I know I make this point in almost every comment thread about Trump, but here I go again:

It is a mistake to think that the logical point being considered here is: 1. Trump committed crimes; 2. Mueller will discover those crimes; and therefore 3. Trump is unsuited to hold the office of President. (So, following this, one might conclude: since Mueller failed to find indictable crimes, it must be true that assertion 1 is false -- Trump did not commit crimes.)

But the logic of the left is: 1. Trump is unsuited to hold the office of the President 2. Mueller studied this for 2 years with all the machinery of the federal government. THerefore 3. Mueller must have found evidence that Trump committed crimes, and the Mueller report if published will prove that. There is no room in this line of logic for a thought that Trump is NOT unsuited to hold the office of President. One can only ask why the investigations have failed to show that Trump is unsuited to hold the office of President. So either (a) Mueller did show that, and the evidence is hidden in his secret report, or (b) Mueller did not show that and despite our repeated support for the hero Mueller we now need to dispute his credentials or incorruptability.

Is it too late to appoint Hillary or Steele as special prosecutor? Whoever thought it was a good idea to appoint a Republican (Mueller) to this position? Oh yeah -- it was (Trump appointee) Rosenstein who made this decision.

n.n said...

The consensus is that Trump is a warlock. He may be a witch, probably not. He was a baby, a common truth.

BUMBLE BEE said...

And this one requested by the Oakland County Bar Association of Michigan...

n.n said...

13 Russian internet trolls who LIVE in Russia

And the Russian company that pulled a Trump and raised the bet.

Lincolntf said...

No serious person ever really thought Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 Election. The leaders of the idiot Left knew they needed a new source of fake outrage, and that's the one they picked. Anyone who fell for it is unworthy to vote.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's Trump's former attorney John Dowd's podcast (and transcript thereof) from last month, where he explained there'd be no prosecutions, because there was no EVIDENCE of criminal acts.

Dowd was the Chief of the Organized Crime Strike Force at the DOJ in the 70s.

He knows this stuff, backwards and forward.

The Democrats, their media allies and the DeepStaters are a disgraceful lot.

Chuck said...

Ken B said...
I will lay down a marker. No collusion by Trump or his campaign or his senior staff.
And a second marker. Chuck will say there still might be collusion and that this report does not settle things.

If you had really read my various comments, you'd have known that I've never seen any evidence of "collusion" in any of this. I never, ever expected that anyone would find that the result of the 2016 election was manipulated by a foreign government.

I still feel that way.

But what I always said that I hoped for (but would not predict, as I wanted to wait for the Department of Justice) was a whole series of federal and state indictments of the whole grifter Trump family. For tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Bank fraud. Money laundering. Mail fraud. Campaign finance violations. Obstruction of justice.

There are nearly three dozen criminal indictments filed under seal in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia since the beginning of 2018. That's real. That's known. The indictments have been assigned case numbers.

iowan2 said...

When Mueller indicted those 13 Russian internet trolls who LIVE in Russia, and CANNOT be extradicted to stand trial in a US courtroom, I pretty much knew he had nothing.

One of the companies did hire a US lawyer and showed up in court. Mueller knowing nothing would ever come of his indictments was in no position to prosecute them. He begged for time. Lost track of it over the last couple of months, dont know what happened.

Yancey Ward said...

Inga! You still have something to live for.

Hagar said...

Back when, the Democrats screamed for all documents pertinent to the Adams Administration's negotiations with the French government be released and John Adams said, "Good, here they are," and released the XYZ papers to all the newspapers as well as Congress.

narciso said...

so sydney powell was like my friend clarice, who was the only one who appealed a Watergate conviction on appeal, in this case of the city manager of san diego, who dissembled on another matter, but the Jaworski minion, Harvard '61, was negligent in due diligence,

Bruce Hayden said...

“Obviously, the import of the report is political, not legal. The public paid for it and the public will dole out the consequences. Everything not national-security related should be released to the public so we can decide what and who to punish.”

I don’t that is how it works. DoJ rules and regulations essentially prohibit disclosure of possible crimes of the non indicted. The problem is that a criminal (or possibly counterintelligence/counter terrorism) investigation was envisioned by the rules and regulations, and not a political one. What they aren’t supposed to say is “we think that xxx might have committed some crime, but we didn’t have enough evidence to charge them (or anyone else) for that crime”. These rules essentially are there to protect the assumption of innocence. And, yes, this rule was broken by Comey with his statement about Crooked Hillary being guilty as heck, but they weren’t going to indict her, regardless.

chickelit said...

Der Mueller has sifted and winnowed the grist. There's be plenty of wit and chafe to feed both sides.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hey everyone, guess what?

The Electoral College Vote in Nov 2016 remains Trump 304 to Clinton 227!

Can you dig it, Baby?

chickelit said...

Wit = tweets and chafe = butthurt.

Yancey Ward said...

My condolences on the Badgers. They just ran into a very hot lower seed. I saw Oregon during the PAC 12 tourney last weekend- they were on a roll.

walter said...

Bill Kristol
‏Verified account @BillKristol
23m23 minutes ago

On behalf of Republicans for the Rule of Law: We’re grateful to all who’ve stood with us in the fight to protect the Special Counsel’s investigation and ensure the integrity of the report. And we’re very grateful to Robert Mueller and his team for their hard work and patriotism.
126 replies 390 retweets 2,502 likes

Charlie Currie said...

Every notice how the SC, DOJ always release information when Trump is out of town? Weird, huh. Is this the new normal.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Watch Mollie Hemingway (the best analyst on TV) on tonight's Special Report if you can.

MAJMike said...

The Hildebeast still remains free for violations of the Espionage Act, similar violations for which other have gone to jail.

It's different when you're a DemCong.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Democrats and LLRs thought it was going to be a nice, fresh avocado ...

steve uhr said...

I Never understood why Trump wasn’t subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury.

Ralph L said...

CBS News just trotted out Trump's joke asking Russia to find Hillary's emails as a serious reason for the investigation.

gspencer said...


(1) Trump’s in the clear

(2) Hillary on the other hand . . .

Bay Area Guy said...

Bill Kristol
‏Verified account @BillKristol
23m23 minutes ago

On behalf of Republicans for the Rule of Law: We’re grateful to all who’ve stood with us in the fight to protect the Special Counsel’s investigation and ensure the integrity of the report. And we’re very grateful to Robert Mueller and his team for their hard work and patriotism.
126 replies 390 retweets 2,502 likes

Bill Kristol may be singularly the dumbest man on Planet Earth.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Well it’ll be interesting to see if Trump continues to demonize Mueller. As for those who think they know what will be in it, I say premature speculation, too quick to spurt.

effinayright said...

A damp squib.

Inga, Trumpit and PeePeeTape hardest hit.

Already sobbing into their feculent pillows.

Clyde said...

MSNBC and CNN talking heads are busily trying to grasp at straws that there might still be SOMETHING that Congress can use to drag down the President. Poor bastards! I recommend that they start drinking heavily as soon as they get off the set.

Yancey Ward said...

exhelodrvr1 wrote:

"Democrats and LLRs thought it was going to be a nice, fresh avocado ..."

We have a winner!!!!!

Gk1 said...

Heh, Comey leaving the impeachment ship like the rat he is should have been the tip off this morning. Oh well, better luck next time lefties. Like Fitzgeralds prosecution of the Bush administration, no one famous will be frog marched out of the white house except for the losers that chose the losing team and tried ratting out Trump to lessen their sentance.

Drago said...

"I Never understood why Trump wasn’t subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury."


walter said...

Joe Walsh (AM560) making a point of the "narrow charge" of Mueller.....

JPS said...

Lincolntf @5:22:

"The leaders of the idiot Left knew they needed a new source of fake outrage, and [Russian collusion was] the one they picked."

We still have the Emoluments Clause.

Hagar said...

Mueller's investigation may not have uncovered any misdeeds of Trump's doing, but he certainly has exposed a lot of those committed by Trump's opponents, including from within his own FBI.
So I hope that these now in turn will be investigated equally thoroughly with indictments to follow as indicated before we "move on."

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Bill Kristol
‏Verified account @BillKristol
23m23 minutes ago

On behalf of Republicans for the Rule of Law: We’re grateful to all who’ve stood with us in the fight to protect the Special Counsel’s investigation and ensure the integrity of the report.

Aaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Fuckin' classic.

Kristol's elephant repellent is the best and you should pay top dollar for it. You don't see any elephants around here, do ya?!

Bay Area Guy said...

Anxiously awaiting all the Logan Act prosecutions.


Still waiting....

Bay Area Guy said...


Humperdink said...

When is Trump going to fire Mueller?

Fen said...

"The problem from the beginning is that Trump colluded with Russia in full public view."

How does one even begin to address the willful ignorance of people like this?

Heads up, I came across almost that exact sentence today on a thread over at The Hill. "...obvious collusion in full public view..."

Howard said...

No indictments, great news for Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

If the Mueller Report isn’t released to the public in its entirety ( and even if it’s is) you can bet that the House will be interviewing Mueller under oath and getting the truth from the horse’s mouth so to speak. If Barr redacted or changed any findings, it’ll be discovered. Also the SDNY will be busy with what Mueller has handed off to them.

Mad Bohemian said...

Bill Kristol may be singularly the dumbest man on Planet Earth.

You have a gun to your head and are forced to make a snap decision or be shot.
Who’s dumber, Cap’n Bill or AOC? You have five seconds to choose. Go!

Both have similar political views making the decision tougher.

iowan2 said...

Now all those documents the FBI and DOJ and the State Dept have withheld because of the Mueller investigation can turn them over. Hahahahaha!

Howard said...

CNN MSNBC hoping for SDNY Hail Mary

Inga...Allie Oop said...

For the premature “ejaculators”, not so fast...

Renato Mariotti
Twitter › renato_mariotti
This isn't surprising. If Mueller wanted to indict anyone else, he would have done so already. This does not tell us whether Mueller found that Trump committed a crime but could not be indicted because he is president. It also says nothing about the SDNY investigation.…
1 hour ago

Kyle Griffin
Twitter › kylegriffin1
Richard Blumenthal, referencing other investigations by SDNY, etc., tells @MSNBC that "there's a high likelihood that there are indictments in this president's future." "I think there's a strong possibility of additional indictments, including the president's family."
56 minutes ago

Sara Just
Twitter › sarajust
"The special counsel's office, won't be bringing future indictments. that doesn't preclude main justice or SDNY...and very possible given the number of redactions in the Mueller pleadings suggesting other investigations still ongoing.." says @RepAdamSchiff @NewsHour
1 hour ago

h said...

I've read that the decision about what to release is up to Attorney General Barr. Is that Roseanne Barr?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“No more indictments coming.” Mueller has spoken. Hey Lefties, “TOLD YOU SO!”

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You will NEVER know what’s in it, Inga, because DOJ rules and the constitution keep Grand Jury testimony private. At best you’ll get a summary, written by Barr, of Mueller’s conclusions. Others like me have tried to warn y’all. Everything you needed to know about who Mueller was going to charge was laid out when they were in court.

walter said...

Adam Schiff
‏Verified account @RepAdamSchiff
Mar 21
The House voted unanimously in favor of making Mueller’s report & findings public. Trump says it should "come out."
But DOJ officials are laying the groundwork to withhold evidence from the American people.
That would pose a great danger to our country.

Crimso said...

I'd like to see what was redacted in the revised scope memo Mueller received from Rosenstein. I'm betting it explicitly puts either criminal activity by FBI agents and/or any abuses of the FISA process Mueller may have uncovered OUTSIDE the scope of his investigation.

Fen said...

There are nearly three dozen criminal indictments filed under seal in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia since the beginning of 2018. That's real. That's known. The indictments have been assigned case numbers.

"And as they come around the backstretch... No Shame leads by 4... with AsIfIt Never Happened coming up the outside.. followed by-"

Oh baby! Come on come on!

chickelit said...

We still have the Emoluments Clause.

Emoluments are for soothing butthurt?

Fen said...

"As for those who think they know what will be in it, I say premature speculation, too quick to spurt"

Oh god could you say that a few more times? Bottled Hypocrisy is trading on Ebay at $400 an ounce. Don't move! BRB!

traditionalguy said...

The big day is finally finding out Mr Mueller’s fate on his Uranium One crimes. That was how Trump had him by the balls. The dour Mueller was playing for time awaiting the arrest and disposition of him depending on Doug what he was told. Trump cast him in a movie production written by Shakespearean Genius Trump.

Big Mike said...

My condolences on the Badgers.

And, historically, twelve seeds have often upset five seeds. Nevertheless, pending Ohio State’s game later tonight, they are the only Big Ten team to lose on the first round.

traditionalguy said...

Final score in Special Counsel Investigation is serious jail time for Trump’s betrayers and meaningless lying to a Fed wrist slows for Trump’s team members easily pardoned.

Fen said...

If Barr redacted or changed any findings, it’ll be discovered.

"And coming down the stretch! It's No Shame pulling away! Followed by AsIfIt Never Happened..."


deepelemblues said...

The sheer desperation and immediate spewing of more fantasies dressed up as sober predictions by the conspiracy theorists is highly entertaining.

Francisco D said...

Mueller is a Republican picked by a Republican to clean up a Republican mess.

I agree that this is a mess, Left Bank.

However, I am wondering how how and what Republicans created it ... aside from beating Hillary.

Hagar said...

The special counsel rules list a number of things that may be in the report to the AG, but must not be made public in order to protect the privacy of the unindicted, national security, etc., so Adam Schiff et al. will still have plenty of room for muttering about their dire suspicions.

walter said...

Paul Sperry
‏ @paulsperry_
10m10 minutes ago

No, there are no "sealed indictments." Mueller's prosecutors wouldn't be packing up if there were. And no, there is no obstruction finding, either. Mueller would have followed up his written questions with oral questions of POTUS if there was. Nice try #DesperateDems.
8 replies 131 retweets 194 likes
Paul Sperry
‏ @paulsperry_
15m15 minutes ago

Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Manafort, Cohen, Flynn were all spied on under the false pretext they were part of a Kremlin conspiracy to help Trump win the election. Now we know this was police harassment.All that surveillance produced ZERO indictments of espionage/conspiracy

Paul Sperry
‏ @paulsperry_
40m40 minutes ago

Now we know for certain that Adam Schiff (the saddest man in America right now) was DEAD WRONG when he claimed there was "direct evidence" that Trump colluded w Russia. Eric Swalwell was DEAD WRONG when he claimed indictments were "coming." Hang your heads in shame, congressmen!

Doodad said...

Muslim and black elected officials really wanted Mueller to give 'em something to impeach that mo-fo Trump. Obviously Mueller is a racist and Islamophobe. Possibly a Russian agent as well.

Bay Area Guy said...

Adam Schiff
‏Verified account @RepAdamSchiff
Mar 21
The House voted unanimously in favor of making Mueller’s report & findings public. Trump says it should "come out."
But DOJ officials are laying the groundwork to withhold evidence from the American people.
That would pose a great danger to our country.

Adam Schiff might be singularly the dumbest man on Planet Earth.

Mike Sylwester said...

Inga...Allie Oop at 5:58 PM
it’ll be interesting to see if Trump continues to demonize Mueller.

I hope that President Trump calls the public's attention to Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller's failure to prosecute his BFF "Crazy Comey the Leaker" on charges of illegal leaking.

Douglas B. Levene said...

@tim maguire: The government can declassify any classified information and release it, but the government does not have the power to waive any grand jury secrecy laws. To the extent the Mueller report contains any information covered by Fed.R. Crim. P. 6(e), it will remain secret.

Mike Sylwester said...

How come Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller did not indict Joseph Mifsud?

Mifsud was an agent of Russian Intelligence -- just like George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.

Yancey Ward said...

I predict a year from now, after the SDNY investigation is over with and Trump or his family is still unindicted, and after we pretty much have examined every single letter in the Mueller report, Inga will still be here posting Twitter rumors as evidence of wrongdoing on Trump's part that is hidden in rumored sections of the Mueller report that Adam Schiff is sure exist.

Yancey Ward said...

Maybe the Pecan Pie Detective can enlighten us on the hidden sealed indictments that even CNN admits don't exist.

Jaq said...

XYZ relates more to Hillary demanding emoluments of foreigners with business before the State Department, like Tallyrand did. I think that is what the emoluments clause was actually aimed at.

wildswan said...

Was there Russia collusion? No

Did Mueller use his powers to snoop about and try to dig up other matters? Yes.

Trump was part of the establishment in New York City so nothing will be dug up that doesn't have Cuomo, Schumer, Hillary, Bill, Anthony Wiener, Huma, DeBlasio, the NYPD and even, AOC, clinging on to it. So nothing will be dug up. And in my opinion there isn't much to dig up, in the case of Trump because, as I see it, Trump as candidate and as President has been very clever. He isn't President because he colluded with Russia or cheated in the big cities; he's President because he saw and exploited overlooked opportunities. And I expect that's how it was in the past.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga gives us some hacktastic opinion. Keep hope alive!

Actually - Barr is following the rules. Congress a-holes like Schiff - are asking Barr to break the rules.
Schiff is a hack.

Yancey Ward said...

Look on the bright side, Inga- with Collusion dead and buried, perhaps CNN can finally go back and figure out what happened to that Malaysian jet that disappeared in the Indian Ocean.

narciso said...

They decided he was mostly dead, most likely mifsud is in an Italian or Saudi secret service safe house.

MayBee said...

Is what we've gone through the last 2 years any way to run a country? The overcharged media reports, the Special Investigator the minute a new president took office, political opponents ginning up the idea that the sitting president is a Russian spy?

What will it take to learn you have to stand down from this behavior. The recall election didn't work for Scott Walker, and calling the President of the United States a criminal and a spy hasn't worked. How about you Democrats just cool it for a little while, try to come up with some policies that appeal to more people, and then respect election results. Can you do that?

JAORE said...

If Barr redacted or changed any findings, it’ll be discovered.

Keep hope alive, even though it appears to be pining for the fjords.

Michael K said...

this rule was broken by Comey with his statement about Crooked Hillary being guilty as heck, but they weren’t going to indict her, regardless.

I still think Comey was facing a possible agent revolt when he held that presser. Not Strzok or McCabe, of course, but real agents that do the work. Like my daughter,

Michael K said...

Inga will still be here posting Twitter rumors as evidence of wrongdoing on Trump's part that is hidden in rumored sections of the Mueller report that Adam Schiff is sure exist.

I think she was Steele's secret source.

Yancey Ward said...

Someone wrote a story on Mifsud a few months back that he is alive and well according to Mifsud himself. Just staying out of the public eye.

All the evidence and the established connections demonstrate that it is all but certain that Mifsud was sent by someone in the British government to try to entrap Papadopoulos. The FBI had Mifsud in their hands questioning him in early 2017 and just let him leave the country, then tried to sell the story that Papadopoulos was to blame because he lied about when he spoke to Mifsud. That story was such obvious bullshit that I knew right then and there that Mifsud was working for either London or the CIA, or both.

narciso said...

You forgot marcy wheeler from Empty wheel, another secret source.

Drago said...

BAG: "Adam Schiff might be singularly the dumbest man on Planet Earth."

Lots and lots and lots of LLR's on Team Schiff-ty are co-owners of that title.

narciso said...

Lee Smith, of the tablet followed up a bio written by his associates

Drago said...

What Inga is afraid of and clearly projecting is that Barr might act as politically and illegally as every single member of the obama admin and executive appointees in his weaponized DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA.

walter said...

"How about you Democrats just cool it for a little while, try to come up with some policies that appeal to more people, and then respect election results. Can you do that?"
Like giving felons and 16 yr olds the vote.

Jaq said...

Isn't the whole thing already on line at scribd? Now the man that the WaPo called a protege of Eric Holder is a Republican! Defend your delusions moonbats!

Guildofcannonballs said...

"pacwest said...
"Barr will not release insinuations to the public."

I still have the hope that Mueller played it straight and the report is fact based with the underlying facts only. If there are unsupported insinuations I hope those are released by Barr also. Let the media do what they want with them. Time for this to be over. If Barr withholds anything not directly concerning security it will go on forever.

One hopeful sign is that Mueller didn't drag this out til the next election. Kudos for that."

Surely Stalin didn't know, he was a Top Man in an honest society concerned with Justice and not power itself. This hope has helped many, surely at Auschwitz too. Don't believe the lies, believe whatever makes you feel most hopeful with no concept of why not feeling most hopeful can be other than death itself.

Most importantly, put your faith in Mueller and The System or The Process or The Deep State, as by God they have earned it. Look at those shiny positions they've always held!

Jaq said...

You have to hand it to Hillary, this whole thing is incredibly meta, using agents of foreign governments to accuse her opponent of using agents of foreign governments to defeat her. There is a saying that goes "If you want to know what the Democrats are doing, just look at what they are accusing Republicans of."

Drago said...

I think in honor of Tucker Carlson's grand gesture, sending a dozen jelly filled donuts to CNN's morbidly obese LLR-aligned Brian "Tater" Stelter, we at Althouse should follow suit and offer cash donations to be sent to Althouse and Meade so that they can act as middlemen (sorry Althouse, its the dude plural form) and procure donuts for our own reeling leftists like Inga, Left Bank, LLR Chuck, li'l confused Stevie Uhr, Ritmo (if still alive), Freder The Hapless Adjudicated Court Proceeding Recapper, etc.

victoria from pasadena should be gifted tangerines in lieu of donuts as she lives in CA.

Howard gets nothing as I would not want to ruin his appetite while he awaits his lobster.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I still have the hope that Mueller played it straight and the report is fact based with the underlying facts only."

If it could be taught why this is incoherent then incoherency could be curtailed, possibly, is my hope.

I have to respect teachers because they do what I can't. I might understand what they are trying to teach, but I can't teach it. Except to those with IQ's that would have figured it out regardless of my attempts at pedagogical conversing.

Narayanan said...

So what are the rules here?

Does Trump get to see?

How many tweets to divulge all ?
@ 280 Characters per.

Bruce Hayden said...

This may be fun:

mezzrow said...

Help me understand why I think of this while reading the diehard collusion believers in here tonight:

Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers...

Plus, it's not going to get better. When Trump gets himself reelected, that's when they show us what crazy really looks like.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“In a new interview with his favorite cable TV network, President Donald Trump was adamant that “the people won’t stand for it” if a report delivered by Special Counsel Robert Mueller makes him look bad. “It’s always interesting to me because a deputy who didn’t get any votes appoints a man who didn’t get any votes, he’s gonna write a report on me,” Trump told Fox Business News, referring to Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.” Earlier today.

Why was Trump so worried the report would make him look bad? Why has Trump been so intent on delegitimizing Mueller? What is he so worried about? I think the premature ejaculators are too busy doing, know, to actually think about what we may be finding out from this report.

iowan2 said...

My condolences on the Badgers.

And, historically, twelve seeds have often upset five seeds. Nevertheless, pending Ohio State’s game later tonight, they are the only Big Ten team to lose on the first round.

Tough luck for the Badgers. They ran up against a hot shooting team, and the Badgers could not slow the game down enough to best them.
Ohio State will have their hands full with Iowa State. They faltered in the second have of the season, but they won out to clinch the Big Twelve title. It will be close or an ISU blow out.

Mr. Majestyk said...

As alluded to above, Mueller may well say he has declined to indict Trump because he is a sitting president. But Mueller may recommend that Trump be indicted upon leaving office. In doing so, Mueller can supercharge the whacky left to come out in even greater numbers in 2020 than they did in 2018. Actually indicting Trump isn't the point, or at least not the main point; defeating him at the polls in 2020 is.

Drago said...

"Why was Trump so worried the report would make him look bad?"


Have you seen the just released additional text messages between the corrupt democrat-partisan FBI/DOJ members which showed the very highest members of the FBI were COMPLETELY aware there was no corroboration of the hoax dossier BEFORE the FISA application was submitted.

Why did Samantha Powers, the anti-Israel UN ambassador under Farrakhan-pal Obama, have 300+ unmasking requests of innocent American citizens spied upon by thugs working for Iranian-fanboy and Putin-flexibility-pal obama?

Drago said...

Uh oh.

Looks like someone left a trail of breadcrumbs that has just come to light...

Drago said...

The "brilliant" Rachel Maddow in tears tonight.

LLR fanboys hardest alot.

And I mean alot.

MayBee said...

Why was Trump so worried the report would make him look bad? Why has Trump been so intent on delegitimizing Mueller? What is he so worried about?

If I were elected President, and suddenly everyone was reporting I was a Russian spy, the FBI had a report about me that had been passed around alleging all kinds of untoward and illegal things, my private conversations with world leaders was being leaked, and all the news organizations were parroting the words of the outgoing intelligence apparatchiks, I too would be worried about what some report they've all commissioned might look like.

Wouldn't you? If you were accused of doing something you didn't do, and all the press was reporting for two years as if you did it...wouldn't you be concerned?

MayBee said...

I mean, I'm worried when a police car pulls up behind me, even if I'm driving the speed limit. I can't imagine how it would feel to actually have a special investigator devoted to going through my life and the lives of my friends and family.

Drago said...

Carter Page, the basis of 4 FISA warrants was never interviewed, never charged, never convicted.

Yet FISA applications are not supposed to be offered without solid evidence that a citizen is currently or is on the verge of acting as an enemy agent.

One. Big. Lie. From. The. Beginning.

Almost as big a lie as LLR's are the "real conservatives" all about "conserving conservatism".


Guildofcannonballs said...

"Clyde said...
Man, I wish I had the booze and (legal) marijuana concession for Democrats, because those are going to be some serious substance-abusing people when this nothingburger is revealed for what it is and nobody is frog-marched from the Oval Office."

That is what others, whom you've read not about, wrongly thought about nothingburgers past.

But history shows us Communists were right, as CBS and NBC and ABC said from 1968 on.

FullMoon said...

"CNN is actively plotting a fake news campaign, aimed squarely at Trump--and Project Veritas just caught them red-handed."

iowan2 said...

Actually indicting Trump isn't the point, or at least not the main point; defeating him at the polls in 2020 is.
Small correction, the intent was always the polls. The public opinion polls. Everybody in DC knows this was all theater. Played out by all the actors as the script was written. This was the sequel to the 1974 play called "Watergate".
The media and Dems plan was always to have Mitch and several other senior Senators go to the Oval office and tell President Trump the people no longer supported him, he could no longer govern.
The Media is crazy because they have never failed to ruin their target. NEVER FAILED

FullMoon said...

The "brilliant" Rachel Maddow in tears tonight.

LLR fanboys hardest alot.

And I mean alot.

Election Night all over again.
Crying Snowflakes MELTDOWN after Hillary Lost Election To Donald Trump !

Fen said...

"Why was Trump so worried the report would make him look bad? Why has Trump been so intent on delegitimizing Mueller? What is he so worried about?"

I think this is a reboot.

Lady posts articles forcasting Doom for President Trump. Doom fails to manifest. So lady posts articles of the New Dooooom.

Climate Scientists makes paper saying we must act by 2010 or its too late to avert Climate Dooooom. But 2010 passes without Doom so Climate Scientist makes even more paper predicting Doom by 2030.

Bob prophesies Alien Rapture June 22nd followed by... YES! Moar Doooooom! June 22nd flies by but no flying saucers do. So Bob re-prophesies New Doom scheduled Aug 22nd.

I liked the 2nd take best. Had Sarah Michelle Geller and Toto cameo.

Kevin said...

It also says nothing about the SDNY investigation.

You know what it does say? No Russian collusion.

The very basis for the investigation was a farce, yet they're continuing to investigate to see whatever they might find.

Time for Trump to release the Mueller Report so Barr can start cleaning house and sending people to prison.

Kevin said...

Why has Trump been so intent on delegitimizing Mueller?

Because a competent investigator would have known long ago there was no Russian collusion.

And Mueller is nothing if not a competent investigator.

Kevin said...

The Dems think Barr is going to bury the report so as not to embarrass Trump.

The more likely scenario is that he's going to release everything he can to embarrass the DOJ and the Democrats.

Like Watergate, this is an overreach of Executive power.

Unfortunately for the Dems, it's Obama's Administration, not Trump's.

Drago said...

Eric Swalwell embarrassing himself almost as much as the LLR/NeverTrumpers tonight.


Guildofcannonballs said...

I want to see fish freely flourishing in their natural environs but without all that damn water around everywhere all the time.

Why does the water always stifle fish that could be so beautifully free?

Besides Richard Mellon Scaiffe, the best/worst Satan even depending on certain factors Max knew nothing about.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If there were a god that entity would never have allowed fish to be dominated by the sea.

Ergo no God.

Fen said...

Fusion GPS is looking more and more like a CIA front.

They should be getting the 4am SWAT raid tonight.

Drago said...

I suppose its too late to wish all of our leftist Pecan Pie Detectives and dem posters a Good Evening, isn't it?

Given they have all fled the boards.

If they have fled out of embarrassment for how they have played into Putin's hands for the last 3 years then their absence will have been completely justified.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Is it possible that even if Mueller were Jesus Himself the report could contain only fact based underlying facts?

To say nothing of fact-based underlying facts.

iowan2 said...

The more likely scenario is that he's going to release everything he can to embarrass the DOJ and the Democrats.

Oh if only that prediction would come true.

I see signs that Barr is more loyal to the DoJ than to the truth. Letting innuendo continue to chew on President Trump is a more palatable outcome than exposing the corruption and rot in the DoJ. Presidents come and go, but the DoJ is an institution that lives on forever. The reputation of the DoJ is much more important than the reputation of a mere mortal.
I have paid attention to Gowdy since he showed up. He never missed an opportunity to make excuses for the DoJ, that's where his true loyalties lay. I see the same with Barr.

walter said...

I've seen Presidential Pee Pee Tape post on another thread here, but not this one.

Bay Area Guy said...

Eric Swalwell embarrassing himself almost as much as the LLR/NeverTrumpers tonight.

Eric Swalwell might be singularly the dumbest man on Planet Earth.

Birkel said...

Inga asks, paraphrasing, why the innocent man would protest his innocence so much.
Laventriy Beria knows the answer.

Perhaps Trump weighs less than a duck.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"You have to hand it to Hillary,"

Are you aware that's brainwashed talk? Not to say you are, but you use their precise exact language.

If I only had the chance to hand Hillary ... a calico bonnet.

Michael K said...

it is all but certain that Mifsud was sent by someone in the British government to try to entrap Papadopoulos. The FBI had Mifsud in their hands questioning him in early 2017 and just let him leave the country, then tried to sell the story that Papadopoulos was to blame because he lied about when he spoke to Mifsud.

It is absolutely certain that this conspiracy involved other countries. Britain and Australia for sure. Look at what has happened to BREXET.

Trump has finally fired the Obama ambassador to Ukraine. She is hip deep in the stuff Manafort was accused of.

Joe Biden is also deep in Ukraine corruption. His son is on a board there dealing with energy matters. His son is a well known expert on energy. At least the energy obtained from cocaine.

narciso said...

Actually since fusion was retained by russja in oligarchs why wouldn't it be a fsb front.

Remember I think this began as a revenge play against Manafort by deripasha, then it went pearshaped.

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...
I Never understood why Trump wasn’t subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury.

Because there has to be at least a shred of evidence to support probable cause.

There is nothing. No evidence whatsoever.

This was a fishing expedition from the beginning and obvious to anyone with a brain.

You people are just really stupid tools.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Good people are compelled to search out goodness in evil, creating a Helluva lot of evil.

Dennis Miller, a Great man, because of what he forgonely forgave by not being silent when he easily could have, celebrated the merest sign of humanity in Hillary as she was losing to Barack.

Logically, I should like to hope Hardin agrees, ... OMG I got brain erased.

I had a real, logical thing to say and poof!

CIA wins again.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My go to was always, contained within my mind as far as I know although I might have wrote it too, the argument "yeah Peyton Manning was a good QB, but he really should have played D Tackle too."

It sums up for me the limitations of those with whom I've conversed or am conversing, while ironically justifying their limitless visions by my lack of Friedmenesque ability to teach why there is no such thing as a free lunch.

That said, at what point in history was food or meat gathered not "free?" Was there such a thing as a "free" lunch before the concept of "free" had been created? Or acknowledged by more than one person who created it? Made popular?

You answer that and you've got yourself a book to enlighten.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gee, look what I found:

Inga said:

As I said last night, I have serious concerns about the mental health of some Trumpists presently and in the future when this Mueller investigation is completed.

2/10/18, 8:36 AM

I'm feeling just peachy, Inga. And you?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Starting our own brainwashing is something pedophile priests do, not Catholics.

We have not only acknowledged but for thousands of years expounded the why behind the Golden Rule and The Ten Commandments.

Our suffering has made callow many, not all.

Best of luck in your creating the New Man. Evidently Google has already done it by God.

walter said...

Maddow's Twit' feed is uncharacteristically quiet today.

cf said...

I am having my own private parade all day, haha, probably all weekend.

i am a little drunk on being so right about this mess the Elite Supremacist MediaComplex has continued to put us all through, and a bit righteous, oh dear! nothing worse than a righteous drunk woman in her own parade!

been romping online like a happy mardi gras marcher, all over twitter with my fairy dust, even posted at @instapundit which i never do, as another me. so i am all talked out prolly said too much.

but, ooh, it do feel good.

Godspeed, america

Ray - SoCal said...

The investigation was about covering the criminal behavior of the deep state, since materials could not be released due to an active investigation.

Why did it end now?

Game Changers:

- Trump getting rid of Sessions upset this Applecart
- Trump put in a new attorney general that did not recuse himself. Probably part of why Trump focused so much on the senate for the midterms.
- Trumps continued use of the term witch hunt, which moved the polls against Mueller and impeachment.
- Over reach by the Democrats and the press
- Trump attacking / pushing back against the msm / democratic attacks
- The drip drip of evidence of deep state corruption. FISA application. Texts, etc.
- Evidence of Rosenstein’s umm, anti Trump behavior.

Question is what hspiens next?

My gut feeling is not much will happen, besides a few more resignations. I hope I’m wrong...

But maybe, Trump will use this to actually clean the deep state agean stables....

This was an attempted coup.

grackle said...

I’m wondering now who will be indicted first. Crimes by Comey are a matter of public record so they’ll eventually have to get around to him but I think Barr will leave him alone in the beginning. James Baker and McCabe have been under criminal investigation for awhile now so perhaps they will be the first.

As time has gone by I have been struck by the casualness and brazenness with which the various participants have illegally acted out their schemes against Trump. For instance, Comey BRAGGED openly (as if it was a virtuous act) about giving classified documents to a friend to pass on to reporters.

So casual and brazen was their law-breaking that it leads me to the suspicion that they must have committed other felonies against perceived political enemies in the years before Trump. Considering their present-day nonchalant smugness in their attempt, still on-going, to oust Trump such behavior must have become almost standard operating procedure. If so, there will be an abundance of evidence once (and if) investigators start digging.

Meanwhile, after 2 years of malicious nonsense, the Mueller investigation has unearthed no collusion or any legal wrongdoing by Trump. I half expected Mueller to manufacture some bogus evidence but as it turns out Mueller was too smart to fall into that trap.

The big day is finally finding out Mr Mueller’s fate on his Uranium One crimes.

Yes indeed, it must be remembered that Mueller was a member of the committee that approved the sale of 20% of America’s yellowcake to a hostile foreign power, Russia. Hillary got her payment through donations to her foundation, but was she the ONLY recipient? I’m thinking that in this type of concerted perfidy all the committee members got some kind of payday. If it was money they had better have laundered it well.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ahhhh... I hear the lamentation of their women!

MBunge said...

I don't care if you latched onto the collusion lie in the wake of Ttump's win. Plenty of us do stupid things when our egos are bruised. But there have been clear signs for months, if not at least a year, that this was ultimately going to be the result of the Mueller investigation. Yet people continued to believe. I mean, everybody figured out Bill Clinton was lying about Monica long before he admitted it, but you can just tell that these fools were still convinced that Trump was going to be perp walked out of the Oval Office and tried for treason.

But what's worse, I know a guy who's been carrying on about Trump and Putin and money laundering for two years and spewing profanity-laced invective at anyone who wouldn't buy in to his delusion. He was still doing it a couple days ago, even after multiple news stories about the Mueller report being a dud. Now he's nowhere to be found. And he didn't fall down a well. As the news broke, he retweeted somebody about it. But nothing from him at any of his online haunts. You can't coexist with a guy like that. You can put up with the biggest jerk in the world if he takes his butt-kicking like a man when it comes. But the guy who runs and hides when it is time to face the music? You can't be in the same room with him.

I've always dismissed the civil war talk you see from some righties online. But if the lefties think they can spend two years calling Trump and his supporters traitors, then try and pretend it never happened? There's a hell of a lot of folks who won't be able to live with that.


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Trump says he wants the report released to the public, as he has said several times in the past, but professional journo Anderson Cooper says that's a lie.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Nancy Reagan was proper, as is Trump, in their combined comments regarding the grandson of Admiral John Sydney McCain.

Crazy World said...

May Bee 9:08 and 9:10 AMEN.
This is such a day of cleansing.

Earnest Prole said...

Does this mean Hillary Clinton isn't going to be our replacement President?

Tina Trent said...

"This scarecrow of a suit has, over the course of time, become so complicated that no man alive knows what it means. The parties to it understand it least; but it has been observed that no two Chancery lawyers can talk about it for five minutes without coming to a total disagreement as to all the premises."

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Why was Trump so worried the report would make him look bad?"

The complete absence of evidence is obviously evidence of cover-up. I mean, that's the only possible explanation, right?

Breezy said...

I’m glad the Mueller work is done. He is getting credit for having run a leak-free, forensically-focused investigation. We are overlooking however his monumental failure in not stopping this at the outset, given there never was any evidence of collusion aside from that which was manufactured and impotent. What a waste.

And quite a few people had to spend tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to protect themselves from this gross sham. They deserve reimbursement and then some.

Jaq said...

"Why was Trump so worried the report would make him look bad?"

It would be interesting to see a quote from Trump to that effect.

Jaq said...

“The last week of the Trump presidency as we know it.” - CNN

They are gonna double down, and if you read some of the commenters here, you can’t blame him, there’s a market and they seem to have found a way to make money off of a tiny audience. I bet that’s where The Bulwark got the idea of going for a selective appeal.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Mueller was leak free? How did CNN always seem to know where and when to show with cameras rolling?

Rusty said...

I'll have a diet coke.

Bruce Hayden said...

“It is absolutely certain that this conspiracy involved other countries. Britain and Australia for sure. Look at what has happened to BREXET.“

Maybe not all of them here, but read something in relation to the ChristChurch killings, that spies in all of the Five Eyes countries appear to be working closely together, and spying on each other’s peoples, when prohibited from doing so directly. So, since the CIA is prohibited by law from doing a lot of things involving American citizens, the other four are not, so everyone reciprocates. So, while the CIA probably can’t run operations against US citizens in the US, these others can. GB and AU seem to have been involved here, hence the request by their two governments that the FISA warrant applications on Carter Page not be declassified, and the suspicious resignation of he head of MI-6. My guess is that the Misfyp/Downer push/pull operation was the work of CIA Director Brennan (with the likely support of DNI Clapper, and probably ultimately the Obama White House) working with his counterparts in GB and AU.

It isn’t just the actual spy agencies from the Five Guys that seem to be involved here. It came out during the FISA update debate for the PATRIOT Act that the NSA had been having these other 4 countries electronically surveillance Americans whenever our electronic communications crossed through their country, which probably meant a majority of the international calls starting or ending in this country (bulk of our international calls go through 5 Eyes countries, and many of the rest through Japan, another close ally). And we no doubt reciprocated. Part of the FISA modifications were to allow the NSA to do directly what they had been doing indirectly, and incompletely, through the Five Eyes alliance.

I can see the need for this alliance of intelligence services, esp through the Cold War. But we saw with this scandal what can happen if a dirtbag like Brennan gets his hands on one of these agencies. They seem to essentially run as a law unto themselves working around the governments in their five countries, for some higher good, that these intelligence services get to define.

Jaq said...

Weird that Mueller didn’t refer all of the other non-collusion crimes he found against Trump to prosecutors the way he referred the brother of Hillary’s campaign manager Tony Podesta, who was co-founder with Hillary’s campaign manager of the Podesta Group. You remember Hillary’s campaign manager? The one who took millions of dollars in stock from Putin cronies? That same stock suddenly became worthless the day after the election?

n.n said...

The complete absence of evidence is obviously evidence of cover-up.

The "pussy grabbing thesis" that powered a warlock trial, which may have inadvertently, precipitously forced the exposure of a "casting couch" industry.

Curious George said...

"I say premature speculation, too quick to spurt."

It's not premature. You're just used to them spurting 20 minutes after you leave.

Yancey Ward said...

Ray SoCal at 11:24 p.m. is highly recommended comment by me.

Jim at said...

Why was Trump so worried the report would make him look bad? Why has Trump been so intent on delegitimizing Mueller? What is he so worried about?

Yeah. How DARE that Kavanaugh guy get upset he's falsely being accused of attempted rape?

Not fit to serve, I tell ya.

Blue@9 said...

Also the SDNY will be busy with what Mueller has handed off to them.

Yeah, maybe some unaffiliated financial or process crimes, but the meat of it (conspiracy, treason, "collusion") is dunzo.

I keep hearing your argument from other Dems, but it would require me to believe that Mueller got the goods on Trump Jr., Kushner, etc., and then decided to shut down his investigation early and hand off the prosecution to US Attorneys. Seriously? What Special Prosecutor/Counsel has ever done that? No, those guys are in the clear as far as "Russian collusion," as are Page, Corsi, and everyone else. Zero Americans have been indicted for conspiring with Russians in the 2016 election, and that's not going to change.

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