This is another one of these mainstream media articles that just tap social media. What are the tweets about the surprisingly short sentence the federal judge gave Manafort?
On Twitter, users employed a particular shtick: Contrasting the length of the sentence with other common situations. By early Friday, the phrase “47 months” had been tweeted thousands of times.You get the idea. But one person said, "47 months. Menopause lasts longer than that," and that's the joke WaPo put in the headline.
“I have stuff in my fridge that’s been there 47 months,” one Twitter user wrote....
CNN political commentator Ana Navarro-Cárdenas tweeted that she not only was grounded for “47 months for talking-back to my mom once,” but also had a “chancla,” or flip-flop, thrown at her....
47 months? I’ve seen longer sentences in Raymond Chandler novels.
The author of that tweet is Barbara Davilman, who identifies herself at Twitter as "tv writer/prod & author. I'm passionate about dogs and politics, struggle with my weight and hair and worry that sane people are a minority." So it's a woman, and she's doing "woman" topics. I guess there's still a market for such junk. Menopause jokes. So retrograde.
And don't get me started on Ana Navarro-Cárdenas. Apparently, throwing shoes at children is okay, and you can out your mother as a shoe-thrower... when it's in service to the anti-Trump agenda and it has ethnic zing.
Apparently, throwing shoes at children okay...
At least it wasn't cheese...
Worked for Obama when he outed his grandmother as racist.
Women suffer more than Manafort, is the link.
It's about sufferage.
Was the sentence shockingly lenient, or has the seriousness of the charges been vastly overstated?
rhhardin said...
Women suffer more than Manafort, is the link.
It's about sufferage.
We should put an end to that...
so, they're demanding a life sentence for Manafort?
I'm neither a doctor, or a woman; but am pretty sure that Menopause is a permanent condition?
in service to the anti-Trump agenda and it has ethnic zing
47 months less time served of 9 months.
If he's eligible for parole, he could be out in two years.
WaPo is butthurt whore Hillary.
gilbar: so, they're demanding a life sentence for Manafort?
I'm neither a doctor, or a woman; but am pretty sure that Menopause is a permanent condition?
No, the word menopause refers to the duration of the change itself. Once the change has completed, menopause is over.
WisRich said...
If he's eligible for parole, he could be out in two years.
Hardly worth the trouble of pardoning him.
You know, except for the fun of watching liberals react to a pardon.
No one should be in jail for four years. People are insane.
I had a son who was in jail for one day. Traumatic. Who in his right mind thinks this is a sensible punishment?
We need to be fair! Send him ten times as long!
It's important to be fair, even on things that make no sense.
gilbar said...
I'm neither a doctor, or a woman; but am pretty sure that Menopause is a permanent condition?
You're thinking of PMS
Would Manafort have been investigated for these crimes if he had not been part of Trump's campaign. That is the million dollar question- it seems the SDNY office of the Justice Dept is full of highly partisan assholes.
He may not last the four years I dont think there was any water gate figure of that age, sentence that long
When Hillary lost, a lot people felt our long, national menopause was finally over.
MSM is facilitating it's own demise by stooping to merely reporting what random people are saying online.
and worry that sane people are a minority
We are. And she’s in the other group.
Not by the least, they had shutdown the investigation in 2013, no grounds bit then he had a falling out with Deripaska
I pointed out the techno fog link that looked at the document.
Imagine what would be dug up if investigators went after Obama the way they've gone after Trump. Threaten jail time for acquaintances and souses of acquaintances if they don't give up dirt. How many of Obama's Chicago pals would be in jail now? Valerie Jarret was a "fixer" for the Daly machine.
The same commenters would be outraged if Jussie Smollett received a 49 hour jail sentence for his offenses.
Well that's what fitz pointedly didnt do, he flipped rezko on some small time figures, skipped obama.
struggle with my weight and hair
If your hair weighs too much you can always lighten it.
I think he was investigated for these crimes and the DOJ chose not to pursue several years ago. That’s what makes this so despicable.
Poor Ann and her fellow elite liberals. Her spate of blogs today is showing frustration of their losing control. The world that they set up is turning on them. Their foot soldiers that they have controlled for 50 years are starting to turn on them . The courts which they have controlled for 50 years is starting to turn on them. And with trump doing an excellent job of stacking the courts it will get worse. And through social media , the liberal press is losing it's hold on the narrative. Let's see how hard core a progressive she is in the near future.
So say a bunch of people that are completely ignorant about how the legal systems operates and determines appropriate punishments. Twitter makes this possible. As a profit seeking enterprises I understand why WaPo and the NYT publish this sort of thing.
A rule the government should be required to follow:
max sentence in years = $ cost of prosecution / 1 million
Twitter is the peanut gallery for Trump Hatred Circus that the media puts on every day.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Throwing shoes at children is ok.
Where I come from this is trivial.
The most dreaded Filipino childhood punishment, as I recall, is to be made to kneel on mung beans (hard, small, painful) while reciting a decade of the rosary.
Menopause should not be talked about in politics unless it is in arguing the point that women should not be allowed to vote until after they have passed menopause.
I am Laslo.
Now do the Podesta brothers!!!
At one time in this country daily newspapers had a section called the "Women's Pages."
Dropped sometime after the bra-burning days, to emerge as the Style Section.
". . . the first regular woman’s page in a major newspaper appeared in the 1890s, in the New York World. Women’s pages quickly became staples of the newspapers, featuring society coverage, food and fashion, coverage of the burgeoning women’s clubs and more."
All this sentencing disapproval and "ridicule" comes from people who see his 'crime' in political terms, not criminal terms - if he was a Democrat, oh, how the comments would change/disappear. Personally, the sentence strikes me as pretty damn fair but painful - a 4year prison sentence to a 70 year old (this month)for cheating a bank and the IRS? Not to mention it includes payment of $25 million dollars and he is still facing sentencing for pleading guilty to other similar charges - absolutely none of which are related to the "collusion" that the Mueller juggernaut was supposed to uncover. Manafort's real 'crime' was being at all connected to Pres.Donald Trump. Mueller is undoubtedly chagrined but he should even more feel embarrassed - maybe he should be indicted for wasting tax-payer money and defrauding the public.
Meanwhile, Money Talks, Hillary Walks.
If James Comey had made the decision, Paul Manafort would not have been prosecuted.
Comey acts on the principle that no reasonable prosecutor will charge a tax evader unless intent to evade taxes is proved.
The Drudge headline on Manafort's sentence was until just a short time ago (it's still there, above the main headline) "JUDGE REJECTS 'EXCESSIVE' MUELLER."
It's a bit hard to determine without a transcript of the sentencing hearing, but I think that the District Judge was addressing himself to the federal sentencing guidelines, and not to Mueller personally or to the Office of Special Counsel.
In sentencing Manafort, the U.S. Probation and Parole Department recommended 235 to 293 months based on the vast array of quantitative factors that go into federal felony sentencing. And the Mueller office agreed with that recommendation.
Naturally, the angle that Drudge wanted to expose was something like a personal rebuke of Manafort. Whether that was true or not.
Did you all hear what Manafort and his attorney said during and after the hearing? Manafort was totally contrite, apologetic and pleading for mercy. Confessed his wrongdoing and said that he had ruined his life and his family's lives. Both Manafort and his attorney were emphatic that Judge Ellis III had given Manafort a fair "trial." (Proceedings, really, since Manafort pled guilty just prior to a trial.)
Manafort's basic crime is that he managed Trump's election campaign for a few weeks.
You should use a throw chain, or a juice can half filled with pebbles, when throwing at children.
It transfers all the momentum but with minimal force, by spreading the impact out over time.
Sure, Manafort is a sleaze ball. Guess, what, so are most denizens of the swamp.
But, considering that nothing would have happened if he had not made himself a target of persecution, 47 months is pretty long for the crime of briefly running Trump's campaign.
Now we're all just waiting for the other shoe to drop on Tony Podesta, right?
Once Judge T.S. Ellis decided against having Manafort drawn and quartered, Ellis should have exiled him to Van Dieman's land.
47 months? Trump's presidency will last more than twice that long!
>>gilbar said...
I'm neither a doctor, or a woman; but am pretty sure that Menopause is a permanent condition?<<
No, it is simply the relatively short period of a particular event (cessation of menstruation). Post-menopause is the permanent condition.
Former SDNY prosecutor Bhutthurt Bhahara, Hillary's never appointed AG, is preeting up a storm on Twitter. Sad loser.
Post-coup Kiev has been a source of retributive change for Manafort, not Podesta, fake dossiers and anti-Putin oligarchs, and Trump who had the audacity to be president. A nexus of left-wing activity. Then there was Libya, a repentant dictator, native development, and refugee crises forced to drive democratic gerrymandering from Europe to America.
The libs are really gonna be mad when they find out that the reason for manafort's reduced sentence was that he spilled the beans about the secret rape rooms of Cosmic Pizza.
Chancla-throwing is a comical, light-hearted inside joke. Yes, flipflops have been the cause of nightmares among latino children, but as we grow older it’s just seen as an endearing rite of passage. Just search for some chancla action in Youtube. There might even be a petition to enter it as an olympic sport.
miss Navarro, is nostalgic for the turbas of her native Nicaragua,
Ana Navarro-Cárdenas.
I think that's Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (LLR - CNN), if we're being accurate.
How many of those commenters would happier if they instead executed Manafort?
A not insignificant number, I'm sure.
Orgasms last longer than Hillary's presidency.
Kevin: "I think that's Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (LLR - CNN), if we're being accurate."
Actually, Ana Navarro-Cardenas is on the "far right" compared to certain LLR's that post on Althouse.
That is a substantial sentence in what is clearly a case of selective prosecution.
and acts of repudiation, that sr. cardenas is undoubtedly aware, yes the end of general sosa is not out of their imaginings,
Once the change has completed, menopause is over.
Then it's menostop, with a curated selection of reproductive choices and a replay navel.
Imagine what would be dug up if investigators went after Obama the way they've gone after Trump.
Probably nothing. I mean sure, there was the time the FBI stopped their investigation into Blagojevich's sale of Obama's Senate seat bc they didn't want to be political, but Obama directed his people to look into it and it turned out neither he nor they did anything wrong.
Kevin said...How many of those commenters would happier if they instead executed Manafort?
A not insignificant number, I'm sure.
History has shown over and over again how vicious mob justice is. Mob psycology is especially terrifying. There's no punishment, no humilation that would be enough for some people in the throes of a mob, even a Twitter mob. The Convington Kids showed that.
When President Trump questions the judiciary, it proves how stupid he is, and his desire to destroy grand institutions
I'd be content with Hillary getting 4 years, minus any time served.
Hilariosly, Manafort was a Hillary plant to bolster the Great Russia Hoax, and Trump’s. Guy Mueller tried to screw him good.
Heh bgates, yes that's about it.
bgates and Maybee, you may have heard that "daddy" at JOM died suddenly Monday night, after a real-life meetup in NYC.
Ralph L- I did not hear that! Oh I am so sad!
Same mentality.
My favorite was Monica Lewinsky claiming she was threatened with much longer so his actual sentence was unfair. She didn't get around to comparing the sentence she actually received to his.
Damn- that is shorter than the Mueller investigation!
Given the crimes he was actually charged with and his age- the sentence is appropriate from a purely justice point of view. Given that he never would have been charged if he had just had the good sense to not work on the Trump Campaign for 3 months, it is an injustice due to the arbitrariness of the entire operation.
If I were in Trump's shoes, I would probably commute the prison sentence/s the day Mueller sends his report and shuts down, but that is likely not going to happen until sometime in the middle of Trump's second term.
Manafort faces another sentencing in DC next week. I think the sentence will be less lenient.
“Then there’s the question of whether Manafort will face additional charges in New York, where Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is said to be preparing a case against him.
Potential charges in New York would stem from alleged unpaid states taxes as well as loans, a source told Reuters last month. They would also be part of an effort to saddle Manafort with state-level charges in the event he receives a pardon from President Trump on his convictions in federal court, Bloomberg and other sources reported.”
Don't bother getting tickets to "Manafort the Musical".
It's a (flip) flop.
"They would also be part of an effort to saddle Manafort with state-level charges in the event he receives a pardon from President Trump on his convictions in federal court, Bloomberg and other sources reported.”
And you would consider this justice, wouldn't you, Inga? That tells me a lot about you, none of it reflecting well on you.
That judge amy berman Jackson defended William Jefferson and his cold 500 k.
Yes 'daddy' a federal Express pilot, fmr navy man, a wonderful story teller, great family man passed away on Tuesday, he will greatly missed.
he never would have been charged if he had just had the good sense to not work on the Trump
That is a major goal of the witch hunt, to discourage effective people from working for him.
I'd be content with Hillary getting 4 years, minus any time served....
Is that minus time served as POTUS?
Manafort faces another sentencing in DC next week. I think the sentence will be less lenient.
I hope that commenters know that they are not debating an actual person in Inga. They are debating the daily MSM/DNC talking points.
There is no reason to get frustrated with Inga. She is just doing her job.
Ironically she defended him before judge ellis.
Ralph L: Then it's menostop, with a curated selection of reproductive choices and a replay navel.
The Latin "pausa" meant both a pause and a stop. It itself came from the Greek "paûsis" meaning, basically, "the act of stopping".
English is not required to make sense. :)
I like the celebration of using state courts to punish people for politics. It tells everybody involved to live and do business outside vindictive Leftist-run and one-party states.
There is plenty of room to do business in this country. Do it away from all forms of one-party control.
“Now do the Podesta brothers!!!”
My understanding is that Manafort worked for the Podestas. They, being loyal high ranking Democrats, were never really investigated, and allowed to belatedly register as foreign agents, one of the felony charges that Manafort plead guilty for. Of course, if it were actually a crime, half of DC would be felons by now. Which is why when it is discovered, the perps are allowed to pay a fine and belatedly register. In the history of the act, it is apparently only Manafort and two others who have been convicted of this. “Crime”. That is one of the factors that the judge probably took into account in his sentencing. Also, that the DoJ had not thought it worthwhile to pursue the other charges against him, until Mueller’s people got their hands on the files.
That is a major goal of the witch hunt, to discourage effective people from working for him.
As soon as people begin working on his 2020 campaign, the Dems can begin subpoenas to learn what they don't know and how they might be put in jail for not knowing.
Doesn’t the judge know that Manafort helped steal the election from Hillary? Hanging is too good for him!
Whatever you do, never re-examine your priors!
Ralph L said...
Orgasms last longer than Hillary's presidency.
I doubt Hillary will ever achieve either of those life goals.
How much were those 75K shares of Gazprom that Hillary’s campaign manager was paid by Putin cronies worth the day before the election, and how much were they worth the day after Hillary lost?
Nothing to see here!
"MSM = AOC."
Is this a thread where we can talk about AOC's political party, Democratic Socialists of America, chanting about the state of Israel being removed from the maps? Chanting in favor of genocide, I suppose.
"From the ocean to the sea, Palestine will be free."
That was the exact phrasing. There is video.
Trump is responsible, I just know it.
Michael Cohen spent 10 full hours with Adam Schiffs staff prior to his testimony.
10. Full. Hours.
By Cohens own testimony.
Gee, no rehearsing going on there. Cant be. After all Schiffs staff claims it was all about "logistics".
"Logistics"...which required 4 separate physical visits to NY by Schiff-ty's staffers... discuss "logistics"..
Schiffs staff should have simply worked with LLR Chuck who would have happily driven them there from DC for free.
The Latin "pausa" meant both a pause and a stop.
OK, but it D&C's my Youtubal witticism.
Unfortunately for civilization menopause doesn't last long enough for some women.
Do it away from all forms of one-party control.
You do know that there are more states under Republican one party control than there are Democratic. And when those states lose control of one of the branches (e.g., Wisconsin and North Caroline) there is a tendency to go to extraordinary lengths to limit the power of the newly elected Democratic Governor.
Oh, Freder Frederson, I do enjoy mocking your rants.
47 months? I’ve seen longer sentences in Raymond Chandler novels.
"You could tell by his eyes that he was plastered to the hairline, but otherwise he looked like any other nice young guy in a dinner jacket who had been spending too much money in a joint that exists for that purpose and for no other."
So begins "The Long Goodbye" - one of Chandler's Philip Marlowe detective stories, chapter One, first paragraph, third sentence - 46 words. Close but not more than Paulie Walnuts' 47 months in the slammer.
BTW, I fully realize that by calling into question the veracity of Li'l Schiff-ty and his staff we are likely to see another, ANOTHER(!), complete Meltdown/Freak-out/Wild-eyed over the top "defense" of Schiff-ty and his staff by LLR Chuck.
There is no greater calling for lefty controlled "in the bag" LLR's than passionate defending of corrupt and lying democrats.
Birkel: "Oh, Freder Frederson, I do enjoy mocking your rants."
Just wait until Freder attempts to "summarize" the results of trials!
You will find yourself in hilariously target-rich Freder-ranting-lies environments!
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren is proposing to break appart Amazon, Google, and Facebook. Among the current crop of Dem candidates it seems like a race to see who can propose the most outrageously Socialist ideas. I wonder if the silicon valley overlords are still happy with the direction the party that most of their donation money goes to is taking?
I fully realize that by calling into question the veracity of Li'l Schiff-ty and his staff
Has Schiff or his staff addressed the rumored payoff for sexual favors yet?
One one expect a denial to nip the potential scandal in the bud.
The silence is deafening.
< I wonder if the silicon valley overlords are still happy with the direction the party that most of their donation money goes to is taking?
This is significant in that the tech billionaires cast their lot with the left. Now, after the Socialists ran Amazon out of NYC, they find more hostility on the left.
They have no friends on the right after years of Google and Facebook hostility and abuse of speech.
Tough titty,
Ask him to explain the difference between puddles and temporary pools of water that collect on desert floors.
That's a doozy.
narciso @ 8:57... As I recall Sundance pointed out that Blago got Prison, Rezko got prison via SDNY, and Obama not only got out of the middle of it all, and found Loretta Lynch at SDNY. Small world, no?
And ars technica is the mouthpiece of the ministry of plenty.
Birkel: "Drago, Ask him to explain the difference between puddles and temporary pools of water that collect on desert floors."
I did catch a bit of that.
Very amusing.
If the DOJ and FBI had gone after Hillary and her minions with the same sort of enthusiasm as the did after Trump and his, they’d all be seen n jail right now.
Yes that's the gist but they didnt flip him against larger prey.
Rezko served 4 out of a 10 year sentence, for nabbing small fry.
A bakers dozen years later:
Freder Frederson@12:25PM When the democrat party loses elections in those places, they fleebag to neighboring states so that their citizens are denied the votes, representation, and the governance of the individuals they elected and political parties they represent.
But I bet you thought it was great when those slimy Democrats cowered in motel rooms, hiding from their responsibility to the citizens of the state.
Manafort's sentence appears extremely harsh considering Epstein only served 13 months.
Getting back to the original topic-- That's not funny!
47 months is a "short sentence" unless it's YOUR ass going to the hoosegow, or the ass of one of the jackholes commenting about it. If it was them being sent up the river, they'd be crying real tears.
Might this deserve the "era of not funny" tag? I agree it isn't funny, but I get the premise of the joke. I can see why some might find it funny. Personally, I think 47 months for a 69 year old will suck for him.
Otherwise, I no longer care that Trump supporters chant, "lock her up". Democrats, who have spent 2 years trying to find a crime by the President since announcing his election, are now trying to look for crimes committed long before he announced. They will have 8 committees looking into such things. None in the House will look into IG reported corruption in the FBI during the Obama Administration, despite demands by Democrats in early 2017 for Comey to resign due to corruption.
Davilman should check her privilege. Trans woman don’t get to go through menopause. That woman is insensitive.
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