Just remembered the last time a Conde Nast publication dressed a young Democratic hopeful in smart-casual workwear and posed them next to a dog and pickup truck in a cover story shot by Annie Leibovitz. pic.twitter.com/qvOzjdaUkw
— Freddie Campion (@FreddieCampion) March 13, 2019
Oh. My. God. pic.twitter.com/SFgITC1dlo
— Freddie Campion (@FreddieCampion) March 13, 2019
ADDED: The Beto photo is much bettah. Humanizing politicians with a dog is so tired. Both men have a truck — are they guys who'd really have trucks? — but the Edwards truck is blocking the entire background. Beto has a long windy dirt road. Is it the road ahead or the road behind? Needs to be the road behind. He came from Texas and he's going on to the White House. Not likely, but we can dream along with our little dreamboat.
It worked out so well for Edwards, dinnit?
Recycling is part of the GND, yes?
Vanity Fair - the Celebrity-Democratic propaganda glossy.
Like all Democrats Annie Leibovitz is very bad with money.
Or Al Gore on the Rolling Stone cover (with allegedly enhanced package).
"Outdoorsmany" is a way to counter the accusation that Democrats are wimps.
Unfortunately for Jimmy Carter, the idea came along too late to save him.
This is hilarious. What a lazy and ignorant Editor!
No one in the R party ever get this kind of treatment.
When was the last time a propaganda outfit gave an (R) a nice glossy cover?
Imagine this quote attributed to Trump: "I want to be in it. Man, I was just born to be in it."
"Though it did not result in a criminal conviction, the revelation that Edwards had an extramarital affair and fathered a child while his wife, Elizabeth, was dying of cancer gravely damaged his public image and ended his career in politics."
"No one in the R party ever get this kind of treatment."
Good thing, too. It's one of the markers for "phony fluffwit".
Beto seduces them all. He needs love from everyone. Trump will hurt his feelings real bad, and laugh at the reaction. It won't be enough to the attractive Ken Doll.
Just remembered the last time a Conde Nast publication dressed a young Democratic hopeful in smart-casual workwear and posed them next to a dog and pickup truck in a cover story shot by Annie Leibovitz.
You can make that memory go away by drinking a lot of alcohol. It'll be worth it!
Beto might have been an interesting Senator (I wouldn't vote for him), but this is pretty much a waste. The guy is a squishy centrist in the mold of Clinton, Bush II, and Obama. The exact centrism that has been wrecking this country for three decades. We don't need another one. And that goes at least for Joe Biden and Howard Schultz, too. Democrats should ignore all the political hack machine cogs and sprockets and go for a radical.
The Dems are not gonna allow the 'second tier' debates that the GOP had. So you'll see 2 dozen screaming loons on stage at the same time.
It has to be the road behind because O'Rourke, the dog, and the truck are all pointed the other way. But what does that mean? He leaves desolation in his wake? Do we want that in a president?
Another way the O'Rourke cover is better than the Edwards cover--Edwards is a bit lost behind all the article titles. O'Rourke's cover is clean.
Next up in GQ: "Who's hottest? Beto, JFK, or George Clooney. Our answer will thrill you!" by Charles P. Pierce.
Yeah, yeah, he's tall and handsome, but come on. Intellectually, he's a lightweight. He's the younger version of Joe Biden playing against a younger version of Mike Bloomberg, who dropped out to leave the field open.
Now the whole field looks like younger versions of Joe Biden.
I refuse to call this jackass, "Beto." I am going to call him, "Sancho."
His whiteness reared it's ugly head (ha) on MSNBC this morning. This will be fun to watch.
Annie is an artiste who likes to whore out her work for the DNC-Media complex, and apparently she can’t resist the dog & pony— er, dog & pick-up as a framing device for her agitprop.
I don't want anybody in office who believes he was "born to be in it."
Beto was born to be in that truck, backing it up, all the way down that dirt road to nowhere.
As we know, American elections, at least the campaigns, are about women's feelz.
Beto has a serious body language problem. He gesticulates, arms waving with each point he’s making, all while making curious back-steps. His head bobs are equally curious. He seems extremely uncomfortable with himself.
Full disclosure: I also found Obama’s body language weak and off-putting.
So who's his running mate?
Wait, wait, don't tell me... Titania McGrath.
No one in the R party ever get this kind of treatment.
People will rightfully believe that the Mainstream Media is the propaganda arm of the DNC if they:
1. Pay attention once in a while;
2. Are honest with themselves and;
3. Have the ability to think clearly.
Beto’s got that Covington Catholic smirk.
Born to lose.
That is not the door of a pickup truck.
That is the door of the clown car.
Yeah, Beto Go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into space
Like a true nature's child
You were born, born to be wild
You can climb so high
You'll never wanna die
Someone noticed that young, fluffy-brained women, and “women of a certain age” vote for the guy who makes their vaginas moist. That may be enough to win the nomination.
Waterhole #3.
His wife better hope he is not another John Edwards.
ADDED: The Beto photo is much bettah.
The whole cover design is much bettah. The typography is much bettah. The VMOEGN'USE typography is almost comically bad.
So who's hisi> running mate?
Justin Trudeau is going to be looking for a job.
He might be a can't-we-all-get-along, squishy, light weight, white boy, but I think some of you are seriously underestimating his appeal to can't-we-all-get-along, everybody-gets-a-trophy, ooo-he's-kinda-nice-on-the-eyes-hits-me-in-my-lady-parts, squishy, light weight females. In other words, hat tip to rhhardin, I'm pointing out the soap opera women voting block.
I watched the effect he had on Texas. Cruz barely eeked out a victory over the Irish Mexican. I was embarrassed foe my state.
If he teams up with Bernie, there are enough stupid, ill-informed people in this country to place that dynamic duo in charge.
Annie is an artiste who likes to whore out her work for the DNC
How Riefenstahl of her.
I know leftists respond to this propaganda, but I find it a sickly sweet turn off.
Whoops that's an error - oh yeah - FU!
His real name is Bob and he's not Hispanic.
"When was the last time a propaganda outfit gave an (R) a nice glossy cover?"
When was the last time the R's ran a "silky pony" style candidate?
> The guy is a squishy centrist in the mold of Clinton, Bush II, and Obama.
I remember when each of those demanded we tear down our existing border walls.
> Democrats should...go for a radical.
thus making Trump the safe choice, experienced moderate.
He will likely be someone's VP in the hopes of winning Southwest.
Beto is keeping both hands inside his own back pockets.
Not for long, if you give him the chance.
Has he said why he wants to be President? The pre-ordained thing is not much to vote on. Dems, as in the ESTABLISHMENT, are ok with a skin covered skeleton. A tool they will use in anyway they feel it needs to be used. I don't see this guy as principled in anyway to go against the ESTABLISHMENT. He'll be just fine taking orders from DC power brokers.
The elephant in the roam is his track record of accomplishments that would prepare him for the toughest job on the planet.
I mean, when the the Presidency become an intern program?
DP: "Makeup! Hey-- can we get his hair a little more...uh, mellifluous??
MUA: " 'scuse me?"
DP: "Mellifluous-- you know...like what it says here, about Edwards' hair-- I like that-- I want that. I want more...you know...mellifluity in the hair"
MUA: "Did you mean 'authenticity'? 'Cuz that aint gonna happen"
DP: "No-- I said mellifluity. Think 'heartthrob', not authenticity"
thus making Trump the safe choice, experienced moderate.
I wouldn't mind seeing Trump primaried from the right. He has been a huge disappointment. I always considered his presidency a long-shot but didn't count on just how dependent Trump would be on a New York know-nothing like Jared Kushner.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
His wife better hope he is not another John Edwards.
He won't be. He needs the wife's father's money. If he screws around on her she might forgive him. I doubt any father would forgive anyone for doing his little girl wrong. Certainly no normal father.
Edward's money was his own. It didn't matter what his wife thought.
OTOH: Politicians do incredibly stupid things. Think Gary Hart.
John Henry
Run Beto run!!! Beto the Frito poor boy Irish fake Mexican! Lots of luck!
J Farmer said: "I wouldn't mind seeing Trump primaried from the right."
Would be like finding a needle in a haystack.
But Beto’s dog was prominently featured in the Annie Leibovitz phoTos. The dog was cropped out of the cover photo in the tweet.
Dreamboat is right. But who puts to sea in a dream-boat?
Beto wouldn't lose support for his campaign even if he sucked a cock in the middle of Fifth Avenue.
He might actually gain support.
If it is a black trans cock then he is President.
I am Laslo.
He looks a bit like Bobby Kennedy.
He drives like Ted Kennedy.
Character's like Beto remind me a bit of the character of Bobby Newport from the show Parks and Recreation. THey're both basically a handsome nitwits who are pushed out of their depth in the political world
I used to think Justin Trudeau fit that mold somewhat too. He seems to be embroiled in a scandel of some sort at the moment.
Would be like finding a needle in a haystack.
He's not much of a politician, I'm afraid, but Kris Kobach would be infinitely better than Donald Trump. Hopefully he would never say something as utterly idiotic as, "We have to bring people into our country to work these great plants that are opening up all over the place."
His biggest problem is he's a white male.
The Dems will not nominate a white male in 2020.
He couldn't get reelected in Kansas, then they scuttled his voter fraud investigation,
What I noticed first about the Edwards cover was the big "NAZIs on the Run" headline. Then the "Tech's Next Wave" headline.
The picture is of a guy with stubble in a pickup truck with a dog. If it really was a story about someone on the run, the picture would fit.
My first thought was that the big story would be about National Socialists using tech to stay hidden or on the lam.
Then I realized it was Edwards and was thinking "Are they saying a "NAZI" is running for president?"
Not far from the truth, actually. Edwards was a progressive darling and progressive = fascist = National Socialist = NAZI
If you want some comic relief, do a Twitter search for "Beto dog." Lots of concerned people think that his dog knows something and is trying to warn us.
The people swooning over "Beto" acted like Carrie Nation when Kavanaugh said he likes beer.
I call vanity fair the illustrated kos.
He couldn't get reelected in Kansas,
Hence my, "He's not much of a politician, I'm afraid."
But what's Trump's slogan? "Hey, I can get elected!....then I'll fuck you over on immigration."
Blogger Nonapod said...
I used to think Justin Trudeau fit that mold somewhat too. He seems to be embroiled in a scandel of some sort at the moment.
I was thinking about the Trudeau scandal last night reading about the latest revelations from Peter Strozks not-lover Lisa Page and charges that DOJ put the kibosh on investigation of Crooked Hilary.
In both cases a leader (PM in trudeau's case. President, possibly, in CH's) put the kibosh on a criminal investigation for political reasons.
It will be interesting to see if Trudeau survives.
John Henry
Silky Pony---> Silky Phony
at least Edwards didnt call himself "Juanito"
hey-- whatever happened to Rielle "The Huntress" Hunter ?
They should just cut out the middleman and run Matthew McConaughey instead.
Dont temp them:
@Karen in Texas - Yes! It was startling to see otherwise sensible people become Betophiles. Let's just hope that he hangs in the race long enough to avoid a second Senate run when Cornyn retires.
What are the odds that Beto doesn't have a side-piece somewhere like Edwards?
Beto is like a combo of W and Obama. He couldn’t be any worse than those two.
Grew up in Texas and went to Columbia.
Got a DUI and is for Open Borders.
He will be the Last President of the United States.
> But what's Trump's slogan? "Hey, I can get elected!....then I'll fuck you over on immigration."
He's been loyal enough to the base as shown by approval.
The Dems, esp your radical, would open the border, offer benefits like health care and welfare, have illegals vote, remake the supreme court, toss the electoral college (CO already did), and redo the Senate.
Trump is as good as the right will get.
They're both lightweights.
He was on tv this morning, taking questions from a small gathering in a restaurant. Just plain folks speaking what's on their minds. Maybe he'll get better, but his gestures seemed forced and out of sync with his words. He has trouble feigning sincerity. He was talking about some pecan farmer who was having trouble because of Trump's trade war with China. The pecan farmer, he said, might not be able to pass his farm along to his children. The pecan farmer might have to sell his farm and instead of a pecan farm, there will be cheap tract housing......That's what Beto said. He was trying to act earnest and concerned about the plight of pecan farmers, but that just heightened the vapidity........There's a trick to this. I was watching part of the you-tube video posted by the Laughlin scholar and influencer. She came across as far more poised and accessible. It wasn't just that she was good looking, but there was real concern in her voice when she discussed the need to find the right hair care product. Beto is not yet up to her level, but it's early and he can learn. He's certainly thin and good looking, and that's half the battle. The right gesture is an actor's trick, but hair like that is authentic.
Everyone needs to call him by his real name. Bob.
Beto? - that's his hollywood name.
Actually - if the left had its way- the Pecan farmer would be forced sell the farm to pay the death taxes.
Farmer asserts: He's not much of a politician, I'm afraid, but Kris Kobach would be infinitely better than Donald Trump. Hopefully he would never say something as utterly idiotic as, "We have to bring people into our country to work these great plants that are opening up all over the place."
It's true that Trump says some ridiculous things and doesn't carefully craft his speech. But it's what he does, not what he says, that's important. And I like what he does.
Reagan opened the border with his fucking Amnesty. The Bushes are Open Borders.
Beto is just finishing what these guys started.
I don't understand this guy's appeal at all. In everything I have seen of him in various videos he is just as big an idiot as the rest of the Democratic field. I can't help but think of the photos I saw of Justin Trudeau's disastrous trip to India and thinking to myself that is just like Beto. He is quite forgettable.
Skippy Kennedy or bland vanilla, were supposed to take seriously
Good looks go a long way.
And W was elected twice so even Teoublicans don’t care about how smart someone is.
He is thin, but the debate is out on the looks. I think he looks weird. Youth is his only guard. He'll age ugly.
The very fact that there are so many Dem candidates acknowledges the lack of a viable one.
He’s not Tom Brady good looking.
But he’s the tallest and best looking. He’s taller than Trump. Trump will no doubt wear lifts to his debate with Beto. He might also want to lose some weight and get a better hairstyle and color.
IMO, Beto is not at all good looking. Of all the Dem candidates, probably only Kamala and Corey meet my standards for attractiveness. But looks don't, or shouldn't, matter. After all, Lincoln--and Trump--got elected.
There were 16 GOP candidates last time. The guy who was not a Republican and who never held political offices won the nomination and then won the presidency.
People are just lying to themselves if they don’t think Beto can win the nomination and then the election.
J Farmer said: "I wouldn't mind seeing Trump primaried from the right."
I would be hard pressed to find a president in my lifetime, short of Reagan, who has enacted (or has endeavored to enact) more conservative ideals that Trump. From judges to his pro-life stance to tax cuts, there is no one my rear view mirror. None.
Does he say stooopid things? Of course he does. I look past those and focus on the bigger picture.
We have enough silky-smooth talkers.
But it's what he does, not what he says, that's important. And I like what he does.
How’s the wall coming along? Remember, that thing he talked about everyday for 18 months?
Yes but he had a distinct agenda issue, although he had some commonalities with cruz.
Farmer, the wall is being built as we speak.
McCullough: "People are just lying to themselves if they don’t think Beto can win the nomination and then the election."
I think you are referring to Robert Francis O'Rourke.
I would recommend his given name be used in all correspondence, lest he veers even further into "li'l Tomahawk Warren" territory.
Reagan signed Amnesty. Perhaps conservatives should hold him in a bit lower esteem since there are more 10 million Mexicans in the US now.
California is a shithole. The Republican Party there is dead as Caesar.
Fuck Ronald Reagan
I wouldn't mind seeing Trump primaried from the right. He has been a huge disappointment.
It depends on what your expectations were.
You can say all you want to that Trump says stupid things, but when Trump first looks at Beto in a debate, and calls him Bob, I will howl with delight and so will millions of Americans.
We have to bring people into our country to work these great plants that are opening up all over the place."
Why is it idiotic? F the labor market is tight, what do you do? Not build?
Immigration is whacked.
J. Farmer: "How’s the wall coming along? Remember, that thing he talked about everyday for 18 months?"
If you want to cherry pick what he hasn't accomplished, have at it. You're grasping.
Reagan signed Amnesty. Perhaps conservatives should hold him in a bit lower esteem since there are more 10 million Mexicans in the US now.
He got played. He knew it later on.
"I want to be in it. Man, I was just born to be in it."
You might say he was born to run, which, if he does, he can get Bruce to sing at his events.
We should all start calling each other by Spanish names since there are so many Hispanics in the US.
El Presidente Gordo did nothing about border funding. Now he’s going to build 20 miles of fence and declare victory.
So Reagan was stupid. He got played.
Perhaps he should be held on even lower esteem by conservatives because he was a fucking idiot then?
Young Bob is the vessel. You know the rest.
"Fuck Ronald Reagan"
That was in 1987. What killed California was Bush-I signing an immigration act and Bush II pushing for amnesty and open borders. Not to mention Dole coming to California and calling everyone who supported Prop 187 (59% of voters, including 51% AA) RACIST. In fact, I can remember Jack Kemp and Bill Bennett campaigning AGAINST Prop 187 and attacking Pete Wilson.
Oh, and lets not forget Hugh Hewitt - that open borders freak.
Saying Trump has done almost nothing to fulfill a major campaign promise on The Wall is not cherry picking.
No one gives a shit if he moved the Embassy to Jerusalem.
"conservative" Charlie Sykes is now attacking Tucker Carlson "But I'm not sure even a generous amnesty for past dumbf***ery would cover Tucker Carlson"
When was this guy a conservative? Please inform.
At first I read that as Outdoorsmarmy (outdoor smarmy). It doesn't make sense, but it seems more fitting.
Unbelievable. Let’s stop defending Reagan. Amnesty was a horrible idea. Another 10 million Mexicans came here illegally because they knew there would be more Amnesty. And there will be when President Beto finishes what Reagan started.
A president with an ounce of respect for The Rule of Law would have said no. These people are here illegally.
A president who wasn’t a fucking moron would have said: if I sign this amnesty then 10 million more of them will come across that border and expect Amnesty.
Beto's dog is named Artemis.
Trump has either been incredibly stupid or conning everyone on the Wall. Attacking Ann Coulter instead of getting on board isn't very bright either.
But then Trump has been a mystery to me. I thought the guy knew how to run a big organization, instead he's continually surrounded himself with losers, backstabbers, and people who disagree with him. He's constantly "reaching out" to people who are his enemies. I don't think its going to end well.
Trump should fire his Son In Law and Daughter.
Let them go work for Beto’s campaign where they belong.
No one's defending it. But if you think it "destroyed California" you're wrong. Of course, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're not a Moby.
"Saying Trump has done almost nothing to fulfill a major campaign promise on The Wall is not cherry picking. "
Allow me to remind you the Trump presidency did not conclude this morning. As I recall, he remains in office until January 2021, at a minimum.
Now it does look like this promise is non-starter. However, he cannot build the wall without political assistance. Has he received any help on this front? Nope.
Beto's a punk who's done nothing. He's been paid for and propped up his entire young life. You know who'll vote for this guy? That young slinky airhead who's movie star mom got her into USC. That's Beto's demographic. There are a lot of you out there. Just...not enough. Yet.
Don't worry. We're moving on. You'll get your shot. And you'll have to live with the results in the real world. Good luck.
A Moby?
Because I don’t drink from the Cult of Reagan bowl of Kool-Aid?
Amnesty was horrible. It set the precedent that US wasn’t going to enforce its immigration laws. So much for The Rule of Law. We only apply that to citizens, or some of them.
It encouraged more illegal immigration, which is exactly what we have.
A modestly competent president would have realized this and said no.
Reagan signed that piece of shit legislation and In holding him responsible for it.
Farmer, the wall is being built as we speak.
Fake news
Now it does look like this promise is non-starter. However, he cannot build the wall without political assistance. Has he received any help on this front? Nope.
Nobody forced Trump to spend the first year of his presidency being a pitchman for Ryanism. My god, the Trump fanboys are almost as untakeable as the NeverTrumpers.
I take it that Farmer and mccullough are racists who hate the fact that Trump's economic policies have resulted in more employment for blacks and Hispanics.
The GOP had both houses of Congress for 2 years.
When did Trump say to McConnell to blow up the filibuster if you have to but we are building a fucking wall. If you don’t get rid of the filibuster to get this through I’m hoping to slam you every day on Twitter. You will be hounded by mobs in MAGA caps that will
make those hipsters who harassed you until your wife scared them away look like the pussy you are.
The filibuster is not more important than having a border.
But Trump is a bigger pussy than Ryan and McConnell.
@Big Mike:
I take it that Farmer and mccullough are racists who hate the fact that Trump's economic policies have resulted in more employment for blacks and Hispanics.
Spoken like a true social justice warrior. Congrats.
mccullough, you need to catch up on history, for it seems to have passed you by. Here's a list of characters that affected immigration more than Reagan or whatever fucking boogeyman you can make up:
Big Mike,
I know the cognitive dissonance is hard.
Trump ran on building a Wall.
Stopping illegal immigration that is totally out of hand.
While short-term lowering in unemployment is great, long-term border enforcement is even better.
Now if you want to ignore Trump’s unfollows major promise, go ahead.
But you sound like a pussy.
@Seeing Red:
Why is it idiotic? F the labor market is tight, what do you do? Not build?
The benefit of a tight labor market is that wages at the bottom will rise. Bringing in foreign workers to suppress wages at the bottom is what big business would like to do and has been doing for years. You're free to defend this policy if you wish, but it has fuck all to do with with putting "America First."
Coulter was for mitt romney who is standing foresquare against the declaration, and before that for stay puft Christie, then she pushed her talking points past what the researcher had discovered,
Once demographics do their magic on places like Texas and Florida, I'm glad you all will have tinkering with the marginal tax rates to console you. Immigration is the issue facing the country. Everything else is secondary. Trading that away for a cyclical position in the business cycle is the height of folly.
Reagan could have vetoed Amnesty.
Nice of you to make excuses and spread the blame. There is a lot to go around. He’s not the only one
Vetoing Amnesty would have killed it. The president can veto laws. It’s in this document called The Constituiton.
I’m going to hold the one person who could have stopped it accountable. You are free to continue to worship Reagan and make excuses.
Coulter was for mitt romney who is standing foresquare against the declaration, and before that for stay puft Christie, then she pushed her talking points past what the researcher had discovered,
Coulter was certainly late to the party, but her book Adios, America demonstrates that she gets it. And she is a welcome and useful voice on the immigration restriction front. Some of us had read Peter Brimelow's Alien Nation years earlier and were already on the beat, but as I said, she's a welcome late addition.
So, Beto drives out to desolate area in order to abandon his elderly dog. Dumps the dog and drives off.
Due to inattention to detail Beto runs out of gas. Dog finally catches up with him.
Teens out smoking weed and shooting rabbits pass by. One says, Hey, it's that future presid ent Beto, let's take a picture and put it on Reddit.
@mccullough, Trump is being hamstrung in every possible way, and yet portions of the wall have gone up. More will go up. Come back in a year and tell me he didn't build the Wall.
Please everyone repeat after me..."Slow Joe Biden is not a moderate. He will support almost every crazy idea the Dems have. Plus he is retarded."
@Big Mike:
Trump is being hamstrung in every possible way,
Please explain why forced Trump to spend the first year of his presidency being a pitchman for Paul Ryan. Please explain how that made him "hamstrung." Please explain who "hamstrung" Trump into following the foolish advice of his son-in-law. If by "hamstrung" you mean, "made incredibly stupid decisions," then you might be on to something.
Trump did not use the power of his office to get through The Wall.
He should have made clear to McConnell he will blow up the GOP of the filibuster isntvremoved to get through immigration enforcement and The Wall.
McConnell wants to preserve the traditions of The Senate because he will be dead soon. Trump ran on preserving The United States.
Trump is a pussy. He listens to his worthless son in law and daughter.
p.s. Can you please identify where "portions of the wall have gone up"
For those who doubt Beto's Pretty Boy appeal, when was the last time the less attractive of the two major candidates won the American Presidency?
Bonus points for providing the number of times in a row since then that the more attractive candidate won.
For those who doubt Beto's Pretty Boy appeal, when was the last time the less attractive of the two major candidates won the American Presidency?
Two words: Shriveled witch.
Still beats bloated combover
2020 is about getting RFO ready for 2024.
Drudge has Beto in triplicate this morning. Can you guess which one has the brain?
Beto will be old news by 2024 if he doesn’t win. Bernie is going to find that out this time.
Trump will get your demanded perfection done over the 6 years that he has remaining. But in years 1 and 2 he first had to finish in effect a de-Nazification process of the totally corrupt One Party DC Government that was totally controlled by a Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama rogue CIA. As Trump has said, some 80% of the 535 co-rulers in control of Congress are on long term cash bribe programs from what amounts to criminal foreign interests.
And that magnitude of massive corruption being exposed as we speak explains why the DC Swamp's big push today is disarming the Fly Over Country.
I mean, when the the Presidency become an intern program?
January 20, 2009.
@Farmer, he thought he could work with Paul Ryan. But Ryan didn’t want to work with him. Now Ryan is history.
Blogger mockturtle said...
Farmer, the wall is being built as we speak.
3/14/19, 10:15 AM
This is only sort of true.
Right now, parts of the fence/wall are being repaired or rebuilt.
New wall isn't going up yet. Yet being the key word. DC officials have been visiting construction companies these past few weeks who have been demonstrating their ability to put up new fencing/walls in a cheap and timely manner.
But so far, new walls are not being put up along our southern border.
The other issue is catch and release. While a wall is a good thing, it doesn't stop catch and release. Thanks to the Democrats, we have been overwhelmed with "families" entering together and our laws do not allow us to jail children. So we are releasing tens of thousands of people into our country to appear later for court.
Trump tweeted the other day that this isn't happening. I've friends who say it is.
Either Trump doesn't know what's going on or he is lying.
Regardless, Bob wants to tear the fence down and do away with our borders. In that regard, Trump wins.
January 20, 2001.
President was W’s first time job. He was elected because people liked his daddy, just like he got into all those schools and got all those feather bed jobs because of his daddy.
Once W was elected, anyone could be president.
Obana was a much better speaker and had more personality. He had to make his own way in life unlike W.
Trump, like Obama and most of the American media, was elected thinking the President was some kind of emperor who could Decree His Will and Make It So. By the time he figured out this wasn’t true and that real persuasion and leadership was required, he had lost his majority in the House and with it the chance to end illegal immigration. Live and learn.
Trump is fairly ignorant but not that ignorant. He knew the Senate had to get rid of the filibuster to put through The Wall and anything more than window-dressing immigration enforcement.
He also knew that GOP Senate wouldn’t blow up the filibuster for immigration reform because the GOP Senate is for Open Borders.
Instead of then trearing the GOP Senate like he did his 2016 rivals, he just decided to play along with Mitch and Paul.
So we get trillion-dollar deficits and no immigration legislation.
Trump is a failure.
Trump will get your demanded perfection done over the 6 years that he has remaining.
Expecting a president to fulfill the central premise of their entire campaign is not "demanded perfection." It's the bare minimum.
But in years 1 and 2 he first had to finish in effect a de-Nazification process of the totally corrupt One Party DC Government that was totally controlled by a Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama rogue CIA.
If that is what you honestly think he has been doing for the past two years, then there really is no communicating with you. You simply live in an alternative reality.
Tradguy’s posts are pretty funny.
They are in the style of a Trump fan but I don’t think he’s serious.
Trump’s campaign rallies touting relocation the Embassy to Jerusalem should be good.
Bragging about trillion dollar deficits should be great as well.
Put Beto down if you want, but his cookbook, Comida India Americana, has some great taco recipes.
The alternate reality I live in descended on us all at 3:00 AM on November 9, 2016. From that moment, Trump's power of positive thinking has infected us. His master communicator tweets have been winning, and winning, and winning some more.
The only thing that Trump has done that harms us is the traffic jams everywhere. His new jobs, and new construction is putting everyone out driving on the roads going back and forth to work, on vacations and to the suddenly re-opened stores everywhere.
He’s piled on the debt for short term economic growth.
Just like W and Obama.
Then when the business cycle changes again we will have an even bigger debt and more illegals.
But most of you guys are old and will be dead, anyway.
From that moment, Trump's power of positive thinking has infected us. His master communicator tweets have been winning, and winning, and winning some more.
I am glad you think tweeting is what's going to solve the problems facing America. Sure, whites will be a minority in the country their ancestors created, but we'll have Trump's tweets. Winning!
The only thing that Trump has done that harms us is the traffic jams everywhere. His new jobs, and new construction is putting everyone out driving on the roads going back and forth to work, on vacations and to the suddenly re-opened stores everywhere.
You sound like a Clintonite in the late 90's.
Beto O: I'm just born to do this.
Beto voter: I'm just born.
Maybe Beto can debate Kushner.
Obama was a much better speaker, now I know you're trolling.
@mccullough (11:28), point of information. President was not W’s first job. He had been a two-term governor of Texas. I presume that the Texans liked him since he carried the state over Gore by a 3:2 margin.
President was W’s first time job. He was elected because people liked his daddy, just like he got into all those schools and got all those feather bed jobs because of his daddy.
When someone is completely ignorant of simple facts, there is no reason to pay any attention to their uninformed opinions.
Beto O: I'm just born to do this.
mccullough: I was born last night.
The comparison is with jeb, he was a developer then he became local party chief, where he hung around with some unsavory folk, then became governor with a little matter of an s%l default along the way.
You know, there is a precedent for Beto. Back in the 19th century there was a candidate who had served only one term in the House and then lost a highly publicized campaign for the US Senate against a nationally known incumbent. Guy was a Republican named Lincoln; perhaps you’ve heard of him?
Is Beto another Lincoln? Lincoln only got 40% of the vote in the general election. So, maybe ...
Although jeb is more like the younger trump but the focus was more on south American and some middleastern elements
First full time job.
W’s record as Texas Governor was out there for all to see.
It was a part time job with limited responsibilities. He spent his last year as governor running for president on his daddy’s name. He was a mediocre governor but a much better governor than a president.
W, like Obama, was not a hard worker. Unlike Obama, W got where he did because his daddy was powerful.
W’s record was awful. So was Obama’s. But Obama opposed the Iraq War. He was only a state senator at the time but he was right and W was wrong. Trillions of dollars and more than 4,000 US soldiers killed. Epic fucking idiocy by W and the morons in Congress who authorized this debacle.
It was no surprise Obana was elected after W’s ahitshoe of a presidency. That Wall Street bailout was the nail in the coffin. Daddy could get you into Yale and Harvard and help get you elected governor and president.
But daddy couldn’t fix stupid. No one can do that. I’m glad he’s happy painting dogs and landscapes. He should have done that his whole life.
J. Farmer: For those who doubt Beto's Pretty Boy appeal, when was the last time the less attractive of the two major candidates won the American Presidency?
I've never thought much of my ability to ascertain what makes a man physically attractive, but I don't think it's an objective fact that Obama was moreso than Romney, either.
Jeb is a moron as well. Looks like Barbara Bush’s side of the family were the stupid ones. HW was not stupid and neither was his father.
I know more than you. That’s not bragging on my part. That’s a knock on your ignorance.
mccullough you know nothing, absolutely nothing. I checked your profile, there's nothing there. That's why you can't brag.
Obama the fellow whose only legal work against Citicorps put subprime extortion into overdrive, whose no 1 supporter acorn drove Fannie Mae's expansion what fairy tale are you selling us.
Instead of checking my profile, maybe you should read the Amnesty bill Reagan signed.
Then expound for us on how giving Amesty to millions of law breakers is consistent with The Rule of Law.
Reagan was a corporatists who liked cheap Mexican labor. He also liked big deficits.
He did a good job against the Russians but his legacy is also Amnesty and Deficit Spending.
I’m sorry this is news to you. Or maybe you just like being ignorant. A lot of people do. You and AOC should debate.
In fairness to Reagan, he seemed to honestly believe that Mexicans would vote Republican. He thought they were like Cubans who came to the US.
Of course he was wrong.
I've never thought much of my ability to ascertain what makes a man physically attractive, but I don't think it's an objective fact that Obama was moreso than Romney, either.
Obama and Romney were not the candidates in 2016.
Is Amanda Marcotte slobbering all over him?
I want to see Bobby O'Rourke drive stick.
I just realized that the "either" at the end of your comment meant I most likely read it incorrectly the first time. My apologies.
Some of his appeal has got to be the Jimmy Stewart / Mr. Smith Goes to Washington thing.
mccullough, talk to the hand.
William said:
"Laughlin scholar"
Very good. I like it. Let's get the spelling right and capitalize the "s" and it could be most useful in the future.
Barack Obama was a Loughlin Scholar at Columbia.
Donald Trump was a Loughlin Scholar at Wharton.
Elizabeth Warren was a Loughlin Scholar at Harvard.
I included Trump in that list because I didn't want mccullough to get mad at me.
You were the one who addressed me first.
If you want to disengage that’s fine. If you don’t address me, then I won’t address.
You can get back to your bliss. This place is a echo chamber for you. Just read the commenters who reinforce your beliefs. You’ll be much happier.
I’m not mad at you. Just skip my comments.
Just read those views that are in harmony with your views. You’ll be happier.
I am just glad that the moron left and their LLR allies have a new pretend Kennedy to which they can rally.
Except Laughlin was a steel dynasty in Pittsburgh, so who was less corporatist than Reagan, w Bush connally?
Should have photographed him shirtless while tearing down a barrier/fence/wall.
"Born to be in it" sounds very entitled. O'Rourke is a rich white man who looks a little like Robert F. Kennedy but hasn't accomplished anything on his own. The voters old enough to remember RFK probably prefer Biden. We know who he is.
To be fair the media spent a lot of time on Romney's dog and car too.
mccullough said...
He’s piled on the debt for short term economic growth.
Just like W and Obama.
Then when the business cycle changes again we will have an even bigger debt and more illegals.
But most of you guys are old and will be dead, anyway.
This is just dumb. You are completely ignoring what Trump is up against.
This is not going to be an easy fight. There is never a perfect right answer.
Just like Farmer you guys just think everything you would do would work.
But you never do anything. You just bash the people that do stuff.
Reagan's mistake was thinking the other people in DC were working in good faith. He compromised with them. They obviously weren't working in good faith.
All of the people Trump is fighting have passed legislation for creating a wall. But they all knew they could scuttle it behind the scenes. The democrats and republicans have been lying about their intentions on immigration for decades.
Now Trump has flushed them out in the open. Everyone knows who the open borders supporters are. They are no longer able to hide.
I am not sure if Trump will be able to succeed. What he is trying to do borders on impossible.
But there are always peanut gallery denizens who can barely wipe their ass who bitch about things when they get hard.
narciso said...
Except Laughlin was a steel dynasty in Pittsburgh, so who was less corporatist than Reagan, w Bush connally?
3/14/19, 3:45 PM
Narciso, I think he means a Loughlin scholar, like Lori Loughlin, the former actress who apparently bought her kid's way into college, not smoothly like the old money does it, but awkwardly like the nouveau riche. Hence, Loughlin Scholar.
He did a good job against the Russians but his legacy is also Amnesty and Deficit Spending.
Disagree. Reagan had a Democrat Congress that allowed him to win the Cold War as long as he let them spend all they wanted to.
Simpson and Mazoli promised to control immigration if he signed the amnesty, which was far less dangerous than any now.
George Bardmesser has the perfect response to mccullough and Farmer. Key quote:
"And let me tell ya, every time one of these newly minted Democratic “stars” opens their mouth, the same thought goes through my mind: Thank God for Trump. Trump is my last line of defense. Trump is the only thing that stands between me and these hallucinogenic socialist nut jobs. Trump is what’s keeping chaos and left-wing insanity at bay."
My mother, rest her soul, admitted that she voted for JFK because he was good looking. She didn't know any more about him than that. Poncho Vanilla will get plenty of female votes just based on the same thing. Given his attractiveness, he has probably got girl friends all over West Texas and DC. Oppo research should dig them up.
“Trump has either been incredibly stupid or conning everyone on the Wall. Attacking Ann Coulter instead of getting on board isn't very bright either.”
“But then Trump has been a mystery to me. I thought the guy knew how to run a big organization, instead he's continually surrounded himself with losers, backstabbers, and people who disagree with him. He's constantly "reaching out" to people who are his enemies.I don't think its going to end well.”
Most rational people understand this by now. But Trump Cultism runs deep in so many here.
Simpson was a Senator and Mazzioli was a Representative.
Enforcing the law was not their responsibility.
I don’t believe Reagan was stupid. The defense of him here is that he got played by Congress, which would make him a dupe.
Reagan didn’t care about Mexicans coming over the border just as the Bushes didn’t.
They thought they were hard-working and religious and would vote Republican. Didn’t care if they drive down wages of lower income Americans.
Phil Gramm voted against the Amnesty nonsense based on realism and conservative principles. Other Dems and GOP voted against it.
So here we are 30 years later with 10 to 20 million illegals, as predicted. Amnesty encourages more illegal immigration. And it is a total disavowal of the Rule of Law.
Wide swaths of California are a third world shithole just like Mexico. That’s what happens when you take 20% of Mexico and just annex their low income uneducated citizens.
Reagan and Simpson are dead. The rest of us have to live with their idiocy.
Inga: "But Trump Cultism runs deep in so many here."
Hoax Dossier cultism runs much, much, much deeper here.
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