I only studied a minute or so of it, but I'm not seeing anything much more exaggerated than Trump's own characteristic hand motions (although Trump tends to be a little more mincing). That said, "Beto" is awfully goofy looking, sort of the way Scott Walker is goofy looking.
Bouncing Beto. Someone could make a good satire by just using the video and substituting subtitles. Liked how he mixed it up thought. The flat hand, the karate chop, the sideways "cut your engine", everything except "you're out" or "safe".
She took the "just look at him in that longing way political wives look at their husbands, (but not the way that Elliott Spitzer's wife looked when he had to fess up)" advice a bit too literally.
I don't see this guy cutting through the noise of 12 other people on a debate stage and making an impact. He doesn't even strike me as Texan. And what Black or Hispanic - outside of Texas - would vote for him? Yeah, I don't see him doing much of anything. The Dems are moving away from white guys. Only New England wants these rich Irish Pols.
Definitely not crazy. Soft and misguided, but not crazy.
As a "trophy husband," he doesn't have much to lose, so he may be dangerous. Unlike the other Dems, he's at least trying to sound sensible. I can see why he gave Cruz a good run.
Just so darn earnest, and insincere. Yes, either he's been coached to do this or, more likely, dreamed it up on his own. Real man of the people (which people is TBD) and he just wants to help, gosh darn it.
Trump makes lots of gestures too but my impression is that they are done for a purpose, to highlight or emphasize a point of speech. And I'm not a big Trump guy.
Are his hand movements a political liability? Other stuff could be--but hand movements? Nah.
This is a crowded field & early. I wouldn't predict anything. But if I had to bet, I'd put Biden as the front runner. But I'd say Beto is a dark horse. May be underestimated. His ability to raise $$$ was impressive.
Wouldn't be shocked at a Biden-Beto ticket. Wouldn't be shocked at another ticket, though, either. Gotta wait almost 2 years. Early to guess anything. For the record: Don't think Sanders will be on the ticket. Nor Warren. Don't think it'll be Harris, but maybe runs as VP. Not Inslee.
I agree with several others. O'Rourke was coached to use his hands, in order to appear animated, energetic, youthful and engaged. He took the lessons a bit too much to heart. On the other hand, in these days of #MeToo, it may not be a bad thing to know at all times where his hands are.
I saw those same hand movements on every freshman from the sticks trying out for college plays. Each gesture, repeated three times. Is Beto getting advice from a retired Fromberg, MT high school drama coach?
Beto, like W, got a DUI. Beto was 26 and W was 30.
W’s dad got him into college, got him jobs, and got him out of trouble.
I’m thinking that this line of attack is not going to be successful on Beto. Especially from Republicans since they did t give a shit about W’s dilettante lifestyle.
"I’m thinking that this line of attack is not going to be successful on Beto."
Agree. This conservative doesn't care one wit about something that happened 20 or so years ago, especially something so minor - he didn't hurt anyone, including himself, and paid his debt to society. I think there will be many more politically fruitful lines of attack with Boston Irish Beto.
Forget the video; listen to the audio. This guy is putting out the same lame leftist cliches as any other Democrat Candidate X. The challenges facing our country are greater than ever? Greater than the Civil War? Greater than WWII? Greater than the nuclear-armed Cold War? Who could possibly believe that? Who could possibly think that someone who says that -- even if he doesn't believe it and knows it's BS -- should become our President?
Yes, the Democrats should nominate him, and then for balance they should nominate Ocasio-Cortez for VP.
Kinda got to admire the Millennials. It's a unique strategy; fighting Whitey and White Privilege by running the great-grandson of Thurston Howell III for President. Clever dicks, the lot of 'em!
The hand motions don't bother me. You have to use your hands to manipulate all those images your mind is conjuring up as you speak. Plus, what makes the mouth so privileged that only it gets to talk. The hands demand their places!
I'm hoping Beto and Biden split the vote -- to the benefit of Mr. Bernie Sanders.
Maybe but I doubt it. Who is going to win the D Florida primary? Who's going to win South Carolina? Not Sanders, that's for sure. Many are in the race, votes will split. There's a good chance it goes to the convention. But not seeing Sanders. Beto & Sanders are more likely to spli the vote then Beto and Biden. Now, Biden maybe could win South Carolina & Florida. Beto is the type to win Iowa.
There's the activists & there's the average primary voter. There's the twitter commenter. The average primary voter doesn't agree with NYTimes or twitter, or activist interests. The average primary voter is far more likely to go with a Biden, Beto or even Klobochar.
"Pancho Vanilla"- that's good! Mind if I use it? Anyway, I watched the first minute with the sound off; I think he was coached to look energetic and passionate. To me it seemed disingenuous, but no more so than most politicians. His wife, on the other hand, has the Nancy Reagan look of admiration down COLD.
This is what You see when you coach someone to gesture within the frame. By that I mean overdone and doing gestures that don't connect with the words. You can deal with it if you have other imagery and only occasionally show the speaker. It also shows the limits of a 2 shot when it goes on. After a while you start watching her...thinking she doesn't quite know whether to look at him or camera. But wow..this was long.
I never paid attention to him before. He's Chevy Chase white, isn't he? The weird bit about the hands is that his wife is clutching his arm while he's taking no notice of her being there.
I could only take so much of it, but I got the impression his wife is really proud of the wind-up animated skate-boarder action figure her Dad got her for her birthday.
The cliches are more telling than the hand chatter. You notice how he only uses RIGHT hand. This numbskull is appealing to the 50% of non thinking numbskulls with tripe and geitzbulla.
Very easy to see Beto as president when you look at his immediate predecessors.
Trump was a reality show guy who developed some buildings and golf courses and owned a pro sports franchise. He’s no different than Mark Cuban.
Beto was in Congress six years. He’s a totally plausible president after W, Obama, and Trump. I’m not voting for the guy but he’s capable enough to run up trillion dollar deficits and keep the border open.
Your poll results are interesting and seem quite reasonably expected in spread to me. I personally voted YES on 'looks/acts crazy' dimension(and I had seen it before on other videos his 'appearances'). But I think this hand-jive seems common if not absolutely required by the current LIB-DEM 2020 wannabe list. More interestingly - I thought - was that a perfectly fit partner to those hand gestures was his vocal tone/pace - talk about frenetic! godallmighty, I couldn't stand the entire thing and hit STOP 1/3 thru! But just as high or higher on my 'interesting' chart was his wife - who as I recently read was rendered(and filmed) tearful w/ opposition to his political ambition. At the beginning of your clip, she seems virtually peeing in her panties w/ excitement but by the same time I hit STOP, she was looking almost fearful in glassy-eyed weariness. Another Demo-Lib candidate who needs to call 911.
I think the whole point is that you can't look at him for twenty seconds and get the full effect. Listen to the whole thing and realize there is something off. Watching him makes me queasy. Trump was criticized all the time by Democrats about not being presidential and not being capable of dealing with foreign leaders and dignitaries. I can imagine Beto doing his hand thing with Putin and getting tackled by the KGB. Queen Elizabeth would snort, grab her handbag and head for the nearest exit.
Once I worked for the postal service and we had a fellow clerk who used to jump up and down in a similar fashion to Beto give the impression of being a really hard worker, you know, very energetic. His nickname was "Scooper." He was promoted and trained as a supervisor but later was taken down by the Postal Inspector for stealing from the stamp vending machine. That's the impression I get from Beto.
The hand is used as a rod of authority. It goes up as the whip hand and cracks down on the slaves... but then he did promise to free the slaves. In short he is a hierarchy man. The northern Mexican silver mines slaves experienced the worst slavery ever known for their short life spans. And Beto feels their pain, provided they obey him.
Robert O'Rourke's hand gestures are excessive, exaggerated, desperate and more importantly NOT NATURAL. He had been coached and told that to make hand gestures will make him look more sincere. However, those are scripted and over the top hand gestures....not natural.
The weird pasted on Stepford Wife look on his wife was more weird and crazy. Also not a natural facial expression. Unless she is always zoned out on Xanex, that is.
Coached and trying DESPERATELY to fake sincerity.
He is about as real and sincere as a used car salesman. Would you buy from him???
I picked a few spots at random and watched with the sound off.
I then tried to see if i could fit 'one-Mississippi' in-between any hand gestures.
Although around the 2-fifty-something mark it was ALMOST there.
Still: it approximates enthusiasm better than Hillary approximated sincerity.
We'll see what the focus groups say.
Of course, for Beto, they won't need to ask the group any questions: they'll just measure the chairs of the group's women for degree of moisture left behind.
If only we'd elect a clean-cut white Irish Catholic. Who's in favor of globalism, open open borders, medicare for all, 16 year olds and illegals voting, and massive taxes.
Then, everything would be Ok. It'd be JFK all over again.
He's overacting. He'll get better at it, but he won't get another chance to make a first impression. His gestures seemed forced and out of sync with his words. Bright kid in the drama club trying to pull off one of Shakespeare's great speeches. The performance wasn't integrated, but he has stage presence. He's not a cipher........I would never have predicted Obama or Trump. The only reliable predictor is that the early favorite doesn't win.......Unlike McCain or Kerry, he didn't have to go the military hero route to win the heiress. He won his heiress with gumption, persistence, and hard work and without resorting to the unfair advantage of military decorations.
Frenetic is the word that comes to mind along with manic.
But I still say y'all underestimate the idiocy of our fellow citizens - and non-citizens. He has the empty suit thing down pat - his words make it possible to project onto him whatever feel good crap is necessary to convince people he really does care. And if the rags say often enough how easy on the eyes, how Kennedyesque he is, people will start seeing him that way and believe in Camelot again.
And from my experience, limited though it is, the millennials might gravitate to his punk rocking,skateboarding cool vibe, but it's the Gen-Xer females who think he really is all that and a bag of chips.
i noticed a while ago that some consultant told Hillary that she should move her hands when she talks, so that she didn't look like a stuffed shirt. Since then, i've noticed that more and more (and more and more) female candidates feel that you're Supposed to look like you're signing when you talk.
Since Beta O'Rourke doesn't have a penis, it makes sense that zhe would do it too. EVERY WORD out of their mouths MUST BE accompanied with a hand gesture; apparently, NO ONE (that they listen to) has told them that this makes them look like they are deranged.
He is running for Veep. Whatever crazy woman wins will need someone like him on the ticket to keep the white soap opera women like Ann on board."
I think there's a lot in this. So much so that I almost wonder if his entry into this mess wasn't planned by the DNC. Beto would be the perfect accessory-Veep for some faux-serious candidate like Harris. There would be absolute paroxysms of gushing from the lightweight Left.
The cute guy as VP. It all makes sense now. Biden - he's been Veep. Bernie Sanders as VP - LOL. Hickenlooper? Too loopy.
But Beto? White, male, subservient but "cute" and those hands. Yep, the perfect VP for female Harris, Warren, whoever. OTOH, Booker-Beto would be a little too gay, if you know what I mean.
He's photogenic, articulate, tall, well dressed, etc., but he lacks gravitas. In the dark of the voting booth, when no one is watching or can see, too few people will feel the surge of confidence to pull the lever for good ole' Beto.
You don't want anyone too "Macho" as VP - when you nominate a female POTUS candidate. You don't want people thinking, "Hey, shouldn't HE be President?".
The Guy Hillary picked was perfect. What was he called? I don't remember his name. Anyway, he was the perfect man-servant for a Lady. Beto would fit that role.
The hand-gesturing was just a ploy to get the video more views.
What REALLY mattered was letting the white suburban women get a long look at his wife.
Let's face it: dude coulda got himself a perky hot chick, a Reese Witherspoon with a Boston accent and a bit more Bitch Face, maybe.
Then the white suburban women would grow cold to him, because OF COURSE he's got a good-looking wife, he's like all of those other self-absorbed good-looking men who need to have a good-looking wife.
But Beto's wife is kinda like them. Not ugly, not a flashy dresser, just... plain.
But HE sees her beauty. And THAT is the kind of man they want: a man who can appreciate a plain woman.
near as I can tell his appeal is not so much to young people but to older females who are liberal and have a Kennedy fetish. Especially the ones who've not gone lesbian or asexual yet.
What kind of creeped me out is the way Amy stared at Beto fixedly the entire time of the video.
The other thing? When a guy that looks like a teenager is in your living room and starts off with "Amy and I would like to share with you..." the most likely thing he's going to tell you next is that Jesus is your friend.
Laslo of course, scores with a great insight. Plenty of chicks thinking "Wow, I'm better looking that her". But she fails at the "Nancy Reagan looks lovingly at her MAN".
But you gotta be a Hollywood actress to pull that off.
Trump uses hand motions as well, so in the twisted mind of The Donald, it all goes back to his sensitivity to short fingers. So let's look at finger sizes: O'Rourke and Trump.
“O.K., you, in the third row… Yes, you… I’m calling on you… Yes, that’s why I’m pointing… I’m pointing with my finger… My FINGER. This one… Why would you think I’m holding up a cocktail frank?
"So, the Earth's atmospheric temperature has risen an estimated 1 degree Celsius since the end of the Little Ice Age." That's 1.8 degrees F."
BOR: Right.
"And the Earth's temperature was about 2 degrees Celsius lower than today during the Little Ice Age ending in the early 1800's, until it began to warm up."
BOR: I guess so. I hear it was was colder, in any case.
"So...what ended the Little Ice Age?"
BOR: I dunno. Nobody knows.
"Mr BOR, can you explain how the Earth used to be much, much warmer, and much, much colder, during its geologic history and had much higher CO2 levels during most of it?"
BOR: Whaaaa? I didn't know that, but in any case this time "it's different."
"So...did life become extinct when it was 2 degrees C colder than today? Did it become extinct when it was much warmer than today?, when CO2 levels were much higher, by a factor of ten or more? Please explain those huge dinosaurs, if you can.. Or the huge mammals roaming the Americas during the cold periods."
BOR: No, I can't explain that. I don't know shit about science.
"And has life gone extinct when the atmosphere warmed 3 degrees C since the worst
BOR: No, obviously.
"Then why would the forecast of life becoming EXTINCT if the Earth's temperature warmed another 1 degree C be scientifically persuasive?"
BOR: Derp.
"Mr Beto, are you familiar with the Kelvin scale?"
BOR: No. That's dweeb stuff.
"It's commonly used among scientists. It starts with absolute thermodynamic zero, at minus 273 degrees K. That's the point where scientists begin to measure the thermal energy of a system.
Do you know how it relates to the Celsius scale?"
BOR: No.
"Well, Celsius takes Kelvin scale degrees and limits them to a range between the freezing and boiling points of water. Thus 0 degrees Celsius equals 273 Kelvin; 100 degrees Celsius is 373 Kelvin. Got that?
BOR: No. I was told there would be no math.
"The point is, a 1 degree K increase on a 273 absolute scale is a change of 274/273 = 0.36% change. Do you agree?"
BOR: Whatev.
"But if scientific illiterates hear about a 1 degree C change, they assume its an UNPRECEDENTED ONE PERCENT CHANGE on a 100 degree scale, and they might think that's REALLY significant, Another percent increase even more so. And that's utterly unscientific.
Fact is, the Earth has undergone much larger swings in atmospheric and ocean temperatures, and life has NEVER become extinct. If asteroid impacts, if enormous volcanic outgassings (cf the Siberian and Deccan Traps), if Iceball Earth (almost the entire Earth covered with glaciers and ice) couldn't do it, why do you think the puny inputs of human beings can?
"On top of that, C02 is tens of times less prevalent in our atmosphere than water vapor and gas, both much more powerful IR absorbers and re-emitters."
BOR : Double derp.
Moral: Don't expect any member of the press to ask these questions.
And yet our government made it impossible to sue pharmaceutical companies in suspected vaccine injury cases. What do gun makers need to do to curry favor??
How many remember the Head Drum Majorette of the band doing a half time show. Some climb up on a rolled out stand. Beto is doing the same thing as if he is the leader of the band.
Unlike you, I don’t make excuses failure and incompetence.
Reagan signed Amnesty. He also ran huge deficits well after economic growth and unemployment had improved. Maybe you forgot or maybe you are ignorant like AOC and we’re born in 1989.
Trump has done jack shit about the border. Farmer is right. He signed on to Paul Ryan’s bullshit and Mitch McConnell’s judges.
Open Borders and Trillion Dollar Deficits. Just like with W and Obama.
I don’t give a shit about Twitter and Scott Adams hot takes.
I want a fucking Wall and some hard immigration enforcement. Start deporting those Dreamers. They are here illegally. Start with Mitch McComnell’s Mexican Maid.
Stop listening to Ivanka and Jared. They are fucking Progressive Twits.
Apparently we need Kim and Kanye to push for the Fucking Wall because they actually have Trump’s ear.
I've now read the early comments. FORGET the hands! The frightening thing is the laundry list of supposed "problems" for which he provides NO solutions. In this instance, the hands distraction is a feature not a big. It leaves people thinking he cares about my (insert problem here) without having to think beyond that point.
President Trump is messing with Robert. Bigly. It's like asking the guy standing over his golf ball ready to make his tee shot. You ask him if he inhales or exhales on his back swing. Now Robert is going to think about his hands and use them less...or more. No matter what, he is going to think about about them alot, when he is speaking extemporaneously. His brain trying to control his hands, at the same time he is trying to form a coherent sentence. This will be fun.
that part where he said Obama was a better speaker, well the pablum that O'Rourke dribbles, the problem is there are two many senators like tillis, who are utterly useless, once upon a time, there was the likes of helms, who was the front line of the cold war hardliners, no not the neocons, those were a different animal all together,
Note that his wife is holding down his left arm - those are her fingers in the crook of his elbow. Maybe he gets more voluble with his other arm to compensate. Or maybe she knows he has a problem and is trying to help.
Note that his wife is holding down his left arm - those are her fingers in the crook of his elbow. Maybe he gets more voluble with his other arm to compensate. Or maybe she knows he has a problem and is trying to help.
It's not about the craze hands. She's just trying to anchor him to earth so he doesn't float away into space.
Odds are that Beto Bob will now over-compensate and be like Molly Shannon on Seinfeld not swinging her arms when she walks, like he's "carrying invisible suitcases."
You know, if "he had got him a beer" to hold in his hand, it would have kept down the frenetic gesticulating. Should have learned some lessons from Fauxcahontas.
It's what his mouth is doing that makes him crazy. Anybody who thinks the United States economy is in a crisis right now is just nuts. Has ever heard of Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, North Korea, Italy, Greece, China? As Obama might say, 2009 called and they want their crisis back. I think this poseur does too.
He reminds me of a male cheerleader, and we already had one of those.
Nearly everything at the macro level in our country is much better than usual right now. We do have three crises right now: 1) Corruption and graft in our politics, and national budget, 2) Loss of respect for The 1st Amendment, and 3) Mal-education of our young.
I don't think Beto or any other Democrat has the solutions for those. Their values are the source of those problems.
I can't get the video to download so I can't comment on his hands. I looked at some other videos including an interview with Ellen DeGeneris. He reminds me of the new kind of waiters who sort of come over to chat with you about your possible meal. They really want you to like them. And, at first, they seem real but then you see how they are pushing the special of the day just like all other waiters. Plus, you get tired of them telling you in a very sincere voice how great your choices are, when in fact you are making the same choices you always do in a strange place - either hamburger and French Fries or steak and baked potato depending on the type of restaurant. (Though I have learned to order tomato soup because that's a good guide to how well their chef can cook vegetable dishes and fish.) But you have to hide all your thoughts and praise them like little kids or they get pouty. Anyhow Beto seems like that - someone trying to sell sincere and charm in order to make money. A door-to-door salesman, something this generation has never seen.
I don't like to think I'm crazy, but watching the video, I wondered for a second if maybe he looks a wee bit - a weeeeeeee bit - like a polished George Thorogood. A Thorogood who cleaned himself up at 25 say, and told the barber to cut the hair, and all the rest that would-be politicos do to make themselves nurture the proper "look"
I didn't want to be crazy so I googled Thorogood. (When younger) In some instances, maybe I'm not crazy.
What is crazy is that I worry that a President saw the same, saw all the hand gestures, and is laying a long con to call this guy Hand Jive if it comes to that. That's crazy!!
Just remember. You can make fun of the Krauts, the I-ties, and the squareheads. But never make fun of the Irish. They all saw a "Irish need not apply sign" 150 years ago, and they're still wanking on about it.
Not getting the bagging on his wife. She’s actually very attractive in a natural kind of way. God forbid he gets within a thousand miles of the springs of power, but she’d be a refreshing change from the usual run of shrewish political wife. I’m beginning to see why Althouse thinks this clown is dangerous. He’s not a Kennedy, he’s a white Obama. And a white Obama is going to appeal to a shit load of LIVs.
This is mainly a casting exercise to see who would best play the President on TV. Beto isn't right for the role of President, but maybe as the President's best friend and comic sidekick.
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1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest»I only studied a minute or so of it, but I'm not seeing anything much more exaggerated than Trump's own characteristic hand motions (although Trump tends to be a little more mincing). That said, "Beto" is awfully goofy looking, sort of the way Scott Walker is goofy looking.
He looks like someone who has been coached to make his point with hand movements -- and by a bad coach.
His wife was thinking "I haven't bounced this much on a mattress since our honeymoon!"
Bouncing Beto. Someone could make a good satire by just using the video and substituting subtitles. Liked how he mixed it up thought. The flat hand, the karate chop, the sideways "cut your engine", everything except "you're out" or "safe".
"That said, "Beto" is awfully goofy looking, sort of the way Scott Walker is goofy looking."
I can't disagree.
I can see why he was named "robert francis" - he has the same bugs bunny teeth as RFK.
Balfegor said...
That said, "Beto" is awfully goofy looking, sort of the way Scott Walker is goofy looking.
I believe the term "Kennedy-esque" has been used on occasion.
I wouldn't say he looks crazy, just phony.
She took the "just look at him in that longing way political wives look at their husbands, (but not the way that Elliott Spitzer's wife looked when he had to fess up)" advice a bit too literally.
With the sound off he seems to be selling Hitler™ Polish Remover.
I don't see this guy cutting through the noise of 12 other people on a debate stage and making an impact. He doesn't even strike me as Texan. And what Black or Hispanic - outside of Texas - would vote for him? Yeah, I don't see him doing much of anything. The Dems are moving away from white guys. Only New England wants these rich Irish Pols.
Of course, as far as goofy-looking goes; no one tops Jeff Bezos.
I think he has a great future in children's puppet theater.
Put some make up on the wife for goodness sakes. Just a little.
Definitely not crazy. Soft and misguided, but not crazy.
As a "trophy husband," he doesn't have much to lose, so he may be dangerous. Unlike the other Dems, he's at least trying to sound sensible. I can see why he gave Cruz a good run.
People are crazy and times are strange
I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range
I used to care, but things have changed
Jeez, Beto, you're Irish not Italian. What's with the "talking hands"?
Chill with the hands.
Seriously, did he not have any PR coaching on this? They can afford it.
Just so darn earnest, and insincere. Yes, either he's been coached to do this or, more likely, dreamed it up on his own. Real man of the people (which people is TBD) and he just wants to help, gosh darn it.
Trump makes lots of gestures too but my impression is that they are done for a purpose, to highlight or emphasize a point of speech. And I'm not a big Trump guy.
He needs to tone down on the hand motions. Not crazy but a bit distracting.
Perhaps he just wanted to show how large his hands are compared to Trump’s.
Beto’s neck is a bit long. He might want to wear different shirts so as not to accentuate it.
His wife is sorta cute. She makes for a useful prop.
Beto is earnest. That’s a good contrast with Trump. He’s also taller, younger, and not fat with crazy hair.
"Of course, as far as goofy-looking goes; no one tops Jeff Bezos."
True dat. And Romney's got nerdy milquetoast locked up.
For a mick, Beto has a great tan. Also a useful contrast with Trump’s orange skin.
If you studied it, did you agree with Trump?
Are his hand movements a political liability? Other stuff could be--but hand movements? Nah.
This is a crowded field & early. I wouldn't predict anything. But if I had to bet, I'd put Biden as the front runner. But I'd say Beto is a dark horse. May be underestimated. His ability to raise $$$ was impressive.
Wouldn't be shocked at a Biden-Beto ticket. Wouldn't be shocked at another ticket, though, either. Gotta wait almost 2 years. Early to guess anything. For the record: Don't think Sanders will be on the ticket. Nor Warren. Don't think it'll be Harris, but maybe runs as VP. Not Inslee.
I love how his billionairess wife is included.
She makes him look older. I wonder if this is on purpose.
Beto isn't running for president. Not this time.
He is running for Veep. Whatever crazy woman wins will need someone like him on the ticket to keep the white soap opera women like Ann on board.
The GND is just his way of avoiding race.
YoungHegelian said...
Seriously, did he not have any PR coaching on this? They can afford it.
I'm thinking it was his pothead suite-mate from college, you know, Vance "Frito" Vanzandt.
mccullough said...
His wife is sorta cute. She makes for a useful prop.
Her daddies money has been propping Beto up all his life.
Before he married his money he was a drunk running over people and running from police.
wwww said...
Wouldn't be shocked at a Biden-Beto ticket.
I hope they do this.
This ticket would ed the democrat party. Especially when it loses.
But they wont do this.
I agree with several others. O'Rourke was coached to use his hands, in order to appear animated, energetic, youthful and engaged. He took the lessons a bit too much to heart. On the other hand, in these days of #MeToo, it may not be a bad thing to know at all times where his hands are.
Beto’s father in law is a billionaire real estate developer just like Jared Kushner’s.
Maybe Beto can run against Kushner since he’s calling the shots.
democracy and climate.
Democracy is a crock. without checks and balances and a constituion - democracy is fascism.
I saw those same hand movements on every freshman from the sticks trying out for college plays. Each gesture, repeated three times. Is Beto getting advice from a retired Fromberg, MT high school drama coach?
Beto, like W, got a DUI. Beto was 26 and W was 30.
W’s dad got him into college, got him jobs, and got him out of trouble.
I’m thinking that this line of attack is not going to be successful on Beto. Especially from Republicans since they did t give a shit about W’s dilettante lifestyle.
He needed to be standing at a podium of some sort. Sitting, it looked weird.
Holy shit, had watched this earlier and did not see anything. Now all I see is hands, hands, hands.
Hands plus substance equal crazy.
It is his "Latin" nature to speak with his hands. He can not help it.
I think it's a good chance for:
Biden-Beto or
Anything could happen. But that's my 2 bit analysis 2 years out.
Next time you see Beto, he will be sitting on his hands
Beto is downright intellectual compared to Jay Inslee or Biden.
He has that going for him.
"I’m thinking that this line of attack is not going to be successful on Beto."
Agree. This conservative doesn't care one wit about something that happened 20 or so years ago, especially something so minor - he didn't hurt anyone, including himself, and paid his debt to society. I think there will be many more politically fruitful lines of attack with Boston Irish Beto.
Beto feelz like the 16 year old vote. I'm not trying to trash him - but he's got that feelz.
Yay young guy with a co-opted Hispanic name.
Forget the video; listen to the audio. This guy is putting out the same lame leftist cliches as any other Democrat Candidate X. The challenges facing our country are greater than ever? Greater than the Civil War? Greater than WWII? Greater than the nuclear-armed Cold War? Who could possibly believe that? Who could possibly think that someone who says that -- even if he doesn't believe it and knows it's BS -- should become our President?
Yes, the Democrats should nominate him, and then for balance they should nominate Ocasio-Cortez for VP.
Kinda got to admire the Millennials. It's a unique strategy; fighting Whitey and White Privilege by running the great-grandson of Thurston Howell III for President. Clever dicks, the lot of 'em!
I don't know what you guys are talking about. He looks like he'd make an excellent president of the Sigma Nu house. ...
Oh! Of the United States? ... Well then.
I'm hoping Beto and Biden split the vote -- to the benefit of Mr. Bernie Sanders.
Sanders cannot win the General Election. These fools can, though.
The hand motions don't bother me. You have to use your hands to manipulate all those images your mind is conjuring up as you speak. Plus, what makes the mouth so privileged that only it gets to talk. The hands demand their places!
“A Time of Great Peril and Great Potential” is not going to fit on a baseball cap.
Pancho Vanilla is not crazy and he is not Hispanic. Looks dorky
I'm hoping Beto and Biden split the vote -- to the benefit of Mr. Bernie Sanders.
Maybe but I doubt it. Who is going to win the D Florida primary? Who's going to win South Carolina? Not Sanders, that's for sure. Many are in the race, votes will split. There's a good chance it goes to the convention. But not seeing Sanders. Beto & Sanders are more likely to spli the vote then Beto and Biden. Now, Biden maybe could win South Carolina & Florida. Beto is the type to win Iowa.
There's the activists & there's the average primary voter. There's the twitter commenter. The average primary voter doesn't agree with NYTimes or twitter, or activist interests. The average primary voter is far more likely to go with a Biden, Beto or even Klobochar.
Derek Kite: His wife was thinking "I haven't bounced this much on a mattress since our honeymoon!"
I'm glad she realized about ten seconds in that she didn't have to hold that smile for the whole thing. I was afraid she was going to sprain her face!
His wife is sorta cute. She makes for a useful prop.
I didn't watch the whole video, but she seemed to blink a lot in the part I watched. Every time he waved his hand, she blinked.
All I saw was a democrat party weakling crapping out of his mouth with a lot of anti-American fear mongering and progressive lies.
Earnestly over-animated.
Beto could always try his hand at faux celebrity orchestra conducting if he doesn't make POTUS.
Can anyone see this guy as POTUS?
"Pancho Vanilla"- that's good! Mind if I use it?
Anyway, I watched the first minute with the sound off; I think he was coached to look energetic and passionate. To me it seemed disingenuous, but no more so than most politicians. His wife, on the other hand, has the Nancy Reagan look of admiration down COLD.
Ben Shapiro provides context: Beto's Excellent Adventure
But I'd say Beto is a dark horse. May be underestimated. His ability to raise $$$ was impressive.
So was Hillary's.
This is what You see when you coach someone to gesture within the frame. By that I mean overdone and doing gestures that don't connect with the words. You can deal with it if you have other imagery and only occasionally show the speaker. It also shows the limits of a 2 shot when it goes on. After a while you start watching her...thinking she doesn't quite know whether to look at him or camera.
But wow..this was long.
I never paid attention to him before. He's Chevy Chase white, isn't he? The weird bit about the hands is that his wife is clutching his arm while he's taking no notice of her being there.
I could only take so much of it, but I got the impression his wife is really proud of the wind-up animated skate-boarder action figure her Dad got her for her birthday.
The cliches are more telling than the hand chatter. You notice how he only uses RIGHT hand. This numbskull is appealing to the 50% of non thinking numbskulls with tripe and geitzbulla.
Calling him crazy for the way he uses his hands? What does the anti-mean First Lady say about this?
W, Obama, Trump, Beto.
Very easy to see Beto as president when you look at his immediate predecessors.
Trump was a reality show guy who developed some buildings and golf courses and owned a pro sports franchise. He’s no different than Mark Cuban.
Beto was in Congress six years. He’s a totally plausible president after W, Obama, and Trump. I’m not voting for the guy but he’s capable enough to run up trillion dollar deficits and keep the border open.
Today, I agree with Scott Adams:
This is hilariously effective persuasion. Try NOT looking at Beto's jazz hands next time he talks. You can't. You won't even hear what he is saying.
Your poll results are interesting and seem quite reasonably expected in spread to me. I personally voted YES on 'looks/acts crazy' dimension(and I had seen it before on other videos his 'appearances'). But I think this hand-jive seems common if not absolutely required by the current LIB-DEM 2020 wannabe list. More interestingly - I thought - was that a perfectly fit partner to those hand gestures was his vocal tone/pace - talk about frenetic! godallmighty, I couldn't stand the entire thing and hit STOP 1/3 thru!
But just as high or higher on my 'interesting' chart was his wife - who as I recently read was rendered(and filmed) tearful w/ opposition to his political ambition. At the beginning of your clip, she seems virtually peeing in her panties w/ excitement but by the same time I hit STOP, she was looking almost fearful in glassy-eyed weariness. Another Demo-Lib candidate who needs to call 911.
Roberto Rourke -- the Irishman from Mexico via Sigma Nu frat house.
It wasn't his hand movements but the drivel that streamed from his mouth that I found distasteful.
The I'm-Shaking-An-Invisible-Myo-Ball is a bit of a distraction. If that's coached it's bad...
Bill Clinton used the Put-the-ATM-Card-In-the-ATM-Machine to good effect. Punctuating but not pointing.
Her daddies money has been propping Beto up all his life.
It worked for LBJ.
We truly now, more than ever, the last great hope of Earth?
At this moment of maximum peril and maximum potential...?
No wonder they're clamoring for 16 year-olds to vote.
If he keeps repeating that line, Trump's going to call him Betomax.
I think the whole point is that you can't look at him for twenty seconds and get the full effect. Listen to the whole thing and realize there is something off. Watching him makes me queasy. Trump was criticized all the time by Democrats about not being presidential and not being capable of dealing with foreign leaders and dignitaries. I can imagine Beto doing his hand thing with Putin and getting tackled by the KGB. Queen Elizabeth would snort, grab her handbag and head for the nearest exit.
Once I worked for the postal service and we had a fellow clerk who used to jump up and down in a similar fashion to Beto give the impression of being a really hard worker, you know, very energetic. His nickname was "Scooper." He was promoted and trained as a supervisor but later was taken down by the Postal Inspector for stealing from the stamp vending machine. That's the impression I get from Beto.
The hand is used as a rod of authority. It goes up as the whip hand and cracks down on the slaves... but then he did promise to free the slaves. In short he is a hierarchy man. The northern Mexican silver mines slaves experienced the worst slavery ever known for their short life spans. And Beto feels their pain, provided they obey him.
Robert O'Rourke's hand gestures are excessive, exaggerated, desperate and more importantly NOT NATURAL. He had been coached and told that to make hand gestures will make him look more sincere. However, those are scripted and over the top hand gestures....not natural.
The weird pasted on Stepford Wife look on his wife was more weird and crazy. Also not a natural facial expression. Unless she is always zoned out on Xanex, that is.
Coached and trying DESPERATELY to fake sincerity.
He is about as real and sincere as a used car salesman. Would you buy from him???
"Immigration" as "the best problem we could have".
Embrace the suck.
A Biden-Beto ticket would be hard on the young college campaign volunteers.
Beto would be reeling them in, only to have Biden knock them over the head and throw them in the boat.
Deep in his heart he's one of us. Like a young Ted Kennedy.
I picked a few spots at random and watched with the sound off.
I then tried to see if i could fit 'one-Mississippi' in-between any hand gestures.
Although around the 2-fifty-something mark it was ALMOST there.
Still: it approximates enthusiasm better than Hillary approximated sincerity.
We'll see what the focus groups say.
Of course, for Beto, they won't need to ask the group any questions: they'll just measure the chairs of the group's women for degree of moisture left behind.
I am Laslo.
I would just like to note that Beto's hands were placed securely in his back pockets for the Vanity Fair cover.
I would also like to note his dog is staring at his hands.
Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.
If only we'd elect a clean-cut white Irish Catholic. Who's in favor of globalism, open open borders, medicare for all, 16 year olds and illegals voting, and massive taxes.
Then, everything would be Ok. It'd be JFK all over again.
He's overacting. He'll get better at it, but he won't get another chance to make a first impression. His gestures seemed forced and out of sync with his words. Bright kid in the drama club trying to pull off one of Shakespeare's great speeches. The performance wasn't integrated, but he has stage presence. He's not a cipher........I would never have predicted Obama or Trump. The only reliable predictor is that the early favorite doesn't win.......Unlike McCain or Kerry, he didn't have to go the military hero route to win the heiress. He won his heiress with gumption, persistence, and hard work and without resorting to the unfair advantage of military decorations.
Everytime I see those teeth, I think: "What's up doc?"
Military decorations have the same effect on women as push up bras do on men. I myself think they're tawdry and manipulative.
He's a douchenozzle. Plain and simple.
He needed a desk to pound on. Coached? I don't know. Did someone tell him to bounce, and never stop moving da hands?
Doubt it.
"Military decorations have the same effect on women as push up bras do on men."
I don't mind a hot chick with a military decoration or two.
Dudes in push-up bras, though: not my thing.
I am Laslo.
Frenetic is the word that comes to mind along with manic.
But I still say y'all underestimate the idiocy of our fellow citizens - and non-citizens. He has the empty suit thing down pat - his words make it possible to project onto him whatever feel good crap is necessary to convince people he really does care. And if the rags say often enough how easy on the eyes, how Kennedyesque he is, people will start seeing him that way and believe in Camelot again.
And from my experience, limited though it is, the millennials might gravitate to his punk rocking,skateboarding cool vibe, but it's the Gen-Xer females who think he really is all that and a bag of chips.
I don't think he's been coached to do the hand-gesturing, but that it's natural with him -- watch him talking with Ellen DeGeneres last fall.
i noticed a while ago that some consultant told Hillary that she should move her hands when she talks, so that she didn't look like a stuffed shirt.
Since then, i've noticed that more and more (and more and more) female candidates feel that you're Supposed to look like you're signing when you talk.
Since Beta O'Rourke doesn't have a penis, it makes sense that zhe would do it too.
EVERY WORD out of their mouths MUST BE accompanied with a hand gesture; apparently, NO ONE (that they listen to) has told them that this makes them look like they are deranged.
Any Texans here? Do you guys love waving hands?
The pot calling the kettle white.
"Beto isn't running for president. Not this time.
He is running for Veep. Whatever crazy woman wins will need someone like him on the ticket to keep the white soap opera women like Ann on board."
I think there's a lot in this. So much so that I almost wonder if his entry into this mess wasn't planned by the DNC. Beto would be the perfect accessory-Veep for some faux-serious candidate like Harris. There would be absolute paroxysms of gushing from the lightweight Left.
OMG, just OMG!!!
There are no serious candidates for president, including Trump.
Derek Kite said... His wife was thinking "I haven't bounced this much on a mattress since our honeymoon!"
I think she was thinking:"if it wasn't for Daddy's Money; NEITHER of us would be here"
Beto is such a Whataburger fan, he designed his campaign logo after their spicey ketchup packets.
Not even kidding.
"Pancho Vanilla"- that's good! Mind if I use it?
Stole that from someone here so please do, it is good
The cute guy as VP. It all makes sense now. Biden - he's been Veep. Bernie Sanders as VP - LOL. Hickenlooper? Too loopy.
But Beto? White, male, subservient but "cute" and those hands. Yep, the perfect VP for female Harris, Warren, whoever. OTOH, Booker-Beto would be a little too gay, if you know what I mean.
The wife looks like she's in a cult.
"Can anyone see this guy as POTUS?"
Well, speaking for myself, no.
He's photogenic, articulate, tall, well dressed, etc., but he lacks gravitas. In the dark of the voting booth, when no one is watching or can see, too few people will feel the surge of confidence to pull the lever for good ole' Beto.
He gone when he linked his focus grouped first sentence with the 2nd. "This is a defining moment.". What a pretentious poser.
You don't want anyone too "Macho" as VP - when you nominate a female POTUS candidate. You don't want people thinking, "Hey, shouldn't HE be President?".
The Guy Hillary picked was perfect. What was he called? I don't remember his name. Anyway, he was the perfect man-servant for a Lady. Beto would fit that role.
He’ll be running against Trump who has been implementing the policies of Jared Kushner.
This isn’t Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Beto.
This is W, Obama, Trump, Beto.
The hand-gesturing was just a ploy to get the video more views.
What REALLY mattered was letting the white suburban women get a long look at his wife.
Let's face it: dude coulda got himself a perky hot chick, a Reese Witherspoon with a Boston accent and a bit more Bitch Face, maybe.
Then the white suburban women would grow cold to him, because OF COURSE he's got a good-looking wife, he's like all of those other self-absorbed good-looking men who need to have a good-looking wife.
But Beto's wife is kinda like them. Not ugly, not a flashy dresser, just... plain.
But HE sees her beauty. And THAT is the kind of man they want: a man who can appreciate a plain woman.
If the dude only had a gay son he'd be golden.
I am Laslo.
You've nominated a female POTUS candidate. Who's the perfect Male VP?
Answer: Mitt Romney.
Who's the worst Male VP?
Answer: Donald Trump.
Maybe they like a guy whose wife is American.
Didn't Mitt always look like a "Ken Doll"?
This video from his Senate campaign exemplifies what the Beto campaign is, and who his groupies/constituents are
I think it's effective, well done, and illustrates 'politics are downstream from culture' as Bretibart used to say.
near as I can tell his appeal is not so much to young people but to older females who are liberal and have a Kennedy fetish. Especially the ones who've not gone lesbian or asexual yet.
Good point, poor word choice on my part. May I switch from gravitas to duende, that is closer to the characteristic I was thinking about.
He’ll appeal to the same people who voted for Obama.
What kind of creeped me out is the way Amy stared at Beto fixedly the entire time of the video.
The other thing? When a guy that looks like a teenager is in your living room and starts off with "Amy and I would like to share with you..." the most likely thing he's going to tell you next is that Jesus is your friend.
Laslo of course, scores with a great insight. Plenty of chicks thinking "Wow, I'm better looking that her". But she fails at the "Nancy Reagan looks lovingly at her MAN".
But you gotta be a Hollywood actress to pull that off.
That’s a solid American name.
Trump uses hand motions as well, so in the twisted mind of The Donald, it all goes back to his sensitivity to short fingers. So let's look at finger sizes: O'Rourke and Trump.
“O.K., you, in the third row… Yes, you… I’m calling on you… Yes, that’s why I’m pointing… I’m pointing with my finger… My FINGER. This one… Why would you think I’m holding up a cocktail frank?
Turned the sound on. Creeped out by the "the united states....of America".
why the hesitation, beto? Were you thinking "The united states of NORTH America"?
If you handcuffed Beto, he'd be silenced.
That said, he's a loser. If you can't win a statewide race in your home state, how can you expect to win a nationwide race?
Beto's problem is that if he doesn't run for President, he's really got nothing to do. What's plan B? Running for El Paso Water Commissioner?
Trump's plan is to get you to watch the hand gestures whenever Beto talks. The words then are secondary. Sounds to emphasize the hand gestures.
Beto is taller than Trump, has much better hair, and is in much better shape.
So Trump is worried about Beto getting the nomination. He’s even more worried about Beto fucking Melania
Oh it Amy, Amy, square as any name can be. But society, propriety, would say...
"Beto is taller than Trump, has much better hair, and is in much better shape."
Hey, its Mr. Fuck Reagan and I'm not a Moby.
Hello, Mr. Left-wing Fake.
"Trump's plan is to get you to watch the hand gestures whenever Beto talks."
I love it when a plan comes together. Exit stage left.
I'm more worried about his wife having to pay attention to him for so long. No wife does that unless they have electrodes attached to them.
Without the sound on, he looks like a revival preacher. He needs a Bible in his left had to wave and pound on occasionally.
well name check the master in sound of drums,
If I were a real journalist, I'd ask Beta:
"So, the Earth's atmospheric temperature has risen an estimated 1 degree Celsius since the end of the Little Ice Age." That's 1.8 degrees F."
BOR: Right.
"And the Earth's temperature was about 2 degrees Celsius lower than today during the Little Ice Age ending in the early 1800's, until it began to warm up."
BOR: I guess so. I hear it was was colder, in any case.
"So...what ended the Little Ice Age?"
BOR: I dunno. Nobody knows.
"Mr BOR, can you explain how the Earth used to be much, much warmer, and much, much colder, during its geologic history and had much higher CO2 levels during most of it?"
BOR: Whaaaa? I didn't know that, but in any case this time "it's different."
"So...did life become extinct when it was 2 degrees C colder than today? Did it become extinct when it was much warmer than today?, when CO2 levels were much higher, by a factor of ten or more? Please explain those huge dinosaurs, if you can.. Or the huge mammals roaming the Americas during the cold periods."
BOR: No, I can't explain that. I don't know shit about science.
"And has life gone extinct when the atmosphere warmed 3 degrees C since the worst
BOR: No, obviously.
"Then why would the forecast of life becoming EXTINCT if the Earth's temperature warmed another 1 degree C be scientifically persuasive?"
BOR: Derp.
"Mr Beto, are you familiar with the Kelvin scale?"
BOR: No. That's dweeb stuff.
"It's commonly used among scientists. It starts with absolute thermodynamic zero, at minus 273 degrees K. That's the point where scientists begin to measure the thermal energy of a system.
Do you know how it relates to the Celsius scale?"
BOR: No.
"Well, Celsius takes Kelvin scale degrees and limits them to a range between the freezing and boiling points of water. Thus 0 degrees Celsius equals 273 Kelvin; 100 degrees Celsius is 373 Kelvin. Got that?
BOR: No. I was told there would be no math.
"The point is, a 1 degree K increase on a 273 absolute scale is a change of 274/273 = 0.36% change. Do you agree?"
BOR: Whatev.
"But if scientific illiterates hear about a 1 degree C change, they assume its an UNPRECEDENTED ONE PERCENT CHANGE on a 100 degree scale, and they might think that's REALLY significant, Another percent increase even more so. And that's utterly unscientific.
Fact is, the Earth has undergone much larger swings in atmospheric and ocean temperatures, and life has NEVER become extinct. If asteroid impacts, if enormous volcanic outgassings (cf the Siberian and Deccan Traps), if Iceball Earth (almost the entire Earth covered with glaciers and ice) couldn't do it, why do you think the puny inputs of human beings can?
"On top of that, C02 is tens of times less prevalent in our atmosphere than water vapor and gas, both much more powerful IR absorbers and re-emitters."
BOR : Double derp.
Moral: Don't expect any member of the press to ask these questions.
but you warmistas might mull them over.
Scott Adams in a second periscope covers the Beto dance. Learn the moves.
And yet our government made it impossible to sue pharmaceutical companies in suspected vaccine injury cases. What do gun makers need to do to curry favor??
How many remember the Head Drum Majorette of the band doing a half time show. Some climb up on a rolled out stand. Beto is doing the same thing as if he is the leader of the band.
Laslo says... But Beto's wife is kinda like them. Not ugly, not a flashy dresser, just... plain. But HE sees her beauty
He DOES see her beauty, all TEN figures of it. Being a BILLIONAIRESS does give you an inner beauty
And yet our government made it impossible to sue pharmaceutical companies in suspected vaccine injury cases.
Vaccines save vastly more lives than they cost, but the companies get no money from saved lives to offset money lost to lives lost lawsuits.
So if you want to save vast numbers of lives, you have to give vaccine makers some reason to stay in the business.
Basically it offsets an idiocy in product liability laws.
I don't think he's hot. Straight women thinks he hot The gays don't.
@wholelottasplainin' - that was excellent.
Does Althouse know that Robert has Bob Dylan on his bookshelves?
Beto was in Congress six years. He’s a totally plausible president after W, Obama, and Trump.
Got a bill passed to name a Post Office. So he has a successful record of achievement,.
The connecticut supreme court will be overturned.
His wife hanging onto his arm while he gestures like that is weird.
Vaccines save vastly more lives than they cost, but the companies get no money from saved lives to offset money lost to lives lost lawsuits.
So if you want to save vast numbers of lives, you have to give vaccine makers some reason to stay in the business.
Basically it offsets an idiocy in product liability laws.
This is fucking insane.
"Titus said...
I don't think he's hot. Straight women thinks he hot The gays don't."
Hot? Not hot? Doesn't matter. These guys will allow muzzies to give you flying lessons off a four story building. How hot is that?
The hand motions do get a bit bizarre around the 2 minute mark and forward. It almost looks like the wife is trying to restrain him.
I’ve been posting here as long as you.
Unlike you, I don’t make excuses failure and incompetence.
Reagan signed Amnesty. He also ran huge deficits well after economic growth and unemployment had improved. Maybe you forgot or maybe you are ignorant like AOC and we’re born in 1989.
Trump has done jack shit about the border. Farmer is right. He signed on to Paul Ryan’s bullshit and Mitch McConnell’s judges.
Open Borders and Trillion Dollar Deficits. Just like with W and Obama.
I don’t give a shit about Twitter and Scott Adams hot takes.
I want a fucking Wall and some hard immigration enforcement. Start deporting those Dreamers. They are here illegally. Start with Mitch McComnell’s Mexican Maid.
Stop listening to Ivanka and Jared. They are fucking Progressive Twits.
Apparently we need Kim and Kanye to push for the Fucking Wall because they actually have Trump’s ear.
I've now read the early comments. FORGET the hands! The frightening thing is the laundry list of supposed "problems" for which he provides NO solutions. In this instance, the hands distraction is a feature not a big. It leaves people thinking he cares about my (insert problem here) without having to think beyond that point.
HR people are the lowest form of life there is.
Elizabeth Warren uses the same gesture. It's called the Tomahawk Chop!!
Amy blinks when Beto moves his hands, or is that a flinch?
Please offer McCullough a thread where he can vent his I hate them all bit in context.
No wife does that unless they have electrodes attached to them.
Her maiden name was Stepford.
I felt like I was watching a TED Talk on the couch.
All the hand motions made him bounce around too much. So I voted looks bad instead of looks crazy.
President Trump is messing with Robert. Bigly.
It's like asking the guy standing over his golf ball ready to make his tee shot. You ask him if he inhales or exhales on his back swing. Now Robert is going to think about his hands and use them less...or more. No matter what, he is going to think about about them alot, when he is speaking extemporaneously. His brain trying to control his hands, at the same time he is trying to form a coherent sentence. This will be fun.
He's trying to be hip doing that crazy hand jive.
Did he boogie away when the interview was over?
(I could not bear to watch).
The real moment of truth is whether western values will rule out.
that part where he said Obama was a better speaker, well the pablum that O'Rourke dribbles, the problem is there are two many senators like tillis, who are utterly useless, once upon a time, there was the likes of helms, who was the front line of the cold war hardliners, no not the neocons, those were a different animal all together,
He reminds me of the guy in first grade that was conflicted about raising his hand to use the restroom until he was sitting in a puddle.
"Try NOT looking at Beto's jazz hands next time he talks. You can't. You won't even hear what he is saying."
Lord, that's so true.
Didn't Mitt always look like a "Ken Doll"?
Really he always looks like a weasel.
someone else tried to troll us last week
Too bad they cut out the part where he looks around to see if there is room to do the moonwalk.
Note that his wife is holding down his left arm - those are her fingers in the crook of his elbow. Maybe he gets more voluble with his other arm to compensate. Or maybe she knows he has a problem and is trying to help.
Goofy would be a great name for a 10th planet, as well as Beto.
He looks young and not serious enough to be president. The hand motions are to much, annoying, but not crazy.
His wif'e blinking is almost as distracting as his earnest handwaving.
Can his wife bake cookies and have teas, like Tammy Wynette?
Note that his wife is holding down his left arm - those are her fingers in the crook of his elbow. Maybe he gets more voluble with his other arm to compensate. Or maybe she knows he has a problem and is trying to help.
It's not about the craze hands. She's just trying to anchor him to earth so he doesn't float away into space.
Will this make SNL cold open , Liven it up.
I can't wait to see Beto go mano a mano against Liz Warren: Tomahawk Chop!
Odds are that Beto Bob will now over-compensate and be like Molly Shannon on Seinfeld not swinging her arms when she walks, like he's "carrying invisible suitcases."
First Democrat Debate:
Harris: Why do we need ANOTHER white man as President? What about Diversity?
Beto: I'd be glad to be your V-P. M'lady.
You know, if "he had got him a beer" to hold in his hand, it would have kept down the frenetic gesticulating. Should have learned some lessons from Fauxcahontas.
I would say his hand gestures are effete. Can you say that any more?
They lack punch. They are a bit noodle-y.
Titus said...I don't think he's hot. Straight women thinks he hot The gays don't.
But didn't you think Booker was hot? Nobody thinks Booker is hot except for Booker.
Beto proud of his hands. Trump jealous, Melania sighs.
Hey! My watch and wallet are missing!! How'd he do that?!?!
Off-Track Beto, the Silky Phony. Natural-born Dem
Looks like a Kennedy--and not in a good way.
Phony, toothy, over-prepped, and I think fundamentally Not Too Bright.
Trump is funny on purpose; "Beto" is funny, but not on purpose.
Beto has the saddest dog I've seen that wasn't in a rescue commercial..just sayin'
his patroness/wife/handler calls him "SpongeBob"
A fake Indian, a fake Mexican and Katlin Jenner walk into a bar. After a session of the Democratic Party convention.
It's what his mouth is doing that makes him crazy. Anybody who thinks the United States economy is in a crisis right now is just nuts. Has ever heard of Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, North Korea, Italy, Greece, China? As Obama might say, 2009 called and they want their crisis back. I think this poseur does too.
He reminds me of a male cheerleader, and we already had one of those.
At this moment of maximum peril and maximum potential...?
My translation ...
Can't let this crisis go to waste!
Hey, I got your hand gesture right here.
Beto has the saddest dog I've seen that wasn't in a rescue commercial..just sayin'
Do you think it was the dinner invitation from Barack ?
Crazy-hands Beto. Shorter version...
Crazy Beto. Trump for the win.
Nearly everything at the macro level in our country is much better than usual right now. We do have three crises right now: 1) Corruption and graft in our politics, and national budget, 2) Loss of respect for The 1st Amendment, and 3) Mal-education of our young.
I don't think Beto or any other Democrat has the solutions for those. Their values are the source of those problems.
If he becomes President, he can claim he fixed our economic crisis over lunch the day of his inauguration.
"He reminds me of a male cheerleader, and we already had one of those."
Huh? Mitt lost in 2012.
W was the male cheerleader. At Yale.
So, Beto. Why the long face?
I can't get the video to download so I can't comment on his hands. I looked at some other videos including an interview with Ellen DeGeneris.
He reminds me of the new kind of waiters who sort of come over to chat with you about your possible meal. They really want you to like them. And, at first, they seem real but then you see how they are pushing the special of the day just like all other waiters. Plus, you get tired of them telling you in a very sincere voice how great your choices are, when in fact you are making the same choices you always do in a strange place - either hamburger and French Fries or steak and baked potato depending on the type of restaurant. (Though I have learned to order tomato soup because that's a good guide to how well their chef can cook vegetable dishes and fish.) But you have to hide all your thoughts and praise them like little kids or they get pouty. Anyhow Beto seems like that - someone trying to sell sincere and charm in order to make money. A door-to-door salesman, something this generation has never seen.
Somebody explain something to me. Beto is Irish-American, trying to pretend to be Hispanic. So what’s with gesturing like an Italian?
"W was the male cheerleader. At Yale."
Y'right. Hahahaha.
Wipes tears off.
I don't like to think I'm crazy, but watching the video, I wondered for a second if maybe he looks a wee bit - a weeeeeeee bit - like a polished George Thorogood. A Thorogood who cleaned himself up at 25 say, and told the barber to cut the hair, and all the rest that would-be politicos do to make themselves nurture the proper "look"
I didn't want to be crazy so I googled Thorogood. (When younger) In some instances, maybe I'm not crazy.
What is crazy is that I worry that a President saw the same, saw all the hand gestures, and is laying a long con to call this guy Hand Jive if it comes to that. That's crazy!!
Beto is crazy like a beta, Trump is crazy like a fox.
This performance is likely to push Warren back onto the warpath.
Girls and gays talk with their hands.
By the way, one of the things I dislike about Trump is . . . his hand gestures. That raised hand with the index finger: silly.
"Somebody explain something to me. Beto is Irish-American, trying to pretend to be Hispanic. So what’s with gesturing like an Italian?"
He don't look like no Mussolini to me. Whatsamattau, trying to pull an Italian stereotype on us?
I prefer to study how regulars here fall for bait re gettin' ta call a lib mentally ill.
Not just Meadehouse notices.
Funny stuff.
Just remember. You can make fun of the Krauts, the I-ties, and the squareheads. But never make fun of the Irish. They all saw a "Irish need not apply sign" 150 years ago, and they're still wanking on about it.
Not getting the bagging on his wife. She’s actually very attractive in a natural kind of way. God forbid he gets within a thousand miles of the springs of power, but she’d be a refreshing change from the usual run of shrewish political wife. I’m beginning to see why Althouse thinks this clown is dangerous. He’s not a Kennedy, he’s a white Obama. And a white Obama is going to appeal to a shit load of LIVs.
This is mainly a casting exercise to see who would best play the President on TV. Beto isn't right for the role of President, but maybe as the President's best friend and comic sidekick.
His hands go up and down so much he must masturbate a lot. At this point it is just muscle memory.
Should his nickname be Master-Beto?
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