The image is of a shattering of the symbol of the male. The conventional shattering we hear about when the topic is feminism is the shattering of the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling is a barrier that has kept women from rising beyond a certain point. It's glass because you don't see it. Women are told that they can rise and that there is no limit, but in reality, there is a ceiling. The glass ceiling metaphor led to the idea of breaking through the glass ceiling, and when you break glass, it shatters. But the glass shouldn't have been there in the first place. Maybe "shattering" feels like a feminist activity, but it is destructive, and it shouldn't be done to things you don't want to destroy. So I hate this image of shattering the male. Women are not trapped inside the male and needing to destroy him to achieve our full dimension. The male is not the equivalent of the glass ceiling.
The article is "Democrats Can Vote to End the Myth of the White Male Savior/As accomplished women fear that they’re imposters, men see greatness as their birthright. Will primary voters agree?" by Emma Goldberg (in The Daily Beast). I don't know how much supports the offensive message in the graphic. After the first 3 paragraph, it's blocked by a pay wall.
The 2020 Democratic primary will serve as a referendum on a whole host of political questions—chief among them the myth of the white male savior.Perhaps Goldberg goes on to say that women can be brilliant and heroic too. I don't know, and I'm not going to subscribe to The Daily Beast to find out. Judging from the title, the idea is that we need to stop thinking of men as heroes. Is it that we need women to be our heroes or just that we ought to stop looking for heroes and give the job to a savvy, hardworking Hermione type? That makes sense to me, but I've never looked to politicians for salvation. The "Myth of the White Male Savior" isn't anything I've ever believed in. And I'm not interested in Harry Potter or Star Wars or all the many super-hero movies that fill the theater these days. Maybe America does have a problem of fixation on heroes, and maybe that does affect our willingness to vote for a woman for President because — on some deep level — we feel the hero is male.
One of the assumptions stubbornly lodged in our cultural psyche is the belief in male genius, the notion of men destined for a hero’s journey. Women can be hardworking, motivated, enthusiastic—but not brilliant by nature. For children, this assumption forms as early as age 6; according to NYU psychologist Andrei Cimpian, girls rate their male classmates as better suited for activities that demand exceptional talent. This insecurity persists throughout women’s careers. Research in the journal American Psychologist found that women are less likely to apply for jobs when the description requires candidates with “a brilliant mind.” Another recent study, also by Cimpian, found that people associate terms like “genius” and “brilliance” more often with white men, not people of color.
It’s unsurprising that we find it so hard to undo our tightly held belief in white male saviors; it’s a story that gets perpetually reinforced. Harry Potter was anointed, from birth, to slay Lord Voldemort; Hermione Granger may be savvier and more hardworking, but without a messianic birthright, she remains just Harry’s sidekick. From Odysseus to Skywalker, we’ve been raised on tales of men who are reluctant to take on epic journeys but find that they were just born for it....
If so, the "myth" might be something like a glass ceiling, and I might see the temptation to illustrate the concept with a shattering symbol of the male. But the temptation should have been resisted. It expresses a hateful intention toward a class of human beings.
Democrats are the party of hate.
It is easier to display hate than talk about their platform.
Higher taxes, more regulations, open borders, gun grabbing, endless wars, hate of the other.
They focus on the last one because that polls above 30% unlike the other stuff.
"It's glass because you don't see it."
Or, maybe you don't see it because it's not really there.
"Another recent study, also by Cimpian, found that people associate terms like “genius” and “brilliance” more often with white men, not people of color."
When I think of a genius, I think of Stevie Wonder, a musical genius.
Anybody who thinks of Einstein or Poindexter when they think of an example of a genius is a racist. Oh and Newton is the least-genius person of all time.
The woman running are not impressive at all. A fake Indian, a younger and shriller version of Hillary, Minnesota bland and a whore who slept her way to the top. The party of bad choices.
I keep forgetting— are women allowed to vote? And are there more men or women?
Plenty of men get the “impostor syndrome”, ladies. It’s practically mandatory if you’ve made it into medical school, as I have. We just don’t feel the same need to natter on about it in public, or to think it excuses our failings when we in fact are not making the grade, and most certainly we are not prone to blame all women or society in general for it.
I keep forgetting— are women allowed to vote? And are there more men or women?
"It expresses a hateful intention toward a class of human beings."
Well, that's what feminism is.
Women should remember that, in Night of the Living Dead, it was a black male savior.
Often abstracting from details solves a complex problem. You need a man for that.
Harmony in a neighborhood is a woman's job.
The former is tactlessness-based, the latter is tact-based.
Wm. Empson in The Structure of Complex Words somewhere speculates on what holds together an Egyptian word that apparently means woman or child.
"No good for fighting" was his guess at a possibility.
One of the great benefits of the Obama presidency was showing all who dare to acknowledge that a black man could be just as incompetent and imperial as George W.Bush. I look forward to having a woman join this club as well.
Men do not mind the "men must fail" meme. It's just women being women.
The heroic posture prevails.
It's Althouse that wants to do away with that male trait.
(I believe that's a cleft sentence, thus requiring "that" not "who")
Another recent study, also by Cimpian, found that people associate terms like “genius” and “brilliance” more often with white men
I want to see the study where people associate terms like "genius" and "brilliance" to politicians.
As a female, I find leftist female authoritarianism really annoying and inverted.
They cannot abide by the fact that Hillary lost and so we get endless women's marches that are not about women, but instead are a sick display of hatred of the male - and hatred of Trump in particular.
Are these masses of leftwing females blind to the fact that men vote too? and this garbage is a major turn off?
One of the assumptions stubbornly lodged in our cultural psyche is the belief in male genius, the notion of men destined for a hero’s journey.
The heroic male garbage-truck driver is my hero because he's a genius! (swoon).
Perhaps girls would aspire to the heroism of driving a garbage-truck if they read Bibles rather than that Harriet Pottery tripe: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."
Hero Hillary! More powerful than streptococcus! Able to be helped up and down flights of stairs! Look, down on the ground, it's a heap, it's a dump, it's Super Hillary! Who, disguised as a fat filthy old hag stewing in entitlement, fights a never-ending battle for graft, kickbacks, greed, and the democrat party of America!
"...I've never looked to politicians for salvation."
Amen. Policy is the real issue. The Democrats are the Mommy Party. Whatever screw up you do, she is always there to tell you it is not your fault. The Daddy Party tends to say, "Suck it up, son. You're on your own." Which approach produces healthy adults? Don't forget it was a male Democrat that said, "You didn't produce that."
What we need are more Margaret Thatcher's.
Democrats are the party of labels. They are the party of division.....dividing by who you are, what color you are, who you voted for, if you are a male or female...rich or poor, old or young...and what religion you are. It's all that matters to them.
it's blocked by a pay wall
You can read it with "view page source", but the article did not improve after the mention of Lord Voldemort, e.g. "As voters, supporters, and reporters, we reinforce this double standard by heaping media attention and donations on the white males", so it's not worth it.
"Maybe "shattering" feels like a feminist activity, but it is destructive, and it shouldn't be done to things you don't want to destroy. So I hate this image of shattering the male."
So you hate prog hate. But the fact is, they do want to destroy--"the male" is just one target. So are the women who have some modicum of decency left. They aim to destroy the whole culture you think you value.
Dems despise men and Jews. The MSM "mislead" or lie with abandon. You know what the left does in Madison and Chicago. Prog "intellectuals" distort your cherished feminism and find you as deplorable as the rest of us.
And so on and so forth. Time to choose sides.
The article sounds like a thinly veiled attack on Christianity. Discussing the centrality of a male savior myth without addressing the elephant in the room: why is it central to our culture?
Who were the male “saviors “ they tried to sell us? Obama certainly. JFK, Ike, FDR. Maybe TR, but only after he’d been President for 3 years. Most of the time we don’t elect, and aren’t asked to elect, saviors. The claim that we are is the myth.
This is really a good example of everything that is wrong with the left. They view everything as a zero sum game. What others have--money, education, achievement, even, apparently, the confidence to believe in oneself--must not only be redistributed but deprived from those who historically possessed it. It's not enough to be equal in opportunity or even outcome. There must be retribution. Men must be subordinated, whites oppressed, rich made poor, the powerful weak, the confident fearful.
Maybe "shattering" feels like a feminist activity, but it is destructive, and it shouldn't be done to things you don't want to destroy.
You are assuming that modern feminism isn't seeking to destroy men. I believe you are wrong.
So I hate this image of shattering the male.
Yet you were, and apparently are, supportive of CBF and her enablers when they attempted to destroy Kavanaugh.
Women are not trapped inside the male and needing to destroy him to achieve our full dimension.
Tell that to Caitlyn Jenner.
Maybe America does have a problem of fixation on heroes, and maybe that does affect our willingness to vote for a woman for President because — on some deep level — we feel the hero is male.
I do not know anyone who thinks they are looking for a hero in choosing a POTUS. They are looking for a competent executive whose goals align with theirs.
Heroes are for books and movies where people need to suspend their disbelief.
I wonder if the writer can tell the difference between fiction (where we have plenty of heroes) and reality (where they are quite rare).
These people are wacked out of their minds.
Time to read again Allan Bloom's "The Closing of the American Mind." The first thing noticed was that students no longer had any idea of a hero. That was 30 years ago.
We were all created equal by a fair and loving God. Evolution is a right wing myth.
I usually enjoy your going to town on wokesters' bombuli, but sometimes egregiously stupid shit is just egregiously stupid shit.
It's time to walk away when the Ronco-matic sjw trope generator starts churning out Harry Potter references.
"...our cultural psyche...
More evidence Kamala is to be the chosen one.
The image of shattering "the glass ceiling" implies individual women achieving this feat.
Some individual women always have; even in ancient Egypt there were women pharaohs.
What is going on today seems, like always, to be about the mass of women not liking this much, and what they want is for the women to form a flexible blanket over the tribe - a female group government that does not allow any one, male or female, to rise above them.
I'm straining to think of what our highways and dams would be like if we had to depend on women to build and maintain them.
"The image is of a shattering of the symbol of the male."
The image symbolizes vasectomy — a very rough, jagged cut. Not a clean, kind cut. Probably a dull, rusty scalpel. Not even a scalpel, a carving knife. A vasectomy that can never ever be reversed.
"Harry Potter was anointed, from birth, to slay Lord Voldemort"
Jeebus. Read another fucking book, lady.
Among the patently obvious truths that we’re no longer allowed to utter is that there is indeed a masculine genius, a sacrificial nature that drives his risk taking. Anthropologically speaking this has served The Family well. Women have a feminine genius — the drive to bring life and beauty into the world. We are doing our best to suppress and deny our primordial essences...and are miserable for it.
“...according to NYU psychologist Andrei Cimpian, girls rate their male classmates as better suited for activities that demand exceptional talent.”
Of course they do. But not because it’s true, or even because they perceive it to be true, but because girls are nicer than boys (as a whole) and so they rate the boys with high marks. Plus they can be petty and bitchy with each other (again, as a whole) so they can’t rate the other girls with high marks. Besides “”Becka was a bitch in home room, I think she got her period.”
A vasectomy is kindness towards women.
The male, the white male, the white masculine male. The baby, the unworthy baby. The "burdens" of our lives.
Diversity or color judgment, another wicked solution, is a clear and progressive
condition, which has [socially] justified zero-sum political conniving (PC).
One of the assumptions stubbornly lodged in our cultural psyche is the belief in male genius
The paragraph that begins with this unsupported assertion is one of the dumbest I have ever read. I’ve had the privilege of working with some pretty bright women during the course of my career, and I don’t recall any of them waiting around for a genius “hero” to show up and fix challenging problems. Why should I expect less of a smart woman than I would of an equally smart guy?
Now there is a certain kind of second-rate woman who can’t measure up and who has been trained to assume that it’s the fault of sexism and the patriarchy. It’s not that they spend meeting time texting on their cell phones instead of finding out what’s going on with the project, it’s not that they never learned the subjects they studied in school because they were IM-ing on their laptops instead of taking notes on the lecture, and ABSOLUTELY it is not that they confuse how many hours they worked on a problem with whether they solved it.
Nope. It’s sexism and the patriarchy. And the only way people will ever recognize the “value” of these females is after they’re done pulling down men. Of course they’ll still lose out to the really bright women, but they remember how to deal with bright women from their high school days as mean girls.
Obama was 1/2 white. I guess they’re getting there?
Mott wrote: "One of the great benefits of the Obama presidency was showing all who dare to acknowledge that a black man could be just as incompetent and imperial as George W.Bush."
We will be a equality-based society when anyone can become powerful no matter how incompetent, greedy, mendacious, or pernicious they are.
When I was growing up, I was taught women could be anything they wanted to be. Both of my sisters became engineers, and I became a computer systems analyst.
Then, even though women were very much gaining equality with me, they started the Girl Power stuff in schools. No longer just the girl scouts where girls got to do stuff, it was about Girl Empowerment. There were folders and t-shirts that the elementary school girls carried around that said "Girl Power".
So is it any wonder that now the Female Superiority generation is of age and we start being taught that men should be shattered, aren't heroes, and never suffer from self doubt, imposter syndrome, and believe they are great? I mean, it starts to become eliminationist rhetoric. White men aren't heroes-- they are really not even fully people. Girl Power. Burn the books where men are heroes. Destroy the history of the white men. Shatter them like glass. Like a night of shattering glass.
Remember when Hillary skated on the email thing because, as the Secretary of State of the United States of America, former Senator, and confirmed by that august body, she wasn't smart enough to know that she was breaking all kinds of laws?
I guess Comey figured that she was "just a girl."
It's not enough for blacks to succeed ...
It's not enough for gays to succeed ...
Harry Potter was written by a woman......The Game of Thrones was written by a man. There's a good chance that the savior in GOT will be a woman......This is confusing. Are woke writers like J.K. Rowlings dessiminating the myth of male saviors for some subversive feminist purpose? Are wretched chauvinists like George Martin celebrating the heroic journeys of all those women in GOT to demonstrate how barren their lives are without men?......I like GOT better than Harry Potter. Neither drama has much relevance to my present life, and I'm not in the market for a savior, male or female, but I do find the nudity and gore in GOT far more entertaining than the magic tricks in Harry Potter.
if we had to depend on women to build and maintain them
To be fair, adult women and men reconcile, and men are conventionally selected to earn taxable income and produce/maintain public works. There may be a sex-correlated difference that would favor masculine attributes, there may be a sex-correlated personal preference, but it is likely to be a product of practical and rational intent.
If you take away the responsibility to be a hero from a man. You take away his reason for being.
The Democrats are the Mommy Party. Whatever screw up you do, she is always there to tell you it is not your fault. The Daddy Party tends to say, "Suck it up, son. You're on your own."
Interesting. I haven't heard this concept before, and requires a deeper analysis.
Deplorable insecurity on full display. Sure, there are some loud-mouthed whining hair pies running around cray-cray. Because you people believe in creation science logic, you take every outlier and blow it up using a retarded variant of mental PCR to declare this is the dominant culture. No wonder you fall so hard for a lady-boy con man.
The notion that "men see greatness as their birthright" is absurd. Likewise the notion that anyone ever thought males are geniuses. Everyone knows that greatness and genius are rare. Yet the article consistently frames things backwards. Even if all geniuses and saviors are white men, it doesn't follow that because white and male they are, Beto, Biden and Bernie must be genius saviors by birthright as well.
Pithier me: Shattered glass can be from a glass ceiling or Kristallnacht. How you speak of others when trying to empower people like you makes a big difference.
"I want to see the study where people associate terms like "genius" and "brilliance" to politicians"
Did you sleep through the Obama era?
Oh, you mean by normal people.
yes his exposition of Weimar influences, apart from the Frankfurt school, were illuminating,
The subtext of the whole push for diversity has always been anti-male especially anti white male. For years my local news site has run stories about the "diversity problem" at local tech companies. The problem is that there are too many white men at these companies.
No body can stop anyone from being a hero... you are expressing the surrender monkey deplorable mentality. Math is Hard!
I'm straining to think of what our highways and dams would be like if we had to depend on women to build and maintain them.
@mockturtle, you don’t have to think too hard. The pedestrian bridge at Florida International university that collapsed and killed six people was designed by a woman-operated firm. It was founded by an internationally famous engineer, but its present CEO is his daughter.
To quote Wikipedia: “An examination carried out by the Federal Highway Administration discovered faults in the design of the bridge, which overestimated the strength of the bridge in the region which failed, and underestimated the load it would be expected to carry.”
Greatness and world domination is the Celtic/Viking male birthright. I know this because my Mom said so. You fuckers are too pussy to stay in the game when a couple gashes make some triggering dog-whistles that puts your tail between your legs.
No wonder you fall so hard for a lady-boy con man.
Howard, you should try to calm down. I know it hurts to lose but he'll be gone after 2025.
Why do people keep trying to sneak into countries run by white males ?
You'd think that that there would be lots trying to get into South Africa which is driving out all white people,
Those they are not killing anyway,
Heroic tales are a worldwide phenomenon, and go back into the depths of time.
And the heroes are almost all male, with only a few exceptions.
Its a human thing, not American.
Its always a bit of a shock to hear what one would suppose to be educated people be so ignorantly parochial. It is disconcerting.
Yeah, why couldn't Homer make Achilles and Amazon?
Howard, this is the dominant culture. Especially at the cutting edge of the future.
You cannot say anything against the cray-cray, in the F1000, if you are a man with a responsible professional position and career, or you will be marched out the door and blackballed from your industry. You can't even say it in private if it gets out and reported. That is the flat, complete truth. The cray cray rule.
I think you are either messing with us, or are in some blue-collar bubble.
Looking forward to the coming battle. It's gonna be fun.
The image symbolizes vasectomy
Nah, it’s the abortion of the male from society.
After all, it’s now entirely up to women to determine if a life should continue.
The BBC announced a while back that they won't be funding any more shows with a white male expert explaining some subject. Take that Sir David Attenborough!
Other than the fact that almost 90% of all great heroes and geniuses in American history have been men, I can see why its a "myth".
Personally, I keep waiting for the great female leaders to start leading. But other than Palin and ???, I can't think of any. Usually, female Pols aren't pushing themselves to front with heroic genius - instead they get picked by the Establishment because of their husband (Hillary) or because the Party thinks women will vote for someone who wears a skirt.
BTW, if this is all about stopping Joe Biden - I'll join the anti-white male bandwagon.
“Among the patently obvious truths that we’re no longer allowed to utter is that there is indeed a masculine genius, a sacrificial nature that drives his risk taking. Anthropologically speaking this has served The Family well. Women have a feminine genius — the drive to bring life and beauty into the world. We are doing our best to suppress and deny our primordial essences...and are miserable for it.”
Males are biologically expendable. Females are not. We are likely to see over the next several decades with China what happens when females are treated as expendable instead - they are very likely facing a far more rapid demographic collapse than any other country in this world, and it likely isn’t going to be pretty.
What that means is that males are driven to take many more chances than females. We were talking yesterday about why some males were not having any sex. One of the trends seems to be that fewer guys were getting laid by more gals. If a woman shares a man with other women, her kids are still hers, while if the situation is reversed, the resulting kids are more and more likely not his. So, on average, men have to work harder for breeding opportunities than women do, and, thus, why they are evolutionarily driven to take more chances and to work harder at getting ahead. Think about it this way - if a male risks his life being a hero, he may be increasing his Darwinian odds, by increasing his chances at breeding, if successful, but if a female does, she statistically reduces hers, unless those that she is being a hero for are her direct descendants. That is a big reason that we have traditionally sent our men to war, and left the women behind, because the surviving males can impregnate them, should the other males fail to return.
Most on the Right don't generally believe in political saviors of any color, but the ones that do imagine a ruddy complected Jew in sandals.
I must admit that I sometimes wish for a political savior, but ideally it would be a black/hispanic woman with uncompromising conservative/libertarian values and rough direct language.
“For children, this assumption forms as early as age 6; according to NYU psychologist Andrei Cimpian, girls rate their male classmates as better suited for activities that demand exceptional talent.”
I’m waiting for the day when they ban gym class on the basis of it being “sexist” due to boys typically being better at physical activoties than girls. As early as kindergarten, I realized that boys had more talent in gym as a general rule of thumb - they were faster, better coordinated, stronger. Duh. I wasn’t offended, though, because even as a kid, I realized girls and boys were just made different, and I wouldn’t want to be a boy anyway. (Cooties!)
But seriously, if good grammar is now considered racist, it’s only a matter of time that athleticism is considered sexist.
there are too many white men at these companies
Yes, diversity is a clear and progressive problem. The Guardian's Hope Solo has reported that there are "too many white girls next door" in the Olympics.
White men aren't heroes-- they are really not even fully people
It has roots in deprecated science when it is an inconvenient barrier to social progress and political leverage. This is where human life is reduced to colorful clumps of cells, and People and Posterity are labeled as privileged, fetuses, and other technical terms of art disconnected from reality.
Out of the infinite number of stupid things males will try to do, a few will turn out to be successful innovations.
It's six weeks to Thatcher's 40th anniversary of her accession to Prime Minister. It should be clear that the glass ceiling consists of (1) not thinking like her; and, (2) savaging any woman who does.
I sometimes wonder if the lunatics who write things like this realize that women have sons, brothers, husbands and fathers.
The attempt to make relations between men and women a zero-sum game is one of the reasons that younger women are turned off by the dreck that passes as feminism these days.
What would a week without men look like?
Like current Venezuela but women could sleep outside 'in safety'?
Men have always allowed women their 'safe spaces'. Get thee to a nunnery, an you hate men so much.
Ladies, pick a state, ANY state (I suggest California) Move the heterosexual men out (there can't be that many). It is yours! Do with it as you will! Run everything (into the ground).
You can succeed or fail on your own merits and genius. Show us!
You have to laugh as the left encourages unrestricted Hispanic immigration. I wish Goldberg good luck in cowering Hispanic males. Yeah, it ain't gonna happen.
This is that 'tedious' science question that Althouse continues to dismiss.
Science and IQ tests have been clear. Men have a broad and shallow IQ distribution. So the dumbest man in the cocktail party will be a man...but so will the smartest person in the room.
Which is not to say women can't be smart, or even genius (no one here is of that category, man or woman) but that for every 'genius' woman, there are twenty genius men out there.
This is called 'statistics', which requires more math than law.
So there is some truth: the smartest people in our culture, for MANY reasons, have been white men...and now that we are a 'diverse' society, Asian men.
That genius woman...she gets that position because we need as many (white) geniuses we can get (0bviously our betters see no need for too many Asian geniuses (Sic))
But what about less than genius women?
So they need to destroy 'patriarchy' or as most people call it "Meritocracy". They just need to blame a glass ceiling and not the fact that most women aren't geniuses, most women don't want to be ball cutting harridans, and most women are tied to the floor by their ovaries, so much so that they never get near the glass ceiling.
These last women report the most happiness. Hmm.
In destroying meritocracy, women have many 'not genius' allies of all races.
I have seen this phenomena for years in movies/TV. Tough female lead character - realistic. Often in a military or quasi-military scenario. All of the male characters around her are sitting back passivly as if to say "You go girl you handle this and we'll passively watch you do it." Bullshit.
Or maybe not. Both my partner and I are 'don't take any shit' types; he would never, ever sit passivly by while I handled a home invasion by myself. Thus biased.
Emma Goldberg says: "One of the assumptions stubbornly lodged in our cultural psyche is the belief in male genius, the notion of men destined for a hero’s journey."
This reminds me of one of my favorite stories. About 20 years ago, a good friend of mine was on the shore of a California mountain lake at dawn, doing some nature photography.
The only other people there were a grandmother and her three-year-old granddaughter. The grandmother was a very prominent "glass ceiling shatterer". Everyone here would recognize her name.
A mother duck swam by, with her brood of ducklings following behind her in a line. Suddenly one of the ducklings swims off quickly in another direction.
The little girl says, "Grandma, that little ducky sure is brave! It must be a BOY ducky!"
I'm pretty sure HoaxPPT is posting under Howard's name.
Someone should alert Howard.
@Nobody -- Touché.
Male genius is, in fact, a real thing. Evidence suggests that the male bell curve for intelligence is "wider" than that for women, with more extremely smart and extremely stupid individuals at each end. This would suggest that male genius, rare as it is, is still much more common than female genius. That's why the winners of the Fields Medal for mathematics are overwhelmingly male.
Facts are facts.
There is nothing like a Man.
"Perhaps Goldberg goes on to say that women can be brilliant and heroic too."
They have a lot to learn about masculine concepts such as courage, honor and integrity. Most men have trouble with these virtues, and it can take them a lifetime to really understand them and master them. Denzel Washington portrays this perfectly in The Equalizer.
I've come along way down that path, not because I am some Righteous Dude, but because I wanted to be less sinful and become less evil. I was the 9-year-old boy crying into his pillow every night "But I don't WANT to be Evil". CS Lewis was my one of my earliest teachers, I started with Narnia and finished with The Inner Ring.
Here's one huge pothole for feminists: you don't raise yourself by tearing others down. That's destructive not creative (echo Brie Larson), and once you let that destructive karma or mojo or whatever you want to name it (demon, some would say) into your life, you are doomed.
I know a female-to-male pre-op tranny. She's a good person, so I go out of my way to be understanding and I'm even a bit protective of her, because I grew up around Alpha bullies and I know what will happen (having been almost 2 years younger than my classmates) to her if she gets on their radar. But her current big event is obsessively care-taking the patchwork of stubble that's cropped up around her chin (male hormone treatments). Something most men would regard as annoyance and shave off. Mentally, I'm shaking my head because, as much as she wants to become male, she really has NO IDEA what it is to be a Man. Any more than I could know what it's like to be a Mother.
Women, you know that mental smirk you get when a drag queen tries to be seductive or sexy, flirting with femininity, making a mockery of what it's like to be you? It's the same for us when women attempt to adopt masculine traits in our presence: an imitation of the genuine article, a fraud, like a Hollywood actor portraying what she thinks a blue collar worker's life is like. Very few can pull it off. Some fictional examples of a woman doing it right are Kendra Shaw of BSG RAZOR (Admiral Kane would be a better one, but they had to make her a lesbian, as if women can't be strong unless they have testosterone). Or Samantha Carter of SG1 who did an incredible and unsung performance exemplifying traits like courage and leadership without having to lower males or abandon her femininity to do it. Very few women can pull it off - to be like a Man, not just a male. Their is a huge difference, and I find it curious that there is no counterpart for the other sex, no cultural distinction between being a woman and not just female. Why is that?
So while it's difficult for women to adapt and adopt male qualities, it's almost impossible for them to operate as a Man. As for competing on equal ground, I'm Marine Infantry, broken down and reprogrammed to be a lethal predator. The 2 things I know in life are Writing and Killing. And if I had to face off against a another human with 10% more muscle mass, bone density and hemoglobin, I would be very wary. So I wonder if women who want to be equal competitors to men while destroying our chivalric restraints truly understand what they are going up against.
Howard: No wonder you fall so hard for a lady-boy con man.
Mike K: Howard, you should try to calm down. I know it hurts to lose but he'll be gone after 2025.
Nah, in light of Mueller unethically handicapping Trump's first 2 years (where President's get the most opportunity to implement their agenda) we're going to repeal the 22 Amendment.
Don't worry Howard, we'll put it back before 2032. Meantime, I would be delighted to help you pick out a shotgun to eat.
Bruce Hayden: What that means is that males are driven to take many more chances than females.
Tell me again, how many female bodies littered Omaha Beach & Tarawa?
Until women understand what a heavy toll male courage takes on males, they will never be the equals of males. It's not hard work. It's not intelligence. It's those things combined with courage.
Women too must be willing to climb out of the trenches & into the field of fire, until dying so that the mission succeeds become part of their natures. Until then, they'll always be runners up.
I say this not as a man of great physical courage, but as one who has seen it in his fellows from all walks of life. Men reach for greatness because we are the disposable sex. But, far too many of us fall by the wayside in that struggle, and women need to ask themselves -- do we want those sort of losses, too?
People who are successful leaders in democracies (like say Margaret Thatcher) don't feel they need to destroy classes of people in order to excel. Generally they are people who see there is something that needs to be done and figure out how to do it. The feminists apparently want to take totalitarian leaders like Stalin or Maduro as their models.
William said...
"Harry Potter was written by a woman......The Game of Thrones was written by a man. There's a good chance that the savior in GOT will be a woman......This is confusing."
Not at all...Harry Potter was written for children. Rowling instinctively knew her market was pre-adolescent boys thus her protagonist was not Hermione Potter.
GOT is story driven and written for adults. Martin makes no apologies and takes no prisoners re characters and plot twists. Since he hasn't finished the final book who can say how the remaining characters will fare since he is infamous for killing off popular characters?
HBO, OTOH, may press for Daenerys Regina. Which I think fans would be fine with.
A further thought - imposter syndrome is bound to proliferate when people know they are being given extra points for their race or gender.
What we need are more Margaret Thatcher's.
More of Thatcher's heart, more of Thatcher's brains, more of Thatcher's guts...
In the Anthony Hopkins' version of King Lear, Cordelia is played by a kick ass type who leads the armies of the resstance. Oh, fuck off. Even dumber than having King Lear played by an aged crone is having a Cordelia played by some woman with sidearms. Cordelia's superpower is not her military ability. In the play, she loses the battle. Her superpower is her ability to extend mercy in both a measured and unlimited way towards her idiot father........My guess is that idiotic behavior such as Lear engages in is a function of testerone and that kindness such as Cordelia extends has something to do with estrogen. I suppose there's some overlap, but that's the way the hormonal hash settles. It has been truly written that the difference between a hormone and an enzyme is that an enzyme doesn't make any noise in bed.
Continuing our story...
Now the three little pigs each had a house made of bricks,
so they wouldn’t have to worry bout the wolf and his tricks.
They each found a wife from that same little town,
and soon there were piglets all running around.
The end... and a beginning, life does not end, reconcile. Win, win, win.
Fen proposes: Women, you know that mental smirk you get when a drag queen tries to be seductive or sexy, flirting with femininity, making a mockery of what it's like to be you?
No, I don't, actually. Like most women, I find drag queens highly entertaining. It's the beta male we mentally smirk at. Yes, even Prog women smirk at them behind their backs. Because women are less honest about themselves than are men.
Thatcher and Meir were great leaders. There are very few females like them. Most women are, in fact, petty and defensive.
"Perhaps Goldberg goes on to say that women can be brilliant and heroic too."
The weakest part of the recent movie "Robin Hood," which I liked, was Marian donning armor and trying to fight the invading French. I was just pitiful but maybe Cate Blanchett who seems to be "Woke" lately., insisted. She was ridiculous and then had to rescued by Robin.
There are women pilots, even though the Navy killed a couple pushing them through before they were ready.
The woman trying to be Rangers and SF are just pitiful but, worse, then military seems to be diluting standards so they can "pass."
It's a bit like women fire fighters, My son is a fireman and I would hate to think of some woman trying to drag his 6-3 230 pound body out of danger.
@William...Othello played as an out Lesbian is the latest absurdity.
Facebook has taken down a series of museum promotions on social media for the Belgian region of Flanders because they feature Rubens Baroque paintings of voluptuous women and cherubs.
The left isn't empowering women, it's erasing them from history.
how many female bodies littered Omaha Beach & Tarawa
Fortunately, not many, none at all. Thanks to our forefathers and foremothers' practical and rational reconciliation of male and female sex, masculine and feminine gender, and risk management.
So the dumbest man in the cocktail party will be a man...but so will the smartest person in the room.
If my wife is at the cocktail party then the smartest person in the room is not a male.
(Yes, it’s true that she married me. Even brilliant people can make a mistake now and again.)
Someone is willing to sacrifice People and Posterity to test the limits of Nature and nurture.
A further thought - imposter syndrome is bound to proliferate when people know they are being given extra points for their race or gender.
@Leora, that's been Clarence Thomas's point about affirmative action for decades already. But what does a black guy know about the downside of affirmative action?
Sad to say, human nature tends to seek advancement by tearing other people down - resentment, claims of "victim status" and the like "sell."
A lot of people would rather hear that "So and so is ahead of you because he/she cheated" or "The system is rigged in his/her favor" or some such thing, rather than "He/she's ahead of you because he/she's better at _____ than you are."
Admitting someone has earned their way ahead of you makes your efforts to tear them down, to rig the system in your favor, illegitimate . . .
There aren't many people who have the maturity to deal with "I'm not good enough, I'll have to get better."
You certainly won't see them quoted incessantly in the media . . . . there, you get the opposite.
The male symbol is a shield and spear.
Interesting that they shattered the shield (which is the shields job) and not the more phalic spear which would symbolically unman and unarm the man.
Trying to be clever they missed an opportunity to actually be clever.
One of the assumptions stubbornly lodged in our cultural psyche is the belief in male genius,
It's not an assumption. As FIDO pointed out above, there are significantly more male geniuses than female geniuses. In my experience some of the people least likely to accept these statistics are very smart women who don't want to recognize that they are truly exceptional.
The only mythical male savior was Obama. "This was the moment when the oceans stopped their rise, this was the moment the planet began to heal" and "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
Trump has been a real savior. Ending Middle East wars (like Code Pink wanted), lowering the threat from North Korea (remember when they were openly testing small nukes and launching missiles?), lowering income taxes, turning the economy around.
The authors are just pissed cause they can't gin up a crisis to sneak in Hillary or Occasional-Cortex.
cf said...
Facts are facts.
There is nothing like a Man.
Yea, but the that is not going to stop them from doing an all female remake of the greatest movie ever made about manhood, "Hombre". Brie Larson will play the Paul Newman role, the half Indian Joan Russel. And only Alyssa Milano can do justice to the ultimate Richard Boone badass role of Cicero Grimes.
Truly we are blessed to be alive at the time where half talented women get to prove their equality by doing things that inumerable men have done for 50 years.
FIDO said...
Ladies, pick a state, ANY state (I suggest California) Move the heterosexual men out (there can't be that many). It is yours! Do with it as you will! Run everything (into the ground).
There are enough qualified women now of all ranks that it's possible to man a destroyer or frigate with an all female crew. Reality is- top brass knows it would be a disaster in the making. Both junior female officers. That would be the end of a male officer's career, period. The end of a male's career, officer or enlisted. Didn't hurt their career at all.
Back in the early days of women shipboard, a CO in Norfolk had his female officer hand select 4 top performing females. He picked 4 random junior enlisted men from a hat. Put them in OBA's and assigned the two teams to take a P-250 Pump (a heavy damage control piece of equipment) from Point A to Point B. With Zebra set throughout the ship- all doors and hatched shut and dogged. It's not that the randomly selected men did it faster then the hand selected females- it's that the hand selected females never made it to Pint B. They gave up. In port, no real disaster, no fire, no rocking and rolling like they were at sea. He was told not to perform that experiment again, and other CO's were warned against duplicating it. Needless to say, no official record exists of this. It was all passed by word of mouth from those who witnessed it.
Earlier today I read another article about how white males are just too darn big for their britches and sure enough it was written another "https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/greys-anatomy-how-shonda-rhimes-fought-abc-powerful-consent-episode-1197667">Goldberg who thinks that white male patriarchy is the worst thing to ever happen to civilization. I assume the Goldberg sisters agree with the Klans definition of the Jews being a non white people which I guess explains why they are not targeting the two thousand year older patriarchy of their own people.
Women are as good as men at everything men are good at, and better at everything else.
Women, the new Ubermensch.
The reason men are heroes in mythology is because men are heroes in everyday life. They rescue people from burning buildings, stop the invasions of rapacious outsiders, and stop criminals from dominating society by arresting them. They are the ones tasked to do those things by biology and tradition. Just because some American women hate that does not in any way make it untrue. It is true, was true, and will be true in the future.
Just finally figured out how to disable the touchpad. Which has randomly deleted things as I was typing or moved things around. Making nonsense of what I had written.
So for what was last deleted:
In 21 years of Navy service, I attended firefighting school several times. I only ever saw two people freeze up and refuse to enter the burning compartment to extinguish the flames. Both junior female officers. That would be the end of a male officer's career, period. The end of a male's career, officer or enlisted. Didn't hurt their career at all
Maybe we should be a little more skeptical of the idea that our presidential contenders are heroes and geniuses.
Generally, they are not.
Let's not build another Obama-messiah cult around anyone.
In all my years of job-searching, I never saw a description that called for a "brilliant mind".
"As accomplished women fear that they’re imposters, men see greatness as their birthright"
Professor Henry Higgins: "Why can't a woman be more like a man?"
So, men are supposed to...what, exactly? Cure women's self-esteem issues?
Well, if you can't make women taller then perhaps you can cut men down.
Feminist "equality" means women must be equal to or greater than men in all activities, in all spheres, all the time, always and forever. Why is anyone surprised that such "equality" can only be achieved by limiting men's achievements?
What did you think feminists meant when they said "equality" anyway, if not "I better win or you're gonna pay, sucker!" anyway?
Meritocracy? Equality of opportunity? How quaint.
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