March 29, 2019

It's been determined that it's time, at long last, to destroy Joe Biden.

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Here's how the top story looks at Drudge:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here. Comes. Terry. McClinton. (lol)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The first I ever heard of Biden’s handsyness was right here in these comments threads, so news of this behavior was of no surprise to me. I’ve never thought Biden would be a good candidate for Dems. I hope he’s out before he’s gotten in.

mockturtle said...

Does anyone [besides Althouse, that is] pay attention to this stuff?

Bay Area Guy said...

Who is trying to destroy Biden? More precisely, which Democrat faction is trying to destroy Biden?

Big Mike said...

The Democrats are doing it to Creepy Joe before Trump can.

The guy waves his schlong at female Secret Service agents assigned to guard him. Pretty low in my book.

rhhardin said...

If you're famous they let you grab their pussy.

rhhardin said...

The power of #MeToo is reduced, and it may damage the brand further to attack Biden with it. He's got his own lefty narrative.

Maillard Reactionary said...

What the heck took them so long?

The question is, who is the Anointed One?

My guess is, the one that leaves the biggest grease trail.

DeepRunner said...

Beyond being a gaffe-o-matic, Joe Biden has way too many...mmm...historic problems to be a candidate for President. "Creepy Old Uncle Joe", "Plagiarist Joe", etc.

Leftists are cannibals. I don't wanna see Biden in the White House, but he was Veep to The Chosen Chicago One, so he has the experience and, I guess, the bona fides. But no, the socialists won't have anyone but maybe Buttigieg or Bernie Sanders, the grandpa you lock under the sink.

To the left, Joe Must Go.

Sebastian said...

"It's been determined that it's time, at long last, to destroy Joe Biden."

Of course, all politics is strategic, and alliances shift, and the needs of the moment take priority. But it is still remarkable, and it's going to be even more remarkable, that Obama's VP turns out to be a woman-touching, #MeTooish sleaze-ball nitwit and plagiarist. Who would have thought? And only a few years ago, Dems had no qualms about this man being second in line etc. etc.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He leads in all the polls.

cold pizza said...

To rephrase Sheriff Brody, "You're gonna need a bigger clown car."

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah the Four Bees---Biden, Beto, Bernie and Buttigieg. First they came for Slow Joe; then they'll come for Beto; at this point they've handled the two duller crayons in the Dim Box. Next they will come for Bernie--the only real socialist in the bunch. And then, while it will choke them up a bit, Pete being gay and all that--they'll come for Buttigieg. He's gay, which is a plus, but he's a white male which is a distinct minus.

Ken B said...

Yeah. So I wonder how those skeptical of Blakey Ford — I was and am one — will react to this. So far, I share AA's implied skepticism.

I had a boss, female, who hugged me several times. I'm not a hugger. But it would be absurd for me to make it into some form of harassment or creepiness or sexual (especially at my current weight!) Not everyone feels exactly the same about everything.

traditionalguy said...

Biden is truly creepy. He is always delighted to get away with molesting females of all ages. And he is very proud of swinging his dick around in front of on duty female Secret Service Agents stuck guarding his ass when he goes swimming nude in his home pool every day.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

More evidence of my theory that Kamala Harris or Corey Booker are the Dems best and only hope. If Trump gets into the black community and siphons off 5% and reduced black turnout.

The Dems must nominate a black to have any hope of unseating Trump.

An old white man is their worse nightmare.

Bay Area Guy said...

Lucy Flores:

"As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?”

"I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair? He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience."

Yo no soy Laslo

Narayanan said...

What did Biden bring to the Obama ticket?
Is any of that reusable? Without hurting Obama legacy?

Kathryn51 said...

A quick check of Wikipedia shows that Flores was a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders in 2016 and he helped split funding from EMILY's list to support her campaign.

Also: "Flores continues advocating for progressive causes by serving on the board of directors of Our Revolution (a political action organization affiliated with Bernie Sanders)"

I'm gonna run out of popcorn watching the Dem Clown Car this year.

dustbunny said...

Big Mike is right, Biden is leading in all the polls and the DNC knows how bad all the pics and stories of Joe’s kissing, squeezing and weird hair smelling are going to play when the GOP weaponizes it all. I just read a TPM article about ‘Creepy Joe’ from 2016 and the very progressive commenters we’re outraged that the author used the word creepy and that she thought his old school behavior was that offensive. How things have changed in a very short time! Joe is toast.

Birkel said...

The real candidate is not yet revealed.
The Clown Show is wearing thin.

Jon Burack said...

Biden had one chance - to take on the intersectionality/victimology ideology now destroying his party by playing the adult and the centrist. Instead, he pandered to the party's left and apologized to it for his role in the Anita Hill hearings, among other things. In fact, in those hearings, it was Thomas who was treated shabbily. Hill was handled with kid gloves. It was insane for Biden to apologize for his treatment of her. It is also insane for him to apologize for his white privilege generally, which he has been doing a lot. All this ever does is incite the mob at the sign of blood in the water. Well, now the mob is incited. He will probably be destroyed. The Democrats tempt disaster for themselves in taking him down. But sadly, he has already done enormous damage in taking himself down.

nbks said...

Yeah, this kind of pushback only seems to happen when the Dems decide someone has become inconvenient or no longer useful. I'm sure Joe never saw this coming. He was confident that he would never be rendered a nonperson.

Jersey Fled said...

Dems seem to be systematically winnowing the field. I thought the preferred candidate was Kamala, but it seems like they trashed her via the Willy Brown affair.

Could it be Booker? So far no dirt on him.


Francisco D said...

This is ridiculous.

The problem with Biden (who everyone acknowledges is a nice guy) is that he has been wrong on every foreign policy issue in the last 40 years.

Phil said...

Recall, if you will, that the man has had two (2) Brain Surgery's. What better qualifications (other than being lecherous) could an old white male Democrat have?

I predict they will be running a black queer female in 2020.

Drago said...

Birkel: "Be real candidate is not yet revealed."

My money (literally) is on Michelle.

Ralph L said...

Are your tags case-sensitive? Perhaps you meant "bidet" because that's where he's going.

Birkel said...

The Biden accuser is a Bernie staffer/employee.

But that doesn't mean she's wrong.

Big Mike said...

I see that Terry McAuliffe is planning a run for the nomination. After ordering the police to stand down in Charlottesville, and with the present state of the State, can be even win his home state? Seems unlikely from here in the Shenandoah Valley.

cronus titan said...

THe blue on blue violence as the intersectionality clown cars bump into each other will be epic. The article in the Cut is awesome -- it rambles on and on about Biden being kinda creepy massaging her shoulders and "kissing her head" and then listing the parade of creepy horribles from Biden over the years, exactly how you would expect an operative from an opposing campaign to describe it. It is delicious to see them take each other down on matters they cannot get to Trump on.

Mary Beth said...

You can still find lots of comments defending him on some of the more left-leaning sites. They tend to go something like, "Biden didn't do that, and even if he did, Trump is worse."

Wince said...

Howie Carr said Bernie hired some hard, pipe-hitting political operatives to go to work on the Holmes here, given the lessons he learned from his experience in 2016 running against Hillary.

mockturtle said...

The Dems are shitting in their own nest. What will Trump have left to do in the campaign?

bgates said...

The picture at the bottom of this post works well with the quote at the top of the last post.

buwaya said...

K. Harris
Not attacked yet.
Vetted by the CA party, which is a very big deal, for funding.
And half black.
Though interestingly the black part is not all that black, and Jamaican besides.

MD Greene said...

2021 cannot arrive soon enough for me.

Ralph L said...

We've got the creepy and lawyer parts. The porn can't be too far away.

walter said...

Is this "a big fucking deal"?

n.n said...

First, they came for Obama. Now, they are hunting Biden. The Democrat schism is deep and inclusive.

eddie willers said...

The first I ever heard of Biden’s handsyness was right here in these comments threads, so news of this behavior was of no surprise to me.

You probably get more true news here than any other place you frequent.

Just think of those sheltered liberals who never leave the CNN/WaPo/NYT/MSNBC sandbox?

They were gobsmacked by the Mueller news while you, at least, probably harboured thoughts that it might be a possible outcome.

You're welcome.

Blue@9 said...

Joe's big crime was that he was first in the recent polls. FWIW, the accuser is a Sanders supporter.

Yancey Ward said...

His lead in the polls was the trigger. Probably not helped by the fact that Harris and Warren are having problems gaining any traction.

Still, though, I don't think this will drive Biden out, but it is a liability for him.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

They're gonna put you in chains, Joe!

themightypuck said...

I've reached the Machiavellian stage of life. I don't even get mad about the workings of the fallen world and look upon it with a sort of cruel neutrality.

etbass said...

It shows the dems are going for broke. White males are out, they are convinced that the American people want another black and a female.

Earnest Prole said...

Unlike others Biden has molested, this chick ain't twelve.

AZ Bob said...

The only time we hear the dirt and slime of Democrats is during primary season.

Ray - SoCal said...

Agree, the Dems need a Black to win.

Not sure Kamaltoe or Spartacus are ready for prime time...

Obama ran against McCain and Romney that played nice to nobly lose, Trump plays Alinsky to win.

The Vault Dweller said...

I had a friend who was in law school during the 08 elections. My friend worked as a part-time associate at a Chicago Firm that did a lot of Personal Injury work, and the the owner of that firm was a big donor and bundler for the Democratic party. My friend was not into politics at all. My friend knew almost nothing of the various players in any party and didn't hold any particularly strong political views. However, the boss was hosting a party at his fabulous 8,000 square-foot+ Chicago penthouse for one of the candidates in the Democratic primary, and gave an open invitation to everyone at the office. My friend, wanting to make a good impression on the boss, figured it would be smart to show up to get on the boss's good side. However, not wanting to shirk their responsibilities at the office my friend didn't leave for the party until after all their work at the office had been finished.

My friend got there and saw that it was already fairly full and the party was already well under way. Somewhat unsure of where to go and not recognizing anyone from the office low enough on the totem pole where it would be acceptable to go and join their group, my friend was kind of fumbling near the entrance. Then a somewhat older man, approached my friend and in a friendly voice said, "Oh I see you missed the name-tag table. That's ok. How are you doing? What's your name?"

My friend was a little puzzled at first but then looked around the party and realized that almost everyone was wearing a name tag. My friend was a little nervous, so somewhat sheepishly said, "Oh I'm so and so from xxx firm." Feeling a little out of place, my friend was a little happy to see that the older person also didn't have a name tag. Hoping to fit in, my friend commented, "Oh, I see you also missed the name tag table, what's your name?"

The older guy looked shocked and puzzled for a few seconds then said, "I'm Joe Biden." Then walked off.

And that is the story of how my friend went to a fundraising party for Joe Biden in the Democratic primary of 08.

Crazy World said...

Shocking not.
Trump 2020
Build the Wall
Close the Border
Make America Great Again
Joey is a creepy perv

Achilles said...

It is so much fun to watch Democrats turn on their completely on obviously situational “morals” based completely on what they think will get them the most power.

John henry said...

Why does he think that he should even run?

He served 8 years as VP. That right there disqualifies him.

Not constitutionally, of course. He is 35 year old and natural born citizen.

But the history of former vps running for the big seat is not good. Once past the founding fathers, there are 3. (van Buren, nixon, bush) none had a particularly successful presidency.

Ditto those who came to office by death or resignation. Coolidge is the exception.

Go away Joe. Don't waste our time.

Ditto Pence. He's a good guy but he'll never be prez. We need to start looking for the 24 candidate.

Maybe Paul. I really like Cruz but can't get past his citizenship.

John Henry

John henry said...

I detest Biden for a lot of reasons but my comments would apply to any vp, rep or dem

John Henry

rcocean said...

Biden has a long history of being a "toucher". As long as he was useful, he was protected by the MSM. Now, he's just a creepy white guy in the way of Kamala Harris. Hard not to laugh, since Biden's stated that "white men have held power too long". Of course, he meant OTHER white men. Good-bye Slow Joe - we hardly knew you!

exhelodrvr1 said...

This is part of Obama's legacy, because he (and all the rest of the Democratic leadership) knew about this behavior, and it didn't bother them.

exhelodrvr1 said...

What percentage of the Dem "elite" would trade a significant economic downturn for a Trump loss in 2020? 90? 95% There are still a few who care more about country than party, but not many - Biden is probably one of them, in his heart, which is one reason why they don't trust him.

Joan said...

History repeats itself, sort of, as the Dems field too many candidates for 2020 the same way the Republicans did in 2016. We got Trump. I'm predicting we'll have the same result in 2020: Trump.

So, from a Dem perspective, we're skipping the farce and heading straight toward tragedy, but it's already too late for them to do anything about it.

It's too bad, really. Trump debating Biden would've been very entertaining, but the media/Dem establishment (it's all out in the open now, so they can stop pretending) are pre-empting that possibility.

rehajm said...

The timing is wrong. He was supposed to be the snowplow for Hillary!

This chiquita will be othered...

Quaestor said...

The Ruling Elite have made their nomination, and it ain't you, Joe.

dreams said...

Yeah, Joe Biden is longer useful, except as a foil. Say it ain't so Joe.

J2 said...

A compendium of the awkward over-familiarity:

Best viewed without sound.

stevew said...

This sort of stuff about Biden has been circulating for a long time, the Creepy Uncle Joe meme dates back to early in the Obama / Biden first term. Democrats didn't acknowledge it because Joe was there guy - a pass similar to the one Clinton was granted. But as our host posits, and other commenters note, Creepy Uncle Joe is leading in all the polls, and not by a little, so he has to be taken down. They believe he cannot win against Trump (regardless of what the polls show). I suspect though that #metoo has jumped the shark and this attempt to take Joe out will fail.

Humperdink said...

"It's been determined that it's time, at long last, to destroy Joe Biden."

In the on deck circle is Bill Clinton. After all, it is baseball season.

tim maguire said...

While I have no sympathy for Creepy Uncle Joe, it seems like the Dems are setting themselves up by (yet again) sandbagging the candidate(s) best able to beat Trump in order to clear the field for the candidate(s) best able to lose to Trump.

tim maguire said...

I’m more bothered by Biden charging the Secret Service rent for his bodyguards to stay on his property than that he swam nude in front of them. 24-hour protection means putting up with his personal habits. If a man can’t be naked in his own home, then where can he be?

exhelodrvr1 said...

Note that Mueller is assisting Barr with preparing the report - i.e. what needs to be redacted. Which would argue strongly against the possibility of a biased report report.

Quaestor said...

My guess is, the one that leaves the biggest grease trail.

Willie Brown lubed the rise of Kamala Harris so thoroughly that there's bound to be a substantial trail of slime in her wake.

David Begley said...

Down goes Biden! Down goes Biden!

David Begley said...

He kissed the back of her head? Sniffed her hair? Yeah, that’s weird.

Bobb said...

My guess is Biden arranged the story to attract the Bill C!inton wing of the party early in the campaign.

wendybar said...

She's not the first, nor will she be the last. Joe is pretty creepy. I do believe that this is what the Bernie show put out there....Joe is not progressive enough.

whitney said...

This is oddly similar to how bergoglio runs things at the Vatican. He keeps a bunch of easily blackmailable degenerate sycophants around him and if anyone gets out of line or he doesn't need them anymore he pulls the lever. See Cardinal Pell.

David Begley said...

Sanders - crazy, socialist, old
Biden - creepy, slow, old
Beto - pampered rich kid, crazy, feed his wife green poop, ate dirt
Warren - Old, annoying, Fake Indian, rich, Harvard, unlikable
Amy - wimpy, mean, nothing accomplished
Pete - mayor of a small town, not even 40, unelectable
Harris - not smart, total whore
Booker - Spartacus
Gillibrand - unlikable, younger Hillary

Browndog said...

So, It appears the DNC/Clinton Crime Syndicate have struck a deal with Kamala. For some mysterious reason, Hillary had her Arkansas law license reinstated a couple weeks ago. Word on the street was she made a deal, and will be appointed Attorney General/Supreme Court by the lucky benefactor of the Clinton Machine.

Jaq said...

Funny how often the right wing press is borne out.

Jaq said...

The first I ever heard of Biden’s handsyness was right here in these comments threads,

But on other matters, the mainstream press has always been straight with you.

Jaq said...

Jeff Sessions slapping Joe’s hand away from a little girl. Talk about your open secrets.

Rick.T. said...

Here’s a greatest hits as it were:

I think I’ve seen all these before and I’ve been accused of living in the Trump bubble. My favorite is the biker chick.

Rae said...

Somebody farted in the clown car.

rwnutjob said...

"A quick check of Wikipedia shows that Flores was a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders in 2016 and he helped split funding from EMILY's list to support her campaign.

Also: "Flores continues advocating for progressive causes by serving on the board of directors of Our Revolution (a political action organization affiliated with Bernie Sanders)"

When emptying the clown car, it's best to start at the top.

Birches said...

This is the Bernie faction telling Biden, "stay out!!"

Tank said...

Twitchy: "We should mention, however, that Lucy Flores, is a huge backer of Bernie Sanders. Shouldn’t that have made it into the article, at the very least as an editor’s note? She bragged in 2016 of Sanders picking her to be on the board of Our Revolution, a 501(c)(4) that bills itself as “The next step for Bernie Sanders’ movement is Our Revolution, which will fight to transform America and advance the progressive agenda that we believe in”"

Matt Sablan said...

Has Obama been asked if he stands by Biden?

sykes.1 said...

The woman is ugly. Her claims are not credible, even for Biden.

michaele said...

I have thought for a while that the "creepy Uncle Joe" behavior would do him in. There are too many pictures of him indulging what looks like a bit of a fetish. Ironically, his supporters could say that because the behavior has been so public and photographed... that proves it's no big deal... but the recipients of his special handsy attention all look so profoundly uncomfortable. They look like they are being held hostage because of the public nature of the event and creepy Joe is taking advantage of this.

AndyN said...

Ken B said...
Yeah. So I wonder how those skeptical of Blakey Ford — I was and am one — will react to this. So far, I share AA's implied skepticism.

Blasey-Ford frequently contradicted herself, was caught in multiple flat-out lies, and was alleging behavior of a type that no credible witness claimed they had ever seen Kavanaugh engage in. From what I've heard, Flores has yet to contradict herself, and the behavior that she alleges is almost identical to actions that literally everyone who follows politics has seen Biden engage in repeatedly. If anyone had pictures of Kavanaugh fondling women or girls against their will, he would never have been a federal judge, much less a candidate for the USSC.

meep said...

I find this amusing -- in the comment re: the Bourbons, they have learned nothing and they have forgotten nothing.

The "they" in the case being the dictated-to-media.

So, it looks like Kamala Harris is the media pick to go against Trump. However, the media need to remember how successful they were in their "picks" for the 2016 election. How did inevitability work out for you then?

Thing is, Biden has been running in elections for a very long time, and obviously knows how to get votes, and how to get primary votes. The kind of people who would be bothered by handsy-Joe weren't going to vote for him in the primary anyway, and the kind of people who would vote for Biden do not care about: his numerous gaffes, his handsy-ness, his fake bonhomie, etc.

Biden may just win the primaries, because he is going to be as bulletproof as Trump is with respect to any of the personal misbehavior reports. Woo, two old white guys running against each other! The DNC powers-that-be must be chewing on their own livers. [I see that Bill RoT 9:47pm is mentioning the same thing]

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Ken B said...

"Not everyone feels exactly the same about everything."

True for conservatives. But in liberal circles there is only one correct way to feel about everything.

iowan2 said...

From the up thread comments. Who is Democrat choice? Have they tipped their hand? (who is they)? Did anyone believe "they" were going allow a white cis male into the field?
The creepy Joe thing is just the tool they use to get rid of this one. #metoo is an obsolete tool, Keith Ellison and the Virginia Lt Governor have ruined that tools utility. The other cis males better take the warning.
Dems are not choosing a candidate. Only a person to represent a concept. Female for sure. It doesn't feel like White female is going to deliver on the concept. Does it have to be Black? Or is POC, (Kamala) going to be close enough?
Having the experience, and measurable achievements, desire to govern, belief in the Constitution, and the greatness of our Nation, and the people that make it so, are not any part of the screening process. "they" are only concerned with virtue signaling.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shouldn’t the story on the Dem woman nuking Joe Biden for ‘smelling my hair’ mention her work with Bernie Sanders?

MadisonMan said...

It's kind of a CYA torching of Biden -- done on a Friday so Democrats can claim due diligence, but also done on a Friday so no one really knows about it.

MadisonMan said...

Inga writes: "I hope he’s out before he’s gotten in."

That sounds vaguely salacious to me, and appropriate for a comment on Biden.

"You're mind's in the gutter" (Hawkeye)
"It can't help's attached to my body" (Trapper)

MadisonMan said...


Your. Your.

Off for a coffee refill.

MadisonMan said...

It was really terrible seeing that typo as I hit enter.

Now Meadhouse are cursing all these comments from me :)

TrespassersW said...

This sort of behavior is nothing new for Biden, and, up until now, the Democrats and the Lickspittle Media(tm) (BIRM) have given him a pass. So if this gets any traction, yeah, they are throwing Creep Uncle Joe under the bus.

The Democrat primaries are turning into a cage match. Let's get ready to rumble!

Curious George said...

"The first I ever heard of Biden’s handsyness was right here in these comments threads, so news of this behavior was of no surprise to me. I’ve never thought Biden would be a good candidate for Dems. I hope he’s out before he’s gotten in.

This speaks volumes.

The fact that you found out something here speaks to the honesty of your typical lefty sources.

The fact that you have never spoken out about it, other than to say "Biden wouldn't be a good candidate" is just one more proof that you are just another phony POS "concerned progressive."

Michael K said...

I predict they will be running a black queer female in 2020.

The new Mayor of Chicago will fit that description. Election next week.

Jaq said...

Sanders has been through this. There isn’t anything still kicking around the right-o-sphere that the press has refused to report. I think that he is going to be tough to beat. His “beach house,” I’ve seen it from the water anyway, is more like a fishing camp with canoes and kayaks instead of a powerboat. That seems to be the one thing that conservatives try to hit him with and it’s kind of dishonest.

The fact that he bought it with a real-estate trust to avoid taxes, that’s not a dishonest criticism. The fact that he’s totally bonkers on economics? True enough, but try to sell that to the Democrats. I guess that they can call him racist, but he marched in the south in the sixties when you were taking real risks doing that, and he has a picture!

Butt-whatever is under 40? Jeezum.

Bob Boyd said...

I'll bet Biden never shoved his nose into Michelle Obama's hair.
If he had he'd probably still be using a walker and a catheter bag.

Anonymous said...

Poor old Biden. Maybe this explains why he recently went above and beyond in debasing and beclowning himself with that groveling denunciation of white men and cretinous condemnation of "English jurisprudential culture".

Pretty impressive, even by the standards of so dumb-as-dirt and degraded an operator as Biden. It's going to be hard for the other white Dem candidates to top that. (The ones that aren't pretending that they're not white, that is.)

Paul said...

"It's been determined that it's time, at long last, to destroy Joe Biden."

Well, no. It is just time the truth came out. The MSM has hid it for years cause they 'needed' him. Now they don't. He is expendable.

Still, he deserves outing. Turnabout is fair play.

madAsHell said...

Alex, I'll take Low-Hanging-Fruit for $1000.

narciso said...

Hunger game or rollerball rules, Andrew cockburn in harpers toted all of the solons sins against progressivism starting with opposing federal support for busing

Charlie said...

This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!

MacMacConnell said...

Biden's real problem is how his son Hunter got rich tagging along with the VP around the world.

JAORE said...

"What did Biden bring to the Obama ticket?"

Hard to believe in hind sight, but he was to give gravitas to the neophyte Obama.

chuck said...

That's "comrade" Biden who is being purged, his usefulness has expired. Even Stalin had to warn his daughter about Beria, who reached his expiration date in 1953 when he was marched out and executed by Pavel Batitsk.

Jaq said...

My favorite #METOO quote from Inga is “You don’t know what I think about Bill Clinton!”

I mean it’s not like she’s in a cult where she’s forbidden to voice certain thoughts or anything, or was a willing participant in a conspiracy of silence!

M Jordan said...

Joe Biden has always gotten better press than he deserves. Like most Dems — and especially Obama — Unlce Joe has no idea how to deal with adverse press. Now he’s about to get a chance, if he survives this, next he’ll get a chance to deal with a brawler ... Trump. I highly doubt he can survive one blow from the Donald.

M Jordan said...

It does appear Kamala is the media/Dem elite pick with Likely Mayor Pete as her running mate. Hence the pardon of Young Jussie Who was doing her bidding with noose trick. At least that’s the signal I’m getting from my tinfoil hat, a hat that has never done me wrong.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Hillary is sharpening her knives.

Browndog said...

The Democrat primaries are turning into a cage match. Let's get ready to rumble!

I disagree.

Have you heard one democrat candidate openly criticize another democrat candidate?

They have rules. Unlike Republicans, the democrat front runner will emerge from the primaries relatively unscathed. They protect their own, no matter what.

Those are the rules.

chillblaine said...

I hope you don't consider my last comment to be a personal attack, Ann. I do adore you. I'm trying to help you understand that you are very special, and blessed, and there is a very good reason for this. Yes, my expressive nature often feels like rage, because I am angry. But just know that whatever I've said, Ann, you are my sister. Your life has true purpose!

Jeff Brokaw said...

Definitely on the creepy side; but a career-ender?

Here’s the problem for the forces that want Biden gone. By itself this is kinda weak tea: “don’t do it again Joe” and move on.

But to make him go away they have to position him as a serial offender.

Can they actually point me to any stories at all, that appeared in the only two newspapers that matter, on page 1, alleging this behavior?

I doubt it. So the serial offender accusation rests on a bunch of accusatory quotes from the past that had zero news coverage.

WTF is that?

narciso said...

Oh never mind:

Limited blogger said...

Trump had to personally eliminate the Republican pretenders.

The MSM does the dirty work for the Dems.

Kamala's hands are clean.

Limited blogger said...

What is surprising is that this is the first the left is hearing about this?

There are dozens of video clips showing Biden sniffing, touching, and otherwise being creepy to women of all ages.

I'm shocked I tell ya!

dustbunny said...

Last night I thought Biden was burnt toast. Today I’m reading comments on progressive blogs saying “Yeah he’s terrible but I’ll vote for him if he’s the nominee”. Nothing is too beyond the pale if a Democrat does it because he/she cares about the important stuff.

Sam L. said...

It's all part of the Dem auto-da-fe.

mezzrow said...

Can anyone seriously believe that this Democratic party is going to nominate anyone who is a seventy something year old white guy? Identity politics cannot die fast enough to mollify this reader, but it is at a zenith and must be served.

Prove me wrong, Democrats.

Jaq said...

Accusatory quotes and lots of video. Go into the campaign with this guy and let us see if Facebook dares to ban clips from CSPAN.

Narayanan said...

**He was confident that he would never be rendered a nonperson.**

Who is the one person wants to render all others as non persons?

Hillary in the middle of the spider web.

Jaq said...

"Have you heard one democrat candidate openly criticize another democrat candidate."

Why should they when they can just dial up the MSM?

Jaq said...

"Kamala's hands are clean."

Now they are.

J2 said...

John Kerry will be reporting for duty any time now. His ego is relentless.

wildswan said...

What if we had Fantasy Election where people select and bet on their choices over the primary season? But I'd have trouble with my Dem team because my choice was Hillary till the Mueller Report came out. I don't know of another viable Democrat. I see the elders in a circular firing squad and the niche-kids frozen in bizarre attitudes. There are no experienced middle aged leaders.

The Dems are noted for forming circular firing squads so perhaps this last week isn't a media attempt to anoint but just Dems being their dirty selves. Then, this last week is Sanders getting Biden, and shortly, Biden will get Sanders. That's why I thought: it's going to be Hillary on the second convention ballot when the super-delegates can vote. Except for Biden and Sanders, the others are lightweight niche candidates. Biden and Sanders will weaken each other and then, from the wings - BLAM, Hillary comes dressed like a black swan. The crowd roars.

But now there is Trump is saying there have to be consequences after an attempted coup. So Hillary and Trump are going to duke it out a second time over the primary season and Trump will win. (And, PS, I'm not tired of the winning. MAGA.) Who then will step out on the second round of balloting for the Dems? Maybe it will be Obama since his terms would not be continuous. Or Michelle. But I think Michelle sincerely rejects more White House time. And so, who?

Jaq said...

Hillary is done. She paid for the dossier. Nobody wants to have to explain that a bunch of shell corporations makes it OK for her to do what she accused Trump of doing. That's their argument, that it's a "huge leap" to blame Hillary. They know that it's ridiculous beyond even their standards.

Professional lady said...

I wonder how many of the "white" people who voted for Obama because they wanted to participate in the racial healing that they thought would undoubtedly result from the historic election of America's first "black" president are through with that kind of thinking. I know a few disillusioned Obama voters - I wonder how many are out there.

n.n said...

Identity politics cannot die fast enough

Diversity breeds adversity.

Narayanan said...

""History repeats itself, sort of, as the Dems field too many candidates for 2020 the same way the Republicans did in 2016. We got Trump.""

To be cogent then, Republican party tried to get rid of Trump, who beat all other.

Where's Bentsen to tell Joe ... You're no Trump!

chickelit said...

Kamala's hands are clean.

Too bad that she lacks a winning personality. She's Hillary 2.0

Narayanan said...

Maybe it will be Obama since his terms would not be continuous.

Is that currently interpretation of the rules?

Yancey Ward said...

Biden's behavior is a fetish- straight up- he basically can't help himself. Whatever self-control he had as a younger man apparently started to disappear after he turned 65.

Yancey Ward said...

"But I'd have trouble with my Dem team because my choice was Hillary till the Mueller Report came out."

I wrote a similar comment on another site early last week. I wrote that the candidate most hurt by Mueller's report would be Clinton- the investigations failure to confirm the dossier is a deadly stroke to Clinton's chances at running again.

mockturtle said...

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Hillary is sharpening her knives.

I don't doubt it, tcrosse. I expect a 'new, improved' Hillary to emerge late this year or early next year: Thirty pounds lighter, face lifted and new clothing style but the same old cackle.

Jaq said...

Whatever self-control he had as a younger man apparently started to disappear after he turned 65.

"Once air touches the brain, your’ never the same.” - a brain surgeon once.

Kevin said...

Joe is in on the social justice feint, not the socialism main thrust, of the Democrat Party.

He'd spend too much time lecturing white people about their past and too little taxing them to death and rolling out single-payer healthcare.

He's useful in that regard, but the Dems know his Administration would be Obama redux.

Kevin said...

I wrote that the candidate most hurt by Mueller's report would be Clinton- the investigations failure to confirm the dossier is a deadly stroke to Clinton's chances at running again.

Notice it was just before it came out that she said she wasn't running and went into radio silence.

Had it been a bombshell, she'd be arguing she was owed a do over.

Hillary 2020: You might not like her, but it's only fair she wins.

Martin said...

They are going after O'Rourke to take out the stronger young(ish) white male, and after Biden to take out the stronger old(ish) white male. Buttigieg and Sanders' turns will come if in a couple of months they represent a threat to an approved female candidate, still probably Harris.

It is all so obvious.

And, as they work to take Biden down you will never never never hear anyone mention that Obama thought well enough of him to make him VP. But, if Biden thought that being thisclosetoObama for 8 years would protect him, he is now learning different.

chickelit said...

Good riddance!

The damage he personally did to the Senate process of confirming SCOTUS candidates should condemn him to the garbage pail of political history.

Big Mike said...

I had almost forgotten about this anecdote from 2015:

"Chozick writes that the Clinton campaign, which she covered from the beginning, had reacted furiously to the prospect of a Joe Biden run, as floated first in an August 2015 Maureen Dowd Times column and then in a reported story by Chozick. In the book, she writes that Biden had confided (off the record) to the White House press corps that he wanted to run, but he added something like ‘You guys don’t understand these people. The Clintons will try to destroy me.’”

Maybe tcrosse is right.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

That 18 year old Alehouse-Blonde ridiculously prosecuted for texting that weak bitch boy of no concern whatsoever, I have no accountability to, but I hope Emeritus Professors do.

I think Trump "won" me when he responded to the question "what do you think about global warming" and he paraphrased the whole question, rightly, as "Expensive Bullshit."

"Ridiculous Bullshit" too I suppose.

cyrus83 said...

Biden leading in the polls means that pretty much all the other Dem candidates have incentive to take him out. The question is whether the party establishment is on board with this plan or whether Biden is planned to be their 2020 preferred guy.

Let's see where this is in a couple weeks. Democrats have previously shown they will ignore sexual misconduct by the men of their party when power is at stake, and if Biden is deemed the best option they have, this accuser is about to experience character assassination with ruthless precision by Democrats and their media allies.

Unknown said...

Hello everyone. First time commenting here. I've read the comments and it doesn't seem as though anybody is taking into account what is going to be happening in the next year and a half. This is payback time for Obama and Hillary. Those two incompetent idiots are going to be dragged pillar to post and then be indicted. It's not just about this Russian collusion nonsense. Benghazi has most definitely not been forgotten.

The Dem's are true master politicians. They see it coming and are dumping anyone who will be tainted by those two loathsome creatures. I don't know if they are smart enough to understand that the chocolate Jesus was a one-time-thing-lightning-in-a-bottle event. I think they know that they have no chance at the Presidency until after Trumps second term. Of course there is still "Events Dear boy, Events!".

Ampersand said...

Politics turns people into cardboard doppelgangers of themselves. Politics has made Joe and his relatives rich, but Joe can't see outside his cardboard make-believe identity. He will die, as he lived. wealthy and stupid. On to the next fool.

Gapeseed said...

22nd Amendment: 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President, when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

The only Obama who could run in 2020 is Michelle.

TrespassersW said...

Browndog said...

There's what's done in daylight by the candidates, and then there's what's done under cover of night, by their agents.

Greg Q said...


Biden's one of the more formidable Democrats, because he's not a left-wing kook.

So please, lefties, destroy him

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