"... that would likely entail calling for a prosecution of Trump for obstructing an investigation into what even Mueller deemed non-crime. After all the insistence that we put our trust in St. Mueller because he 'knows all,' the new story suddenly is that Mueller all along didn’t know and didn’t try to know.... Therefore, despite the fact that Mueller didn’t determine he had evidence for a charge, we can 'infer his conclusions by reviewing how he marshaled the evidence for and against guilt.' This meant we should read between the lines of what Mueller ended up 'saying,' so we can divine (I use that religious word on purpose) his true meaning. By not delivering the desired goods, Mueller is now being described as 'The God that failed Democrats,' by Edward Luce of the Financial Times, who makes the shockingly belated observation that the Democrats putting all their hopes in the 'magic bullet' of the Mueller investigation 'postponed the harder, less glamorous work the party needs to be doing.'... Members of the media... spent two years speaking of Mueller in mythical tones, hyping him as the savior who was pushing those 'walls' that were forever said to be 'closing in' on Trump.... This manipulative brand of news programming preyed upon the emotional devastation of liberal audiences, particularly the older people who watch cable. It told them the horror they felt over Trump’s election would be alleviated in short order. The median age of the CNN viewer is 60 and MSNBC’s is 65, and these people were urged for years to place their trust in Santa BOB, who knew all and whose investigation would surely lead to impeachment and 'the end.' All you had to do was keep turning in, because the good news could come any minute now!"
Writes Matt Taibbi in "As the Mueller Probe Ends, New Russiagate Myths Begin/Donald Trump couldn’t have asked for a juicier 2020 campaign issue" (Rolling Stone).
For similar outrage against CNN and MSNBC for making money flogging the Russia hoax, watch Glenn Greenwald on Tucker Carlson (from last night):
This why Mueller loaded his team with partisan Democrats.
He knew all along this was bullshit,
Now they are invested.
Meanwhile Maddow gets off the hook for calling Trump a “traitor” run by the Russians and one of her viewers takes a gun down to the Republican softball practice after posting her words all over social media.
Small price to pay.
The tools were making money.
It is the wealth behind the tools that really matter.
10 million dollars a year is absolutely nothing to the globalists trying to take down Trump. When they lost control of DC they lost trillions. They had all the Democrats and enough republicans bought to completely run the town.
General Eletric was a casualty. They went from monopoly making billions to bankrupt in barely a year.
The globalists are just waging war on our election system.
Say what you want about Greenwald and Taibbi's politics, they've been consistently honest throughout this mess, and haven't let their views cloud the reality of all of this.
I've never seen a failed narrative, but it sure looks like my girlfriend lied to me.
Oh I don't think that we will hear anymore about "obstruction" of the OSC.
But I find it hard to believe that we won't hear anymore about "Individual 1" in the Southern District of New York and campaign finance violations, bank fraud, insurance fraud and tax fraud.
That Trump tax "audit," that made it impossible for candidate Trump to release his tax returns as he said he wanted to in 2016, is taking an awfully long time.
Just think of all the globalist billionaires losing billions of dollars because Trump is breaking their "Free trade" rice bowls.
Manufacturing jobs are coming back to the US.
Americans are making more money.
It is harder for them to pay Asian children 15 cents a day to make you the stuff you buy because there is functional US competition by US entrepreneurs.
These people hate americans and they put people like Bush and Obama in power to gut our economy and make it "global."
They want to erase our borders. Desperately.
Rolling Stone, having nearly bankrupted itself over the phony Virginia rape tale, now decides to sell something completely different: the truth! It's an under served market these days, so they might just do well.
Taibibi & Greenwald are honorable liberals. They deserve a wall of honor, and, Yes, we could use a few more. Dershowitz is there too -- even though he voted for Hillary, he's practically conservative now. Of course, Althouse is there, but she's a de facto conservative (just doesn't realize it yet!)
We need more honorable liberals! Step up. Now is the time to see the light (at least with respect to Mueller and the Russian nothingburger hoax.)
Greenwald doesn't see the entertainment aspect of news. People click on what is interesting to them. Clicks means traffic and that means paying the bills. It's a job.
the Democrats putting all their hopes in the 'magic bullet' of the Mueller investigation 'postponed the harder, less glamorous work the party needs to be doing.'...
The Democrat party is like clark Griswold who, expecting that big Christmas bonus (the Mueller report), spent the money on a new pool. But instead they got a year long subscription to the jelly of the month club.
The people of the Dem party have been lied to by the media for two years. They were sold a bill of goods. They were told over and over again that Trump was guilty. They were told Trump hacked the election. They were promised impeachment. They were told sweet lies that they gladly gobbled up since they confirmed their bias. They were swindled.
If the regular people of the Dem party are still sane they should be very upset at the media. They should stop watching CNN and MSNBC. They should stop giving money to the NYT and WaPo.
Come on woman! I can’t stop laughing!
Glenn Greenwald is one of perhaps a half dozen major journalists who exhibited proper journalistic skepticism of Russian collusion. Spiking the footballl is a moral imperative.
I never watch any, except when I visit my parents, where CNN is often on. It looks like a cult to me. I presume MSNBC is the same. I am pretty cynical about the media, and agree with Trump's view of them, but I am still always surprised at just how appalling, and that word again, cultish, it is. They did a big segment on Nixon being nearly impeached, and emphasized over and over that Nixon MET Trump and SAID NICE THINGS ABOUT HIM. Mystical guilt by association.
Taibbi works for Rolling Stone, right? The publication that generated a rape hoax and fake hate crimes with a complete fiction meant to excite hatred and resentments against young white men? Have they ever acknowledged, apologized or paid for their crimes, their lies and their hoax in any way?
Dirty rotten lying Democrat party members never do. Not even when they are caught on tape and with cooperating co-conspirators. Dirty rotten Democrat party prosecutors cut loose their fellow members of the resistance. No justice, no peace, dirty rotten Democrat party scumbags.
How. So leftists are allowed to totally lie and trash Trump, and Trump must remain silent? and if Trump speaks - that's a crime?
The left are a collective pile of totalitarian fascists.
Accurate, but remember that Gen. Flynn was prosecuted for/pled guilty to lying during an investigation into what turned out to be a non-crime, too.
Really feels like he's due an apology and pardon.
Will the democrats now say the Russians got to Mueller? Probably, because they are deranged in their quest for power, that and their so anti-american.
This much shit, and you failed to find the pony.
If the head of the investigation could not decide whether a crime had been committed, isn’t that the very definition of reasonable doubt? Shouldn’t prosecutors not file charges if they cannot convince themselves the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt if the do file charges?
What I remembered about Mueller when he was appointed Special Counsel is that Bush had put him in as head of the FBI, which I remember because of 9/11 and Mueller did interviews back then, etc. Plus he was a Marine who served in Vietnam, I remembered that. So it's amusing, that the Dems and the media were all so infatuated with Mueller, the magical mystery man. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't be their kind of guy at all. It was like tulip mania or something. People just lost their minds.
I think the Dems should be annoyed with Rod Rosenstein, since he's he one who appointed Mueller to be the SC. Why did he pick this stiff, huh?? And I think Donald Trump owes Jeff Sessions an apology, who did the right thing in recusing himself and was treated very shabbily by Trump.
Mollie H:
A Comey-style ploy is to play games between what's known and what's not known. So, for example, Comey told Trump he was NOT under investigation 3 times--but publicly suggested otherwise. Perhaps Mueller thought he would try to do something similar with his weird line.
Mueller Took a Vicious Parting Shot at Trump with Cop-Out on Obstruction
I love the reference to "Santa Bob." Sometimes the Trump haters spoke as if no serious crime could possibly be investigated unless Bob came along to do it. The FBI had years to lay charges against Manafort (unrelated to Trump, Putin, or the 2016 campaign), and chose not to do so. There seems to be agreement that Manafort never would have faced charges had he not worked on the Trump campaign--the kind of participation in public life that we are all encouraged to try. Great job, Bobby or is it Bobbie?
Greenwald was very impressive in that clip. I don't agree with his conclusions 100%, but he was quite good at reframing Carlson's questions without ducking their substance.
NOW we must charge Trump with a crime because Trump called the whole thing a hoax and a witch hunt. It WAS a hoax and a witch hunt, but saying so goes against the supreme supremacy of the Santa-Bob.
For anyone who finds Greenwald's comments about the US media and incentives to be interesting, I would recommend they read Nassim Taleb's "Skin in the Game." Among many other interesting points, he discussed how fields where you are judged by your colleagues rather than outsiders (like, customers) inevitably move toward corruption and incompetence as they devolve into a bunch of like-minded people scratching each others' backs.
Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller knew from the beginning of his "investigation" that the FBI had no evidence of collusion. Mueller knew from the beginning that:
* the Michael Cohen in Prague was not Donald Trump's lawyer
* Carter Page had been framed so that the FBI could collect and analyze communications within Trump's sphere
* George Papadopoulos had been framed likewise for the same reason
* the dossier was not based on information from Russian Intelligence insiders
* the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation had been just an "insurance policy" for the possibility that Trump might win an Electoral College victory that was very small.
Rod Rosenstein nominated Robert Mueller to the Special Counsel position because both men knew that Mueller was the one person in the world who was most motivated and able to whitewash the FBI in this matter.
Mueller knew that the collusion scheme was a dead end. Beyond whitewashing the FBI, the most productive investment of his efforts was to try to goad President Trump into firing himself and/or Rosenstein, thus enabling impeachment proceedings.
Mueller went around persecuting Trump's relatives, friends and associates in order to goad Trump. Mueller never would have to prove any of the Russian-meddling nonsense. Rather Mueller merely had to create a situation in which Republican leaders would visit Trump in the White House and urge him to resign.
Mueller is a coward. Worse yet, he set this up for the Democrats to have an issue.
Greenwald lets us all in on the fact that the CORPORATE DEMOCRATIC MEDIA COMPLEX would not let anyone on-air to speak or give an alternative - (even within the tribe) unless they were pushing the 100% Trump-is-guilty narrative.
Pretty damning.
But I find it hard to believe that we won't hear anymore about "Individual 1" in the Southern District of New York and campaign finance violations, bank fraud, insurance fraud and tax fraud.
We know, Chuck, but the SDNY is bailing out. All you have left is 'The Bulwark."
remember that Gen. Flynn was prosecuted for/pled guilty to lying during an investigation
I'd like to see Flynn get his $5 millions in legal fees back, too. Maybe Chuck will pitch in.
Michael K said...
This why Mueller loaded his team with partisan Democrats.
The charitable view I held was that Mueller, as a "Republican", wanted to insulate his investigation and findings from charges of bias and leaking to the White House.
Mueller's "obstruction" parting shot seems to indicate that Mueller indeed has some sour grapes toward Trump and didn't like the way he was treated during the investigation, as if everyone is supposed to simply "assume the position" while the government destroys your life based on a lie.
Let's see what Mueller sent to the SDNY as additional payback.
Greenwald is still very much on the left. He's a lefty all day long.
Of course the corrupt left have to shun him because dissent within the tribe is NOT allowed. It's all 10 million dollar Rachel Maddow hivemind/ or bust.
Really an interesting question if there is even a way to obstruct justice in extraconstitutional prosecutorial activity of a non-crime that didn't even occur.
Seems like you'd be working uphill all the time. But, I suppose if you've got time on your hands
Let's see what Mueller sent to the SDNY as additional payback
Didn’t the assistant US Atty that was going to save the day just announce he was moving on yesterday?
@HoodlumDoodlum, I think I may be one of the few people who remember the case of Robyn Gritz. Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz filed an EEOC complaint against Andrew McCabe for harassing her and other female senior DBI agents. As head of the DIA, General Flynn was familiar with her work on an interagency counterintelligence task force, and he wrote a letter of support for Gritz.
The prosecution of Flynn was never anything other than payback by McCabe, Comey (who had appointed McCabe), and Muelle (who mentored Comey). Period.
Matt Taibbi is the author of Insane Clown President about the 2016 election. This is the first chapter of his new book about the 2020 election, Exonerated Insane Clown President Strikes Again.
Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction. House needs to get the full report and all the evidence (just like Starr sending moving vans full of banker boxes to Capitol Hill) to determine if impeachment is appropriate. I predict Barr/Trump will hide behind Grand Jury guidelines to refuse to release the full boat to hide the evidence, which is Obstruction Phase II
Okay, class, compare and contrast Trump and Smollet. One was actually charged with crimes. Both were 'convicted' in the eyes of many before any actual trial. Both were 'exonerated'. It's amazing to me that these two things happened within days of each other. There must be many other comparisons and contrasts....
The prosecution of Flynn was never anything other than payback by McCabe, Comey (who had appointed McCabe), and Muelle (who mentored Comey). Period.
Yes and payback from Obama whose Iran deal was opposed by Flynn and led to his dismissal as Director of NSA,
Wow, and I thought the Fox demo was old...
Their viewers fart dust!
Someone really needs to get these people a book...okay, a link to a YouTube video...on how the French Revolution ended.
The DNC-MSM will never, never, never stop their attacks. And that means against all Republicans, not just Trump.
I think Mueller’s main task here was to deflect from the evil perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ. If he brought down a president that would be nice, but I think the former was the goal.
Michael K at 12:23 PM
opposed by Flynn and led to his dismissal as Director of NSA,
DIA, not NSA
I predict Barr/Trump will hide behind Grand Jury guidelines to refuse to release the full boat to hide the evidence, which is Obstruction Phase II
Someone who flunked his 8th grade Civics class.
Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction.
Once again, it is absolutely impossible to even try to rationally address this level of willful ignorance.
Smart people would shut up at this point. Yet .....
Mueller sowed those dragon’s teeth and proved he was a partisan hack. It’s all that they need to continue on forever. Those dragon’s teeth will germinate into impeachment hearings, endless further fusillades of fake news from the New York Times and Washington Post. Rachael "Cash Cow” Maddow spent 45 seconds covering the result of the story she has spent more than half of her time on the past two years.
(4) They figured that if the day of reckoning and Trump’s exoneration ever came, they could spin it to their advantage (or at least deflect it), as they had done so many times before with so many other stories.
I found this list of possible reasons the left was willing to be so irresponsible in pushing collusion at Legal Insurrection by NEO. I think this is the right answer - see also the left's insistence their Title IX plan incorporates due process.
The left's arguments are primarily formed by academics in debating style and rely greatly on abstraction. But abstraction is only legitimate when the abstracted concept retains the character of the facts. Since this prevents the left from winning their tactic is to break the link between abstraction and reality but use their media control to argue the abstraction they've created is real. As noted they've done this for so long concern about repercussions from their fear-mongering being proven wrong just isn't part of their risk assessment any longer. They simply lie and move forward.
"taking responsibility for the Russia hoax"
So understanding this context tells us who will take responsibility: no one.
Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction.
Collusion Troofer First Class Howard is now throwing bitter clingers at us. Trump’s tweets kept Mueller from finding the truth! Stop it, your killing me!
Bay Area Guy said...
Taibibi & Greenwald are honorable liberals.
Not true. Taibbi in particular is a POS. Greenwald is an outsider who has always hated the media because he sees it as an obstacle to the US becoming more radically left.
“he discussed how fields where you are judged by your colleagues rather than outsiders (like, customers) inevitably move toward corruption and incompetence as they devolve into a bunch of like-minded people scratching each others' backs.”
Sounds like academia. What it doesn’t explain is the entertainment industry, which does have to please its customers, but nonetheless manages to be a corrupt bunch of like-minded people scratching each others’ backs.
Journolist writ large.
Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction.
Here in Las Vegas we love it when suckers double down on a losing bet.
The left are doubling down. It's really astonishing.
They are doing so in complete ignorance of the law and how it all works.
See here for Jonathan Chait's Democratic-Media hack take.
@Michael K., does Kate have anything to say about Robyn Gritz?
In making this determination, we noted that the Special Counsel recognized that “the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference,” and that, while not determinative, the absence of such evidence bears upon the President’s intent with respect to obstruction…
That means that Trump is guilty. The walls are closing in alright, just not on the people MSNBC was claiming they were. You should read the article Howard and respond to it. There seems to be a shortage of informed dissent from your side as to the facts of it.
just like Starr sending moving vans full of banker boxes to Capitol Hill
And that shit is locked up to this day.
Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction
“I pushed my soul into a deep dark hole and then I followed it in...” - Just Dropped In
You should do yourself a favor, take a stiff drink and then read the article. It’s the first step out of the denial that you are in.
The 2018 election was about giving the Dems the House so they could investigate Trump.
The 2020 election was supposed to be about how Trump was impeached and Pence was compromised.
The 2024 election was supposed to be about millions of illegals now citizens and ready to vote.
The 2028 election was supposed to be about how the Republican Party was no longer competitive.
That's why this Mueller "betrayal" is such a shocker.
Glenn Greenwald vs. David Cay Johnston on Democracy Now: As Mueller Finds No Collusion, Did Press Overhype Russiagate?
“As congressional Democrats call on the Justice Department to release the full Mueller report, we speak to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists who have closely followed the probes into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election: Glenn Greenwald, a founding editor of The Intercept and a leading critic of the media coverage of alleged Russian collusion, and David Cay Johnston, formerly of The New York Times, now founder and editor of DCReport.org, who has written critically about Donald Trump for decades.”
“Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction. House needs to get the full report and all the evidence (just like Starr sending moving vans full of banker boxes to Capitol Hill) to determine if impeachment is appropriate. I predict Barr/Trump will hide behind Grand Jury guidelines to refuse to release the full boat to hide the evidence, which is Obstruction Phase II.”
No doubt. It’ll take time to sort out the truth. And we won’t know what it is until we see the entire report and not some bogus summary by the AG, who may have decided the way he did on Obstruction because of his own political philosophy. What did Mueller conclude? Why not show Democrats in the House, in a confidential hearing exactly what is in the Report? What does the Republican Trump Party want to be hidden? In the meantime we’ll see the deranged Trump and deranged commenters here calling for investigations into the investigators because they KNOW it was all based on a lie, they/we know nothing more than they did last week as to what the investigation was based on and what was uncovered. Sure go ahead investigate, I’d love to see the entire thing from day one made public.
Howard: " House needs to get the full report and all the evidence (just like Starr sending moving vans full of banker boxes to Capitol Hill) to determine if impeachment is appropriate."
I'm going to do you the favor of not believing you are a complete moron (not understanding the changes in the law pre and post-Whitewater) and just assume you are lying, like all the rest of the lefties and LLR's.
This is twice now in the last 28 months that the majority of Dems have been totally blindsided by a result they refused to acknowledge as a possibility. Are they ever going to wake up? It seemed like after the 2016 election they talked the talk about breaking out of the echo chamber, but Russia came along and they went right back into it. Will Dems and their media enablers ever self-assess?
Achilles: "Just think of all the globalist billionaires losing billions of dollars because Trump is breaking their "Free trade" rice bowls."
And that loss of cash by the lefty activist hack billionaires continues to this day as they continue to fund Hoax "Conservative" publications like the now defunct Cuckly Standard, The Bulwark and easily 1/3 of National Review (we will see if National Review learned a few lessons).
Not to mention the continued funding by these lefty billionaires of Fake Conservatives/Fake "LLR's" on popular blogsites with the purpose of undermining conservative policies.
We see alot of that right here on Althouse blog.
Hoax Dossier/Collusion Truther Inga: "No doubt. It’ll take time to sort out the truth."
The NEXT pile of dung will have that pony!!!
The Left's/LLR's secular "God" did not deliver for them and the Frame-up/lefty-LLR cover-up failed.
What to do, what to do...........(is Trump declassifying all the bogus documents by the Stasi-fanboys and girls yet?.....)
Try reading the 4 page summary first.
How is is the summary bogus? - Inga. Do name why. do tell us why and how it's bogus.
Chaitred is a jackass what else is new,
Greenwald is right about one thing and wrong about most others
Taibbi's article is like an x-ray examination of what the lefties like LLR Chuck, Inga and Howard are pulling on this thread today.
Right down to the phraseology, mentally ill "hot takes" and degree's of gullibility.
And why wouldn't it be? He knows the LLR and lefty types perfectly well.
because they KNOW it was all based on a lie
Well, we can’t exonerate them, so a full investigation is required. After all, Everyone must prove their innocence in your new America Inga.
My favorite take is that Barr’s summary is "deeply dishonest” from people who can’t have read the Mueller Report. If it is dishonest, time will tell. Keep your shirt on, Inga... PLEASE!!
I wouldn’t worry about redactions though, they will all be about grandchildren and yoga lesson.
"Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction."
So what you are saying, Howard, is that Trump was so successful in his obstruction, that he actually HID all the collusion successfully. He's really guilty after all.
LOL. Really?
Hey leftists - try reading the actual 4 pages first. Start there. Are you capable?
You, Inga, are so blind-faith nut-job stupid as to call into question Barr and Rosenstein's summary and conclusions as if they must be 100% out of phase with what is really in the report is some major major delusion. KoolAid anyone?
Yes they saw it play out like 1970, skip 72, go to 74, and then roll into 1978
5th Circuit rules obamacare unconstitutional. (duh)
International Trade Court rules in favor of Trump tariffs on Aluminum and Steel (dealing ANOTHER blow to the LLR's who are totally in favor of long term Chinese victory in those industries and all other industries as well)
The LLR's across the board and their full functional alignment with the left completely exposed.
"According to Barr's summary, Mueller's team found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia after a 22-month probe which included roughly 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, and 500 witness interviews. Mueller also declined to determine whether Trump obstructed justice, and Barr said he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein concluded there was insufficient evidence to show the president committed a crime."
"I say it's collusion and I say the Hell with it."
Inga - why are you suck a corruption excusing toady?
When do we see these corrupt FBI, CIA, NSA, political Dem hacks arrested and prosecuted?
These acts of subversion will continue until and unless the guilty get some jail time.Or we can just have a real revolution.
the Special Counsel noted that, in completing his investigation, he employed 19 lawyers who were assisted by a team of approximately 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, and other professional staff. The Special Counsel issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants, obtained more than 230 orders for communication records, issued almost 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers, made 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses.
And Trump still successfully obstructed him, even though Mueller can’t prove it, with a few tweets!
This is almost, *almost* as spectacular a success as Putin throwing the election to Trump with $50K worth of facebook ads that were so insidiously designed, that the explicit pro-Trump content was extremely difficult to see. But not to worry, Brennen, whose trustworthiness has been immolated by the Mueller Report, assures us that Putin wanted Trump to win because reasons, none of which were financial, of course, because if he looked at his financial interests as a petro-state, which is what Russia is, he would have gone for Hillary hands down. But Brennen is smarter than us so he never looked at that!
It’ll take time to sort out the truth. And we won’t know what it is until we see the entire report... What did Mueller conclude?
After one of the most intense and partisan "investigations", Mueller and his Democrat lawyers concluded that there was no evidence of a crime. This comes from a group that obviously tried to frame Trump.
Why is that so hard to understand.
@ Howard,
Note that "hiding behind Grand Jury rules" is also known as obeying the law.
You guys just want some dirty gossip to spread. Wasn't Stormy Daniels enough?
Blogger tcrosse said...
Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction.
Here in Las Vegas we love it when suckers double down on a losing bet.
Exactly, that's why I'm betting on the House.
Lost in the deplorable hosanna circle jerk is that Mueller concluded Russia interfered in the erection to favor Trump. Couldn't prove collusion beyond reasonable doubt. No vindication, no exhonoration
And we won’t know what it is until we see the entire report
Which is not allowed, by law.
and not some bogus summary by the AG
Which was required to be produced, by law.
who may have decided the way he did on Obstruction
Which he and "wear a wire" Rosenstein jointly decided, going beyond what the law required.
because of his own political philosophy.
Which Barr specifically denied came into play, and Rosenstein can now back up, in the report he produced for Congress, that was required by law.
Maybe Inga can tell me who used Susan Rice’s credentials to unmask hundreds of names in NSA intercepts since she told Congress that she didn’t do it.
That’s not a conspiracy theory, she testified that effect to Congress, testified that a crime had been committed, the Patriot Act abused, and Trump was the victim. Oh wait, what am I saying, there can be no crimes against Trump!
rhhardin said...
Greenwald doesn't see the entertainment aspect of news. People click on what is interesting to them. Clicks means traffic and that means paying the bills. It's a job.
100% wrong.
The tools are chosen because they do a job. If the news cared about audience and clicks they wouldn't trash and alienate a majority of the viewers.
This comment gets to the truth:
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Greenwald is still very much on the left. He's a lefty all day long.
Greenwald is a lefty. Most of the media hacks are lefties.
But the media hacks are tools paid by globalists. Greenwald isn't a tool.
Maddow is a tool. She does what the wealthy people want. She puts out their propaganda. She gets millions of dollars. Greenwald is a journalist. He gets banned.
Of course the corrupt left have to shun him because dissent within the tribe is NOT allowed. It's all 10 million dollar Rachel Maddow hivemind/ or bust.
The leftists who believed Maddow are just pawns. They aren't even tools.
The globalists plan on millions of them dying in the famines along with the deplorables.
No doubt. It’ll take time to sort out the truth. And we won’t know what it is until we see the entire report and not some bogus summary by the AG, who may have decided the way he did on Obstruction because of his own political philosophy. What did Mueller conclude? Why not show Democrats in the House, in a confidential hearing exactly what is in the Report? What does the Republican Trump Party want to be hidden? In the meantime we’ll see the deranged Trump and deranged commenters here calling for investigations into the investigators because they KNOW it was all based on a lie, they/we know nothing more than they did last week as to what the investigation was based on and what was uncovered. Sure go ahead investigate, I’d love to see the entire thing from day one made public.
Pure stalinism.
No evidence of a crime anywhere.
So the fall back is obstruction of the investigation into no crime.
Remember these people are not even tools. They are just the idiots that eventually starve unless they do what the state tells them as they are in Venezuela.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
The left are doubling down. It's really astonishing.
They are doing so in complete ignorance of the law and how it all works.
They are not ignorant.
They know what due process is.
It is clear they hate due process and are enemies of freedom.
They are still pushing it.
There is no longer a stupid excuse. They are just evil people.
News flash: the law changed since Ken Starr. If you don't like it, blame Janet Reno.
§600.8 Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.
(c) Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.
§600.9 Notification and reports by the Attorney General.
(a) The Attorney General will notify the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Judiciary Committees of each House of Congress, with an explanation for each action—
(3) Upon conclusion of the Special Counsels investigation, including, to the extent consistent with applicable law, a description and explanation of instances (if any) in which the Attorney General concluded that a proposed action by a Special Counsel was so inappropriate or unwarranted under established Departmental practices that it should not be pursued.
(c) The Attorney General may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions. All other releases of information by any Department of Justice employee, including the Special Counsel and staff, concerning matters handled by Special Counsels shall be governed by the generally applicable Departmental guidelines concerning public comment with respect to any criminal investigation, and relevant law.
Inga...Allie Oop at 1:16 PM
we won’t know what it [the truth] is until we see the entire report and not some bogus summary by the AG, who may have decided the way he did on Obstruction because of his own political philosophy
I myself feel certain that William Barr (along with Rod Rosenstein) have summarized Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller's report correctly. Mueller indeed reported that there was no good evidence of collusion between Russia and anyone on Donald Trump's campaign staff.
Furthermore, if you ever get to read the entire evidence and even all the supporting documents, then you will see for yourself that there is no good evidence.
It's as simple as that. There's no good evidence for any such collusion.
It's also nice to see that after a brief respite, Inga's patented mind-reading capabilities have returned.
Not a moment too soon for our lefties and LLR's no doubt!!
successful obstruction
Undeniably wrong. There wasn't one single example of obstruction. And firing Comey doesn't count as obstruction. Trump complained, and spoke about it, but we don't give up our first amendment rights just because we're president. He did not interfere in ANY WAY with this investigation, so pull the other one.
I predict Barr/Trump will hide behind Grand Jury guidelines to refuse to release the full boat
How convenient for you that you're already using this excuse, when you know it's BS from the top to bottom. Well, at least the excuse isn't worn out yet, but it will be.
Face it Howard - you lost. There was no collusion. There was no obstruction. In the line of recent presidents, Trump is probably the most squeaky clean of the bunch.
You put all of your chips on one number of the roulette wheel and lost. Take your lumps and live with it.
"the next stage of this madness is haggling over an obstruction charge..."
The Republicans are the party of law and order.
The Democrats are the party of haggling over the law or they'll cause disorder.
That pretty much explains everything.
Blue@9: "This is twice now in the last 28 months that the majority of Dems have been totally blindsided by a result they refused to acknowledge as a possibility."
Dems AND LLR's.
They are functionally one and the same.
Inga...Allie Oop at 1:16 PM
we won’t know what it [the truth] is until we see the entire report and not some bogus summary by the AG, who may have decided the way he did on Obstruction because of his own political philosophy
The four suspects on Donald Trump's campaign staff were:
1) Paul Manafort
2) Michael Flynn
3) George Papadopoulos
4) Carter Page
Those four suspects constituted the suspected "enterprise" in the FBI's enterprise counter-intelligence investigation.
You aren't satisfied by William Barr's summary, but Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller was not able to charge any of those four effectively. Any or all of the four could be put on trial, but Mueller figured that none would be convicted.
None would be convicted, because there was no good evidence that any of them was involved in any collusion with Russia to affect the 2016 election.
If you ever are allowed to read the entire report -- and even all the supporting documents -- then you will see for yourself that there is no good evidence.
Kevin said...
And we won’t know what it is until we see the entire report
Which is not allowed, by law.
. . . . I dunno, maybe we should just wing it this time, because that's been working out so well lately. You know, make it up as we go as to sooth the passions of the moment. I have a good feeling on this one.
Lost in the deplorable hosanna circle jerk is that Mueller concluded Russia interfered in the erection to favor Trump.
Heh. If you believe this, than any intelligence I attributed to you is way more than what apparently exists. The Russians are worse off with Trump as president, and they knew that going into the 2016 election. If anything, they were helping Hillary.
Couldn't prove collusion beyond reasonable doubt. No vindication, no exhonoration
It's not Mueller's job to "exonerate", as has been said a thousand times over the last two days. Read Barr's letter, page 3, first paragraph. Legal 101.
First rule of holes: when you're in one, stop digging.
Blogger Howard said...
"Lost in the deplorable hosanna circle jerk is that Mueller concluded Russia interfered in the erection to favor Trump."
Best auto-correction/typo of the day (so far.)
Howard: "Lost in the deplorable hosanna circle jerk is that Mueller concluded Russia interfered in the erection to favor Trump."
Worst mistake they ever made, eh?
I wonder if Putin is "diggin'" the nuclear-capable B-52's that Trump sent on over that are taking up "familiarization" training flights (wink wink) near Russia? (obama never sent them over even though they were always available)
I wonder if Putin is "diggin'" the Adanced Capability EA-6B's we are about to sell to Finland? (obama never made them available)
I wonder if Putin is "diggin'" the offensive weapons we gave to Ukraine? (obama refused to provide them)
I wonder if Putin is "diggin'" the advanced missile systems we gave to Poland? (obama refused to provide them)
All Putin had to worry about with the dems is whether or not the Reset buttons had any random jagged plastic edges which might cause a cut to someone's finger.
I wouldn't be surprised if obambi pre-apologized for that possibility.
Who coined the term "Russia hoax?" Why is it accurate to call the concluded probe a hoax? No one wants egg on their face especially when it allows Trump to gloat. Seems partisan to me. One can still hate Trump for a thousand other reasons apart from treason, and we do.
"This manipulative brand of news programming preyed upon the emotional devastation of liberal audiences, particularly the older people"
Well, they were eager to be manipulated.
"place their trust in Santa BOB, who knew all and whose investigation would surely lead to impeachment and 'the end.' All you had to do was keep turning in, because the good news could come any minute now"
We have had a fair amount of that in comments on this blog. At what point will the relevant people recognize that their position was not just wrong but baseless and insane?
Howard -
Lost in the deplorable hosanna circle jerk is that Mueller concluded Russia interfered in the erection to favor Trump.
The Russians did next to nothing compared to what the corrupt Democrats did. So what is your point?
Althouse has the wrong link to the Greenwald piece. It's to one from 2017.
The correct link is here.
It's well worth watching, for those who want to really know what happened.
I’d love to see the entire thing from day one made public.
Why? You'll just call it 'bogus' and ignore those findings, too.
It's incredible to watch people who've been so thoroughly discredited run around insisting it's everybody else who's wrong.
It's also nice to see that after a brief respite, Inga's patented mind-reading capabilities have returned.
Did you know Trump ordered Russian dressing on his salad the night the Mueller Report was delivered?
Inga is the Rachel Maddow of the Althouse comments section.
Drago said...
Achilles: "Just think of all the globalist billionaires losing billions of dollars because Trump is breaking their "Free trade" rice bowls."
And that loss of cash by the lefty activist hack billionaires continues to this day as they continue to fund Hoax "Conservative" publications like the now defunct Cuckly Standard, The Bulwark and easily 1/3 of National Review (we will see if National Review learned a few lessons).
What lessons will NRO learn?
There is no money just writing opinion. Opinions are like assholes. You have to push some billionaire's agenda to get money.
NRO writers have to straddle the line that the Weekly Standard failed to straddle.
The job of NRO is to convince Republican voters they are really for open borders, free trade, and endless stupid wars.
That job will never change. Their funding will forever depend on how useful they are carrying that mission out.
The Weekly Standard failed. We are on to the cucks. NRO doesn't have long for the world.
Are there Federal laws that criminalize a president telling his appointees to stop doing something in their discretion? Isn't that discretion his, too?
The 4 page summary also discusses the parts that cannot be made public knowledge - thus, the expectation is that he is having that done so that the majority of the report can be released.
I don't think that even matters to the left. Even if they got the full, unadulterated, report, it'll be [something like] the fact (sic) that Mueller was pressured by Trump and his minions. Which will need another investigation.
Exactly, that's why I'm betting on the House.
You are not that dumb, Howard.
You are just trying to piss on the parade. That is certainly your right.
@Kevin Thanks. I've embedded the correct one now. Sorry!
“Accurate, but remember that Gen. Flynn was prosecuted for/pled guilty to lying during an investigation into what turned out to be a non-crime, too.”
The actual crime was to use the transcript with the Russian ambassador where his identity had been unmasked in the perjury trap. That was almost assuredly a FISA “minimization” violation. If they had prosecuted Flynn for something that he had said in the interceoted conversation, that would be one thing - that is one of the things now allowed by the PATRIOT Act FISA changes. But the “crime” wasn’t revealed by the unmasked transcript of the intercept, but rather in a future crime, the perjury trap.
Inga has now retreated to "Shut up, you don't know what Mueller couldn't know."
Honestly, I don't think Inga could find her own ass with a map and both hands.
White House adviser Kellyanne Conway called on Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California to resign Monday after the release of Robert Mueller’s Russia report.
Adam Schiff proved himself to be a poot poodle, a hack, and a total fraud. He MUST go.
Achilles: "The job of NRO is to convince Republican voters they are really for open borders, free trade, and endless stupid wars."
One of the lessons is that the republican base voters (who support Trump to the tune of 93% (LLR Chuck and his lefty allies wince at that stat)) will no longer simply accept those positions.
If NR does not understand that, then they in their entirety will go the way of the Whigs as well and just become more disposable "True Conservative" commentators on all the established Lefty/LLR networks, like MSNBC, etc.
What do I think will happen?
I think they are going the way of the Whigs as this significant (Great? TBD) realignment continues, not just in the US but in the entire industrialized West.
Ralph L: "Are there Federal laws that criminalize a president telling his appointees to stop doing something in their discretion? Isn't that discretion his, too?"
I can't tell you the answer until you tell me if your hypothetical president is a republican or a democrat.
That video is what you call ACTUAL Journalism.
The opposite of what the corrupt Corporate Brennan-Maddow axis of BS have been pushing for 2+ years.
@Kevin Thanks. I've embedded the correct one now. Sorry!
Thank you! I wouldn't have known it had aired if you didn't post about it.
The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.
That’s not to help Trump. But with the yeoman work of Rachael Maddow, they have succeeded beyond their wildest hopes and dreams.
The second element involved the Russian government's efforts to conduct computer hacking operations designed to gather and disseminate information to influence the election. The Special Counsel found that Russian government actors successfully hacked into computers and obtained emails from persons affiliated with the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations, and publicly disseminated those materials through various intermediaries, including WikiLeaks.
Well it would be interesting to know if Mueller ever got a chance to examine the servers, or did he just take the word of the partisan hack running the CIA, his name is Brennen and he has shown himself to be a partisan fool.
Four people died in Benghazi and the first administration response was a repeated lie. But Democrats told us that wasn't a big deal, Republicans were obsessed, etc. when investigations began.
This. There's NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. There never was. It was always false. And this is the Most Important Issue Facing The Republic?
Come ON. It's bizarre.
Could you point to the part of Barr's letter where he talks about Mueller finding Russian interference to favor Trump?
All I see is Russian efforts to "sow social discord".
rhhardin is wrong.
buwaya is correct.
The news/media companies are loss leaders for the moneyed interests who own them. Therefore, they are not a self-contained business that depends on profit/loss. Rather, their owners use the news/media to shape public opinion so that they can earn billions of dollars.
Clicks and eyeballs are irrelevant when you understand the scale of the play.
As if to prove Taibbi's, Greenwald's, & the Right-wing punditry's case for them, the NYT engages in an act of utter shamelessness.
They're like addicts. They just can't stop themselves.
One can still hate Trump for a thousand other reasons apart from treason, and we do.
Got a mouse in your pocket, crazy man?
Nobody should apologize to Jeff Sessions.
It would be rude to wake him from his nap just so you can apologize for telling the truth about his ineffectual ass.
Blogger Howard said...
"Lost in the deplorable hosanna circle jerk is that Mueller concluded Russia interfered in the erection to favor Trump."
Best auto-correction/typo of the day (so far.)
I think Althouse's new moderation policy proscribes any and all references to Howard's erection.
Howard wrote that he's "betting on the House," in what he no doubt imagined would be a clever riposte to tcrosse. But does it make sense?
In March 2010 the 111th Congress, thanks to arm twisting and vote counting by Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats passed the (badly misnamed) Affordable Care Act pretty much entirely on party lines: 219 Democrats voting for, 34 Democrats joining 178 Republicans to vote against. And in the Fall the Democrats took a hammering as their moderate "Blue Dog" caucus was essentially wiped out. Nancy Pelosi lost her gavel and even half of the Democrats who had voted against Obamacare lost.
Fast forward a decade to today's Congress, the 116th. Right now the breakdown is 235 Democrats versus 197 Republicans (3 seats are vacant). To impeach Donald Trump the Democrats only need a simple majority, or 217 votes. They will get no Republicans, so all they need to do is not lose more than 18 votes. First, does Nancy Pelosi have the will to do it? Last time (i.e., voting on ACA) she lost almost twice as many Democrat Congresscritters, and meanwhile moderate Democrats elected from purple and red districts last fall are going to be thinking about (1) the fate of moderate Democrats from purple and red districts in the Fall of 2010, (2) the fate of the Republican majority after Gingrich pushed through Bill Clinton's impeachment, and (3) the unlikelihood of Chuck Schumer being able to muster 67 votes to convict (i.e., peeling away 22 of McConnell's 53 Republicans while keeping all of his fractious crew (Joe Manchin anyone?) in line. Not. Gonna. Happen.
I cannot see moderate Democrats being content to run for reelection with Republican opponents labeling them stooges of Nancy Pelosi, just to keep Tlaib and Omar and Ocasio-Cortez happy. I think Pelosi sees that too, so she is going to say some brave words and then sit on her hands.
My take.
SPLC died last week. "Tis only a flesh wound" they are saying as they hobble around armless on stumps like the black knight in The Holy Grail. They are still breathing but they are as good as dead. Before June they will announce that they are closing.
Good, I say. Even better is that if PDJT had anything to do with it, we will never know.
Now Insty links to this:
But, every single Democrat candidate for president in 2020 is using a donation portal called ActBlue, which has, for years now, been under fire for not incorporate basic, industry-standard fraud protections for its credit card donations, which makes it easy for foreign and illegal donations to be made.
I've mentioned Act Blue here before. It is not only presidential candidates but, as far as I can tell, every Demmie candidate for any national office.
Except me. When I was a Democrat candidate in 2016 they refused to let me use them for fundraising. But that's another story.
This may be nothing at all, Just another PJM story. Or it may be the first, light, nick in the process of cutting their head off.
Seems to me that this would be way cool.
I suspect that PDJT can show Nancy Pelosi's daughter a few things about cutting people's heads off without them even knowing it.
Pharmaceuticals, ambulance chasing law firms and political campaigns make up some huge portion of the media's revenue pie. I mentioned this morning how to cut off the pharmaceutical revenue by joining the "Civilized World (tm)" and banning prescription drug advertising. Hobbling the Demmie's ability to raise money by crippling Act Blue or at least raising concerns about it, would help starve them.
And perhaps Avanetti's arrest, by showing how low a breed ambulance chasers are will..... Naaah. Everybody already knows.
"Fuck you. War."
Breitbart lives.
John Henry
The witch hunt failed to turn up a witch, not because there are no witches, but because the witch-hunters are the witches.
The new moderation policy reminds me of the old days of film photography. You'd submit your film at the photo shop and then wait a few days to see how the pictures came out.
"It's incredible to watch people who've been so thoroughly discredited run around insisting it's everybody else who's wrong."
What's interesting, though, is the split between establishment voices and lefty pundits. I mean, the New York Times is one one side and Rachel Maddow is on the other. People and institutions who think they need SOME credibility with moderate/right-leaning audiences want to just quickly move on but those who exclusively traffic on the Left do not want to let this go.
Muller's dog has departed the SDNY. Berman is once again fully in charge and has appoined Audrey Strauss as His number two. They will not be going to the restroom without AG Barr's approval. So, we'll have to wait and see what happens.
How did Putin RT KGB et al help Hillary?
Rachael "Cash Cow” Maddow tweets that right wingers claim she cried through the whole show and denies it. That’s like a Snopes. fact check. They find the most outrageous and exaggerated version of a negative fact that they would rather not rate as true, then rate it as false. It looks like there was a tear or two to me.
Judge for yourself.
Greenwald has his own Russia issues. His buddy Snowden was kept under lock and key at the Moscow airport for 40 days. But he never gave his stolen information to the Russians, and apparently their persuasion tactics just didn't work. Putin met his match in Edward Snowden. sure thing glen ...
I think if the warlock drowns he's innocent
"According to Barr's summary, Mueller's team found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia after a 22-month probe which included roughly 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, and 500 witness interviews"
Fuck that. Let Inga read the whole thing. She will find the collusion.
More seriously, left and LLR's will see each particular thing investigated in the report and pick a bunch that were "not thoroughly investigated".
Two questions on "is firing Comey obstruction?"
1. If firing Comey is obstruction -- are all the Democrats and Republicans who called for his firing ALSO obstructing justice? Was firing an IG under Obama obstruction? I need rules and guidelines.
2. At the time Trump fired Comey he knew the following: Comey had lied to him. Comey had lost the faith and trust of leaders in both parties, as seen in both parties calling for him to be given the boot. Comey had *stolen documents from the FBI or illegally made copies of them and distributed it to the media.* Under what circumstances was Trump obligated to NOT fire him, given those facts?
the rest of the story:
I decided to listen to a little NPR on my drive home from work this afternoon. Even they have moved on from Mueller. The next big thing is stressing healthcare, especially since the DOJ is not going to defend Obamacare any longer.
The look on that screen grab says it all. Tucker, (what a name), who was just smacked down by the same ~30-year old Rutger Bregman who smacked down the elites at Davos - (in an interview that Tucker was too embarrassed to air) - has the look of a jackal.
Democrat Derangement Syndrome again. Oh boy, nuttier by the day.
“Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) took to the House floor on Monday to portray President Trump’s detractors as Nazis but ended up slurring them using an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory drawn verbatim from Adolf Hitler’s writings.
It’s 2019, and the Führer’s magnum opus, “Mein Kampf,” has become a playbook for political combat in Congress, at the very moment that Trump is calling the Democrats “anti-Jewish. ”
Brooks, a five-term Republican, accused Democrats and members of the media of propagating a “big lie” about collusion. The expression was coined by Hitler to describe how Jews used their “unqualified capacity for falsehood” to blame a top German military commander for the country’s losses in World War I. A lie could be so big, Hitler claimed, that it perversely defied disbelief.”
"Just think of all the globalist billionaires losing billions of dollars because Trump is breaking their "Free trade" rice bowls."
This in combination with a conviction that the CIA is leading a secret plan to overthrow the Presidency. I tell you today's Right is the Left of the '60's.
Just waiting for the chant of
Professor= If the director of the FBI can every day make decisions on what will be referred for prosecution based on his knowledge of a case, why can't his boss? If the chief law enforcement officer KNOWS that there was no crime, why can't he deny a costly investigation, or conversely order one as Thomas jefferson did in the Hamilton-Burr duel?
Fine by me. The sooner they impeach Trump, the sooner this cold civil war goes hot, the sooner this Republic gets back on track.
Punch a Nazi? Sure. But kill the Marxists.
Howard: "How did Putin RT KGB et al help Hillary?"
Steele went to Putin FSB pals to gather "evidence" to add to the Hillary-funded Nellie Ohr/Glenn Simpson dossier and Putins pals were happy to oblige with incredibly stupid and transparently false "facts" that every single democrat/lefty/LLR bought into completely.
That Putin Pal work product joined lots of other Crossfire Hurricane frameup lies to create the swirl of lies Hillary needed for her allies to spy on the Trump campaign and create the "insurance policy" in case Trump won.
Thanks for only being 18 months behind in actual testimony and facts. The goid news for you?
You are still a year ahead of the hopeless Inga and LLR Chuck.
Chuck; "But I find it hard to believe that we won't hear anymore about "Individual 1" in the Southern District of New York and campaign finance violations, bank fraud, insurance fraud and tax fraud"
Win: No Shame
Place: AsIfIt Never Happened
Can I pick em or what?
Howard said... Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction.
Back in the late '80's, when i spent my time hanging out with Stoners (for Obvious reasons),
The CLASSIC LINE was: the Total lack of Evidence, is PROOF of the depth of the Conspiracy
I'm glad to see that some things do NOT change; which gives me the opportunity to say:
DUDE! Put the Pipe Down! You've smoked enough
This is very interesting and would be great if it's true.
"Maybe Mueller was a set up"
If the average MSNBC viewer's age is really 65, that would make sense. Both they and FOX Noise are just fodder for angry citizen has-beens. Too bad the elites can't see it.
"How did Putin RT KGB et al help Hillary?"
You can't possibly NOT know that the Russians involved with the Uranium One deal gave $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, and half a million to Bill for a single speech. Obvious quid pro quo.
Chuck: "remember that Gen. Flynn plead guilty to lying because Mueller threatened to destroy his son's life"
That's your cue to remind us you have principles. It's been 24 hours, we're growing concerned. Do that skit where you boast "I would cut down all the laws of Engkand! to get Trump-Hitler". The 7 o'clock crowd needs a good laugh.
Afterwards, perhaps you could swing by my table and explain to the girls how you manage to face your mirror every morning after a night of such sophistry. Bambi here has a peculiar kink and is hoping you are up for some degredation. You do it for free right? You're not owned by some Soros type pimp?
Howard: "Conspiracy/collusion charge dismissed because of successful obstruction."
Hahaha. 2 days ago Howard said (and please correct me if I misunderstood)... Howard said he regards this Democrat Attempted Coup as nothing more than a policy dispute, like the decision to liberate Iraq or increase tarrifs on Canadian lumber.
Democrats are so corrupt they've gone noseblind to it.
"Greenwald has his own Russia issues. His buddy-"
No. Glen Greenwald has proven his honesty and integrity. I think he may be the ONLY Democrat to do so publicly regarding this attempted coup. I know you are DEFINITELY not one who has, so you don't get to defame himm.
Sit down.
"How did Putin RT KGB et al help Hillary"
150 million dollars to her foundation.
Watching the MSM morph from Harold Evans to Captain Queeg is very entertaining.
Brooks, a five-term Republican, accused Democrats and members of the media of propagating a “big lie” about collusion. The expression was coined by Hitler to describe how Jews used their “unqualified capacity for falsehood” to blame a top German military commander for the country’s losses in World War I. A lie could be so big, Hitler claimed, that it perversely defied disbelief.”
Republicans using Nazi tactics to call Democrats (and probably the Jews who vote for them) Nazis.
Well I'll be darned! Or I would be if I expected competence from Republicans.
They just get more and more ridiculous every day.
"Fuck you. War."
Breitbart lives.
Remember this when LLR's in Congress opt for reconciliatory language...
Or, like Minority Leader Kevin McCarthey said this morning 'the report has been issued. It's time to move on.'
Not just no, but fuck no.
An accounting must be made. Somebody, somewhere, must be punished.
The expression was coined by Hitler to describe how Jews used their “unqualified capacity for falsehood” to blame a top German military commander for the country’s losses in World War I.
Actually it (The Big Lie) was used by propaganda experts to explain why small lies don't work, but big ones do.
In any case, using the term "Big Lie" makes one a Nazi?
The left is getting desperate.
Greenwald makes the wonderfully insightful observation that MSNBC and CNN were rapidly losing ground to FoxNews until the Russian collusion hoax was launched by the Clinton-Comey Axis of Evil™, which gave them a way to milk billions in revenue from geriatric hippies crushed by Hillary's delicious defeat.
If Barr is misstating the conclusions of the report, where is Mueller's response? Mueller had not problem publicly denying a past lie about the findings of his investigation, so why would he remain silent now?
If Barr is misrepresenting the Mueller report, that’s a strategy with a shelf life of a few weeks, at best. It’s hard to believe he would be that stupid, but keep hope alive!
“If Barr is misrepresenting the Mueller report, that’s a strategy with a shelf life of a few weeks, at best. It’s hard to believe he would be that stupid, but keep hope alive!“
Barr was very cagey in his 4 page report, but he HAD to include Mueller’s words about “no exoneration”. He was smart enough to do that. That will save his bacon.
Althouse was flattered to think she was being titillated and astounded she was instead tantalized.
Been there. Mixing the words up.
If you don't understand, then you may never. Sad. There was so much love Barack couldn't see driving-me-crazy tears shed, and until I'm kicked off you people will now know crazy crazy.
"Bukkake Tears"
You said you wanted to open up the doors to our bedroom
You said my cock was nice but left a little too much headroom
So I called some of the boys and I set it up
How was I to know you'd regret it, oh
There was so much love on your face I couldn't see the tears
There was so much spunk on your face neither the boys nor I could see the tears
I said it would turn me on to watch you get fucked by nine or ten guys
When you said you banged the football team your freshman year I was slightly surprised
But as I started letting out the dog in me, you flipped the switch and went back to monogamy
There was so much love on your face I couldn't see the tears
There was so much spunk on your face neither the boys nor I could see the tears
We can't stop now it's moving too fast
There's a nine inch cock in your pussy, ten and a half in your ass
Dongs in each hand so hold on tight when we all bust a nut I'm gonna make it right tonight
There was so much love on your face
There was so much love on your face
There was so much love on your face I couldn't see the tears
There was so much spunk on your face neither the boys nor I could see the tears
There was so much so much love, so much love on your face
There was so much, so much love
Sticky, gooey jizz on your face, yeah
Oh, your stupid sticky face
We're gonna give you our love
There was so much love on your face I couldn't see the tears
There was so much spunk on your face neither the boys nor I could see the tears
Thanks to Tracy Zeller for adding these lyrics.
Thanks to Lorn Boulanger for correcting these lyrics.
AZLyrics S Steel Panther Lyrics
album: "All You Can Eat" (2014)
The movie I've watched and spread is one of Commie death squads, not over there. Others may be offended, which shows their cuckness.
Oooh gangbangs at old folks' homes, semen out of asses, dark sex when she's raggin', indeed, are meant to be and succeed at offense.
But not like war, in any way shape or form. So best to acknowledge right off the bat civil war is worse that Steel Panther.
From this start point knowledge can arise.
How these things happened is the GOP incentivized it with the base hatred.
All that has followed is natural. It is why I called Coulter a ^^%^&5 years ago because she idiotically thinks Yale and Harvard have all that matters when it comes to Judges and other things she is less vocal about. Probably perversions generations have documented to avail's of happiness, not disregard.
If Trump is the hero I believe he is, he will nominate Justice Don Willet to remind Iowahawk why voting isn't for the dumb rubes who forever look opposite-of-askance at the "hey by golly the Left isn't perfect and neither is the right so I must be really fucking brilliant to notice that and let others know!"
Likewise, you can read and appreciate our Woodpile Reporting, but don't think this guy thinks Trump or Hillary are different in any way. 'Voting is for rubes' is a helluva position a lot of smart people haven't been shamed out of yet.
Everyone forgets that Rosenstein was kept on so he could use his full knowledge and history of the Mueller investigation, to inform the response given to congress. Democrats won't even dance with the one that brung them.
Congress can grill Barr all they want. He is much too accomplished to give half a shit about some half wit congress critters political ambitions.
Chuck is my friend, and as soon as he acknowledges his life revolves around one man, Me, and not Donald John Trump, the sooner we can get healing efforts started.
Kid Rock would have won the MI senate 2018 seat, Chuck, as I told you.
Jim Dewey The unfortunate, but inescapable conclusion to be inferred is that the Chicago Police Department is incompetent.
As the dust is clearing, does anyone believe for a moment Mueller would have wrapped up this "investigation" now if Jeff Session was still AG? I don't. Mueller would still be trying to dig around and find something to damage Trump or antagonize him until he was fired as a neutered AG would not have tapped him on the shoulder and told him he had to hurry up. I can't wait to get to the bottom of whether Rosenstein was serious about wearing a wire to record Trump. Who is the biggest lying crap weasel? McCabe or Rosenstein? Only time will tell.
"the big lie" was not invented by the national socialists.
It was invented, name and concept, by George Creel in about 1916 to drum up popular support for America to get into ww1.
So much cross pollination between Wilsonion progressivism, National Socialism and Fascism.
John Henry
It was not Barr's decision to scam the public with his report on the Mueller Report - the president called the shots to have a two year investigation scrapped after two days. No one in the public sector has seen or read the Mueller report, but what we do know is that Barr was handpicked by the President after reading Barr's opinion that the President is not subject to criminal indictment. Trump initially proposed to bring Bill Barr onboard as his own counsel but was influenced by Barr's unsolicited writing about the Mueller probe.
What we do know is that Barr lied several times to the Senate and to Rosenstein regarding his opinions on the president's illegal activities. Barr wrote an unsolicited letter several months before the hearing to Assistant AG Rosenstein:
Obviously, the President and any other official can commit obstruction in this classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function. Thus, for example, if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.
Trump did all these things tellings Cohen and others how to testify and dangling an offer to pardon and emails on August 23, 2017 showed Trump’s orchestration of Mike Flynn’s calls with Sergei Kislyak — gave Mueller evidence that Trump suborned false statements from Mike Flynn.
During the hearing, Barr was asked if a president could lawfully issue a pardon in exchange for the recipient’s promise to not incriminate him - and Barr responded: "No, that would be a crime."
When asked if a a President persuading a person to commit perjury would be obstruction, Barr said "yes", and to the question: "You also said that a President or any person convincing a witness to change testimony would be obstruction", Barr answered in the affirmative. And along the same line, Barr also agreed that he said that a President deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence would be guilty of obstruction as would a President knowingly destroying or altering evidence.
Somehow these principles never made it into the Barr report. Independent Attorneys General (which Barr is not) do not act only in the interest and benefit of Donald Trump while he cooperated with foreigners to attack on our free elections. The investigation of Trump's lifetime of living outside the rule of law will continue while he is president and perhaps find him guilty after he leaves office.
Donald Trump while he cooperated with foreigners to attack on our free elections.
Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. Now they got to Mueller!
Did anyone criticizing Barr claiming he made the decision in two days without reading the report not Mueller actually read Barr's letter? Because he clearly quotes the report and states he is still reviewing the report but wanted to provide the public the conclusions. I don't mind partisanship. But at least read the primary sources.
the Special Counsel noted that, in completing his investigation, he employed 19 lawyers who were assisted by a team of approximately 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, and other professional staff. The Special Counsel issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants, obtained more than 230 orders for communication records, issued almost 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers, made 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses.
And here all he needed to do was ask gadfly!!!
Please note that elections are only “free and fair” if we are denied truthful information about the candidates, that’s for future reference. Nobody is ever allowed to read anything that’s been leaked. Because reasons.
Gadfly. Can you tell me if States Attorney Kim Foxx can be prosecuted for obstruction of Justice? She dropped all charges against Smollett. The question is, does a person exercising the power of their office commit a crime when they do? Same goes for Acosta in Florida, on the Epstein plea agreement. What about the cop that lets off from a speeding Ticket?
All the rants about Barr doing his job are meaningless, and serve only one purpose, to allow leftist to ignore reality.
President Trump has done nothing that has any criminality. ZERO.
It is not Barr's opinion that the President cannot be indicted, that is a ruling from the DoJ that has been in effect for decades. But we all know the Democrats are all about precedent, until they need to ignore precedent for political expediency
The House will commit no crime by impeaching the President. Democrats should stop whining and take action. Impeach him. Take Barr with him. Despite decades of spottless public service the Dems have turned on him, so get rid of him.
In any case, using the term "Big Lie" makes one a Nazi?
Perpetrating a big lie: not a Nazi.
Calling one out: DEFINITELY A NAZI!
Ladies and gentlemen, your 2019 Democrat Party!
“Barr was very cagey in his 4 page report, but he HAD to include Mueller’s words about “no exoneration”. He was smart enough to do that. That will save his bacon.”
No. Barr was not the least bit cagey. You just aren’t trained to parse lawyerspeak.
Here is a quick summary:
1. No collusion between Trump team and the Russian govt
2. No open factual questions involving Obstruction of Justice. Most facts are publicly known
3. Mueller refused to determine the legal question of whether there was Obstruction of Justice, but instead provided pros and cons. Barr and Rosenstein, together, after consulting with proper experts in the DoJ, determined that there was no Obstruction.
4. That determination did not address that there was no wrongdoing by Trump to hide, which would most negate the intent requirement, and that Trump’s actions were likely protected by Article II of the Constitution as being central to his Excutive power. Both of these strengthened their determination that Trump did not obstruct justice, but aren’t needed here because other required elements of the charge cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
5. They cannot legally release the Mueller report as it currently stands because it contains material that is protected by law such as grand jury testimony. They would thus commit crimes by releasing the raw report. They have a team of experts going over the report to decide what has to be redacted, and what doesn’t. Dragging Mueller in front of Nadler’s committee isn’t going to help - Mueller knows that he is bound by the same secrecy laws that Barr and Rosenstein are.
Rude Gulianni last night noted the Mueller prosecutors’ frustration with not being able to read Trump’s mind. One of the legal requirements for proving Obstruction of Justice in court is the proof of intent. Prosecutors can try to infer this based on guilt on the underlying charge. But Trump hadn’t committed any crimes that they could prove, so couldn’t infer intent. They kept asking about Trump’s state of mind, and at one point Giuliani told them that we don’t, yet, have the technology available to read minds. My guess is that it was this issue, of proving intent, that was the brick wall that ultimately caused Mueller to shut down his investigation. Trump’s attorneys weren’t going to give them anything to help them prove this element, they weren’t going to be able to prove it otherwise, and filing suit without proof of every required element of a charge is legally frivolous. Trump’s team knew this. Mueller’s team knew this. Thus, the investigation was shut down.
"Greenwald doesn't see the entertainment aspect of news. People click on what is interesting to them. Clicks means traffic and that means paying the bills. It's a job."
He sees it clearly. This is partly what he deplores, that the profit motive fuels false narratives in journalism.
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