That the president of the United States owes his office to Russian help is not a theory. It's a matter of record. What we're waiting for Mueller to clarify is how much the president and his team knew about that Russian help before it was delivered.
— David Frum (@davidfrum) March 23, 2019
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»They get way too much psychological comfort out of it to ever give it up. It’s kind of like Linus’s blanket. Now they are saying that laws don’t matter.
What record? A few sleaze shops spending chump change on Facebook or Twitter can not influence 120,000+ voters.
Traitors would be selling out to an enemy. These guys are just selling out for themselves, including the media. But people like it, tune in, buy products.
Are they going to apologize for what they have done to this nation? Really, what could be more of a farce. People who have been pushing this conspiracy for 2+ years, and part of the evidence was Russia trying to divide us with Facebook ads of Bernie as Jesus.
Let's have a National Day of Introspection.
If Trump was no longer being compared to Hitler, called out for supporting White Supremacist, speaking ill of the dead, and a liar I would agree with you Trump Derangement Syndrome is waning.
I just see the Trump haters as moving on from the Russian Collusion to new attacks, that have not been discredited yet.
I don’t know what it will take for tds to wane. Trump feeds it, and with the biased msm and social media, hatred by the elite, and billionaires funding anti Trump efforts, I don’t see it stopping anytime soon. It took the election of Trump to stop Bush Derangement Syndrome, he is now a revered elder statesman, and anti Trump.
Breaking? I think not. This is but a bump in the road, a minor setback. By Monday it will be full speed ahead. After all, 2020 is not going to fix itself.
Could it be allowed to? CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Wapo and other leftist publications have too much invested in Trump bashing and wild speculation to dial it back now. Who else follows CNN and MSNBC but committed Trump haters? Why would they continue to tune in if the daily injection of hatred were cut off? These people are like junkies and won't be able to break the habit, let alone admit they were wrong. If there is a doubt of that, just try to follow the excuses/convoluted reasoning of the lefty commentators on this blog. It's madness, and madness isn't going to be cured by Mueller's report.
What record?
We've been hounded and reminded for years now that Mueller's report was going to be IT. The record.
All this is - is the MSM getting in front of the report to say "Trump is already guilty!", so it doesn't matter what's in the report. More proof- See: Comy's "I don't care" statement.
The left KNOW that Russia and Trump stole the election from poor deserving wonderful Hillary and no one will talk them out of it.
I have a theory that maybe Trumps first 2 years have been so successful not in spite of the Russian investigation, but rather because of it.
In their single minded opposition to Trump the Democrats (and to some extent the anti Trumpers) found themselves completely left out of the democratic process.
Since every day was obviously Trumps last day in office he enjoyed the freedom to do whatever he pleased. And what he pleased to do was keep his campaign promises to the Americans who elected him. He’s had absolutely no incentive to appear to be in any way bipartisan.
America can’t be put on hold for 4 years just because you think the election process cheated you.
Progress marches on.
Let he who is without collusion tweet the first aspersion.
You know who makes the best Russian puppets of all?
The Democratic Media Industrial Complex.
Collusion didn't do it, what's up next on the list?
It's a syndrome. There are always more 'symptoms' that need to be addressed.
They'll manufacture yet another orange man bad symptom to continue driving this bus through to the 2020 election.
TDS fever breaking? Uh, no, I don't think so.
Wonder if any Podestas were involved?
As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges
Ukraine’s top prosecutor divulged in an interview aired Wednesday on Hill.TV that he has opened an investigation into whether his country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.
The leak of the so-called black ledger files to U.S. media prompted Manafort’s resignation from the Trump campaign and gave rise to one of the key allegations in the Russia collusion probe that has dogged Trump for the last two and a half years.
The parliamentarian also secured a court ruling that the leak amounted to “an illegal intrusion into the American election campaign,” Lutsenko told me. Lutsenko said the tape recording is a serious enough allegation to warrant opening a probe, and one of his concerns is that the Ukrainian law enforcement agency involved had frequent contact with the Obama administration’s U.S. Embassy in Kiev at the time.
“Today we will launch a criminal investigation about this and we will give legal assessment of this information,” Lutsenko told me.
Lutsenko, before becoming prosecutor general, was a major activist against Russia’s influence in his country during the tenure of Moscow-allied former President Viktor Yanukovych. He became chief prosecutor in 2016 as part of anti-corruption reforms instituted by current President Petro Poroshenko, an ally of the U.S. and Western countries.
Frum, you magnificent bastard! You'll get that dastardly Mister Trump by hook or by crook, I do say!
It's not over until we win applies to everything. At all times. No matter what.
So, no.
All this and still no real investigation to put Hillary where she belongs. Behind bars.
Nope - because it would reflect badly on Obama.
Not a chance.
I clicked through to that Twitter feed. I liked the tweet that showed the same photo over and over of a person screaming at the sky. Each photo was labeled with consecutive years starting with 2016 and going on into the 2020s. All the same. Except the 2019 photo was marked with a large red arrow simply stating "You are here."
No the Trump Derangement Syndrome fever is not breaking. Facts and verified evidence play little or no part in this syndrome. So, the Mueller report and its lack of evidence about "Russian Collusion" will make no difference to the true believers. Trump Derangement Syndrome was never based on facts and most every follower is smart enough to know this. And they don' care. Like many other political cults, publicly ignoring facts and preaching the dogma in the face of factual contradictions is taken as a sign of true belief and piety. Remember, there are still birthers out there.
I remember thinking after Reagan was elected that we had just witnessed an amazing event: America actually voted for an actor for president. Then when Jesse Ventura got elected governor of Minnesota I marveled again but it was not of near the significance since he was just a governor and he won a three-way race. Trump’s election trumped both of these by a bunch. 63 million Americans had actually rolled the dice, overlooked a public viewing of his many flaws, and voted him in.
This is the story of 2016. It’s an amazing tale, one that will not be equaled in our lifetime. The media could have spent the last two years analyzing what happened, marveling. Instead they chose to join a silent coup. And now they have failed there as well.
Amazing two years. I’m glad I witnessed it.
"That the president of the United States owes his office to Russian help is not a theory. It's a matter of record."
It's a broken record, just keeps repeating the same verse, over and over. Like Saddam's WMD, the evidence hasn't been found...YET!. But no true American doubts its existence.
I only voted for Trump because Maria Butina promised to blow me. LOCK HER UP!
"It took the election of Trump to stop Bush Derangement Syndrome, he is now a revered elder statesman, and anti Trump."
And this has really changed my opinion of George Bush from very favorable to very unfavorable.
Ya gotta separate the Republican #NeverTrumpers (like Frum) from the garden variety Leftwing assholes who oppose Trump.
Frum, Kristol, Jennifer Rubin are all clueless and discredited. They bought the lie of the Russian Hoax, because they hate Trump.
They are few in numbers, and nobody needs to listen to them anymore. Bye-bye!
The garden variety Leftwing assholes have strength in numbers. They dominate the colleges, the media, the govt bureaucracy and Hollywood. We gotta just keep chipping away at 'em. It's kinda like the Cold War - with Twitter fights instead of nuclear weapons.
owes his office to Russian help is a meaningless statement. How does "owes" derive from "help"?
This a bold quibble.
Not only is there no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, there is no evidence that anything Russia did or is accused of doing actually affected the 2016 election.
This is actually an important moment in American history. A big chunk of the public and a bigger chunk of the American elite have spent 2+ years believing a lie. And not just any lie but a particularly noxious and ridiculous lie. I remember Josh Marshall openly speculating during a Trump/Putin meeting that they were trying to "get their stories straight" for Mueller.
Well, now the lie has been exposed. If the happily deceived cannot finally admit the truth and at least some of the deceivers are held accountable, something bad will happen. How bad? What was the last crazy theory to run wild in American politics before "collusion?" "Birtherism." And while the Right never embraced it as fully as the Left and the Establishment swallowed "collusion," they certainly tolerated, indulged, and flirted with it. Who became the most prominent "Birther?" Donald Trump. When he ran for President, was his "Birtherism" treated as a disqualifying? No, because it would have required acknowledging how many "normal people" had also talked it up and how much fun the media had kicking the story around. It was all just a game, you see.
This can't be swept under the rug or what eventually crawls back out might make Donald Trump look like George Washington.
What's most telling is that the Democrats are DISAPPOINTED that the President of the United States was not involved in trying to fix the election. Talk about assholes!!
Jaydub and others have it right. They have too much invested in this Russia hoax.
The only way end this TDS is for a new Special Counsel who indicts, flips or convicts Comey et al. The crime is obstruction of justice in the Hillary email case and the theory is point shaving. They knew the Steele dossier was a fabrication paid for by Hillary and the DNC.
Like Saddam's WMD
The war started in response to Iraq's invasion of its neighbor. It was sustained under the subsequent administration. There were multiple reasons for ending the war in Iraq. It was saved and progressed throughout the Middle East and Africa for different causes and under different labels.
TDS will go on forever. As their current theories of Trump criminality and evil are shown to be false, the TDS cult will just make up new theories. When Barr follows the law and doesn't release everything from the Mueller investigation, TDS cultists will declare all the incriminating evidence was hidden and is what wasn't released. If absolutely everything from the Mueller is released they will claim the incriminating evidence was destroyed or never written down or maybe the Mueller investigation was incomplete or shielded Trump, his family and staff from scrutiny......and on and on and on. Alex Jones doesn't have exclusive rights to never ending wack-job conspiracy theories.
Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges
Specifically a Kiev-based plot, where the coup was staged and progressed, for reasons of Clinton, European interest, and, unfortunately, mavericks, and now its "virtuous" actors are under investigation.
The MSM Democratic Media Industrial Complex ARE the Covington teen harassers.
The Left is hysterically desperate and resorting to blatantly false smears that a percentage of the public will believe.
Three of the most obvious examples are the Kavanaugh Hearings, Trumps Charlottesville speech and the Russian Collusion Hoax.
I have no doubt that there will be more to come.
We really do not want these totalitarians in power.
The true Trump Derangement Syndrome believers are on MSNBC proselytizing as I type. They're testing out new conspiracy theories....
Most normal people believe things because they are true.
To those suffering TDS, things are true because they believe them.
It's a terrible disease.
TDS fever breaking? Ha, no way. It will morph into a plague that will afflict the nation forever. The Dems, with Ph'd's in unintended consequences, have totally destroyed the presidential election process. Of course, they do not see it.
I lost track of Frum in the Obama years, and somewhere, he lost track of himself. Did the Iran deal mean nothing to him?
Many of the NeverTrumpers will never be able to climb down to OccasionalTrump without riding to Damascus. Jerusalem wasn't enough for Frum or Charen, but it should have given them a clue they were on the wrong path.
“I have a theory that maybe Trumps first 2 years have been so successful ...”
Has Trump been successful or has America been successful? Judges and a tax bill, those are this administration’s major achievements. I’m not diminishing them but I do believe we the people and the country we make up should get the fuller credit. When the regulators get out of the way and we keep more of our money to spend it the way we see fit, we as individuals and as a country do better.
Hillary could have won the election if she had visited Madison and been endorsed by famous blogger Ann Althouse.
Richard Belaire said...
"... After all, 2020 is not going to fix itself."
You meant 2016, didn't you?
I understand why people keep bringing up Hillary. For good reason. Let's not forget she was a private citizen when this operation was conceived, then launched.
We hear an awful lot about the FBI/DOJ. Nothing about NSA, CIA, Pentagon, State Dept.
Names you'll never hear are Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarret. Oh, and that other guy with the big ears and wide grin. Forget his name, but he was lurking somewhere in the shadows.
Blogger Fernandistein said...
Let he who is without collusion tweet the first aspersion
Now that’s good stuff.
This is one of those things you read and just think there really is no hope. I heard a few mins of Mark Levin last night, and when he wasn't advertising himself, he was saying how the Lisa Page revelations showed that there was no basis for an investigation to have been started at all. People just get entrenched in their positions and absolutely nothing is going to change them. You can't have a healthy, functioning society where people hold their own individual versions of 'reality' or their own 'truth'.
It doesnt matter what the report will say; everyone made up their minds a long time ago.
Also, Goebbels' quotes on lies and repeating them seems apropos here.
In the wider world the TDS fever might be breaking. The lefty media would never report it and political junkies (include me) would see no change in those they read most often. But the wide world does change based on large public events. The Mueller Report found no collusion; TDS outbreak slows. That's how the world works. It's hard to say what the symptoms of TDS ending in the wide world would be. Pelosi got the news ahead, I imagine, and dropped the impeachment attempt - so impeachment is impossible without Mueller finding collusion. And I think that it will suddenly seem silly to blame Trump for everything. Just bang, like that. The cataract operation happens, the colors alter, 20-20 eyesight comes back. The SF / NYC streets are filled with poop, nothing to do with Trump; Jussie Smollett, nothing to do with Trump; neurotic depression in feminists, not caused by Trump; assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, not caused by Trump.
A world where a majority knows that events have causes other than Trump - that would be the symptom of the fever breaking. It's too much to ask that Trump get credit for his achievements starting today but I think that will come next. 20-20 vision equals Trump in 2020.
I'll be satisfied when I see Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Ohr (both of them), Podesta (all of them), and Hillary hanging by their feet, tarred and feathered.
And CNN getting 5 viewers a night who are not stuck in an airport.
And MSNBC staying the course so we always have a running example of who those people are.
NBCABCCBSNYTIMESWAPO are all working on their own extinction. I think we can let them run their course.
A couple months ago I watched David Frum being interviewed on BookTV. He was obsessed with the idea that the Republican Party is suppressing Black votes.
Frum really has become deranged.
Chuck Todd speculated this AM that Trump wasn’t indicted because information was withheld or Mueller was blocked. He made this statement despite the fact that AG Barr wrote a letter that said the exact opposite.
Totally and completely invested.
Ann’s peer, Alan Dershowitz, said that the Mueller Report was written in a light least favorable to Trump. Let the adversary system work. Let the Trump team see it, let them write a report and release both at the SAME TIME. The public, acting as the jury, can then decide. Agree 100%.
Tis but a scratch...
Who else follows CNN and MSNBC but committed Trump haters? Why would they continue to tune in if the daily injection of hatred were cut off? These people are like junkies and won't be able to break the habit, let alone admit they were wrong.
This is the key observation. The ratings of lefty TV are sky high. Rachel Madcow has ratings higher than Fox.
The irony is that Democrats are heading for the cliff and nothing will distract them.
Powerline has a cute video series. The Democrat candidates.
Yesterday, Althouse had a post on the false narrative of Trump's statements on Charlottesville which concluded:
"I suspect that they keep repeating the falsehood because they are so clearly wrong that they can't find any way to back down. And I also think they've seen the effectiveness of this attack on Trump. It has worked as propaganda, so why stop now? The hit to their credibility has already occurred, so why not keep manipulating minds?"
The mere fact that the Russia collusion narrative has been proven to be false will change nothing. Like other conspiracy theorists, the more evidence showing there was no conspiracy, the more powerful they believe the conspiracy to be. They will just move on to the next cockamamie theory about Trump. As Althouse points out, it may be a lie but it is effective propaganda.
David Frum is a liar. He's lied about all kinds of things, and Trump most of all. I don't see the point in reasoning with a liar and somehow accepting his lies as an acceptable debating point. Trump never colluded with Russia. There's never been any proof of it. And there's never been any proof that Russia tried to swing the election to Trump or had any success in doing so.
We do know the UK, through the MI6 "Former" agent Steele tried to swing the election to Hillary. And what about the Israeli Government or the Chinese. Were they they trying to influence our POTUS election? We never hear about that. How much foreign money did Obama illegally get in 2008 or 2016? Does anyone care?
The primary purpose of the special council investigation was not to put Republicans in jail. It was to keep Democrats out of jail. By that standard it has been a complete success.
Trump owes his presidency, perhaps, to the support that Putin gave to Hillary in the forms of millions of dollars to her little foundation, a place to offer cushy jobs and soft landings to her loyalists. Lois Lerner dreamed of working there. And hundreds of thousands of dollars Putin gave to her husband personally, and millions in stock that he gave to her campaign manager. All of that hurt Hillary and likely cost her some votes.
Oh yeah, and fracking is Putin’s worst nightmare. Hillary wanted to all but shut down fracking. That policy alone would have been worth billions to Putin, and OPEC.
My best stab at it: Many people need to believe in the health and stability of the American establishment so much (professional careers and journalism are very strong indicators) that quarantining Trump from any kind of legitimacy and respectability seems the best strategy (never Trump), including support for Hilary whom is pretty corrupt.
The far Left: Anyone to the right is Hitler and will need eventually need to be purged anyways, including themselves.
Progressives: They need an establishmment to react against, and can’t accept much of their secular religion has deeply authoritarian roots and totalitarian consequences, when not pushing Utopia.
The Boomer liberals, moderates center Left, old war and centrist Democrats-Ducking for cover? Waiting it out? Moderating even further away from the far Left?
The neoconservatives, ‘classical’ liberals, some conservatives/center Right-Moderating, forming alliances to win back academia...some Trump agnostics ducking for cover and waiting it out?
Many conservatives, center and further right, pro-Trumpers-Becoming actively anti-never Trump and sometimes very pro Trump, okay and looking to maybe both overthrow and/or maintain the establishment. Trump may be the last chance for American greatness and a bulwark against the rising space for far Left Socialism.
The far right-Some genuine racists, nationalists,and a handful of nazis and militants. Jewspiricists and often seeking perfection and purity through political ideology
What worries me most: How much change and social change has occurred so quickly, how far many daily lives and expectations are from many existing current traditions, arrangements and duties the Republic requires.
Obviously, this is just my take.
Levi Starks: "In their single minded opposition to Trump the Democrats (and to some extent the anti Trumpers) found themselves completely left out of the democratic process."
Compromises were possible in the beginning. In fact the LLR/NeverTrumper liars claimed their greatest fear was that Trump would be so desperate deals he would give away the store.
When the exact opposite happened and Trump delivered the most conservative governance in 70 years those same LLR/NeverTrumpers themselves went full left.
Only by Trump being driven from office can they somehow justify their behavior so they will NEVER relinquish their fever dreams of impeachment, and they dont care in the slightest how their leftist allies weaponize the state, a la East Germany, to accomplish that.
This is truly funny.
They are in the Ouroboros stage, where consumption is progressive approaching a singularity.
FWIW, Ken Starr weighs in with his well-explained opinion that the Mueller report must NOT be made public.
"Is the Trump Derangement Syndrome fever breaking?"
If you watch cable news you'll know it isn't. And a regular dullard poster will be along at some point to cut and paste proof.
David Begley said...
"Hillary could have won the election if she had visited Madison and been endorsed by famous blogger Ann Althouse."
I tried to warn them:
They are few in numbers, and nobody needs to listen to them anymore. Bye-bye!
They will always be given a platform by liberal outlets who then claim that they are providing a diverse point of view. As long as they shut up about any retrograde beliefs on the subjects of culture or economics that they might have carried over from their days as Republicans. But these outlets needn’t worry! They are complete sellouts. They have no path back.
I'll be satisfied when I see Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Ohr (both of them), Podesta (all of them), and Hillary hanging by their feet, tarred and feathered.
They can shoot people on Pennsylvania Avenue, and no DC jury will convict them. Probably have to go as far as Frederick MD or Fredericksburg VA to do that.
the apotheosis of this sentiment, is in that screed from Robert gleason, which instead of being regarded as a plea for professional help, it was regarded as dark satire, by the likes of nelson demille,
When Obama was running - the leftist proggy town where I reside had no problem displaying their adoration and support of him on their bumpers and in their yards, with proud displays of support by any means.
When Hillary ran, these same people showed up to vote for her, but it was astonishing how little outward support was shown - anywhere. Very few bumper stickers/yard signs.
The left had a moral dilemma. They still showed up to vote for Queen Private Server, but hardly anyone wanted to admit it.
But you know - Russian collusion!
Plenty of religious movements have survived the failure of prophecy, I don't expect the Trump deranged to be any different.
As someone said in a previous thread, the alternative is admitting that a casino manager and reality TV star beat them at their own game. So nope. They thought they were "Masters of the Universe." Turns out they're a bunch of dopey weirdos.
I forget where I read it, but I recently saw an observation that intelligent people can be much more ignorant than people of lesser intelligence, if they use all that intelligence to very cleverly deny common sense and reality in support of their pre-existing beliefs.
They can be very good at motivated reasoning, but then they are not so good at realty.
Swalley is pitiful isn't he, anyways there is a real story with deep state players like mifsud and the valdai forum, and halper and his deep state ties, both to vauxhaul cross, and the fsb.
TDS will roll forward. The Democratic media complex already has moved on to the NY investigations and swear that THIS time Trump will be frog marched out of the White House.
Plenty of religious movements have survived the failure of prophecy, I don't expect the Trump deranged to be any different.
etbass: "FWIW, Ken Starr weighs in with his well-explained opinion that the Mueller report must NOT be made public."
The left/dems/LLR's know perfectly well Barr will follow the law.
Thats what they are counting on for the next phase of their hoax.
Let's not forget, as Nancy Pelosi has so incisively pointed out, we saw cold, hard evidence indicating somebody somewhere possibly had intentions.
Oh yeah, and fracking is Putin’s worst nightmare. Hillary wanted to all but shut down fracking. That policy alone would have been worth billions to Putin, and OPEC.
That policy alone would have been worth trillions to Putin, and OPEC.
Fixed it for you.
Give me a fever and a place to stand, and I will move the world.
This is the only branding the Never-Trump people have left. They've burned their bridges to the Republicans. They have no ties to Democrats, who are happy to use them but view them with contempt. They have no principles anchoring them to any policies. The only career that people like Frum have left is the occasional magazine article where they can present themselves as "Republican criticizes Trump."
I recently saw an observation that intelligent people can be much more ignorant than people of lesser intelligence, if they use all that intelligence to very cleverly deny common sense and reality in support of their pre-existing beliefs.
How many engineer jokes do you know ? I know a lot and they usually have an engineer's obliviousness as a punch line.
Two Engineering students are riding bikes across the campus. One compliments the other on his nice bike.
The guy with the nice bike says, "There was this beautiful girl riding this bike last week and, when she saw me, she stopped and took off all her clothes and said, 'Take what you want !' So, I took the bike." The other students says, "Good plan. The clothes would probably not fit."
There are hundreds like that.
@Drago, Trump did reach out, to the New York Times as President-elect, and then to Democrats with his offer of working a deal for Dreamers vs. the Wall, which was wrecked over the fake issue of whether Trump referred to shithole countries as shithole countries. After that it was clearly Trump and his base vs. an alliance between Democrats and twits like David Frum and the rest of the Never-Trumpers.
Trump represents change I can believe in.
If you want to understand TDS, watch this with the understanding that the left thinks Trump is Skeletor.
Hmmm...did the anti-Obama theorists ever recant? They just became even more irrelevant. These anti-Trump people aren't going to recant. It is hard for them to become irrelevant when they occupy ABCNBCCBSCNNMSNBCESPNWAPONYT. They are going to keep looking for prove beyond a shadow of a doubt and with geometric logic that Trump stole those strawberries.*
It is very hard for the mentally ill to regain their balance.
*Classic reference
Frum is an ugly man. He knows he’s ugly. I suspect he’s underendowed. To put this in context, his CBC personality mother, Barbara, was gorgeous. I suspect his mother was horrified at the little toad she birthed.
Poor, sad little man. Cue up “Holding On To Yesterday “ for him.
Bob Boyd said: The primary purpose of the special counsel investigation was not to put Republicans in jail. It was to keep Democrats out of jail. By that standard it has been a complete success.
Nailed it.
"The "start of something" but what?
[Rachael Maddow's] obvious disappointment in the Mueller report suggests she was truly surprised, as were many progressives. They weren't feigning it. If the Mueller report is a dud, the question again arises: how could their estimates have been so far off?
If they are now going for a 3rd attempt, which will be to the Mueller investigation what the Mueller investigation was to Hillary's 2016 loss, are they likely to do any better?
The uniparty status quo ante they sought to restore by removing the Trump outlier is now severely damaged, not in the least by their own actions. All the king's horses and all the king's men won't put Humpty together again.
What was revealed was the extent of rottenness in the system. If Trump had been a godlike Alexander it would have been one thing. But he's not. That they are actually less competent than a casino manager and reality show host is too much for them to take. Yet it is nevertheless true.
The real crisis of American governance isn't that Trump is some evil genius. It is what a bunch of mediocrities the elite have turned out to be. Better to have found out now than in the middle of some existential conflict with a great power." - Richard Fernandez on Twitter commenting about Rachael Maddow 's statement on her show that the Mueller Report is "just the start of something, not the end of something"
Frum, Kristol, Sykes and Co. are beyond reason and beyond embarrassment. Maddow, Hayes, Todd, O'Donnell and their ilk are either playing a role or mentally ill.
I have worked with a female personal trainer for years who is an MSNBC watcher. If we talk about politics, she has perfected what I call her Maddow face, a sideways leer that expresses a level of skeptical knowingness that is cartoonish in its ability to express a faux sophistication. I care about her enough to be bothered by what she is wallowing in. It is a sad time.
Orange. Man. Bad.
I kind of feel bad for the TDS crowd, two of their sacred cows have been obliterated this week: "fine people on both sides" and collusion. That's rough.
Btw, I've never been more happy about moderation than I am right now. Normally, this thread wouldn't be worth it.
Kübler-Ross theory suggests that Dems may be moving from step 3 to step 4 in their grief over Trump's 2016 victory.
—What we're waiting for Mueller to clarify is how much the president and his team knew about that Russian help before it was delivered.—
I really find this statement funny. It made me smile.
To me, it’s either I’m too stupid as a “journalist” to figure it out or Trump is so Machiavellian, I’m too stupid to figure it out.
Either way, I’m stupid!
Re : Hagar @ 9:04 AM
No, I meant 2020, but constructed a poor sentence.
People like Frum are professionals, they write for money.
He and his kind would not write in public if there weren't something in it for him, direct or indirect.
The output of such people can be mistaken as a personal opinion, as we would assume from most on Althouse for instance, but we should resist that error. It is a natural misunderstanding that is much exploited.
Meanwhile, behind the paywall at the Telegraph, there's an article by one Ben Riley-Smith titled "How war hero Robert Mueller's strategy of silence and 'flipping' closed the net on Team Trump", dated today.
greatest fear was that Trump would be so desperate deals he would give away the store.
That was, indeed, my fear. Fortunately, by pig-headedly refusing to "normalize" Trump, the Democrats made themselves utterly incapable of trying to find common ground with him, and thus ensured that the realization of my fears was made impossible.
I always suspected much of the reason Clarence Thomas has been such a lion of "Federalist Society" jurisprudence is precisely that his confirmation hearings left the Left completely opposed to contact with him. As a result he's had all his non-Court social contact with bright legal minds of the right, and all his positive media coverage from the right. If he had been treated like a normal Justice, who knows how his jurisprudence might have evolved? But the Greenhouse effect can only work if you're not an eternal pariah. Thank goodness the idiots on the Left similarly are ostracizing Kavanaugh instead of trying to seduce him into a Kenndmush.
I predict that TDS will worsen; those who hated Trump before hate him far more bitterly now because he beat them again.
Now that they have been shown to be so abysmally wrong, they have to redouble their efforts to prove they're right. I think the savaging of Trump has just begun.
The House of Reps will go crazy, the SDNY will go crazy, and the state legal mechanisms of New York (and many other blue states) will go hog-wild.
Trump will need to draw on hidden reserves of Up-Yours-ness to deal with these maniacs.
So having ventured into the fever swamps this seems to be the main point:
1) Mueller has indicted dozens of people for unrelated charges.
2) It’s a “report” not an “indictment,” that’s not what the special counsel does!
Sorry, about the grammar (whom, especially) My ios autocorrect is not working big time.
WHERE are the calls to make former President Obama and his administration testify about WHY they spied on a rival Presidential campaign? THIS is the whole problem in a nutshell. Of course the Main Stream Media really don't care about the truth. Only getting Trump out of the WH.
You people seem to know what is in the Mueller Report. Can't wait to find out if you spin it as a witch Hunt or Mueller's a hero
TDS is about confirmation bias.
No end of pundits, from politicians to actors (for example, from Pelosi to Clooney) declared Trump would never be president. Ooops! So they made up their minds he musn't be president. The Mueller report would be conclusive proof.
Well, Mueller didn't deliver. So, he and his report will be deprecated, discarded, dismissed, disregarded, forgotten.
But Donald Trump musn't be president, so TDS will soldier on...
TDS isn't going anywhere, most of the left simply cannot accept that Trump's win was legitimate because then it might have to consider that mistakes were made during the 2016 election cycle, and the left never makes mistakes or takes the wrong political position on anything. All losses are due to some combination of lies, money, corporations, PACs, rich people, deplorables, Christians, Jews, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, white privilege, white supremacists, ignorance, their candidates not embracing leftism enough, or their candidates being misunderstood by those stupid voters.
Even if somehow there existed video evidence of this plot being hatched against Trump and it were made public, the true believers of collusion would never believe it. This has now reached to the level of a religious conviction, and no amount of reason will penetrate the barrier.
I read that the investigation determined that the Russian attempts to influence the election were aimed at both candidates and were primarily designed to create chaos and mistrust of the system, which has certainly worked extremely well on the Democrats. The Russians couldn't possibly have expected it to work so well. They made half the nation crazy and unhinged to the point that they are voting for people who want to install a soviet type government here. If anybody told the Russians they could have done that with so little investment they would have called it a pipe dream.
"pipe dream"? WTF does that mean?
Ah the telegraph has gone downhill since fitz enabled breeden to hand over conrad blacks flagship to the Barclay bros.
TDS is like herpes.
The only Russian soutced material came through fusion GPS, the emails could have come from a multiplicity of agencies.
Somewhere in the bowels of the DoJ, the FBI, and the CIA lies the evidence of the embryonic investigations of all the leading Republican candidates in the field of 2016's nomination process. All of them. Count on it.
There are multiple crimes we're aware of that haven't been prosecuted. But we know that Mueller's investigations led to people being prosecuted for perjury and lying to the FBI.
And there should be other prosecutions for perjury.
Everyone involved in presenting the Steele Dossier to the FISA court as "evidence" should be prosecuted for perjury.
As for additional prosecutions for lying to the FBI- everyone who who presented the Steele Dossier to the FBI and said it was an actual investigation.
And every partner in Fusion GPS should be tried for criminal conspiracy in pushing the fake dossier.
Russians made Hillary not campaign in several battleground states.
"You people seem to know what is in the Mueller Report. Can't wait to find out if you spin it as a witch Hunt or Mueller's a hero"
If I gave a team of investigators unlimited money to investigate Howard on possible uranium smuggling, I'll guarantee someone you talked to in the last 10 years is going to jail. In the end they may not find any uranium smuggling by Howard, you might say. But I say, who cares how Howard spins this. Because that's not what matters. What matters is all his associates who went to jail for something on their taxes, or "lying to investigators," or being out of compliance with the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations).
If you doubt me about someone going to jail after intense scrutiny from investigators, just take a gander at the CFR. I had a job once where I was supposed to help my company's clients stay in compliance with about 15 pages of those regulations. I would say, about 90% were not in compliance and still are not in compliance to the letter of the law. That's just 15 pages of (last I checked) 22,877 pages. If they want you, they can hang you. Or as Stalin said, "show me the man and I will show you the crime."
I wouldn't call it spin, I would call it disgust.
"pipe dream"? WTF does that mean?
It means, "if you believe that, you must be smoking something"
Bob Boyd said: "The primary purpose of the special counsel investigation was not to put Republicans in jail. It was to keep Democrats out of jail. By that standard it has been a complete success."
PJ said: "Nailed it."
Respectfully dissent.
The primary purpose was to help elect Hillary. (Failed). The secondary purpose was to destabilize Trump and injure his political prospects for 2020. (This has now failed too).
Is anyone listening to CNN and MSNBC? It turns out that the exoneration of Trump by Mueller only strengthens the argument in favor of impeachment, because (as best I understand the argument) Trump is not qualified to be President, and impeachment is the only way to remove him from office.
BTW, for those LLRs and dEmos who mock Fox news, review the reporting on the Mueller investigation over the past two years, and see which network ended up being more accurate.
Bob Boyd said: "The primary purpose of the special counsel investigation was not to put Republicans in jail. It was to keep Democrats out of jail. By that standard it has been a complete success."
A thousand times this.
What I posted on Don Surber
For your consideration...
If Robert Mueller bungled then is implication that Trump innocent or too crafty?
"You people seem to know what is in the Mueller Report. Can't wait to find out if you spin it as a witch Hunt or Mueller's a hero"
We all have a pretty good idea what's not in it.
"You people seem to know what is in the Mueller Report. Can't wait to find out if you spin it as a witch Hunt or Mueller's a hero"
We all have a pretty good idea what's not in it.
“You people seem to know what is in the Mueller Report. Can't wait to find out if you spin it as a witch Hunt or Mueller's a hero"
Yes it’s sort of amazing how so many people have supernatural powers.
Big Mike said...
@Drago, Trump did reach out, to the New York Times as President-elect, and then to Democrats with his offer of working a deal for Dreamers vs. the Wall, which was wrecked over the fake issue of whether Trump referred to shithole countries as shithole countries. After that it was clearly Trump and his base vs. an alliance between Democrats and twits like David Frum and the rest of the Never-Trumpers.
Trump represents change I can believe in.
What revisionism!
Trump called the New York Times "failing." Then he called them "a great jewel." Then he went right back to calling them "failing" and "fake" and an "enemy of the people." I think that most of the editorial staff at the Times think that Trump is unfit for office. If you don't like it, don't buy the paper. I don't know why either side would or should pretend to respect the other. They don't. The Times only gives Trump the time of day because he is President. Trump, for his part, seems to be unable to stop reading the Times, because he is an old New Yorker, and they are the Times.
As for any wall/DREAMer deal... Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin asked to meet with the President, with a proposed deal. Steven Miller and some others got wind of it, and called Tom Cotton, David Perdue and a few others and they quickly went to the White House to intercept the deal.
I actually don't mind that they did that. I am so disgusted by Trump's peculiar fixation on "a great wall," that I tend to agree with Cotton, that such a deal was a rotten bargain. And as we go into the future, I continue to worry that Trump will pay some terrible price for a worthless and stupid "wall."
But the "shithole countries" dispute is all on Trump. All of it. Trump said it, or he didn't. Trump won't say which. Trump should own it, or credibly deny it. And my policy support for Perdue and Cotton on the merits is all dashed, because they both appear to have shamelessly switched stories and ultimately lied about whether Trump said it or not.
Shame on those lying pricks. Cotton has a wonderful personal record. Military service, legal training, conservative voting record. A future president, in my book.
And then he goes and lies for Trump. I will always hold that grudge with Cotton.
The left's headlong rush into insanity would funny if they weren't trying to take the rest of us with them.
This will not end well.
Bay area guy said...The primary purpose was to help elect Hillary.
The Special Counsel was appointed after the election.
However, if you mean the creation of the dossier as evidence that Trump was colluding with the Russians to justify spying on the Trump campaign, then I agree. The Special Counsel investigation grew out of that as a defensive measure which became became necessary because Hillary lost.
When I was a kid, the key home remedy advice was "Feed a cold. Starve a fever."
It will be near impossible to starve the TDS fever. However, it may burn itself out.
Yes, David Frum, it was not a theory. It was confirmed by the FBI’s and other Deep Stater’s meticulous exam of DNC computers which yielded evidence of Russian hacking.
What’s that? The FBI and other intelligence entities who verified the Russian “hacking” were NEVER given access to the computers by the DNC, never exercised a search warrant or subpoena to gain access? The only evidence was that somebody who worked for the DNC told them there was a hack and it was the Russians?
Oh well, good enough for the politically corrupt FBI and Trump-hating morons. Does the shoe fit, David? And see,
Somewhere in the bowels of the DoJ, the FBI, and the CIA lies the evidence of the embryonic investigations of all the leading Republican candidates in the field of 2016's nomination process. All of them. Count on it.
Just like there are plans in the Pentagon somewhere to invade Canada, England, or France.
You people seem to know what is in the Mueller Report. Can't wait to find out if you spin it as a witch Hunt or Mueller's a hero
Keep hope alive!
Trump mocks fox news... is he a llr deMos??
Mueller learned lots of people lied or committed crimes. Like he learned Comey illegally leaked documents. My problem is he selectively charged people. Those FBI agents who traded access for bribes aren't getting any charges. Makes it hard to believe there's a non partisan running things.
It bears repeating: Russian Collusion : Trump :: Birth Certificate : Obama
This would make a good bumper sticker.
The MSNBC panel this morning was saying it was a strategic mistake to wait on the Mueller report.
The Dems have had more than enough evidence to impeach and they need to just get on with it.
The only thing that will even put dent in TDS is a second term with a larger margin of victory.
Restore the republic, cast your ballot against the MSM.
> intelligent people can be much more ignorant than people of lesser intelligence,
Intelligent people are so smart that they can easily fool themselves. I tell people that I am so dumb that I can only see what is obvious.
$768 million
+$368 million
That is how much Hillary Clinton's Campaign and the DNC spent on the 2016 election. According to Open
That was the cost of the Facebook Ads purchased by the Russians, according to the Washington Post.
Does the MSM think we can't do basic math? Are we really saying that those 37 million or so "impressions" on Facebook were enough to trump (pardons) $1,000,000,000 in spending over every major media market know to mankind? Really? That beggars all belief.
Good Lord, Hillary had 99% of the media,all of Europe, the DNC and massive help from Illegals from other countries living within the US, many of whom voted. Trump may have had a couple of posts on Facebook (as did Hillary and Bernie) from Russian troll farms, and these people still think the only reason Trump won is Russia?
“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!?!”
Umm, yeah, it’s over. Those claiming that it was never about collusion or that Mueller wasn’t about indicting people are never going to vote Republican ever. None of you people are persuadable. Where are you going to go? So the Democrats running the House would be fools to cave to your childish demands. Just because you want something to be true doesn’t make it true. Even if you have been stoked up to want it really bad by CNN and MSNBC.
The only thing that will put a damper on this Deep State and Democrat bullshit is for Barr to can Rosenstein and appoint a special prosecutor who hires political hacks a la Mueller to investigate Hillary, Rice, Comey, Lynch and Obama (et al) for actual crimes, for which there is actual probable cause. Indictment and conviction of Hillary should be a slam dunk.
Don’t hold your breath. Trump’s problem is that the only cohort he has had with the courage to take this run at the Democrat swamp is Nikki Haley and she is gone and not a lawyer.
"The Dems have had more than enough evidence to impeach and they need to just get on with it."
Most of the Democrats and the American people haven't fully embraced the "will to power" impulse to just do whatever they want. Most of them need to at least lie to themselves that they have legitimate reasons for what they want to do. They need an excuse.
And most of them know that NOTHING so far is enough of an excuse to impeach Trump.
The whole impeachment gig is just too tempting for the media complex. A generation and a half ago, they ran Richard Nixon out of the White House and became legends. They cast a shadow on Reagan legacy with Iran-Contra. And the Republicans branded that slick scalawag Clinton with impeachment in 1998. How hard can it be to impeach a somewhat loutish, show-biz con-man like Trump?
So they aren't going to give it up. They have the desire--the burning, burning desire--to get the show on the road. They have a colorful cast ready to go--the pitbull Adam Schiff (don't look too hard at his eyes), Jerry (Jabba) Nadler, Maxine (the Queen) Waters, Chuck (Ready when You Are) Schumer, and Nancy (I'll Keep Score) Pelosi.
All Team Impeach (the media, the Dems, the NeverTrumpers) needs is a colorable (look it up) argument. It is their time. They are going to make history. They are going to impeach Trump. They thought they might have Mueller do the heavy lifting, but they'll do it now anyway.
Why? Because they so much want to be in the history books. And they are so hollow--so, so empty.
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but with a whimper.
Nikki Haley is doing a fund-raiser in Chicago in April. She'll be back. I look for her to be Trump's running mate in 2020.
Here's an unanticipated problem with the new moderation protocol. Without moderation, we could all be poking fun at tcrosse right now for double posting. But with moderation, who knows wtf happened? Maybe tcrosse single-posted, but the moderator-on-duty was suffering from a caffeine deficit and issued a double approval. Or maybe tcrosse really did double post, and the moderators approved both as an example pour les autres. It's even possible tcrosse never posted at all and the moderators are running a Comment Theater entirely of their own composition. It's all so confusing.
The worst thing about media coverage of Russia-Trump has been all the speculative news stories and opinion pieces: "What if Trump tries to fire Mueller?" "What if Mueller finds evidence of ...." "What if Cohen (or Manafort, or ...) gives Mueller evidence that Trump did ....? And it's not over: "What if the Southern District of New York does....? This is not responsible journalism, and as commentary, it's just space-filling blather. And isn't it interesting that we don't see the same kind of speculative journalism about Trump opponents: "What if [candidate's] husband files for divorce?" "What if it turns out that [candidate] has a sexually transmitted disease?" "What if [candidate] wins the nomination and then dies?" What if [Clinton campaign aide] is indicted for...?"
Something is being lost here. Collusion is not a crime. If Trump got help from Russia to win the election, it's still not a crime. Even Russians have free speech in America. It'd be a political embarrassment, not a crime . Any punishment would take place at the ballot box. Mueller could have created crimes by inducing people to lie about it, if it happened. He didn't, or couldn't, because it didn't happen.
BTW, what provision of the law enables a Special Counsel to investigate possible political mistakes by candidates for office?
Hey guys and gals, I’m so old I remember when the Dems and the media guys were going to impeach Bush any minute.
God, I hope those idiotic House Democrats subpoena Mueller to testify before their little committee.
That will be so much fun!
The awful truth is that the Bush gang used its German SS officers to remake the CIA into a fascist shadow government that runs DC by Murder and extortion methods with the Media on is payroll. Trump and the US Military has declared war in it.
Until the mass arrests and evidence dumps are over, TDS will peak in riots and Martial law. Then DJT will have a monument on the Mall. But not until then.
@Diogenes: TDS will go on forever.
I disagree. It will go on until the first Republican nominee who follows him is selected, at which point the enemy news media will switch into Strange New Respect mode and the new guy will be compared unfavorably to him. If the next Republican wins, and he and Trump don’t see eye to eye on something in a way that is useful to the Democrat/news media cabal, Trump will get the full Respected Elder Statesman treatment.
You fell for it again.
The definition of insanity is?
Its not TDS, it's the people that are the disease.
We are going to need a good culling.
I think that most of the editorial staff at the Times think that Trump is unfit for office.
But on what grounds do they think he's "unfit"? Because as a former Democrat he's an apostate? Because they didn't personally pick him (as if that matters)? Because he punches back instead of pretending like Dubya to be above the fray? Because they don't like young black people holding paying jobs?
If you don't like it, don't buy the paper.
I don't and I don't. I won't even pay a few bucks to allowed to stick my nose behind their paywall. It's not as though they're a genuine news organization anymore.
I don't know why either side would or should pretend to respect the other. They don't.
And I don't. I don't think there's any such thing as a Democrat or Never-Trumper Republican (alleged Republican) who has enough working neurons to grasp the amount of raw contempt I have for them.
Blogger Skookum John said...
@Diogenes: “TDS will go on forever.”
I disagree. It will go on until the first Republican nominee who follows him is selected, at which point the enemy news media will switch into Strange New Respect mode and the new guy will be compared unfavorably to him. If the next Republican wins, and he and Trump don’t see eye to eye on something in a way that is useful to the Democrat/news media cabal, Trump will get the full Respected Elder Statesman treatment.
What an interesting comment!
It is mostly wrong, of course but nonetheless it is a fascinating observation.
So first; the left-leaning mainstream media will always hate whichever Republican threatens to win an election. No matter what. So John McCain is an honest, centrist statesman. Until he runs against Obama for the presidency and then McCain is temporarily made into a dangerous madman. Until the election is over and McCain becomes a hero once again. (I like that Mitt Romney hasn’t gotten the full treatment in this regard yet. It shows that The Best President We Never Got is still a threat.)
But when Trump is gone, that’s it. Trumpism is finished. Because it is all just a personality cult from the start. There is not a whole lot of policy difference between Bill Kristol and Jared Kushner. Senators Romney, Cruz, Graham, McConnell, Lee, Rubio and Cotton will all vote the same way, and will privately say the same things about Trump nearly 100% of the time.
The Republican Party will reunite after Trump because issues will demand it and because the Trump division is personal to Donald Trump.
I can't wait to read the section of the Mueller report that discusses Administration pastry activities.
Forget it Chuck, we don't need quislings like yourself.
Chuck: The Republican Party will reunite after Trump because issues will demand it and because the Trump division is personal to Donald Trump.
The thing is it will unite in a way as never before. Gone are the days I would ever vote for the Romneys,etc.
They and their kind have been completely exposed. They haven’t the same views or passion for these views I have.
They said they did for years, I voted for them, then they perennially caved. I’m on to all of their kind now.
Not sure what the future will look like for conservatives, but I’m real sure it’ll bear no semblance at all to a few years ago.
And I for one think that’s fantastic.
Blogger Aunty Trump said...
Forget it Chuck, we don't need quislings like yourself.
That’s an interesting application of the new moderation standard(s).
How interesting that Trump is so quiet, not a tweet out of him. You’d think he’d be crowing out his “victory” if he had gotten good news.
But when Trump is gone, that’s it. Trumpism is finished. Because it is all just a personality cult from the start
You are seriously confused by your Trump hatred Chuck. You really miss the boat.
There is no personality cult. His personality is not endearing. It is his will to battle the machine that even moderates are afraid to fight, much less conservatives. It is also his independence from LLRs and Democrats.
He has shown the way a third party candidate might win - by running as an outsider for the nomination. There will be another Trump in the next few cycles, possibly from the left.
The Republican Party will reunite after Trump because issues will demand it and because the Trump division is personal to Donald Trump.
The mistake here is that Trumpism is all about Donald Trump. It's not. It might be true that Never-Trump Republicans are united in their personal distaste for the man, but for most of us support for Trump is all about supporting policies that make life better for the sort of people who work hard for a living. You know, the sort of folks who serve our food in diners, fix our roofs, repair our plumbing, clean rest rooms where we work, and generally perform the functions without which we'd be living barely out of the 19th century. Never-Trump Republicans are clearly letting their personal feelings interfere with what's good for the country, and thereby they signal to the rest of us that they don't care about what's good for the rest of the country. If anyone thinks that the Republican party will kiss and make up when Trump leaves office in January of 2025, they are fooling themselves. We will not forget nor will we forgive.
Another typical mistake, besides that of taking professionals personally, is to assume any of this is organic. The entire thing was and remains an organized, coordinated effort, by a centrally managed system.
This is not unique in history, but it is a relatively new development in the US. The US public has never been subjected to such a focused campaign of such intensity since WWII. Other countries with centrally managed propaganda systems can deal better, personally and socially, because everyone understands what they see and hear from these sources and can better take them in stride. It is to be expected that the news on the tele.
There are of course millions of innocent people who have been deluded by this engineered hysteria. A lot of them have been badly hurt, families broken, friendships broken, careers set back, jobs lost, and worst of all perhaps it has badly damaged the actual practice of free speech in both public and personal circumstances.
All of this deterioration was already ongoing, but this has made the cultural split vastly wider.
As for Chuck, needless to say probably, but here goes, again. Politicians follow the people, not people the politicians. This all is a fight between peoples, not politicians. That sort of enmity is permanent, incurable without blood. Politicians pass and are forgotten, their arguments are made obsolete by time. But peoples persist, and their mutual hatreds, once truly started, are forever.
Somewhere in the bowels of the DoJ, the FBI, and the CIA lies the evidence of the embryonic investigations of all the leading Republican candidates in the field of 2016's nomination process. All of them.
Yet those candidates have been silent. To quote Bob Dole, where's the outrage?
By "keeping Democrats out of jail", include Comey and his minions, not just Brennan & the Obama appointees who unmasked surveillance on Americans illegally--and Hillary and her minions, of course.
Ken Starr had the goods to indict Hillary in the 90's, but he said he realized he had zero chance of successful prosecution in DC, so he didn't try. Thanks, Ken.
Face it... dying media needs the clicks, you see the totals right here. Its all for the money, all for the money. If you wanna be the last broadcaster standing sell it all for the clicks. What are these talking heads gonna do? Bag groceries? Ain't much their call out there for their english major "degrees".
I forget where I read it, but I recently saw an observation that intelligent people can be much more ignorant than people of lesser intelligence, if they use all that intelligence to very cleverly deny common sense and reality in support of their pre-existing beliefs.
The more intelligent you are, the more complex your self-deceptions.
We see examples of that here every day.
To think that these same assholes claimed Trump wouldn't accept the election outcome!
Talking points:
Mueller is part of cover-up
Russians have something on Mueller
Pecan Pie not home made...
As for the future for anti-Trump politicians - how can such persons lead a people they despise, and who have learned that these politicians despise them? What populace is it who will will be, willingly, led by those they understand to be their enemies?
Cromwell’s dissolution of Parliament in 1653 speaks to the Democrats and Never-Trumpers of today:
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?”
People are making fun of Rachel Maddow for crying on air last night.
And of Chris Matthews drunken breakdown last night.
On a more serious note, watch this thirty second vid.
Black Community Reaction
But when Trump is gone, that’s it. Trumpism is finished. Because it is all just a personality cult from the start.
Chuck, you really should watch Tucker Carlson's explanation of people like you.
Here it is.
You won't watch, of course.
If you do, go to 26.08.
the irony is two mensch Malcolm nance talked her down:
Isnt it interesting that Chuck is attempting to rehabilitate Li'l Lefty Billy Kristol as if anyone will ever take seriously the guy that called on republicans to vote in Hillary and seal
our leftward lurch fate.
Bill Kristol is not a conservative, nor even a republican.
He is a left-wing activist financed by far left activist billionaires.
He is literally the next David Brock...only more lefty.
Never Trumpers hate me. Why vote for Dem lite when I can vote for the real thing?
Trump had 93% support of all republicans supporting him BEFORE the collapse of the dem/left/LLR collusion hoax.
I suspect Trump's approval numbers amongst republicans will climb again after this.
No one will ever again listen to a single thing the leftist-aligned LLR's have to say.
The LLR's went full left, happily, joyfully, and it didnt even require a push!!
I love how lefty billionaires continue to fund operations whereby LLR "true conservatives" still try to umdermine the republican party and conservatives...
Talk about a poor ROI!!
I wouldnt be surprised if there were posters on this very blog pushing lefty ideas like all Trump voters and supporters (93%+ of republicans) are Birchers or tried to steer conservatives to far left blogsites like LawfareBlog.
It wouldnt surprise me in the slightest.
Chuck: But when Trump is gone, that’s it. Trumpism is finished. Because it is all just a personality cult from the start.
Chuck, do you pay any attention at all to what's going on politically in the rest of the world?
Odd how the evolving political landscapes in other Western countries share features with an entirely unrelated political phenomenon in a single country, a mere flash-in-the-pan "personality cult" unconnected to anything at all that's been going on in the world lo these last 40 years or so.
Move along folks, nothing of interest will follow "Trumpism"; the next 50 years will look just like the last 50 years. The U.S. (and the world) will snap back smartly to the status quo ante, to "normal", to more or less the post-War "neoliberal consensus".
The Republican Party will reunite after Trump because issues will demand it and because the Trump division is personal to Donald Trump.
Oh, I have no doubt that the "Republican Party" of which you speak (the Donor's Party, to which everyone on your list belongs) will be united after Trump. It can't be "reunited", though, because it was never divided. Good luck getting enough voter's to give a rat's about them, though. But hey, if you're confident that everything will snap back to the status quo ante after Trump is gone, then I guess relying on "they have to keep voting for us forever because the Democrats have gone batshit" as a strategy makes sense. Best of luck with that.
It shows that The Best President We Never Got is still a threat.
Yeah, they're shaking in their shorts about Romney.
A lot of Intelligent people, I know they’re intelligent because they have initials after their names or they tell me they’re intelligent, seem to think socialism will work.
I really don’t think they’re that intelligent because history has shown it doesn’t. And no matter how many examples of failure, destruction, starvation and death or the Full Venezuela you point out to them, this time it’ll be different.
Because they care.
Aunty Trumpl: "Forget it Chuck, we don't need quislings like yourself."
"That’s an interesting application of the new moderation standard(s)."
Admitted Smear merchants who accuse all Trump supporters of being modern day Birchers dont have a leg to stand on.
Btw, what would be the Bircher position on Trump recognizing Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights?
It just keeps getting better and better.
"How interesting that Trump is so quiet, not a tweet out of him. You’d think he’d be crowing out his “victory” if he had gotten good news."
Unnecessary. That's the point. Nothing to fight. Nothing to refute. Let the fact that the report lands with a thud speak for itself. Unlike the sainted "O" no reason to spike the ball. Now that won't stop him from tweeting such in future, but it confirms that maybe just maybe he's more astute than the commenter quoted thinks he is.
skippy kennedy has to dial to eleventy:
David Frum's is NOT.
"You are seriously confused by your Trump hatred Chuck. You really miss the boat."
Look, Chuck's political needs are his political needs, coming from whatever childhood he had or whatever DNA he has.
"The Republican Party will reunite after Trump because issues will demand it and because the Trump division is personal to Donald Trump"
Nope. And this is a good example of how TDS has damaged the judgement of NeverTrumpers like yourself. If there is such a thing as a "Trump Cult", you are a Platinum VIP member. ... What you are missing:
The GOP operated under the agreement that while we might fight like cats and dogs during the primaries, once a candidate was chosen as the GOP nominee for President we would unite together for the good of the party.
We honored that pact, we held our noses and supported Establishment RINOs like McCain and Romney. And when Trump was chosen as the GOP nominee you not only broke that deal, you joined with the Left in public opposition.
We will never support your chosen canfldidates again. And you are high if you think we will ever go back to the Failure Theater, Graceful Surrenders and Groveling Apology Tours of traitorous cucks like yourself. Burn it all to the ground, the GOP included.
I hope Romney runs. My credentials are still good from the time I naively worked on his campaign. I can get hired again, but this time I will undermine him from the inside. Leak internal polling data to his competitors, plant mics for the MSM, switch his teleprompter script with Mein Kampf, write memos to the KKK on campaign letterhead, and god help them if I am ever put in front of a microphone as a campaign spokesperson: "Well Jim, our plan for the gays will be unveiled once internment is complete..."
One betrayal deserves another.
We had a deal, you broke it. No one will trust a NeverTrumper again.
I don't want to die in a fire, I want you to survive it. Barely.
So I hope now you are clear on the prospect of GOP "reunification". I would be happy to meet you in a dark alley for further discussion. Shoot me your address and I'll have my driver pick you up.
As for Trump's not tweeting today, last I checked, it is actually the right thing to do- the "no indictments recommended" basically says everything that needs to be said, and when Barr releases the executive summary, that also will likely speak for itself. Really, why interrupt idiots like Inga while they are self-destructing?
"It bears repeating: Russian Collusion : Trump :: Birth Certificate : Obama"
Who was charged, who had to beggar themselves with lawyers' fees, who faced imprisonment, who was found guilty because of "birtherism." Yeah, these are equivalent.
Frum needs a shrink Too bad I don't believe in shrinkism.
Click on the Mollie twitter feed. No shame from the Coup Crowd.
The only way this will be settled is with blood.
And Republicans are pussies so...
"You’d think he’d be crowing out his “victory” if he had gotten good news."
Too funny.
The hoax collusion/hoax dossier lunatics will never be able to stop.
buwaya: "As for the future for anti-Trump politicians - how can such persons lead a people they despise, and who have learned that these politicians despise them?"
They can't.
The LLR's have been completely exposed as the lefties they really are, and always were.
The most important and critical "policy" position the lefty-LLR's have is what Billionaire can they get to keep paying them for their anti-conservative drivel and how long until they get that all-important next dinner party invitation for leftists?
They can almost taste the jumbo shrimp cocktail now!!
Outside under a mighty moon, I heard a voice shouting at the starry sky.
Nyaaa, nyaaa, nyan, nyan nyaaa
I listened at at wormhole and I heard a tiny voice whisper
Nyaaa, nyaaa, nyan, nyan nyaaa
I looked into a silver mirror and I said you haven't said a word to the fool relatives or phoned Chicago progressive radio. You're better than that.
And I am.
Thanks to my backyard
"To think that these same assholes claimed Trump wouldn't accept the election outcome!"
The leftist/LLR's made many claims.
Precisely zero of which came true.
However, the lefty-LLR narrative alignment rate remains at a steady 100% with no decrease in sight.
Bay Area Guy said...
Ya gotta separate the Republican #NeverTrumpers (like Frum) from the garden variety Leftwing assholes who oppose Trump.
Frum, Kristol, Jennifer Rubin are all clueless and discredited. They bought the lie of the Russian Hoax, because they hate Trump.
They are few in numbers, and nobody needs to listen to them anymore. Bye-bye!
You are wrong.
Frum, Kristol, Rubin, Will et al. were owned by the globalists and always have been.
They were just paid to lie to a different group of people.
The only thing that changed is the Republican party now serves the people they hate and were paid to work against.
Republican voters.
Chuck said...
But when Trump is gone, that’s it. Trumpism is finished. Because it is all just a personality cult from the start. There is not a whole lot of policy difference between Bill Kristol and Jared Kushner. Senators Romney, Cruz, Graham, McConnell, Lee, Rubio and Cotton will all vote the same way, and will privately say the same things about Trump nearly 100% of the time.
The Republican Party will reunite after Trump because issues will demand it and because the Trump division is personal to Donald Trump.
You are gone.
We will never vote or follow a Bush or Romney again. No more McCains. Rubio can be a senator until he tries to pass amnesty again.
No more traitors.
The voters will never support your open borders. We will never support your endless wars. We will never support your "free" trade.
We are a nation again and the Republican party serves the Republican voters. You globalist shitheads are democrats as far as we are concerned.
You are enemies of freedom in every sense.
Bye Felicia.
buwaya said...
As for the future for anti-Trump politicians - how can such persons lead a people they despise, and who have learned that these politicians despise them? What populace is it who will will be, willingly, led by those they understand to be their enemies?
Trump has proven that it can be done.
Now that the Mueller "investigation" is over we can get on with the next phase.
There will be a lot of declassifications and there will be another special counsel.
It is time for consequences.
Neocons and Never Trumpers, they sure have served America well! Of course we will kiss and make up because we are stupid as freshwater clams. Ask any Never Trumper.
Where's Frum from? Cos he's going nowhere. And we're never going back either.
"It shows that The Best President We Never Got is still a threat"
Mitt Romney surrendered, in prime time on a globally televised spectacle, to Candy Crowley of CNN.
Utterly surrendered.
Completely surrendered.
Curled up in a ball and whimpered.
Whined like some hack lawyer from Michigan.
And everyone saw it.
Romney is only a threat to conservatives and republicans, as are all LLR's. Now and forever.
"Is the Trump Derangement Syndrome fever breaking?"
No. It's a chronic condition.
In fact, the derangement will become more deranged: peddling baseless smears becomes more insane once it's clear not just that there is no basis but that there won't be any.
At the same time, we should not take the derangement at face value: many Dems feel the fever, of course, but elites also use it to mobilize the troops. Progs only have tools.
The SJW media is shreikin' and freakin', they really thought they could flex their muscle and get another President impeached. It's a power trip for them and an ego rush. They wanted it bad.
But Washington DC is an engine that runs on dirt. All the career pols and Executive Service appointees of both parties have dirt on each other and could take each other out if need be. As a result, they protect each other and do business together to the benefit of all. Peace and prosperity reigns in the gleaming capital. Life is good.
But oh shit! Here comes an outsider, Trump. Trump?! You gotta be shitting me! And nobody has any dirt on him! What?! Wait, it gets worse. As President, he's in a position to dig up dirt on any of them. Panic ensues. Dark stains are spreading on expensive trousers all over town. Phone calls. Meetings. Tirades. Streams of bitter invective. Scheming. Markers are called. Dirt is held over heads. What passes for genius in Washington answers the burning question, How can they turn tables on Trump? Of course! Appoint a special counsel to tie Trump's investigative hands and find the dirt they need, everyone is dirty, right? Then use that dirt to get control of the situation and restore peaceful co-existence and prosperity.
So if your investigator finds dirt, do you act on it? Impeach the bastard? Not necessarily. It's worth far more as leverage, init?
Why did the investigation end? Did Mueller find dirt? Maybe yes. Trump is certainly no boy scout. If they stop with the endless investigations, I think it means yes, they have found sufficient dirt and have used it to turn Trump into a fellow swamp creature.
But maybe they didn't find dirt. Trump has spent his life in the private sector. People in the private sector, as opposed to DC, tend largely to obey the laws because they don't want to go to jail. If Trump was a really bad guy, he'd probably have gotten busted by now. He's very high profile and has made a lot of enemies over the years. He's probably done a lot of corner cutting and petty stuff, like paying off women, but nothing they can hold over his head or destroy him with.
So we'll see. If the investigations go on and ratchet up in the House and the SDNY, that indicates to me they are still looking and still scared.
I said when I voted for him that I didn't care if he razed 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue and built one of his hideous towers on Lafayette Square and lived in the penthouse. He has done better than that, he has shown us the US government for what it really is. I would vote for Hillary Clinton over Romney.
LLR's re-writing History: "..that I tend to agree with Cotton, that such a deal was a rotten bargain."
You attacked Tom Cotton for daring to contradict your beloved Dick "US Troops are Gestapo" Durbin.
Multiple times.
As you do with any republican who dares push back against your dem allies.
Just because your lefty allies initiate memory wipe operations each and every morning doesn't mean we do....or ever will.
I must have read as much commentary as national review norman podhoretz is still a giant, Irving Kristol was one, the sons are pitifully unable to measure up.
Micheal K said
"There was this beautiful girl riding this bike last week and, when she saw me, she stopped and took off all her clothes and said, 'Take what you want !' So, I took the bike." The other students says, "Good plan. The clothes would probably not fit."
My son is an engineer, so I want to take offense at this. I was forming a response about how he is intelligent, but full of common sense and and lots of non-nerd friends.
Then I thought about a conversation we were having when he was interning in the same city as his girl friend. He mentioned something about painting, I asked if they allowed him to paint the rented apartment. He said no, they were doing art...on canvas. It was the weekend, nothing to do, so they went out and bought art supplies and tried their hand.
I didn't say anything, but I remembered myself at that age. When we had no plans, we almost ruined ourselves in the bedroom,(and living room, and kitchen, and shower....)
So maybe the engineer jokes hit too close to home
How interesting that Trump is so quiet, not a tweet out of him. You’d think he’d be crowing out his “victory” if he had gotten good news."
"Unnecessary. That's the point. Nothing to fight. Nothing to refute. Let the fact that the report lands with a thud speak for itself."
And if Trump HAD tweeted about it, she would demand he be impeached for trying to influence Barr's release of the report.
It's well-established that these people cannot be reasoned with in a civil manner. What option does that leave us?
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