March 12, 2019

I'm just glad it's Meatless Mondays, because meatless Fridays would seem religious.

"And they believe in Meatless Mondays...."

I mean, it still does sound like religion, just steering clear of intersection with traditional Christian religion.

Anyway, I see that "Meatless Monday" has a substantial Wikipedia page. It suggests that Monday is the best meatless day because it's the day you get back to work after the indulgent activities of the weekend. You re-establish your regular routine, so maybe going without meat on Monday will lead to going without meat on Tuesday and even Wednesday before the decline into the weekend sets in again.

The current "Meatless Monday" campaign began in 2003, "endorsed by the Center for a Livable Future (a division of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) as well as over 20 public health schools."

It seems that in the U.K., it's called "Meat-free Monday," and that's got me wondering about the difference between "meatless" and "meat-free." Is it like the difference between "careless" and "carefree"? I'm looking a lists words and conclude that the "-less" ending is the one you use with something you want, and the "-free" ending is the one you use with something you don't want. That's why "careless" and "carefree" have such different meanings. "Careless" refers to the good kind of "care" — attention and thoughtfulness — and "carefree" has the bad kind of care — trouble and worry.

So isn't it interesting that the Americans say "meatless" — highlighting the deprivation and sacrifice to the greater good — and the Brits say "meat-free" — suggesting that meat taints you and you ought to want to be rid of it? Those 2 different orientations are also found in religion, by the way.

Here's Paul McCartney talking about "Meat-free Monday":

The idea is to get people started going without meat, and maybe they will go fully vegetarian, because they'll see how easy it is to go a day without meat. I think, if we really want to reduce the greenhouse gases produced by livestock, it's more effective to get a lot people to eat less meat than to get a much smaller number to go completely vegetarian. But — as Paul says — once people get used to enjoying going without meat one day a week, they may ultimately go vegetarian.


richlb said...

The Walrus was Paul.

rehajm said...

Jackassless Tuesdays and Thursdays would catch on.

Henry said...

They should call it Macaroni Monday. Keep it affirmative!

Birches said...

De Blasio won't show us this incredibly delicious meatless food. I remain skeptical that the children are getting enough protein and calories without a meat. I know everyone says kids today are bigger, but my kids are not. Neither are most of the kids at their schools.

Birches said...

Macaroni and cheese, fettuccine, Pancakes, egg salad sandwiches... do you think they do tofu?

David Begley said...

This confirms, if there was doubt before, that the CAGW movement is about religion and not about science.

In undergrad for a theology class, I wrote a paper about the origins of the Catholic tradition of no meat on Friday. It was all mostly about tribalism.

rehajm said...

To combat global warming? Is there anything about this what resembles combat?

Effectiveness: Stop or I'll say stop again is equivalent.

Henry said...

I'm not sure the the kids are missing incredible meat food.

To David Begley's point, it's not about religion; it's about marketing.

Reducing meat consumption in meat-eating societies is quite defensible for a lot of environmental and humanitarian reasons, beyond the farting.

gspencer said...

If I eat a open-face chicken sandwich I've violated the left's new rule. But if I eat an egg salad sandwich I'm okay because - help me out here - the soul of the chicken hasn't yet been infused.

stevew said...

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part, and going meatless is just the thing to do it.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Fighting cow farts with bullshit.

Wilbur said...

"as Paul says — once people get used to enjoying going without meat one day a week, they may ultimately go vegetarian."

What makes him think people will enjoy it, let alone "get used to enjoying it"?

Unknown said...

this is more useless than sorting your trash for recycling!!!!

we are a society of empty gestures

to address fake problems

Henry said...

Birches said, "I remain skeptical that the children are getting enough protein and calories without a meat."

I'm still trying to figure out why our school serves low-fat milk. Kids can get low-fat chocolate milk with their lunch, but not whole milk. Here kids, here's a corn-syrup-laden dairy product whose fat content is based on discredited research.

Wilbur said...

Wilbur was raised in a devoutly Catholic home, and meatless Fridays were the law. I didn't have a choice, so I just dealt with it. Lotta tuna fish salad, peanut butter and jelly, etc. No big deal.

I have meatless days now, intermittently but unthinkingly. It just happens.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

That stuff in the school cafeteria was meat?

Tank said...

Can I go meatless on Monday after my bacon and eggs?

wendybar said...

I'll eat whatever I want, whenever I want. If I had kids in school, they would too.

Wince said...

I don’t think this could have gotten off the ground but for Prince’s Manic Monday as performed by the Bangles.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

How can there be mac cheese without cheese? Cheese without cows? Cows without cow farts?

Two possible ways:
1. Vegan "cheese" - yellow colored stuff made from saturated vegetable oils.
2. Carniverous cows: feed the critters cow, chicken, and pig offal.

Original Mike said...

More meat for me!

iowan2 said...

Eggs are chickens, cheese is cows, pasta and pancakes are wheat, tofu is soybeans.Animal agriculture is involved, wheat and soybeans requires diesel fuel. See how tough it is to do something substantive, instead of virtue signaling?
NYC doesn't have enough problems that they wasted time on fluff like this.
Maybe a 'proper role of govt' tag is needed, to point out when con artists like Di Blasio, waste time and money on fluff like this.

jaydub said...

I'm pretty sure there is a lot of benefit to a diet of green leafy plants, whole grains, oats and other types of vegetarian options. Last night I had a porterhouse from a steer that followed that dietary regimen and it was delicious.

Darrell said...

Let's have Leftless Tuesdays next.

Kevin said...

And they believe in Meatless Mondays....

Wait until they go after the deniers.

Wince said...

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...
How can there be mac cheese without cheese? Cheese without cows?

You can milk anything with nipples.

Kyzer SoSay said...

I'd send my kid to school with jerky on Mondays. Fuck leftist religion.

Kevin said...

Adults won’t let kids eat meat on Mondays, to combat global warming, which we must do for the children?

It’s the perfect progressive loop: you must do as I say because it’s good for you.

Ralph L said...

This is sensefree.

Kevin said...

But — as Paul says — once people get used to enjoying going without meat one day a week, they may ultimately go vegetarian.

Leftist orthodoxy: Once people accept something can occasionally be taken away, it’s easier to take it away completely.

Lyssa said...

A lot of people who intentionally don’t have children insist on the term “child-free,” rather than “childless.”

iowan2 said...

You know who goes meatless? Socialist hell holes. China is in the process of moving 500,000,000 people from the countryside into brand new cities, built from scratch. The first thing those people, Subsistence (another word for sustainable)farmers, want is animal protein. Its anthropological. Man wants meat. di Blasio is playing central planner, telling his serfs what is good for them.
Let's not forget, we are in the midst of a plastic straw emergency, based entirely on a school paper turned in by an 11 year old doing a science fair project. The numbers he used were as useful as any analysis by any 11 year old

Laslo Spatula said...

A NY politician taking a stand against meat.

I wonder what Anthony Weiner thinks about this.

Meatless Mondays = No Dick Pix To Underage Chix. On Mondays, at least.

I am Laslo.

Birches said...


We only have whole milk at our house. I feel like people cut good fat and calories and replace it with less filling options.

Shawn Levasseur said...

If I remember history correctly "Meatless Mondays" was a thing during World War Two, with Monday chosen as Friday was already a day Catholics were going meatless. I don't think it was formal rationing, but more of an encouragement, like metal recycling and war bonds during the era.

Birches said...

I would guess that most kids who bring their lunches don't have meat. My kids don't most of time. But I'm not preparing on an industrial scale. I can make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I'm guessing schools cannot.

Temujin said...

This guy is playing 'meatless Mondays' as his city is nearing bankruptcy and people are streaming out of the city (and state) and unfortunately moving to my state which means that they'll bring their same sorry thinking to this once free place.

Ugh...everything Liberals touch gets destroyed.

Unknown said...

New schedule at the indoctrination center

"kids, never forget meat destroys the planet!"

iowan2 said...

You can milk anything with nipples.

Who knew? Almonds have nipples!

(Just saw an ad for almond milk)

Unknown said...

remember when the school lunch program was required to

"enable poor kids to learn"?

You can't learn when you are hungry...

mccullough said...

Dickless mayor and dickless Beattle.

Ann Althouse said...

“A lot of people who intentionally don’t have children insist on the term “child-free,” rather than “childless.””

Yes. Great example. They want to be thought of as unburdened, not bereft.

Darrell said...

It's really smart to launch this during Lent.

Paco Wové said...

"I'd send my kid to school with jerky on Mondays."

Let them take extra, to sell to their deprived colleagues.

Carter Wood said...

Secretly, because the song is now verboten, I hum that Boomtown Rats song from 1979.

Curious George said...

Fuck meat free. FREE MEAT!

jeremyabrams said...

On a geological timescale, CO2 levels have steadily dropped as plants captured it from the atmosphere, died, and were pulled into the earth, forming sediment and, in time, submerged layers of fossil fuels. By the last ice age, C02 levels were so low the ability of life to sustain itself on the planet was in peril.

The extraction and burning of fossil fuels is restoring the natural cycle, by reclaiming buried C02 and returning it to the atmosphere. The frackers, and all us drivers, are currently saving the planet.

This theory fits the facts a lot better than any other.

gilbar said...

The current "Meatless Monday" campaign began in 2003, "endorsed by the Center for a Livable Future
an organization that pays no taxes because it is considered to be the same as a church

TrespassersW said...

I get lost every time I try to parse this phrase: "...once people get used to enjoying going without meat one day a week..."

If you enjoy it, why the hell do you need to get used to enjoying it?

People will go meatless for only a few reasons:
1. If it is pleasurable.
2. If they believe that it is necessary (e.g., for religious or financial reasons).
3. If they're compelled to.

Tommy Duncan said...

I remember when mayors worried about pot holes, snow removal, garbage pickup and parking. This what the military calls "mission creep". De Blasio needs to mind his own business.

gilbar said...

Henry said...
I'm still trying to figure out why our school serves low-fat milk. Kids can get low-fat chocolate milk with their lunch, but not whole milk. Here kids, here's a corn-syrup-laden dairy product whose fat content is based on discredited research.

here's why they HAVE TO serve chocolate milk
A) their rules say that they can't serve Delicious WHOLE Milk
B) skimmed milk tastes like CRAP
C) to get kids to drink that Crap, they have to sugar coat it

If, on the other hand, they would let the kids drink Delicious WHOLE Milk, Like GOD intended...

Henry said...

"I'd send my kid to school with jerky on Mondays."

Jerky is expensive.

Henry said...

@Birches -- Us too.

PatHMV said...

I think I'll start having a nice steak for supper on Mondays.

At least this insane policy will help increase support for school choice, so parents have more options to remove their children from the pernicious busy-bodies like deBlasio.

Jeff Brokaw said...

On a list of all the groups of people for whom eating less meat might make sense, teenagers would absolutely be last. They are calorie-burning machines, like a roaring furnace that needs full time crews shoveling fuel into it.

Experimenting with their health to score political points is scandalous, but typical of our modern “all politics all the time” culture.

Food is fuel, especially for growing bodies.

iowan2 said...

"...once people get used to enjoying going without meat one day a week..."

The human brain craves (needs?) only three things, animal fat, salt, and sugar. It's science. You can avoid these things, but to not understand that deep in our lizard brain we need these three things is lying.

AllenS said...

I get the feeling that he was impressed with Michelle Obama's excellent work on school lunches.

Wince said...

I've always viewed McCartney's strict vegetarian catering as an enjoyable respite for a few days, not as an imposition.

Now I've been told to watch my intake of oxalates (mostly found in non-meats), and to increase dairy for calcium to counteract the oxalates.

Henry said...

More ketchup for all.

Sally327 said...

It's school lunch, how could anyone tell what was meat and what wasn't?

Bruce Hayden said...

“This confirms, if there was doubt before, that the CAGW movement is about religion and not about science.”

Agree with Begley there. But we already knew that. CAGC and CAGW theories have been effectively falsified, despite that they hid their work, including how they keep fudging their results to show the trend they want when the base data doesn’t show the desired trend. So, they move to CAGCC, which cannot be falsified, but because of that no longer can seriously be considered science, which requires falsifiability, but rather is religion, which instead merely requires a leap of faith.

Basil Duke said...

No straws. No cars. No hamburgers, steak, bacon or pork chops. No airplanes. No plastic bags. No due process. No right to self defense or free speech. No border security, etc. and et al. But at least the left can assure us that our sidewalks will run thick with junkie diarrhea and our votes will be harvested as often as is necessary to ensure that we'll never again use a straw, drive a car, eat a sirloin, fly in a plane, scoop cat shit into a grocery bag or bust a cap in some El Salvadoran psychotic loosed upon us by the Sandy Occasional Cervix crowd.

Howard said...

Deplorables protest the great American protein shortage

Lucien said...

It’s better to market sugar-free gum than sugarless gum.

They have meat free Mondays in Venezuela, so why not copy what works?

Rory said...

"It's really smart to launch this during Lent."

It's extremely unlikely that the announcement during Lent is a coincidence.

Drago said...

Venezuela has taken this leftist thinking to its inevitable conclusion: Going "foodless" 7 days a week.

This is part and parcel of the Lefty vision of also going energyless, medicineless and clean waterless 7 days a werk leading to populationlessness/human fertilizer-ization in large underground quantities at specific geolocations-ness.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Birches said...
"De Blasio won't show us this incredibly delicious meatless food."

Probably frozen fish sticks or Kraft mac and cheese (most kids love fish sticks and mac and cheese, but neither are particularly healthy).

NYC is close to bankruptcy. I guess this is one way of saving a few pennies while virtue-signaling at the same time.

"I remain skeptical that the children are getting enough protein and calories without a meat. I know everyone says kids today are bigger, but my kids are not. Neither are most of the kids at their schools."

Kids are certainly fatter than they used to be.

Bruce Hayden said...

“This guy is playing 'meatless Mondays' as his city is nearing bankruptcy and people are streaming out of the city (and state) and unfortunately moving to my state which means that they'll bring their same sorry thinking to this once free place.”

And, apparently murder is up 30% this year in Gotham, while the mayor micro manages school lunches in order to supposedly protect the environment (but actually to enforce his CAGW/CAGCC religious dictates).

dbp said...

I fast on Mondays and it is good because it gets me on track after a weekend of indulgence. I find it bearable, but I would be a supernova of anger if somebody made me do it.

If you are going to do a meatless day as an organizational program, why not do it on Friday? Lots of people, especially during Lent, would appreciate the Friday help.

gilbar said...

what do you expect from a guy that doesn't use his real first name? real last name? real ethnicity?

Sebastian said...

God or Gaia? Saving our souls or saving the planet?

Environmentalism is the ultimate hubris.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Basil Duke,

Let's not forget the reintroduction of exotic diseases like typhus. I saw a video of the area around City Hall in LA - homeless encampments and piles of rat-infested trash. Funny how Vicki of Pasadena never seems to mention details like that when she drops by to inform us how beautiful life is in the enlightened Golden State.

Look at it this way - you can now experience genuine third world squalor without ever leaving the country.

Drago said...

Like "This Is Spinal Tap", Deblasio and his lefty team are simply becoming more 'sustenance selective'.

Bob Boyd said...

Moralizing Mondays

How long before not eating meat themselves isn't enough anymore and they start outing and ostracizing those who do eat meat.

Darrell said...

Michelle Obama's menus filled up school dumpsters all across America. I hope they delivered them to pig farms for slop.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Leftists think they are so sophisticated and far-seeing, but they seem to need religion too, just like their subjects.

Fernandinande said...

"Meat Head Mondays"

It's a dirty slogan, but someone had to do it.

Darrell said...

Da Lousy-o should change his name again to Bago Dicks for his next run.

Danno said...

Blogger Darrell said...Michelle Obama's menus filled up school dumpsters all across America. I hope they delivered them to pig farms for slop.

Maybe some patriot could butcher stupid leftist politicians and deliver them to hog farms?

Danno said...

BTW, I was the kid who ate the hamburgers my Catholic friends accidentally ordered on Fridays and didn't want to sin again by throwing food away.

Narayanan said...

Friday would be agree with Christian, but attacks Muslims prayers day.

Fernandinande said...

BTW, I was the kid who ate the hamburgers my Catholic friends accidentally ordered on Fridays and didn't want to sin again by throwing food away.

They should've sent the hamburgers to the starving children in China rather than tempt you into the sin of gluttony.

Fernandinande said...

The 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue says:

BANYAN DAY. A sea term for those days on which no
meat is allowed to the sailors: the term is borrowed
from the Banyans in the East Indies, a cast that eat
nothing that had life.

James K said...

If people start eating beans instead of meat, my guess is there will be plenty of greenhouse gasses to go around.

Freeman Hunt said...

NYC schools not eating meat on Mondays won't actually affect global warming. So this is a religious ritual. Parents should complain.

I had ribeye yesterday because we were celebrating someone who loved meat and grilled pretty much every day. Mmm.

Darrell said...

Leftists make the sausage bitter.
That's why Lenin and Stalin gave out shovels.

Chris N said...

At Peace Pavilion West, there’s no meat allowed in the Human Pagoda. All of Gaia’s divine creation deserves empathy, and our holy, sacred inclusion.


Henry said...

@Bruce Hayden -- 2018 had the lowest murder rate in NYC in more than half a century. That's the context for the 2019 spike (which is incredibly localized to one part of Brooklyn).

NYC has had a huge debt burden for many years before de Blasio became Mayor. The city's non-debt budget must be balanced.

MayBee said...

I'm sure the biggest problem kids who are getting sent home with backpacks full of food for the weekend (because their parents won't feed them) is that they are eating too much meat.

MayBee said...

Is the Mayor of New York also the Superintendent of Schools?

wildswan said...

Catholics, people from Italy and elsewhere with names like DeBlasio, had meatless Fridays for thousands of years and we still do in Lent. But that was (and is) fanatical racist dogmatic Eurocentric privilege etc. So the Wonderfuls have decided: "Let's make Monday meatless so we, the Wonderfuls and our policies, aren't associated with those fanatical racist dogmatic privilegeers from Italy and elsewhere with names like DeBlasio who did one day meatless for years, without it doing them any good. Meatless does THEM no good because they are no good. In fact, the Friday meatless people are the worst godamn bigots in the country and should be banned from being judges."

As one of the fanatical etc., I can tell you that you do not get used to doing without meat and wish for more days like that. Instead, meat tastes better when you get back to it.

Bob Boyd said...

In Catholic Venezuela they don't eat unicorn meat on Fridays.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Bill doesn't look like he's skipped many steak dinners. But then again, he's their boss.

Just another meatless Monday
I wish it was Sunday
That's my fun day
My, I don't have the runs day
Just another meatless Monday..

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Freedom's just another word
"Nothing Left To Eat"

James K said...

Henry, DeBlasio has jacked up spending to make the fiscal situation much worse, as people are fleeing NY for lower-tax states. The budget "balance" can be achieved by gimmicks, including increased borrowing for "capital projects" that have no hope of paying for themselves. He's an idiot who has no business being mayor.

J. Farmer said...

Another good example of how so much of modern environmentalism is mere anti-industrialization. Yes, industrialization creates new challenges that the world will need to devise methods with which to cope, but the answer is not reverting society back to subsistence agriculture, which does really seem the logical conclusion to a lot of these ideas. It's absurd how much romanticization of the agricultural lifestyle there is. Hint: sweat shops are often attractive alternatives.

James K said...

Is the Mayor of New York also the Superintendent of Schools?

NYC has "mayoral control" of the schools, but there is a Chancellor, hand-picked by the mayor.

Jersey Fled said...

When do you think the preference cascade will occur on recycling?

I've pretty much given up the pointless exercise of washing my old jars and cans before I "recycle" them. Now they just go dirty into the regular trash where they end up anyway.

My new catchphrase: All left wing movements start with a lie.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Religion-hating retards like DeBlasio have found a new religion to love.

Fernandinande said...

I know everyone says kids today are bigger, but my kids are not.

Smaller children get better gas mileage.

The Jordan Peterson All-Meat Diet

"The famous psychologist and his daughter swear by a regimen of eating only beef."

Caligula said...

"the difference between "meatless" and "meat-free."

It's mostly a general shift in usage that's been driven by marketing.

Diet sodas were once labelled "sugarless," but now they're "sugar-free." The "-less" ending implies you're getting less of something (and probably paying more for it); it's bad marketing. Whereas freedom is a positive value, and thus "-free' has a positive connotation.

It makes sense that Americans who like meat would say "meatless," but not so much sense that those who don't want you (or anyone) to eat meat. They'd do better to say, "Meat free is the way for me!"

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Not so much Lent as 1984. Victory Eggplant Parmesan.

Known Unknown said...

If I were a kid packing his lunch, I'd bring a rack and sell them for $2 a rib.

Matt said...

"once people get used to enjoying going without meat one day a week, they may ultimately go vegetarian."

As a Catholic who has gone without meat on Fridays in Lent all his life, this is how it usually works: you forget it's Friday, go out with friends to a restaurant, and have no choice but the vegetarian option. It tastes gross, because who wants a bean and zucchini burger? You are hungry an hour and a half later and then start getting really gassy. Then you start to feel really tired. You go to bed miserable.

The next morning, you wake up and decide to have the meatiest breakfast you can think of. You start to feel better. You have a real hamburger or steak for lunch and by about 1:00 pm you feel completely normal. You wonder how vegetarians and vegans can do this all the time and conclude they are idiots.

Charlie Currie said...

In grammar school, the only day I ate in the cafeteria was dog day. I put the vegetables - usually corn or peas - that came with it in my empty milk carton. Those were the days when kids were encourage to eat more and you couldn't leave the table and go out and play until you finished everything on your tray. Of course, we had to also think of the starving kids in China, so eating everything on your tray somehow helped them not starve.

Goddess of the Classroom said...

As a Russian Orthodox, I choose to observe a strict fast (no meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, olive oil, wine) every Wednesday and Friday of the year and every day of Lent. It's a discipline I CHOOSE. Believe me, Pascha is glorious in more ways than one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Encouraging people to eat a vegetarian diet is one thing. I have no problem with that.
Paul does a nice job. He's very gentle and kind about it.

Democratics want to FORCE.

I reject democratics.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"I'll give you my meat when you pry it from my cold, greasy hands"

Ficta said...

I grew up ovo-lacto vegetarian and the notion that fish is not meat seems bizarre to me.

Known Unknown said...

"Michelle Obama's menus filled up school dumpsters all across America."

It's hilarious how my 16 year-old son flies into a fit of rage about this at mere mention of her name. I mean, honestly, I'm sure they weren't that great before.

SeanF said...

Henry: Jerky is expensive.

We just got a hot-air fryer / dehydrator and started making our own jerky. Cheaper, no artificial preservatives, and oh-my-God delicious.

ga6 said...

" names like DeBlasio" His real name is:

The man who could become the city's 109th mayor was born Warren Wilhelm Jr. on May 8, 1961, in Manhattan, his birth certificate shows.

In 1983, fresh out of New York University, he petitioned a Manhattan judge to formally change his name to Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm, according to legal records.

And in December 2001 he petitioned a judge in Brooklyn to formally change his name again, this time to Bill de Blasio.

Henry said...

James K -- People are fleeing New York State for lower tax states. That's been true for decades. But are people fleeing New York City? The only evidence at the moment would be based on proxy measurements, pending the next census. But the population of New York City has generally been increasing as New York State's population has declined, so I'm dubious of your claim.

Henry said...

@SeanF -- I think I need to try that.

tcrosse said...

Blogger Ficta said...
I grew up ovo-lacto vegetarian and the notion that fish is not meat seems bizarre to me.

I grew up an ovo-lacto-beefo-porko-chickeno vegetarian

Darrell said...

What if we ate vegetarians on Mondays?

William said...

DeBlasio is pandering to the vegans. He's hoping to ride the populist wave of meatless Mondays all the way to the White House....,.I live in NYC. He won re-election by a huge majority. I have never known a candidate to win so many votes and be so unloved. Well, maybe Hillary........Salmon is red, like beef, and, if you eat enough of it, you're less hungry.

Bob Boyd said...

What if we ate vegetarians on Mondays?

Free Meat Mondays!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the new Gadsen Flag:

a coiled string of sausage, ready to strike. Caption:
"Don't Tread On Meat"

Ambrose said...

When parents outsource responsibility for feeding their children to the state, the state gets to decide what and when the children eat.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Going without meat for a day or once in a while is just fine if that is what you want to do.

TELLING me that I MUST go without eating protein in the form of meat because someone else says that I SHOULD or HAVE TO DO SO.....screw you. It isn't your business what I decide to eat.

F off DeBlasio

We often have a day where the meals don't have "meat". Does fish or shrimp qualify as meat? How about embryonic chickens....aka eggs?

Pasta Primavera with garlic sauteed shrimp. Green salad. Fresh fruit.
Creamed Curried hard boiled eggs in puff pastry shells. Ditto with salad and fruit. There...meatless. Ta Dah!!

Also, there is no way on Earth that anyone is going to get me to eat insects (unless I am living in the Socialist Paradise of Venezuela and starving to death)

James K said...

“He won re-election by a huge majority. I have never known a candidate to win so many votes and be so unloved.”

The turnout was something like 27%.

Howard said...

You cucks wouldn't be so arrogantly dismissive if you worked in the meat sewers and dumps.

Fernandinande said...

a coiled string of sausage, ready to strike. Caption:
"Don't Tread On Meat"

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"... go completely Totalitarian. But — once people get used to enjoying going without Freedom one day a week, they may ultimately go Totalitarian."

chuck said...

The Bolivarian revolution reaches NY City. Soon, there will be lights out Tuesday, gasless Wednesday, waterless Thursday, no beer Friday, and antisemitic Saturday. On Sunday, everyone will pray for deliverance.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Glad they didnt butcher it.

mockturtle said...

Do fish pollute?

James K said...

Henry, I’m talking about higher income people—you know, the ones who actually pay the bulk of NYC taxes. Why do you think dozens of hedge funds located in Connecticut? A large financial firm recently announced it is moving the bulk of its operations to Nashville. They are killing the goose with the golden eggs, slowly but surely.

Howard said...

Norwegian salmon farms are huuuuge pollution sources.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

mockturtle said...
Do fish pollute?

Do they fart? Like Cows and Vegans??

tcrosse said...

Every time a school child eats a vegetarian meal, the Chinese close another coal-fired power plant.

Quaestor said...

Do fish pollute?

Everybody's shit is somebody's dinner.

Quaestor said...

By removing those brain-building fatty acids from the kids' diet De Blasio is nurturing a future Democrat majority.

Stalinist means toward Stalinist ends.

NYC JournoList said...

My daughter attends public elementary school in NYC. Her favorite foods are pepperoni pizza and french fries. Last week she told me that she wants a bag lunch on pizza fridays because the school pizza is so bad. Then she said the french fries don't have enough salt, are soggy and burned.

Francisco D said...

Do fish pollute?

I prefer "wild caught" to farm raised fish because they eat each others shit in fish farms.

Maybe that is why wild caught fish taste better.

Sam L. said...

There's a world of difference between meat-free and free meat.

Clyde said...

Clearly Mayor DeBlasio knows best how his subjects in New York City should live their lives. Well, what he is doing is clearly inadequate! If "Meatless Mondays" for public school children are good, then his administration should go "whole hog" and eliminate meat in the public schools completely, otherwise they are still complicit in carnivorous, planet-warming activity during the rest of the week. Being virtuous 20% of the time is not enough!

Big Mike said...

It must be hard to cook when you’re a Progressive, because all your pots are cracked.

Seeing Red said...

In the real world, being able to serve meat is a sign of wealth.

JAORE said...

Di Blasio/meat-less.
Makes perfect sense. Unless it's a transgender thing. I'd never dare say anything negative there.

JAORE said...

Maybe that is why wild caught fish taste better.
Not catfish. Not by a mile.

Seeing Red said...

He should suggest, in the spirit of cooperativeness and social cohesion, that all the restaurants to go meatless on Monday as well. It’s for the children!

Big Mike said...

once people get used to enjoying going without meat one day a week, they may ultimately go vegetarian

And what happens if they never enjoy it?

“ Vee hat vays to make you enjoy it.”

AllenS said...

Howard said...
You cucks wouldn't be so arrogantly dismissive if you worked in the meat sewers and dumps

I have never seen a meat sewer, and I used to raise cattle. Where does one find a meat sewer?

Rusty said...

Howard said...
"You cucks wouldn't be so arrogantly dismissive if you worked in the meat sewers and dumps."

I keep hoping that someday you'll have something intelligent to say.

Ralph L said...

Althouse waited until Tuesday to serve up this red meat to her readers and fascist commenters. She's in on it!

PM said...

Forget the meat. Where's the accounting for the public funds his "wife" was in charge of?

Skippy Tisdale said...

You can milk anything with nipples.

Not true. In plumbing and piping, a nipple is a fitting, consisting of a short piece of pipe, usually provided with a male pipe thread at each end, for connecting two other fittings.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Experimenting with their health to score political points is scandalous, but typical of our modern “all politics all the time” culture.

So shouldn't this get the using children in politics tag?

Bilwick said...

Comrade Bill would like you to forget that his gang (Statists International) has killed more people than Global Warming has killed polar bears.

Drago said...

Howard: "Norwegian salmon farms are huuuuge pollution sources."

Over-crowding in northern protected waters does create the conditions for increased disease and parasites due to lack of sufficient space and current flow to flush out the waste.

This is not an unsolvable problem with prohibitive increased costs to address and there are some very cost-effective solutions in the works.

James K said...

Maybe the mayor is still atoning for his murder of that groundhog.

GatorNavy said...

That's it, I'm having a pound of bacon every Monday from now on!

chorister said...

"In undergrad for a theology class, I wrote a paper about the origins of the Catholic tradition of no meat on Friday. It was all mostly about tribalism."

David Begley, I would agree that Friday abstinence from meat became a tribal mark of being Catholic, but its origins come from the very early Church as a memorialization of the death of Jesus on that day. It's mentioned by Clement of Alexandria in the third century and even earlier by Tertullian (born 160) in his "On Fasting." Of course, Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert after his baptism, and the Lenten practice of the Church attempts to imitate him. Fasting and abstinence are found throughout the Old Testament. The penitential practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to which the Church enjoins us in Lent is a continuation of Hebrew practice. As I understand it, the purpose was not to mark Christians off tribally - "for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek" as Paul says in Romans -- but to establish ways to follow the example of Jesus.

Tomcc said...

I presume then, that there will also be no pudding?

Gospace said...

"I'm just glad it's Meatless Mondays, because meatless Fridays would seem religious."

And Mondays don't?

Why do you think he picked Mondays? Specifically to avoid any connotation that meatless day might have anything to do with that other religions meatless day, but was associated only with this new religion's meatless day. Anyone who thinks he isn't doing it as a religious belief of some kind is deluding themselves, because a meatless day as proposed for the reasons proposed is not science.

Ann Althouse said...

“If you enjoy it, why the hell do you need to get used to enjoying it?“

So you remember that you enjoy it and begin to plan future meals with the expectation of getting that enjoyment.

There are lots of things we enjoy then fail to pursue. If we get used to the enjoyment as it’s scheduled for us, we may then slot it into our regular behavior.

In my city, there’s a bike to work day, and it’s intended to expose people to an experience they may like and then pursue on their own.

Now, if something is pressured onto you and you don’t enjoy it, you’re going to avoid it, so it might not work.

tcrosse said...

To Beat Global Warming, Beat the Meat.

Howard said...

Rendering Plants, Allen. Garenteed to put you off your feed

LA_Bob said...

James K said, "If people start eating beans instead of meat, my guess is there will be plenty of greenhouse gasses to go around. "

Lots of great ironic comments, but that was probably the best. And you're happy tootin' there would be!

n.n said...

It's meatless Tuesday, sometimes Sunday, sometimes Thursday, but rarely Friday and Saturday, and Monday and Wednesday are not viable candidates for green... low energy density retreats.

walter said...

It's just another Meat-less Mon-day.
It's just No Fun day.
My just give me a break day.
I want a fucking steak day.
It's just another meatless Monday.

walter said...

By the way, Jordan Peterson and his daughter claim to have escaped from multiple debilitating maladies after switching to a meat N Salt diet.
His daughter, I think, wrote a book about it.

Bunkypotatohead said...

All the more cheeseburgers for me and Wimpy.
We'll gladly pay you on Tuesday.

walter said...

They want your Fart toll $.

cyrus83 said...

Somebody needs to leak a report at the end of the year on the level of food waste this policy causes at the end of the school year. If the mayor is concerned about greenhouse gases as he says, he really should be against incentivizing the production of food that will go to a landfill while the kids eat fast food after school for nutrition.

It's not like this is hard information to find - every school's food service manager has a good idea of what kids do and don't eat, and short of forcing it down a kid's throat, nobody can force the kids to eat what they don't want to eat. It's doubtful the mayor asked any of these professionals for input before deciding on this plan, but that's because this is essentially a religious policy imposed by a follower of the Church of Climate Change. The good news is the taxpayer picks up most of the tab for the virtue signaling, as the schools will still "sell" the "free lunch" to the kids who qualify and get paid for the food whether it is eaten or not.

walter said...

The average "food service manager" can be forced to sing for their supper as well as any public sector recruit.

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