March 7, 2019

"If you don’t know who Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg is yet, you can think of her as Ocasio-Cortez’s international climate-change counterpart."

"Like the rock-star progressive representative from New York, Thunberg is a charismatic young woman whose social-media savvy, moral clarity, and undaunted truth-telling have inspired throngs of admirers to take to the streets for a better world and call out the politicians, propagandists, and CEOs who are standing in the way. Just as the 29-year-old Ocasio-Cortez torched the right-wing trolls who laughably derided her as 'stupid' after she introduced... a Green New Deal, so Thunberg, 16, has gained prominence partly from her blistering callouts of global elites.... The grassroots movements now taking charge of the climate fight consist overwhelmingly of teenagers and twentysomethings—people like Ocasio-Cortez and Thunberg. These young fighters are decidedly not your parents’ environmentalists: supplicant, 'realistic,' and all too accepting of failure. They are angry about the increasingly dire future that awaits them and clear-eyed about who’s to blame and how to fix it.... They grasp what many of their elders apparently never learned: The climate struggle is not about having the best science, the smartest arguments, or the most bipartisan talking points. It is about power...."

From "On March 15, the Climate Kids Are Coming/A massive, international, youth-led mobilization will demand action on the climate crisis" (The Nation).


rehajm said...

The climate struggle is not about having the best science, the smartest arguments, or the most bipartisan talking points. It is about power

So right but they buried the lede.

rehajm said...

What's the age cutoff for Ann's distaste of using children in politics?

Mine's about 30.

jaydub said...

An old commie rag like "The Nation" carrying the water for the Young Pioneers. What an upset!

David Begley said...

“social-media savvy, moral clarity, and undaunted truth-telling.....”

Try, ignorant of history, uneducated in real science and easily duped.

Yeah, let’s put the kids in charge. I didn’t know shit when I was her age.

As to AOC, she’s dumb as a rock and doesn’t even know it. The whole world is laughing at her.

Shouting Thomas said...

Raise the voting age to 35.

Stop paying attention to dumb kids.

A good start would be to junk the “rock star” BS. There aren’t any rock stars now. Rock died decades ago.

Malesch Morocco said...

As Stalin once said of the Pope, "How many Divisions does he have?".

RJPJ said...

Oh great. Another Children's Crusade. The first ended so well

Ralph L said...

I hope someone is getting all these young zealots on video, so they can be shown as fools 20-30 years from now when they run for high office.

hawkeyedjb said...

"It is about power"

All socialist endeavors are about power. Whatever is the current excuse, the goal never varies. I wonder how many of the little commies know they are being used. Some of them are clear-eyed about it.

Jaq said...

No way that this is the result of indoctrination by teachers who overwhelmingly come from the bottom quartile of college students, just like journalists.

Laslo Spatula said...

"...a charismatic young woman whose social-media savvy, moral clarity, and undaunted truth-telling..."

If she was actually knowledgable about the subject these would be worthy attributes indeed.

Unfortunately, a lot of these types have put a cart-full of horse-shit in front of the horse.

Even the horse knows you're an idiot.

I am Laslo.

Paul Zrimsek said...

I seem to recall that AOC’s torching of the right-wing trolls consisted of shamefacedly taking down the FAQ she’d posted.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The "grownups" on the Left created this monster by the wild exaggerations they have made about the environment. Now they can't control it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Get offa my lawn!

RK said...

Let's not forget that AOC is kinda hot.

Tommy Duncan said...

The climate struggle... is about power...."

That is not a revelation, but it is nice to see their side acknowledge that the New Green Deal is simply a power grab.

The author fails to square the power grab aspect with "...moral clarity, and undaunted truth-telling..."

gilbar said...

RK said... Let's not forget that AOC is kinda hot.

Let's not forget that AOC WAS kinda hot; TEN YEARS AGO
fixed it for you!

Shouting Thomas said...

In the later years of my programming career, I concluded that the constantly changing definitions of bigotry and environmentalism were, in fact, a subtle and very effective form of age discrimination.

Somewhere around 1995 my views became so unhip that I was supposedly an embarrassment to have around.

My generation, the Boomers, pulled the same stunt on our parents’ generation.

Chuck said...

So the Climate Kids are willing to make that ultimate sacrifice; skipping a day of school.

They can all use their Uber accounts for a ride to the rally.

I was going to question a the blogging of a piece from "The Nation"; I wondered what would happen if I had linked to The Nation for any purpose whatsoever, even sarcastic, on an Althouse comments page. What the commenters would say about me. But I see what you've done here, Althouse. It's great blogging. I'd have never seen a story from The Nation if you hadn't linked it.

Laslo Spatula said...

Of course, being young doesn't mean others don't conflate having read some headlines with understanding how things actually work.

How we want things to be + self-regard = Potemkin Knowledge.

I am Laslo.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Perhaps the kiddos should do an internet search on recent developments in making carbon sequestration economical:
IF reducing carbon in the atmosphere affects our world climate positively, then the kiddos won't have to take over the energy companies and can still ride their Ubers. The RMIT scientists either will become richer than Gates or end up in a landfill....

Wilbur said...

I'll accept the "moral clarity". ISIS has oodles of it, too.

alanc709 said...

From Wikipedia- Greta Thunberg was born on 3 January 2003.[2] Her mother is Swedish opera singer Malena Ernman and her father is actor Svante Thunberg [sv],[3] who is named after his distant relative Svante Arrhenius.[3][4] Her grandfather is actor and director Olof Thunberg.[5]

In December 2018, Thunberg described herself as having been "diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, OCD, and selective mutism".[6] To lower her family's carbon footprint, she insisted they become vegan and give up flying.[7]

SOunds like a typical teenager to me.....

rhhardin said...

From the mouths of babes comes pabulum.

Wilbur said...

I take a look at The Nation website every so often just to check in the disloyal opposition.

I can summarize: they don't like the President.

Roger Sweeny said...

and clear-eyed about who’s to blame and how to fix it

No, they're not. They simply have the usual devil theory. It's "the corporations". It's "the rich". They're taking two century old socialism and thinking they're modern.

They are a religious revival.

narciso said...

They've always hated our country af least since the 20th century, they also underestimated Hitler as per stalin's orders.

narciso said...

It's a solution to the problem of western civilization, feudalism is cool.

hawkeyedjb said...

"I can summarize: they don't like the President."

That's today. I can summarize the last century: they don't like America.

narciso said...

Idi Amin would concurr:

Chuck said...

Althouse's use of the "children in politics" tag got me thinking about the irony that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the elected United States Representative from the New York 14th Congressional District, is being seriously compared to a 16-year old from a foreign country. Not a member of the Swedish Riksdag; not a government minister; not a Swedish diplomat.

Curious George said...

Sweden is finished regardless. Little Greta needs to be concerned about grooming, not carbon footprints.

narciso said...

Read lapidus to see the real underside of lawyer, hes a mob lawyer turned crime novelist.

Wince said...

This is good news for Trump.

narciso said...

The nation made the comparison, she'll grow up to be selfy obsessed sane at the Mandela funeral.

TrespassersW said...

RK said...
Let's not forget that AOC is kinda hot.

Nope. The bug-eyed look completely negates any other hotness factors.

MadisonMan said...

Svante Arrhenius

One of the first to talk about the heat-trapping abilities of gaseous CO2.

Wince said...

Like Dick Clark used to say, "this is going to be real popular with the kids".

The new religious asceticism? Not when the degree of asceticism has to be directly proportional to the media attention given the ascetic.

There just isn't that much media attention to go around.

traditionalguy said...

After 30 years of fake data fed into a fake science to manufacture propaganda and spew it worldwide, the claim that trace CO2 emissions cause atmosphere warming and sea level rise is the keystone of the New World Order's Government. Just because that keystone is 100% false, and everybody knows it by now, that has not slowed their Bandwagon of bullshit. The United Nations just dumps in more Billions of dollars propaganda funding and auditions them some new child actresses, and rolls on.

Karen of Texas said...

I'm just going to go on record and say if sunspot activity continues to weaken and diminish as it has during the last 3 solar cycles, we might be kicking ourselves in our freezing asses for aiding and abetting the decline by scrubbing the pittance we spew into the air.

ALP said...

Any engineers here concerned about the increasing battery use Green policies advocate and what that means for mining the metals? I can find a few articles about this but doesn't appear too many are concerned. Are there significant battery innovations on the horizon? Is mining now gentle on the environment? If we can't be trusted to recycle plastic grocery bags, and that is taken away, how can we be trusted to recycle all these batteries?

sinz52 said...


If I had a dollar for every "progressive grassroots youth movement" in U.S. history, I'd be a very wealthy man by now.

The professional lefties are constantly looking for the latest new "grassroots youth movement."

Anyone interested in counting up how many of those we've seen in the last hundred years or so?

MartyH said...

I hope she doesn’t mind leaving Sweden. Certainly can’t do solerin the winter. Is the wind blowing today darling?

gilbar said...

Karen of Texas said...
kicking ourselves in our freezing asses for aiding and abetting the decline

IF man made global warming is Real
We should be GLAD of it; because the resumption of this ice age is WAY past due

chuck said...

Another idiot, sigh. Thanks for nothing, Sweden.

dbp said...

It is sad and pathetic, but there is a sublime humor to it as well:

We have kids who've completely adsorbed and internalized every gram of propaganda thrown at them by the educational and media establishments. These brainwashed kids are referred to as, having "... moral clarity, and undaunted truth-telling..."

I don't know if I should laugh, or cry.

Sebastian said...

"the increasingly dire future that awaits them and clear-eyed about who’s to blame and how to fix it"

So: stupid after all?

"They grasp what many of their elders apparently never learned: The climate struggle is not about having the best science, the smartest arguments, or the most bipartisan talking points. It is about power"

So: evil lefties do their evil lefty thing, same as ever?

Ann Althouse said...

I don't have a specific age cut-off about using children. It's a multidimensional analysis. I should do a separate post on this, but just off the top of my head:

1. A very young child isn't even choosing to go into politics, doesn't even understand what is being done. There are issues of exploitation by adults and child abuse.

2. Are we ascribing moral authority to youth — how much and why? Do they seem pure and inspired in this fantasy?

3. Is the child/teenager/young adult speaking from his/her own knowledge and understanding with a healthy self-awareness about his/her experience and expertise?

4. Are young people cranking each other emotionally in a way that is unhealthy (such as getting into a mass hysteria, being drawn into destructiveness or the pursuit of ecstasy)?

Gahrie said...

Raise the voting age to 35.

If you did, you could have representatives without the right to vote. I'd go with 25 and settle for 21. if you're not responsible enough to drink a beer or smoke a cigarette, you're not responsible enough to vote.

Anonymous said...

We've been here before. In the early Reagan years, when a segment of the population went batsh!t insane thinking we were on the verge of atomic annihilation. There were marches, petitions, conferences galore. Even today at the entrance of some towns, you can still see a faded sign declaring the place a.Nuclear Free Zone.

Yep, I was part of that earnest madness. My fondest memories from that time are not about saving the world, but about the sex. Be it a meeting, march or conference, at least 2/3rds of the time I'd end the day in bed with someone new. Activism had its perks.

Hard to imagine this in the climate change kids. They are so dour, limp and joyless.

Gahrie said...

Are we ascribing moral authority to youth — how much and why?

It was your generation that told us not to trust anyone over 35.

Sebastian said...

The practical electoral question remains at what point the Althouses of the world will decide that voting for "serious" liberals/Dems actually gets them more crazy lefties in power and crazy leftism in policy.

For now, it seems, women's bodies outweigh the desire for actual seriousness, but I'm pleased AOC and her foreign sisters are likely to strain the sisterhood just a bit.

Big Mike said...

Tell the little twit to go freeze to death in the dark.

Henry said...

It's like the yellow vests never happened. That massive protest over high diesel prices and speed limits? Gone.

Any serious climate protest kid should have started walking to their capital by now.

Levi Starks said...

I don’t think the re education camp she has planned for me will be as fun as I’d hoped.

BarrySanders20 said...

Lil Greta grew out of the clown-will-get-you phase, through the Slenderman phase, through Momo phase, and now into the climate phase. The Boogeyman was easier to keep track of.

chickelit said...

RK said...Let's not forget that AOC is kinda hot.

If these young wannabe leaders show one scintilla of skin, they get the young male cohorts to follow them and the older pervs too. It's the power of ponytail swish-swish.

So it's up to to older females to save us from them.

Henry said...

This bit of rhetorical triumphalism does a huge disservice to AOC.

AOC actually won an election.

She didn't actually torch any right wingers -- that's pure confirmation bias on the part of Mr. Hertsgaard.

What she did to, which is far more impressive, is force a huge number of more experienced politicians in her own party to change their own positions. She swayed the center-left.

Hertsgaard's emoji-as-logic writing is a good match for the people he covers, but in the end it, and the emoji-as-protest protests it applauds is a celebration of a bubble.

mccullough said...

Best of luck to her and AOC in their Change the World fantasies. They will make excellent ISIS brides.

Fernandinande said...

I get the impression that most MSM scribblers want to write poetry or their autobiography or anything other than reporting, but whoever wrote this nonsense missed their calling writing advertising copy.

Thunberg looks like the ring-leader in a "creepy kid" movie.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“So the Climate Kids are willing to make that ultimate sacrifice; skipping a day of school.”

Chuck gets one right. Without the vague promise of sex/power/avoidance of work, AGW would be in the ideological thrift shop. With the back issues of The Nation.

Fernandinande said...

Children should be seen and not heard, and also not seen.

stevew said...

The army of those that know for certain things that simply aren't true grows unabated.

Amadeus 48 said...

Climate Kidz Gone Wild!

Unknown said...

Hasn't anyone seen the "Children of the Corn" movies?

Waiting on Malachai.

I am Laslo.

Amadeus 48 said...

The Children's Crusade of 1212 per Wikipedia:

"The Children's Crusade was a failed popular crusade by European Christians to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims, said to have taken place in 1212."

What could go wrong with the Climate Kidz?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

When you’re down to throwing the Hitler Youth against the T-34s, it’s a pretty good indication that you’ve lost the war.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

We’ve arrived at the Greg Brady stage of the AGW struggle.

Rick said...

This is why the left propagandizes. If you lie to enough people it doesn't matter that everything they know is wrong.

Maybe we should let them ruin the country because breaking into their little fantasy world would be too tough on them.

stevew said...

I'm thinking we should send them a link to Adams' Periscope with Dr. Shiva Ayyandurai. Here are some highlights:

Multi-dimensional problems can’t be reduced to a single variable like CO2
People don’t understand math and physics, they’re being bamboozled
CO2 doubled already, temp should be up 4 degrees, per models
The models are NOT supported by the data
Actual temperature increase has only been half degree
Scientists are keeping quiet about climate change model problems
Climate change is BS, the data confirming BS is overwhelming
Grant money ONLY exists for those who believe and promote the climate change hoax

BarrySanders20 said...

Thunberg looks like the ring-leader in a "creepy kid" movie.

Now that’s a smirk.

Dave D said...

Where are all the child protesters trying to stop the madness of spending future income on largesse in the present? How many educators are informing these kids that they will owe hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt that they were not alive to spend?

Wince said...

BarrySanders20 said...
Thunberg looks like the ring-leader in a "creepy kid" movie.

Maybe they can get the Twilight Zone Bill Mumy and these Creepy Kids of Star Trek to do a come back?

Martin said...

Children who have been subject to totalitarian propaganda and have with moral clarity:

Chris N said...

At Peace Pavilion West, Dale started the Sunshine movement to enforce work detail and re-energize the movement. After the EPA raids, it split into gendered dormitories (honeybees and lil lions).

Dale peers out from his dais.

MadisonMan said...

stevew, throw more against the wall. Perhaps something will stick.

@Mike (not sure which Mike), re: November snowfall, that you asked me a while ago, and at the time I had no time.

I think my memory might be overwhelmed by 1985 -- when Madison had 18.3" -- although, if I recall correctly, there was considerable debate among grad students then about how poorly that was overmeasured (one of the storms) -- and 1986 -- when Madison had almost 9". Curiously, 1995 and 1996 also had more snow than normal, but since then, not many snowy Novembers.

There have been 43 Novembers in Madison (since 1884) with <1" of snow. 9 have been since 1998 (including 1998). Only 3 occurred in the 20 years from 1978-1997.

Mountain Maven said...

Where are her parents??
If my kid was like that i'd get him help and keep him away from the media. SMH

TheDopeFromHope said...

Re the voting age: no one should be permitted to vote until he or she has paid $10,000 in federal income taxes. Take your 1040s down to the voter registration place and then we'll confirm with the IRS. If true, you're registered. Otherwise, you're just a sponge, leeching off the takers.

BudBrown said...

I sorta remember 20 years ago glancing at some summary of agw models and several predicted more snow. I think they were specifically predicting more snow up in the Great Lakes region.
So if some place like Minnesota has a record breaking February for snow then that isn't disproving the models.

Michael K said...

Blogger Karen of Texas said...
I'm just going to go on record and say if sunspot activity continues to weaken and diminish as it has during the last 3 solar cycles, we might be kicking ourselves in our freezing asses for aiding and abetting the decline by scrubbing the pittance we spew into the air.

That should be on the TV news every night. But it won't be. No graft or grants to gotten.

Big Mike said...

@MadMan, it was probably me. BTW, my offer to help you out by letting a skeptical mathematician look at your methods and your data still stands. You have never taken me up on it; I wonder why that is?

Achilles said...

Rather than raise the voting age to 25 we should adjust citizenship.

Rather than be conferred on birth there could be paths:

1. Serve in the military.

2. Pay net positive federal taxes.

Takers should not be allowed to vote.

Big Mike said...

Thank you, alanc709, for pointing me to young Greta’s Wiki page. She looks (1) young, (2) insufferably smug, and (3) like she has a brain that is shut tight and utterly impervious to reality or reason. Is suspect (3) explains (2).

BudBrown said...

Well, the sunspot activity has been decreasing for a while but it doesn't seem to be getting cooler. Tampa just had a second real hot February. How hot? Hot enough that I about turned on the ac. I don't turn the dang ac on til May, dang it.

Ralph L said...

She looks more like 12 than 16. Perhaps it's the lack of animal- or petroleum-based makeup.

Skeptical Voter said...

"Laughably called AOC's Green New Deal stupid?" You have to be a brain dead writer for The Nation to say that. As more me I'm ROTFLMAO if you know what I mean and I think you do.

Long ago there was another Children's Crusade. It didn't end well.

MikeR said...

China. Then India. Then Africa. That's where the CO2 will come from for the next several decades. Play all the games you want, Europe and California.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Funny that The Nation article has only one comment, and that one a call to fascism.

The Last Dragon Slayer said...

Interview with the last dragon slayer
Reporter Kim Weaver: Who are the worst dragon slayers, in your opinion.
The Last Dragon Slayer: There are no bad dragon slayers. It’s a matter of definition. Dragon. Slain. Tell me how that could in any way be bad? You ask the wrong question.
RKW: What is the right question?
TLDS: Who are the worst dragon hunters?
RKW: OK, I’ll bite.
TLDS: Funny.

TLDS: The worst dragon hunters are those who aren’t interested in slaying a dragon at all but generate huge armies of fellow hunters for their hunt.
RKW: Wouldn’t the sheer mass of other hunters eventually result in a dead dragon despite the particular hunter’s lack of interest in the actual slaying?
TRDS: The problem occurs mostly because the dragon they hunt doesn’t exist.
RKW: If they don’t exist, what is the harm?
TLDS: The harm? It’s because Dragons do exist. But if one diverts energy and resources toward non-existent dragons then real dragons go unmolested. Real dragons doing real damage while people chase the ephemeral wyrm, righteous in their endeavor, but achieving nothing. No. Worse. Fostering death and destruction through sheer incompetence and waste.

Seeing Red said...

Just so long as they walk their talk, no flying around the world, etc. and freezing because that’s what the earth does, no sunspots to speak of.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Pippi Långstrump will save us.

JAORE said...

I thought it was an unwritten rule that on political matters you shouldn't let the kids attack the adults....

Oh wait. It's the opposite. So weaponized children render your argument unassailable.

JAORE said...

Oh yeah...
Raise the voting age to 25!

Temujin said...

When I'm old, drooling, and sitting in a room staring out a window some day (a few weeks from now), this world will be run by kids with raging hormones, fully indoctrinated with bizarre horseshit.

They'll rip up this world because they're afraid of losing this world.

And you'll see a small smirk on the corner of my drooling mouth as I sit and wait for Cardinals to stop by my window.

Infinite Monkeys said...

How many educators are informing these kids that they will owe hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt that they were not alive to spend?

They plan on making "the rich" pay it.

Infinite Monkeys said...

Otherwise, you're just a sponge, leeching off the takers.

Does leeching off the takers mean leeching off the government?

OldManRick said...

Well, the sunspot activity has been decreasing for a while but it doesn't seem to be getting cooler.

It takes a while for a .07% decrease to be felt. The coldest part pf night is not midnight; the coldest month is not when solstice occurs. The optimum depth for a wine cellar is around 10 feet because the soil temperature is 180 degrees out of phase with the seasons.

The thermosphere cools first then it works it's way down. It will come.

n.n said...

Profits (sic).

tcrosse said...

Kids these days. They should be standing on a hillside singing "I'd like to buy the world a Coke".

Wilbur said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
Funny that The Nation article has only one comment, and that one a call to fascism.

As I recall, they make you subscribe to the magazine (at least online) before you can comment. Cuts down on the riffraff.

Christopher said...

"Just as the 29-year-old Ocasio-Cortez torched the right-wing trolls who laughably derided her as 'stupid' after she introduced... a Green New Deal"

They mean the GND that the Left is now attacking Republicans for calling for a vote on? The one that has left the Dems. having to explain why they want to make cow-farts illegal? The one where they had to memory-hole the FAQ put forward by Cortez herself?

Yep, she really torched those critics.

Static Ping said...

Maybe if Sweden goes green, the place will be such a hellhole that the "refugees" will see their homelands as an improvement and go back home. Compared to Sweden in winter, Syria does not seem that bad. Then again, Sweden's population will roughly be the same as of 980.

As for AOC, I think she is attractive. Her problem is she's dumb which is a huge turnoff. The thing is she is probably of above average intelligence but she is so incredibly ignorant and outrageously arrogant. It is apparent she has been told what to believe, has never seriously pondered why she should believe that, and to protect her own ego she has just applied "hater" to anyone who disagrees with her. At best she's a useful idiot. The "NPC" meme applies quite well to her.

hstad said...

".....Thunberg is a charismatic young woman whose social-media savvy, moral clarity, and undaunted truth-telling..."? Wow, another 'Mother Teresa" in the making? I'm sorry, the use of "moral clarity" and "truth-telling" is a real stretch when talking about "Climate Change". Unless of course you are a true believer of this Religion du-jour!

Sheridan said...

I saw this before in a movie! "Logan's Run"! And read about it in a book, "Lord of the Flies"! Things won't end well, for anyone. Time to re-dose myself by re-watching "The Wizard of Oz".

Original Mike said...

"@Mike (not sure which Mike), re: November snowfall, that you asked me a while ago, and at the time I had no time."

That was me, MM. Thanks for the data.

I believe I had made a statement to the effect that I do not consider snowless Novembers to be unusual (I have lived in Madison since 1960). Looks like 1998-2019 is less snowy than the average over the entire period (1884-2019) and 1978-1997 is much snowier.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"As I recall, they make you subscribe to the magazine (at least online) before you can comment. Cuts down on the riffraff."

That's the point. One commenter. The revolution will not be attended.

Steven said...

The thing about actual "truth-telling" is that it requires one to have the facts right. When you don't have the facts right, all you're doing is self-righteous sermonizing.

Arashi said...

So maybe herself and the rest of this 'new childrens crusade' should start marching to Constantinople on March 15 and the world can see how far they get.

Soemone asked above about battery production. No, there are no new great ideas in battery tech on the immediate horizon. At present, lithium-ion in some form seems to be it. The mining and refining of lithium is still an environmental disaster of the first order. Plus, the mining of cobalt - necessary for lithium batteries - is almost 100% done in the the Democratic Republic of the Congo by children with no protections whatsoever. The mineral itself is a conflict mineral in the same way that diamonds from certain areas in Africa are. Force children to mine it and use the money to buy weapons and wage local wars. AOC and this one in Sweden own this - as do every holier than though that buys a 'green' hybrid or electric car.

Big Mike said...

And you'll see a small smirk on the corner of my drooling mouth as I sit and wait for Cardinals to stop by my window.

If you mount a squirrel-proof bird feeder by your window and keep it stocked with sunflower seeds they will come. Trust me, they will come.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Does this vapid little twat have horse teeth as well?

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steven Wilson said...

Shouting Thomas says:

In the later years of my programming career, I concluded that the constantly changing definitions of bigotry and environmentalism were, in fact, a subtle and very effective form of age discrimination.

Somewhere around 1995 my views became so unhip that I was supposedly an embarrassment to have around.

My generation, the Boomers, pulled the same stunt on our parents’ generation.

My version of this is "Be comforted in knowing that today's required euphemism becomes tomorrow's unforgivable slur."

Big Mike said...

Linked to on Pjmedia: “I also saw some anti-AOC graffiti recently. It was written in chalk. On a chalkboard. It was a math problem solved accurately.”

Big Mike said...

@BudBrown, I would be glad to swap. It’s been cold here in Virginia.

Matt said...

Man, fuck all this lefty worship of 'young people'. They're just as ignorant of history, economics and everything else as old lefties.

I should give a shit what people whose entire existence revolves around selfies, likes, grievance studies and wine think about...well, anything? Yeah. I don't think so.

Never trust anyone under 30.

MadisonMan said...

Thanks for the data.

If you want to geek out on weather data, this is the link. It's awesome!

Bilwick said...

So, is Thunberg a moron, too? Just wondering.

JaimeRoberto said...

I guess I just don't know what the word charismatic means.

ccscientist said...

Yeah, the children's crusade worked out so well 1000 years ago...

If you point out that the GND would cost at least 94 trillion and wreck the economy I guess you are a troll.

To disparage science when you are trying to change the climate is...insane. Good intentions mean nothing to either the climate or to the economy.

Original Mike said...

@MadisonMan - Thanks, I'll enjoy poking around the site.

I would love to find a site that has historical cloud cover data for locations across the US. It doesn't look like that's available at this site, but I'll take a closer look.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

MadisonMan@9:35AM What do you imagine that your information here proves? What you have done is taken a tiny slice from a small sample and asserted something, not sure what, global warming? Climate change? Nothing? According to your figures, in the last 40 years there have been 12 winters with less than an inch of snow- so about every 3.3 winters. In the previous 95 winters, there were 31 with less than an inch of snow. And that averages out to about 3.3 winters. So, no climate change there! But do go ahead and extrapolate for the 20,000 or so winters before modern record keeping, and you might get a clearer picture than what you are seeing through the progs climate change keyhole.

Original Mike said...

@Michael Fitzgerald - I had asked him for this data. He's not trying to prove anything.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Original Mike@7:53PM So what was the point?
MM: "stevew, throw more against the wall. Perhaps something will stick."
That was in reply to stevew listing climate change scam points debunked by Dr. Shiva Ayyandurai. Then he posted the rubbish on the winters with less than an inch of snow. But, "not trying to prove anything". Hmmm, I am gonna disagree, and surmise that MadisonMan is a believer in the climate change scam, and he posted his factoids on snowless winters in support of climate change hysteria.
So now you are both wrong.

Henry said...

Beats chest.

Biff said...

Whitaker Chambers famously remarked that "From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: 'To a gas chamber — go!'"

I never thought that line to be a remotely good fit for Rand's radically individualistic, anti-collectivist philosophy, but every time I have seen a picture of Greta Thunberg, her seemingly absolute confidence in the rightness of her cause has led me to imagine her face as the one commanding: "To a gas chamber — go!"

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