"... how can they overlook his crass behavior, his sycophantic praise of dictators, and his obvious attempts at obstructing justice (and many more offenses) to the extent that they will put so much effort into celebrating 'No Collusion'? I can't help but feel they're part of a cult of personality that blinds them to the many apparent shortcomings of Trump as a leader, and it's that more than any actual leadership on his part that drives them. It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture, and I hate feeling this way about my countrymen."
The 4th-highest-rated comment at "Russian Vodka. A ‘No Collusion Day’ Rally. Trump Fans Celebrate the Mueller Report" (NYT).
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Shorter: LLR's/leftists upset conservatives are pleased dem/left/LLR coup attempt fails.
No stop! The dossier is real.
Liz Sheld :
“I happened to have Martha MacCallum’s show on last night and one of her guests was barking moonbat Eric Swalwell (D-CA). My jaw dropped when Swalwell asserted that nothing in the salacious and unverified dossier had been proven ‘not factual.’ Actually, not much in the dossier has been proven factual. There’s a difference but the left is using a new legal standard. ‘Can you prove you are not guilty?’ Can we prove Trump didn’t collude with RUSSIA? I don’t know, has it been proven ‘not factual’ that Eric Swalwell isn’t buggering little boys?”
Update: Breaking - Eric Swalwell(d) is a pedophile. Prove us all wrong.
Trump puts up with no PC shit.
I'd love to know...
Enough about me. What do you think of my new shoes?
How can we overlook his crass behavior?
It’s only sex. It’s a private matter.
It’s ironic that groundwork was laid by the Clintons. So let’s let the Epstein case flag fly, shall we?
Trump signed an order to start hardening our grid. It’s about time.
You don't really want to know, you're only using the question as an opening for your rant. But since you asked, one of the reasons is that he doesn't tolerate shit like this.
It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture, and I hate feeling this way about my countrymen
We felt like that for 8 years. I hope they get to do the same.
how can they overlook his crass behavior, his sycophantic praise of dictators, and his obvious attempts at obstructing justice (and many more offenses) to the extent that they will put so much effort into celebrating 'No Collusion'?
There are far, far greater sins than "crass behaivor" that have been commited by other powerful politicians and presidents, many with a (D) by their name. And any "sycophantic praise of dictators" is a negotiation strategy (you might not think it's a good strategy, but that's clearly what it is). And the whole "obstructing justice" idea is at best in the eye of the beholder and at worst patently false.
...It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture, and I hate feeling this way about my countrymen."
But are there any videos of children singing?
Maybe because they take pleasure and satisfaction in the discomfort of Trump's enemies and critics?
I hate feeling this way about my countrymen.
The wife beater says, I hate it when you make me go crazy like this.
On the other hand, we are supposed to ignore the serious damage Obama did to our country in areas like the economy, race relations, personal freedoms, and foreign policy because he was such a cool guy.
I'm still waiting for the videos on YouTube showing school children singing songs of praise for Trump.
Obama spied, Clinton colluded, DNC denied democracy. Pro-Choice, diversity, social justice, PC. #HateLovesAbortion
The Obama Children's Choir was unavailable for comment.
Besides hitting back to their dismay, has Trump done anything crass as President?
"Both" (or all) sides of our ideological divide increasingly seem to think the other is part of a "cult." The other side is not just wrong, but their opinions are illegitimate. Many now largely see elections as illegitimate. The courts as illegitimate. Our media and even our history as illegitimate. I include myself in some of that.
Not to be dramatic, but this is not healthy. And that's without mentioning the sweeping demographic changes that make common cause a challenge.
So the question is what makes them "loyal". If so, it's tot hard to see the answer -- it's the alternative, since politics tends to be a binary sport. Just as interesting is how the NYT commenter frames the issue: what's wrong with those people? The proffered answer is that they are "blind" a bit dense and have skewed values. That makes her (just guessing it's from a "her") "hate feeling this way about my countrymen."
Yes, indeed, it's a tough life if you have to share your country with those who see things a bit differently.
I am still waiting for videos on YouTube of school children singing the praises of Trump. Where are they?
New York Times commenters, clueless as always. It's scary that those morons think they are smart, it's a cult of self worship :)
"his sycophantic praise of dictators"
You mean, like, O bowing to the Saudis, telling Vlad about his flexibility, getting chummy with Hugo, and sending pallets of cash to the mullahs?
"his obvious attempts at obstructing justice"
You mean, like, firing Comey cuz he didn't want to clear Trump publicly, even though the FBI had nothing on him, and couldn't cuz there was nothing?
"I can't help but feel they're part of a cult of personality that blinds them to the many apparent shortcomings of Trump"
For us on the right, prog projection is the telling tell.
"It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship"
Up to a point, we enjoy the fright, of course. But none of us here (maybe traditonalguy? Achilles?) "worships" Trump. But I will confess to a change of heart from my Trump-is-a-clown days: Trump stood up to the prog witch hunt and the MSM vilification. Considering what he was up against, and how little actual support he got from the actual GOP, his resistance was heroic and his triumph all the sweeter.
That Cult of Personality line is the latest attempt to slime Deplorables because they admire President Trump's winning, or persisting to fight for, everything that he promised he would do for them. Trump's reality is driving out the Dem's carefully crafted fantasy world.
Speaking only for myself, I support Trump because of the alternatives. Offer a decent alternative to Trump and I’ll consider her/him.
Perhaps if the writer would take the imaginative leap and analyze the support and love given to Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton by committed feminists this would help them research the conundrum.......To be fair to feminists, they haven't actually given Fairfax any real love, only their tacit support.
I didn't understand Obama worship, how the "unbiased" Media kept framing him in photos with a halo effect; how they highlighted the rubes who would faint on cue at his rallies; how teachers corralled their students into singing his praises (literally); his "praise of dictators" (to borrow a phrase) and bowing down before foreign leaders, and his obsequious "after my next election" overtures to Putin through Medveded; his "crass behavior" (ibid) in saying "I won!" and "elections have consequences" when Republicans tried to work with him on health care and were rebuffed; the outrageous "cult of personality" (ibid) that celebrated such arrogant and preposterous statements as "this is the day the seas began to recede" and the DNC-Media savants who called him "The One" as if he was their Savior; the "hero worship" (ibid) in which Michelle said you would have to prove yourself worthy of his praise by getting in your neighbor's face and defending Obama the One; and the "actual [lack of] leadership" (ibid) in which Obama lifted up Black Americans while putting down White Americans (even his own grandmother) and insinuating (sometimes outright stating) that police are stupid and racist no matter their color, in which people lost insurance, in which his lawless EOs created "Dreamers" and "DACA" with the stroke of a pen instead of leading Congress to pass a proper law.
Yes indeed, "how can they overlook" (ibid) any of this? What makes partisans like NYT writers so snowblind that they can't see that everything they hate about Trump is something we disliked about Obama? Yet the ONE THING they choose to ignore, not highlight, not write about, not analyse, not examine, not show curiosity about is THE RESULTS of an healthy expanding economy (while Obama's was a "recovery summer" that never got here), record low unemployment especially among minorities and youth (while Obama had record FUNemployment as Pelosi described it) and finally we are confronting China on their unfair trade practices.
The DNC-Media complex has completely abrogated their duty to report all the news that's fit to print and they are continuing to lose what little trust America still has placed in them.
Look in the mirror and ask why people were loyal to the Clinton Cabal, or the corrupt Obama administration.
Yeah how can we love a vulgar accidental president who has the entire Establishment arrayed against him?
Truly a mystery.
I'd love to know how the Left acquired this gobsmacking lack of self-awareness. It beggars belief.
1. Winning covers a multitude of sins.
2. Trump voters figured out at some point that he was the only candidate with a chance to beat Clinton. I still thought he would lose.
3. Trump voters enjoy seeing their political opponents cry.
Don’t feel that way then. Nobody is forcing you to have those feelings, you are choosing to have them based on your confirmation bias, information sources, and cloistered bubble existence.
Consider the very likely possibility that your entire world view is incorrect and that only you can fix that. This conclusion matches all those data points you just mentioned, so ...
Conversely, the LLR designated "brilliant" Maddow on the LLR's "go to" network MSNBC suffers a ratings crash!!
Eerily similar to the collapse of the hoax "conservative" Weekly Standard and the even more hoax-y fake conservative "The Bulwark".
What lesson can we draw here?
If Tradguy were here he might suggest that Trumps uncanny sense of timing and discernment for the soft underbelly of the leftist/dem/LLR alliance has altered completely the "understanding" by these hacks of the political battlespace and thus they cannot begin to adapt effectively and are reduced to deploying the old playbooks but only MORE intensely.
Remember the old "ugly American on travel abroad" jokes where the American, in order to "improve understanding" would simply speak English louder and louder ithou understanding the root of the problem?
Well here we are.
There is no advice you can give these "maroons" that they can 1) understand, 2) internalize, 3) assess, 4) adapt, 5) deploy, 6) reassess.
Instead its just more doubling down on failed strategies,....but much MUCH LOUDER!!
re: Bill Clinton
"I'd love to know what it is about this president that makes these people so loyal. Even if they're fans of his policies..."
"... how can they overlook his crass behavior, his rapes, his sexual assaults, his open bribe seeking"?
Trump acts just like the slick New York operator we have been told to admire by the media for the last sixty plus years. It's OK in flyover country because he's from New Yawk, even though it wouldn't be OK locally. What makes us loyal? Results, we put substance ahead of style (which seems to be the opposite of the priorities for the chattering class). And the crap about talking nicely to dictators, that's salesmanship (The Art of the Deal). So Obama/Clinton bending over backwards to accommodate Russia while calling them punks (and pissing them off) is preferable to Trump being polite and tightening up the screws on them? Really? What a bunch of dolts.
1: Keeps his promises to voters
2: Attacks the Left, which is busy trying to destroy America
Neither of these are normal characteristics of Republican politicians (see John McCain, "build the dang wall" and "repeal ObamaCare")
President Bill Clinton sexually harassed a female intern while President of the US, and the entirety of the Left rallied around him. THAT was cult-like behavior (especially since dump him would have replaced him with President Al Gore, not something the Left would have complained about).
This article is simply more projection by left-wingers eager to damn the other side for their own sins
" I can't help but feel they're part of a cult of personality that blinds them to the many apparent shortcomings of Trump as a leader, and it's that more than any actual leadership on his part that drives them. It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture, and I hate feeling this way about my countrymen."
The Obamessiah, the Lightworker, the stopper of the rising oceans,the instant Nobel prize winner, was unavailable for comment....
Classic progressive projection of beliefs and values on others. Has Obama already been forgotten?
Maybe this person should try talking to a couple of those countrymen. He/she might learn something.
Nah, what a preposterous idea.
Is there a psychiatric term for the pathological state wherein a deluded True Believer projects completely his own credulity, false perceptions, and emotions onto other people, while remaining unshakably convinced that he himself is a rational, objective observer of events?
If there isn't, the mental health professions need to address and describe this dismaying and apparently currently widespread affliction.
how can they overlook his crass behavior,
Easy. He’s standing up to people like Schiff and Pelosi and Schumer and Feinstein and Kamala Harris and their close allies like Maddow and Colbert, and one can’t get in their faces without getting down in the mud and the muck where they reside.
his sycophantic praise of dictators,
At least he doesn’t bow to them the way his predecessor did.
and his obvious attempts at obstructing justice (and many more offenses)
How do lawyers put it? Assumes facts not in evidence. We know that he did not instruct his Attorney General to drop prosecution of cases where the perpetrators had already admitted guilt (Holder and the Black Panthers in 2017) or decline to investigate slam dunk cases (Lynch, Comey, and Hillary Clinton).
to the extent that they will put so much effort into celebrating 'No Collusion'? I can't help but feel they're part of a cult of personality
I think that there really is a Trump-related cult of personality out there, but it’s the people who adamantly refuse to accept the good that Trump does, especially fixing things that his predecessor could have fixed but didn’t (or that his predecessor deliberately broke) that totally blinds them to reality.
that blinds them to the many apparent shortcomings of Trump as a leader, and it's that more than any actual leadership on his part that drives them.
He has more than 60 million followers but he’s not a leader? Do you want to think about that for a moment?
There's a whole hell of a lot that the NYT and its readers will never understand.
Boy, the NYT readers must really like parody.
It's not a "cult of personality" so much as contempt for his critics. I voted for Trump not so much because I liked him (I didn't) but as an alternative to what I saw as a corrupt, dysfunctional ineptocracy and its cult of credentialed leadership. It was only after months of incessant and increasingly vicious attacks on him that I began to develop some affection for him. Today I am surprised to find that I have become a Trump enthusiast.
I'd love to know what it is about Hillary Clinton that makes those people so loyal. can't help but feel they're part of a cult of personality that blinds them to the many apparent shortcomings of Hillary Clinton as a leader, and it's that more than any actual leadership on her part that drives them. It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture, and I hate feeling this way about my countrymen.
It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture
In what country was this guy living when Barack Obama was elected president?
Talk about yer cult o' personality!
Lord love a Duck. Just have to shake you head at the Dems. Delusional.
I am a Trump supporter. I worked in the Reagan Administration for four years earlier in my career. I admired Reagan, and thought his optimism, tax cuts, smaller government policies and foreign policy were features of what I believe history will judge him to be one of our best presidents. I voted for Trump for his vow to appoint originalist justices and judges, a promise he has delivered on. I, like many other conservatives, have been surprised about how well he has done regarding other policies he was less clear about , including deregulation and reducing taxes. (Typically in presidential elections we are given a binary choice - NOT choosing Hillary was a big part of my vote). After my DC career, I raised our son in NYC, and would never have nor did I hold Trump as any example of a person I wanted my son to emulate. I too am embarrassed by his excesses and personal tendencies. But what is most important to me are the policies he is promoting. These are the lasting things that will affect us all. You are wrong to disparage us, and there are many, many more people out there like me than you think. Trump will be reelected in 2020.
I'd love to know what it is about this President that so many people hoped and prayed that he would be a traitor.
"I'd love to know.... I can't help but think.... It frightens me.... I hate feeling this way."
But enough about me. What do you think of my new shoes?
Umm, Obama.
I had two Stoli Martini's to celebrate our president not being a Russian spy.
If you haven't read it yet I recommend "The Case for Trump" by Victor David Hanson. Tell's you all you need to know about Trump's voters and why he won and why we stick with him.
It may be that we realize that you hate us almost as much as you hate Trump.
I'm no fan of his crass behavior. But I don't care that he doesn't virtue signal (ie, denounce your dictator-to-hate).
I wouldn't attend a procession in his honor, but I do get some enjoyment is seeing his enemies despair.
Because they hate me almost as much as they hate him.
Needless to say, and I'm sure I won't be the first or last to say it: I watched people fainting at the sound of Obama making trite noises. I heard 'Journalists' declare that they had tingles up their leg when he spoke. I read noted NY Times columnists who declared you could tell the man's quality by the crease in his pants.
I watched as Obama sent pallets of US cash to the Ayatollah's evil and corrupt regime on a promise to play nice. I listened as Obama told Putin's lackey over a live mic that he had to get through the next election before he could do things Putin wanted done. I noted how he crammed Obamacare up the asses of the American people on an arm-twisting, lying, congress-threatening last minute campaign on Christmas Eve, eventually requiring a never-before used tactic to pass a major tax increase. I saw him make nice with our enemies, and tell our allies to pound sand. I watched as he used the IRS to eliminate conservative groups from taking part in the mid-term elections and beyond.
And I watched as his administration laid open the unmasking of American citizens in private conversations and had his DOJ spy on an opposing party's campaign in a run up to the election.
And all the while I watched and listened as everyone in print and broadcast media, Hollywood, NYC, SF, Seattle, LA, and of course, Madison praised Him as the second coming.
We don't have that level of thrill about how Trump is as a person. But we know he will be a temporary stop to the madness of the left and it'll make the other side's heads blow up. That's where our loyalty lies. Not in the man, but in the results of his just being there.
They don't understand and they seem more like a cult to me.
The key to understanding Trump's initial popularity was that the Propaganda Media and the rulers in the District of Criminals hated rump the same way they hated us. So he couldn't be all bad.
But loyalty to a tough fighting leader is an old tradition that brings out strong emotions in Americans. And Trump never fails to nurture that love and loyalty. Slandering that deep emotional bond as a cult despises Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant and FDR along with Trump.
It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture, and I hate feeling this way about my countrymen."
Welcome to my world from 2008 to 2016.
And again, no self-examination, no wondering, "If I was wrong about collusion, maybe I'm wrong about something else too." Invincible certainty based on self-regard.
More than any other President in my lifetime he practices "management by objectives" having laid out his program which is for ALL Americans not just the myriad of special groups favored by the Democrats. Of course, the NYT and its readers hope for a smooth diplomat catering to these special groups.
He wants what is legal, not just what he can do dream up, e.g. Obamacare one-sided legislation/regulations and Paris climate/Iran deals not approved by the Senate.
Initially I was skeptical of Trump (favoring Walker) but Trump has proved to be far wiser and better for us.
The use of tweets allow him to get his message out to the people without which the MSM would bury his ideas on page 26.
Because we've seen our media lying about him. Blatently.
I'd love to know what it is about this president that makes these people so loyal.
His enemies.
The people celebrating are not doing so because Trump is so great, but because his enemies are so bad, and have been lying about him ( and Republicans, and conservatives ) for so long.
"I'd love to know what it is about this president that makes these people so loyal."
You, all right? I learned it by watching you!
It's a good thing there was no "hero worship" of Barack Obama.
What makes them loyal? It's called "the other side".
Oh, for the love of God. Here’s the answer. He’s not a leftist Democrat and he’s not the Establishment.
I think it’s that simple for many people. It’s not a cult. Most of us don’t like his many odd personality traits. But... we had a binary choice. And Hillary was the worst kind of corruptocrat. So, much like his comments to African American voters who always vote Democrat and never see any positive change, we thought “what do we have to lose”.
And one of the reasons we have to vote for Trump (and will again) is because of your view of us: we’re deplorable, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic. You don’t understand any views but your own and so we have to be “a cult” and labeled as some kind of “other” because we simply don’t fit into your worldview.
Honestly, I saw it was from a NYT reader, so I wasn’t that surprised. They seem to be the worst “bubble dwellers”, but a NYT reader calling anyone else a cult member? That’s rich.
It goes back to the oft stated thought: you just had to be normal. If they would've stayed focused on his moral failings, it would have been hard to defend. But they had to go full Re on him
1. He's not Hillary Clinton. That's worth celebrating every day!
2. Trump supporters are savvy enough to realize that attacks on Trump are really thinly veiled attacks on themselves. It's just that Trump is a convenient stand-in. What the media really hates is the Deplorables themselves. So, when they defend/celebrate Trump, they are really defending/celebrating themselves. So don't be so surprised when they do it enthusiastically.
The thing I like best about DJT is that he drives the right people absolutely bat-shit crazy, and they exhibit that TDS thing.
"I'd love to know what it is about this president that makes these people so loyal."
That is so easy. These people are loyal to Trump because they hate people like you with your airs of superiority, your condescension, and your fundamental ignorance.
"It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture, and I hate feeling this way about my countrymen."
I doubt it, no they're not, and no you don't.
Or, shorter, we love Trump because he hits back at the sort of moronic imbeciles who would write that comment, or upvote it. They picked the fight with him, not him with them. If they couldn’t stand losing the fight then why did they start it?
Or, perhaps the celebration on the right post-Mueller has less to do with "hero worship" and is more about rejoicing in the failure of a scheme to undo the legitimate results of a fair election through the bogus and insulting charge that Russia handed Trump his victory in exchange for his loyalty. You don't have to be a Trump fan to see this as a good day for American democracy.
The possibility didn't even occur to this commenter that many of us deplore Trump's personal peccadilloes but are relieved, to say the least, to find someone who days he's a Republican (now) and does not back down from the fights that must be fought. I don't trust Trump to stay Republican, not yet, not after his having blown with the wind for so long, but it's awfully gratifying to see him hit back. Republicans in public life too often accept the other side's rules of engagement - all statements about women must be positive, any statement about a person of color, whatever the situation, must be hemmed around with disclaimers acknowledging the person's disadvantages because of the US's history of racism, etc., no defense of American exceptionalism is acceptable...
I voted for Trump not *because of* but *despite* his personality. Since then, I've been forced to reconsider what I thought I knew about him: he has governed much more soberly than I ever would have believed he would (or could!), and much more conservatively - again, despite the hair-on-fire public persona.
After eight years of Obama, this individual is now horrified by a cult of the personality?
It's very simple: Trump supporters identify with Trump and, as an infinity of other people have said before me, see him as their voice.
They see attacks on him as attacks on themselves (and they're not wrong).
So it's a personal bond, not the religious awe that Obama seemed to instill in his most enthusiastic supporters.
The Old System might have sucked because of troll wars and digressions but this New System sucks because it takes so long to get posted there is no "conversation" at all for extended periods. I gotta go to work and can't wait (literally) to see ANY posts at all on the last two items. Guess I can check back in a few hours.
A stunning lack of self awareness by that commenter.
This is a bizarre criticism after the abject Soviet-style hero worship that Obama received. Trumps supporters are cheering one thing and one thing only: he fights. After decades of Republican doormat politicians surrendering at every turn just standing there and taking it while they cash their checks, this guy punches back. It's thrilling to watch, but it's not some sort of personality cult.
I'm sorry, HIS crass behavior?
Projection thy name is New York Times reader. This gentleman seems to have forgotten the adulation the "progressives" showered on Saint Obama. The Time magazine cover showing him as FDR--the Time magazine cover "we are all socialists now"--the San Francisco writer who christened Obama "The New Lightworker" etc.
I could go on--the faux Greek columns for his nomination acceptance speech etc. The willingness to swallow whoppers from Obama's lips 'you can keep your doctor".
So to paraphrase the NYT reader "I'd love to know what it is about Obama that makes these people so loyal".
I guess we have disappointed the NYT's readers. Again.
3% growth.
Wages growing faster than inflation for the first time in decades.
A border policy that keeps us a nation and protects citizens.
Ending endless uniparty wars.
Total mystery why we support him.
The NYTs knows that Obama illegally spied on political opponents and wants to talk about crass.
I'm really starting to believe in the "Democrats major in projection" theory. None of the Trump supporters I know worships Trump. We laugh at him ... but in a nice way. We cringe at times when he speaks. We shake our heads at some of his cartoonish features. But we like him because he stood up to the hordes. This is really, really important to us.
On the other hand, just recall how the teeming masses gazed with adoration in their groupie eyes at their lord and savior Barack Obama. Recall Time Magazine's inaugural cover of Obama as FDR, riding in a limo, cigar in hand. Recall the Nobel committee actually awarding a two-month president the Nobel Prize. Recall the prohibition of jokes about Obama right down to de-clowning the rodeo clown who dared wear an Obama mask.
Truly, this is projection. It really shows a mental illness that this writer would not see the irony in his statements.
They NYTimes readers look at personality, the Big O being the most recent offering. We look at issues. It's completely lost on them.
The word I am going to use is TRUMP is GUILELESS - like a child who blurts out things popping into his head.
I who am grandpa admire his youthful non-inhibition
The real loyalty is to the conspiracy that Trump and the Russians conspired and tricked American brains into not falling in love with the rightful owner of the throne.
From Knowyourmeme:
"Notorious R.B.G. is a social justice blog depicting U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a "badass," gangster-like figure.[1] The trend has spawned a variety of macros, paraphernalia, and books...
The blog has been reported by the Huffington Post[6], MSNBC[7], Politico Magazine[8], the Washington Post[9], TIME[10], and others. It was featured in the ABA Journal's "8th Annual Blawg 100."[14]
Ginsburg's positive reaction to the blog has drawn criticism from legal scholars who argue that the added personal publicity impinges on Ginsburg's duty to remain impartial on the bench.[2]
The first instance of Notorious R.B.G. merchandise was created by Tumblr user charlesdingusesquire on the same day as Knizhnik's initial post.[11] In approximately one year, Knizhnik is reported to have sold thousands of T-shirts of various designs.[4] Previously, shirt-selling campaigns have been used to raise money for Planned Parenthood[15] and the Advancement Project[16]. Ginsburg admitted to personally having a large supply of the shirts,[10] and enjoys giving them to friends as gifts.[17]
Action Figure
On June 5th, 2018, FCTRY launched a Kickstarter [18] for a Ginsburg action figure. The figure is designed to resemble the judge, including several of her signature physical characteristics, such as wire-rimmed glasses, pulled-back hair, silk gloves, jabot and more. Within three days, of the launch, the project received more than $146,000 in pledges, surpassing its $15,000 goal.
On May 4th, 2018, a documentary, RBG, was released in the United States. The film received a 94% "certified fresh" rating on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes...."
I am Laslo.
I did not hesitate to vote for Trump, despite not liking him on a personal level. I still don't like him on a personal level, but I am VERY happy with the steps his admin has taken. And considering the amount of resistance his admin has had to deal with, between the Democrats, the bureaucracy, the media, and the Mueller investigation, the amount of progress that has occurred since the inauguration is nothing short of extraordinary.
I don't know why the person who wrote the "4th highest rated comment" can't understand why so many people support Trump. They support him because Trump takes their side against liberals and progressives who consider them dumb, deluded, racist and deplorable.
"I'd love to know what it is about this president that makes these people so loyal. Even if they're fans of his policies how can they overlook his crass behavior, his sycophantic praise of dictators, and his obvious attempts at obstructing justice (and many more offenses) to the extent that they will put so much effort into celebrating 'No Collusion'?
Well, I can't speak for the other idiot, deranged, obsequious, Trump supporters, except myself:) But I can try to answer this commentator.
Let's start with the basics:
1. In 2016, 63 Million US citizens voted for Trump, 66 Million for Hillary -- roughly 50-50.
2. So, if your life lacks 50% of Trump supporters as friends, family members, work colleagues, golf partners, Uber drivers, then it is YOU who are out of whack, perhaps living in a bubble.
3. Much of the American culture percolates up from our friends in Hollywood and the college campuses across the country. Both of these institutions are hideously leftwing, and loud about it. Trump, to his eternal credit, fights back against these assholes.
4. As for foreign policy, Trump wants a strong military, but does not want us to intervene in middle east countries on Neo-Con nation-building, follies. Also, he is great with Israel, great on hammering Obama''s stupid Iran nuclear deal, and great on trying to work out a peaceful modus vivendi with those Commie assholes in North Korea. I'd give him an A on foreign policy.
5. As for domestic policy, his tax cuts were good. His fight to protect our borders is good too. His trade policy with China may or may not be good, but it deserves a seat at the table of ideas. His judges have been outstanding.
6. And, last, as for his twitter, well, it's fucking hilarious!
Does that help at all?
"Even if they're fans of his policies..."
What else is there?
I did not like Obama's policies and did not support him.
I like Trump's policies and I do support him.
Politicians are tools (both definitions intended) and I only view them instrumentally.
We don't care about his crass behavior. As VDH explains in "The Case for Trump" POTUS is like Shane in the movie. He's a rough character and he's cleaning out the bad guys in town.
The comments reveal a typical Urban Provincialism that is impervious to evidence that doesn't fit their political pigeon holes and echo chamber narratives.
Trump praises dictators. Obama, the first American president toured around the world to bow to dictators.
Trump praises dictators. Obama, gave crates of cash to Iranian dictators.
Trump's crime: not pretending to care for liberals' feelings.
I know I'm just repeating others, but it's just too much fun.
Imagine two arsenic laced punchbowls. Trump has a 100 supporters in line in front of his. Obama has 100 supporters in front of his. Both are saying "Here, drink this, it will make everything better." I'm guessing there are a lot more survivors in the Trump line. There is the possibility that there would be more survivors in a Jim Jones line than Obama's.
It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture
This was all made clear to me in 2000, right after Bush was elected. A woman I worked with was remembering the day after Bill Clinton was elected and how she woke up that morning with a feeling of calm -- that he would take care of her and she'd be alright. This was not someone who'd grown up abused, but of privilege.
Bush, she said, was like the frat boys she knew in college. They were not nice to her and she did not like them.
She would have easily believed the most malicious things about Bush, and the most vile about Clinton only after there was no other opportunity to do otherwise, because her baseline thinking was that one was out to get her while the other constantly looked after her wellbeing.
Trump is the other to these people. And that's OK to other him because he's white, male, Republican, and deplorable.
Bill Clinton on the other hand was white, male, Democrat, and with regards to women, at least equally deplorable.
It's not really logical with these people. It's an emotional reaction to the core.
I can easily explain what is is about President Trump that makes this voter loyal, particularly with the understanding I had no expectation that he would perform well at all. Despite his personal shortcomings, it clear that Trump is not a traitor, did not collude with any foreign government to affect the outcome of the 2016 election, and did not under any circumstances obstruct justice even by suggesting he would lawfully use the powers vested in him by the Constitution. Rather, his love of the country is open and his actions seem motivated by that more than any other thing, even if his policies are ill-advised. More importantly, Trump takes the most actively adversarial role this voter has ever observed with respect to the press. He is unwilling to let the press libel him without at least a suitably vicious response. He has been consistent about calling out lies propagated by the press, in however vulgar terms. The press needs much more rebuke than they get from Trump now. The press has in fact demonstrated itself to be an "enemy of the people"; if lying about Russian collusion with the intent of damaging a duly elected president isn't an injury to the country, I don't know what is. Trump is performing a way overdue public service. If he's able to hurt the press in a material way so that they even slightly clean up their act, it's worth all the bad things mentioned in the Times piece, and the country will owe him a debt that may never be repaid. And yes, I do mean he should hurt the press. Their behavior is egregious.
The lack of self-awareness in that comment is astounding!
Ten bucks says the author of the comment has on more than one occasion lamented the fact that rural populations weren't dying fast enough.
Re: Trump's “obvious attempts at obstructing justice (and many other offenses)”
As far as “obvious” obstructing justice having occurred — as the Barr summary letter to Congress from last Sunday alludes — an obstruction of justice charge really can't exist (and any prosecutor who tries will have the devil's own time establishing that it does) without an underlying crime on which to hang a corrupt motive. Since the Mueller report concludes that there was no such crime, therefore the obstruction issue is (all but) moot!
Beyond that, concerning the “many other offenses” charge, I'll simply repeat what George Mason University law professor David Bernstein (who's no Trump supporter) posted on his Facebook page at the beginning of this month — i.e., pre-Mueller report, but post Cohen's congressional testimony (quoting…):
Donald Trump is a man of low character. But he’s apparently quite careful in avoiding doing things that are obviously illegal. Or, at least, that’s what I surmise from the fact that his personal lawyer of 10 years really can’t come up with anything he did that was obviously illegal.
"What makes them loyal?"
Trump has all the right enemies. He pisses off all the right folks. When the FLAK is heaviest you know you're over the target.
I miss Obama.
Blue bubble logic at its finest.
4th highest rated comment? Does that mean it's the 4th dumbest comment? Because, if so...well, I just burned my last freebie to read the other 3.
Agreed, you picked the right one. The others say basically the same thing, but not as hysterically. It deserves to be #1.
Trump is loved because his supporters hate themselves and he makes them feel like having a black heart is the christian thing to do.
Why do people love Trump? 2 main reasons.
1. Trump pisses off all the right people, most of whom are intolerable assholes, fairweather conservatives and/or SJWs.
2. FUCK YOU! That's why!
Personally, I'm kinda pleased to find out that the President of the United States is not a Russian asset. I can only assume that some people would prefer he was.
If we're going to pick our Presidents based on their behavior in their personal lives, Mitt Romney would get my vote. By all accounts, gosh darn it, the man doesn't even swear. However, Trump, for all of his crass behavior, has a lot of good policies (and a few bad ones) and seems effective in getting those policies implemented despite significant opposition.
After LBJ, who was known to whip out his penis to show off its size to others in the room; Truman, who swore like a sailor; JFK, who had multiple affairs and pressured one of his mistresses to perform oral sex on a guest; and Clinton, I'm not sure how to rank the crassness of Trump as President. Is serving fast food to an sports team really worse than forcing a girl to service your friend? I'm sorry, but Trump's manners were good enough for all the glitterati before he got into politics. That fact makes their fainting couch routine a little hard to swallow now.
President Trump is an imperfect vessel, but the things he has accomplished make that unimportant. He's also light-years better than the alternative that we were offered. We weren't going to eat the dog food. Finally, I suspect that while the commenter said "I hate feeling this way about my countrymen" he/she probably could have just truncated it to "I hate my countrymen" and been just as accurate.
Cult of Personality comes right out of the Left's current Newspeak Dictionary of Identity Politics.
First came into prominence after being deployed by a wanna-be-communist totalitarian regime ("On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences"):
"A cult of personality arises when a country's regime – or, more rarely, an individual – uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to apotheosis, except that it is established by modern social engineering techniques, usually by the state or the party in one-party states and dominant-party states. It is often seen in totalitarian or authoritarian countries.
The term came to prominence in 1956, in Nikita Khrushchev's secret speech On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences, given on the final day of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In the speech, Khrushchev, who was the First Secretary of the Communist Party – in effect, the leader of the country – criticized the lionization and idealization of Joseph Stalin, and, by implication, his Communist contemporary Mao Zedong, as being contrary to Marxist doctrine. The speech was later made public and was part of the "de-Stalinization" process the Soviet Union went through."
It is, perhaps, an aesthetic and cultural difference. But it goes beyond style to behaviour. Some people tolerate Trump for his policies and judges; they may cringe at some of his behaviour. But some love his style and how he treats other people.
Negative partisanship characterizes the political bases of both parties. They think you hate them and their culture and their families. You think they hate you and your culture and your families. = negative partisanship. It's not about policies or policy debate. In addition to negative partisanship, political scientists have noted the "big population sort." Trump accelerates the suburban vs. rural divide. The 2018 results in Orange County & the suburbs of Arizona was not a coincidence.
I agree with Sebastian @ 10:13. I think Mr. Trump is an odious person, but my contempt of him is greatly outweighed by my contempt of the traditional press and (other) Democrats. Like it or hate it, one is never in doubt as to what he's thinking.
I voted for Trump with very little enthusiasm. I agree that he is rude, sexist, and immoral in many ways. I just thought Hillary would be worse for the country and I really didn't want her to be president. I was shocked when Trump beat her.
However, since Trump has been in office, he has, incredibly, been able to portray himself as an underdog - not easy for a billionaire who is also the president! All of the unfair and insane attacks on him make me want to support him way more than I did in 2016.
They don't really want to know... Because that would require them to actual have to LISTEN to our POV instead of sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming non-stop that anyone who disagrees with them is a racist, sexist, homophobic NAZI who should be punched in the face or shot...
"It frightens me that these demonstrations of hero worship have become a defining element of American culture, and I hate feeling this way about my countrymen."
I hate the fact that this pismire is my countryman. What did I do to deserve having this idiot vote in my elections? How can I get rid of him?
Thank goodness that this is only the fourth highest rated comment (unless 1 through 3 are even worse).
Hero worship is 100% projection. Unlike Obama, who actually had halos framed over his head, nobody is giving Trump that treatment. People don't worship Trump, but they are thankful to have someone in power who really appears to care about them rather than lecture them nonstop about their supposed personal, irredeemable flaws. It's amazing to me that the commenter can acknowledge that people may like Trump's policies, but take umbrage that they don't reject him because of his style. Now that is hero worship if only in defining the negative.
It goes without saying: It could be awkward for both sides.
Doubt it.
Credit where credit is due.
As much as it pains me, I must congratulate Inga on getting
her comment published and upvoted on the Times site.
I'd love to know why lefty prog democratics are so in love with their party and all the various creeps who lead it - including the corrupt press?
Achilles said...
3% growth.
Wages growing faster than inflation for the first time in decades.
A border policy that keeps us a nation and protects citizens.
Ending endless uniparty wars.
Total mystery why we support him."
Well, all that plus, he pisses off all the right people.
I have never been a fan of Trump's style, and he is certainly no saint, but his enemies are downright evil.
Trump is mostly accepted for what he does, not for how he acts. He's accepted despite his flaws, not because of them. There may be a (very) few who "worship" Trump as a hero, but these seem to be very few indeed. It's not as if there are posters of him that resemble Soviet propaganda, as there are of certain other presidents.
There's something of the Mote and the Beam in these accusations. The real questions are not about some largely non-existant "cult of personality" or "hero worship" surrounding Pres. Trump, but, why his critics are moved to such heights of irrationality and emotional display by his presidency?
"I can't help but feel they're part of a cult of personality that blinds them to the many apparent shortcomings of Trump as a leader . . ."
That may be, and probably is; but as I think everytime I see Inga, our resident Mensan, use the term "Trump cultist," better a Trump cultist than a State cultist, like her. For one reason, so far the Trump Cultists has a much lower body count. (See "Democide.")
I really did not think much of Althouse's blog post. It's about "the 4th-rated comment" at the NYT website. I'm supposed to care about that?
But I think Althouse knew her blog far better than I did. What she did -- very much knowingly, I expect -- was to elicit her own Commentariat's replies. And what a page of replies! Rarely have I ever seen a better exposition of Trump fandom.
If you expect me to fight about it (because indeed I truly do think that the policy-free Trump represents a sad Cult of the Personality within the Republican Party), you're wrong. I can't do that under current moderation policies and it would always be a waste of my time and effort to attempt it.
I just admire the way that Althouse teed this up. With a nameless faceless New York Times reader, espousing feelings. Setting up a kind of home run derby for the feelings of TrumpWorld.
I believe all of you on this page. I believe that you feel this way.
We saw it in Brexit. We see it in the current Republican (God it hurts to admit that) health care policy, which isn't any policy at all, apart from vandalizing Obamacare and seeing what happens next. A kind of fast-talking "conservative" nihilism. We gotta wreck what we don't like, and do it now. No clue about what happens later.
I think I'll bookmark this page and return to it for regular reminders on what TrumpWorld is thinking. Honestly, I think this page is one of the best representations I've ever seen.
Federal obstruction of justice statue.
I'd love to know what exactly they claim the President did that fits any of those?
(I don't even like him, but ... his opposition is not covering itself in glory, not remotely.)
If all I did was watch PBS/CNN or read the NYT/WaPo/New Yorker or listen to NPR, I'd be puzzled to. If you live in the MSM bubble it must be a mystery as to why anyone even likes Trump, let alone "Worships" him. 90-92% negative coverage - since November 2016. Despite Peace and Prosperity.
I'd love the answer to this question. Why did the Liberals/Democrats worship Hillary? Why out of all the Democrats, did they nominate a corrupt, unlikable, barely competent Politician who awakened all the negative feelings toward the Clinton WH Years?
I'm not loyal to Trump. I'm the one who voted against him in the primary, then was up before dawn trying to decide whether to pull the lever for him or sit it out. I finally decided to pull.
2 1/2 years later, literally no one has ever tried to convince me to move away from that vote. I get a lot of insults, threats, and tantrums, but nothing that would move someone of even my low quality. So I just sit in the same place, and get called loyal.
Howard I never thought you were funny, but I was wrong.
Trump is loved because his supporters hate themselves and he makes them feel like having a black heart is the christian thing to do.
That is really funny.
What did Obama, Hillary, Beto, Sanders, or AOC, accomplish before Democrats embraced them? Don't tell me I'm the one who is superficial.
I voted for a man with a lifetime of accomplishment with tough challenges and big projects, and now I support him mostly becuase, as you would expect from such a "personality", he's delivering.
One of the biggest differences between the Democrats and conservatives is how they see and pick leaders. It's the Democrats who fall in love with personality and appearances. Conservatives want policy and ability. We would never get a thrill up our leg over someone becuase of their skin color, who stands in front of faux Greek columns and promises to stop the rising of the oceans.
I could try to tell them but they would cover their ears immediately and go LA LA LA LA LA LA! as they ran away. Trump’s almost as louche as BIll Clinton, but far less corrupt. But to elect Hillary would have led to the end of our Republic as we know it, with the FBI, CIA, NSA, spying on all Republicans and Google Alphabet deciding what we will be allowed to know.
Shorter LLR's: It's not fair to judge all lefties by random lefty comments online so I will bookmark this page of random righty comments so that I can properly judge all righties in the future!!
Literally. LOL
Next up for our LLR's:
The Conservative Case for Saving Obamacare
The Conservative Case for Never Fighting Back Against Democrats.
The Conservative Case For Having the Decency to Surrender On All Key Policy Disagreements Early So As To Maintain Comity With The Far Left In The Forlorn Hope That We Will Be Eaten Last
on Clinton's watch the path to the subprime meltdown was paved with the cra revisions, and the doj and hud nudges against recalcitrant banks:
It surprises me how few Trump haters have self-reflected on their own obsession. There have been a few, but very few. I am losing hope about such people, and their behavior has also become a defining element of American culture, and I too hate feeling this way about my countrymen.
LLR Diary: Dear Diary, today I was shocked to see that the President I admired and found "magnificent" is having his signature policy attacked. This made me very very sad. I know I'm supposed to play a "True Conservative" online, but gosh darn it, I simply can't stand to see a wonderful and "sort of a god" like obama criticized. I mean, look at his pants!! They are so wonderfully and beautifully creased!! This makes me feel as bad as those times Senator, and a great guy BTW, Richard Blumenthal was criticized for simply lying about his Vietnam service! I mean, we all make mistakes don't we? Why can't those horrible republican voters see that?
Anyway Diary, I will return to the blogs tomorrow in the hope that I can be more successful swinging more votes to the dems. Ugh. I shudder at the very thought of another "disastrous" republican victory. Well, gotta run Diary! Hugs!"
I see Jeb Bush dressed in a silver fright wig and posed on the cover of USA Today in an anti-Trump “lifestyle” cover story.
There’s a simple explanation: Trump has been blessed with enemies more loathsome than himself, if such a thing is even possible.
I truly do think that the policy-free Trump represents a sad Cult
Chuck, you are certainly giving us an example of empty head.
The 2018 results in Orange County & the suburbs of Arizona was not a coincidence.
No, they were evidence of successful vote harvesting.
I talk to two daughters who are Democrats, one a Bernie voter. They realize why Hillary lost. You shoulda try it sometime.
My FBI agent daughter got back lat week from a trip to Egypt. We talked about that and then her transfer to another FBI office. She misses her pals at the LA office although the one she is working in now is more convenient.
I told her there would be some openings in the DC office and we had a good laugh. You should get out more.
Trump doesn't put up with Leftist nonsense and he fights back which Republicans haven't done in a long time. Its refreshing. Also think people are united in their hatred of Leftism and PC and a media that is more of a propaganda industry than real news.
Chuck, the only one that got teed up was you, apparently.
Trump favors:
Secure borders & smarter immigration policies meaning end of chain migration and diversity lottery and favoring a policy where the immigrants allowed entry will help to make America better and stronger. IOW, a country's immigration policy should benefit the country first before the immigrants [hat tip to Tucker Carlson].
End of sanctuary cities.
Stronger military
Reduced govt regulation
Lower taxes
Infrastructure plan- rebuild America first after rebuilding shithole countries for the last 18 years.
Voter ID
Drain the Swamp
Why are these common sense policies considered controversial?
Politicians in general just want to make the donors happy to fund their reelection, and then pander to the actual voters just enough that they’ll turn out.
But voters are beyond tired of this kind of insincere pandering. I was using the word “bullshit” but changed that to pandering, because otherwise that confuses the way Trump uses bullshit for effect, but basically is sincere (or seems to be) in what he says — the pandering sort of politician lies softly, expects you to believe the lie well enough and long enough to serve his purpose, and has no more use for you after that until the next time you’re useful.
That Trump can be a bullshitter, an oaf, and a disgusting person in general, but his basic sincerity and loyalty to people who support him earns him more respect than the average politician, ought to be an indictment of the political class. Of course the political class’ problem already is being arrogant and self-righteous which are the very things that would prevent them from figuring that out. So they hand-wring as if Trump is popular because of all the character flaws that he is popular despite, and conclude that people love him for being a bullshitting, lecherous oaf, instead of for being basically honest about his intentions and not treating them with contempt.
And their response is to treat his supporters with contempt. Guess how much good that does them.
I voted for Trump with very little enthusiasm. I agree that he is rude, sexist, and immoral in many ways. I just thought Hillary would be worse for the country and I really didn't want her to be president. I was shocked when Trump beat her.
However, since Trump has been in office, he has, incredibly, been able to portray himself as an underdog - not easy for a billionaire who is also the president! All of the unfair and insane attacks on him make me want to support him way more than I did in 2016.
You have captured my sentiments exactly!
Our brilliant LLR doesn't seem to get that. He provides an excellent example of how arrogance leads to OHUA (Obsessive Head-Up-Ass) syndrome.
As the initial post and this thread nicely illustrate, Trump is blessed to have the enemies he has, and the right is blessed to have the left and occasionally the LLRs as its opponents. Their lack of insight is our strength.
Imagine a world in which a commenter thinks politics should be limited (reduced federal interference because of eliminated regulations) and instrumental (achieving appropriate outcomes regardless of who suggests the policy) and then reading somebody else typing you are a cultist.
Logic escapes some people.
Hell, even those who think Trump should be supported because he has all the right enemies are instrumentalist. They see the craven power plays of Big Government statists and recognize resistance is the only freedom-enhancing option.
Free markets. Free people. Principles that conservatives advocate.
"We felt like that for 8 years. I hope they get to do the same."
Yes, this unfortunate human trait for hero worship and undue idealization of the elected leader of one's own party is found in Republicans and Democrats. It is destructive of actual representative government, which is what both parties want. Besides, the members of both parties--for the most part--serve other constituents, their big-money corporate donors.
We should respect the people who are supposed to serve us, but that's how we should look at them: as the help we hire to work for us. If you find your housekeeper or butler stealing from you, or sneaking next door during paid work hours to butle or keep house for the richer neighbors, you fire them.
This might be the funniest thread I've read in a long time.
Thanks, boys and girls, for making my day.
(Except you, Howard)
A leftist Obama-supporter lecturing the rest of us on cultism and hero worship?
That's beautiful.
I don't care for Trump as a person. However, his policies are more conservative than Reagan's. That's why I'm willing to put up with the other crap. Nothing cultist about it.
Funny. Like Chuck, I think AA picked the comment for a reason, but my putative reason is exactly the opposite of Chuck's. I think she picked the 4th comment, rather than one of the top three, because it so nicely evinces a mindset and a way that some liberals are reacting to Mueller. It's a better example than she found Maddow to be.
"even if they are a fan of his policies..."
Trivializing the absolutely single most important thing to the US and it's citizens.
This is of course not a matter of a personality cult but simple tribal feeling.
What matters most is not the characteristics or personality of the leader as such, but that he is a successful leader in the fight against the other side. Because that's what you've got, contending tribes. It is not, most certainly not, one "American" tribe anymore. That's long gone.
This is a conflict, with sides, and genuinely divergent interests for each.
The comments mentioned, and others, and Chuck's of course, have a strange tinge, a mental block with respect to an understanding of human nature, an inability to put oneself in anothers shoes, agree with them or not. Its a sort of autism.
And, indeed, an inability to know oneself, to understand ones own nature, without sentimentality or excuses.
It is exactly that classic Sun Tzu analysis of failure. Leave aside the rights and wrongs, sentiment or religion or ethics. This always applies.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
So, if your life lacks 50% of Trump supporters as friends, family members, work colleagues, golf partners, Uber drivers, then it is YOU who are out of whack, perhaps living in a bubble.
Or, more likely, because Trump supporters fear for their jobs, property, and families, your life probably has a lot more Trump supporters than you realize.
We see it in the current Republican (God it hurts to admit that) health care policy, which isn't any policy at all, apart from vandalizing Obamacare and seeing what happens next.
Gosh, and whose fault is that? Chuck's heros John McCain, who cast the decisive vote against the "repeal and replace" legislation, and Paul Ryan, who was insufficiently competent to draft legislation that would get adequate support.
That commenter would wet himself if he met obama
"obvious attempts at obstructing justice". Would it be less obvious if he gave instruction to the Attorney-General from the seclusion of a private jet after a round of golf?
The commenter doesn't hate Trump, he hates a narrative about Trump. The narrative depicts a meticulously crafted straw man who exhibits all the attributes leftists want to hate. The Real Trump makes the demonstrably true statement that criminals are crossing the southern border? The Straw Trump is a racist. The Real Trump wants to ban immigration from a small segment of Muslim nations? The Straw Trump wants to ban Muslims. The Real Trump engages in bawdy locker room talk? The Straw Trump condones rape.
They do not dare question the narrative, because it is packed with lies from top to bottom.
Cautiously optimistic based on policy preferences. I would like to see what he will do when the warlock hunters and press lose their hero status, and people return to a rational and practical frame of reference.
I thought it was because he is fun. We need fun.
Is Clinton fun?
Paul? OK, he’s a little fun.
This is a very strange question at this juncture. You don't have to be "loyal" to a politician who is succeeding wildly and giving you what you want.
Trump stands his ground a la Republicans of anti-slavery days, does not kneel waiting for his competitors to decapitate him, thereby denying democracy and choice through submission. Stand for civil rights. Stand for human rights. Stand with a moral purpose.
Sigivald: "I'd love to know what exactly they claim the President did that fits any of those?"
There is no place in this discussion for logical or fact-based questions.
The left/LLR's are simply a mob (as we see on these boards with LLR Chuck, Inga, et al) and they are on the march and their intent is to "burn down" republican villages (so to speak) and drive all conservatives out of the public square.
They are Maoists, Red Guards really. And they cannot be reasoned with.
The dinner is April 27. But it the full Mueller report is released before then, he might want to go golfing instead.
Chuck said
I think I'll bookmark this page and return to it for regular reminders on what TrumpWorld is thinking. Honestly, I think this page is one of the best representations I've ever seen.
Very astute. You should invite commenter #4 to join you.
Trump Sycophancy never gets boring.
Is the commenter's shown name something like: JB,JOB,John B, Scowlface, Pink O.?
I miss Obama. -
Why? I ask that honestly. Why?
Specifics, please.
“The left/LLR's are simply a mob (as we see on these boards with LLR Chuck, Inga, et al) and they are on the march and their intent is to "burn down" republican villages (so to speak) and drive all conservatives out of the public square.”
Funny how the few people here who express an opposing opinion from the majority are the “mob”. I think there is a great deal of projection going on, not even mentioning the You Name It Derangement Syndrome on full display.
"Why did the Liberals/Democrats worship Hillary? Why out of all the Democrats, did they nominate a corrupt, unlikable, barely competent Politician who awakened all the negative feelings toward the Clinton WH Years?"
It's a really important question that they haven't even started to answer. I think there's real fear: if they did confront the question, they'd end up making their own civil war in Congress, in the party, in newsrooms, foundations, universities. 50,000 people would have to be driven out of their jobs, one by one.
This has been the best week ever! And it's only Wednesday.
They, as we, do not celebrate Trump per se. But we celebrate this representative, whom we've elected, has won another battle. And we will continue to reverse a hundred year long trend toward Marxism.
LLR Chuck: "The dinner is April 27. But it the full Mueller report is released before then, he might want to go golfing instead."
Great News!!
Trump was so successful in business and then politics he has easy access to Trump National Course right in DC!!
So he could easily, easily,
--wake up,
--kick a little lefty/dem/LLR rear-end with just a few key strokes on twitter,
--check in with Bill Barr on the few little Andrew Weismann-contrived lie-bombs left in the Mueller report which will only cause lefties and LLR's to self-destruct further,
--complete some work at the White House,
--head out to his course with any number of his friends from the PGA tour (people who, if they saw LLR Chuck, would think he was there to park their car),
--get in 18 holes scoring much higher than LLR Chuck ever dreamed of shooting,
--get back to the White House, quickly review his prepared remarks, which he would no doubt deviate from and which destroys the left/LLR's,
--get dressed and then take the Beast on over to the dinner,
--and revel in front of his failed enemies, like every single lefty and LLR in sight.
Basically the type of day any random LLR Chuck couldn't even dream of having but a day which Trump might call simply, Saturday. And a Saturday not unlike many other Saturdays.
Dream on Collusion Truther-boy. Team Dem is counting on you!
Inga: "I think there is a great deal of projection going on,..."
Go ahead, admit it.
You STILL believe the hoax dossier is real and that collusion occurred, don't you?
It's okay. You can admit it. We already know.
Because Americans hate our smug, entitled, biased, condescending media "betters."
To quote:
"And here it is two and a half years later, and they’re still displaying the same arrogance and making the same stupid mistakes. Nothing can shake their faith in their own smug sense of superiority. And so, instead of reporting actual news, they continue to pimp Russian conspiracy theories and Stormy Daniels and wonder why we’ve tuned them out.
"The same people love to conflate contempt for their biased selves into contempt for the freedom of the press and the First Amendment. This is patently false. Ordinary Americans love the First Amendment. It’s the current smug, biased, dishonest incarnation of the MSM that we hate.
"Look in the mirror. We don’t hate the free press. We hate you. Personally. And our loathing for you smug pricks dates back to long before Donald Trump ever threw his hat into the ring..."
Inga: "Trump Sycophancy never gets boring"
Obama is "sort of a god".
Yep. Absolutely no sycophancy there!!
This one is even better: another in a long list of "hardhitting questions" (LOLOLOLOL) from the media to obama (the "god"):
"During these first 100 days, what has surprised you the most about this office? Enchanted you the most from serving in this office? Humbled you the most? And troubled you the most?"
The only thing missing is the media and obama-fans licking the mud off obama's shoes....
Go easy, Inga. The deplorables finally have a home here where Earf Mamu Annie provides a safe space for them to congratulate themselves. That car don't drive to Austin without gas money.
This thread is great. Drago especially is on fire today!
As many of mentioned, the "hero worship" of Obama was nauseating and very real in the mainstream media, with the halos, the comparisons to FDR, the children singing, the leg tingles, and the pants creases.
Even in this thread where lots of people are supportive of Trump I see many negative comments about him.
Could it be that conservatives are less prone to hero worship?
Speaking of what makes Trump voters so loyal to him, it might have something to do with the growing anti-semitism of the democrat party.
Here we go with Ilhan Omar (D-Muslim Brotherhood) attacking Netanyahu speaking at AIPAC (a conference no democrat candidates dared attend because....duh!)
Ilhan Omar, whose open anti-semitism the dems dared not call out explicitly.
Meanwhile, Trump has recognized Israel's sovereignty over the Golan!
Trump just keeps doing great things for Israel. I guess he keeps forgetting to be anti-semitic!! OMG, Trump keeps forgetting to be anti-semitic!!! 25th Amendment!!!
Funny how the few people here who express an opposing opinion from the majority are the “mob”.
Nah, the few here are jesters and fools.
The mob surrounds you at restaurants and frightens children
The mob forces you out of your job
The mob vandalizes your car
The mob beats you at Trump rallys
The mob attacks your friends associates and family
The mob strps you of your livelihood
The mob creates fake hate crimes to stoke hate and fear.
Trump Sycophancy never gets boring.
As opposed to Inga's mindless trolling.
"Funny how the few people here who express an opposing opinion from the majority are the “mob”."
Just for the record, we have lefties here who are still in denial that antifa is a mob.
Of course, there is actual video and everything but that just means Putin controls Youtube now.
Inga: "not even mentioning the You Name It Derangement Syndrome on full display."
You don't have to specifically mention your Trump Derangement Syndrome given how obvious it is.
"The 2018 results in Orange County & the suburbs of Arizona was not a coincidence.
No, they were evidence of successful vote harvesting."
1) I do not live in Arizona or Orange County. 2) Look at the political data from shifts in suburbs throughout the country. Look at Houston. Look at the suburbs of Nashville. Look at the data in suburban communities throughout the country. 3) The data is consistent in these suburban communities. In some counties, the shift was enough to change elections. In other counties, the shift occurred, but did not affect the outcome.
It's what poly scientists call the "big sort." Trump is accelerating that shift. Rural communities get more R. Suburban communities get more D. Consistent across the country.
Two wolves and a sheep are voting on dinner options.
Inga is puzzled that the sheep does not want pure democracy.
To be fair, Trump is a sheep dog.
wwww: "It's what poly scientists call the "big sort." Trump is accelerating that shift. Rural communities get more R. Suburban communities get more D. Consistent across the country."
Classic mistake.
One election data point is not reality.
Obama's first election in 2008 marked the 3rd time in about 50 years that it was announced a republicans would not win the White House again in our lifetimes.
These pronouncements about trends based on 1 election are always amusing.
Pennsylvania politician Alexander McClure:
“I appealed to Lincoln for his own sake to remove Grant at once, and, in giving my reasons for it, I simply voiced the admittedly overwhelming protest from the loyal people of the land against Grant’s continuance in command. I could form no judgment during the conversation as to what effect my arguments had upon him beyond the fact that he was greatly distressed at this new complication. When I had said everything that could be said from my standpoint, we lapsed into silence. Lincoln remained silent for what seemed a very long time. He then gathered himself up in his chair and said in a tone of earnestness that I shall never forget: ‘I can’t spare this man; he fights.'”10
(because indeed I truly do think that the policy-free Trump represents a sad Cult of the Personality within the Republican Party)
We will never vote for a Romney, Kasich, Bush, or McCain again.
Bye Felicia.
Cult of Personality? This coming from people who elevated Obama, Hillary, and Bob Mueller to quasi-religious figures.
Jim at said...
I miss Obama. -
Why? I ask that honestly. Why?
Specifics, please.
Obama started at least 6 new wars and bombed random people in several others.
Obama turned Libya into a dumpster fire and his secretary of state presided over the first death of a US diplomat in a great while.
Obama sold guns to Mexican Narco gangs which they used to shoot US border patrol officers.
Obama used his IRS to attack political opponents.
Obama used the FBI/CIA/NSA to spy on his political opponents.
1.5% economic growth.
Explosion of food stamp usage.
Permanently high unemployment.
Gutting of our manufacturing base.
Illegally shipping cash to Iran without consent from congress.
Using government intelligence agencies to defeat Netanyahu in Israeli elections.
Drawing a red line in Syria, and leading the policy that led to millions of refugees flooding Europe.
Turned Iraq into a dumpster fire.
My understanding is that you can get votive candles with Robert Mueller’s image on them dirt cheap right now by the shipping container.
If you run a business, you know exactly why Trump is supported.
Are we back to personal stuff? People being named by name. I have appreciated the de-personalization and reduction of personal insults and comments. But what does one do with this?
"I talk to two daughters who are Democrats, one a Bernie voter. They realize why Hillary lost. You shoulda try it sometime."
My comment referenced 2018. I referred to numerical data about suburbs. How am I to respond to this? Try what? Talk to Bernie voters? Why are you talking to me about HRC who is irrelevant to 2020 and 2018? My comment had to do with 2018 suburban voters.
"My FBI agent daughter got back lat week from a trip to Egypt. We talked about that and then her transfer to another FBI office. She misses her pals at the LA office although the one she is working in now is more convenient.
I told her there would be some openings in the DC office and we had a good laugh. You should get out more."
That's great that she has a promotion. Congrats. But what does it have to do with me or my comment? Why the comment on getting out more? That's a little personal, and, frankly, not relevant to the substantive issue. My central question about political data: Is your interview method and data statistically meaningful?
By the way, as long as I'm going to talk about statistically meaningful data: That Emerson poll on the Indiana mayor is not statistically meaningful due to sample size. That said, other polls have moved towards the mayor, so that's interesting.
"So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.
"But he hasn't got anything on," said The Donald.
"Did you ever hear such crassness?" said the Washington Post. And one person whispered to another what The Donald had said, "He hasn't anything on. The Donald says he hasn't anything on."
"But he hasn't got anything on!" the whole town cried out at last.
The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all."
The data from Nashville suburbs?
You mean how Blackburn won against a very popular ex-governor by 11 percent?
And all the Yankees who moved away from high taxes to the escape of Tennessee voted consistent with their past practice?
Yeah, that dog won't hunt.
Granted, half a million more Democrats escape Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Taxachusetts and they might destroy the Golden Goose.
Great plan, shit heads.
In some counties, the shift was enough to change elections. In other counties, the shift occurred, but did not affect the outcome.
There is no previous history of such late vote totals outside of King County WA where Gregiore stole the Governor election and Minnesota where the Senate election was stolen from Coleman, by Franken.
What is also interesting in Orange County, where I did live for 40 years, is that the Board of Supervisors' election left the Board still 5 GOP to 1. I think think the vote harvesters ignored that election. They were after the House
Also, moderation notwithstanding, there are important things coming along that are being ignored.
This for example.
Senator Lankford, I want to start with judges, judges, judges. Yesterday, the Senate confirmed the 37th federal Court of Appeals judge, Bridget Shelton Bade. That’s big news. Nobody notices these things, but I follow it like a hawk. But I am afraid that they’re still playing slowball with the nominees. We’ve got a district court line out the door. Where’s our rules change?
JL: So the rule change is still coming. We are actually trying to continue to negotiate with Democrats and Republicans together to be able to work on a common rule change that’s good for everyone all the time. If we can’t get to that agreement, we already have the votes to go ahead and just make the rule change unilaterally. So at this point, as much as we can work on a bipartisan solution, we’re going to do that. But we’re days away, not months away, from trying to resolve this now.
The obstructionism of the Democrats, which also occurred un∂er Bush, is about to end.
And the proposal that I put forward is, you know, most of these nominees in the past were done by a voice vote, as you know. They weren’t controversial. When we’re doing the statistician for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and take an entire day on that nomination, that’s absurd. Most of these were done just to go through the process of the committees, they get confirmed, they get done by voice. We’ve got to get back to that for a lot of them. Those that we don’t, we should take two hours and keep moving.
Some of that contributed to 9./11 and they have not stopped.
Critiques of conservative Israeli political hacks is the new bar of antisemitism. This makes them above scrutiny like any fascist or totalitarian. No wonder Putin is so popular with deplorables.
Trump is a vulture in sheepdog clothing
Trump fights, has a a great time doing it, and aggravates the Hell out of his opponents. What's not to like?
""... how can they overlook his crass behavior, his sycophantic praise of dictators, and his obvious attempts at obstructing justice (and many more offenses)"
Notice how these liars always have to use words like "obvious" when they can't point to any specific examples?
And the answer is simple, if you haven't been nursing a temper tantrum for the last 2 years, delusional and glued to Maddow with her "Russia! Marsha! Russia!" madness:
Republicans were sweet-talked by "gentlemen" like Mittens and McCain who betrayed us at every turn. The only thing they were good at was 1) betrayal 2) Failure Theater* and 3) losing gracefully.
The fate of the Republic is at take. Our Liberty is threatened by Marxist scum. I don't want a leader who will play nice with them, I want a leader who will represent my interests and spit in their face.
"his crass behavior"
He made some funny remarks about gold-digging celebrity groupie whores.
And he was spot on: growing up wealthy, I "suffered" through excess attention from gold-digging women who would let me do whatever I wanted to their bodies in exchange for a chance to marry my bank account. And I indulged.
We're really going to pretend that "6 foot and 6 figures" is not a common wish women make about their expectations for a husband?
"But it the full Mueller report is released before then"
Another tell that spotlights your dishonesty - you KNOW that certain parts of the report cannot be released. So you hedge your bet by insisting only the "full" report will satisfy you, knowing that it can't be.
But what does it have to do with me or my comment?
I sense a snowflake that, instead of defending an argument that the vote harvesting didn't happen, retreated to "poor me."
There is no previous history of such late vote totals outside of King County WA where Gregiore stole the Governor election and Minnesota where the Senate election was stolen from Coleman, by Franken.
And do you want to know who was behind both stolen elections?
Paul Berendt. He was the chair of the Washington state Democrats in 2004 and engineered the theft.
And just who did the Minnesota DFL bring in to assist Franken in finding those thousands of unsecure ballots - ala King county (2004) - in 2008? Paul Berendt.
Look, I don't know what you want from those personal type of comments. The personal stuff gets in the way of me trying to understand your substantive point. If you are more specific about a point, I can address it.
I am happy to agree to disagree on WHY the 2018 election vote data looks how it looks. But the suburban shifts were consistent to the point that a political scientist predicted the outcome within 2 two house seats 6 months before the election on a seat-by-seat basis. The data is the data is the data. But sure, could the trend change for 2020? Sure it could. That's a different question from "do I think the trend is likely to change?"
Additionally: There appears to be some sort of confusion about my point. I am talking about county-level vote data for House races in the suburbs. I am looking at the vote shifts in voting patterns. Wow districts in Wisconsin or Houston or Dallas or Austin or Orange County or Virginia or any of the 40 districts. Many elections are won on the margins, so I observe this sort of data as substantive and interesting. If you find it uninteresting, that's fine. We don't have to be interested in the same data. If you disagree, with why I think a shift is happening, that's also fine. In that case, I may find your theory interesting. The personal stuff is debris that doesn't enlighten.
The data from Nashville suburbs?
no, the state-wide win in TN underlines my point. Rural counties are getting more R turnout up and more people voting R. Suburbs are shifting in their votes to the D. Suburban counties are getting more D. Not necessarily winning the county, but shifting towards the D. It happened all over the country in the suburbs, in like every state, even in Arizona, which was kind of surprising. Burbs in Houston, Dallas, Austin, all over saw this trend.
It's the "big sort" and Trump appears to be speeding up the trend.
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