"... respectful of the office that he holds. Straightforward, just tell him what I think. And I always say you’re not going to hear me saying anything publicly that I’m not saying here in the office. Hopeful that at some point we can find common ground that he’ll stick to. So, yeah, respectful, honest and hopeful.... I’m not for impeachment. This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it."
Says Nancy Pelosi, quoted in "Nancy Pelosi on Impeaching Trump: ‘He’s Just Not Worth It’ In a wide-ranging interview, the country’s most powerful Democrat says Trump is unfit to be president — 'ethically,' 'intellectually' and 'curiosity-wise' — but impeachment would be too divisive" (Politico).
And because she knows it’s a losing issue for Dems...
Ralph Waldo Emerson — 'When you strike at a king, you must kill him.'
Er, no impeachment?
Speaker Pelosi better have someone else start her car in the foreseeable future.
Those LLR grapes were sour anyway....
IOW, its hurts the Democrats to impeach Trump. Otherwise, she'd be in favor of it.
It’s not what Pelosi thinks that matters. It’s what AOC and Omar think now. New Party. Pelosi is just the shill for Jews to AOC and Omar.
Pumpkin pies, fish fries, she lies, congress cries.
Did someone leak Mueller's report to San Fran Nan?
The old bag is right, for once.
@Humperdink, ya think?
Also because AlbertAnonymous and rccocean are perfectly correct.
Putin's poodle meme - where is it?
2 years of BS from the Hillary-lost butthurt Democratic media industrial complex.
I demand a criminal investigation of Adam Schiff. He looks like a criminal.
Typical Democrat. Didn't she also claim there would be no peace until Dems were given control of the House?
Have conservatives surrounded her house and banged on the doors? Stalked her around DC to get her tossed out of restaurants? No.
Why not? Assume a list of "respectable principles" that are really just cover for the fact that conservatives are pussies.
Nancy Pelosi: I fully respect the President of the United States, even though that piece of shit doesn't deserve it.
Inga, PPPT hardest hit.
Laura bloomer showed up at her house with victims of illegals.
I think Trump is curious enough. Its an overrated virtue in a president.
The much vaunted Michael Cohen testimony backfired, bigly. Add in Schiff gleefully discussing abusing the IRS to go after political opponents, and it was becoming clear that impeachment was simply an exercise in committing a coup.
It's too premature a move when they haven't disarmed us.
Shorter Nancy:
Heck yeah we wanna impeach, but without grounds, it'll hurt us.
The Pelosi Pivot. Not sure if it's a full 180, but it's close.
Impeachment is not politically congruent at this time; but, be warned, the winds may shift, and the climate may change, catastrophically.
The last time one of our major political parties tried to walk back such a massive level of demagoguery was when the GOP tried to pass immigration reform under Bush the Younger. It led to a rebellion from the proles so fierce that the Repubs gave up almost as soon as they began.
And while the GOP demagogued immigration longer, they never had the mainstream media reinforcing their efforts every step of the way.
"a criminal investigation of Adam Schiff. He looks like a criminal."
Isn't he that scumbag who abused women and paid them to shut up with our tax dollars?
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice...
"a criminal investigation of Adam Schiff. He looks like a criminal."
Li'l Schiff-ty is a certain LLR commenter's "newest most favoritist" lefty democrat hero and this LLR will spare no effort in attacking anyone with the temerity to attack so wonderful and magnificent a proven lying dem hack like Schiff-ty.
Just so you know.
Hehe I know, I'm trying to invoke him -
(Looks around, checks under bed)
Isn't he that scumbag who abused women and paid them to shut up with our tax dollars?
I don't know, but the seriousness of the charge suggests it should be investigated.
Pelosi Thinks about 2018 Scenarios
Support the Sesame Street Congress
Turn off the furnaces in Wisconsin; snow is white and furnaces are just white privilege.
Stop the Cow Fart Congress
Pelosi realizes the Dems will lose the House (see George McGovern) if there's any more talk of Cow Fart Policies such as impeachment and taking away cars and furnaces. Real people have real problems.
Voters Think About Trump - Prosecute the whole of DC or leave Trump alone e.g., The-Man-That-Got-Me-A-Job-May-Have-Paid-off-Several-Good-Looking-Women-He-Got-Tired-Of-And-So-What? Congress had a slush fund for that same purpose. Do we impeach Trump because he used his own money, not ours?
Shorter version:
After two years of the most vile partisanship, lying, corruption, and demography maybe in the history of our country, we got nuthin.
So now I am going to be above all that and do the right thing ... for the children.
How Peter daou crazy Landrue worshiper is cousin to molly Jong fast new hire at the bulwinkle.
Listen..you can hear Tlaib screeching.
It strikes me that if Trump is "just not worth it," then it is worth it to try to remove him from office - if the government of the nation is what you have in mind.
This sort of language about the President from the Speaker of the House is shocking.
And it is about something personal, not about government.
Pelosi's done some polling. Democrats only respond to polls.
Fen said...
"a criminal investigation of Adam Schiff. He looks like a criminal."
Isn't he that scumbag who abused women and paid them to shut up with our tax dollars?
You ignorant jackasses can't even get your fake stories right. No, the clearly fabricated story about Schiff was that he settled with a 19 year-old male. Named by the hoaxer as the non-existent "Will Bottum," including a photo (which was the real photo of Brooklyn, NY crime victim named Taj Patterson who appeared in news stories in 2013). The story falsely identified an LA Times editor as a source; the perps behind spreading the story misspelled her name. She promptly denied having anything to do with it.
This is a disgraceful defamation, and that Althouse allows it on her comments pages as what is now a running joke is an awful disgrace to her.
LLR Chuck: "This is a disgraceful defamation,..."
Remember, LLR Chuck gleefully and viciously dabbled in the disgraceful Melania/escort defamation, the Barron Trump/autism defamation, and the DJT/paid for abortions defamation.
LLR Chuck wallowed like a pig in these defamations, couldnt get enough of them, and enjoyed himself most thoroughly as he pushed them.
Chuck is a rather greasy and disgusting fellow who will do and say anything to defend his disgusting dem hero liars.
As he himself proclaimed ever so proudly on this very blog.
"This is a disgraceful defamation"
Like calling the President of the United States a traitorous agent of a foreign power based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever? That kind of disgraceful defamation?
"No, the clearly fabricated story about Schiff was that he settled with a 19 year-old male."
"Settled" is a euphemism for what, exactly?
Its clear that the complete and utter failure of the dems and their LLR lap poodles to advance their corrupt impeachment effort with lies and smears has sent our LLR right around the bend.
Our LLR is never so unhinged and spittle-flecked angry as when leftist plans do not come to fruition.
You can bet that our LLR's reaction is a perfect representation of what all lefties are feeling right now.
A perfect representation.
But only perfect.
Chuck, as Leland said up thread, it's the seriousness of the charge that requires an investigation. Facts do not matter. Evidence does not matter. This needs investigated.
NYTimes archive: "Congressional Democratic leaders today ordered a formal investigation into whether Ronald Reagan's Presidential campaign made a deal with Iran in 1980 to delay the release of American hostages until after the election.
Thomas S. Foley, the House Speaker, and George J. Mitchell, the Senate Democratic leader, said they had designated the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to supervise separate but coordinated inquiries.
"These allegations are both persist ent and disturbing," the two leaders said in a joint statement. "We have no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but the seriousness of the allegations, and the weight of circumstantial information, compel an effort to establish the facts."
It appears Pelosi's statement today is likely to drive certain commenters right back into anger management counseling.
Again, how much of a scummy fellow does one have to be to traffic in the horrendous Melania/escort defamations?
Well, I will suggest we are getting a very clear idea of that right now.....
I find it amusing that our resident hall monitor runs to the authorities, hoping for some relief. And the comment(s) are not even directed at him.
Cuck: "You ignorant jackasses can't even get your fake stories right."
Hey now, you traitorous piece of shit, it's not defamatory to ask.
You owe me an apology. Time to roll out those "principles" of yours.
"below reproach" as another poster here put it
"No, the clearly fabricated story about Schiff was that he settled with a 19 year-old male."
Thanks for clearing that up.
I've also heard that Schiff doesn't pay any taxes.
What is it with Chuck and that POS Schiff?
She's saying this right before the expected release of the Mueller report, so presumably she was given a heads-up. Also the polling is in on the shutdown and Cohen. And she wants to wrest back control of her caucus from AOC.
Will she sue for peace by cutting a deal with Trump on some legislation, using her minority moderate wing together with republicans? Stay tuned. If she does, those dems will get reelected, and she might keep the gavel. And she'd stick it to the young and still-fertile AOC.
The Republican spent the weekend off the internet, pouting over the failure of Mueller to indict the President, afraid to show his face to those he had mocked so arrogantly. There was only one principle left tbat could draw him back - somewhere someone was defiling the reputation of Democrat Adam Schiff.
Because that's what any lifelong Republican would do.
Waves of humiliation washed over him as he witnessed his wife being ravaged by the 3 bums he had brought home. Finally satiated, the Lifelong Republican had an epiphany: "Socialism. Is it really so bad?"
A thrill shot up his leg, and -
(sound of chainsaw being throttled up)
God, all this idiotic gossip about Shiff. Honestly, who the F cares?
As to Pelosi, this is worth comment, but I think it's wrong:
"It’s not what Pelosi thinks that matters. It’s what AOC and Omar think now. New Party. Pelosi is just the shill for Jews to AOC and Omar."
This is what the news world and the far left would like to believe. It's not so, yet. Pelosi is clearly throwing down the gauntlet to the lunatics to get in line or else. She appears to know Mueller will not provide enough to budge Republicans in the Senate one bit, and without them, impeachment obsessions will do nothing but destroy her party's chances of winning the presidency or even holding the House in 2020. It will be fun to watch the pushback from the kiddies, the Jew haters, and the rest of the party's fringe and all those coasting along on TDS as a substitute for any sane ideas at all.
Since a lot of “intellectuals” believe in socialism or democratic socialism, I’m not impressed on her requirements for president.
Neither is The Constitution.
AOC: "This is like..so..like...meh."
"What is it with Chuck and that POS Schiff?"
Its actually very straightforward.
Our LLR's purpose here, as he admitted happily, is to smear Trump and his family in order to make it easier to get rid of Trump and return the dems to power.
Whats critical to the dems and LLR's is that happen BEFORE the truth comes out about how far down East German Stasi-Lane the dems went in weaponizing the federal govt to destroy their enemies.
The biggest scandal in our nations history.
Its why lefty billionaires are funding "True Conservatives" to undermine every conservative principle and policy and politician such as at the defunct Cuckly Standard and now at The Bulwark.
Its why other lefty billionaires are running false flag ops on websites by supposed LLR's intended to undermine conservative moral and attemp to drive down the republican vote, just as they did in the Alabama senate race.
The lefties flooded social media with fake LLR's to make it appear that russians were supporting the republucan AND to drive a wedge between republicans.
We can expect to see much more of this weaponized lefty/LLR tactic across the nation as we get closer to 2020.
Just as we see on this blog.
In order to advance impeachment, the credibility of all the hack Schiff-ty's must be defended at all costs.
Hence our LLR's antics.
@Chuck, I could have sworn you claimed to be an attorney. Adam Schiff is a public figure and cannot be defamed. As to snopes, it stopped being a trusted source years ago.
As Comey, man behind/of the curtain, says of the Presidential Pee Pee Tape: "It could be true"
“The lefties flooded social media with fake LLR's to make it appear that russians were supporting the republucan AND to drive a wedge between republicans.
We can expect to see much more of this weaponized lefty/LLR tactic across the nation as we get closer to 2020.
Just as we see on this blog.”
Ohhhhhh hahahahahahaha! This is hilarious coming from someone who sounds like he was the star pupil of Russia’s elite Propaganda Institute for Disinformation.
I like Instapundit's take on the impeachment: this is called “cooling the mark out”. The dem base was fired up with insincere impeachment talk. Now they need to moved on before they realize they were had.
Inga: "Ohhhhhh hahahahahahaha! This is hilarious coming from someone who sounds like he was the star pupil of Russia’s elite Propaganda Institute for Disinformation."
"Liberal billionaire apologizes for funding 'false flag' effort to link Kremlin to Republican in Alabama Senate race"
"Liberal Silicon Valley billionaire Reid Hoffman issued an apology on Wednesday for funding a group that falsely tried to give an impression the Russian government was supporting Alabama Republican Roy Moore in last year’s Senate election against now-Sen. Doug Jones."
"Democratic operatives then created thousands of fake Russian accounts on Twitter and began following Moore, prompting attention from local and national media that falsely suggested Russia is backing Moore’s candidacy.
The project also involved creating a Facebook page and imitated conservative Alabamians who weren’t satisfied with the Republican candidate while encouraging others to write in another candidate."
"The disinformation campaign was first revealed by the New York Times that obtained an internal report detailing the efforts."
"Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics"
Hopelessly dumb.
Hopelessly uninformed.
Hopelessly aligned with LLR's on Althouseblog.
Meanwhile, Inga "bitterly clings" to her hoax collusion stories and hoax dossier!!
"...before they realize they were had."
Little chance of that, I think.
Once again, we have Inga falsely accusing a conservative of PRECISELY what the dems have already admitted doing.....
.........it's perfect.
As always.
Inga and LLR Chuck.
What an absolutely perfect pair....
I wonder if,after presented the actual evidence and a public admission by the very lefties who pulled the russian-like op, Inga will walk back her moronic comment?
........no I don't........!!!
The question has to be asked: how could Inga have been so ignorant of something so widely reported by multiple sources (left and right) and admitted to publicly by the actual perpetrators?
Well, why should this subject be different than any other?
Isn't he that scumbag who abused women and paid them to shut up with our tax dollars?
I don't know, but the seriousness of the charge suggests it should be investigated.
Schiff has net to deny veracity of report to CNN or MSNBC..
Pelosi is Putin's Poodle here. Putting the old ki-bosh on impeachment hopes.
As for rumors about the Schiffstirrer and Willie Bottum's bottom, that's no more credible than Harry Reid's assertion re Mitten's taxes. It's not enough to say with a smile, "Well he didn't get elected did he?" That kind of foul play is Democrat stuff.
I don't think that Schiff should be criminally prosecuted--with his delusions he belongs in a home for the mentally impaired rather than in the pen. But wherever he winds up, I wish he'd go--and soon.
She's saying this right before the expected release of the Mueller report, so presumably she was given a heads-up.
Many reports that Mueller has nothing. I hope that is true but as one who thought Romney was gonna win, I now do not count my chickens before they hatch.
What a coup for Mueller if he actually does have something after the right has been saying for a month or so that he has nothin'.
What a coup for Mueller if he actually does have something after the right has been saying for a month or so that he has nothin'.
Well, that *is* the right word..
So about the proposition that I somehow "defamed" Barron Trump by claiming that he was autistic; that is nonsense. I do not know if he is autistic. I am in no position to make such a claim.
What I know for a
FACT is that Donald Trump has, since the birth of Barron, made a bewildering variety of weirdly false claims about a link between childhood vaccines and autism.
Another undisputed FACT is that a YouTube video documentarian, himself on the autism spectrum, posted a short video in which he speculated that Barron Trump was autistic; that person was trying to defend Barron from public attacks that he was an ill-behaved child. Lawyers for the Trump family immediately threatened litigation and the video was pulled. (A Tweet by Rosie O'Donnell, the parent of an autistic child, was also pulled down, reputedly under threat of litigation.)
There was also US Weekly magazine, which merely reported on those events and yet got its own threatening letter from the Trump family lawyer (the Gawker case attorney, Charles Harder). That too is a FACT.
All that I've ever done on these pages is to point out those facts, along with my suspicion that Donald Trump as President is a risk to enact terrible Executive Branch policies and regulations based on his mysterious rage about vaccines, which is thoroughly contrary to accepted epidemiology regarding vaccine risks.
I always like to add very pointedly that according to the published correspondence from Trump family lawyers, "Barron Trump is not autistic."
compelling and overwhelming
She's saying they won't impeach over something trivial? That's a relief.
LLR Chuck revisits one of his many many many many greasy smears of a woman or child (something LLR Chuck is quite prone to do).
Once wonders what it is in deep within LLR Chuck's psyche that propels him forward to attack women and children in this way.
It's really quite interesting how similar that predilection is amongst the violent far left.....and LLR Chuck.
BTW Chuck, you might want to jump over to the Demo-cat thread as your lefty gal pal Inga is not exactly distinguishing herself this evening....quite similarly to you.....
LLR Chuck: "All that I've ever done on these pages is to point out those facts.."
Another in a long long line of sad lefty Inga-like lies.
You guys on Team Left are having a no good very bad day today aren't you?
Given LLR Chuck's "performance" over the last 3 years, I wonder if there is a Reid Hoffman story in our Althouseblog future?
I would vote to impeach Schlump, just so you know. Pelosi has no balls. I would have no trouble waterboarding him/her to get to the truth of his/her crimes and his/her true gender. Banning transsexuals from the armed forces is an impeachable offense. We already know his or her true nature, and it is beyond impeachment worthy. I'd pull the lever myself to initiate the flood of water up his or her sniffling cocaine nose. If he or she drowns, he or she drowns. Learn to swim. He or she should be dispossessed, and left on a park bench in Central Park. He or she can keep his or her up close view of Central Park that he/she often brags about. He or she is no more than a vagrant trolling the White House grounds. Call security immediately! Impeachment is too good for that fraud, but the founders left us no choice.
Word had already leaked from Mueller's team about 2 months ago- you could see the change in tenor of the news stories starting about the beginning of January that indicated this. Mueller could find nothing that would be an impeachable offense. Pelosi no doubt has even better sources than the NYTimes on this, too. Pelosi is simply letting the idiots like Inga know what is what here, but they won't listen to her.
If I had to guess at what happened- it happened because Sessions was fired and going to be replaced by someone else- when that reality sank in, Mueller's team realized the endgame was unwinnable- Rosenstein would no longer be a shield. It became time to cut bait.
Indicting Roger Stone showed Mueller’s investigation is a joke. Nothing is there.
And Trump has made it clear he'll drop docs that will hurt the dems in a NY minute.
Nancy certainly doesn't want her tax returns leaked.
Us and them. Nancy Pelosi plays politics as usual.
Oh, and I see chuck shakes fist in anger.
Chuck, Inga,Trumpit and that Peepee person, report to duty at your nearest mental health facility. President Donald Trump is still your President. Fancy Nancy says its ok.
Deplorables?... I quote from Lethal Weapon... "Who's the dickhead now, eh?"
Yancey Ward at 11:46 PM
it happened because Sessions was fired and going to be replaced by someone else- when that reality sank in, Mueller's team realized the endgame was unwinnable- Rosenstein would no longer be a shield.
That's an astute explanation.
"Pelosi has no balls."
For once, Trumpit speaketh the truth.
Chuck @10:27
You still here?
Blogger stevew said...
"No, the clearly fabricated story about Schiff was that he settled with a 19 year-old male."
Thanks for clearing that up.
I've also heard that Schiff doesn't pay any taxes.
That is a very serious charge ... perhaps it needs an investigation!
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