March 23, 2019

"His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has."

Said Barbra Streisand, about Michael Jackson, when she was asked about the new documentary "Leaving Neverland" (Variety).
“You can say ‘molested,’ but those children, as you heard them say [later, as adults], they were thrilled to be there. They both married and they both have children, so it didn’t kill them.”

When asked if she’s angry with Jackson, she replies, “It’s a combination of feelings. I feel bad for the children. I feel bad for him. I blame, I guess, the parents, who would allow their children to sleep with him. Why would Michael need these little children dressed like him and in the shows and the dancing and the hats?”
She's getting a lot of criticism for that. I'm seeing (on Twitter) that people are saying she's defending pedophilia. She's at least empathizing with the predicament of the pedophile.

She also said something negative about #MeToo: "Unfortunately, it’s going to cause a lot of women not being hired because men are worried they’ll be attacked." There, she's empathizing with the right side, the women, but she's empathizing for the wrong reason.

Streisand hates Trump and she's pushing her new album "Walls" (get it?). She seems to be one of those people who feel sure they're on the right side and there's a danger to that. Confident in your goodness, you can get too comfortable displaying your empathy. You can make mistakes. It can be amusing to laugh at such people when they trip up. But I feel bad for her. Her needs are her needs, coming from whatever childhood she had or whatever DNA she has.


MayBee said...

My suspicion is anybody in show business is quite aware that people use sex of all kinds (and at all ages) to get ahead. I'm sure she's seen a lot, if not participated in a lot. I think her moral guideposts are not where they should be.

David Begley said...

The new favored identity group for the Dems: sex criminals.

MayBee said...

It's not pedophilia, but did you see The Hollywood Reporter about the Warner Brothers chief who was forced out because of an inappropriate relationship with a younger actress?
She was pushing him and two of his associates (including Brett Ratner) to get her jobs because she'd been having sex with them. They even accused her of extortion. She was not upset they were using her for sex (and giving her expensive gifts in return) but that she had to go through auditions (and didn't get the roles!).

It's a high stakes business, and people sell their souls for fame, and I think we need to be wary of their world views. (most of the people in entertainment are just people with jobs. It's the fame side that incentivizes the crazy)

Ray - SoCal said...

So how will she get out of this horrible pr mess?

The social media mob will descend on her...

A. I was mid quoted, taken out of context
B. Totally apology and recantation
C. Do an anti Trump concert
D. Blame Trump

wendybar said...

Isn't it funny how some people get excused for sick depraved behavior....but ask Barbie what she thinks of what President Trump "SAID" and she would go nuclear!! (Barbie always had a special affinity to Wild Willie Clinton!!)

rhhardin said...

Paglia answered in some interview that pedophilia is disparaged because it has no lobbying group.

Socrates praised at least underaged buggery, if not pedophilia, I think in Phaedrus.

So Streisand may just be taking the classical view. Remember that child sexual abuse wasn't a public problem until the 1970s, when, cynically analyzed, TV ratings were discovered. Child abuse, as in bruises and broken bones, wasn't discovered as a thing until the 1960s. Before that they'd both have been personal moral failings, to society. Like drunk driving before the late 1950s.

Narratives take over if there's some reason to take them up, be it a good or a bad reason.

readering said...

She must have tried out these opinions in private first. Yikes.

Leland said...

she's pushing her new album "Walls"

I do think at a certain point, you've made enough money.

And that beach outside her home; she didn't build that.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Barbra Streisand isn't very intelligent. It's tough when you're so self-righteous to ever consider just shutting up. She is empathizing with and defending pedophilia.

EdwdLny said...

When you justify and excuse the brutalization of children, you have no morals, values, or ethics. You are a disgusting and despicable creature.

rhhardin said...

She also said something negative about #MeToo: "Unfortunately, it’s going to cause a lot of women not being hired because men are worried they’ll be attacked." There, she's empathizing with the right side, the women, but she's empathizing for the wrong reason.

I'd guess she thinks it doesn't harm the women and so the secondary harm is more important. A structural approach. You first feeling is probably no good. It's a short circuit preventing analysis.

The TV ratings are in the harm-to-the-victim narrative though, so she's on the wrong side of the SJW activist mob. Maybe she's fuck-you rich enough to do that.

BarrySanders20 said...

It’s similar to the way feminists defended Bill Clinton. He was elite and mattered while those he raped or harassed were insignificant but for their luck to have interacted with someone so famous. They should be thanking him. No gratitude these days.

Bay Area Guy said...

Babs was quite attractive in "The Way We Were" - but that was 45 years ago.

She played a NY Communist dupe for Josef Stalin.

She's smart, highly talented, really rich, but lacks wisdom and a moral compass.

William said...

Lots of kids survive horrendous experiences and go onto muddle through the rest of their lives. She's apparently saying that the experience for the kids wasn't so horrendous because the kids didn't commit suicide or go on to become pedophiles themselves. Michael Jackson was a kinder, gentler pedophile and should be judged by a different standard than those other pedophiles who aren't celebrities. The kids abused by non-celebrity pedos aren't thrilled by the experience so it's different when a celebrity does it......I don't think she's thought this position all the way through.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Well that was horrifying, but not unexpected. She's the result of several decades of being surrounded by yes people and never told when she is full of sh*t.

Several years ago, after Michael Jackson had died, I was visiting my mother and she was watching some rip-off of The View called The Talk, I think. It had the actress that played the younger daughter in Rosanne and Ozzy Ozbourne's wife on it. I don't remember who else. They were discussing someone, I don't remember who, who had been busted for child molestation. They were condemning him in the harshest tones. The amusing thing was the discussion then moved on to Michael Jackson, who they had unstinting praise for.

Anyone paying the least bit of attention to popular culture knew that Michael Jackson was a child molester. Norm McDonald called him one on SNL all the time. He specifically said, more than once, "Micheal Jackson is a homosexual child molester" on Weekend Update. That had to be cleared through NBC's lawyers, but they let him do it. And Michael Jackson never sued. Because, discovery.

Ralph L said...

Socrates praised at least underaged buggery, if not pedophilia, I think in Phaedrus.

I thought it was the other way 'round, he was against penetration, OK with grooming. Not sure about sloppy kisses.

Even if she was blind to weinsteining, she should know about star power.

Wince said...

For a person of Streisand's station in life the expectation becomes desire is the same as "need".

It's exactly the hubris that brought us Hollywood #metoo.

alan markus said...

Did he have sexual "needs" or sexual "wants"? What would have happened if his sexual "needs" for children had not been met? Would his prostate have blown up or something?

Seems like intellectually "the Babs" is running on an empty tank.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

While I have never considered Ms. Streisand to be an intellectual powerhouse, she is quite right about one of the drawbacks ofthe MeToo movement.

In the companies I deal with, any female up for hire faces two huge hurdles. Their social media is pored over looking for any sign of SJW nonsense, and many interview questions are subtly written to expose same.

As a result, fewer women are brought on board. Reap/sow and all that.

Saint Croix said...

His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has.

It's a rational statement if you accept the idea that sexual orientation is fixed and immutable.

The left has politicized human sexuality so much.

It started, I think, with the idea that birth control is a constitutional right. The Constitution doesn't mention birth control, or sex, or marriage. But straight people love birth control. So that's why the Supreme Court wrote Griswold, because it knew the opinion would be popular. Indeed, if you aren't on board with Griswold, then you're an awful person. You want to outlaw birth control! When of course you might just be somebody like Hugo Black, who is bothered by this idea that we say things about the Constitution that are not true. Just the other day I was thinking about the pharmaceuticals we use for birth control, some of which may or may not increase the risk of breast cancer in women. Is it a good idea to say that pharmaceutical companies cannot be regulated by the government? And yet that is what Griswold implicitly says.

Griswold was followed up by Roe v. Wade, which is when people started noticing that human sexuality had been politicized in a very bad way. Of course feminists had long been politicizing human sexuality, but now unelected people in the government were doing it too.

Gay marriage was the next. Heterosexuality had long been considered the norm, since man + woman = baby, and that is how humanity has always reproduced. It is now suggested that there is no major difference between men and women, that gender itself is fluid. There's no scientific basis for saying that a penis or a vagina is "fluid," or subject to change. Rather, the rhetoric is designed to promote and protect a medical industry that is increasingly doing operations for money, when there is no underlying sickness or disease. This is how a woman can have the sexual equipment of a man, and vice versa.

Simultaneously with the above, sexual orientation is now said to be fixed and immutable. In some states psychiatrists can lose their license if they try to treat children who claim they are the opposite sex. The mandate from our political masters is that what the child is saying is true, and that the child's body must be changed. And this evil is done to children who haven't even been through puberty yet.

Of course the real victims of all this sexual fascism are our children. The babies we aborted, the girls we made into boys, the boys we made into girls. To some extent men have suffered too, those "toxic" males who lose their job or get kicked out of school. But what men have suffered in the hands of feminism is nothing compared to what we did to our babies.

And now Barbra Streisand says that Michael Jackson's sexual orientation is fixed and immutable. That's what the left has taught her to say, and so she says it. Yes, of course children were brutalized by his behavior. But since when does the left actually care about children? These are the people who say it's a constitutional right to stab a baby in the middle of birth.

When your sexual demands are so overwhelming that you insist that innocent people be killed, well, at this point you are the bad guy. And I say "guy" in that leftist sense that words have no meaning and Barbra Streisand can have an operation and be a guy next week and we all have to pretend she is one now.

Jaq said...

One thing you can count on from Hollywood, they are big supporters of the “troupes.”

William said...

Charley Chaplain, Michael Jackson, Woody Allen. They were undeniably talented. You can't separate the dancer from the dance, but were their crimes part of the dance or part of the stretching exercises before the dance. What's the proper response to a monster talent who's a talented monster. It would all be so much easier to pass judgment if they had voted Republican.

n.n said...

Pedophilia may well be a sexual orientation that has been suppressed or obfuscated by social constructs. Children have been encouraged to become sexually active at ever more progressive ages. So, pedophilia, selective-child, etc. are reality as a minority have judged. Now what? Normalization, tolerance, or rejection. That said, Ms. Pro-Choice, tear down the walls.

Batko Bulba said...

"... he trained little boys (whom he termed tiddlersnote) to crawl between his thighs when he went swimming and tease him with their licks and nibbles. Unweaned babies he would put to his organ as though to the breast, being by both nature and age rather fond of this form of satisfaction..."

Suetonius on Tiberius

If only Tiberius could have lived in modern Hollywood.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

People, people who rape people
Are the luckiest people, in the world

JAORE said...

These are my standards. If you don't like them, I have others.

Phil 314 said...

Does this surprise you coming from the woman who glorified a doctor having sex with his/her patient?

rcocean said...

So her new album is called "Walls". So, will she sing about the massive walls around her Malibu estate, or about her attempts to deny average people nearby beach access?

Streisand's tweet, shows the problem with social media. Before we just heard what an awful person she was in real life, now we're given proof. We're like some poor stagehand on a Streisand film set being forced to hear all her hate-filled stupid opinions.

Ben Lange said...

Could it just be that pedophilia is so normal in Hollywood that Babs forgot those unsophisticated outsiders have a problem with it?

rcocean said...

Anyone who thinks Babs was ever attractive, needs to get their eyes examined.

When Miss Streisand labors to appear sensitive and vulnerable, she cannot conquer our impression that, were she to collide with a Mack truck, it is the truck that would drop dead. And, as always, I am repelled by her looks; by the receding brow and the overcompensatory nose, which, unlike Cleopatra's in Pascal's famous dictum, would not, even if it were shorter, change the face of the earth — merely blot out a smaller part of it. Only very plain women, in their wish-fulfillment fantasies, could accept without flinching the dashing Robert Redford's passion for, and bedroom scenes with, Barbra Streisand.

Michael K said...

In California, a few years ago, some pedophiles were begging to be castrated because there was some evidence that castration ended their obsession with children. They were refused because it would be "cruel" and everybody knows California will not be cruel. They stayed in prison . Mostly in solitary because the general population in prison would kill them.

Virtue triumphant.

Bob Boyd said...

they were thrilled to be there

Like Harvey Weinstein's starlets?

Birkel said...

I want to see the DNA tests of Micheal Jackson's "kids" that prove they are biologically his.

NAMBLA has been working hard for Democratics' approval.
They will get it within the decade.

RigelDog said...

“You can say ‘molested,’

You could, if you wanted to incorrectly identify what MJ did to these boys. It's called "rape."

SGT Ted said...

More proof that Hollywood is a large sex grooming gang.

AllenS said...

Well said, Saint Croix, and I agree with with everything you said.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

" It's tough when you're so self-righteous to ever consider just shutting up."

The corollary of "Better than nothing is a high bar".

Charlie said...

"It wasn't rape rape."-Whoopi

Charlie said...

Has Streisand apologized yet?

Amadeus 48 said...

My goodness gracious--"His sexual needs were his his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he had or whatever DNA he has."

1. It's for the children--no wonder Babs and Pelosi get along so well.
2. Whatever DNA he has--Babs shows that she is a materialist who believes in determinism and who throws 5,000 years of moral development out the window in four words.
3. His sexual needs were his sexual needs--let's see how far Cosby/Weinstein/Ted Bundy/Jeffrey Dahmer get with that.

Stupid is forever.

chickelit said...

The world --and Hollywood specifically -- will be a better place when Barbara Streisand is gone. She has never been on the "right side" of anything that I care about. Fortunately, I don't spend much time thinking about her the way she wastes her time obsessing about Trump. I'm pretty should there are thousands of people who feel like I do.

Quaestor said...

"Unfortunately, it’s going to cause a lot of women not being hired because men are worried they’ll be attacked." There, she's empathizing with the right side, the women, but she's empathizing for the wrong reason.

Good grief. There's that word again, only now it does even mean what empathy is supposed to mean, which is basically the metaphysical absurdity I feel your pain. Althouse now uses the word so that it doesn't even serve as a synonym for sympathy. Streisand's statement is in no sense an expression of "empathy", no matter what nebulous and ephemeral definition one might cook up. It's an analysis and a prediction, admittedly typically lamebrained but the source is Barbara Streisand, a woman not noted for her smarts.

Forget TDS, we need to dump that word in the nearest gutter. Shakespeare never needed it, nor did Carlyle, Macaulay, or the Brontë sisters, or Fitzgerald for that matter. It was coined in conjunction with a suitably lamebrained theory of art criticism barely a century ago. Now we find it constantly on the lips of fashionable people who might do better to just STFU.

Kelly said...

I had dinner last night with people who worked in the music business. I couldn’t resist bringing up Jackson and the allegations. While they didn’t work directly with him, they knew him and watched him work and they personally don’t believe the allegations. They said he was straight up weird, but also really nice. I said nice can hide a monster. They agreed but reasoned that people in Hollywood have no concept of reality and Jackson really did live in a fantasy world of trying recapture his lost youth. I personally don’t buy that. I think he was guilty as hell. Barbara seems to have taken it a step further by excusing what he’s accused of.

Ken B said...

The cock wants what the cock wants.

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

Barbra's way of saying (If it's show biz one can just) "grab them by the pussy" and it's ok!, except not only for (some) women but apparently for (some) parents of little boys. Who knew Barbra would stand up for Trump this way? Maybe we are misunderstanding "Walls."

Seeing Red said...

Babs’ Husband’s sexual needs were his sexual needs, too. It might not have been her, tho.

But she supports the former rapist-in-chief, so at least she’s consistent.

Drago said...

Remember, these dems/left/LLR people are your moral superiors.

Go ahead. Just ask them.

0_0 said...

New tag needed:

n.n said...

Mostly in solitary because the general population in prison would kill them.

The social construct that rejects sexual exploitation of children enjoys a broad and deep consensus that is shared by otherwise socially divergent and criminal elements of the human population. Fathers and mothers, would-be fathers and mothers, and the celibate, have proscribed the orientation, deemed it an intolerable behavior, and erected a not so fine wall to audit and deny its practice, and punish its expression with extreme prejudice.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The Dems LLR needs are their LLR needs.

policraticus said...

His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has. Said Barbra Streisand, about Bill Cosby, when she was asked about the new documentary "Leaving Puddingville" (Variety). “You can say ‘molested,’ but those women, as you heard them say [later], they were thrilled to be there. They all married and have children, so it didn’t kill them.”

Same goes for Harvey Weinstein. Or Roman Polanski. Or Woody Allen. But not Donald "grab 'em by the pussy" Trump. The heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes the heart wants to have sex with little boys who are dressed like you, sometimes it wants to drug and sodomize a teenager, sometimes it just wants to masturbate into a potted plant. But if there is an "R" associated with your name, then its back to Leviticus for you.

Gretchen said...

Let's be clear, Weinstein had sex with adult women, women who understood what the price was on a role they wanted. I think Weinstein is a disgusting swine, but these women weren't starving to death, underage or in danger of being killed if they didn't play along.

Jackson molested children. The parents of the children are at fault, for certain, but Jackson was disgusting. If you want to have sex with kids and can't help yourself, please cut off your balls to see if that helps, and if it doesn't euthanasia is an option. Sorry but those are the only honorable options.

Anonymous said...

Once knew a Foreign Service retiree who said during his first assignment to Cambodia in the early 60s, one of his duties was to arrange special hospitality for visiting congressmen and other dignitaries. In other words, underage boys and girls. Child prostitutes were all across the capital, but the embassy had developed relations with certain madams to provide disease free and relatively virginal young gals and lads.

Concurrently, the embassy in Paris became know for those looking for a weekend with a young man.

ken in tx said...

I read that Omar Sharif once said that she thought she was a beautiful woman. He then said that she is neither beautiful nor a woman. I think maybe she turned him down.

Bilwick said...

Remember that Streisand is a true-believing "liberal." So we know she's stupid enough to believe anything.

Kevin said...

"His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has."

This passes for profound thought in her household?

Or any household for that matter?

Paul said...

Ohhhhhh. So Pedophiles have NEEDS!!! Thanks for the heads up Babs. Nice to know kids are 'thrilled' to be with MJ so they can be molested and if they don't die from it... no biggie! After all, they 'asked for it', right Babs?

"Pedophiles who need little people, Are the luckiest Pedophiles in the world!!" New Babs song!

traditionalguy said...

Jackson was a great entertainer. But he was born into a family that lied about everything. So Jackson did that too. The merciful Streisand thinks he gets the Hollywood star's pardon for anything.

Frankly, nobody gives a damn.

Ken B said...

This is not such an outlier on the left. It stems from what in my view is a confusion about “free will”. If you look at Jerry Coyne's site for example you see this sort of attitude, not specifically about child molestation but more broadly, whenever the guilty are liberals.

cubanbob said...

Barbara should take the admonition to shut up and sing to heart.

RigelDog said...

Kelly says: "They said he was straight up weird, but also really nice. I said nice can hide a monster. They agreed but reasoned that people in Hollywood have no concept of reality and Jackson really did live in a fantasy world of trying recapture his lost youth."

Not only is it possible to be an adult who is a mentally-arrested-adolescent and also be a pedophile, but these traits often go hand in hand. I was taught that the pedo as, say, a nine year old, will naturally be hanging out with other nine year olds and possibly engaging in sex play. Then they "freeze" at that age and keep hanging out with nine year olds even as they are 11 and 14 and onwards.

Trumpit said...

CLAIR - Gilbert O'Sullivan

It's possible to love a child without it being sick.

Fen said...

My opprtunity to remind anyone interested in those "knights" dueling at your local park - the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) enables pedophiles.

I uncovered accounts of 6 Jane Does aged 11-13 that a Sir Richard de Montbrei of Atlantia had either groomed for molestation or ouright molested.

I went to people and officers within the SCA that I trusted and they closed ranks to shield him faster than a baordroom full of Penn State Boosters.

I was threatened with physical violence, my marriage was attacked, and I was threatened with Lawfare (by a Duchess Kalissa 14 times) if I didn't shut up. A Baron William of Storvik promised me "if you keep taking about this, people you care about will be hurt"

I hounded Richard into a early grave. He is dead. But those that shielded him remain. Psycologists say that its a waste of resources to attempt to cure pedophiles, nothing works, wires in their brain are crossed, and they don't understand why what they do is wrong. In a weird way they are victims too - of madness. But what does it say about the nornal folk who DO know and shield them anyway, to protect the reputation of their organization?

Do not join the SCA. And drive them out wherever you find them.

readering said...

So now Streisand publicist issues apology. Because, really, no one can defend her original words.

You would think all publicists by now would have standard advice to celebrity clients: never discuss me-too in public.

Big Mike said...

And Roman Polanski's sexual needs were his sexual needs, and thus he drugged a 13 year old girl and anally raped her.

Hollywood morality.

Ken B said...

We might need to redefine “Streisand effect”.

Crazy World said...

Makes me want to rip those Michael Jackson posters off my lime green walls again! Take your meds baba...the way we were was better ick

BUMBLE BEE said...

Dennis Prager constantly points to the "normalization of Pedophilia" as a developing effort of the left. Babs is living it.

Paul said...

Ken B said...

We might need to redefine “Streisand effect”.

Just maybe expand it.

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