March 3, 2019

For those who think "SNL" skewered the President for his CPAC speech....

... watch closely:

The jokes were all Trump's! And they got big laughs from the "SNL" audience, who might think they're laughing at him, but he's being hilarious every single time.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

SNL is a campaign ad for the corruptocrat-Socialist-Democratic party.

AlbertAnonymous said...

They’re laughing at him.

The skits aren’t funny, haven’t been for awhile, but even the “news” segment tries to skewer Trump.

Sad part is that there’s soooo much unharvested comedy material oozing from the Dem candidates for Prez. And they still don’t go there.

I’m imagining a village people skit made up of dem candidates for pres. We already have the Indian (Warren) and the cop (Harris). And I’m sure Booker would want to sing macho man.

mccullough said...

Comedians can’t keep up with Trump.

2 hours of stand up at CPAC.

SNL should have Trump host every week. He could help their millennial cast members hone their craft.

alanc709 said...

If SNL wanted to be funny, they should have AOC host. I know I'd laugh at her. Of course, the cast would probably kneel down in homage of their new saint.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The glaring lopsidedness of SNL. They never touch The Party(D).

It's mob TV.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

SNL doesn't mock Hillary. They mourn her.

Mr. Majestyk said...

I watched closely. SNL presented a mashup of out-of-context snippets to make Trump seem ridiculous.

Kansas City said...

I think SNL has become lazy. The have a left wing audience and know they can get viewers and laughs with any Trump related jokes. Ann is sort of right that on the snippets Trump was trying to be funny and the left wing crowd unconsciously affirmed his effort with laughs.

Sebastian said...

The left's disdain works to our advantage.

mccullough said...

SNL mocked Hillary when Obama ran against her.

Obama was condescending to Hillary. Trump treated her as a worthy adversary to vanquish.

Ralph L said...

They had a skit poking at Jussie S. Reading it in the Daily Mail, it doesn't sound very funny.

bbkingfish said...

The clip was under a minute-and-a-half, and if you're trying to suggest that the SNL audience is laughing "with" Trump, I'm not seein' what you're seein'.

I don't think I've seen SNL five times since the Belushi/Radner era, but the "live" audience always was little more than a laugh-track. I think you are trying way too hard here.

Drago said...

Ralph L: "They had a skit poking at Jussie S. Reading it in the Daily Mail, it doesn't sound very funny."

Their hearts just werent into it....

Carol said...

Nah, they think he's gauche, at best.

I mean listen to him, I can't even...

William said...

Am I the only person who thinks there's something extremely funny about little babies crawling across the crib trying to escape a pediatrician who's trying to snip their little spinal column with pinking shears? The slapstick potential of such a skit is enormous. I see Kevin Hart dressed up as the baby and, maybe, Dwayne Johnson dressed up as Northam. That would be the funnuest thing ever seen on SNL.

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "The clip was under a minute-and-a-half, and if you're trying to suggest that the SNL audience is laughing "with" Trump, I'm not seein' what you're seein'."

You have completely missed Althouse's point, or are being intentionally oblivious.

Leftist much?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Indeed, William. Killing full term babies is hilarious. SNL(D) could mock Northam(D) for his black face and family history of slave ownership(D).

Nah - he's a D, he gets a pass.

Drago said...

DBH: "Nah - he's a D, he gets a pass."

Making fun of our future Commissars is quite frowned upon.

The Vault Dweller said...

The only part of the bit that the SNL audience was indeed probably laughing with Trump, albeit unintentionally is when he hugged the flag. Trump has done this before multiple times. He knows it comes off as odd and kind of silly. But that is why he does it, because it puts the audience at ease and lets them know the speech isn't one of prim and proper atmosphere. Also, despite it being odd, it doesn't come off as disrespectful to the Flag, and seems to express a genuine love of country, albeit in a kind of silly fashion. I guarantee you people in the CPAC crowd loved it when he hugged the flag.

Everything else though struck me as the SNL audience laughing at him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

They’re laughing at him, not because he’s funny though.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Leftist much?”

Sychophantist much?

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah Inga--always on point. And always one note--Orange Man Bad!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Ah, Trumpists so deep into the cult they can’t see what is obvious to everyone else.

alanc709 said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Ah, Trumpists so deep into the cult they can’t see what is obvious to everyone else.

Of course, Inga's sees things clearly, since her head is so far up her ass.

le Douanier said...

Almost daily reminders re that bumper sticker I saw a few months ago:

Elect a clown, expect a circus.

Ann Althouse said...

It's set up to mean that the laughs are AT him, but what's making people laugh is actually stuff that Trump is doing and is doing to entertain. The audience is free to laugh because of the assurance the show created that the laughter is AT Trump, but they are laughing at Trump humor and disarmed. SNL threw in about 3 jokes — something about "Of Mice and Men" (which I doubt if many got to the point of even understanding), something about Me Too (which actually should be lambasted for not taking Me Too seriously) and something else at the very end which I've forgotten. But my observation is that everything SNL added was just to position itself as anti-Trump and that worked to give permission to laugh "at" Trump, but it was really Trump who was funny.

It's a little complicated, but I didn't think you'd find it that hard to understand that point I didn't sledgehammer.

cronus titan said...

Trump was hilarious at times during his address. He also lives deep in the minds of the NY-DC-Hollywood axis rent free. What makes this SNL passage funny is that they have no idea that their ignorance is the punch line, not Trump. The audience laughs because they live in the same bubble. And it is getting smaller.

le Douanier said...

Shorter Althouse:

I'm tricking you into watching how DJT is a clown. By telling you it's a burn on the libs.

jim said...

yes indeed

Drago said...

Althouse: "It's set up to mean that the laughs are AT him, but what's making people laugh is actually stuff that Trump is doing and is doing to entertain."

It pointless to explain this to the lefties/LLR's Althouse.

Just look Kurt Eichenwald fanboy/grrrrrl/xer adSs at 11:02am.

Drago said...

Inga: "Ah, Trumpists so deep into the cult they can’t see what is obvious to everyone else."

Hoax dossier, Covington Catholic, Jussie Smollett....

Seriously Inga, admit it. You STILL believe in the Hoax dossier don't you?


Laslo Spatula said...

"It's a little complicated, but I didn't think you'd find it that hard to understand that point I didn't sledgehammer."

Yikes. A tough day to be ignorant around Althouse this morning.

I am Laslo.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Of course, Inga's sees things clearly, since her head is so far up her ass.”

Which gives me the opportunity to say that your head is so far up Trump’s ass that you could give him a colonoscopy if your eyes were cameras.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Althouse sees Trump as intentionally being funny. Many people don’t think it’s intentional at all.

Am I wrong?

Laslo Spatula said...

Inga...Allie Oop said... "Am I wrong?"

Often, but not always.

I am Laslo.

Wince said...

Point is people are growing to be more comfortable with Trump in the office, even among those who will never vote for him.

It's how Reagan got reelected in a landslide.

Meanwhile, all the Democrat candidates put together don't add up to one Walter Mondale.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Meanwhile, all the Democrat candidates put together don't add up to one Walter Mondale."

Reagan famously Mondale asked "Where's the beef?"

Today the Democrat nominee would explain that there shouldn't be any beef, anyway, because cow farts will kill us all.

I am Laslo.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“What makes this SNL passage funny is that they have no idea that their ignorance is the punch line, not Trump.”

This. And I’ve seen it play out in real life a thousand times, where politeness, workplace-restraint, or simple indifference, keeps the observer from pointing out to the stooges how badly they’re clowning themselves. But you’ll never really respect the stooges again.

Rick said...

Many people don’t think it’s intentional at all.

These people can't get past their hatreds. But Trump is only a symbol, their hatred long predates him and will continue long after he's gone.

walter said...

How did they do with the Jussie Smollet skit?

narciso said...

Actually that was mondale asking Gary hart, who was beto 1.0, but he was the heir to Humphrey, whereas as hart was McGovern man

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Point is people are growing to be more comfortable with Trump in the office, even among those who will never vote for him.”

Wishful thinking.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What makes this SNL passage funny is that they have no idea that their ignorance is the punch line, not Trump.”

Tell yourselves that, if it makes you feel better, but it’s not true. Trump was being mocked for his unintentional outlandish, doltish, clownish behavior. Maybe, just maybe his behavior at CPAC was intentional only in the way that he thought might make him look cute to his followers. It worked, but only on his followers and those who have yet to see him as he is.

Drago said...

Inga The Mindreader: "Trump was being mocked for his unintentional outlandish, doltish, clownish behavior."


Sometimes our Forgetful Inga cant remember she often lectures others on not knowing things that others are thinking.

This is because Inga hits her History Reset button every 30 minutes or so. Sometimes much less.

bbkingfish said...

"You have completely missed Althouse's point..."

Yeah. That's what I indicated. I could only guess what her point was, given what she had written considered in the context of the clip she posted.

I found her attribution of "big laughs" from the audience especially confusing, since the clip contained naught but perfunctory titters. Even those minimal responses easily can be interpreted as laughing at the stupidity of Trump's blather, not any apprehension of humorousness on the Don's part. And, in any event, the audience response certainly fell way short of boffo yucks. You really have to want to strain to make a point if you assert that it is, in my opinion.

Althouse, as she is wont to do from time to time, reached too far with this post, even though, yes, the SNL spot is lame. And, as I also indicated, that lameness is not surprising to more than is your response.

Drago said...

Its funny that Inga STILL completely buys into the Hoax dossier but somewhere deep in the recesses of whatever mind is left she senses that to admit that would be embarrassing.


Molly said...


Trump has fabulous timing.

Trump is a comedian; several previous Presidents were a joke.

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "Althouse, as she is wont to do from time to time, reached too far with this post,..."


Thats alot of words to write in avoiding the obvious: you didnt understand Althouse's point, you went off half-cocked (a la Covington Catholic/Jussie Smollett) and you are having a difficult time walking it back while maintaining an air of unearned superiority.

Its fun watching you flail, but then again, your performance is all too typical and expected of the lefties.

Still amusing though.

alanc709 said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Of course, Inga's sees things clearly, since her head is so far up her ass.”

Which gives me the opportunity to say that your head is so far up Trump’s ass that you could give him a colonoscopy if your eyes were cameras.

Unlike you, I don't worship politicians. I like what Trump is doing. I was personally a Cruz supporter. I not a Republican. I'm a conservative. You are a sociopathic ideologue whose every breath is partisan.

narciso said...

Heck they dont even have chopsticks, its probably as bad as odognohues 1980 season.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Speaking of "reality" I wonder what Inga thinks about Canada's 0.1% "growth" in the 4th quarter of last year?

How is it that US is booming and Li'l Justin's now demonstrated corrupt lefty administration is doing so poorly?

Here's a hint which corresponds to the US increasing manufacturing numbers: the dumping of NAFTA and the closing of the NAFTA loophole by Trump in the new USMCA trade deal.

Shocker, eh?

Drago said...

Its probably unfair of me to mention the NAFTA Loophole to Inga and how closing cuts off the Chinese and EU nations from taking advantage of the US.

There is after all a limit to how much "reality" our Hoax Dossier Inga can deal with.

rightguy said...

I think President Trump is in rythm, here. Big time swag on display. He is much funnier than SNL and they don't seem to know it, much less understand it.

Chuck said...

Althouse I think that the humor methodology that Trump is employing is that of the Jewish comedian working the Catskill resorts. Something that a 70-something New Yorker would know very well. The essential premise of those comedians is that they cannot be embarrassed. No insult aimed at them, or by them, is too much. There is no humility, no charity, no restraint of any kind. It is humor from an Old Testament text.

When a guy decides that he cannot be insulted, he goes a long way toward being invulnerable to insult. The problem is that no one else is covered. Rodney Dangerfield, or Jackie Mason, as President of the United States.

Incidentally, I have now watched last night’s Weekend Update two times on two different devices and I am completely mystified by your thinking that the SNL was laughing WITH Trump. They were laughing AT him. You are certainly correct that they were technically Trump’s laugh-lines. But the usage on SNL was at the expense of Trump.

bbkingfish said...

I freely admitted twice that I don't get her point, and neither you nor she will explain it. If she has a point, it's not substantial, any more than the "big laughs" she attributes to the audience actually are "big laughs."

Meade said...

EDH @11:19 is what I was hoping to see so I wouldn’t have to get up on my tired feet and go say it myself.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Althouse sees Trump as intentionally being funny. Many people don’t think it’s intentional at all.

Am I wrong?

Some people have a keen sense of humor and are able to recognize irony and sarcasm when they see it.

Other people don't and can't.

Guess which one you are.....if you can.

JAORE said...

Its probably unfair of me to mention the NAFTA Loophole to Inga and how closing cuts off the Chinese and EU nations from taking advantage of the US.

That was one of the real frustrations during the OMG, Trump will kill us all when he spikes NAFTA!!!!!

No one in MSM that I saw did ANY analysis of, "Are we getting screwed? Are Canada/Mexico getting screwed? If so, how and by how much?

I suspect any reasonable analysis would say we NEEDED to spike NAFTA.

Kinda like NATO countries in Europe need to pay a higher percentage.

Birkel said...

Oddly, I had not wondered or thought anything about SNL.
The MSM pushes SNL to increase its reach.
They do that because it helps Leftists.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Molly said: Trump has fabulous timing

I know. Trump is really funny when he wants to be. His face and eyes are very mobile and expressive too.

Where the Libs and Dems get off track....besides not having a real sense of humor and being perpetually outraged, is that they only read the written words of Trump's "shtick". They take snippets out of contexts.

They don't see the whole presentation. The facial expressions, the tone of voice, the pauses, glances, rolling the eyes, hand motions, and then the crowd feedback. Trump is pretty masterful at crowd control.

Reading versus Seeing and hearing.

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "I freely admitted twice that I don't get her point, and neither you nor she will explain it. If she has a point, it's not substantial,..."

We did not require your admission to know that you were missing the point.

And I see your tertiary Fallback position is now a Gee its too small of a point to be concerned about missing.

Which begs the question: if you completely miss the point, how do you know its not substantial?

Those "point grapes" were probably sour anyway......

walter said...

How did their Rosie Santos gets ICE visit sketch go?

buwaya said...


Propaganda does not work through subtlety but volume.
SNL is part of the volume.
And there is no point even mentally arguing with propagandists.
They are professionals saying and doing as they are directed.
Of course they "get" sarcasm and subtle humor.
Appreciation of rhetorical skill is not what they are paid to do however.
Their job is to package material, any material, to load into the hoppers of the vast propaganda system, to be flung continuously at the public.

Trump hasn't got Trump channels with anything like the reach of the MSM, so he has to find ways of using the MSM to the extent he can, adding layers of meaning that might get through even hostile coverage. He also has remarkable rhetorical skill. Whether individual genius and guerrilla media tactics can win, long term, against a vast, well funded and centrally managed system is the question.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Unlike you, I don't worship politicians.”

So you claim, but judging by what you write on these threads, I’d say BS.

heyboom said...

Always worth a laugh when Inga labels us as sycophants knowing what her views of Hillary and Obama are. Because it's different is why. Howie Carr has an outstanding take on this phenomenon here:

Well worth reading.

madAsHell said...

Two hours and twenty minutes of Trump riffing on the zeitgeist???

I was surprised when he managed to suck up all the air at the Republican convention, and win the nomination. Now, he's going to suck up the entire national news cycle for the 2020 election......just by force of personality. Already, we have SNL pwned by Trump.

This is fun to watch!!

n.n said...

SNL is part of the ever progressive noise floor. To be fair, the right and center have noisy sources, too, but not nearly of the same magnitude.

cronus titan said...

Keep in mind that viewers like Inga are SNL's target audience. SNL long ago made a business decision to appeal to like minded people only, no differently than MSNBC or Fox.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Some people have a keen sense of humor and are able to recognize irony and sarcasm when they see it.

Other people don't and can't.

Guess which one you are.....if you can.”

I see Trump as hilarious, but not in the same way his sycophants do. Guess who is a sycophant?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Keep in mind that viewers like Inga are SNL's target audience.”

That’s probably true. And there are millions upon millions of us.

buwaya said...

BTW, the foreign press is the way to go.
Even the UK Guardian is often more capable of complex thinking and un-spun journalism than the prestige US press. They dont fit, quite, yet, in the US propaganda system, which is steadily becoming global. They used to be more independent, but they still have flashes of the old stuff.

In the Guardian, by Dave Eggers "Why Donald Trump could win again"
A perceptive and fair on the spot look at the Trump rally in TX - the one run opposite the O'Rourke rally, but focusing on the attendees. A "who are these people" take, which comes off as surprised and sympathetic. Eggers is a big enough literary figure to write it as he sees it, probably. In the Guardian anyway, if not the NYT. Daughter had somewhat to do with Eggers charity, the 826 Valencia (San Francisco) writing workshop, which does good work.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Always worth a laugh when Inga labels us as sycophants knowing what her views of Hillary and Obama are.”

I can’t stand Hillary and didn’t vote for her. Obama is an intelligent and decent man who is not without flaws as are we all, the same cannot be said for your Leader, who is so terribly flawed he is a threat to the welfare of the US. If you by now haven’t seen what a disaster Trump is, you fall in the sycophant/cultist category.

Jim at said...

And there are millions upon millions of us.

No. There isn't.
Out of more than 320 million people, there are only 1,457,225 imbeciles like you.

Leland said...

At the end, interchangeable SNL guy says "Trump is handling the Cohen testimony well". Of course Trump is. The testimony was an embarrassment to the Democrats that brought a convicted liar to provide what they thought would be critical hearsay.

walter said...

Ah..they had a Jussie bit on the legal shark tank skit.
The audience gasps at beginning but get comfy with the softball nature of it.

Yancey Ward said...

When you live in a bubble, reason isn't going to be easy for you.

It was hard for me because I don't like to invest the time to do so, but I actually sat down and watched Trump's speech late last night, rather than the 15 minutes it would taken me to read the transcript, because it had got so much mocking coverage. Democrats should be fearful, but their heads are so far up their asses, they just don't get it- the SNL thing is the perfect example of that as Ms. Althouse took the time to explain, but you can read the comments of Inga above and see that they will never get it- their hate is so deep that all reason is impossible to employ. At RCP, this morning, was linked an essay by Nick Gillespie- Gillespie is no Trump fan, and he gives Trump no quarter on facts and reason today or in the past, but Gillespie isn't in a political bubble, and so he can see what the Ingas of the world never will.

Jim at said...

But Trump is only a symbol, their hatred long predates him and will continue long after he's gone.

Exactly. Trump is simply a focal point. Their true hatred is for those who voted for him. Always has been.

Crazy World said...

Inga seems upset today!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga seems upset today!”

Really? I think you folks have perception problems.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“When you live in a bubble, reason isn't going to be easy for you.”

Who lives in a bubble? The bubble might just be conservative websites and blogs that you folks inhabit. While I, a liberal come here. Is this my bubble? I think not.

traditionalguy said...

Our beloved President can do a good Buster Keaton with talkies. During his performance he cited Raising Caine for telling him that the American Military could finish off ISIL in a week, if DC ever wanted them to attack them with everything.

That was a powerful if funny reality statement. Ho ho,ho. He indicted Bush, Obama and the Clinton-McCain Neocons as nothing but Deep State Traitors of the USA.

Kevin said...

It's a little complicated, but I didn't think you'd find it that hard to understand that point I didn't sledgehammer.

Half your readers didn't find it complicated at all.

The other half still don't understand after you've take the time to clearly explain it to them.

wwww said...

The USA is characterized by the great majority of the population holding moderate views paired with mass negative polarization. What does that mean? That means in 2020 there will be very few swing states -- it's a re-run of a combo of 2016 & 2018.

Important questions don't much include persuasion. It includes how the voting public may subtly change from 2016 to 2020. Will people who voted 3rd party do so again in 2020? How motivated will the various populations be, to vote?

Inga lives in a important swing state w/ small margins of victory. How many votes did Trump win by in Wisconsin? So, how will voters like Inga vote? Will her voting patterns change? That's the type of questions a focus group wants to find out. The people who vote the same in 2020 as 2016 are not as interesting to track.

Kevin said...

For those who still don't get it, If you're watching this clip with a Trump supporter you'd notice:

1. They're laughing along with you at Trump's antics because he's making jokes.

2. They're not laughing with you at the SNL quips because they're actually not funny.

Yancey Ward said...

The ever clueless Inga wrote:

"Who lives in a bubble? The bubble might just be conservative websites and blogs that you folks inhabit. While I, a liberal come here. Is this my bubble? I think not."

You just show fucking stupid you really are with a comment like that. You and Ms. Althouse have far more overlap politically than Ms. Althouse does with her average comment writer like myself. The only major difference you have with Ms. Althouse is that Ms. Althouse isn't blindly partisan like you are, and has the ability to objectively analyze news stories the political culture.

Now, are you trying to broaden your perspective by engaging in the comments section itself? Objectively, I think any reasonable person would have to conclude the answer is no- if that were what you were trying to do, you would not be so mocking in your comments or spending pretty much every single comment you write posting anti-Trump news stories- you would be actively engaging and open to persuasion, or at least pretend to be. Instead you spend all your time propagandizing.

I have written this before- the reason Ms. Althouse's comments tend to lean the opposite of the bloghost herself is that she doesn't delete their comments for simply disagreeing with her, nor does she practice selective deletions to make the Left commentariat look good and the Right commentariat look bad, or vice versa. That is an extremely rare thing for a blogwriter who leans Left.

Birkel said...

It is weird that two years on it is nearly impossible to find an online Hillary voter.

narciso said...

Yancey Ward said...

It is funny, Birkel. The other side of it is that you can't find many NeverTrumpers who don't claim to have voted for Trump in the end, but if Trump had lost, they would be proudly saying so, don't you think?

Rory said...

"Keep in mind that viewers like Inga are SNL's target audience."

And the definition of that target audience, stretching back to Father Knows Best, is "easily persuaded. "

Birkel said...

Yes I do.

bbkingfish said...

"Big laughs."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You and Ms. Althouse have far more overlap politically than Ms. Althouse does with her average comment writer like myself.”

Again, a perception problem.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...easily persuaded. "

That’s why you voted for Trump and continue to support him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga lives in a important swing state w/ small margins of victory. How many votes did Trump win by in Wisconsin? So, how will voters like Inga vote? Will her voting patterns change? That's the type of questions a focus group wants to find out. The people who vote the same in 2020 as 2016 are not as interesting to track.”

I live in the reddest County in WI. Suburban white women changed their voting pattern in 2018 in WI. Evers never would’ve won if enough voters didn’t come out to cast a vote against Trump, more than they did to get rid of Walker.

Birkel said...

Hey, what's $96,000,000,000,000 between friends?
Those green nude eels aren't going to pay for themselves.

wildswan said...

Seeing Trump up there telling jokes, SNL then has to pretzel its way by frowns over to the concept the SNL is funnier than Trump. "We are not amused." Isn't that funny? Laugh or else. The Chinese are using social points to prevent travel on trains. If you don't laugh at SNL you'll lose social points in the GND future when they go over the SNL show tapes to see who looked bored; and then you will have to go on trains. You will be frequent-flyer AOC's carbon offset. Ha, ha. Joke.

The Jussie skit assumed his guilt so that wasn't very funny either. Next week a hilarious skit about hunger in Venezuela.

BUMBLE BEE said...

ANYTHING to keep distracting from that serial felon Clinton and her Ingas..

Drago said...

Inga completely swallowed the hoax dossier lies, the attackers of Covington Catholic students lies and Jussie Smollett lies whole.

She used those transparently false lies to attack conservatives and to this day, she has never acknowledged her use of those lies.

Nor will she.

But she will spend hours lecturing others on "reality" and "facts".


cronus titan said...


“Keep in mind that viewers like Inga are SNL's target audience.”

That’s probably true. And there are millions upon millions of us."

The entire NY-DC-Hollywood access is their audience, which is probably in the millions. In the end, it is a niche audience no different that the cable news gabfests. That is who they cater to since they dismiss and denigrate tens of millions more.

Howard said...

Sketch Comedy is the hardest to nail. Even in it's Hay day, most of the SNL skits were cringe worthy. The best sketch team: Fry and Laurie

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Probably so:

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga completely swallowed the hoax dossier lies, the attackers of Covington Catholic students lies and Jussie Smollett lies whole.”

And how do you know this? I haven’t said anything relating directly to all three of those topics. But when Drago has nothing he lies.

Now go and find where I said what you accuse me of and copy and paste here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And they got big laughs from the "SNL" audience, who might think they're laughing at him, but he's being hilarious every single time.

Wow, you really are deluded. Being a self-parody is not to be intentionally "hilarious." Here are clips of when Trump's delusions get him laughed at, which judging from his campaign rhetoric is truly his biggest fear. For good fucking reason.

When will you ever decide to see straight about this lunatic? He invents his own reality (and you buy it) because his clinical narcissism prevents him from accepting objective reality. The question is, why you feel so inclined to buy it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And how do you know this? I haven’t said anything relating directly to all three of those topics. But when Drago has nothing he lies.

Now go and find where I said what you accuse me of and copy and paste here.

Lol. He knows that he can't and he won't.

Just like his Dear Leader he cackles himself into orgasmic fits when he either lies or repeats a lie. There has never been a single time that Dreck-O ever correctly informed or corrected anyone here, or in real life. All he cares about is his stupid RNC team, and figuring out who has sworn absolutely loyalty to it or not. And when someone says they're not for it, he just attacks and smears their person with innuendo and idiotic jokes that only he laughs at.

To be a Republican is to laugh alone.

Birkel said...

This is a good start to more flirting.
Full Moon will be proud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When the facts come out to disprove the previous Rachel Maddow/CNn-WaPo "Now We've Got him!" narrative - including the "Covington kids are guilty guilty guilty!" narrative, the leftists get real quiet.

Francisco D said...

It seems that the quality of trolling, epitomized by Inga, Chuck and Ritmo has seriously deteriorated over the past several months.

Why even engage a moron, a weaselly fanatic or a mentally ill person?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why even engage a moron, a weaselly fanatic or a mentally ill person?

Because doing that for a living obviously helps you on your road to self-awareness, you psychotic head-shrinker.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Because doing that for a living obviously helps you on your road to self-awareness, you psychotic head-shrinker.”


Rick said...

I haven’t said anything relating directly to all three of those topics.

Inga also denied asserting Republicans wanted to implement The Handmaid's Tale. Like her policy preferences her denials have no relationship with reality.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rick, you have a real fascination with The Handmaid’s Tale. You seem to think about it far more than I ever did. Now go find quotes with a LINK. Because I can make up quotes that you might have said too.

narciso said...

having learned nothing from the last 10 years,

narciso said...

Drago said...

Inga still thinks she is fooling people.

Like He Who Shall Not Be Named.


I do have to admit that Inga's and HoaxPPT's cutting and pasting on the alternative energy thread was classic.

Inga thinks there are magical batteries and HoaxPPT thinks govt policy on alternative energy has nothing to do with the growth of that segment.

Again, classic.

narciso said...

it's like the arc reactor, imminently duable, even if you have to invent an element,

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga thinks there are magical batteries and HoaxPPT thinks govt policy on alternative energy has nothing to do with the growth of that segment.”

Amazing, now Drago tries to muster the troops to go over toanother thread because he is flopping there too. Drago you’re sounding weak and pathetic these last few weeks. Drago can no longer mention Chuck’s name without being deleted?

Rick said...

I can make up quotes that you might have said too.

You could try but it's more difficult to copy someone else's voice than is generally understood. Frankly you're not smart enough to carry it off.

AllieOop said...
the new Republican Party's future, The Handmaid's Tale.

We all know you said it, and we all know you know we know you said it. Because while you like to pretend to be someone different it's always been clear this is who you are: a hate-filed nutter with a tangential relationship with reality.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rick, you come across as an passive aggressive effeminate little pussy and whatever I may have said about The Handmaid’s Tale was probably right.

Drago said...

Inga Is Out of Ammo: "Drago you’re sounding weak and pathetic these last few weeks."

This is always Inga's go-to when she has run out of anything to say and she has been called out on previous comments she then denies making.

It's an interesting tactic given that most readers here are long time readers and know her schtick perfectly well.

She has already exhausted her Don't Understand The Topic But These Articles Seem Like They Will Help Me cut and paste jobs.


Drago said...

Inga: "Drago can no longer mention Chuck’s name without being deleted?"


Drago said...

The only "chuck" commenter I am aware of is lower case "c" chuck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Amazing, now Drago tries to muster the troops to go over toanother thread because he is flopping there too. Drago you’re sounding weak and pathetic these last few weeks. Drago can no longer mention Chuck’s name without being deleted?

On the other thread, DreckO RNC Shill tried to deny or downplay that Trump planned to FORCE utilities to buy his uneducated uneconomical coal power. Talk about socialism! He doesn't even know what industries to artificially prop up and force on the market!

This is what the RNC has been reduced to. Authoritarianism without the vision. Like a backward-walking Mr. Magoo.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“AllieOop said...
the new Republican Party's future, The Handmaid's Tale.”

Where’s the LINK little pussy? And just what is your point? What do you think you’re proving? If that’s all I said, it’s pretty laughable that you’re still whining about it all these years later. What a Bloomer Betty you are.

Kevin said...

"Who lives in a bubble? The bubble might just be conservative websites and blogs that you folks inhabit. While I, a liberal come here. Is this my bubble? I think not."

Pro tip: Going to a comment section with non-progressives to harass, express contempt, and harp endlessly about impeaching the President is NOT going outside your bubble.

It's more like a KKK member going hooded into black neighborhoods at night and coming out thinking they've experienced black culture.

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Rick, you come across as an passive aggressive effeminate little pussy and whatever I may have said about The Handmaid’s Tale was probably right.

3/3/19, 5:12 PM

This is disappointing. You claim to be educated and freethinking and yet "pussy" is the best you can come up even given numerous opportunities.

We deserve better leftists.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "On the other thread, DreckO RNC Shill tried to deny or downplay that Trump planned to FORCE utilities to buy his uneducated uneconomical coal power."


HoaxPPT was using ANOTHER thing that has never happened to explain real market outcomes in the years PRIOR to that thing that never happened.

Because he is "smart" that way!

Too funny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

HoaxPPT was using ANOTHER thing that has never happened to explain real market outcomes in the years PRIOR to that thing that never happened.

Are you denying that the Trump administration planned to force utilities to buy coal against their market incentives or not?

Try to be a little less like the weasel Trumpist that you are and answer honestly and straight for a change. If you can.

We know what Richard Gere did with small rodents so we can only imagine what Trump does with his own weasels.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

There's really no way out of the rhetorical cul-de-sac you've trapped yourself in and your desperate spinning will not improve your position.

Things that never happened cannot be used to explain real world outcomes and those things that never happened certainly cannot be used to explain real world outcomes in time periods PRIOR to discussions around those things that never happened.

I wont call you a weasel because that would be unfair to weasels and Trumpit wont like it.

FullMoon said...

And how do you know this? I haven’t said anything relating directly to all three of those topics. But when Drago has nothing he lies.

Now go and find where I said what you accuse me of and copy and paste here.

Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that (it) happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Once again, Weasel Drago can't admit that he has no defense for Trump's socialist authoritarian plans vis-a-vis forced purchases of coal energy, and instead pretends that the issue just doesn't even matter.

It's good to know not only how incapable you are of defending your puppet president, but how much you resent being asked the question.

Drago said...


Its true that I never spend time discussing the real world outcomes and tangible results of Things...That...Never...Happened.

Too funny.

It just keeps getting better.

Francisco D said...

We deserve better leftists.


Inga and Ritmo's friends and family would be embarrassed if they read their posts.

They should be embarrassed.

We really should not feed them. It lowers the discourse here.

Drago said...

Next up for our "chemically enhanced" HoaxPPT: the impact of the non-existent Hillary Clinton Admin policies on the India-Pakistan crisis.

Followed by a discussion of Martian technology transfer to Earthlings related to mining di-lithium crystals needed for warp drive engines.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Its true that I never spend time discussing the real world outcomes and tangible results of Things...That...Never...Happened.

Are you saying that Trump never planned the plans they planned to force utilities to purchase the same coal that wasn't marketable?

Or are you just saying that you're too embarrassed to admit that the Trump administration would be stupid enough to even entertain the notion?

Everyone knows that Trump's cabinet never expends gargantuan efforts trying to stop him from doing stupid things. Sure.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"We deserve better leftists."


And everyone else deserves better right-wing douchebags.

Or as I call them, the morally abnormal.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rick still butthurt over a comment about The Handmaid’s Tale. Really it’s funny, but not in a good way.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT is hoping that by repeating his earlier evasions over and over again we will forget he asserted that policies that were never enacted somehow had terrible results...even in the decades prior to discussions regarding the policy that was never enacted!

Tonights thread is another HoaxPPT Instant Classic. Right up there with the famous thread where HoaxPPT identified about 25 reasons why people were defecating in the sidewalks of San Francisco.

These lunatic reasons included the avg square footage of homes in the midwest.



Drago said...

Forgetful Inga: "Rick still butthurt over a comment about The Handmaid’s Tale."


Uh, that would be the comment you expended significant energy denying you had ever made.

Really, this is a perfect thread!

narciso said...

Well Lanny Davis arranged them thr first round of f 16s back in the 90s when he was lobbying for the caretaker junta that replaced Benazir Bhutto, back them imran Khan was just an entitled cricketer while the isi was recruiting and funding the Taliban

Fen said...

"Now, are you trying to broaden your perspective by engaging in the comments section itself?"

Heh. Along that line, here is a good test to determine just how much our resident Lefties have allowed their hatred of Trump to cloud reason:

Chuck, Inga, Ritmo - you've been haunting this blog long before Trump won the election, and it's been 2 years since. So... have you learned why we voted for Trump? Can you explain it back to us?

"Reason is the first victim of strong emotion" - Herbertb

narciso said...

Some details here:

narciso said...

Further elaboration:

Marcus Bressler said...

Inga wrote: "Obama is an intelligent and decent man who is not without flaws as are we all, the same cannot be said for your Leader, who is so terribly flawed he is a threat to the welfare of the US. If you by now haven’t seen what a disaster Trump is, you fall in the sycophant/cultist category."

Disaster? I will be 64 next month. Trump is turning out to be the BEST president in my lifetime, bar none.

That makes you cry.


narciso said...

A little like that Hartmann sketch:

Known Unknown said...

Funniest Preezies all seem to be Republican:

3. Lincoln
2. Trump
1. Silent Cal

jeremyabrams said...

Ann's right. Trump's speech was the best comedy in the public sphere in a while, and went longer than an entire episode of SNL. They had little choice but to cover it, and their treatment was a small step toward acknowledging Trump's talent, and position in the culture. That is, if you didn't catch some of Trump this week, you were left out of the cool discourse.

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Rick still butthurt over a comment about The Handmaid’s Tale.

Inga hasn't matured sufficiently to realize juvenile internet bluster doesn't actually intimidate people. Dementia makes people relive their youth so that's probably why.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

"If you by now haven’t seen what a disaster Trump is, you fall in the sycophant/cultist category."

Trump is a disaster to the Left and their little marxist cult.

Your ability to project without a shred of self-awareness or shame is astonishing.

And 15 yards for the No True Scotsman fallacy.

Known Unknown said...

"I freely admitted twice that I don't get her point, and neither you nor she will explain it. If she has a point, it's not substantial, any more than the "big laughs" she attributes to the audience actually are "big laughs.""

They are not YUGE laughs but do seem to grow as he goes on. I think she's off here but I think her point is that Trump's jokes were not re-interpreted by the SNL cast members to become their jokes. However, the editing is their 'silent' commentary on Trump -- just stringing together out-of-context lines to make him seem ridiculous.

However, to me he just appears more human than your average politico.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chuck, Inga, Ritmo - you've been haunting this blog long before Trump won the election, and it's been 2 years since. So... have you learned why we voted for Trump? Can you explain it back to us?

Duh. You're a Republican activist, so you vote for whichever guy wins that silly party's nomination.

Ditto anyone who voted for Trump in a "red" state.

A few thousand people in four midwestern battleground swing states who voted for Obama voted for Trump (tilting the election to him) on the basis of his empty promises to revive American manufacturing, and that explains the outcome of the 2016 election.

What else did you need to know, dummy?

narciso said...

Not surprising Chavez was an ally:

Fen said...

Fen: Chuck, Inga, Ritmo - you've been haunting this blog long before Trump won the election, and it's been 2 years since. So... have you learned why we voted for Trump? Can you explain it back to us?

Ritmo: "Duh. You're a Republican activist, so you vote for whichever guy wins that silly party's nomination."

Strike one. I'm not a Republican.

Care to try again? It goes to your intelligence. How can you hang around here so long and still not understand why we voted for Trump?

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