Did Stefon write this headline? https://t.co/XCstrhuUzD— Chasten Buttigieg (@Chas10Buttigieg) March 21, 2019
Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, is running for President. Chasten Buttigieg, who has a good Twitter presence, is his husband. Stefon is this "Saturday Night Live" character.
Chris Cillizza is a CNN political analyst, whose latest piece, linked in that tweet, reads:
Don't look now, but a(nother) skinny kid with a funny name is turning heads in the presidential race.
In 2008, it was Barack Obama. In 2020, it's Pete Buttigieg.
Buttigieg, the 37-year-old, married gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is, at the moment, the hottest candidate in the Democratic presidential field -- drawing rave reviews everywhere he goes.... He's young, charismatic and personable. He knows how to talk like a regular person -- an underrated trait in a field filled with front-running senators. And he has a remarkable resume: Rhodes scholar, military veteran, gay mayor of his hometown....
But Buttigieg is unquestionably having a moment right now....
Great. Inside baseball gay humor. I am laughing my head off about that crazy Chasten Buttigieg. Not.
I have always said that the leap from the South Bend mayor's office to the Oval Office isn't big. Buttigieg--he's the gay Beto! And what about Andrew Yang? Buttigieg ought to run for governor first. Buttigieg can walk Indiana from Michigan City to Evansville, handing $2 bills to everyone he talks to. He can do the affordable version of Yang's vision.
CNN gets out of bed every morning and blows its own head off with this stupid stuff.
MAGA, baby. This time, Trump will be the one with the experience. All Biden did for eight years was get coffee for Obama. Bernie will have his hands full keeping his wife out of jail. Harrisbookerwarrengillibrandbetoetc for President? They are Not Trump.
The guy few people have heard of is the hottest candidate in the Demicratic field?! What the hell is wrong with journalists? Why is every word they type manipulation instead of information? Why can’t they just say what’s true and leave it at that?
Do they still wonder why we hate them? Or is it so obvious that it’s penetrated even their thick skulls?
Not impressed. A 37 year-old mayor of a city with 100,000 residents. Not much executive experience there, nor much life experience.
"Maturity" was very different when the presidential age limit was set at 36 back in 1789. Twenty-five years earlier one Auguste Choteau led his company of 33 men across the ice-choked Mississippi and founded St. Louis. He was 13 years old and had been running a successful fur-trading business, in a war-zone, for two year, over a thousand miles from his home. Not one man in his company had yet attained the age of 18.
In general (not absolutely) America's most successful Presidents have been not only mature, but men with considerable executive experience, either as high-ranking military officers or as governors of large states. Least successful have been those with primarily *legislative* experience, former Senators being a repeatedly noteworthy example.
The presidency is an EXECUTIVE position, yet even now, all Democrats can offer is a panoply of inexperienced people in their petting-zoo of identity politics.
Ooooh. Who’s hot today? Enquiring Dems want to know.
Don’t blame CNN, but the Democrat voters who can’t wait for the next cool kid to save the planet and make them feel cool by association.
Last time the cool kid was cool because she had a vagina!
Hot according to CNN? Fake News?
I thought it was already decided Harris was going to win.
And if CNN wants hot, I say Tulsi Gabbard. I meet her in Iowa and she is beautiful.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States and the First Gentleman." Sounds awkward.
They're overestimating the public interest in telling the spouses apart. There's no hook like male vs female that normal people use.
A young, gay, white, guy...
THAT will win the black vote
To say nothing of the Hispanic vote
Blogger tim maguire said...
"Why can’t they just say what’s true and leave it at that?"
The left finds very little political advantage in the truth. That's why we have narratives, which are the left's agreed-to lies. Political correctness is used to define those inconvenient truths which must be avoided.
He has more executive experience than Obama did in 2008, that is, greater than zero. He's running for VP. The Hickenlooper/Buttigieg ticket.
This election has everything: gays, wokes, communists, fascists, fake indians, fake mexicans, fake Castros, lady strong men, those rich guys who like to run your life...
"Buttigieg is running.
Everywhere people are asking questions about the Dems hottest new prospect, Pete Buttigieg.
Then we'll get
Turns out he lives among the Deplorables and acts like them AND like a New Yorker. So he could pick up votes out in nowhere (if that is we want those people to be allowed to vote); but, if elected, he would be Just Like Us. Infanticide, anti-semitism, high taxes, poop on the streets, poor schools - the usual progressive laundry list.
Then we'll get
Questions are being asked about "Pete", the so-called progressive mayor. Turns out that stories have been circulating [salacious and unverified gossip].
So he was just a regular military Veteran, and just a regular Rhodes Scholar, but he's a Gay Mayor? Was he not gay at all of the other things he's ever done?
How much did his campaign pay Cilizza for such obvious publicity.
A Buttigieg candidacy would guarantee Trump wins Pennsylvania and almost lock Michigan.
all Democrats can offer is a panoply of inexperienced people in their petting-zoo of identity politics.
He looks like young Sheldon. No wonder he's so likable!
It's. Not. Happening. Move on, folks.
A lot can happen between today and the next election. But I gotta tell you, we're either getting more Trump or we're going Socialist
The hottest candidate of the moment...
That says more about the moment than the candidate.
They're all one corn dog away from disaster at this point anyway.
Many hissy fits coming with the realization their latest gods can't all be the nominee.
They didn't break the mold when They manufactured Pete Buttigieg!
Buttigieg says:
"Look, it’s no secret that this president came to power largely by turning people against one another and by taking advantage of the use of white nationalism as a sort of version of extremism that can provide a sense of identity or community in the most ugly fashion to people who are wondering whether they have a sense of belonging today. Like all extremisms, it’s born out of the ability to take advantage of people who may be anywhere on the ideological spectrum but are looking for where they fit in."
Buttigieg says:
"Climate change isn’t just happening in the Arctic. It’s happening in the Midwest. It’s killing people. So let’s call it what it is: a major security issue."
(With a picture about "major and perhaps historic" flooding which hasn't happened yet but might happen any day now because climate change isn’t just happening in the Arctic.)
Kevin said...
Ooooh. Who’s hot today? Enquiring Dems want to know.
Don’t blame CNN, but the Democrat voters who can’t wait for the next cool kid to save the planet and make them feel cool by association.
They're catering to a small slice of Democratic voters. Which is why their ratings are so poor.
South Bend, a small college town, has a population of 102,000.
So what did Mayor Petey do that was so great for the citizens of South Bend?
We're not told.
So, why does a young, small town Mayor think he has the gravitas to run for President?
We're not told.
All those Monday night City Council meetings and pothole repair jobs. Wow - what achievements.
But he is gay and wears a tie and has a nice haircut!
This guy is a complete clown.
"Pete Buttigieg says he first learned about the concept of white male “privilege” in college. But it wasn’t in a classroom."
Buttigieg said he had no response for the officer, who proceeded to find and pick up the joint.
“And then he just, ‘You f[***]ing arrogant Harvard kids think you can just go out here and smoke this.’ There was this tirade. And then my hands are on the back of his trunk and he’s going through my pockets to see if I’ve got anything more on me.”
Buttiegees translates "fucking arrogant Harvard kids" into "white males", and thinks its a "privilege" to be cursed at and searched.
I can't not see "Buttplug."
One could not create a more bizarre field. This Rhodes Scholar wants to abolish the Electoral College. Great issue in Iowa!
No shit. The election is turning into a freak show...
The absence of a cafe post last night? Just a miss, or an experiment? Who wants to stay up all night moderating the nonsense that typifies the cafe posts anyway? And if you wait until morning, who would read it?
Um, can we not, like, uh, whatever lol. IMHO his name is funny ROFL, but in all seriousness, we can't let Buttigieg have access to the nuclear codes...but like I said, uh, I can't even. So you should.
Legalize it!
The Biden-Bernie-Beto-Booker-Buttigieg pentad is now polling at 66%. Also, I add facetiously, the BBB triad is racist and homophobic, whereas the pentad is merely mysogynistic.
I know people who live up there, hes a joke.
Thatter that glath theeling
"David Begley said...
This Rhodes Scholar wants to abolish the Electoral College. Great issue in Iowa!"
It is for Iowa Democrats. Think!
I read this week about how global warming was aiding the advance of the emerald ash borer and also how the polar vortex had no effect on it. I understand that it has been pretty bad in Indiana, but it's the result of unregulated trade with China, not global warming.
Just one picture of the gay mayor taking a bite out of a corndog, and Shepard Fairey has his next award winning poster.
The names this year are just too on the nose. If you're a novelist, you'd never have a spineless empty milquetoast named Beta and a homosexual named Butt Gig. Even Dickens and JK Rowling would be embarrassed by that.
I believe the commenters here are looking for the best Republican candidate in the Democratic primaries. Not going to happen.
Try harder to figure out why a particular candidate might appeal to a democratic electorate.
Whether you like it or not Climate Change will be an issue every candidate must speak about, and not in terms appealing to Republicans. Likely similar stances regarding healthcare, women’s inequality etc.
Having said all that I have little knowledge of Mr. Buttigieg. I do believe that whereas many Democrat voters will feel good about an “openly gay (but not flamboyant)” candidate many Republicans and Indepenents wiil say “OK.” ( in the same way they’d respond to him saying he’s a big Norte Dame football fan.)
I bet he's had plenty of butty-gigs.
We had a Governor here a few years back, smilin' Jim McGreevey, who had an Israeli fuck-buddy. I have no problem with Israel or Israelis at all but it's not a good look. His wife seemed to be in the dark until the whole thing blew up one weekend at the shore where he and his boyfriend had gone for a romantic walk along the beach.
After he resigned, he wanted to become an Episcopalian priest, but they wouldn't take him. Evidently, even now, they are more discriminating than New Jersey Democrats. He did eventually get a job running a prisoner re-entry program, but his ass just got fired recently by the Mayor of Jersey City. Jim likes it rough, but North Jersey politics was a little too much of a good thing, it appears.
I'm not aware of anything he accomplished as Governor, but there may be a rest stop on the Turnpike named for him, perhaps informally.
It's an open casting call for someone to play the President on TV for the next season of our national sitcom. Buttigieg seems right to play the gay next door neighbor. Booker is a shoo-in as the obligatory Black Friend. Liz Warren would fit right in as the demanding Landlady. Beto could play the President as Dobie Gillis. It's must-see TV.
He seems pleasant and decent. The way Obama looked and acted the way we hoped all black men would look and act, thus so with Buttigieg and his gay identity......l hope he doesn't have a Rev Wright moment and that pictures of him at the Gay Pride Parade with a naked ass and black leather chaps do not surface........I suppose gay men can have monagamous domestic lives, but it does seem to happen less frequently with them. If his domestic life is as idyllic as it looks, then good for him. My suspicion, however, is that there will not be a lot of investigative reporting about his past affairs.
Look at the slobbering adulation and you don't need to ask to which political party Mr. Buttigieg belongs. The love, the ardor, and the manufactured wonderfulness - it's the Democratic press at its best. It is astonishing, to me at least, that the pixel-stained wretches have so little self-awareness and a completely absent sense of professionalism or detachment. They actually believe the country is with them in their perpetual exaltation of The Party and all its embodiments. Well, all except the white-nationalist-nazi-slopehead-lowlife deplorables, but those people can't read anyway.
Democrat clown show as played by clips from The Office
Might be a little too inside baseball. But if you actually know these candidates, it's pretty damn funny.
"They're all one corn dog away from disaster at this point anyway."
Not Petey. And that isn't a corn dog.
Once again - all the D candidates get glorious praise. This never happens to a single R candidate, ever.
Our media is an arm to the democrat party and thus - we are heading fast to dictatorship and totalitarian socialist misery.
A highly qualified black man ran against old tired wicked witch Debbie Stabenow in MI - where was the gushing press?
Oh yeah - the black man has and R after his name. No gushing press.
Where was the gushing press gushing over young fabulous Josh Hawley in MO?
Our media is a disgrace.
Pronunciation: b uu t t ee j ee j
b uu t t ee j ee j
bat put to to see jug see jug
Origin: Maltese
Meaning: "Owner of the chickens"
Additional Information: Probably derived from the Arabic "Abu ta ġieġ", roughly translated as "Lord" or "Owner" "of the chickens". This possibly links the family to the chicken/poultry trade.
Pinky Thakkar (silent "h"), an engineer from Mumbai, started the Web site www.pronouncenames.com after she moved to San Jose, Calif., and mispronounced the "J" in "San Jose," not giving it the "H" sound used in Spanish words ...
Well if it’s written by Cillizza I can avoid reading it.
Qualified? The guy is a member of an official Democrat Party victim identity group. What else do you need to know?
"manufactured wonderfulness"
That phrase captures the Dem press (but I repeat myself) brilliantly.
In fairness, all hype campaigns feature manufactured wonderfulness, but ohh...those Democrats! They are the dreamiest.
Buttigieg is Michael Dukakis. He looks like him, talks like him, and will be as big a failure at running for President as him.
My advice to him is Do not get in a tank.
Why do you use the term 'husband' for a male homosexual's other half? It violates the asymmetry implicit in wedded pairs. A husband has a wife--but since we do not really want to try to figure who is who in such relationships, I prefer 'spouse'. (My homosexual wedded pairs use the term to refer their other, but that does not mean I have to. It is yet another violation of language at a time when individuals are specifying their preferred pronouns.)
Stephen Fearby wrote:
"Origin: Maltese
Meaning: "Owner of the chickens" "
If you own 'em, you can choke 'em.
Buttigieg has perhaps the least offensive media personality in the Democrat in the field.
If I were a gay guy running for president, I'd change my last name to something other than "Buttigieg."
This is the fun part for the Dems - 'we're so diverse and welcoming' - before it becomes Biden.
I guess hes less embarassing
"all Democrats can offer is a panoply of inexperienced people in their petting-zoo of identity politics."
It's a beauty contest to see who looks best in the dress.
Blogger Charlotte Allen said...
If I were a gay guy running for president, I'd change my last name to something other than "Buttigieg."
Booker is already taken.
He knows how to talk like a regular person? So, it's an exception to his normal talking?
Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg. The entities who run the simulation we are in are: 1. Not really trying anymore. 2. Testing us.
As far a Gary Hart got, he undoubtedly would have gone less far as Hartpence. Hart or Pence will work, choose one. At least Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg shortened Peter to Pete, now he needs to shorten Buttigieg to Geig or maybe Geiger. Pete Geiger, that is a name that could win the presidency.
This is the fun part for the Dems - 'we're so diverse and welcoming' - before it becomes Biden.
This here. Or Hillary...I can see Biden in some sort of teary bow out moment after he clears the runway...
Charlotte Allen said... If I were a gay guy running for president, I'd change my last name to something other than "Buttigieg."
Butti Butti Gieg has nice sound
Buttigieg -
NOT - what is over/under for betting
BUT - who is over/under
I am not Laslo
The people of America aren't going to pull the Presidential lever for white guys named Buttigieg or Hickenlooper ... no matter what their policies and/or accomplishments may be.
It's just not going to happen.
“I believe the commenters here are looking for the best Republican candidate in the Democratic primaries. Not going to happen.”
Indeed! I just hope he doesn’t have any weird poo poo stories attributed to him.
Was Harold Stassen buffoonish like Beto, and Buttigieg?
I just don't remember anybody chasing the fat, lazy woman demographic.
narciso said...I know people who live up there, hes a joke.
He's most certainly been the Butt of many jokes...especially in the military.
Chasten(!) for 1st lady?
If Biden wins nom, maybe Pete could be his new Butt buddy...not be confused with Pete's dog.
Pete Merch!
Folks, the Iowa caucuses are not until February 3rd. That is ten months and twelve days from now. Lots of fresh faces will rise and fall during that time.
I will note in passing that the press of eleven years ago enjoyed deriding Sarah Palin as “Mayor of Wasilla,” though in fact she was the Governor of the State of Alaska at the time. Clearly the media of back then didn’t think that “mayor” was much of a qualification for the Presidency. Now we have this clown Buttigieg, who has never been anything more than a mayor of a College town. Not much there to commend him.
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