March 21, 2019

"Close advisers to former Vice President Joe Biden are debating the idea of packaging his presidential campaign announcement with a pledge to choose Stacey Abrams as his vice president...."

"But the decision poses considerable risk, and some advisers are flatly opposed. Some have pointed out that in a Democratic debate, he could be asked why no one on the stage would be a worthy running mate. Advisers also know that the move would be perceived as a gimmick...."

Axios says.


Lucid-Ideas said...

Ah yes, appoint the 'woman of color'. What she couldn't win outright on her own she should be compensated for by a token handout.

Stealth Reparations. How 'racist' of them yet how predictable.

rehajm said...

Float some more trial balloons, why dontcha...

Anonymous said...

The stupid, it burns! Are the Dems all trying to outdo themselves in ensuring Trump's reelection?

My name goes here. said...

"Some have pointed out that in a Democratic debate, he could be asked why no one on the stage would be a worthy running mate."

All he has to say is: "Nobody on this stage will help the Democrats carry the State of Georgia. As much as I think Kamala is great, and Amy is amazing, and Beto is fantastic none of them, sorry guys, will help the Democrat party carry the state of Georgia, and we need to do that to win. I think with Stacy we win Georgia, I think a ticket with Beto will not carry Texas."

And Biden is all anyone would talk about for a week.

He should do this.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Losers do belong together. This would be a great all-time losing team if deployed. The recent outbreak of ever-more-slobbering pandering to Black Americans by the DNC-Media complex tells me they are worried about their continued support from this community. The clown-car posse of Democrats running are coming out in support of reparations, UBI, and outright discrimination against Asians as long as it helps Blacks. Biden selecting a Black running mate before even deciding to run (!) is yet another sign of a crack-up in process on the left side of our political spectrum.

Greg said...

When did Stacey Abrams become 'popular', outside of urban Georgia. Biden and the journos who wrote this are delusional

Martin said...

Why, how could anybody say it is a gimmick to choose a running mate who has never held any federal or even statewide office, before the campaign even begins, plus deny yourself the bargaining leverage of using the VP selection in negotiations late in the process leading up to the Convention?

Harrumph! Some people are so cynical.

Sebastian said...

Good move. A losing state legislator lends authenticity to a serial-loser two-time plagiarist.

tcrosse said...

Well, in 2016 Ted Cruz chose Carly Fiorina as his running mate, and the rest is history.

mccullough said...

Makes sense under the shotshow politics we have.

All the Dems who ripped Sarah Palin as inexperienced because she was only governor of Alaska for less than two years in 2008 are going to laud Abrams who was almost governor of Alaska for two years.

Biden will be dead soon so it’s fair to ask him if he will invite Abrams to his funeral or will not invite her as McCain did to Palin.

I don’t think Biden would be strong against Trump. If Trump can Getz Biden to name Abrams as his running mate now then that is perfect for him.

Nonapod said...

If we're hearing about it now this choice is pretty much fait accompli. So I don't think it matters much.

Jersey Fled said...

Could he possibly pick anyone worse than sore loser Stacey Abrams? Who incidentally has zero qualifications to step in as President should the need arise?

Bay Area Guy said...

Good idea. You know it's much more important to have a black female running mate, than to actually examine what the person has actually achieved in her public life and how her policy ideas will help her fellow citizens.


Henry said...

Biden has a lot to offer as some other candidates' Vice President.

rhhardin said...

Should pick Selina Meyer.

robother said...

Great idea! For those in early primaries worried about a wasted vote for Biden if he expires before the convention, he's got a ready replacement. Answers the age concerns while balancing the ticket gender/race/BMI-wise.

Jersey Fled said...

Although she would be the fattest President since William Howard Taft.

So there's that ...

Carter Wood said...

The early-pick strategy did not work for Ronald Reagan trying to win the GOP nomination in 1976. Stacey Abrams would be the Biden campaign's Richard Schweiker.

RMc said...

Please do this, Joe. I’m begging ya.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Have we already forgotten why Obama picked the bland, buffoonish, serial-plagiarizing gaffe-machine as his Vweep in the first place? It was assassination insurance and gravitas window dressing. That choice was not based on any positive characteristic of Biden or a grand plan for him to succeed Obama.

Amadeus 48 said...

McCain:it was a mistake to pick Sarah Palin as my running mate.
Biden: Hold my beer.

Not Sure said...

Given Biden's age, isn't if fair to ask if he's lost his fucking mind?

readering said...

Abrams does not deserve the hits but will be pleased if this hastens tanking of Biden run.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Slow Joe Biden or IBM "Irish Big Mouth" which is what I call him plus his running mate Stacey Abrams Tank who apparently does not run nor exercise much.

I'm Full of Soup said...

It's all race hustling 247 for all Dems even for those so-called but inaccurately labeled as moderates.

Henry said...

Biden should pick Dick Cheney as his VP. It would be like an Al Gore / Joe Lieberman thing. They could run as Statler and Waldorf.

narciso said...

what this is really about:

Birches said...

What obvious pandering. It's really gross.

traditionalguy said...

Abrams is heading for the Presidency for herself. VP'sare next in line and instant President's if there is a death. Abrams is a Spelman Women's College graduate and a Yale Law graduate. Spelman is the elite of the elites of the Black Women'sleadership world. Yale Law we all know.

She was raised in the Methodist church( a child of two Pastors) Methodists have been a women lead institution for many years. Stacy knows what she wants. Abrams was born in the small midwestern town called Madison, Wisconsin.

Birches said...

I know politicians only care about power and Abrams would be a heart attack away from ultimate power, but I would be insulted to only be thought of as useful because of my race and gender. It's craven.

Birches said...

Of course she's from Madison.

readering said...

Gives me pause to think the first presidential ticket I voted for in'76 is still ticking.

Yancey Ward said...

It would be an incredibly stupid move, so Biden may well do it.

Mike Sylwester said...

I predict that Biden will NOT select Abrams.

JRoberts said...

One of Abrams' biggest qualifications is the big money she raised and spent on her 2018 GOTV / vote harvesting operation that almost made her Governor of Georgia. It's my understanding that the big national donors used Georgia as a model to fine-tune the operation for a national rollout for 2020.

Rory said...

Biden to block...everyone except HRC.

Francisco D said...

The two most likely VP candidates at this time are Beto and Stacy.

What do they have in common?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Vote harvesting:
If R's do it - it's illegal.

If D's do it, and they do, it's glorious grassroots and extra-legal.

Chuck said...

They really don’t want to beat Trump, do they? Wait; that’s not quite right. They all want to beat Trump. That is, they want to win the Democratic Party nomination, first and foremost. And then, with the nomination in hand, beat Trump in the general.

So yes; they all want to beat Trump. But beating Trump is not the first priority. And to quote the many Trump fans on these comments pages, “That is how you get more Trump.”

Michael K said...

It's my understanding that the big national donors used Georgia as a model to fine-tune the operation for a national rollout for 2020.

The GOP had better figure this out. I'm seeing big organizing efforts using outside funding.

Orange County CA was one big success, the Arizona Senate race was another,

Lance said...

It's a gimmick. It sounds desperate. Biden's the frontrunner, he needs to show strength, not desperation.

And why would Abrams even agree to this? If Biden fails to win the nomination, she'd go down with him.

Charlie said...

He wants a running mate that he can grope on camera. Has to be a woman since children aren't eligible.

wwww said...

Interesting. It would help him in the primary contest. Might win the nomination for him.

Mattman26 said...

Somebody tell me again why Abrams is a star? Lost an election in November and hasn't stopped whining since about how it was stolen from her?

That being said, I agree with Rob above: Go for it!

David Begley said...

The biggest identity politics pander of all time.

Slow Joe picks a woman who lost the race for Governor, whined about, alleged discrimination and was formerly a state representative. She could be the most unqualified VP in history.

Hey, I won a low level state office. Can I be VP?

Not Sure said...

And why would Abrams even agree to this? If Biden fails to win the nomination, she'd go down with him.

Maybe she's excited about the prospect of whinging about losing a really big election.

Bay Area Guy said...

Without googling, can someone please tell us what Stacey Abrams has ever done?

I understand that she recently ran and lost the Governor's race in California.

Most LOSING candidates don't get a political promotion.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I believe Stacy Abrams Tank still owes money for college loans. How is that possible at her age? Jeez she graduated from Yale Law School 20 years ago!

David Begley said...

Wiki, “In April 2018, Abrams wrote an op-ed for Fortune revealing that she owes $50,000 in back taxes and holds $170,000 in credit card and student loan debt.”

Also, never been married.

Kevin said...

When was the last time a Presidential candidate actually chose as VP candidate one of the people he or she defeated in the primary? It's not an easy question for a search engine to decipher.

Nonapod said...

Since I'm not the intended audience, it's interesting to imagine what Dem voters think of her. I mean, I assume her being black and a woman are two huge plus points. I don't know if there's much of a perception of her being a "sore loser" on the Dem side. I also don't know if her evident corpulance will be either a drawback or some sort of weird advantage. After all, anyone who criticizes her obsesity will be accused of fat shaming a woman and in turn invite counter-criticism of Trump's rather husky physique

jrem said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YoungHegelian said...

I think with Stacy we win Georgia, I think a ticket with Beto will not carry Texas.

Difficult to see how, since Abrams didn't win as governor last time she ran. She'll be old news by the time campaigning starts up in earnest.

What I find interesting here as the "meta story" (to go all post-modernist on y'all) is that I suspect that internal polling by the Dems is showing either profound apathy or outright defection to Trump at scarily high rates. That would explain the push on reparations, which alienate other voting groups even in the Democratic coalition, and the "promise" to name a black as running mate by the Old White Fart Coalition.

It's getting to the point where the Democrats can't hold blacks' attention without outright & open bribes of money & power. Not good for the Dems, as empty rhetorical promises are much easier for politicians to mint & later to break than checks from the Treasury.

Martin said...

Kevin at 1:00pm
When was the last time a Presidential candidate actually chose as VP candidate one of the people he or she defeated in the primary? It's not an easy question for a search engine to decipher.
I think when Reagan picked Bush in 1980.

pacwest said...

As I see it the Democrats have only two strategies available to them in 2020. Run a moderate like Biden, coupled with a leftist VP to deflect the SJW crowd, or a winger at the top of the ticket with a moderate second to try to hold the middle. Either way a Democrat Presidency is doomed. You can't get woke enough, no matter who you are, to appease the SJWs.

I pity poor Biden if he is elected. His term would be a full time apology tour. He is already caving to the extreme voices. And there are bound to be a lot more AOCs in the Congress.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It would be a good choice in a few ways. She’s young and if he should die in Office or become incapacitated she is very able to take over. Abrams is smart and principled. Black Americans wouldn’t feel left out of the process, women would like a woman on the ticket. While I don’t care all that much for Biden, having Abrams on the ticket would be much more exciting and appealing.

Kevin said...

I just want to hear what Diamond and Silk have to say about it.

Mattman26 said...

Kevin: Kerry picking Edwards was (I think) the last time a nominee picked a VP who had been running for the nomination. (And it went really well if memory serves.)

Chuck said...

I just want to say that Stacy Abrams is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking gal. I mean, that's a storybook, man.

You could look it up.

BUMBLE BEE said...

But, is she articulate and clean? Joe's last AA voucher was bust for this country, maybe even the world!

Breezy said...

No worries. There’s no way Biden is the nominee. There’s too much baggage. Abrams can’t help that, assuming she’d even want to be a part of it.

Kevin said...

Joe was going to announce in blackface.

This is the compromise.

wild chicken said...

I can see it now.

1. Biden picks Abrams as VP,
2. Biden LOSES bigly,
3. Media screams "USA RACIST!"
4. Four more years of pundit concern trolling and navel gazing.

My name goes here. said...

Kevin asked...
"When was the last time a Presidential candidate actually chose as VP candidate one of the people he or she defeated in the primary? It's not an easy question for a search engine to decipher."

2004 Kerry/Edwards
1992 Clinton/Gore
1980 Reagan/Bush

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger tcrosse said...
Well, in 2016 Ted Cruz chose Carly Fiorina as his running mate, and the rest is history.

So, if Cruz naming Carly Fiorina as his running mate at the end of the primary cycle was widely seen as a last-ditch Hail Mary attempt to win, what is Joe Biden naming Stacey Abrams at the very beginning going to be seen as? Though I suspect the media will favor Joe Biden, so it will almost uniformly be described as a very politically savvy move from a veteran politician.

But it raises the question, if Joe Biden needs Stacey Abrams as running mate because she is someone who the Democratic base is excited about, why doesn't she just run on her own?

h said...

I see Mike Gravel has announced his candidacy; I expect him to pre-select as a running mate former Congressman John Conyers.

285exp said...

The move would be perceived as a gimmick because it’s a gimmick.

chickelit said...

What’s in it for Latinos?


They will go for Trump instead

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof

wendybar said...

Bahahhahahahhahhahhaha!!! If this isn't a hoot!!!!??!!! IDENTITY POLITICS to the rescue!! We NEED a black woman...STAT!!!!

Kevin said...

@ my name goes here, thanks! The bottom line is, then, that selection of VP from one of the defeated P candidates happens rarely enough in modern times that it should not be assumed by a debate questioner to be the standard, requiring deviation from the standard to be explained.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The move would be perceived as a gimmick because it’s a gimmick.”

Speaking of gimmicks, why would someone like Trump pick someone like Pence as a running mate? The two couldn’t be any more different.

Bilwick said...

Biden-"Tank" Abrams in 2020? Fitting: the two stupidest Dem candidates teaming up.

wendybar said...

Chuck said...
I just want to say that Stacy Abrams is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking gal. I mean, that's a storybook, man.

You could look it up.

3/21/19, 1:33 PM

Now THAT's FUNNY Chuck!!! Perfect!!

madAsHell said...

Hilarious!! An insurance for policy for the original insurance policy.

Dave Begley said...

"Joe was going to announce in blackface.

This is the compromise."

At a 7-11 or Dunkin' Donuts.

Bay Area Guy said...

Forget Adams - I want Biden to tap Governor Ralph Northam from VA.

He could moonwalk across the stage during the announcement...

Drago said...

"Speaking of gimmicks, why would someone like Trump pick someone like Pence as a running mate? The two couldn’t be any more different."

Some people missed the hundred years of ticket balancing history by both major parties.

Drago said...

"Speaking of gimmicks, why would someone like Trump pick someone like Pence as a running mate? The two couldn’t be any more different."

Which two are more different?

Trump : Pence

Biden : Abrams

exhelodrvr1 said...

"I want Biden to tap Governor Ralph Northam from VA. "

Not that there's anything wrong with that

Achilles said...

Drago said...
"Speaking of gimmicks, why would someone like Trump pick someone like Pence as a running mate? The two couldn’t be any more different."

Some people missed the hundred years of ticket balancing history by both major parties.

From a certain perspective they were similar moves.

Trump, and Republicans in general, sought ideological balance.

Democrats seek racial balance to promote "wokeness."

One of these is skin deep and only works on idiots who vote for democrats.

Birches said...

Uhh seriously. Pence had experience as a State executive and a legislator, both things Trump lacked.

Ken B said...

This is publicity bait. Won’t happen, but they got you talking about it.

mockturtle said...

Maybe he assumes it would be life insurance. But it's a strategically bad move and I hope he does it. ;-)

Big Mike said...

Abrams would weigh down his campaign.

Jim at said...

You'd think leftists would be insulted at the non-stop, racist pandering.

But, nope. They actually like it.

mockturtle said...

One thing Trump and Pence have in common: They both love America.

gspencer said...

Trump chose Pence to secure the evangelical vote. It worked. Now it's time to drop wimpy-like Pence for someone who has more fire-in-the-belly-take-the-fight-to-them stuff, and who in 2024 take over and continue what Trump has started. I fear that Pence has too much of the Bob Dole Mittens Romney about himself.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“One thing Trump and Pence have in common: They both love America.”

I’ll say the same for Biden and Abrams.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Charlie @12:32 PM said: "He wants a running mate that he can grope on camera. Has to be a woman since children aren't eligible."

And there's so much there to grope! He's gonna be busy, that Joe Biden.

Rest easy, Stacey. His manicurist makes sure that Uncle Joe's hands are real soft.

Drago said...

"Now it's time to drop wimpy-like Pence for someone who has more fire-in-the-belly-take-the-fight-to-them stuff, and who in 2024 take over and continue what Trump has started. I fear that Pence has too much of the Bob Dole Mittens Romney about himself."

I'm afraid that after Trump its "establishment turtles all the way down".

Unless you have someone you'd like to identify as an option?

I'm not saying I don't like Cruz. He was my first choice in 2016. But lets face it, he's not leading a conservative revolution anytime soon. He's more of a "LCOL" in the conservative army.

Tank said...

For the record, I am not running with Biden or anyone else.

Mary Beth said...

I don't care what gimmick Biden wants to use. I'm just looking forward to the spicy memes of him sniffing little girls. Google "creepy Joe", it's all about Biden.

Trump won the last meme war. This would almost be too easy.

Michael K said...

why would someone like Trump pick someone like Pence as a running mate? The two couldn’t be any more different.

Posted by someone who has never heard of Lincoln's VP and why he was chosen.

No surprise there,

narciso said...

since the Midwest would still be in play, he would have to choose someone like walker, because the south is pretty solid,

Mikec said...

I don't understand why people say Stacy Abrams isn't qualified. She's black and female. What else do democratic voters care about?

Not only that, she probably get most of the fat vote.

Wince said...

Shudder. Why did my mind go immediately to midnight skinny-dips in the pool together?

gadfly said...

So Mr. "Plugs" Biden is obviously not running for President when and if he offers up super liberal Stacey Abrams (she of zero political experience or expertise other than being a female) to be his VP. It tells me that he doesn't have the energy or the expectation that he will be alive in through 2023.

In 1987, MoDo reported in the NY Times that Joe the Plagiarist said in a speech:

I started thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife who is sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I’m the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree that I was smarter than the rest?

Obviously, he was not the smartest among Bidens (or even the family of Neil Kinnock who said the words first) if he thinks that even dumb liberal Dems would buy into this weird campaign beginning. He also is not buying into the rules that he has to beg for campaign financing when he is the famous Joe who crawled around in the dirt on behalf of Obama.

Francisco D said...

Speaking of gimmicks, why would someone like Trump pick someone like Pence as a running mate? The two couldn’t be any more different.

It is called Balancing the ticket which was historically very common until the Clinton/Gore campaign.

Picking Pence was for inroads into the Midwest. You know Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa - states that Hillary was sure to win.

rcocean said...

If Biden picks Abrams he really is "Slow Joe". Why not get Booker or Harris to sign on as VP? And then pledge to serve just one term? After all Biden will be 79 in Jan 2021.
Abrams is a a loose cannon who says stupid things - y'know just like Joe.

rcocean said...

How many black people in Delaware? Yeah, I know it was a slave state, but Biden always acts like POC's are from another planet. Remember when he said Hill and Thomas were "clean and articulate?" or his cracks about Indian 7-11 clerks.

Tank said...

Scott Adams: "Everything the Dems are proposing…is to get them elected."

They don't really care about the country, they're just saying anything they think will get them elected. Based on hearing him on the radio (in interviews) over many years prior to his run for President, I think Trump generally ran on issues he has always cared about. Evidence: the many campaign promises he's kept.

Browndog said...

Mock her all you want, but but she is a formidable force.


She's being groomed, in the same fashion as Obama. Since her last election, which she will not concede, she has been criss/crossing the country, bi-weekly, to headline various speaking events/fund raisers for the dems.

Who is she?

You'd better find out soon, because her history will be scrubbed, just like Obama.

Achilles said...

Browndog said...
Mock her all you want, but but she is a formidable force.

If she starts losing weight I will notice.

She wont be on a ticket as is.

chickelit said...

Does this signal that Kamala Harris is fading? She being the default WOC candidate who can't seem to get no traction?

Unknown said...

Who was first choice?

Did Oprah already say no?

Clyde said...

Well, she might get out the Adipose-American vote.

Unknown said...

She would run with Beto as VP

"The Avis Ticket - 2 Number 2s"

donald said...

That corpulent load does have a network of the worst of the worst backing her.

She is a nasty piece of work and she won’t bother to hide it. So yeah. Get her out there.

Winnie said...

If he were to choose anyone before announcing, particularly someone perceived as very progressive, doesn't it just confirm he believes voters are correct to think he is too old to serve? It's as if he's saying he can get elected but someone less mainstream could serve. Win win for progressives.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump’s corpulence is no issue to his supporters apparently. Abrams needs to slim down because she’s a woman?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Maybe Trump’s hat should’ve said MAFA.

Drago said...

"Trump’s corpulence is no issue to his supporters apparently"

Donald Trump is 72.

Abrams is 46, and stout.

Let's take a look at a pic of Donald Trump when he was 46:

Well, I'd say Trump comes out ahead on that one.

Drago said...

"Trump’s corpulence is no issue to his supporters apparently."

Leftists love love LOVE Jerry Nadler.....for whom there is no real evidence (that we know of..yet) that he literally swallowed 3 other congresspersons.


And not on the half-shell, with lemon and tobasco.

Drago said...

"Trump’s corpulence is no issue to his supporters apparently."

Perhaps, like King Arthur, Trump and the US are "one".

Obama was was our GDP growth and manufacturing under him.

Isn't it wonderful that the "magic wand" obama claimed would be needed to expand manufacturing in the US was found by Trump and used to great effect?!!

Or do you think it was the Russians who ordered Trump to improve our economy and turn us into the biggest energy producer in the world and increase manufacturing in the US and increase defense spending and improve our defense posture?

That Putin! He really is a strange cat to be "controlling Trump" and having Trump do all these great things for America!

You know, if this keeps up with Putin ordering Trump to Make America Great Again, you could argue that Putin wanted America to be stronger then obama did!

The "logic" of it all is irresistable!

wildswan said...

To me, this whole only-600-more shopping days till the election is becoming spectacle. There's the Survivor aspect - who will get voted off the island? But even thinking that way about it makes it more real than it seems to me. To me, it's as if the whole country with a secret grin is settling down to watch cat videos - those awful ones where cats get shot over houses and the whole point is watch the agility of the cat versus the catapult. So here the secret sharing sniggerers are watching the agile political skills of the politicians (cat) versus the oppo researchers (catapult). And then they face Trump, Mr. Catapult himself.

Yes, this election is serious, we are talking about the President. But. But so far none of them have tried to be serious. I mean, Social Security is going to run out, city pension plans are bankrupt, yet someone proposes the Green New Deal. How to finance World War II again when we can't finance Social Security? Well, it's like the Locarno Treaty, we've showed we're global citizens by proposing it. And the puppy-cute-kids go home with a gold star on their forehead. And the non-puppy candidates? Have they explained how they will get jobs for Americans in any other way than the way Trump is doing it? No. National socialist Dems and international socialist Dems are running on: losing jobs (like Amazon HQ in New York), raising taxes, killing babies, being anti-semitic, tribalizing America and abolishing inconvenient bits of the Constitution such as the parts that guarantee free speech, the right to bear arms, and that electoral college, the guarantee that the small states have a voice in government. What agile Dem pols can sell this toxic waste dump where every ugly theory or practice from the 20C (totalitarianism, propaganda in place of culture) is presented as the land we all are journeying toward? But, if the national/international socialist Dem pols won't be serious, ... catapult meet cat. Will you be watching?

Sheridan said...

So here's a fun thought exercise that might help determine who the Democrats should pick as candidates for both President and Vice President. Some necessary presumptions include: 1) The Presidential candidate, along with the Democratic leadership of the House and the Senate (which will go to the Dems in 2020), must be ready, willing and able on day 1 to create and pass into law the new laws, rules and regulations that will undergird the deployment of the Green New Deal; 2) the new Vice President will be more than just a supporter of the GND, s/he will be the President's most energetic and effective spokesperson for the effort and will continually visit the country's most liberal states and enclaves to encourage GND supporters and shame and silence those opposing the GND; 3) simultaneously with this marketing effort the Congress will start the process of eliminating the Electoral College, "fixing" the First Amendment and eliminating the Second Amendment altogether. Okay, based on those three presumptions, who best to be the Democratic candidate for President and VP in 2020? Beats me but I suspect it won't be Joe Biden or any other politico who retains any decent respect for the Constitution or for historical benefits derived from capitalism. They certainly won't give a hoot about 20th century history or the fact that Socialism has managed to both degrade humanity and also murder humans in the scores of millions all with the promise that "tomorrow will be better" and "this time, we can make it work". Frankly, it's the VP candidate I'm most concerned about. In a Socialist America, when the President is removed either by accident or illness, the VP, the person who was most carefully picked to be the agent provocateur of the GND and by extension the transformation of America, will be the Great Leader. Any historical examples? Lenin/Stalin? Chavez/Maduro? Pick your Democratic ticket!

Breezy said...

Abrams’ corpulence is no issue to her supporters apparently.

Big Mike said...

Abrams needs to slim down because she’s a woman?

Do you think being morbidly obese is good for her health?

Drago said...

Meanwhile, not a single democrat Presidential aspirant has accepted the invitation to speak at AIPAC.

Looks like the lefty anti-semites would not look kindly on that o "plugs" and the rest steer clear.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Let's take a look at a pic of Donald Trump when he was 46”

So what? What is that supposed to prove? Is Abrams’ body type going to affect her intelligence?

Drago said...

In other dem news, its nice to see Cory Booker found his own "Joan Kennedy" for the campaign trail.....and only on the campaign trail.....

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Do you think being morbidly obese is good for her health?”

Well Trump is 72, morbidly obese and still going strong.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Abrams’ corpulence is no issue to her supporters apparently.”

She’s a young woman, being obese and female at 46 is far less dangerous than being obese and male at 72.

Maillard Reactionary said...

gadfly spoke of "...Mr. "Plugs" Biden...."

Not just the plugs, how about those dental implants? Quite a set there.

Between him and George Stephanopoulos, they are carrying more titanium than the average stealth bomber.

Drago said...

Sheridan, word to the wise: there are lefties on these very boards who do not believe communists/socialist policies in the 20th century resulted in mass murder and mass graves.

So, recounting these factual matters does not sway them in the slightest.

Drago said...

Btw, AIPAC meets next week so its not as if its so far off that the dems are just waiting to finalize their schedules.

And all that on top of Trump recognizing Israel's de facto ownership of the Golan Heights.

Dems/leftists/arab terrorists hardest hit.

Rory said...

"the Adipose-American vote"

The fat will just walk away....

Unknown said...

>> >Abrams needs to slim down because she’s a woman?

Right, Chris Christie was immune from fat jokes.

Google couldn't find any fat jokes for Christie.

Unknown said...

>> >Abrams needs to slim down because she’s a woman?

Right, Chris Christie was immune from fat jokes.

Google couldn't find any fat jokes for Christie.

Unknown said...

> I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Picking Abrams as a quota hire realizes MLK's dream...

mockturtle said...

Uh-oh! It's happening again. :-\

Michael K said...

“Do you think being morbidly obese is good for her health?”

Well Trump is 72, morbidly obese and still going strong.

Nonsense on stilts. One might suspect the poster has no idea What " Morbid Obesity" is.

Drago said...

Definition of "morbidly obese": Morbid Obesity is a Serious Health Condition. ... An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes."

"Mr Trump weighed 243lb (110kg) in last week's examination, which is up from 239lb in early 2018.

Other doctors noted that his Body Mass Index (BMI) now fell in excess of 30, which is considered clinically obese.

"It is my determination that the president remains in very good health," Dr Conley said in a brief statement issued by the White House after examining the 72-year-old."

USA Today

Inga: "Well Trump is 72, morbidly obese and still going strong."

Note to self: Nurses in Milwaukee unaware of the definition of "morbidly obese".

Addendum to Note to self: Avoid being treated by nurses in Milwaukee.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Uh-oh! It's happening again. :-\”

Indeed, I noticed. Disappointing.

narciso said...

Does it matter:

rightguy said...

Biden is very vulnerable to the charge that his son received 1,000,000,000$$ (1 X Billion!!) from the Chinese government following a diplomatic trip to China on Airforce 2 by the two of them. Its hard to believe that one of JB's primary opponents won't bring this up during the campaign.

Francisco D said...

Stacy is overweight, which is probably more acceptable if she were 25 years older.

What strikes me most is not her weight. There is no other way to say it:

EsoxLucius said...

This reminds me of 1976, when Reagan picked Richard Schweiker in a Hail Mary to beat Ford. It's an interesting duo, a gaffe machine and a political neophyte, one surly to sink the other in the eighteen months of campaigning. She's just there to get him through the Customs of the party, and isn't needed five minutes after he announces. I still say he's the Fred Thompson of the 2020 campaign, officially running but in reality not.

Henry said...

Can we say that Trump is happily obese?

Saint Croix said...

The main issue for Joe Biden...

Does he get Obama's endorsement?

I am sure they have already had this conversation. Biden needs Obama's endorsement. Without it, he's toast.

If Obama has hinted or suggested that he will not endorse Biden, what should the front-runner do?

Maybe that's what motivated this. Seems quite the risky move, otherwise. But if you know you're not getting Obama's endorsement, then you might need to make a risky move or two.

donald said...

She’s not young. She is morbidly obese and nasty. She’s also a lying piece of shit. She’s perfect. Get her on the ticket.

Bilwick said...

"She’s not young. She is morbidly obese and nasty. She’s also a lying piece of shit. She’s perfect. Get her on the ticket."

Her gubernatorial campaign was interesting. In her ads she tried to present herself as a benevolent Mammy figure, loving all her children, holding hands with her family as they prayed to Jesus; but the Republicans kept finding footage of her addressing the already-converted Faithful, and you got to see her nasty side.

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