Ukraine’s top prosecutor divulged in an interview aired Wednesday on Hill.TV that he has opened an investigation into whether his country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton....ADDED: It should say "As allegations of Russia collusion fades." The collusion didn't fade. There was no collusion. Apparently.
March 21, 2019
"As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges."
A headline at The Hill.
It’s a shame about the narrative.
There's not enough popcorn in the world to last through that kind of collusion investigation.
To bad cruel neutrality cannot exist in the wild.
Interesting comments. It's not anti-Trump so it's not news anybody there wants to hear about. They actually sound quite angry about it. That's The Hill for you.
I served as a US Army military intelligence officer from 2005 to 2011. I can tell you unequivocally based on my experience in 4 theaters that
1) As much as people accuse the USA of attempting to influence foreign elections, the desire of foreign entities to influence the US (and our aid and assistance) is 10 fold. This includes our elections. Some state apparats view our elections and political processes with as much seriousness as their own.
2) The relationships overseas are automatically corrupt and incestuous. Full stop. I have never seen a truly altruistic/rationalistic relationship. Their politics and their policy is always master/client and tribal. It is personal and tribal pragmatism run amok.
3) Many politicians and organizations here (like the Clintons and others) have been so 'international' for so long and can attract and throw around so much money that they have absolutely figured ways and built relationships to game the systems overseas. This has translated to calling in those 'favors' here at home. Bet on it.
4) It is quite clear - especially after 16' - the 'counter-intelligence' apparatus (of whom the chief agency is the FBI. Yes...that FBI) of USA has been completely compromised. Elements have infiltrated the agency as we have seen quite clearly in recent months and it is shot through with people that may as well be considered foreign intelligence assets operating as political and media influencers.
5) Lastly, THEY ARE PISSED. They didn't get what they wanted. The pieces you can see are only the tip of the iceberg of a much larger cohort of seriously-invested losers. The horrible thing? They still have assets in place, people that we haven't even heard of in the news. They will leave nothing to chance in 2020. Depend upon it.
The Clinton 'dynasty's' fall from grace has stunned the world and has broken up a huge network of 'influencer' relationships here and abroad and opened up a floodgate of 'no-names' worldwide over whom no one yet has control. It's a scramble.
2020 has never been more important for the future of the nation.
Russian collusion cannot fade. It must be left to linger forever. It accomplishes the needed revenge damage required by the Clintons and the Clinton-Media. (CNN, MSDNC, etc...)
It won’t fade.
There was collusion. By uniparty Democrats and Republicans with their foreign allies.
A can of worms is best served cold, or so I am told.
Being an “anti- Putin party” is one of the rare socially-redeeming qualities of American Democrats.
Ukraine Prosecutor General Yurii Lutsenko’s probe was prompted by a Ukrainian parliamentarian's release of a tape recording purporting to quote a top law enforcement official as saying his agency leaked the Manafort financial records to help Clinton's campaign.
I hate bad writing. I'm pretty sure the tape recording didn't purport to quote anyone. Did the tape recording contain audio of a top law enforcement official saying his agency leaked the records? Or did the tape recording contain audio of someone else purporting to quote a top law enforcement official as saying his agency leaked the records?
Let's see- who has admitted to paying Russians for information on their political opponents? Hey, it is the Clintons!
When do you suppose one of the mainstream news outlets will report this? Had a brief discussion with my mother in law last night in which I mentioned the fact that my support for the president has grown from small, anti-Hillary based to full support as the attacks on Trump have persisted in the complete absence of any proven wrong doing. “What about the Russian collusion?” she asked. “No collusion has been proved.”, I responded. “You don’t believe there was collusion by Trump with the Russians?”, she responded incredulously. I expained that I have not heard of any evidence proving that allegation. She walked off, in a bit of a huff.
Where is Tony Podesta in all of this? There is a story there.
2020 has never been more important for the future of the nation.
Joe Biden is calling on his China connections to do what they can.
"There was no collusion. Apparently."
Wait. I thought Steele got his info from Russian sources. Clearly, he colluded with the Russians. Simpson also worked for Russian clients, including the ones that went to see Jr. Clearly, he colluded with the Russians.
So collusion all around-- by Hill's oppo research forces and their willing fellow travelers in the deep state and GOPers like McCain eagerly spreading Russian disinformation.
When can we extradite H>ER?
It's a good thing that Trump is a bumbling fool incapable of complex thought nor follow through or it might be insinuated that Trump had something to do with this story coming out.
Or did the tape recording contain audio of someone else purporting to quote a top law enforcement official as saying his agency leaked the records?
If this is the case the writing is as precise as it needed to be.
"It is a shame to cover the beauty of the Ukraine with [Australia]"
The real scandal all along has been about the efforts to stop Trump. The compromised US government and esp DoJ and intel are a big part of why I held my nose and voted for Trump, who I though a bit of a buffoon but not an existential threat to American liberties and democracy, as his opponents inarguably were (and still are).
Nothing I have seen since then has led me to think I was wrong on any of that, except that Trump hasn't been as much a buffoon I expected.
Also, kudos to Lucid-Ideas for a great comment.
I hate bad writing.
Because bad writing is used to obscure rather than reveal the news it "purports" to report. It's like the DNC-Media standard is Make the lie easy to understand and make the truth too hard to detect within the wordcloud. If reporters had to adhere to Strunk & White's Elements of Style there would be no place to hide their machinations and deceptions.
Occam's razor. If there was no RUssian Collusion to elect Trump, then one would have to accept that Hillary was a terrible candidate who ran a bone-headed campaign. That's just crazy talk.
rehajm said...
If this is the case the writing is as precise as it needed to be.
That's true only in the sense that it has no need to be precise at all. It should be precise. It easily could be precise. It is not precise.
"Being an “anti- Putin party” is one of the rare socially-redeeming qualities of American Democrats."
There is nothing "anti-putin" about the democrats.
Its all for show.
Anyone arguing the democrats are anti-putin are democrat party hacks and/or lefty funded LLR's advancing the lefty narrative.
Putin and his pals compromised Mueller (he covered up the Uranium 1 investigations from congress) while Hillary approved the transfer of 20% of US Uranium to Putin pal control while Putin dumped $500,000 into Bill and Hill's pockets as well as $145 MILLION(!) into The Clinton Foundation slush fund WHILE the Podestas were given millions in stock options by Putin energy pals.
Only an admitted Smear Merchant and lefty ally would even dare to advance the obvious lie that the dems are anti-Putin!
Too funny.
Certain LLR's arent even trying to be subtle any longer....
Shouldn’t that be, “There was allegedly no collusion.”
Collusion is only illegal on the R-side.
If Democrats collude, as they do, it's all for the greater common good.
Like tax rape.
from yesterday's thread,
That crazy Q says Trump has a plan. And disclosures are coming of a deep corruption in DC and in the Media. Most of our Government has been taking massive bribes for 30 years for American intelligence and military secrets that were sold to the highest bidder for cash.No Name was one of the big crew, and so were almost all of the One Party actors playing a big charade.
I blame Admiral Rogers. He is the one who spilled the beans to Trump that the NSA has all of the data. And Trump has used that data against the Bush/Clinton gang that created it’s collection.
Sebastian: "Wait. I thought Steele got his info from Russian sources. "
He got his info from Nellie Ohr (via Glenn Simpson) who had been abusing the FISA 702 databases as a "contractor" whereupon she and Glenn Simpson hooked up in late 2015 to put together the dossier components which would be "laundered" by Steele with the full knowledge of the then MI6 head (who was forced to resign when Trump assumed office).
This all going on as Brennan put together Crossfire Hurricane (get it? "Crossfire Hurricane", Multiple paths, all at once in a disinformation storm) which was designed to route the dossier lies thru multiple channels (state dept, FBI, CIA, NSA-NSD, with defined MSM feed pathways) to make it appear that this information was being "independently" "discovered" by multiple distinct nodes.
Now that this is being exposed we see accelerated funding by lefty billionaires and democrat donors to hoax "conservative" sites like the Bulwark (omidyar) and russian-troll operations specializing in setting apparent "LLR's" up as posters on popular blogsites to undermine conservatives and republicans. Lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman has already admitted to that.
Althouseblog is rather popular now.
I wouldnt be surprised if there werent "LLR's" assigned to this blog to smear Trump and denigrate conservatives while providing "subtle" and consistent defense of democrats and lefty media.
I wonder if anyone at Althouseblog fits that profile?
They might try something like accusing all Trump supporters (93% if republicans) as modern "Birchers" or attempt to direct readers to far left/lunatic "resistance" sites such as Lawfareblog.
Again, does anyone on Althouseblog fit that profile?
Left Bank of the Charles: "Shouldn’t that be, “There was allegedly no collusion.”'
Thats certainly how the Soviets/Maoists would term it.
In the US we actually require those making the assertion to prove it.
Its hardly surprising that another leftist/LLR would get that fundamental notion backwards and demand others prove a negative.
The goid news is at least the Lefties and LLR's/establishment republicans are perfectly aligned on that Beria-like formulation.
apelbaum, that's the Russian data analyst who mined all these connections that became apparent with the ohr deposition, but he figured it out a years ago, on his blog, outlining all the players on a game of thrones type set up,
Sebastian: "Wait. I thought Steele got his info from Russian sources. "
But wait, there's more stupid to be found. Steele actually said under oath that he drew "maybe half" the info in The Dossier from another domestic source: iReport on the site. That's right. Super-spy Christopher Steele drew from a user-generated "news" site hosted by CNN.
To the dim, let me put it clearly: that is like taking what people post here on the Althouse comment section and claiming it is "intellegence" you can reprint and submit to the FBI. This story gets dumber and dumber the closer to the core you get.
narciso is referencing this site:
Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
Shouldn’t that be, “There was allegedly no collusion.”
I would love to see LB pulled over a drunk driver checkpoint and be arrested even though he was sober as he was dragged off in handcuffs the cop says “You are allegedly sober, here in America a fellow is guilty until proven innocent, that’s why you have to say ‘allegedly.' Thank your lucky stars you live here fella!"
It will be "interesting" to see what other "subtle" defenses of the legacy MSM and clearly corrupted MSM members will be offered up by supposed LLR's on Althouseblog.
I fully expect these "LLR's" to increase the volume and passion level of their defense of the usual lefty MSM "suspects" in order to deflect from the hilariously exposed dem/deep state/East-German-Stasi-types.
We should pay close attention to other deflection operations as well, such as offering up a "just asking questions here" tactic to bring up things that might have occurred decades ago and pretend that its all sinister and diabolical.
This should be fun to watch as we get closer to more information being leaked out by republicans in response to 3 straight years of lefty/LLR exposed lies.
"There was no collusion. Apparently"
Yeah, but it's not apparent to the all the ignorant democrats out there.
apelbaum shows all his work, in longhand, which can't be chopped into shorthand, unlike fusion which serves truthy mcnuggets, sarah carter Solomon, lee smith and a few others have been doing real journalism
I'm still undecided about the new comment moderation, but if the point is to end the back-and-forth of commenters attacking each other, fine. But if that is the point, then Drago's constant references to LLRs need to be slapped down.
I don't like the back and forth, but saying you will not allow it, while letting one side continue, is worse.
For those who don't know of it, I will explain Narciso's cryptic comment:
"apelbaum, that's the Russian data analyst who mined all these connections"
Narciso is referring to this article written by a data analyst named Yaacov Apelbaum whose Linkdin profile can be found here.
I have referred back to the above essay many times over the last year now to remind myself of the connections between the people involved in the Steele Dossier creation and propagation. It is probably the single most important work done in this regard by anyone. It is, in fact, a permanent bookmark in my browser.
And the moderation shows its weakness immediately- I now see Drago has clarified Narciso's comment.
The "Never-Trumpers" better realize soon that they are actually "Never-Americas", and need to realize soon the long-term impact of fighting against Trump "just because".
heh, I was using shorthand, but look at the ridiculous garbage that has been the source of fisa warrants and the independent council investigation, it is a more elaborate version of the Sanford crisis narrative, of the jones memo, which excused mccains dereliction of duty in 2008,
Oh, it “emerges”, does it? Right. Sure.
Use of passive voice always “emerges” when the story is bad news for the Left.
truth be told how reliable can Ukrainian justice be, the post maidan regime, has an unhealthy fixation with certain iconic figures of their history, like stepan bandera, who are say problematic to say the least,
IIB: "I don't like the back and forth, but saying you will not allow it, while letting one side continue, is worse."
Perhaps we should simply outlaw any references to distinct interest groups.
The "LLR's" I refer back to self-label in just that way across many media platforms and they are universally aligned with the dems.
Certain LLR's on this site constantly refer to Trump supporters in a derogatory fashion and accuse them of bigotry and racism and ignorance.
I suspect Althouse and Meade are well aware of these category assaults by the usual suspects and have determined that as long as its not a pure attack session but includes substantive commentary which supports the assertions it is "within bounds".
Thanks again for this excellent source of background and detail.
Always, when there is reporting on whether or not there was collusion because the collusion story isn’t forefront in daily news smacks of wishcasting to me. Plus there is a daily barrage of Trump antics to report and distract the public. Not one of us knows if there was or was not collusion, I suspect Mueller has a pretty good idea by now. Also, when people say if there was collusion Mueller would’ve leaked if by now, I say not so fast. The Mueller investigation has proven itself to be very solidly not leaky. We only have had some insight into what is really going on by Mueller’s “speaking indictments”, some of which was very surprising and not previously known.
"I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't 'LLR's' assigned to this blog to smear Trump"--it's anything goes again?
it's an incredible piece of work, like a rosetta stone, unlocking not just the present narratives, but future ones,
"...then Drago's constant references to LLRs need to be slapped down."
Totally dis agree. Drago's constant references are simply a gentle teasing between long time internet friends. PecanPie LLR is both flattered and amused by the attention.
I guarantee it.
More importantly, everybody should refrain from getting too excited about the failure of the witch hunt. I expect the report will have some idiocy in it that enemies of the greatest President (so far) will latch on to and harangue us normals with daily.
he didn't have the whole story but most of it,
Thanks narc, Yancy, and Drago.
It's interesting to me that nobody approached Trump with this dossier. It was all behind his back! IF it had been true, you think they maybe would have tried to force Trump into dropping out before he was elected.
Drago said...
Perhaps we should simply outlaw any references to distinct interest groups.
The stated prohibition was against going after particular individuals.
I assume both the Professor and Meade are aware that your references to LLRs are an intentional attack on a specific individual.
Chuck said...Being an “anti- Putin party” is one of the rare socially-redeeming qualities of American Democrats.
How naive would someone have to be to believe that? The part of "more flexibility" is anti-Putin--really? Maybe it'd be more accurate to view their stance as one of convenience, buddy. Maybe it'd help to remember the truly comical lengths the Obama administration--with the support of Democrats--went to NOT confront Putin over all sorts of very bad behavior...because to do so might endanger the precious Iran deal.
But yeah, no, you go right ahead and give the Democrats credit for some principled anti-Putin stance--that's exactly the kind of credulous judgement smart LifeLongRepublicans usually display.
"Emerges" is stupid. Most of us have known about this for a while now.
It's why the caterwauling about Trump Jr.'s meeting at the Trump Hotel was so very worthy of ridicule. I can remember John Podhoretz thundering that "you just don't take that meeting, it's impossible to believe anyone would take a meeting to get dirt on an opponent from a source that might be involved with another country." But we knew, at the time, that a consultant for the DNC worked directly with Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on Trump campaign associates and briefed the DNC and Clinton campaign multiple times. When Mantafort resigned from the campaign it was largely because of bad press from information found and spread around by those very people--found with assistance from/collusion with a foreign government! My quip at the time was that apparently the difference between Trump Jr's "unthinkable, unbelievable" actions and those of the Clinton campaign was the number of law firms used as cut outs--Trump Jr. went himself and that was immoral but if he had sent a law firm or operative working for the RNC it would have been A-OK. Which, you know, is ridiculous.
Here, read this article from January 2017 for goodness sake:"Politico - Ukrainin Efforts to Sabotage Trump Backfire
Manafort’s work for Yanukovych caught the attention of a veteran Democratic operative named Alexandra Chalupa, who had worked in the White House Office of Public Liaison during the Clinton administration. Chalupa went on to work as a staffer, then as a consultant, for Democratic National Committee. The DNC paid her $412,000 from 2004 to June 2016, according to Federal Election Commission records, though she also was paid by other clients during that time, including Democratic campaigns and the DNC’s arm for engaging expatriate Democrats around the world.
Chalupa said the embassy also worked directly with reporters researching Trump, Manafort and Russia to point them in the right directions. She added, though, “they were being very protective and not speaking to the press as much as they should have. I think they were being careful because their situation was that they had to be very, very careful because they could not pick sides. It’s a political issue, and they didn’t want to get involved politically because they couldn’t.”
But Andrii Telizhenko, who worked as a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy under Shulyar, said she instructed him to help Chalupa research connections between Trump, Manafort and Russia. “Oksana said that if I had any information, or knew other people who did, then I should contact Chalupa,” recalled Telizhenko, who is now a political consultant in Kiev. “They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa,” he said, adding “Oksana was keeping it all quiet,” but “the embassy worked very closely with” Chalupa.
None of this has been a secret--it's just that most of the Media didn't care to push the story.
Now we should all remember, though, that Mantafort did a ton of work on behalf of at least 3 Ukrainian big wigs...there was some speculation a while ago that Mueller would pivot from finding no evidence of Russian collusion to prosecuting Ukrainian collusion, still against Trump! Mantafort was working for pro-Russian Ukrainians, you see. I guess SDNY might still be investigating Mantafort for that but Mueller seems to have decided against it. Fun times.
“I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't 'LLR's' assigned to this blog to smear Trump"--it's anything goes again?”
I was asking myself the same question.
“Left Bank of the Charles: "Shouldn’t that be, “There was allegedly no collusion.
Thats certainly how the Soviets/Maoists would term it.”
he stayed out mostly for 30 years, his first trial balloon was with art of the deal, then the other book in 99, trusting that people would do the right thing,
It is in fact an extremely interesting topic of general conversation how Trump's election has exposed policy alignment between supposed LLR's at historically marketed "conservative" outlets (like The Bulwark, The now defunct Weekly Standard, a significant portion of National Review, etc) and the left/liberals/democrats.
These entities spend the entirety of their time deflecting for democrats and attacking actual conservatives and policies those LLR's pretended to support for decades.
This is indicative of a significant political realignment occuring in the nation at large, but if you insist that it must be a taboo topic on Althouseblog, one wonders where the sanitizing of the discussion will end.
What happened to that report?
It's also fascinating that those who have screamed the most about the hoax collusion between Trump and the russians (which never happened) have nothing to say at all about the now exposed collusion between the left/LLR's (sorry IIB, it's true whether you like it or not)/dems and foreign govts to set up and throw an election to the dems.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
I'm still undecided about the new comment moderation, but if the point is to end the back-and-forth of commenters attacking each other, fine. But if that is the point, then Drago's constant references to LLRs need to be slapped down.
I don't like the back and forth, but saying you will not allow it, while letting one side continue, is worse.
3/21/19, 12:19 PM
You're nobler than he deserves. Our special case aside, one often sees on comment sections those who are clearly provocateurs of one sort or another. The phenomenon is noteworthy and not admirable. I think the question may reasonably be mooted here.
"It's why the caterwauling about Trump Jr.'s meeting at the Trump Hotel was so very worthy of ridicule. I can remember John Podhoretz thundering that "you just don't take that meeting, it's impossible to believe anyone would take a meeting to get dirt on an opponent from a source that might be involved with another country." But we knew, at the time, that a consultant for the DNC worked directly with Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on Trump campaign associates and briefed the DNC and Clinton campaign multiple times."
Podhoretz is another of the "LLR/NeverTrumpers" advances moronic left-wing talking points of whom we are not supposed to speak.
And whatever you do, DO NOT mention that he is a "LLR" who suddenly ain't so republican-y.
Why, someone at Althouseblog might take it personally and we must maintain LLR safe spaces from which attacks can be launched out but no incoming fire can be directed toward.
Assuming some folks had their way....
Collusion fades = fake news
There is yet one question to answer authoritatively and conclusively:
Just how many specific foreign nationals (and specific foreign governments) did the Hillary campaign collude with (including the already established Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Australia) to hack the US election and then later, to delegitimize a duly elected President and attempt a coup?
Blogger MayBee said...
Thanks narc, Yancy, and Drago.
It's interesting to me that nobody approached Trump with this dossier. It was all behind his back! IF it had been true, you think they maybe would have tried to force Trump into dropping out before he was elected.
3/21/19, 12:56 PM
What, so Jeb Bush could be somehow parachuted in? He'd look pretty good at that point. Maybe beat HRC. No, forcing Candidate Trump out of the race before he became Nominee Trump was quite beside the point. Force Nominee Trump out and...what procedure is there to replace him if any? Chaos. D landslide and the fall of the long dark night. End of the Republic.
How can it be said that allegations of collusion have faded when POTUS brings them up at every opportunity?
The Mueller investigation has proven itself to be very solidly not leaky.
You say that now, but for two years you have cut and pasted stories about "Mueller has this" and "Mueller has that" salivating at the thought of Trump in jeopardy due to the Mueller Report's forthcoming indictments. Yet never before have you included the "but Mueller of course did not leak this" caveat in print.
Is the phrase in italics above your personal opinion? Or do you have a citation for this non-leaking description of the Special Counsel?
"Left Bank of the Charles: "Shouldn’t that be, “There was allegedly no collusion.”' That's certainly how the Soviets/Maoists would term it. In the US we actually require those making the assertion to prove it."
It has been proved that Paul Manafort and Rick Gates colluded with Russia and its friends in Ukraine before the election and that Michael Flynn colluded with Russia after the election. It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election and has been credibly alleged that Donald Trump, Jr. attempted to collude with Russia during the election (betting line is 38% chance of indictment). We'll see what the Roger Stone prosecution proves, perhaps it will only be that he colluded with WikiLeaks which had previously colluded with Russia (admittedly that would be 3 degrees of collusion from Donald Trump).
There is a concept in calculus of mathematical limits, which I would apply here as the limit of collusion with Russia of the Trump campaign, as the increasing number of people associated with the Trump campaign are convicted, is yes.
But other than that, I take your point. The facetiousness of my original comment might have been more obviously stated.
Deflection to Hillary is the subconscious reaction to guilt
What, so Jeb Bush could be somehow parachuted in? He'd look pretty good at that point. Maybe beat HRC.
Low energy Jeb couldn't beat his own schlong.
Manaforts attorney claims no collusion is pardon bat signal to the Trump
"Collusion fades = fake news"
Quite so, now that we have clear evidence of the Hillary campaign colluding with Ukraine as well as with the Russians, the Brits and Australian diplomats.
About time I'd say.
Oh, about that hoax russian/trump collusion?
Yeah, that's completely exposed as fake.
That li'l hoax democrat/lefty dossier certainly did get around though, didn't it?
You don't REALLY expect The Hill to be truthful, do you?
They really thought they could replace him with one of their candidates Christie maybe kasich?
Ignorance Is Bliss at 12:19 PM
Drago's constant references to LLRs need to be slapped down
I too am surprised that this is being allowed.
(I like Drago's comments except for his digs at Chuck.)
Let Drago be Drago!
"It's interesting to me that nobody approached Trump with this dossier. It was all behind his back!"
Most frame-jobs are.
"Force Nominee Trump out and...what procedure is there to replace him if any? Chaos. D landslide and the fall of the long dark night. End of the Republic."
And force Trump out by having the entirety of the republican party rise up against him...which was attempted (see Paul Ryan)....which was the point in using McCain as one path of Dem oppo research laundering.
Not that McCain would ever refuse to perform such a task to undermine a republican. Heck, you just know that he'd be happy to volunteer.
DO NOT mention that he is a "LLR" who suddenly ain't so republican-y.
I just call them "Bulwark readers."
"(I like Drago's comments except for his digs at Chuck.)"
My commentary on the LLR's goes well beyond Chuck, a fact that is seemingly overlooked.
The LLR-stable includes actual self-proclaimed LLR's who have gone openly over to the dem side, LLR's who have not officially gone over the the dem side but simply take the side of the dems on every point, and those unknown "LLR's" who appear on websites everywhere espousing the positions of the dems and for whom there is now documented evidence that some were actually paid by leftists to create online LLR persona's to advance the democrats policies and narratives.
The left and others seem to believe that derogatory references to those on the right or Trump supports is all well and good but any attempt to push back against those categories of individuals or groups by Trump supporters is somehow illegitimate.
I find this position to be quite strange and the topic impossible to avoid given where we as a nation are and where we are going.
But one thing we do know conclusively, a large swath of the LLR's publicly known have fully aligned with the left/dems in order to get actual conservatives deplatformed and there are clear efforts online to get lefty/LLR speech placed in "rhetorical protective custody".
I'm hoping Althouse and Meade do not succumb to such entreaties of dishonest parties who simply seek to create another Trump-bash-only zone.
"Manaforts attorney claims no collusion is pardon bat signal to the Trump"
Nope. Not a chance.
"It has been proved that Paul Manafort and Rick Gates colluded with Russia and its friends in Ukraine before the election and that Michael Flynn colluded with Russia after the election. It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election and has been credibly alleged that Donald Trump, Jr. attempted to collude with Russia during the election (betting line is 38% chance of indictment). We'll see what the Roger Stone prosecution proves, perhaps it will only be that he colluded with WikiLeaks which had previously colluded with Russia (admittedly that would be 3 degrees of collusion from Donald Trump).."
You can't fix this kind of non-thinking, but it should be noted that LB is probably at the "top" of the lefty collusion crew thinktankers.....
I think the use of "fade" is a projection of hope that the real collusion (Hillary campaign colluding with CNN, FusionGPS, a UK spy, and Russia) does fade from people's memory.
There aren't enough bulwark readers to matter. It's like culture 11, that other niche product.
Left Bank of the Charles at 1:31 PM
It has been proved that Paul Manafort and Rick Gates colluded with Russia and its friends in Ukraine before the election and that Michael Flynn colluded with Russia after the election. It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election and has been credibly alleged that Donald Trump, Jr. attempted to collude with Russia during the election
You seem to use an extremely elastic definition of the word collude.
Mr. Majestyk
Let Drago be Drago!
I laughed out loud at that.
I sincerely hope the collusion narrative is true because if it isn't, that means there was a coordinated attempt to unseat a legitimately elected president. If that is the case, I expect another investigation to identify and punish all those involved. Especially if it involves high level FBI, CIA or Obama administration officials. Those responsible must be held accountable. This kind of tactic can not be allowed to be used again.
Yeah, investigations always proceed with the cops showing their cards to the perp.
Drago at 2:06 PM
My commentary on the LLR's goes well beyond Chuck, a fact that is seemingly overlooked.
Every regular here understands that your expression LLR refers to Chuck.
When the moderation was proposed and initiated, I expressed my opposition several times. One reason is that I foresaw that the moderation would be a farce.
I hoped we would see the end of the "LLR" references here, but the continuation of your gratuitous "LLR" references just displays the farce.
Drago, you are a good commenter. You would be a better commenter is you would stop obsessing about "LLR" in practically every one of your many comments.
“I'm hoping Althouse and Meade do not succumb to such entreaties of dishonest parties who simply seek to create another Trump-bash-only zone.”
I don’t think there is any possibility of a “Trump-bash-only zone” here at Althouse. I’d say that any such fears (if they truly exist) are disingenuous and a way to manipulate the moderators who hopefully can see through such a ruse. If the rest of us are held to the new standard and certain other commenters abuse the standards and get away with it, it would set up a very stilted commenting experience when attempting to defend oneself from abusive allegations. Or one is put in the position of not being able to defend oneself at all. If no abuse is allowed, no one will be put in the position of defending oneself.
readering said...
How can it be said that allegations of collusion have faded when POTUS brings them up at every opportunity?
Trump is just a bad republican.
The democrats have been caught red handed trying to pull a coup with their foreign allies and Trump wont let everyone forget it.
The good uniparty republicans all agree with the democrats. Trump is a bad republican.
It is time for consequences.
Blogger Howard said...
Collusion fades = fake news
Well Georgia Sam he had a bloody nose
Welfare Department they wouldn't give him no clothes
He asked poor Howard where can I go
Howard said there's only one place I know
Sam said tell me quick man I got to run
Ol' Howard just pointed with his gun
And said that way down on Highway 61
I give up, hope this finally gets it out of my system.
Mike Sylwester said...
Ignorance Is Bliss at 12:19 PM
Drago's constant references to LLRs need to be slapped down
I too am surprised that this is being allowed.
(I like Drago's comments except for his digs at Chuck.)
You guys are being whiners. LLR goes far beyond Chuck.
It perfectly describes a small group of people who were foisted on Republican voters by the globalists. Politicians like Romney, McCain, Bush, Bush, Bush, Ryan. "Journalists" like French, Brooks, Will, Cupp Kristol.
They hate the republican voters they have been lying to for decades.
No more stupid endless wars. No more "free" trade. No more open borders.
These people are worse than the socialists trying to destroy the country. Socialists are enemies. LLR's are traitors.
If a tape surfaced of Trump telling a Russian official that he'd have more flexibility after the election, wouldn't that be considered proof of collusion?
Asking for a former Pres... I mean, asking for a friend.
Mike Sylwester said...
Drago, you are a good commenter. You would be a better commenter is you would stop obsessing about "LLR" in practically every one of your many comments.
I agree with Mike Drago.
Refer to them as he "cuck wing of the uniparty" instead. Thus it is more impplicitly inclusive.
"LLR" triggers people and they need their safe spaces.
Mike: "You would be a better commenter is you would stop obsessing about "LLR" in practically every one of your many comments."
The left/LLR political alliance/realignment is the single most important factor governing republican politics today in both party operations and strategy as well as media.
The LLR's are not quite the left/libs/dems and therefore represent a socially important (as opposed to raw numbers) component to the forces arrayed against Trump and the resurgent actual policy-based conservatives.
To deny this is to deny reality.
No different than when LLR Chuck offers up absurd "analyses" of all Trump voters.
Again, the fact that LLR Chuck is simply one of many LLR's who fit the descriptions offered above, does not make him the immediate standin for all LLR's.
That title more rightly belongs to the Weekly Standard crew and those "conservatives" that have gone completely off the rails.
So, unless directed by meade, when I list the coalition of groups that are arrayed against Trump I will continue to use the completely appropriate and undeniably correct formulation of Left/libs/dems/LLR's.
Because it's true.
And we haven't quite banned truth in the US........yet.
LB show me where it was proved Flynn “colluded with Russia” please.
"cuck wing of the uniparty" = LLR
I'll run out of hyphens!
Mike said...
LB show me where it was proved Flynn “colluded with Russia” please.
3/21/19, 2:54 PM
People don't seem to understand what an extraordinary claim it was and is to suggest that a general officer of the United States Army would "collude with Russia" in any meaningful, problematic way, as opposed to normal transition smoothing stuff and establishing communications, IOW doing his job.
If Democrats seriously believe the Russians are so good at throwing elections, shouldn't they be clamoring to investigate the 2012 and 2008 elections? Why make they assumption they just became good at collusion in 2016?
Left Bank of the Charles said...
It has been proved that Paul Manafort and Rick Gates colluded with Russia and its friends in Ukraine before the election and that Michael Flynn colluded with Russia after the election.
So was Robert Mueller.
So were all the Podestas who Manafort was working for when these "crimes" were committed.
Why are Mueller and Podesta not going to Jail? By your definition they colluded also.
Hillary took millions from Russia. She obviously colluded too.
Do you even have the foggiest idea what the fuck you are talking about?
It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election
It takes people this stupid to have democrat voters.
and has been credibly alleged that Donald Trump, Jr. attempted to collude with Russia during the election (betting line is 38% chance of indictment).
I am going to love it when they do discovery and the FBI has to talk about the 6 known spies they put in the Trump campaign to entrap people like Papadopoulos.
We'll see what the Roger Stone prosecution proves, perhaps it will only be that he colluded with WikiLeaks which had previously colluded with Russia (admittedly that would be 3 degrees of collusion from Donald Trump).
This person knows Hillary and Bill took direct publicly acknowledged cash payments from Russia and delivered specific policies for them.
You cannot underestimate the stupidity and hypocrisy of leftists.
The democrats have been caught red handed trying to pull a coup with their foreign allies and Trump wont let everyone forget it.
The good uniparty republicans all agree with the democrats. Trump is a bad republican.
It is time for consequences.
Yeah, if only. Consequences for bad actors against Trump seem to be money laundering book deals, go fund me's and high paying television commentary jobs.
like dr. Stephen hatfill, (that was when mueller allowed himself to be influenced by Kristof, who in turn was following the crazy theories of susan hatch Rosenberg and meryl nass)then you have the two aipac exec, who were relaying info about terrorists to Israel, that case was squashed, then the Enron task force, which vaporized Arthur Anderson, accept for Accenture, that Nellie ohr would end up working for, and the portion that hsbc swallowed up, of course we could go back to boston, where bulger's men were allowed to run rampant, but that was more the decision of future governor and libertarian party running mate, William weld, about midway we can examine why bcci investigation was shuttered, perhaps the Saudi and emirate players were deemed untouchable,
An even more important aspect to the LLR/NeverTrump + dems realignment is how the LLR's, though miniscule in number and having lost all ability to influence any subset of republican voters, are now massively over-represented in media.
And those media positions are being provided by leftists seeking to leverage the now-full-on-lefty positions of these former "LLR's" in attacking a sitting republican President that honest conservatives have accurately characterized as the most conservative administration in the last 60 years.
If that ain't worth jawing about, what is?
Nothing will be left except for Howard giving us the daily In-shell price per pound of lobster in Boston.
Drago said...
"cuck wing of the uniparty" = LLR
I'll run out of hyphens!
I know cuck is shorter.
But they complain about cuck too. It triggers people.
Traitor includes a wide range of people and is not specific and descriptive enough.
You are right.
LLR is the best term to describe these people.
It is specific and everyone knows what you mean.
The whiners will whine about anything we call them.
Maybe we can turn McCain or Romney or Bush into a sufficiently inclusive pejorative at some point.
I just call them "Bulwark readers."
That narrows it down to a pretty small group.
What LB means is that it has been proven to the satisfaction of the DailyKos.
"People don't seem to understand what an extraordinary claim it was and is to suggest that a general officer of the United States Army would "collude with Russia"..."
There were several on the left who even now STILL call the highly decorated Marine Corps General a literal "traitor".
By the way, in a blow to the left AND LLR's, the last ISIS stronghold has fallen.
This is notable because the entirety of the LLR/dem/establishment crew said following Trumps policies could never yield such a result.
The question is, Drago, who are you trying to convince? Do you imagine that there are readers here who don’t know your opinion of those whom I won’t name?
LOL, “Whom are you trying to convince” just sounds stupid, BTW.
certainly the last administration could be said to have been colluding with Russia, looking the other way, when it came to Smolensk, the missile interceptors, supplying assad's forces as a proxy, looking the other way with the Ukrainian invasion in the east, only offering food rations and #hashtags, there were some nominal sanctions after they shot down a passenger plane, but no diplomatic png's till a year later,
Achilles at 2:44 PM
LLR goes far beyond Chuck.
In the entire world, the expression "LLR" is used and understood only on this one blog. Every regular here understands that the expression refers to Chuck.
The reference in comments here is usually gratuitous, which is defined as uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted. The reference is used mainly to pick on Chuck, and it annoys more people here than just me.
If this blog has to be moderated, than why does this "LLR" have to be allowed?
Show me some other place on the entire Internet where this expression is used and understood. The expression is unique to this blog alone.
Use some other expression without the personal insinuation that "LLR" has on this blog.
this is the regional proxy:
“It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election”
“It takes people this stupid to have democrat voters.”- Achilles
So personal insults are now being allowed again?
Michael Flynn colluded with Russia after the election
Colluded with Russia after the election? How is this even possible?
Did he show up with a nice, shiny Reset Button? Something else?
If Trump had been a conspirator with Russia or a Russian agent and Mueller took this long to inform the country, Mueller should be shot at sunrise.
The truth seems to be or is that the FBI, DOJ, and others engaged in the most heinous scandal in American history and greatest threat to civil rights ever seen.
Will anything happen to them? That will answer the question of the reach of the Deep State.
"Just how many specific foreign nationals (and specific foreign governments) did the Hillary campaign collude with"
I would love to see a FOIA production related to speeches foreign politicians made against Trump's election, and their relationship to Obama's Brexit speech.
"So personal insults are now being allowed again? "
How should we address lefties out and out lying about hoax traitorous activities pushed by the left?
And lefties/LLR's wonder (snort) why Trump refuses to give up twitter.
“The truth seems to be or is that the FBI, DOJ, and others engaged in the most heinous scandal in American history and greatest threat to civil rights ever seen.”
The truth to some people looks like conspiracy theory to others.
Did John Podesta collude with the Russians? Why did they give him millions of dollars worth of stock in a company run by Putin cronies? The media doesn't want to know.
Mike Sylvester: "In the entire world, the expression "LLR" is used and understood only on this one blog."
This is demonstrably false.
"Nonpartisan Unbiased Lifelong Republican Reverend Jim Comey: We Have Use "Every Breath We Have" To Push Trump Out of Office"
MS: "Use some other expression without the personal insinuation that "LLR" has on this blog."
Your premise is flawed.
Therefore your recommended corrective action is also flawed....and rejected.
"Lifelong Republican and Trusted Adviser to Jesus Christ Almighty James Comey Has Some Wisdom He Must Share With You Now"
"Leon Wolf: NAY ... a lifelong Republican, the party is dead and he won't vote for Trump:"
"Why A Lifelong Conservative Left the GOP"
“It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election”
“It takes people this stupid to have democrat voters.”- Achilles
So personal insults are now being allowed again?
Observations are not insults. Papadopoulos was not charged with colluding with Russia. That means evidence was non-existent.
Conclusion? Too stupid to breath. Or, a not very effective troll. Deserving of such a response.
If you don't want to be called out for being stupid, don't post stupid stuff.
(stop tattling to the recess monitor. geeesh)
"Peter Wehner, a top adviser to George W. Bush, wrote, “Mr. Trump is precisely the kind of man our system of government was designed to avoid, the type of leader our founders feared...... For this lifelong Republican, at least, he is beyond the pale."
"Other NeverTrumpers keep hope alive for impeachment. Max Boot, of the Council on Foreign Relations, worries that Republicans might maintain control of the House in November's elections, which would lower the chances of impeachment to nearly zero. So Boot, a lifelong Republican, is pulling for Democrats."
Oct 2016
"“The race is over”
Wisconsin Republicans poised to reject Donald Trump again"
"Lim, a lifelong Republican who has spent much of her life promoting conservative causes, is co-founder of the volunteer group Republican Women for Hillary. "
"Why Wisconsin hasn't warmed to Donald Trump"
"Among those backing Cruz is Tim Felski, a 52-year-old bus driver, who concedes that, on paper at least, he fits the bill for what one might expect in a Trump supporter -- white, middle-aged, middle-income and a lifelong Republican."
Mike Syl, I understand your point but I think I am agreeing the term LLR is being used in the context of a conspiracy of left leaning Republicans who indeed are life-long, with Left wingers against our republican form of government. This is such a serious thing. Your yourself have done some truly amazing work on this matter. The term "LLR" might have been personalized but it is now a useful denominator for this conspiracy discussion. It might be unique to this blog. But this blog is pretty unique in itself.
As long as it is used not as an insult but as a proxy for the conspiracy to unseat unlawfully, a President and our republican form of government, I can tolerate its use.
In every case, the term LLR/"lifelong republican" is ROUTINELY used throughout media and the actual LLR/NeverTrumpers themselves to describe those who are republican's/conservatives who do not support Trump or attack him continuously.
Further, LLR Chuck proudly proclaimed himself a LLR on this very blog.
So, if I am to understand the point of Mike Sylvester and others, I should cease describing LLR's precisely as they have described themselves (proudly I would add) AND not draw attention or speak to can certainly not properly label an entire political movement that is at the forefront of republican party politics.
After careful consideration of this suggestion, my response is as follows: "Nuts".
The truth seems to be or is that the FBI, DOJ, and others engaged in the most heinous scandal in American history and greatest threat to civil rights ever seen.
Will anything happen to them? That will answer the question of the reach of the Deep State.
Nope. Nothing has happened to them, nothing will happen to them. And, Crazy dems, libs and goofy commenters will cite that as proof that there were no crimes committed.
It has been proven that Obama colluded with Russia. We got him on open mic engaging in it, for God's sake. Live!
I'd love to hear the lefty rationale for why that's okay. I've never met a lefty with the balls to address that question.
Russian collusion cannot fade.
The media cannot get Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville straight when they have video, audio, and transcripts to reference.
Imagine what they’ll do with innuendo and suspicions.
Hey marko, you heard about daddy's passing as well as pagar and frau's the last happened two months ago,
Well, that implies the allegations will ever fade.
Fake, but accurate, until the end of time.
Mark Wauck zeroes in on the big shoe that is likely to drop at some point- most likely in the Mueller report itself if Mueller's investigators have any skill whatsoever, or at least the common sense to cover their fucking asses.
The Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016 increasingly appears to have been an anti-Trump operation run by Glenn Simpson and his Ukrainian friends. Note that it has long been public knowledge that Simpson met with Veselnitskaya the day before and the day after the meeting, but with the leaks of the House interrogations, the connecting the dots between the various actors is getting easier to do. Nellie Ohr's testimony is going to be released soon, too.
I propose that the LLR term be permanently retired, and replaced by "Pecan Pie Detective". Hat tip to Fullmoon, above.
As allegations of Russia collusion fades.
Grammar note: "As allegations of Russia collusion fade" would be in proper English.
Specifically collusion with Kiev, or rather post-coup Kiev, where there were debts to be paid.
nga...Allie Oop said...
“It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election”
“It takes people this stupid to have democrat voters.”- Achilles
So personal insults are now being allowed again?
You do not notice the difference between a personal insult and a statement of fact.
Any intelligent person who knows even the baseline amount of information about what happened in the Papadopoulos knows that there was no collusion proved anywhere in that case.
So it is obvious that the assertion and anyone who believes it is stupid.
You can choose evil if you want.
"Inga...Allie Oop said...
“It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election”
“It takes people this stupid to have democrat voters.”- Achilles
So personal insults are now being allowed again? "
Is it a personal insult, though? The Democratic Party has clearly wandered off into a place of persistent self-delusion (what price cow farts?). It's not even debatable anymore. There are so many instances in history where large groups of people take on bizarre beliefs. Occam's Razor suggests stupidity. It's a fair assumption.
Oh gosh:
I should add that I am a big fan of Mike Sylvester's posts, and I don't care what the LLR-Pecan-Pie-Detectives think about it!
Still trying to get to the center of the rootsy roll:
"After careful consideration of this suggestion, my response is as follows: "Nuts"."
Nice Battling Bastards of Bastogne reference!
Or is that a personal insult?
“It has been proved that George Papadopoulos colluded with Russia during the election”
The guy got 2 weeks.
“You do not notice the difference between a personal insult and a statement of fact.”
It would take a stupid and dishonest person to not recognize the personal insult embedded in a general statement of the supposed stupidity of a group of people. Two can play this game which apparently is making it past the moderators. Too bad, I was hoping this new commenting system was not going to prove to be a farce.
I do wonder why a matter of fact post like the one at 5:14 took two hours to clear.
Mcguirk was not helpful, in this endeavour:
I agree with etbass's comment at 4:45. LLR is being used to describe a group of people, of whom LLR Chuck is one.
I was reminded of facets of the Italian deep state when I saw a series about Aldo moros last days, under brigatte captivity. Noe the demands that they made could not be reasonably entertained however one saw how certain officials in the security services stalled in the ties re the via gradoli safehouse.
Years later one discover that certain officials in the security services had ties to a secret society called p2, along with a certain italian literature professor and freelance stringer for Newsweek. Michael ledeen. It was the formers intercession that a story about Billy carters deals with Libya came to light, base
Now that may have been in ths big scheme of things a secret cooperation with the security services but it helped garner him an assistantship to secretary of state for counterterrorism specially regarding the brigatte.
"Two can play this game which apparently is making it past the moderators."
Oh, you are too clever for Althouse and Meade!
They never had a chance, did they?
Now shortly after this post opened up he had to step down because of this organization's membership was revealed. This point would be brought up years later in sid vicious wild goose chase lawsuit against drudge.
Now a short time later, this professor was involved in one of the controversial back channels involving certain fmr Iranian officials that became Iran contra.
Now I see the matter with page and papadopoulos in a similar light, they had second and third hand contacts with other service officials like mifsud and halper.
I propose that the LLR term be permanently retired, and replaced by "Pecan Pie Detective". Hat tip to Fullmoon, above.
I like "Bulwark reader."
“The truth seems to be or is that the FBI, DOJ, and others engaged in the most heinous scandal in American history and greatest threat to civil rights ever seen.”
The truth to some people looks like conspiracy theory to others
We've played this game before.
We have testimony from Page, and Strozk, Baker, McCabe, etal. We know the involvement of the FBI, DOJ,CIA, and the State Dept. We know the Ambassador to the United Nations was unmasking US citizens that Intelligence officers determined did nothing to warrant a second look. All of these Executive Branch agencies under the direction of President Obama, were involved in a scheme to overturn an election, and the peaceful transition of power that has gone off without a hitch since George Washington left office. This evidence exists in the form of sworn testimony.
The Mueller probe? Not a soul has yet to offer up even a tiny bit of suspicion that would be enough to launch a Special Counsel counter intelligence investigation. I've asked dozens of times. No one has ever offered up one bit of evidence.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“You do not notice the difference between a personal insult and a statement of fact.”
It would take a stupid and dishonest person to not recognize the personal insult embedded in a general statement of the supposed stupidity of a group of people. Two can play this game which apparently is making it past the moderators. Too bad, I was hoping this new commenting system was not going to prove to be a farce.
There was no collusion even alleged in the Papadopolous case.
They didn't even have enough evidence to place a charge. It isn't even a crime anyway. You people are making up crimes to investigate Trump with.
I made a statement clearly supported by facts. You hate the facts. The facts make you and all your other democrat friends look stupid.
I could care less if you people call me stupid. I wont whine to Althouse at all. Go for it.
You people ran Hillary Clinton for president. She took 145 million dollars from Russia and delivered specific policy advancements while she was in office.
After she lost her campaign and the democrat party made up a charge of "collusion" against Trump and started a 2 year investigation into something that isn't even a crime.
Anyone who supports that is stupid.
With 2 oo's.
There are 65 million stupid people out there.
Substitute evil if you want. That is your only choice.
Well there is another layer to this, the current Russian regime identifies with czarism but also a dollop of anti fascism and the current Ukrainian one had some fixation with certain nationalist figures that flirted with that other current
MS: "Well, that implies the allegations will ever fade.
Fake, but accurate, until the end of time."
As you know, there is a large percentage of democrats/lefties who still believe:
1) Nixon okayed the use of nerve gas in Vietnam ("Tailwind")
2) Reagan colluded with the Ayatollah to hold Americans hostage longer to hurt Carter
3) GW Bush purposely colluded with the Bin Laden family to allow the destruction of the Twin towers
4) That the Twin Towers were brought down by charges placed their by US personnel under the command of Bush
5) That Bush purposely allowed New Orleans to be flooded in order to destroy a "chocolate" city
and on and on and on and on.....
The russia/trump collusion lie will live forever amongst the left and the few of their LLR henchpersons who have lost all self-respect and now simply await at the feet of their lefty masters to feed them their next talking point and paycheck.
I’m checking in late and see no support was ever proffered for the assertions of “collusion” early today. Zip. Zero. Nada. As expected.
"I’m checking in late and see no support was ever proffered for the assertions of “collusion” early today. Zip. Zero. Nada. As expected."
"Nobody knows what Mueller knows."©2018
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