February 2, 2019

Writing about Gov. Northam this morning, I went looking for the old Ted Danson blackface routine (the one Whoopi Goldberg dared him to do)...

... and I found this parody by Howard Stern. How can Stern survive when that's on YouTube?

Man, he commits to the mocking racism with over-the-top racism. Interesting to see Sherman Hemsley (AKA George Jefferson) in the role of Whoopi Goldberg.

And what about Joni Mitchell? And Tom Hanks? And Sarah Silverman?

I couldn't find video of the old Ted Danson effort, but here's an article with a still photo.

ADDED: Further research suggests that there was never any videotape of Danson's performance — a Friar's Club roast of Whoopi Goldberg.  Roger Ebert was there and he wrote:
A blocklong dais featured more than 100 celebrities who sat stoneface through the monologue, including such prominent African Americans as New York Mayor David Dinkins, performers Halle Berry, Vanessa Williams, Anita Baker, RuPaul and Mr. T, and boxers Michael Spinks and Sugar Ray Leonard. A closed-circuit camera showed them looking embarrassed and uncomfortable....

Friar's roasts, which are never taped for telecast, are traditionally raucous and obscene. But the specter of a white man in blackface repeatedly using the [n-word] and other strongly coded words seemed to cross a line that was sensed by most of the people in the room. The event demonstrated that the painful history of black-white relations in America is still too sensitive to be joked about crudely. Goldberg, whose real name is Caren Johnson, has used her entire career to try to break down racial stereotyping, and in encouraging Danson's approach she may have thought it would play as satire. But, as stand-up comics say when their material isn't working, he was dying up there....

Goldberg, seated next to Danson, laughed and smiled at the material. Speaking last, she defended her friend: "Let's get these words all out in the open. It took a whole lot of courage to come out in blackface in front of 3,000 people. I don't care if you didn't like it. I did."...

Black model Beverly Johnson also defended Danson's performance: "If you can't see the humor at a place where there's supposed to be over-the-line jokes, then there's something really wrong."
AND: Here's the Wikipedia list of celebrities who've done blackface. Would those who want to exile Gov. Northam agree that all of these people should be shunned retrospectively (even the dead ones)? Fred Armisen, Fred Astaire, Dan Aykroyd, Jack Benny, Fanny Brice, George Burns, Johnny Carson, Joan Crawford, Billy Crystal, Robert Downey Jr., Judy Garland, Alec Guinness, Rex Harrison, Jimmy Kimmel, Dean Martin, The Marx Brothers, The Lone Ranger, Carroll O'Connor, Frank Sinatra, Red Skelton, Grace Slick, The Three Stooges, Elizabeth Taylor, Shirley Temple, John Wayne, Gene Wilder.

Soon, you'll attain the stability you strive for/In the only way that it's granted/In a place among the fossils of our time...

Life is change/How it differs from the rocks....


David Begley said...

Crucify them. All of them. They are all liberals.

Leland said...

I would say Howard Stern has done many depraved things on tv, radio, and the internet. If Stern was running for Governor of any state; I don't think he would win. The word survival here is in a political context.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"Whoopi goldberg on a dare" + Howard Stern = funny!!!

Gov who beat opponent on charges of racism shows up in blackface = that's not funny!!!

Actually it's still kinda funny...what with the schadenfreude and all.

I really hate these race-pimping asshats can you tell yet?

rhhardin said...

In Gray face, only one part of your expression changes at a time.

Shouting Thomas said...

That was the funniest shit I've seen in years.

chuck said...

Out: Black is good. In: Black is bad.

Kevin said...

Noted film critic Roger Ebert covered the event, opening his October 10th column with:

“It’s a tradition of the celebrity roasts at the Friar’s Club that everything goes – that no joke is in such bad taste that it cannot be told. Friday, that tradition may have ended, as a roast for Whoopi Goldberg turned into such a tasteless display that some audience members hid their faces in their hands, and others left.”

The beginning of that’s not funny.

mccullough said...

Dressing in drag or blackface never seemed funny. I remember this Ted Danson-Whoooi kerfufgle at that time and thinking it sounded stupid.

Curious George said...

Don't forget Jimmy Kimmel

Shouting Thomas said...

You just convinced me that I should be listening to Howard Stern on Sirius Radio.

Thanks, Althouse.

David Begley said...

We can’t crucify those that are deceased so they are exempt.

wendybar said...

Butttttt…….MAGA hats are a dog whistle?? Seems like there are a lot more than dog whistles on the other side!!

Limited blogger said...

Wow, Tommy Smothers was wasted.

Howard said...

Crucifix them all so that they can be reborn as our Lord's and Savior's.

Greg Hlatky said...

We can’t crucify those that are deceased so they are exempt.

The regicides of Charles I were dug up and "executed".

Bill Peschel said...

I'm so grateful nobody photographed the shit I did when I was in college, although my stupidity never included wearing a KKK hat or appearing at a party in blackface (I went as Hunter S. Thompson, though).

I remember the blackface scene with Gene Wilder. It was in Silver Streak. He was on the run from police and Richard Pryor befriends him by dressing him up in blackface and teaching how to walk like a jive mfer. Hilarious.

Silver Streak was also personally memorable for Jill Clayburgh's blowjob scene.

Quaestor said...

How can Stern survive when that's on YouTube?

A member in good standing of the Inner Party®️ Stern is automatically excepted from all the ad hoc rule-less rules which YouTube employs to enforce silence and conformity on the proles.

Bill Peschel said...

The Wilder blackface scene: https://youtu.be/JgAxvukW9dA

Guildofcannonballs said...

Some of us are too stupid to desire victory when engaging in battle.

They think to themselves "oh losing battles means we surely will win the war duh" as if that is not totally insane.

Trump and I came to kick ass and forget names.

Fernandinande said...

Entertainers are called to a higher standard, and the stain of racialtainment should have no place in the halls of Hollywood. Every entertainer should step aside so the public can heal and move forward together.


Darrell said...

Michael Jackson even did blackface at one time.

Gunner said...

Our little wokebabies would die if they had to put up with the daily microaggressions of life in 1984 (or even 1994).

Bob Boyd said...

Trump only went as far as orange face and calls for his removal never cease.

traditionalguy said...

Blackface was the way whites laughed at black men as fools and dummies. Somehow that made them seem less threatening to the suddenly equal former slave owners.But after MLK proved that many educated black men were smarter than the white segregationists, that ritual disappeared forever. This Virginian is a truly dumb white man. He proves that every time he speaks or fails to speak with a strange entitlement to silence.

Phil 314 said...

Springtime for Hitler.

rehajm said...

Fred Armisen

You mean is his portrayal of Obama or was there something else?

MBunge said...

The difference with that list of entertainers is that...

A. None of them were elected officials or professional politicians in a party that now routinely smears its opponents by calling them white nationalists.

B. None of them belonged to a party that believed middle-aged men should be crucified for what they did as teenagers:


mockturtle said...

What's with this obsession with racism? It's a modern form of the Inquisition looking for heresy in every utterance. The fact that most of these Inquisitors are white and are probably unfamiliar with POC makes it all the more ludicrous. Racial bullshit.

wendybar said...

In the early 80's, my boyfriend at the time dressed as Buckwheat, who Eddie Murphy played on SNL. It was funny, and not meant to be racist...THANK GOD there are no pictures.

MBunge said...

And, of course, the subtext of this whole thing is the dilemma facing the Democratic Party and the liberal movement. Their anti-white male sentiment and ideology is becoming too overt to reconcile with the still dominant political, economic, and cultural status white males occupy in America. Who runs and funds most liberal activist groups?


Ann Althouse said...

I'm almost positive Grace Slick thought she was fighting racism.

Howard said...

The worst was when I was dressed up as a preppy Republican frat boy for the epic Halloween riot on Del Playa. Being on shrooms completed the costume. My GF dressed up as a sorority sister: Bucko and Sissy

At the time, we didn't know cultural appropriation was wrong.

Temujin said...

It's not the same. Howard Stern made his bones- created his personage- years before we all got to be strangled by our Wokeness. He spent decades deriding every sort of person of every color, religion, sexual preference, size, shape, and fashion. He not only told the radio networks to screw themselves, but then proceeded to make Sirius Radio.

He's still on You Tube.
So is Don Rickles.
So is Lenny Bruce.

None of these are the same thing as Gov. Northam. If they were little known heads of state, and yesterday came out for pulling babies out of the womb to then decide whether or not to keep them, then proceeded today to show off old family photos wearing a blackface next to a KKK buddy....none of them would have a career. But, none of them did that.

There's a difference between comedy and laughable politicians.

Shouting Thomas said...

I think Grace Slick was playing your "women are just like niggers under Jim Crow" gambit, prof.

Remember that bullshit?

Doesn't the con game that you started playing when you were a kid ever embarrass you?

Temujin said...

Believe me- if they get rid of Northam, it won't be just because of the blackface/KKK photo. The Dems don't know what to do about his abortion stance either. They've been exposed as pretty f'ing extreme on baby killing. Kamala Harris wants abortions, but does not want images of living babies being aborted hung around her neck. The KKK photo gives them an out to remove Northam without saying anything about his abortion directive.

Oso Negro said...

Tommy Smothers also sang a song that had the line "My old man's a Negro, what do you think about that?" Different times. I have long wished that America would have gone down the path Dick Gregory discussed in his autobiography. We didn't. It should be possible to notice and enjoy the differences and love each other anyway.

Howard said...

ST: are you ever embarrassed to talk all Macho an shit when you abandoned your brothers to fight in Vietnam without you?

sdharms said...

so Ann the rules the libs make for conservatives is not applicable to dems because "everybody I like does it"? No evidence of Kavanaugh misdeeds, just accusations, and he is dragged thru the mud. Virginia recently had the Charlottesville incident, Northam accuses Gillespie the Incompetent of racism, Northam wont shake a black mans hand in public, but all your movie star friends think it is ok, so Northam should be forgiven? what is it that YOU are trying to say Ann?
Yeah, let him stay in office. I think that may do more damage to the dems than if he resigns. And disaster for the dems politically is a good thing.

chillblaine said...

Jefferson Airplane? Not on my watch, Elsa. Who approved this? OK. Apologies in advance, but this thread is now pwnd. Pwnd. How, you may ask? Four little words, apologies in advance. Starts with an A and ends with an A. You guys should consider, "banding," together and getting Blaine, "banned." Etc. Who figured out the name of this Supergroup. Someone said, "Rush." NO. Not Rush.

Dancing Queen


Have we settled down, yet? I'll be back. Arrrowwwwuuuhhh. Like Arnold, I'll Be Back. Probably in one second. Did someone say my name? Chillblaine? Bueller? Ok. Made you look.

chillblaine said...


chillblaine said...


William said...

Some blacks used to work in a kind of blackface. Billie Holiday has some songs about how relaxed and easy going life is in the south. I'm sure the songs were written by someone in the Brill Building who had never been South of Brooklyn and that the songs did not reflect Billie Holiday's true feelings about life in the south. There are some recordings by Louis Armstrong and Fats Waller that extoll how happy go lucky and carefree blacks are.......: Milton Berle used to dress up as a woman. It wasn't done to make fun of women, nor even of the transgendered. Milton himself, although he didn't seem to realize it, was an actual transvestite, Rachel Dozeal didn't seem to antagonize blacks with her blackface. She wore the right kind of blackface. It's very difficult to sort out all of the nuances at this moment of time.

hildarumpole said...

I'm more interested in who was The Boob of the Month!?

chillblaine said...

the tan girl, is that overly tanned-in-winter George Costanza girlfriend from that stupid show? her glove is black, and she's overly tan. Looks weird to be so swarthy, in the middle of winter. Ok, anyway. D'ohhh. The reason her glove is black? I prefer not to say, but, it's because it was in my rectum. For like, just like one minute. I know, gross. That's just bilgewater, matey. arr

Shouting Thomas said...

Grace Slick... another great feminist hero of my era.

What does she have in common with all those great feminist heroes?

Her father was an investment banker and she grew up in the wealthy suburbs of Chicago and in Palo Alto.

But she was just like a nigger under Jim Crow. Jesus, all the fucking white rich suburban girls were feeding that shit to me back in the 60s. They wanted you to kiss their asses and tell them they were suffering just like niggers if you wanted some pussy.

I was born in a shack in the middle of the cornfields in rural Illinois.

This is the heritage of Althouse's great feminist cause. Rich women pretending they have a bitch.

Laslo Spatula said...

I understand blacks being upset by white people in blackface.

But how is blackface much different than a man wearing a dress and make-up -- girlface -- and claiming he is a woman?

Because if the difference is only intent then the circular firing squad begins.

I am Laslo.

Howard said...

Cucking Thomas intimidated by smart woman. What a lady man

chillblaine said...

In case anyone wants to see Matthew's poetry. Some here, from twitter.

You Might Consider Me

The Light From Inside Me

one more. Tripping The Dark Fantastic."

I Am Matthew

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Apparently Northam won’t be making it full-term.

Read somewhere else his favorite movie is Partial Birth of a Nation.

Andrew said...

Next Halloween, every non-black child should put on blackface, and wear a sign, "Solidarity with my black brothers and sisters." Or alternatively they can dress as coal miners.

Shouting Thomas said...

Cucking Thomas intimidated by smart woman. What a lady man

A real man proves what a tough guy he is by mating with obnoxious, whining, vicious, spoiled brats.

Yeah, I've heard that one before.

There's another solution, knucklehead. Seek out decent women.

You're welcome to take on the worthless feminist cunts of this world. Prove what a man you are. Be my guest.

Mark said...

Fred Armisen, Fred Astaire, Dan Aykroyd, Jack Benny, Fanny Brice, George Burns, Johnny Carson, Joan Crawford, Billy Crystal, Robert Downey Jr., Judy Garland, Alec Guinness, Rex Harrison, Jimmy Kimmel, Dean Martin, The Marx Brothers, The Lone Ranger, Carroll O'Connor, Frank Sinatra, Red Skelton, Grace Slick, The Three Stooges, Elizabeth Taylor, Shirley Temple, John Wayne, Gene Wilder

What do all of these people have in common? They are all in the entertainment industry. And how does that differ, vastly, from Ralph Northom, either as a politician or as a private person or as a medical student in 1984?

Amexpat said...

You could add Frank Zappa to the list for the Joe's Garage album cover.

But what Northam did is in a different category. There's no context to suggest this was a parody of racism or a misguided homage to African Americans (I'd put Joni in that category). Adding the guy dressed in a KKK uniform was the decisive blow. Just as bad as someone dressing up in Nazi uniform for their yearbook.

Northam was a med school graduate at the time in his late 20's, so no pass for youthful indiscretion (Franken was also too old to get it for the incriminating photo). Northam should resign unless he can somehow defend the photo by providing some mitigating context.

Unknown said...

> The event demonstrated that the painful history of black-white relations in America is still too sensitive to be joked about crudely.

"still to sensitive..."

and always will be as long as victimhood is prized.

Mark said...

Of course he should resign. His election was a fraud on the voters. Had this been known at the time, had he been open about his past, he would have never been elected. As a matter of fundamental justice, he should not longer be in office.

From a selfish, purely partisan view -- let him stay. And let the Dems suffer having his stinking, rotting carcass around their necks.

Amadeus 48 said...

Ebert’s wife Chaz is black. I think he was speaking from his heart.

Howard said...

ST thinks his yuuuuuuge inferior complex is a manly Chip on his stooped shoulders

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I went on bing to search for Dan Ackroyd Blackface and this post is already number 8 in the results.

Georgia Lawyer said...

Al Jolson is reportedly hurt that he is not included on the list - while Fanny Brice is. Mr. Jolson was not available to comment.

Crimso said...

"I'm almost positive Grace Slick thought she was fighting racism."

I'm almost positive the bar owner put up a picture of coal miners after their shift. But intent no longer matters, and hasn't for a long time. It's about what someone else believes your intent was.

And for everyone hoping he stays on so the Dems can be made to own it: Robert Byrd.

tcrosse said...

Great. ST and Howard playing ¿Quién es más macho?

Shouting Thomas said...

Great. ST and Howard playing ¿Quién es más macho?

Well, no, I'm not.

I told the idiot that if he's got the balls to take on no good feminist cunts, he's welcome to them.

I don't want them.

I took a rather different route in life. I mated with wonderful, sensible, decent women.

You fuck the worthless bitches, Howard. I'm smart enough not to stick my dick in a grinder.

Quaestor said...

I'm almost positive Grace Slick thought she was fighting racism.

You ventured into fantasyland when you wrote anything past thought.

Jim Sweeney said...

What about America's favorite entertainer of some years ago - Al Jolson, the Cantor's son who sang often in blackface? Mammy is a classic

rcocean said...

Rex Harrison and John Wayne in "Blackface"?

I think Wikipedia is using an expanded and completely weird definition.

Harrison and Wayne were in "Yellow-face" since both played Asians in a movie role. Guinness played a Saudi and a Indian (Hindo).

rcocean said...

BTW, this just shows how BAD the Republican party is. Why didn't they do any Opo Research on this guy? Had this yearbooks surfaced during the Campaign he would've lost.

rcocean said...

Never understood the whole black-face thing. It used to be an old vaudeville thing. Al Jolson was always doing it. Then you had musical stars in the 40s doing it, as a tribute to the old vaudeville/minstrel show tradition. It was always annoying and unnecessary.

And why would you go to a Halloween party as a KKK member? People seem to have Nazi's and KKK on the brain - even though neither has been force in the world since 1945.

JAORE said...

Fanny Brice?

OK,I'll shun Babs Streisand.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

Gov. Northam now denies that he is not either of those two in the famous blackface/KKK picture and consequently will not resign.

Then why the apology? Someone needs to do a deep background investigation of this photo (and someone will). The result will be a recall election. Petitions are already being circulated.

mockturtle said...

I once dressed as a gypsy for Halloween. My humble apologies extend to any and all gypsies whom I may have offended. And even to those who never knew about it. I'm white. I'm so sorry, but I was born that way. I realize that fact does not obviate my deserved punishment but I do ask for mercy.

narciso said...

Well it's not the Same guiness played a Jordanian prince, Christopher Lee played jinnah in Gandhi but it was respectful.

narciso said...

Mark strong who is half sicilian played a Jordanian spymaster in body of lies.

Yancey Ward said...

Make them live by their own fucking rules. Northam has earned literally zero forbearance from the Right on this issue- zero. We remember his fucking campaign from just 18 months ago.

n.n said...

He's a white warlock without coal dust, with a black face, and a white hood, and as a clear and progressive "burden", the Choice is he should be Planned.

Known Unknown said...

"Fred Armisen"

That was half-black face.

"Robert Downey, Jr."

That was a satire on the entire concept of blackface.

You forgot the classic White Chicks with Marlon and Shaun Wayans as white-faced women.

And you whiffed on C. Thomas Howell in Soul Man and James Whitmore in Black Like Me.

n.n said...

much different than a man wearing a dress and make-up -- girlface -- and claiming he is a woman

Misogynistic, but politically congruent (PC).

mockturtle said...

Orson Welles went blackface when he played Othello. And I daresay he wasn't the only one.

mockturtle said...

Christopher Lee played jinnah in Gandhi but it was respectful.

No, that was not Christopher Lee. It was Alyque Padamsee.

rcocean said...

"Orson Welles went blackface when he played Othello. And I daresay he wasn't the only one."

Larry Olivier did the same thing. I think it was standard practice, sine Othello is supposed to be a "Moor".

BTW, Brando does "Brown Face" in Via Zapata. and "Yellow Face" in Tea house of the August moon.

Fortunately, he stuck to White people after that.

Francisco D said...

And why would you go to a Halloween party as a KKK member? People seem to have Nazi's and KKK on the brain - even though neither has been force in the world since 1945.

There are only so many costume ideas out there.

In the early 70's, my first wife (who is African-American) and I went to a Halloween party as Abe Lincoln and a house slave. We had access to her college's costume department and looked very convincing.

Not having a car, we took the (Chicago) L to and from the party. People glanced at us but did not seem surprised all that much.

I wonder what would happen today?

rcocean said...

Worst "Yellow Face" Ricardo Montalban as Kubucki Dancer in "Sayonara".

2nd place: Kate Hebpurn as a Chinese in "dragon seed"

rcocean said...

I guess if you have white sheet - and are cheap - you can go as a Ghost or KKK Member.

Yancey Ward said...

David Begley in the previous thread asked a question I wanted the answer to last night as well- who leaked the photograph to WaPo? My money is on the VA Lt. Gov.

rcocean said...

My cheap, quicky, costume was an Eye-patch and a plastic sword.

Avast you matey. Shiver me timbers.

rcocean said...

"My money is on the VA Lt. Gov."

Well, we know who DID NOT do it, the Republicans.

rightguy said...

The costume picture looks like frat house high-jinks to me. Apparently Northam thought it was hilarious to the other bros.

steve uhr said...

Everyone but the governor knows that he will end up resigning. The longer he waits the more bad publicity he gets.

Black people are the only ones who should have the right to decide whether blackface is offensive. I believe the issue was decided long ago.

Wince said...

Isn't sporting the bootblack of the minstrel show "black face" historically different than using make-up of lesser shade in order to do an impression of person, particularly a celebrity, of a different race?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I'm still not sure which is the more serious offence for progressives--the blackface, or the KKK outfit. Presumably both together count for more than either of them alone.

Eddie Murphy had left the case of SNL, made a big movie or two, then came back to guest host. Hilarious stuff. The opening monologue: I never would have taken this gig if I had known how big my movies would be. Black Mr. Rogers, lots of good stuff. My favourite: a re-make of "Black Like Me." Eddie in white face, learning what it's like to be white. On a bus, the only visible black person gets off, leaving Eddie, in disguise, and a number of white people. A party breaks out, with people coming around offering snacks and cocktails. Eddie goes to a bank for a loan. The black loan officer follows the rules: you have no assets, etc., we can't lend you money. A white manager over-hears and comes over to help, sending the loan officer away: how much do you need? We'll get that for you right away.

tim maguire said...

I have repeatedly argued that "blackface" is not per se racist. This photo, however, is clearly racist.

And has Northam said he's the one in blackface? His silence on the question suggests to me he's the one in the Klan outfit.

buwaya said...

There are way more costume ideas out there than one would think.
Consider all of human history, and add all human literature and culture.
Consider the Chinese classic "Journey to the West"
How many have thought of coming as the Monkey King? Or maybe the Pig?
Heck, think of "Dune", and come as a Fremen or Bene Gesserit.

The problem is that out of that universe of options only a very few are in the universal archetype database and would be recognized without explanation. That is a terrible constraint. However it is not necessary to accept the constraint.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democratics are the party of racism - straight up.

Historically. and the Northam guy wants to kill black babies. Plus KKK outfit.

Now he's backtracking. Typical.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm sorry!

oh wait - you cannot prove it's me. Even though it;'s on my YB page.

n.n said...

Democrats are, on principle, and in practice, the Party of Diversity or color judgments, including racism.

policraticus said...

I don't think Northam is some sort of krypto-klansman.

Depending on the context of the picture and the tenor of his actions, the image could be 100% anodyne, even laudable. Doubtful, but not impossible.

Nevertheless, Northam has set the standard by which he is judged. Anyone who is willing use racism and the Klan to help sully the character of Ed Gillespie, a man no more racist than Northam, possible much less, deserves to be hoist by his own petard.

Doesn't look like anyone has mentioned my favorite "whiteface" moment. Eddie Murphy's classic SNL short, "White Like Me."

mockturtle said...

Nevertheless, Northam has set the standard by which he is judged. Anyone who is willing use racism and the Klan to help sully the character of Ed Gillespie, a man no more racist than Northam, possible much less, deserves to be hoist by his own petard.

This. People who live in glass houses....

Yancey Ward said...

White Like Me

buwaya said...

Steve Uhr,

Out of 7 Billion wildly different people on this earth, only black people get to decide that something is offensive? And with legal or institutional authority to enforce it?

That is absurd. It is American madness.

cyrus83 said...

Something about snowballs and slippery slopes when it comes to giving in to the perpetually offended. It says something about the Democrats that one picture from 35 years ago is considered an impeachable offense (I know they're not trying to impeach the governor, but the result is the same).

Drago said...

steve uhr: "Black people are the only ones who should have the right to decide whether blackface is offensive."

Steve uhr would put us on the bullet train to Complete Identity Politics-ville leading to the inevitable complete balkanization of our society and unavoidable consequences wothout so much as a second thought.

"Out of one, many....at each others throats"

The destruction of the republic by the left continues apace.

Gotta break a few tens of millions of eggs to make a lefty nation omellette.

Andrew said...

Marlon Brando used Italianface in The Godfather, yet few complained. I'm still offended as a German-American, since once we were allied with them.

William said...

I think the most offensive white in yellowface was Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I saw the movie when it first came out. It didn't register as offensive then, but now it clearly is. Times change. I wonder if the role would be less or more prejudicial if it were played by an actual Asian. Maybe by someone Chinese. They delight in evil stereotype of Japanese people... ........Are nurses entitled to feel offended at slutty nurse outfits? I'd advise all women not to dress up as slutty nurses. That will be the next domino to fall.......What about people with scoliosis? I bet they take offense at Richard III and the Hunchback of Norte Dane. In the future it would be best if these roles were only lasted by those truly afflicted with scoliosis.

Dr Weevil said...

Others have mentioned Orson Welles and Laurence Olivier in Shakespeare's Othello. I think it's worth mentioning that opera singers have often worn blackface to play Verdi's Otello. I've certainly seen pictures of Luciano Pavarotti in blackface. Of course, opera roles are assigned by vocal talent and range of voice, so black singers aren't necessarily qualified for the starring role in Otello. The last time I saw it, the star was played by a Hispanic guy with maybe a bit of make-up, and the only actual black man in the cast was playing the most racist of the minor characters (Rodrigo, I think).

William said...

The snowball on the slippery slope gathers all the snowflakes unto itself and crushes the fragile chalet of democracy.....The above is a metaphor for bad metaphors.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Hold him to the Democrat Party's standard. The Dems would have crucified a Republican that pulled that stunt. That's the Alinksy way. The Florida Secretary of State just resigned for a Halloween picture of him in black face, mocking a black Hurricane Katrina survivor.

mccullough said...

Northam just needs to identify as black and put the blackface on daily.

He’ll be the Bruce Jenner of black men

sinz52 said...

"What about America's favorite entertainer of some years ago - Al Jolson, the Cantor's son who sang often in blackface? Mammy is a classic"

And Bugs Bunny parodied it during World War II. He certainly counts as a celebrity.


Rahula said...

Grace Slick is about as genuine a Black as she was a hippie chick.

Professional lady said...

The Met production of Otello with Placido Domingo and Renee Fleming is outstanding. Opera has been crossing racial and gender boundaries longer than any of the other arts. Last fall I went to a performance of Turandot. There was no scenery or costumes, the opera singers just sang the music with some acting. It was excellent. The singer who played the Chinese emperor was George Shirley. He is in his 80s and was the first African American to play a starring tenor role at the Met. He was also the first African American to be a member of the Army Chorus as well as the first African American Detroit public school music teacher. He was impressive even in his 80s. He was playing a Chinese person. I think there was one actual Chinese person in the performance. In opera, it's the quality of the performance that is paramount.

Marc in Eugene said...

[UO law school professor Nancy] Shurtz [who did wear blackface in 2016] says she did not wear blackface:

“That term is reserved for derogatory, mocking, and demeaning depictions of African-Americans,” she said. “At my private, off-campus Halloween party, I sought to challenge racism and provoke thought by depicting through my costume, a book — Dr. Damon Tweedy’s A Doctor’s Reflections on Race and Medicine. … At no time did I portray Dr. Tweedy, but I did want to honor him as a man of courage and insight.”

Mr Northam could try that gambit in a further apology.

Mark said...

Listening to his disgusting press conference now --

He admits he put on blackface on another occasion to mimic Michael Jackson.

Jim at said...

Make them live by their own fucking rules.


Mark said...

Playing the "I was in the military" and "was a doctor" and "am a man of faith" cards now.

n.n said...

It wasn't blackface-blackface (hat tip: Whoopi). It was coal dust-face. The other guy should be lauded for his presence of mind to wear a hood that prevents coal dust accumulation and thereby misperceptions, judgments, and labels of undue diversity.

Mark said...

Just now he said that it was during the governor campaign -- a little more than a year ago -- that a campaign worker explained to him why blackface was offensive.

He needed to have that explained to him?? And only a year ago????

Clyde said...

Ralph Northam's anthem:

George Thorogood and the Destroyers - It Wasn't Me

JMW Turner said...

In the late seventies, I once dressed as a pimp at a pimp and prostitute party (don't ask why,the whole thing seemed to be a good idea, because seventies). My sincere apologies to any and all pimps.

Mark said...

Probably not a good idea to have a crazy press conference on a Saturday afternoon.

Have it on Sunday afternoon and not only does it miss the late night show, it misses the Sunday morning shows and will be drowned out by all of the Super Bowl news.

walter said...

"I'm sorry, but uhh..maybe you had to be there?"
"I wasn't there!"

This guy has benefitted a lot from "artificial intelligence".

Dude1394 said...

You need to add the “civility bullshit” to this tag because that is what you are pushing. Screw civility or giving someone the benefit of the doubt. The democrat media sure as hell wouldn’t if it were a Republican. So civility bullshit.

You can’t even wear a MAGA hat without some democrat screaming racism.

Rabel said...

Let me explain the photo.

It's from a costume party. Northam, in blackface, is playing a black pimp. Just like this guy.

The KKK player is a female - his date to the party.

The "joke" or "hook" was that the black pimp and the KKK'er came to the party together in an improbable relationship.

It seemed funny at the time.

That's my guess.

Rabel said...

It may be unfair of me to label Huggy Bear a pimp. Racist, even.

mockturtle said...

At least one black soprano has played Musetta in La Boheme. Opera has long ignored the color barriers when casting.

FullMoon said...

If this guy doesn'thave enough guts to ride it out, he is not qualified to be a gov.

What would Trump do? He sure would not back down.Of course,he would not have done it in the first place.

mockturtle said...

This whole public admission and apology for these 'crimes' is so reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Public meetings were called to accuse someone in the district of a supposed offense against the state [unidentified visitors to ones home, reading non-Maoist books, etc.] followed by either a groveling admission of guilt and apology or by a brutal beating. We are not far from this course of public shaming. Why is this any less totalitarian than the HUAC hearings, which the Left has always condemned?

Mark said...

I saw this documentary a few months ago where they reported on the great controversy and outrage when an actual Black man played Othello. A lot of people had apparently demanded the traditional casting of a white guy with shoe polish on his face.

YoungHegelian said...

The new Soviet Man must be re-created from the ground up, leaving behind all the faults of the past. The Past is nothing but an accumulation of the errors of pre-revolutionary times, and it must be erased from the minds of the people. Only with the Coming of the Revolution did Mankind know Truth.

This has all happened before. The modern Left is trying to make it happen again.

Rabel said...

I see that Northam is claiming he was playing Michael Jackson.

My theory may need some adjustment.

narciso said...

as to the ostensible target in this matter:


walter said...

Do we really know where he was the night of the attack on Jussie?

Rabel said...

AHA! Northam is saying that the MJ impression was at a different event.

There's still hope for Huggy Bear.

walter said...

If he succeeds, he will be remembered almost solely as a racist instead of infanticide proponent. He's nearly there.

Yancey Ward said...

I watched parts of Northam's press conference. What an idiot.

You don't have to search your memory and that of your family to determine whether or not that is you in the photo unless wearing black face is something you did so often that particular instances of doing so blur together.

However, I still don't think he should resign, but that press conference doesn't help his case.

narciso said...

time travel, clearly they went back in time, that's why they disappear off screen, Shirley,

Yancey Ward said...

I am guessing it took Northam a day to contact the person who took the photo and the person in the KKK outfit, and got their pledges of silence. Thus, he can rewrite yesterday's confession and apology.

walter said...

Next press conference he can demonstrate the "moonwalk".

narciso said...

how does that work, he could point to the other guy, like chris O'Donnell in 'scent of a woman'


walter said...

Dan Bongino
‏Verified account @dbongino
20h20 hours ago

I was sent the disgusting photo of Northam in Oct, 2018. I was not able to independently verify that the photo was of Northam therefore I did not publish the story. But,this indicates that the photo was probably known about by others who may have squashed it for political reasons

FullMoon said...

I was sent the disgusting photo of Northam in Oct, 2018. I was not able to independently verify that the photo was of Northam therefore I did not publish the story. But,this indicates that the photo was probably known about by others who may have squashed it for political reasons

I think it was disclosed now for political reasons. Even the local independent newscast showed the photo.
Republicans do not seem capable of making anything go viral so the question is,who wants this guy gone,and why? Is it simply the pro-life people?

Getting some dem politicians to jump on board seems like the left wants him gone.

walter said...

See Lt. Gov Fairfax

FullMoon said...

See Lt. Gov Fairfax
Damn! If this was a setup prior to the election,ya hafta give props to the evil genuis behind it. Black guy cannot win, support the white guy and destroy him after the election.Winning !

"Who is Justin Fairfax? The descendant of slaves is next in line for Virginia governor
Justin Fairfax carried the manumission documents for his enslaved ancestor as he took the oath of office in the capital of the former Confederacy."

rcocean said...

"I think the most offensive white in yellowface was Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's. I saw the movie when it first came out."

Not really, Its just a small supporting role, and its supposed to be comic and unrealistic. However, today, everyone tries to outdo themselves in describing how "Outraged" they are by it.

JPS said...

Who is Justin Fairfax?

Why, he’s a senior mobster in Payback, played by the late, great James Coburn with a wonderful note of crankiness at being called back from his vacation to deal with an urgent problem.

Sorry, wrong Justin Fairfax. I just like the coincidence.

Lucien said...

Northam is using the R Kelly defense— but that’s cultural appropriation.

walter said...

Damn, dude..I was joking about the moonwalk.

Michelle Malkin


Oh, dear lawd. Northram asked if he can still moonwalk after explaining Michael Jackson black face dance contest. Needs to consult wife on breaking out moves. Wife...nixes

Amadeus 48 said...

Have you noticed how close Adam Schiff is in affect to Tom Smothers?

Ann Althouse said...

“Rex Harrison and John Wayne in "Blackface"? I think Wikipedia is using an expanded and completely weird definition. Harrison and Wayne were in "Yellow-face" since both played Asians in a movie role. Guinness played a Saudi and a Indian (Hindo).”

Click through to the list I linked and you will see the name of the movie. Wayne puts on blackface in “The Spoilers.”

Also the list is much longer than the name I picked to put in the post. Of course Al Jolson is on Wikipedia’s list

And there are some black people on the list too, interestingly enough.

rcocean said...

"Click through to the list I linked and you will see the name of the movie. Wayne puts on blackface in “The Spoilers.”

According to Wikipedia. "The Spoilers" is set in Alaska. Maybe Wayne does blackface, maybe he doesn't. I haven't seen the movie. None of the images for the movie show him in "black-face". Some reviews reference "racial Humor" whatever that means.

Given the left-wing hatred for John Wayne (Yeah crazy - since he died 40 years ago), you'd think we'd see images of John Wayne in "black face" all over the internet, but I don't see it.

Anyway, paint me skeptical - in blackface.

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