February 1, 2019

Why is Sherrod Brown giving us the yellow bird?

It gets your attention and you're likely to laugh and say "what?!"...

... but it's actually very easy to figure it out. My google image search (above) produced an image for "Canary Cast," and clicking, I saw that's the name of Brown's podcast.  That image shows a yellow bird — obviously a canary — in a cage, so even though I want to veer into a joke like "I Know Why the Caged Bird Runs for President," I immediately see that it's the idea of a canary in a coal mine. Brown must see himself as someone who is aware of problems early on, though the canary in a coal mine doesn't really notice and think about problems; its early warning comes in the form of dropping dead, so it doesn't really seem like a good metaphor. But it's Sherrod Brown's metaphor, and he got your attention. From the podcast website:
Brown’s podcast is named Canarycast, a nod to the canary pin Brown wears on his lapel instead of the official Senate pin. An Ohio steelworker gave Brown the pin. He wears it as a reminder of the progress the country has made since the days when the only thing coal miners had to protect them was a canary – and all the work still left to do to ensure American workers are valued.
And... put a bird on it:

ADDED: After writing this post, I read "Sherrod Brown Gives America the Bird/Breaking down Sherrod Brown's canary" (The Bulwark), and it too embeds the "put a bird on it" Portlandia clip. Also:
Sherrod Brown’s logo somehow ignores... all commonly held principles of visual cohesion. He’s attempting to combine a (stale) wordmark with a (vague and enigmatic, but in a bad way) pictorial. The effort toward a logo system is apparent, but it’s the design equivalent of eating the whole wheel of cheese. I’m not even mad. It’s amazing....

The canary is not my favorite thing in the world. It’s weak. It’s lifeless. It guarantees that Trump will nickname Brown “Tweety Bird.” Let me amend that: I hate the canary.

But at least it’s an idea. And if you have a visual idea that means something to the product—even if it’s a bad visual idea—then you can use it to anchor a brand.


Henry said...

A davy lamp would be too obscure.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I am liking that so many democrats are pouring out. It crowds the field and cuts all the oxygen out of the Clinton Corruption Machine.

LordSomber said...

The bird is just floating there with no feet.
An unbalanced logo.

And the bird looks like a chicken drumstick.
Now I'm hungry.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As individuals, Democrats are scared to death of the Clinton Suicide Machine. There is safety in numbers.

reader said...

I would like a picture of her standing under the banner beneath the bird please.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Tweety Pie

Limited blogger said...

Two years of jokes writing themselves, will be fun.

mccullough said...

Brown is the White Male Senator who beat his first wife.

reader said...

Sorry for the typo - him. For some reason I think she/her for politics these days.

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul Zrimsek said...

It's a visual reminder that Democrats can do for the entire country what they've already done for coal mines.

Matt said...

Is the canary a joyful, buttery yellow?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

My Great Aunt Julia, a heavy Lithuanian woman who smoked like a chimney, was fond of brightly colored Hawaiian mumus, and dyed her hair the oddest shade of red, had canaries.

I say it in the plural, because she would call my mother every few weeks to let her know her canary had died. Then she would promptly go get another one. She never connected her smoke-filled rooms with dead canaries though, and no one had the nerve to tell her.

When she passed away, she left my Mom and Dad a painting of an owl that terrified me. It had one huge eye and one small one and the creepiest smile. Thankfully they never hung it in the house. And we never got a canary, although I think my sister had a parakeet that our German Shorthaired Pointer ate.

They are a rather fragile species of bird.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

1st commenter mentioned a "davy" lamp, named after Sir Humphry Davy, notable chemist and discoverer of many elements and pioneer of nitrous oxide intoxication. The Davy lamp was a safety lamp to prevent open flames used for lighting in mines to combust methane leading to explosions. Not really the same use as the caged canary, which would die when oxygen was insufficient due to displacement by methane and other gases. My parents were chemists...

mccullough said...

Brown could use Canary in a Coalmine as his theme song. But he he’s anti-police so he won’t.

Carter Wood said...

But what if it's a rare half-male, half-female canary?

rehajm said...

There's been one degree of separation between rehajm and him. Assessment: He's a dim lamp.

Jupiter said...

Put a sock in it.

William said...

Any chance that the wearing of a canary pin was an allusion to the mockingbird pin of Hunger Games and an attempt to appeal to that demographic?......I don't think he should use white lettering. That makes his candidacy look chickenshit..... As others have noted, none of the Dem candidates, besides Tulsi, are using red, white, and blue as their color motifs. Tulsi uses red, white, and blue, but in muted shades. Perhaps she'll be able to get away with it, but that color scheme triggers anxiety in important sectors of the Dem coalition......Has Cynthia Nixon announced yet? She's good looking, gay, and inexperienced. She'd make a formidable candidate.

gilbar said...


Sydney said...

He's not been a bad senator, but he looks better in a suit than in sweatshirt. Don't care much for the casual look to launch a presidential campaign. And yes, that's a bad logo.

Anonymous said...

"A Yellow bird
with a yellow tail
was sitting on
my window sill..."

Chuck said...

Brown’s a good candidate and a good Senator. For a Democrat, that is.

While Michigan and Wisconsin swung disastrously Democratic in 2018, John Kasich’s Ohio stayed true red Republican. (Mike DeWine, a personally much weaker candidate than Kasich, won as a Republican.) Republicans won every statewide race except one. Sherrod Brown won re-election to the Senate.

Nonapod said...

I can honestly say I know next to nothing about this Sherrod Brown person, and I consider myself reasonably well informed politically. This indicates to me his name recognition is probably pretty low. So far what I know is his name and that his logo is a yellow bird. So if my brain was a hash table the key/value pair would be "Sherrod Brown => Yellow Bird".

I probably won't bother learning anything about him unless and until he gains some real traction.

How much money will be wasted by all these Dem candidates? This upcoming Presidential election season is an absolute liberal campaign consultant's dream.

Sebastian said...

"the progress the country has made since the days when the only thing coal miners had to protect them was a canary"

By contrast, today the only thing coal miners have to protect them is Trump.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yay, another Democrat Senator! We're up to 6 - Gillibrand, Warren, Harris, Booker, Bernie, Brown.

We need all 47 to run.

Saint Croix said...

It guarantees that Trump will nickname Brown “Tweety Bird.”

I hurt a rib laughing at that.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Looks like a Finch to me.

But anyway, he has my attention. I like his emphasis on the working people. It's about time someone stepped up and tried to take Trump's issue.

The first test will be immigration. Does he want to stop illegal immigration and reduce the abuse of the HB1 visa? If so he'd be a formindable challenger to Trump.

If not, he'll go nowhere.

Unknown said...

Goodbye, little yellow bird
I'd rather brave the cold
On a meatless tree, than a prisoner be
In a cage of gold.

rehajm said...

By contrast, today the only thing coal miners have to protect them is Trump


Wince said...

Remember when there used to be proud "Yellow Dog" Democrats?

Dave in Tucson said...

The yellow text in the bottom image is virtually unreadable against the gray and white background. It's astonishing to me how a basic facts like some color pairs don't contrast well against each other is apparently lost on these folks.

It is amusing to note that Trump doesn't have to nickname Harris "Tweety Bird", because The Bulwark already has. Now that's leadership.

Rick.T. said...

There's a song for that:

Yellow bird, up high in banana tree.
Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me.
Did your lady friend leave the nest again?
That is very sad, makes me feel so bad.
You can fly away, in the sky away.
You're more lucky than me.
I also had a pretty girl, she's not with me today.
They're all the same those pretty girls.
Take tenderness, then they fly away.
Yellow bird, yellow bird.
Did your lady friend leave the nest again?
That is very sad, makes me feel so bad.
You can fly away, in the sky away.
You're more lucky than me.
Wish that i were a yellow bird, i'd fly away with you.
But i am not a yellow bird, so here i sit.
Nothing i can do.
Yellow bird, yellow bird.


Jason said...

A yellow bird
With a yellow bill.
Veterans know
This doesn't end well.

Jason said...

My high school graduation song was Bob Marley's "Three Yellow Birds."

Birches said...

I don't want to give The Bulwark clicks but I know who wrote that article and I am sure I would enjoy it immensely.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT: A little more background on the Northam-all-in-for-Infanticide story.
Not fake news.
Weird: No Democrats in Congress seem to have heard Ralph Northam’s abortion comments

Here you have videos of Democratic politicians making at least seemingly shocking statements on a controversial issue where their party is *way* on the wrong side of public opinion. The kind of thing ripe for virality. The kind of thing that Twitter by its nature tends to amp up.

Ross Douthat


Yet somehow the same kind of mainstream (not left-wing) journalists and editors who were commissioning thinkpieces about white supremacy within an hour of the Covington video managed to control themselves, to resist tweeting the story, to hang back, to ask for context ...

It is funny how the MSM hold back on anything that might reflect badly on The Party. Yet run with a total lie if it can damage Trump and his supporters.

traditionalguy said...

OK. Time to watch The Birds again. And then re-read Camille Paglia's book analysing Hitchcock's classic story about "women" seen from his perspective. And nobody doesn't love Tippi Hedren.

Jaq said...

I thought Sherrod Brown was a girl, so I am not sure the bird helps.

Kevin said...

Like many of the candidates, Brown is tired of the Senate and running for Vice President or Secretary of Labor.

He's boring enough not to upstage the nominee, yet he's been around long enough to provide gravitas to the ingenue at the top of the ticket.

His entire job will to be to win Ohio then disappear.

Kevin said...

Yay, another Democrat Senator! We're up to 6 - Gillibrand, Warren, Harris, Booker, Bernie, Brown.

How dismal is it to be in the minority?

How long before there's any hope of being in the majority again?

How many will choose other options if they don't win or get a Cabinet position?

I can make a case for all of them it's up or out.

Skeptical Voter said...

Brown's campaign will die early--like the canary.

WK said...

As an Ohio resident I am still confused on how we can elect Mike DeWine as governor and Sherrod Brown as US Sentaor. Kasich was our US rep for a number of years and we were generally pleased with his performance. Not a fan of his last years as governor and done with him after the presidential primaries.

GatorNavy said...

All I know is that birds fly upside down over Columbus, Ohio because there is nothing worth crapping on. ON WISCONSIN!!!

Birkel said...

The Bulwark?
Why are you reading that billionaire owned rag?
Read another billionaire owned rag instead.

Que Chuck, racist fopdoodle, to the defense.

gilbar said...

here's a fun fact that should act like a canary in a coal mine.

You can't be denied your request for someone to ice you a gay wedding cake...
But! you CAN be denied service if you voted for Trump!


robother said...

In light of Sherrod Brown's support for everything Obama, the canary in the coal mine means achieving worker safety by abolishing blue collar jobs.

But don't you fear, workers of Ohio, West Va. and Pennsylvania: the pill mills and Mexican black tar dealers will dispense the ultimate opiate of the working classes: opiates.

Drago said...

Birkel: "Que Chuck, racist fopdoodle, to the defense."

You should have seen LLR Chuck yesterday. He was in hyper-dem defense mode as the reality of what his lefty allies want to allow in aborting "4th trimester" babies was made perfectly clear.

Panic had clearly set in and all of Lefty/LLR-dom was called into action via The LLR-fopdoodle Bat Signal.

Bay Area Guy said...

Senator Sherrod Brown likes to focus on the "Dignity of Work."

Excellent. We are in accord, Brother. I like it when folks work. It provides both income and a sense of dignity.

According to CNBC today - "Payrolls Surge by 304,000.."

*Job growth in January shattered expectations, with nonfarm payrolls surging by 304,000, the Labor Department says.

*Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had expected payrolls to rise by 170,000.

*There were revisions. December’s big initially reported gain of 312,000 was knocked all the way down to 222,000, while November’s rose from 176,000 to 196,000.

*The unemployment rate ticked higher to 4 percent, a level where it had last been in June, a likely effect of the shutdown, according to the department.

So we have job growth/low unemployment, Senator Brown.

So, you're gonna salute President Trump, right? This is happening on his watch.

'TreHammer said...

Who is the actor that plays the store owner in the Potlandia video?

'TreHammer said...


madAsHell said...

Fred Armisten

gadfly said...

Norm Luboff Choir and Kingston Trio versions of "Yellow Bird" have a verse which includes "They may pick you some day."

Yellow bird, up high in banana tree
Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me
Better fly away, In the sky away
Picker coming soon, Pick from night to noon
Black and yellow you, Like banana too
They may pick you some day

Hmmm ... Sherrod Brown mistaken for a banana.

Chuck said...

Blogger Drago said...
Birkel: "Que Chuck, racist fopdoodle, to the defense."

You should have seen LLR Chuck yesterday. He was in hyper-dem defense mode as the reality of what his lefty allies want to allow in aborting "4th trimester" babies was made perfectly clear.

Panic had clearly set in and all of Lefty/LLR-dom was called into action via The LLR-fopdoodle Bat Signal.

1. This blog post had nothing to do with abortion.
2. None of the comments above had anything to do with abortion.
3. I cannot recall ever writing much of anything about abortion as a comment on this blog, apart from the fact that I am a legal and political critic of Roe v. Wade.
4. I did not write anything about abortion yesterday. I did not, and never would, defend a Democratic Party political position on abortion.
5. Your calling me out by name here and in this way defies understanding. Except insofar as you hate me, are obsessed with me, and want to use space afforded on this blog’s comments pages to carry out your own weird personal campaign against me.

Why the fuck your access here is not terminated is beyond me.

madAsHell said...

Dignity of Work almost sounds like........Audacity of Hope.

tcrosse said...

Dignity of Work almost sounds like........Arbeit Macht Frei.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Your calling me out by name here and in this way defies understanding."

I call out all leftists and leftist allies all the time.

Drago said...

And Chuck? Watch your mouth big boy. Maddow and Stelter and the rest of your heroes and pals at Media Matters and Daily Kos and Democrat Underground and the SPLC and The Womens March might go for that language but its inappropriate here.

And do note, Chucknis the moron who thought, appropos of nothing, that it would be just swell asserting a Trump Voter/John Birch Society connection in a thread having nothing to do with that.

And our LLR did that....yesterday!


Looks like history begins anew each day for Chuck...precisely as it does for every single leftist.....


Drago said...

LLR and Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "5. Your calling me out by name here and in this way defies understanding. Except insofar as you hate me, are obsessed with me, and
want to use space afforded on this blog’s comments pages to carry out your own weird personal campaign against me."

My my.

That is quite a charge from a self-described smear merchant who boldly proclaimed he was only her to lie about someone else!!!

Let me guess: early Happy Hour in your neck of the woods?

Charlie Eklund said...

It seems to me that as every new Democratic contender steps into the ring, Hillary’s chances of securing the Democratic nomination increase in the same way the over-crowded Republican field in 2015 and 2016 helped Trump become the eventual GOP candidate. In the Republican nominating race in the last presidential election, the numerous run of the mill politicos in the race routinely split 80% of vote in each primary while Trump picked up 20% or so on his own and won delegates at an unbeatable pace. Could Hillary step in and pull off the same trick only to lose again to The Donald in the general election? I’ll be watching the popcorn futures market like a hawk.

Drago said...

And by the by Chuckie, you were formally invited to leave this venue.

Or had you forgotten?

mccullough said...


Good point. Maybe Hillary is indirectly behind all these Senators candidacies. The Clintons still have a lot of juice. And buffers.

Drago said...

If there is one thing we can count on, its universal praise from the LLR Cuck Chorus for Brown precisely as we have seen from the LLR crew for every other lefty dem.


Chuck said...

That, Drago, is the clutter-in-triplicate aspect of your destructive presence here. With you it is always:
A) A personal attack, generally divorced from the subject of Althouse’s blogging, and;
B) In my case, curiously phony and long-winded attempts to make me out as a “leftist,” and;
C) Such persistent repetition of the same sorts of attacks that your psyche is called into question.

Now, Drago; write whatever else you want, with the knowledge (to be shared by other readers here that for today, I am done with you and your clutter. Greasy little “Drago” is not worthy of any more of my time today.

sinz52 said...

Any logo that requires that much explanation ("canary in the coal mine," etc.) is a bad logo.

In particular, how many Millennials are going to get the "canary in the coal mine" allusion? That was way before their time and nowhere in their life experience.

tcrosse said...

When you're a senator they let you grab them by the puddy tat.

Drago said...

LLR & #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "I am done with you and your clutter. Greasy little “Drago” is not worthy of any more of my time today."

....and with that, our hero turned on his heel and made a beeline for the nearest exit as he strutted at a rapid clip out of the room....harrumphing every step of the way........

......and all the way back home where he, once again, curled up on the couch in front of the fire with a nice glass of scotch and his Maddow-blow up doll......

Drago said...

sinz52: "In particular, how many Millennials are going to get the "canary in the coal mine" allusion?"

None, since obama got rid of all the coal mines to save us from this non-stop desert-like heat-wave which is melting the ice caps.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "B) In my case, curiously phony and long-winded attempts to make me out as a “leftist,” and"

I have never called you a leftist, though some could argue there is ample evidence for doing just that.

On the contrary, I have been extremely careful to always label you as you have labeled yourself: the most True Conservative-y Conservative who ever walked the halls of Conservative Valhalla, which you helpfully shortened to "lifelong republican".

wildswan said...

Dirty Sherrie
The Planet Destroyer
Supports Coal Mining

Birkel said...

Racist fopdoodles who have been invited to leave sure do love Democrats.
Isn't that an oddity?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Charlie Eklund said:

It seems to me that as every new Democratic contender steps into the ring, Hillary’s chances of securing the Democratic nomination increase in the same way the over-crowded Republican field in 2015 and 2016 helped Trump become the eventual GOP candidate.

Not the same way.
The Coulter types loved Trump and the democratic press loved Trump - for different reasons.
There is/was a core of people on both the left and right who liked what Trump was saying. The collective left were frightened of the prospect of a young GOP or a smart GOP beating Hillary. So - the media went full pimp Trump. The D-media KNEW Trump would lose.
Mix that with his legitimate support (BECAUSE TRUMP's AN OUTSIDER)
-- opposite politics for life clinton) and you get a Trump win.

Don't discount how far Hillary moved left at the DNC convention where they praised abortion to the hilt. That's a turn-off to many in the upper mid-west.

Hillary wants to win badly, still, but her support has probably collapsed with on the ground voters who are sick of her. the exception, of course, is the Maddow-CNN-Stephanopolis-Chuck-Todd-Media cabal- and her donor class who are still banking on a pack-back.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

pack-back = pay-back.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Hillary pimpers are out and about.

Drago said...

The lights come on, the lefty canaries in the Cuck Mine chirp and the Cuckroaches flee....

Birkel said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
The Hillary pimpers are out and about.

But enough about racist fopdoodle Chuck.

Susan said...

I suppose using an eagle is right out.

Clyde said...

That logo might work for a record album cover, but as a political logo, not so much. The product he's selling (Sherrod Brown) is in comparatively small letters and away from the center of attention. Sherrod Brown probably doesn't have a very high name recognition outside of Ohio or among political junkies who have seen him on TV. The name needs to be larger and centered if he wants to have any chance of breaking out from the Democrat pack.

n.n said...

The dignity of taxable and non-table work. The evolution of life following two choices.

JMW Turner said...

Portlandia:put a bird on it, great catch...p.s.,what about his woke avian motif and no cliche zone colors?

Sebastian said...

If Brown pushes the dignity of work in the coal mines, progs will vilify him.

Methinks he only believes in the dignity of prog-approved work.

Bay Area Guy said...


"Dignity of Work almost sounds like........Arbeit Macht Frei."

Very funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Dr Weevil said...

When I see a bird without any feet, I can't help thinking Sherrod Brown's been eating "great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, disconnected birdy feet". Must have remembered to bring his spoon - and a knife to disconnect the poor yellow birdie's feet.

Henry said...

Blogger Clyde said...
That logo might work for a record album cover...

Of course! That's what the bird reminds me of. Woodstock!.

Dr Weevil said...

When I see someone call a poster who goes by Drago "greasy", it makes me think he (the caller, not the callee) is a racist asshole punning on "dago".

Bay Area Guy said...

The Dignity of Work - Part 242

Jobless Claims Drop to 50-year Low.

At this rate, Senator Brown should be joining President Trump as Treasury Secretary.

Mountain Maven said...

If i had to pick a dem POTUS candidate he would be the one. Relatively sane, not a stone cold socialist, earned his way into the senate, cares about his constituents more than his ideology. Little clue about the economy

Bay Area Guy said...

The Dignity of Work - Part 4,562

Even those curmudgeonly misfits at the NYT are getting into the action.

U.S. Job Gains Show Employers Shrugged Off Government Shutdown

It's hard for the NYT to write, "record-setting job market," without wetting their pants. I get that. And yet they persist:

The government shutdown may have hurt the economy, but there’s no sign it slowed down the United States’ record-setting job market.

I reckon the record-setting job market represents a lotta dignified workers.

mikeski said...

Hm. Would Trump call him "Tweety Bird"? Tweety was the winner in the cartoons, Sylvester was the loser.

Balfegor said...

"Yellow bird" is famously a figurative reference to human sacrifice. It's a poem in the Shi Jing (詩経), the Classic of Poetry compiled by Confucius about 2500 years ago from poems that were already ancient in his day.

When he died, the funerary rites of the Duke Mu of Qin (穆公, an ancestor of the First Emperor) involved the sacrifice of a large number of senior advisors and other retainers. "Yellow Bird" protests the waste and horror of the sacrifice:

The yellow birds flit and rest among the jujubes

Who followed Duke Mu [into death]? Ziju Yanxi

This Yanxi excelled over an hundred men.

When he came to the grave, he trembled in terror.

Blue heaven, you are destroying our good men.

We would have given an hundred lives to save him.

There's two other verses, but they're basically the same. Above is my modification of two (quite) different translations. I don't know classical Chinese, but eh, close enough.

Anyway. It's human sacrifice.

John henry said...

Am I the only one seeing a musical theme for the weekend?

Yesterday Mellow Yellow, today Yellow Bird

Yellow bird, 
Up high in banana tree, 
Yellow bird, 
You sit all alone like me

Did your lady frien', 
Leave de nest again?
Dat is very sad, 
Make me feel so bad, 
You can fly away, 
In the sky away, 
You're more lucky dan me.

Lots of fun to be had with those lyrics and Brown.

We could start with the blackface nature of a whiter than white Roger Whitaker singing ebonics.

So what's on deck for tomorrow, Ann?

Tie a yellow ribbon

Then Sunday the yellow rose of texas

Keep it going until monday with yellow submarine.

Maybe replace your smirky rat with yellow songs for the cafes. I gotta tell you, the rat is microaggressing me. I need a safe space.

I need a yellow space.

John Henry

John henry said...

A couple other uses for canary

Stool pigeon "they put the squeeze on vinnie and he sang like a canary"

Female singer with a big band "Anita O'Day was the canary in Gene Krupa's band" (and a very good one too)

So is Brown going to rat out fellow democrats?

Or is he just going to sing along?

John Henry

Josephbleau said...

Blogger Gilbert Pinfold said...
1st commenter mentioned a "davy" lamp, named after Sir Humphry Davy, notable chemist and discoverer of many elements and pioneer of nitrous oxide intoxication. The Davy lamp was a safety lamp to prevent open flames used for lighting in mines to combust methane leading to explosions. Not really the same use as the caged canary, which would die when oxygen was insufficient due to displacement by methane and other gases. My parents were chemists...

2/1/19, 10:08 AM

But if Oxygen level is low (About 17% O2) the Davy Lamp will go dim or go out giving warning, as well as when Methane is high it will burn blue or loudly pop and go out without creating a real gas explosion, so it is better than a canary. It does jobs canarys refuses to do.

Known Unknown said...

Too complex and obscure. Fail.

rhhardin said...

The dignity of work is Virgil, Georgics I think.

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