February 10, 2019

"When the term Executive Time is used, I am generally working, not relaxing."


rhhardin said...

Working at all available hours is characteristic of a play for pay job.

mccullough said...

Trump worked harder at The Aporentice than W and Obama did as president.

I love the term Executive Time.

Lyle Smith said...

I believe it

Limited blogger said...

We wanted Obama on golf course, did less harm.

Trump gets things done.

rcocean said...

I agree that Trump works very hard. He didn't go to Florida during the shutdown and rarely goes on long vacations. OTOH, Reagan was constantly jetting off to "The Ranch" and Obama set a record for number of golf games played.

Having said that, being a "hard worker" means zilch when evaluating Presidents. Unless they are really goofing off (See FDR in 1944-1945). Hoover was our hardest working President. He worked night and day to help "solve" the Depression. Jimmy Carter was another Workaholic. Nixon worked round the clock, which is one reason why we got watergate, if he hadn't been so interested in the details...

Browndog said...

Some men pride themselves on never being outworked by anybody. Having someone insinuate you're lazy is sure to get your back up.

I have no use for Trump taking to twitter to defend everything and anything said about him, but this time I give him a pass.

Also, those that call Trump lazy are probably lazy asses.

rcocean said...

So, we've gone from "Trump is so crazy - he's tweeting at 2AM" to "Trump is a goof off"

The MSM will throw mud, stones, straw, pig shit, ANY THING, at Trump & hopes it sticks.

Chuck said...

Prove it. The Presidency is, or should be, so very well documented. We have chapters and volumes of federal statutes and regulations on Executive Branch documents, documentation and recordkeeping.

So prove it, you lying sack of shit. Your Tweets mean less than nothing.

All that Presidential work; there must be a record. By law, there must be a record.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Go suck Hillary's dick, Chuck. That and her 30,000 deleted e-mails.

rcocean said...

"Some men pride themselves on never being outworked by anybody."

That makes sense when you're working for yourself or working on the Manhattan project. I've seen people like that in Corporate America. They're morons.

rcocean said...

Presidential meetings are almost always a waste of time.

For the President.

cronus titan said...

"Executive time" is a common government term when the organizational head is conducting business that is sensitive in some way, classified, proprietary, etc. It is also used when the executive needs time to work on something without interruption (absent an emergency). Preparing the SOTU speech would be an example. Considering how many moles are in the White House, it is understandable that Trump wants to keep disclosure of the specifics of his day to a minimum. People who ridicule the term are ignorant of executive management, and have no idea what it means to run a large and complex organization, which would be most "journalists" in the Democrat media complex and nearly all Representatives and Senators.

Big Mike said...

This is an example of Trump trolling the media. He is, rightfully, irked that his schedule got out to the media in the first place, but by claiming that he "probably work[s] more hours than almost any past President" he's engaging in hyperbole and waiting for the media "fact checkers" to pick nits that no one in outside Democrats and Never-Trumpers much care about. To the detriment of the credibility of the "fact checkers."

Yes, I mean to use scare quotes around "fact checkers."

madAsHell said...

Obama just wanted the title. Trump loves the job.

AustinRoth said...

Chuck - please remember to take your medication at least one hour prior to posting.

Big Mike said...

Plus what cronus titan wrote while I was still typing.

AustinRoth said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

At least he used the word “probably”, saving his tweet from being a complete lie. There’s a good reason a staff member leaked those schedules to the Press.

Big Mike said...

However I do recall a quote variously attributed to Satchel Paige and A. A. Milne, among others:

"Sometimes I just sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits."

Back in the mid-1960s I had a poster with that saying in my dorm room. I've also seen that poster with a guy on the crapper and his pants down around his ankles and also with a guy in rocking chair.

FullMoon said...

There’s a good reason a staff member leaked those schedules to the Press.

The usual. Thirty pieces of silver.

JaimeRoberto said...

If you don't like what the President is doing, wouldn't you want him on the golf course or executive time? Otherwise you're just complaining that the food is terrible and the servings are small. And yes, the same applies to those who complained about Obama playing golf.

Big Mike said...

(Two different posters, I should have added.)

le Douanier said...

Althouse did a better job making it sound like this time was productive re governing, in her post from a while back.

That post was before folks had moved on from this topic, i.e. back before DJT put it front and center again. Now it's back, and he's undercut the more effective defensive jabber from his supporters like Althouse.

Stable genius.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In order for the left to beat Trump, they need to stick him in jail.

That's not totalitarian dictatorship fascist leftwing crazy or anything!

FullMoon said...

There’s a good reason a staff member leaked those schedules to the Press.

The usual,sex.

NFL wife accuses reporter of giving sexual favours in exchange for information 2015;

Jun 18, 2018 - New York Times reporter Ali Watkins has been accused of trading sex for stories

Aug 27, 2014 - The perpetually perky newswoman (Katy Couric) is said to have wondered if her ABC competitor (Diane Sawyer)traded sex for stories — a comment sources close to Couric ...

narciso said...

well we know how 'enterprising' girl reporter, miss Watkins was willing to go to get information, which was published in outlets like buzzfeed and bezos cribsheet,

re the ovoid mogul, why do we think only the enquirer, was privy to his private dalliances, the way this paper has been re iran, Qatar and turkey,

BUMBLE BEE said...

Chuck is skeptical about Trump's "billable hours"? An interesting sensitivity there Chucko. I'd have to say that his accomplishments, while working for free, gotta sting a clock watcher like you.

gilbar said...

so, some LLR smears the President of the United States, using profanity to claim that the President is lying.

damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.

narciso said...

the problem is the rest of the funds,


RichAndSceptical said...

The best way to accomplish little is to spend the business day in meetings.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is there some way we can jail him for this?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama: "Fore!"

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

We should make Trump punch a clock.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jimmy said...

Trump is the master at exposing the hate and the call for violence and revenge that is the hallmark of the left now. No ideas, no willingness to negotiate, or to even try to be civil. It is hate, and calls for violence. The leaders of the Dem party have decided that going all in on a totalitarian future is the only option. Socialism and Communism have 100 years of proven failure, yet these ideas are all the Dems have to offer. Totalitarianism, with the full thought control, violent suppression of speech and actions, is the Dems response to Trump. They cloak it all in the usual self righteousness. Providing the rationalization for eliminating those who don't agree with their tribe.

alanc709 said...

Obama took vacations from his vacations, and Trump takes too much time off?

Henry said...

LOL. Trump just can't help himself.

Earnest Prole said...

I couldn't care less how Trump structures his time, as long as he doesn't spend it as a gangbang cumslut for Congress. Apparently no one told Trump how it works and he had to learn the hard way.

Unknown said...

As I previously posted on another thread on this topic: Trump-haters are mad that Trump doesn't work hard enough doing things that they don't want him to do.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What about diddling 22 year old interns? Is he diddling interns?

PackerBronco said...

I prefer Reagan's line on this topic: "It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?"

Still no thread is complete without Chuck going off the deep end. This is such a minor inconsequential topic and Chuck immediately goes DefCon I. That boy needs to take a deep breath and back away from the keyboard. It might do him good.

alanc709 said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
At least he used the word “probably”, saving his tweet from being a complete lie. There’s a good reason a staff member leaked those schedules to the Press.

And Inga is an expert at complete lies.

Skeptical Voter said...

A recent obituary of a very successful CEO had him quoted--before his death, as saying that the major part of his job consisted in figuring out just what things or tasks only he could do. The rest was to be delegated. As for those things that only Trump can do, I don't care whether he's behind his desk in the Oval Office, sitting on the john LBJ style, or playing with the dog he doesn't have. Chuck's opinion about how Trump should spend his time and or organize his day means no more than a popcorn poot in a North Texas windstorm.

Reagan supposedly took a lot of naps. Reagan got a lot of things done. Chuck would not approve.

bagoh20 said...

Trump is well known and documented as the kind of man who prefers work to leisure and that is usually the style of men who built business empires like his. It has probably been true of 100% of men like him, at least before the recent phenomenon of overnight billionaires in tech. Because of that I have no doubt he is the hardest working President in recent memory. I don't see the others as that type of men with that kind of drive and even obsession with work. What other President demonstrated that type of work ethic and drive over a lifetime before becoming President. I don't know one. Maybe Carter, but he was never as successful at getting things done. Trump's whole life is his work and always has been.

William said...

It's just not credible to accuse Trump of laziness or mental illness. The better bet is to disparage his sexual morals. If there's one thing men despise, it's a man who fools around with porn stars and Playmates of the Year. That's just awful. What kind of man cheats on his supermodel wife with a Playmate of the Year or a pornstar? You can count on the fingers of one hand the number of men who would do something like that.

bagoh20 said...

I would challenge any of the critics of Trump's work ethic to show how their's has been more productive or successful? You might as well tell us how you would be a better quarterback than Tom Brady.

bagoh20 said...

Even at sexual peccadilloes Trump is an overachiever. Compare him to our other cad President Bill Clinton. It's like comparing Eric Clapton to Yoko Ono.

Danno said...

So many people think of work as face time or something that is accomplished on a linear basis. I personally had many ideas in my professional career that came at weird hours or while doing relaxation activities that were creative solutions to long-standing business issues, so I call bull shit on those types of people.

Drago said...

PackerBronco: "This is such a minor inconsequential topic and Chuck immediately goes DefCon I. That boy needs to take a deep breath and back away from the keyboard. It might do him good."

Please do not use military terminology when referring to LLR Chuck.

Although LLR Chuck affords himself astonishing levels of credit for having, once, briefly considered joining the military but then didn't cuz "reasons", that doesn't mean he ipso facto understands basically military terminology or jargon.

On the other hand, one does recall that LLR Chuck went "all in", and I mean ALL THE WAY IN, on Dem Senator lying hack Dick Da Nang Blumenthal's (D-Stolen Valor) continuous, multi-year lies about serving in Vietnam.

Drago said...

It looks like the dems and their li'l LLR lap poodles are going to try and resurrect their Reagan-era slurs against Trump.

It surprises no one that LLR Chuck is, once again, out-Lefting the left in narrative, tone and volume.

But then, self-described smear merchants like Chuck, who have also not shied away from racist posting or attacks on children, usually have no difficulty in matching the antifa-like intensity in their moronic attacks.

Drago said...

William: "It's just not credible to accuse Trump of laziness or mental illness."

The lefties/LLR's have just a few plays in their playbook when it comes to republican Presidents and you can see from this thread that Inga and LLR Chuck and the rest of the lefty usual suspects are going to cycle through all of them in just one weekend.

Who can forget the "Bush Family Evil Empire" talk, the "Bush purposely left 9-11 happen" crew (MIHOP/LIHOP: Made it happen on purpose, Let it happen on purpose).

Of course, Chuck's strong lefty pals also accused Bush of purposely blowing up the levees in New Orleans. Remember that one?

There is no level LLR Chuck and his lefty associates won't sink to in order to help dems back into power.

narciso said...

Some of these rants resemble a recent work by Robert Gleason a resistance polemicist masquerading as an action novelist he seems to have bought the dossier lock stock and barrel and went crazier if that were possible.

Otto said...

Mark Simone on his 710 AM morning show has good insight into Trump's work habits. Has known him for over 20 yrs. Says Trump is a workaholic.

Drago said...

Otto: "Mark Simone on his 710 AM morning show has good insight into Trump's work habits. Has known him for over 20 yrs. Says Trump is a workaholic."

If you recall, that was one of the early complaints about Trump was that he was a workaholic, stays up all night, etc etc etc.

But LLR Chuck and the lunatic left (peas in a pod) have clearly decided that the most effective conservative presidency in 60 years was a bad time to speak about Trump being a workaholic so, like all lefties, LLR Chuck and gang have reversed course and now the big talking point is Trump is lazy!! Similar to what LLR Chuck's far left allies said about W Bush, HW Bush and Reagan.

Marcus Bressler said...

why is Chuck still here? Asking for a friend.


narciso said...

Gleason is a real nutbar, he has written at least two thrillers were the west suffer severe nuclear attack, the second involves two in the United states as punishment for selling nuclear technology to the third world that happened under Eisenhower notably Iran and pakistan

Robert Cook said...

"The media was able to get my work schedule, something very easy to do, but it should have been reported as a positive, not negative. When the term Executive Time is used, I am generally working, not relaxing. In fact, I probably work more hours than almost any past President...."

Hahahaha! Yes, and he is the smartest president there has ever been, and he is the greatest lover there ever was (NYPOST headline from when he was dating Marla Maples: "BEST SEX I EVER HAD," an obviously fabricated statement attributed to Ms. Maples.) He is also the most handsome president there ever was, and the cleanest. In fact, there is no category of being or doing in which Don is not the ne plus ultra!

Gk1 said...

The fact Trump's schedule is leaking repeatedly is the biggest scandal I can think of. Whatever dirt bag is doing this doesn't care that it puts the president at risk or gives our adversaries inside intel they may use against us. They don't give a shit about the country and hope to hobble Trump. That's the problem the left couldn't give two shits about. They better fucking knock it off before someone gets hurt.

Static Ping said...

I don't really care how many hours the President works as long as he does his job.

iowan2 said...

LLR Chuck has said his piece and demanded respect for his opinion. Remember he has declared his only intent on this blog is to smear President Trump. If he were a lawyer like he claims, his only action is to recuse himself from all things President Trump. It's almost like he knows less about the law, than your average TV watching fan of Boston Legal.

Rory said...

PackerBronco said: "I prefer Reagan's line on this topic: "It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?"

Lincoln said, "My daddy taught me how to work, but never taught me how to like it."

DeepRunner said...

Thems that mock the phrase "Executive Time" will likely have lots of "Personal Time" if they don't #LearnToCode.

Gospace said...

Allie Oop said...
At least he used the word “probably”, saving his tweet from being a complete lie. There’s a good reason a staff member leaked those schedules to the Press.

Ummm, no, there isn't any good reason for a staff member to violate their terms of employment and leak the President's schedule.

The question I wonder is - did that staffer commit a felony or misdemeanor? If the schedule has any sort of classification on it, even a simple Confidential-NOFORN, it's a felony.

Howard said...

Of course he's a work-a-holic. He has to frantically tread water to keep up with the refinancing of his refinanced debts. No rest for the wicked.

The Godfather said...

Remember Ike? The guy who ran the war to liberate Europe from Hitler? Commanded armies of millions? When he became President, his opponents complained that he played golf too much and wasn't doing his job? Somehow, the job got done.

FIDO said...

Trump could do anything he wants to do to be 'Not Hillary' and 'Not Obama'.

Golf is popular. So is chasing interns around the Oval Orifice, particularly with Democrat presidents.

That Trump might actually be PRODUCTIVE is a bonus.

So 'worry' about executive time?

Much like Chuck, I seriously doubt that Democrats WANT Trump to be hard working, but any smear will do if it sticks.

The Godfather said...

When I was a practicing lawyer, my firm billed my services by the hours worked. I filled out time sheets by the quarter hour and later by the tenth of an hour. But the truth is that sometimes I figured out the solution to a problem, the key to a case, when I was doing something else -- taking a shower, jogging, driving to work, whatever. If you're involved in your job, you're always thinking about it. I didn't put those hours on my time sheets ("getting brilliant idea while showering" might have raised some eyebrows). If I'd heard about "Executive Time" I might have tried that.

Do Trump's time records record "Tweeting stuff I should have thought twice about"?

readering said...

Trump turns 73 in 4 months. Not realistic to expect him to work full days.

Biff said...

My guess is that if you took the same schedule and said that it was Obama's schedule, the press would speculate that Obama was using "Executive Time" to read sophisticated literature, to ponder great policies, and to write down important thoughts, proving he was the smartest president in history.

glenn said...

That’s because he came from the private sector where results count.

gadfly said...

Don't tell gilbar that Trump always lies. Politifact's scorecard has him lying almost 70% of the time.

Achilles said...

gadfly said...
Don't tell gilbar that Trump always lies. Politifact's scorecard has him lying almost 70% of the time.

Are you trying to look like an idiot?

I mean you have to be to say something this stupid.

Achilles said...

Never mind gadfly. Something about trump just makes all of you leftists idiots.

Chuck, Inga, readering and Shiloh all posted something stupid too.

But you all voted for Hillary so that’s how smart you are.

Matt Sablan said...

Executive time has always meant things like reviewing documents or personal correspondence with subordinates and other organizations. Thinking it meant something else is just weird.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Wasn't there some sort of dust-up about Huma leaving Hillary's schedule on a hotel bed or some such place?

John henry said...

Buwaya mentioned Drucker in another thread. One of the things that's been with me sine I first read it in the 70s

"the effective executive never knows whether he's working or playing. He is always doing both."

Anyone who hasn't read Drucker's classic should do so now.

Ditto anyone who's not reread it recently

John Henry

John henry said...

I believe in working half days and it doesn't matter which 12 hours

Zig Ziglar(?)

John Henry

Drago said...

Johnhenry: "Anyone who hasn't read Drucker's classic should do so now."

LLR Chuck has no time to read anything other than his usual lefty Soros-funded and/or DNC material.

In LLR Chuck's defense, he will often read Maxine Waters transcripts for "balance".

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Don't tell gilbar that Trump always lies. Politifact's scorecard has him lying almost 70% of the time.

LOL, here’s an example of a “lie” per Politifact: “Kamala Harris is supporting the animals of MS-13”

Politifact dismisses it as “baseless” when in fact she is utterly against any effective border controls and supports sanctuary cities where members of Mexican gangs are sheltered from law enforcement.

Trump gets his facts wrong sometimes, but seriously, a lot of these supposed “lies” are just differences of opinion where Trump has a point that the Democrats, err, I mean Politifact just doesn’t want to concede.

Robert Cook said...

"That’s because he came from the private sector where results count."

As he learned through his numerous business bankruptcies.

Chuck said...

iowan2 said...
LLR Chuck has said his piece and demanded respect for his opinion. Remember he has declared his only intent on this blog is to smear President Trump. If he were a lawyer like he claims, his only action is to recuse himself from all things President Trump. It's almost like he knows less about the law, than your average TV watching fan of Boston Legal.

Recuse?! "Recuse" from what, exactly? I am not a judge in a case involving Trump. I am not a journalist, doing hard news coverage of Trump. I am not active duty military or law enforcement, where I might be restricted from speech about the Commander in Chief of the armed forces or who is the Chief Executive and the top law enforcement officer in the nation.

So, Mr. Shit-for-Legal Knowledge; tell these comment page readers which action, activity, investigation, inquiry, etc., I should "recuse" myself from.

I've said it before, and you were too stupid or inattentive to have recall it; I owe no legal duty to Trump. I don't need to be fair to him, or kind or supportive. There are laws, regulations and other legal dictates that govern recusals. I don't fit any of them with regard to Trump. Unless you know differently, and can tell all of these good readers what that is.

gilbar said...

are you asserting that that %70 == all the time?

Jaq said...

Well Chuck, you could find a grammar book and read about conditional clauses and how they are used and expressed in English.

Chuck said...

tim in vermont said...
Well Chuck, you could find a grammar book and read about conditional clauses and how they are used and expressed in English.

How about "Fuck you!" Is that conditional clause? Prolly not.

Are you going to help out our discussion of "recusals" now?

roesch/voltaire said...

Well we know he is not reading reports from the intelligence community, state department, EPA etc. but he is watching Fox Nd Friends where he learned that germs aren’t real because they can’t be seen. Stay tuned for tweets on germ denial along with where is global warming as I can’t see in this snow storm.Exucutive time is so productive.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...


As to your last post; indeed we have a direct admission from Trump that he "didn't see" the recent Worldwide Threat Assessment. Which then became the subject of regular testimony by all of the U.S. intel chiefs before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, where they contradicted many of Trump's foreign relations talking points, which then became an even bigger story wherein Trump (a) Tweeted that his intel chiefs needed a better education, (b) had them into the Oval Office for a private meeting and (c) later blamed the press for somehow misreporting the story. When in fact much of the country saw the testimony live and in real time, and could not understand how the media got anything wrong about the coverage of the intel chiefs' testimony.

Trump admitted he never read the report that became a topic of such heated debate.

I rate your comment "True, and illustrative," roesch/Voltaire.

FIDO said...


You ask too much. Chuck is like a screeching black woman trying to get her baby daddy thrown in jail.

For sensible and objective people, who have seen how Obama and Hillary have tried to rig the system in corruption, the question is not 'is Trump a bad person'.

The question is, is he worse than the alternative, which includes corruption, socialism, and election fraud?

Chuck refuses to make that case because it is so cringingly obvious that Trump, for all his flaws, IS better than a Kamala Harris, a Bobby O'Rourke, an AOC.

Sad for a supposed lawyer to be so unobjective, but there you are.

Chuck said...

FIDO I have written on these pages more times than I can count; after virulently opposing Trump all the way through the 2016 Republican primaries, I voted for him in the general election as the least-worst alternative.

Pretty much what you just butchered in your ridiculous post.

The fact that I voted for Trump as the least worst alternative satisfies your concern, of course. And for my part, having voted for Trump as the least-worst alternative does not soften any of my harsh views about him. I am not sorry for having voted for Trump in the general. I am both sorrowful and angry that primary voters made Trump the Republican nominee.

How much clearer could I make that? Just how fucking stupid do you have to be, to not get that?

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "I don't need to be fair to him, or kind or supportive."

You are here to lie and smear, as you very very proudly announced.

The only people who agree with you are the farthest left lunatics....

....because they recognize a fellow lefty when they see one.....

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "The fact that I voted for Trump as the least worst alternative satisfies your concern, of course."

There is zero evidence this is true and is almost certainly another in a long list of lies LLR Chuck has offered up in his endless quest to permanently enshrine tje dems in power at all levels.

Chuck said...

Never, ever, not once did I ever say that I proposed to lie about Trump in order to hurt him.

I did once write that I wished to “smear” Trump and to the extent that my use of “smear” implied a willingness on my part to lie about Trump I regret it very much and wish I had never used that one word. I like the general idea of hurting Trump; I abhor the idea that some might have hint that I would lie to do so.

I was sloppy in my deployment of the word “smear.” Just like Althouse was in one of her own blog posts not long ago.

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