February 1, 2019

What a terribly bad week it's been for Gov. Northam.

Today, there's this:

And earlier this week, a lot of people heard him saying he'd accept infanticide, though I myself gave him a charitable reading and never took it that way.

As for the blackface and Klansman photo, what's the charitable reading? He's not responsible for his yearbook page? Remember last September how seriously Democrats took Bret Kavanaugh's yearbook page?


wendybar said...

Bahahahahhahaha….Watch the left eat the left!!

Henry said...

In his defense he can't be both of them.

Owen said...

I don't think the yearbook should be used to beat up Governor Northam. I'm sure he would extend to black women the same right to abort their offspring as he would give to whites.

papper said...

The Democrats and the left made any silly thing done decades ago fair game for claims of outrage. You reap what you sow.

rehajm said...

There Will be Crickets.

Mattman26 said...

And Northam was in med school, not high school.

Unknown said...

He's a moral leader now

It doesn't matter what he used to do

Same as Robert Bryd

Bay Area Guy said...

As for the blackface and Klansman photo, what's the charitable reading?

The charitable reading is that young men do stupid stuff in their yearbook photos, but since it hurts nobody and he's probably not a Klansman or a racist, who gives a fuck?

The Left has no problem with killing newborn babies, but 35-year old yearbooks showing poor taste? Well, that's a problem!

Gk1 said...

Hah! The democrats don't give two shits about his yearbook or his causal racism or thirst for infanticide. That was only for Kavanaugh and that particular tactical operation at the time last October. At the moment they are too wound up over that attack of the actor named Hoosits and his "Maga Country" attackers who tried noosing him in Chicago, the very heart of "Trump Country"

Two-eyed Jack said...

I have always thought that someone should propose a bill banning "so-called caesarian-and-sledgehammer" abortions, not because they exist, but just to see who would oppose it.

Now it seems that time has passed me by and people (well Democratic governors, at least) are talking about keeping the newborn infant comfortable prior to the abortion.

Owen said...

Two-eyed Jack: "...keeping the newborn infant comfortable..." In a world without God, the absence of pain is all that matters.

gahrie said...

You mean "He's too perfect I don't trust him" Kavanaugh?

Dave Begley said...

Why didn't his GOP opponent get that out before the election? Did the Russians stop the GOP?

Jim at said...

It would take a heart of stone not to laugh. And even then ....

J. Farmer said...

I am surprised that didn't come out during the election.

Dave Begley said...

He was a Med School graduate in 1984. I can't imagine a Creighton or Nebraska Med School graduate with those public photos in 1984.

Northam should resign immediately or be impeached. I'm outraged.

FullMoon said...

Coming up.some variation of "He will be up for re-election,not a life time appointment"

Ann Althouse said...

"Why didn't his GOP opponent get that out before the election? Did the Russians stop the GOP?"


gahrie said...

It's been a worse week for all the children that were aborted this week.

William said...


It's different when they do it.

Mattman26 said...

I guess you could try to chalk it up to Halloween, but Megyn Kelly put an end to that.

gspencer said...

But for the leftist MSM this would never pass. But, because he's a Democrat, there's no need for him to have any concern.

JayDee77 said...


Dad29 said...

Yah....and Northam got a nice $250.00 or so from Bill Kristol & wife. Ol' Cap'n Bill thought electing Northam would teach Trump a lesson.

mccullough said...

At least he wasn’t holding a Tiki Torch.

I don’t think the Coalminers in a Pub excuse is going to work.

MadisonMan said...

Guess I should go look in my Yearbook when I get home. What time bombs lurk within?

Wince said...

It all fits together, perhaps, if you consider there might be a racially disparate impact to the extreme abortion policy he advocates.

gspencer said...

I'd put money that he's the Klansman supporting Margaret Sanger's Negro Project.


Crimso said...

"In his defense he can't be both of them."

Sure he can. Copenhagen interpretation. Until his wave function collapses.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DEMOCRATICS can get away with anything.

Seth Rich murder.
Secret Private Server for Clinton Cash.
Dead woman under a bridge.
Shooting Steve Scalice.
Breaking Rand Paul's Ribs.
Declaring the death to private industry and somehow that isn't fascism?

YoungHegelian said...

I look forward to the day when we're led by saints since birth** or quadriplegics, since it's clear no one else will be able to pass the recent standards for public decorum.

**Sorry, St. Auggie! You no make cut!

Paul Zrimsek said...

I was looking at his perfectly creased hood.... and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.

JayDee77 said...

"DEMOCRATICS can get away with anything."

Obama going to the racist Church of Hate for 20 years.

Hagar said...

There were two things going on.
1. Abortion of normal babies up to the hour of birth (already passed in NY?).
2. "Euthanatizing" babies with severe birth defects after birth - which is what the Governor was talking about on camera, but still is considered murder just about anywhere in the world.

WisRich said...

Welp, CNN online has pretty much whitewashed this story...oops.

Mark Larson said...

I share my HS yearbook with Anthony Weiner (Brooklyn Tech, 1981). I had some fun media calls!

YoungHegelian said...

Gives new meaning to the term "Boys in Da Hood".

Dave Begley said...

45 likes at WaPo.

"I'll give a democrat a change of heart pass for what happened forty years ago

I'm more concerned with republican efforts to prevent black people from voting today."

Who is preventing blacks from voting today? Name names! We want details.

And it was 34 years ago; not 40.

I knew the Creighton Medical School Class of 1984 very well. Not a single person would have even thought of posing in photos like that.

narciso said...

wonder what larry sabato would say about this, remember he all of a sudden 'remembered' things George allen said thirty years earlier?

Hagar said...

Asked when a fetus becomes a baby, Barbara Boxer (Senator Ma'am) said: "When you take the baby home from the hospital!"

SweatBee said...

Evan "Ed Gillespie is peddling white nationalism!" McMullin unavailable for comment, I presume.

Goldenpause said...

It will be interesting to see whether the left wing outrage machine goes after a Democratic governor who is an enthusiastic cheerleader for an extreme abortion bill. Who am I kidding? He may have to grovel a bit but he will survive because he is not a Republican. And the price of survival will be that he toe the leftist line.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Northam said he likes beer. Kavanugh liked beer and that was a scandal.

Northam's alma mater was the Virginia Military Institute. Two natiaonl college fraternities were founded there in the late 1860s---Sigma Nu (by three Confederate veterans) and Alpha Tau Omega (presumably also by Confederate veterans--I know about Sigma Nu since I was a member).
So he went to a school where racists founded fraternities.

Medical school students are not the ladies and gentlemen of good taste that we would like them to be. Northam's med school (or maybe Northam) did the black face and KKK hoods. I have a friend who fronted a medical school student rock band at the University of Kentucky Medical school at about the same time as Northam was at Eastern Virginia Med School. The name of the friend's rock band? "Prepuce and The Foreskins".

And finally this Virginia bill re abortions up to the 40th week mirrors one that Obama voted for as an Illinois state legislature. In Obama's case if a partial birth abortion were botched (i.e. the baby somehow survived the procedure and the doctor didn't succeed in crushing the skull) the baby was simply put up on a shelf and allowed to die.

It looks like the Virginia bill will allow the mother and her doctors to look at the newly born baby and say "It's disfigured" and put it up on the shelf and leave it alone to die. Or maybe the mother says, "It's a girl and I wanted a boy". Under China's one child policy, a lot of perfectly viable and beautiful little baby girls wound up drowned in a bucket of water before they were 24 hours old. In Virginia, they'll just be put up on the shelf.

Christopher said...

"Advocate for Child Murder is Apparently an Awful Person"

-News at 11

Geoff Matthews said...

When I was in elementary school (maybe 2nd grade) I wanted to dress up as a KKK member for Halloween.
This is in Canada during the 70s, and I just wanted to dress up as something scary that no one else was going to.

Didn't give it much thought afterwards until I saw that South Park episode where Cartman dressed up as a Nazi and the principal then dresses him up as a ghost (that looks like a Klansman). And I thought it was odd that they made such a big deal over it.

When I shared this bit with some coworkers, they couldn't believe I'd do that. So no presidential run for me.

n.n said...

Tear down the walls Mr. Northam.

The tell-tale hearts are beating ever louder. #HateLovesAbortion

mccullough said...

The KKK was a Democrat organization so at least he’s been a loyal Democrat since Thriller

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

Boys will be boys.

Anthony said...

I admit it: Me and two other guys dressed up as Klansmen for Halloween in the 1970s (1978-9 or thereabouts). To make it worse, we used altar boy robes from my church!

We went to a party our black friend was throwing. He thought it was hilarious. A fine time was had by all.

No high-profile jobs for me, I'm afraid. But I am unrepentant.

mccullough said...

Mueller needs to raid zither governors mansion and look for MAGA caps. Northam could be A MAGAchurian candidate.

He probably has the statute of General Lee in his garage.

Humperdink said...

Gov Forty Weeks will get more grief for donning the white KKK hood 34 years ago than he will for starving/suffocating/sledge hammering a newborn today. And even then it won't be much. After all he's a platinum member of Nina's Burleigh's Club Lewinsky.

gspencer said...

How come Ed Gillespie didn't find this during his campaign against Northam?

Balfegor said...

It really is shocking that Gillespie's team couldn't find this and put it out there back in 2017, when Virginians could have had a chance to reject Governor Blackface here.

AlbertAnonymous said...

William at 4:06 wins:


Its different when they do.... [shit] ... it”

YoungHegelian said...


The name of the friend's rock band? "Prepuce and The Foreskins".

Goyim, huh?

iowan2 said...

Democrats are demanding Northam resign. For the picture.

Killing babies after they are born, is A-OK, Black Face is a bridge too far.

I can write the SNL skit for this

Henry said...

Sure he can. Copenhagen interpretation. Until his wave function collapses.

Or darkroom manipulation.

MikeD said...

Why does Althouse think a teenagers high school yearbook compares in any way to an adults med-school yearbook?

AlbertAnonymous said...


There is no SNL skit for this.

There would have been, back when SNL was funny...

But now that it’s another arm/tentacle of the DNC, sadly, there isn’t.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The best part is the Schadenfreude

Quaestor said...

I'm laying 50 to 1 Inga never comments on this thread.

Any takers?

Quaestor said...

My cat is simultaneously racist and non-racist.

Jaq said...

Never heard of him but knew he was a Democrat because his party wasn't mentioned. If he is a Republican, I stand corrected.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Iowan @ said

Democrats are demanding Northam resign. For the picture.

Killing babies after they are born, is A-OK, Black Face is a bridge too far.

I can write the SNL skit for this.

Loyal leftists on SNL won't touch it.

+worth a nice hearty bold.

traditionalguy said...

The lieutenant Governor is an anti-Confederate black man. The Railroad is speeding up.

Leland said...

I am not surprised to see a Virginia Democrat dabble in the KKK and blackface. It is what they do because that is who they are.

Kevin said...

"Why didn't his GOP opponent get that out before the election?

Because it wouldn't have mattered. And it still doesn't.

These things harm Republicans because enough Republicans fear being labeled racist. When one of their candidates does something stupid, enough REPUBLICANS stay home so he loses the election. When one of their representatives says something stupid, the REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP takes care to remove them from positions of power and make public statements condemning them.

Democrats never do this. Their voters have been trained that no matter how many Klan hoods their candidate is shown wearing, the real racists are always on the other side of the ballot. When one of their representatives is found doing or saying something stupid, the unions and churches and social pressure continues to press on them to vote blue.

It's OK, they're told, you need not worry about such things because you're on the side of righteousness and those with you are also on that side.

And if, pray tell, someone does something so outrageous that people might not be able to look past it, the offender goes on Maddow's show to express regret, growth, and a firey conviction to not just atone but fight to their last breath against what they just a moment ago they were for.

So Ed Gillespie just laughs, throws that in the trash, and works on getting out the voters he can.

And if you doubt me, just check back in a week and see the nothingness the media and Dem leadership make this out to be.

That guy just went to bat for infanticide. They're not going to cast him out for some old photos.

Why, you can hardly make out who it is...

Yancey Ward said...

It makes wonder if Northam knew earlier this week that the picture was going to be revealed.

It was hard for me to figure out why he did that interview and took those questions. Perhaps he thought he needed some political protection.

readering said...

Now several days of further coverage while they get him to say whether he is the guy in blackface or the guy in under the hood.

Jaq said...

We had a guy in kollege who dressed up as a Nazi. He got booed and it was over. Point made. Though if they had seen his collection of military rifles, it might have gone further. He became a dentist.

Unknown said...

Didn't Northam leave off his black co-candidate for Lieutenant Governor on some flyers? Now this? And he's out there calling for mothers to murder their unwanted. babies.... mostly black mothers, I'm guessing?

Maybe not, but heck, this is the new rules, and Democrats need to be crushed by them.


Yancey Ward said...

This picture would have only mattered in the 2017 election if it came up during the Democratic primary- once Northam was nominated, the picture's existence would have been smothered with pillow until it was dead.

In any case, VA doesn't allow 2 terms, right- so Northam won't be running again, and there is no indication either sitting Senator is about to retire.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media playing name that party.

hey at least the guy wasn't a Welsh miner.

Kevin said...

This dude got to be VP for the first black President and will probably run yet again:

“I think the concept of busing … that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride,” said Biden. Desegregation, he argued, was “a rejection of the entire black awareness concept, where black is beautiful, black culture should be studied; and the cultural awareness of the importance of their own identity, their own individuality.”

Rob said...

Clearly what should happen now is that Governor Northam should be kept comfortable, resuscitated if necessary, while the adults discuss whether to kill him.

rhhardin said...

What's wrong with blackface. Another mysterious offense.

rhhardin said...

Girls wear heels and pretend to be tall.

Jupiter said...

"And earlier this week, a lot of people heard him saying he'd accept infanticide, though I myself gave him a charitable reading and never took it that way."

That's not a "charitable reading". That's sticking your fingers in your ears and going "La-la-la-la-I-can't-hear-you!".

rhhardin said...

What would be mocked today by blackface is different from the historical mockery; today it would be down in the 'hood mockery.

The hood's with the other head, you could say.

rhhardin said...

Two sheeted KKK guys walking out of their house for a night's activity

"I love it when they're warm and fresh out of the dryer."

Calahan cartoon.

rhhardin said...

If it's law school, it would be a justice is blind joke.

Jupiter said...

Rob said...
"Clearly what should happen now is that Governor Northam should be kept comfortable, resuscitated if necessary, while the adults discuss whether to kill him."

Yeah, I've been wondering about that. It would obviously be in extremely bad taste to call for Governor Northam to be shot down like a rabid dog in the street, and might even get me a visit from the Virginia State Police. But is it OK if I suggest he be kept comfortable while some doctors discuss his mother's mental health?

rhhardin said...

The news is so fucking moronic. The cliche gotcha points are idiotic and unquestioned.

Like in Robert Frost, good fences make good neighbors. Why do they make good neighbors? You'd want to know what's being fenced in or fenced out. Usually cows. But here there are no cows.

Somebody can look up the exact lines. An unquestioned truth questioned.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

Soap opera is made of unquestioned truths.

Earnest Prole said...

I think the Klan guy might be wearing the smirk of White Privilege.

rhhardin said...

The infanticide reading is ridiculous, but gives pro-life people a problem, in that they can't say what's wrong with it except by saying every fertilized egg has a soul dropped into it. The dogma does them in. No bright line at birth for them to take a stand at.

Whereas society at large can easily say that if it's cute, it's protected. That's how morality works.

Religion comes from morality, not the reverse. It's a poeticization of what came before it.

rhhardin said...

Gloating over stupid rules the left dreams up when the left gets ensnared in one is a bad idea. The rule is stupid, ought always to be the point.

Otherwise the rule digs in for everybody.

Earnest Prole said...

And earlier this week, a lot of people heard him saying he'd accept infanticide, though I myself gave him a charitable reading and never took it that way.

Charitable reading? He's a pediatric doctor, not just some politician talking about procedures he knows little of.

Remember, a gaffe is a media term of art for when a Democratic politician accidentally tells the truth.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What's the problem? They're both dressed as democrats! Jeez.

Humperdink said...

If Northam was creative, he could say he was the blackface but it was in support of coal miners and the hooded guy was former senator Robert Byrd - hero to the miners.

Darrell said...

Asked when a fetus becomes a baby, Barbara Boxer (Senator Ma'am) said: "When you take the baby home from the hospital!"

Pelosi says when it begins speaking Spanish.

Jaq said...

No “That’s not funny” tag?

Tommy Duncan said...

Shouldn't this have a "that's not funny" tag?

Mary Beth said...

He became a dentist.

2/1/19, 5:29 PM

Does he look like Laurence Olivier?

iowan2 said...

Humperdink, @6:18 sadly I'm thinking CNN is floating that as we speak

Birkel said...

It is the week soon-to-be-former Governor Northram richly deserves.
That makes it a great week.

Baby murdering racists should all kindly go to hell.

Democratics suck.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Out in the more Deplorable east end (why is the seedy part of town always to the east?) of our county, on Halloween a high school senior and his buddy came to school dressed as Adolf Hitler and a Jewish concentration camp prisoner. Fortunately for them, they are both on the football team and in 2B you can’t really afford to suspend decent players over such trifles. They were sent home to change and apparently no more was said about it. But I have no doubt that photos were taken and the Internet never forgets. If I could counsel these boys, I’d advise them to be as obnoxiously Leftist as they can manage for the rest of their lives. That way they’re covered.

Jaq said...

There’s a rumor going around the web that his favorite movie is “Partial Birth of a Nation.” I can’t vouch for it.

Tank said...

rhhardin said...

Gloating over stupid rules the left dreams up when the left gets ensnared in one is a bad idea. The rule is stupid, ought always to be the point.

In the past, this would have been my reaction, but those days are over. Now it's make them live up to their stupid rules. He should lose his job, his wife should divorce him, his family should be ruined and he should be shunned by society for the rest of his days. Then he should go to hell.

Thems the new rules.

PS: His schtick during the last campaign was making his opponent out to be a racist (you can't make this up).

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy alert: the yearbook and nickname are DEM whacking for the infantcide debacle.

mockturtle said...

I have no use for Northam but I also refuse to hold anyone's high school yearbook against them. For all I know, there may have been innocently provocative finger paintings in my kindergarten past but I don't expect to have to answer for them. The charitable response in this case is to chalk it up to youthful folly.

Tank said...


Med School I believe.

Do you hold it against him that he painted his opponent as a racist in the last election?


mccullough said...

I agree with Tank. The old way doesn’t work on these Democrats.

Start taking some of their scalps. Go after their children, too. When enough of them and their children start having their lives ruined then they’ll start behaving better.

Stick a microphone in the face of The Senators and ask for Their Reactions.

Tank said...

Kurt Schlichter


Democrats = Confederates

Quote Tweet
Ryan Saavedra

BREAKING: The President and CEO of the NAACP has called on racist Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam to resign
8:13 PM · Feb 1, 2019 · Twitter for iPad

Tank said...


Yes, every Dem Senator and Congresscritter should be asked about this with a demand, "Do you denounce him, yes or no?"

mccullough said...

The man was 25. Not a high school yearbook.

Look at that Fucking Smirk.

Smug. Entitled. White Privilege.

mccullough said...


Looks like Harris denounced him. Says he should resign. No doubt the Others will follow.

Welcome to Kamalalot.

Birkel said...

Democratics love killing babies.
And abortion kills a disproportionate number of black babies.
Racism goes with abortion all too well.

This guy should lose his medical license.

Laslo Spatula said...

It seems that Althouse's Charity Meter might need a touch of recalibration:

Covington Boys: "I am touched by the charity of "They were rambunctious."

Northram and abortion: "And earlier this week, a lot of people heard him saying he'd accept infanticide, though I myself gave him a charitable reading and never took it that way."

I am Laslo.

Birkel said...

Clinton Foundation =/= Charity

Charity that only cuts in favor of Democrats =/= Charity

Althouse struggles as much as Clinton.
It depends on what the definition of "is charity" is.

Darrell said...

Ahoy From Cap'n Bill Kristol,

Listen to your mentor Chuck. The takeaway on Governor "Coonman" Northram should be Orange man bad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Rabel said...

I watched the first 10 minutes of Anderson cooper on CNN. Northam will be gone by Monday.

Book it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats put yearbooks on the table.

Eat shit, assholes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agreed. He'll be gone. Sadly, I don't think a yearbook should have any bearing on anything. Esp going back decades and decades. But - the dems set the table. So - sucks to be you, dems. You racists.

eric said...

I think it's idiotic that we go back more than 3 decades for crap like this.

Pretty soon no one will be able to run for office.

At the same time, we have to play by the new rules. And they showed during the Roy Moore election in Alabama (Before even Kavanaugh) that going back to when a person was much younger is totally fair game.


But it won't stop until both sides are playing by the same rules.

YoungHegelian said...

I am the coon man (hoooooo)
They are the coon men (hooooo)
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob
Goo goo g'joob, goo goo goo g'joob, goo goo

Scott said...

Tank beat me to it. The old ideas of civility don't work with these people. If we ignore this, the tactic won't go away, it will just continue to be used against us, as there is obviously no cost to them for using it.

Destroy them, their families, and listen to the lamentations of their women. Then, and ONLY then, perhaps we might discuss a cease fire.

Probably not though...

Be said...

Honestly, I do not know what to think of people nowadays. Can we work together towards a Common Cause? Could we just … just put things aside?

eric said...

Planned Parenthood has called for his resignation.

He's done.

Be said...

I live in Somerville, MA, as I have done for the past nearly 30 years. This year, we saw Intersection Bullshit show up. It makes me wonder: where is the Other Voice? MA isn't a Deep Blue State. It's a state that has been abandoned by Rebublican Dot Org Dot Com. Look at the Statistics. Please!...about advert $ vs votes.

Be said...

How does one ask for help when all one sees is "Buy A Gun." "Get the Vote Out." Come On. Perhaps, it's just that one needs to understand that everything is all about "Hannity is Great; You look like a Rich Person who needs Taking Down."

robother said...

Is it too late for Mama Northam to have that conversation with her delivering physician? Democrats oppose the death penalty, but might be OK with very late term abortions, based on seeing how the kid turned out. His mother's mental health is at stake!

YoungHegelian said...

You know who I'd like to hear from -- ordinary, everyday, black men & women, "the (black) man on the street".

The NAACP? Yeah, who cares? That's all part of the Democratic Holier-Than-Thou PC Machine. The same with most of the other "Professionally Black" organizations.

My guess, and it's just a guess, is that blacks actually expect whites to have more racist histories than they often do, and that, if a white person is on the racial straight & narrow now, they're willing to look the other way for youthful indiscretions.

Besides, I think in their hearts, many blacks, especially black men, know that they couldn't run a PC gauntlet, either.

I'd really like to see some interviews or poll numbers.

stephen cooper said...


AND ..... This arrogant infant-killer dresses as a Klu Klux Klan racist - at the age of 25 and a rich dude - or as a vicious caricature of his fellow black citizens - and all he can say is

My bad, I was young and dumb.

He should not have a medical license, it is easy to train good doctors, it is hard to keep infant-killers from killing infants.
And I am appalled that he did not resign this afternoon.

stephen cooper said...

By the way Ann it was a worse week for people like me whose parents discussed aborting them.

I love all my fellow humans, and I do not have any special dislike for any subset.

But my parents discussed aborting me because of (((reasons)))

and Northam has never been on the side of people who wanted me to have the right to live.

Pull his medical license after he resigns, if he does not resign, not a single Virginia legislator should ever agree to spend a single moment in the same room or building as this infant-killing supporter.

Rabel said...

I look forward to the upcoming statement from Virginia's African-American Lieutenant Governor.

It will be a work of dark political art.

stephen cooper said...

You see when you - whether you are Jack Nicholson, who was almost aborted, or one of those cute Downs syndome kids all of whom were killed before birth, if their parents lived in Iceland - or me, the sixth of seven children and a child who would have been aborted if one of his parents had had their way - a sad but funny memory, since I know God loves me just as much as God loves the poor old loser who wanted to abort me - no more, no less, give or take ---- anyway, when you are such a person, and someone like Northam gets a pass from tens of millions of liberals for saying you had no fucking right to live - well, you feel disrespected.

Just kidding, I had a great week, but still,I did feel disrespected by our run of the mill average every day Klu Klux Klan governor, but no way something like that would make a great week not a great week, God loves us both, and may be the Klu Klux Klan gov will learn from this, and be a better person, and maybe even stop supporting the killing of infants after they have been kept comfortable.

stephen cooper said...

But there is no way he should keep his medical license, that license has to be pulled, and I mean like tomorrow, even if tomorrow is a weekend day.

stephen cooper said...

Or maybe Scott Adams will swoop in and say this is FAKE NEWS

Like Klink or Schulz in those old Hogans Heroes episodes

stephen cooper said...

And Tran should resign too, for trying to excuse her "it is totally ok to abort a baby while the baby is trying to cross the border of a dilated vagina" because the "baby has no right to live" comments by saying, or implying by her cruel silence, that Northam was right to say that the people who criticized him were "shameful".

Jupiter said...

mccullough said...

"Go after their children, too."

Uh, no. No.

Sebastian said...

Sorry, hardin. I gloat. I'm not proud of it. But there it is.

Yes, it comes too late. But I'd gloat more if it turns out a conservative oppo research outfit dug this up.

Anyway, it is interesting to see prog logic so exquisitely illustrated: black bodies killed, no prob; old picture of black face or hood, calamity.

stephen cooper said...

You see, anybody who says

It is the woman's decision whether a baby dies or not

Necessarily says

"The baby, if killed, deserved to be killed, or at least had no right not to be killed, and if you complain about that, you do not understand ....
it was the doctors and the mothers who killed the baby who were the only ones with the right to decide."

Pull that bastard's "medical license"
tomorrow. Saturday or not.
Governor Infanticide has no right to a medical license, and no self-respecting lawyer or politician should voluntarily work with him, or work in an organization that employs him.

stephen cooper said...

Birkel -

what you said about abortion disproportionately keeping this country less African-American, because we all know that Planned Parenthood and their ilk work harder in black neighborhoods, is completely correct.

We all know that abortion would not be legal in a single jurisdiction of this country if white women aborted children at the same rate as black women. The poll numbers would shift, nationwide, by about 20 percentage points against abortion and those 20 points would be enough to get pro-life Republicans elected in every neighborhood outside of lost dead zones like Manhattan and Santa Monica and Madison.

Northam and Tran are a thousand times more racist than the average pro-life person, for the reason you gave.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

I'm sure we'll never know for sure, but I'd say it was the Democrats who put out the yearbook, not the Republicans.

mockturtle said...

Do you hold it against him that he painted his opponent as a racist in the last election?

Of course I do. He's an asshole.

Big Mike said...

We Virginia Republicans remember the hatchet job that Democrats and the Post did on Bob McDonnell, an extremely capable governor and an all around decent man. Northam can expect no mercy from our side.

I think our state is about to get our second black governor (most of the rest of you live in states that have yet to have your first).

Big Mike said...

I might include that Justin Fairfax, the current Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, is generally regarded as even more extreme on abortion than Northam.

eddie willers said...

PS: His schtick during the last campaign was making his opponent out to be a racist (you can't make this up).

I was going to give him a pass until I found out about this.

Jupiter said...

Big Mike said...
"I might include that Justin Fairfax, the current Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, is generally regarded as even more extreme on abortion than Northam."

How is that even possible? He wants to make it mandatory? I am thinking it may be time to consider aborting the mother, and maybe a couple of her doctors too, to protect the welfare of the child. We would, of course, keep them comfortable, and even resuscitate them a couple times if necessary, while we ponder the matter.

Jupiter said...

But I'm pretty sure we are ultimately gonna come down on the side of pulling the plug. There are quality-of-life issues that come into play.

Not Sure said...

What's the big deal?

It's not like he called anyone "macaca."

Not Sure said...

Looking at his yearbook page, thinking: "Let;'s see, posin' in a cowboy hat; posin' in front of a 'vette; posin' in a Klan git-up. Ralph, you jes might be a redneck."

Starting to wonder if he's got a Born To Kill Babies tattoo...

Quaestor said...

Welcome to Kamalalot.

Harris doesn't represent Virginia. She should fucking shut her fucking mouth.

Ken B said...

The Democrat hypocrisy is clear, extreme, and delicious. That said, the Democrats are still wrong about dredging up old photos they may not understand. Was Northampton *endorsing* the KKK? It doesn’t seem so. This shit should stop.
He should NOT resign.

stephen cooper said...

Ken B

supports infanticide .... check

dresses up in racist gear in an elite yearbook .... check

gets to stay as governor of a state where decent people live .... not gonna happen.

he has to resign.
it is one thing to have evil opinions and support evil policies it is quite another thing
to make fun of people murdered by the KKK and to support infanticide and to have a history of mocking others for much smaller "faults"

They need to pull his medical license too he supports infanticide

can you read English?

he supports infanticide. He has no right to hold a medical license.

Ken B said...

Stephen Cooper
If he resigns, will anyone think it’s over abortion?

Crazy World said...

God Bless the Children.

stephen cooper said...

Ken B

there is so much going on in this world

your question is a good question in this world

But I do not live in this world anymore, I am not that old but this is no longer my world

In this world,if he resigns, it will not be because of his evil abortion thoughts, it will be a KKK thing, and actually a phony KKK thing, of course he was not supporting the KKK ....

in my world, he is a rich man who has had an easy life and who will resign because people misinterpreted his youthful humor.

When I was little, 10 years old or so, my older siblings told me that my parents did not want me to be born and that they argued over whether to abort me.

Knowing that the world is not a just place was a difficult thing for me to come to terms with at the age of 10, but in the long run it was a good thing, only God loves us the way we should be loved.

Poor Mr Northam thinks he is a great gift to us from God, but we all know he is a midwit abortion-loving soy boy, He does not know that, but we know that, and hence ....

I do not care what people think about why he resigned, I just want him to be a better person. I need to learn some humility, and he does to, God loves us when we repent of our sins. Northam is lucky that people like me, who know what it is like to be the intended victim of abortion, pray for his eternal soul every day.

Big Mike said...

How bad a week was it?

CNN tried to claim he was a Republican.

DeepRunner said...

Ralph Wiggum...I mean Northam...won't survive this politically or socially. He was wounded by his abortion comments. This finishes the job. The doctor flatlined himself.

Josephbleau said...

Regardless of meaning or portent, those are two incredibly high quality costumes.

Doug said...

As someone else said, Ed Gillespie should demand his oppo research money back.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Coon Man bad.

dompet, dompet pria, dompet wanita said...

How come Ed Gillespie didn't find this during his campaign against Northam?

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