Democrat Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia just stated, “I believe that I am not either of the people in that photo.” This was 24 hours after apologizing for appearing in the picture and after making the most horrible statement on “super” late term abortion. Unforgivable!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 3, 2019
What is Trump calling unforgivable?
Theory #1: What's unforgivable is the tight cluster of poor expression. In quick succession, Northam said something about late-term abortion that sounded as though he meant that a woman could have her born child euthanized if its existence interfered with her mental health, then he apologized for appearing in the blackface-and-Klansman photograph, and then he withdrew his confession that he is one of the men in the photograph. It's a mind-boggling botching of communications, and there's no amount of better communication that can undo the evidence he has created of his own radical incompetence to serve in a role of important trust for the people of Virginia. No kindheartedness or belief in redemption should motivate us to forgive him. We're not saying he can't go to heaven or that his friends and family ought to shun him. It's just that he can't rehabilitate himself as governor.
Theory #2: Based on what we know about Northam's soul — having something to do with that photograph and something to do with beliefs about abortion — we should judge him and declare him unforgivable. Trump identifies as Christian, and Christianity is widely understood to reveal that even the worst person can receive forgiveness, but Trump meant to say that it is impossible for Northam to be forgiven.
Theory #3: With respect to the photograph, Northam provided a written apology and a long press conference, but (as Trump sees it) he hasn't really walked back his endorsement of super-late-term abortions. (He's only said, I believe, that he meant to refer to allowing a badly disabled baby to die.) What's unforgivable is thinking that a decades-old expression of racism is a more serious matter than a present-day statement that you want to legalize the killing of infants after they are born.
Theory #4: Trump doesn't actually think Northam is unforgivable. He just needed to end his tweet with an exclamation, and he could just as well have written "Ridiculous!" or "Terrible!" Trump swings a bit wildly, but the people he's reaching get it, and the big idea is there: Democrat bad.
Theory #5: I'm adding this after reading the post to Meade. This is a verbatim quote from Meade: "Above all else Trump is a media genius, and what Northam is asking for is for us to let him off the front page, and that's what his groveling is all about, and that's what Trump is focusing on. Not so fast. You need to stay on the front page."
1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»Well, you just gave more thought than Trump did. He runs on instinct, and he's the POTUS. He's also lucky in his opposition.
It's working for him.
@mezzrow You're not telling me something I don't know. You're just voting for Theory #4.
Unforgiveable means disqualifying. Trump's not going after his soul.
I would only hope the POTUS would give this situation scant attention.
He has a compulsion to comment on Twitter about such things off-handedly and generally gets it close to right. That this drives the MSM and leftists bat-shit crazy is the best reason for him to continue.
"Northam said something about late-term abortion that sounded as though he meant that a woman could have her born child euthanized.... "
Sounded as though? Sorry Ann, it wasn't "sound as though", that's what he meant. That a woman could have her born child euthanized if she chooses. Just an extension of being pro-choice.
It that's what Trump means by unforgivable, I am fine with it.
If Trump is going after abortion he'll split his base. Half the conservatives are pro-choice.
Now that Trump has come out against him, Northam might just survive.
@ rhhardin:
For the half of conservatives who are pro-choice, is this in the top 20 of issues about which they care?
He was always going to survive. Hillary’s latest introduction to voters will get lost though.
Certainly, Northam advocating infanticide is the most unforgivable. Lying and flip-flopping about his racist past is just icing on the cake. Face it, anybody who craves the death of infants as much as Northam does is a stone-cold psycho, nothing out of his mouth should be taken seriously. -Lincolntf
"Sounded as though? Sorry Ann, it wasn't "sound as though", that's what he meant. That a woman could have her born child euthanized if she chooses. Just an extension of being pro-choice."
I think he meant the child could be kept comfortable and denied heroic efforts and allowed to die. That's not the same as doing something affirmative to kill it. You might want to group those things together, but it's exactly what euthanasia doesn't do. It's hospice treatment for a baby with a medical problem that is going to kill it.
i pick option 2
the man is fundamentally Evil
Meade is right. The Dems wanted Northam gone on Saturday. Trump wants him to hang around. Great distraction from Russia.
Northam was about the fifth story on the “Insane with Chris Hayes” show. He had important Russia stuff first.
"He was always going to survive. Hillary’s latest introduction to voters will get lost though."
I don't want to say I'm tired of all the winning. The thing is — it's so, so, MUCH winning. I guess I'm just not used to it.
Where, Ann, did you hear anything that sounded like "hospice treatment" in Northam's remarks? He distinctly ignored the child, and said that the mother and doctor would have a "discussion". How many more Gosnell's do we need to see before we recognize that that "discussion" will involve a scalpel through the brain stem of the infant, parts to be sold separately.
I’d rather root for the Patriots than have this discussion.
Oops, my name keeps disappearing.-Lincolntf
whatever Dr. Governor was talking about (youth in Asia? Hotspice?); it seemed clear to me that he was saying that he, as a doctor, was TOTALLY Familiar with these procedures; That he'd done them often enough to be talking from experience. He was a doctor that signed off on these
Late term Abortionist as Governor? Unforgivable
What I find amusing is when the Governor Abortham first made his post birth comments, none of the announced dem presidential candidates (including Pelosi) heard of his comments. No, not one. All had no comment and pleaded ignorance. But when something racist surfaces, they run over each other to get to the microphone.
Do you have an over analyzed tag?
All are just as accurate as the next.
The left is great throwing their own under the bus. Occam's razor says the left had the photo and used it to shut down the weekend coverage of Democrat advocacy for killing babies after they are born. Northum let the cat out of the bag. Being a pediatric doctor, it was impossible to explain away his statements about the murders having been going on for a long time.
Anybody else putting together the facts that President Trump has done more for minorities in two years that any Democrat in the last 100 years?
Very good point, Humperdink.
If I am reading the statistics right, the USA had about 17,500 murders last year, and over 600,000 abortions. If those abortions were called murder, American women would be counted among the most prolific practitioners of genocide in world history. But of course killing their own children has been sanctified by the Left as a "right", so the killings must continue. -Lincolntf
I hope Ralph Northam serves his full term as Virginia governor and runs for re-election. He's the left's Roy Moore.
Marsha Marsha Marsha
When did Racism become the Harbinger of the Apocalypse?
PSA: Some people don't like other people because their skin is lighter or darker, and the do cruel things to tbem justified by ignorant stereotypes. Its as silly as hating someone because of their hair color.
And we are turning that into a God. A petty God that demands the constant attention of Virtue Rituals as well routine sacrifices to placate his fury.
Choose the form of your Destructor? Knock it off already.
And... you know how those guys who were always bragging about tbeir dick size were actually small? Quit trying to remind us that you really aren't racist.
And let's move on to something more important, like curing cancer or colonizing Mars.
Refusing to shake EWJackson’s hand after a debate?! I see a pattern.
Smart man you married there.
"I would only hope the POTUS would give this situation scant attention. "
A sitting governor is being called on by his own party to resign and you want POTUS to give the situation scant attention?
Marsha Marsha Marsha
When did Racism become the Harbinger of the Apocalypse?
PSA: Some people don't like other people because their skin is lighter or darker, and the do cruel things to tbem justified by ignorant stereotypes. Its as silly as hating someone because of their hair color.
And we are turning that into a God. A petty God that demands the constant attention of Virtue Rituals as well routine sacrifices to placate his fury.
Choose the form of your Destructor? Knock it off already.
And... you know how those guys who were always bragging about tbeir dick size were actually small? Quit trying to remind us that you really aren't racist.
And let's move on to something more important, like curing cancer or colonizing Mars.
Unforgivable! is Sad! raised to the infinite power.
The basic human right to life is negotiable under the Twilight faith and Pro-Choice religion. Selective/recycled-child or "wicked solution" is a faith-based initiative that was normalized for the sake of GDP, pleasure, leisure, social progress, Democratic leverage, and corporate/Planned Parenthood profits.
Sorry, double post.
Virginia governors cannot serve consecutive terms.
Oh, and #4.
"Sorry, double post."
Too bad, maybe a US Senate run.
When did Racism become the Harbinger of the Apocalypse?
Racism is the reason we’ll be given for removing the Bill of Rights.
Racists, you see, can’t have the freedom to speak, defend themselves, or participate in a democratic society.
PS — only white people can be racist.
Racism, sexism, etc. progressed under the diversity doctrine that codifies color judgments and denies individual dignity. It is a doctrine of the Pro-Choice religion, selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent, which, among its other virtues, denies life to colorful clumps of cells, fetuses, babies, and the unworthy, for the sake of social, political, and corporate progress, and incorporates far left concepts such as Jew... White privilege.
AA's theory of what Northam meant won't wash; if that was it, no "conversation" would be necessary. Anyway, I think present law requires hospice treatment for such a case?
And re that "conversation," I have only been to a hospital once for a birth, but what I saw and heard then convinces me that very, very few women would be in any kind of condition to have a "conversation" on any subject whatever immediately after giving birth in a hospital.
And with doctors in the plural? 4 o'clock in the morning you would have a hard time getting even just your own doctor to show up.
Blogger rhhardin said...
"If Trump is going after abortion he'll split his base. Half the conservatives are pro-choice."
All conservtives are anti murder.
Lets make abortion legal until your eighteen. Your a fetus until you eighteenth birthday.
"Why did you abort your daughter , mam?"
"She wouldn't clean her room. she had to go."
Governor Northram will be kept comfortable while discussion continues
A sitting governor is being called on by his own party to resign and you want POTUS to give the situation scant attention?
Talk by Democrats running for President is cheap. There are a lot of them and they need to keep their names at the top of the news cycle, lest you forget they’re running.
Wake me when the Democrat Party of Virginia begins impeachment proceedings or mounts a recall vote.
Unforgivable is a deverbal adjective without a verb. To unforgive.
Ha ha ha ha! Scroll to the picture.
Blogger rhhardin said...
If Trump is going after abortion he'll split his base. Half the conservatives are pro-choice
I am pro-choice, but come on.
I think he meant the child could be kept comfortable and denied heroic efforts and allowed to die. That's not the same as doing something affirmative to kill it
Apart from the botched attempt to abort it perhaps.
How did Althouse miss that one???!!!
"Keep the child comfortable"... what a weasel phrase. There's nothing comfortable about a minutes-old baby waiting for the doctor to kill him or her.
I think he meant the child could be kept comfortable and denied heroic efforts and allowed to die. That's not the same as doing something affirmative to kill it
He was talking about allowing children, who have survived an attempt by their mother and her doctor to kill them, to die instead of attempting to save them.
"What I find amusing is when the Governor Abortham first made his post birth comments, none of the announced dem presidential candidates (including Pelosi) heard of his comments. No, not one. All had no comment and pleaded ignorance. But when something racist surfaces, they run over each other to get to the microphone."
I think it made sense to say that they didn't really know what he said about abortion. He said something complicated and that seemed like it meant something that he wouldn't say, so for someone who isn't opposed to abortion generally, it was a situation where you really should say, I don't know what he said. And politically it might also to be wise to refrain from ever figuring it out and say something more like I'll let Gov. Northam explain what he meant.
I believe the "unforgivable" is also aimed at the general hypocrisy of the left.
Meade got it exactly right. Trump is the great media manipulator. And they bump into each other daily in their haste to do his bidding, obviously not realizing what they're doing.
For Trump, everyday actions or utterances have to be viewed in the long game.
He said something complicated and that seemed like it meant something that he wouldn't say,
It's called a Kinsley gaffe.
so for someone who isn't opposed to abortion generally, it was a situation where you really should say, I don't know what he said.
Perhaps, as you said, politically...but certainly not morally.
Here's my late-term abortion hypothetical (and I'm saying this as someone who has had 2 c-sections and knows what is involved).
Assume the woman knows for a fact that to give birth, she must have a c-section.
Assume the full term fetus inside her is known to have a medical abnormality that makes it unable to live outside the womb and it will certainly die within an hour after being born.
Assume that there is a procedure to kill the baby within the womb and then collapse its skull and remove it from this woman, thus allowing this woman to avoid the c-section.
Should the state require the woman to have the c-section or should she be able to think it through carefully and select which way to recover from the very sad pregnancy?
We've got to remember that a lot of Dems have spent decades pretending that they didn't believe that aborted children were "alive". They were in some biological purgatory, living enough that they needed to be killed, not alive enough to deserve basic human rights. Acknowledging that their policies have produced millions upon millions of infant corpses would break their little minds, so they ignore the fact. -Lincolntf
All publicity should be good publicity. Northam’s iredeemability is all this terrible publicity, even as he’s had multiple opportunities to turn the attention to his advantage. He’s unforgivably hapless.
Should the state require the woman to have the c-section or should she be able to think it through carefully and select which way to recover from the very sad pregnancy?
This is a logical fallacy called appealing to the extremes. But of course logic doesn't apply, just the feelz.
Here's my late-term abortion hypothetical (and I'm saying this as someone who has had 2 c-sections and knows what is involved).
My Mom had two C-sections in the sixties and she survived. They're much easier now.
Doctors who kill their patients in blackface must be exposed as the racist rats that they really are. If they bill Medicare for 14th century black deaths, it is an additional felony. Billing for black lung in black face is not yet at issue.
We need a border wall to stop doctors in blackface from killing their patients. Who would oppose such a law? A dangerous French group called Doctors Without Borders, obviously. The only good thing to come out of France is McDonald's French Fries. At least that was true until acrylamide.édecins_Sans_Frontières
Euthanasia? Help me here.
Grandchild number 5 was born 2 months premature. Pediatrician checked him out at birth and noticed he was panting, as opposed to breathing normally. I happened to be with my daughter when the pediatrician gave her the following information: The baby is panting to breathe. He does not have enough energy to sustain that. He will stop breathing at some point. We need to get him to a neo-natal IC Unit. Helicopter called (with a portable unit) to our one horse town and he was flown to a major hospital. He is a normal 8 year old today.
The baby was comfortable during this event. Would denying the baby this care be classified as euthanasia?
I'd go with Theory #4a. Trump could have said "Ridiculous!" or "Terrible!", but he's playing off the vibe in the room.
Northam says x, so Trump says y. He's the master of opposite world.
Trump is impulsive and intuitive, so I doubt he's worked it out on paper, but the "unforgivable!" vibe is coming from Northam's anti-racist allies as much as his right-to-life opponents. Trump is messing with the heads of Northam's party.
Assume the government knows for a fact that to win a war, some of its soldiers must die.
Assume it is a just war, vital to the nation's interests..
Assume that there is a procedure to draft unwilling men and then train them to fight, thus allowing the country to fight a war..
Should the state require the men to fight and die or should the men be able to avoid serving in the military?
What I find amusing is when the Governor Abortham first made his post birth comments, none of the announced dem presidential candidates (including Pelosi) heard of his comments. No, not one. All had no comment and pleaded ignorance.
The phrase "wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole comes to mind".
I think I'd make an exception if Trumpit volunteered for post-natal abortion
"I think it made sense to say that they didn't really know what he said about abortion."
"You told me you knew everything about it."
No sane person is demanding that Northam resign due to his awkward 35-year old yearbook photos, where he may or may not have jokingly dressed up as a Klansman.
However, a handful of calculating Democrat presidential candidates are calling for his resignation, because they understand how Northam's continued presence dilutes their ability to play their racial huckster games.
I do not understand how Althouse deduces all that from what Dr. Northam said. What I hear on that tape is a general statement with no assumptions about c-sections or whatever, and not at all complicated. Gahrie has this one right.
You are very lucky Humperdink. Not every baby comes out of a situation like that “normal,” in fact many end up dead after heroic efforts surgeries, helicopter rides to children’s hospitals, etc. Many are doomed and their doctors know it because, believe it or don’t, it’s possible to do an in utero cardiac ultrasound.
That being said, the concept of “crushing the skull” of a baby in which you had placed such hopes and dreams? It just seems unthinkable. It’s still a baby.
Hope Northam refuses to resign, hoping the Democrats and Northam fight about resignation, hope he stays in the limelight..............
My theory:
Everyone is outraged Gov. Coonman wore black face. He apologized for the photograph. Then said it wasn't him, and can prove it with modern facecrime tech. He realized everyone thought he was in blackface, but he's the guy in the white hood.
Trump's mission is to place the Democrat Sturmabteilung firmly on the horns of a dilemma — look like the vicious hypocrites they are OR look like the idiots they are.
However, a handful of calculating Democrat presidential candidates are calling for his resignation
They should all be doing it. There is zero political downside from it and it resonates with the key Obama voting block. It's the perfect opportunity. If such opportunities were planned it could not have been planned any better.
I think Meade's about right. Democrats don't really care if Northam stays or goes after the abortion gaffe and the blackface scandal. They have a back up, who's the right ethnicity and philosophy. They would like to get past it ASAP whatever the outcome. Trump is just rubbing their face in it.
I second alane709's comment
Hope Northam refuses to resign, hoping the Democrats and Northam fight about resignation, hope he stays in the limelight.
Sure. Run up and kick that football.
Those that were justifiably outraged over his infanticide remarks now seem more outraged over blackface. It's so easy to be led by the nose by the media narrative.
Northam should apologize for the abortion remarks wearing blackface.
Take the what's wrong with blackface position.
Scott Adams says we don't do blackface anymore because we're better people.
That's not my experience. Nowadays everything's a mob action, thanks to the MSM audience tuning.
If life hands you an infant, make infanticide.
I suspect Northam is a basically honest guy attempting to be a lying, cheating politician. He not very good at it.
He also had a tasteless sense of humor in high school. His yearbook editor failed him.
He's in the wrong job.
For some reason I slide right from the Unforgivable! exclamation to Unforgettable!
And I hear it in Nat King Cole's voice.
That's what you are..."
Perhaps Trump is simply pointing out the the knee jerk position that so many on the Left take with the actions/words/missteps/misdeeds of those on the Right - especially where Trump is concerned. "Unforgivable!How does it feel?" Perhaps there is a bit of snark there, too.
I think he meant the child could be kept comfortable and denied heroic efforts and allowed to die. That's not the same as doing something affirmative to kill it.
Skating dangerously close to bullshit, Althouse. What you've described is not even as civilized as the Exposure degreed by Lycurgus.
He also had a tasteless sense of humor in high school.
It looked okay to me.
I have a picture somewhere of the rifle club attacking the Latin teacher in my high school yearbook.
"Sounded like" is Althouse's way of making sense of the logical conclusion of a policy she supports?
Northram said letting a baby die after it has exited the woman should be legal.
What is hard to understand?
War on bullshit offense.
Callahan KKK Cartoon
In quick succession, Northam said something about late-term abortion that sounded as though he meant that a woman could have her born child euthanized if its existence interfered with her mental health ...
@Althouse, go read the existing law, go analyze the case law, and then Go. Read. The. God. Damned. Bill. You were a law professor; it shouldn’t take you long. In fact, it shouldn’t take you nearly as long as your mistaken gyrations to find some way to exonerate Northam and that bill.
Try Big Mike’s conspiracy theory: Northam committed a serious gaffe in the traditional political sense. He accidentally told the truth about some proposed legislation and consequently it failed. And THAT’S why the photo surfaced and why his wn party is screaming for his scalp.
is screaming for his scalp.
Native Americans offended.
Besides, AA with her assumptions of known medical complications is talking about a "conversation" beforehand.
Dr. Northam was talking about after birth.
Another question.
How many young mothers do not seek medical attention until they go into labor?
The Western Electric company magazine archive had a 1925 issue with a company skit involving Jackson the Colored Aviator (blackface pic). The issue was disappeared in the late 70s.
Lawyers had been going through the archive, I'd imagine, and notices sent to company libraries to remove the issue. Like the USSR
Following the arrest and punishment of the infamous Lavrentiy Beria, the notorious head of the NKVD, in 1953 the encyclopedia—ostensibly in response to overwhelming public demand—mailed subscribers to the second edition a letter from the editor instructing them to cut out and destroy the three-page article on Beria and paste in its place enclosed replacement pages expanding the adjacent articles on F. W. Bergholz (an 18th-century courtier), the Bering Sea, and Bishop Berkeley. By April 1954, the Library of the University of California had received this “replacement.” This was not the only case of political influence. According to one author, encyclopedia subscribers received missives to replace articles in the fashion of the Beria article frequently. Other articles, especially biographical articles on political leaders, changed significantly to reflect the current party line. An article affected in such a fashion was the one on Nikolai Bukharin, whose descriptions went through several evolutions.
Northam was talking about a discussion among mother and doctor around withholding care. Not only is that consistent with what he actually said, that’s a commonplace occurrence for physicians. Doesn’t excuse the confusion around a poor interview and a poorly worded law, but it’s unfair to assume Northam was discussing killing a viable baby.
And I think "letting" the baby lie there and die would not only be highly illegal, but would cause the nurses to revolt.
He was talking about killing the baby.
I like theory #5. Let this guy twist in the wind a little longer.
As for "Unforgivable", how much forgiveness and redemption do Louis CK or Roseanne get?
Assume a person knows for a fact that their parent has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and sent to a hospice to die.
Assume the hospice care is known to be expensive, and will consume resources that would otherwise be left to the family without any chance of saving the parent's life in the end..
Assume that euthanasia is legal and that the child has the medical right to kill the parent, thus saving resources for the rest of the family.
Should the state allow the child to kill their parent or should government protect the right to life?
What's done with the bathwater.
Scott Adams says we don't do blackface anymore because we're better people.
Adams seems to FUBAR every aspect of Coonman's debacle. First, he immediately called "infanticide" remarks fake news. Now, the human condition has escaped it's sinful nature in a Age of Wokeness.
Ann your hypothetical doesn't make sense. The woman is at term. She can't deliver naturally but must have a c-section. What difference to her prognosis can it possibly make if the child is dead or alive? Since this child is doomed anyway the reason for the c-section must be because the mother is at risk from a vaginal delivery.
And leaving aside all the ethical considerations, do I really want someone rummaging around in my womb with a surgical implement and then hoping that they manage to retrieve all the bits on delivery. Which has is what a late term abortion entails. Hell no.
Parents make decisions with doctors about withholding care in neonatal ICUs every day. They remove feeding tubes when the prognosis is very poor and let the poor things starve to death sometimes. They provide morphine. This is medical reality when we can sustain something like life with our technology. If Northam is acquainted with that reality, and his comments are viewed in that light, they’re not so shocking as the interpretation where the doctor and parent conspire to murder a viable infant. Sometimes the broader community finds out about these decisions and there is controversy. A Baptist minister in my town heard about a congregant who made such a decision and the there were letter lawmakers of protest written to the local paper and even a protest at the hospital.
Neonatology is mostly about saving babies but sometimes all the care we can offer still leaves a terrible prognosis.
@Althouse, I overlooked your hypothetical. Sorry. Here’s another one. The woman has just given live birth and entered post-partum depression. The baby is perfectly healthy, but, for now at least, she wants nothing to do with her son or daughter. Under Northam’s bill, the baby could be killed — let’s not hide behind the word “euthanized” — and, moreover, under the bill, the decision to proceed with the killing did not have to involve the attending physician. It only had to be authorized by someone affiliated with the hospital; it didn’t have to be anyone who knew her medical history.
NOW do you see why the bill failed so badly that one of the bill’s cosponsors had to apologize to her constituents and disingenuously claim that she hadn’t really read it?
Ann your hypothetical doesn't make sense. The woman is at term. She can't deliver naturally but must have a c-section. What difference to her prognosis can it possibly make if the child is dead or alive? Since this child is doomed anyway the reason for the c-section must be because the mother is at risk from a vaginal delivery.
Her position is that by killing the kid and sucking out its brains, you can now safely deliver its body vaginally, thus averting the C-section.
From The Pastors' Model Letter Book:
I was so sorry to hear of your recent miscarriage. Losing a baby is never
easy, but with the other problems you have been dealing with, it is even
worse to have something else with which to cope. Though I realize that nothing
I can say will bring back your child, I want you to know that you are in my
prayers. God alone has to be your strength as you walk this difficult path
before you; He will not fail you.
In addition, I am available to resume our sessions together at any time you
are ready. If you wish to wait a week or so, that is fine; however, I would
encourage you to come talk about your feelings as soon as you can.
May the Lord grant you His peace and His comfort during these days. He alone
can heal the pain you feel.
It's unforgivable that I haven't seen any jokes about Northam's hometown.
Imagine him as a plebe having to tell senior cadets at VMI, "I come from Onancock, Virginia."
I sort of agree with Ann about heroic eforts. I don't feel comfortable about it but do agree. Sort of.
So Ann, could you define heroic efforts? Would that include feeding and hydrating? We "take brain dead people off life support" and let them starve to death (Schiavo was one such case)
Would it include oxygen?
Helicoptering to intensive care?
I'm not disagreeing with you Ann, just asking for more specifics of "heroic efforts"
John Henry
I agree with Meade. Northam hanging around is great. Anytime the left plays the race card; we only need to point out the new guy in their party that dress up in white robes and hoods. If Northam was really in the GOP, not like a CNN claim of in the GOP; it would be unforgivable.
What is Trump calling unforgivable?
According to Titania McGrath, the "woke" don't accept apologies, so if you apologize you were never woke.
Things that don't end well don't fit with the theories of the inexperienced; like cognitive dissonance, a region of silence develops for modesty's sake.
The abortion policy Northam advocated relies on trusting the word of individual doctors as final arbiters of whether a viable fetus can be legally killed.
In space one day Dr. Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, proved himself to be a liar in spectacular “save his own ass” fashion.
What’s left to forgive much less forget by people on either side of either debate about abortion or racial sensitivity?
Althouse—I think you are tryiing to be charitable and rational about Northam’s comments, but who wants to be charitable and rational these days? This very difficult topic will be exploited by hack politicians (such as Northam) to the delight of their supporters.
Northam rode to victory by accusing Ed Gillespie of being an unreconstructed racist. He has no intention of being charitable and rational about the GOP. He was talking about a controversial and probably unnecessary law in a very confusing way. Virginians have the governor they deserve.
Here are two rules for getting along in life:
—Always be clear about what you are trying to accomplish.
—Always remember who your real enemies are.
Northam broke both rules.
"The baby was comfortable during this event. Would denying the baby this care be classified as euthanasia?"
The term will be "Post-birth abortion." The argument will devolve into how many months post-birth will be. The conservative pro-choice wing will be in the three to six month range, the more liberal wing will be in the six month to 109 year range. I mean, once you have to spoon feed grandma, what is the point of keeping her alive? She is basically helpless at that point and is eventually going to die.
Ann- I think the hypothetical you laid out, involving a C-section and a baby with a known abnormality that makes it unable to live outside the womb and will die within an hour of the C-section, is a rare situation that has to check a lot of boxes to make it to that point. Prenatal care is so advanced these days and moving forward all the time. So many stories are out there of babies born extremely prematurely, with additional issues, that have pulled through, and turned out to be beautiful, happy kids.
I don't feel good about The State deciding thumbs up or down on anyone's life. But The State has to first default to life and the living, before having to go the the option of authorized killing. That's what it is. If, such as in your scenario, there are such extenuating circumstances- all those boxes have been checked- and the life of the mother is in danger as well, I think that choice becomes more clear.
But that's the one-off. I suspect in our day and age, a law that permits these late term decisions will evolve into gene reading of the fetus to decide whether or not to complete the birth.
Althouse just stated, "Trump identifies as Christianity". This was one theory after castigating Democrat Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia for "the tight cluster of poor expression". Ironic!
Trump begins tweet with "Democrat Governor". This was two weeks after Althouse quoted journalist Hendrik Hertzberg who wrote "“Democrat Party” is a slur". With everyone so angry at Northam, no one can object to "Democrat Governor". Clever!
Theory #6 - By ending with "Unforgivable", Trump was mocking the hyper-progressive left. Yes, it's not what we do today, but should a stupid photo from 1983 force a man from public office nearly forty years later? Preposterous. It's not like he was revealed as a guard from Birkenau. But - maybe there are people whose emotional reaction to this is indeed visceral (thanks AllenS).
You have to know, before last week, he's thinking he's got a shot at being president some day. A real shot. The relative unknown who comes on late as successful, liberal, electable, no baggage. Then it all blows up. Beautiful.
a law that permits these late term decisions will evolve into gene reading of the fetus to decide whether or not to complete the birth.
That's the state of Medicine now. Gene reading happens in the first trimester. The excuses for third trimester abortion are not valid.
Theory 7:
Trump is going after the black vote and protecting himself against the racist label.
And dissing the gop establishment that lost the VA Governor Race through their incompetence.
Now that Trump said that - KKKamala will change her tune.
She for Northam
She's against Northam
She's for Northan!
Theory 7:
Trump is going after the black vote and protecting himself against the racist label.
And dissing the gop establishment that lost the VA Governor Race through their incompetence.
Theory 8:
Trump actually has a sense of right and wrong, moral principles, and not every single thing he says and does is simply a means to a political objective.
I charge Browndog with Radical CrimeThink.
Imagine a person seeing right and wrong first.
The horror!
Meanwhile, thinking of killing babies post-delivery is GoodThink RightMoral.
Althouse womansplains it.
It's truthful mockery. Trump knows all about faux outrage and unforgivability--from they-let-you to the Russia collusion narrative.
But it is the case that neither left nor right can forgive Northam, so what he did, whatever it was, was unforgivable.
"The excuses for third trimester abortion are not valid."
With idiotic blanket statements like that, I can see why you were forced out of the medical profession, if you were ever in it to begin with. Maybe, you were an X-ray technician and after so many years of high exposure to radiation, you mutated into your present blob form.
He also had a tasteless sense of humor in high school. His yearbook editor failed him.
It wasn't a high school year book. It was VMI medical school.
Well, to be fair VMI was his college.
Some weird directional Virginia school was his med school.
In any case, post-birth abortion is murder.
I don’t think infanticide and late term abortion are the same thing. Northam, who knows the difference, appeared to be talking about infanticide.
As for 60 million dead from abortion, etc., regardless of “forgive us our debts [trespasses]”, I’m having some difficulty finding forgiveness for the baby killers and their enablers. Maybe it’s unChristian, but I think that’s up to God. After all, it is he who has been profaned on the altar of feminism. (Leviticus 18:21 “You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.”)
I'm not going to waste any little grey cells contemplating exactly what Trump was referring to, it doesn't matter. It's Trump. Northam is running around as his career burns down around him and Trump is throwing a bit of gasoline on the fire.
Althouse's hypothetical makes a valid point. There are very rare situations like that.
But what does that have to do with the Virginia law? Virginia already allowed later term abortions if the child was not viable or serious health issues for the mother. The statute also required 3 doctors to agree.
The changes would allow later term abortions for the health of the mother and with consult of one doctor.
So Althouse's hypothetical is irrelevant and misleading to the discussion of the changes to the Virginia law.
And those changes is what Northam was discussing.
“Should the state require the woman to have the c-section or should she be able to think it through carefully and select which way to recover from the very sad pregnancy?”
Are there 600,000 such sad cases per year in the US? Is it possible that there is more gosnelling going on than people want to admit?
Sounds like you're overthinking it, as usual. Puppet Trump doesn't have theories or explanations that will work or not work for him. He just has a will to power, and whatever enhances his (or detracts from an opponent's) is whatever he'll accept.
So in the end it's all just back down to the politics. People either think that this governor is trying to come from a more rational and human place on whatever happened (and I didn't even read about it. Wake me up when something actually newsworthy happens) or they will think that Trump is. And even if they think the governor is you know that Trump will deny that.
This attempt you have to try and ascribe rational theories to any of Puppet Trump's kerfuffles, reasons for any of his bullshit statements - apart from how he can either manipulate with them or be manipulated by them - are asinine lunacy. It's like trying to find a PhD thesis in a toddler's scribblings.
Trump is incapable of much thought, let alone deep thought, and your constant attempts to find any in this emotionally challenged/crippled excuse of a man's ravings speak to the deep desperation you harbor against admitting that he's no different from any other Bellevue resident. The only difference is the fact that he has enough money and name recognition and inherited privilege and status to avoid involuntary commitment.
Any "theory" as to why you do that?
That's the state of Medicine now. Gene reading happens in the first trimester. The excuses for third trimester abortion are not valid.
And what "state of Medicine" has decided that forcing these minute percentage of aborted pregnancies to term and reincentivizing for the back-alley variation are worth it?
You are not really a doctor, are you?
But then: Leviticus 20:2-5
“Say to the people of Israel, Any one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones. I myself will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given one of his children to Molech, to make my sanctuary unclean and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all close their eyes to that man when he gives one of his children to Molech, and do not put him to death, then I will set my face against that man and against his clan and will cut them off from among their people, him and all who follow him in whoring after Molech.“
I’m pretty sure Molech isn’t a necessary component to God’s reaction, nor do I think “his children” exempts “her children.”
Pro-choice, aka pro-death carries some risks.
What I find amusing is when the Governor Abortham first made his post birth comments, none of the announced dem presidential candidates (including Pelosi) heard of his comments. No, not one. All had no comment and pleaded ignorance.
What right-wing propaganda channel that regularly and willfully distorts these incidents were they supposed to be tuned in to to catch them?
The Tinfoil Hat Network? (THN)
Assume the woman knows for a fact that to give birth, she must have a c-section.
Assume the full term fetus inside her is perfectly healthy and that it has been a completely normal pregnancy.
Assume that the woman has now decided she doesn't want to undergo a C-section.
Should the state require the woman to have the c-section or should she be able to think it through carefully and decide to kill her baby instead?
A guy stealing as his avatar title the Spanish/Mexican word for "man" (hombre) reimagines himself as a moral crusader of the 12th century BCE Bronze-age theocratic Israelite goat-herder variety.
I think that's a nice identity for you to assume, hombre. Especially at this late a stage in life.
Can we bring back stoning, too? How would you rate your adherence to work-free Sabbath standards?
The blackface and KKK pix are clearly much, Much, MUCH worse than delivering a baby and then killing it. To the Dems. "Priorities, priorities..."
Was Governor Northam a liar, unforgivable or just confused---bless his heart!
TICS wrote: ‘And what "state of Medicine" has decided that forcing these minute percentage of aborted pregnancies to term and reincentivizing for the back-alley variation are worth it?’
Take careful note of the terms “forcing” and “minute percentage” for insight into progressive mind. The first is an illogical fabrication. No force is involved. The second trivializes the deaths of approximately 8300 preborn babies. (CDC, 2015)
Assume you own a pregnant dog.
Assume the mother dog and the unborn puppies are all completely healthy and normal.
Assume the owner doesn't want the hassle of raising a litter of puppies.
Is it OK for the owner to abort the dog's puppies?
TICS wrote (10:07): “I think that's a nice identity for you to assume, hombre. Especially at this late a stage in life.”
Sorry Ritmo, et al. I don’t alter identities as readily as you do. Your posts are evidence that such behavior is a symptom of mental illness.
As for “bringing back stoning,” not to worry. Your biggest concern ought to be a well-aimed pb&j during a food fight in the school cafeteria.
What a uniquely worthless, unredeeming story this whole Northam thing is. Nothing but racial grievance posing on all sides, A pure media creation. A story with 0% policy and seriousness, and 100% emotion,
A cable news channel’s dream. Everybody can sit around and talk about how they feel, and about what others are saying about it. Nobody has to work on any legal theory, any data, any difficult or conflicting issue/policy decisions.
Take careful note of the terms “forcing” and “minute percentage” for insight into progressive mind. The first is an illogical fabrication. No force is involved.
So denying obstetric care for a pregnancy that can't or otherwise won't be brought to term is not force? Then how will you make those "very young placental pre-people" stay in utero for however many more months? Offer your own uterus up for incubation instead?
The second trivializes the deaths of approximately 8300 preborn babies.
Preborn. Hilarious term. Is that like undead?
Anyways, a significant number of late-term are wanted pregnancies, actually. But risking the woman's life further for a usually unviable birth is something that hombre's been advocating for increasingly ever since he got rid of his own vagina and started with this new identity of his.
Talk about trivialization. With hombre's regime get ready for many more Savita Halappanavars.
Sorry Ritmo, et al. I don’t alter identities as readily as you do. Your posts are evidence that such behavior is a symptom of mental illness.
So you were always up for a levitical stoning of homosexuals then? Even when defending them in court? Interesting.
Wonder what mental illness you think my refusal to be as boring as the guy who merely clipped the "el" article from his name (as he thought it was too feminine?) indicates.
I would lean towards #4- I think Trump would have been better to use "Ridiculous!" in such a circumstance. However, the second option in a close run for me would be option #1.
As I wrote in a previous thread, I think Northam was flat out lying yesterday- he contacted the person in the hood and the person who took the photograph, and got their agreement to keep silent, so he could now deny he was in the photo. However, he also knows that he did blackface at least one other time in a public setting, and was forced to pre-admit to that one because he couldn't afford to have another photograph come out after a flat denial that he wasn't in the first photograph.
"Here's my late-term abortion hypothetical (and I'm saying this as someone who has had 2 c-sections and knows what is involved)."
Hard cases make bad law.
Racist fopdoodle Chuck wishes he still had a corner on the racist Democrat market.
When did the hipocratic oath to “first, do no harm” become instead how to best dismember and murder an unborn baby based on what is most “convenient”? Truly unforgivable...
Meade wrote: "The thing is — it's so, so, MUCH winning. I guess I'm just not used to it."
In the newsroom, the TV was always turned on and frequently tuned to CNN. Before I left, I had to endure ... seared into my memory ... eight years of Bush and five years of Obama.
You can't imagine how much winning I'm enjoying!
"You had to be there"
"I wasn't there!"
"Buuut..I WAS over..there"
"Wanna watch me dance?"
Did anyone sign and date the yearbook? Will he use the "I like beer" defense?
Browndog @ 9:14
Theory 8:
Trump actually has a sense of right and wrong, moral principles, and not every single thing he says and does is simply a means to a political objective.
President Trump doesn't have political objectives. That's what everybody gets wrong about him,and keep trying to use political incentives on him, that always fail.
As Chuck usually does, he misses forests, or continents, for the trees, or just the leaves perhaps. I see him wandering through your magnificent national parks with his head down and a microscope in hand.
Culture is upstream of politics and law and policy.
Conflicts of interest are conducted strategically, and strategy comes before operations, and operations before tactics.
Once again Ritmo enters a discussion like an idiot casually tossing out stupid words like minute percentage when that minute percentage outpaces gun murders every year.
But we need to ban guns and murder already birthed babies.
Ritmo just isn’t very bright.
But then again almost all gun violence is committed by Democrat voters so I agree we shouldn’t let democrats have guns.
When the hippocratic oath became an invocation of Nineveh and tyre (we know what happened to them)
Ritmo's shift at Burger King is over at 4PM EST. Can't we all just wait for Ritmo get here and tell us what Northam meant and what Trump tweeted?
Buwaya: "As Chuck usually does, he misses forests, or continents, for the trees, or just the leaves perhaps."
Thats assuming you take Chuck at his self-described face value.
I think he is much more the smear merchant dishonest broker who see's the forest well enough but is here to serve one particular side and in doing that has to twist himself in pretzels which make it appear that he is missing the forest.
He isnt.
He is just serving Team Dem to best of his ability.
Doesn't the interviewer misspeak about Tran's answer to the question she was posed?
The lack of clarity following Northam's "this is exactly how it would go" is a problem. Use of "may" and undefined "deformity" does not specify lack of viability.
See, I kind of agree with Chuck. Northam being a racist asshole is... well, not national news.
The problem is: These are the left's rules. We're hoisting him on their petard. It wasn't so long ago that the "macacca incident" happened in VA, which was used to claim all VA Republicans were racists. So, while I think it is a shame this is the circus our media decides to present us (compared to the actual policy issue of: When is it right to withhold medical care from newly born children? [Yes, I know, there's a seemingly simple answer to that, but at least that is a POLICY issue]), I also can't help but feel this is the left's own fault.
Bay Area Guy said...
No sane person is demanding that Northam resign due to his awkward 35-year old yearbook photos,
But yet, Democrats are demanding he resign. Are they not sane? Or are they demanding he resign for some other reason?
I'm perfectly fine with Democrats are insane as the reason.
Also: Kavanaugh's yearbook was fair game -- as was the one Moore allegedly signed, even after we learned the signature in it didn't match up with the signature he was using at the time AND that the woman presenting it as evidence had withheld that she had added the date to the signature after the fact, instead originally claiming it was unaltered from what Moore had signed. So, yearbook shenanigans are, thanks again to the left, fair game.
I'm more than willing to reset the rules on decency when the left likes, but I'm not willing to do it "whenever it would hurt a Democrat, but not when it can be used to bludgeon Republicans." One set of rules.
"Or are they demanding he resign for some other reason?"
-- They want him off stage as fast as possible. Eventually, Republican message makers will realize "black unemployment going down" is a great message to minorities; Democrats know "dressed in black face" is... not a great message. It is message management, and Northam is able to be sacrificed to no real loss. This isn't like holding Biden account for his racist comments about Indians and 7-11s, or holding Clinton account for her hot sauce purse nonsense, where the person you'd have to sacrifice is too valuable so you ignore it and change the line to "Republicans pounce." Northam was a rising star, but, too bad. The Democrats have enough of them. Snuff one out, and there's still about thirty billion.
Preborn. Hilarious term. Is that like undead?
Says the product of colonic pregnancy.
In Ritmo's case, preborn is like more predigested.
What a uniquely worthless, unredeeming story this whole Northam thing is. Nothing but racial grievance posing on all sides, A pure media creation. A story with 0% policy and seriousness, and 100% emotion,
A cable news channel’s dream. Everybody can sit around and talk about how they feel, and about what others are saying about it. Nobody has to work on any legal theory, any data, any difficult or conflicting issue/policy decisions.
If you throw in some early morning no knock raids with SWAT teams and CNN of Northam's associates to see what they might know about it, you have Mueller v. Trump.
AA: "Assume the full term fetus inside her is known to have a medical abnormality that makes it unable to live outside the womb and it will certainly die within an hour after being born."
Why would a woman NOT know that her fetus has a severe medical abnormality well before it's even *near* full term?
Ordinary obstetric care would presumably result in ultrasounds being done, and if the mother's family history included Down's syndrome or the like, amniocentesis would detect it. I'm sure those techniques can't detect everything, but...
What kind of woman would allow such possibilities to be ignored? Indeed, what kind of husband would allow them as well?
If it's legal now to kill full term babies after birth,can we now revoke citizenship for 1st generation America hating immigrants like Kathy Tran, Linda Sarsour, and the Minn and Michigan Muslim congress critters?
“ However, a handful of calculating Democrat presidential candidates are calling for his resignation, because they understand how Northam's continued presence dilutes their ability to play their racial huckster games.”
Everyday Northam is in office that photo is part of the mix every time a Democrat opens their mouth about race. If he serves his full term that photo becomes a permanent part of any response to Democrat race-mongering, much as Bill Clinton’s sexual predations are regarding Democrat MeToo hypocrisy.
It was naral that wrote the bill, their lobbyist was on the floor answering questions.
So it may have been her words over even quilted northams that sunk the bill:
much as Bill Clinton’s sexual predations are regarding Democrat MeToo hypocrisy.
Trump brought several of Bill's victims to one of the Presidential Debates. I don't think it hurt Bill or Hillary one bit.
In fact, it was called poor taste and turned around at Trump for being "unpresidential".
Is anyone kicking Bill out of the party? Is there any movement to limit his role going forward?
Stop kicking the football. You're only hurting yourselves.
Did it really, or only among those who were already averse to trump? Anyways quilted northam wasn't braying like nebuchadnezzar but that performance was close enough.
Assume that there is a procedure to kill the baby within the womb and then collapse its skull and remove it from this woman, thus allowing this woman to avoid the c-section.
Are you really that opposed to suicide? Because the person who wrote the above, should really consider it.
Figures you never really gave birth like a woman. What was your/Dr's excuse?
The President of NARAL Gets Coiffed for Battle
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
See, I kind of agree with Chuck. Northam being a racist asshole is... well, not national news.
The problem is: These are the left's rules. We're hoisting him on their petard. It wasn't so long ago that the "macacca incident" happened in VA, which was used to claim all VA Republicans were racists. So, while I think it is a shame this is the circus our media decides to present us (compared to the actual policy issue of: When is it right to withhold medical care from newly born children? [Yes, I know, there's a seemingly simple answer to that, but at least that is a POLICY issue]), I also can't help but feel this is the left's own fault.
Matthew I don’t think this story is a big source of disagreement between us. We agree that all too often — like almost all the time — the mainstream media applies it standards completely unevenly between left and right, and between whites and minorities. But in this case, it does seem to be that the politicians and the media on the left are all attacking Northam. The Dems aren’t giving him any cover. The Dems are demanding that he resign. The only principle being upheld now is that it is okay to use 35 year old school yearbooks to undermine eminently qualified judicial nominees and duly elected governors.
Hysterical grievance politics all around. The triumph of wounded feelings and emotionalism.
Should the state require the woman to have the c-section or should she be able to think it through carefully and select which way to recover from the very sad pregnancy?
Very little to lose, much to win
"If Northam were to step down in the shadow of the scandal, Fairfax would take over.
Larry Sabato, head of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, wrote on Twitter that if Northam steps down he will be the first Virginia governor since the Civil War not to complete his term. Sabato also said that if Fairfax finishes Northam's unexpired term, he will remain eligible to run for a full term in 2021. Under state law, governors are not allowed to run for re-election."
Take Ann's thought experiment. Is it better to let your baby be born, to hold it, to love it for one hour, to name it, to be with it when it dies, to bury it. Or is it better to put it aside, where no one pays any attention till after awhile, gasping and struggling, it dies alone and then is thrown into the medical waste of the hospital and burned in the special medical furnace and sent up the high medical-waste chimney, just a part of a plume of smoke fading in the sky?
Or what if the woman has the abortion and then found out that a few bits of what she threw away had been carefully salvaged by Planned Parenthood by cutting her baby open and ripping out parts and then these parts sold for lot of money to researchers or people who wanted facial rejuvenation?
What's best short term? What long term?
The reason so many women have abortions is that they are trained by the system not to imagine any of it as they make the decision. And they are also taught that "it might also to be wise to refrain from ever figuring it out."
Trump is throwing the Leftist practice of refusing to forgive back at them, and scoring points. It doesn't mean he'll never forgive Northam; some day he may thank hims for this gift.
Un peu de tout, but mostly #4 and #5.
Trump was sufficiently vague about what was unforgivable, proving that he's more of a politician than some give him credit for. Why specify when doing so will simply lower the percentage of voters who agree with him that SOMETHING about Northam is unforgivable?
At the risk of stating the obvious, I think we can mostly all agree that it is easy for Dems to pile on Northam, knowing that his successor would be another Dem. We might see a very different story unfolding if the choice was Northam or Ed Gillespie.
Pro-Choice is not about edge cases. It is about normalizing selective-child, and, it seems, recycled-child (i.e. clinical cannibalism). It is a religious/moral aversion of science and avoidance of reconciliation to justify bypassing basic human rights standards for the causes of wealth, pleasure, leisure, and democratic leverage. That said, Pro-Choice is two choices too late. We can and should do better for those lives without a voice to protest their judgments and arms to resist their punishment.
Justin Fairfax's Campaign Finances
My friend found out midway through her pregnancy that her child had anencephaly. She went into labor naturally at 24 weeks. Little one was born, named, wrapped in beautiful little clothes, cuddled, loved and cherished and by her family (mom, dad, three older siblings, both sets of grandparents) and passed away peacefully at 17 minutes old. This is the decent way to handle this. Not by choosing violent bodily destruction of a tiny innocent.
I see no reason to give a charitable reading to the governor’s comments about letting babies die by withholding care.
He’s a doctor. He took an oath to “first, do no harm”. He’s a pediatric neurologist but is fine with delivering a baby and then deciding, in concert with a mom who just gave birth and is in no condition to make life and death decisions, to end a Life with the passive-aggressive bullshit move of leaving it to die of starvation, dehydration, and hypothermia.
To me, this is what cultural decline looks like. No charitable readings being handed out by me.
I've lived in Virginia and the Northam pictures are pretty shocking given that they are only thirty-five years ago. Plus, Northam was brought in by the city black vote and the liberal suburbs. Ironically, the progressives and the liberals voted for the racist and the deplorables voted against him. In Virginia this will matter - a lot.
Althouse, you imply that the recovery from a late-term abortion is so much better for the mother than a recovery from a c-section. Consider the emotional and mental recovery from both perspectives. To have loved and cherished your child for the short time you were able to be together, or to violently kill the child and throw him or her away like an excised tumor.
"Ralph Northam will now be kept comfortable while a discussion ensues." - Charles Lehman
Deformed or no longer viable?
“I do not understand how Althouse deduces all that from what Dr. Northam said. What I hear on that tape is a general statement with no assumptions about c-sections or whatever, and not at all complicated. Gahrie has this one right.”
I wasn’t purporting to paraphrase Northam. That’s just a late term abortion hypothetical of mine that is designed to show there is a place for the right to choose at the point when a woman is in labor.
My understanding of what Northam said is that he was talking about the delivery of a severed disabled baby followed by a decision whether to attempt treatments or to give only palliative care. He wasn’t talking about abortion or euthanasia, just birth and treatment.
Trump's "Unforgivable" allows every person to fill in the blank as to what was "Unforgivable" actually refers to.
I love the call back to the Abortion statement, since that was being lost in the scuffle.
"If Trump is going after abortion he'll split his base. Half the conservatives are pro-choice."
Anybody who cares so much about Abortion they'll switch from R to D is an idiot.
Roe v. Wade established abortion as a constitutional right - until its overturned we're just arguing around the edges.
“Trump brought several of Bill's victims to one of the Presidential Debates. I don't think it hurt Bill or Hillary one bit.
In fact, it was called poor taste and turned around at Trump for being "unpresidential".
Is anyone kicking Bill out of the party? Is there any movement to limit his role going forward?
Stop kicking the football. You're only hurting yourselves.”
And Trump is President, Kavanaugh survived the smear fest, and Democrats cringe every time Bill Clinton is brought up. Times have changed. These footballs are going to be kicked until the laces fall out.
I would seriously doubt Gov. Coonman is actually racist. That's the real question, but does it even matter to whether he stays or goes?
He is holding them to their own standards. As he should.
But in a sense, he weakens the argument for Liberals since they feel he is half a step to the right of a Klansman himself (ignorantly and unjustifiably)
So by saying it is unforgivable, he validates their dismissing this as 'concern trolling' on the President's part.
For myself, if he stays or if he goes, doesn't matter to me. If he stays, it is the hypocrisy of the Left. If he goes, he is gone and that is another blow to their sanctimony, of which they have metric teratons.
So win win.
It is not surprising that someone from the Academy ignorant of religion, but let me lay it out for those who lived in Marxist Atheist Sinkholes of Radicalism.
One sins. One ADMITS the sin. One requests forgiveness and charity. God gives it willingly. People...are spottier in the application but they don't count eternally (terrestrially, more so)
In this case, Northam, knowing his tribe, knows that admitting the sin will NOT lead to any sort of forgiveness. His tribe of atheistic liberal swine would rather believe the lie ("I did not have sex with that woman...Monica Lewinski") than offer forgiveness. The vast herd of them don't have NPC code to allow it. Some few, remembering charity and largeness of spirit from their more traditional parents or grandparents, try to push back against the ocean, but like King Knute, that tide continues to come in, no matter their cries of decency.
Forgiveness MAY only be allowed when one has ultimate power. And since the Left do no feel they have any power, they will not forgive. Moral purity is what they seek, like Muhammad, the Taliban, Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety, Lenin and Trotsky.
But these groups, save Muslims, have no higher power over their opinions demanding some humanity.
And unsurprisingly, that humanity is lacking. Typical.
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