"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Tuesday night that he wants to 'give everybody an opportunity to go on record' — including the various 2020 presidential hopefuls among Senate Democrats — about the hard-left climate proposals outlined in the non-binding resolution. Markey tweeted, 'By rushing a vote on the #GreenNewDeal resolution, Republicans want to avoid a true national debate & kill our efforts to organize. We’re having the first national conversation on climate change in a decade. We can’t let Republicans sabotage it.'... The plan calls for massive public spending and regulation to sharply curtail the use of fossil fuels and production of carbon dioxide by 2030. Republicans have panned it as a move toward socialism that could grind the economy to a halt — claiming it would mean the ban of air travel and cattle herds. McConnell’s call for a vote would pressure 2020 candidates such as Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris to publicly commit to the plan. 'Everyone should have seen this coming. They kind of walked into it,' Democratic strategist Matt Bennett said. 'It’s a game that McConnell’s playing. This is what you do to your political opponents — you make them live with the ideological edge of the party.'"
From The Boston Herald.
I agree "It’s a game," but who started the game? Wasn't it a game when Democrats introduced the Green New Deal? It's pathetic to say "It's a game" when what you mean is the other side is beating us at our game.
Spot on, Ann.
Political jujitsu at its best.
It was a trap. There is a different hysteresis law for each party. Obviously Markey Mark failed to compute.
Always with the conversations.
Sometimes we fall into traps, sometimes we inadvertently set traps for ourselves. Your analysis matches how I see this situation. Markey is engaging in Orwellian doublespeak, calling for a vote is an attempt at silencing the GND supporters.
They don't call him "Cocaine Mitch" for nothing.
For once, the GOP got smart and played the Dems.
It will be an absolute classic - and great campaign material - if the Dems who are for the GND end up voting against it.
The GND almost guarantees that Trump wins re-election. Thank you AOC! Hillary was a classic incrementalist. She learned that much over the years. AOC, on the other hand,is even dumber than Hillary and went for a big sweeping bill requiring taking the American economy back to 1719.
What is really funny is that the insane Nebraska Dem chair, Jane Kleeb, is all in favor of the GND. Because: crisis now. Nebraska, however, has more cows than voters and we are called the Beef State for a reason.
The beauty of the GND is that points out the extreme nature of the solutions to solve a non-existent "problem."
I'm loving every minute as I watch the Dems expose their craziness to the electorate and real middle Americans voters who can see how truly nutty the Dems are.
"This is what you do to your political opponents — you make them live with the ideological edge of the party.'" Not true. What is being proposed is pretty much mainstream Dem values.
And, btw, CAGW is a total scam. The GND makes it clear that it is a total SCAM. Even a caveman could figure it out now.
Dave Begley, exactly right. -Lincolntf
cruel neutrality is such a great filter (to use a Scott Adams term)
In other words...
"How can we administer a 'death of a thousand cuts' to the economy if you won't let us do it one cut at a time?"
It was a chance for them to go on record in favor of the platitudes without “debating” anything. Virtue signaling. And AOC can claim she sponsored important “legislation” even though it’s a “non binding resolution” or some such garbage. Fake accomplishments/form over substance.
McConnell set it for a vote. So what’s the problem. Can’t they vote on the record and still virtue signal ? Can’t AOC still say she sponsored important legislation?
Sunlight. Disinfectant.
OTOH, FullMoon posted in another thread:
"Mitch will remove the sword of Damocles from the 2020 politicians, protect the viability of any opponent to Trump, and simultaneously remove a very sharp arrow from the quiver of republican politicians in the 2020 campaign. Mitch isn’t hurting democrats by announcing support for a vote; he is actually helping them."
I love this blog. Another great post, Althouse.
How is it that in a week where McConnell is essentially vindicated over his late-2018 handling of the Continuing Resolution, and where McConnell has perfectly played the Democrats on their Green New Deal, there isn't a kind word for McConnell?
Did anyone say it’s stepping on your own dick?
It’s stepping on your own dick.
Had he not set it for a vote, they would all be hitting CNN and MSNBC claiming the mean Climate Change Deniers on the Republican side wont let our very important bill come up for a vote. Blah blah blah BS BS BS... lather rinse repeat
"It's pathetic to say "It's a game" when what you mean is the other side is beating us at our game."
It is pathetic and for once the GOP seems to be playing well.
But it's not really a game, except insofar as the Dems for now want to appear nice and reasonable to the nice and reasonable white women they need: when the Dems have power, the game will turn into the usual coercion right quick. They are deadly serious, and they'll stick it to us when they can.
Sundance is calling the vote a Uni-Party inoculation against Trump.
I kept hearing from the left that this thing is aspirational. WTF does that mean? My best guess: We told you what was inside the trojan horse and now we’re upset we can’t surprise you with it when we have control of legislation again.
FAQ-News on the Green New Deal Front 2021: The Department of Gaia bans turning on oil or gas heat furnaces in Wisconsin from March 1 to November 30. "They need to gradually get used to doing without planet-destroying fossil-fuel furnaces. And anyhow, because of climate change it's quite warm in Wisconsin except for a few rainy months from December to February. And if they're cold, let them use methane. They're overrun with cows."
We’re having the first national conversation on climate change in a decade.
Well that's odd. What happened in January 2009 that stopped the conversation?
The big game is the Russian Collusion game. That one played out with Democratics and their loyal media.
What the hell even is a "national debate"? I'm so tired of the idiotic cliche. It's not like we all get together in the town hall, talk it out, then have a vote.
And how would voting on this silly thing prevent any further discussion about so called green policies? It's all so silly.
"It's pathetic to say 'It's a game' when what you mean is the other side is beating us at our game."
From the angry Doyle Lonnegan, "What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?"
Republicans pounce TM
We’re having the first national conversation on climate change in a decade
Obama was just beginning his 8-year presidency 10 years ago. I always thought he was the world's biggest carbon pig. And he squashed the national conversation as well. What an asshole.
Senate civility bullshit.
A national debate is a lecture that moves from left to right.
Generally speaking, when bills are drafted and then introduced, they are routinely shunted to one or more committees for mark-up and hearings. Committees are where most bills die. Getting to a full floor vote is a tough slog, and drafters are pleased when that happens, especially when it survives largely intact in the initially drafted form.
So Markey s/b pleased as punch that his bill is getting a full floor vote in its drafted version, and so quickly. No messy hearings, no delays, no horse-trading required.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
The big game is the Russian Collusion game. That one played out with Democratics and their loyal media.
Respectfully, "the big game" is the Office of Special Counsel game. With the most elite-level DoJ prosecutors versus Donald Trump's sordid past, in business, money laundering, taxes, scandal, and campaign finances. I barely give any more thought to "Russian Collusion," but people (and the Democrats' pet media outlets) are free to think about that if they choose.
The world needs help with climate change.
Yo leftists - take the Clinton Foundation money and all the money from Tom Steyer and the Gates foundation and Warren Buffet and Hollwyood - Leo DiCaprio/George Clooney/Streisand/Weinstein Trillions - take all their money and FIX India, South America, The ME, Africa, and Indonesia. Indonesia -where the pollution is so bad, people need to wear masks.
Start there, oh holy democratics. Start there. do you really care?
The moral here is that the left needs to make their attempts at Overton Window pushing look less obvious.
I know that people will claim that Trump has proposed similarly outrageous things. But Trump knows that your big opening ask can't be completely absurd, just a little absurd. "Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it" is at least something that seems quite possible. But things like "No Air Travel in 10 years" seem like crazy ravings.
tcrosse said...
OTOH, FullMoon posted in another thread:
"Mitch will remove the sword of Damocles from the 2020 politicians, protect the viability of any opponent to Trump, and simultaneously remove a very sharp arrow from the quiver of republican politicians in the 2020 campaign. Mitch isn’t hurting democrats by announcing support for a vote; he is actually helping them."
I'm not sure how to interpret the comment, but I do think that "Trump" is probably McConnell's second priority. His first (rightful) priority being the preservation of a Republican majority in the Senate after the 2020 election, which may be very difficult to do.
Markey got caught doing Yuge Virtue Signaling. Just like the 2020 Democrat candidates who publicly came out for it.
Well, this time they may pay a price.
Doesn't matter.
In a year you could read the bill word for word to the public and the media's fact-checkers will give you multiple Pinocchios and explain that it really doesn't mean what it says it means.
The people who know that the fact-checkers are lying don't care, because it is for the cause.
The rest will nod and say: "they are "fact-checkers" - they must be right."
The cards are marked. Nothing changes until you change the deck.
I am Laslo.
What Jim wrote. This is not a joke bill from the extreme edge of the Democrat Party. The Green New Deal is where their mainstream is in the Era of Trump. I want to see Mazie Hirono vote — aspirationally! — to end tourist flights to her state!
The other day Liz Cheney asked a environmentalist panel testifying to Congress whether all flights would be banned and one of them allowed that perhaps the FAA could decide who could fly, and for what reason. Deplorables off on a honeymoon, not hardly. Environmental lobbyists on a junket??? BTW four of the six environmental “experts” on the panel flew into DC to participate in the hearing.
PS: Hirono needs to travel — by train! — to Ann Arbor so she can learn how Maize is spelled.
How dare McConnell make us debate and vote on a resolution that we submitted! That's not how we do things in Washington!
With the most elite-level DoJ prosecutors versus Donald Trump's sordid past, in business, money laundering, taxes, scandal, and campaign finances...
Your list is all the same smarmy BS innuendo that is fed to us by the Hack press and the democrat party.
You got any real proof? There IS real proof that Hillary set up and used a private server while head of the state dept. She then destroyed evidence to hide what she is doing.
YOu have proof of money laundering and tax fraud?
Chuck - what are you specific provable campaign finance charges against Trump?
I almost feel sorry for the Dems. I am beginning to suspect that whoever over at the CIA has been writing their 4:00 AM download of Fake News' mandatory talking points has been secretly blocked and a new list substitited by the Trump team.
Rules for Radicals: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Blogger rehajm said...
"A national debate is a lecture that moves from left to right."
Exactly. There is no conversation because the Democrat Party wants to lecture us. That's why the conversation on AGW ended when Obama became President. Obama was big on lectures and mocking his opponents.
We were told "the science is settled" and any one who wants a conversation is a "climate denier". The left shut down the discussion. Markey doesn't want a discussion, he wants an issue that supports his posturing.
Is it correct to refer to this as a “bill” when it is a non-binding resolution?
traditionalguy said...
I almost feel sorry for the Dems. I am beginning to suspect that whoever over at the CIA has been writing their 4:00 AM download of Fake News' mandatory talking points has been secretly blocked and a new list substituted by the Trump team.
Haha. I've always thought it was Brennan collating that from "outside" the government.
Why did they introduce a resolution that they are unwilling to vote on? Will ANY DNC-Media hack journ-o-lister even ask the question?
Will they follow-up with, "How can you say you will remake the whole economy and society within 10 freaking years when you can't even roll out your talking points effectively over a week-long shitshow?"
Of course they're not ready to vote. They're not even ready for primetime.
The Green Deal has ALWAYS been all about a huge slush fund intended to be stolen by the Dems and Globalist One Worlders. They know its a totally fake "science" using carefully faked data in manipulated computer algorythms. They all just want the loot.
For once, the GOP got smart
How I wish this were true, Dave. ONE guy keeps making smart moves and getting shit done: Cocaine Mitch. Can't find one other GOPe worth their weight in beans yet. Although Cruz's plan for El Chapo's money is a good start, will he get it done? Only if Coacine Mitch takes it up.
tcrosse said...
OTOH, FullMoon posted in another thread:
"Mitch will remove the sword of Damocles from the 2020 politicians, protect the viability of any opponent to Trump, and simultaneously remove a very sharp arrow from the quiver of republican politicians in the 2020 campaign. Mitch isn’t hurting democrats by announcing support for a vote; he is actually helping them."
It's difficult to evaluate whether an early vote will result in early bi-partisan dispatch of the most extreme GND proposal and relieve the pressure on Democrat candidates to out-extreme one another throughout the presidential primary campaign.
Yet, if Mitch schedules a vote now, it's more likely to reveal where the center of gravity is located in the Democratic party at the earliest stages of the campaign while grass-roots, extreme activists have the most sway. Does that set-up a long, internecine war with the party establishment that knows a move to the center is what they will eventually need to win?
Hope Mitch's wife slipped him a copy of Sun Tzu.
"It's pathetic to say 'It's a game' when what you mean is the other side is beating us at our game."
Sure, Markey knows its a game. And McConnell knows its a game. But does McConnell know that Markey knows that it's a game? And if McConnell knows that Markey knows it's a game, does Markey know that McConnell knows that Markey knows its a game?
Is Markey saying "it's a game" to let McConnell know that Markey knows that McConnell knows that Markey knows it's a game? This is an important question.
Big Mike said...
The Green New Deal is where their mainstream is in the Era of Trump.
The "Era of Trump" part is important. This is not a resolution of a party in power. You didn't see it when Obama was President and you won't see it if the next President is Warren, Harris, or any other Democrat.
Chuck is an admitted liar. Shun him.
OTOH, FullMoon posted in another thread:
"Mitch will remove the sword of Damocles from the 2020 politicians, protect the viability of any opponent to Trump, and simultaneously remove a very sharp arrow from the quiver of republican politicians in the 2020 campaign. Mitch isn’t hurting democrats by announcing support for a vote; he is actually helping them."
Assumes facts not in evidence, which is that the Democrats won’t anything else crazy in the next year and a half. I don’t buy that. With this bunch, I believe it will be a target-rich environment.
The insanity and intellectual vanity of the University is creeping into everyday life through the Democrat party.
The Kavanaugh hearings were a prime example as is the Green New Deal.
Americans need to see this for themselves because the Media is (as we all know) the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Chuck - what are you specific provable campaign finance charges against Trump?
I am not part of the OSC and so the evidence that I possess is exactly zero.
What I know, from having read it online, is that in the multiple-count criminal information filed in the matter of U.S. v. Michael Cohen, there is an "Indivudal 1," who was engaged in an election "campaign for President of the United States that was ultimately successful." Gosh, who could that be? A good narrative of it all can be found in the prosecution's Sentencing Memorandum after Cohen pled guilty.
I don't think I can add any more substance to that, and so with that I will end my participation on this page. You will now claim that I am ducking any further debate. But in truth, I just don't want to drag another Althouse comments page off into the weeds of a side issue. I expect that we will have many more opportunities to debate Cohen, Trump, and investigations of both in the Southern District of New York in the near future.
This week belongs to Mitch McConnell, not Trump.
McConnell’s distraction from the failure to fund The Wall.
Just like his games of holding votes to repeal Obamacare.
Useful idiots lap this up.
McConnell did nothing for The Wall. He’s fucking useless.
Something like this Green New Deal will be passed in a decade because Dems will control all branches of government like they control all parts of Detroit.
They will do this because scum like McConnell wanted open borders.
McConnell will be dead by then. So he doesn’t care. He’s living high off the Dragon Lady’s family wealth also paid for by the US taxpayer.
How are they being silenced when Mitch is letting the sunshine on it?
You can't have a 'national conversation on climate change' when one side is illiterate and intolerant. For example, ask a liberal (or google) what the social cost of a ton of CO2 is. They got that before you finish your question. Ask him the benefit of same, well that's an oxymoron. Then tell him the latter is 200 times greater. Who am I kidding, as we all know, this scenario never plays out because they have started screaming.
In my opinion for what it's worth, McConnell is an idiot.
The media rarely says a Democrat has screwed up. What they do is say that Republicans have attacked the Dems on the issue. In this case, they are saying that Mitch McConnell has pounced on the GND. This is how news works.
Mitch should hold a vote on open borders. But that would expose him and Romney and the other GOP scum.
If CO2 emissions is a real and very serious problem then the left is the main barrier to a solution. New coal power plants are being constructed at an extraordinary pace in China and India but also many other places. Once built they are not going to be unbuilt.
Meanwhile we have one real solution, molten salt reactors, that is being blocked by inertia, bureaucracy and irrational fears. Plus we have a long list of non-solutions, some of which after much further development might prove useful, but meanwhile simply aren't. And the non-solutions are promoted by host of persuaders, including significant parts of our universities, who bow to political correctness, and refuse to count.
Meanwhile we are running out time, not because I think any significant environmental catastrophe is imminent, but because these coal power plants are being built, which essentially bake into the cake large CO2 emissions far into the future.
Two Questions for the Fake News :
1)Where is RBG being stored?
2)And where did Obama get $100 million in gold and diamonds found stashed on his secret property when the Special Forces raided it in Thailand? Was it the left over loot from the $500 million pump and dump Solyndra Federal Grant. The Thai real property that Obama was using as his was titled in Solyndra.
#Pro-DemSmearMerchant Chuck: "I don't think I can add any more substance to that, and so with that I will end my participation on this page."
Shorter Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: let me quickly drop in my off-topic daily smears of Trump and then pretend I am not doing precisely what I just did.
He could have waited later in the cycle, people aren't going to remember next November and the press will cover it with a pillow.
multiple-count criminal information filed in the matter of U.S. v. Michael Cohen
Yes indicting Michael Cohen, not Trump. Even if they did indict Trump for a "campaign violation" what makes you, an alleged lawyer, think that Trump would be convicted? It wasn't campaign money and heretofore no candidates have been required to disclose all the bimbos they boffed. Contrast that with John Edwards who did use campaign funds to pay and hide his mistress and still was acquitted of "campaign violations." It boils down, Bad Lawyer Chuck, to Michael Cohen agreeing to plead guilty to something NOT a crime, in order to try and smear Trump.
Please explain how Trump himself violated Federal campaign laws, and be specific. No weasel worded crap like you're famous for.
Like a commenter above, I think McConnell is simply covering his own ass with this tactic- it is hard to not understand that the Republicans in the Senate are trying to kill enhanced border security.
The tactic considered on its own merits is ok with me, but one would think that it might have been better to do this in the Summer of 2020 instead of today. Laslo is correct- a year from now, you will be told that the Green New Deal facts of today were never true.
The resolution as written is actually not all that extreme. I would suggest that everyone go to house.gov and read it. It's only3-4pages.
The problem is how it would be used to permit the stuff in the faq. That is the Krazy stuff.
John Henry
My first comment on this page went squarely to the subject of the blog post and Senator Mitch McConnell (9:09). Oh; and "I love this blog. Another great post, Althouse."
At 9:18, "Dickin'Bimbos@Home" (I always have to check spelling and capitalization on that moniker) complained about the "Russian Collusion" game and Democrat media.
I replied, and then one more time with a link to a SDNY court filing, and wrote that I hoped to leave it at that. For the sake of less clutter on this page. I knew that some Althouse commenters would not leave it at that and would want more fight. I was right. They want to fight with me by name, and to make it as personal as possible.
Check it out, Meade. And with THAT, I am through with this page.
I like voting. Let’s vote. A nice neat recorded vote.
Senator Edward Markey is putting forth a Green New Deal that's pure malarkey according to the Mitch the little bitch that will supposedly hurt the economy. So, we need the debate of economic costs versus environmental disaster from Global Warming. I would immediately put forth a bill to neuter all Republican office holders. Schlump should find the money for those ball-busting operations by additional taxes on those balling from the loss of their balls. He should declare a national emergency and have the National Guard "Build the Ball" clinics around the country to perform the procedure. There is no additional money for anesthesia, so it's gonna hurt. "No pain, no gain" should be the consoling mantra here.
Heh. Heh. Hehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Politics is a field where the ability to look a single move ahead makes you a strategic genius.
I would suggest that everyone go to house.gov and read it. It's only3-4pages.
It's not at house.gov....at least a page search for "green" doesn't find it.
Searching house.gov for "green resolution" returns resolutions w/o green;
Searching for "green" returns....
...where the Pope complimented the Speaker's green tie...
...Missouri 6th Graves, Tom, Georgia 14th Green, Al, Texas 9th Green,
...Green Bay | Congressman Mike Gallagher
The liberal media wants to take is seriously based on "who is against it"
"Republicans panned" "claimed"
congress has abdicated legislating to passing "ideas" and letting the executive branch make it up as they go
"We have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill" was not a joke.
The bill is nothing more than a wish list: Example: why do you need a universal basic income to reduce carbon?
$200 trillion? for what?
> we need the debate of economic costs versus environmental disaster from Global Warming.
Oh, the bill is for China and India?
The economic costs are real and immediate,
the models for AGW are questionable and the economic models for the AGW models (two layers of assumptions and reductions) are non existent.
As in all these things, the game is deeper than last weeks or this weeks or next weeks politics gameshow.
This is a move to, as noted above, to do the Overton window thing. The move really happens in your universities (and yes I harp on this, I know). The point is to generate an elite dogmatic consensus.
The purpose is of course bureaucratic control of the economy, by the class that anoints itself qualified to do so. But it will not happen quickly.
> And, btw, CAGW is a total scam
We have always been at war with Eastasia....
the best political project is both un-measurable AND un-achievable.
"Give your lives over to us forever and we will save you from..."
After the government software failed, I found it right away by using private software:
14 pages.
Expect from Markey et al: "I fully support the Green New Deal in principle - climate change is a worldwide threat. The next step is producing an actionable, affordable path to success under the guidance of a blue-ribbon panel of scientists, engineers, economists, ecologists and representatives of pertinent government agencies."
Or some such bullshit to separate the IDEA from idiotic specifics of AOC's bong club.
traditionalguy said...
2)And where did Obama get $100 million in gold and diamonds found stashed on his secret property when the Special Forces raided it in Thailand? Was it the left over loot from the $500 million pump and dump Solyndra Federal Grant. The Thai real property that Obama was using as his was titled in Solyndra.
I've somehow missed this- and it is something that would never be covered in MSM. Link?
It's a Trap!
(Required link for that sentence)
I agree "It’s a game," but who started the game? Wasn't it a game when Democrats introduced the Green New Deal? It's pathetic to say "It's a game" when what you mean is the other side is beating us at our game.
Thank you.
We want to restructure the entire economy within ten years but we can't even coordinate the release of a pdf outlining the plan.
mccullough said...
Mitch should hold a vote on open borders. But that would expose him and Romney and the other GOP scum.
It sound like that is precisely what they are doing right now with the continuing resolution.
No borders, no wall, no America at all. Vote on that and face the music.
On another website I saw Chuck Schumer has gotten his undies in a bundle over McConnell's vote. Maybe Mitch would delay the vote for a year for another $20 billion in unrestricted wall funding?
wildswan said...
FAQ-News on the Green New Deal Front 2021: The Department of Gaia bans turning on oil or gas heat furnaces in Wisconsin from March 1 to November 30. "They need to gradually get used to doing without planet-destroying fossil-fuel furnaces. And anyhow, because of climate change it's quite warm in Wisconsin except for a few rainy months from December to February. And if they're cold, let them use methane. They're overrun with cows.
Natural gas is 60 to 90% methane.
Pro-dem Smear Merchant Chuck: "Check it out, Meade. And with THAT, I am through with this page."
Per Meade, you were supposed to be "through" with posting at all.
But the needs of the Far Left/dems outweighs the directives of blog administrators in LLR Chuck/lefty/Smear-ville.
The best part of this is it tells the stupids that vote for the democrats that even they don't believe any of this phony baloney New Green Deal garbage which in turns makes them even more bat shiat crazy and wanting to purge "moderates" of the party.
Republicans want to avoid a true national debate & kill our efforts to organize.
I’ve listed to their BS for 30 years. Ted Danson did an ad in I think 1989 that gave the oceans 10; years. They’re not dead yet.
How many more decades do they need to organize! We are beaten over the head daily..
The best part of this vote is that it forces the Democrats out of the Communist closet. What it does do is show the average non-insane American that the Democrats are either insane or Communists. It even gives the LLRs and Chucks a reason to hold their noses and re elect Trump.
I have looked at the documents about the GND that have been issued so far, including the HR resolution, the information about the plan posted on the Green Party website, and the FAQs from AOC’s HR website that were quickly deleted. I converted all these to PDFs and have saved them in the cloud for easy access and future reference as I know many of my progressive acquaintances will lie about what is in them.
I say “looked at” because I have skimmed them rather than digging into every detail. That is a complete waste of time. The whole GND is so ridiculously absurd that only an imbecile would believe in any of it. If I were an 8th grade science teacher and one of my students submitted any of this on a class paper or project it would get an F. That such a proposal as this could have any legitimacy and actually become a resolution put up for a vote in our Congress is astounding. Everyone who has produced or signed on to this thing should be mercilessly ridiculed for their scientific, technical, and economic illiteracy. Unfortunately, the GOP, being the stupid party, will probably let that opportunity pass.
Cubanbob: "What it does do is show the average non-insane American that the Democrats are either insane or Communists. It even gives the LLRs and Chucks a reason to hold their noses and re elect Trump."
The reality is that the LLR's are all completely operationally aligned with the not just the left, but the far left. And there will be no coming back from that.
For better or worse (I think better), having it made transparent that the LLR's will do anything to advance the lefty cause, including proudly smearing republicans, is the new norm.
As seen on this very blog.
How DARE you call for a vote on legislation we proposed!!
Markey raised. McConnell called.
Make them play by their professed rules, said Alinsky.
If Markey didn't want a vote he shouldn't have intro'd a resolution in a chamber whose agenda is controlled by the other side.
Stupid is as stupid does, and I cannot recall anybody on either side of the aisle ever complimenting Markey on his intelligence and parliamentary savvy.
No, n.n, McConnell raised him back. And it's no limit, any number of raises, poker.
Right now, Markey's implying he's going to fold. We'll see what he does
We're all going to die in 12 years if we don't do something right now! But don't rush the vote!
I expect a lot of Democrat Senators to be 'absent' when this vote gets called to a vote. Generally anyone who has presidential aspirations.
I am hoping that Mitch springs it on them when at least Kamala and Warren are present.
What the hell even is a "national debate"? I'm so tired of the idiotic cliche. It's not like we all get together in the town hall, talk it out, then have a vote.
It’s when liberals tell you how it will be. Nineteen for them and one for thee.
DEMS!!! Hoist on the GND petard!! I LOVE it.
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