February 19, 2019

"The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay...."

NBC reports:
U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading the effort, which kicks off Tuesday evening in Berlin. The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

“It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct,” said a U.S. official involved in organizing the event....

Narrowly focused on criminalization, rather than broader LGBT issues like same-sex marriage, the campaign was conceived partly in response to the recent reported execution by hanging of a young gay man in Iran, the Trump administration’s top geopolitical foe....

“This is not the first time the Iranian regime has put a gay man to death with the usual outrageous claims of prostitution, kidnapping, or even pedophilia. And it sadly won’t be the last time,” Grenell wrote. “Barbaric public executions are all too common in a country where consensual homosexual relationships are criminalized and punishable by flogging and death.”

Can we get something like this for Trump?


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Farmer's male identity is very precious to him. It's his precious!

Like goddamn motherfucking Smeagol/Gollum he is. Pathetic.

Just let the trannies be, Farmer. Stop thinking your pee pee parts is so special.

n.n said...

Saying that believing you're a woman does not make you a woman is not being "pretty fucking judgmental." It is stating a plain truth. An individual person's worth is based on their own character and behavior, not on their group identity.

Yes, no color judgments. The attribute(s) are significant, but low information, and only relevant in a limited context, which unless there is probable cause of imminent or immediate risk, dose not preclude life, [dignity], liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and I would suggest reconciliation. The latter is, for example, significant, when men and women compete with markedly different physiological profiles correlated with sex.

Drago said...

I haven't seen the lefties this freaked out since Trump moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Note to the Normal: No right-wing position is ever grounded in logic. Reason has nothing to do with the right or conservatism.

All you have to do is determine the fear (or disgust) that led to their position and psychoanalyze the fuck out of it.

People can't be reasoned out of things they never reasoned themselves into. You must instead identify what emoted them into their hard-core belief.

FullMoon said...

Jesus, goofy, are you that stupid? (no answer required)

PPPissant says
Or maybe they're just too tired to. But every time he pops in scores of other commenters complain about the particular sort of freak show he makes of things. They don't like it. It's like watching one of their fellow partisans on alcohol, peyote, cocaine and speed all at the same time.

Blogger Pogo said...

Plus, I figger that once Ritmo Underpants arrives, the thread is already stick-a-fork-in-it d-e-a-d dead.

10/15/10, 6:27 AM

Alex said...

It's a given that as soon as Ritmo shows up the

thread is destroyed. There will be no good

discussions afterwards.
3/2/13, 3:25 PM

Humperdink said...

As I posted 10 hours ago, when the Ritster appears

the thread is dead. Need evidence? Read the previous

30 or so comments. Need more evidence? Wait for his

next guest appearance.
4/6/13, 6:36 AM

Ann Althouse said( to little fella)...

Do not do that all-caps thing again. It's unreadable. I will delete in the future.

Also don't put in extra paragraph spaces, including putting a third paragraph break when going from paragraph to paragraph. Attention-getting formatting is not permitted, other than normal things like italics and some boldface (but not putting your whole comment in boldface).

Use your words to hold readers, not special trickery. It looks bad and it's on my website. If you want to do formatting stuff to get attention, take it to your own blog. I don't want to see it here and will delete.

In fact, I will delete it now.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

This gay guy makes a lot of sense.

“Too many times, we try to turn “community” into “mutiny.” Rather than embrace all the colors of the rainbow and j’adore every type of person that’s included in our patchwork, we turn on each other by acting superior to our brothers and sisters, treating the other LGBTs as somehow less deserving of rights and respect than our own particular niche group is. We can be our own worst enemy!

It was as if anyone fighting for a piece of the American pie somehow felt they had to slime the other sectors in order to demand their portion. In this case, the loathing is tinged with self-loathing, because we happen to be smearing members of our own community. Perhaps having grown up with shame about being LGBT, we exercise that feeling by lobbing prejudice against our own kind. Sometimes it’s a means of deflecting our own oppression by ganging up on our comrades. And there’s even animus within each of the LGBT letters!”


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I haven't seen the lefties this freaked out since Trump moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Drago pretends to be so close-knit in his travels among the black-hat-black-coat crowd that he's about to get circumcised.

Drago, did you know that many of them are anti-zionists?

I'm sure you'll fit right in with them, Drago. The black-coat-black-hats love pontificating from armchairs as much as you do.

And just like you they'd never lift a finger for their country. They're happy to let others do their fighting for them.

Marty said...

Mr. Farmer, it's amusing to find you arguing with farts in the wind.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Alex and Pogo. Any other long-gone commenters you'd like to speak for you on your behalf, shyster contractor?

That Althouse comment was not directed to me.

2010 and 2013. Years that Shyster Sociopath Contractor wasn't around in. He was probably still in diapers at that point.

J. Farmer said...

@Trump International Crime Syndicate:

Farmer's male identity is very precious to him. It's his precious!

Like goddamn motherfucking Smeagol/Gollum he is. Pathetic.

Just let the trannies be, Farmer. Stop thinking your pee pee parts is so special.

I'm perfectly calm. You're the one who seems to be working yourself into a lather. But let's try to move the conversation away from your unhealthy obsession with my personal life and back to the subject at hand.

Allow me to ask you a simple question: what is a woman?

FullMoon said...

Cry baby eyes, hahahaha!
You really do bring new meaning to the word "pussy."

Crying and whining because other people comment, and he can't understand the comments. He can't control them, and he can't engage them. He feels outshone and pisses and moans cause he's home all alone. On the internet.

Trump International Crime Syndicate said...

Makes me wonder why Althouse doesn’t see that as boring to other commenters? Or does she?

I think he can definitely be moderated out of here. Clearly he can't add anything new to any thread, and that shouldn't be too hard to point out.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "And just like you they'd never lift a finger for their country. They're happy to let others do their fighting for them."


Yeah, the guy that didn't serve wrote that.

Just now.

Without irony.

But standby, the last time he confronted the fact that I served and he didn't HoaxPPT went all in on the only dummies join the military!

This will be fun.

I'm tempted to start planning a room addition or two just to see if I can get another San Franciscan to defecate on the sidewalks (assuming HoaxPPT's cause and effect "analysis" is spot on...."

J. Farmer said...

@Inga...Allie Oop:

As for segregation in jails/ prisons, are you comparing the troops with convicts/ criminals?

No, I am saying that the military, like jails and prisons and competitive sports, is sex segregated. If you're going to have sex segregation, then you need to have a manner of identifying one's sex. In that case, we use biology and not self-perception.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Drago, did you know that many of them are anti-zionists?"


Now what?

J. Farmer said...


Mr. Farmer, it's amusing to find you arguing with farts in the wind.

I only argue with my equals. All others I teach :P

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hopefully Shyster Contractor (aka the Sensitive Sociopath) will go the way the 2010 and 2013 commenters did. Too sensitive to stay.

Let's all have a pity party for him, ok? One, two, three: Awwwwwww.

Shyster Contractor, the Sensitive Sociopath. Maintaining the gentleness that Althouse requires so that the really delicate discussions can take place.

Sshhhhh. We'rwe hunting wabbits.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm perfectly calm.

So says the guy who thinks the trannies are out to steal his male identity.

Passive-aggressive is not calm, Farm-Boy.

MikeR said...

Wow. It's been 7 hours since the NBC report. I can find nothing at all on NYT or WaPo. Silence.
Nothing on the summit, just a complaint that their favorite groups weren't invited.

Drago said...

MikeR: "Wow. It's been 7 hours since the NBC report. I can find nothing at all on NYT or WaPo. Silence."

Par for the course.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, the guy that didn't serve wrote that.

I didn't serve in the IDF, either. Did you?

I thought theirs was the country you were pretending to defend and stick up for, Big Boy?

J. Farmer said...

@Trump International Crime Syndicate:

So says the guy who thinks the trannies are out to steal his male identity.

I have never said a single thing like that. That's just part of your fevered imagination. If anything, I have restricted my comments to male to female transexuals.

Passive-aggressive is not calm, Farm-Boy.

I say everything I think and in as direct a way as possible. Pretty much the opposite of passive-aggressive.

narciso said...

I think the OIC will be the lead obstacle, since they comprise nearly 1/4 of all the countries in the general assembly, like I say one should tread lightly,

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More satire that Sensitive Sociopath still pretends not to get. (6:10 PM).

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "I didn't serve in the IDF, either. Did you?

I thought theirs was the country you were pretending to defend and stick up for, Big Boy?"

That must be the only military in the world that exists.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Why, its not your fault you didn't serve. You would have courageously jumped up to serve....if only....if only the US had a military you could join.



Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD or APD) is a personality disorder characterized by a long term pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others. A low moral sense or conscience is often apparent, as well as a history of crime, legal problems, or impulsive and aggressive behavior.[3][4]

Antisocial personality disorder is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Dissocial personality disorder (DPD), a similar or equivalent concept, is defined in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), which includes antisocial personality disorder in the diagnosis. Both manuals provide similar criteria for diagnosing the disorder.[5] Both have also stated that their diagnoses have been referred to, or include what is referred to, as psychopathy or sociopathy, but distinctions have been made between the conceptualizations of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy, with many researchers arguing that psychopathy is a disorder that overlaps with, but is distinguishable from, ASPD.[6][7][8][9][10]

J. Farmer said...


I think the OIC will be the lead obstacle, since they comprise nearly 1/4 of all the countries in the general assembly, like I say one should tread lightly,

Obstacle to what? No methodology has been disclosed, and the General Assembly would be a poor choice anyway since it has pretty much no real power.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT comes out strongly against Bill Clinton.

Just in the nick of time...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Wow. It's been 7 hours since the NBC report. I can find nothing at all on NYT or WaPo. Silence.”

Maybe because they don’t think reporting on blatant pandering is worth their time?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why, its not your fault you didn't serve. You would have courageously jumped up to serve....if only....if only the US had a military you could join.

Or a cause worth fighting for.

But serving personal body-guard duty for the emir of Kuwait doesn't sound like a very noble American goal for me. Not nationally, anyway. If he wants to offer premium pay however that might be different. Send in some actual body guards.

How much mid-east oil did you defend, Drago?

Known Unknown said...

NBC News is touting this as an 'exclusive' for whatever that is worth.

buwaya said...

"Farmer's male identity is very precious to him. It's his precious!"

It is. There is a lot vested in such an identity. It got a peculiar cachet.
It comes from, ultimately, a sense of special purpose.
A male is a male because he is expendable.

It is that Bushido "Death is lighter than a feather" thing.
Its the "Birkenhead Drill".

A woman needs to live, to be what she has to be, to bear children.
But a man is only a proper man if he holds his life cheap.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "But serving personal body-guard duty for the emir of Kuwait doesn't sound like a very noble American goal for me. Not nationally, anyway. If he wants to offer premium pay however that might be different. Send in some actual body guards.

How much mid-east oil did you defend, Drago?"


Inga's daughter hardest hit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, my favorite part of the ASPD article: Risk factors Family history, poverty[2]


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't bring Inga into it, Dreck O. She and her family believe in America. You don't.

Known Unknown said...

" blatant pandering"

This is the last thing Trump needs to do right now, so what makes it blatant pandering?

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Don't bring Inga into it, Dreck O. She and her family believe in America. You don't"

Oh, she's in it. Up to her neck...according to you.

Inga, how much mid-east oil would you say your daughter is protecting?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There goes Drago again, just as always. Refusing to take personal responsibility for anything and turning things around once again onto others.

Republicans really are the party of lazy and irresponsible, aren't they?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga's daughter hardest hit.”

My daughter thinks you’re an idiot.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Refusing to take personal responsibility for anything and turning things around once again onto others."


No where else to go with that earlier gambit, is there?

Too funny.

HoaxPPT's brain must be whirling....How can he attack US service members with every name in the book and call into question every thing about them but still cordon off the conversation so as not to conversationally frag another lefty and her daughter?!!

Must think think think think....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have never said a single thing like that.

You don't have to. It's obvious that's what you're thinking.

That's just part of your fevered imagination. If anything, I have restricted my comments to male to female transexuals.

Oh how dare they waste their male patrimony, right? Ingrates! We must deny them everything now!

Drago said...

Inga: "My daughter thinks you’re an idiot."

That sounds about right.

buwaya said...

What is the point of a man who pretends to be a woman?
How would such a person even imagine fulfilling a proper, honorable purpose?

Where would he stand, on the deck of the "Birkenhead"?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


What's it like to have to come up with ripostes so quickly and desperately that no one even reads them?

Including, I would guess, yourself?

What's that like?

Drago said...

Poor Inga. How torn she must be as well.

Inga ought to be standing up for service members against HoaxPPT's attacks about simply being the Emir of Kuwait's body guard and only protecting ME oil....but how can she do it without challenging HoaxPPT's comments....which she will never do.

It's fun to watch these 2.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "Drago:

What's it like to have to come up with ripostes so quickly and desperately that no one even reads them?"

What ripostes?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's fun to watch these 2.

Well, more fun for you than when you gaze at your own navel anyway, right?

Republicans are real self-abusers.

Just get your head out of your ass already!

Drago said...

Looks like the cupboard is bare for HoaxPPT.

Quite frankly I'm impressed he lasted this long.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's great that Drago has so little to say.

His party has so little to do.

Lazyasses of a feather, coordinating together.

Drago said...

HoaxPPT firing blanks now.....

Something sexual will be next if previous patterns hold.

I also notice Inga has gone radio silent....for obvious reasons....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I also notice Inga has gone radio silent....for obvious reasons....

She finds you as boring as everyone else does.

narciso said...

she's the brie Larson of the royals


Drago said...

HoaxPPT: "She finds you as boring as everyone else does."

Yet here you are.

I guess you aren't "everyone else".

You must be the Other "Other".

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“She finds you as boring as everyone else does.”

Yes, I do.

Drago said...

Inga: "Yes, I do."

What if I paid a guy to write a hoax dossier that said you don't. I'd bet you'd believe it....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon hallucinates. In a winning way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What if I paid a guy to write a hoax dossier that said you don't. I'd bet you'd believe it....

More boring. Yawn.

You're really not any good at this, are you?

FullMoon said...

Now, let;s get serious for a moment

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I've definitely dated women at least 15 - 20 years my senior. Gladly so. Will gladly do it again. And again.
10/02/11, 10:14 PM
Inga said...

Our souls shall entwine shamelessly in that field of flowers. Well I'm firm for my age, and I long to feel your hands run though my silver tresses.
10/06/11, 10:17 PM

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon wins points for Best Hallucination in the Bay Area.

He is the winningest hallucinator since Cheech and Chong on that 70's show.

He wins full-scale competitions for his hallucinations.

His hallucinations get entered into the Hallucination Hall of Fame.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There he goes again, triggering himself.

What do those comments trigger in you, FullSpoon?

stevo said...

How about people from countries that criminalize homosexuality be banned from travelling to the USA. Just a thought.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Antisocial personality disorder is defined by a pervasive and persistent disregard for morals, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others.[3] Individuals with this personality disorder will typically have no compunction in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure and frequently manipulate and deceive other people, achieving this through wit and a façade of superficial charm or through intimidation and violence.[11] They may display arrogance, think lowly and negatively of others, and lack remorse for their harmful actions and have a callous attitude to those they have harmed.[3][4] Irresponsibility is a core characteristic of this disorder: they can have significant difficulties in maintaining stable employment as well as fulfilling their social and financial obligations, and people with this disorder often lead exploitative, unlawful, or parasitic lifestyles.[3][4][12][13]

Those with antisocial personality disorder are often impulsive and reckless, failing to consider or disregarding the consequences of their actions. They may repeatedly disregard and jeopardize their own safety and the safety of others and place themselves and others in danger.[3][4][14] They are often aggressive and hostile and display a disregulated temper and can lash out violently with provocation or frustration.[3][13] Individuals are prone to substance abuse and addiction, and the abuse of various psychoactive substances is common in this population. These behaviors lead such individuals into frequent conflict with the law, and many people with ASPD have extensive histories of antisocial behavior and criminal infractions stemming back before adulthood.[3][4][12][13]

Serious problems with interpersonal relationships are often seen in those with the disorder. Attachments and emotional bonds are weak, and interpersonal relationships often revolve around the manipulation, exploitation, and abuse of others.[3] While they generally have no problems in establishing relationships, they may have difficulties in sustaining and maintaining them.[12] Relationships with family members and relatives are often strained due to their behavior and the frequent problems that these individuals may get into.

FullMoon said...

Awwww, this is cute, I don't care who you are;

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Someday I should post my real likeness up.

This is fun.

How much of the night can we whittle away like this?

Can I get some advice from Meade over here?

LOL. I haven't had this much fun in ages.
10:20 PM

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“How about people from countries that criminalize homosexuality be banned from travelling to the USA. Just a thought.”

Including Saudi Arabia?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So now that everyone knows what FullMoon's been masturbating to for the past eight years, what's everyone else up to?



Heatshield said...

This story died in darkness at WaPo. No mention.

Drago said...

Inga: "Including Saudi Arabia?"


Are you in?

Or is it ONLY Saudi Arabia that you want to penalize for the crime of cooperating with the US?

Michael K said...

What time does the asylum close?

Drago said...

Michael K: "What time does the asylum close?"

Visiting hours are almost up. If you want that jello cup you'd better get moving...

Drago said...

Uh oh, republicans are bound to start "pouncing" again!

"Feds investigating whether Jussie Smollett played a role in sending threatening letter sent to 'Empire' studios addressed to him"

Trumpit said...

Let's face it: Anal sex is painful, unsanitary, and disgusting, but not as disgusting as hunting and trapping. People don't usually die from anal sex unless they get AIDS. Scalia would outlaw it; Thomas would watch a porno, and masturbate to it; Ginsburg would make matzo ball soup; Kavanaughty would drink a keg of beer with his buddy Squi; Alito would like to try it in a black robe, and stockings; Trump would plug all the holes, so no Mexicans, or gerbils can get through. It takes all kinds, folks. I'm consistent, Gerbilling is the depth of animal abuse.



Guildofcannonballs said...

Look if I happened to summon a demon by saying 37 so be it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

So be it



J. Farmer said...


It takes all kinds, folks. I'm consistent, Gerbilling is the depth of animal abuse.

Haven't heard about that since those Richard Gere rumors.

Bay Area Guy said...

Trumpit is taking the lead in the anti-gerbiling movement. It's important to have worthy causes.

FullMoon said...

Inga said...
(Farmer), I may have zero proof that (gerbils) happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Don't Tread On Me"

Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail
Never begins it, never, but once engaged...
Never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage

Don't tread on me

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

Don't tread on me

Love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite
Quick is the blue tongue, forked as the lightning strike
Shining with brightness, always on surveillance
The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance

Don't tread on me

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

Don't tread on me

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war

Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore...

Don't tread on me

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Check it out! Michael K made a funny joke!

He's such a clever guy. He decoded the genome all by his self.

MadisonMan said...


I honestly first read that url as "why-do-so-many-lightbulbs-hate-each-other"

Guildofcannonballs said...


It's done. It went so so far, and it's now done.

Done, done, done.

Done, and it went so far, far, but it's done.

Done so far, far, but done.

Drago said...

Trumpit: "Let's face it: Anal sex is painful, unsanitary, and disgusting, but not as disgusting as hunting and trapping."

What if your preferred method of hunting is Death by Bungee?

J. Farmer said...

Let's face it: Anal sex is painful, unsanitary, and disgusting

If done right.

FullMoon said...

Snowed in Las Vegas


victoria said...

No, Trump deserves no accolades. He is doing this for political reasons, not for the good of mankind. He has perpetuated the the punishment of LGBYTQ people and transgender people since before he took office. And, to make it worse, he has a vice president, Pency, whose own wife works at a school which bans gay and transgender people from working there.

Vicki from Pasadena

FullMoon said...

victoria said...

No, Trump deserves no accolades. He is doing this for political reasons, not for the good of mankind. He has perpetuated the the punishment of LGBYTQ people and transgender people since before he took office. And, to make it worse, he has a vice president, Pency, whose own wife works at a school which bans gay and transgender people from working there.

Vicki from Pasadena

Good one TRUMPIT. You had me fooled for quite a while.
Keep on truckin'

Mark said...

wife works at a school which bans gay and transgender people from working there

Why would they want to work there anyway? Seems they would be happy not to work there.

Certainly they would not like being forced to work there. But that's the thing about freedom of association. Nobody is forced to work especially with others who are fundamentally in opposition to each other.

For instance, it does not bother me one bit that the Democrats or some pro-abortion group would never hire me. I would never work for them -- even if it meant starving.

Oso Negro said...

What a sublime thread!

Oso Negro said...

@Michael K - You well, doc? You haven’t been around much lately

Original Mike said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said..."No lefty heads will be exploding as we know full well the disengenuous nature of this pandering."

The contortions you'll go through to maintain your worldview really is a wonderment.

Gahrie said...

He has perpetuated the the punishment of LGBYTQ people and transgender people since before he took office.

WTF? He was pro-gay marriage long before either Hillary or Obama was.

traditionalguy said...

President Amazing just put down a marker that blows away all of the Gay Rights Justice fighters.They cannot preach a hate for Trump and his Deplorables anymore unless it is a faked tactic. Trump wins!

Drago said...

victoria: "No, Trump deserves no accolades."

Should Trump get credit for the economy?
No, Trump deserves no accolades.

Should Trump get credit for the booming Energy Sector and new exports to Eastern Europe?
No, Trump deserves no accolades.

Should Trump get credit for renegotiating the Korean Trade Agreement as well as the USMCA hemispheric trade deal?
No, Trump deserves no accolades.

Should Trump get credit for the record employment numbers?
No, Trump deserves no accolades.

Should Trump get credit for doing what obama claimed would take a magic wand: growth of 3%?
No, Trump deserves no accolades.

Should Trump get credit for getting our NATO partners to increase their defense spending (something that Presidents back to HWBush were unable to achieve)?
No, Trump deserves no accolades.

If I didn't know better, I'd say there was a pattern here.......

Drago said...

Gahrie: "WTF? He was pro-gay marriage long before either Hillary or Obama was."

But that was before he became an icky republican so none of that counts.

Think of it as the Inverse Rule for Republicans. This Rule allows Democrats to "evolve" (or not, whatever) and never get called on it. Meanwhile, republicans get no credit for anything they do that results in a positive outcome.

The left/LLR's have been putting this framework in place for decades. Hence, Reagan and Thatcher and the Pope had nothing to do with Soviet Union over-extending itself and collapsing. Nope. According to the lefties/LLR's/Hollywood it was all Charlie Wilson's doing........

Its important that history be rewritten daily in the most efficient way possible to allow the lefties/LLR's to launch the new day's lefty talking points.

Jack said...

Of course he's not anti-gay, he lives in NYC and Florida, and take a look at the decor in his homes, it looks like Liberace has been let loose in there.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"It really does boggle the mind when one hears a gay person expressing a willingness to ostracize a transgender person."

It boggles the mind that in this enlightened age one can equate homosexuality with mental illness.

Yes, Trump's initiative trolls Muzzies and the Left simultaneously. Heightening the contradictions is one of the old boy's specialties.

Michael K said...

Oso Negro said...
@Michael K - You well, doc? You haven’t been around much lately

I skim threads for certain commenters. I try to avoid stirring up the crazies.,.

Original Mike said...

"WTF? He was pro-gay marriage long before either Hillary or Obama was."

Facts don't matter to these people.

They really don't.

donald said...

Anytime I post on my Oregon buddy’s FB Wall, The Hitler/Racist shit flies.

I dropped this bad boy in there a couple of hours ago and crickets.

Guildofcannonballs said...

He told Rogan that Metallica has traditionally veered away from political messages in its music and will continue to do so even now given the polarized climate in the country.

'We stay away from politics [and] from religion,' Hetfield says.

'That just seems to polarize people even more. We all have our own beliefs, but at the end of the day, we're trying to connect with people and it seems like political views don't do that as much as music does.'


glenn said...

No. Because Tuck Frump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer @ 7:39 - LOL

Achilles said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...

No lefty heads will be exploding as we know full well the disengenuous nature of this pandering.

This person believes Trump is colluding with Russia because Putin has proof Trump had hookers pee on a bed that Obama slept in.

This person believes Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.

This person believes that Nick Sandmann is a horrible racist who attacked a noble native american and some kind black guys at a rally.

This person believes Sclise deserved to get shot because he supports the NRA.

This person believes Trump supporters are all racist because someone attacked Jussie Smollet.

This person believes Trump supporters are all racist because an Occupy Wall street organizer organized a white supremacist rally and HEATHER HEYER!

There is no shortage of stupid lies this idiot believes.

Trump has been pro-gay marriage for decades and openly supportive of the gay community for
a very long time like a lot of us have.

Inga is the definition of disingenuous.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The contortions you'll go through to maintain your worldview really is a wonderment.”

I’ve many times thought this exact thing...about you folks. In fact I usually call it twisting yourselves into pretzels.

Sam L. said...


mockturtle said...

Michael K explains: I try to avoid stirring up the crazies.,.

Too late, it would appear.

Craig said...

That cover is ridiculous! My god, so much journalism became hot garbage.

JAORE said...

Seems like we had this conversation the other day, but it concerned a 'Q' not an 'I'. What does 'I' signify? Inclusiveness??


Trump is the worst!

Worst homophobe ever.
Worst war monger ever.
Worst Russian puppet ever.
Worst Klansman ever.
Worst Nazi ever.
[And more.]

Crazy World said...

Where is Barry’s book? Didn’t he get paid a jillion dollars like his little woman to write one? What a rip-off

Bob Loblaw said...

It never made any sense to me - this Trump being anti-gay - that the left has been howling about even before the election.

Like every guy his age, he's made a few gay jokes. But he's from New York, fer Chrissake, and he was a Democrat until about five minutes before the election. Anybody who thinks Trump is "anti-gay" is an idiot.

Renee said...

The most extreme LGBT loud mouths I know aren't even gay, simply straight progressives that use any LGBT issue to whine and moan about Chistians. I individuals I know who are gay are pretty a-political.

Otherwise while I wouldn't suggest criminalization of men who have sex with men, anyone can review the data from the CDC and realize this isn't healthy behavior. Note: I prefer to say men who have sexual contact with men,because it dealing with an act not orientation. But even CDC has trouble culturally staring to abstain from the behavior.

Craig Howard said...

Homosexuals run the gamut from hyper-masculine to hyper-feminine and everything in between.

As do heterosexuals one might add.

J. Farmer said...

@Craig Howard:

As do heterosexuals one might add.


Bilwick said...

"Let's face it: Anal sex is painful, unsanitary, and disgusting." Not as much as statism. Of course if Big Brother asked for it, sado-masochistic "liberals: like the ones who post here (you know who you are) would assume the position immediately . . . while telling themselves, probably, "It's for the Common Good!"

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