February 19, 2019

"The president is not well at all mentally. I think he’s an extreme narcissist... he is having a hissy fit... He does need to be removed under the 25th Amendment."

Said Richard Painter, just last night on MSNBC.

So the idea lives on.

ADDED: Incoherently, the "hissy fit" Painter is hissing about is the use of emergency power, but the argument against that has to do with narrow interpretation of the Constitution, and Painter is relying on a broad interpretation when it comes to the 25th Amendment. This is a contradiction I talked about and did a poll about 4 days ago in "Want to be able to do things the easy way or not?"

The poll gave you 5 options:
Yes, bypass Congress with emergency powers for the wall and the 25th am. to oust even a non-incapacitated President. [1% of 625 of you voted for this option.]

No, you have to do it the hard way, legislation to fund the wall and impeachment to oust a non-incapacitated President. [40%]

Use emergency powers for the wall, but not the 25th to oust a non-incapacitated President. [45%]

No to emergency powers for the wall, but yes to the 25th instead of impeachment. [1%]

A more subtle balancing of factors is needed, so none of the above. [13%]
Isn't if funny that Painter is being irrational just as he's making a pronouncement about the President's rationality?


tim maguire said...

If being a narcissist is a disqualifier for the presidency, than the democratic model is not workable.

Jersey Fled said...


rhhardin said...

Posturing is really important in legal expertise.

gilbar said...

Here's a serious question, which i posted yesterday:
Had ANY of these morons READ the 25th amendment?
Don't they Realize that it's HARDER to remove the President through the 25th, than through Impeachment?

when the President transmits ...his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless ... the Congress ... determines by two thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office

Am i THE ONLY PERSON ON EARTH that has Read the amendment? All the President has to do is write a letter, and HE IS BACK IN; until More than an Impeachment takes place

Of course, when i posted this yesterday, someone said ...
You may be the only person on Earth that believes the person lying to you, when they claim that was their intention. which made me think that person was a fool

Ralph L said...

Good ethics, there, let's give sedition some cover.

Johnathan Birks said...

Jim Fregosi once said of the famously erratic relief pitcher Mitch "Wild Thing" Williams, "He doesn't have ulcers, but he is a carrier."

Trump seems to have the same effect.

sykes.1 said...

He should worry about the mental health of some Trump supporters. They will start killing people if Trump is removed.

I came of age in the 1960's. I never want to see anything like that again. Not only assassinations and attempted assassination there were dozens to hundreds of terror bombings every year. At least a hundred cities got shut down by multi-day riots.

If you want to remove Trump, vote in 2020.

I would prefer that the people obsessing about removing Trump be given a time out in a concentration camp.

Wince said...

How do you tell Richard Painter is a member of a Clutch Cargo Cult?

His lips aren't moving.

Paco Wové said...

I think there's a provision in there for the Vice President plus and unnamed group of cabinet officers to override what the President says, but as far as I know the role of the Vice President is key; if he's not on board then you've got nothing.

MountainMan said...

So the idiocy lives on.

Curious George said...

Painter is an ultra left wing hack now. The MSM always posits him as a GWB ethics lawyer but he is "Vice Chair of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a left-wing activist group..." replacing "David Brock. Yes, that David Brock, the consummate Democratic oppo-research attack dog, leader of Media Matters, and now American Bridge."

Sydney said...

I think you could substitute the phrase “Trump opponents” for “the president” and be closer to the truth. To bad there’s no amendment to apply to them.

gilbar said...

Paco Wové said...
I think there's a provision in there for the Vice President plus and unnamed group of cabinet officers to override what the President says, but as far as I know the role of the Vice President is key; if he's not on board then you've got nothing.

No, SERIOUSLY; people should read it; I JUST Quoted it. Go look

gilbar said...

25th amendment

GRW3 said...

I suspect his mocking tone when he described the National Emergency lawsuit's progress to the Supreme Court has really lit them up.

sinz52 said...

If the President's physician diagnoses the President as mentally or physically incapacitated, he can certify that in writing. Or he can bring in a psychiatrist from nearby St. Elizabeth's Hospital for consultation on the issue.

Otherwise, there's nothing to discuss.

stevew said...

Oh, I agree someone is not well at all mentally, but disagree that said person is POTUS DJT.

The 25th Amendment was an elaborate practical joke played by Republicans that's taken 50 years to reveal itself.

gilbar said...

IF the President his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless ... Here's your cabinet & VP demanding removal
Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two thirds vote of both Houses

It only takes a majority of the House to Impeach (and 2/3rds of Senate), to remove The President against his will through the 25th takes 2/3rds of the House AND The Senate/
The only 'ease' is that you don't need to pretend that he's committed a misdemeanor (which ain't That hard).

gilbar said...

If the President's physician diagnoses the President as mentally or physically incapacitated, he can certify that in writing. Or he can bring in a psychiatrist from nearby St. Elizabeth's Hospital for consultation on the issue

IT Doesn't FUCKING MATTER WHO says What. If the President CHOOSES To remain in power, all he has to do is write a letter to Congress, and THEN it takes 2/3rds in BOTH HOUSES



Ralph L said...

So gilbar is more careful about the Constitution than top DoJ people. We're fucked.

wendybar said...

Richard Painter..Should look in the mirror. Enough said

traditionalguy said...

Yes. General George Patton and his 4th Armored Division were also accused by the Germans being attacked at will by them of being mentally ill killers recruited from American insane asylums. It just goes with the territory.

wendybar said...

sykes.1 said...
He should worry about the mental health of some Trump supporters. They will start killing people if Trump is removed.

Really?? It seems all of the violence has come from the left (because SHE LOST!!!)

Francisco D said...

Thanks gilbar.

Sometimes it helps to have the facts.

It should help ALL the time, but alas.

Wilbur said...

sykes.1 said...
He should worry about the mental health of some Trump supporters. They will start killing people if Trump is removed.
This is the unspoken truth, which people are afraid to mention or too unaware of to be concerned. If Trump is removed from office by illegitimate means, then like Bum Phillips once said "You're gonna have more trouble than a little bit". And the first ones to go down will be the Richard Painters of this world.

God forbid.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The idea lives on at CNN - the Kathy Griffin network, and MSDNC - the Democrat party network.

rehajm said...

These people are desperate and/or mentally ill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Between Hillary and Trump - the larger narcissist lost.

Mike Sylwester said...

From the linked article:

President Trump is a man who believes Vladimir Putin rather than his own intelligence sources

If a US President does not believe his intelligence sources, then the only explanation is that he is not well mentally.

stevew said...

"If a US President does not believe his intelligence sources, then the only explanation is that he is not well mentally."

Did they say this when George W. Bush believed his intelligence sources?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Deep State is scared shitless that come 2020 Trump will go scorched earth on them.

BarrySanders20 said...

"General George Patton and his 4th Armored Division were also accused by the Germans being attacked at will by them of being mentally ill killers recruited from American insane asylums. It just goes with the territory"

I saw that documentary. I believe it was called The Dirty Dozen.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russian collusion fell apart - but we still have other means, here at the DNC press.

Dave Begley said...

Painter "teaches" law at the University of Minnesota. As one astute commentator noted here, none of these people have even read the 25th Amendment. Pence has to agree! That will never happen unless Trump strokes out.

Dave Begley said...

Credit to gilbar. He's read the 25th. Put him on MSNBC.

Rory said...

Wilbur: "If Trump is removed from office by illegitimate means, then like Bum Phillips once said 'You're gonna have more trouble than a little bit'."

The Constitution is notably silent about the duty of the people to accept the removal of officers they've elected. Not just the President, either.

Fernandinande said...

@Johnathan Birks, I just heard that Ry Cooder was in the Magic Band but quit in 1967 because Beefheart was too crazy.

Michael The Magnificent said...

They don't want ICE deporting criminals, they don't care that those criminals are released back out onto our streets. They're happy to hand illegal aliens drivers license and accidentally register them to vote in the process, or hand them city identification cards and then say those cards are sufficient identification to vote with. They want illegal aliens counted in the census but don't want their citizenship status recorded in that census. They don't care that drugs are coming over the border, nor that tent cities full of opioid-addicted homeless people are sprouting up all over. They don't care that 2/3 of illegal aliens are on some form of public assistance, or that they are taking up classroom seats and filling hospital emergency rooms. They don't care that illegal alien labor is destroying the wages of blue collar workers.

This is about counting as many bodies in blue states as possible, for house seats, and for electoral votes. Trump, his wall, and his supporters stand in the way of their plans for a permanent majority. And that is why Trump, his wall, and his supporters are so vilified by the left, and why no measure is too desperate.

Robert Cook said...

I think Trump is a childish and narcissistic asshole who really doesn't give a shit about anything except being perceived as a "winner," but that's not mental illness. Do these people claiming he is ill really believe it? Do they really see it? This is a measure of their perceptions and not of his mental stability.

Dave Begley said...

This whole 25th Amendment thing is a prime example of Fake News. Fake News works so well that it even infected, allegedly, Rod Rosenstein. Rosenstein is a Harvard Law grad. Gilbar, was Rod in your class?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Meh, blabbing about the 25th is just smoke for the fact that you weren’t even serious about impeachment. Chumming for suckers. In a motel breakfast room the other day they had MSNBC playing on the TV. I don’t have cable so I’ve never seen it before. It was fascinating how utterly contrived and hollow their talking points were. Like propaganda designed for the already brainwashed, with commercials added. Really, the perfect selling machine.

Levi Starks said...

It’s nice to see Democrats unlocking tools for the Republicans the next time a Democrat lands in the presidency.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How come the feelz of leftwing children who play journalists on TeeVee get to trump the reality that they helped make this man president?

Robert Cook said...

"@Johnathan Birks, I just heard that Ry Cooder was in the Magic Band but quit in 1967 because Beefheart was too crazy."

Don Van Vliet (aka Captain Beefheard) was never crazy. The problem was he was a controlling and manipulative bully to his band members, playing them against each other. Most of them took it, but Cooder wouldn't. His behavior is discussed in detail in this book by his drummer, John "Drumbo" French.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

*we hate Trump* We wanted corrupt Hillary and we wanted all Her-> institutionalized corruption and the financial windfall that comes with the Clinton's insider Foundation-media whore Stephanopolis insider gig.

Dave Begley said...

Ann: Painter works for the University of Minnesota Law School; not Wisconsin. Enough said!

tcrosse said...

Back in the day there were lots of articles in little magazines by eminent shrinks diagnosing LBJ as insane, or worse. Maybe he was.

Michael said...

Robert Cook
"childish and narcissistic asshole" describes Obama perfectly

Robert Cook said...

"Robert Cook
'childish and narcissistic asshole' describes Obama perfectly"

I can see narcissistic, and smug, and a phony, and a war criminal, but where's the "childish asshole" part?

tcrosse said...

I can see narcissistic, and smug, and a phony, and a war criminal, but where's the "childish asshole" part?

You're right. He wasn't childish.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that some of this is cover for McCabe, who legally really seems to have stepped in it with his plot to use the 25th Amdt to remove the guy he and his people tried to prevent being elected President. As has been repeatedly pointed out, that wasn’t his call. What he did, trying to take out a duly elected President deserves being placed in front of a firing squad, if not drawn and quartered first. It was a pretty gross violation of his oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. Nowhere in that Constitution does it give any civil servant the right to try to take out his boss, the duly elected President, from whom is devolved and delegated every power he, the civil servant, has.

Here is the oath that McCabe was required, by statute, to take, to work for the federal government as a civilian employee:

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” 5 U.S.C. §3331

Ralph L said...

He wasn't childish.
The sly birds.

MayBee said...

Yet we are going to have to keep hearing about Facebook and fake ads that were meant to divide the electorate.

I'm Full of Soup said...

One day after Bridgegate screwup became public knowledge, the FBI had agents onsite.

The FBI took 20-30 agents and armored vehicles to arrest Roger Stone for lying.

The FBI took months to even open an investigation of Hillary's emails and her criminal violation of secret information.

The FBI allowed David Kendall, Hillary's lawyer, to take weeks to prune the emails and delete many before handing over hard copies to investigators.

The FBI has become a partisan joke.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The Constitution is notably silent about the duty of the people to accept the removal of officers they've elected. Not just the President, either.”

Maybe even more fundamentally:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Who is the bigger childish asshole- Trump, or the hack-D press, who persist in a state of perceptual butt-hurt and coup attempt using lies and innuendo? ? ?

Drago said...

The best way to deal with and de-legitimize Painter, like all LLR's, is to put them in front of a camera and say "go for it"!!

They cant help themselves. They expose their lefty-aligned lunacy in about 17 seconds.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter butthurt media: We want him gone! Why isn't he gone!

MayBee said...

I really cannot believe people on news outlets are talking about the president being mentally unstable. Really. This is a terrible terrible thing for our country. Why do they want to make people feel so unsure about life in this country?

Browndog said...

Another example of using a false narrative to change written law.

-You can't yell fire in a crowded theater
-Grounds for Impeachment are whatever the opposing party in the House says they are
-25th Amendment can be invoked just by calling the President crazy.

Michael said...

Robert Cook
Hip Hop pals. Bad basketball. Nasty petulance. Thin skin.

Roy Lofquist said...


"If a US President does not believe his intelligence sources, then the only explanation is that he is not well mentally."


Kevin said...

Painter is hissing about is the use of emergency power, but the argument against that has to do with narrow interpretation of the Constitution, and Painter is relying on a broad interpretation when it comes to the 25th Amendment.

"So... how do you know you're being lied to, how do you know you're being manipulated? How do you know there's something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all and there's no gray — there's no gray. It's all one way. Well, life isn't like that. If it doesn't match real life... something's wrong." -- Lara Logan

MD Greene said...

The best thing Trump has going for him is his flock of unhinged antagonists. That and their pets in the formerly mainstream press.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

In Venezuela, Trump is supporting an interpretation of their constitution that the office of President is vacant because Maduro has assumed dictatorial powers. I wonder if Trump knows that?

As for Painter, his claim of mental illness is within the narrow interpretation of the 25th Amendment. But Althouse sees that as broad because of her TDDS (Trump derangement derangement syndrome).

Regarding McCabe and Rosenstein, consider this: One of the decisionmakers under the 25th Amendment is the Cabinet. But Sessions had recused himself on matters related to Russia, making Rosenstein the Acting Attorney General on those matters. If it turned out that the President was being blackmailed by Russia, there is a legal question as to whether Sessions or Rosenstein was the AG for purposes of the 25th. And those grounds are within the narrow interpretation of the 25th Amendment, as they go to Trump’s capacity to govern. One can see that the 25th could be invoked if the President were kidnapped, why not also if he were captured by means of blackmail?

The 25th Amendment can only be invoked against the President by the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet with the support of two-thirds of the House and two-thirds of the Senate. Not much room for a coup or treason there, unless you have TDDS.

mccullough said...

Painter and Tribe and the other Law Professors have exposed themselves as shallow and unstable people.

They are cranks.

Trump couldn’t buy better critics. They make Trump appear well-adjusted and serious in contrast.

Trump appears pretty grounded and normal compared to The Critics. The histrionics of The Senators and The Critics have normalized Trump. Compared to a Warren or Booker, Trump is Presidential.

The Dems need Beto. He’s a useful contrast with Trump and an even more useful contrast with The Senators and Critics.

Ralph L said...

Not much room for a coup or treason there, unless you have TDDS.
They obviously did not know that, as gilbar pointed out, despite their high DoJ offices, so they shouldn't have discussed it. A grownup would have shut it down after the first mention.

Fen said...

"This is the unspoken truth, which people are afraid to mention or too unaware of to be concerned. If Trump is removed from office by illegitimate means, then ..."

Yup. The Left still doesn't comprehend that this is the rigbt-wing base's final attempt at a civil response to their corruption of our Republic. If they continue to refuse to accept the results of Trump's legitimate election, then we tear the walls down and execute every last marxist we can find.

Besides, if the Left's 30% refuses to accept the result of elections, why should we accept anything the House or Senate vote for? Why should we respect the outcome of the 2020 election if the Democrats win the White House?

Better yet, if the Democrats deny a civil and legal remedy to our dissatisfaction, why shouldn't the Democrat nominee suddenly dissappear? Seems reasonable to remove the 3 frontrunners before the convention, before one gets Secret Service protection. Rinse and repeat with their replacement candidates until the Left agrees to play fair.

Attempting to launch a soft coup on a legitimatllely elected President of the United States is not fair play. We don't have the Media and Deep State to return the favor, but we can employ other methods just as effective, if not more so.

But I hope the Left turns this Cold Civil War hot. Yes, it will suck, but it's going to go down sooner or later. Better we fight it before they round us up for the Gulag Archipelago:

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose... We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Fen said...

"Madness! We would never target the political opposition in such a manner" chided Lois Lerner, from the comfort of her undisclosed living room...

Kevin said...

Regarding McCabe and Rosenstein, consider this: One of the decisionmakers under the 25th Amendment is the Cabinet. But Sessions had recused himself on matters related to Russia, making Rosenstein the Acting Attorney General on those matters. If it turned out that the President was being blackmailed by Russia, there is a legal question as to whether Sessions or Rosenstein was the AG for purposes of the 25th.

So Richard Painter is posting here as well.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The Constitution is notably silent about the duty of the people to accept the removal of officers they've elected. Not just the President, either.”

Ever wonder why the left wants so desperately to ban modern sporting rifles like AR-15s? It surely isn't for the safety of the general public - except for a handful of mass killings they just aren't used very often to commit murder OR suicide in this country. We are talking almost mop bucket drowning territory in terms of a typical yearly death toll. Tens of millions of them in private hands, and my guess is that the number used to commit murder is probably in the low three digits. Why the panic then over these firearms? The answer, I think is that they know that there are tens of millions of veterans trained over the last 60 years in their manual of arms, and many millions of them used similar firearms in combat. If there is a second American Revolution in the near future, it almost assuredly will involve millions of these firearms being used effectively against a vastly smaller number of these firearms in the hands of the government and the left. In other words, these guns aren't all that dangerous to the general public, but would be extremely dangerous to the political class if a source fiftieth number of the owners of those guns decide that their rights have been usurped, such as by civil servants lime Andy McCabe attempting to overthrow a duly elected President using their government power, as he seems to have done. Luckily, so far, they failed, but not for lack of trying.

narayanan said...

Reading assignment add to 25A

Left Bank of the Charles said...
In Venezuela, Trump is supporting an interpretation of their constitution that the office of President is vacant because Maduro has assumed dictatorial powers. I wonder if Trump knows that?

Trump cited clause 350 etc in Miami

Venezuela National Constituent Assembly

Article 350: The people of Venezuela, true to their republican tradition and their struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that violates democratic values, principles and guarantees or encroaches upon human rights.

Skeptical Voter said...

Who the heck is Richard Painter and why should I give a flying fig what he thinks?

I suppose I'm revealing my abysmal ignorance of the folks who appear on MSNBC---once I get past Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow I'm kinda lost.

tcrosse said...

If they really, really want Trump out, they could hold another Presidential election next year. Maybe that'll work.

reader said...

HotAir has a list of fake hate crimes up. I don't believe Trump is the one having a hissy fit.


Fernandinande said...

HotAir has a list of fake hate crimes up.

They're actually real "hate crimes" against Trump supporters and white people in general.

"(Between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed more than 85 percent of interracial violent victimizations between blacks and whites.)"

85/15 = 5.7 times as often as vice-versa.

Big Mike said...

Trump is like Typhoid Mary. He isn't himself irrational, but he causes others to behave in irrational ways.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ah yes, the National Protection from Executive Hissy Fit Act that allows for the removal of presidents suffering from fits of hiss.

Bay Area Guy said...

Remind me again who Richard Painter is?

Gretchen said...

It seems completely sane to have a hissy fit when you find out the deep state tried to stage a coup.

Hillary and the Democrats had a hissy fit because they lost. They made up a fake conspiracy about Russia which they all believe with NO evidence (except evidence against Clinton). They repeatedly believe made up fake hate crime stories and are proven wrong repeatedly. Trump is usually proven right.

Robert Cook said...

"If they really, really want Trump out, they could hold another Presidential election next year. Maybe that'll work."

Exactly so.

Gk1 said...

What bothers me the most was the collusion between the deep state and the media to put out and otherwise seed the media environment about invoking the 25th amendment. Washpo op-eds, Harvard "psychiatrists" violating their ethical oaths to remotely proscribe the president was mentally ill, media talking heads openly calling for this being invoked. This was all orchestrated to the point Trump responded by referring himself as a "stable genius" and conducting televised meetings with him holding court. Its telling to me that now the Muh Russia is deflating that they are moving on to the next gambit. These fuckers won't be happy until their is blood in the streets.

DanTheMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Immigration is already regulated through walls and fences, through doors and gates. The issue is illegal immigration that violates Americans' civil rights and is a first-order forcing of political corruption, and immigration reform or excessive immigration, unassimilated and unintegrated, emigration reform avoidance, and a cover-up of the forward-looking, notably myopic, and transhuman damage of selective-child policy and planned parenthood protocol, at both ends of the bridge and throughout.

DanTheMan said...

>> If they continue to refuse to accept the results of Trump's legitimate election, then we tear the walls down and execute every last marxist we can find.

Who is this "we"?
Americans executing other Americans for being Marxists? That's never going to happen, thank God. The French went down that road... it ended badly.

It would, however, be a bad time to be one of those who voted for removal, however, if the entire case was manufactured for that purpose.

Drago said...

Gk1: "Harvard "psychiatrists" violating their ethical oaths to remotely proscribe the president was mentally ill,..."

Leftists have a long history throughout the world of weaponizing psychiatry against the lefts political opponents.

It wasn't that long ago that the Soviets decreed any citizen of the Soviet Union who wanted individual rights was mentally ill.

This has been deployed over and over again by the left. The left tried to do the same thing with Reagan if you recall.


Jim at said...

The left continues to wish for war.
They may just get it.

Jim at said...

but where's the "childish asshole" part?

Oh, maybe when he'd scratch his cheek with his middle finger while mentioning an opponent during a speech? You know. Like a second grader would do once he/she learned how to do it thinking nobody would notice?

narciso said...

Maybe if salan had taken power in 61, otherwise I don't see it.

Gk1 said...

Can you imagine the democrats screeching like scalded spidermonkeys if say in 2007 the GW Bush administration sent the CIA, FBI & DOJ out to look into Obama's birth certificate and leftist contacts and then openly leaked to Fox news & WSJ. Then after the election and during the transition openly speculate he may need to be removed? Just a thought experiment. I mean if this is the new normal lets have at it. If the democrats win in 2020 I will do my best to elect republicans that will openly vow impeachment from day 1 no matter which democrat is elected. If its a toboggan ride to hell we might as well all join in on the fun, right?

JaimeRoberto said...

It's all projection and mass hysteria.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Can you imagine the democrats screeching like scalded spidermonkeys if say...

Richard Nixon's "plumbers" broke into the DNC headquarters in the Watergate Hotel?

Now that's bad.

But using unverified opposition research, some of which was sourced by Russians, to obtain a Title 1 FISA warrant on Carter Page, and thus the ability to spy on the Trump campaign? Nothing to see here, move along.

ccscientist said...

Interestingly, if you list all the things Trump has said that the media said were crazy and that then more facts came out, I'm guessing he has about a 90% correct batting average on his pronouncements that they want to use the 25th amend for. It is particularly ironic because the hero of the Left, Woodrow Wilson, in fact had a stroke in office and his wife basicly ran the country with him in seclusion for months--of course before the 25th was passed. This would be an example of when it would be proper.

Robert Cook said...

"'but where's the "childish asshole" part?'

"Oh, maybe when he'd scratch his cheek with his middle finger while mentioning an opponent during a speech? You know. Like a second grader would do once he/she learned how to do it thinking nobody would notice?"

Okay, that'll do. I never saw that as I could never stand to watch him when he appeared on tv. He was always so ripe with self-regard.

ken in tx said...

I don't know about LBJ and the little magazines, but Goldwater was smeared as crazy in a full-page ad in the NYT by a bunch of leftist psychologists who had never met him.

Molly said...

I'd love to see some dispassionate discussion of exactly which physical and mental disabilities should disqualify a person from holding the office of President. I can see how a reasonable case can be made that Trump is a narcissist. But unfortunately: Obama is a narcissist; HRC is a narcissist; WJC is a narcissist; Kamala Harris is a narcissist; Bernie Sanders is a narcissist; Joe Biden is a narcissist; Cory Booker is a narcissist; Amy Klobuchar is a narcissist; Elizabeth Warren is a narcissist; Beto O'Rourke is a narcissist; John Hickenlooper is a narcissist; John Delaney is a narcissist; Peter Buttigieg is a narcissist. I don't think it is possible for a person who is not a narcissist to run for the Presidency. Anybody think of examples that disprove this assertion?