February 21, 2019

"The [Mueller] report is unlikely to be a dictionary-thick tome, which will disappoint some observers. But such brevity is not necessarily good news for the president."

"In fact, quite the opposite," writes Neal K. Katyal (who was Obama's acting solicitor) in the NYT.
A concise Mueller report might act as a “road map” to investigation for the Democratic House of Representatives — and it might also lead to further criminal investigation by other prosecutors. A short Mueller report would mark the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end.

The report is unlikely to be lengthy by design: The special counsel regulations, which I had the privilege of drafting in 1999, envision a report that is concise, “a summary” of what he found. And Mr. Mueller’s mandate is limited: to look into criminal activity and counterintelligence matters surrounding Russia and the 2016 election, as well as any obstruction of justice relating to those investigations.....

For 19 months, Mr. Trump and his team have had one target to shoot at, and that target has had limited jurisdiction. But now the investigation resembles the architecture of the internet, with many different nodes, and some of those nodes possess potentially unlimited jurisdiction....

The overlapping investigations by different entities, housed in different branches of government, spanning geography and even different governments (such as the New York attorney general’s investigation into the Trump Foundation), make it difficult for anyone, even Attorney General Barr, to end the inquiries.
I imagine the will of the people could end it, if we are basically satisfied that Mueller completed his task. All those "nodes" won't be energized if we the people aren't excited about their taking off with all their "potentially unlimited jurisdiction." The election is coming up, and the Trump opponents better concentrate on getting that right.


Jaq said...

Looks like he found nothing. Get out the goalpost moving equipment: “We don’t know what Mueller couldn’t find out!"

Nicholas said...

"Mr. Trump and his team have had one target to shoot at, and that target has had limited jurisdiction." What has this man been smoking? The deflection from Trump to Mueller as "the target" is laughable and as for "limited jurisdiction", with Jeff "recusal" Sessionzzzz asleep at the wheel, Mueller and his operatives have run amok. Any limits on their jurisdiction are self-imposed, such as studiously ignoring any misfeasance that might lead back to Madam Still Not President.

mccullough said...

Endless investigations create white noise. It can be effective since the implied remedy is voting Trump out will shut off the noise.

But the noise will just change.

le Douanier said...

"The election is coming up, and the Trump opponents better concentrate on getting that right."

So Althouse is in favor of a bunch of Congressional investigations into the R candidate. Just as the election of DJT shows that the R's got it right re lock-her-up-HRC stuff. Presumably Althouse will be repeating the accusations that the Ds come up w/ against DJT, like she did re Rs re HRC. (It was cool when Bob Wright asked Althouse to specifically name the lies of HRC that Althouse had been complaining about, Althouse couldn't name one.)

Is there a tag for: Concern Troll Althouse.

Gospace said...

The will of the people matters not to Democrats in the House, who've already announced their intentions of continuing investigating until they find the proof they're looking for, joining O.J. Simpson in his neverending quest for his wife's killer.

Yancey Ward said...

Mueller found nothing- if he had, it would have been leaked by, at least, the end of last October. The idea that the House can carry on and expand the investigation done by Mueller's team is a fantasy- Mueller had actual judicial legal authority- the House does not- the House will be told to go pound sand when they subpoena anything.

I think reality is starting to sink in at certain media outlets. They are beginning to realize that no one is going to be indicted for collusion, conspiracy, or obstruction. The report is going to be kept mostly confidential by the DoJ outside those parts related to the people already indicted and/or tried- everyone else will get the treatment Clinton was denied by James Comey in July 2016- if you aren't indicted there is no reason for a public report detailing anything- I mean, this is why grand jury testimony is so sacrosanct in the first place. The fall back position is being arranged, though- that will be that Barr is hiding something in the report when he actually follows DoJ policy enacted by a Democratic AG.

Nonapod said...

So a confirmed Obama lacky is fore(wish)casting all sorts of grim portents for Trump from the Mueller report. What an eye roller.

How about we wait and see what the report actually says?

John said...


Why would they leak it? If you tip your hand and let them know what you’ve got, you’ve severely impeded your investigation. You want to leave enough room for everyone to hang themselves. You certainly don’t do that by leaking.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Mueller will continue to be demonized by Trumpists and they won’t believe a word of his report unless it’s good news for Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Mueller found nothing- if he had, it would have been leaked by, at least, the end of last October.”

Wishful thinking and nonsense.

Browndog said...

Boy, if only Mueller wasn't hamstrung by this 'limited mandate' he would have been able to get the goods on Trump.


Jay Vogt said...

Honest questions: Does not the phrase "pose potentially unlimited jurisdiction" not strike fear into the heart of a ConLawProf?

Bruce Hayden said...

“But the noise will just change.”

It will change because now it will be all political. Every House committee will be investigating anything that they can about Trump and his Administration. They are going to go overboard, big time. Tax returns for Trump, his family, their companies, etc. All based on the Russian collusion that they can’t find, but are sure must be there. And we will go into the 2020 election with this in the background. At which time, I expect that the Republicans will keep the Presidency, retake the House, and likely lose the Senate, due to a bad electoral map. The Dems will lose the House because of massive overreaching. And probably, as we go into the election, I think there is a decent chance at an impeachment vote. They just can’t help themselves.

Big Mike said...

the House will be told to go pound sand when they subpoena anything.

Following the precedent set by the Obama administration.

le Douanier said...

What will AG do with the report? On a scale of one to ten, where one is make it into a book like the blowjob report, and ten is torch it like the CIA videos of black site interrogations.

I'd assume a 2. Only extremely minimal redactions, such that nothing substantive is hidden.

But, I dunno.

le Douanier said...

"the House will be told to go pound sand when they subpoena anything.

Following the precedent set by the Obama administration."

Is that what Mueller is going to say to them?

Jay Vogt said...

Assuming a somewhat muddy report which gives everybody something and nobody everything, I wonder if Barr and Trump should refuse to accept the report as it is non-compliant with the mandate in that it is likely to not reference an any reason to bring or not bring charges for any Russian meddling or obstruction of justice on the part of the DNC (and person's thereof) or any law firms or contractors they may have employed or for illegal purposes or any evidence that they may have destroyed or perjury that they may have suborned.

Otto said...

"The election is coming up, and the Trump opponents better concentrate on getting that right." Is that a plea?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

he has leaked everything he had to the times, the post, the journal, I doubt he has anything substantial, otherwise he wouldn't have been delaying sentencing again and again,

Inga...Allie Oop said...

If one is willing to ignore what has been or will be uncovered by the Mueller investigation, one might be worried about the possibility of unlimited jurisdiction. I suspect more than half of Americans are not willing to let Trump or his family get off Scott free if criminal activity is found. No President is above the law. Trump can’t pardon the criminals in his midst or himself under state jurisdiction.

Infinite Monkeys said...

Mueller will be demonized by Oop-Chuckers and they won’t believe a word of his report unless it’s bad news for Trump.

Earnest Prole said...

Mueller is a line prosecutor in the Justice Department, not legal counsel to the House impeachment committee. If he has indictments he should issue them. If he does not he should shut the fuck up (as a prosecutors are professionally obligated to do when they don’t have evidence to proceed with a case).

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“he has leaked everything he had to the times, the post, the journal, I doubt he has anything substantial, otherwise he wouldn't have been delaying sentencing again and again,”

Baloney. The delay in sentencing is one way to not reveal his hand. There are also legitimate reasons for the delays. Stop with the conspiracy theories. It’s time. Think.

Drago said...

Inga: "Mueller will continue to be demonized by Trumpists and they won’t believe a word of his report unless it’s good news for Trump."


How many layers of irony is embedded in this latest missive from our very own hoax golden dossier/hoax Kavanaugh rapist/hoax covington kids assaulted a Vietnam vet lunatic Inga?

Drago said...

Inga: "There are also legitimate reasons for the delays."


Don't hold back now. Explain it all to us!

Too funny.

Kevin said...

The report will not contain a smoking gun, nor will it outline a voluminous series of crimes.

Quick, how can we spin this to be the worst possible news for Trump?

narciso said...

I know the irony is rich, of course the grand inquisitor doesn't stop unless it was whitey bulger's crime spree in the 80s, which William weld told him not to look too deeply,

Jeff Brokaw said...

All those years that I took our government seriously and respected the FBI, DOJ, and the rule of law in general... I want all those years back.

Drago said...

Kevin: "Quick, how can we spin this to be the worst possible news for Trump?"

You don't understand.

It's always the NEXT investigation that will expose this massive, un-hideable, ever-present, been there for decades, all encompassing galactic criminal enterprise.

This is EXACTLY like the lefties and their lunatic "Bush Family Evil Empire" schtick from 15 years ago.


Drago said...

Inga: "If one is willing to ignore what has been or will be uncovered by the Mueller investigation...."


Jay Vogt said...

I mean it would be shame to let the power of a special prosecutor go to waste.

The torpedo's in the water. Target rich environment is all I'm saying.

Jay Vogt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The Dems will lose the House because of massive overreaching.”

Unrealistic. The Dems will most likely gain the Senate, keep the House and win the Presidency as blowback to you people electing the most crooked President in history.

Bay Area Guy said...

I love it when smart guys (like Katyal) explain to us how we should interpret and react to report that he hasn't seen and that we haven't seen.

Thank you, Neal! That will be $1250/hour.

A "decline to prosecute" is coming and it's gonna break a lotta Leftwing hearts.

Drago said...

Inga: "The Dems will most likely gain the Senate, keep the House and win the Presidency as blowback to you people electing the most crooked President in history."

There she is. Good old middle of the road Inga. Just sittin' around patiently waiting for "the evidence" and not making any claims about anything until the reports are all issued.


Not drawing any conclusions until then.


That would be wrong.

So don't you guys fall for any of that republican double-speak. We don't know what Mueller knows so don't draw any conclusions.


BTW, Trump is the biggest criminal in history.


n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

The President is viable. Stop the planning.

narciso said...

katyal btw was the one who defended ubl's driver/slash bodyguard, hamdan, who just happened to have a rocket launcher in his trunk, because doesn't everyone?

Drago said...

narciso: "katyal btw was the one who defended ubl's driver/slash bodyguard, hamdan, who just happened to have a rocket launcher in his trunk, because doesn't everyone?"

That was a democrat "spark of divinity" rocket launcher and you know it!

Rory said...

"...blowback to you people electing the most crooked President in history."

I'm curious: who do you think is your audience? Are you trying to convince someone? Is that a person who posts here, or just anonymous people who are reading?

Drago said...

Rory: "I'm curious: who do you think is your audience? Are you trying to convince someone?"

Well, she "won over" LLR Chuck who is generally very resistant to all claims made by lefties.....(wink wink).....

William said...

Reminds me of the old adage, If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh_t.

Bobb said...

So Mueller did not spend two years and over $40 million investigating Trump, but rather preparing a road map for investigating Trump.

Drago said...

Depending on the Daily Cycle Time of Inga's Lefty Lunatic History Reset Button, she is likely to move immediately from asserting no one knows anything to its clear that Trump and his entire family are guilty of just about every crime there is.

Inga's problem is that, naturally, no one who is not a lunatic lefty (with some select LLR's) even has a History Reset Button, so her cycle time often leaves her open to the obvious hilarious inconsistencies.

Molly said...

The one absolutely iron-clad fact in all of this is that Trump must be removed from office. So all subsidiary facts are simply evidence supporting that conclusion. Trump had a phone call with some Russians -- that proves he must be removed from office. Trump did not have a phone call with some Russians -- that proves he must be removed from office. Trump told subordinates to lie to investigators -- that proves he must be removed from office. Trump did not tell subordinates to lie to investigators -- that proves he must be removed from office. Trump entered into a conspiratorial agreement with the Russians to steal and release HRC's emails -- that proves he must be removed from office. Trump did not enter into a conspiratorial agreement with the Russians to steal and release HRC's emails -- that proves he must be removed from office.

Drago said...

Bobb: "So Mueller did not spend two years and over $40 million investigating Trump, but rather preparing a road map for investigating Trump."

By George, I think he's got it!


Within 30 days we will hear all about how Mueller was obstructed and his merry band of lefty hack "investigators" (including actual Clinton Foundation lawyers!!) was only intended to lay out the road map for congressional investigators and other bodies.

I mean, obviously!

Everyone knows that.

I mean, who expected Mueller to find anything anyway? Everyone knows the Trump criminal enterprise is so vast and so powerful that it stomped on Mueller from day 1.

Plus, need we say it? Russians helped quash Mueller.

Again, obviously.

If you don't believe, give me 15 minutes to type it up into a dossier and hand it off to my British friend who then be happy to forward this "dossier" of "irrefutable" facts to you.

Browndog said...

Barr made it clear in his confirmation hearing that the statute dictates the Special Council report is confidential, to be released to the Attorney General only.

I hope he's ready to prosecute leakers. Then again, I hope he's ready to bring law and order back to the DOJ period.

MikeR said...

"Here's what to expect": no collusion, but no end.

Drago said...

Molly: "So all subsidiary facts are simply evidence supporting that conclusion."

This is a familiar lefty tactic.

It's hot! Global warming!

It's cold! Global warming!

It's fairly temperate! Global warming!

It's partly cloudy with a chance of a light breeze! Global warming!

The atmospheric temperatures have been increasing! Global warming!

Actually, the atmospheric temperatures have NOT been increasing! Global warming because of magical ocean trapping of heat that we never identified in our previous "The Science is Settled" "theories"!!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Stupid Hillbillies. No one thought Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election. That was just the conservatives lying about the investigation.

The real issue is:


Achilles said...

This whole investigation has been about the globlist's battle against the will of the people and their swamp remaining in power.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"...not necessarily good news for the President."

Seems there are two categories of news at the NYT: bad news for the President; not necessarily good news for the President.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Putin and Trump DID steal the election from Hillary.

We work backwards off of that.

Drago said...

Hammond: " not necessarily good news for the President."

How dare you even offer a suggestion of something is not at a minimum devastating for Trump and his Galactic Criminal Enterprise which is, by definition, like, in the size and scope of an actual galaxy.

Or something.

I'm not sure since galaxies are, like, over a hundred years old.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where's the Mueller investigation into the suspicious death of a democratic named Seth Rich?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Clintons are above the law.

narciso said...

nothing to see here:


Jaq said...

If he finds legitimate criminal activity, rather than technical violations that any other person could have cleared up with a corrected form and a small fine, I would be all for impeaching him. Obama made sure that he had a firm political ally at Justice, Trump went with Holder proteges, and they got the baseless accusations out there before he could do anything about it.

Jaq said...

Trump revealed the true nature of our government to the rubes. He really is the light bringer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The real investigation should be against McCabe. That man is dirty all day long.

Unknown said...

Mully was on a counterintelligence investigation

The next Deep State opposition party flunkies in the batter cage is

SDNY - "Sovereign" District of New York

Preet Bharara's gang
Eliot Spitzer, Client 9, 2000
Rudy Giuliani in 1983

SDNY jurisdiction over Trump's business and campaigns
Grand Juries, indictments, subpoenas - sky is the limit, right?

And they want to Jussie their way onto TV

The SDNY Investigation Is Real Peril for President Trump - Andy McCarthy

Henry said...

How about phone book thick?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump should be impeached for hiring Sessions and letting all the Obama hold-overs keep their jobs.

Molly said...

Drago: evidence and faith. One doesn't believe that Jesus is the Son of God because one has the evidence that Jesus performed miracles; one believes that Jesus could perform miracles because one has faith that Jesus is the Son of God.

Articles of faith in modern liberalism:

Trump must be removed from office.
Anthropometric climate change will be catastrophic unless consumption of fossil fuels is drastically reduced.
The problems of every black or Hispanic person are attributable to racism.

One can believe in any purported fact that is consistent with a tenet of faith; but no tenet of faith is refutable by any apparently contrary evidence.

le Douanier said...

"A "decline to prosecute" is coming and it's gonna break a lotta Leftwing hearts."

Is that like a "a non-prosecution agreement?"


Jaq said...

Remember when the Democrats worried that Trump would not accept the results of the election, and then Hillary claimed that she was defrauded? Well now they are worried that Republicans won't accept the results of the Mueller investigation. Get into a lather, rinse, repeat.

chuck said...

So a single page "Nevermind" would be the worst case scenario for Trump?

Drago said...

adSs: "Is that like a "a non-prosecution agreement?"

No, but in your defense, you dont have anything else to play with.

The fallback position will be something along the hilarious Robert Cook conspiracy claims re: Reagan/October Surprise where cookie claimed that of course Reagan conspired with the Ayatollah to hold Americans longer to win the election because duh and conservatives, etc.

Just not clear enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law....but still absolutely guilty.

If anyone thinks what the lefties/LLR's are pulling with Trump started with Trump or will end with Trump, well, Ive got some prime lefty mass grave sites to sell you....even though Inga claims commies murdering 100 million in the 20th century is just propaganda.

Francisco D said...

There were five (or more) important reasons for the Russian Collusion Hoax and Mueller's subsequent investigation:

1. Complete the effort of Obama's DOJ and FBI to force Trump out of office;

2. Cover the DOJ/FBI from Trump publicizing FISC corruption findings because of the "ongoing investigation";

3. Provide fodder for the idiot leftists who do not believe that any Republican should ever be POTUS and;

4. Monitor Trump to satisfy both Dem and GOPe elites who are scare that he will hurt the Deep State.

5. Smear Trump with anything that might or might not stick.

-It looks like #1 'aint gonna happen.

-After Mueller is done, there is no reason to prevent release of FISC corruption info.

-The idiots like Inga are incapable of reason. They will believe anything as long as they are told to believe it.

-The House and some states AGs will continue to monitor Trump but with limited effectiveness.

-The MSM/Dem Proganda machen will continue to smear Trump as a lying racist, homophobic misogynist. That's what they do to Republican POTUS'.

bagoh20 said...

Lawyering has to be least productive and best paying work available.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“He really is the light bringer.”

Sounds like worship.

le Douanier said...

"the hilarious Robert Cook conspiracy claims re: Reagan/October Surprise where cookie claimed that of course Reagan conspired with the Ayatollah"

What's Cookie say re selling arms to those axis of evil folks? Does he believe that one too.

phantommut said...

The election is coming up, and the Trump opponents better concentrate on getting that right.

But they can't. The Democratic Party is incapable of believing Trump won fair and square. To admit that would be to admit they were w-w-w-w-wrong, both tactically ("Pied Piper Strategy") and strategically (running on Hillary's resume, such as it was). I hope I'm wrong, but I think the angriest Democrat will win the primaries, and that will mean another four years of Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Are you trying to convince someone?”


le Douanier said...

'both tactically ("Pied Piper Strategy") and strategically (running HRC based tactics).'


le Douanier said...

"“Are you trying to convince someone?”


He just wanted to make sure that you knew that he was one of the folks who is in your audience. He's reading your writing.

He just went about letting you know in a dorky way.


Drago said...

adSs: "What's Cookie say re selling arms to those axis of evil folks"

How dare you claim that obamas favorite cash dump amigos and nuke program pals in Iran are evil?!!!

If Comrade Obama, the smartest most insightful most knowledgeable "sort of a God"/"Lightbringer" had known that I am sure he would never have hand deliver billions of dollars to those dudes.

I suggest you engage Comrade Obama in correspindence on just this issue so that obama can prepare a proper response to his accelerating the nuke program of an evil regime.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Barr made it clear in his confirmation hearing that the statute dictates the Special Council report is confidential, to be released to the Attorney General only.

I hope he's ready to prosecute leakers. Then again, I hope he's ready to bring law and order back to the DOJ period.”

Why are Trumpists so worried about what is in the report? Do you people really not want the American people to know? What if it’s good news for Trump? Why be in favor of lack of transparency?

Ray - SoCal said...

Actually the Senate looks like it will stay Republican.

The actual states are pretty red for most Senators. GOP should pick up Alabama, others states are incumbents that are usually pretty safe.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is guilty of something - we work backwards off of that.

Drago said...

Inga: "Why are Trumpists so worried about what is in the report?"


Because like Raw FBI background files (which the democrats abused under Clinton), these reports contain innuendo and BS offered up by others that are simply discarded from a Prosecution perspective.

You can bet that Weissman and the democrat hacks on Muellers staff made sure to capture all the innuendo and unproven lies they could, you know, to be complete (LOL), and that it will all go in the appendix.

Think of it as another round of hoax dossiers sitting there waiting to be weaponized.

But don't worry. The DOJ obama holdovers will leak every bit of it to the NYT. I'm betting the NYT's and Wash Post already have copies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thickness = guilt!

Drago said...

Inga: "Do you people really not want the American people to know? "

Inga's History Reset Button precludes her from realizing that the dems have fought disclosure of every single salient fact of how the FBI/DOJ/NSA/CIA weaponized law enforcement and intelligence services in service to the dems/left/LLR's.


It's really beyond funny at this point.

Balfegor said...

Re: Yancey Ward:

Mueller found nothing- if he had, it would have been leaked by, at least, the end of last October. The idea that the House can carry on and expand the investigation done by Mueller's team is a fantasy- Mueller had actual judicial legal authority- the House does not- the House will be told to go pound sand when they subpoena anything.

I actually think Congress has a better claim to subpoena power than Mueller -- the constitutionality of the special counsel structure is a little dubious, whereas Congress's power to compel testimony is of long standing, and sanctions for refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas have been upheld by the Supreme Court.

That said, you're probably thinking of more recent incidents where people who flagrantly defied lawful Congressional subpoenas got off scot-free. What you've perhaps failed to take into account is that those people were Democrats.

Balfegor said...

Re: anti de-Sitter space:

"A "decline to prosecute" is coming and it's gonna break a lotta Leftwing hearts."

Is that like a "a non-prosecution agreement?"

I assume this is just a troll, but just to make sure people are clear -- a non-prosecution agreement is actually an agreement entered into between DOJ and the possible defendant. Defendant may agree to pay some fines, perform some undertakings (e.g. for a corporate defendant, maybe there's an undertaking to report on compliance improvements, etc.). If you violate the terms, there's usually a provision that they'll file the information to start criminal proceedings.

A declination is simply that DOJ says it isn't going to prosecute. When they send a declination letter, it's usually heavily caveated that if new evidence were to come to light (e.g. Weiner's laptop), or DOJ discovers that you lied, they might proceed anyway.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Why are Trumpists so worried about what is in the report? Do you people really not want the American people to know? What if it’s good news for Trump? Why be in favor of lack of transparency?

I eagerly await the communications between Obama and Holder with respect to the Fast and Furious investigation.

You are so transparently stupid and ridiculous.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Because like Raw FBI background files (which the democrats abused under Clinton), these reports contain innuendo and BS offered up by others that are simply discarded from a Prosecution perspective.”

So says Drago and the conspiracy theories he espouses.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"A concise Mueller report might act as a “road map” to investigation for the Democratic House of Representatives — and it might also lead to further criminal investigation by other prosecutors."
I am surprised that Katyal is calling for a political prosecution. Those are generally not seen as legitimate by the voters.

Amadeus 48 said...

I refuse to speculate about a report that may not yet exist about events that may not have happened.

Sebastian said...

"I imagine the will of the people could end it, if we are basically satisfied that Mueller completed his task."

"We" -- what reason do Dems have to care about "we"? They need 50+1 in most jurisdictions and in the Electoral College. As long as they can count on nice women to be disgruntled with Trump and to care most about "women's bodies," they'll keep doing what they're doing. As long as the Althouses do not treat them as scum, their culture war continues.

"The election is coming up, and the Trump opponents better concentrate on getting that right."

Well, that's so nice of you. So if they do continue their despicable ways, as if they haven't done enough despicable things, you'll come off the phantom cruelly-neutral fence and vote GOP?

Lewis Wetzel said...


From 1998:
Pentagon Admits Release Of Private Tripp Info
GOP calls for Ken Bacon's firing
By Jamie McIntyre/CNN

WASHINGTON (May 22) -- The Pentagon's chief spokesman, Ken Bacon, has admitted he released information from the personnel file of Linda Tripp, the woman who says Monica Lewinsky told her of an affair with President Bill Clinton. That admission has prompted accusations of political foul play from critics of the president, and calls for Bacon's dismissal by some Republicans.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I am surprised that Katyal is calling for a political prosecution. Those are generally not seen as legitimate by the voters.”

He’s not calling for “political” prosecution and more than half of voters realize this. He’s calling for criminal prosecution if a crime has been found. No President is above the law. Do you not think that one day there may be a Democratic President under investigation for crimes? You want to set a precedent that Presidents are above the law?

YoungHegelian said...

Whatever the Mueller report will say, the shorter version of what will follow from the Democrats will be "Show me the man & I'll show you the crime".

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“As long as the Althouses do not treat them as scum, their culture war continues.”

She doesn’t treat Trumpists as scum, so there’s that. Count your blessings.

Drago said...

Inga: "So says Drago and the conspiracy theories he espouses."


Some dems are just partisan, Inga is just hopelessly ignorant.

Like arguing ---100 million dead at the hand of commies in the 20th century is just propaganda---ignorant.


Just improperly acquiring the background files in 900 prominent republicans and Bush admin folks....right about the time Clinton came under scrutiny for everything.

And right about the the time amazing disclosures about republicans started popping up in the NYT and Wash Pist.

Looks like old Clinton tricks are new again!

YoungHegelian said...


He’s not calling for “political” prosecution and more than half of voters realize this. He’s calling for criminal prosecution if a crime has been found.

Oh, bullshit! If a crime is found then the House & Senate can impeach, which is what the Constitution calls for.

The suits from the States & the House investigation after the Repub House & the just recently released Senate report found no evidence of collusion are simply Lefty Lawfare. There's no justice here. There's just an exercise in political power.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

I have to give the clintons credit. Instead of abusing existing FBI background checks, which is highly variable in payoff, you can just pay to get the sorts of background checks you need to get what you want!!

Talk about cutting out the middleman!

Wince said...

Meanwhile, the cover-up continues apace.

Some scholars are alarmed by the decision. “The absence of a true Obama presidential library will have the effect of discouraging serious and potentially critical research into the Obama presidency,” said David Garrow, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and the author of “Rising Star,” a nearly 1,500-page biography of Mr. Obama.

As they are released, the documents will be available through both the National Archives Catalog and a dedicated Barack Obama Presidential Library website. As for research support, a spokeswoman for the National Archives said it would have “the same dedicated kinds of staff” for the Obama materials as it has at existing presidential libraries, but would not say where they would be located or provide further details.

But the center, which will cost an estimated $500 million, will also differ from the complexes built by Barack Obama’s predecessors in another way: It won’t actually be a presidential library.

In a break with precedent, there will be no research library on site, and none of Mr. Obama’s official presidential records. Instead, the Obama Foundation will pay to digitize the roughly 30 million pages of unclassified paper records from the administration so they can be made available online.

And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.

The plan was revealed, with little fanfare, in May 2017. Few details of the digitization were made public until Tuesday, when the foundation and the archives unexpectedly released a legal agreement outlining procedures for creating what is being billed as “first digital archives for the first digital president,” which they say will democratize access.

But as awareness of the plan has spread, some historians see a threat to future scholarship on the Obama administration.

le Douanier said...

"Talk about cutting out the middleman!"

Please use middlethey.

Drago said...

"Please use middlethey."

Its not allowed because middlet-he-y.

Obviously. H8tr.

Browndog said...

It doesn't matter what the Mueller report says.

Liberals will say it says whatever it needs to say to advance their agenda. No matter what the plain language actually says.

Drago said...

Whats funny is that I'll bet Inga has noidea that Clinton FBI file abuse ever happened.

She is simply convinced it COULD NOT have happened.


Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

He’s not calling for “political” prosecution and more than half of voters realize this. He’s calling for criminal prosecution if a crime has been found. No President is above the law. Do you not think that one day there may be a Democratic President under investigation for crimes? You want to set a precedent that Presidents are above the law?

A special prosecutor is meant to investigate a specific named crime with probable cause. It is written specifically in the fucking statute.

It is noted that Inga doesn't even know what crime her and her stalinist shitheads think is being investigated.

Obama was caught on video colluding with Russia.

But Inga is so fucking amoral and transparent she will claim Trump colluded with Russia with a straight face.

All based off of a dossier that claimed Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed.

These people are enemies of this country and enemies of freedom.

Achilles said...

Hillary and Bill took 145$ million dollars from Russia.

And the swamp wants to endlessly investigate Trump.

This entire effort is sedition.

The definition of.

Dave said...

I'm busy going forward, but Achilles and Drago can handle the light work while I'm gone. I'm sure they could handle the heavy work too...but there isn't any.

Jim at said...

Stop with the conspiracy theories. It’s time. Think. - Inga

I must admit. The bint makes me laugh.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

You want to set a precedent that Presidents are above the law?

Bill Clinton raped multiple women.

Obama sold guns to Mexican gangs which they used to shoot border patrol agents.

Obama shipped money to Iran without telling congress.

Obama spied on political opponents for at least 3 years.

You are so ridiculous. You couldn't be more transparent and evil.

Achilles said...

Ted Kennedy asks Russia for help defeating Reagan in 1984.

"Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election."

We know who Russia's friends are.

Jaq said...

Kennedy's message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election."

Obama’s message was simple. He proposed that Putin take the pressure off of him until he can get re-elected, and he will be “more flexible” once the rubes no longer have any say over him.

Jaq said...

Keep hope alive Inga. You know that if you ever express the slightest doubt, the Great Pumpkin will never come!

Drago said...

Achilles, Inga is not going to like that little factoid one bit.

I wonder if Kennedy could have been more successful in his collusion/treason if he had simply promised to be "more flexible" after the next election...while tenderly caressing the inner thigh of the Russian emissary?

We will never know if "I swear I swam back to Edgartown" Teddy could have won.


Browndog said...

Bill Clinton sold communist China top secret missile guidance and satellite technology simply because he needed the funds for his Presidential library. For some reason contributions from Americans were woefully inadequate to get the project off the ground.

Jaq said...

And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.

Most transparent President in history! His library is going to be on a private server administered by people whose paychecks he signs!

Ha ha ha ha!

I hope Trump shitcans the whole idea of a presidential library.

Jim at said...

“He really is the light bringer.”

Sounds like worship.

It's mocking Obama, you simpleton.

Jaq said...

No, when they said it about Obama, it really was worship apparently, based on the biddy’s reaction. So there is no mockery there.

What I said was said in admiration for his power to shine light on the seamy, rotten core that is our Federal Government. Of course Inga can’t see that because she is blinded by her faith in Rachael Maddow, or whoever it is that tells her what to think.

Jaq said...

The fallback position will be something along the hilarious Robert Cook conspiracy claims re: Reagan/October Surprise where cookie claimed that of course Reagan conspired with the Ayatollah to hold Americans longer to win the election because duh and conservatives, etc.

No, the craziest thing I have heard here was Ritmo explaining how Stalin was Herbert Hoover’s fault.

tcrosse said...

Most transparent President in history! His library is going to be on a private server administered by people whose paychecks he signs!

Serious researchers can apply to the Russians or Chinese for any documents of Obama's presidency.

Browndog said...

I hope Trump shitcans the whole idea of a presidential library.

Obama already did.

Drago said...

Browndog: "Bill Clinton sold communist China top secret missile guidance and satellite technology simply because he needed the funds for his Presidential library."

It was Bernie Schwartz and Loral that "accidentally" allowed advanced MIRV technology to "slip" to the Commie Chinese govt...
Advancing the Chinese rocket program by 10 years....and then "surprising" streams of Chinese General controlled funds began to make their way into the Clinton coffers.

And where did Bernie Schwartz sit at the SOTU address?

Right next to Hillary Clinton.

"Coincidentally", of course.

Clintons give rocket tech to China, foreign money flows to the Clintons.

Obama transfers billions to the Iranians (Putins client state) and obama/clinton hand over US uranium to Putins pals and $145M flows to the Clintons.

Meanwhile, in 2008 and 2012 the obama campaign turned off the credit card checks which are used to identify foreign donations.


Richard Dolan said...

Katyal's piece was remarkable in showing how essential the politically tuned-in Dems deem keeping alive the Russian collusion business, and the more general get-Trump lawfare agenda. Katyal would likely be on the short list of Dem nominees to SCOTUS or the DC Circuit if a Dem is elected in 2020. He has his reasons for wanting to prove his partisan bona fides to that team, and he is certainly doing everything he can in that regard. Unfortunately for him, he is gonadally disqualified from being a Dem nominee for the seat most likely to open up on SCOTUS.

Jaq said...

When is the report on how John Podesta ended up with 75K shares of stock in a Gazprom shell company that went belly up two days after Hillary lost and the connection to her became worthless?

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken B said...

The absence of evidence is evidence. If Mueller found nothing that only shows how far the collusion reaches. Could Mueller be a Russian plant?

Jaq said...

Obama already did

No, Obama just gutted it, but he’s still wearing the skin.

walter said...

What's the current tab on this 'wich hunt?

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "When is the report on how John Podesta ended up with 75K shares of stock in a Gazprom shell company that went belly up two days after Hillary lost and the connection to her became worthless?"

That never happened shrieked Inga! Conspiracies and lies! You dont know what Mueller knows!

Besides, so what if it dud, its not illegal....

....huh? What?....oh...

....the Podestas only did that deal to flush out the Trump conspirators!! Ask any of Hillary's handpicked lawyers on Muellers staff!! They will tell you!

Jaq said...

Some scholars are alarmed by the decision. “The absence of a true Obama presidential library will have the effect of discouraging serious and potentially critical research into the Obama presidency,”

Not to worry! The possibility that there could ever be anything CRITICAL to write about Obama is so remote as to be negligible! Who are these pearl clutching ‘scholars’ anyway? We need names!

Drago said...

Tim: "No, the craziest thing I have heard here was Ritmo explaining how Stalin was Herbert Hoover’s fault."

Not to be overlooked are lefties who assert with a straight face that Pol Pot was the result of nixons policies.

Forget that Pol Pot developed his entire mass murdering commie scheme while hanging with the cool lefties in Paris.

Of course, you cant fool Inga! She's not buying into any of 'commies killed 10's of millions' nonsense conspiracies.

Heavens no.

Everyone knows that 100+Million people all simply got old and were lovingly escorted to the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm to live out the remainder of the days in beauty and peace.....
.....such is the wonderful fate in store for all of us in the coming People's Paradise here.

The Godfather said...

Doesn't Mueller HAVE to put something in his report to feed the anti-Trump hordes? Otherwise, he'll be as hated by the Left for letting the Big Fish escape, as he is already hated by the Right.

Or does anyone think that nailing Michael Cohen and a few other minor sleazebags will satisfy the Resistance?

Jaq said...

"What if a Democrat should face investigation on criminal charges?” Inga asks..

Well, asked and answered!


I am sure Trump is very grateful to Obama for setting the precedent of telling Congress to go pound sand with their subpoenas. Same as Hillary did when she deleted all of these emails that were under Congressional subpoena.

iowan2 said...

Barr during his confirmation hearing explained to the Senators when they asked if he would make the Special Counsels report public, that the statute requires the report is classified, and the only thing public, would be a report from the AG that would layout any legal finding of fact.

That's clear and unambiguous. No violation of law = no report.

This exposes the truth. The Special Counsel was never intended to find what the FBI already knew. President Trump nor candidate Trump ever violated any law.

The purpose of the Special Counsel was to hide the actions of the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, and the State Dept, as they spied on the Trump campaign and worked to entrap campaign workers using plants Halper, and Mifsud, and at least 4 others.

According to Congressional Testimony this investigation has been going on since May of 2016. Almost 3 years now

Michael said...

Give Inga a break. The Mueller report she knew, knew!, would have the President frogmarched out of office is being gently presented as maybe not so much. The "road map" theory is offered as solace, a tiny limb to grasp as the investigation swirls down and down. A leaf of hope. Much needed at this point where reality is becoming more difficult to avoid.

Fernandinande said...

But now the investigation resembles the architecture of the internet

No it doesn't.

iowan2 said...

Today we learn an IRS employee has been charged with leaking Cohens financial information.(there is no deep state)

narciso said...

I thought it was that mayflower person, you mean there was another one?

narciso said...

it's just a coincidence:


iowan2 said...

After the interview, where McCabe said President Trump was a Russian asset, someone interviewed Clapper. He was asked of the President was an Russian asset, like McCabe asserted. He said yes, expanding to say witting or unwitting asset of Russia. Clapper also said the Mueller report my not have any charges, but that doesn't mean President Trump is innocent.

So get this straight. Direct from Clapper.

President Trump is too stupid to even know the eeevil ruskies are using him. While at the same time he is soooo sly, they have not been able to find a shred of evidence. After 3 years if looking

narciso said...

you don't say:


Seeing Red said...

Give Inga a break.

Inga’s had many breaks with reality. She keeps falling for stuff she shouldn’t.

Yancey Ward said...

Inga is going to be one very sad puppy when the report drops and when neither Trump nor anyone in his family is indicted for anything.

Browndog said...

Dirty little secret:

All government oversight agencies exist to protect government maleficence.

Leland said...

They keep saying the Mueller report will be disappointing. What is disappointing is that after 2 years; all he has are dubious process crimes that are based on hearsay of federal officials now recognized as liars by their own agency. Regardless of size or content; that's a disappointment that should shame Mueller.

narciso said...

Mueller is not capable of shame from Boston to bcci to anthrax gate.

buwaya said...

" All those "nodes" won't be energized if we the people aren't excited about their taking off with all their "potentially unlimited jurisdiction."

Unfortunately this is a mistaken view of the nature of the struggle. What the people think is subject to manipulation, the result of the ammunition flung by the MSM machine. What powers are willing to declare for Trump depends on what danger they perceive, as a result of others visibly becoming collateral damage from official persecution of Trumps allies, business partners and children likewise. Even foreign countries can pick up on the danger of cooperating with current US initiatives if they risk the retribution of the next US government.

This is a full-spectrum struggle, and there is no advantage in holding back on any front.

Seeing Red said...

How much did this cost the US taxpayers?

FullMoon said...

Saving Inga some time:

Maybe the report will not prove he did do anything wrong, but it will not prove he is didn't do anything wrong . either

narciso said...

That's why I call him the grand inquisitor he seems to have unlimited reach, 16 of hillarys minions on a search and destroy

FullMoon said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...

Inga is going to be one very sad puppy when the report drops and when neither Trump nor anyone in his family is indicted for anything.

Unfortunately, it will never end. Inga and her ilk are terrible, sick people. No problem hounding innocents in order to drum up some crime, meanwhile causing distress for all involved.

Wonder if Inga's family could stand some full blown investigation? Her sons, daughters,parents, friends in-laws? Lock 'em up!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

McCabe and Clapper are both dirty scumbags who should be frogmarched.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

JOhn Podesta - vampire creep - still invited guest on MSM "news' shows.
What a joke our media.

magamamma said...

Impeachment is only for conduct done in office, if there were crimes in N.Y, they would have been brought by SdNY years ago, such b.s.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary losing put an end to the money chain with these dirty corrupt McCabe-Clapper-Podesta nexus of corruption and power whoring.

The never ending Hillary lost butthurt party is why the left must endlessly harass Trump.

Marcus Carman said...

If, after almost two years, there is no "phone book" sized report, he and his team will open themselves up to massive criticism from both sides. If he's too dumb to know that, it's says legions about the quality of people in both FBI and Justice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah buttttt - grab em by the pussssssy! 12 years ago, on a tape.

an actual cigar in intern pussy in the oval office, is all cool. Because consenting adults.

DEEBEE said...

Neal, coming from the same neck of the woods as you, I am surprised that you ignore you mom not to 𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚘-tittllate. That to in public. Go drown in a gargle full amount of water

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Under "I'll have more flexibility after the election " Obama and Hillary's reset button for Russia and all the millions that poured into Clinton's personal foundation during the Obama years while she ran that private server for Uranium cash - while heading the State Dept - Russia was totally cool. Russia wasn't even on anyone's radar.

Now - Russia and Putin are scapegoat #1.

Russia is the new Benghazi film maker.

alanc709 said...

I have to admit, it can be fun reading Inga's deluded beliefs. I wonder what would have to happen for her to see reality? Obama's presidency made Jussie Smollett look honest, but Trump is our most crooked president? Your insanity constantly makes me chuckle.

madAsHell said...

How about phone book thick?

Phone book?? it's on the shelf next to the buggy whip!!

Jaq said...

The funny thing was that one of the main points of that tape was that Trump got consent. He was bragging about how easy it is to get consent “when you’re a star.” Does anybody doubt that?

Gahrie said...

He was bragging about how easy it is to get consent “when you’re a star.” Does anybody doubt that?

It's not that anyone actually doubts it, it is just kind of overlooked when certain people are talking about it.

Narayanan said...

Could this be true?
Per CTH if Trump becomes Whistle Blower in Chief while under investigation he can be charged for obstructing JUSTICE?

Narayanan said...

Thought just occurred to me :
Do they mean moral concept Justice or shorthand for DoJ

Douglas B. Levene said...

I have a question for Mr. Kaytal. Suppose President Trump were to instruct the US Attorney for San Diego to investigate Mr. Avenatti for possible crimes. The idea would be to subpoena all of Avenatti's business and tax records, and to haul all of his business contacts before a grand jury to answer questions about their dealing with Mr. Avenatti, with the goal of finding a crime for which Mr. Avenatti could be charged. Do you think that would be proper? Given how sleazy Mr. Avenatti is, don't you think it would be likely that such a probe would find some crime and the evidence to prove it? Now tell me how is your discussion of what Congress and various prosecutors are to do with respect to President Trump any different. The answer is that an investigation is proper if (a) a crime has occurred, and (b) you have a reasonable suspicion that the target has committed the crime. It is not proper to conduct an investigation into a target before you have identified a crime that has occurred and have some reasonable suspicion that the target committed the crime.
It's shocking that I have to explain this elementary feature of American law to someone as knowledgeable as Mr. Kaytal, but I suppose the desire to be rid of President Trump banishes reasoned thought from the minds of many.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, of course Inga will just move on to the next goal post position- it will suddenly change from "you don't know what Mueller knows" to "you don't know what Adam Schiff knows".

Don't we all already know this? Indeed the NYTimes essay is basically just that already- anticipating that the Mueller report won't lead to the desired outcome, so it will then be time to look elsewhere for validation.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Oh, of course Inga will just move on to the next goal post position- it will suddenly change from "you don't know what Mueller knows" to "you don't know what Adam Schiff knows".”

What is going to be interesting over the next almost two years is the extent that Schiff can keep quiet about what he knows, but legally shouldn’t know. For example, he legally shouldn’t know much of the non public information that Mueller collected, because it is protected grand jury material. And there is probably some FISA stuff in there, both Title I electronic surveillance and Title VII database searching that Mueller legally shouldn’t have had, but likely did. Every indication so far is that Schiff has been getting information from various sources that he shouldn’t have. I really think that the Democrats were expecting a nice clean handoff from the Mueller investigation, so they could just pick up where Mueller had stopped. Don’t think that is going to happen since the House committees investigating Trump are not part of the DoJ or FBI, and have no legal need to know. Information from criminal and counterintelligence investigations is, by law, confidential, and immune from Congressional subpoenas. I expect that AG Barr will just recite the law to them when they demand the Mueller stuff.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Short report, long appendix.

Jaq said...

You do know what the Obama administration did with investigative subpoenas from the house? They ignored them. They possibly folded them into paper airplanes and launched them off the portico while smoking Cuban cigars for all we know. They certainly didn’t honor them. So good luck to Schiff.

He will have the press helping him enforce them with public pressure, a courtesy they never extended to Republicans however.

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
“Short report, long appendix.”

Why would there be an appendix, beyond that the Dems want one? Normal DoJ policy is that if there isn’t enough to indict, it isn’t mentioned. And we know that if there had been evidence supporting an indictment, Mueller’s team of crack Dem operative prosecutors, led by the odious Andrew Weissman, would have indicted and prosecuted. Little left that can be legally disclosed. This was, of course, part of why Comey got in trouble for his Crooked Hillary email server exoneration. If they weren’t going to indict her, about the only thing that they were allowed by DoJ rules to say was that they weren’t going to indict. Like the idiot he is, he tried to make it look like the fix wasn’t in, and proved just the opposite. and if he had done so, he might still have a job.

Rusty said...

I just wonder how long it will be before Inga tries to buy a gun.

Q22 said...

We've gone from "Mueller is the last word" to "Mueller is just a road map to further investigations." Sheesh!

Douglas B. Levene said...

The Democrats are starting to go through the five stages of grief over the Mueller report. Most are still in denial, insisting that Mueller is really going to present a blueprint for impeachment based on Trump's participation in a conspiracy with Putin despite all the signs that that is not going to happen. Next will be anger - people will remember that Mueller has been a registered Republican his whole life and will claim that therefore the fix was in. After that, we'll see bargaining - arguments that it's not really that bad, there's still some political value to be leveraged against President Trump in what Mueller has done (the column by Philip Bump in Friday's Washington Post falls into the bargaining category). Last will come depression and, perhaps, acceptance, although I think the members of The Tantrum (tm) will hold out a long time before they accept that Mr. Trump is going to serve out his term in office.

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